path: root/lib/stdlib/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src')
7 files changed, 183 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl
index 7a93fa0f45..1a7b7d5a5e 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl
@@ -300,12 +300,12 @@ clear_crypto_key_fun() ->
-spec make_crypto_key(mode(), string()) ->
- {binary(), binary(), binary(), binary()}.
+ {mode(), [binary()], binary(), integer()}.
-make_crypto_key(des3_cbc, String) ->
+make_crypto_key(des3_cbc=Type, String) ->
<<K1:8/binary,K2:8/binary>> = First = erlang:md5(String),
<<K3:8/binary,IVec:8/binary>> = erlang:md5([First|reverse(String)]),
- {K1,K2,K3,IVec}.
+ {Type,[K1,K2,K3],IVec,8}.
%% Local functions
@@ -864,20 +864,20 @@ mandatory_chunks() ->
-define(CRYPTO_KEY_SERVER, beam_lib__crypto_key_server).
-decrypt_abst(Mode, Module, File, Id, AtomTable, Bin) ->
+decrypt_abst(Type, Module, File, Id, AtomTable, Bin) ->
- KeyString = get_crypto_key({debug_info, Mode, Module, File}),
- Key = make_crypto_key(des3_cbc, KeyString),
- Term = decrypt_abst_1(Mode, Key, Bin),
+ KeyString = get_crypto_key({debug_info, Type, Module, File}),
+ Key = make_crypto_key(Type, KeyString),
+ Term = decrypt_abst_1(Key, Bin),
{AtomTable, {Id, Term}}
_:_ ->
error({key_missing_or_invalid, File, Id})
-decrypt_abst_1(des3_cbc, {K1, K2, K3, IVec}, Bin) ->
+decrypt_abst_1({Type,Key,IVec,_BlockSize}, Bin) ->
ok = start_crypto(),
- NewBin = crypto:des3_cbc_decrypt(K1, K2, K3, IVec, Bin),
+ NewBin = crypto:block_decrypt(Type, Key, IVec, Bin),
start_crypto() ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/c.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/c.erl
index 56d435d5d7..fb6b8c8661 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/c.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/c.erl
@@ -713,8 +713,10 @@ ls(Dir) ->
case file:list_dir(Dir) of
{ok, Entries} ->
- {error,_E} ->
- format("Invalid directory\n")
+ {error, enotdir} ->
+ ls_print([Dir]);
+ {error, Error} ->
+ format("~s\n", [file:format_error(Error)])
ls_print([]) -> ok;
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_eval.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_eval.erl
index 0b57af1b6d..73b8da335a 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_eval.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_eval.erl
@@ -245,10 +245,10 @@ expr({'case',_,E,Cs}, Bs0, Lf, Ef, RBs) ->
expr({'try',_,B,Cases,Catches,AB}, Bs, Lf, Ef, RBs) ->
try_clauses(B, Cases, Catches, AB, Bs, Lf, Ef, RBs);
expr({'receive',_,Cs}, Bs, Lf, Ef, RBs) ->
- receive_clauses(Cs, Bs, Lf, Ef, [], RBs);
+ receive_clauses(Cs, Bs, Lf, Ef, RBs);
expr({'receive',_, Cs, E, TB}, Bs0, Lf, Ef, RBs) ->
{value,T,Bs} = expr(E, Bs0, Lf, Ef, none),
- receive_clauses(T, Cs, {TB,Bs}, Bs0, Lf, Ef, [], RBs);
+ receive_clauses(T, Cs, {TB,Bs}, Bs0, Lf, Ef, RBs);
expr({'fun',_Line,{function,Mod0,Name0,Arity0}}, Bs0, Lf, Ef, RBs) ->
{[Mod,Name,Arity],Bs} = expr_list([Mod0,Name0,Arity0], Bs0, Lf, Ef),
F = erlang:make_fun(Mod, Name, Arity),
@@ -807,66 +807,24 @@ case_clauses(Val, Cs, Bs, Lf, Ef, RBs) ->
-%% receive_clauses(Clauses, Bindings, LocalFuncHnd,ExtFuncHnd, Messages, RBs)
+%% receive_clauses(Clauses, Bindings, LocalFuncHnd,ExtFuncHnd, RBs)
-receive_clauses(Cs, Bs, Lf, Ef, Ms, RBs) ->
- receive
- Val ->
- case match_clause(Cs, [Val], Bs, Lf, Ef) of
- {B, Bs1} ->
- merge_queue(Ms),
- exprs(B, Bs1, Lf, Ef, RBs);
- nomatch ->
- receive_clauses(Cs, Bs, Lf, Ef, [Val|Ms], RBs)
- end
- end.
