path: root/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
index 5ba68318d7..269e4b34cf 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
@@ -1385,18 +1385,19 @@ pattern({cons,_Line,H,T}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St0) ->
pattern({tuple,_Line,Ps}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
pattern_list(Ps, Vt, Old, Bvt, St);
pattern({map,_Line,Ps}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
- pattern_list(Ps, Vt, Old, Bvt, St);
-pattern({map_field_assoc,Line,_,_}, _, _, _, St) ->
- {[],[],add_error(Line, illegal_pattern, St)};
-pattern({map_field_exact,Line,KP,VP}, Vt, Old, Bvt0, St0) ->
- %% if the key pattern has variables we should fail
- case expr(KP,[],St0) of
- {[],_} ->
- pattern(VP, Vt, Old, Bvt0, St0);
- {[Var|_],_} ->
- %% found variables in key expression
- {Vt,Old,add_error(Line,{illegal_map_key_variable,element(1,Var)},St0)}
- end;
+ foldl(fun ({map_field_assoc,L,_,_}, {Psvt,Bvt0,St0}) ->
+ {Psvt,Bvt0,add_error(L, illegal_pattern, St0)};
+ ({map_field_exact,L,KP,VP}, {Psvt,Bvt0,St0}) ->
+ case expr(KP, [], St0) of
+ {[],_} ->
+ {Pvt,Bvt1,St1} = pattern(VP, Vt, Old, Bvt, St0),
+ {vtmerge_pat(Pvt, Psvt),vtmerge_pat(Bvt0, Bvt1),
+ St1};
+ {[Var|_],_} ->
+ Error = {illegal_map_key_variable,element(1, Var)},
+ {Psvt,Bvt0,add_error(L, Error, St0)}
+ end
+ end, {[],[],St}, Ps);
%%pattern({struct,_Line,_Tag,Ps}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
%% pattern_list(Ps, Vt, Old, Bvt, St);
pattern({record_index,Line,Name,Field}, _Vt, _Old, _Bvt, St) ->
@@ -1785,13 +1786,11 @@ gexpr({cons,_Line,H,T}, Vt, St) ->
gexpr({tuple,_Line,Es}, Vt, St) ->
gexpr_list(Es, Vt, St);
gexpr({map,_Line,Es}, Vt, St) ->
- gexpr_list(Es, Vt, St);
+ map_fields(Es, Vt, check_assoc_fields(Es, St), fun gexpr_list/3);
gexpr({map,_Line,Src,Es}, Vt, St) ->
- gexpr_list([Src|Es], Vt, St);
-gexpr({map_field_assoc,_Line,K,V}, Vt, St) ->
- gexpr_list([K,V], Vt, St);
-gexpr({map_field_exact,_Line,K,V}, Vt, St) ->
- gexpr_list([K,V], Vt, St);
+ {Svt,St1} = gexpr(Src, Vt, St),
+ {Fvt,St2} = map_fields(Es, Vt, St1, fun gexpr_list/3),
+ {vtmerge(Svt, Fvt),St2};
gexpr({record_index,Line,Name,Field}, _Vt, St) ->
check_record(Line, Name, St,
fun (Dfs, St1) -> record_field(Field, Name, Dfs, St1) end );
@@ -2015,24 +2014,12 @@ expr({bc,_Line,E,Qs}, Vt, St) ->
handle_comprehension(E, Qs, Vt, St);
expr({tuple,_Line,Es}, Vt, St) ->
expr_list(Es, Vt, St);
-expr({map,Line,Es}, Vt, St) ->
- {Rvt,St1} = expr_list(Es,Vt,St),
- case is_valid_map_construction(Es) of
- true -> {Rvt,St1};
- false -> {[],add_error(Line,illegal_map_construction,St1)}
- end;
+expr({map,_Line,Es}, Vt, St) ->
+ map_fields(Es, Vt, check_assoc_fields(Es, St), fun expr_list/3);
expr({map,_Line,Src,Es}, Vt, St) ->
- expr_list([Src|Es], Vt, St);
-expr({map_field_assoc,Line,K,V}, Vt, St) ->
- case is_valid_map_key(K,St) of
- true -> expr_list([K,V], Vt, St);
- {false,Var} -> {[],add_error(Line,{illegal_map_key_variable,Var},St)}
- end;
-expr({map_field_exact,Line,K,V}, Vt, St) ->
- case is_valid_map_key(K,St) of
- true -> expr_list([K,V], Vt, St);
- {false,Var} -> {[],add_error(Line,{illegal_map_key_variable,Var},St)}
- end;
+ {Svt,St1} = expr(Src, Vt, St),
+ {Fvt,St2} = map_fields(Es, Vt, St1, fun expr_list/3),
+ {vtupdate(Svt, Fvt),St2};
expr({record_index,Line,Name,Field}, _Vt, St) ->
check_record(Line, Name, St,
fun (Dfs, St1) -> record_field(Field, Name, Dfs, St1) end);
@@ -2240,6 +2227,25 @@ record_expr(Line, Rec, Vt, St0) ->
St1 = warn_invalid_record(Line, Rec, St0),
expr(Rec, Vt, St1).
