path: root/lib/stdlib/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src')
20 files changed, 477 insertions, 363 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl
index 7a17226e46..fe9df601eb 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
-export([make_crypto_key/2, get_crypto_key/1]). %Utilities used by compiler
--export_type([attrib_entry/0, compinfo_entry/0, labeled_entry/0]).
+-export_type([attrib_entry/0, compinfo_entry/0, labeled_entry/0, label/0]).
-import(lists, [append/1, delete/2, foreach/2, keysort/2,
member/2, reverse/1, sort/1, splitwith/2]).
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl
index 55a818e87c..40eba4ad67 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@
| {atom(),non_neg_integer()}
| tokens().
+-type warning_info() :: {erl_anno:location(), module(), term()}.
-define(DEFAULT_ENCODING, utf8).
%% Epp state record.
@@ -158,11 +160,13 @@ scan_erl_form(Epp) ->
epp_request(Epp, scan_erl_form).
-spec parse_erl_form(Epp) ->
- {'ok', AbsForm} | {'eof', Line} | {error, ErrorInfo} when
+ {'ok', AbsForm} | {error, ErrorInfo} |
+ {'warning',WarningInfo} | {'eof',Line} when
Epp :: epp_handle(),
AbsForm :: erl_parse:abstract_form(),
Line :: erl_anno:line(),
- ErrorInfo :: erl_scan:error_info() | erl_parse:error_info().
+ ErrorInfo :: erl_scan:error_info() | erl_parse:error_info(),
+ WarningInfo :: warning_info().
parse_erl_form(Epp) ->
case epp_request(Epp, scan_erl_form) of
@@ -219,6 +223,10 @@ format_error({illegal_function_usage,Macro}) ->
io_lib:format("?~s must not begin a form", [Macro]);
format_error({'NYI',What}) ->
io_lib:format("not yet implemented '~s'", [What]);
+format_error({error,Term}) ->
+ io_lib:format("-error(~p).", [Term]);
+format_error({warning,Term}) ->
+ io_lib:format("-warning(~p).", [Term]);
format_error(E) -> file:format_error(E).
-spec parse_file(FileName, IncludePath, PredefMacros) ->
@@ -263,9 +271,11 @@ parse_file(Ifile, Options) ->
-spec parse_file(Epp) -> [Form] when
Epp :: epp_handle(),
- Form :: erl_parse:abstract_form() | {'error', ErrorInfo} | {'eof',Line},
+ Form :: erl_parse:abstract_form() | {'error', ErrorInfo} |
+ {'warning',WarningInfo} | {'eof',Line},
Line :: erl_anno:line(),
- ErrorInfo :: erl_scan:error_info() | erl_parse:error_info().
+ ErrorInfo :: erl_scan:error_info() | erl_parse:error_info(),
+ WarningInfo :: warning_info().
parse_file(Epp) ->
case parse_erl_form(Epp) of
@@ -273,6 +283,8 @@ parse_file(Epp) ->
{error,E} ->
+ {warning,W} ->
+ [{warning,W}|parse_file(Epp)];
{eof,Location} ->
@@ -752,6 +764,10 @@ scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Ld,define}=Define|Toks], From, St) ->
scan_define(Toks, Define, From, St);
scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Ld,undef}=Undef|Toks], From, St) ->
scan_undef(Toks, Undef, From, St);
+scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Ld,error}=Error|Toks], From, St) ->
+ scan_err_warn(Toks, Error, From, St);
+scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Ld,warning}=Warn|Toks], From, St) ->
+ scan_err_warn(Toks, Warn, From, St);
scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Li,include}=Inc|Toks], From, St) ->
scan_include(Toks, Inc, From, St);
scan_toks([{'-',_Lh},{atom,_Li,include_lib}=IncLib|Toks], From, St) ->
@@ -807,6 +823,24 @@ scan_extends([{atom,Ln,A}=ModAtom,{')',_Lr}|_Ts], Ms0) ->
scan_extends(_Ts, Ms) -> Ms.
+scan_err_warn([{'(',_}|_]=Toks0, {atom,_,Tag}=Token, From, St) ->
+ try expand_macros(Toks0, St) of
+ Toks when is_list(Toks) ->
+ case erl_parse:parse_term(Toks) of
+ {ok,Term} ->
+ epp_reply(From, {Tag,{loc(Token),epp,{Tag,Term}}});
+ {error,_} ->
+ epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Token),epp,{bad,Tag}}})
+ end
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Token),epp,{bad,Tag}}})
+ end,
+ wait_req_scan(St);
+scan_err_warn(_Toks, {atom,_,Tag}=Token, From, St) ->
+ epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Token),epp,{bad,Tag}}}),
+ wait_req_scan(St).
%% scan_define(Tokens, DefineToken, From, EppState)
scan_define([{'(',_Lp},{Type,_Lm,_}=Mac|Toks], Def, From, St)
@@ -920,11 +954,15 @@ scan_undef(_Toks, Undef, From, St) ->
%% scan_include(Tokens, IncludeToken, From, St)
-scan_include([{'(',_Llp},{string,_Lf,NewName0},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], Inc,
- From, St) ->
+scan_include(Tokens0, Inc, From, St) ->
+ Tokens = coalesce_strings(Tokens0),
+ scan_include1(Tokens, Inc, From, St).
+scan_include1([{'(',_Llp},{string,_Lf,NewName0},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}], Inc,
+ From, St) ->
NewName = expand_var(NewName0),
enter_file(NewName, Inc, From, St);
-scan_include(_Toks, Inc, From, St) ->
+scan_include1(_Toks, Inc, From, St) ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Inc),epp,{bad,include}}}),
@@ -933,29 +971,38 @@ scan_include(_Toks, Inc, From, St) ->
%% normal search path, if not we assume that the first directory name
%% is a library name, find its true directory and try with that.
-find_lib_dir(NewName) ->
- [Lib | Rest] = filename:split(NewName),
- {code:lib_dir(list_to_atom(Lib)), Rest}.
+expand_lib_dir(Name) ->
+ try
+ [App|Path] = filename:split(Name),
+ LibDir = code:lib_dir(list_to_atom(App)),
+ {ok,fname_join([LibDir|Path])}
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ error
+ end.
+scan_include_lib(Tokens0, Inc, From, St) ->
+ Tokens = coalesce_strings(Tokens0),
+ scan_include_lib1(Tokens, Inc, From, St).
- Inc, From, St)
+ Inc, From, St)
when length(St#epp.sstk) >= 8 ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Inc),epp,{depth,"include_lib"}}}),
- Inc, From, St) ->
+ Inc, From, St) ->
NewName = expand_var(NewName0),
Loc = start_loc(St#epp.location),
case file:path_open(St#epp.path, NewName, [read]) of
{ok,NewF,Pname} ->
wait_req_scan(enter_file2(NewF, Pname, From, St, Loc));
{error,_E1} ->
- case catch find_lib_dir(NewName) of
- {LibDir, Rest} when is_list(LibDir) ->
- LibName = fname_join([LibDir | Rest]),
- case file:open(LibName, [read]) of
+ case expand_lib_dir(NewName) of
+ {ok,Header} ->
+ case file:open(Header, [read]) of
{ok,NewF} ->
- wait_req_scan(enter_file2(NewF, LibName, From,
+ wait_req_scan(enter_file2(NewF, Header, From,
St, Loc));
{error,_E2} ->
@@ -963,13 +1010,13 @@ scan_include_lib([{'(',_Llp},{string,_Lf,NewName0},{')',_Lrp},{dot,_Ld}],
- _Error ->
+ error ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Inc),epp,
-scan_include_lib(_Toks, Inc, From, St) ->
+scan_include_lib1(_Toks, Inc, From, St) ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Inc),epp,{bad,include_lib}}}),
@@ -1071,8 +1118,12 @@ scan_endif(_Toks, Endif, From, St) ->
%% Set the current file and line to the given file and line.
