path: root/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl')
1 files changed, 286 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl
index 6e48d95973..5ca04ff023 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
%% External exports
+%% Avoid warning for local function error/1 clashing with autoimported BIF.
-export([parse_transform/2, transform_from_evaluator/2]).
-export([q/1, q/2]).
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@
-record(qlc_table, % qlc:table/2
{trav_fun, % traverse fun
- trav_MS, % bool(); true iff traverse fun takes a match spec
+ trav_MS, % boolean(); true iff traverse fun takes a match spec
@@ -108,12 +110,12 @@
-record(qlc_cursor, {c}).
- {unique = false, % bool()
- cache = false, % bool() | list (true~ets, false~no)
+ {unique = false, % boolean()
+ cache = false, % boolean() | list (true~ets, false~no)
max_lookup = -1, % int() >= 0 | -1 (represents infinity)
join = any, % any | nested_loop | merge | lookup
tmpdir = "", % global tmpdir
- lookup = any, % any | bool()
+ lookup = any, % any | boolean()
max_list = ?MAX_LIST_SIZE, % int() >= 0
tmpdir_usage = allowed % allowed | not_allowed
% | warning_msg | error_msg | info_msg
@@ -123,6 +125,8 @@
-define(THROWN_ERROR, {?MODULE, throw_error, _}).
%%% A query handle is a tuple {qlc_handle, Handle} where Handle is one
%%% of #qlc_append, #qlc_table, #qlc_sort, and #qlc_lc.
@@ -142,6 +146,35 @@ get_handle(_) ->
%%% Exported functions
+-type(query_list_comprehension() :: term()).
+-opaque(query_cursor() :: {qlc_cursor, term()}).
+-opaque(query_handle() :: {qlc_handle, term()}).
+-type(query_handle_or_list() :: query_handle() | list()).
+-type(answers() :: [answer()]).
+-type(answer() :: term()).
+-type(abstract_expr() :: erl_parse:abstract_expr()).
+-type(match_expression() :: ets:match_spec()).
+-type(spawn_options() :: default | [proc_lib:spawn_option()]).
+-type(sort_options() :: [sort_option()] | sort_option()).
+-type(sort_option() :: {compressed, boolean()}
+ | {no_files, no_files()}
+ | {order, order()}
+ | {size, pos_integer()}
+ | {tmpdir, tmp_directory()}
+ | {unique, boolean()}).
+-type(order() :: ascending | descending | order_fun()).
+-type(order_fun() :: fun((term(), term()) -> boolean())).
+-type(tmp_directory() :: [] | file:name()).
+-type(no_files() :: pos_integer()). % > 1
+-type(key_pos() :: pos_integer() | [pos_integer()]).
+-type(max_list_size() :: non_neg_integer()).
+-type(cache() :: ets | list | no).
+-type(tmp_file_usage() :: allowed | not_allowed | info_msg
+ | warning_msg | error_msg).
+-spec(append(QHL) -> QH when
+ QHL :: [query_handle_or_list()],
+ QH :: query_handle()).
append(QHs) ->
Hs = [case get_handle(QH) of
badarg -> erlang:error(badarg, [QHs]);
@@ -149,6 +182,10 @@ append(QHs) ->
end || QH <- QHs],
#qlc_handle{h = #qlc_append{hl = Hs}}.
+-spec(append(QH1, QH2) -> QH3 when
+ QH1 :: query_handle_or_list(),
+ QH2 :: query_handle_or_list(),
+ QH3 :: query_handle()).
append(QH1, QH2) ->
Hs = [case get_handle(QH) of
badarg -> erlang:error(badarg, [QH1, QH2]);
@@ -156,9 +193,22 @@ append(QH1, QH2) ->
end || QH <- [QH1, QH2]],
#qlc_handle{h = #qlc_append{hl = Hs}}.
+-spec(cursor(QH) -> Cursor when
+ QH :: query_handle_or_list(),
+ Cursor :: query_cursor()).
cursor(QH) ->
cursor(QH, []).