+receive_clauses(Cs, Bs, Lf, Ef, RBs) ->
+ receive_clauses(infinity, Cs, unused, Bs, Lf, Ef, RBs).
%% receive_clauses(TimeOut, Clauses, TimeoutBody, Bindings,
%% ExternalFuncHandler, LocalFuncHandler, RBs)
-receive_clauses(T, Cs, TB, Bs, Lf, Ef, Ms, RBs) ->
- {_,_} = statistics(runtime),
- receive
- Val ->
- case match_clause(Cs, [Val], Bs, Lf, Ef) of
- {B, Bs1} ->
- merge_queue(Ms),
- exprs(B, Bs1, Lf, Ef, RBs);
- nomatch ->
- {_,T1} = statistics(runtime),
- if
- T =:= infinity ->
- receive_clauses(T, Cs, TB,Bs,Lf,Ef,[Val|Ms],RBs);
- T-T1 =< 0 ->
- receive_clauses(0, Cs, TB,Bs,Lf,Ef,[Val|Ms],RBs);
- true ->
- receive_clauses(T-T1, Cs,TB,Bs,Lf,Ef,[Val|Ms],RBs)
- end
- end
- after T ->
- merge_queue(Ms),
+receive_clauses(T, Cs, TB, Bs, Lf, Ef, RBs) ->
+ F = fun (M) -> match_clause(Cs, [M], Bs, Lf, Ef) end,
+ case prim_eval:'receive'(F, T) of
+ {B, Bs1} ->
+ exprs(B, Bs1, Lf, Ef, RBs);
+ timeout ->
{B, Bs1} = TB,
exprs(B, Bs1, Lf, Ef, RBs)
-merge_queue([]) ->
- true;
-merge_queue(Ms) ->
- send_all(recv_all(Ms), self()).
-recv_all(Xs) ->
- receive
- X -> recv_all([X|Xs])
- after 0 ->
- reverse(Xs)
- end.
-send_all([X|Xs], Self) ->
- Self ! X,
- send_all(Xs, Self);
-send_all([], _) -> true.
%% match_clause -> {Body, Bindings} or nomatch
-spec(match_clause(Clauses, ValueList, Bindings, LocalFunctionHandler) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
index 68a8534f15..08b8541014 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
@@ -522,8 +522,7 @@ start(File, Opts) ->
warn_format = value_option(warn_format, 1, warn_format, 1,
nowarn_format, 0, Opts),
enabled_warnings = Enabled,
- file = File,
- types = default_types()
+ file = File
%% is_warn_enabled(Category, St) -> boolean().
@@ -1007,7 +1006,10 @@ check_undefined_functions(#lint{called=Called0,defined=Def0}=St0) ->
check_undefined_types(#lint{usage=Usage,types=Def}=St0) ->
Used = Usage#usage.used_types,
UTAs = dict:fetch_keys(Used),
- Undef = [{TA,dict:fetch(TA, Used)} || TA <- UTAs, not dict:is_key(TA, Def)],
+ Undef = [{TA,dict:fetch(TA, Used)} ||
+ TA <- UTAs,
+ not dict:is_key(TA, Def),
+ not is_default_type(TA)],
foldl(fun ({TA,L}, St) ->
add_error(L, {undefined_type,TA}, St)
end, St0, Undef).