%% Note that the line of the attribute itself is kept.
- {dot,_Ld}], Tf, From, St) ->
+scan_file(Tokens0, Tf, From, St) ->
+ Tokens = coalesce_strings(Tokens0),
+ scan_file1(Tokens, Tf, From, St).
+ {dot,_Ld}], Tf, From, St) ->
Anno = erl_anno:new(Ln),
enter_file_reply(From, Name, Anno, loc(Tf), generated),
Ms0 = St#epp.macs,
@@ -1081,7 +1132,7 @@ scan_file([{'(',_Llp},{string,_Ls,Name},{',',_Lc},{integer,_Li,Ln},{')',_Lrp},
NewLoc = new_location(Ln, St#epp.location, Locf),
Delta = get_line(element(2, Tf))-Ln + St#epp.delta,
-scan_file(_Toks, Tf, From, St) ->
+scan_file1(_Toks, Tf, From, St) ->
epp_reply(From, {error,{loc(Tf),epp,{bad,file}}}),
@@ -1498,6 +1549,18 @@ stringify(Ts, L) ->
[$\s | S] = lists:flatten(stringify1(Ts)),
[{string, L, S}].
+coalesce_strings([{string,A,S} | Tokens]) ->
+ coalesce_strings(Tokens, A, [S]);
+coalesce_strings([T | Tokens]) ->
+ [T | coalesce_strings(Tokens)];
+coalesce_strings([]) ->
+ [].
+coalesce_strings([{string,_,S}|Tokens], A, S0) ->
+ coalesce_strings(Tokens, A, [S | S0]);
+coalesce_strings(Tokens, A, S) ->
+ [{string,A,lists:append(lists:reverse(S))} | coalesce_strings(Tokens)].
%% epp_request(Epp)
%% epp_request(Epp, Request)
%% epp_reply(From, Reply)
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_compile.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_compile.erl
index ef54076ee3..a6ae398d03 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_compile.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_compile.erl
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ compile_cmdline() ->
_ -> my_halt(2)
+-spec my_halt(_) -> no_return().
my_halt(Reason) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_expand_records.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_expand_records.erl
index 9c0a7fb7d5..ebcbc54ab1 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_expand_records.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_expand_records.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -37,8 +37,9 @@
checked_ra=[] % successfully accessed records
--spec(module(AbsForms, CompileOptions) -> AbsForms when
+-spec(module(AbsForms, CompileOptions) -> AbsForms2 when
AbsForms :: [erl_parse:abstract_form()],
+ AbsForms2 :: [erl_parse:abstract_form()],
CompileOptions :: [compile:option()]).
%% Is is assumed that Fs is a valid list of forms. It should pass
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
index 2508f96b91..e9332ce069 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ value_option(Flag, Default, On, OnVal, Off, OffVal, Opts) ->
module='', %Module
behaviour=[], %Behaviour
exports=gb_sets:empty() :: gb_sets:set(fa()),%Exports
- imports=[] :: [fa()], %Imports, an orddict()
+ imports=[] :: orddict:orddict(fa(), module()),%Imports
compile=[], %Compile flags
records=dict:new() %Record definitions
:: dict:dict(atom(), {line(),Fields :: term()}),
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ used_vars(Exprs, BindingsList) ->
%% really all ordsets!
-spec(module(AbsForms) -> {ok, Warnings} | {error, Errors, Warnings} when
- AbsForms :: [erl_parse:abstract_form()],
+ AbsForms :: [erl_parse:abstract_form() | erl_parse:form_info()],
Warnings :: [{file:filename(),[ErrorInfo]}],
Errors :: [{FileName2 :: file:filename(),[ErrorInfo]}],
ErrorInfo :: error_info()).
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ module(Forms) ->
-spec(module(AbsForms, FileName) ->
{ok, Warnings} | {error, Errors, Warnings} when
- AbsForms :: [erl_parse:abstract_form()],
+ AbsForms :: [erl_parse:abstract_form() | erl_parse:form_info()],
FileName :: atom() | string(),
Warnings :: [{file:filename(),[ErrorInfo]}],
Errors :: [{FileName2 :: file:filename(),[ErrorInfo]}],
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ module(Forms, FileName) ->
-spec(module(AbsForms, FileName, CompileOptions) ->
{ok, Warnings} | {error, Errors, Warnings} when
- AbsForms :: [erl_parse:abstract_form()],
+ AbsForms :: [erl_parse:abstract_form() | erl_parse:form_info()],
FileName :: atom() | string(),
CompileOptions :: [compile:option()],
Warnings :: [{file:filename(),[ErrorInfo]}],
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl
index a896de4f1c..85b2816451 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl
@@ -170,9 +170,6 @@ fun_type -> '(' top_types ')' '->' top_type
: {type, ?anno('$1'), 'fun',
[{type, ?anno('$1'), product, '$2'},'$5']}.
-map_pair_types -> '...' : [{type, ?anno('$1'), map_field_assoc,
- [{type, ?anno('$1'), any, []},
- {type, ?anno('$1'), any, []}]}].
map_pair_types -> map_pair_type : ['$1'].
map_pair_types -> map_pair_type ',' map_pair_types : ['$1'|'$3'].
@@ -534,7 +531,7 @@ Erlang code.
-export_type([abstract_clause/0, abstract_expr/0, abstract_form/0,
- abstract_type/0, error_info/0]).
+ abstract_type/0, form_info/0, error_info/0]).
%% Start of Abstract Format
@@ -546,7 +543,6 @@ Erlang code.
| af_export()
| af_import()
| af_export_type()
- | af_optional_callbacks()
| af_compile()
| af_file()
| af_record_decl()
@@ -573,9 +569,6 @@ Erlang code.
-type af_ta_list() :: [{type_name(), arity()}].
--type af_optional_callbacks() ::
- {'attribute', anno(), 'optional_callbacks', af_fa_list()}.
-type af_compile() :: {'attribute', anno(), 'compile', any()}.
-type af_file() :: {'attribute', anno(), 'file', {string(), anno()}}.
@@ -867,16 +860,22 @@ Erlang code.
| af_unary_op(af_singleton_integer_type())
| af_binary_op(af_singleton_integer_type()).
--type af_literal() :: af_atom() | af_integer() | af_float() | af_string().
+-type af_literal() :: af_atom()
+ | af_character()
+ | af_float()
+ | af_integer()
+ | af_string().
-type af_atom() :: af_lit_atom(atom()).
-type af_lit_atom(A) :: {'atom', anno(), A}.
--type af_integer() :: {'integer', anno(), non_neg_integer()}.
+-type af_character() :: {'char', anno(), char()}.
-type af_float() :: {'float', anno(), float()}.
+-type af_integer() :: {'integer', anno(), non_neg_integer()}.
-type af_string() :: {'string', anno(), string()}.
-type af_match(T) :: {'match', anno(), af_pattern(), T}.
@@ -944,6 +943,10 @@ Erlang code.
-type type_name() :: atom().
+-type form_info() :: {'eof', erl_anno:line()}
+ | {'error', erl_scan:error_info() | error_info()}
+ | {'warning', erl_scan:error_info() | error_info()}.
%% End of Abstract Format
%% XXX. To be refined.
@@ -1503,8 +1506,9 @@ type_preop_prec('#') -> {700,800}.
| abstract_type().