+-spec(cursor(QH, Options) -> Cursor when
+ QH :: query_handle_or_list(),
+ Options :: [Option] | Option,
+ Option :: {cache_all, cache()} | cache_all
+ | {max_list_size, max_list_size()}
+ | {spawn_options, spawn_options()}
+ | {tmpdir_usage, tmp_file_usage()}
+ | {tmpdir, tmp_directory()}
+ | {unique_all, boolean()} | unique_all,
+ Cursor :: query_cursor()).
cursor(QH, Options) ->
case {options(Options, [unique_all, cache_all, tmpdir,
spawn_options, max_list_size,
@@ -177,6 +227,8 @@ cursor(QH, Options) ->
+-spec(delete_cursor(QueryCursor) -> ok when
+ QueryCursor :: query_cursor()).
delete_cursor(#qlc_cursor{c = {_, Owner}}=C) when Owner =/= self() ->
erlang:error(not_cursor_owner, [C]);
delete_cursor(#qlc_cursor{c = {Pid, _}}) ->
@@ -184,15 +236,47 @@ delete_cursor(#qlc_cursor{c = {Pid, _}}) ->
delete_cursor(T) ->
erlang:error(badarg, [T]).
+-spec(e(QH) -> Answers | Error when
+ QH :: query_handle_or_list(),
+ Answers :: answers(),
+ Error :: {error, module(), Reason},
+ Reason :: file_sorter:reason()).
e(QH) ->
eval(QH, []).
+-spec(e(QH, Options) -> Answers | Error when
+ QH :: query_handle_or_list(),
+ Options :: [Option] | Option,
+ Option :: {cache_all, cache()} | cache_all
+ | {max_list_size, max_list_size()}
+ | {tmpdir_usage, tmp_file_usage()}
+ | {tmpdir, tmp_directory()}
+ | {unique_all, boolean()} | unique_all,
+ Answers :: answers(),
+ Error :: {error, module(), Reason},
+ Reason :: file_sorter:reason()).
e(QH, Options) ->
eval(QH, Options).
+-spec(eval(QH) -> Answers | Error when
+ QH :: query_handle_or_list(),
+ Answers :: answers(),
+ Error :: {error, module(), Reason},
+ Reason :: file_sorter:reason()).
eval(QH) ->
eval(QH, []).
+-spec(eval(QH, Options) -> Answers | Error when
+ QH :: query_handle_or_list(),
+ Answers :: answers(),
+ Options :: [Option] | Option,
+ Option :: {cache_all, cache()} | cache_all
+ | {max_list_size, max_list_size()}
+ | {tmpdir_usage, tmp_file_usage()}
+ | {tmpdir, tmp_directory()}
+ | {unique_all, boolean()} | unique_all,
+ Error :: {error, module(), Reason},
+ Reason :: file_sorter:reason()).
eval(QH, Options) ->
case {options(Options, [unique_all, cache_all, tmpdir, max_list_size,
@@ -224,9 +308,35 @@ eval(QH, Options) ->
+-spec(fold(Function, Acc0, QH) ->
+ Acc1 | Error when
+ QH :: query_handle_or_list(),
+ Function :: fun((answer(), AccIn) -> AccOut),
+ Acc0 :: term(),
+ Acc1 :: term(),
+ AccIn :: term(),
+ AccOut :: term(),
+ Error :: {error, module(), Reason},
+ Reason :: file_sorter:reason()).
fold(Fun, Acc0, QH) ->
fold(Fun, Acc0, QH, []).
+-spec(fold(Function, Acc0, QH, Options) ->
+ Acc1 | Error when
+ QH :: query_handle_or_list(),
+ Function :: fun((answer(), AccIn) -> AccOut),
+ Acc0 :: term(),
+ Acc1 :: term(),
+ AccIn :: term(),
+ AccOut :: term(),
+ Options :: [Option] | Option,
+ Option :: {cache_all, cache()} | cache_all
+ | {max_list_size, max_list_size()}
+ | {tmpdir_usage, tmp_file_usage()}
+ | {tmpdir, tmp_directory()}
+ | {unique_all, boolean()} | unique_all,
+ Error :: {error, module(), Reason},
+ Reason :: file_sorter:reason()).
fold(Fun, Acc0, QH, Options) ->
case {options(Options, [unique_all, cache_all, tmpdir, max_list_size,
@@ -256,6 +366,9 @@ fold(Fun, Acc0, QH, Options) ->
+-spec(format_error(Error) -> Chars when
+ Error :: {error, module(), term()},
+ Chars :: io_lib:chars()).
format_error(not_a_query_list_comprehension) ->
io_lib:format("argument is not a query list comprehension", []);
format_error({used_generator_variable, V}) ->
@@ -293,9 +406,29 @@ format_error({error, Module, Reason}) ->
format_error(E) ->
io_lib:format("~p~n", [E]).
