path: root/lib/stdlib/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src')
10 files changed, 460 insertions, 296 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/base64.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/base64.erl
index ebef998ee1..a14a72ac6d 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/base64.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/base64.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ decode(List) when is_list(List) ->
mime_decode(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
mime_decode_binary(<<>>, Bin);
mime_decode(List) when is_list(List) ->
- list_to_binary(mime_decode_l(List)).
+ mime_decode(list_to_binary(List)).
-spec decode_l(string()) -> string().
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ decode_l(List) ->
-spec mime_decode_l(string()) -> string().
mime_decode_l(List) ->
- L = strip_illegal(List, []),
+ L = strip_illegal(List, [], 0),
decode(L, []).
@@ -198,6 +198,9 @@ decode_binary(Result, <<>>) ->
true = is_binary(Result),
+%% Skipping pad character if not at end of string. Also liberal about
+%% excess padding and skipping of other illegal (non-base64 alphabet)
+%% characters. See section 3.3 of RFC4648
mime_decode_binary(Result, <<0:8,T/bits>>) ->
mime_decode_binary(Result, T);
mime_decode_binary(Result0, <<C:8,T/bits>>) ->
@@ -205,15 +208,27 @@ mime_decode_binary(Result0, <<C:8,T/bits>>) ->
Bits when is_integer(Bits) ->
mime_decode_binary(<<Result0/bits,Bits:6>>, T);
eq ->
- case tail_contains_equal(T) of
- true ->
- Split = byte_size(Result0) - 1,
- <<Result:Split/bytes,_:4>> = Result0,
- Result;
- false ->
- Split = byte_size(Result0) - 1,
- <<Result:Split/bytes,_:2>> = Result0,
- Result
+ case tail_contains_more(T, false) of
+ {<<>>, Eq} ->
+ %% No more valid data.
+ case bit_size(Result0) rem 8 of
+ 0 ->
+ %% '====' is not uncommon.
+ Result0;
+ 4 when Eq ->
+ %% enforce at least one more '=' only ignoring illegals and spacing
+ Split = byte_size(Result0) - 1,
+ <<Result:Split/bytes,_:4>> = Result0,
+ Result;
+ 2 ->
+ %% remove 2 bits
+ Split = byte_size(Result0) - 1,
+ <<Result:Split/bytes,_:2>> = Result0,
+ Result
+ end;
+ {More, _} ->
+ %% More valid data, skip the eq as invalid
+ mime_decode_binary(Result0, More)
_ ->
mime_decode_binary(Result0, T)
@@ -262,31 +277,63 @@ strip_ws(<<$\s,T/binary>>) ->
strip_ws(T) -> T.
-strip_illegal([0|Cs], A) ->
- strip_illegal(Cs, A);
-strip_illegal([C|Cs], A) ->
+%% Skipping pad character if not at end of string. Also liberal about
+%% excess padding and skipping of other illegal (non-base64 alphabet)
+%% characters. See section 3.3 of RFC4648
+strip_illegal([], A, _Cnt) ->
+ A;
+strip_illegal([0|Cs], A, Cnt) ->
+ strip_illegal(Cs, A, Cnt);
+strip_illegal([C|Cs], A, Cnt) ->
case element(C, ?DECODE_MAP) of
- bad -> strip_illegal(Cs, A);
- ws -> strip_illegal(Cs, A);
- eq -> strip_illegal_end(Cs, [$=|A]);
- _ -> strip_illegal(Cs, [C|A])
- end;
-strip_illegal([], A) -> A.
+ bad ->
+ strip_illegal(Cs, A, Cnt);
+ ws ->
+ strip_illegal(Cs, A, Cnt);
+ eq ->
+ case {tail_contains_more(Cs, false), Cnt rem 4} of
+ {{[], _}, 0} ->
+ A; %% Ignore extra =
+ {{[], true}, 2} ->
+ [$=|[$=|A]]; %% 'XX=='
+ {{[], _}, 3} ->
+ [$=|A]; %% 'XXX='
+ {{[H|T], _}, _} ->
+ %% more data, skip equals
+ strip_illegal(T, [H|A], Cnt+1)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ strip_illegal(Cs, [C|A], Cnt+1)
+ end.
-strip_illegal_end([0|Cs], A) ->
- strip_illegal_end(Cs, A);
-strip_illegal_end([C|Cs], A) ->
+%% Search the tail for more valid data and remember if we saw
+%% another equals along the way.
+tail_contains_more([], Eq) ->
+ {[], Eq};
+tail_contains_more(<<>>, Eq) ->
+ {<<>>, Eq};
+tail_contains_more([C|T]=More, Eq) ->
case element(C, ?DECODE_MAP) of
- bad -> strip_illegal(Cs, A);
- ws -> strip_illegal(Cs, A);
- eq -> [C|A];
- _ -> strip_illegal(Cs, [C|A])
+ bad ->
+ tail_contains_more(T, Eq);
+ ws ->
+ tail_contains_more(T, Eq);
+ eq ->
+ tail_contains_more(T, true);
+ _ ->
+ {More, Eq}
-strip_illegal_end([], A) -> A.
-tail_contains_equal(<<$=,_/binary>>) -> true;
-tail_contains_equal(<<_,T/binary>>) -> tail_contains_equal(T);
-tail_contains_equal(<<>>) -> false.
+tail_contains_more(<<C:8,T/bits>> =More, Eq) ->
+ case element(C, ?DECODE_MAP) of
+ bad ->
+ tail_contains_more(T, Eq);
+ ws ->
+ tail_contains_more(T, Eq);
+ eq ->
+ tail_contains_more(T, true);
+ _ ->
+ {More, Eq}
+ end.