-spec map_anno(Fun, Abstr) -> NewAbstr when
- Fun :: fun((Anno) -> Anno),
+ Fun :: fun((Anno) -> NewAnno),
Anno :: erl_anno:anno(),
+ NewAnno :: erl_anno:anno(),
Abstr :: erl_parse_tree(),
NewAbstr :: erl_parse_tree().
@@ -1513,14 +1517,14 @@ map_anno(F0, Abstr) ->
{NewAbstr, []} = modify_anno1(Abstr, [], F),
--spec fold_anno(Fun, Acc0, Abstr) -> NewAbstr when
+-spec fold_anno(Fun, Acc0, Abstr) -> Acc1 when
Fun :: fun((Anno, AccIn) -> AccOut),
Anno :: erl_anno:anno(),
Acc0 :: term(),
+ Acc1 :: term(),
AccIn :: term(),
AccOut :: term(),
- Abstr :: erl_parse_tree(),
- NewAbstr :: erl_parse_tree().
+ Abstr :: erl_parse_tree().
fold_anno(F0, Acc0, Abstr) ->
F = fun(A, Acc) -> {A, F0(A, Acc)} end,
@@ -1528,8 +1532,9 @@ fold_anno(F0, Acc0, Abstr) ->
-spec mapfold_anno(Fun, Acc0, Abstr) -> {NewAbstr, Acc1} when
- Fun :: fun((Anno, AccIn) -> {Anno, AccOut}),
+ Fun :: fun((Anno, AccIn) -> {NewAnno, AccOut}),
Anno :: erl_anno:anno(),
+ NewAnno :: erl_anno:anno(),
Acc0 :: term(),
Acc1 :: term(),
AccIn :: term(),
@@ -1545,7 +1550,9 @@ mapfold_anno(F, Acc0, Abstr) ->
Abstr :: erl_parse_tree().
new_anno(Term) ->
- map_anno(fun erl_anno:new/1, Term).
+ F = fun(L, Acc) -> {erl_anno:new(L), Acc} end,
+ {NewAbstr, []} = modify_anno1(Term, [], F),
+ NewAbstr.
-spec anno_to_term(Abstr) -> term() when
Abstr :: erl_parse_tree().
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl
index ca764675fc..d30cd508c1 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl
@@ -70,19 +70,19 @@
-spec(form(Form) -> io_lib:chars() when
- Form :: erl_parse:abstract_form()).
+ Form :: erl_parse:abstract_form() | erl_parse:form_info()).
form(Thing) ->
form(Thing, none).
-spec(form(Form, Options) -> io_lib:chars() when
- Form :: erl_parse:abstract_form(),
+ Form :: erl_parse:abstract_form() | erl_parse:form_info(),
Options :: options()).
form(Thing, Options) ->
State = state(Options),
- frmt(lform(Thing, options(Options), State), State).
+ frmt(lform(Thing, options(Options)), State).
-spec(attribute(Attribute) -> io_lib:chars() when
Attribute :: erl_parse:abstract_form()).
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ attribute(Thing) ->
attribute(Thing, Options) ->
State = state(Options),
- frmt(lattribute(Thing, options(Options), State), State).
+ frmt(lattribute(Thing, options(Options)), State).
-spec(function(Function) -> io_lib:chars() when
Function :: erl_parse:abstract_form()).
@@ -217,55 +217,55 @@ encoding(Options) ->
unicode -> unicode
-lform({attribute,Line,Name,Arg}, Opts, State) ->
- lattribute({attribute,Line,Name,Arg}, Opts, State);
-lform({function,Line,Name,Arity,Clauses}, Opts, _State) ->
+lform({attribute,Line,Name,Arg}, Opts) ->
+ lattribute({attribute,Line,Name,Arg}, Opts);
+lform({function,Line,Name,Arity,Clauses}, Opts) ->
lfunction({function,Line,Name,Arity,Clauses}, Opts);
%% These are specials to make it easier for the compiler.
-lform({error,E}, _Opts, _State) ->
+lform({error,E}, _Opts) ->
leaf(format("~p\n", [{error,E}]));
-lform({warning,W}, _Opts, _State) ->
+lform({warning,W}, _Opts) ->
leaf(format("~p\n", [{warning,W}]));
-lform({eof,_Line}, _Opts, _State) ->
+lform({eof,_Line}, _Opts) ->
-lattribute({attribute,_Line,type,Type}, Opts, _State) ->
+lattribute({attribute,_Line,type,Type}, Opts) ->
[typeattr(type, Type, Opts),leaf(".\n")];
-lattribute({attribute,_Line,opaque,Type}, Opts, _State) ->
+lattribute({attribute,_Line,opaque,Type}, Opts) ->
[typeattr(opaque, Type, Opts),leaf(".\n")];
-lattribute({attribute,_Line,spec,Arg}, _Opts, _State) ->
+lattribute({attribute,_Line,spec,Arg}, _Opts) ->
[specattr(spec, Arg),leaf(".\n")];
-lattribute({attribute,_Line,callback,Arg}, _Opts, _State) ->
+lattribute({attribute,_Line,callback,Arg}, _Opts) ->
[specattr(callback, Arg),leaf(".\n")];
-lattribute({attribute,_Line,Name,Arg}, Opts, State) ->
- [lattribute(Name, Arg, Opts, State),leaf(".\n")].
+lattribute({attribute,_Line,Name,Arg}, Opts) ->
+ [lattribute(Name, Arg, Opts),leaf(".\n")].
-lattribute(module, {M,Vs}, _Opts, _State) ->
+lattribute(module, {M,Vs}, _Opts) ->
A = a0(),
foldr(fun(V, C) -> {cons,A,{var,A,V},C}
end, {nil,A}, Vs)]);
-lattribute(module, M, _Opts, _State) ->
+lattribute(module, M, _Opts) ->
attr("module", [{var,a0(),pname(M)}]);
-lattribute(export, Falist, _Opts, _State) ->
+lattribute(export, Falist, _Opts) ->
call({var,a0(),"-export"}, [falist(Falist)], 0, options(none));
-lattribute(import, Name, _Opts, _State) when is_list(Name) ->
+lattribute(import, Name, _Opts) when is_list(Name) ->
attr("import", [{var,a0(),pname(Name)}]);
-lattribute(import, {From,Falist}, _Opts, _State) ->
+lattribute(import, {From,Falist}, _Opts) ->
-lattribute(export_type, Talist, _Opts, _State) ->
+lattribute(export_type, Talist, _Opts) ->
call({var,a0(),"-export_type"}, [falist(Talist)], 0, options(none));
-lattribute(optional_callbacks, Falist, Opts, _State) ->
+lattribute(optional_callbacks, Falist, Opts) ->
ArgL = try falist(Falist)
catch _:_ -> abstract(Falist, Opts)
call({var,a0(),"-optional_callbacks"}, [ArgL], 0, options(none));
-lattribute(file, {Name,Line}, _Opts, State) ->
- attr("file", [{var,a0(),(State#pp.string_fun)(Name)},{integer,a0(),Line}]);
-lattribute(record, {Name,Is}, Opts, _State) ->
+lattribute(file, {Name,Line}, _Opts) ->
+ attr("file", [{string,a0(),Name},{integer,a0(),Line}]);
+lattribute(record, {Name,Is}, Opts) ->
Nl = leaf(format("-record(~w,", [Name])),
[{first,Nl,record_fields(Is, Opts)},$)];
-lattribute(Name, Arg, Options, _State) ->
+lattribute(Name, Arg, Options) ->
attr(write(Name), [abstract(Arg, Options)]).
abstract(Arg, #options{encoding = Encoding}) ->
@@ -344,27 +344,9 @@ binary_type(I1, I2) ->
map_type(Fs) ->
-map_pair_types(Fs0) ->
- Fs = replace_any_map(Fs0),
+map_pair_types(Fs) ->
tuple_type(Fs, fun map_pair_type/2).
