path: root/lib/stdlib/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src')
6 files changed, 131 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/binary.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/binary.erl
index 6a64133b45..7d0e42489e 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/binary.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/binary.erl
@@ -47,23 +47,39 @@ at(_, _) ->
-spec bin_to_list(Subject) -> [byte()] when
Subject :: binary().
-bin_to_list(_) ->
- erlang:nif_error(undef).
+bin_to_list(Subject) ->
+ binary_to_list(Subject).
-spec bin_to_list(Subject, PosLen) -> [byte()] when
Subject :: binary(),
PosLen :: part().
-bin_to_list(_, _) ->
- erlang:nif_error(undef).
+bin_to_list(Subject, {Pos, Len}) ->
+ bin_to_list(Subject, Pos, Len);
+bin_to_list(_Subject, _BadArg) ->
+ erlang:error(badarg).
-spec bin_to_list(Subject, Pos, Len) -> [byte()] when
Subject :: binary(),
Pos :: non_neg_integer(),
Len :: integer().
-bin_to_list(_, _, _) ->
- erlang:nif_error(undef).
+bin_to_list(Subject, Pos, Len) when not is_binary(Subject);
+ not is_integer(Pos);
+ not is_integer(Len) ->
+ %% binary_to_list/3 allows bitstrings as long as the slice fits, and we
+ %% want to badarg when Pos/Len aren't integers instead of raising badarith
+ %% when adjusting args for binary_to_list/3.
+ erlang:error(badarg);
+bin_to_list(Subject, Pos, 0) when Pos >= 0, Pos =< byte_size(Subject) ->
+ %% binary_to_list/3 doesn't handle this case.
+ [];
+bin_to_list(_Subject, _Pos, 0) ->
+ erlang:error(badarg);
+bin_to_list(Subject, Pos, Len) when Len < 0 ->
+ bin_to_list(Subject, Pos + Len, -Len);
+bin_to_list(Subject, Pos, Len) when Len > 0 ->
+ binary_to_list(Subject, Pos + 1, Pos + Len).
-spec compile_pattern(Pattern) -> cp() when
Pattern :: binary() | [binary()].
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
index 1930c462e8..9a62d21d34 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
@@ -3971,6 +3971,8 @@ extract_sequence(3, [$.,_|Fmt], Need) ->
extract_sequence(4, Fmt, Need);
extract_sequence(3, Fmt, Need) ->
extract_sequence(4, Fmt, Need);
+extract_sequence(4, [$t, $l | Fmt], Need) ->
+ extract_sequence(4, [$l, $t | Fmt], Need);
extract_sequence(4, [$t, $c | Fmt], Need) ->
extract_sequence(5, [$c|Fmt], Need);
extract_sequence(4, [$t, $s | Fmt], Need) ->
@@ -3987,8 +3989,14 @@ extract_sequence(4, [$t, C | _Fmt], _Need) ->
{error,"invalid control ~t" ++ [C]};
extract_sequence(4, [$l, $p | Fmt], Need) ->
extract_sequence(5, [$p|Fmt], Need);
+extract_sequence(4, [$l, $t, $p | Fmt], Need) ->
+ extract_sequence(5, [$p|Fmt], Need);
extract_sequence(4, [$l, $P | Fmt], Need) ->
extract_sequence(5, [$P|Fmt], Need);
+extract_sequence(4, [$l, $t, $P | Fmt], Need) ->
+ extract_sequence(5, [$P|Fmt], Need);
+extract_sequence(4, [$l, $t, C | _Fmt], _Need) ->
+ {error,"invalid control ~lt" ++ [C]};
extract_sequence(4, [$l, C | _Fmt], _Need) ->
{error,"invalid control ~l" ++ [C]};
extract_sequence(4, Fmt, Need) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib.erl
index cacd9f2524..e37c13093b 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib.erl
@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ limit_term(Term, Depth) ->
limit(_, 0) -> '...';
limit([H|T]=L, D) ->
- D =:= 1 -> '...';
+ D =:= 1 -> ['...'];
true ->
case printable_list(L) of
true -> L;
@@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ limit(Term, D) when is_map(Term) ->
limit({}=T, _D) -> T;
limit(T, D) when is_tuple(T) ->
- D =:= 1 -> '...';
+ D =:= 1 -> {'...'};
true ->
list_to_tuple([limit(element(1, T), D-1)|
limit_tail(tl(tuple_to_list(T)), D-1)])
@@ -961,32 +961,29 @@ limit_tail(Other, D) ->
%% Cannot limit maps properly since there is no guarantee that
%% maps:from_list() creates a map with the same internal ordering of
-%% the selected associations as in Map.