%% accessors
b64e(X) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/c.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/c.erl
index d04d8f191f..235ea939a8 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/c.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/c.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -42,31 +42,31 @@
-spec help() -> 'ok'.
help() ->
- format("bt(Pid) -- stack backtrace for a process\n"
- "c(File) -- compile and load code in <File>\n"
- "cd(Dir) -- change working directory\n"
- "flush() -- flush any messages sent to the shell\n"
- "help() -- help info\n"
- "i() -- information about the system\n"
- "ni() -- information about the networked system\n"
- "i(X,Y,Z) -- information about pid <X,Y,Z>\n"
- "l(Module) -- load or reload module\n"
- "lc([File]) -- compile a list of Erlang modules\n"
- "ls() -- list files in the current directory\n"
- "ls(Dir) -- list files in directory <Dir>\n"
- "m() -- which modules are loaded\n"
- "m(Mod) -- information about module <Mod>\n"
- "memory() -- memory allocation information\n"
- "memory(T) -- memory allocation information of type <T>\n"
- "nc(File) -- compile and load code in <File> on all nodes\n"
- "nl(Module) -- load module on all nodes\n"
- "pid(X,Y,Z) -- convert X,Y,Z to a Pid\n"
- "pwd() -- print working directory\n"
- "q() -- quit - shorthand for init:stop()\n"
- "regs() -- information about registered processes\n"
- "nregs() -- information about all registered processes\n"
- "xm(M) -- cross reference check a module\n"
- "y(File) -- generate a Yecc parser\n").
+ io:put_chars(<<"bt(Pid) -- stack backtrace for a process\n"
+ "c(File) -- compile and load code in <File>\n"
+ "cd(Dir) -- change working directory\n"
+ "flush() -- flush any messages sent to the shell\n"
+ "help() -- help info\n"
+ "i() -- information about the system\n"
+ "ni() -- information about the networked system\n"
+ "i(X,Y,Z) -- information about pid <X,Y,Z>\n"
+ "l(Module) -- load or reload module\n"
+ "lc([File]) -- compile a list of Erlang modules\n"
+ "ls() -- list files in the current directory\n"
+ "ls(Dir) -- list files in directory <Dir>\n"
+ "m() -- which modules are loaded\n"
+ "m(Mod) -- information about module <Mod>\n"
+ "memory() -- memory allocation information\n"
+ "memory(T) -- memory allocation information of type <T>\n"
+ "nc(File) -- compile and load code in <File> on all nodes\n"
+ "nl(Module) -- load module on all nodes\n"
+ "pid(X,Y,Z) -- convert X,Y,Z to a Pid\n"
+ "pwd() -- print working directory\n"
+ "q() -- quit - shorthand for init:stop()\n"
+ "regs() -- information about registered processes\n"
+ "nregs() -- information about all registered processes\n"
+ "xm(M) -- cross reference check a module\n"
+ "y(File) -- generate a Yecc parser\n">>).
%% c(FileName)
%% Compile a file/module.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/calendar.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/calendar.erl
index ddc0666f77..57b7c28dee 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/calendar.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/calendar.erl
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
+ iso_week_number/0,
+ iso_week_number/1,
@@ -70,6 +72,7 @@
-type second() :: 0..59.
-type daynum() :: 1..7.
-type ldom() :: 28 | 29 | 30 | 31. % last day of month
+-type weeknum() :: 1..53.
-type t_now() :: {non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer(),non_neg_integer()}.
@@ -77,6 +80,7 @@
-type t_time() :: {hour(),minute(),second()}.
-type t_datetime() :: {t_date(),t_time()}.
-type t_datetime1970() :: {{year1970(),month(),day()},t_time()}.
+-type t_yearweeknum() :: {year(),weeknum()}.
@@ -172,6 +176,42 @@ is_leap_year1(Year) when Year rem 400 =:= 0 ->
is_leap_year1(_) -> false.
+%% Calculates the iso week number for the current date.
+-spec iso_week_number() -> t_yearweeknum().
+iso_week_number() ->
+ {Date, _} = local_time(),
+ iso_week_number(Date).
+%% Calculates the iso week number for the given date.
+-spec iso_week_number(t_date()) -> t_yearweeknum().
+iso_week_number({Year, Month, Day}) ->
+ D = date_to_gregorian_days({Year, Month, Day}),
+ W01_1_Year = gregorian_days_of_iso_w01_1(Year),
+ W01_1_NextYear = gregorian_days_of_iso_w01_1(Year + 1),
+ if W01_1_Year =< D andalso D < W01_1_NextYear ->
+ % Current Year Week 01..52(,53)
+ {Year, (D - W01_1_Year) div 7 + 1};
+ D < W01_1_Year ->
+ % Previous Year 52 or 53
+ PWN = case day_of_the_week(Year - 1, 1, 1) of
+ 4 -> 53;
+ _ -> case day_of_the_week(Year - 1, 12, 31) of
+ 4 -> 53;
+ _ -> 52
+ end
+ end,
+ {Year - 1, PWN};
+ W01_1_NextYear =< D ->
+ % Next Year, Week 01
+ {Year + 1, 1}
+ end.
%% last_day_of_the_month(Year, Month)
%% Returns the number of days in a month.
@@ -377,6 +417,19 @@ dty(Y, D1, D2) when D1 < D2 ->
dty(Y, _D1, D2) ->
{Y, D2}.
+%% The Gregorian days of the iso week 01 day 1 for a given year.
+-spec gregorian_days_of_iso_w01_1(year()) -> non_neg_integer().
+gregorian_days_of_iso_w01_1(Year) ->
+ D0101 = date_to_gregorian_days(Year, 1, 1),
+ DOW = day_of_the_week(Year, 1, 1),
+ if DOW =< 4 ->
+ D0101 - DOW + 1;
+ true ->
+ D0101 + 7 - DOW + 1
+ end.
%% year_day_to_date(Year, DayOfYear) = {Month, DayOfMonth}
%% Note: 1 is the first day of the month.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
index 0c2d3db8ec..cfb9f0ca98 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ value_option(Flag, Default, On, OnVal, Off, OffVal, Opts) ->
(_Opt, Def) -> Def
end, Default, Opts).
+%% The maximum number of arguments allowed for a function.
+-define(MAX_ARGUMENTS, 255).
