path: root/lib/ssl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ssl')
43 files changed, 2124 insertions, 1479 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/doc/src/ssl_app.xml b/lib/ssl/doc/src/ssl_app.xml
index a66e947bc1..f317dfded4 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/doc/src/ssl_app.xml
+++ b/lib/ssl/doc/src/ssl_app.xml
@@ -141,6 +141,16 @@
+ <tag><c><![CDATA[bypass_pem_cache = boolean() <optional>]]></c></tag>
+ <item>
+ <p>Introduced in ssl-8.0.2. Disables the PEM-cache.
+ The PEM cache has proven to be a bottleneck, until the
+ implementation has been improved this can be used as
+ a workaround. Defaults to false.
+ </p>
+ </item>
<tag><c><![CDATA[alert_timeout = integer() <optional>]]></c></tag>
diff --git a/lib/ssl/doc/src/ssl_distribution.xml b/lib/ssl/doc/src/ssl_distribution.xml
index 4bd5f67202..1150043e76 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/doc/src/ssl_distribution.xml
+++ b/lib/ssl/doc/src/ssl_distribution.xml
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@
<title>Building Boot Scripts Including the ssl Application</title>
<p>Boot scripts are built using the <c>systools</c> utility in the
- <c>sasl</c> application. For more information on <c>systools</c>,
- see the <c>sasl</c> documentation. This is only an example of
+ SASL application. For more information on <c>systools</c>,
+ see the SASL documentation. This is only an example of
what can be done.</p>
<p>The simplest boot script possible includes only the Kernel
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl
index b8be686b99..479f68f4bb 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_connection.erl
@@ -42,22 +42,17 @@
-export([next_record/1, next_event/3]).
%% Handshake handling
- send_handshake/2, queue_handshake/2, queue_change_cipher/2]).
+ reinit_handshake_data/1,
+ send_handshake/2, queue_handshake/2, queue_change_cipher/2,
+ select_sni_extension/1]).
%% Alert and close handling
--export([%%send_alert/2, handle_own_alert/4, handle_close_alert/3,
- handle_normal_shutdown/3 %%, close/5
- %%alert_user/6, alert_user/9
- ]).
+-export([send_alert/2, close/5]).
%% Data handling
- read_application_data/2,
- passive_receive/2, next_record_if_active/1%,
- %%handle_common_event/4,
- %handle_packet/3
+-export([passive_receive/2, next_record_if_active/1, handle_common_event/4
%% gen_statem state functions
@@ -65,9 +60,7 @@
hello/3, certify/3, cipher/3, abbreviated/3, %% Handshake states
%% gen_statem callbacks
--export([terminate/3, code_change/4, format_status/2]).
--define(GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, state_functions).
+-export([callback_mode/0, terminate/3, code_change/4, format_status/2]).
%% Internal application API
@@ -104,10 +97,11 @@ send_handshake(Handshake, State) ->
send_handshake_flight(queue_handshake(Handshake, State)).
queue_flight_buffer(Msg, #state{negotiated_version = Version,
- connection_states = #connection_states{
- current_write =
- #connection_state{epoch = Epoch}},
+ connection_states = ConnectionStates,
flight_buffer = Flight} = State) ->
+ ConnectionState =
+ ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, write),
+ Epoch = maps:get(epoch, ConnectionState),
State#state{flight_buffer = Flight ++ [{Version, Epoch, Msg}]}.
queue_handshake(Handshake, #state{negotiated_version = Version,
@@ -141,6 +135,25 @@ send_alert(Alert, #state{negotiated_version = Version,
Transport:send(Socket, BinMsg),
State0#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates}.
+close(downgrade, _,_,_,_) ->
+ ok;
+%% Other
+close(_, Socket, Transport, _,_) ->
+ Transport:close(Socket).
+reinit_handshake_data(#state{protocol_buffers = Buffers} = State) ->
+ State#state{premaster_secret = undefined,
+ public_key_info = undefined,
+ tls_handshake_history = ssl_handshake:init_handshake_history(),
+ protocol_buffers =
+ Buffers#protocol_buffers{dtls_fragment_state =
+ dtls_handshake:dtls_handshake_new_flight(0)}}.
+select_sni_extension(#client_hello{extensions = HelloExtensions}) ->
+ HelloExtensions#hello_extensions.sni;
+select_sni_extension(_) ->
+ undefined.
%% tls_connection_sup API
@@ -161,12 +174,15 @@ init([Role, Host, Port, Socket, Options, User, CbInfo]) ->
State0 = initial_state(Role, Host, Port, Socket, Options, User, CbInfo),
State = ssl_connection:ssl_config(State0#state.ssl_options, Role, State0),
- gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], ?GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, init, State)
+ gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], init, State)
throw:Error ->
- gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], ?GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, error, {Error,State0})
+ gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], error, {Error,State0})
+callback_mode() ->
+ state_functions.
%% State functionsconnection/2
@@ -231,7 +247,7 @@ hello(internal, #client_hello{client_version = ClientVersion,
case dtls_handshake:hello(Hello, SslOpts, {Port, Session0, Cache, CacheCb,
ConnectionStates0, Cert, KeyExAlg}, Renegotiation) of
#alert{} = Alert ->
- handle_own_alert(Alert, ClientVersion, hello, State);
+ ssl_connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, ClientVersion, hello, State);
{Version, {Type, Session},
ConnectionStates, Protocol0, ServerHelloExt, HashSign} ->
Protocol = case Protocol0 of
@@ -255,7 +271,7 @@ hello(internal, #server_hello{} = Hello,
ssl_options = SslOptions} = State) ->
case dtls_handshake:hello(Hello, SslOptions, ConnectionStates0, Renegotiation) of
#alert{} = Alert ->
- handle_own_alert(Alert, ReqVersion, hello, State);
+ ssl_connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, ReqVersion, hello, State);
{Version, NewId, ConnectionStates, ProtoExt, Protocol} ->
Version, NewId, ConnectionStates, ProtoExt, Protocol, State)
@@ -334,7 +350,7 @@ handle_info({Protocol, _, Data}, StateName,
{Record, State} ->
next_event(StateName, Record, State);
#alert{} = Alert ->
- handle_normal_shutdown(Alert, StateName, State0),
+ ssl_connection:handle_normal_shutdown(Alert, StateName, State0),
{stop, {shutdown, own_alert}}
handle_info({CloseTag, Socket}, StateName,
@@ -354,7 +370,7 @@ handle_info({CloseTag, Socket}, StateName,
%%invalidate_session(Role, Host, Port, Session)
- handle_normal_shutdown(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?CLOSE_NOTIFY), StateName, State),
+ ssl_connection:handle_normal_shutdown(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?CLOSE_NOTIFY), StateName, State),
{stop, {shutdown, transport_closed}};
handle_info(Msg, StateName, State) ->
ssl_connection:handle_info(Msg, StateName, State).
@@ -362,6 +378,51 @@ handle_info(Msg, StateName, State) ->
handle_call(Event, From, StateName, State) ->
ssl_connection:handle_call(Event, From, StateName, State, ?MODULE).
+handle_common_event(internal, #alert{} = Alert, StateName,
+ #state{negotiated_version = Version} = State) ->
+ ssl_connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, StateName, State);
+%%% DTLS record protocol level handshake messages
+handle_common_event(internal, #ssl_tls{type = ?HANDSHAKE} = Record,
+ StateName,
+ #state{protocol_buffers =
+ #protocol_buffers{dtls_packets = Packets0,
+ dtls_fragment_state = HsState0} = Buffers,
+ negotiated_version = Version} = State0) ->
+ try
+ {Packets1, HsState} = dtls_handshake:get_dtls_handshake(Record, HsState0),
+ State =
+ State0#state{protocol_buffers =
+ Buffers#protocol_buffers{dtls_fragment_state = HsState}},
+ Events = dtls_handshake_events(Packets0 ++ Packets1),
+ case StateName of
+ connection ->
+ ssl_connection:hibernate_after(StateName, State, Events);
+ _ ->
+ {next_state, StateName, State, Events}
+ end
+ catch throw:#alert{} = Alert ->
+ ssl_connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, StateName, State0)
+ end;
+%%% DTLS record protocol level application data messages
+handle_common_event(internal, #ssl_tls{type = ?APPLICATION_DATA, fragment = Data}, StateName, State) ->
+ {next_state, StateName, State, [{next_event, internal, {application_data, Data}}]};
+%%% DTLS record protocol level change cipher messages
+handle_common_event(internal, #ssl_tls{type = ?CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC, fragment = Data}, StateName, State) ->
+ {next_state, StateName, State, [{next_event, internal, #change_cipher_spec{type = Data}}]};
+%%% DTLS record protocol level Alert messages
+handle_common_event(internal, #ssl_tls{type = ?ALERT, fragment = EncAlerts}, StateName,
+ #state{negotiated_version = Version} = State) ->
+ case decode_alerts(EncAlerts) of
+ Alerts = [_|_] ->
+ handle_alerts(Alerts, {next_state, StateName, State});
+ #alert{} = Alert ->
+ ssl_connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, StateName, State)
+ end;
+%% Ignore unknown TLS record level protocol messages
+handle_common_event(internal, #ssl_tls{type = _Unknown}, StateName, State) ->
+ {next_state, StateName, State}.
%% Description:This function is called by a gen_fsm when it is about
%% to terminate. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and do any
@@ -376,7 +437,7 @@ terminate(Reason, StateName, State) ->
%% Description: Convert process state when code is changed
code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, State, _Extra) ->
- {?GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, StateName, State}.
+ {ok, StateName, State}.
format_status(Type, Data) ->
ssl_connection:format_status(Type, Data).
@@ -384,10 +445,21 @@ format_status(Type, Data) ->
%%% Internal functions
+dtls_handshake_events([]) ->
+ throw(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, malformed_handshake));
+dtls_handshake_events(Packets) ->
+ lists:map(fun(Packet) ->
+ {next_event, internal, {handshake, Packet}}
+ end, Packets).
encode_handshake(Handshake, Version, ConnectionStates0, Hist0) ->
{Seq, ConnectionStates} = sequence(ConnectionStates0),
{EncHandshake, Frag} = dtls_handshake:encode_handshake(Handshake, Version, Seq),
- Hist = ssl_handshake:update_handshake_history(Hist0, EncHandshake),
+ %% DTLS does not have an equivalent version to SSLv2. So v2 hello compatibility
+ %% will always be false
+ Hist = ssl_handshake:update_handshake_history(Hist0, EncHandshake, false),
{Frag, ConnectionStates, Hist}.
encode_change_cipher(#change_cipher_spec{}, Version, ConnectionStates) ->
@@ -423,12 +495,12 @@ encode_handshake_record(_Version, _Epoch, _Space, _MsgType, _MsgSeq, _Len, <<>>,
encode_handshake_record(Version, Epoch, Space, MsgType, MsgSeq, Len, Bin,
Offset, MRS, Encoded0, CS0) ->
MaxFragmentLen = Space - 25,
- case Bin of
- <<BinFragment:MaxFragmentLen/bytes, Rest/binary>> ->
- ok;
+ {BinFragment, Rest} =
+ case Bin of
+ <<BinFragment0:MaxFragmentLen/bytes, Rest0/binary>> ->
+ {BinFragment0, Rest0};
_ ->
- BinFragment = Bin,
- Rest = <<>>
+ {Bin, <<>>}
FragLength = byte_size(BinFragment),
Frag = [MsgType, ?uint24(Len), ?uint16(MsgSeq), ?uint24(Offset), ?uint24(FragLength), BinFragment],
@@ -459,13 +531,13 @@ finish_pack_records({[], Acc}) ->
finish_pack_records({Buf, Acc}) ->
-%% decode_alerts(Bin) ->
-%% ssl_alert:decode(Bin).
+decode_alerts(Bin) ->
+ ssl_alert:decode(Bin).
initial_state(Role, Host, Port, Socket, {SSLOptions, SocketOptions}, User,
{CbModule, DataTag, CloseTag, ErrorTag}) ->
#ssl_options{beast_mitigation = BeastMitigation} = SSLOptions,
- ConnectionStates = ssl_record:init_connection_states(Role, BeastMitigation),
+ ConnectionStates = dtls_record:init_connection_states(Role, BeastMitigation),
SessionCacheCb = case application:get_env(ssl, session_cb) of
{ok, Cb} when is_atom(Cb) ->
@@ -548,7 +620,7 @@ passive_receive(State0 = #state{user_data_buffer = Buffer}, StateName) ->
{Record, State} = next_record(State0),
next_event(StateName, Record, State);
_ ->
- {Record, State} = read_application_data(<<>>, State0),
+ {Record, State} = ssl_connection:read_application_data(<<>>, State0),
next_event(StateName, Record, State)
@@ -560,7 +632,7 @@ next_event(connection = StateName, no_record, State0, Actions) ->
{no_record, State} ->
ssl_connection:hibernate_after(StateName, State, Actions);
{#ssl_tls{} = Record, State} ->
- {next_state, StateName, State, [{next_event, internal, {dtls_record, Record}} | Actions]};
+ {next_state, StateName, State, [{next_event, internal, {protocol_record, Record}} | Actions]};
{#alert{} = Alert, State} ->
{next_state, StateName, State, [{next_event, internal, Alert} | Actions]}
@@ -569,20 +641,11 @@ next_event(StateName, Record, State, Actions) ->
no_record ->
{next_state, StateName, State, Actions};
#ssl_tls{} = Record ->
- {next_state, StateName, State, [{next_event, internal, {dtls_record, Record}} | Actions]};
+ {next_state, StateName, State, [{next_event, internal, {protocol_record, Record}} | Actions]};
#alert{} = Alert ->
{next_state, StateName, State, [{next_event, internal, Alert} | Actions]}
-read_application_data(_,State) ->
- {#ssl_tls{fragment = <<"place holder">>}, State}.
-handle_own_alert(_,_,_, State) -> %% Place holder
- {stop, {shutdown, own_alert}, State}.
-handle_normal_shutdown(_, _, _State) -> %% Place holder
- ok.
%% TODO This generates dialyzer warnings, has to be handled differently.
%% handle_packet(Address, Port, Packet) ->
%% try dtls_record:get_dtls_records(Packet, <<>>) of
@@ -631,5 +694,34 @@ handle_normal_shutdown(_, _, _State) -> %% Place holder
%% address_to_bin({A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}, Port) ->
%% <<A:16,B:16,C:16,D:16,E:16,F:16,G:16,H:16,Port:16>>.
-sequence(#connection_states{dtls_write_msg_seq = Seq} = CS) ->
- {Seq, CS#connection_states{dtls_write_msg_seq = Seq + 1}}.
+sequence(#{write_msg_seq := Seq} = ConnectionState) ->
+ {Seq, ConnectionState#{write_msg_seq => Seq + 1}}.
+renegotiate(#state{role = client} = State, Actions) ->
+ %% Handle same way as if server requested
+ %% the renegotiation
+ Hs0 = ssl_handshake:init_handshake_history(),
+ {next_state, connection, State#state{tls_handshake_history = Hs0,
+ protocol_buffers = #protocol_buffers{}},
+ [{next_event, internal, #hello_request{}} | Actions]};
+renegotiate(#state{role = server,
+ connection_states = CS0} = State0, Actions) ->
+ HelloRequest = ssl_handshake:hello_request(),
+ CS = CS0#{write_msg_seq => 0},
+ State1 = send_handshake(HelloRequest,
+ State0#state{connection_states =
+ CS}),
+ Hs0 = ssl_handshake:init_handshake_history(),
+ {Record, State} = next_record(State1#state{tls_handshake_history = Hs0,
+ protocol_buffers = #protocol_buffers{}}),
+ next_event(hello, Record, State, Actions).
+handle_alerts([], Result) ->
+ Result;
+handle_alerts(_, {stop,_} = Stop) ->
+ Stop;
+handle_alerts([Alert | Alerts], {next_state, StateName, State}) ->
+ handle_alerts(Alerts, ssl_connection:handle_alert(Alert, StateName, State));
+handle_alerts([Alert | Alerts], {next_state, StateName, State, _Actions}) ->
+ handle_alerts(Alerts, ssl_connection:handle_alert(Alert, StateName, State)).
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_handshake.erl b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_handshake.erl
index 5a799cf441..c6535d5928 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_handshake.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_handshake.erl
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
%% Internal application API
--spec client_hello(host(), inet:port_number(), #connection_states{},
+-spec client_hello(host(), inet:port_number(), ssl_record:connection_states(),
#ssl_options{}, integer(), atom(), boolean(), der_cert()) ->
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ client_hello(Host, Port, ConnectionStates, SslOpts,
Cache, CacheCb, Renegotiation, OwnCert).
--spec client_hello(host(), inet:port_number(), term(), #connection_states{},
+-spec client_hello(host(), inet:port_number(), term(), ssl_record:connection_states(),
#ssl_options{}, integer(), atom(), boolean(), der_cert()) ->
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ client_hello(Host, Port, Cookie, ConnectionStates,
Cache, CacheCb, Renegotiation, OwnCert) ->
Version = dtls_record:highest_protocol_version(Versions),
Pending = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- SecParams = Pending#connection_state.security_parameters,
+ SecParams = maps:get(security_parameters, Pending),
CipherSuites = ssl_handshake:available_suites(UserSuites, Version),
Extensions = ssl_handshake:client_hello_extensions(Host, dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(Version), CipherSuites,
@@ -445,29 +445,23 @@ enc_handshake(#client_hello{client_version = {Major, Minor},
cookie = Cookie,
cipher_suites = CipherSuites,
compression_methods = CompMethods,
- extensions = HelloExtensions}, Version) ->
+ extensions = HelloExtensions}, _Version) ->
SIDLength = byte_size(SessionID),
- BinCookie = enc_client_hello_cookie(Version, Cookie),
+ CookieLength = byte_size(Cookie),
BinCompMethods = list_to_binary(CompMethods),
CmLength = byte_size(BinCompMethods),
BinCipherSuites = list_to_binary(CipherSuites),
CsLength = byte_size(BinCipherSuites),
ExtensionsBin = ssl_handshake:encode_hello_extensions(HelloExtensions),
{?CLIENT_HELLO, <<?BYTE(Major), ?BYTE(Minor), Random:32/binary,
?BYTE(SIDLength), SessionID/binary,
- BinCookie/binary,
+ ?BYTE(CookieLength), Cookie/binary,
?UINT16(CsLength), BinCipherSuites/binary,
?BYTE(CmLength), BinCompMethods/binary, ExtensionsBin/binary>>};
enc_handshake(HandshakeMsg, Version) ->
ssl_handshake:encode_handshake(HandshakeMsg, Version).
-enc_client_hello_cookie(_, <<>>) ->
- <<>>;
-enc_client_hello_cookie(_, Cookie) ->
- CookieLength = byte_size(Cookie),
- <<?BYTE(CookieLength), Cookie/binary>>.
decode_handshake(_Version, ?CLIENT_HELLO, <<?BYTE(Major), ?BYTE(Minor), Random:32/binary,
?BYTE(SID_length), Session_ID:SID_length/binary,
?BYTE(Cookie_length), Cookie:Cookie_length/binary,
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_record.erl b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_record.erl
index 5387fcafa8..8a6e2d315c 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/dtls_record.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/dtls_record.erl
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
%% Handling of incoming data
+-export([get_dtls_records/2, init_connection_states/2]).
%% Decoding
@@ -58,7 +58,26 @@
%% Internal application API
+-spec init_connection_states(client | server, one_n_minus_one | zero_n | disabled) ->
+ ssl_record:connection_states().
+%% %
+ %
+%% Description: Creates a connection_states record with appropriate
+%% values for the initial SSL connection setup.
+init_connection_states(Role, BeastMitigation) ->
+ ConnectionEnd = ssl_record:record_protocol_role(Role),
+ Current = initial_connection_state(ConnectionEnd, BeastMitigation),
+ Pending = ssl_record:empty_connection_state(ConnectionEnd, BeastMitigation),
+ #{write_msg_seq => 0,
+ prvious_read => undefined,
+ current_read => Current,
+ pending_read => Pending,
+ prvious_write => undefined,
+ current_write => Current,
+ pending_write => Pending}.
-spec get_dtls_records(binary(), binary()) -> {[binary()], binary()} | #alert{}.
@@ -122,63 +141,59 @@ get_dtls_records_aux(Data, Acc) ->
encode_plain_text(Type, Version, Data,
- #connection_states{current_write =
- #connection_state{
- epoch = Epoch,
- sequence_number = Seq,
- compression_state=CompS0,
- security_parameters=
- #security_parameters{
- cipher_type = ?AEAD,
- compression_algorithm=CompAlg}
- }= WriteState0} = ConnectionStates) ->
+ #{current_write :=
+ #{epoch := Epoch,
+ sequence_number := Seq,
+ compression_state := CompS0,
+ security_parameters :=
+ #security_parameters{
+ cipher_type = ?AEAD,
+ compression_algorithm = CompAlg}
+ }= WriteState0} = ConnectionStates) ->
{Comp, CompS1} = ssl_record:compress(CompAlg, Data, CompS0),
- WriteState1 = WriteState0#connection_state{compression_state = CompS1},
+ WriteState1 = WriteState0#{compression_state => CompS1},
AAD = calc_aad(Type, Version, Epoch, Seq),
{CipherFragment, WriteState} = ssl_record:cipher_aead(dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(Version),
Comp, WriteState1, AAD),
CipherText = encode_tls_cipher_text(Type, Version, Epoch, Seq, CipherFragment),
- {CipherText, ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_write =
- WriteState#connection_state{sequence_number = Seq +1}}};
+ {CipherText, ConnectionStates#{current_write => WriteState#{sequence_number => Seq +1}}};
encode_plain_text(Type, Version, Data,
- #connection_states{current_write=#connection_state{
- epoch = Epoch,
- sequence_number = Seq,
- compression_state=CompS0,
- security_parameters=
- #security_parameters{compression_algorithm=CompAlg}
- }= WriteState0} = ConnectionStates) ->
+ #{current_write :=
+ #{epoch := Epoch,
+ sequence_number := Seq,
+ compression_state := CompS0,
+ security_parameters :=
+ #security_parameters{compression_algorithm = CompAlg}
+ }= WriteState0} = ConnectionStates) ->
{Comp, CompS1} = ssl_record:compress(CompAlg, Data, CompS0),
- WriteState1 = WriteState0#connection_state{compression_state = CompS1},
+ WriteState1 = WriteState0#{compression_state => CompS1},
MacHash = calc_mac_hash(WriteState1, Type, Version, Epoch, Seq, Comp),
{CipherFragment, WriteState} = ssl_record:cipher(dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(Version),
Comp, WriteState1, MacHash),
CipherText = encode_tls_cipher_text(Type, Version, Epoch, Seq, CipherFragment),
- {CipherText, ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_write =
- WriteState#connection_state{sequence_number = Seq +1}}}.
+ {CipherText, ConnectionStates#{current_write => WriteState#{sequence_number => Seq +1}}}.
decode_cipher_text(#ssl_tls{type = Type, version = Version,
epoch = Epoch,
sequence_number = Seq,
fragment = CipherFragment} = CipherText,
- #connection_states{current_read =
- #connection_state{
- compression_state = CompressionS0,
- security_parameters=
- #security_parameters{
- cipher_type = ?AEAD,
- compression_algorithm=CompAlg}
- } = ReadState0}= ConnnectionStates0) ->
+ #{current_read :=
+ #{compression_state := CompressionS0,
+ security_parameters :=
+ #security_parameters{
+ cipher_type = ?AEAD,
+ compression_algorithm = CompAlg}
+ } = ReadState0} = ConnnectionStates0) ->
AAD = calc_aad(Type, Version, Epoch, Seq),
case ssl_record:decipher_aead(dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(Version),
CipherFragment, ReadState0, AAD) of
{PlainFragment, ReadState1} ->
{Plain, CompressionS1} = ssl_record:uncompress(CompAlg,
PlainFragment, CompressionS0),
- ConnnectionStates = ConnnectionStates0#connection_states{
- current_read = ReadState1#connection_state{
- compression_state = CompressionS1}},
+ ConnnectionStates = ConnnectionStates0#{
+ current_read => ReadState1#{
+ compression_state => CompressionS1}},
{CipherText#ssl_tls{fragment = Plain}, ConnnectionStates};
#alert{} = Alert ->
@@ -188,13 +203,12 @@ decode_cipher_text(#ssl_tls{type = Type, version = Version,
epoch = Epoch,
sequence_number = Seq,
fragment = CipherFragment} = CipherText,
- #connection_states{current_read =
- #connection_state{
- compression_state = CompressionS0,
- security_parameters=
- #security_parameters{
- compression_algorithm=CompAlg}
- } = ReadState0}= ConnnectionStates0) ->
+ #{current_read :=
+ #{compression_state := CompressionS0,
+ security_parameters :=
+ #security_parameters{
+ compression_algorithm = CompAlg}
+ } = ReadState0}= ConnnectionStates0) ->
{PlainFragment, Mac, ReadState1} = ssl_record:decipher(dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(Version),
CipherFragment, ReadState0, true),
MacHash = calc_mac_hash(ReadState1, Type, Version, Epoch, Seq, PlainFragment),
@@ -202,17 +216,17 @@ decode_cipher_text(#ssl_tls{type = Type, version = Version,
true ->
{Plain, CompressionS1} = ssl_record:uncompress(CompAlg,
PlainFragment, CompressionS0),
- ConnnectionStates = ConnnectionStates0#connection_states{
- current_read = ReadState1#connection_state{
- compression_state = CompressionS1}},
+ ConnnectionStates = ConnnectionStates0#{
+ current_read => ReadState1#{
+ compression_state => CompressionS1}},
{CipherText#ssl_tls{fragment = Plain}, ConnnectionStates};
false ->
--spec encode_change_cipher_spec(dtls_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
- {iolist(), #connection_states{}}.
+-spec encode_change_cipher_spec(dtls_version(), ssl_record:connection_states()) ->
+ {iolist(), ssl_record:connection_states()}.
%% Description: Encodes a change_cipher_spec-message to send on the ssl socket.
@@ -352,92 +366,87 @@ is_acceptable_version(Version, Versions) ->
--spec init_connection_state_seq(dtls_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
- #connection_state{}.
+-spec init_connection_state_seq(dtls_version(), ssl_record:connection_states()) ->
+ ssl_record:connection_state().
%% Description: Copy the read sequence number to the write sequence number
%% This is only valid for DTLS in the first client_hello
init_connection_state_seq({254, _},
- #connection_states{
- current_read = Read = #connection_state{epoch = 0},
- current_write = Write = #connection_state{epoch = 0}} = CS0) ->
- CS0#connection_states{current_write =
- Write#connection_state{
- sequence_number = Read#connection_state.sequence_number}};
+ #{current_read := #{epoch := 0} = Read,
+ current_write := #{epoch := 0} = Write} = CS0) ->
+ Seq = maps:get(sequence_number, Read),
+ CS0#{current_write => Write#{sequence_number => Seq}};
init_connection_state_seq(_, CS) ->
--spec current_connection_state_epoch(#connection_states{}, read | write) ->
+-spec current_connection_state_epoch(ssl_record:connection_states(), read | write) ->
%% Description: Returns the epoch the connection_state record
%% that is currently defined as the current conection state.
-current_connection_state_epoch(#connection_states{current_read = Current},
+current_connection_state_epoch(#{current_read := Current},
read) ->
- Current#connection_state.epoch;
-current_connection_state_epoch(#connection_states{current_write = Current},
+ maps:get(epoch, Current);
+current_connection_state_epoch(#{current_write := Current},
write) ->
- Current#connection_state.epoch.
+ maps:get(epoch, Current).
--spec connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{}, integer(), read | write) ->
- #connection_state{}.
+-spec connection_state_by_epoch(ssl_record:connection_states(), integer(), read | write) ->
+ ssl_record:connection_state().
%% Description: Returns the instance of the connection_state record
%% that is defined by the Epoch.
-connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{current_read = CS}, Epoch, read)
- when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
+connection_state_by_epoch(#{current_read := #{epoch := Epoch}} = CS, Epoch, read) ->
-connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{pending_read = CS}, Epoch, read)
- when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
+connection_state_by_epoch(#{pending_read := #{epoch := Epoch}} = CS, Epoch, read) ->
-connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{current_write = CS}, Epoch, write)
- when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
+connection_state_by_epoch(#{current_write := #{epoch := Epoch}} = CS, Epoch, write) ->
-connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{pending_write = CS}, Epoch, write)
- when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
+connection_state_by_epoch(#{pending_write := #{epoch := Epoch}} = CS, Epoch, write) ->
--spec set_connection_state_by_epoch(#connection_states{},
- #connection_state{}, read | write)
- -> #connection_states{}.
+-spec set_connection_state_by_epoch(ssl_record:connection_states(),
+ ssl_record:connection_state(), read | write)
+ -> ssl_record:connection_states().
%% Description: Returns the instance of the connection_state record
%% that is defined by the Epoch.
-set_connection_state_by_epoch(ConnectionStates0 =
- #connection_states{current_read = CS},
- NewCS = #connection_state{epoch = Epoch}, read)
- when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
- ConnectionStates0#connection_states{current_read = NewCS};
-set_connection_state_by_epoch(ConnectionStates0 =
- #connection_states{pending_read = CS},
- NewCS = #connection_state{epoch = Epoch}, read)
- when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
- ConnectionStates0#connection_states{pending_read = NewCS};
-set_connection_state_by_epoch(ConnectionStates0 =
- #connection_states{current_write = CS},
- NewCS = #connection_state{epoch = Epoch}, write)
- when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
- ConnectionStates0#connection_states{current_write = NewCS};
-set_connection_state_by_epoch(ConnectionStates0 =
- #connection_states{pending_write = CS},
- NewCS = #connection_state{epoch = Epoch}, write)
- when CS#connection_state.epoch == Epoch ->
- ConnectionStates0#connection_states{pending_write = NewCS}.
+set_connection_state_by_epoch(#{current_read := #{epoch := Epoch}} = ConnectionStates0,
+ NewCS = #{epoch := Epoch}, read) ->
+ ConnectionStates0#{current_read => NewCS};
+set_connection_state_by_epoch(#{pending_read := #{epoch := Epoch}} = ConnectionStates0,
+ NewCS = #{epoch := Epoch}, read) ->
+ ConnectionStates0#{pending_read => NewCS};
+set_connection_state_by_epoch(#{current_write := #{epoch := Epoch}} = ConnectionStates0,
+ NewCS = #{epoch := Epoch}, write) ->
+ ConnectionStates0#{current_write => NewCS};
+set_connection_state_by_epoch(#{pending_write := #{epoch := Epoch}} = ConnectionStates0,
+NewCS = #{epoch := Epoch}, write) ->
+ ConnectionStates0#{pending_write => NewCS}.
%%% Internal functions
+initial_connection_state(ConnectionEnd, BeastMitigation) ->
+ #{security_parameters =>
+ ssl_record:initial_security_params(ConnectionEnd),
+ epoch => 0,
+ sequence_number => 1,
+ beast_mitigation => BeastMitigation,
+ compression_state => undefined,
+ cipher_state => undefined,
+ mac_secret => undefined,
+ secure_renegotiation => undefined,
+ client_verify_data => undefined,
+ server_verify_data => undefined
+ }.
lowest_list_protocol_version(Ver, []) ->
@@ -454,8 +463,8 @@ encode_tls_cipher_text(Type, {MajVer, MinVer}, Epoch, Seq, Fragment) ->
[<<?BYTE(Type), ?BYTE(MajVer), ?BYTE(MinVer), ?UINT16(Epoch),
?UINT48(Seq), ?UINT16(Length)>>, Fragment].
