path: root/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl
index 820afd3739..d9c645d787 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl
@@ -1,24 +1,28 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Avoid warning for local function error/1 clashing with autoimported BIF.
+%% Avoid warning for local function error/2 clashing with autoimported BIF.
@@ -41,23 +45,18 @@
-export([make_crypto_key/2, get_crypto_key/1]). %Utilities used by compiler
+-export_type([attrib_entry/0, compinfo_entry/0, labeled_entry/0]).
-import(lists, [append/1, delete/2, foreach/2, keysort/2,
member/2, reverse/1, sort/1, splitwith/2]).
-type beam() :: module() | file:filename() | binary().
--type forms() :: term().
+-type forms() :: [erl_parse:abstract_form()].
--type abst_vsn() :: atom().
--type abst_code() :: {abst_vsn(), forms()} | 'no_abstract_code'.
--type attribute() :: atom().
--type attrvalue() :: term().
+-type abst_code() :: {AbstVersion :: atom(), forms()} | 'no_abstract_code'.
-type dataB() :: binary().
-type index() :: non_neg_integer().
-type label() :: integer().
@@ -71,9 +70,9 @@
| 'atoms'.
-type chunkref() :: chunkname() | chunkid().
--type attrib_entry() :: {attribute(), [attrvalue()]}.
--type compinfo_entry() :: {atom(), term()}.
--type labeled_entry() :: {atom(), arity(), label()}.
+-type attrib_entry() :: {Attribute :: atom(), [AttributeValue :: term()]}.
+-type compinfo_entry() :: {InfoKey :: atom(), term()}.
+-type labeled_entry() :: {Function :: atom(), arity(), label()}.
-type chunkdata() :: {chunkid(), dataB()}
| {'abstract_code', abst_code()}
@@ -82,20 +81,17 @@
| {'exports', [{atom(), arity()}]}
| {'labeled_exports', [labeled_entry()]}
| {'imports', [mfa()]}
- | {'indexed_imports', [{index(), module(), atom(), arity()}]}
+ | {'indexed_imports', [{index(), module(), Function :: atom(), arity()}]}
| {'locals', [{atom(), arity()}]}
| {'labeled_locals', [labeled_entry()]}
| {'atoms', [{integer(), atom()}]}.
--type info_pair() :: {'file', file:filename()}
- | {'binary', binary()}
- | {'module', module()}
- | {'chunks', [{chunkid(), integer(), integer()}]}.
%% Error reasons
-type info_rsn() :: {'chunk_too_big', file:filename(),
- chunkid(), integer(), integer()}
- | {'invalid_beam_file', file:filename(), integer()}
+ chunkid(), ChunkSize :: non_neg_integer(),
+ FileSize :: non_neg_integer()}
+ | {'invalid_beam_file', file:filename(),
+ Position :: non_neg_integer()}
| {'invalid_chunk', file:filename(), chunkid()}
| {'missing_chunk', file:filename(), chunkid()}
| {'not_a_beam_file', file:filename()}
@@ -106,6 +102,7 @@
| info_rsn().
-type cmp_rsn() :: {'modules_different', module(), module()}
| {'chunks_different', chunkid()}
+ | 'different_chunks'
| info_rsn().
@@ -114,20 +111,34 @@
%% Exported functions
--spec info(beam()) -> [info_pair()] | {'error', 'beam_lib', info_rsn()}.
+-spec info(Beam) -> [InfoPair] | {'error', 'beam_lib', info_rsn()} when
+ Beam :: beam(),
+ InfoPair :: {'file', Filename :: file:filename()}
+ | {'binary', Binary :: binary()}
+ | {'module', Module :: module()}
+ | {'chunks', [{ChunkId :: chunkid(),
+ Pos :: non_neg_integer(),
+ Size :: non_neg_integer()}]}.
info(File) ->
--spec chunks(beam(), [chunkref()]) ->
- {'ok', {module(), [chunkdata()]}} | {'error', 'beam_lib', chnk_rsn()}.