%% The error and warning info structures, {Line,Module,Descriptor},
%% are kept in their seperate fields in the lint state record together
%% with the name of the file (when a new file is entered, marked by
@@ -226,6 +230,9 @@ format_error({obsolete_guard, {F, A}}) ->
io_lib:format("~p/~p obsolete", [F, A]);
format_error({reserved_for_future,K}) ->
io_lib:format("atom ~w: future reserved keyword - rename or quote", [K]);
+format_error({too_many_arguments,Arity}) ->
+ io_lib:format("too many arguments (~w) - "
+ "maximum allowed is ~w", [Arity,?MAX_ARGUMENTS]);
%% --- patterns and guards ---
format_error(illegal_pattern) -> "illegal pattern";
format_error(illegal_bin_pattern) ->
@@ -1307,13 +1314,18 @@ define_function(Line, Name, Arity, St0) ->
true ->
add_error(Line, {redefine_function,NA}, St1);
false ->
- St2 = St1#lint{defined=gb_sets:add_element(NA, St1#lint.defined)},
- case imported(Name, Arity, St2) of
- {yes,_M} -> add_error(Line, {define_import,NA}, St2);
- no -> St2
+ St2 = function_check_max_args(Line, Arity, St1),
+ St3 = St2#lint{defined=gb_sets:add_element(NA, St2#lint.defined)},
+ case imported(Name, Arity, St3) of
+ {yes,_M} -> add_error(Line, {define_import,NA}, St3);
+ no -> St3
+function_check_max_args(Line, Arity, St) when Arity > ?MAX_ARGUMENTS ->
+ add_error(Line, {too_many_arguments,Arity}, St);
+function_check_max_args(_, _, St) -> St.
%% clauses([Clause], VarTable, State) -> {VarTable, State}.
clauses(Cs, Vt, St) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_posix_msg.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_posix_msg.erl
index fe981b23a7..909cc1d102 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_posix_msg.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_posix_msg.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -24,143 +24,146 @@
-spec message(atom()) -> string().
-message(e2big) -> "argument list too long";
-message(eacces) -> "permission denied";
-message(eaddrinuse) -> "address already in use";
-message(eaddrnotavail) -> "can't assign requested address";
-message(eadv) -> "advertise error";
-message(eafnosupport) -> "address family not supported by protocol family";
-message(eagain) -> "resource temporarily unavailable";
-message(ealign) -> "EALIGN";
-message(ealready) -> "operation already in progress";
-message(ebade) -> "bad exchange descriptor";
-message(ebadf) -> "bad file number";
-message(ebadfd) -> "file descriptor in bad state";
-message(ebadmsg) -> "not a data message";
-message(ebadr) -> "bad request descriptor";
-message(ebadrpc) -> "RPC structure is bad";
-message(ebadrqc) -> "bad request code";
-message(ebadslt) -> "invalid slot";
-message(ebfont) -> "bad font file format";
-message(ebusy) -> "file busy";
-message(echild) -> "no children";
-message(echrng) -> "channel number out of range";
-message(ecomm) -> "communication error on send";
-message(econnaborted) -> "software caused connection abort";
-message(econnrefused) -> "connection refused";
-message(econnreset) -> "connection reset by peer";
-message(edeadlk) -> "resource deadlock avoided";
-message(edeadlock) -> "resource deadlock avoided";
-message(edestaddrreq) -> "destination address required";
-message(edirty) -> "mounting a dirty fs w/o force";
-message(edom) -> "math argument out of range";
-message(edotdot) -> "cross mount point";
-message(edquot) -> "disk quota exceeded";
-message(eduppkg) -> "duplicate package name";
-message(eexist) -> "file already exists";
-message(efault) -> "bad address in system call argument";
-message(efbig) -> "file too large";
-message(ehostdown) -> "host is down";
-message(ehostunreach) -> "host is unreachable";
-message(eidrm) -> "identifier removed";
-message(einit) -> "initialization error";
-message(einprogress) -> "operation now in progress";
-message(eintr) -> "interrupted system call";
-message(einval) -> "invalid argument";
-message(eio) -> "I/O error";
-message(eisconn) -> "socket is already connected";
-message(eisdir) -> "illegal operation on a directory";
-message(eisnam) -> "is a name file";
-message(elbin) -> "ELBIN";
-message(el2hlt) -> "level 2 halted";
-message(el2nsync) -> "level 2 not synchronized";
-message(el3hlt) -> "level 3 halted";
-message(el3rst) -> "level 3 reset";
-message(elibacc) -> "can not access a needed shared library";
-message(elibbad) -> "accessing a corrupted shared library";
-message(elibexec) -> "can not exec a shared library directly";
-message(elibmax) ->
- "attempting to link in more shared libraries than system limit";
-message(elibscn) -> ".lib section in a.out corrupted";
-message(elnrng) -> "link number out of range";
-message(eloop) -> "too many levels of symbolic links";
-message(emfile) -> "too many open files";
-message(emlink) -> "too many links";
-message(emsgsize) -> "message too long";
-message(emultihop) -> "multihop attempted";
-message(enametoolong) -> "file name too long";
-message(enavail) -> "not available";
-message(enet) -> "ENET";
-message(enetdown) -> "network is down";
-message(enetreset) -> "network dropped connection on reset";
-message(enetunreach) -> "network is unreachable";
-message(enfile) -> "file table overflow";
-message(enoano) -> "anode table overflow";
-message(enobufs) -> "no buffer space available";
-message(enocsi) -> "no CSI structure available";
-message(enodata) -> "no data available";
-message(enodev) -> "no such device";
-message(enoent) -> "no such file or directory";
-message(enoexec) -> "exec format error";
-message(enolck) -> "no locks available";
-message(enolink) -> "link has be severed";
-message(enomem) -> "not enough memory";
-message(enomsg) -> "no message of desired type";