+-spec(info(QH) -> Info when
+ QH :: query_handle_or_list(),
+ Info :: abstract_expr() | string()).
info(QH) ->
info(QH, []).
+-spec(info(QH, Options) -> Info when
+ QH :: query_handle_or_list(),
+ Options :: [Option] | Option,
+ Option :: EvalOption | ReturnOption,
+ EvalOption :: {cache_all, cache()} | cache_all
+ | {max_list_size, max_list_size()}
+ | {tmpdir_usage, tmp_file_usage()}
+ | {tmpdir, tmp_directory()}
+ | {unique_all, boolean()} | unique_all,
+ ReturnOption :: {depth, Depth}
+ | {flat, boolean()}
+ | {format, Format}
+ | {n_elements, NElements},
+ Depth :: infinity | non_neg_integer(),
+ Format :: abstract_code | string,
+ NElements :: infinity | pos_integer(),
+ Info :: abstract_expr() | string()).
info(QH, Options) ->
case {options(Options, [unique_all, cache_all, flat, format, n_elements,
depth, tmpdir, max_list_size, tmpdir_usage]),
@@ -331,9 +464,18 @@ info(QH, Options) ->
+-spec(keysort(KeyPos, QH1) -> QH2 when
+ KeyPos :: key_pos(),
+ QH1 :: query_handle_or_list(),
+ QH2 :: query_handle()).
keysort(KeyPos, QH) ->
keysort(KeyPos, QH, []).
+-spec(keysort(KeyPos, QH1, SortOptions) -> QH2 when
+ KeyPos :: key_pos(),
+ SortOptions :: sort_options(),
+ QH1 :: query_handle_or_list(),
+ QH2 :: query_handle()).
keysort(KeyPos, QH, Options) ->
case {is_keypos(KeyPos),
options(Options, [tmpdir, order, unique, compressed,
@@ -352,9 +494,22 @@ keysort(KeyPos, QH, Options) ->
+-spec(next_answers(QueryCursor) ->
+ Answers | Error when
+ QueryCursor :: query_cursor(),
+ Answers :: answers(),
+ Error :: {error, module(), Reason},
+ Reason :: file_sorter:reason()).
next_answers(C) ->
next_answers(C, ?DEFAULT_NUM_OF_ANSWERS).
+-spec(next_answers(QueryCursor, NumberOfAnswers) ->
+ Answers | Error when
+ QueryCursor :: query_cursor(),
+ Answers :: answers(),
+ NumberOfAnswers :: all_remaining | pos_integer(),
+ Error :: {error, module(), Reason},
+ Reason :: file_sorter:reason()).
next_answers(#qlc_cursor{c = {_, Owner}}=C,
NumOfAnswers) when Owner =/= self() ->
erlang:error(not_cursor_owner, [C, NumOfAnswers]);
@@ -368,14 +523,35 @@ next_answers(#qlc_cursor{c = {Pid, _}}=C, NumOfAnswers) ->
next_answers(T1, T2) ->
erlang:error(badarg, [T1, T2]).
+-spec(parse_transform(Forms, Options) -> Forms2 when
+ Forms :: [erl_parse:abstract_form()],
+ Forms2 :: [erl_parse:abstract_form()],
+ Options :: [Option],
+ Option :: type_checker | compile:option()).
parse_transform(Forms, Options) ->
qlc_pt:parse_transform(Forms, Options).
%% The funcspecs qlc:q/1 and qlc:q/2 are known by erl_eval.erl and
%% erl_lint.erl.
+-spec(q(QLC) -> QH when
+ QLC :: query_list_comprehension(),
+ QH :: query_handle()).
q(QLC_lc) ->
q(QLC_lc, []).
