path: root/lib/stdlib/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
index c8bbb04e9a..077621ac91 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
@@ -197,19 +197,19 @@ format_error({define_import,{F,A}}) ->
format_error({unused_function,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("function ~w/~w is unused", [F,A]);
format_error({call_to_redefined_bif,{F,A}}) ->
- io_lib:format("ambiguous call of redefined auto-imported BIF ~w/~w~n"
+ io_lib:format("ambiguous call of overridden auto-imported BIF ~w/~w~n"
" - use erlang:~w/~w or \"-compile({no_auto_import,[~w/~w]}).\" "
"to resolve name clash", [F,A,F,A,F,A]);
format_error({call_to_redefined_old_bif,{F,A}}) ->
- io_lib:format("ambiguous call of redefined pre R14 auto-imported BIF ~w/~w~n"
+ io_lib:format("ambiguous call of overridden pre R14 auto-imported BIF ~w/~w~n"
" - use erlang:~w/~w or \"-compile({no_auto_import,[~w/~w]}).\" "
"to resolve name clash", [F,A,F,A,F,A]);
format_error({redefine_old_bif_import,{F,A}}) ->
- io_lib:format("import directive redefines pre R14 auto-imported BIF ~w/~w~n"
+ io_lib:format("import directive overrides pre R14 auto-imported BIF ~w/~w~n"
" - use \"-compile({no_auto_import,[~w/~w]}).\" "
"to resolve name clash", [F,A,F,A]);
format_error({redefine_bif_import,{F,A}}) ->
- io_lib:format("import directive redefines auto-imported BIF ~w/~w~n"
+ io_lib:format("import directive overrides auto-imported BIF ~w/~w~n"
" - use \"-compile({no_auto_import,[~w/~w]}).\" to resolve name clash", [F,A,F,A]);
format_error({deprecated, MFA, ReplacementMFA, Rel}) ->
@@ -231,6 +231,9 @@ format_error(illegal_pattern) -> "illegal pattern";
format_error(illegal_bin_pattern) ->
"binary patterns cannot be matched in parallel using '='";
format_error(illegal_expr) -> "illegal expression";
+format_error({illegal_guard_local_call, {F,A}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("call to local/imported function ~w/~w is illegal in guard",
+ [F,A]);
format_error(illegal_guard_expr) -> "illegal guard expression";
%% --- exports ---
format_error({explicit_export,F,A}) ->
@@ -1811,7 +1814,13 @@ gexpr({call,Line,{atom,_La,F},As}, Vt, St0) ->
false -> {Asvt,add_error(Line, {explicit_export,F,A}, St1)}
false ->
- {Asvt,add_error(Line, illegal_guard_expr, St1)}
+ case is_local_function(St1#lint.locals,{F,A}) orelse
+ is_imported_function(St1#lint.imports,{F,A}) of
+ true ->
+ {Asvt,add_error(Line, {illegal_guard_local_call,{F,A}}, St1)};
+ _ ->
+ {Asvt,add_error(Line, illegal_guard_expr, St1)}
+ end
gexpr({call,Line,{remote,_Lr,{atom,_Lm,erlang},{atom,_Lf,F}},As}, Vt, St0) ->
{Asvt,St1} = gexpr_list(As, Vt, St0),
@@ -2076,12 +2085,14 @@ expr({call,Line,{atom,La,F},As}, Vt, St0) ->
IsAutoBif = erl_internal:bif(F, A),
AutoSuppressed = is_autoimport_suppressed(St2#lint.no_auto,{F,A}),
Warn = is_warn_enabled(bif_clash, St2) and (not bif_clash_specifically_disabled(St2,{F,A})),
- case ((not IsLocal) andalso IsAutoBif andalso (not AutoSuppressed)) of
+ Imported = imported(F, A, St2),
+ case ((not IsLocal) andalso (Imported =:= no) andalso
+ IsAutoBif andalso (not AutoSuppressed)) of
true ->
St3 = deprecated_function(Line, erlang, F, As, St2),
false ->
- {Asvt,case imported(F, A, St2) of
+ {Asvt,case Imported of
{yes,M} ->
St3 = check_remote_function(Line, M, F, As, St2),
U0 = St3#lint.usage,