-message(enonet) -> "machine is not on the network";
-message(enopkg) -> "package not installed";
-message(enoprotoopt) -> "bad proocol option";
-message(enospc) -> "no space left on device";
-message(enosr) -> "out of stream resources or not a stream device";
-message(enosym) -> "unresolved symbol name";
-message(enosys) -> "function not implemented";
-message(enotblk) -> "block device required";
-message(enotconn) -> "socket is not connected";
-message(enotdir) -> "not a directory";
-message(enotempty) -> "directory not empty";
-message(enotnam) -> "not a name file";
-message(enotsock) -> "socket operation on non-socket";
-message(enotsup) -> "operation not supported";
-message(enotty) -> "inappropriate device for ioctl";
-message(enotuniq) -> "name not unique on network";
-message(enxio) -> "no such device or address";
-message(eopnotsupp) -> "operation not supported on socket";
-message(eperm) -> "not owner";
-message(epfnosupport) -> "protocol family not supported";
-message(epipe) -> "broken pipe";
-message(eproclim) -> "too many processes";
-message(eprocunavail) -> "bad procedure for program";
-message(eprogmismatch) -> "program version wrong";
-message(eprogunavail) -> "RPC program not available";
-message(eproto) -> "protocol error";
-message(eprotonosupport) -> "protocol not suppored";
-message(eprototype) -> "protocol wrong type for socket";
-message(erange) -> "math result unrepresentable";
-message(erefused) -> "EREFUSED";
-message(eremchg) -> "remote address changed";
-message(eremdev) -> "remote device";
-message(eremote) -> "pathname hit remote file system";
-message(eremoteio) -> "remote i/o error";
-message(eremoterelease) -> "EREMOTERELEASE";
-message(erofs) -> "read-only file system";
-message(erpcmismatch) -> "RPC version is wrong";
-message(erremote) -> "object is remote";
-message(eshutdown) -> "can't send after socket shutdown";
-message(esocktnosupport) -> "socket type not supported";
-message(espipe) -> "invalid seek";
-message(esrch) -> "no such process";
-message(esrmnt) -> "srmount error";
-message(estale) -> "stale remote file handle";
-message(esuccess) -> "Error 0";
-message(etime) -> "timer expired";
-message(etimedout) -> "connection timed out";
-message(etoomanyrefs) -> "too many references: can't splice";
-message(etxtbsy) -> "text file or pseudo-device busy";
-message(euclean) -> "structure needs cleaning";
-message(eunatch) -> "protocol driver not attached";
-message(eusers) -> "too many users";
-message(eversion) -> "version mismatch";
-message(ewouldblock) -> "operation would block";
-message(exdev) -> "cross-domain link";
-message(exfull) -> "message tables full";
-message(nxdomain) -> "non-existing domain";
-message(_) -> "unknown POSIX error".
+message(T) ->
+ binary_to_list(message_1(T)).
+message_1(e2big) -> <<"argument list too long">>;
+message_1(eacces) -> <<"permission denied">>;
+message_1(eaddrinuse) -> <<"address already in use">>;
+message_1(eaddrnotavail) -> <<"can't assign requested address">>;
+message_1(eadv) -> <<"advertise error">>;
+message_1(eafnosupport) -> <<"address family not supported by protocol family">>;
+message_1(eagain) -> <<"resource temporarily unavailable">>;
+message_1(ealign) -> <<"EALIGN">>;
+message_1(ealready) -> <<"operation already in progress">>;
+message_1(ebade) -> <<"bad exchange descriptor">>;
+message_1(ebadf) -> <<"bad file number">>;
+message_1(ebadfd) -> <<"file descriptor in bad state">>;
+message_1(ebadmsg) -> <<"not a data message">>;
+message_1(ebadr) -> <<"bad request descriptor">>;
+message_1(ebadrpc) -> <<"RPC structure is bad">>;
+message_1(ebadrqc) -> <<"bad request code">>;
+message_1(ebadslt) -> <<"invalid slot">>;
+message_1(ebfont) -> <<"bad font file format">>;
+message_1(ebusy) -> <<"file busy">>;
+message_1(echild) -> <<"no children">>;
+message_1(echrng) -> <<"channel number out of range">>;
+message_1(ecomm) -> <<"communication error on send">>;
+message_1(econnaborted) -> <<"software caused connection abort">>;
+message_1(econnrefused) -> <<"connection refused">>;
+message_1(econnreset) -> <<"connection reset by peer">>;
+message_1(edeadlk) -> <<"resource deadlock avoided">>;
+message_1(edeadlock) -> <<"resource deadlock avoided">>;
+message_1(edestaddrreq) -> <<"destination address required">>;
+message_1(edirty) -> <<"mounting a dirty fs w/o force">>;
+message_1(edom) -> <<"math argument out of range">>;
+message_1(edotdot) -> <<"cross mount point">>;
+message_1(edquot) -> <<"disk quota exceeded">>;
+message_1(eduppkg) -> <<"duplicate package name">>;
+message_1(eexist) -> <<"file already exists">>;
+message_1(efault) -> <<"bad address in system call argument">>;
+message_1(efbig) -> <<"file too large">>;
+message_1(ehostdown) -> <<"host is down">>;
+message_1(ehostunreach) -> <<"host is unreachable">>;
+message_1(eidrm) -> <<"identifier removed">>;
+message_1(einit) -> <<"initialization error">>;
+message_1(einprogress) -> <<"operation now in progress">>;
+message_1(eintr) -> <<"interrupted system call">>;
+message_1(einval) -> <<"invalid argument">>;
+message_1(eio) -> <<"I/O error">>;
+message_1(eisconn) -> <<"socket is already connected">>;
+message_1(eisdir) -> <<"illegal operation on a directory">>;
+message_1(eisnam) -> <<"is a name file">>;
+message_1(elbin) -> <<"ELBIN">>;
+message_1(el2hlt) -> <<"level 2 halted">>;
+message_1(el2nsync) -> <<"level 2 not synchronized">>;
+message_1(el3hlt) -> <<"level 3 halted">>;
+message_1(el3rst) -> <<"level 3 reset">>;
+message_1(elibacc) -> <<"can not access a needed shared library">>;
+message_1(elibbad) -> <<"accessing a corrupted shared library">>;