+-spec chunks(Beam, ChunkRefs) ->
+ {'ok', {module(), [chunkdata()]}} |
+ {'error', 'beam_lib', chnk_rsn()} when
+ Beam :: beam(),
+ ChunkRefs :: [chunkref()].
chunks(File, Chunks) ->
read_chunk_data(File, Chunks).
--spec chunks(beam(), [chunkref()], ['allow_missing_chunks']) ->
- {'ok', {module(), [{chunkref(), chunkdata() | 'missing_chunk'}]}}
- | {'error', 'beam_lib', chnk_rsn()}.
+-spec chunks(Beam, ChunkRefs, Options) ->
+ {'ok', {module(), [ChunkResult]}} |
+ {'error', 'beam_lib', chnk_rsn()} when
+ Beam :: beam(),
+ ChunkRefs :: [chunkref()],
+ Options :: ['allow_missing_chunks'],
+ ChunkResult :: chunkdata() | {ChunkRef :: chunkref(), 'missing_chunk'}.
chunks(File, Chunks, Options) ->
try read_chunk_data(File, Chunks, Options)
@@ -138,49 +149,65 @@ chunks(File, Chunks, Options) ->
all_chunks(File) ->
--spec cmp(beam(), beam()) -> 'ok' | {'error', 'beam_lib', cmp_rsn()}.
+-spec cmp(Beam1, Beam2) -> 'ok' | {'error', 'beam_lib', cmp_rsn()} when
+ Beam1 :: beam(),
+ Beam2 :: beam().
cmp(File1, File2) ->
try cmp_files(File1, File2)
catch Error -> Error end.
--spec cmp_dirs(atom() | file:filename(), atom() | file:filename()) ->
- {[file:filename()], [file:filename()],
- [{file:filename(), file:filename()}]}
- | {'error', 'beam_lib', {'not_a_directory', term()} | info_rsn()}.
+-spec cmp_dirs(Dir1, Dir2) ->
+ {Only1, Only2, Different} | {'error', 'beam_lib', Reason} when
+ Dir1 :: atom() | file:filename(),
+ Dir2 :: atom() | file:filename(),
+ Only1 :: [file:filename()],
+ Only2 :: [file:filename()],
+ Different :: [{Filename1 :: file:filename(), Filename2 :: file:filename()}],
+ Reason :: {'not_a_directory', term()} | info_rsn().
cmp_dirs(Dir1, Dir2) ->
catch compare_dirs(Dir1, Dir2).
--spec diff_dirs(atom() | file:filename(), atom() | file:filename()) ->
- 'ok' | {'error', 'beam_lib', {'not_a_directory', term()} | info_rsn()}.
+-spec diff_dirs(Dir1, Dir2) -> 'ok' | {'error', 'beam_lib', Reason} when
+ Dir1 :: atom() | file:filename(),
+ Dir2 :: atom() | file:filename(),
+ Reason :: {'not_a_directory', term()} | info_rsn().
diff_dirs(Dir1, Dir2) ->
catch diff_directories(Dir1, Dir2).
--spec strip(beam()) ->
- {'ok', {module(), beam()}} | {'error', 'beam_lib', info_rsn()}.
+-spec strip(Beam1) ->
+ {'ok', {module(), Beam2}} | {'error', 'beam_lib', info_rsn()} when
+ Beam1 :: beam(),
+ Beam2 :: beam().
strip(FileName) ->
try strip_file(FileName)
catch Error -> Error end.
--spec strip_files([beam()]) ->
- {'ok', [{module(), beam()}]} | {'error', 'beam_lib', info_rsn()}.
+-spec strip_files(Files) ->
+ {'ok', [{module(), Beam}]} | {'error', 'beam_lib', info_rsn()} when
+ Files :: [beam()],
+ Beam :: beam().
strip_files(Files) when is_list(Files) ->
try strip_fils(Files)
catch Error -> Error end.
