path: root/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
index cf01e1f8cf..0c6f41f594 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ value_option(Flag, Default, On, OnVal, Off, OffVal, Opts) ->
compile=[], %Compile flags
records=dict:new() :: dict(), %Record definitions
locals=gb_sets:empty() :: gb_set(), %All defined functions (prescanned)
- no_auto=gb_sets:empty() :: gb_set(), %Functions explicitly not autoimported
+ no_auto=gb_sets:empty() :: gb_set() | 'all', %Functions explicitly not autoimported
defined=gb_sets:empty() :: gb_set(), %Defined fuctions
on_load=[] :: [fa()], %On-load function
on_load_line=0 :: line(), %Line for on_load
@@ -225,6 +225,8 @@ format_error({too_many_arguments,Arity}) ->
"maximum allowed is ~w", [Arity,?MAX_ARGUMENTS]);
%% --- patterns and guards ---
format_error(illegal_pattern) -> "illegal pattern";
+format_error({illegal_map_key_variable,K}) ->
+ io_lib:format("illegal use of variable ~w in map",[K]);
format_error(illegal_bin_pattern) ->
"binary patterns cannot be matched in parallel using '='";
format_error(illegal_expr) -> "illegal expression";
@@ -232,6 +234,9 @@ format_error({illegal_guard_local_call, {F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("call to local/imported function ~w/~w is illegal in guard",
format_error(illegal_guard_expr) -> "illegal guard expression";
+%% --- maps ---
+format_error(illegal_map_construction) ->
+ "only association operators '=>' are allowed in map construction";
%% --- records ---
format_error({undefined_record,T}) ->
io_lib:format("record ~w undefined", [T]);
@@ -844,8 +849,9 @@ behaviour_callbacks(Line, B, St0) ->
{[], St1}
-behaviour_missing_callbacks([{{Line,B},Bfs}|T], #lint{exports=Exp}=St0) ->
- Missing = ordsets:subtract(ordsets:from_list(Bfs), gb_sets:to_list(Exp)),
+behaviour_missing_callbacks([{{Line,B},Bfs}|T], St0) ->
+ Exports = gb_sets:to_list(exports(St0)),
+ Missing = ordsets:subtract(ordsets:from_list(Bfs), Exports),
St = foldl(fun (F, S0) ->
add_warning(Line, {undefined_behaviour_func,F,B}, S0)
end, St0, Missing),
@@ -1149,6 +1155,14 @@ export_type(Line, ETs, #lint{usage = Usage, exp_types = ETs0} = St0) ->
add_error(Line, {bad_export_type, ETs}, St0)
+-spec exports(lint_state()) -> gb_set().
+exports(#lint{compile = Opts, defined = Defs, exports = Es}) ->
+ case lists:member(export_all, Opts) of
+ true -> Defs;
+ false -> Es
+ end.
-type import() :: {module(), [fa()]} | module().
-spec import(line(), import(), lint_state()) -> lint_state().
@@ -1357,6 +1371,19 @@ pattern({cons,_Line,H,T}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St0) ->
{vtmerge_pat(Hvt, Tvt),vtmerge_pat(Bvt1,Bvt2),St2};
pattern({tuple,_Line,Ps}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
pattern_list(Ps, Vt, Old, Bvt, St);
+pattern({map,_Line,Ps}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
+ pattern_list(Ps, Vt, Old, Bvt, St);
+pattern({map_field_assoc,Line,_,_}, _, _, _, St) ->
+ {[],[],add_error(Line, illegal_pattern, St)};
+pattern({map_field_exact,Line,KP,VP}, Vt, Old, Bvt0, St0) ->
+ %% if the key pattern has variables we should fail
+ case expr(KP,[],St0) of
+ {[],_} ->
+ pattern(VP, Vt, Old, Bvt0, St0);
+ {[Var|_],_} ->
+ %% found variables in key expression
+ {Vt,Old,add_error(Line,{illegal_map_key_variable,element(1,Var)},St0)}
+ end;
%%pattern({struct,_Line,_Tag,Ps}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
%% pattern_list(Ps, Vt, Old, Bvt, St);
pattern({record_index,Line,Name,Field}, _Vt, _Old, _Bvt, St) ->
@@ -1744,6 +1771,14 @@ gexpr({cons,_Line,H,T}, Vt, St) ->
gexpr_list([H,T], Vt, St);
gexpr({tuple,_Line,Es}, Vt, St) ->
gexpr_list(Es, Vt, St);
+gexpr({map,_Line,Es}, Vt, St) ->
+ gexpr_list(Es, Vt, St);
+gexpr({map,_Line,Src,Es}, Vt, St) ->
+ gexpr_list([Src|Es], Vt, St);
+gexpr({map_field_assoc,_Line,K,V}, Vt, St) ->
+ gexpr_list([K,V], Vt, St);
+gexpr({map_field_exact,_Line,K,V}, Vt, St) ->
+ gexpr_list([K,V], Vt, St);
gexpr({record_index,Line,Name,Field}, _Vt, St) ->