+message_1(elibexec) -> <<"can not exec a shared library directly">>;
+message_1(elibmax) ->
+ <<"attempting to link in more shared libraries than system limit">>;
+message_1(elibscn) -> <<".lib section in a.out corrupted">>;
+message_1(elnrng) -> <<"link number out of range">>;
+message_1(eloop) -> <<"too many levels of symbolic links">>;
+message_1(emfile) -> <<"too many open files">>;
+message_1(emlink) -> <<"too many links">>;
+message_1(emsgsize) -> <<"message too long">>;
+message_1(emultihop) -> <<"multihop attempted">>;
+message_1(enametoolong) -> <<"file name too long">>;
+message_1(enavail) -> <<"not available">>;
+message_1(enet) -> <<"ENET">>;
+message_1(enetdown) -> <<"network is down">>;
+message_1(enetreset) -> <<"network dropped connection on reset">>;
+message_1(enetunreach) -> <<"network is unreachable">>;
+message_1(enfile) -> <<"file table overflow">>;
+message_1(enoano) -> <<"anode table overflow">>;
+message_1(enobufs) -> <<"no buffer space available">>;
+message_1(enocsi) -> <<"no CSI structure available">>;
+message_1(enodata) -> <<"no data available">>;
+message_1(enodev) -> <<"no such device">>;
+message_1(enoent) -> <<"no such file or directory">>;
+message_1(enoexec) -> <<"exec format error">>;
+message_1(enolck) -> <<"no locks available">>;
+message_1(enolink) -> <<"link has be severed">>;
+message_1(enomem) -> <<"not enough memory">>;
+message_1(enomsg) -> <<"no message of desired type">>;
+message_1(enonet) -> <<"machine is not on the network">>;
+message_1(enopkg) -> <<"package not installed">>;
+message_1(enoprotoopt) -> <<"bad proocol option">>;
+message_1(enospc) -> <<"no space left on device">>;
+message_1(enosr) -> <<"out of stream resources or not a stream device">>;
+message_1(enosym) -> <<"unresolved symbol name">>;
+message_1(enosys) -> <<"function not implemented">>;
+message_1(enotblk) -> <<"block device required">>;
+message_1(enotconn) -> <<"socket is not connected">>;
+message_1(enotdir) -> <<"not a directory">>;
+message_1(enotempty) -> <<"directory not empty">>;
+message_1(enotnam) -> <<"not a name file">>;
+message_1(enotsock) -> <<"socket operation on non-socket">>;
+message_1(enotsup) -> <<"operation not supported">>;
+message_1(enotty) -> <<"inappropriate device for ioctl">>;
+message_1(enotuniq) -> <<"name not unique on network">>;
+message_1(enxio) -> <<"no such device or address">>;
+message_1(eopnotsupp) -> <<"operation not supported on socket">>;
+message_1(eperm) -> <<"not owner">>;
+message_1(epfnosupport) -> <<"protocol family not supported">>;
+message_1(epipe) -> <<"broken pipe">>;
+message_1(eproclim) -> <<"too many processes">>;
+message_1(eprocunavail) -> <<"bad procedure for program">>;
+message_1(eprogmismatch) -> <<"program version wrong">>;
+message_1(eprogunavail) -> <<"RPC program not available">>;
+message_1(eproto) -> <<"protocol error">>;
+message_1(eprotonosupport) -> <<"protocol not suppored">>;
+message_1(eprototype) -> <<"protocol wrong type for socket">>;
+message_1(erange) -> <<"math result unrepresentable">>;
+message_1(erefused) -> <<"EREFUSED">>;
+message_1(eremchg) -> <<"remote address changed">>;
+message_1(eremdev) -> <<"remote device">>;
+message_1(eremote) -> <<"pathname hit remote file system">>;
+message_1(eremoteio) -> <<"remote i/o error">>;
+message_1(eremoterelease) -> <<"EREMOTERELEASE">>;
+message_1(erofs) -> <<"read-only file system">>;
+message_1(erpcmismatch) -> <<"RPC version is wrong">>;
+message_1(erremote) -> <<"object is remote">>;
+message_1(eshutdown) -> <<"can't send after socket shutdown">>;
+message_1(esocktnosupport) -> <<"socket type not supported">>;
+message_1(espipe) -> <<"invalid seek">>;
+message_1(esrch) -> <<"no such process">>;
+message_1(esrmnt) -> <<"srmount error">>;
+message_1(estale) -> <<"stale remote file handle">>;
+message_1(esuccess) -> <<"Error 0">>;
+message_1(etime) -> <<"timer expired">>;
+message_1(etimedout) -> <<"connection timed out">>;
+message_1(etoomanyrefs) -> <<"too many references: can't splice">>;
+message_1(etxtbsy) -> <<"text file or pseudo-device busy">>;
+message_1(euclean) -> <<"structure needs cleaning">>;
+message_1(eunatch) -> <<"protocol driver not attached">>;
+message_1(eusers) -> <<"too many users">>;
+message_1(eversion) -> <<"version mismatch">>;
+message_1(ewouldblock) -> <<"operation would block">>;
+message_1(exdev) -> <<"cross-domain link">>;
+message_1(exfull) -> <<"message tables full">>;
+message_1(nxdomain) -> <<"non-existing domain">>;
+message_1(_) -> <<"unknown POSIX error">>.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/escript.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/escript.erl
index 99e454f593..0d2d23180a 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/escript.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/escript.erl
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
--type mode() :: 'compile' | 'debug' | 'interpret' | 'run'.
+-type mode() :: 'native' | 'compile' | 'debug' | 'interpret' | 'run'.
-type source() :: 'archive' | 'beam' | 'text'.
-record(state, {file :: file:filename(),
@@ -304,7 +304,11 @@ parse_and_run(File, Args, Options) ->
false ->
case lists:member("i", Options) of
true -> interpret;
- false -> Mode
+ false ->
+ case lists:member("n", Options) of
+ true -> native;
+ false -> Mode
+ end
@@ -321,6 +325,14 @@ parse_and_run(File, Args, Options) ->
_Other ->
fatal("There were compilation errors.")
+ native ->
+ case compile:forms(FormsOrBin, [report,native]) of
+ {ok, Module, BeamBin} ->
+ {module, Module} = code:load_binary(Module, File, BeamBin),
+ run(Module, Args);
+ _Other ->
+ fatal("There were compilation errors.")