+%% the selected associations as in Map. Instead of subtracting one
+%% from the depth as the map associations are traversed (as is done
+%% for tuples and lists), the same depth is applied to each and every
+%% (returned) association.
limit_map(Map, D) ->
- limit_map(maps:iterator(Map), D, []).
+ %% Keep one extra association to make sure the final ',...' is included.
+ limit_map_body(maps:iterator(Map), D + 1, D, []).
-limit_map(_I, 0, Acc) ->
+limit_map_body(_I, 0, _D0, Acc) ->
-limit_map(I, D, Acc) ->
+limit_map_body(I, D, D0, Acc) ->
case maps:next(I) of
{K, V, NextI} ->
- limit_map(NextI, D-1, [{K,V} | Acc]);
+ limit_map_body(NextI, D-1, D0, [limit_map_assoc(K, V, D0) | Acc]);
none ->
-%% maps:from_list(limit_map_body(erts_internal:maps_to_list(Map, D), D)).
+limit_map_assoc(K, V, D) ->
+ %% Keep keys as are to avoid creating duplicated keys.
+ {K, limit(V, D - 1)}.
-%% limit_map_body(_, 0) -> [{'...', '...'}];
-%% limit_map_body([], _) -> [];
-%% limit_map_body([{K,V}], D) -> [limit_map_assoc(K, V, D)];
-%% limit_map_body([{K,V}|KVs], D) ->
-%% [limit_map_assoc(K, V, D) | limit_map_body(KVs, D-1)].
-%% limit_map_assoc(K, V, D) ->
-%% {limit(K, D-1), limit(V, D-1)}.
-limit_bitstring(B, _D) -> B. %% Keeps all printable binaries.
+limit_bitstring(B, _D) -> B. % Keeps all printable binaries.
test_limit(_, 0) -> throw(limit);
test_limit([H|T]=L, D) when is_integer(D) ->
@@ -1022,18 +1019,21 @@ test_limit_tuple(T, I, Sz, D) ->
test_limit(element(I, T), D-1),
test_limit_tuple(T, I+1, Sz, D-1).
-test_limit_map(_Map, _D) -> ok.
-%% test_limit_map_body(erts_internal:maps_to_list(Map, D), D).
+test_limit_map(Map, D) ->
+ test_limit_map_body(maps:iterator(Map), D).
-%% test_limit_map_body(_, 0) -> throw(limit);
-%% test_limit_map_body([], _) -> ok;
-%% test_limit_map_body([{K,V}], D) -> test_limit_map_assoc(K, V, D);
-%% test_limit_map_body([{K,V}|KVs], D) ->
-%% test_limit_map_assoc(K, V, D),
-%% test_limit_map_body(KVs, D-1).
+test_limit_map_body(_I, 0) -> throw(limit); % cannot happen
+test_limit_map_body(I, D) ->
+ case maps:next(I) of
+ {K, V, NextI} ->
+ test_limit_map_assoc(K, V, D),
+ test_limit_map_body(NextI, D-1);
+ none ->
+ ok
+ end.
-%% test_limit_map_assoc(K, V, D) ->
-%% test_limit(K, D-1),
-%% test_limit(V, D-1).
+test_limit_map_assoc(K, V, D) ->
+ test_limit(K, D - 1),
+ test_limit(V, D - 1).
test_limit_bitstring(_, _) -> ok.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_format.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_format.erl
index e345810ca0..64edbf1824 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_format.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_format.erl
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ print([]) ->
print(C, F, Ad, P, Pad, Encoding, Strings) ->
- [$~] ++ print_field_width(F, Ad) ++ print_precision(P) ++
+ [$~] ++ print_field_width(F, Ad) ++ print_precision(P, Pad) ++
print_pad_char(Pad) ++ print_encoding(Encoding) ++
print_strings(Strings) ++ [C].