-calc_mac_hash(#connection_state{mac_secret = MacSecret,
- security_parameters = #security_parameters{mac_algorithm = MacAlg}},
+calc_mac_hash(#{mac_secret := MacSecret,
+ security_parameters := #security_parameters{mac_algorithm = MacAlg}},
Type, Version, Epoch, SeqNo, Fragment) ->
Length = erlang:iolist_size(Fragment),
NewSeq = (Epoch bsl 48) + SeqNo,
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.app.src b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.app.src
index b26efbd88f..00b0513891 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.app.src
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.app.src
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
{applications, [crypto, public_key, kernel, stdlib]},
{env, []},
{mod, {ssl_app, []}},
- {runtime_dependencies, ["stdlib-3.0","public_key-1.2","kernel-3.0",
+ {runtime_dependencies, ["stdlib-3.1","public_key-1.2","kernel-3.0",
"erts-7.0","crypto-3.3", "inets-5.10.7"]}]}.
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.appup.src b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.appup.src
index fadc67ef80..32252386b4 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.appup.src
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.appup.src
@@ -1,24 +1,11 @@
%% -*- erlang -*-
- {<<"^8[.]0$">>,
- [{load_module, ssl_handshake, soft_purge, soft_purge, []}
- ]},
- {<<"^7[.][^.].*">>, [{restart_application, ssl}]},
- {<<"6\\..*">>, [{restart_application, ssl}]},
- {<<"5\\..*">>, [{restart_application, ssl}]},
- {<<"4\\..*">>, [{restart_application, ssl}]},
- {<<"3\\..*">>, [{restart_application, ssl}]}
+ {<<"^8[.]0([.][0-9]+)?$">>, [{restart_application, ssl}]},
+ {<<"^[3-7][.][^.].*">>, [{restart_application, ssl}]}
- {<<"^8[.]0$">>,
- [{load_module, ssl_handshake, soft_purge, soft_purge, []}
- ]},
- {<<"^7[.][^.].*">>, [{restart_application, ssl}]},
- {<<"6\\..*">>, [{restart_application, ssl}]},
- {<<"5\\..*">>, [{restart_application, ssl}]},
- {<<"4\\..*">>, [{restart_application, ssl}]},
- {<<"3\\..*">>, [{restart_application, ssl}]}
- ]
+ {<<"^8[.]0([.][0-9]+)?$">>, [{restart_application, ssl}]},
+ {<<"^[3-7][.][^.].*">>, [{restart_application, ssl}]}
+ ]
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
index d2aeb3258f..27b753af2e 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
renegotiate/1, prf/5, negotiated_protocol/1, negotiated_next_protocol/1,
connection_information/1, connection_information/2]).
%% Misc
+-export([handle_options/2, tls_version/1]).
-deprecated({negotiated_next_protocol, 1, next_major_release}).
-deprecated({connection_info, 1, next_major_release}).
@@ -607,6 +607,11 @@ format_error(Error) ->
+tls_version({3, _} = Version) ->
+ Version;
+tls_version({254, _} = Version) ->
+ dtls_v1:corresponding_tls_version(Version).
%%% Internal functions
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_alert.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_alert.erl
index db71b16d80..05dfb4c1b3 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_alert.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_alert.erl
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
--spec encode(#alert{}, ssl_record:ssl_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
- {iolist(), #connection_states{}}.
+-spec encode(#alert{}, ssl_record:ssl_version(), ssl_record:connection_states()) ->
+ {iolist(), ssl_record:connection_states()}.
%% Description: Encodes an alert
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_certificate.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_certificate.erl
index 3ec3f50e05..f359655d85 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_certificate.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_certificate.erl
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ trusted_cert_and_path(CertChain, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, PartialChainHandler) -
{ok, IssuerId} = public_key:pkix_issuer_id(OtpCert, self),
{self, IssuerId};
false ->
- other_issuer(OtpCert, BinCert, CertDbHandle)
+ other_issuer(OtpCert, BinCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef)
case SignedAndIssuerID of
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ certificate_chain(OtpCert, BinCert, CertDbHandle, CertsDbRef, Chain) ->
{_, true = SelfSigned} ->
certificate_chain(CertDbHandle, CertsDbRef, Chain, ignore, ignore, SelfSigned);
{{error, issuer_not_found}, SelfSigned} ->
- case find_issuer(OtpCert, BinCert, CertDbHandle) of
+ case find_issuer(OtpCert, BinCert, CertDbHandle, CertsDbRef) of
{ok, {SerialNr, Issuer}} ->
certificate_chain(CertDbHandle, CertsDbRef, Chain,
SerialNr, Issuer, SelfSigned);
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ certificate_chain(CertDbHandle, CertsDbRef, Chain, SerialNr, Issuer, _SelfSigned
{ok, undefined, lists:reverse(Chain)}
-find_issuer(OtpCert, BinCert, CertDbHandle) ->
+find_issuer(OtpCert, BinCert, CertDbHandle, CertsDbRef) ->
IsIssuerFun =
fun({_Key, {_Der, #'OTPCertificate'{} = ErlCertCandidate}}, Acc) ->
case public_key:pkix_is_issuer(OtpCert, ErlCertCandidate) of
@@ -250,12 +250,24 @@ find_issuer(OtpCert, BinCert, CertDbHandle) ->
- try ssl_pkix_db:foldl(IsIssuerFun, issuer_not_found, CertDbHandle) of
- issuer_not_found ->
- {error, issuer_not_found}
- catch
- {ok, _IssuerId} = Return ->
- Return
+ if is_reference(CertsDbRef) -> % actual DB exists
+ try ssl_pkix_db:foldl(IsIssuerFun, issuer_not_found, CertDbHandle) of
+ issuer_not_found ->
+ {error, issuer_not_found}
+ catch
+ {ok, _IssuerId} = Return ->
+ Return
+ end;
+ is_tuple(CertsDbRef), element(1,CertsDbRef) =:= extracted -> % cache bypass byproduct
+ {extracted, CertsData} = CertsDbRef,
+ DB = [Entry || {decoded, Entry} <- CertsData],
+ try lists:foldl(IsIssuerFun, issuer_not_found, DB) of
+ issuer_not_found ->
+ {error, issuer_not_found}
+ catch
+ {ok, _IssuerId} = Return ->
+ Return
+ end
is_valid_extkey_usage(KeyUse, client) ->
@@ -281,12 +293,12 @@ public_key(#'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'{algorithm = #'PublicKeyAlgorithm'{algorith
subjectPublicKey = Key}) ->
{Key, Params}.
-other_issuer(OtpCert, BinCert, CertDbHandle) ->
+other_issuer(OtpCert, BinCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) ->
case public_key:pkix_issuer_id(OtpCert, other) of
{ok, IssuerId} ->
{other, IssuerId};
{error, issuer_not_found} ->
- case find_issuer(OtpCert, BinCert, CertDbHandle) of
+ case find_issuer(OtpCert, BinCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) of
{ok, IssuerId} ->
{other, IssuerId};
Other ->
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl
index 53282998d0..304d1706f5 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl
@@ -58,6 +58,13 @@
-export([handle_info/3, handle_call/5, handle_session/7, ssl_config/3,
prepare_connection/2, hibernate_after/3]).
+%% Alert and close handling
+ handle_normal_shutdown/3
+ ]).
+%% Data handling
+-export([write_application_data/3, read_application_data/2]).
%% Internal application API
@@ -264,7 +271,7 @@ prf(ConnectionPid, Secret, Label, Seed, WantedLength) ->
-spec handle_session(#server_hello{}, ssl_record:ssl_version(),
- binary(), #connection_states{}, _,_, #state{}) ->
+ binary(), ssl_record:connection_states(), _,_, #state{}) ->
handle_session(#server_hello{cipher_suite = CipherSuite,
@@ -272,19 +279,21 @@ handle_session(#server_hello{cipher_suite = CipherSuite,
Version, NewId, ConnectionStates, ProtoExt, Protocol0,
#state{session = #session{session_id = OldId},
negotiated_version = ReqVersion,
- negotiated_protocol = CurrentProtocol} = State0) ->
+ negotiated_protocol = CurrentProtocol} = State0) ->
{KeyAlgorithm, _, _, _} =
PremasterSecret = make_premaster_secret(ReqVersion, KeyAlgorithm),
- {ExpectNPN, Protocol} = case Protocol0 of
- undefined -> {false, CurrentProtocol};
- _ -> {ProtoExt =:= npn, Protocol0}
- end,
+ {ExpectNPN, Protocol} = case Protocol0 of
+ undefined ->
+ {false, CurrentProtocol};
+ _ ->
+ {ProtoExt =:= npn, Protocol0}
+ end,
State = State0#state{key_algorithm = KeyAlgorithm,
- negotiated_version = Version,
+ negotiated_version = Version,
connection_states = ConnectionStates,
premaster_secret = PremasterSecret,
expecting_next_protocol_negotiation = ExpectNPN,
@@ -382,7 +391,7 @@ abbreviated(internal, #finished{verify_data = Data} = Finished,
session = #session{master_secret = MasterSecret},
connection_states = ConnectionStates0} =
State0, Connection) ->
- case ssl_handshake:verify_connection(Version, Finished, client,
+ case ssl_handshake:verify_connection(ssl:tls_version(Version), Finished, client,
get_current_prf(ConnectionStates0, write),
MasterSecret, Handshake) of
verified ->
@@ -392,7 +401,7 @@ abbreviated(internal, #finished{verify_data = Data} = Finished,
expecting_finished = false}, Connection),
Connection:next_event(connection, Record, State);
#alert{} = Alert ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, abbreviated, State0)
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, abbreviated, State0)
abbreviated(internal, #finished{verify_data = Data} = Finished,
@@ -400,7 +409,7 @@ abbreviated(internal, #finished{verify_data = Data} = Finished,
session = #session{master_secret = MasterSecret},
negotiated_version = Version,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0} = State0, Connection) ->
- case ssl_handshake:verify_connection(Version, Finished, server,
+ case ssl_handshake:verify_connection(ssl:tls_version(Version), Finished, server,
get_pending_prf(ConnectionStates0, write),
MasterSecret, Handshake0) of
verified ->
@@ -412,7 +421,7 @@ abbreviated(internal, #finished{verify_data = Data} = Finished,
{Record, State} = prepare_connection(State1#state{expecting_finished = false}, Connection),
Connection:next_event(connection, Record, State);
#alert{} = Alert ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, abbreviated, State0)
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, abbreviated, State0)
%% only allowed to send next_protocol message after change cipher spec
@@ -452,9 +461,9 @@ certify(internal, #certificate{asn1_certificates = []},
#state{role = server, negotiated_version = Version,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{verify = verify_peer,
fail_if_no_peer_cert = true}} =
- State, Connection) ->
+ State, _Connection) ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State);
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State);
certify(internal, #certificate{asn1_certificates = []},
#state{role = server,
@@ -469,9 +478,9 @@ certify(internal, #certificate{},
#state{role = server,
negotiated_version = Version,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{verify = verify_none}} =
- State, Connection) ->
+ State, _Connection) ->
Alert = ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL,?UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE, unrequested_certificate),
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State);
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State);
certify(internal, #certificate{} = Cert,
#state{negotiated_version = Version,
@@ -492,7 +501,7 @@ certify(internal, #certificate{} = Cert,
handle_peer_cert(Role, PeerCert, PublicKeyInfo,
State#state{client_certificate_requested = false}, Connection);
#alert{} = Alert ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State)
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State)
certify(internal, #server_key_exchange{exchange_keys = Keys},
@@ -506,10 +515,10 @@ certify(internal, #server_key_exchange{exchange_keys = Keys},
Alg == psk; Alg == dhe_psk; Alg == rsa_psk;
Alg == srp_dss; Alg == srp_rsa; Alg == srp_anon ->
- Params = ssl_handshake:decode_server_key(Keys, Alg, Version),
+ Params = ssl_handshake:decode_server_key(Keys, Alg, ssl:tls_version(Version)),
%% Use negotiated value if TLS-1.2 otherwhise return default
- HashSign = negotiated_hashsign(Params#server_key_params.hashsign, Alg, PubKeyInfo, Version),
+ HashSign = negotiated_hashsign(Params#server_key_params.hashsign, Alg, PubKeyInfo, ssl:tls_version(Version)),
case is_anonymous(Alg) of
true ->
@@ -517,26 +526,25 @@ certify(internal, #server_key_exchange{exchange_keys = Keys},
State#state{hashsign_algorithm = HashSign}, Connection);
false ->
case ssl_handshake:verify_server_key(Params, HashSign,
- ConnectionStates, Version, PubKeyInfo) of
+ ConnectionStates, ssl:tls_version(Version), PubKeyInfo) of
true ->
State#state{hashsign_algorithm = HashSign},
false ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?DECRYPT_ERROR),
+ handle_own_alert(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?DECRYPT_ERROR),
Version, certify, State)
-certify(internal, #certificate_request{hashsign_algorithms = HashSigns},
+certify(internal, #certificate_request{} = CertRequest,
#state{session = #session{own_certificate = Cert},
- key_algorithm = KeyExAlg,
+ role = client,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{signature_algs = SupportedHashSigns},
negotiated_version = Version} = State0, Connection) ->
- case ssl_handshake:select_hashsign(HashSigns, Cert, KeyExAlg, SupportedHashSigns, Version) of
+ case ssl_handshake:select_hashsign(CertRequest, Cert, SupportedHashSigns, ssl:tls_version(Version)) of
#alert {} = Alert ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0);
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0);
NegotiatedHashSign ->
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State0#state{client_certificate_requested = true}),
Connection:next_event(certify, Record,
@@ -555,7 +563,7 @@ certify(internal, #server_hello_done{},
when Alg == psk ->
case ssl_handshake:premaster_secret({Alg, PSKIdentity}, PSKLookup) of
#alert{} = Alert ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0);
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0);
PremasterSecret ->
State = master_secret(PremasterSecret,
State0#state{premaster_secret = PremasterSecret}),
@@ -576,7 +584,7 @@ certify(internal, #server_hello_done{},
case ssl_handshake:premaster_secret({Alg, PSKIdentity}, PSKLookup,
RSAPremasterSecret) of
#alert{} = Alert ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0);
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0);
PremasterSecret ->
State = master_secret(PremasterSecret,
State0#state{premaster_secret = RSAPremasterSecret}),
@@ -590,13 +598,13 @@ certify(internal, #server_hello_done{},
negotiated_version = Version,
premaster_secret = undefined,
role = client} = State0, Connection) ->
- case ssl_handshake:master_secret(record_cb(Connection), Version, Session,
+ case ssl_handshake:master_secret(ssl:tls_version(Version), Session,
ConnectionStates0, client) of
{MasterSecret, ConnectionStates} ->
State = State0#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates},
client_certify_and_key_exchange(State, Connection);
#alert{} = Alert ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0)
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0)
%% Master secret is calculated from premaster_secret
@@ -606,7 +614,7 @@ certify(internal, #server_hello_done{},
negotiated_version = Version,
premaster_secret = PremasterSecret,
role = client} = State0, Connection) ->
- case ssl_handshake:master_secret(record_cb(Connection), Version, PremasterSecret,
+ case ssl_handshake:master_secret(ssl:tls_version(Version), PremasterSecret,
ConnectionStates0, client) of
{MasterSecret, ConnectionStates} ->
Session = Session0#session{master_secret = MasterSecret},
@@ -614,7 +622,7 @@ certify(internal, #server_hello_done{},
session = Session},
client_certify_and_key_exchange(State, Connection);
#alert{} = Alert ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0)
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0)
certify(internal = Type, #client_key_exchange{} = Msg,
@@ -628,11 +636,11 @@ certify(internal = Type, #client_key_exchange{} = Msg,
certify(internal, #client_key_exchange{exchange_keys = Keys},
State = #state{key_algorithm = KeyAlg, negotiated_version = Version}, Connection) ->
- certify_client_key_exchange(ssl_handshake:decode_client_key(Keys, KeyAlg, Version),
+ certify_client_key_exchange(ssl_handshake:decode_client_key(Keys, KeyAlg, ssl:tls_version(Version)),
State, Connection)
#alert{} = Alert ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State)
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State)
certify(Type, Msg, State, Connection) ->
@@ -663,21 +671,21 @@ cipher(internal, #certificate_verify{signature = Signature,
%% Use negotiated value if TLS-1.2 otherwhise return default
HashSign = negotiated_hashsign(CertHashSign, KexAlg, PublicKeyInfo, Version),
case ssl_handshake:certificate_verify(Signature, PublicKeyInfo,
- Version, HashSign, MasterSecret, Handshake) of
+ ssl:tls_version(Version), HashSign, MasterSecret, Handshake) of
valid ->
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State0),
Connection:next_event(cipher, Record,
State#state{cert_hashsign_algorithm = HashSign});
#alert{} = Alert ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, cipher, State0)
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, cipher, State0)
%% client must send a next protocol message if we are expecting it
cipher(internal, #finished{},
#state{role = server, expecting_next_protocol_negotiation = true,
negotiated_protocol = undefined, negotiated_version = Version} = State0,
- Connection) ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL,?UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE), Version, cipher, State0);
+ _Connection) ->
+ handle_own_alert(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL,?UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE), Version, cipher, State0);
cipher(internal, #finished{verify_data = Data} = Finished,
#state{negotiated_version = Version,
@@ -689,7 +697,7 @@ cipher(internal, #finished{verify_data = Data} = Finished,
= Session0,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
tls_handshake_history = Handshake0} = State, Connection) ->
- case ssl_handshake:verify_connection(Version, Finished,
+ case ssl_handshake:verify_connection(ssl:tls_version(Version), Finished,
get_current_prf(ConnectionStates0, read),
MasterSecret, Handshake0) of
@@ -698,7 +706,7 @@ cipher(internal, #finished{verify_data = Data} = Finished,
cipher_role(Role, Data, Session,
State#state{expecting_finished = false}, Connection);
#alert{} = Alert ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, cipher, State)
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, cipher, State)
%% only allowed to send next_protocol message after change cipher spec
@@ -731,7 +739,7 @@ connection({call, From}, {application_data, Data},
%% parallize send and receive decoding and not block the receiver
%% if sending is overloading the socket.
- Connection:write_application_data(Data, From, State)
+ write_application_data(Data, From, State)
catch throw:Error ->
hibernate_after(connection, State, [{reply, From, Error}])
@@ -802,35 +810,37 @@ handle_common_event(internal, {handshake, {#hello_request{}, _}}, StateName, #st
when StateName =/= connection ->
handle_common_event(internal, {handshake, {Handshake, Raw}}, StateName,
- #state{tls_handshake_history = Hs0} = State0, Connection) ->
+ #state{tls_handshake_history = Hs0,
+ ssl_options = #ssl_options{v2_hello_compatible = V2HComp}} = State0,
+ Connection) ->
+ PossibleSNI = Connection:select_sni_extension(Handshake),
%% This function handles client SNI hello extension when Handshake is
%% a client_hello, which needs to be determined by the connection callback.
%% In other cases this is a noop
- State = Connection:handle_sni_extension(Handshake, State0),
- HsHist = ssl_handshake:update_handshake_history(Hs0, Raw),
+ State = handle_sni_extension(PossibleSNI, State0),
+ HsHist = ssl_handshake:update_handshake_history(Hs0, Raw, V2HComp),
{next_state, StateName, State#state{tls_handshake_history = HsHist},
[{next_event, internal, Handshake}]};
-handle_common_event(internal, {tls_record, TLSRecord}, StateName, State, Connection) ->
- Connection:handle_common_event(internal, TLSRecord, StateName, State);
+handle_common_event(internal, {protocol_record, TLSorDTLSRecord}, StateName, State, Connection) ->
+ Connection:handle_common_event(internal, TLSorDTLSRecord, StateName, State);
handle_common_event(timeout, hibernate, _, _, _) ->
{keep_state_and_data, [hibernate]};
handle_common_event(internal, {application_data, Data}, StateName, State0, Connection) ->
- case Connection:read_application_data(Data, State0) of
+ case read_application_data(Data, State0) of
{stop, Reason, State} ->
{stop, Reason, State};
{Record, State} ->
Connection:next_event(StateName, Record, State)
handle_common_event(internal, #change_cipher_spec{type = <<1>>}, StateName,
- #state{negotiated_version = Version} = State, Connection) ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE), Version,
+ #state{negotiated_version = Version} = State, _) ->
+ handle_own_alert(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE), Version,
StateName, State);
-handle_common_event(internal, _, _, _, _) ->
- {keep_state_and_data, [postpone]};
handle_common_event(_Type, Msg, StateName, #state{negotiated_version = Version} = State,
- Connection) ->
+ _) ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, {StateName, Msg}, State).
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, {StateName, Msg}, State).
handle_call({application_data, _Data}, _, _, _, _) ->
%% In renegotiation priorities handshake, send data when handshake is finished
@@ -908,9 +918,8 @@ handle_call(renegotiate, From, StateName, _, _) when StateName =/= connection ->
handle_call({prf, Secret, Label, Seed, WantedLength}, From, _,
#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
negotiated_version = Version}, _) ->
- ConnectionState =
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{master_secret = MasterSecret,
client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom,
@@ -925,7 +934,7 @@ handle_call({prf, Secret, Label, Seed, WantedLength}, From, _,
(client_random, Acc) -> [ClientRandom|Acc];
(server_random, Acc) -> [ServerRandom|Acc]
end, [], Seed)),
- ssl_handshake:prf(Version, PRFAlgorithm, SecretToUse, Label, SeedToUse, WantedLength)
+ ssl_handshake:prf(ssl:tls_version(Version), PRFAlgorithm, SecretToUse, Label, SeedToUse, WantedLength)
exit:_ -> {error, badarg};
error:Reason -> {error, Reason}
@@ -936,20 +945,19 @@ handle_call(_,_,_,_,_) ->
handle_info({ErrorTag, Socket, econnaborted}, StateName,
#state{socket = Socket, transport_cb = Transport,
- start_or_recv_from = StartFrom, role = Role,
protocol_cb = Connection,
+ start_or_recv_from = StartFrom, role = Role,
error_tag = ErrorTag,
tracker = Tracker} = State) when StateName =/= connection ->
- Connection:alert_user(Transport, Tracker,Socket,
- StartFrom, ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?CLOSE_NOTIFY), Role),
+ alert_user(Transport, Tracker,Socket,
+ StartFrom, ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?CLOSE_NOTIFY), Role, Connection),
{stop, normal, State};
handle_info({ErrorTag, Socket, Reason}, StateName, #state{socket = Socket,
- protocol_cb = Connection,
error_tag = ErrorTag} = State) ->
Report = io_lib:format("SSL: Socket error: ~p ~n", [Reason]),
- Connection:handle_normal_shutdown(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?CLOSE_NOTIFY), StateName, State),
+ handle_normal_shutdown(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?CLOSE_NOTIFY), StateName, State),
{stop, normal, State};
handle_info({'DOWN', MonitorRef, _, _, _}, _,
@@ -1052,13 +1060,124 @@ format_status(terminate, [_, StateName, State]) ->
ssl_options = NewOptions,
flight_buffer = ?SECRET_PRINTOUT}
+write_application_data(Data0, From,
+ #state{socket = Socket,
+ negotiated_version = Version,
+ protocol_cb = Connection,
+ transport_cb = Transport,
+ connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
+ socket_options = SockOpts,
+ ssl_options = #ssl_options{renegotiate_at = RenegotiateAt}} = State) ->
+ Data = encode_packet(Data0, SockOpts),
+ case time_to_renegotiate(Data, ConnectionStates0, RenegotiateAt) of
+ true ->
+ Connection:renegotiate(State#state{renegotiation = {true, internal}},
+ [{next_event, {call, From}, {application_data, Data0}}]);
+ false ->
+ {Msgs, ConnectionStates} = ssl_record:encode_data(Data, Version, ConnectionStates0),
+ Result = Transport:send(Socket, Msgs),
+ ssl_connection:hibernate_after(connection, State#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates},
+ [{reply, From, Result}])
+ end.
+read_application_data(Data, #state{user_application = {_Mon, Pid},
+ socket = Socket,
+ protocol_cb = Connection,
+ transport_cb = Transport,
+ socket_options = SOpts,
+ bytes_to_read = BytesToRead,
+ start_or_recv_from = RecvFrom,
+ timer = Timer,
+ user_data_buffer = Buffer0,
+ tracker = Tracker} = State0) ->
+ Buffer1 = if
+ Buffer0 =:= <<>> -> Data;
+ Data =:= <<>> -> Buffer0;
+ true -> <<Buffer0/binary, Data/binary>>
+ end,
+ case get_data(SOpts, BytesToRead, Buffer1) of
+ {ok, ClientData, Buffer} -> % Send data
+ SocketOpt = deliver_app_data(Transport, Socket, SOpts,
+ ClientData, Pid, RecvFrom, Tracker, Connection),
+ cancel_timer(Timer),
+ State = State0#state{user_data_buffer = Buffer,
+ start_or_recv_from = undefined,
+ timer = undefined,
+ bytes_to_read = undefined,
+ socket_options = SocketOpt
+ },
+ if
+ SocketOpt#socket_options.active =:= false; Buffer =:= <<>> ->
+ %% Passive mode, wait for active once or recv
+ %% Active and empty, get more data
+ Connection:next_record_if_active(State);
+ true -> %% We have more data
+ read_application_data(<<>>, State)
+ end;
+ {more, Buffer} -> % no reply, we need more data
+ Connection:next_record(State0#state{user_data_buffer = Buffer});
+ {passive, Buffer} ->
+ Connection:next_record_if_active(State0#state{user_data_buffer = Buffer});
+ {error,_Reason} -> %% Invalid packet in packet mode
+ deliver_packet_error(Transport, Socket, SOpts, Buffer1, Pid, RecvFrom, Tracker, Connection),
+ {stop, normal, State0}
+ end.
+handle_alert(#alert{level = ?FATAL} = Alert, StateName,
+ #state{socket = Socket, transport_cb = Transport,
+ protocol_cb = Connection,
+ ssl_options = SslOpts, start_or_recv_from = From, host = Host,
+ port = Port, session = Session, user_application = {_Mon, Pid},
+ role = Role, socket_options = Opts, tracker = Tracker}) ->
+ invalidate_session(Role, Host, Port, Session),
+ log_alert(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_alert, StateName, Alert),
+ alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket, StateName, Opts, Pid, From, Alert, Role, Connection),
+ {stop, normal};
+handle_alert(#alert{level = ?WARNING, description = ?CLOSE_NOTIFY} = Alert,
+ StateName, State) ->
+ handle_normal_shutdown(Alert, StateName, State),
+ {stop, {shutdown, peer_close}};
+handle_alert(#alert{level = ?WARNING, description = ?NO_RENEGOTIATION} = Alert, StateName,
+ #state{ssl_options = SslOpts, renegotiation = {true, internal}} = State) ->
+ log_alert(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_alert, StateName, Alert),
+ handle_normal_shutdown(Alert, StateName, State),
+ {stop, {shutdown, peer_close}};
+handle_alert(#alert{level = ?WARNING, description = ?NO_RENEGOTIATION} = Alert, StateName,
+ #state{ssl_options = SslOpts, renegotiation = {true, From},
+ protocol_cb = Connection} = State0) ->
+ log_alert(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_alert, StateName, Alert),
+ gen_statem:reply(From, {error, renegotiation_rejected}),
+ {Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State0),
+ %% Go back to connection!
+ Connection:next_event(connection, Record, State);
+%% Gracefully log and ignore all other warning alerts
+handle_alert(#alert{level = ?WARNING} = Alert, StateName,
+ #state{ssl_options = SslOpts, protocol_cb = Connection} = State0) ->
+ log_alert(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_alert, StateName, Alert),
+ {Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State0),
+ Connection:next_event(StateName, Record, State).
%%% Internal functions
connection_info(#state{sni_hostname = SNIHostname,
session = #session{cipher_suite = CipherSuite},
- negotiated_version = Version, ssl_options = Opts}) ->
- [{protocol, tls_record:protocol_version(Version)},
+ protocol_cb = Connection,
+ negotiated_version = {_,_} = Version,
+ ssl_options = Opts}) ->
+ RecordCB = record_cb(Connection),
+ [{protocol, RecordCB:protocol_version(Version)},
{cipher_suite, ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(CipherSuite)},
{sni_hostname, SNIHostname}] ++ ssl_options_list(Opts).