+ end;
debug ->
case compile:forms(FormsOrBin, [report, debug_info]) of
{ok,Module,BeamBin} ->
@@ -570,9 +582,7 @@ parse_beam(S, File, HeaderSz, CheckOnly) ->
forms_or_bin = Bin}
{error, beam_lib, Reason} when is_tuple(Reason) ->
- fatal(element(1, Reason));
- {error, beam_lib, Reason} ->
- fatal(Reason)
+ fatal(element(1, Reason))
parse_source(S, File, Fd, StartLine, HeaderSz, CheckOnly) ->
@@ -666,7 +676,7 @@ epp_parse_file2(Epp, S, Forms, Parsed) ->
{attribute,Ln,mode,NewMode} ->
S2 = S#state{mode = NewMode},
- NewMode =:= compile; NewMode =:= interpret; NewMode =:= debug ->
+ NewMode =:= compile; NewMode =:= interpret; NewMode =:= debug; NewMode =:= native ->
epp_parse_file(Epp, S2, [Form | Forms]);
true ->
Args = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("illegal mode attribute: ~p", [NewMode])),
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/filename.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/filename.erl
index e38b8957f2..24abf1e977 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/filename.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/filename.erl
@@ -165,8 +165,6 @@ basename1([$/|[]], Tail, DirSep2) ->
basename1([], Tail, DirSep2);
basename1([$/|Rest], _Tail, DirSep2) ->
basename1(Rest, [], DirSep2);
-basename1([[_|_]=List|Rest], Tail, DirSep2) ->
- basename1(List++Rest, Tail, DirSep2);
basename1([DirSep2|Rest], Tail, DirSep2) when is_integer(DirSep2) ->
basename1([$/|Rest], Tail, DirSep2);
basename1([Char|Rest], Tail, DirSep2) when is_integer(Char) ->
@@ -280,8 +278,6 @@ dirname(Name0) ->
Name = flatten(Name0),
dirname(Name, [], [], separators()).
-dirname([[_|_]=List|Rest], Dir, File, Seps) ->
- dirname(List++Rest, Dir, File, Seps);
dirname([$/|Rest], Dir, File, Seps) ->
dirname(Rest, File++Dir, [$/], Seps);
dirname([DirSep|Rest], Dir, File, {DirSep,_}=Seps) when is_integer(DirSep) ->
@@ -346,8 +342,6 @@ extension(Name) when is_binary(Name) ->
case binary:matches(Name,[<<".">>]) of
- nomatch -> % Bug in binary workaround :(
- <<>>;
[] ->
List ->
@@ -479,6 +473,12 @@ maybe_remove_dirsep(Name, _) ->
%% by a previous call to join/{1,2}.
-spec append(file:filename(), file:name()) -> file:filename().
+append(Dir, Name) when is_binary(Dir), is_binary(Name) ->
+ <<Dir/binary,$/:8,Name/binary>>;
+append(Dir, Name) when is_binary(Dir) ->
+ append(Dir,filename_string_to_binary(Name));
+append(Dir, Name) when is_binary(Name) ->
+ append(filename_string_to_binary(Dir),Name);
append(Dir, Name) ->
Dir ++ [$/|Name].
@@ -685,8 +685,6 @@ split([$/|Rest], Comp, Components, OsType) ->
split(Rest, [], [lists:reverse(Comp)|Components], OsType);
split([Char|Rest], Comp, Components, OsType) when is_integer(Char) ->
split(Rest, [Char|Comp], Components, OsType);
-split([List|Rest], Comp, Components, OsType) when is_list(List) ->
- split(List++Rest, Comp, Components, OsType);
split([], [], Components, _OsType) ->
split([], Comp, Components, OsType) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/io.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/io.erl
index 1d0f9374bc..3efa68ca09 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/io.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/io.erl
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
-type device() :: atom() | pid().
-type prompt() :: atom() | string().
+-type error_description() :: term(). % Whatever the io-server sends.
+-type request_error() :: {'error',error_description()}.
%% XXX: Some uses of line() in this file may need to read erl_scan:location()
-type line() :: pos_integer().
@@ -53,26 +55,12 @@
to_tuple(T) when is_tuple(T) -> T;
to_tuple(T) -> {T}.
-%% Problem: the variables Other, Name and Args may collide with surrounding
-%% ones.
-%% Give extra args to macro, being the variables to use.
--define(O_REQUEST(Io, Request),
- case request(Io, Request) of
- {error, Reason} ->
- [Name | Args] = tuple_to_list(to_tuple(Request)),
- erlang:error(conv_reason(Name, Reason), [Name, Io | Args]);
- Other ->
- Other
- end).
o_request(Io, Request, Func) ->
case request(Io, Request) of
{error, Reason} ->
[_Name | Args] = tuple_to_list(to_tuple(Request)),
- {'EXIT',{undef,[_Current|Mfas]}} = (catch erlang:error(undef)),
- MFA = {io, Func, [Io | Args]},
- exit({conv_reason(Func, Reason),[MFA|Mfas]});
-% erlang:error(conv_reason(Name, Reason), [Name, Io | Args]);
+ {'EXIT',{get_stacktrace,[_Current|Mfas]}} = (catch erlang:error(get_stacktrace)),
+ erlang:raise(error, conv_reason(Func, Reason), [{io, Func, [Io | Args]}|Mfas]);
Other ->
@@ -299,32 +287,32 @@ format(Io, Format, Args) ->
%% Scanning Erlang code.
--spec scan_erl_exprs(prompt()) -> erl_scan:tokens_result().
+-spec scan_erl_exprs(prompt()) -> erl_scan:tokens_result() | request_error().
scan_erl_exprs(Prompt) ->
scan_erl_exprs(default_input(), Prompt, 1).
--spec scan_erl_exprs(device(), prompt()) -> erl_scan:tokens_result().
+-spec scan_erl_exprs(device(), prompt()) -> erl_scan:tokens_result() | request_error().
scan_erl_exprs(Io, Prompt) ->
scan_erl_exprs(Io, Prompt, 1).
--spec scan_erl_exprs(device(), prompt(), line()) -> erl_scan:tokens_result().
+-spec scan_erl_exprs(device(), prompt(), line()) -> erl_scan:tokens_result() | request_error().
scan_erl_exprs(Io, Prompt, Pos0) ->
request(Io, {get_until,unicode,Prompt,erl_scan,tokens,[Pos0]}).
--spec scan_erl_form(prompt()) -> erl_scan:tokens_result().