+-spec(q(QLC, Options) -> QH when
+ QH :: query_handle(),
+ Options :: [Option] | Option,
+ Option :: {max_lookup, MaxLookup}
+ | {cache, cache()} | cache
+ | {join, Join}
+ | {lookup, Lookup}
+ | {unique, boolean()} | unique,
+ MaxLookup :: non_neg_integer() | infinity,
+ Join :: any | lookup | merge | nested_loop,
+ Lookup :: boolean() | any,
+ QLC :: query_list_comprehension()).
q(#qlc_lc{}=QLC_lc, Options) ->
case options(Options, [unique, cache, max_lookup, join, lookup]) of
[Unique, Cache, Max, Join, Lookup] ->
@@ -388,9 +564,16 @@ q(#qlc_lc{}=QLC_lc, Options) ->
q(T1, T2) ->
erlang:error(badarg, [T1, T2]).
+-spec(sort(QH1) -> QH2 when
+ QH1 :: query_handle_or_list(),
+ QH2 :: query_handle()).
sort(QH) ->
sort(QH, []).
+-spec(sort(QH1, SortOptions) -> QH2 when
+ SortOptions :: sort_options(),
+ QH1 :: query_handle_or_list(),
+ QH2 :: query_handle()).
sort(QH, Options) ->
case {options(Options, [tmpdir, order, unique, compressed,
size, no_files]), get_handle(QH)} of
@@ -404,14 +587,47 @@ sort(QH, Options) ->
%% Note that the generated code is evaluated by (the slow) erl_eval.
+-spec(string_to_handle(QueryString) -> QH | Error when
+ QueryString :: string(),
+ QH :: query_handle(),
+ Error :: {error, module(), Reason},
+ Reason :: erl_parse:error_info() | erl_scan:error_info()).
string_to_handle(Str) ->
string_to_handle(Str, []).
+-spec(string_to_handle(QueryString, Options) -> QH | Error when
+ QueryString :: string(),
+ Options :: [Option] | Option,
+ Option :: {max_lookup, MaxLookup}
+ | {cache, cache()} | cache
+ | {join, Join}
+ | {lookup, Lookup}
+ | {unique, boolean()} | unique,
+ MaxLookup :: non_neg_integer() | infinity,
+ Join :: any | lookup | merge | nested_loop,
+ Lookup :: boolean() | any,
+ QH :: query_handle(),
+ Error :: {error, module(), Reason},
+ Reason :: erl_parse:error_info() | erl_scan:error_info()).
string_to_handle(Str, Options) ->
- string_to_handle(Str, Options, []).
-string_to_handle(Str, Options, Bindings) when is_list(Str),
- is_list(Bindings) ->
+ string_to_handle(Str, Options, erl_eval:new_bindings()).
+-spec(string_to_handle(QueryString, Options, Bindings) -> QH | Error when
+ QueryString :: string(),
+ Options :: [Option] | Option,
+ Option :: {max_lookup, MaxLookup}
+ | {cache, cache()} | cache
+ | {join, Join}
+ | {lookup, Lookup}
+ | {unique, boolean()} | unique,
+ MaxLookup :: non_neg_integer() | infinity,
+ Join :: any | lookup | merge | nested_loop,
+ Lookup :: boolean() | any,
+ Bindings :: erl_eval:binding_struct(),
+ QH :: query_handle(),
+ Error :: {error, module(), Reason},
+ Reason :: erl_parse:error_info() | erl_scan:error_info()).
+string_to_handle(Str, Options, Bindings) when is_list(Str) ->
case options(Options, [unique, cache, max_lookup, join, lookup]) of
badarg ->
erlang:error(badarg, [Str, Options, Bindings]);
@@ -445,6 +661,51 @@ string_to_handle(Str, Options, Bindings) when is_list(Str),
string_to_handle(T1, T2, T3) ->
erlang:error(badarg, [T1, T2, T3]).
