path: root/lib/stdlib/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl
index a84679c595..ed3a2a10ac 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
%% External API
-export([compose_query/1, compose_query/2,
- dissect_query/1, normalize/1, parse/1,
+ dissect_query/1, normalize/1, normalize/2, parse/1,
recompose/1, transcode/2]).
-export_type([error/0, uri_map/0, uri_string/0]).
@@ -292,18 +292,36 @@
%% Normalize URIs
--spec normalize(URIString) -> NormalizedURI when
- URIString :: uri_string(),
- NormalizedURI :: uri_string().
-normalize(URIString) ->
- %% Percent-encoding normalization and case normalization for
- %% percent-encoded triplets are achieved by running parse and
- %% recompose on the input URI string.
- recompose(
- normalize_path_segment(
- normalize_scheme_based(
- normalize_case(
- parse(URIString))))).
+-spec normalize(URI) -> NormalizedURI when
+ URI :: uri_string() | uri_map(),
+ NormalizedURI :: uri_string()
+ | error().
+normalize(URIMap) ->
+ normalize(URIMap, []).
+-spec normalize(URI, Options) -> NormalizedURI when
+ URI :: uri_string() | uri_map(),
+ Options :: [return_map],
+ NormalizedURI :: uri_string() | uri_map().
+normalize(URIMap, []) when is_map(URIMap) ->
+ recompose(normalize_map(URIMap));
+normalize(URIMap, [return_map]) when is_map(URIMap) ->
+ normalize_map(URIMap);
+normalize(URIString, []) ->
+ case parse(URIString) of
+ Value when is_map(Value) ->
+ recompose(normalize_map(Value));
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+normalize(URIString, [return_map]) ->
+ case parse(URIString) of
+ Value when is_map(Value) ->
+ normalize_map(Value);
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
@@ -393,7 +411,7 @@ transcode(URIString, Options) when is_list(URIString) ->
%% (application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding algorithm)
-spec compose_query(QueryList) -> QueryString when
- QueryList :: [{uri_string(), uri_string()}],
+ QueryList :: [{unicode:chardata(), unicode:chardata()}],
QueryString :: uri_string()
| error().
compose_query(List) ->
@@ -401,7 +419,7 @@ compose_query(List) ->
-spec compose_query(QueryList, Options) -> QueryString when
- QueryList :: [{uri_string(), uri_string()}],
+ QueryList :: [{unicode:chardata(), unicode:chardata()}],
Options :: [{encoding, atom()}],
QueryString :: uri_string()
| error().
@@ -432,7 +450,7 @@ compose_query([], _Options, IsList, Acc) ->
-spec dissect_query(QueryString) -> QueryList when
QueryString :: uri_string(),
- QueryList :: [{uri_string(), uri_string()}]
+ QueryList :: [{unicode:chardata(), unicode:chardata()}]
| error().
dissect_query(<<>>) ->
@@ -1903,6 +1921,12 @@ base10_decode_unicode(<<H,_/binary>>, _, _) ->
%% Helper functions for normalize
+normalize_map(URIMap) ->
+ normalize_path_segment(
+ normalize_scheme_based(
+ normalize_case(URIMap))).
%% Case Normalization
normalize_case(#{scheme := Scheme, host := Host} = Map) ->
Map#{scheme => to_lower(Scheme),