+-spec scan_erl_form(prompt()) -> erl_scan:tokens_result() | request_error().
scan_erl_form(Prompt) ->
scan_erl_form(default_input(), Prompt, 1).
--spec scan_erl_form(device(), prompt()) -> erl_scan:tokens_result().
+-spec scan_erl_form(device(), prompt()) -> erl_scan:tokens_result() | request_error().
scan_erl_form(Io, Prompt) ->
scan_erl_form(Io, Prompt, 1).
--spec scan_erl_form(device(), prompt(), line()) -> erl_scan:tokens_result().
+-spec scan_erl_form(device(), prompt(), line()) -> erl_scan:tokens_result() | request_error().
scan_erl_form(Io, Prompt, Pos0) ->
request(Io, {get_until,unicode,Prompt,erl_scan,tokens,[Pos0]}).
@@ -335,7 +323,8 @@ scan_erl_form(Io, Prompt, Pos0) ->
-type parse_ret() :: {'ok', erl_parse_expr_list(), line()}
| {'eof', line()}
- | {'error', erl_scan:error_info(), line()}.
+ | {'error', erl_scan:error_info(), line()}
+ | request_error().
-spec parse_erl_exprs(prompt()) -> parse_ret().
@@ -364,7 +353,8 @@ parse_erl_exprs(Io, Prompt, Pos0) ->
-type parse_form_ret() :: {'ok', erl_parse_absform(), line()}
| {'eof', line()}
- | {'error', erl_scan:error_info(), line()}.
+ | {'error', erl_scan:error_info(), line()}
+ | request_error().
-spec parse_erl_form(prompt()) -> parse_form_ret().
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/re.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/re.erl
index 296a6b3d23..9642de17b4 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/re.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/re.erl
@@ -208,29 +208,25 @@ replace(Subject,RE,Replacement,Options) ->
FlatSubject = to_binary(Subject, Unicode),
FlatReplacement = to_binary(Replacement, Unicode),
- case do_replace(FlatSubject,Subject,RE,FlatReplacement,NewOpt) of
- {error,_Err} ->
- throw(badre);
- IoList ->
- case Convert of
- iodata ->
- IoList;
- binary ->
- case Unicode of
- false ->
- iolist_to_binary(IoList);
- true ->
- unicode:characters_to_binary(IoList,unicode)
- end;
- list ->
- case Unicode of
- false ->
- binary_to_list(iolist_to_binary(IoList));
- true ->
- unicode:characters_to_list(IoList,unicode)
- end
- end
- end
+ IoList = do_replace(FlatSubject,Subject,RE,FlatReplacement,NewOpt),
+ case Convert of
+ iodata ->
+ IoList;
+ binary ->
+ case Unicode of
+ false ->
+ iolist_to_binary(IoList);
+ true ->
+ unicode:characters_to_binary(IoList,unicode)
+ end;
+ list ->
+ case Unicode of
+ false ->
+ binary_to_list(iolist_to_binary(IoList));
+ true ->
+ unicode:characters_to_list(IoList,unicode)
+ end
+ end
throw:badopt ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/supervisor.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/supervisor.erl
index 7102fb9f6e..3c5800effa 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/supervisor.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/supervisor.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2010. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
-type child_id() :: pid() | 'undefined'.
--type mfargs() :: {module(), atom(), [term()]}.
+-type mfargs() :: {module(), atom(), [term()] | undefined}.
-type modules() :: [module()] | 'dynamic'.
-type restart() :: 'permanent' | 'transient' | 'temporary'.
-type shutdown() :: 'brutal_kill' | timeout().
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
-record(state, {name,
strategy :: strategy(),
children = [] :: [child()],
- dynamics = ?DICT:new() :: ?DICT(),
+ dynamics :: ?DICT() | list(),
intensity :: non_neg_integer(),
period :: pos_integer(),
restarts = [],
@@ -283,16 +283,15 @@ do_start_child_i(M, F, A) ->
-spec handle_call(call(), term(), state()) -> {'reply', term(), state()}.
handle_call({start_child, EArgs}, _From, State) when ?is_simple(State) ->
- #child{mfargs = {M, F, A}} = hd(State#state.children),
+ Child = hd(State#state.children),
+ #child{mfargs = {M, F, A}} = Child,
Args = A ++ EArgs,
case do_start_child_i(M, F, Args) of
{ok, Pid} ->
- NState = State#state{dynamics =
- ?DICT:store(Pid, Args, State#state.dynamics)},
+ NState = save_dynamic_child(Child#child.restart_type, Pid, Args, State),
{reply, {ok, Pid}, NState};
{ok, Pid, Extra} ->
- NState = State#state{dynamics =
- ?DICT:store(Pid, Args, State#state.dynamics)},
+ NState = save_dynamic_child(Child#child.restart_type, Pid, Args, State),
{reply, {ok, Pid, Extra}, NState};
What ->
{reply, What, State}
@@ -351,10 +350,20 @@ handle_call({terminate_child, Name}, _From, State) ->
{reply, {error, not_found}, State}
-handle_call(which_children, _From, State) when ?is_simple(State) ->
- [#child{child_type = CT, modules = Mods}] = State#state.children,
+handle_call(which_children, _From, #state{children = [#child{restart_type = temporary,
+ child_type = CT,
+ modules = Mods}]} =
+ State) when ?is_simple(State) ->
+ Reply = lists:map(fun(Pid) -> {undefined, Pid, CT, Mods} end, dynamics_db(temporary,
+ State#state.dynamics)),
+ {reply, Reply, State};
+handle_call(which_children, _From, #state{children = [#child{restart_type = RType,
+ child_type = CT,
+ modules = Mods}]} =
+ State) when ?is_simple(State) ->
Reply = lists:map(fun({Pid, _}) -> {undefined, Pid, CT, Mods} end,
- ?DICT:to_list(State#state.dynamics)),
+ ?DICT:to_list(dynamics_db(RType, State#state.dynamics))),
