path: root/lib/stdlib/doc
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/doc')
5 files changed, 121 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/erl_parse.xml b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/erl_parse.xml
index bafc2e0746..56a7131821 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/erl_parse.xml
+++ b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/erl_parse.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- <year>1996</year><year>2011</year>
+ <year>1996</year><year>2013</year>
<holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
@@ -167,6 +167,23 @@
<p>Converts the Erlang data structure <c><anno>Data</anno></c> into an
abstract form of type <c><anno>AbsTerm</anno></c>.
This is the inverse of <c>normalise/1</c>.</p>
+ <p><c>erl_parse:abstract(T)</c> is equivalent to
+ <c>erl_parse:abstract(T, 0)</c>.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name name="abstract" arity="2"/>
+ <fsummary>Convert an Erlang term into an abstract form</fsummary>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Converts the Erlang data structure <c><anno>Data</anno></c> into an
+ abstract form of type <c><anno>AbsTerm</anno></c>.</p>
+ <p>The <c><anno>Line</anno></c> option is the line that will
+ be assigned to each node of the abstract form.</p>
+ <p>The <c><anno>Encoding</anno></c> option is used for
+ selecting which integer lists will be considered
+ as strings. The default is to use the encoding returned by
+ <seealso marker="epp#default_encoding/0">
+ <c>epp:default_encoding/0</c></seealso></p>
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/lists.xml b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/lists.xml
index b6c0fa4e05..1aff78f4fc 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/lists.xml
+++ b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/lists.xml
@@ -152,6 +152,31 @@
+ <name name="filtermap" arity="2"/>
+ <fsummary>Filter and map elements which satisfy a function</fsummary>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Calls <c><anno>Fun</anno>(<anno>Elem</anno>)</c> on successive elements <c>Elem</c>
+ of <c><anno>List1</anno></c>. <c><anno>Fun</anno>/2</c> must return either a boolean
+ or a tuple <c>{true, <anno>Value</anno>}</c>. The function returns the list of elements
+ for which <c><anno>Fun</anno></c> returns a new value, where a value of <c>true</c>
+ is synonymous with <c>{true, <anno>Elem</anno>}</c>.</p>
+ <p>That is, <c>filtermap</c> behaves as if it had been defined as follows:</p>
+ <code type="none">
+filtermap(Fun, List1) ->
+ lists:foldr(fun(Elem, Acc) ->
+ case Fun(Elem) of
+ false -> Acc;
+ true -> [Elem|Acc];
+ {true,Value} -> [Value|Acc]
+ end,
+ end, [], List1).</code>
+ <p>Example:</p>
+ <pre>
+> <input>lists:filtermap(fun(X) -> case X rem 2 of 0 -> {true, X div 2}; _ -> false end end, [1,2,3,4,5]).</input>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
<name name="flatlength" arity="1"/>
<fsummary>Length of flattened deep list</fsummary>
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/supervisor.xml b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/supervisor.xml
index 9021d02ade..3f36c58d24 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/supervisor.xml
+++ b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/supervisor.xml
@@ -177,12 +177,6 @@ child_spec() = {Id,StartFunc,Restart,Shutdown,Type,Modules}
child process, it must be implemented in a safe way and its cleanup
procedure must always return.</p>
- <p><em>Important note on simple-one-for-one supervisors:</em>
- The dynamically created child processes of a
- simple-one-for-one supervisor are not explicitly killed,
- regardless of shutdown strategy, but are expected to terminate
- when the supervisor does (that is, when an exit signal from
- the parent process is received).</p>
<p>Note that all child processes implemented using the standard
OTP behavior modules automatically adhere to the shutdown
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/sys.xml b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/sys.xml
index 073faf2df2..0ffc5bc433 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/sys.xml
+++ b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/sys.xml
@@ -211,18 +211,87 @@
<p>Gets the status of the process.</p>
<p>The value of <c><anno>Misc</anno></c> varies for different types of
processes. For example, a <c>gen_server</c> process returns
- the callback module's state, and a <c>gen_fsm</c> process
- returns information such as its current state name. Callback
- modules for <c>gen_server</c> and <c>gen_fsm</c> can also
- customise the value of <c><anno>Misc</anno></c> by exporting
- a <c>format_status/2</c> function that contributes
- module-specific information;
- see <seealso marker="gen_server#Module:format_status/2">gen_server:format_status/2</seealso>
- and <seealso marker="gen_fsm#Module:format_status/2">gen_fsm:format_status/2</seealso>
+ the callback module's state, a <c>gen_fsm</c> process
+ returns information such as its current state name and state data,
+ and a <c>gen_event</c> process returns information about each of its
+ registered handlers. Callback modules for <c>gen_server</c>,
+ <c>gen_fsm</c>, and <c>gen_event</c> can also customise the value
+ of <c><anno>Misc</anno></c> by exporting a <c>format_status/2</c>
+ function that contributes module-specific information;
+ see <seealso marker="gen_server#Module:format_status/2">gen_server:format_status/2</seealso>,
+ <seealso marker="gen_fsm#Module:format_status/2">gen_fsm:format_status/2</seealso>, and
+ <seealso marker="gen_event#Module:format_status/2">gen_event:format_status/2</seealso>
for more details.</p>
+ <name name="get_state" arity="1"/>
+ <name name="get_state" arity="2"/>
+ <fsummary>Get the state of the process</fsummary>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Gets the state of the process.</p>
+ <note>
+ <p>These functions are intended only to help with debugging. They are provided for
+ convenience, allowing developers to avoid having to create their own state extraction
+ functions and also avoid having to interactively extract state from the return values of
+ <c><seealso marker="#get_status-1">get_status/1</seealso></c> or
+ <c><seealso marker="#get_status-2">get_status/2</seealso></c> while debugging.</p>
+ </note>
+ <p>The value of <c><anno>State</anno></c> varies for different types of
+ processes. For a <c>gen_server</c> process, the returned <c><anno>State</anno></c>
+ is simply the callback module's state. For a <c>gen_fsm</c> process,
+ <c><anno>State</anno></c> is the tuple <c>{CurrentStateName, CurrentStateData}</c>.