@@ -2440,7 +2442,7 @@ type_def(Attr, Line, TypeName, ProtoType, Args, St0) ->
case (dict:is_key(TypePair, TypeDefs) orelse is_var_arity_type(TypeName)) of
true ->
- case dict:is_key(TypePair, default_types()) of
+ case is_default_type(TypePair) of
true ->
case is_newly_introduced_builtin_type(TypePair) of
%% allow some types just for bootstrapping
@@ -2488,8 +2490,8 @@ check_type({paren_type, _L, [Type]}, SeenVars, St) ->
check_type({remote_type, L, [{atom, _, Mod}, {atom, _, Name}, Args]},
SeenVars, #lint{module=CurrentMod} = St) ->
St1 =
- case (dict:is_key({Name, length(Args)}, default_types())
- orelse is_var_arity_type(Name)) of
+ case is_default_type({Name, length(Args)})
+ orelse is_var_arity_type(Name) of
true -> add_error(L, {imported_predefined_type, Name}, St);
false -> St
@@ -2606,63 +2608,62 @@ is_var_arity_type(union) -> true;
is_var_arity_type(record) -> true;
is_var_arity_type(_) -> false.
-default_types() ->
- DefTypes = [{any, 0},
- {arity, 0},
- {array, 0},
- {atom, 0},
- {atom, 1},
- {binary, 0},
- {binary, 2},
- {bitstring, 0},
- {bool, 0},
- {boolean, 0},
- {byte, 0},
- {char, 0},
- {dict, 0},
- {digraph, 0},
- {float, 0},
- {'fun', 0},
- {'fun', 2},
- {function, 0},
- {gb_set, 0},
- {gb_tree, 0},
- {identifier, 0},
- {integer, 0},
- {integer, 1},
- {iodata, 0},
- {iolist, 0},
- {list, 0},
- {list, 1},
- {maybe_improper_list, 0},
- {maybe_improper_list, 2},
- {mfa, 0},
- {module, 0},
- {neg_integer, 0},
- {nil, 0},
- {no_return, 0},
- {node, 0},
- {non_neg_integer, 0},
- {none, 0},
- {nonempty_list, 0},
- {nonempty_list, 1},
- {nonempty_improper_list, 2},
- {nonempty_maybe_improper_list, 0},
- {nonempty_maybe_improper_list, 2},
- {nonempty_string, 0},
- {number, 0},
- {pid, 0},
- {port, 0},
- {pos_integer, 0},
- {queue, 0},
- {range, 2},
- {reference, 0},
- {set, 0},
- {string, 0},
- {term, 0},
- {timeout, 0},
- {var, 1}],
- dict:from_list([{T, -1} || T <- DefTypes]).
+is_default_type({any, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({arity, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({array, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({atom, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({atom, 1}) -> true;
+is_default_type({binary, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({binary, 2}) -> true;
+is_default_type({bitstring, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({bool, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({boolean, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({byte, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({char, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({dict, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({digraph, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({float, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({'fun', 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({'fun', 2}) -> true;
+is_default_type({function, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({gb_set, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({gb_tree, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({identifier, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({integer, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({integer, 1}) -> true;
+is_default_type({iodata, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({iolist, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({list, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({list, 1}) -> true;
+is_default_type({maybe_improper_list, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({maybe_improper_list, 2}) -> true;
+is_default_type({mfa, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({module, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({neg_integer, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({nil, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({no_return, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({node, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({non_neg_integer, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({none, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({nonempty_list, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({nonempty_list, 1}) -> true;
+is_default_type({nonempty_improper_list, 2}) -> true;
+is_default_type({nonempty_maybe_improper_list, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({nonempty_maybe_improper_list, 2}) -> true;
+is_default_type({nonempty_string, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({number, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({pid, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({port, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({pos_integer, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({queue, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({range, 2}) -> true;
+is_default_type({reference, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({set, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({string, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({term, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({timeout, 0}) -> true;
+is_default_type({var, 1}) -> true;
+is_default_type(_) -> false.
