path: root/lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_test_lib.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_test_lib.erl')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_test_lib.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_test_lib.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b9c853fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_test_lib.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-export([tstsrvr_format/2, send_to_tstcntrl/1]).
+-export([apply_on_ssl_node/4, apply_on_ssl_node/2]).
+-export([stop_ssl_node/1, start_ssl_node/2]).
+-define(AWAIT_SSL_NODE_UP_TIMEOUT, 30000).
+%% ssl_node side api
+tstsrvr_format(Fmt, ArgList) ->
+ send_to_tstsrvr({format, Fmt, ArgList}).
+send_to_tstcntrl(Message) ->
+ send_to_tstsrvr({message, Message}).
+%% test_server side api
+ #node_handle{connection_handler = Hndlr} = Node,
+ M, F, A) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(A) ->
+ Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Hndlr),
+ apply_on_ssl_node(Node, Ref, {apply, self(), Ref, M, F, A}).
+ #node_handle{connection_handler = Hndlr} = Node,
+ Fun) when is_function(Fun, 0) ->
+ Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Hndlr),
+ apply_on_ssl_node(Node, Ref, {apply, self(), Ref, Fun}).
+apply_on_ssl_node(Node, Ref, Msg) ->
+ send_to_ssl_node(Node, Msg),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Ref, process, Hndlr, Reason} ->
+ exit({handler_died, Hndlr, Reason});
+ {Ref, Result} ->
+ Result
+ end.
+stop_ssl_node(#node_handle{connection_handler = Handler,
+ socket = Socket,
+ name = Name}) ->
+ ?t:format("Trying to stop ssl node ~s.~n", [Name]),
+ Mon = erlang:monitor(process, Handler),
+ unlink(Handler),
+ case gen_tcp:send(Socket, term_to_binary(stop)) of
+ ok ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Mon, process, Handler, Reason} ->
+ case Reason of
+ normal ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ct:pal(
+ "stop_ssl_node/1 ~s Down ~p ~n",
+ [Name,Reason])
+ end
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ erlang:demonitor(Mon, [flush]),
+ ct:pal("stop_ssl_node/1 ~s Warning ~p ~n", [Name,Error])
+ end.
+start_ssl_node(Name, Args) ->
+ {ok, LSock} = gen_tcp:listen(0,
+ [binary, {packet, 4}, {active, false}]),
+ {ok, ListenPort} = inet:port(LSock),
+ CmdLine = mk_node_cmdline(ListenPort, Name, Args),
+ ?t:format("Attempting to start ssl node ~ts: ~ts~n", [Name, CmdLine]),
+ case open_port({spawn, CmdLine}, []) of
+ Port when is_port(Port) ->
+ unlink(Port),
+ erlang:port_close(Port),
+ case await_ssl_node_up(Name, LSock) of
+ #node_handle{} = NodeHandle ->
+ ?t:format("Ssl node ~s started.~n", [Name]),
+ NodeName = list_to_atom(Name ++ "@" ++ host_name()),
+ NodeHandle#node_handle{nodename = NodeName};
+ Error ->
+ exit({failed_to_start_node, Name, Error})
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ exit({failed_to_start_node, Name, Error})
+ end.
+host_name() ->
+ [_, Host] = string:split(atom_to_list(node()), "@"),
+ %% [$@ | Host] = lists:dropwhile(fun ($@) -> false; (_) -> true end,
+ %% atom_to_list(node())),
+ Host.
+mk_node_cmdline(ListenPort, Name, Args) ->
+ Static = "-detached -noinput",
+ Pa = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
+ Prog = case catch init:get_argument(progname) of
+ {ok,[[P]]} -> P;
+ _ -> exit(no_progname_argument_found)
+ end,
+ NameSw = case net_kernel:longnames() of
+ false -> "-sname ";
+ _ -> "-name "
+ end,
+ {ok, Pwd} = file:get_cwd(),
+ "\"" ++ Prog ++ "\" "
+ ++ Static ++ " "
+ ++ NameSw ++ " " ++ Name ++ " "
+ ++ "-pa " ++ Pa ++ " "
+ ++ "-run application start crypto -run application start public_key "
+ ++ "-eval 'net_kernel:verbose(1)' "
+ ++ "-run " ++ atom_to_list(?MODULE) ++ " cnct2tstsrvr "
+ ++ host_name() ++ " "
+ ++ integer_to_list(ListenPort) ++ " "
+ ++ Args ++ " "
+ ++ "-env ERL_CRASH_DUMP " ++ Pwd ++ "/erl_crash_dump." ++ Name ++ " "
+ ++ "-kernel error_logger \"{file,\\\"" ++ Pwd ++ "/error_log." ++ Name ++ "\\\"}\" "
+ ++ "-setcookie " ++ atom_to_list(erlang:get_cookie()).
+%% Connection handler test_server side
+await_ssl_node_up(Name, LSock) ->
+ case gen_tcp:accept(LSock, ?AWAIT_SSL_NODE_UP_TIMEOUT) of
+ {ok, Socket} ->
+ gen_tcp:close(LSock),
+ case gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0) of
+ {ok, Bin} ->
+ check_ssl_node_up(Socket, Name, Bin);
+ {error, closed} ->
+ gen_tcp:close(Socket),
+ exit({lost_connection_with_ssl_node_before_up, Name})
+ end;
+ {error, Error} ->
+ gen_tcp:close(LSock),
+ ?t:format("Accept failed for ssl node ~s: ~p~n", [Name,Error]),
+ exit({accept_failed, Error})
+ end.