@@ -1070,7 +1189,7 @@ do_server_hello(Type, #hello_extensions{next_protocol_negotiation = NextProtocol
= State0, Connection) when is_atom(Type) ->
ServerHello =
- ssl_handshake:server_hello(SessId, Version, ConnectionStates0, ServerHelloExt),
+ ssl_handshake:server_hello(SessId, ssl:tls_version(Version), ConnectionStates0, ServerHelloExt),
State = server_hello(ServerHello,
State0#state{expecting_next_protocol_negotiation =
NextProtocols =/= undefined}, Connection),
@@ -1097,14 +1216,14 @@ new_server_hello(#server_hello{cipher_suite = CipherSuite,
Connection:next_event(certify, Record, State)
#alert{} = Alert ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, hello, State0)
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, hello, State0)
resumed_server_hello(#state{session = Session,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
negotiated_version = Version} = State0, Connection) ->
- case ssl_handshake:master_secret(record_cb(Connection), Version, Session,
+ case ssl_handshake:master_secret(ssl:tls_version(Version), Session,
ConnectionStates0, server) of
{_, ConnectionStates1} ->
State1 = State0#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates1,
@@ -1114,7 +1233,7 @@ resumed_server_hello(#state{session = Session,
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State2),
Connection:next_event(abbreviated, Record, State);
#alert{} = Alert ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, hello, State0)
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, hello, State0)
server_hello(ServerHello, State0, Connection) ->
@@ -1180,7 +1299,7 @@ verify_client_cert(#state{client_certificate_requested = true, role = client,
tls_handshake_history = Handshake0} = State, Connection) ->
case ssl_handshake:client_certificate_verify(OwnCert, MasterSecret,
- Version, HashSign, PrivateKey, Handshake0) of
+ ssl:tls_version(Version), HashSign, PrivateKey, Handshake0) of
#certificate_verify{} = Verified ->
Connection:queue_handshake(Verified, State);
ignore ->
@@ -1203,7 +1322,7 @@ client_certify_and_key_exchange(#state{negotiated_version = Version} =
Connection:next_event(cipher, Record, State)
throw:#alert{} = Alert ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0)
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0)
do_client_certify_and_key_exchange(State0, Connection) ->
@@ -1294,12 +1413,11 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = Algo,
Algo == dhe_rsa;
Algo == dh_anon ->
DHKeys = public_key:generate_key(Params),
- ConnectionState =
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
- Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, Version, {dh, DHKeys, Params,
+ Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, ssl:tls_version(Version), {dh, DHKeys, Params,
HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
@@ -1319,15 +1437,15 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = Algo,
Algo == ecdh_anon ->
ECDHKeys = public_key:generate_key(select_curve(State0)),
- ConnectionState =
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
- Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, Version, {ecdh, ECDHKeys,
- HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
- ServerRandom,
- PrivateKey}),
+ Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, ssl:tls_version(Version),
+ {ecdh, ECDHKeys,
+ HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
+ ServerRandom,
+ PrivateKey}),
State = Connection:queue_handshake(Msg, State0),
State#state{diffie_hellman_keys = ECDHKeys};
@@ -1341,14 +1459,14 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = psk,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
negotiated_version = Version
} = State0, Connection) ->
- ConnectionState =
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
- Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, Version, {psk, PskIdentityHint,
- HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
- ServerRandom,
+ Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, ssl:tls_version(Version),
+ {psk, PskIdentityHint,
+ HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
+ ServerRandom,
Connection:queue_handshake(Msg, State0);
@@ -1361,16 +1479,16 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = dhe_psk,
negotiated_version = Version
} = State0, Connection) ->
DHKeys = public_key:generate_key(Params),
- ConnectionState =
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
- Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, Version, {dhe_psk,
- PskIdentityHint, DHKeys, Params,
- HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
- ServerRandom,
- PrivateKey}),
+ Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, ssl:tls_version(Version),
+ {dhe_psk,
+ PskIdentityHint, DHKeys, Params,
+ HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
+ ServerRandom,
+ PrivateKey}),
State = Connection:queue_handshake(Msg, State0),
State#state{diffie_hellman_keys = DHKeys};
@@ -1384,15 +1502,15 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = rsa_psk,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
negotiated_version = Version
} = State0, Connection) ->
- ConnectionState =
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
- Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, Version, {psk, PskIdentityHint,
- HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
- ServerRandom,
- PrivateKey}),
+ Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, ssl:tls_version(Version),
+ {psk, PskIdentityHint,
+ HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
+ ServerRandom,
+ PrivateKey}),
Connection:queue_handshake(Msg, State0);
key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = Algo,
@@ -1413,15 +1531,15 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = Algo,
Keys0 = {_,_} ->
- ConnectionState =
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
- Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, Version, {srp, Keys, SrpParams,
- HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
- ServerRandom,
- PrivateKey}),
+ Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, ssl:tls_version(Version),
+ {srp, Keys, SrpParams,
+ HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
+ ServerRandom,
+ PrivateKey}),
State = Connection:queue_handshake(Msg, State0),
State#state{srp_params = SrpParams,
srp_keys = Keys};
@@ -1431,7 +1549,7 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = client,
public_key_info = PublicKeyInfo,
negotiated_version = Version,
premaster_secret = PremasterSecret} = State0, Connection) ->
- Msg = rsa_key_exchange(Version, PremasterSecret, PublicKeyInfo),
+ Msg = rsa_key_exchange(ssl:tls_version(Version), PremasterSecret, PublicKeyInfo),
Connection:queue_handshake(Msg, State0);
key_exchange(#state{role = client,
@@ -1442,7 +1560,7 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = client,
when Algorithm == dhe_dss;
Algorithm == dhe_rsa;
Algorithm == dh_anon ->
- Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, Version, {dh, DhPubKey}),
+ Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, ssl:tls_version(Version), {dh, DhPubKey}),
Connection:queue_handshake(Msg, State0);
key_exchange(#state{role = client,
@@ -1452,14 +1570,14 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = client,
when Algorithm == ecdhe_ecdsa; Algorithm == ecdhe_rsa;
Algorithm == ecdh_ecdsa; Algorithm == ecdh_rsa;
Algorithm == ecdh_anon ->
- Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, Version, {ecdh, Keys}),
+ Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, ssl:tls_version(Version), {ecdh, Keys}),
Connection:queue_handshake(Msg, State0);
key_exchange(#state{role = client,
ssl_options = SslOpts,
key_algorithm = psk,
negotiated_version = Version} = State0, Connection) ->
- Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, Version,
+ Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, ssl:tls_version(Version),
{psk, SslOpts#ssl_options.psk_identity}),
Connection:queue_handshake(Msg, State0);
@@ -1468,7 +1586,7 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = client,
key_algorithm = dhe_psk,
negotiated_version = Version,
diffie_hellman_keys = {DhPubKey, _}} = State0, Connection) ->
- Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, Version,
+ Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, ssl:tls_version(Version),
SslOpts#ssl_options.psk_identity, DhPubKey}),
Connection:queue_handshake(Msg, State0);
@@ -1479,7 +1597,7 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = client,
negotiated_version = Version,
premaster_secret = PremasterSecret}
= State0, Connection) ->
- Msg = rsa_psk_key_exchange(Version, SslOpts#ssl_options.psk_identity,
+ Msg = rsa_psk_key_exchange(ssl:tls_version(Version), SslOpts#ssl_options.psk_identity,
PremasterSecret, PublicKeyInfo),
Connection:queue_handshake(Msg, State0);
@@ -1491,7 +1609,7 @@ key_exchange(#state{role = client,
when Algorithm == srp_dss;
Algorithm == srp_rsa;
Algorithm == srp_anon ->
- Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, Version, {srp, ClientPubKey}),
+ Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, ssl:tls_version(Version), {srp, ClientPubKey}),
Connection:queue_handshake(Msg, State0).
rsa_key_exchange(Version, PremasterSecret, PublicKeyInfo = {Algorithm, _, _})
@@ -1504,7 +1622,7 @@ rsa_key_exchange(Version, PremasterSecret, PublicKeyInfo = {Algorithm, _, _})
Algorithm == ?sha384WithRSAEncryption;
Algorithm == ?sha512WithRSAEncryption
- ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, Version,
+ ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, ssl:tls_version(Version),
{premaster_secret, PremasterSecret,
rsa_key_exchange(_, _, _) ->
@@ -1521,7 +1639,7 @@ rsa_psk_key_exchange(Version, PskIdentity, PremasterSecret,
Algorithm == ?sha384WithRSAEncryption;
Algorithm == ?sha512WithRSAEncryption
- ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, Version,
+ ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, ssl:tls_version(Version),
{psk_premaster_secret, PskIdentity, PremasterSecret,
rsa_psk_key_exchange(_, _, _, _) ->
@@ -1533,12 +1651,14 @@ request_client_cert(#state{ssl_options = #ssl_options{verify = verify_peer,
cert_db = CertDbHandle,
cert_db_ref = CertDbRef,
negotiated_version = Version} = State0, Connection) ->
- #connection_state{security_parameters =
- #security_parameters{cipher_suite = CipherSuite}} =
+ #{security_parameters :=
+ #security_parameters{cipher_suite = CipherSuite}} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
- HashSigns = ssl_handshake:available_signature_algs(SupportedHashSigns, Version, [Version]),
+ TLSVersion = ssl:tls_version(Version),
+ HashSigns = ssl_handshake:available_signature_algs(SupportedHashSigns,
+ TLSVersion, [TLSVersion]),
Msg = ssl_handshake:certificate_request(CipherSuite, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef,
- HashSigns, Version),
+ HashSigns, TLSVersion),
State = Connection:queue_handshake(Msg, State0),
State#state{client_certificate_requested = true};
@@ -1551,7 +1671,7 @@ calculate_master_secret(PremasterSecret,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
session = Session0} = State0, Connection,
_Current, Next) ->
- case ssl_handshake:master_secret(record_cb(Connection), Version, PremasterSecret,
+ case ssl_handshake:master_secret(ssl:tls_version(Version), PremasterSecret,
ConnectionStates0, server) of
{MasterSecret, ConnectionStates} ->
Session = Session0#session{master_secret = MasterSecret},
@@ -1560,7 +1680,7 @@ calculate_master_secret(PremasterSecret,
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State1),
Connection:next_event(Next, Record, State);
#alert{} = Alert ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0)
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0)
finalize_handshake(State0, StateName, Connection) ->
@@ -1593,7 +1713,7 @@ finished(#state{role = Role, negotiated_version = Version,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
tls_handshake_history = Handshake0} = State0, StateName, Connection) ->
MasterSecret = Session#session.master_secret,
- Finished = ssl_handshake:finished(Version, Role,
+ Finished = ssl_handshake:finished(ssl:tls_version(Version), Role,
get_current_prf(ConnectionStates0, write),
MasterSecret, Handshake0),
ConnectionStates = save_verify_data(Role, Finished, ConnectionStates0, StateName),
@@ -1658,7 +1778,7 @@ master_secret(#alert{} = Alert, _) ->
master_secret(PremasterSecret, #state{session = Session,
negotiated_version = Version, role = Role,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0} = State) ->
- case ssl_handshake:master_secret(tls_record, Version, PremasterSecret,
+ case ssl_handshake:master_secret(ssl:tls_version(Version), PremasterSecret,
ConnectionStates0, Role) of
{MasterSecret, ConnectionStates} ->
@@ -1741,11 +1861,11 @@ is_anonymous(_) ->
get_current_prf(CStates, Direction) ->
- CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(CStates, Direction),
- CS#connection_state.security_parameters#security_parameters.prf_algorithm.
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} = ssl_record:current_connection_state(CStates, Direction),
+ SecParams#security_parameters.prf_algorithm.
get_pending_prf(CStates, Direction) ->
- CS = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(CStates, Direction),
- CS#connection_state.security_parameters#security_parameters.prf_algorithm.
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(CStates, Direction),
+ SecParams#security_parameters.prf_algorithm.
opposite_role(client) ->
@@ -1967,7 +2087,7 @@ handle_resumed_session(SessId, #state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
session_cache = Cache,
session_cache_cb = CacheCb} = State0) ->
Session = CacheCb:lookup(Cache, {{Host, Port}, SessId}),
- case ssl_handshake:master_secret(tls_record, Version, Session,
+ case ssl_handshake:master_secret(ssl:tls_version(Version), Session,
ConnectionStates0, client) of
{_, ConnectionStates} ->
{Record, State} =
@@ -1976,7 +2096,7 @@ handle_resumed_session(SessId, #state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
session = Session}),
Connection:next_event(abbreviated, Record, State);
#alert{} = Alert ->
- Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, hello, State0)
+ handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, hello, State0)
make_premaster_secret({MajVer, MinVer}, rsa) ->
@@ -2043,7 +2163,7 @@ handle_active_option(_, StateName, To, Reply, #state{user_data_buffer = <<>>} =
%% user_data_buffer =/= <<>>
handle_active_option(_, StateName0, To, Reply, #state{protocol_cb = Connection} = State0) ->
- case Connection:read_application_data(<<>>, State0) of
+ case read_application_data(<<>>, State0) of
{stop, Reason, State} ->
{stop, Reason, State};
{Record, State1} ->
@@ -2057,3 +2177,264 @@ handle_active_option(_, StateName0, To, Reply, #state{protocol_cb = Connection}
+encode_packet(Data, #socket_options{packet=Packet}) ->
+ case Packet of
+ 1 -> encode_size_packet(Data, 8, (1 bsl 8) - 1);
+ 2 -> encode_size_packet(Data, 16, (1 bsl 16) - 1);
+ 4 -> encode_size_packet(Data, 32, (1 bsl 32) - 1);
+ _ -> Data
+ end.
+encode_size_packet(Bin, Size, Max) ->
+ Len = erlang:byte_size(Bin),
+ case Len > Max of
+ true -> throw({error, {badarg, {packet_to_large, Len, Max}}});
+ false -> <<Len:Size, Bin/binary>>
+ end.
+ #{current_write := #{sequence_number := Num}},
+ RenegotiateAt) ->
+ %% We could do test:
+ %% is_time_to_renegotiate((erlang:byte_size(_Data) div ?MAX_PLAIN_TEXT_LENGTH) + 1, RenegotiateAt),
+ %% but we chose to have a some what lower renegotiateAt and a much cheaper test
+ is_time_to_renegotiate(Num, RenegotiateAt).
+is_time_to_renegotiate(N, M) when N < M->
+ false;
+is_time_to_renegotiate(_,_) ->
+ true.
+%% Picks ClientData
+get_data(_, _, <<>>) ->
+ {more, <<>>};
+%% Recv timed out save buffer data until next recv
+get_data(#socket_options{active=false}, undefined, Buffer) ->
+ {passive, Buffer};
+get_data(#socket_options{active=Active, packet=Raw}, BytesToRead, Buffer)
+ when Raw =:= raw; Raw =:= 0 -> %% Raw Mode
+ if
+ Active =/= false orelse BytesToRead =:= 0 ->
+ %% Active true or once, or passive mode recv(0)
+ {ok, Buffer, <<>>};
+ byte_size(Buffer) >= BytesToRead ->
+ %% Passive Mode, recv(Bytes)
+ <<Data:BytesToRead/binary, Rest/binary>> = Buffer,
+ {ok, Data, Rest};
+ true ->
+ %% Passive Mode not enough data
+ {more, Buffer}
+ end;
+get_data(#socket_options{packet=Type, packet_size=Size}, _, Buffer) ->
+ PacketOpts = [{packet_size, Size}],
+ case decode_packet(Type, Buffer, PacketOpts) of
+ {more, _} ->
+ {more, Buffer};
+ Decoded ->
+ Decoded
+ end.
+decode_packet({http, headers}, Buffer, PacketOpts) ->
+ decode_packet(httph, Buffer, PacketOpts);
+decode_packet({http_bin, headers}, Buffer, PacketOpts) ->
+ decode_packet(httph_bin, Buffer, PacketOpts);
+decode_packet(Type, Buffer, PacketOpts) ->
+ erlang:decode_packet(Type, Buffer, PacketOpts).
+%% Just like with gen_tcp sockets, an ssl socket that has been configured with
+%% {packet, http} (or {packet, http_bin}) will automatically switch to expect
+%% HTTP headers after it sees a HTTP Request or HTTP Response line. We
+%% represent the current state as follows:
+%% #socket_options.packet =:= http: Expect a HTTP Request/Response line
+%% #socket_options.packet =:= {http, headers}: Expect HTTP Headers
+%% Note that if the user has explicitly configured the socket to expect
+%% HTTP headers using the {packet, httph} option, we don't do any automatic
+%% switching of states.
+deliver_app_data(Transport, Socket, SOpts = #socket_options{active=Active, packet=Type},
+ Data, Pid, From, Tracker, Connection) ->
+ send_or_reply(Active, Pid, From, format_reply(Transport, Socket, SOpts, Data, Tracker, Connection)),
+ SO = case Data of
+ {P, _, _, _} when ((P =:= http_request) or (P =:= http_response)),
+ ((Type =:= http) or (Type =:= http_bin)) ->
+ SOpts#socket_options{packet={Type, headers}};
+ http_eoh when tuple_size(Type) =:= 2 ->
+ % End of headers - expect another Request/Response line
+ {Type1, headers} = Type,
+ SOpts#socket_options{packet=Type1};
+ _ ->
+ SOpts
+ end,
+ case Active of
+ once ->
+ SO#socket_options{active=false};
+ _ ->
+ SO
+ end.
+format_reply(_, _,#socket_options{active = false, mode = Mode, packet = Packet,
+ header = Header}, Data, _, _) ->
+ {ok, do_format_reply(Mode, Packet, Header, Data)};
+format_reply(Transport, Socket, #socket_options{active = _, mode = Mode, packet = Packet,
+ header = Header}, Data, Tracker, Connection) ->
+ {ssl, ssl_socket:socket(self(), Transport, Socket, Connection, Tracker),
+ do_format_reply(Mode, Packet, Header, Data)}.
+deliver_packet_error(Transport, Socket, SO= #socket_options{active = Active}, Data, Pid, From, Tracker, Connection) ->
+ send_or_reply(Active, Pid, From, format_packet_error(Transport, Socket, SO, Data, Tracker, Connection)).
+format_packet_error(_, _,#socket_options{active = false, mode = Mode}, Data, _, _) ->
+ {error, {invalid_packet, do_format_reply(Mode, raw, 0, Data)}};
+format_packet_error(Transport, Socket, #socket_options{active = _, mode = Mode}, Data, Tracker, Connection) ->
+ {ssl_error, ssl_socket:socket(self(), Transport, Socket, Connection, Tracker),
+ {invalid_packet, do_format_reply(Mode, raw, 0, Data)}}.
+do_format_reply(binary, _, N, Data) when N > 0 -> % Header mode
+ header(N, Data);
+do_format_reply(binary, _, _, Data) ->
+ Data;
+do_format_reply(list, Packet, _, Data)
+ when Packet == http; Packet == {http, headers};
+ Packet == http_bin; Packet == {http_bin, headers};
+ Packet == httph; Packet == httph_bin ->
+ Data;
+do_format_reply(list, _,_, Data) ->
+ binary_to_list(Data).
+header(0, <<>>) ->
+ <<>>;
+header(_, <<>>) ->
+ [];
+header(0, Binary) ->
+ Binary;
+header(N, Binary) ->
+ <<?BYTE(ByteN), NewBinary/binary>> = Binary,
+ [ByteN | header(N-1, NewBinary)].
+send_or_reply(false, _Pid, From, Data) when From =/= undefined ->
+ gen_statem:reply(From, Data);
+%% Can happen when handling own alert or tcp error/close and there is
+%% no outstanding gen_fsm sync events
+send_or_reply(false, no_pid, _, _) ->
+ ok;
+send_or_reply(_, Pid, _From, Data) ->
+ send_user(Pid, Data).
+send_user(Pid, Msg) ->
+ Pid ! Msg.
+alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket, connection, Opts, Pid, From, Alert, Role, Connection) ->
+ alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket, Opts#socket_options.active, Pid, From, Alert, Role, Connection);
+alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket,_, _, _, From, Alert, Role, Connection) ->
+ alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket, From, Alert, Role, Connection).
+alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket, From, Alert, Role, Connection) ->
+ alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket, false, no_pid, From, Alert, Role, Connection).
+alert_user(_, _, _, false = Active, Pid, From, Alert, Role, _) when From =/= undefined ->
+ %% If there is an outstanding ssl_accept | recv
+ %% From will be defined and send_or_reply will
+ %% send the appropriate error message.
+ ReasonCode = ssl_alert:reason_code(Alert, Role),
+ send_or_reply(Active, Pid, From, {error, ReasonCode});
+alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket, Active, Pid, From, Alert, Role, Connection) ->
+ case ssl_alert:reason_code(Alert, Role) of
+ closed ->
+ send_or_reply(Active, Pid, From,
+ {ssl_closed, ssl_socket:socket(self(),
+ Transport, Socket, Connection, Tracker)});
+ ReasonCode ->
+ send_or_reply(Active, Pid, From,
+ {ssl_error, ssl_socket:socket(self(),
+ Transport, Socket, Connection, Tracker), ReasonCode})
+ end.
+log_alert(true, Info, Alert) ->
+ Txt = ssl_alert:alert_txt(Alert),
+ error_logger:format("SSL: ~p: ~s\n", [Info, Txt]);
+log_alert(false, _, _) ->
+ ok.
+handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, StateName,
+ #state{transport_cb = Transport,
+ socket = Socket,
+ connection_states = ConnectionStates,
+ ssl_options = SslOpts} = State) ->
+ try %% Try to tell the other side
+ {BinMsg, _} =
+ ssl_alert:encode(Alert, Version, ConnectionStates),
+ Transport:send(Socket, BinMsg)
+ catch _:_ -> %% Can crash if we are in a uninitialized state
+ ignore
+ end,
+ try %% Try to tell the local user
+ log_alert(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_alert, StateName, Alert),
+ handle_normal_shutdown(Alert,StateName, State)
+ catch _:_ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ {stop, {shutdown, own_alert}}.
+handle_normal_shutdown(Alert, _, #state{socket = Socket,
+ transport_cb = Transport,
+ protocol_cb = Connection,
+ start_or_recv_from = StartFrom,
+ tracker = Tracker,
+ role = Role, renegotiation = {false, first}}) ->
+ alert_user(Transport, Tracker,Socket, StartFrom, Alert, Role, Connection);
+handle_normal_shutdown(Alert, StateName, #state{socket = Socket,
+ socket_options = Opts,
+ transport_cb = Transport,
+ protocol_cb = Connection,
+ user_application = {_Mon, Pid},
+ tracker = Tracker,
+ start_or_recv_from = RecvFrom, role = Role}) ->
+ alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket, StateName, Opts, Pid, RecvFrom, Alert, Role, Connection).
+invalidate_session(client, Host, Port, Session) ->
+ ssl_manager:invalidate_session(Host, Port, Session);
+invalidate_session(server, _, Port, Session) ->
+ ssl_manager:invalidate_session(Port, Session).
+handle_sni_extension(undefined, State) ->
+ State;
+handle_sni_extension(#sni{hostname = Hostname}, State0) ->
+ NewOptions = update_ssl_options_from_sni(State0#state.ssl_options, Hostname),
+ case NewOptions of
+ undefined ->
+ State0;
+ _ ->
+ {ok, Ref, CertDbHandle, FileRefHandle, CacheHandle, CRLDbHandle, OwnCert, Key, DHParams} =
+ ssl_config:init(NewOptions, State0#state.role),
+ State0#state{
+ session = State0#state.session#session{own_certificate = OwnCert},
+ file_ref_db = FileRefHandle,
+ cert_db_ref = Ref,
+ cert_db = CertDbHandle,
+ crl_db = CRLDbHandle,
+ session_cache = CacheHandle,
+ private_key = Key,
+ diffie_hellman_params = DHParams,
+ ssl_options = NewOptions,
+ sni_hostname = Hostname
+ }
+ end.
+update_ssl_options_from_sni(OrigSSLOptions, SNIHostname) ->
+ SSLOption =
+ case OrigSSLOptions#ssl_options.sni_fun of
+ undefined ->
+ proplists:get_value(SNIHostname,
+ OrigSSLOptions#ssl_options.sni_hosts);
+ SNIFun ->
+ SNIFun(SNIHostname)
+ end,
+ case SSLOption of
+ undefined ->
+ undefined;
+ _ ->
+ ssl:handle_options(SSLOption, OrigSSLOptions)
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.hrl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.hrl
index 4b54943ddf..f1e612a41b 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.hrl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.hrl
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
socket :: port(),
ssl_options :: #ssl_options{},
socket_options :: #socket_options{},
- connection_states :: #connection_states{} | secret_printout(),
+ connection_states :: ssl_record:connection_states() | secret_printout(),
protocol_buffers :: term() | secret_printout() , %% #protocol_buffers{} from tls_record.hrl or dtls_recor.hrl
tls_handshake_history :: ssl_handshake:ssl_handshake_history() | secret_printout()
| 'undefined',
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_crl.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_crl.erl
index d9f21e04ac..01be1fb9ab 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_crl.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_crl.erl
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ trusted_cert_and_path(CRL, issuer_not_found, {Db, DbRef} = DbHandle) ->
{ok, unknown_crl_ca, []}
-find_issuer(CRL, {Db,_}) ->
+find_issuer(CRL, {Db,DbRef}) ->
Issuer = public_key:pkix_normalize_name(public_key:pkix_crl_issuer(CRL)),
IsIssuerFun =
fun({_Key, {_Der,ErlCertCandidate}}, Acc) ->
@@ -55,15 +55,27 @@ find_issuer(CRL, {Db,_}) ->
(_, Acc) ->
- try ssl_pkix_db:foldl(IsIssuerFun, issuer_not_found, Db) of
- issuer_not_found ->
- {error, issuer_not_found}
- catch
- {ok, _} = Result ->
- Result
+ if is_reference(DbRef) -> % actual DB exists
+ try ssl_pkix_db:foldl(IsIssuerFun, issuer_not_found, Db) of
+ issuer_not_found ->
+ {error, issuer_not_found}
+ catch
+ {ok, _} = Result ->
+ Result
+ end;
+ is_tuple(DbRef), element(1,DbRef) =:= extracted -> % cache bypass byproduct
+ {extracted, CertsData} = DbRef,
+ Certs = [Entry || {decoded, Entry} <- CertsData],
+ try lists:foldl(IsIssuerFun, issuer_not_found, Certs) of
+ issuer_not_found ->
+ {error, issuer_not_found}
+ catch
+ {ok, _} = Result ->
+ Result
+ end
verify_crl_issuer(CRL, ErlCertCandidate, Issuer, NotIssuer) ->
TBSCert = ErlCertCandidate#'OTPCertificate'.tbsCertificate,
case public_key:pkix_normalize_name(TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subject) of
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
index 06226d5155..5b51ac0916 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_handshake.erl
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
%% Handle handshake messages
-export([certify/10, client_certificate_verify/6, certificate_verify/6, verify_signature/5,
- master_secret/5, server_key_exchange_hash/2, verify_connection/6,
- init_handshake_history/0, update_handshake_history/2, verify_server_key/5
+ master_secret/4, server_key_exchange_hash/2, verify_connection/6,
+ init_handshake_history/0, update_handshake_history/3, verify_server_key/5
%% Encode/Decode
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
--export([select_version/3, prf/6, select_hashsign/5,
+-export([select_version/3, prf/6, select_hashsign/4, select_hashsign/5,
premaster_secret/2, premaster_secret/3, premaster_secret/4]).
@@ -94,15 +94,14 @@ hello_request() ->
--spec server_hello(#session{}, ssl_record:ssl_version(), #connection_states{},
+-spec server_hello(#session{}, ssl_record:ssl_version(), ssl_record:connection_states(),
#hello_extensions{}) -> #server_hello{}.
%% Description: Creates a server hello message.
server_hello(SessionId, Version, ConnectionStates, Extensions) ->
- Pending = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- SecParams = Pending#connection_state.security_parameters,
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
+ ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
#server_hello{server_version = Version,
cipher_suite = SecParams#security_parameters.cipher_suite,
compression_method =
@@ -335,9 +334,8 @@ verify_server_key(#server_key_params{params_bin = EncParams,
signature = Signature},
HashSign = {HashAlgo, _},
ConnectionStates, Version, PubKeyInfo) ->
- ConnectionState =
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
Hash = server_key_exchange_hash(HashAlgo,
@@ -447,7 +445,7 @@ init_handshake_history() ->
{[], []}.
--spec update_handshake_history(ssl_handshake:ssl_handshake_history(), Data ::term()) ->
+-spec update_handshake_history(ssl_handshake:ssl_handshake_history(), Data ::term(), boolean()) ->
%% Description: Update the handshake history buffer with Data.
@@ -457,14 +455,14 @@ update_handshake_history(Handshake, % special-case SSL2 client hello
?UINT16(CSLength), ?UINT16(0),
- ChallengeData:CDLength/binary>>) ->
+ ChallengeData:CDLength/binary>>, true) ->
<<?CLIENT_HELLO, ?BYTE(Major), ?BYTE(Minor),
?UINT16(CSLength), ?UINT16(0),
- ChallengeData:CDLength/binary>>);
-update_handshake_history({Handshake0, _Prev}, Data) ->
+ ChallengeData:CDLength/binary>>, true);
+update_handshake_history({Handshake0, _Prev}, Data, _) ->
{[Data|Handshake0], Handshake0}.
%% %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -581,7 +579,7 @@ prf({3,_N}, PRFAlgo, Secret, Label, Seed, WantedLength) ->
{atom(), atom()} | undefined | #alert{}.
-%% Description: Handles signature_algorithms extension
+%% Description: Handles signature_algorithms hello extension (server)
select_hashsign(_, undefined, _, _, _Version) ->
{null, anon};
@@ -593,14 +591,17 @@ select_hashsign(HashSigns, Cert, KeyExAlgo,
select_hashsign(#hash_sign_algos{hash_sign_algos = HashSigns}, Cert, KeyExAlgo, SupportedHashSigns,
{Major, Minor}) when Major >= 3 andalso Minor >= 3 ->
#'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBSCert} = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
- #'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'{algorithm = {_,Algo, _}} = TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subjectPublicKeyInfo,
- Sign = cert_sign(Algo),
- case lists:filter(fun({sha, dsa = S}) when S == Sign ->
- true;
- ({_, dsa}) ->
- false;
- ({_, _} = Algos) ->
- is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, Sign, KeyExAlgo, SupportedHashSigns);
+ #'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBSCert,
+ signatureAlgorithm = {_,SignAlgo, _}} = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
+ #'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'{algorithm = {_, SubjAlgo, _}} =
+ TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subjectPublicKeyInfo,
+ Sign = sign_algo(SignAlgo),
+ SubSing = sign_algo(SubjAlgo),
+ case lists:filter(fun({_, S} = Algos) when S == Sign ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, Sign,
+ SubSing, KeyExAlgo, SupportedHashSigns);
(_) ->
end, HashSigns) of
@@ -613,6 +614,49 @@ select_hashsign(_, Cert, _, _, Version) ->
#'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBSCert} = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
#'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'{algorithm = {_,Algo, _}} = TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subjectPublicKeyInfo,
select_hashsign_algs(undefined, Algo, Version).
+-spec select_hashsign(#certificate_request{}, binary(),
+ [atom()], ssl_record:ssl_version()) ->
+ {atom(), atom()} | #alert{}.
+%% Description: Handles signature algorithms selection for certificate requests (client)
+select_hashsign(#certificate_request{}, undefined, _, {Major, Minor}) when Major >= 3 andalso Minor >= 3->
+ %% There client does not have a certificate and will send an empty reply, the server may fail
+ %% or accept the connection by its own preference. No signature algorihms needed as there is
+ %% no certificate to verify.
+ {undefined, undefined};
+select_hashsign(#certificate_request{hashsign_algorithms = #hash_sign_algos{hash_sign_algos = HashSigns},
+ certificate_types = Types}, Cert, SupportedHashSigns,
+ {Major, Minor}) when Major >= 3 andalso Minor >= 3->
+ #'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBSCert} = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
+ #'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TBSCert,
+ signatureAlgorithm = {_,SignAlgo, _}} = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
+ #'OTPSubjectPublicKeyInfo'{algorithm = {_, SubjAlgo, _}} =
+ TBSCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subjectPublicKeyInfo,
+ Sign = sign_algo(SignAlgo),
+ SubSign = sign_algo(SubjAlgo),
+ case is_acceptable_cert_type(SubSign, HashSigns, Types) andalso is_supported_sign(Sign, HashSigns) of
+ true ->
+ case lists:filter(fun({_, S} = Algos) when S == SubSign ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end, HashSigns) of
+ [] ->
+ ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY, no_suitable_signature_algorithm);
+ [HashSign | _] ->
+ HashSign
+ end;
+ false ->
+ ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY, no_suitable_signature_algorithm)
+ end;
+select_hashsign(#certificate_request{}, Cert, _, Version) ->
+ select_hashsign(undefined, Cert, undefined, [], Version).
-spec select_hashsign_algs({atom(), atom()}| undefined, oid(), ssl_record:ssl_version()) ->
@@ -648,34 +692,34 @@ select_hashsign_algs(undefined, ?rsaEncryption, _) ->
select_hashsign_algs(undefined, ?'id-dsa', _) ->
{sha, dsa}.
--spec master_secret(atom(), ssl_record:ssl_version(), #session{} | binary(), #connection_states{},
- client | server) -> {binary(), #connection_states{}} | #alert{}.
+-spec master_secret(ssl_record:ssl_version(), #session{} | binary(), ssl_record:connection_states(),
+ client | server) -> {binary(), ssl_record:connection_states()} | #alert{}.
%% Description: Sets or calculates the master secret and calculate keys,
%% updating the pending connection states. The Mastersecret and the update
%% connection states are returned or an alert if the calculation fails.
-master_secret(RecordCB, Version, #session{master_secret = Mastersecret},
+master_secret(Version, #session{master_secret = Mastersecret},
ConnectionStates, Role) ->
- ConnectionState =
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
- try master_secret(RecordCB, Version, Mastersecret, SecParams,
+ try master_secret(Version, Mastersecret, SecParams,
ConnectionStates, Role)
exit:_ ->
?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, key_calculation_failure)
-master_secret(RecordCB, Version, PremasterSecret, ConnectionStates, Role) ->
- ConnectionState =
+master_secret(Version, PremasterSecret, ConnectionStates, Role) ->
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{prf_algorithm = PrfAlgo,
client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
- try master_secret(RecordCB, Version,
+ try master_secret(Version,
ClientRandom, ServerRandom),
SecParams, ConnectionStates, Role)
@@ -1143,11 +1187,13 @@ certificate_types(_, {N, M}) when N >= 3 andalso M >= 3 ->
certificate_types({KeyExchange, _, _, _}, _) when KeyExchange == rsa;
+ KeyExchange == dh_rsa;
KeyExchange == dhe_rsa;
KeyExchange == ecdhe_rsa ->
-certificate_types({KeyExchange, _, _, _}, _) when KeyExchange == dhe_dss;
+certificate_types({KeyExchange, _, _, _}, _) when KeyExchange == dh_dss;
+ KeyExchange == dhe_dss;
KeyExchange == srp_dss ->
@@ -1170,13 +1216,18 @@ certificate_authorities(CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) ->
list_to_binary([Enc(Cert) || {_, Cert} <- Authorities]).