-replace_any_map([{type,Line,map_field_assoc,[KType,VType]}]=Fs) ->
- IsAny = fun({type,_,any,[]}) -> true;
- %% ({var,_,'_'}) -> true;
- (_) -> false
- end,
- case IsAny(KType) andalso IsAny(VType) of
- true ->
- [{type,Line,map_field_assoc,any}];
- false ->
- Fs
- end;
-replace_any_map([F|Fs]) ->
- [F|replace_any_map(Fs)];
-replace_any_map([]) -> [].
-map_pair_type({type,_Line,map_field_assoc,any}, _Prec) ->
- leaf("...");
map_pair_type({type,_Line,map_field_assoc,[KType,VType]}, Prec) ->
{list,[{cstep,[ltype(KType, Prec),leaf(" =>")],ltype(VType, Prec)}]};
map_pair_type({type,_Line,map_field_exact,[KType,VType]}, Prec) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/escript.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/escript.erl
index b8ce311c35..f53b0e2246 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/escript.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/escript.erl
@@ -906,6 +906,7 @@ anno(L) ->
fatal(Str) ->
+-spec my_halt(_) -> no_return().
my_halt(Reason) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
index f9e2e5f7d2..23bddafeed 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
%% * Postponing the current event is performed
%% iff 'postpone' is 'true'.
%% * A state timer is started iff 'timeout' is set.
- %% * Pending events are processed or if there are
+ %% * Pending events are handled or if there are
%% no pending events the server goes into receive
%% or hibernate (iff 'hibernate' is 'true')
@@ -282,16 +282,6 @@ event_type(Type) ->
try throw(ok) catch _ -> erlang:get_stacktrace() end).
- TERMINATE(Class, Reason, Debug, S, Q),
- terminate(
- begin Class end,
- begin Reason end,
- begin Debug end,
- begin S end,
- begin Q end)).
%%% API
@@ -300,11 +290,11 @@ event_type(Type) ->
| {'via', RegMod :: module(), Name :: term()}
| {'local', atom()}.
-type server_ref() ::
- {'global', GlobalName :: term()}
- | {'via', RegMod :: module(), ViaName :: term()}
+ pid()
| (LocalName :: atom())
| {Name :: atom(), Node :: atom()}
- | pid().
+ | {'global', GlobalName :: term()}
+ | {'via', RegMod :: module(), ViaName :: term()}.
-type debug_opt() ::
Dbgs ::
@@ -523,12 +513,15 @@ send(Proc, Msg) ->
-%% Here init_it/6 and enter_loop/5,6,7 functions converge
+%% Here the init_it/6 and enter_loop/5,6,7 functions converge
enter(Module, Opts, CallbackMode, State, Data, Server, Actions, Parent) ->
%% The values should already have been type checked
Name = gen:get_proc_name(Server),
Debug = gen:debug_options(Name, Opts),
- PrevState = make_ref(), % Will be discarded by loop_event_actions/9
+ P = Events = [],
+ Event = {internal,initial_state},
+ %% We enforce {postpone,false} to ensure that
+ %% our fake Event gets discarded, thought it might get logged
NewActions =
is_list(Actions) ->
@@ -540,15 +533,17 @@ enter(Module, Opts, CallbackMode, State, Data, Server, Actions, Parent) ->
callback_mode => CallbackMode,
module => Module,
name => Name,
- state => PrevState,
+ %% All fields below will be replaced according to the arguments to
+ %% loop_event_actions/10 when it finally loops back to loop/3
+ state => State,
data => Data,
- timer => undefined,
- postponed => [],
- hibernate => false},
+ postponed => P,
+ hibernate => false,
+ timer => undefined},
+ NewDebug = sys_debug(Debug, S, State, {enter,Event,State}),
- Parent, Debug, S, [],
- {event,undefined}, % Will be discarded thanks to {postpone,false}
- PrevState, State, Data, NewActions).
+ Parent, NewDebug, S, Events,
+ State, Data, P, Event, State, NewActions).
%%% gen callbacks
@@ -617,8 +612,12 @@ init_result(Starter, Parent, ServerRef, Module, Result, Opts) ->
system_continue(Parent, Debug, S) ->
loop(Parent, Debug, S).
-system_terminate(Reason, _Parent, Debug, S) ->
- ?TERMINATE(exit, Reason, Debug, S, []).
+ Reason, _Parent, Debug,
+ #{state := State, data := Data, postponed := P} = S) ->
+ terminate(
+ exit, Reason, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ Debug, S, [], State, Data, P).
#{module := Module,
@@ -634,7 +633,10 @@ system_code_change(
{NewCallbackMode,NewState,NewData} ->
callback_mode(NewCallbackMode) orelse
- {ok,S#{state := NewState, data := NewData}};
+ {ok,
+ S#{callback_mode := NewCallbackMode,
+ state := NewState,
+ data := NewData}};
{ok,_} = Error ->
Error ->
@@ -654,7 +656,7 @@ system_replace_state(
- #{name := Name, postponed := P} = S]) ->
+ #{name := Name, postponed := P, state := State, data := Data} = S]) ->
Header = gen:format_status_header("Status for state machine", Name),
Log = sys:get_debug(log, Debug, []),
@@ -663,7 +665,7 @@ format_status(
{"Logged Events",Log},
{"Postponed",P}]} |
- case format_status(Opt, PDict, S) of
+ case format_status(Opt, PDict, S, State, Data) of
L when is_list(L) -> L;
T -> [T]
@@ -673,21 +675,21 @@ format_status(
%% them, not as the real erlang messages. Use trace for that.
-print_event(Dev, {in,Event}, #{name := Name}) ->
+print_event(Dev, {in,Event}, {Name,_}) ->
Dev, "*DBG* ~p received ~s~n",
-print_event(Dev, {out,Reply,{To,_Tag}}, #{name := Name}) ->
+print_event(Dev, {out,Reply,{To,_Tag}}, {Name,_}) ->
Dev, "*DBG* ~p sent ~p to ~p~n",
-print_event(Dev, {Tag,Event,NewState}, #{name := Name, state := State}) ->
+print_event(Dev, {Tag,Event,NextState}, {Name,State}) ->
StateString =
- case NewState of
+ case NextState of
State ->
io_lib:format("~p", [State]);
_ ->
- io_lib:format("~p => ~p", [State,NewState])
+ io_lib:format("~p => ~p", [State,NextState])
Dev, "*DBG* ~p ~w ~s in state ~s~n",
@@ -697,16 +699,17 @@ event_string(Event) ->
case Event of
{{call,{Pid,_Tag}},Request} ->
io_lib:format("call ~p from ~w", [Request,Pid]);
- {Tag,Content} ->
- io_lib:format("~w ~p", [Tag,Content])
+ {EventType,EventContent} ->
+ io_lib:format("~w ~p", [EventType,EventContent])
-sys_debug(Debug, S, Entry) ->
+sys_debug(Debug, #{name := Name}, State, Entry) ->
case Debug of
[] ->
_ ->
- sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3, S, Entry)
+ sys:handle_debug(
+ Debug, fun print_event/3, {Name,State}, Entry)
@@ -720,7 +723,7 @@ wakeup_from_hibernate(Parent, Debug, S) ->
%%% State Machine engine implementation of proc_lib/gen server
%% Server loop, consists of all loop* functions
-%% and some detours through sys and proc_lib
+%% and detours through sys:handle_system_message/7 and proc_lib:hibernate/3
%% Entry point for system_continue/3
loop(Parent, Debug, #{hibernate := Hibernate} = S) ->
@@ -749,12 +752,16 @@ loop_receive(Parent, Debug, #{timer := Timer} = S) ->
Req, Pid, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug, S, Hibernate);
{'EXIT',Parent,Reason} = EXIT ->
+ #{state := State, data := Data, postponed := P} = S,
%% EXIT is not a 2-tuple and therefore
%% not an event and has no event_type(),
%% but this will stand out in the crash report...