@@ -103,8 +103,9 @@ print_field_width(none, _Ad) -> "";
print_field_width(F, left) -> integer_to_list(-F);
print_field_width(F, right) -> integer_to_list(F).
-print_precision(none) -> "";
-print_precision(P) -> [$. | integer_to_list(P)].
+print_precision(none, $\s) -> "";
+print_precision(none, _Pad) -> "."; % pad must be second dot
+print_precision(P, _Pad) -> [$. | integer_to_list(P)].
print_pad_char($\s) -> ""; % default, no need to make explicit
print_pad_char(Pad) -> [$., Pad].
@@ -126,25 +127,23 @@ collect_cseq(Fmt0, Args0) ->
{F,Ad,Fmt1,Args1} = field_width(Fmt0, Args0),
{P,Fmt2,Args2} = precision(Fmt1, Args1),
{Pad,Fmt3,Args3} = pad_char(Fmt2, Args2),
- {Encoding,Fmt4,Args4} = encoding(Fmt3, Args3),
- {Strings,Fmt5,Args5} = strings(Fmt4, Args4),
- {C,As,Fmt6,Args6} = collect_cc(Fmt5, Args5),
- FormatSpec = #{control_char => C, args => As, width => F, adjust => Ad,
- precision => P, pad_char => Pad, encoding => Encoding,
- strings => Strings},
- {FormatSpec,Fmt6,Args6}.
-encoding([$t|Fmt],Args) ->
- true = hd(Fmt) =/= $l,
- {unicode,Fmt,Args};
-encoding(Fmt,Args) ->
- {latin1,Fmt,Args}.
-strings([$l|Fmt],Args) ->
- true = hd(Fmt) =/= $t,
- {false,Fmt,Args};
-strings(Fmt,Args) ->
- {true,Fmt,Args}.
+ Spec0 = #{width => F,
+ adjust => Ad,
+ precision => P,
+ pad_char => Pad,
+ encoding => latin1,
+ strings => true},
+ {Spec1,Fmt4} = modifiers(Fmt3, Spec0),
+ {C,As,Fmt5,Args4} = collect_cc(Fmt4, Args3),
+ Spec2 = Spec1#{control_char => C, args => As},
+ {Spec2,Fmt5,Args4}.
+modifiers([$t|Fmt], Spec) ->
+ modifiers(Fmt, Spec#{encoding => unicode});
+modifiers([$l|Fmt], Spec) ->
+ modifiers(Fmt, Spec#{strings => false});
+modifiers(Fmt, Spec) ->
+ {Spec, Fmt}.
field_width([$-|Fmt0], Args0) ->
{F,Fmt,Args} = field_value(Fmt0, Args0),
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/string.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/string.erl
index e01bb7d85e..4e89819e41 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/string.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/string.erl
@@ -420,10 +420,12 @@ to_number(_, Number, Rest, _, Tail) ->
%% Return the remaining string with prefix removed or else nomatch
-spec prefix(String::unicode:chardata(), Prefix::unicode:chardata()) ->
'nomatch' | unicode:chardata().
-prefix(Str, []) -> Str;
prefix(Str, Prefix0) ->
- Prefix = unicode:characters_to_list(Prefix0),
- case prefix_1(Str, Prefix) of
+ Result = case unicode:characters_to_list(Prefix0) of
+ [] -> Str;
+ Prefix -> prefix_1(Str, Prefix)
+ end,
+ case Result of
[] when is_binary(Str) -> <<>>;
Res -> Res
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl
index a84679c595..28d36ea229 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
%% External API
-export([compose_query/1, compose_query/2,
- dissect_query/1, normalize/1, parse/1,
+ dissect_query/1, normalize/1, normalize/2, parse/1,
recompose/1, transcode/2]).
-export_type([error/0, uri_map/0, uri_string/0]).
@@ -292,18 +292,36 @@
%% Normalize URIs
--spec normalize(URIString) -> NormalizedURI when
- URIString :: uri_string(),
- NormalizedURI :: uri_string().