-certificate_authorities_from_db(CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) ->
+certificate_authorities_from_db(CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) when is_reference(CertDbRef) ->
ConnectionCerts = fun({{Ref, _, _}, Cert}, Acc) when Ref == CertDbRef ->
[Cert | Acc];
(_, Acc) ->
- ssl_pkix_db:foldl(ConnectionCerts, [], CertDbHandle).
+ ssl_pkix_db:foldl(ConnectionCerts, [], CertDbHandle);
+certificate_authorities_from_db(_CertDbHandle, {extracted, CertDbData}) ->
+ %% Cache disabled, Ref contains data
+ lists:foldl(fun({decoded, {_Key,Cert}}, Acc) -> [Cert | Acc] end,
+ [], CertDbData).
%%-------------Extension handling --------------------------------
@@ -1294,29 +1345,29 @@ do_select_version(
renegotiation_info(_, client, _, false) ->
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined};
renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, server, ConnectionStates, false) ->
- CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- case CS#connection_state.secure_renegotiation of
+ ConnectionState = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ case maps:get(secure_renegotiation, ConnectionState) of
true ->
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = ?byte(0)};
false ->
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined}
renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, client, ConnectionStates, true) ->
- CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- case CS#connection_state.secure_renegotiation of
+ ConnectionState = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ case maps:get(secure_renegotiation, ConnectionState) of
true ->
- Data = CS#connection_state.client_verify_data,
+ Data = maps:get(client_verify_data, ConnectionState),
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = Data};
false ->
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined}
renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, server, ConnectionStates, true) ->
- CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- case CS#connection_state.secure_renegotiation of
+ ConnectionState = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ case maps:get(secure_renegotiation, ConnectionState) of
true ->
- CData = CS#connection_state.client_verify_data,
- SData =CS#connection_state.server_verify_data,
+ CData = maps:get(client_verify_data, ConnectionState),
+ SData = maps:get(server_verify_data, ConnectionState),
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = <<CData/binary, SData/binary>>};
false ->
#renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = undefined}
@@ -1339,9 +1390,9 @@ handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, _, undefined, ConnectionStates, false, _, _
handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, client, #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_connection = ClientServerVerify},
ConnectionStates, true, _, _) ->
- CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- CData = CS#connection_state.client_verify_data,
- SData = CS#connection_state.server_verify_data,
+ ConnectionState = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ CData = maps:get(client_verify_data, ConnectionState),
+ SData = maps:get(server_verify_data, ConnectionState),
case <<CData/binary, SData/binary>> == ClientServerVerify of
true ->
{ok, ConnectionStates};
@@ -1355,8 +1406,8 @@ handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, server, #renegotiation_info{renegotiated_co
true ->
?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, {server_renegotiation, empty_renegotiation_info_scsv});
false ->
- CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- Data = CS#connection_state.client_verify_data,
+ ConnectionState = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ Data = maps:get(client_verify_data, ConnectionState),
case Data == ClientVerify of
true ->
{ok, ConnectionStates};
@@ -1377,8 +1428,8 @@ handle_renegotiation_info(RecordCB, server, undefined, ConnectionStates, true, S
handle_renegotiation_info(_RecordCB, ConnectionStates, SecureRenegotation) ->
- CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- case {SecureRenegotation, CS#connection_state.secure_renegotiation} of
+ ConnectionState = ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ case {SecureRenegotation, maps:get(secure_renegotiation, ConnectionState)} of
{_, true} ->
{true, false} ->
@@ -1596,7 +1647,7 @@ calc_finished({3, 0}, Role, _PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, Handshake) ->
calc_finished({3, N}, Role, PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, Handshake) ->
tls_v1:finished(Role, N, PrfAlgo, MasterSecret, lists:reverse(Handshake)).
-master_secret(_RecordCB, Version, MasterSecret,
+master_secret(Version, MasterSecret,
bulk_cipher_algorithm = BCA,
client_random = ClientRandom,
@@ -1679,18 +1730,16 @@ hello_pending_connection_states(_RecordCB, Role, Version, CipherSuite, Random, C
-hello_security_parameters(client, Version, ConnectionState, CipherSuite, Random,
+hello_security_parameters(client, Version, #{security_parameters := SecParams}, CipherSuite, Random,
Compression) ->
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
NewSecParams = ssl_cipher:security_parameters(Version, CipherSuite, SecParams),
server_random = Random,
compression_algorithm = Compression
-hello_security_parameters(server, Version, ConnectionState, CipherSuite, Random,
+hello_security_parameters(server, Version, #{security_parameters := SecParams}, CipherSuite, Random,
Compression) ->
- SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
NewSecParams = ssl_cipher:security_parameters(Version, CipherSuite, SecParams),
client_random = Random,
@@ -2196,27 +2245,73 @@ distpoints_lookup([DistPoint | Rest], Issuer, Callback, CRLDbHandle) ->
[{DistPoint, {CRL, public_key:der_decode('CertificateList', CRL)}} || CRL <- CRLs]
-cert_sign(?rsaEncryption) ->
+sign_algo(?rsaEncryption) ->
-cert_sign(?'id-ecPublicKey') ->
+sign_algo(?'id-ecPublicKey') ->
-cert_sign(?'id-dsa') ->
+sign_algo(?'id-dsa') ->
-cert_sign(Alg) ->
+sign_algo(Alg) ->
{_, Sign} =public_key:pkix_sign_types(Alg),
-is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, Sign} = Algos, Sign, _, SupportedHashSigns) ->
- is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
-is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos,_, KeyExAlgo, SupportedHashSigns) when KeyExAlgo == dh_ecdsa;
- KeyExAlgo == ecdh_rsa;
- KeyExAlgo == ecdh_ecdsa ->
+is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, _, _, KeyExAlgo, SupportedHashSigns) when
+ KeyExAlgo == dh_dss;
+ KeyExAlgo == dh_rsa;
+ KeyExAlgo == dh_ecdsa ->
+ %% dh_* could be called only dh in TLS-1.2
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, rsa, ecdsa, ecdh_rsa, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, rsa} = Algos, rsa, _, dhe_rsa, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, rsa} = Algos, rsa, rsa, ecdhe_rsa, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, rsa} = Algos, rsa, rsa, rsa, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, rsa} = Algos, rsa, _, srp_rsa, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, rsa} = Algos, rsa, _, rsa_psk, SupportedHashSigns) ->
is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
-is_acceptable_hash_sign(_,_,_,_) ->
- false.
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, dsa} = Algos, dsa, _, dhe_dss, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, dsa} = Algos, dsa, _, srp_dss, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, ecdsa} = Algos, ecdsa, _, dhe_ecdsa, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign({_, ecdsa} = Algos, ecdsa, ecdsa, ecdhe_ecdsa, SupportedHashSigns) ->
+ is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns);
+is_acceptable_hash_sign(_, _, _, KeyExAlgo, _) when
+ KeyExAlgo == psk;
+ KeyExAlgo == dhe_psk;
+ KeyExAlgo == srp_anon;
+ KeyExAlgo == dh_anon;
+ KeyExAlgo == ecdhe_anon
+ ->
+ true;
+is_acceptable_hash_sign(_,_, _,_,_) ->
+ false.
is_acceptable_hash_sign(Algos, SupportedHashSigns) ->
lists:member(Algos, SupportedHashSigns).
+is_acceptable_cert_type(Sign, _HashSigns, Types) ->
+ lists:member(sign_type(Sign), binary_to_list(Types)).
+is_supported_sign(Sign, HashSigns) ->
+ [] =/= lists:dropwhile(fun({_, S}) when S =/= Sign ->
+ true;
+ (_)->
+ false
+ end, HashSigns).
+sign_type(rsa) ->
+sign_type(dsa) ->
+sign_type(ecdsa) ->
bad_key(#'DSAPrivateKey'{}) ->
bad_key(#'RSAPrivateKey'{}) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl
index c7dcbaabe9..5bd9521de7 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_manager.erl
@@ -115,13 +115,25 @@ start_link_dist(Opts) ->
%% Description: Do necessary initializations for a new connection.
connection_init({der, _} = Trustedcerts, Role, CRLCache) ->
- call({connection_init, Trustedcerts, Role, CRLCache});
+ case bypass_pem_cache() of
+ true ->
+ {ok, Extracted} = ssl_pkix_db:extract_trusted_certs(Trustedcerts),
+ call({connection_init, Extracted, Role, CRLCache});
+ false ->
+ call({connection_init, Trustedcerts, Role, CRLCache})
+ end;
connection_init(<<>> = Trustedcerts, Role, CRLCache) ->
call({connection_init, Trustedcerts, Role, CRLCache});
connection_init(Trustedcerts, Role, CRLCache) ->
- call({connection_init, Trustedcerts, Role, CRLCache}).
+ case bypass_pem_cache() of
+ true ->
+ {ok, Extracted} = ssl_pkix_db:extract_trusted_certs(Trustedcerts),
+ call({connection_init, Extracted, Role, CRLCache});
+ false ->
+ call({connection_init, Trustedcerts, Role, CRLCache})
+ end.
-spec cache_pem_file(binary(), term()) -> {ok, term()} | {error, reason()}.
@@ -129,13 +141,18 @@ connection_init(Trustedcerts, Role, CRLCache) ->
%% Description: Cache a pem file and return its content.
cache_pem_file(File, DbHandle) ->
- case ssl_pkix_db:lookup_cached_pem(DbHandle, File) of
- [{Content,_}] ->
- {ok, Content};
- [Content] ->
- {ok, Content};
- undefined ->
- call({cache_pem, File})
+ case bypass_pem_cache() of
+ true ->
+ ssl_pkix_db:decode_pem_file(File);
+ false ->
+ case ssl_pkix_db:lookup_cached_pem(DbHandle, File) of
+ [{Content,_}] ->
+ {ok, Content};
+ [Content] ->
+ {ok, Content};
+ undefined ->
+ call({cache_pem, File})
+ end
@@ -506,6 +523,14 @@ delay_time() ->
+bypass_pem_cache() ->
+ case application:get_env(ssl, bypass_pem_cache) of
+ {ok, Bool} when is_boolean(Bool) ->
+ Bool;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
max_session_cache_size(CacheType) ->
case application:get_env(ssl, CacheType) of
{ok, Size} when is_integer(Size) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_pkix_db.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_pkix_db.erl
index b16903d7c7..0006ce14d9 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_pkix_db.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_pkix_db.erl
@@ -29,10 +29,11 @@
-export([create/0, add_crls/3, remove_crls/2, remove/1, add_trusted_certs/3,
+ extract_trusted_certs/1,
remove_trusted_certs/2, insert/3, remove/2, clear/1, db_size/1,
ref_count/3, lookup_trusted_cert/4, foldl/3, select_cert_by_issuer/2,
lookup_cached_pem/2, cache_pem_file/2, cache_pem_file/3,
- lookup/2]).
+ decode_pem_file/1, lookup/2]).
%% Internal application API
@@ -82,12 +83,22 @@ remove(Dbs) ->
%% <SerialNumber, Issuer>. Ref is used as it is specified
%% for each connection which certificates are trusted.
-lookup_trusted_cert(DbHandle, Ref, SerialNumber, Issuer) ->
+lookup_trusted_cert(DbHandle, Ref, SerialNumber, Issuer) when is_reference(Ref) ->
case lookup({Ref, SerialNumber, Issuer}, DbHandle) of
undefined ->
[Certs] ->
{ok, Certs}
+ end;
+lookup_trusted_cert(_DbHandle, {extracted,Certs}, SerialNumber, Issuer) ->
+ try
+ [throw(Cert)
+ || {decoded, {{_Ref,CertSerial,CertIssuer}, Cert}} <- Certs,
+ CertSerial =:= SerialNumber, CertIssuer =:= Issuer],
+ undefined
+ catch
+ Cert ->
+ {ok, Cert}
lookup_cached_pem([_, _, PemChache | _], File) ->
@@ -103,6 +114,9 @@ lookup_cached_pem(PemChache, File) ->
%% runtime database. Returns Ref that should be handed to lookup_trusted_cert
%% together with the cert serialnumber and issuer.
+add_trusted_certs(_Pid, {extracted, _} = Certs, _) ->
+ {ok, Certs};
add_trusted_certs(_Pid, {der, DerList}, [CertDb, _,_ | _]) ->
NewRef = make_ref(),
add_certs_from_der(DerList, NewRef, CertDb),
@@ -122,6 +136,21 @@ add_trusted_certs(_Pid, File, [CertsDb, RefDb, PemChache | _] = Db) ->
undefined ->
new_trusted_cert_entry(File, Db)
+extract_trusted_certs({der, DerList}) ->
+ {ok, {extracted, certs_from_der(DerList)}};
+extract_trusted_certs(File) ->
+ case file:read_file(File) of
+ {ok, PemBin} ->
+ Content = public_key:pem_decode(PemBin),
+ DerList = [Cert || {'Certificate', Cert, not_encrypted} <- Content],
+ {ok, {extracted, certs_from_der(DerList)}};
+ Error ->
+ %% Have to simulate a failure happening in a server for
+ %% external handlers.
+ {error, {badmatch, Error}}
+ end.
%% Description: Cache file as binary in DB
@@ -141,6 +170,18 @@ cache_pem_file(Ref, File, [_CertsDb, _RefDb, PemChache| _]) ->
insert(File, {Content, Ref}, PemChache),
{ok, Content}.
+-spec decode_pem_file(binary()) -> {ok, term()}.
+decode_pem_file(File) ->
+ case file:read_file(File) of
+ {ok, PemBin} ->
+ Content = public_key:pem_decode(PemBin),
+ {ok, Content};
+ Error ->
+ %% Have to simulate a failure happening in a server for
+ %% external handlers.
+ {error, {badmatch, Error}}
+ end.
-spec remove_trusted_certs(reference(), db_handle()) -> ok.
@@ -203,6 +244,8 @@ select_cert_by_issuer(Cache, Issuer) ->
%% Description: Updates a reference counter in a <Db>.
+ref_count({extracted, _}, _Db, _N) ->
+ not_cached;
ref_count(Key, Db, N) ->
@@ -248,23 +291,39 @@ add_certs_from_der(DerList, Ref, CertsDb) ->
[Add(Cert) || Cert <- DerList],
+certs_from_der(DerList) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ [Decoded || Cert <- DerList,
+ Decoded <- [decode_certs(Ref, Cert)],
+ Decoded =/= undefined].
add_certs_from_pem(PemEntries, Ref, CertsDb) ->
Add = fun(Cert) -> add_certs(Cert, Ref, CertsDb) end,
[Add(Cert) || {'Certificate', Cert, not_encrypted} <- PemEntries],
add_certs(Cert, Ref, CertsDb) ->
+ try
+ {decoded, {Key, Val}} = decode_certs(Ref, Cert),
+ insert(Key, Val, CertsDb)
+ catch
+ error:_ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+decode_certs(Ref, Cert) ->
try ErlCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
TBSCertificate = ErlCert#'OTPCertificate'.tbsCertificate,
SerialNumber = TBSCertificate#'OTPTBSCertificate'.serialNumber,
Issuer = public_key:pkix_normalize_name(
- insert({Ref, SerialNumber, Issuer}, {Cert,ErlCert}, CertsDb)
+ {decoded, {{Ref, SerialNumber, Issuer}, {Cert, ErlCert}}}
error:_ ->
Report = io_lib:format("SSL WARNING: Ignoring a CA cert as "
"it could not be correctly decoded.~n", []),
- error_logger:info_report(Report)
+ error_logger:info_report(Report),
+ undefined
new_trusted_cert_entry(File, [CertsDb, RefDb, _ | _] = Db) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.erl
index 5bb1c92c2d..71cd0279f3 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.erl
@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@
%% Connection state handling
- current_connection_state/2, pending_connection_state/2,
+-export([initial_security_params/1, current_connection_state/2, pending_connection_state/2,
@@ -39,7 +38,8 @@
- set_server_verify_data/3]).
+ set_server_verify_data/3,
+ empty_connection_state/2, initial_connection_state/2, record_protocol_role/1]).
%% Encoding records
-export([encode_handshake/3, encode_alert_record/3,
@@ -52,122 +52,92 @@
-export([cipher/4, decipher/4, is_correct_mac/2,
cipher_aead/4, decipher_aead/4]).
--export_type([ssl_version/0, ssl_atom_version/0]).
+-export_type([ssl_version/0, ssl_atom_version/0, connection_states/0, connection_state/0]).
-type ssl_version() :: {integer(), integer()}.
-type ssl_atom_version() :: tls_record:tls_atom_version().
+-type connection_states() :: term(). %% Map
+-type connection_state() :: term(). %% Map
%% Internal application API
--spec init_connection_states(client | server, one_n_minus_one | zero_n | disabled ) ->
- #connection_states{}.
-%% Description: Creates a connection_states record with appropriate
-%% values for the initial SSL connection setup.
-init_connection_states(Role, BeastMitigation) ->
- ConnectionEnd = record_protocol_role(Role),
- Current = initial_connection_state(ConnectionEnd, BeastMitigation),
- Pending = empty_connection_state(ConnectionEnd, BeastMitigation),
- #connection_states{dtls_write_msg_seq = 1, % only used by dtls
- current_read = Current,
- pending_read = Pending,
- current_write = Current,
- pending_write = Pending
- }.
--spec current_connection_state(#connection_states{}, read | write) ->
- #connection_state{}.
+-spec current_connection_state(connection_states(), read | write) ->
+ connection_state().
-%% Description: Returns the instance of the connection_state record
+%% Description: Returns the instance of the connection_state map
%% that is currently defined as the current conection state.
-current_connection_state(#connection_states{current_read = Current},
- read) ->
- Current;
-current_connection_state(#connection_states{current_write = Current},
- write) ->
- Current.
+current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read) ->
+ maps:get(current_read, ConnectionStates);
+current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, write) ->
+ maps:get(current_write, ConnectionStates).
--spec pending_connection_state(#connection_states{}, read | write) ->
- term().
+-spec pending_connection_state(connection_states(), read | write) ->
+ connection_state().
-%% Description: Returns the instance of the connection_state record
-%% that is currently defined as the pending conection state.
+%% Description: Returns the instance of the connection_state map
+%% that is pendingly defined as the pending conection state.
-pending_connection_state(#connection_states{pending_read = Pending},
- read) ->
- Pending;
-pending_connection_state(#connection_states{pending_write = Pending},
- write) ->
- Pending.
+pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read) ->
+ maps:get(pending_read, ConnectionStates);
+pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, write) ->
+ maps:get(pending_write, ConnectionStates).
--spec activate_pending_connection_state(#connection_states{}, read | write) ->
- #connection_states{}.
+-spec activate_pending_connection_state(connection_states(), read | write) ->
+ connection_states().
%% Description: Creates a new instance of the connection_states record
%% where the pending state of <Type> has been activated.
-activate_pending_connection_state(States =
- #connection_states{current_read = Current,
- pending_read = Pending},
+activate_pending_connection_state(#{current_read := Current,
+ pending_read := Pending} = States,
read) ->
- NewCurrent = Pending#connection_state{epoch = dtls_next_epoch(Current),
- sequence_number = 0},
- BeastMitigation = Pending#connection_state.beast_mitigation,
- SecParams = Pending#connection_state.security_parameters,
+ #{secure_renegotiation := SecureRenegotation} = Current,
+ #{beast_mitigation := BeastMitigation,
+ security_parameters := SecParams} = Pending,
+ NewCurrent = Pending#{sequence_number => 0},
ConnectionEnd = SecParams#security_parameters.connection_end,
EmptyPending = empty_connection_state(ConnectionEnd, BeastMitigation),
- SecureRenegotation = NewCurrent#connection_state.secure_renegotiation,
- NewPending = EmptyPending#connection_state{secure_renegotiation = SecureRenegotation},
- States#connection_states{current_read = NewCurrent,
- pending_read = NewPending
- };
-activate_pending_connection_state(States =
- #connection_states{current_write = Current,
- pending_write = Pending},
+ NewPending = EmptyPending#{secure_renegotiation => SecureRenegotation},
+ States#{current_read => NewCurrent,
+ pending_read => NewPending
+ };
+activate_pending_connection_state(#{current_write := Current,
+ pending_write := Pending} = States,
write) ->
- NewCurrent = Pending#connection_state{epoch = dtls_next_epoch(Current),
- sequence_number = 0},
- BeastMitigation = Pending#connection_state.beast_mitigation,
- SecParams = Pending#connection_state.security_parameters,
+ NewCurrent = Pending#{sequence_number => 0},
+ #{secure_renegotiation := SecureRenegotation} = Current,
+ #{beast_mitigation := BeastMitigation,
+ security_parameters := SecParams} = Pending,
ConnectionEnd = SecParams#security_parameters.connection_end,
EmptyPending = empty_connection_state(ConnectionEnd, BeastMitigation),
- SecureRenegotation = NewCurrent#connection_state.secure_renegotiation,
- NewPending = EmptyPending#connection_state{secure_renegotiation = SecureRenegotation},
- States#connection_states{current_write = NewCurrent,
- pending_write = NewPending
- }.
+ NewPending = EmptyPending#{secure_renegotiation => SecureRenegotation},
+ States#{current_write => NewCurrent,
+ pending_write => NewPending
+ }.
-spec set_security_params(#security_parameters{}, #security_parameters{},
- #connection_states{}) -> #connection_states{}.
+ connection_states()) -> connection_states().
%% Description: Creates a new instance of the connection_states record
%% where the pending states gets its security parameters updated.
-set_security_params(ReadParams, WriteParams, States =
- #connection_states{pending_read = Read,
- pending_write = Write}) ->
- States#connection_states{pending_read =
- Read#connection_state{security_parameters =
- ReadParams},
- pending_write =
- Write#connection_state{security_parameters =
- WriteParams}
- }.
+set_security_params(ReadParams, WriteParams,
+ #{pending_read := Read,
+ pending_write := Write} = States) ->
+ States#{pending_read => Read#{security_parameters => ReadParams},
+ pending_write => Write#{security_parameters => WriteParams}
+ }.
-spec set_mac_secret(binary(), binary(), client | server,
- #connection_states{}) -> #connection_states{}.
+ connection_states()) -> connection_states().
%% Description: update the mac_secret field in pending connection states
@@ -177,152 +147,145 @@ set_mac_secret(ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret, server, States) ->
set_mac_secret(ClientWriteMacSecret, ServerWriteMacSecret, States).
set_mac_secret(ReadMacSecret, WriteMacSecret,
- States = #connection_states{pending_read = Read,
- pending_write = Write}) ->
- States#connection_states{
- pending_read = Read#connection_state{mac_secret = ReadMacSecret},
- pending_write = Write#connection_state{mac_secret = WriteMacSecret}
+ States = #{pending_read := Read,
+ pending_write := Write}) ->
+ States#{pending_read => Read#{mac_secret => ReadMacSecret},
+ pending_write => Write#{mac_secret => WriteMacSecret}
--spec set_master_secret(binary(), #connection_states{}) -> #connection_states{}.
+-spec set_master_secret(binary(), connection_states()) -> connection_states().
%% Description: Set master_secret in pending connection states
- States = #connection_states{pending_read = Read,
- pending_write = Write}) ->
- ReadSecPar = Read#connection_state.security_parameters,
- Read1 = Read#connection_state{
- security_parameters = ReadSecPar#security_parameters{
- master_secret = MasterSecret}},
- WriteSecPar = Write#connection_state.security_parameters,
- Write1 = Write#connection_state{
- security_parameters = WriteSecPar#security_parameters{
- master_secret = MasterSecret}},
- States#connection_states{pending_read = Read1, pending_write = Write1}.
--spec set_renegotiation_flag(boolean(), #connection_states{}) -> #connection_states{}.
+ States = #{pending_read := Read = #{security_parameters := ReadSecPar},
+ pending_write := Write = #{security_parameters := WriteSecPar}}) ->
+ Read1 = Read#{security_parameters => ReadSecPar#security_parameters{
+ master_secret = MasterSecret}},
+ Write1 = Write#{security_parameters => WriteSecPar#security_parameters{
+ master_secret = MasterSecret}},
+ States#{pending_read => Read1, pending_write => Write1}.
+-spec set_renegotiation_flag(boolean(), connection_states()) -> connection_states().
%% Description: Set secure_renegotiation in pending connection states
-set_renegotiation_flag(Flag, #connection_states{
- current_read = CurrentRead0,
- current_write = CurrentWrite0,
- pending_read = PendingRead0,
- pending_write = PendingWrite0}
+set_renegotiation_flag(Flag, #{current_read := CurrentRead0,
+ current_write := CurrentWrite0,
+ pending_read := PendingRead0,
+ pending_write := PendingWrite0}
= ConnectionStates) ->
- CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#connection_state{secure_renegotiation = Flag},
- CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#connection_state{secure_renegotiation = Flag},
- PendingRead = PendingRead0#connection_state{secure_renegotiation = Flag},
- PendingWrite = PendingWrite0#connection_state{secure_renegotiation = Flag},
- ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead,
- current_write = CurrentWrite,
- pending_read = PendingRead,
- pending_write = PendingWrite}.
+ CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#{secure_renegotiation => Flag},
+ CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#{secure_renegotiation => Flag},
+ PendingRead = PendingRead0#{secure_renegotiation => Flag},
+ PendingWrite = PendingWrite0#{secure_renegotiation => Flag},
+ ConnectionStates#{current_read => CurrentRead,
+ current_write => CurrentWrite,
+ pending_read => PendingRead,
+ pending_write => PendingWrite}.
-spec set_client_verify_data(current_read | current_write | current_both,
- binary(), #connection_states{})->
- #connection_states{}.
+ binary(), connection_states())->
+ connection_states().
%% Description: Set verify data in connection states.
set_client_verify_data(current_read, Data,
- #connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead0,
- pending_write = PendingWrite0}
+ #{current_read := CurrentRead0,
+ pending_write := PendingWrite0}
= ConnectionStates) ->
- CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
- PendingWrite = PendingWrite0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
- ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead,
- pending_write = PendingWrite};
+ CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#{client_verify_data => Data},
+ PendingWrite = PendingWrite0#{client_verify_data => Data},
+ ConnectionStates#{current_read => CurrentRead,
+ pending_write => PendingWrite};
set_client_verify_data(current_write, Data,
- #connection_states{pending_read = PendingRead0,
- current_write = CurrentWrite0}
+ #{pending_read := PendingRead0,
+ current_write := CurrentWrite0}
= ConnectionStates) ->
- PendingRead = PendingRead0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
- CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
- ConnectionStates#connection_states{pending_read = PendingRead,
- current_write = CurrentWrite};
+ PendingRead = PendingRead0#{client_verify_data => Data},
+ CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#{client_verify_data => Data},
+ ConnectionStates#{pending_read => PendingRead,
+ current_write => CurrentWrite};
set_client_verify_data(current_both, Data,
- #connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead0,
- current_write = CurrentWrite0}
+ #{current_read := CurrentRead0,
+ current_write := CurrentWrite0}
= ConnectionStates) ->
- CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
- CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#connection_state{client_verify_data = Data},
- ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead,
- current_write = CurrentWrite}.
+ CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#{client_verify_data => Data},
+ CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#{client_verify_data => Data},
+ ConnectionStates#{current_read => CurrentRead,
+ current_write => CurrentWrite}.
-spec set_server_verify_data(current_read | current_write | current_both,
- binary(), #connection_states{})->
- #connection_states{}.
+ binary(), connection_states())->
+ connection_states().
%% Description: Set verify data in pending connection states.
set_server_verify_data(current_write, Data,
- #connection_states{pending_read = PendingRead0,
- current_write = CurrentWrite0}
+ #{pending_read := PendingRead0,
+ current_write := CurrentWrite0}
= ConnectionStates) ->
- PendingRead = PendingRead0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
- CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
- ConnectionStates#connection_states{pending_read = PendingRead,
- current_write = CurrentWrite};
+ PendingRead = PendingRead0#{server_verify_data => Data},
+ CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#{server_verify_data => Data},
+ ConnectionStates#{pending_read => PendingRead,
+ current_write => CurrentWrite};
set_server_verify_data(current_read, Data,
- #connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead0,
- pending_write = PendingWrite0}
+ #{current_read := CurrentRead0,
+ pending_write := PendingWrite0}
= ConnectionStates) ->
- CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
- PendingWrite = PendingWrite0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
- ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead,
- pending_write = PendingWrite};
+ CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#{server_verify_data => Data},
+ PendingWrite = PendingWrite0#{server_verify_data => Data},
+ ConnectionStates#{current_read => CurrentRead,
+ pending_write => PendingWrite};
set_server_verify_data(current_both, Data,
- #connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead0,
- current_write = CurrentWrite0}
+ #{current_read := CurrentRead0,
+ current_write := CurrentWrite0}
= ConnectionStates) ->
- CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
- CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#connection_state{server_verify_data = Data},
- ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_read = CurrentRead,
- current_write = CurrentWrite}.
+ CurrentRead = CurrentRead0#{server_verify_data => Data},
+ CurrentWrite = CurrentWrite0#{server_verify_data => Data},
+ ConnectionStates#{current_read => CurrentRead,
+ current_write => CurrentWrite}.
--spec set_pending_cipher_state(#connection_states{}, #cipher_state{},
+-spec set_pending_cipher_state(connection_states(), #cipher_state{},
#cipher_state{}, client | server) ->
- #connection_states{}.
+ connection_states().
%% Description: Set the cipher state in the specified pending connection state.
-set_pending_cipher_state(#connection_states{pending_read = Read,
- pending_write = Write} = States,
+set_pending_cipher_state(#{pending_read := Read,
+ pending_write := Write} = States,
ClientState, ServerState, server) ->
- States#connection_states{
- pending_read = Read#connection_state{cipher_state = ClientState},
- pending_write = Write#connection_state{cipher_state = ServerState}};
+ States#{
+ pending_read => Read#{cipher_state => ClientState},
+ pending_write => Write#{cipher_state => ServerState}};
-set_pending_cipher_state(#connection_states{pending_read = Read,
- pending_write = Write} = States,
+set_pending_cipher_state(#{pending_read := Read,
+ pending_write := Write} = States,
ClientState, ServerState, client) ->
- States#connection_states{
- pending_read = Read#connection_state{cipher_state = ServerState},
- pending_write = Write#connection_state{cipher_state = ClientState}}.
+ States#{
+ pending_read => Read#{cipher_state => ServerState},
+ pending_write => Write#{cipher_state => ClientState}}.
--spec encode_handshake(iolist(), ssl_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
- {iolist(), #connection_states{}}.
+-spec encode_handshake(iolist(), ssl_version(), connection_states()) ->
+ {iolist(), connection_states()}.
%% Description: Encodes a handshake message to send on the ssl-socket.
encode_handshake(Frag, Version,
- #connection_states{current_write =
- #connection_state{
- beast_mitigation = BeastMitigation,
- security_parameters =
- #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm = BCA}}} =
+ #{current_write :=
+ #{beast_mitigation := BeastMitigation,
+ security_parameters :=
+ #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm = BCA}}} =
-when is_list(Frag) ->
+ when is_list(Frag) ->
case iolist_size(Frag) of
Data = split_bin(iolist_to_binary(Frag), ?MAX_PLAIN_TEXT_LENGTH, Version, BCA, BeastMitigation),
@@ -341,8 +304,8 @@ encode_handshake(Frag, Version, ConnectionStates) ->
encode_plain_text(?HANDSHAKE, Version, Frag, ConnectionStates).
--spec encode_alert_record(#alert{}, ssl_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
- {iolist(), #connection_states{}}.
+-spec encode_alert_record(#alert{}, ssl_version(), connection_states()) ->
+ {iolist(), connection_states()}.
%% Description: Encodes an alert message to send on the ssl-socket.
@@ -352,8 +315,8 @@ encode_alert_record(#alert{level = Level, description = Description},
--spec encode_change_cipher_spec(ssl_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
- {iolist(), #connection_states{}}.
