path: root/lib/stdlib/src
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1 files changed, 118 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_pretty.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_pretty.erl
index 94376408d1..6ddba8121a 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_pretty.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_pretty.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2017. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -139,6 +139,10 @@ max_cs(M, _Len) ->
-define(ATM(T), is_list(element(1, T))).
+ ?ATM(element(2, element(1, Pair))) % Key
+ andalso
+ ?ATM(element(3, element(1, Pair)))). % Value
-define(ATM_FLD(Field), ?ATM(element(4, element(1, Field)))).
pp({_S, Len} = If, Col, Ll, M, _TInd, _Ind, LD, W)
@@ -151,9 +155,8 @@ pp({{tuple,true,L}, _Len}, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
pp({{tuple,false,L}, _Len}, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
[${, pp_list(L, Col + 1, Ll, M, TInd, indent(1, Ind), LD, $,, W + 1), $}];
pp({{map,Pairs},_Len}, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
- [$#,${, pp_list(Pairs, Col + 2, Ll, M, TInd, indent(2, Ind), LD, $,, W + 1), $}];
-pp({{map_pair,K,V},_Len}, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
- [pp(K, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W), " => ", pp(V, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W)];
+ [$#, ${, pp_map(Pairs, Col + 2, Ll, M, TInd, indent(2, Ind), LD, W + 1),
+ $}];
pp({{record,[{Name,NLen} | L]}, _Len}, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
[Name, ${, pp_record(L, NLen, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W + NLen+1), $}];
pp({{bin,S}, _Len}, Col, Ll, M, _TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
@@ -178,6 +181,46 @@ pp_tag_tuple([{Tag,Tlen} | L], Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
[Tag, S | pp_list(L, Tcol, Ll, M, TInd, Indent, LD, S, W+Tlen+1)]
+pp_map([], _Col, _Ll, _M, _TInd, _Ind, _LD, _W) ->
+ "";
+pp_map({dots, _}, _Col, _Ll, _M, _TInd, _Ind, _LD, _W) ->
+ "...";
+pp_map([P | Ps], Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
+ {PS, PW} = pp_pair(P, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, last_depth(Ps, LD), W),
+ [PS | pp_pairs_tail(Ps, Col, Col + PW, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, PW)].
+pp_pairs_tail([], _Col0, _Col, _Ll, _M, _TInd, _Ind, _LD, _W) ->
+ "";
+pp_pairs_tail({dots, _}, _Col0, _Col, _M, _Ll, _TInd, _Ind, _LD, _W) ->
+ ",...";
+pp_pairs_tail([{_, Len}=P | Ps], Col0, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
+ LD1 = last_depth(Ps, LD),
+ ELen = 1 + Len,
+ if
+ LD1 =:= 0, ELen + 1 < Ll - Col, W + ELen + 1 =< M, ?ATM_PAIR(P);
+ LD1 > 0, ELen < Ll - Col - LD1, W + ELen + LD1 =< M, ?ATM_PAIR(P) ->
+ [$,, write_pair(P) |
+ pp_pairs_tail(Ps, Col0, Col+ELen, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W+ELen)];
+ true ->
+ {PS, PW} = pp_pair(P, Col0, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD1, 0),
+ [$,, $\n, Ind, PS |
+ pp_pairs_tail(Ps, Col0, Col0 + PW, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, PW)]
+ end.
+pp_pair({_, Len}=Pair, Col, Ll, M, _TInd, _Ind, LD, W)
+ when Len < Ll - Col - LD, Len + W + LD =< M ->
+ {write_pair(Pair), if
+ ?ATM_PAIR(Pair) ->
+ Len;
+ true ->
+ Ll % force nl
+ end};
+pp_pair({{map_pair, K, V}, _Len}, Col0, Ll, M, TInd, Ind0, LD, W) ->
+ I = map_value_indent(TInd),
+ Ind = indent(I, Ind0),
+ {[pp(K, Col0, Ll, M, TInd, Ind0, LD, W), " =>\n",
+ Ind | pp(V, Col0 + I, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, 0)], Ll}. % force nl
pp_record([], _Nlen, _Col, _Ll, _M, _TInd, _Ind, _LD, _W) ->
pp_record({dots, _}, _Nlen, _Col, _Ll, _M, _TInd, _Ind, _LD, _W) ->
@@ -216,7 +259,11 @@ pp_field({_, Len}=Fl, Col, Ll, M, _TInd, _Ind, LD, W)
pp_field({{field, Name, NameL, F}, _Len}, Col0, Ll, M, TInd, Ind0, LD, W0) ->
{Col, Ind, S, W} = rec_indent(NameL, TInd, Col0, Ind0, W0 + NameL),
- {[Name, " = ", S | pp(F, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W)], Ll}. % force nl
+ Sep = case S of
+ [$\n | _] -> " =";
+ _ -> " = "
+ end,
+ {[Name, Sep, S | pp(F, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W)], Ll}. % force nl
rec_indent(RInd, TInd, Col0, Ind0, W0) ->
%% this uses TInd
@@ -305,8 +352,8 @@ write({{list, L}, _}) ->
[$[, write_list(L, $|), $]];
write({{map, Pairs}, _}) ->
[$#,${, write_list(Pairs, $,), $}];
-write({{map_pair, K, V}, _}) ->
- [write(K)," => ",write(V)];
+write({{map_pair, _K, _V}, _}=Pair) ->
+ write_pair(Pair);
write({{record, [{Name,_} | L]}, _}) ->
[Name, ${, write_fields(L), $}];
write({{bin, S}, _}) ->
@@ -314,6 +361,9 @@ write({{bin, S}, _}) ->
write({S, _}) ->
+write_pair({{map_pair, K, V}, _}) ->
+ [write(K), " => ", write(V)].
write_fields([]) ->
write_fields({dots, _}) ->
@@ -347,7 +397,7 @@ write_tail(E, S) ->
%% The depth (D) is used for extracting and counting the characters to
%% print. The structure is kept so that the returned intermediate
-%% format can be formatted. The separators (list, tuple, record) are
+%% format can be formatted. The separators (list, tuple, record, map) are
%% counted but need to be added later.