- ?TERMINATE(exit, Reason, Debug, S, [EXIT]);
+ terminate(
+ exit, Reason, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ Debug, S, [EXIT], State, Data, P);
{timeout,Timer,Content} when Timer =/= undefined ->
- loop_event(Parent, Debug, S, {timeout,Content});
+ loop_receive_result(
+ Parent, Debug, S, {timeout,Content});
_ ->
%% Cancel Timer if running
case Timer of
@@ -782,30 +789,81 @@ loop_receive(Parent, Debug, #{timer := Timer} = S) ->
_ ->
- loop_event(Parent, Debug, S, Event)
+ loop_receive_result(Parent, Debug, S, Event)
-loop_event(Parent, Debug, S, Event) ->
- %% The timer field and the hibernate flag in S
- %% are now invalid and ignored until we get back to loop/3
- NewDebug = sys_debug(Debug, S, {in,Event}),
- %% Here the queue of not yet processed events is created
- loop_events(Parent, NewDebug, S, [Event], false).
-%% Process first the event queue, or if it is empty
-%% loop back to receive a new event
-loop_events(Parent, Debug, S, [], _Hibernate) ->
- loop(Parent, Debug, S);
+ Parent, Debug,
+ #{state := State,
+ data := Data,
+ postponed := P} = S,
+ Event) ->
+ %% The engine state map S is now dismantled
+ %% and will not be restored until we return to loop/3.
+ %%
+ %% The fields 'callback_mode', 'module', and 'name' are still valid.
+ %% The fields 'state', 'data', and 'postponed' are held in arguments.
+ %% The fields 'timer' and 'hibernate' will be recalculated.
+ %%
+ NewDebug = sys_debug(Debug, S, State, {in,Event}),
+ %% Here the queue of not yet handled events is created
+ Events = [],
+ Hibernate = false,
+ loop_event(
+ Parent, NewDebug, S, Events, State, Data, P, Event, Hibernate).
+%% Process the event queue, or if it is empty
+%% loop back to loop/3 to receive a new event
+ Parent, Debug, S, [Event|Events],
+ State, Data, P, Hibernate, _Timeout) ->
+ %%
+ %% If there was a state timer requested we just ignore that
+ %% since we have events to handle which cancels the timer
+ loop_event(
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events, State, Data, P, Event, Hibernate);
+ Parent, Debug, S, [],
+ State, Data, P, Hibernate, Timeout) ->
+ case Timeout of
+ {timeout,0,EventContent} ->
+ %% Immediate timeout - simulate it
+ %% so we do not get the timeout message
+ %% after any received event
+ loop_event(
+ Parent, Debug, S, [],
+ State, Data, P, {timeout,EventContent}, Hibernate);
+ {timeout,Time,EventContent} ->
+ %% Actually start a timer
+ Timer = erlang:start_timer(Time, self(), EventContent),
+ loop_events_done(
+ Parent, Debug, S, Timer, State, Data, P, Hibernate);
+ undefined ->
+ %% No state timeout has been requested
+ Timer = undefined,
+ loop_events_done(
+ Parent, Debug, S, Timer, State, Data, P, Hibernate)
+ end.
+loop_events_done(Parent, Debug, S, Timer, State, Data, P, Hibernate) ->
+ NewS =
+ S#{
+ state := State,
+ data := Data,
+ postponed := P,
+ hibernate := Hibernate,
+ timer := Timer},
+ loop(Parent, Debug, NewS).
Parent, Debug,
#{callback_mode := CallbackMode,
- module := Module,
- state := State,
- data := Data} = S,
- [{Type,Content} = Event|Events] = Q,
- Hibernate) ->
- %% If the Hibernate flag is true here it can only be
+ module := Module} = S,
+ Events,
+ State, Data, P, {Type,Content} = Event, Hibernate) ->
+ %%
+ %% If Hibernate is true here it can only be
%% because it was set from an event action
%% and we did not go into hibernation since there
%% were events in queue, so we do what the user
@@ -813,6 +871,7 @@ loop_events(
%% would have happened if we actually hibernated
%% and immediately was awakened
Hibernate andalso garbage_collect(),
+ %%
case CallbackMode of
state_functions ->
@@ -822,11 +881,11 @@ loop_events(
end of
Result ->
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event, Result)
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events, State, Data, P, Event, Result)
Result ->
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event, Result);
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events, State, Data, P, Event, Result);
error:badarg when CallbackMode =:= state_functions ->
case erlang:get_stacktrace() of
[{erlang,apply,[Module,State,_],_}|Stacktrace] ->
@@ -835,9 +894,11 @@ loop_events(
- Debug, S, Q);
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, Data, P);
Stacktrace ->
- terminate(error, badarg, Stacktrace, Debug, S, Q)
+ terminate(
+ error, badarg, Stacktrace,
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, Data, P)
error:undef ->
%% Process an undef to check for the simple mistake
@@ -852,7 +913,7 @@ loop_events(
- Debug, S, Q);
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, Data, P);
@@ -860,86 +921,85 @@ loop_events(
when CallbackMode =:= handle_event_function ->
- {undef_state_function,
- {Module,handle_event,Args}},
+ {undef_state_function,{Module,handle_event,Args}},
- Debug, S, Q);
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, Data, P);
Stacktrace ->
- terminate(error, undef, Stacktrace, Debug, S, Q)
+ terminate(
+ error, undef, Stacktrace,
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, Data, P)
Class:Reason ->
Stacktrace = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
- terminate(Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug, S, Q)
+ terminate(
+ Class, Reason, Stacktrace,
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, Data, P)
%% Interpret all callback return variants
- Parent, Debug,
- #{state := State, data := Data} = S,
- Events, Event, Result) ->
- %% From now until we loop back to the loop_events/4
- %% the state and data fields in S are old
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events, State, Data, P, Event, Result) ->
case Result of
stop ->
- ?TERMINATE(exit, normal, Debug, S, [Event|Events]);
+ terminate(
+ exit, normal, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, Data, P);
{stop,Reason} ->
- ?TERMINATE(exit, Reason, Debug, S, [Event|Events]);
+ terminate(
+ exit, Reason, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, Data, P);
{stop,Reason,NewData} ->
- NewS = S#{data := NewData},
- Q = [Event|Events],
- ?TERMINATE(exit, Reason, Debug, NewS, Q);
+ terminate(
+ exit, Reason, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, NewData, P);
{stop_and_reply,Reason,Replies} ->
Q = [Event|Events],
- [Class,NewReason,Stacktrace,NewDebug] =
- reply_then_terminate(
- exit, Reason, ?STACKTRACE(), Debug, S, Q, Replies),
- %% Since we got back here Replies was bad
- terminate(Class, NewReason, Stacktrace, NewDebug, S, Q);
+ reply_then_terminate(
+ exit, Reason, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ Debug, S, Q, State, Data, P, Replies);
{stop_and_reply,Reason,Replies,NewData} ->
- NewS = S#{data := NewData},
Q = [Event|Events],
- [Class,NewReason,Stacktrace,NewDebug] =
- reply_then_terminate(
- exit, Reason, ?STACKTRACE(), Debug, NewS, Q, Replies),
- %% Since we got back here Replies was bad
- terminate(Class, NewReason, Stacktrace, NewDebug, NewS, Q);
+ reply_then_terminate(
+ exit, Reason, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ Debug, S, Q, State, NewData, P, Replies);
{next_state,NextState,NewData} ->
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event,
- State, NextState, NewData, []);
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, NewData, P, Event, NextState, []);
{next_state,NextState,NewData,Actions} ->
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event,
- State, NextState, NewData, Actions);
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, NewData, P, Event, NextState, Actions);
{keep_state,NewData} ->
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event,
- State, State, NewData, []);
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, NewData, P, Event, State, []);
{keep_state,NewData,Actions} ->
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event,
- State, State, NewData, Actions);
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, NewData, P, Event, State, Actions);
keep_state_and_data ->
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event,
- State, State, Data, []);
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, Data, P, Event, State, []);
{keep_state_and_data,Actions} ->
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event,
- State, State, Data, Actions);
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, Data, P, Event, State, Actions);
_ ->
- error, {bad_return_value,Result}, Debug, S, [Event|Events])
+ terminate(
+ error, {bad_return_value,Result}, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, Data, P)
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event, State, NextState, NewData, Actions) ->
- Postpone = false, % Shall we postpone this event, true or false
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events, State, NewData, P, Event, NextState, Actions) ->
+ Postpone = false, % Shall we postpone this event; boolean()
Hibernate = false,
Timeout = undefined,
NextEvents = [],
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event, State, NextState, NewData,
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events, State, NewData, P, Event, NextState,
is_list(Actions) ->
@@ -948,97 +1008,103 @@ loop_event_actions(
Postpone, Hibernate, Timeout, NextEvents).