+-spec encode_change_cipher_spec(ssl_version(), connection_states()) ->
+ {iolist(), connection_states()}.
%% Description: Encodes a change_cipher_spec-message to send on the ssl socket.
@@ -361,15 +324,14 @@ encode_change_cipher_spec(Version, ConnectionStates) ->
encode_plain_text(?CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC, Version, <<1:8>>, ConnectionStates).
--spec encode_data(binary(), ssl_version(), #connection_states{}) ->
- {iolist(), #connection_states{}}.
+-spec encode_data(binary(), ssl_version(), connection_states()) ->
+ {iolist(), connection_states()}.
%% Description: Encodes data to send on the ssl-socket.
encode_data(Frag, Version,
- #connection_states{current_write = #connection_state{
- beast_mitigation = BeastMitigation,
- security_parameters =
+ #{current_write := #{beast_mitigation := BeastMitigation,
+ security_parameters :=
#security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm = BCA}}} =
ConnectionStates) ->
Data = split_bin(Frag, ?MAX_PLAIN_TEXT_LENGTH, Version, BCA, BeastMitigation),
@@ -390,73 +352,74 @@ compressions() ->
--spec cipher(ssl_version(), iodata(), #connection_state{}, MacHash::binary()) ->
- {CipherFragment::binary(), #connection_state{}}.
+-spec cipher(ssl_version(), iodata(), connection_state(), MacHash::binary()) ->
+ {CipherFragment::binary(), connection_state()}.
%% Description: Payload encryption
cipher(Version, Fragment,
- #connection_state{cipher_state = CipherS0,
- security_parameters=
- #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm =
- BulkCipherAlgo}
- } = WriteState0, MacHash) ->
+ #{cipher_state := CipherS0,
+ security_parameters :=
+ #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm =
+ BulkCipherAlgo}
+ } = WriteState0, MacHash) ->
{CipherFragment, CipherS1} =
ssl_cipher:cipher(BulkCipherAlgo, CipherS0, MacHash, Fragment, Version),
- {CipherFragment, WriteState0#connection_state{cipher_state = CipherS1}}.
+ {CipherFragment, WriteState0#{cipher_state => CipherS1}}.
--spec cipher_aead(ssl_version(), iodata(), #connection_state{}, MacHash::binary()) ->
- {CipherFragment::binary(), #connection_state{}}.
+-spec cipher_aead(ssl_version(), iodata(), connection_state(), MacHash::binary()) ->
+ {CipherFragment::binary(), connection_state()}.
%% Description: Payload encryption
cipher_aead(Version, Fragment,
- #connection_state{cipher_state = CipherS0,
- sequence_number = SeqNo,
- security_parameters=
- #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm =
- BulkCipherAlgo}
- } = WriteState0, AAD) ->
+ #{cipher_state := CipherS0,
+ sequence_number := SeqNo,
+ security_parameters :=
+ #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm =
+ BulkCipherAlgo}
+ } = WriteState0, AAD) ->
{CipherFragment, CipherS1} =
ssl_cipher:cipher_aead(BulkCipherAlgo, CipherS0, SeqNo, AAD, Fragment, Version),
- {CipherFragment, WriteState0#connection_state{cipher_state = CipherS1}}.
+ {CipherFragment, WriteState0#{cipher_state => CipherS1}}.
--spec decipher(ssl_version(), binary(), #connection_state{}, boolean()) -> {binary(), binary(), #connection_state{}} | #alert{}.
+-spec decipher(ssl_version(), binary(), connection_state(), boolean()) -> {binary(), binary(), connection_state} | #alert{}.
%% Description: Payload decryption
decipher(Version, CipherFragment,
- #connection_state{security_parameters =
- #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm =
- BulkCipherAlgo,
- hash_size = HashSz},
- cipher_state = CipherS0
- } = ReadState, PaddingCheck) ->
+ #{security_parameters :=
+ #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm =
+ BulkCipherAlgo,
+ hash_size = HashSz},
+ cipher_state := CipherS0
+ } = ReadState, PaddingCheck) ->
case ssl_cipher:decipher(BulkCipherAlgo, HashSz, CipherS0, CipherFragment, Version, PaddingCheck) of
{PlainFragment, Mac, CipherS1} ->
- CS1 = ReadState#connection_state{cipher_state = CipherS1},
+ CS1 = ReadState#{cipher_state => CipherS1},
{PlainFragment, Mac, CS1};
#alert{} = Alert ->
--spec decipher_aead(ssl_version(), binary(), #connection_state{}, binary()) -> {binary(), binary(), #connection_state{}} | #alert{}.
+-spec decipher_aead(ssl_version(), binary(), connection_state(), binary()) ->
+ {binary(), binary(), connection_state()} | #alert{}.
%% Description: Payload decryption
decipher_aead(Version, CipherFragment,
- #connection_state{sequence_number = SeqNo,
- security_parameters =
- #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm =
- BulkCipherAlgo},
- cipher_state = CipherS0
- } = ReadState, AAD) ->
+ #{sequence_number := SeqNo,
+ security_parameters :=
+ #security_parameters{bulk_cipher_algorithm =
+ BulkCipherAlgo},
+ cipher_state := CipherS0
+ } = ReadState, AAD) ->
case ssl_cipher:decipher_aead(BulkCipherAlgo, CipherS0, SeqNo, AAD, CipherFragment, Version) of
{PlainFragment, CipherS1} ->
- CS1 = ReadState#connection_state{cipher_state = CipherS1},
+ CS1 = ReadState#{cipher_state => CipherS1},
{PlainFragment, CS1};
#alert{} = Alert ->
@@ -466,8 +429,15 @@ decipher_aead(Version, CipherFragment,
empty_connection_state(ConnectionEnd, BeastMitigation) ->
SecParams = empty_security_params(ConnectionEnd),
- #connection_state{security_parameters = SecParams,
- beast_mitigation = BeastMitigation}.
+ #{security_parameters => SecParams,
+ beast_mitigation => BeastMitigation,
+ compression_state => undefined,
+ cipher_state => undefined,
+ mac_secret => undefined,
+ secure_renegotiation => undefined,
+ client_verify_data => undefined,
+ server_verify_data => undefined
+ }.
empty_security_params(ConnectionEnd = ?CLIENT) ->
#security_parameters{connection_end = ConnectionEnd,
@@ -481,10 +451,10 @@ random() ->
Random_28_bytes = ssl_cipher:random_bytes(28),
<<?UINT32(Secs_since_1970), Random_28_bytes/binary>>.
-dtls_next_epoch(#connection_state{epoch = undefined}) -> %% SSL/TLS
- undefined;
-dtls_next_epoch(#connection_state{epoch = Epoch}) -> %% DTLS
- Epoch + 1.
+%% dtls_next_epoch(#connection_state{epoch = undefined}) -> %% SSL/TLS
+%% undefined;
+%% dtls_next_epoch(#connection_state{epoch = Epoch}) -> %% DTLS
+%% Epoch + 1.
is_correct_mac(Mac, Mac) ->
@@ -497,11 +467,17 @@ record_protocol_role(server) ->
initial_connection_state(ConnectionEnd, BeastMitigation) ->
- #connection_state{security_parameters =
- initial_security_params(ConnectionEnd),
- sequence_number = 0,
- beast_mitigation = BeastMitigation
- }.
+ #{security_parameters =>
+ initial_security_params(ConnectionEnd),
+ sequence_number => 0,
+ beast_mitigation => BeastMitigation,
+ compression_state => undefined,
+ cipher_state => undefined,
+ mac_secret => undefined,
+ secure_renegotiation => undefined,
+ client_verify_data => undefined,
+ server_verify_data => undefined
+ }.
initial_security_params(ConnectionEnd) ->
SecParams = #security_parameters{connection_end = ConnectionEnd,
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.hrl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.hrl
index a41264ff9b..ed007f58d7 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.hrl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_record.hrl
@@ -30,29 +30,27 @@
%%% Connection states - RFC 4346 section 6.1
--record(connection_state, {
- security_parameters,
- compression_state,
- cipher_state,
- mac_secret,
- epoch, %% Only used by DTLS
- sequence_number,
- %% RFC 5746
- secure_renegotiation,
- client_verify_data,
- server_verify_data,
- %% How to do BEAST mitigation?
- beast_mitigation
- }).
--record(connection_states, {
- dtls_write_msg_seq, %% Only used by DTLS
+%% For documentation purposes are now maps in implementation
+%% -record(connection_state, {
+%% security_parameters,
+%% compression_state,
+%% cipher_state,
+%% mac_secret,
+%% sequence_number,
+%% %% RFC 5746
+%% secure_renegotiation,
+%% client_verify_data,
+%% server_verify_data,
+%% %% How to do BEAST mitigation?
+%% beast_mitigation
+%% }).
- current_read,
- pending_read,
- current_write,
- pending_write
- }).
+%% -record(connection_states, {
+%% current_read,
+%% pending_read,
+%% current_write,
+%% pending_write,
+%% }).
-record(security_parameters, {
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_sup.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_sup.erl
index 7fa1f7dc9e..ba20f65f44 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_sup.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_sup.erl
@@ -47,11 +47,13 @@ init([]) ->
SessionCertManager = session_and_cert_manager_child_spec(),
TLSConnetionManager = tls_connection_manager_child_spec(),
%% Not supported yet
- %%DTLSConnetionManager = tls_connection_manager_child_spec(),
+ %%DTLSConnetionManager = dtls_connection_manager_child_spec(),
%% Handles emulated options so that they inherited by the accept socket, even when setopts is performed on
%% the listen socket
ListenOptionsTracker = listen_options_tracker_child_spec(),
- {ok, {{one_for_all, 10, 3600}, [SessionCertManager, TLSConnetionManager, ListenOptionsTracker]}}.
+ {ok, {{one_for_all, 10, 3600}, [SessionCertManager, TLSConnetionManager,
+ %%DTLSConnetionManager,
+ ListenOptionsTracker]}}.
manager_opts() ->
@@ -93,15 +95,14 @@ tls_connection_manager_child_spec() ->
{Name, StartFunc, Restart, Shutdown, Type, Modules}.
%% dtls_connection_manager_child_spec() ->
-%% Name = dtls_connection,
+%% Name = dtls_connection,
%% StartFunc = {dtls_connection_sup, start_link, []},
-%% Restart = permanent,
+%% Restart = permanent,
%% Shutdown = 4000,
%% Modules = [dtls_connection, ssl_connection],
%% Type = supervisor,
%% {Name, StartFunc, Restart, Shutdown, Type, Modules}.
listen_options_tracker_child_spec() ->
Name = ssl_socket,
StartFunc = {ssl_listen_tracker_sup, start_link, []},
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_tls_dist_proxy.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_tls_dist_proxy.erl
index a920f54ed2..08947f24dd 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_tls_dist_proxy.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_tls_dist_proxy.erl
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ handle_call({listen, Driver, Name}, _From, State) ->
{ok, WorldTcpAddress} = get_tcp_address(World),
{_,Port} = WorldTcpAddress#net_address.address,
ErlEpmd = net_kernel:epmd_module(),
- case ErlEpmd:register_node(Name, Port) of
+ case ErlEpmd:register_node(Name, Port, Driver) of
{ok, Creation} ->
{reply, {ok, {Socket, TcpAddress, Creation}},
State#state{listen={Socket, World}}};
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
index 9880befa94..9b9031473a 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_connection.erl
@@ -51,27 +51,21 @@
%% Handshake handling
-export([renegotiate/2, send_handshake/2,
queue_handshake/2, queue_change_cipher/2,
- reinit_handshake_data/1, handle_sni_extension/2]).
+ reinit_handshake_data/1, select_sni_extension/1]).
%% Alert and close handling
--export([send_alert/2, handle_own_alert/4, handle_close_alert/3,
- handle_normal_shutdown/3,
- close/5, alert_user/6, alert_user/9
- ]).
+-export([send_alert/2, close/5]).
%% Data handling
--export([write_application_data/3, read_application_data/2,
- passive_receive/2, next_record_if_active/1, handle_common_event/4]).
+-export([passive_receive/2, next_record_if_active/1, handle_common_event/4]).
%% gen_statem state functions
-export([init/3, error/3, downgrade/3, %% Initiation and take down states
hello/3, certify/3, cipher/3, abbreviated/3, %% Handshake states
%% gen_statem callbacks
--export([terminate/3, code_change/4, format_status/2]).
+-export([callback_mode/0, terminate/3, code_change/4, format_status/2]).
--define(GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, state_functions).
%% Internal application API
@@ -109,9 +103,10 @@ send_handshake(Handshake, State) ->
queue_handshake(Handshake, #state{negotiated_version = Version,
tls_handshake_history = Hist0,
flight_buffer = Flight0,
+ ssl_options = #ssl_options{v2_hello_compatible = V2HComp},
connection_states = ConnectionStates0} = State0) ->
{BinHandshake, ConnectionStates, Hist} =
- encode_handshake(Handshake, Version, ConnectionStates0, Hist0),
+ encode_handshake(Handshake, Version, ConnectionStates0, Hist0, V2HComp),
State0#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
tls_handshake_history = Hist,
flight_buffer = Flight0 ++ [BinHandshake]}.
@@ -149,6 +144,11 @@ reinit_handshake_data(State) ->
tls_handshake_history = ssl_handshake:init_handshake_history()
+select_sni_extension(#client_hello{extensions = HelloExtensions}) ->
+ HelloExtensions#hello_extensions.sni;
+select_sni_extension(_) ->
+ undefined.
%% tls_connection_sup API
@@ -169,11 +169,14 @@ init([Role, Host, Port, Socket, Options, User, CbInfo]) ->
State0 = initial_state(Role, Host, Port, Socket, Options, User, CbInfo),
State = ssl_connection:ssl_config(State0#state.ssl_options, Role, State0),
- gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], ?GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, init, State)
+ gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], init, State)
catch throw:Error ->
- gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], ?GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, error, {Error, State0})
+ gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], error, {Error, State0})
+callback_mode() ->
+ state_functions.
%% State functions
@@ -185,7 +188,7 @@ init([Role, Host, Port, Socket, Options, User, CbInfo]) ->
init({call, From}, {start, Timeout},
#state{host = Host, port = Port, role = client,
- ssl_options = SslOpts,
+ ssl_options = #ssl_options{v2_hello_compatible = V2HComp} = SslOpts,
session = #session{own_certificate = Cert} = Session0,
transport_cb = Transport, socket = Socket,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
@@ -201,7 +204,7 @@ init({call, From}, {start, Timeout},
HelloVersion = tls_record:lowest_protocol_version(SslOpts#ssl_options.versions),
Handshake0 = ssl_handshake:init_handshake_history(),
{BinMsg, ConnectionStates, Handshake} =
- encode_handshake(Hello, HelloVersion, ConnectionStates0, Handshake0),
+ encode_handshake(Hello, HelloVersion, ConnectionStates0, Handshake0, V2HComp),
Transport:send(Socket, BinMsg),
State1 = State0#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
negotiated_version = Version, %% Requested version
@@ -213,7 +216,7 @@ init({call, From}, {start, Timeout},
{Record, State} = next_record(State1),
next_event(hello, Record, State);
init(Type, Event, State) ->
- ssl_connection:init(Type, Event, State, ?MODULE).
+ gen_handshake(ssl_connection, init, Type, Event, State).
-spec error(gen_statem:event_type(),
@@ -249,7 +252,7 @@ hello(internal, #client_hello{client_version = ClientVersion,
case tls_handshake:hello(Hello, SslOpts, {Port, Session0, Cache, CacheCb,
ConnectionStates0, Cert, KeyExAlg}, Renegotiation) of
#alert{} = Alert ->
- handle_own_alert(Alert, ClientVersion, hello, State);
+ ssl_connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, ClientVersion, hello, State);
{Version, {Type, Session},
ConnectionStates, Protocol0, ServerHelloExt, HashSign} ->
Protocol = case Protocol0 of
@@ -257,13 +260,13 @@ hello(internal, #client_hello{client_version = ClientVersion,
_ -> Protocol0
- ssl_connection:hello(internal, {common_client_hello, Type, ServerHelloExt},
+ gen_handshake(ssl_connection, hello, internal, {common_client_hello, Type, ServerHelloExt},
State#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
negotiated_version = Version,
hashsign_algorithm = HashSign,
session = Session,
client_ecc = {EllipticCurves, EcPointFormats},
- negotiated_protocol = Protocol}, ?MODULE)
+ negotiated_protocol = Protocol})
hello(internal, #server_hello{} = Hello,
#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
@@ -273,42 +276,42 @@ hello(internal, #server_hello{} = Hello,
ssl_options = SslOptions} = State) ->
case tls_handshake:hello(Hello, SslOptions, ConnectionStates0, Renegotiation) of
#alert{} = Alert ->
- handle_own_alert(Alert, ReqVersion, hello, State);
+ ssl_connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, ReqVersion, hello, State);
{Version, NewId, ConnectionStates, ProtoExt, Protocol} ->
Version, NewId, ConnectionStates, ProtoExt, Protocol, State)
hello(info, Event, State) ->
- handle_info(Event, hello, State);
+ gen_info(Event, hello, State);
hello(Type, Event, State) ->
- ssl_connection:hello(Type, Event, State, ?MODULE).
+ gen_handshake(ssl_connection, hello, Type, Event, State).
-spec abbreviated(gen_statem:event_type(), term(), #state{}) ->
abbreviated(info, Event, State) ->
- handle_info(Event, abbreviated, State);
+ gen_info(Event, abbreviated, State);
abbreviated(Type, Event, State) ->
- ssl_connection:abbreviated(Type, Event, State, ?MODULE).
+ gen_handshake(ssl_connection, abbreviated, Type, Event, State).
-spec certify(gen_statem:event_type(), term(), #state{}) ->
certify(info, Event, State) ->
- handle_info(Event, certify, State);
+ gen_info(Event, certify, State);
certify(Type, Event, State) ->
- ssl_connection:certify(Type, Event, State, ?MODULE).
+ gen_handshake(ssl_connection, certify, Type, Event, State).
-spec cipher(gen_statem:event_type(), term(), #state{}) ->
cipher(info, Event, State) ->
- handle_info(Event, cipher, State);
+ gen_info(Event, cipher, State);
cipher(Type, Event, State) ->
- ssl_connection:cipher(Type, Event, State, ?MODULE).
+ gen_handshake(ssl_connection, cipher, Type, Event, State).
-spec connection(gen_statem:event_type(),
@@ -316,7 +319,7 @@ cipher(Type, Event, State) ->
connection(info, Event, State) ->
- handle_info(Event, connection, State);
+ gen_info(Event, connection, State);
connection(internal, #hello_request{},
#state{role = client, host = Host, port = Port,
session = #session{own_certificate = Cert} = Session0,
@@ -373,7 +376,7 @@ handle_info({Protocol, _, Data}, StateName,
{Record, State} ->
next_event(StateName, Record, State);
#alert{} = Alert ->
- handle_normal_shutdown(Alert, StateName, State0),
+ ssl_connection:handle_normal_shutdown(Alert, StateName, State0),
{stop, {shutdown, own_alert}}
handle_info({CloseTag, Socket}, StateName,
@@ -393,14 +396,14 @@ handle_info({CloseTag, Socket}, StateName,
%%invalidate_session(Role, Host, Port, Session)
- handle_normal_shutdown(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?CLOSE_NOTIFY), StateName, State),
+ ssl_connection:handle_normal_shutdown(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?CLOSE_NOTIFY), StateName, State),
{stop, {shutdown, transport_closed}};
handle_info(Msg, StateName, State) ->
ssl_connection:handle_info(Msg, StateName, State).
handle_common_event(internal, #alert{} = Alert, StateName,
#state{negotiated_version = Version} = State) ->
- handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, StateName, State);
+ ssl_connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, StateName, State);
%%% TLS record protocol level handshake messages
handle_common_event(internal, #ssl_tls{type = ?HANDSHAKE, fragment = Data},
@@ -421,7 +424,7 @@ handle_common_event(internal, #ssl_tls{type = ?HANDSHAKE, fragment = Data},
{next_state, StateName, State, Events}
catch throw:#alert{} = Alert ->
- handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, StateName, State0)
+ ssl_connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, StateName, State0)
%%% TLS record protocol level application data messages
handle_common_event(internal, #ssl_tls{type = ?APPLICATION_DATA, fragment = Data}, StateName, State) ->
@@ -432,11 +435,19 @@ handle_common_event(internal, #ssl_tls{type = ?CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC, fragment = Da
%%% TLS record protocol level Alert messages
handle_common_event(internal, #ssl_tls{type = ?ALERT, fragment = EncAlerts}, StateName,
#state{negotiated_version = Version} = State) ->
- case decode_alerts(EncAlerts) of
+ try decode_alerts(EncAlerts) of
Alerts = [_|_] ->
handle_alerts(Alerts, {next_state, StateName, State});
+ [] ->
+ ssl_connection:handle_own_alert(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, empty_alert),
+ Version, StateName, State);
#alert{} = Alert ->
- handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, StateName, State)
+ ssl_connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, StateName, State)
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ ssl_connection:handle_own_alert(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, alert_decode_error),
+ Version, StateName, State)
%% Ignore unknown TLS record level protocol messages
handle_common_event(internal, #ssl_tls{type = _Unknown}, StateName, State) ->
@@ -457,16 +468,16 @@ format_status(Type, Data) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, State0, {Direction, From, To}) ->
State = convert_state(State0, Direction, From, To),
- {?GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, StateName, State};
+ {ok, StateName, State};
code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, State, _) ->
- {?GEN_STATEM_CB_MODE, StateName, State}.
+ {ok, StateName, State}.
%%% Internal functions
-encode_handshake(Handshake, Version, ConnectionStates0, Hist0) ->
+encode_handshake(Handshake, Version, ConnectionStates0, Hist0, V2HComp) ->
Frag = tls_handshake:encode_handshake(Handshake, Version),
- Hist = ssl_handshake:update_handshake_history(Hist0, Frag),
+ Hist = ssl_handshake:update_handshake_history(Hist0, Frag, V2HComp),
{Encoded, ConnectionStates} =
ssl_record:encode_handshake(Frag, Version, ConnectionStates0),
{Encoded, ConnectionStates, Hist}.
@@ -480,7 +491,7 @@ decode_alerts(Bin) ->
initial_state(Role, Host, Port, Socket, {SSLOptions, SocketOptions, Tracker}, User,
{CbModule, DataTag, CloseTag, ErrorTag}) ->
#ssl_options{beast_mitigation = BeastMitigation} = SSLOptions,
- ConnectionStates = ssl_record:init_connection_states(Role, BeastMitigation),
+ ConnectionStates = tls_record:init_connection_states(Role, BeastMitigation),
SessionCacheCb = case application:get_env(ssl, session_cb) of
{ok, Cb} when is_atom(Cb) ->
@@ -515,23 +526,6 @@ initial_state(Role, Host, Port, Socket, {SSLOptions, SocketOptions, Tracker}, Us
flight_buffer = []
-update_ssl_options_from_sni(OrigSSLOptions, SNIHostname) ->
- SSLOption =
- case OrigSSLOptions#ssl_options.sni_fun of
- undefined ->
- proplists:get_value(SNIHostname,
- OrigSSLOptions#ssl_options.sni_hosts);
- SNIFun ->
- SNIFun(SNIHostname)
- end,
- case SSLOption of
- undefined ->
- undefined;
- _ ->
- ssl:handle_options(SSLOption, OrigSSLOptions)
- end.
next_tls_record(Data, #state{protocol_buffers = #protocol_buffers{tls_record_buffer = Buf0,
tls_cipher_texts = CT0} = Buffers} = State0) ->
case tls_record:get_tls_records(Data, Buf0) of
@@ -579,7 +573,7 @@ passive_receive(State0 = #state{user_data_buffer = Buffer}, StateName) ->
{Record, State} = next_record(State0),
next_event(StateName, Record, State);
_ ->
- {Record, State} = read_application_data(<<>>, State0),
+ {Record, State} = ssl_connection:read_application_data(<<>>, State0),
next_event(StateName, Record, State)
@@ -591,7 +585,7 @@ next_event(connection = StateName, no_record, State0, Actions) ->
{no_record, State} ->
ssl_connection:hibernate_after(StateName, State, Actions);
{#ssl_tls{} = Record, State} ->
- {next_state, StateName, State, [{next_event, internal, {tls_record, Record}} | Actions]};
+ {next_state, StateName, State, [{next_event, internal, {protocol_record, Record}} | Actions]};
{#alert{} = Alert, State} ->
{next_state, StateName, State, [{next_event, internal, Alert} | Actions]}
@@ -600,169 +594,11 @@ next_event(StateName, Record, State, Actions) ->
no_record ->
{next_state, StateName, State, Actions};
#ssl_tls{} = Record ->
- {next_state, StateName, State, [{next_event, internal, {tls_record, Record}} | Actions]};
+ {next_state, StateName, State, [{next_event, internal, {protocol_record, Record}} | Actions]};
#alert{} = Alert ->
{next_state, StateName, State, [{next_event, internal, Alert} | Actions]}
-read_application_data(Data, #state{user_application = {_Mon, Pid},
- socket = Socket,
- transport_cb = Transport,
- socket_options = SOpts,
- bytes_to_read = BytesToRead,
- start_or_recv_from = RecvFrom,
- timer = Timer,
- user_data_buffer = Buffer0,
- tracker = Tracker} = State0) ->
- Buffer1 = if
- Buffer0 =:= <<>> -> Data;
- Data =:= <<>> -> Buffer0;
- true -> <<Buffer0/binary, Data/binary>>
- end,
- case get_data(SOpts, BytesToRead, Buffer1) of
- {ok, ClientData, Buffer} -> % Send data
- SocketOpt = deliver_app_data(Transport, Socket, SOpts, ClientData, Pid, RecvFrom, Tracker),
- cancel_timer(Timer),
- State = State0#state{user_data_buffer = Buffer,
- start_or_recv_from = undefined,
- timer = undefined,
- bytes_to_read = undefined,
- socket_options = SocketOpt
- },
- if
- SocketOpt#socket_options.active =:= false; Buffer =:= <<>> ->
- %% Passive mode, wait for active once or recv
- %% Active and empty, get more data
- next_record_if_active(State);
- true -> %% We have more data
- read_application_data(<<>>, State)
- end;
- {more, Buffer} -> % no reply, we need more data
- next_record(State0#state{user_data_buffer = Buffer});
- {passive, Buffer} ->
- next_record_if_active(State0#state{user_data_buffer = Buffer});
- {error,_Reason} -> %% Invalid packet in packet mode
- deliver_packet_error(Transport, Socket, SOpts, Buffer1, Pid, RecvFrom, Tracker),
- {stop, normal, State0}
- end.
-%% Picks ClientData
-get_data(_, _, <<>>) ->
- {more, <<>>};
-%% Recv timed out save buffer data until next recv
-get_data(#socket_options{active=false}, undefined, Buffer) ->
- {passive, Buffer};
-get_data(#socket_options{active=Active, packet=Raw}, BytesToRead, Buffer)
- when Raw =:= raw; Raw =:= 0 -> %% Raw Mode
- if
- Active =/= false orelse BytesToRead =:= 0 ->
- %% Active true or once, or passive mode recv(0)
- {ok, Buffer, <<>>};
- byte_size(Buffer) >= BytesToRead ->
- %% Passive Mode, recv(Bytes)
- <<Data:BytesToRead/binary, Rest/binary>> = Buffer,
- {ok, Data, Rest};
- true ->
- %% Passive Mode not enough data
- {more, Buffer}
- end;
-get_data(#socket_options{packet=Type, packet_size=Size}, _, Buffer) ->
- PacketOpts = [{packet_size, Size}],
- case decode_packet(Type, Buffer, PacketOpts) of
- {more, _} ->
- {more, Buffer};
- Decoded ->
- Decoded
- end.
-decode_packet({http, headers}, Buffer, PacketOpts) ->
- decode_packet(httph, Buffer, PacketOpts);
-decode_packet({http_bin, headers}, Buffer, PacketOpts) ->
- decode_packet(httph_bin, Buffer, PacketOpts);
-decode_packet(Type, Buffer, PacketOpts) ->
- erlang:decode_packet(Type, Buffer, PacketOpts).
-%% Just like with gen_tcp sockets, an ssl socket that has been configured with
-%% {packet, http} (or {packet, http_bin}) will automatically switch to expect
-%% HTTP headers after it sees a HTTP Request or HTTP Response line. We
-%% represent the current state as follows:
-%% #socket_options.packet =:= http: Expect a HTTP Request/Response line
-%% #socket_options.packet =:= {http, headers}: Expect HTTP Headers
-%% Note that if the user has explicitly configured the socket to expect
-%% HTTP headers using the {packet, httph} option, we don't do any automatic
-%% switching of states.
-deliver_app_data(Transport, Socket, SOpts = #socket_options{active=Active, packet=Type},
- Data, Pid, From, Tracker) ->
- send_or_reply(Active, Pid, From, format_reply(Transport, Socket, SOpts, Data, Tracker)),
- SO = case Data of
- {P, _, _, _} when ((P =:= http_request) or (P =:= http_response)),
- ((Type =:= http) or (Type =:= http_bin)) ->
- SOpts#socket_options{packet={Type, headers}};
- http_eoh when tuple_size(Type) =:= 2 ->
- % End of headers - expect another Request/Response line
- {Type1, headers} = Type,
- SOpts#socket_options{packet=Type1};
- _ ->
- SOpts
- end,
- case Active of
- once ->
- SO#socket_options{active=false};
- _ ->
- SO
- end.
-format_reply(_, _,#socket_options{active = false, mode = Mode, packet = Packet,
- header = Header}, Data, _) ->
- {ok, do_format_reply(Mode, Packet, Header, Data)};
-format_reply(Transport, Socket, #socket_options{active = _, mode = Mode, packet = Packet,
- header = Header}, Data, Tracker) ->
- {ssl, ssl_socket:socket(self(), Transport, Socket, ?MODULE, Tracker),
- do_format_reply(Mode, Packet, Header, Data)}.
-deliver_packet_error(Transport, Socket, SO= #socket_options{active = Active}, Data, Pid, From, Tracker) ->
- send_or_reply(Active, Pid, From, format_packet_error(Transport, Socket, SO, Data, Tracker)).
-format_packet_error(_, _,#socket_options{active = false, mode = Mode}, Data, _) ->
- {error, {invalid_packet, do_format_reply(Mode, raw, 0, Data)}};
-format_packet_error(Transport, Socket, #socket_options{active = _, mode = Mode}, Data, Tracker) ->
- {ssl_error, ssl_socket:socket(self(), Transport, Socket, ?MODULE, Tracker),
- {invalid_packet, do_format_reply(Mode, raw, 0, Data)}}.
-do_format_reply(binary, _, N, Data) when N > 0 -> % Header mode
- header(N, Data);
-do_format_reply(binary, _, _, Data) ->
- Data;
-do_format_reply(list, Packet, _, Data)
- when Packet == http; Packet == {http, headers};
- Packet == http_bin; Packet == {http_bin, headers};
- Packet == httph; Packet == httph_bin ->
- Data;
-do_format_reply(list, _,_, Data) ->
- binary_to_list(Data).
-header(0, <<>>) ->
- <<>>;
-header(_, <<>>) ->
- [];
-header(0, Binary) ->
- Binary;
-header(N, Binary) ->
- <<?BYTE(ByteN), NewBinary/binary>> = Binary,
- [ByteN | header(N-1, NewBinary)].
-send_or_reply(false, _Pid, From, Data) when From =/= undefined ->
- gen_statem:reply(From, Data);
-%% Can happen when handling own alert or tcp error/close and there is
-%% no outstanding gen_fsm sync events
-send_or_reply(false, no_pid, _, _) ->
- ok;
-send_or_reply(_, Pid, _From, Data) ->
- send_user(Pid, Data).