-normalize(URIString) ->
- %% Percent-encoding normalization and case normalization for
- %% percent-encoded triplets are achieved by running parse and
- %% recompose on the input URI string.
- recompose(
- normalize_path_segment(
- normalize_scheme_based(
- normalize_case(
- parse(URIString))))).
+-spec normalize(URI) -> NormalizedURI when
+ URI :: uri_string() | uri_map(),
+ NormalizedURI :: uri_string()
+ | error().
+normalize(URIMap) ->
+ normalize(URIMap, []).
+-spec normalize(URI, Options) -> NormalizedURI when
+ URI :: uri_string() | uri_map(),
+ Options :: [return_map],
+ NormalizedURI :: uri_string() | uri_map().
+normalize(URIMap, []) when is_map(URIMap) ->
+ recompose(normalize_map(URIMap));
+normalize(URIMap, [return_map]) when is_map(URIMap) ->
+ normalize_map(URIMap);
+normalize(URIString, []) ->
+ case parse(URIString) of
+ Value when is_map(Value) ->
+ recompose(normalize_map(Value));
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+normalize(URIString, [return_map]) ->
+ case parse(URIString) of
+ Value when is_map(Value) ->
+ normalize_map(Value);
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
@@ -385,7 +403,8 @@ transcode(URIString, Options) when is_list(URIString) ->
%% Functions for working with the query part of a URI as a list
%% of key/value pairs.
-%% HTML5 - URL-encoded form data
+%% HTML 5.2 - URL-encoded form data - WHATWG URL (10 Jan 2018) - UTF-8
+%% HTML 5.0 - URL-encoded form data - non UTF-8
@@ -393,7 +412,7 @@ transcode(URIString, Options) when is_list(URIString) ->
%% (application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding algorithm)
-spec compose_query(QueryList) -> QueryString when
- QueryList :: [{uri_string(), uri_string()}],
+ QueryList :: [{unicode:chardata(), unicode:chardata()}],
QueryString :: uri_string()
| error().
compose_query(List) ->
@@ -401,7 +420,7 @@ compose_query(List) ->
-spec compose_query(QueryList, Options) -> QueryString when
- QueryList :: [{uri_string(), uri_string()}],
+ QueryList :: [{unicode:chardata(), unicode:chardata()}],
Options :: [{encoding, atom()}],
QueryString :: uri_string()
| error().
@@ -432,7 +451,7 @@ compose_query([], _Options, IsList, Acc) ->
-spec dissect_query(QueryString) -> QueryList when
QueryString :: uri_string(),
- QueryList :: [{uri_string(), uri_string()}]
+ QueryList :: [{unicode:chardata(), unicode:chardata()}]
| error().
dissect_query(<<>>) ->
@@ -1755,7 +1774,8 @@ get_separator(_L) ->
-%% HTML5 - URL-encoded form data - encoding
+%% HTML 5.2 - URL-encoded form data - WHATWG URL (10 Jan 2018) - UTF-8
+%% HTML 5.0 - URL-encoded form data - encoding (non UTF-8)
form_urlencode(Cs, [{encoding, latin1}]) when is_list(Cs) ->
B = convert_to_binary(Cs, utf8, utf8),
@@ -1850,7 +1870,8 @@ dissect_query_value(<<>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
-%% Form-urldecode input based on RFC 1866 [8.2.1]
+%% HTML 5.2 - URL-encoded form data - WHATWG URL (10 Jan 2018) - UTF-8
+%% HTML 5.0 - URL-encoded form data - decoding (non UTF-8)
form_urldecode(true, B) ->
Result = base10_decode(form_urldecode(B, <<>>)),
convert_to_list(Result, utf8);
@@ -1903,6 +1924,12 @@ base10_decode_unicode(<<H,_/binary>>, _, _) ->
%% Helper functions for normalize
+normalize_map(URIMap) ->
+ normalize_path_segment(
+ normalize_scheme_based(
+ normalize_case(URIMap))).
%% Case Normalization
normalize_case(#{scheme := Scheme, host := Host} = Map) ->
Map#{scheme => to_lower(Scheme),