-%% Process all action()s
+%% Process all actions
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event,
- State, NextState, NewData, [Action|Actions],
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, NewData, P, Event, NextState, [Action|Actions],
Postpone, Hibernate, Timeout, NextEvents) ->
case Action of
%% Actual actions
{reply,From,Reply} ->
case from(From) of
true ->
- NewDebug = do_reply(Debug, S, From, Reply),
+ NewDebug = do_reply(Debug, S, State, From, Reply),
- Parent, NewDebug, S, Events, Event,
- State, NextState, NewData, Actions,
+ Parent, NewDebug, S, Events,
+ State, NewData, P, Event, NextState, Actions,
Postpone, Hibernate, Timeout, NextEvents);
false ->
- error, {bad_action,Action}, Debug, S, [Event|Events])
+ terminate(
+ error, {bad_action,Action}, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, NewData, P)
{next_event,Type,Content} ->
case event_type(Type) of
true ->
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event,
- State, NextState, NewData, Actions,
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, NewData, P, Event, NextState, Actions,
Postpone, Hibernate, Timeout,
false ->
- error, {bad_action,Action}, Debug, S, [Event|Events])
+ terminate(
+ error, {bad_action,Action}, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, NewData, P)
%% Actions that set options
{postpone,NewPostpone} when is_boolean(NewPostpone) ->
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event,
- State, NextState, NewData, Actions,
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, NewData, P, Event, NextState, Actions,
NewPostpone, Hibernate, Timeout, NextEvents);
{postpone,_} ->
- error, {bad_action,Action}, Debug, S, [Event|Events]);
+ terminate(
+ error, {bad_action,Action}, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, NewData, P);
postpone ->
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event,
- State, NextState, NewData, Actions,
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, NewData, P, Event, NextState, Actions,
true, Hibernate, Timeout, NextEvents);
{hibernate,NewHibernate} when is_boolean(NewHibernate) ->
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event,
- State, NextState, NewData, Actions,
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, NewData, P, Event, NextState, Actions,
Postpone, NewHibernate, Timeout, NextEvents);
{hibernate,_} ->
- error, {bad_action,Action}, Debug, S, [Event|Events]);
+ terminate(
+ error, {bad_action,Action}, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, NewData, P);
hibernate ->
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event,
- State, NextState, NewData, Actions,
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, NewData, P, Event, NextState, Actions,
Postpone, true, Timeout, NextEvents);
{timeout,infinity,_} -> % Clear timer - it will never trigger
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event,
- State, NextState, NewData, Actions,
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, NewData, P, Event, NextState, Actions,
Postpone, Hibernate, undefined, NextEvents);
{timeout,Time,_} = NewTimeout when is_integer(Time), Time >= 0 ->
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event,
- State, NextState, NewData, Actions,
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, NewData, P, Event, NextState, Actions,
Postpone, Hibernate, NewTimeout, NextEvents);
{timeout,_,_} ->
- error, {bad_action,Action}, Debug, S, [Event|Events]);
+ terminate(
+ error, {bad_action,Action}, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, NewData, P);
infinity -> % Clear timer - it will never trigger
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event,
- State, NextState, NewData, Actions,
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, NewData, P, Event, NextState, Actions,
Postpone, Hibernate, undefined, NextEvents);
Time when is_integer(Time), Time >= 0 ->
NewTimeout = {timeout,Time,Time},
- Parent, Debug, S, Events, Event,
- State, NextState, NewData, Actions,
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, NewData, P, Event, NextState, Actions,
Postpone, Hibernate, NewTimeout, NextEvents);
_ ->
- error, {bad_action,Action}, Debug, S, [Event|Events])
+ terminate(
+ error, {bad_action,Action}, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ Debug, S, [Event|Events], State, NewData, P)
%% End of actions list
- Parent, Debug, #{postponed := P0} = S, Events, Event,
- State, NextState, NewData, [],
+ Parent, Debug, S, Events,
+ State, NewData, P0, Event, NextState, [],
Postpone, Hibernate, Timeout, NextEvents) ->
%% All options have been collected and next_events are buffered.
@@ -1059,89 +1125,62 @@ loop_event_actions(
{lists:reverse(P1, Events),[]}
%% Place next events first in queue
- Q3 = lists:reverse(NextEvents, Q2),
+ Q = lists:reverse(NextEvents, Q2),
NewDebug =
- Debug, S,
+ Debug, S, State,
case Postpone of
true ->
false ->
- %% Have a peek on the event queue so we can avoid starting
- %% the state timer unless we have to
- {Q,Timer} =
- case Timeout of
- undefined ->
- %% No state timeout has been requested
- {Q3,undefined};
- {timeout,Time,EventContent} ->
- %% A state timeout has been requested
- case Q3 of
- [] when Time =:= 0 ->
- %% Immediate timeout - simulate it
- %% so we do not get the timeout message
- %% after any received event
- {[{timeout,EventContent}],undefined};
- [] ->
- %% Actually start a timer
- {Q3,erlang:start_timer(Time, self(), EventContent)};
- _ ->
- %% Do not start a timer since any queued
- %% event cancels the state timer so we pretend
- %% that the timer has been started and cancelled
- {Q3,undefined}
- end
- end,
- %% Loop to top of event queue loop; process next event
- Parent, NewDebug,
- S#{
- state := NextState,
- data := NewData,
- timer := Timer,
- postponed := P,
- hibernate := Hibernate},
- Q, Hibernate).
+ Parent, NewDebug, S, Q, NextState, NewData, P, Hibernate, Timeout).