-send_user(Pid, Msg) ->
- Pid ! Msg.
tls_handshake_events([]) ->
throw(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, malformed_handshake));
tls_handshake_events(Packets) ->
@@ -770,55 +606,7 @@ tls_handshake_events(Packets) ->
{next_event, internal, {handshake, Packet}}
end, Packets).
-write_application_data(Data0, From,
- #state{socket = Socket,
- negotiated_version = Version,
- transport_cb = Transport,
- connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
- socket_options = SockOpts,
- ssl_options = #ssl_options{renegotiate_at = RenegotiateAt}} = State) ->
- Data = encode_packet(Data0, SockOpts),
- case time_to_renegotiate(Data, ConnectionStates0, RenegotiateAt) of
- true ->
- renegotiate(State#state{renegotiation = {true, internal}},
- [{next_event, {call, From}, {application_data, Data0}}]);
- false ->
- {Msgs, ConnectionStates} = ssl_record:encode_data(Data, Version, ConnectionStates0),
- Result = Transport:send(Socket, Msgs),
- ssl_connection:hibernate_after(connection, State#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates},
- [{reply, From, Result}])
- end.
-encode_packet(Data, #socket_options{packet=Packet}) ->
- case Packet of
- 1 -> encode_size_packet(Data, 8, (1 bsl 8) - 1);
- 2 -> encode_size_packet(Data, 16, (1 bsl 16) - 1);
- 4 -> encode_size_packet(Data, 32, (1 bsl 32) - 1);
- _ -> Data
- end.
-encode_size_packet(Bin, Size, Max) ->
- Len = erlang:byte_size(Bin),
- case Len > Max of
- true -> throw({error, {badarg, {packet_to_large, Len, Max}}});
- false -> <<Len:Size, Bin/binary>>
- end.
- #connection_states{current_write =
- #connection_state{sequence_number = Num}},
- RenegotiateAt) ->
- %% We could do test:
- %% is_time_to_renegotiate((erlang:byte_size(_Data) div ?MAX_PLAIN_TEXT_LENGTH) + 1, RenegotiateAt),
- %% but we chose to have a some what lower renegotiateAt and a much cheaper test
- is_time_to_renegotiate(Num, RenegotiateAt).
-is_time_to_renegotiate(N, M) when N < M->
- false;
-is_time_to_renegotiate(_,_) ->
- true.
renegotiate(#state{role = client} = State, Actions) ->
%% Handle same way as if server requested
%% the renegotiation
@@ -848,131 +636,10 @@ handle_alerts([], Result) ->
handle_alerts(_, {stop,_} = Stop) ->
handle_alerts([Alert | Alerts], {next_state, StateName, State}) ->
- handle_alerts(Alerts, handle_alert(Alert, StateName, State));
+ handle_alerts(Alerts, ssl_connection:handle_alert(Alert, StateName, State));
handle_alerts([Alert | Alerts], {next_state, StateName, State, _Actions}) ->
- handle_alerts(Alerts, handle_alert(Alert, StateName, State)).
-handle_alert(#alert{level = ?FATAL} = Alert, StateName,
- #state{socket = Socket, transport_cb = Transport,
- ssl_options = SslOpts, start_or_recv_from = From, host = Host,
- port = Port, session = Session, user_application = {_Mon, Pid},
- role = Role, socket_options = Opts, tracker = Tracker}) ->
- invalidate_session(Role, Host, Port, Session),
- log_alert(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_alert, StateName, Alert),
- alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket, StateName, Opts, Pid, From, Alert, Role),
- {stop, normal};
-handle_alert(#alert{level = ?WARNING, description = ?CLOSE_NOTIFY} = Alert,
- StateName, State) ->
- handle_normal_shutdown(Alert, StateName, State),
- {stop, {shutdown, peer_close}};
-handle_alert(#alert{level = ?WARNING, description = ?NO_RENEGOTIATION} = Alert, StateName,
- #state{ssl_options = SslOpts, renegotiation = {true, internal}} = State) ->
- log_alert(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_alert, StateName, Alert),
- handle_normal_shutdown(Alert, StateName, State),
- {stop, {shutdown, peer_close}};
-handle_alert(#alert{level = ?WARNING, description = ?NO_RENEGOTIATION} = Alert, StateName,
- #state{ssl_options = SslOpts, renegotiation = {true, From}} = State0) ->
- log_alert(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_alert, StateName, Alert),
- gen_statem:reply(From, {error, renegotiation_rejected}),
- {Record, State} = next_record(State0),
- %% Go back to connection!
- next_event(connection, Record, State);
-%% Gracefully log and ignore all other warning alerts
-handle_alert(#alert{level = ?WARNING} = Alert, StateName,
- #state{ssl_options = SslOpts} = State0) ->
- log_alert(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_alert, StateName, Alert),
- {Record, State} = next_record(State0),
- next_event(StateName, Record, State).
-alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket, connection, Opts, Pid, From, Alert, Role) ->
- alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket, Opts#socket_options.active, Pid, From, Alert, Role);
-alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket,_, _, _, From, Alert, Role) ->
- alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket, From, Alert, Role).
-alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket, From, Alert, Role) ->
- alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket, false, no_pid, From, Alert, Role).
-alert_user(_, _, _, false = Active, Pid, From, Alert, Role) when From =/= undefined ->
- %% If there is an outstanding ssl_accept | recv
- %% From will be defined and send_or_reply will
- %% send the appropriate error message.
- ReasonCode = ssl_alert:reason_code(Alert, Role),
- send_or_reply(Active, Pid, From, {error, ReasonCode});
-alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket, Active, Pid, From, Alert, Role) ->
- case ssl_alert:reason_code(Alert, Role) of
- closed ->
- send_or_reply(Active, Pid, From,
- {ssl_closed, ssl_socket:socket(self(),
- Transport, Socket, ?MODULE, Tracker)});
- ReasonCode ->
- send_or_reply(Active, Pid, From,
- {ssl_error, ssl_socket:socket(self(),
- Transport, Socket, ?MODULE, Tracker), ReasonCode})
- end.
-log_alert(true, Info, Alert) ->
- Txt = ssl_alert:alert_txt(Alert),
- error_logger:format("SSL: ~p: ~s\n", [Info, Txt]);
-log_alert(false, _, _) ->
- ok.
-handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, StateName,
- #state{transport_cb = Transport,
- socket = Socket,
- connection_states = ConnectionStates,
- ssl_options = SslOpts} = State) ->
- try %% Try to tell the other side
- {BinMsg, _} =
- ssl_alert:encode(Alert, Version, ConnectionStates),
- Transport:send(Socket, BinMsg)
- catch _:_ -> %% Can crash if we are in a uninitialized state
- ignore
- end,
- try %% Try to tell the local user
- log_alert(SslOpts#ssl_options.log_alert, StateName, Alert),
- handle_normal_shutdown(Alert,StateName, State)
- catch _:_ ->
- ok
- end,
- {stop, {shutdown, own_alert}}.
-handle_normal_shutdown(Alert, _, #state{socket = Socket,
- transport_cb = Transport,
- start_or_recv_from = StartFrom,
- tracker = Tracker,
- role = Role, renegotiation = {false, first}}) ->
- alert_user(Transport, Tracker,Socket, StartFrom, Alert, Role);
+ handle_alerts(Alerts, ssl_connection:handle_alert(Alert, StateName, State)).
-handle_normal_shutdown(Alert, StateName, #state{socket = Socket,
- socket_options = Opts,
- transport_cb = Transport,
- user_application = {_Mon, Pid},
- tracker = Tracker,
- start_or_recv_from = RecvFrom, role = Role}) ->
- alert_user(Transport, Tracker, Socket, StateName, Opts, Pid, RecvFrom, Alert, Role).
-handle_close_alert(Data, StateName, State0) ->
- case next_tls_record(Data, State0) of
- {#ssl_tls{type = ?ALERT, fragment = EncAlerts}, State} ->
- [Alert|_] = decode_alerts(EncAlerts),
- handle_normal_shutdown(Alert, StateName, State);
- _ ->
- ok
- end.
-cancel_timer(undefined) ->
- ok;
-cancel_timer(Timer) ->
- erlang:cancel_timer(Timer),
- ok.
-invalidate_session(client, Host, Port, Session) ->
- ssl_manager:invalidate_session(Host, Port, Session);
-invalidate_session(server, _, Port, Session) ->
- ssl_manager:invalidate_session(Port, Session).
%% User closes or recursive call!
close({close, Timeout}, Socket, Transport = gen_tcp, _,_) ->
@@ -1011,31 +678,37 @@ convert_options_partial_chain(Options, up) ->
convert_options_partial_chain(Options, down) ->
list_to_tuple(proplists:delete(partial_chain, tuple_to_list(Options))).
-handle_sni_extension(#client_hello{extensions = HelloExtensions}, State0) ->
- case HelloExtensions#hello_extensions.sni of
- undefined ->
- State0;
- #sni{hostname = Hostname} ->
- NewOptions = update_ssl_options_from_sni(State0#state.ssl_options, Hostname),
- case NewOptions of
- undefined ->
- State0;
- _ ->
- {ok, Ref, CertDbHandle, FileRefHandle, CacheHandle, CRLDbHandle, OwnCert, Key, DHParams} =
- ssl_config:init(NewOptions, State0#state.role),
- State0#state{
- session = State0#state.session#session{own_certificate = OwnCert},
- file_ref_db = FileRefHandle,
- cert_db_ref = Ref,
- cert_db = CertDbHandle,
- crl_db = CRLDbHandle,
- session_cache = CacheHandle,
- private_key = Key,
- diffie_hellman_params = DHParams,
- ssl_options = NewOptions,
- sni_hostname = Hostname
- }
- end
+gen_handshake(GenConnection, StateName, Type, Event,
+ #state{negotiated_version = Version} = State) ->
+ try GenConnection:StateName(Type, Event, State, ?MODULE) of
+ Result ->
+ Result
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ ssl_connection:handle_own_alert(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE,
+ malformed_handshake_data),
+ Version, StateName, State)
+ end.
+gen_info(Event, connection = StateName, #state{negotiated_version = Version} = State) ->
+ try handle_info(Event, StateName, State) of
+ Result ->
+ Result
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ ssl_connection:handle_own_alert(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INTERNAL_ERROR,
+ malformed_data),
+ Version, StateName, State)
-handle_sni_extension(_, State) ->
- State.
+gen_info(Event, StateName, #state{negotiated_version = Version} = State) ->
+ try handle_info(Event, StateName, State) of
+ Result ->
+ Result
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ ssl_connection:handle_own_alert(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE,
+ malformed_handshake_data),
+ Version, StateName, State)
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl
index 566b7db332..a2486bf752 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
%% Internal application API
--spec client_hello(host(), inet:port_number(), #connection_states{},
+-spec client_hello(host(), inet:port_number(), ssl_record:connection_states(),
#ssl_options{}, integer(), atom(), boolean(), der_cert()) ->
@@ -54,8 +54,7 @@ client_hello(Host, Port, ConnectionStates,
} = SslOpts,
Cache, CacheCb, Renegotiation, OwnCert) ->
Version = tls_record:highest_protocol_version(Versions),
- Pending = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
- SecParams = Pending#connection_state.security_parameters,
+ #{security_parameters := SecParams} = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
AvailableCipherSuites = ssl_handshake:available_suites(UserSuites, Version),
Extensions = ssl_handshake:client_hello_extensions(Host, Version,
@@ -78,14 +77,14 @@ client_hello(Host, Port, ConnectionStates,
-spec hello(#server_hello{} | #client_hello{}, #ssl_options{},
- #connection_states{} | {inet:port_number(), #session{}, db_handle(),
- atom(), #connection_states{},
+ ssl_record:connection_states() | {inet:port_number(), #session{}, db_handle(),
+ atom(), ssl_record:connection_states(),
binary() | undefined, ssl_cipher:key_algo()},
boolean()) ->
{tls_record:tls_version(), session_id(),
- #connection_states{}, alpn | npn, binary() | undefined}|
+ ssl_record:connection_states(), alpn | npn, binary() | undefined}|
{tls_record:tls_version(), {resumed | new, #session{}},
- #connection_states{}, binary() | undefined,
+ ssl_record:connection_states(), binary() | undefined,
#hello_extensions{}, {ssl_cipher:hash(), ssl_cipher:sign_algo()} | undefined} |
@@ -109,19 +108,25 @@ hello(#client_hello{client_version = ClientVersion,
cipher_suites = CipherSuites} = Hello,
#ssl_options{versions = Versions} = SslOpts,
Info, Renegotiation) ->
- Version = ssl_handshake:select_version(tls_record, ClientVersion, Versions),
- case ssl_cipher:is_fallback(CipherSuites) of
+ try
+ Version = ssl_handshake:select_version(tls_record, ClientVersion, Versions),
+ case ssl_cipher:is_fallback(CipherSuites) of
true ->
- Highest = tls_record:highest_protocol_version(Versions),
- case tls_record:is_higher(Highest, Version) of
- true ->
- false ->
- handle_client_hello(Version, Hello, SslOpts, Info, Renegotiation)
- end;
- false ->
- handle_client_hello(Version, Hello, SslOpts, Info, Renegotiation)
- end.
+ Highest = tls_record:highest_protocol_version(Versions),
+ case tls_record:is_higher(Highest, Version) of
+ true ->
+ false ->
+ handle_client_hello(Version, Hello, SslOpts, Info, Renegotiation)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ handle_client_hello(Version, Hello, SslOpts, Info, Renegotiation)
+ end
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, malformed_handshake_data)
+ end.
-spec encode_handshake(tls_handshake(), tls_record:tls_version()) -> iolist().
@@ -187,8 +192,13 @@ handle_client_hello(Version, #client_hello{session_id = SugesstedId,
get_tls_handshake_aux(Version, <<?BYTE(Type), ?UINT24(Length),
Body:Length/binary,Rest/binary>>, #ssl_options{v2_hello_compatible = V2Hello} = Opts, Acc) ->
Raw = <<?BYTE(Type), ?UINT24(Length), Body/binary>>,
- Handshake = decode_handshake(Version, Type, Body, V2Hello),
- get_tls_handshake_aux(Version, Rest, Opts, [{Handshake,Raw} | Acc]);
+ try decode_handshake(Version, Type, Body, V2Hello) of
+ Handshake ->
+ get_tls_handshake_aux(Version, Rest, Opts, [{Handshake,Raw} | Acc])
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ throw(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?HANDSHAKE_FAILURE, handshake_decode_error))
+ end;
get_tls_handshake_aux(_Version, Data, _, Acc) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), Data}.
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_record.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_record.erl
index 9348c8bbdd..5331dd1303 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_record.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_record.erl
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
%% Handling of incoming data
+-export([get_tls_records/2, init_connection_states/2]).
%% Decoding
@@ -56,12 +56,28 @@
%% Internal application API
+-spec init_connection_states(client | server, one_n_minus_one | zero_n | disabled) ->
+ ssl_record:connection_states().
+%% %
+ %
+%% Description: Creates a connection_states record with appropriate
+%% values for the initial SSL connection setup.
+init_connection_states(Role, BeastMitigation) ->
+ ConnectionEnd = ssl_record:record_protocol_role(Role),
+ Current = initial_connection_state(ConnectionEnd, BeastMitigation),
+ Pending = ssl_record:empty_connection_state(ConnectionEnd, BeastMitigation),
+ #{current_read => Current,
+ pending_read => Pending,
+ current_write => Current,
+ pending_write => Pending}.
-spec get_tls_records(binary(), binary()) -> {[binary()], binary()} | #alert{}.
-%% Description: Given old buffer and new data from TCP, packs up a records
%% and returns it as a list of tls_compressed binaries also returns leftover
+%% Description: Given old buffer and new data from TCP, packs up a records
%% data
get_tls_records(Data, <<>>) ->
@@ -129,63 +145,61 @@ get_tls_records_aux(Data, Acc) ->
encode_plain_text(Type, Version, Data,
- #connection_states{current_write =
- #connection_state{
- sequence_number = Seq,
- compression_state=CompS0,
- security_parameters=
- #security_parameters{
- cipher_type = ?AEAD,
- compression_algorithm=CompAlg}
- }= WriteState0} = ConnectionStates) ->
+ #{current_write :=
+ #{sequence_number := Seq,
+ compression_state := CompS0,
+ security_parameters :=
+ #security_parameters{
+ cipher_type = ?AEAD,
+ compression_algorithm = CompAlg}
+ }= WriteState0} = ConnectionStates) ->
{Comp, CompS1} = ssl_record:compress(CompAlg, Data, CompS0),
- WriteState1 = WriteState0#connection_state{compression_state = CompS1},
+ WriteState1 = WriteState0#{compression_state => CompS1},
AAD = calc_aad(Type, Version, WriteState1),
{CipherFragment, WriteState} = ssl_record:cipher_aead(Version, Comp, WriteState1, AAD),
CipherText = encode_tls_cipher_text(Type, Version, CipherFragment),
- {CipherText, ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_write = WriteState#connection_state{sequence_number = Seq +1}}};
+ {CipherText, ConnectionStates#{current_write => WriteState#{sequence_number => Seq +1}}};
encode_plain_text(Type, Version, Data,
- #connection_states{current_write =
- #connection_state{
- sequence_number = Seq,
- compression_state=CompS0,
- security_parameters=
- #security_parameters{compression_algorithm=CompAlg}
- }= WriteState0} = ConnectionStates) ->
+ #{current_write :=
+ #{sequence_number := Seq,
+ compression_state := CompS0,
+ security_parameters :=
+ #security_parameters{compression_algorithm = CompAlg}
+ }= WriteState0} = ConnectionStates) ->
{Comp, CompS1} = ssl_record:compress(CompAlg, Data, CompS0),
- WriteState1 = WriteState0#connection_state{compression_state = CompS1},
+ WriteState1 = WriteState0#{compression_state => CompS1},
MacHash = calc_mac_hash(Type, Version, Comp, WriteState1),
{CipherFragment, WriteState} = ssl_record:cipher(Version, Comp, WriteState1, MacHash),
CipherText = encode_tls_cipher_text(Type, Version, CipherFragment),
- {CipherText, ConnectionStates#connection_states{current_write = WriteState#connection_state{sequence_number = Seq +1}}}.
+ {CipherText, ConnectionStates#{current_write => WriteState#{sequence_number => Seq +1}}};
+encode_plain_text(_,_,_, CS) ->
+ exit({cs, CS}).
--spec decode_cipher_text(#ssl_tls{}, #connection_states{}, boolean()) ->
- {#ssl_tls{}, #connection_states{}}| #alert{}.
+-spec decode_cipher_text(#ssl_tls{}, ssl_record:connection_states(), boolean()) ->
+ {#ssl_tls{}, ssl_record:connection_states()}| #alert{}.
%% Description: Decode cipher text
decode_cipher_text(#ssl_tls{type = Type, version = Version,
fragment = CipherFragment} = CipherText,
- #connection_states{current_read =
- #connection_state{
- compression_state = CompressionS0,
- sequence_number = Seq,
- security_parameters=
- #security_parameters{
- cipher_type = ?AEAD,
- compression_algorithm=CompAlg}
- } = ReadState0} = ConnnectionStates0, _) ->
+ #{current_read :=
+ #{compression_state := CompressionS0,
+ sequence_number := Seq,
+ security_parameters :=
+ #security_parameters{
+ cipher_type = ?AEAD,
+ compression_algorithm = CompAlg}
+ } = ReadState0} = ConnnectionStates0, _) ->
AAD = calc_aad(Type, Version, ReadState0),
case ssl_record:decipher_aead(Version, CipherFragment, ReadState0, AAD) of
{PlainFragment, ReadState1} ->
{Plain, CompressionS1} = ssl_record:uncompress(CompAlg,
PlainFragment, CompressionS0),
- ConnnectionStates = ConnnectionStates0#connection_states{
- current_read = ReadState1#connection_state{
- sequence_number = Seq + 1,
- compression_state = CompressionS1}},
+ ConnnectionStates = ConnnectionStates0#{
+ current_read => ReadState1#{sequence_number => Seq + 1,
+ compression_state => CompressionS1}},
{CipherText#ssl_tls{fragment = Plain}, ConnnectionStates};
#alert{} = Alert ->
@@ -193,13 +207,12 @@ decode_cipher_text(#ssl_tls{type = Type, version = Version,
decode_cipher_text(#ssl_tls{type = Type, version = Version,
fragment = CipherFragment} = CipherText,
- #connection_states{current_read =
- #connection_state{
- compression_state = CompressionS0,
- sequence_number = Seq,
- security_parameters=
- #security_parameters{compression_algorithm=CompAlg}
- } = ReadState0} = ConnnectionStates0, PaddingCheck) ->
+ #{current_read :=
+ #{compression_state := CompressionS0,
+ sequence_number := Seq,
+ security_parameters :=
+ #security_parameters{compression_algorithm = CompAlg}
+ } = ReadState0} = ConnnectionStates0, PaddingCheck) ->
case ssl_record:decipher(Version, CipherFragment, ReadState0, PaddingCheck) of
{PlainFragment, Mac, ReadState1} ->
MacHash = calc_mac_hash(Type, Version, PlainFragment, ReadState1),
@@ -207,10 +220,10 @@ decode_cipher_text(#ssl_tls{type = Type, version = Version,
true ->
{Plain, CompressionS1} = ssl_record:uncompress(CompAlg,
PlainFragment, CompressionS0),
- ConnnectionStates = ConnnectionStates0#connection_states{
- current_read = ReadState1#connection_state{
- sequence_number = Seq + 1,
- compression_state = CompressionS1}},
+ ConnnectionStates = ConnnectionStates0#{
+ current_read => ReadState1#{
+ sequence_number => Seq + 1,
+ compression_state => CompressionS1}},
{CipherText#ssl_tls{fragment = Plain}, ConnnectionStates};
false ->
@@ -375,6 +388,18 @@ is_acceptable_version(_,_) ->
%%% Internal functions
+initial_connection_state(ConnectionEnd, BeastMitigation) ->
+ #{security_parameters =>
+ ssl_record:initial_security_params(ConnectionEnd),
+ sequence_number => 0,
+ beast_mitigation => BeastMitigation,
+ compression_state => undefined,
+ cipher_state => undefined,
+ mac_secret => undefined,
+ secure_renegotiation => undefined,
+ client_verify_data => undefined,
+ server_verify_data => undefined
+ }.
lowest_list_protocol_version(Ver, []) ->
@@ -413,15 +438,15 @@ sufficient_tlsv1_2_crypto_support() ->
proplists:get_bool(sha256, proplists:get_value(hashs, CryptoSupport)).
calc_mac_hash(Type, Version,
- PlainFragment, #connection_state{sequence_number = SeqNo,
- mac_secret = MacSecret,
- security_parameters =
- SecPars}) ->
+ PlainFragment, #{sequence_number := SeqNo,
+ mac_secret := MacSecret,
+ security_parameters:=
+ SecPars}) ->
Length = erlang:iolist_size(PlainFragment),
mac_hash(Version, SecPars#security_parameters.mac_algorithm,
MacSecret, SeqNo, Type,
Length, PlainFragment).
calc_aad(Type, {MajVer, MinVer},
- #connection_state{sequence_number = SeqNo}) ->
+ #{sequence_number := SeqNo}) ->
<<SeqNo:64/integer, ?BYTE(Type), ?BYTE(MajVer), ?BYTE(MinVer)>>.
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl.spec b/lib/ssl/test/ssl.spec
index 86e14c033e..0ad94e22bc 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl.spec
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl.spec
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{skip_cases, "../ssl_test",
- ssl_bench_SUITE, [setup_sequential, setup_concurrent, payload_simple],
+ ssl_bench_SUITE, [setup_sequential, setup_concurrent, payload_simple,
+ use_pem_cache, bypass_pem_cache],
"Benchmarks run separately"}.
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_ECC_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_ECC_SUITE.erl
index b8a03f578d..258922d128 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_ECC_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_ECC_SUITE.erl
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ init_per_testcase(TestCase, Config) ->
ct:log("Ciphers: ~p~n ", [ ssl:cipher_suites()]),
end_per_testcase(TestCase, Config),
- ssl:start(),
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_start(),
ct:timetrap({seconds, 15}),
@@ -159,42 +159,42 @@ end_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
client_ecdh_server_ecdh(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
COpts = proplists:get_value(client_ecdh_rsa_opts, Config),
- SOpts = proplists:get_value(server_ecdh_rsa_verify_opts, Config),
+ SOpts = proplists:get_value(server_ecdh_rsa_opts, Config),
basic_test(COpts, SOpts, Config).
client_ecdh_server_rsa(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
COpts = proplists:get_value(client_ecdh_rsa_opts, Config),
- SOpts = proplists:get_value(server_ecdh_rsa_verify_opts, Config),
+ SOpts = proplists:get_value(server_opts, Config),
basic_test(COpts, SOpts, Config).
client_rsa_server_ecdh(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- COpts = proplists:get_value(client_ecdh_rsa_opts, Config),
- SOpts = proplists:get_value(server_ecdh_rsa_verify_opts, Config),
+ COpts = proplists:get_value(client_opts, Config),
+ SOpts = proplists:get_value(server_ecdh_rsa_opts, Config),
basic_test(COpts, SOpts, Config).
client_rsa_server_rsa(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- COpts = proplists:get_value(client_verification_opts, Config),
- SOpts = proplists:get_value(server_verification_opts, Config),
+ COpts = proplists:get_value(client_opts, Config),
+ SOpts = proplists:get_value(server_opts, Config),
basic_test(COpts, SOpts, Config).
client_ecdsa_server_ecdsa(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
COpts = proplists:get_value(client_ecdsa_opts, Config),
- SOpts = proplists:get_value(server_ecdsa_verify_opts, Config),
+ SOpts = proplists:get_value(server_ecdsa_opts, Config),
basic_test(COpts, SOpts, Config).
client_ecdsa_server_rsa(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
COpts = proplists:get_value(client_ecdsa_opts, Config),
- SOpts = proplists:get_value(server_ecdsa_verify_opts, Config),
+ SOpts = proplists:get_value(server_opts, Config),
basic_test(COpts, SOpts, Config).
client_rsa_server_ecdsa(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- COpts = proplists:get_value(client_ecdsa_opts, Config),
- SOpts = proplists:get_value(server_ecdsa_verify_opts, Config),
+ COpts = proplists:get_value(client_opts, Config),
+ SOpts = proplists:get_value(server_ecdsa_opts, Config),
basic_test(COpts, SOpts, Config).
client_ecdsa_server_ecdsa_with_raw_key(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
COpts = proplists:get_value(client_ecdsa_opts, Config),
- SOpts = proplists:get_value(server_ecdsa_verify_opts, Config),
+ SOpts = proplists:get_value(server_ecdsa_opts, Config),
ServerCert = proplists:get_value(certfile, SOpts),
ServerKeyFile = proplists:get_value(keyfile, SOpts),
{ok, PemBin} = file:read_file(ServerKeyFile),
@@ -244,20 +244,20 @@ basic_test(ClientCert, ClientKey, ClientCA, ServerCert, ServerKey, ServerCA, Con
check_result(Server, SType, Client, CType),
close(Server, Client).
-start_client(openssl, Port, CA, OwnCa, Cert, Key, Config) ->
- PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
- NewCA = new_ca(filename:join(PrivDir, "new_ca.pem"), CA, OwnCa),
+start_client(openssl, Port, PeerCA, OwnCa, Cert, Key, _Config) ->
+ CA = new_openssl_ca("openssl_client_ca", PeerCA, OwnCa),
Version = tls_record:protocol_version(tls_record:highest_protocol_version([])),
Exe = "openssl",
Args = ["s_client", "-verify", "2", "-port", integer_to_list(Port),
- "-cert", Cert, "-CAfile", NewCA,
+ "-cert", Cert, "-CAfile", CA,
"-key", Key, "-host","localhost", "-msg", "-debug"],
OpenSslPort = ssl_test_lib:portable_open_port(Exe, Args),
true = port_command(OpenSslPort, "Hello world"),
-start_client(erlang, Port, CA, _, Cert, Key, Config) ->
+start_client(erlang, Port, PeerCA, OwnCa, Cert, Key, Config) ->
+ CA = new_ca("erlang_client_ca", PeerCA, OwnCa),
{ClientNode, _, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
ssl_test_lib:start_client([{node, ClientNode}, {port, Port},
{host, Hostname},
@@ -267,20 +267,19 @@ start_client(erlang, Port, CA, _, Cert, Key, Config) ->
{cacertfile, CA},
{certfile, Cert}, {keyfile, Key}]}]).
-start_server(openssl, CA, OwnCa, Cert, Key, Config) ->
- PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
- NewCA = new_ca(filename:join(PrivDir, "new_ca.pem"), CA, OwnCa),
+start_server(openssl, PeerCA, OwnCa, Cert, Key, _Config) ->
+ CA = new_openssl_ca("openssl_server_ca", PeerCA, OwnCa),
Port = ssl_test_lib:inet_port(node()),
Version = tls_record:protocol_version(tls_record:highest_protocol_version([])),
Exe = "openssl",
Args = ["s_server", "-accept", integer_to_list(Port), ssl_test_lib:version_flag(Version),
- "-verify", "2", "-cert", Cert, "-CAfile", NewCA,
+ "-verify", "2", "-cert", Cert, "-CAfile", CA,
"-key", Key, "-msg", "-debug"],
OpenSslPort = ssl_test_lib:portable_open_port(Exe, Args),
true = port_command(OpenSslPort, "Hello world"),
{OpenSslPort, Port};
-start_server(erlang, CA, _, Cert, Key, Config) ->
+start_server(erlang, PeerCA, OwnCa, Cert, Key, Config) ->
+ CA = new_ca("erlang_server_ca", PeerCA, OwnCa),
{_, ServerNode, _} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server([{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
{from, self()},
@@ -291,7 +290,8 @@ start_server(erlang, CA, _, Cert, Key, Config) ->
[{verify, verify_peer}, {cacertfile, CA},
{certfile, Cert}, {keyfile, Key}]}]),
{Server, ssl_test_lib:inet_port(Server)}.
-start_server_with_raw_key(erlang, CA, _, Cert, Key, Config) ->
+start_server_with_raw_key(erlang, PeerCA, OwnCa, Cert, Key, Config) ->
+ CA = new_ca("erlang_server_ca", PeerCA, OwnCa),
{_, ServerNode, _} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server([{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
{from, self()},
@@ -336,17 +336,27 @@ close(Client, Server) ->
-%% Work around OpenSSL bug, apparently the same bug as we had fixed in
-%% 11629690ba61f8e0c93ef9b2b6102fd279825977
new_ca(FileName, CA, OwnCa) ->
{ok, P1} = file:read_file(CA),
E1 = public_key:pem_decode(P1),
{ok, P2} = file:read_file(OwnCa),
E2 = public_key:pem_decode(P2),
+ Pem = public_key:pem_encode(E1 ++E2),
+ file:write_file(FileName, Pem),
+ FileName.
+new_openssl_ca(FileName, CA, OwnCa) ->
+ {ok, P1} = file:read_file(CA),
+ E1 = public_key:pem_decode(P1),
+ {ok, P2} = file:read_file(OwnCa),
+ E2 = public_key:pem_decode(P2),
case os:cmd("openssl version") of
"OpenSSL 1.0.1p-freebsd" ++ _ ->
Pem = public_key:pem_encode(E1 ++E2),
file:write_file(FileName, Pem);
+ "LibreSSL" ++ _ ->
+ Pem = public_key:pem_encode(E1 ++E2),
+ file:write_file(FileName, Pem);
_ ->
Pem = public_key:pem_encode(E2 ++E1),
file:write_file(FileName, Pem)
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_alpn_handshake_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_alpn_handshake_SUITE.erl
index da181faf64..9d57e89b9b 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_alpn_handshake_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_alpn_handshake_SUITE.erl
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ init_per_suite(Config) ->
catch crypto:stop(),
try crypto:start() of
ok ->
- ssl:start(),
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_start(),
{ok, _} = make_certs:all(proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config)),
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_basic_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_basic_SUITE.erl
index efa5faa218..57963fd44b 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_basic_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_basic_SUITE.erl
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
-define(SLEEP, 500).