+check_assoc_fields([{map_field_exact,Line,_,_}|Fs], St) ->
+ check_assoc_fields(Fs, add_error(Line, illegal_map_construction, St));
+check_assoc_fields([{map_field_assoc,_,_,_}|Fs], St) ->
+ check_assoc_fields(Fs, St);
+check_assoc_fields([], St) ->
+ St.
+map_fields([{Tag,Line,K,V}|Fs], Vt, St, F) when Tag =:= map_field_assoc;
+ Tag =:= map_field_exact ->
+ St1 = case is_valid_map_key(K, St) of
+ true -> St;
+ {false,Var} -> add_error(Line, {illegal_map_key_variable,Var}, St)
+ end,
+ {Pvt,St2} = F([K,V], Vt, St1),
+ {Vts,St3} = map_fields(Fs, Vt, St2, F),
+ {vtupdate(Pvt, Vts),St3};
+map_fields([], Vt, St, _) ->
+ {Vt,St}.
%% warn_invalid_record(Line, Record, State0) -> State
%% Adds warning if the record is invalid.
@@ -2292,13 +2298,6 @@ is_valid_call(Call) ->
_ -> true
-%% check_map_construction
-%% Only #{ K => V }, i.e. assoc is a valid construction
-is_valid_map_construction([{map_field_assoc,_,_,_}|Es]) ->
- is_valid_map_construction(Es);
-is_valid_map_construction([]) -> true;
-is_valid_map_construction(_) -> false.
is_valid_map_key(K,St) ->
case expr(K,[],St) of
{[],_} -> true;
@@ -2536,32 +2535,39 @@ type_def(Attr, Line, TypeName, ProtoType, Args, St0) ->
CheckType = {type, -1, product, [ProtoType|Args]},
check_type(CheckType, St#lint{types=NewDefs})
- case (dict:is_key(TypePair, TypeDefs) orelse is_var_arity_type(TypeName)) of
- true ->
- case is_default_type(TypePair) of
- true ->
- case is_newly_introduced_builtin_type(TypePair) of
- %% allow some types just for bootstrapping
- true ->
- Warn = {new_builtin_type, TypePair},
- St1 = add_warning(Line, Warn, St0),
+ case is_default_type(TypePair) of
+ true ->
+ case is_obsolete_builtin_type(TypePair) of
+ true -> StoreType(St0);
+ false ->
+ case is_newly_introduced_builtin_type(TypePair) of
+ %% allow some types just for bootstrapping
+ true ->
+ Warn = {new_builtin_type, TypePair},
+ St1 = add_warning(Line, Warn, St0),
- false ->
- add_error(Line, {builtin_type, TypePair}, St0)
- end;
- false -> add_error(Line, {redefine_type, TypePair}, St0)
- end;
- false ->
- St1 = case
- Attr =:= opaque andalso
- is_underspecified(ProtoType, Arity)
- of
- true ->
- Warn = {underspecified_opaque, TypePair},
- add_warning(Line, Warn, St0);
- false -> St0
- end,
- StoreType(St1)
+ false ->
+ add_error(Line, {builtin_type, TypePair}, St0)
+ end
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case
+ dict:is_key(TypePair, TypeDefs)
+ orelse is_var_arity_type(TypeName)
+ of
+ true -> add_error(Line, {redefine_type, TypePair}, St0);
+ false ->
+ St1 = case
+ Attr =:= opaque andalso
+ is_underspecified(ProtoType, Arity)
+ of
+ true ->
+ Warn = {underspecified_opaque, TypePair},
+ add_warning(Line, Warn, St0);
+ false -> St0
+ end,
+ StoreType(St1)
+ end
is_underspecified({type,_,term,[]}, 0) -> true;
@@ -2784,21 +2790,11 @@ is_default_type({timeout, 0}) -> true;
is_default_type({var, 1}) -> true;
is_default_type(_) -> false.
-%% R13
-is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({arity, 0}) -> true;
-is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({array, 0}) -> true; % opaque
-is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({bitstring, 0}) -> true;
-is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({dict, 0}) -> true; % opaque
-is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({digraph, 0}) -> true; % opaque
-is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({gb_set, 0}) -> true; % opaque
-is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({gb_tree, 0}) -> true; % opaque
-is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({iodata, 0}) -> true;
-is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({queue, 0}) -> true; % opaque
-is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({set, 0}) -> true; % opaque
-%% R13B01
-is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({boolean, 0}) -> true;
is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({Name, _}) when is_atom(Name) -> false.
+is_obsolete_builtin_type(TypePair) ->
+ obsolete_builtin_type(TypePair) =/= no.
%% Obsolete in OTP 17.0.
obsolete_builtin_type({array, 0}) ->
{deprecated, {array, array, 1}, "OTP 18.0"};
@@ -2816,7 +2812,7 @@ obsolete_builtin_type({set, 0}) ->
{deprecated, {sets, set, 1}, "OTP 18.0"};
obsolete_builtin_type({tid, 0}) ->
{deprecated, {ets, tid}, "OTP 18.0"};
-obsolete_builtin_type({Name, _}) when is_atom(Name) -> no.
+obsolete_builtin_type({Name, A}) when is_atom(Name), is_integer(A) -> no.
%% spec_decl(Line, Fun, Types, State) -> State.