check_record(Line, Name, St,
fun (Dfs, St1) -> record_field(Field, Name, Dfs, St1) end );
@@ -1961,6 +1996,24 @@ expr({bc,_Line,E,Qs}, Vt, St) ->
handle_comprehension(E, Qs, Vt, St);
expr({tuple,_Line,Es}, Vt, St) ->
expr_list(Es, Vt, St);
+expr({map,Line,Es}, Vt, St) ->
+ {Rvt,St1} = expr_list(Es,Vt,St),
+ case is_valid_map_construction(Es) of
+ true -> {Rvt,St1};
+ false -> {[],add_error(Line,illegal_map_construction,St1)}
+ end;
+expr({map,_Line,Src,Es}, Vt, St) ->
+ expr_list([Src|Es], Vt, St);
+expr({map_field_assoc,Line,K,V}, Vt, St) ->
+ case is_valid_map_key(K,St) of
+ true -> expr_list([K,V], Vt, St);
+ {false,Var} -> {[],add_error(Line,{illegal_map_key_variable,Var},St)}
+ end;
+expr({map_field_exact,Line,K,V}, Vt, St) ->
+ case is_valid_map_key(K,St) of
+ true -> expr_list([K,V], Vt, St);
+ {false,Var} -> {[],add_error(Line,{illegal_map_key_variable,Var},St)}
+ end;
expr({record_index,Line,Name,Field}, _Vt, St) ->
check_record(Line, Name, St,
fun (Dfs, St1) -> record_field(Field, Name, Dfs, St1) end);
@@ -2220,6 +2273,20 @@ is_valid_call(Call) ->
_ -> true
+%% check_map_construction
+%% Only #{ K => V }, i.e. assoc is a valid construction
+is_valid_map_construction([{map_field_assoc,_,_,_}|Es]) ->
+ is_valid_map_construction(Es);
+is_valid_map_construction([]) -> true;
+is_valid_map_construction(_) -> false.
+is_valid_map_key(K,St) ->
+ case expr(K,[],St) of
+ {[],_} -> true;
+ {[Var|_],_} ->
+ {false,element(1,Var)}
+ end.
%% record_def(Line, RecordName, [RecField], State) -> State.
%% Add a record definition if it does not already exist. Normalise
%% so that all fields have explicit initial value.
@@ -2540,6 +2607,13 @@ check_type({type, L, range, [From, To]}, SeenVars, St) ->
_ -> add_error(L, {type_syntax, range}, St)
{SeenVars, St1};
+check_type({type, _L, map, any}, SeenVars, St) -> {SeenVars, St};
+check_type({type, _L, map, Pairs}, SeenVars, St) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun(Pair, {AccSeenVars, AccSt}) ->
+ check_type(Pair, AccSeenVars, AccSt)
+ end, {SeenVars, St}, Pairs);
+check_type({type, _L, map_field_assoc, Dom, Range}, SeenVars, St) ->
+ check_type({type, -1, product, [Dom, Range]}, SeenVars, St);
check_type({type, _L, tuple, any}, SeenVars, St) -> {SeenVars, St};
check_type({type, _L, any}, SeenVars, St) -> {SeenVars, St};
check_type({type, L, binary, [Base, Unit]}, SeenVars, St) ->
@@ -2645,6 +2719,7 @@ is_default_type({iodata, 0}) -> true;
is_default_type({iolist, 0}) -> true;
is_default_type({list, 0}) -> true;
is_default_type({list, 1}) -> true;
+is_default_type({map, 0}) -> true;
is_default_type({maybe_improper_list, 0}) -> true;
is_default_type({maybe_improper_list, 2}) -> true;
is_default_type({mfa, 0}) -> true;
@@ -3573,15 +3648,22 @@ is_imported_from_erlang(ImportSet,{Func,Arity}) ->
{ok,erlang} -> true;
_ -> false
-%% Build set of functions where auto-import is explicitly supressed
+%% Build set of functions where auto-import is explicitly suppressed
auto_import_suppressed(CompileFlags) ->
- L0 = [ X || {no_auto_import,X} <- CompileFlags ],
- L1 = [ {Y,Z} || {Y,Z} <- lists:flatten(L0), is_atom(Y), is_integer(Z) ],
- gb_sets:from_list(L1).
-%% Predicate to find out if autoimport is explicitly supressed for a function
+ case lists:member(no_auto_import, CompileFlags) of
+ true ->
+ all;
+ false ->
+ L0 = [ X || {no_auto_import,X} <- CompileFlags ],
+ L1 = [ {Y,Z} || {Y,Z} <- lists:flatten(L0), is_atom(Y), is_integer(Z) ],
+ gb_sets:from_list(L1)
+ end.
+%% Predicate to find out if autoimport is explicitly suppressed for a function
+is_autoimport_suppressed(all,{_Func,_Arity}) ->
+ true;
is_autoimport_suppressed(NoAutoSet,{Func,Arity}) ->
-%% Predicate to find out if a function specific bif-clash supression (old deprecated) is present
+%% Predicate to find out if a function specific bif-clash suppression (old deprecated) is present
bif_clash_specifically_disabled(St,{F,A}) ->
Nowarn = nowarn_function(nowarn_bif_clash, St#lint.compile),