-define(CLEAN_SESSION_DB, 60000).
%% Common Test interface functions -----------------------------------
@@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ init_per_suite(Config0) ->
catch crypto:stop(),
try crypto:start() of
ok ->
- ssl:start(),
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_start(),
%% make rsa certs using oppenssl
{ok, _} = make_certs:all(proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config0),
proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config0)),
@@ -306,6 +307,7 @@ init_per_testcase(protocol_versions, Config) ->
init_per_testcase(reuse_session_expired, Config) ->
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_env(),
application:set_env(ssl, session_lifetime, ?EXPIRE),
application:set_env(ssl, session_delay_cleanup_time, 500),
@@ -315,6 +317,7 @@ init_per_testcase(reuse_session_expired, Config) ->
init_per_testcase(empty_protocol_versions, Config) ->
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_env(),
application:set_env(ssl, protocol_version, []),
ct:timetrap({seconds, 5}),
@@ -340,7 +343,7 @@ init_per_testcase(TestCase, Config) when TestCase == client_renegotiate;
TestCase == renegotiate_dos_mitigate_passive;
TestCase == renegotiate_dos_mitigate_absolute ->
- ct:timetrap({seconds, 30}),
+ ct:timetrap({seconds, ?SEC_RENEGOTIATION_TIMEOUT + 5}),
init_per_testcase(TestCase, Config) when TestCase == psk_cipher_suites;
@@ -350,6 +353,11 @@ init_per_testcase(TestCase, Config) when TestCase == psk_cipher_suites;
TestCase == ciphers_dsa_signed_certs;
TestCase == ciphers_dsa_signed_certs_openssl_names;
TestCase == anonymous_cipher_suites;
+ TestCase == ciphers_ecdsa_signed_certs;
+ TestCase == ciphers_ecdsa_signed_certs_openssl_names;
+ TestCase == anonymous_cipher_suites;
+ TestCase == psk_anon_cipher_suites;
+ TestCase == psk_anon_with_hint_cipher_suites;
TestCase == versions_option,
TestCase == tls_tcp_connect_big ->
@@ -408,8 +416,13 @@ init_per_testcase(TestCase, Config) when TestCase == tls_ssl_accept_timeout;
ct:timetrap({seconds, 15}),
-init_per_testcase(clear_pem_cache, Config) ->
+init_per_testcase(TestCase, Config) when TestCase == clear_pem_cache;
+ TestCase == der_input;
+ TestCase == defaults ->
+ %% White box test need clean start
+ ssl:stop(),
+ ssl:start(),
ct:timetrap({seconds, 20}),
init_per_testcase(raw_ssl_option, Config) ->
@@ -430,7 +443,9 @@ init_per_testcase(accept_pool, Config) ->
+init_per_testcase(controller_dies, Config) ->
+ ct:timetrap({seconds, 10}),
+ Config;
init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
ct:timetrap({seconds, 5}),
@@ -441,6 +456,11 @@ end_per_testcase(reuse_session_expired, Config) ->
application:unset_env(ssl, session_delay_cleanup_time),
end_per_testcase(default_action, Config);
+end_per_testcase(Case, Config) when Case == protocol_versions;
+ Case == empty_protocol_versions->
+ application:unset_env(ssl, protocol_versions),
+ end_per_testcase(default_action, Config);
end_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
@@ -567,8 +587,8 @@ prf(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
connection_info() ->
[{doc,"Test the API function ssl:connection_information/1"}].
connection_info(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
- ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config),
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
+ ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
{ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server([{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
@@ -1144,8 +1164,8 @@ cipher_suites_mix() ->
cipher_suites_mix(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
CipherSuites = [{ecdh_rsa,aes_128_cbc,sha256,sha256}, {rsa,aes_128_cbc,sha}],
- ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
- ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config),
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
+ ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
{ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
@@ -4288,7 +4308,7 @@ erlang_ssl_receive(Socket, Data) ->
erlang_ssl_receive(Socket, tl(Data));
Other ->
ct:fail({unexpected_message, Other})
- after ?SLEEP * 3 * test_server:timetrap_scale_factor() ->
+ after timer:seconds(?SEC_RENEGOTIATION_TIMEOUT) * test_server:timetrap_scale_factor() ->
ct:fail({did_not_get, Data})
@@ -4409,14 +4429,14 @@ run_suites(Ciphers, Version, Config, Type) ->
{ClientOpts, ServerOpts} =
case Type of
rsa ->
- {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
- ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config)};
+ {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
+ ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config)};
dsa ->
- {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
+ {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_dsa_opts, Config)};
anonymous ->
%% No certs in opts!
- {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
+ {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_anon, Config)};
psk ->
{ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_psk, Config),
@@ -4440,31 +4460,31 @@ run_suites(Ciphers, Version, Config, Type) ->
{ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_srp_dsa, Config),
ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_srp_dsa, Config)};
ecdsa ->
- {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
+ {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_ecdsa_opts, Config)};
ecdh_rsa ->
- {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
+ {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_ecdh_rsa_opts, Config)};
rc4_rsa ->
- {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
+ {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
[{ciphers, Ciphers} |
- ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config)]};
+ ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config)]};
rc4_ecdh_rsa ->
- {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
+ {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
[{ciphers, Ciphers} |
ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_ecdh_rsa_opts, Config)]};
rc4_ecdsa ->
- {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
+ {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
[{ciphers, Ciphers} |
ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_ecdsa_opts, Config)]};
des_dhe_rsa ->
- {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
+ {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
[{ciphers, Ciphers} |
- ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config)]};
+ ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config)]};
des_rsa ->
- {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
+ {ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
[{ciphers, Ciphers} |
- ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config)]}
+ ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config)]}
Result = lists:map(fun(Cipher) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_bench_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_bench_SUITE.erl
index ed439a425f..21989f8d99 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_bench_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_bench_SUITE.erl
@@ -25,11 +25,12 @@
suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[{ts_install_cth,[{nodenames,2}]}]}].
-all() -> [{group, setup}, {group, payload}].
+all() -> [{group, setup}, {group, payload}, {group, pem_cache}].
groups() ->
[{setup, [{repeat, 3}], [setup_sequential, setup_concurrent]},
- {payload, [{repeat, 3}], [payload_simple]}
+ {payload, [{repeat, 3}], [payload_simple]},
+ {pem_cache, [{repeat, 3}], [use_pem_cache, bypass_pem_cache]}
init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
@@ -49,9 +50,33 @@ init_per_suite(Config) ->
end_per_suite(_Config) ->
+init_per_testcase(use_pem_cache, Conf) ->
+ case bypass_pem_cache_supported() of
+ false -> {skipped, "PEM cache bypass support required"};
+ true ->
+ application:set_env(ssl, bypass_pem_cache, false),
+ Conf
+ end;
+init_per_testcase(bypass_pem_cache, Conf) ->
+ case bypass_pem_cache_supported() of
+ false -> {skipped, "PEM cache bypass support required"};
+ true ->
+ application:set_env(ssl, bypass_pem_cache, true),
+ Conf
+ end;
init_per_testcase(_Func, Conf) ->
+end_per_testcase(use_pem_cache, _Config) ->
+ case bypass_pem_cache_supported() of
+ false -> ok;
+ true -> application:set_env(ssl, bypass_pem_cache, false)
+ end;
+end_per_testcase(bypass_pem_cache, _Config) ->
+ case bypass_pem_cache_supported() of
+ false -> ok;
+ true -> application:set_env(ssl, bypass_pem_cache, false)
+ end;
end_per_testcase(_Func, _Conf) ->
@@ -94,6 +119,18 @@ payload_simple(Config) ->
{suite, "ssl"}, {name, "Payload simple"}]}),
+use_pem_cache(_Config) ->
+ {ok, Result} = do_test(ssl, pem_cache, 100, 500, node()),
+ ct_event:notify(#event{name = benchmark_data,
+ data=[{value, Result},
+ {suite, "ssl"}, {name, "Use PEM cache"}]}).
+bypass_pem_cache(_Config) ->
+ {ok, Result} = do_test(ssl, pem_cache, 100, 500, node()),
+ ct_event:notify(#event{name = benchmark_data,
+ data=[{value, Result},
+ {suite, "ssl"}, {name, "Bypass PEM cache"}]}).
ssl() ->
test(ssl, ?COUNT, node()).
@@ -172,6 +209,18 @@ server_init(ssl, payload, Loop, _, Server) ->
setup_server_connection(Socket, Test);
+server_init(ssl, pem_cache, Loop, _, Server) ->
+ {ok, Socket} = ssl:listen(0, ssl_opts(listen_der)),
+ {ok, {_Host, Port}} = ssl:sockname(Socket),
+ {ok, Host} = inet:gethostname(),
+ Server ! {self(), {init, Host, Port}},
+ Test = fun(TSocket) ->
+ ok = ssl:ssl_accept(TSocket),
+ Size = byte_size(msg()),
+ server_echo(TSocket, Size, Loop),
+ ssl:close(TSocket)
+ end,
+ setup_server_connection(Socket, Test);
server_init(Type, Tc, _, _, Server) ->
io:format("No server init code for ~p ~p~n",[Type, Tc]),
@@ -185,6 +234,11 @@ client_init(Master, ssl, payload, Host, Port) ->
Master ! {self(), init},
Size = byte_size(msg()),
{Sock, Size};
+client_init(Master, ssl, pem_cache, Host, Port) ->
+ {ok, Sock} = ssl:connect(Host, Port, ssl_opts(connect_der)),
+ Master ! {self(), init},
+ Size = byte_size(msg()),
+ {Sock, Size};
client_init(_Me, Type, Tc, Host, Port) ->
io:format("No client init code for ~p ~p~n",[Type, Tc]),
{Host, Port}.
@@ -228,6 +282,13 @@ payload(Loop, ssl, D = {Socket, Size}) when Loop > 0 ->
payload(_, _, {Socket, _}) ->
+pem_cache(N, ssl, Data = {Socket, Size}) when N > 0 ->
+ ok = ssl:send(Socket, msg()),
+ {ok, _} = ssl:recv(Socket, Size),
+ pem_cache(N-1, ssl, Data);
+pem_cache(_, _, {Socket, _}) ->
+ ssl:close(Socket).
msg() ->
@@ -352,16 +413,43 @@ stop_profile(fprof, File) ->
ssl_opts(listen) ->
[{backlog, 500} | ssl_opts("server")];
ssl_opts(connect) ->
- [{verify, verify_peer}
- | ssl_opts("client")];
+ [{verify, verify_peer} | ssl_opts("client")];
+ssl_opts(listen_der) ->
+ [{backlog, 500} | ssl_opts("server_der")];
+ssl_opts(connect_der) ->
+ [{verify, verify_peer} | ssl_opts("client_der")];
ssl_opts(Role) ->
- Dir = filename:join([code:lib_dir(ssl), "examples", "certs", "etc"]),
+ CertData = cert_data(Role),
[{active, false},
{depth, 2},
{reuseaddr, true},
{nodelay, true},
- {ciphers, [{dhe_rsa,aes_256_cbc,sha}]},
- {cacertfile, filename:join([Dir, Role, "cacerts.pem"])},
+ {ciphers, [{dhe_rsa,aes_256_cbc,sha}]}
+ |CertData].
+cert_data(Der) when Der =:= "server_der"; Der =:= "client_der" ->
+ [Role,_] = string:tokens(Der, "_"),
+ Dir = filename:join([code:lib_dir(ssl), "examples", "certs", "etc"]),
+ {ok, CaCert0} = file:read_file(filename:join([Dir, Role, "cacerts.pem"])),
+ {ok, Cert0} = file:read_file(filename:join([Dir, Role, "cert.pem"])),
+ {ok, Key0} = file:read_file(filename:join([Dir, Role, "key.pem"])),
+ [{_, Cert, _}] = public_key:pem_decode(Cert0),
+ CaCert1 = public_key:pem_decode(CaCert0),
+ CaCert = [CCert || {_, CCert, _} <- CaCert1],
+ [{KeyType, Key, _}] = public_key:pem_decode(Key0),
+ [{cert, Cert},
+ {cacerts, CaCert},
+ {key, {KeyType, Key}}];
+cert_data(Role) ->
+ Dir = filename:join([code:lib_dir(ssl), "examples", "certs", "etc"]),
+ [{cacertfile, filename:join([Dir, Role, "cacerts.pem"])},
{certfile, filename:join([Dir, Role, "cert.pem"])},
{keyfile, filename:join([Dir, Role, "key.pem"])}].
+bypass_pem_cache_supported() ->
+ %% This function is currently critical to support cache bypass
+ %% and did not exist in prior versions.
+ catch ssl_pkix_db:module_info(), % ensure module is loaded
+ erlang:function_exported(ssl_pkix_db, extract_trusted_certs, 1).
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_certificate_verify_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_certificate_verify_SUITE.erl
index 20165c70f0..4c6f1d7c01 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_certificate_verify_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_certificate_verify_SUITE.erl
@@ -65,9 +65,10 @@ tests() ->
- extended_key_usage_verify_peer,
- extended_key_usage_verify_none,
- critical_extension_verify_peer,
+ extended_key_usage_verify_client,
+ extended_key_usage_verify_server,
+ critical_extension_verify_client,
+ critical_extension_verify_server,
@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ init_per_suite(Config0) ->
catch crypto:stop(),
try crypto:start() of
ok ->
- ssl:start(),
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_start(),
%% make rsa certs using oppenssl
{ok, _} = make_certs:all(proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config0),
proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config0)),
@@ -122,6 +123,8 @@ init_per_testcase(TestCase, Config) when TestCase == cert_expired;
init_per_testcase(common, Config);
init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
+ ssl:stop(),
+ ssl:start(),
ct:timetrap({seconds, 5}),
@@ -136,7 +139,7 @@ end_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
verify_peer() ->
[{doc,"Test option verify_peer"}].
verify_peer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
Active = proplists:get_value(active, Config),
ReceiveFunction = proplists:get_value(receive_function, Config),
@@ -190,7 +193,7 @@ server_verify_client_once() ->
[{doc,"Test server option verify_client_once"}].
server_verify_client_once(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, []),
ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
Active = proplists:get_value(active, Config),
ReceiveFunction = proplists:get_value(receive_function, Config),
@@ -230,7 +233,7 @@ server_require_peer_cert_ok() ->
server_require_peer_cert_ok(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ServerOpts = [{verify, verify_peer}, {fail_if_no_peer_cert, true}
| ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config)],
- ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
Active = proplists:get_value(active, Config),
ReceiveFunction = proplists:get_value(receive_function, Config),
{ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
@@ -259,7 +262,7 @@ server_require_peer_cert_fail() ->
server_require_peer_cert_fail(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ServerOpts = [{verify, verify_peer}, {fail_if_no_peer_cert, true}
| ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config)],
- BadClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
+ BadClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, []),
{ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server_error([{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
@@ -290,7 +293,7 @@ server_require_peer_cert_partial_chain() ->
server_require_peer_cert_partial_chain(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ServerOpts = [{verify, verify_peer}, {fail_if_no_peer_cert, true}
| ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config)],
- ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
{ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
{ok, ClientCAs} = file:read_file(proplists:get_value(cacertfile, ClientOpts)),
@@ -325,13 +328,13 @@ server_require_peer_cert_allow_partial_chain() ->
server_require_peer_cert_allow_partial_chain(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ServerOpts = [{verify, verify_peer}, {fail_if_no_peer_cert, true}
| ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config)],
- ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
{ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
Active = proplists:get_value(active, Config),
ReceiveFunction = proplists:get_value(receive_function, Config),
- {ok, ServerCAs} = file:read_file(proplists:get_value(cacertfile, ServerOpts)),
- [{_,_,_}, {_, IntermidiateCA, _}] = public_key:pem_decode(ServerCAs),
+ {ok, ClientCAs} = file:read_file(proplists:get_value(cacertfile, ClientOpts)),
+ [{_,_,_}, {_, IntermidiateCA, _}] = public_key:pem_decode(ClientCAs),
PartialChain = fun(CertChain) ->
case lists:member(IntermidiateCA, CertChain) of
@@ -367,7 +370,7 @@ server_require_peer_cert_do_not_allow_partial_chain() ->
server_require_peer_cert_do_not_allow_partial_chain(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ServerOpts = [{verify, verify_peer}, {fail_if_no_peer_cert, true}
| ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config)],
- ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
{ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
{ok, ServerCAs} = file:read_file(proplists:get_value(cacertfile, ServerOpts)),
@@ -408,7 +411,7 @@ server_require_peer_cert_partial_chain_fun_fail() ->
server_require_peer_cert_partial_chain_fun_fail(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ServerOpts = [{verify, verify_peer}, {fail_if_no_peer_cert, true}
| ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config)],
- ClientOpts = proplists:get_value(client_verification_opts, Config),
+ ClientOpts = proplists:get_value(client_opts, Config),
{ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
{ok, ServerCAs} = file:read_file(proplists:get_value(cacertfile, ServerOpts)),
@@ -448,7 +451,7 @@ verify_fun_always_run_client() ->
verify_fun_always_run_client(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
- ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
+ ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config),
{ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server_error([{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
{from, self()},
@@ -492,7 +495,7 @@ verify_fun_always_run_client(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
verify_fun_always_run_server() ->
[{doc,"Verify that user verify_fun is always run (for valid and valid_peer not only unknown_extension)"}].
verify_fun_always_run_server(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
{ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
@@ -524,9 +527,7 @@ verify_fun_always_run_server(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{from, self()},
{mfa, {ssl_test_lib,
no_result, []}},
- {options,
- [{verify, verify_peer}
- | ClientOpts]}]),
+ {options, ClientOpts}]),
%% Client error may be {tls_alert, "handshake failure" } or closed depending on timing
%% this is not a bug it is a circumstance of how tcp works!
@@ -544,7 +545,7 @@ cert_expired() ->
cert_expired(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
- ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
+ ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config),
PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
KeyFile = filename:join(PrivDir, "otpCA/private/key.pem"),
@@ -607,11 +608,11 @@ two_digits_str(N) ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [N])).
-extended_key_usage_verify_peer() ->
- [{doc,"Test cert that has a critical extended_key_usage extension in verify_peer mode"}].
+extended_key_usage_verify_server() ->
+ [{doc,"Test cert that has a critical extended_key_usage extension in verify_peer mode for server"}].
-extended_key_usage_verify_peer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
+extended_key_usage_verify_server(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
Active = proplists:get_value(active, Config),
@@ -660,7 +661,7 @@ extended_key_usage_verify_peer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{host, Hostname},
{from, self()},
{mfa, {ssl_test_lib, ReceiveFunction, []}},
- {options, [{verify, verify_peer}, {active, Active} |
+ {options, [{verify, verify_none}, {active, Active} |
ssl_test_lib:check_result(Server, ok, Client, ok),
@@ -669,12 +670,12 @@ extended_key_usage_verify_peer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
-extended_key_usage_verify_none() ->
- [{doc,"Test cert that has a critical extended_key_usage extension in verify_none mode"}].
+extended_key_usage_verify_client() ->
+ [{doc,"Test cert that has a critical extended_key_usage extension in client verify_peer mode"}].
-extended_key_usage_verify_none(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+extended_key_usage_verify_client(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
- ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
+ ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config),
PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
Active = proplists:get_value(active, Config),
ReceiveFunction = proplists:get_value(receive_function, Config),
@@ -730,11 +731,11 @@ extended_key_usage_verify_none(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
-critical_extension_verify_peer() ->
+critical_extension_verify_server() ->
[{doc,"Test cert that has a critical unknown extension in verify_peer mode"}].
-critical_extension_verify_peer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
+critical_extension_verify_server(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
Active = proplists:get_value(active, Config),
@@ -766,7 +767,7 @@ critical_extension_verify_peer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{host, Hostname},
{from, self()},
{mfa, {ssl_test_lib, ReceiveFunction, []}},
- {options, [{verify, verify_peer}, {active, Active} | NewClientOpts]}]),
+ {options, [{verify, verify_none}, {active, Active} | NewClientOpts]}]),
%% This certificate has a critical extension that we don't
%% understand. Therefore, verification should fail.
@@ -775,14 +776,60 @@ critical_extension_verify_peer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+critical_extension_verify_client() ->
+ [{doc,"Test cert that has a critical unknown extension in verify_peer mode"}].
+critical_extension_verify_client(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
+ ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config),
+ PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
+ Active = proplists:get_value(active, Config),
+ ReceiveFunction = proplists:get_value(receive_function, Config),
+ KeyFile = filename:join(PrivDir, "otpCA/private/key.pem"),
+ NewCertName = integer_to_list(erlang:unique_integer()) ++ ".pem",
+ ServerCertFile = proplists:get_value(certfile, ServerOpts),
+ NewServerCertFile = filename:join([PrivDir, "server", NewCertName]),
+ add_critical_netscape_cert_type(ServerCertFile, NewServerCertFile, KeyFile),
+ NewServerOpts = [{certfile, NewServerCertFile} | proplists:delete(certfile, ServerOpts)],
+ ClientCertFile = proplists:get_value(certfile, ClientOpts),
+ NewClientCertFile = filename:join([PrivDir, "client", NewCertName]),
+ add_critical_netscape_cert_type(ClientCertFile, NewClientCertFile, KeyFile),
+ NewClientOpts = [{certfile, NewClientCertFile} | proplists:delete(certfile, ClientOpts)],
+ {ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
+ Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server_error(
+ [{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
+ {from, self()},
+ {mfa, {ssl_test_lib, ReceiveFunction, []}},
+ {options, [{verify, verify_none}, {active, Active} | NewServerOpts]}]),
+ Port = ssl_test_lib:inet_port(Server),
+ Client = ssl_test_lib:start_client_error(
+ [{node, ClientNode}, {port, Port},
+ {host, Hostname},
+ {from, self()},
+ {mfa, {ssl_test_lib, ReceiveFunction, []}},
+ {options, [{verify, verify_peer}, {active, Active} | NewClientOpts]}]),
+ %% This certificate has a critical extension that we don't
+ %% understand. Therefore, verification should fail.
+ tcp_delivery_workaround(Server, {error, {tls_alert, "unsupported certificate"}},
+ Client, {error, {tls_alert, "unsupported certificate"}}),
+ ssl_test_lib:close(Server),
+ ok.
critical_extension_verify_none() ->
[{doc,"Test cert that has a critical unknown extension in verify_none mode"}].
critical_extension_verify_none(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
- ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
+ ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config),
PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
Active = proplists:get_value(active, Config),
ReceiveFunction = proplists:get_value(receive_function, Config),
@@ -1070,7 +1117,7 @@ client_with_cert_cipher_suites_handshake(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
server_verify_no_cacerts() ->
[{doc,"Test server must have cacerts if it wants to verify client"}].
server_verify_no_cacerts(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config),
+ ServerOpts = proplists:delete(cacertfile, ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config)),
{_, ServerNode, _} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server_error([{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
{from, self()},
@@ -1084,7 +1131,7 @@ server_verify_no_cacerts(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
unknown_server_ca_fail() ->
[{doc,"Test that the client fails if the ca is unknown in verify_peer mode"}].
unknown_server_ca_fail(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, []),
ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
{ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server_error([{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
@@ -1128,7 +1175,7 @@ unknown_server_ca_fail(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
unknown_server_ca_accept_verify_none() ->
[{doc,"Test that the client succeds if the ca is unknown in verify_none mode"}].
unknown_server_ca_accept_verify_none(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, []),
ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
{ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server([{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
@@ -1153,7 +1200,7 @@ unknown_server_ca_accept_verify_peer() ->
[{doc, "Test that the client succeds if the ca is unknown in verify_peer mode"
" with a verify_fun that accepts the unknown ca error"}].
unknown_server_ca_accept_verify_peer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
+ ClientOpts =ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, []),
ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
{ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server([{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
@@ -1192,7 +1239,7 @@ unknown_server_ca_accept_verify_peer(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
unknown_server_ca_accept_backwardscompatibility() ->
[{doc,"Test that old style verify_funs will work"}].
unknown_server_ca_accept_backwardscompatibility(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, []),
ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
{ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server([{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_crl_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_crl_SUITE.erl
index 00636e5660..bc2822f0c4 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_crl_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_crl_SUITE.erl
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ init_per_suite(Config) ->
false ->
{skip, io_lib:format("Bad openssl version: ~p",[OpenSSL_version])};
_ ->
- catch crypto:stop(),
+ end_per_suite(Config),
try crypto:start() of
ok ->
{ok, Hostname0} = inet:gethostname(),
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ init_per_testcase(Case, Config0) ->
true ->
end_per_testcase(Case, Config0),
- ssl:start(),
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_start(),
ServerRoot = make_dir_path([proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config0), idp_crl, tmp]),
%% start a HTTP server to serve the CRLs
{ok, Httpd} = inets:start(httpd, [{ipfamily, proplists:get_value(ipfamily, Config0)},
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ init_per_testcase(Case, Config0) ->
[{cert_dir, CertDir} | Config];
false ->
end_per_testcase(Case, Config0),
- ssl:start(),
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_start(),
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_SUITE.erl
index 5ebf9bb2de..8740e8c8f0 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_dist_SUITE.erl
@@ -109,11 +109,11 @@ common_end(_, _Config) ->
basic() ->
[{doc,"Test that two nodes can connect via ssl distribution"}].
basic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- NH1 = start_ssl_node(Config),
+ gen_dist_test(basic_test, Config).
+basic_test(NH1, NH2, _) ->
Node1 = NH1#node_handle.nodename,
- NH2 = start_ssl_node(Config),
Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
pong = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> net_adm:ping(Node2) end),
[Node2] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> nodes() end),
@@ -161,18 +161,16 @@ basic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- end,
- stop_ssl_node(NH1),
- stop_ssl_node(NH2),
- success(Config).
+ end.
payload() ->
[{doc,"Test that send a lot of data between the ssl distributed noes"}].
payload(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- NH1 = start_ssl_node(Config),
+ gen_dist_test(payload_test, Config).
+payload_test(NH1, NH2, _) ->
Node1 = NH1#node_handle.nodename,
- NH2 = start_ssl_node(Config),
Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
pong = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> net_adm:ping(Node2) end),
@@ -204,10 +202,8 @@ payload(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- end,
- stop_ssl_node(NH1),
- stop_ssl_node(NH2),
- success(Config).
+ end.
plain_options() ->
[{doc,"Test specifying additional options"}].
@@ -218,20 +214,17 @@ plain_options(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
"client_verify verify_none server_verify verify_none "
"server_depth 1 client_depth 1 "
"server_hibernate_after 500 client_hibernate_after 500",
+ gen_dist_test(plain_options_test, [{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts} | Config]).
- NH1 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts} | Config]),
+plain_options_test(NH1, NH2, _) ->
Node1 = NH1#node_handle.nodename,
- NH2 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts} | Config]),
Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
pong = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> net_adm:ping(Node2) end),
[Node2] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> nodes() end),
- [Node1] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> nodes() end),
+ [Node1] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> nodes() end).
- stop_ssl_node(NH1),
- stop_ssl_node(NH2),
- success(Config).
plain_verify_options() ->
[{doc,"Test specifying additional options"}].
@@ -240,20 +233,18 @@ plain_verify_options(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
"client_secure_renegotiate true "
"server_reuse_sessions true client_reuse_sessions true "
"server_hibernate_after 500 client_hibernate_after 500",
+ gen_dist_test(plain_verify_options_test, [{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts} | Config]).
- NH1 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts} | Config]),
+plain_verify_options_test(NH1, NH2, _) ->
Node1 = NH1#node_handle.nodename,
- NH2 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts} | Config]),
Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
pong = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> net_adm:ping(Node2) end),
[Node2] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> nodes() end),
- [Node1] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> nodes() end),
+ [Node1] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> nodes() end).
- stop_ssl_node(NH1),
- stop_ssl_node(NH2),
- success(Config).
nodelay_option() ->
[{doc,"Test specifying dist_nodelay option"}].
@@ -265,6 +256,7 @@ nodelay_option(Config) ->
application:unset_env(kernel, dist_nodelay)
listen_port_options() ->
[{doc, "Test specifying listening ports"}].
@@ -285,32 +277,39 @@ listen_port_options(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
#node_handle{} ->
%% If the node was able to start, it didn't take the port
%% option into account.
+ stop_ssl_node(NH1),
exit:{accept_failed, timeout} ->
%% The node failed to start, as expected.
%% Try again, now specifying a high max port.
PortOpt2 = "-kernel inet_dist_listen_min " ++ integer_to_list(Port1) ++
- " inet_dist_listen_max 65535",
+ " inet_dist_listen_max 65535",
NH2 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, PortOpt2} | Config]),
- Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
- Name2 = lists:takewhile(fun(C) -> C =/= $@ end, atom_to_list(Node2)),
- {ok, NodesPorts2} = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun net_adm:names/0),
- {Name2, Port2} = lists:keyfind(Name2, 1, NodesPorts2),
- %% The new port should be higher:
- if Port2 > Port1 ->
- ok;
- true ->
- error({port, Port2, not_higher_than, Port1})
+ try
+ Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
+ Name2 = lists:takewhile(fun(C) -> C =/= $@ end, atom_to_list(Node2)),
+ {ok, NodesPorts2} = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun net_adm:names/0),
+ {Name2, Port2} = lists:keyfind(Name2, 1, NodesPorts2),
+ %% The new port should be higher:
+ if Port2 > Port1 ->
+ ok;
+ true ->
+ error({port, Port2, not_higher_than, Port1})
+ end
+ catch
+ _:Reason ->
+ stop_ssl_node(NH2),
+ ct:fail(Reason)
- stop_ssl_node(NH1),
listen_options() ->
[{doc, "Test inet_dist_listen_options"}].
@@ -329,28 +328,25 @@ do_listen_options(Prio, Config) ->
Options = "-kernel inet_dist_listen_options " ++ PriorityString,
- NH1 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, Options} | Config]),
- NH2 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, Options} | Config]),
- Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
+ gen_dist_test(listen_options_test, [{prio, Prio}, {additional_dist_opts, Options} | Config]).
+listen_options_test(NH1, NH2, Config) ->
+ Prio = proplists:get_value(prio, Config),
+ Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
pong = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> net_adm:ping(Node2) end),
PrioritiesNode1 =
apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun get_socket_priorities/0),
PrioritiesNode2 =
apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun get_socket_priorities/0),
Elevated1 = [P || P <- PrioritiesNode1, P =:= Prio],
- ?t:format("Elevated1: ~p~n", [Elevated1]),
+ ct:pal("Elevated1: ~p~n", [Elevated1]),
Elevated2 = [P || P <- PrioritiesNode2, P =:= Prio],
- ?t:format("Elevated2: ~p~n", [Elevated2]),
+ ct:pal("Elevated2: ~p~n", [Elevated2]),
[_|_] = Elevated1,
- [_|_] = Elevated2,
+ [_|_] = Elevated2.
- stop_ssl_node(NH1),
- stop_ssl_node(NH2),
- success(Config).
connect_options() ->
[{doc, "Test inet_dist_connect_options"}].
@@ -369,9 +365,11 @@ do_connect_options(Prio, Config) ->
Options = "-kernel inet_dist_connect_options " ++ PriorityString,
+ gen_dist_test(connect_options_test,
+ [{prio, Prio}, {additional_dist_opts, Options} | Config]).