%% D =/= 0
@@ -423,21 +473,32 @@ print_length(Term, _D, _RF, _Enc, _Str) ->
print_length_map(_Map, 1, _RF, _Enc, _Str) ->
{"#{...}", 6};
print_length_map(Map, D, RF, Enc, Str) when is_map(Map) ->
- Pairs = print_length_map_pairs(maps:to_list(Map), D, RF, Enc, Str),
+ Pairs = print_length_map_pairs(maps_to_list(Map, D), D, RF, Enc, Str),
{{map, Pairs}, list_length(Pairs, 3)}.
+maps_to_list(Map, D) when D < 0; map_size(Map) =< D ->
+ maps:to_list(Map);
+maps_to_list(Map, D) ->
+ F = fun(_K, _V, {N, L}) when N =:= D ->
+ throw(L);
+ (K, V, {N, L}) ->
+ {N+1, [{K, V} | L]}
+ end,
+ lists:reverse(catch maps:fold(F, {0, []}, Map)).
print_length_map_pairs([], _D, _RF, _Enc, _Str) ->
print_length_map_pairs(_Pairs, 1, _RF, _Enc, _Str) ->
{dots, 3};
-print_length_map_pairs([{K,V}|Pairs], D, RF, Enc, Str) ->
- [print_length_map_pair(K,V,D-1,RF,Enc,Str) |
- print_length_map_pairs(Pairs,D-1,RF,Enc,Str)].
+print_length_map_pairs([{K, V} | Pairs], D, RF, Enc, Str) ->
+ [print_length_map_pair(K, V, D - 1, RF, Enc, Str) |
+ print_length_map_pairs(Pairs, D - 1, RF, Enc, Str)].
print_length_map_pair(K, V, D, RF, Enc, Str) ->
{KS, KL} = print_length(K, D, RF, Enc, Str),
{VS, VL} = print_length(V, D, RF, Enc, Str),
- {{map_pair, {KS,KL}, {VS,VL}}, KL + VL}.
+ KL1 = KL + 4,
+ {{map_pair, {KS, KL1}, {VS, VL}}, KL1 + VL}.
print_length_tuple(_Tuple, 1, _RF, _Enc, _Str) ->
{"{...}", 5};
@@ -630,6 +691,8 @@ cind({{tuple,true,L}, _Len}, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
cind_tag_tuple(L, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W + 1);
cind({{tuple,false,L}, _Len}, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
cind_list(L, Col + 1, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W + 1);
+cind({{map,Pairs},_Len}, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
+ cind_map(Pairs, Col + 2, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W + 2);
cind({{record,[{_Name,NLen} | L]}, _Len}, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
cind_record(L, NLen, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W + NLen + 1);
cind({{bin,_S}, _Len}, _Col, _Ll, _M, Ind, _LD, _W) ->
@@ -655,6 +718,48 @@ cind_tag_tuple([{_Tag,Tlen} | L], Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
+cind_map([P | Ps], Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
+ PW = cind_pair(P, Col, Ll, M, Ind, last_depth(Ps, LD), W),
+ cind_pairs_tail(Ps, Col, Col + PW, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W + PW);
+cind_map(_, _Col, _Ll, _M, Ind, _LD, _W) ->
+ Ind.
+cind_pairs_tail([{_, Len}=P | Ps], Col0, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
+ LD1 = last_depth(Ps, LD),
+ ELen = 1 + Len,
+ if
+ LD1 =:= 0, ELen + 1 < Ll - Col, W + ELen + 1 =< M, ?ATM_PAIR(P);
+ LD1 > 0, ELen < Ll - Col - LD1, W + ELen + LD1 =< M, ?ATM_PAIR(P) ->
+ cind_pairs_tail(Ps, Col0, Col + ELen, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W + ELen);
+ true ->
+ PW = cind_pair(P, Col0, Ll, M, Ind, LD1, 0),
+ cind_pairs_tail(Ps, Col0, Col0 + PW, Ll, M, Ind, LD, PW)
+ end;
+cind_pairs_tail(_, _Col0, _Col, _Ll, _M, Ind, _LD, _W) ->
+ Ind.
+cind_pair({{map_pair, _Key, _Value}, Len}=Pair, Col, Ll, M, _Ind, LD, W)
+ when Len < Ll - Col - LD, Len + W + LD =< M ->
+ if
+ ?ATM_PAIR(Pair) ->
+ Len;
+ true ->
+ Ll
+ end;
+cind_pair({{map_pair, K, V}, _Len}, Col0, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W0) ->
+ cind(K, Col0, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W0),
+ I = map_value_indent(Ind),
+ cind(V, Col0 + I, Ll, M, Ind, LD, 0),
+ Ll.
+map_value_indent(TInd) ->
+ case TInd > 0 of
+ true ->
+ TInd;
+ false ->
+ 4
+ end.
cind_record([F | Fs], Nlen, Col0, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W0) ->
Nind = Nlen + 1,
{Col, W} = cind_rec(Nind, Col0, Ll, M, Ind, W0),