%% Server helpers
-reply_then_terminate(Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug, S, Q, Replies) ->
+ Class, Reason, Stacktrace,
+ Debug, S, Q, State, Data, P, Replies) ->
is_list(Replies) ->
- Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug, S, Q, Replies);
+ Class, Reason, Stacktrace,
+ Debug, S, Q, State, Data, P, Replies);
true ->
- Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug, S, Q, [Replies])
+ Class, Reason, Stacktrace,
+ Debug, S, Q, State, Data, P, [Replies])
-do_reply_then_terminate(Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug, S, Q, []) ->
- terminate(Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug, S, Q);
- Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug, S, Q, [R|Rs]) ->
+ Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug, S, Q, State, Data, P, []) ->
+ terminate(Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug, S, Q, State, Data, P);
+ Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug, S, Q, State, Data, P, [R|Rs]) ->
case R of
{reply,{_To,_Tag}=From,Reply} ->
- NewDebug = do_reply(Debug, S, From, Reply),
+ NewDebug = do_reply(Debug, S, State, From, Reply),
- Class, Reason, Stacktrace, NewDebug, S, Q, Rs);
+ Class, Reason, Stacktrace,
+ NewDebug, S, Q, State, Data, P, Rs);
_ ->
- [error,{bad_action,R},?STACKTRACE(),Debug]
+ terminate(
+ error, {bad_action,R}, ?STACKTRACE(),
+ Debug, S, Q, State, Data, P)
-do_reply(Debug, S, From, Reply) ->
+do_reply(Debug, S, State, From, Reply) ->
reply(From, Reply),
- sys_debug(Debug, S, {out,Reply,From}).
+ sys_debug(Debug, S, State, {out,Reply,From}).
- Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug,
- #{module := Module,
- state := State, data := Data} = S,
- Q) ->
+ Class, Reason, Stacktrace,
+ Debug, #{module := Module} = S, Q, State, Data, P) ->
try Module:terminate(Reason, State, Data) of
_ -> ok
@@ -1149,8 +1188,8 @@ terminate(
C:R ->
ST = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
- C, R, ST, Debug, S, Q,
- format_status(terminate, get(), S)),
+ C, R, ST, Debug, S, Q, P,
+ format_status(terminate, get(), S, State, Data)),
erlang:raise(C, R, ST)
case Reason of
@@ -1159,8 +1198,8 @@ terminate(
{shutdown,_} -> ok;
_ ->
- Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug, S, Q,
- format_status(terminate, get(), S))
+ Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug, S, Q, P,
+ format_status(terminate, get(), S, State, Data))
case Stacktrace of
[] ->
@@ -1171,9 +1210,8 @@ terminate(
Class, Reason, Stacktrace, Debug,
- #{name := Name, callback_mode := CallbackMode,
- state := State, postponed := P},
- Q, FmtData) ->
+ #{name := Name, callback_mode := CallbackMode},
+ Q, P, FmtData) ->
{FixedReason,FixedStacktrace} =
case Stacktrace of
@@ -1202,46 +1240,49 @@ error_info(
"** State machine ~p terminating~n" ++
case Q of
- [] ->
- "";
- _ ->
- "** Last event = ~p~n"
+ [] -> "";
+ _ -> "** Last event = ~p~n"
end ++
- "** When Server state = ~p~n" ++
+ "** When server state = ~p~n" ++
"** Reason for termination = ~w:~p~n" ++
- "** State = ~p~n" ++
"** Callback mode = ~p~n" ++
- "** Queued/Postponed = ~w/~w~n" ++
+ case Q of
+ [_,_|_] -> "** Queued = ~p~n";
+ _ -> ""
+ end ++
+ case P of
+ [] -> "";
+ _ -> "** Postponed = ~p~n"
+ end ++
case FixedStacktrace of
- [] ->
- "";
- _ ->
- "** Stacktrace =~n"
- "** ~p~n"
+ [] -> "";
+ _ -> "** Stacktrace =~n** ~p~n"
[Name |
case Q of
- [] ->
- [];
- [Event|_] ->
- [Event]
+ [] -> [];
+ [Event|_] -> [Event]
end] ++
- State,CallbackMode,length(Q),length(P)] ++
+ CallbackMode] ++
+ case Q of
+ [_|[_|_] = Events] -> [Events];
+ _ -> []
+ end ++
+ case P of
+ [] -> [];
+ _ -> [P]
+ end ++
case FixedStacktrace of
- [] ->
- [];
- _ ->
- [FixedStacktrace]
+ [] -> [];
+ _ -> [FixedStacktrace]
%% Call Module:format_status/2 or return a default value
- Opt, PDict,
- #{module := Module, state := State, data := Data}) ->
+format_status(Opt, PDict, #{module := Module}, State, Data) ->
case erlang:function_exported(Module, format_status, 2) of
true ->
try Module:format_status(Opt, [PDict,State,Data])
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/lib.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/lib.erl
index 6fba63a895..56654097d9 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/lib.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/lib.erl
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ nonl([H|T]) -> [H|nonl(T)].
send(To, Msg) -> To ! Msg.
--spec sendw(To, Msg) -> Msg when
+-spec sendw(To, Msg) -> term() when
To :: pid() | atom() | {atom(), node()},
Msg :: term().
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/ms_transform.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/ms_transform.erl
index 24b5fde1db..c0eea652e7 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/ms_transform.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/ms_transform.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -224,8 +224,9 @@ transform_from_shell(Dialect, Clauses, BoundEnvironment) ->
%% Called when translating during compiling
--spec parse_transform(Forms, Options) -> Forms when
- Forms :: [erl_parse:abstract_form()],
+-spec parse_transform(Forms, Options) -> Forms2 when
+ Forms :: [erl_parse:abstract_form() | erl_parse:form_info()],
+ Forms2 :: [erl_parse:abstract_form() | erl_parse:form_info()],
Options :: term().
parse_transform(Forms, _Options) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
index 7a59523f06..3bd338071b 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
obsolete(Module, Name, Arity) ->
case obsolete_1(Module, Name, Arity) of
{deprecated=Tag,{_,_,_}=Replacement} ->
- {Tag,Replacement,"in a future release"};
+ {Tag,Replacement,"a future release"};
{_,String}=Ret when is_list(String) ->
{_,_,_}=Ret ->
@@ -541,6 +541,8 @@ obsolete_1(random, _, _) ->
"use the 'rand' module instead"};
obsolete_1(code, rehash, 0) ->
{deprecated, "deprecated because the code path cache feature has been removed"};
+obsolete_1(queue, lait, 1) ->
+ {deprecated, {queue,liat,1}};
%% Removed in OTP 19.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/proc_lib.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/proc_lib.erl
index fdc2ae4070..3dc1848550 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/proc_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/proc_lib.erl
@@ -43,9 +43,14 @@
-type priority_level() :: 'high' | 'low' | 'max' | 'normal'.
+-type max_heap_size() :: non_neg_integer() |
+ #{ size => non_neg_integer(),
+ kill => true,
+ error_logger => true}.