- NH1 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, Options} | Config]),
- NH2 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, Options} | Config]),
+connect_options_test(NH1, NH2, Config) ->
+ Prio = proplists:get_value(prio, Config),
Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
pong = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> net_adm:ping(Node2) end),
@@ -382,17 +380,14 @@ do_connect_options(Prio, Config) ->
apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun get_socket_priorities/0),
Elevated1 = [P || P <- PrioritiesNode1, P =:= Prio],
- ?t:format("Elevated1: ~p~n", [Elevated1]),
+ ct:pal("Elevated1: ~p~n", [Elevated1]),
Elevated2 = [P || P <- PrioritiesNode2, P =:= Prio],
- ?t:format("Elevated2: ~p~n", [Elevated2]),
+ ct:pal("Elevated2: ~p~n", [Elevated2]),
%% Node 1 will have a socket with elevated priority.
[_|_] = Elevated1,
%% Node 2 will not, since it only applies to outbound connections.
- [] = Elevated2,
+ [] = Elevated2.
- stop_ssl_node(NH1),
- stop_ssl_node(NH2),
- success(Config).
use_interface() ->
[{doc, "Test inet_dist_use_interface"}].
@@ -403,22 +398,28 @@ use_interface(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% Start a node, and get the port number it's listening on.
NH1 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, Options} | Config]),
- Node1 = NH1#node_handle.nodename,
- Name = lists:takewhile(fun(C) -> C =/= $@ end, atom_to_list(Node1)),
- {ok, NodesPorts} = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun net_adm:names/0),
- {Name, Port} = lists:keyfind(Name, 1, NodesPorts),
- %% Now find the socket listening on that port, and check its sockname.
- Sockets = apply_on_ssl_node(
- NH1,
- fun() ->
- [inet:sockname(P) ||
- P <- inet_ports(),
- {ok, Port} =:= (catch inet:port(P))]
- end),
- %% And check that it's actually listening on localhost.
- [{ok,{{127,0,0,1},Port}}] = Sockets,
+ try
+ Node1 = NH1#node_handle.nodename,
+ Name = lists:takewhile(fun(C) -> C =/= $@ end, atom_to_list(Node1)),
+ {ok, NodesPorts} = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun net_adm:names/0),
+ {Name, Port} = lists:keyfind(Name, 1, NodesPorts),
+ %% Now find the socket listening on that port, and check its sockname.
+ Sockets = apply_on_ssl_node(
+ NH1,
+ fun() ->
+ [inet:sockname(P) ||
+ P <- inet_ports(),
+ {ok, Port} =:= (catch inet:port(P))]
+ end),
+ %% And check that it's actually listening on localhost.
+ [{ok,{{127,0,0,1},Port}}] = Sockets
+ catch
+ _:Reason ->
+ stop_ssl_node(NH1),
+ ct:fail(Reason)
+ end,
@@ -430,11 +431,11 @@ verify_fun_fail(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
"\"{ssl_dist_SUITE,verify_fail_always,{}}\" "
"client_verify verify_peer client_verify_fun "
"\"{ssl_dist_SUITE,verify_fail_always,{}}\" ",
+ gen_dist_test(verify_fun_fail_test, [{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts} | Config]).
- NH1 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts} | Config]),
- NH2 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts} | Config]),
+verify_fun_fail_test(NH1, NH2, _) ->
Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
pang = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> net_adm:ping(Node2) end),
[] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> nodes() end),
@@ -446,25 +447,9 @@ verify_fun_fail(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% On the server node, it wouldn't run, because the server didn't
%% request a certificate from the client.
undefined =
- apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> ets:info(verify_fun_ran) end),
+ apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> ets:info(verify_fun_ran) end).
- stop_ssl_node(NH1),
- stop_ssl_node(NH2),
- success(Config).
-verify_fail_always(_Certificate, _Event, _State) ->
- %% Create an ETS table, to record the fact that the verify function ran.
- %% Spawn a new process, to avoid the ETS table disappearing.
- Parent = self(),
- spawn(
- fun() ->
- ets:new(verify_fun_ran, [public, named_table]),
- ets:insert(verify_fun_ran, {verify_fail_always_ran, true}),
- Parent ! go_ahead,
- timer:sleep(infinity)
- end),
- receive go_ahead -> ok end,
- {fail, bad_certificate}.
verify_fun_pass() ->
@@ -476,10 +461,10 @@ verify_fun_pass(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
"server_fail_if_no_peer_cert true "
"client_verify verify_peer client_verify_fun "
"\"{ssl_dist_SUITE,verify_pass_always,{}}\" ",
+ gen_dist_test(verify_fun_pass_test, [{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts} | Config]).
- NH1 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts} | Config]),
+verify_fun_pass_test(NH1, NH2, _) ->
Node1 = NH1#node_handle.nodename,
- NH2 = start_ssl_node([{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts} | Config]),
Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
pong = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> net_adm:ping(Node2) end),
@@ -494,25 +479,8 @@ verify_fun_pass(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% requested and verified the client's certificate because we
%% passed fail_if_no_peer_cert.
[{verify_pass_always_ran, true}] =
- apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> ets:tab2list(verify_fun_ran) end),
+ apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> ets:tab2list(verify_fun_ran) end).
- stop_ssl_node(NH1),
- stop_ssl_node(NH2),
- success(Config).
-verify_pass_always(_Certificate, _Event, State) ->
- %% Create an ETS table, to record the fact that the verify function ran.
- %% Spawn a new process, to avoid the ETS table disappearing.
- Parent = self(),
- spawn(
- fun() ->
- ets:new(verify_fun_ran, [public, named_table]),
- ets:insert(verify_fun_ran, {verify_pass_always_ran, true}),
- Parent ! go_ahead,
- timer:sleep(infinity)
- end),
- receive go_ahead -> ok end,
- {valid, State}.
crl_check_pass() ->
[{doc,"Test crl_check with non-revoked certificate"}].
@@ -520,10 +488,10 @@ crl_check_pass(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
DistOpts = "-ssl_dist_opt client_crl_check true",
NewConfig =
[{many_verify_opts, true}, {additional_dist_opts, DistOpts}] ++ Config,
+ gen_dist_test(crl_check_pass_test, NewConfig).
- NH1 = start_ssl_node(NewConfig),
+crl_check_pass_test(NH1, NH2, Config) ->
Node1 = NH1#node_handle.nodename,
- NH2 = start_ssl_node(NewConfig),
Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
@@ -533,11 +501,7 @@ crl_check_pass(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
pong = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> net_adm:ping(Node2) end),
[Node2] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> nodes() end),
- [Node1] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> nodes() end),
- stop_ssl_node(NH1),
- stop_ssl_node(NH2),
- success(Config).
+ [Node1] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> nodes() end).
crl_check_fail() ->
@@ -549,10 +513,9 @@ crl_check_fail(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% The server uses a revoked certificate.
{server_cert_dir, "revoked"},
{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts}] ++ Config,
+ gen_dist_test(crl_check_fail_test, NewConfig).
- NH1 = start_ssl_node(NewConfig),
- %%Node1 = NH1#node_handle.nodename,
- NH2 = start_ssl_node(NewConfig),
+crl_check_fail_test(NH1, NH2, Config) ->
Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
@@ -562,11 +525,7 @@ crl_check_fail(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
pang = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> net_adm:ping(Node2) end),
[] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> nodes() end),
- [] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> nodes() end),
- stop_ssl_node(NH1),
- stop_ssl_node(NH2),
- success(Config).
+ [] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> nodes() end).
crl_check_best_effort() ->
@@ -576,22 +535,18 @@ crl_check_best_effort(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
"server_verify verify_peer server_crl_check best_effort",
NewConfig =
[{many_verify_opts, true}, {additional_dist_opts, DistOpts}] ++ Config,
+ gen_dist_test(crl_check_best_effort_test, NewConfig).
+crl_check_best_effort_test(NH1, NH2, _Config) ->
%% We don't have the correct CRL at hand, but since crl_check is
%% best_effort, we accept it anyway.
- NH1 = start_ssl_node(NewConfig),
Node1 = NH1#node_handle.nodename,
- NH2 = start_ssl_node(NewConfig),
Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
pong = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> net_adm:ping(Node2) end),
[Node2] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> nodes() end),
- [Node1] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> nodes() end),
- stop_ssl_node(NH1),
- stop_ssl_node(NH2),
- success(Config).
+ [Node1] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> nodes() end).
crl_cache_check_pass() ->
@@ -605,20 +560,16 @@ crl_cache_check_pass(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
"\"{ssl_dist_SUITE,{\\\"" ++ NodeDir ++ "\\\",[]}}\"",
NewConfig =
[{many_verify_opts, true}, {additional_dist_opts, DistOpts}] ++ Config,
+ gen_dist_test(crl_cache_check_pass_test, NewConfig).
- NH1 = start_ssl_node(NewConfig),
+crl_cache_check_pass_test(NH1, NH2, _) ->
Node1 = NH1#node_handle.nodename,
- NH2 = start_ssl_node(NewConfig),
Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
pong = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> net_adm:ping(Node2) end),
[Node2] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> nodes() end),
- [Node1] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> nodes() end),
- stop_ssl_node(NH1),
- stop_ssl_node(NH2),
- success(Config).
+ [Node1] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> nodes() end).
crl_cache_check_fail() ->
@@ -636,44 +587,31 @@ crl_cache_check_fail(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{server_cert_dir, "revoked"},
{additional_dist_opts, DistOpts}] ++ Config,
- NH1 = start_ssl_node(NewConfig),
- NH2 = start_ssl_node(NewConfig),
- Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
+ gen_dist_test(crl_cache_check_fail_test, NewConfig).
+crl_cache_check_fail_test(NH1, NH2, _) ->
+ Node2 = NH2#node_handle.nodename,
pang = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> net_adm:ping(Node2) end),
[] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH1, fun () -> nodes() end),
- [] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> nodes() end),
- stop_ssl_node(NH1),
- stop_ssl_node(NH2),
- success(Config).
-%% ssl_crl_cache_api callbacks
-lookup(_DistributionPoint, _DbHandle) ->
- not_available.
-select({rdnSequence, NameParts}, {NodeDir, _}) ->
- %% Extract the CN from the issuer name...
- [CN] = [CN ||
- [#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{
- type = ?'id-at-commonName',
- value = <<_, _, CN/binary>>}] <- NameParts],
- %% ...and use that as the directory name to find the CRL.
- error_logger:info_report([{found_cn, CN}]),
- CRLFile = filename:join([NodeDir, CN, "crl.pem"]),
- {ok, PemBin} = file:read_file(CRLFile),
- PemEntries = public_key:pem_decode(PemBin),
- CRLs = [ CRL || {'CertificateList', CRL, not_encrypted}
- <- PemEntries],
- CRLs.
-fresh_crl(_DistributionPoint, CRL) ->
- CRL.
+ [] = apply_on_ssl_node(NH2, fun () -> nodes() end).
%%% Internal functions -----------------------------------------------
+gen_dist_test(Test, Config) ->
+ NH1 = start_ssl_node(Config),
+ NH2 = start_ssl_node(Config),
+ try
+ ?MODULE:Test(NH1, NH2, Config)
+ catch
+ _:Reason ->
+ stop_ssl_node(NH1),
+ stop_ssl_node(NH2),
+ ct:fail(Reason)
+ end,
+ stop_ssl_node(NH1),
+ stop_ssl_node(NH2),
+ success(Config).
%% ssl_node side api
@@ -742,13 +680,15 @@ stop_ssl_node(#node_handle{connection_handler = Handler,
{'DOWN', Mon, process, Handler, Reason} ->
case Reason of
- normal -> ok;
- _ -> exit(Reason)
+ normal ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ ct:pal("Down ~p ~n", [Reason])
Error ->
erlang:demonitor(Mon, [flush]),
- exit(Error)
+ ct:pal("Warning ~p ~n", [Error])
start_ssl_node(Config) ->
@@ -1226,3 +1166,53 @@ vsn(App) ->
+verify_fail_always(_Certificate, _Event, _State) ->
+ %% Create an ETS table, to record the fact that the verify function ran.
+ %% Spawn a new process, to avoid the ETS table disappearing.
+ Parent = self(),
+ spawn(
+ fun() ->
+ ets:new(verify_fun_ran, [public, named_table]),
+ ets:insert(verify_fun_ran, {verify_fail_always_ran, true}),
+ Parent ! go_ahead,
+ timer:sleep(infinity)
+ end),
+ receive go_ahead -> ok end,
+ {fail, bad_certificate}.
+verify_pass_always(_Certificate, _Event, State) ->
+ %% Create an ETS table, to record the fact that the verify function ran.
+ %% Spawn a new process, to avoid the ETS table disappearing.
+ Parent = self(),
+ spawn(
+ fun() ->
+ ets:new(verify_fun_ran, [public, named_table]),
+ ets:insert(verify_fun_ran, {verify_pass_always_ran, true}),
+ Parent ! go_ahead,
+ timer:sleep(infinity)
+ end),
+ receive go_ahead -> ok end,
+ {valid, State}.
+%% ssl_crl_cache_api callbacks
+lookup(_DistributionPoint, _DbHandle) ->
+ not_available.
+select({rdnSequence, NameParts}, {NodeDir, _}) ->
+ %% Extract the CN from the issuer name...
+ [CN] = [CN ||
+ [#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{
+ type = ?'id-at-commonName',
+ value = <<_, _, CN/binary>>}] <- NameParts],
+ %% ...and use that as the directory name to find the CRL.
+ error_logger:info_report([{found_cn, CN}]),
+ CRLFile = filename:join([NodeDir, CN, "crl.pem"]),
+ {ok, PemBin} = file:read_file(CRLFile),
+ PemEntries = public_key:pem_decode(PemBin),
+ CRLs = [ CRL || {'CertificateList', CRL, not_encrypted}
+ <- PemEntries],
+ CRLs.
+fresh_crl(_DistributionPoint, CRL) ->
+ CRL.
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_handshake_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_handshake_SUITE.erl
index a671e3e307..51f0651568 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_handshake_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_handshake_SUITE.erl
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ init_per_testcase(ignore_hassign_extension_pre_tls_1_2, Config0) ->
ok ->
case is_supported(sha512) of
true ->
- ssl:start(),
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_start(),
%% make rsa certs using oppenssl
{ok, _} = make_certs:all(proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config0),
proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config0)),
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_npn_handshake_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_npn_handshake_SUITE.erl
index c55fa73cfb..a02881f1ae 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_npn_handshake_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_npn_handshake_SUITE.erl
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ init_per_suite(Config) ->
catch crypto:stop(),
try crypto:start() of
ok ->
- ssl:start(),
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_start(),
{ok, _} = make_certs:all(proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config)),
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_npn_hello_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_npn_hello_SUITE.erl
index 00eb9fee4f..69aeea10c5 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_npn_hello_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_npn_hello_SUITE.erl
@@ -41,6 +41,15 @@ all() ->
+init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ catch crypto:stop(),
+ try crypto:start() of
+ ok ->
+ Config
+ catch _:_ ->
+ {skip, "Crypto did not start"}
+ end.
init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
ct:timetrap({seconds, 5}),
@@ -126,15 +135,12 @@ create_server_handshake(Npn) ->
}, Vsn).
create_connection_states() ->
- #connection_states{
- pending_read = #connection_state{
- security_parameters = #security_parameters{
+ #{pending_read => #{security_parameters => #security_parameters{
server_random = <<1:256>>,
compression_algorithm = 1,
cipher_suite = ?TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA
- },
- current_read = #connection_state {
- secure_renegotiation = false
- }
- }.
+ },
+ current_read => #{secure_renegotiation => false
+ }
+ }.
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_packet_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_packet_SUITE.erl
index e49d432c21..81a49776e4 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_packet_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_packet_SUITE.erl
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
-define(MANY, 1000).
-define(SOME, 50).
-define(SOME_SCALE, 20).
-define(MANY_SCALE, 20).
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ init_per_suite(Config) ->
catch crypto:stop(),
try crypto:start() of
ok ->
- ssl:start(),
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_start(),
{ok, _} = make_certs:all(proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config)),
@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ init_per_group(GroupName, Config) ->
{skip, "Missing crypto support"}
_ ->
+ ssl:stop(),
@@ -276,6 +277,7 @@ packet_raw_active_once_many_small() ->
[{doc,"Test packet option {packet, raw} in active once mode."}].
packet_raw_active_once_many_small(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ct:timetrap({seconds, ?BASE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * ?MANY_SCALE}),
Data = "Packet option is {packet, raw}",
packet(Config, Data, send_raw, active_once_raw, ?MANY, raw, once).
@@ -392,6 +394,7 @@ packet_0_active_some_big() ->
[{doc,"Test packet option {packet, 0} in active mode."}].
packet_0_active_some_big(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ct:timetrap({seconds, ?BASE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * ?SOME_SCALE}),
Data = lists:append(lists:duplicate(100, "1234567890")),
packet(Config, Data, send, active_raw, ?SOME, 0, true).
@@ -427,6 +430,7 @@ packet_2_active_some_big() ->
[{doc,"Test packet option {packet, 2} in active mode"}].
packet_2_active_some_big(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ct:timetrap({seconds, ?BASE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * ?SOME_SCALE}),
Data = lists:append(lists:duplicate(100, "1234567890")),
packet(Config, Data, send, active_packet, ?SOME, 2, true).
@@ -1900,6 +1904,31 @@ header_decode_two_bytes_one_sent_passive(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% Internal functions ------------------------------------------------
+packet(Config, Data, Send, Recv, Quantity, Packet, Active) when Packet == 0;
+ Packet == raw ->
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
+ ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config),
+ {ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
+ Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server([{node, ClientNode}, {port, 0},
+ {from, self()},
+ {mfa, {?MODULE, Send ,[Data, Quantity]}},
+ {options, [{nodelay, true},{packet, Packet} | ServerOpts]}]),
+ Port = ssl_test_lib:inet_port(Server),
+ Client = ssl_test_lib:start_client([{node, ServerNode}, {port, Port},
+ {host, Hostname},
+ {from, self()},
+ {mfa, {?MODULE, Recv, [Data, Quantity]}},
+ {options, [{active, Active}, {nodelay, true},
+ {packet, Packet} |
+ ClientOpts]}]),
+ ssl_test_lib:check_result(Client, ok),
+ ssl_test_lib:close(Server),
+ ssl_test_lib:close(Client);
packet(Config, Data, Send, Recv, Quantity, Packet, Active) ->
ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config),
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_payload_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_payload_SUITE.erl
index cb0571d0a7..cb1957327a 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_payload_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_payload_SUITE.erl
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ init_per_suite(Config) ->
catch crypto:stop(),
try crypto:start() of
ok ->
- ssl:start(),
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_start(),
{ok, _} = make_certs:all(proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config)),
catch _:_ ->
@@ -104,8 +104,13 @@ init_per_testcase(TestCase, Config) when TestCase == server_echos_passive_huge;
TestCase == client_echos_passive_huge;
TestCase == client_echos_active_once_huge;
TestCase == client_echos_active_huge ->
- ct:timetrap({seconds, 90}),
- Config;
+ case erlang:system_info(system_architecture) of
+ "sparc-sun-solaris2.10" ->
+ {skip,"Will take to long time on an old Sparc"};
+ _ ->
+ ct:timetrap({seconds, 90}),
+ Config
+ end;
init_per_testcase(TestCase, Config) when TestCase == server_echos_passive_big;
TestCase == server_echos_active_once_big;
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_pem_cache_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_pem_cache_SUITE.erl
index 13b0ce8ed9..02c98fc40f 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_pem_cache_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_pem_cache_SUITE.erl
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ init_per_suite(Config0) ->
catch crypto:stop(),
try crypto:start() of
ok ->
- ssl:start(),
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_start(),
%% make rsa certs using oppenssl
{ok, _} = make_certs:all(proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config0),
proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config0)),
@@ -63,14 +63,15 @@ end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
init_per_testcase(pem_cleanup = Case, Config) ->
- end_per_testcase(Case, Config) ,
+ end_per_testcase(Case, Config) ,
application:set_env(ssl, ssl_pem_cache_clean, ?CLEANUP_INTERVAL),
ct:timetrap({minutes, 1}),
end_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_env(),
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_session_cache_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_session_cache_SUITE.erl
index b352844ba0..28637fc32d 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_session_cache_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_session_cache_SUITE.erl
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ init_per_suite(Config0) ->
catch crypto:stop(),
try crypto:start() of
ok ->
- ssl:start(),
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_start(),
%% make rsa certs using
{ok, _} = make_certs:all(proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config0),
proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config0)),
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_sni_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_sni_SUITE.erl
index 34ef2e6af9..4e916a7f03 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_sni_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_sni_SUITE.erl
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ init_per_suite(Config0) ->
catch crypto:stop(),
try crypto:start() of
ok ->
- ssl:start(),
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_start(),
{ok, _} = make_certs:all(proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config0),
proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config0)),
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl
index 27c670cdc2..81f16030f7 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl
@@ -385,7 +385,9 @@ cert_options(Config) ->
SNIServerAKeyFile = filename:join([proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), "a.server", "key.pem"]),
SNIServerBCertFile = filename:join([proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), "b.server", "cert.pem"]),
SNIServerBKeyFile = filename:join([proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), "b.server", "key.pem"]),
- [{client_opts, []},
+ [{client_opts, [{cacertfile, ClientCaCertFile},
+ {certfile, ClientCertFile},
+ {keyfile, ClientKeyFile}]},
{client_verification_opts, [{cacertfile, ServerCaCertFile},
{certfile, ClientCertFile},
{keyfile, ClientKeyFile},
@@ -394,7 +396,7 @@ cert_options(Config) ->
{certfile, ClientCertFileDigitalSignatureOnly},
{keyfile, ClientKeyFile},
{ssl_imp, new}]},
- {server_opts, [{ssl_imp, new},{reuseaddr, true},
+ {server_opts, [{ssl_imp, new},{reuseaddr, true}, {cacertfile, ServerCaCertFile},
{certfile, ServerCertFile}, {keyfile, ServerKeyFile}]},
{server_anon, [{ssl_imp, new},{reuseaddr, true}, {ciphers, anonymous_suites()}]},
{client_psk, [{ssl_imp, new},{reuseaddr, true},
@@ -494,7 +496,7 @@ make_ecdsa_cert(Config) ->
{cacertfile, ServerCaCertFile},
{certfile, ServerCertFile}, {keyfile, ServerKeyFile}]},
{server_ecdsa_verify_opts, [{ssl_imp, new},{reuseaddr, true},
- {cacertfile, ServerCaCertFile},
+ {cacertfile, ClientCaCertFile},
{certfile, ServerCertFile}, {keyfile, ServerKeyFile},
{verify, verify_peer}]},
{client_ecdsa_opts, [{ssl_imp, new},{reuseaddr, true},
@@ -519,7 +521,7 @@ make_ecdh_rsa_cert(Config) ->
{cacertfile, ServerCaCertFile},
{certfile, ServerCertFile}, {keyfile, ServerKeyFile}]},
{server_ecdh_rsa_verify_opts, [{ssl_imp, new},{reuseaddr, true},
- {cacertfile, ServerCaCertFile},
+ {cacertfile, ClientCaCertFile},
{certfile, ServerCertFile}, {keyfile, ServerKeyFile},
{verify, verify_peer}]},
{client_ecdh_rsa_opts, [{ssl_imp, new},{reuseaddr, true},
@@ -805,16 +807,24 @@ send_selected_port(_,_,_) ->
rsa_suites(CounterPart) ->
ECC = is_sane_ecc(CounterPart),
FIPS = is_fips(CounterPart),
+ CryptoSupport = crypto:supports(),
+ Ciphers = proplists:get_value(ciphers, CryptoSupport),
lists:filter(fun({rsa, des_cbc, sha}) when FIPS == true ->
({dhe_rsa, des_cbc, sha}) when FIPS == true ->
- ({rsa, _, _}) ->
- true;
- ({dhe_rsa, _, _}) ->
- true;
- ({ecdhe_rsa, _, _}) when ECC == true ->
- true;
+ ({rsa, Cipher, _}) ->
+ lists:member(Cipher, Ciphers);
+ ({dhe_rsa, Cipher, _}) ->
+ lists:member(Cipher, Ciphers);
+ ({ecdhe_rsa, Cipher, _}) when ECC == true ->
+ lists:member(Cipher, Ciphers);
+ ({rsa, Cipher, _, _}) ->
+ lists:member(Cipher, Ciphers);
+ ({dhe_rsa, Cipher, _,_}) ->
+ lists:member(Cipher, Ciphers);
+ ({ecdhe_rsa, Cipher, _,_}) when ECC == true ->
+ lists:member(Cipher, Ciphers);
(_) ->
@@ -1345,3 +1355,19 @@ ct_log_supported_protocol_versions(Config) ->
_ ->
ct:log("TLS/SSL version ~p~n ", [tls_record:supported_protocol_versions()])
+clean_env() ->
+ application:unset_env(ssl, protocol_version),
+ application:unset_env(ssl, session_lifetime),
+ application:unset_env(ssl, session_cb),
+ application:unset_env(ssl, session_cb_init_args),
+ application:unset_env(ssl, session_cache_client_max),
+ application:unset_env(ssl, session_cache_server_max),
+ application:unset_env(ssl, ssl_pem_cache_clean),
+ application:unset_env(ssl, alert_timeout).
+clean_start() ->
+ ssl:stop(),
+ application:load(ssl),
+ clean_env(),
+ ssl:start().
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_to_openssl_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_to_openssl_SUITE.erl
index b3109b5de9..9ecfe5b0ea 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_to_openssl_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_to_openssl_SUITE.erl
@@ -55,7 +55,9 @@ groups() ->
basic_tests() ->
- expired_session].
+ expired_session,
+ ssl2_erlang_server_openssl_client_comp
+ ].
all_versions_tests() ->
@@ -74,7 +76,8 @@ all_versions_tests() ->
- ssl2_erlang_server_openssl_client].
+ ssl2_erlang_server_openssl_client
+ ].
alpn_tests() ->
@@ -116,7 +119,7 @@ init_per_suite(Config0) ->
catch crypto:stop(),
try crypto:start() of
ok ->
- ssl:start(),
+ ssl_test_lib:clean_start(),
{ok, _} = make_certs:all(proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config0),
proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config0)),
Config1 = ssl_test_lib:make_dsa_cert(Config0),
@@ -180,7 +183,8 @@ special_init(TestCase, Config)
{ok, Version} = application:get_env(ssl, protocol_version),
check_sane_openssl_renegotaite(Config, Version);
-special_init(ssl2_erlang_server_openssl_client, Config) ->
+special_init(Case, Config) when Case == ssl2_erlang_server_openssl_client;
+ Case == ssl2_erlang_server_openssl_client_comp ->
case ssl_test_lib:supports_ssl_tls_version(sslv2) of
true ->
@@ -954,8 +958,52 @@ ssl2_erlang_server_openssl_client(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Data = "From openssl to erlang",
Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server_error([{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
+ {from, self()},
+ {options, ServerOpts}]),
+ Port = ssl_test_lib:inet_port(Server),
+ Exe = "openssl",
+ Args = ["s_client", "-connect", "localhost:" ++ integer_to_list(Port),
+ "-ssl2", "-msg"],
+ OpenSslPort = ssl_test_lib:portable_open_port(Exe, Args),
+ true = port_command(OpenSslPort, Data),
+ ct:log("Ports ~p~n", [[erlang:port_info(P) || P <- erlang:ports()]]),
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', OpenSslPort, _} = Exit ->
+ ct:log("Received: ~p ~n", [Exit]),
+ ok
+ end,
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', _, _} = UnkownExit ->
+ Msg = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Received: ~p ~n", [UnkownExit])),
+ ct:log(Msg),
+ ct:comment(Msg),
+ ok
+ after 0 ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ ssl_test_lib:check_result(Server, {error, {tls_alert, "handshake failure"}}),
+ process_flag(trap_exit, false).
+ssl2_erlang_server_openssl_client_comp() ->
+ [{doc,"Test that ssl v2 clients are rejected"}].
+ssl2_erlang_server_openssl_client_comp(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config),
+ V2Compat = proplists:get_value(v2_hello_compatible, Config),
+ ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config),
+ {_, ServerNode, _} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
+ Data = "From openssl to erlang",
+ Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server_error([{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
{from, self()},
- {options, ServerOpts}]),
+ {options, [{v2_hello_compatible, V2Compat} | ServerOpts]}]),
Port = ssl_test_lib:inet_port(Server),
Exe = "openssl",
@@ -1264,7 +1312,7 @@ client_check_result(Port, DataExpected, DataReceived) ->
_ ->
client_check_result(Port, DataExpected, NewData)
- after 3000 ->
+ after 20000 ->
ct:fail({"Time out on openSSL Client", {expected, DataExpected},
{got, DataReceived}})
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_upgrade_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_upgrade_SUITE.erl
index 113b3b4158..f6af1e6182 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_upgrade_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_upgrade_SUITE.erl
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
- result_proxy
+ result_proxy,
+ skip
all() ->
@@ -73,8 +74,15 @@ major_upgrade(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
minor_upgrade(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ct_release_test:upgrade(ssl, minor,{?MODULE, #state{config = Config}}, Config).
-upgrade_init(CTData, #state{config = Config} = State) ->
- {ok, {_, _, Up, _Down}} = ct_release_test:get_appup(CTData, ssl),
+upgrade_init(CtData, State) ->
+ {ok,{FromVsn,ToVsn}} = ct_release_test:get_app_vsns(CtData, ssl),
+ upgrade_init(FromVsn, ToVsn, CtData, State).
+upgrade_init(_, "8.0.2", _, State) ->
+ %% Requires stdlib upgrade so it will be a node upgrade!
+ State#state{skip = true};
+upgrade_init(_, _, CtData, #state{config = Config} = State) ->
+ {ok, {_, _, Up, _Down}} = ct_release_test:get_appup(CtData, ssl),
ct:pal("Up: ~p", [Up]),
Soft = is_soft(Up), %% It is symmetrical, if upgrade is soft so is downgrade
Pid = spawn(?MODULE, result_proxy_init, [[]]),
@@ -88,6 +96,8 @@ upgrade_init(CTData, #state{config = Config} = State) ->
State#state{soft = Soft, result_proxy = Pid}
+upgrade_upgraded(_, #state{skip = true} = State) ->
+ State;
upgrade_upgraded(_, #state{soft = false, config = Config, result_proxy = Pid} = State) ->
ct:pal("Restart upgrade ~n", []),
{Server, Client} = restart_start_connection(Config, Pid),
@@ -96,7 +106,6 @@ upgrade_upgraded(_, #state{soft = false, config = Config, result_proxy = Pid} =
ok = Result,
upgrade_upgraded(_, #state{server = Server0, client = Client0,
config = Config, soft = true,
result_proxy = Pid} = State) ->
@@ -110,6 +119,8 @@ upgrade_upgraded(_, #state{server = Server0, client = Client0,
{Server, Client} = soft_start_connection(Config, Pid),
State#state{server = Server, client = Client}.
+upgrade_downgraded(_, #state{skip = true} = State) ->
+ State;
upgrade_downgraded(_, #state{soft = false, config = Config, result_proxy = Pid} = State) ->
ct:pal("Restart downgrade: ~n", []),
{Server, Client} = restart_start_connection(Config, Pid),
@@ -119,7 +130,6 @@ upgrade_downgraded(_, #state{soft = false, config = Config, result_proxy = Pid}
Pid ! stop,
ok = Result,
upgrade_downgraded(_, #state{server = Server, client = Client, soft = true, result_proxy = Pid} = State) ->
ct:pal("Soft downgrade: ~n", []),
Server ! changed_version,
diff --git a/lib/ssl/vsn.mk b/lib/ssl/vsn.mk
index 6afac59109..914eb43505 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/vsn.mk
+++ b/lib/ssl/vsn.mk
@@ -1 +1 @@
-SSL_VSN = 8.0.1
+SSL_VSN = 8.0.2