+-spec(table(TraverseFun, Options) -> QH when
+ TraverseFun :: TraverseFun0 | TraverseFun1,
+ TraverseFun0 :: fun(() -> TraverseResult),
+ TraverseFun1 :: fun((match_expression()) -> TraverseResult),
+ TraverseResult :: Objects | term(),
+ Objects :: [] | [term() | ObjectList],
+ ObjectList :: TraverseFun0 | Objects,
+ Options :: [Option] | Option,
+ Option :: {format_fun, FormatFun}
+ | {info_fun, InfoFun}
+ | {lookup_fun, LookupFun}
+ | {parent_fun, ParentFun}
+ | {post_fun, PostFun}
+ | {pre_fun, PreFun}
+ | {key_equality, KeyComparison},
+ FormatFun :: undefined | fun((SelectedObjects) -> FormatedTable),
+ SelectedObjects :: all
+ | {all, NElements, DepthFun}
+ | {match_spec, match_expression()}
+ | {lookup, Position, Keys}
+ | {lookup, Position, Keys, NElements, DepthFun},
+ NElements :: infinity | pos_integer(),
+ DepthFun :: fun((term()) -> term()),
+ FormatedTable :: {Mod, Fun, Args}
+ | abstract_expr()
+ | string(),
+ InfoFun :: undefined | fun((InfoTag) -> InfoValue),
+ InfoTag :: indices | is_unique_objects | keypos | num_of_objects,
+ InfoValue :: undefined | term(),
+ LookupFun :: undefined | fun((Position, Keys) -> LookupResult),
+ LookupResult :: [term()] | term(),
+ ParentFun :: undefined | fun(() -> ParentFunValue),
+ PostFun :: undefined | fun(() -> term()),
+ PreFun :: undefined | fun((PreArgs) -> term()),
+ PreArgs :: [PreArg],
+ PreArg :: {parent_value, ParentFunValue} | {stop_fun, StopFun},
+ ParentFunValue :: undefined | term(),
+ StopFun :: undefined | fun(() -> term()),
+ KeyComparison :: '=:=' | '==',
+ Position :: pos_integer(),
+ Keys :: [term()],
+ Mod :: atom(),
+ Fun :: atom(),
+ Args :: [term()],
+ QH :: query_handle()).
table(TraverseFun, Options) when is_function(TraverseFun) ->
case {is_function(TraverseFun, 0),
IsFun1 = is_function(TraverseFun, 1)} of
@@ -470,6 +731,11 @@ table(TraverseFun, Options) when is_function(TraverseFun) ->
table(T1, T2) ->
erlang:error(badarg, [T1, T2]).
+-spec(transform_from_evaluator(LC, Bs) -> Expr when
+ LC :: abstract_expr(),
+ Expr :: abstract_expr(),
+ Bs :: erl_eval:binding_struct()).
transform_from_evaluator(LC, Bs0) ->
qlc_pt:transform_from_evaluator(LC, Bs0).
@@ -720,8 +986,8 @@ listify(T) ->
%% Optimizations to be carried out.
- {unique = false, % bool()
- cache = false, % bool() | list
+ {unique = false, % boolean()
+ cache = false, % boolean() | list
join_option = any, % constraint set by the 'join' option
fast_join = no, % no | #qlc_join. 'no' means nested loop.
opt % #qlc_opt
@@ -754,8 +1020,8 @@ listify(T) ->
lu_skip_quals = [], % qualifiers to skip due to lookup
join = {[],[]}, % {Lookup, Merge}
n_objs = undefined, % for join (not used yet)
- is_unique_objects = false, % bool()
- is_cached = false % bool() (true means 'ets' or 'list')
+ is_unique_objects = false, % boolean()
+ is_cached = false % boolean() (true means 'ets' or 'list')
%%% Cursor process functions.
@@ -1141,20 +1407,20 @@ monitor_request(Pid, Req) ->
%% QueryDesc = {qlc, TemplateDesc, [QualDesc], [QueryOpt]}
%% | {table, TableDesc}
%% | {append, [QueryDesc]}
-%% | {sort, QueryDesc, [SortOption]}
-%% | {keysort, KeyPos, QueryDesc, [SortOption]}
+%% | {sort, QueryDesc, [sort_option()]}
+%% | {keysort, key_pos(), QueryDesc, [sort_option()]}
%% | {list, list()}
-%% | {list, QueryDesc, MatchExpression}
+%% | {list, QueryDesc, match_expression()}
%% TableDesc = {Mod, Fun, Args}
-%% | AbstractExpression
-%% | character_list()
+%% | erl_parse:abstract_expr()
+%% | string()
%% Mod = module()
%% Fun = atom()
%% Args = [term()]
%% QualDesc = FilterDesc
%% | {generate, PatternDesc, QueryDesc}
-%% QueryOpt = {cache, bool()} | cache
-%% | {unique, bool()} | unique
+%% QueryOpt = {cache, boolean()} | cache
+%% | {unique, boolean()} | unique
%% FilterDesc = PatternDesc = TemplateDesc = binary()
le_info(#prepared{qh = #simple_qlc{le = LE, p = P, line = L, optz = Optz}},