%% R13
is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({arity, 0}) -> true;
@@ -2776,10 +2777,7 @@ check_unused_types(Forms, #lint{usage=Usage, types=Ts, exp_types=ExpTs}=St) ->
L = gb_sets:to_list(ExpTs) ++ dict:fetch_keys(D),
UsedTypes = gb_sets:from_list(L),
FoldFun =
- fun(_Type, -1, AccSt) ->
- %% Default type
- AccSt;
- (Type, #typeinfo{line = FileLine}, AccSt) ->
+ fun(Type, #typeinfo{line = FileLine}, AccSt) ->
case loc(FileLine) of
{FirstFile, _} ->
case gb_sets:is_member(Type, UsedTypes) of
@@ -2801,10 +2799,7 @@ check_unused_types(Forms, #lint{usage=Usage, types=Ts, exp_types=ExpTs}=St) ->
check_local_opaque_types(St) ->
#lint{types=Ts, exp_types=ExpTs} = St,
FoldFun =
- fun(_Type, -1, AccSt) ->
- %% Default type
- AccSt;
- (_Type, #typeinfo{attr = type}, AccSt) ->
+ fun(_Type, #typeinfo{attr = type}, AccSt) ->
(Type, #typeinfo{attr = opaque, line = FileLine}, AccSt) ->
case gb_sets:is_element(Type, ExpTs) of
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl
index c0596e5ba6..657cb5d34c 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl
@@ -214,7 +214,9 @@ lattribute({attribute,_Line,type,Type}, Opts, _State) ->
lattribute({attribute,_Line,opaque,Type}, Opts, _State) ->
[typeattr(opaque, Type, Opts),leaf(".\n")];
lattribute({attribute,_Line,spec,Arg}, _Opts, _State) ->
- [specattr(Arg),leaf(".\n")];
+ [specattr(spec, Arg),leaf(".\n")];
+lattribute({attribute,_Line,callback,Arg}, _Opts, _State) ->
+ [specattr(callback, Arg),leaf(".\n")];
lattribute({attribute,_Line,Name,Arg}, Opts, State) ->
[lattribute(Name, Arg, Opts, State),leaf(".\n")].
@@ -311,14 +313,14 @@ union_elem(T) ->
tuple_type(Ts, F) ->
{seq,${,$},[$,],ltypes(Ts, F)}.
-specattr({FuncSpec,TypeSpecs}) ->
+specattr(SpecKind, {FuncSpec,TypeSpecs}) ->
Func = case FuncSpec of
{F,_A} ->
format("~w", [F]);
{M,F,_A} ->
format("~w:~w", [M, F])
- {first,leaf("-spec "),
+ {first,leaf(lists:concat(["-", SpecKind, " "])),
spec_clauses(TypeSpecs) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
index f2849e50ec..cebc9c91bd 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
@@ -75,18 +75,18 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, md5, 1) ->
obsolete_1(crypto, sha, 1) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hash, 2}};
-obsolete_1(crypto, md4_init, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_init, 2}};
-obsolete_1(crypto, md5_init, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_init, 2}};
-obsolete_1(crypto, sha_init, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_init, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, md4_init, 0) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, hash_init, 1}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, md5_init, 0) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, hash_init, 1}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, sha_init, 0) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, hash_init, 1}};
obsolete_1(crypto, md4_update, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hash_update, 3}};
obsolete_1(crypto, md5_update, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hash_update, 3}};
-obsolete_1(crypto, sah_update, 2) ->
+obsolete_1(crypto, sha_update, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hash_update, 3}};
obsolete_1(crypto, md4_final, 1) ->
@@ -100,16 +100,22 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, md5_mac, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hmac, 3}};
obsolete_1(crypto, sha_mac, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hmac, 3}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, sha_mac, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, hmac, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, sha_mac_96, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hmac_n, 3}};
obsolete_1(crypto, md5_mac_96, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hmac_n, 3}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_sign, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, sign, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_sign, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, sign, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_verify, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, verify, 4}};
+ {deprecated, {crypto, verify, 5}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_verify, 4) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, verify, 5}};
obsolete_1(crypto, dss_sign, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, sign, 4}};
@@ -135,8 +141,8 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, des_cbc_encrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, des3_cbc_encrypt, 5) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
-obsolete_1(crypto, des_ecb_encrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, des_ecb_encrypt, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 3}};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_ede3_cbc_encrypt, 5) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_cfb_encrypt, 3) ->
@@ -153,6 +159,8 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, blowfish_ofb64_encrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cfb_128_encrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cbc_128_encrypt, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cbc_256_encrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto,rc2_cbc_encrypt, 3) ->
@@ -164,8 +172,8 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, des_cbc_decrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, des3_cbc_decrypt, 5) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