-type spawn_option() :: 'link'
| 'monitor'
| {'priority', priority_level()}
+ | {'max_heap_size', max_heap_size()}
| {'min_heap_size', non_neg_integer()}
| {'min_bin_vheap_size', non_neg_integer()}
| {'fullsweep_after', non_neg_integer()}
@@ -474,18 +479,12 @@ trans_init(gen,init_it,[gen_server,_,_,supervisor_bridge,[Module|_],_]) ->
trans_init(gen,init_it,[gen_server,_,_,_,supervisor_bridge,[Module|_],_]) ->
- when GenMod =:= gen_server;
- GenMod =:= gen_statem;
- GenMod =:= gen_fsm ->
- {Module,init,1};
- when GenMod =:= gen_server;
- GenMod =:= gen_statem;
- GenMod =:= gen_fsm ->
- {Module,init,1};
trans_init(gen,init_it,[gen_event|_]) ->
+trans_init(gen,init_it,[_GenMod,_,_,Module,_,_]) when is_atom(Module) ->
+ {Module,init,1};
+trans_init(gen,init_it,[_GenMod,_,_,_,Module|_]) when is_atom(Module) ->
+ {Module,init,1};
trans_init(M, F, A) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/proplists.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/proplists.erl
index 8e99ec0ed9..5356467b19 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/proplists.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/proplists.erl
@@ -438,8 +438,9 @@ substitute_aliases_1([], P) ->
%% @see normalize/2
-spec substitute_negations(Negations, ListIn) -> ListOut when
- Negations :: [{Key, Key}],
- Key :: term(),
+ Negations :: [{Key1, Key2}],
+ Key1 :: term(),
+ Key2 :: term(),
ListIn :: [term()],
ListOut :: [term()].
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl
index b396ba7057..f3665824f2 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl
@@ -734,10 +734,11 @@ table(TraverseFun, Options) when is_function(TraverseFun) ->
table(T1, T2) ->
erlang:error(badarg, [T1, T2]).
--spec(transform_from_evaluator(LC, Bs) -> Expr when
+-spec(transform_from_evaluator(LC, Bs) -> Return when
LC :: abstract_expr(),
- Expr :: abstract_expr(),
- Bs :: erl_eval:binding_struct()).
+ Bs :: erl_eval:binding_struct(),
+ Return :: {ok, abstract_expr()}
+ | {not_ok, {error, module(), Reason :: term()}}).
transform_from_evaluator(LC, Bs0) ->
qlc_pt:transform_from_evaluator(LC, Bs0).
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/qlc_pt.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/qlc_pt.erl
index e4b9768b12..0db63b81f4 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/qlc_pt.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/qlc_pt.erl
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@
-spec(parse_transform(Forms, Options) -> Forms2 when
- Forms :: [erl_parse:abstract_form()],
- Forms2 :: [erl_parse:abstract_form()],
+ Forms :: [erl_parse:abstract_form() | erl_parse:form_info()],
+ Forms2 :: [erl_parse:abstract_form() | erl_parse:form_info()],
Options :: [Option],
Option :: type_checker | compile:option()).
@@ -117,19 +117,21 @@ parse_transform(Forms0, Options) ->
true = ets:delete(NodeInfo)
--spec(transform_from_evaluator(LC, Bs) -> Expr when
+-spec(transform_from_evaluator(LC, Bs) -> Return when
LC :: erl_parse:abstract_expr(),
- Expr :: erl_parse:abstract_expr(),
- Bs :: erl_eval:binding_struct()).
+ Bs :: erl_eval:binding_struct(),
+ Return :: {ok, erl_parse:abstract_expr()}
+ | {not_ok, {error, module(), Reason :: term()}}).
transform_from_evaluator(LC, Bindings) ->
?DEBUG("qlc Parse Transform (Evaluator Version)~n", []),
transform_expression(LC, Bindings, false).
--spec(transform_expression(LC, Bs) -> Expr when
+-spec(transform_expression(LC, Bs) -> Return when
LC :: erl_parse:abstract_expr(),
- Expr :: erl_parse:abstract_expr(),
- Bs :: erl_eval:binding_struct()).
+ Bs :: erl_eval:binding_struct(),
+ Return :: {ok, erl_parse:abstract_expr()}
+ | {not_ok, [{error, Reason :: term()}]}).
transform_expression(LC, Bindings) ->
transform_expression(LC, Bindings, true).
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/queue.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/queue.erl
index d4d1904886..11c0aa8d2b 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/queue.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/queue.erl
@@ -31,10 +31,14 @@
%% Okasaki API from klacke
- snoc/2,last/1,daeh/1,init/1,liat/1,lait/1]).
+ snoc/2,last/1,daeh/1,init/1,liat/1]).
-export_type([queue/0, queue/1]).
+%% Mis-spelled, deprecated.
%% Efficient implementation of double ended fifo queues
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/sofs.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/sofs.erl
index b18df2ad09..c244e06ca4 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/sofs.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/sofs.erl
@@ -621,6 +621,9 @@ canonical_relation(Sets) when ?IS_SET(Sets) ->
%%% Functions on binary relations only.
+-spec(rel2fam(BinRel) -> Family when
+ Family :: family(),
+ BinRel :: binary_relation()).
rel2fam(R) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/stdlib.app.src b/lib/stdlib/src/stdlib.app.src
index 32bcdc4f2a..09176d2ca0 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/stdlib.app.src
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/stdlib.app.src
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
{applications, [kernel]},
{env, []},
- {runtime_dependencies, ["sasl-2.6","kernel-4.1","erts-7.3","crypto-3.3",
+ {runtime_dependencies, ["sasl-3.0","kernel-5.0","erts-8.0","crypto-3.3",
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/supervisor.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/supervisor.erl
index 38b764541a..c81e72689c 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/supervisor.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/supervisor.erl
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
%% Internal exports
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
- terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+ terminate/2, code_change/3, format_status/2]).
%% For release_handler only
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ check_childspecs(ChildSpecs) when is_list(ChildSpecs) ->
check_childspecs(X) -> {error, {badarg, X}}.
-%%% Called by timer:apply_after from restart/2
+%%% Called by restart/2
-spec try_again_restart(SupRef, Child) -> ok when
SupRef :: sup_ref(),
Child :: child_id() | pid().
@@ -264,8 +264,13 @@ cast(Supervisor, Req) ->
get_callback_module(Pid) ->
{status, _Pid, {module, _Mod},
[_PDict, _SysState, _Parent, _Dbg, Misc]} = sys:get_status(Pid),
- [_Header, _Data, {data, [{"State", State}]}] = Misc,
- State#state.module.
+ case lists:keyfind(supervisor, 1, Misc) of
+ {supervisor, [{"Callback", Mod}]} ->
+ Mod;
+ _ ->
+ [_Header, _Data, {data, [{"State", State}]} | _] = Misc,
+ State#state.module
+ end.
%%% ---------------------------------------------------
@@ -571,8 +576,8 @@ count_child(#child{pid = Pid, child_type = supervisor},
-%%% If a restart attempt failed, this message is sent via
-%%% timer:apply_after(0,...) in order to give gen_server the chance to
+%%% If a restart attempt failed, this message is cast
+%%% from restart/2 in order to give gen_server the chance to
%%% check it's inbox before trying again.
-spec handle_cast({try_again_restart, child_id() | pid()}, state()) ->
{'noreply', state()} | {stop, shutdown, state()}.
@@ -790,16 +795,10 @@ restart(Child, State) ->
Id = if ?is_simple(State) -> Child#child.pid;
true -> Child#child.name
- {ok, _TRef} = timer:apply_after(0,
- try_again_restart,
- [self(),Id]),
+ ok = try_again_restart(self(), Id),
{try_again, NState2, #child{name=ChName}} ->
- {ok, _TRef} = timer:apply_after(0,
- try_again_restart,
- [self(),ChName]),
+ ok = try_again_restart(self(), ChName),
Other ->
@@ -1456,3 +1455,9 @@ report_progress(Child, SupName) ->
Progress = [{supervisor, SupName},
{started, extract_child(Child)}],
error_logger:info_report(progress, Progress).
+format_status(terminate, [_PDict, State]) ->
+ State;
+format_status(_, [_PDict, State]) ->
+ [{data, [{"State", State}]},
+ {supervisor, [{"Callback", State#state.module}]}].