{reply, Reply, State};
handle_call(which_children, _From, State) ->
@@ -366,13 +375,31 @@ handle_call(which_children, _From, State) ->
{reply, Resp, State};
-handle_call(count_children, _From, State) when ?is_simple(State) ->
- [#child{child_type = CT}] = State#state.children,
+handle_call(count_children, _From, #state{children = [#child{restart_type = temporary,
+ child_type = CT}]} = State)
+ when ?is_simple(State) ->
+ {Active, Count} =
+ lists:foldl(fun(Pid, {Alive, Tot}) ->
+ if is_pid(Pid) -> {Alive+1, Tot +1};
+ true -> {Alive, Tot + 1} end
+ end, {0, 0}, dynamics_db(temporary, State#state.dynamics)),
+ Reply = case CT of
+ supervisor -> [{specs, 1}, {active, Active},
+ {supervisors, Count}, {workers, 0}];
+ worker -> [{specs, 1}, {active, Active},
+ {supervisors, 0}, {workers, Count}]
+ end,
+ {reply, Reply, State};
+handle_call(count_children, _From, #state{children = [#child{restart_type = RType,
+ child_type = CT}]} = State)
+ when ?is_simple(State) ->
{Active, Count} =
?DICT:fold(fun(Pid, _Val, {Alive, Tot}) ->
if is_pid(Pid) -> {Alive+1, Tot +1};
true -> {Alive, Tot + 1} end
- end, {0, 0}, State#state.dynamics),
+ end, {0, 0}, dynamics_db(RType, State#state.dynamics)),
Reply = case CT of
supervisor -> [{specs, 1}, {active, Active},
{supervisors, Count}, {workers, 0}];
@@ -535,15 +562,11 @@ handle_start_child(Child, State) ->
false ->
case do_start_child(State#state.name, Child) of
{ok, Pid} ->
- Children = State#state.children,
{{ok, Pid},
- State#state{children =
- [Child#child{pid = Pid}|Children]}};
+ save_child(Child#child{pid = Pid}, State)};
{ok, Pid, Extra} ->
- Children = State#state.children,
{{ok, Pid, Extra},
- State#state{children =
- [Child#child{pid = Pid}|Children]}};
+ save_child(Child#child{pid = Pid}, State)};
{error, What} ->
{{error, {What, Child}}, State}
@@ -558,22 +581,21 @@ handle_start_child(Child, State) ->
%%% Returns: {ok, state()} | {shutdown, state()}
%%% ---------------------------------------------------
-restart_child(Pid, Reason, State) when ?is_simple(State) ->
- case ?DICT:find(Pid, State#state.dynamics) of
+restart_child(Pid, Reason, #state{children = [Child]} = State) when ?is_simple(State) ->
+ RestartType = Child#child.restart_type,
+ case dynamic_child_args(Pid, dynamics_db(RestartType, State#state.dynamics)) of
{ok, Args} ->
- [Child] = State#state.children,
- RestartType = Child#child.restart_type,
{M, F, _} = Child#child.mfargs,
NChild = Child#child{pid = Pid, mfargs = {M, F, Args}},
do_restart(RestartType, Reason, NChild, State);
error ->
- {ok, State}
+ {ok, State}
restart_child(Pid, Reason, State) ->
Children = State#state.children,
case lists:keyfind(Pid, #child.pid, Children) of
- #child{} = Child ->
- RestartType = Child#child.restart_type,
+ #child{restart_type = RestartType} = Child ->
do_restart(RestartType, Reason, Child, State);
false ->
{ok, State}
@@ -608,7 +630,8 @@ restart(Child, State) ->
restart(simple_one_for_one, Child, State) ->
#child{mfargs = {M, F, A}} = Child,
- Dynamics = ?DICT:erase(Child#child.pid, State#state.dynamics),
+ Dynamics = ?DICT:erase(Child#child.pid, dynamics_db(Child#child.restart_type,
+ State#state.dynamics)),
case do_start_child_i(M, F, A) of
{ok, Pid} ->
NState = State#state{dynamics = ?DICT:store(Pid, A, Dynamics)},
@@ -755,8 +778,40 @@ monitor_child(Pid) ->
%% Child/State manipulating functions.
-state_del_child(#child{pid = Pid}, State) when ?is_simple(State) ->
- NDynamics = ?DICT:erase(Pid, State#state.dynamics),
+%% Note we do not want to save the parameter list for temporary processes as
+%% they will not be restarted, and hence we do not need this information.
+%% Especially for dynamic children to simple_one_for_one supervisors
+%% it could become very costly as it is not uncommon to spawn
+%% very many such processes.
+save_child(#child{restart_type = temporary,
+ mfargs = {M, F, _}} = Child, #state{children = Children} = State) ->
+ State#state{children = [Child#child{mfargs = {M, F, undefined}} |Children]};
+save_child(Child, #state{children = Children} = State) ->
+ State#state{children = [Child |Children]}.
+save_dynamic_child(temporary, Pid, _, #state{dynamics = Dynamics} = State) ->
+ State#state{dynamics = [Pid | dynamics_db(temporary, Dynamics)]};
+save_dynamic_child(RestartType, Pid, Args, #state{dynamics = Dynamics} = State) ->
+ State#state{dynamics = ?DICT:store(Pid, Args, dynamics_db(RestartType, Dynamics))}.
+dynamics_db(temporary, undefined) ->
+ [];
+dynamics_db(_, undefined) ->
+ ?DICT:new();
+dynamics_db(_,Dynamics) ->
+ Dynamics.
+dynamic_child_args(_, Dynamics) when is_list(Dynamics)->
+ {ok, undefined};
+dynamic_child_args(Pid, Dynamics) ->
+ ?DICT:find(Pid, Dynamics).
+state_del_child(#child{pid = Pid, restart_type = temporary}, State) when ?is_simple(State) ->
+ NDynamics = lists:delete(Pid, dynamics_db(temporary, State#state.dynamics)),
+ State#state{dynamics = NDynamics};
+state_del_child(#child{pid = Pid, restart_type = RType}, State) when ?is_simple(State) ->
+ NDynamics = ?DICT:erase(Pid, dynamics_db(RType, State#state.dynamics)),
State#state{dynamics = NDynamics};
state_del_child(Child, State) ->
NChildren = del_child(Child#child.name, State#state.children),