+ For a <c>gen_event</c> process, <c><anno>State</anno></c> a list of tuples,
+ where each tuple corresponds to an event handler registered in the process and contains
+ <c>{Module, Id, HandlerState}</c>, where <c>Module</c> is the event handler's module name,
+ <c>Id</c> is the handler's ID (which is the value <c>false</c> if it was registered without
+ an ID), and <c>HandlerState</c> is the handler's state.</p>
+ <p>To obtain more information about a process, including its state, see
+ <seealso marker="#get_status-1">get_status/1</seealso> and
+ <seealso marker="#get_status-2">get_status/2</seealso>.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name name="replace_state" arity="2"/>
+ <name name="replace_state" arity="3"/>
+ <fsummary>Replace the state of the process</fsummary>
+ <desc>
+ <p>Replaces the state of the process, and returns the new state.</p>
+ <note>
+ <p>These functions are intended only to help with debugging, and they should not be
+ be called from normal code. They are provided for convenience, allowing developers
+ to avoid having to create their own custom state replacement functions.</p>
+ </note>
+ <p>The <c><anno>StateFun</anno></c> function provides a new state for the process.
+ The <c><anno>State</anno></c> argument and <c><anno>NewState</anno></c> return value
+ of <c><anno>StateFun</anno></c> vary for different types of processes. For a
+ <c>gen_server</c> process, <c><anno>State</anno></c> is simply the callback module's
+ state, and <c><anno>NewState</anno></c> is a new instance of that state. For a
+ <c>gen_fsm</c> process, <c><anno>State</anno></c> is the tuple
+ <c>{CurrentStateName, CurrentStateData}</c>, and <c><anno>NewState</anno></c>
+ is a similar tuple that may contain a new state name, new state data, or both.
+ For a <c>gen_event</c> process, <c><anno>State</anno></c> is the tuple
+ <c>{Module, Id, HandlerState}</c> where <c>Module</c> is the event handler's module name,
+ <c>Id</c> is the handler's ID (which is the value <c>false</c> if it was registered without
+ an ID), and <c>HandlerState</c> is the handler's state. <c><anno>NewState</anno></c> is a
+ similar tuple where <c>Module</c> and <c>Id</c> shall have the same values as in
+ <c><anno>State</anno></c> but the value of <c>HandlerState</c> may be different. Returning
+ a <c><anno>NewState</anno></c> whose <c>Module</c> or <c>Id</c> values differ from those of
+ <c><anno>State</anno></c> will result in the event handler's state remaining unchanged. For a
+ <c>gen_event</c> process, <c><anno>StateFun</anno></c> is called once for each event handler
+ registered in the <c>gen_event</c> process.</p>
+ <p>If a <c><anno>StateFun</anno></c> function decides not to effect any change in process
+ state, then regardless of process type, it may simply return its <c><anno>State</anno></c>
+ argument.</p>
+ <p>If a <c><anno>StateFun</anno></c> function crashes or throws an exception, then
+ for <c>gen_server</c> and <c>gen_fsm</c> processes, the original state of the process is
+ unchanged. For <c>gen_event</c> processes, a crashing or failing <c><anno>StateFun</anno></c>
+ function means that only the state of the particular event handler it was working on when it
+ failed or crashed is unchanged; it can still succeed in changing the states of other event
+ handlers registered in the same <c>gen_event</c> process.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
<name name="install" arity="2"/>
<name name="install" arity="3"/>
<fsummary>Install a debug function in the process</fsummary>
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/unicode_usage.xml b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/unicode_usage.xml
index c5d476e54b..1f64b38554 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/unicode_usage.xml
+++ b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/unicode_usage.xml
@@ -625,6 +625,7 @@ Eshell V5.10.1 (abort with ^G)
<title>Unicode File Names</title>
+ <marker id="unicode_file_names"/>
<p>Most modern operating systems support Unicode file names in some
way or another. There are several different ways to do this and
Erlang by default treats the different approaches differently:</p>