-obsolete_1(crypto, des_ecb_decrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, des_ecb_decrypt, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 3}};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_ede3_cbc_decrypt, 5) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_cfb_decrypt, 3) ->
@@ -182,6 +190,8 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, blowfish_ofb64_decrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cfb_128_decrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cbc_128_decrypt, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cbc_256_decrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto,rc2_cbc_decrypt, 3) ->
@@ -189,16 +199,50 @@ obsolete_1(crypto,rc2_cbc_decrypt, 3) ->
obsolete_1(crypto,rc2_40_cbc_decrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, aes_ctr_stream_decrypt, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, stream_decrypt, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, aes_ctr_stream_encrypt, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, stream_encrypt, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, aes_ctr_decrypt, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, stream_decrypt, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, aes_ctr_encrypt, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, stream_encrypt, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rc4_encrypt, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, stream_encrypt, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rc4_encrypt_with_state, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, stream_encrypt, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, aes_ctr_stream_init, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, stream_init, 3}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rc4_set_key, 1) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, stream_init, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_private_decrypt, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, private_decrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_public_decrypt, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, public_decrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_private_encrypt, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, private_encrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_public_encrypt, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, public_encrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, des_cfb_ivec, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, next_iv, 3}};
+obsolete_1(crypto,des_cbc_ivec, 1) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, next_iv, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cbc_ivec, 1) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, next_iv, 2}};
obsolete_1(crypto,info, 0) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, module_info, 0}};
obsolete_1(crypto, strong_rand_mpint, 3) ->
{deprecated, "needed only by deprecated functions"};
-obsolete_1(crypto, erlint, 3) ->
+obsolete_1(crypto, erlint, 1) ->
{deprecated, "needed only by deprecated functions"};
-obsolete_1(crypto, mpint, 3) ->
+obsolete_1(crypto, mpint, 1) ->
{deprecated, "needed only by deprecated functions"};
%% *** SNMP ***
obsolete_1(snmp, N, A) ->
@@ -206,10 +250,12 @@ obsolete_1(snmp, N, A) ->
false ->
true ->
- {deprecated,"Deprecated; use snmpa:"++atom_to_list(N)++"/"++
+ {deprecated, "Deprecated (will be removed in R17B); use snmpa:"++atom_to_list(N)++"/"++
integer_to_list(A)++" instead"}
+obsolete_1(snmpa, old_info_format, 1) ->
+ {deprecated, "Deprecated; (will be removed in R17B); use \"new\" format instead"};
obsolete_1(snmpm, agent_info, 3) ->
{removed, {snmpm, agent_info, 2}, "R16B"};
obsolete_1(snmpm, update_agent_info, 5) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/slave.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/slave.erl
index 9c74041f56..3e647635bc 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/slave.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/slave.erl
@@ -289,7 +289,8 @@ register_unique_name(Number) ->
%% If the node should run on the local host, there is
%% no need to use rsh.
-mk_cmd(Host, Name, Args, Waiter, Prog) ->
+mk_cmd(Host, Name, Args, Waiter, Prog0) ->
+ Prog = quote_progname(Prog0),
BasicCmd = lists:concat([Prog,
" -detached -noinput -master ", node(),
" ", long_or_short(), Name, "@", Host,
@@ -309,6 +310,31 @@ mk_cmd(Host, Name, Args, Waiter, Prog) ->
+%% This is an attempt to distinguish between spaces in the program
+%% path and spaces that separate arguments. The program is quoted to
+%% allow spaces in the path.
+%% Arguments could exist either if the executable is excplicitly given
+%% (through start/5) or if the -program switch to beam is used and
+%% includes arguments (typically done by cerl in OTP test environment
+%% in order to ensure that slave/peer nodes are started with the same
+%% emulator and flags as the test node. The return from lib:progname()
+%% could then typically be '/<full_path_to>/cerl -gcov').
+quote_progname(Progname) ->
+ do_quote_progname(string:tokens(to_list(Progname)," ")).
+do_quote_progname([Prog]) ->
+ "\""++Prog++"\"";
+do_quote_progname([Prog,Arg|Args]) ->
+ case os:find_executable(Prog) of
+ false ->
+ do_quote_progname([Prog++" "++Arg | Args]);
+ _ ->
+ %% this one has an executable - we assume the rest are arguments
+ "\""++Prog++"\""++
+ lists:flatten(lists:map(fun(X) -> [" ",X] end, [Arg|Args]))
+ end.
%% Give the user an opportunity to run another program,
%% than the "rsh". On HP-UX rsh is called remsh; thus HP users
%% must start erlang as erl -rsh remsh.