--spec strip_release(atom() | file:filename()) ->
+-spec strip_release(Dir) ->
{'ok', [{module(), file:filename()}]}
- | {'error', 'beam_lib', {'not_a_directory', term()} | info_rsn()}.
+ | {'error', 'beam_lib', Reason} when
+ Dir :: atom() | file:filename(),
+ Reason :: {'not_a_directory', term()} | info_rsn().
strip_release(Root) ->
catch strip_rel(Root).
--spec version(beam()) ->
- {'ok', {module(), [term()]}} | {'error', 'beam_lib', chnk_rsn()}.
+-spec version(Beam) ->
+ {'ok', {module(), [Version :: term()]}} |
+ {'error', 'beam_lib', chnk_rsn()} when
+ Beam :: beam().
version(File) ->
case catch read_chunk_data(File, [attributes]) of
@@ -191,8 +218,10 @@ version(File) ->
--spec md5(beam()) ->
- {'ok', {module(), binary()}} | {'error', 'beam_lib', chnk_rsn()}.
+-spec md5(Beam) ->
+ {'ok', {module(), MD5}} | {'error', 'beam_lib', chnk_rsn()} when
+ Beam :: beam(),
+ MD5 :: binary().
md5(File) ->
case catch read_significant_chunks(File) of
@@ -203,7 +232,8 @@ md5(File) ->
--spec format_error(term()) -> [char() | string()].
+-spec format_error(Reason) -> io_lib:chars() when
+ Reason :: term().
format_error({error, Error}) ->
@@ -256,12 +286,15 @@ format_error(E) ->
| {'debug_info', mode(), module(), file:filename()}.
-type crypto_fun() :: fun((crypto_fun_arg()) -> term()).
--spec crypto_key_fun(crypto_fun()) -> 'ok' | {'error', term()}.
+-spec crypto_key_fun(CryptoKeyFun) -> 'ok' | {'error', Reason} when
+ CryptoKeyFun :: crypto_fun(),
+ Reason :: badfun | exists | term().
crypto_key_fun(F) ->
call_crypto_server({crypto_key_fun, F}).
--spec clear_crypto_key_fun() -> 'undefined' | {'ok', term()}.
+-spec clear_crypto_key_fun() -> 'undefined' | {'ok', Result} when
+ Result :: 'undefined' | term().
clear_crypto_key_fun() ->
@@ -331,13 +364,11 @@ beam_files(Dir) ->
%% -> ok | throw(Error)
cmp_files(File1, File2) ->
- {ok, {M1, L1}} = read_significant_chunks(File1),
- {ok, {M2, L2}} = read_significant_chunks(File2),
+ {ok, {M1, L1}} = read_all_but_useless_chunks(File1),
+ {ok, {M2, L2}} = read_all_but_useless_chunks(File2),
M1 =:= M2 ->
- List1 = filter_funtab(L1),
- List2 = filter_funtab(L2),
- cmp_lists(List1, List2);
+ cmp_lists(L1, L2);
true ->
error({modules_different, M1, M2})
@@ -408,6 +439,20 @@ pad(Size) ->
%% -> {ok, {Module, Chunks}} | throw(Error)
+read_all_but_useless_chunks(File0) when is_atom(File0);
+ is_list(File0);
+ is_binary(File0) ->
+ File = beam_filename(File0),
+ {ok, Module, ChunkIds0} = scan_beam(File, info),
+ ChunkIds = [Name || {Name,_,_} <- ChunkIds0,
+ not is_useless_chunk(Name)],
+ {ok, Module, Chunks} = scan_beam(File, ChunkIds),
+ {ok, {Module, lists:reverse(Chunks)}}.
+is_useless_chunk("CInf") -> true;
+is_useless_chunk(_) -> false.
+%% -> {ok, {Module, Chunks}} | throw(Error)
read_significant_chunks(File) ->
case read_chunk_data(File, significant_chunks(), [allow_missing_chunks]) of
{ok, {Module, Chunks0}} ->