+check_ssl_node_up(Socket, Name, Bin) ->
+ case catch binary_to_term(Bin) of
+ {'EXIT', _} ->
+ gen_tcp:close(Socket),
+ exit({bad_data_received_from_ssl_node, Name, Bin});
+ {ssl_node_up, NodeName} ->
+ case list_to_atom(Name++"@"++host_name()) of
+ NodeName ->
+ Parent = self(),
+ Go = make_ref(),
+ %% Spawn connection handler on test server side
+ Pid = spawn_link(
+ fun () ->
+ receive Go -> ok end,
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ tstsrvr_con_loop(Name, Socket, Parent)
+ end),
+ ok = gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket, Pid),
+ Pid ! Go,
+ #node_handle{connection_handler = Pid,
+ socket = Socket,
+ name = Name};
+ _ ->
+ exit({unexpected_ssl_node_connected, NodeName})
+ end;
+ Msg ->
+ exit({unexpected_msg_instead_of_ssl_node_up, Name, Msg})
+ end.
+send_to_ssl_node(#node_handle{connection_handler = Hndlr}, Term) ->
+ Hndlr ! {relay_to_ssl_node, term_to_binary(Term)},
+ ok.
+tstsrvr_con_loop(Name, Socket, Parent) ->
+ ok = inet:setopts(Socket,[{active,once}]),
+ receive
+ {relay_to_ssl_node, Data} when is_binary(Data) ->
+ case gen_tcp:send(Socket, Data) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ _Error ->
+ gen_tcp:close(Socket),
+ exit({failed_to_relay_data_to_ssl_node, Name, Data})
+ end;
+ {tcp, Socket, Bin} ->
+ try binary_to_term(Bin) of
+ {format, FmtStr, ArgList} ->
+ ?t:format(FmtStr, ArgList);
+ {message, Msg} ->
+ ?t:format("Got message ~p", [Msg]),
+ Parent ! Msg;
+ {apply_res, To, Ref, Res} ->
+ To ! {Ref, Res};
+ bye ->
+ {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0),
+ ?t:format("Ssl node ~s stopped.~n", [Name]),
+ gen_tcp:close(Socket),
+ exit(normal);
+ Unknown ->
+ exit({unexpected_message_from_ssl_node, Name, Unknown})
+ catch
+ error : _ ->
+ gen_tcp:close(Socket),
+ exit({bad_data_received_from_ssl_node, Name, Bin})
+ end;
+ {tcp_closed, Socket} ->
+ gen_tcp:close(Socket),
+ exit({lost_connection_with_ssl_node, Name});
+ {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
+ exit({'EXIT', parent, Reason});
+ Unknown ->
+ exit({unknown, Unknown})
+ end,
+ tstsrvr_con_loop(Name, Socket, Parent).
+%% Connection handler ssl_node side
+% cnct2tstsrvr() is called via command line arg -run ...
+cnct2tstsrvr([Host, Port]) when is_list(Host), is_list(Port) ->
+ %% Spawn connection handler on ssl node side
+ ConnHandler
+ = spawn(fun () ->
+ case catch gen_tcp:connect(Host,
+ list_to_integer(Port),
+ [binary,
+ {packet, 4},
+ {active, false}]) of
+ {ok, Socket} ->
+ notify_ssl_node_up(Socket),
+ ets:new(test_server_info,
+ [set,
+ public,
+ named_table,
+ {keypos, 1}]),
+ ets:insert(test_server_info,
+ {test_server_handler, self()}),
+ ssl_node_con_loop(Socket);
+ Error ->
+ halt("Failed to connect to test server " ++
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Host:~p ~n Port:~p~n Error:~p~n",
+ [Host, Port, Error])))
+ end
+ end),
+ spawn(fun () ->
+ Mon = erlang:monitor(process, ConnHandler),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Mon, process, ConnHandler, Reason} ->
+ receive after 1000 -> ok end,
+ halt("test server connection handler terminated: " ++
+ lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Reason])))
+ end
+ end).
+notify_ssl_node_up(Socket) ->
+ case catch gen_tcp:send(Socket,
+ term_to_binary({ssl_node_up, node()})) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ _ -> halt("Failed to notify test server that I'm up")
+ end.
+send_to_tstsrvr(Term) ->
+ case catch ets:lookup_element(test_server_info, test_server_handler, 2) of
+ Hndlr when is_pid(Hndlr) ->
+ Hndlr ! {relay_to_test_server, term_to_binary(Term)}, ok;
+ _ ->
+ receive after 200 -> ok end,
+ send_to_tstsrvr(Term)
+ end.
+ssl_node_con_loop(Socket) ->
+ inet:setopts(Socket,[{active,once}]),
+ receive
+ {relay_to_test_server, Data} when is_binary(Data) ->
+ case gen_tcp:send(Socket, Data) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
+ _Error ->
+ gen_tcp:close(Socket),
+ halt("Failed to relay data to test server")
+ end;
+ {tcp, Socket, Bin} ->
+ case catch binary_to_term(Bin) of
+ {'EXIT', _} ->
+ gen_tcp:close(Socket),
+ halt("test server sent me bad data");
+ {apply, From, Ref, M, F, A} ->
+ spawn_link(
+ fun () ->
+ send_to_tstsrvr({apply_res,
+ From,
+ Ref,
+ (catch apply(M, F, A))})
+ end);
+ {apply, From, Ref, Fun} ->
+ spawn_link(fun () ->
+ send_to_tstsrvr({apply_res,
+ From,
+ Ref,
+ (catch Fun())})
+ end);
+ stop ->
+ gen_tcp:send(Socket, term_to_binary(bye)),
+ init:stop(),
+ receive after infinity -> ok end;
+ _Unknown ->
+ halt("test server sent me an unexpected message")
+ end;
+ {tcp_closed, Socket} ->
+ halt("Lost connection to test server")
+ end,
+ ssl_node_con_loop(Socket).