path: root/lib/stdlib/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src')
7 files changed, 230 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
index 7c40058dd8..d53a31db0d 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
@@ -92,6 +92,14 @@ value_option(Flag, Default, On, OnVal, Off, OffVal, Opts) ->
:: dict:dict(ta(), line())
+%% Are we outside or inside a catch or try/catch?
+-type catch_scope() :: 'none'
+ | 'after_old_catch'
+ | 'after_try'
+ | 'wrong_part_of_try'
+ | 'try_catch'.
%% Define the lint state record.
%% 'called' and 'exports' contain {Line, {Function, Arity}},
%% the other function collections contain {Function, Arity}.
@@ -135,7 +143,9 @@ value_option(Flag, Default, On, OnVal, Off, OffVal, Opts) ->
types = dict:new() %Type definitions
:: dict:dict(ta(), #typeinfo{}),
exp_types=gb_sets:empty() %Exported types
- :: gb_sets:set(ta())
+ :: gb_sets:set(ta()),
+ catch_scope = none %Inside/outside try or catch
+ :: catch_scope()
-type lint_state() :: #lint{}.
@@ -223,7 +233,15 @@ format_error({redefine_old_bif_import,{F,A}}) ->
format_error({redefine_bif_import,{F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("import directive overrides auto-imported BIF ~w/~w~n"
" - use \"-compile({no_auto_import,[~w/~w]}).\" to resolve name clash", [F,A,F,A]);
+format_error({get_stacktrace,wrong_part_of_try}) ->
+ "erlang:get_stacktrace/0 used in the wrong part of 'try' expression. "
+ "(Use it in the block between 'catch' and 'end'.)";
+format_error({get_stacktrace,after_old_catch}) ->
+ "erlang:get_stacktrace/0 used following an old-style 'catch' "
+ "may stop working in a future release. (Use it inside 'try'.)";
+format_error({get_stacktrace,after_try}) ->
+ "erlang:get_stacktrace/0 used following a 'try' expression "
+ "may stop working in a future release. (Use it inside 'try'.)";
format_error({deprecated, MFA, ReplacementMFA, Rel}) ->
io_lib:format("~s is deprecated and will be removed in ~s; use ~s",
[format_mfa(MFA), Rel, format_mfa(ReplacementMFA)]);
@@ -568,7 +586,10 @@ start(File, Opts) ->
false, Opts)},
bool_option(warn_missing_spec_all, nowarn_missing_spec_all,
- false, Opts)}
+ false, Opts)},
+ {get_stacktrace,
+ bool_option(warn_get_stacktrace, nowarn_get_stacktrace,
+ true, Opts)}
Enabled1 = [Category || {Category,true} <- Enabled0],
Enabled = ordsets:from_list(Enabled1),
@@ -1405,8 +1426,9 @@ call_function(Line, F, A, #lint{usage=Usage0,called=Cd,func=Func,file=File}=St)
%% function(Line, Name, Arity, Clauses, State) -> State.
function(Line, Name, Arity, Cs, St0) ->
- St1 = define_function(Line, Name, Arity, St0#lint{func={Name,Arity}}),
- clauses(Cs, St1).
+ St1 = St0#lint{func={Name,Arity},catch_scope=none},
+ St2 = define_function(Line, Name, Arity, St1),
+ clauses(Cs, St2).
-spec define_function(line(), atom(), arity(), lint_state()) -> lint_state().
@@ -2338,22 +2360,24 @@ expr({call,Line,F,As}, Vt, St0) ->
expr({'try',Line,Es,Scs,Ccs,As}, Vt, St0) ->
%% Currently, we don't allow any exports because later
%% passes cannot handle exports in combination with 'after'.
- {Evt0,St1} = exprs(Es, Vt, St0),
+ {Evt0,St1} = exprs(Es, Vt, St0#lint{catch_scope=wrong_part_of_try}),
TryLine = {'try',Line},
Uvt = vtunsafe(TryLine, Evt0, Vt),
Evt1 = vtupdate(Uvt, Evt0),
- {Sccs,St2} = icrt_clauses(Scs++Ccs, TryLine, vtupdate(Evt1, Vt), St1),
+ {Sccs,St2} = try_clauses(Scs, Ccs, TryLine,
+ vtupdate(Evt1, Vt), St1),
Rvt0 = Sccs,
Rvt1 = vtupdate(vtunsafe(TryLine, Rvt0, Vt), Rvt0),
Evt2 = vtmerge(Evt1, Rvt1),
{Avt0,St} = exprs(As, vtupdate(Evt2, Vt), St2),
Avt1 = vtupdate(vtunsafe(TryLine, Avt0, Vt), Avt0),
Avt = vtmerge(Evt2, Avt1),
- {Avt,St};
+ {Avt,St#lint{catch_scope=after_try}};
expr({'catch',Line,E}, Vt, St0) ->
%% No new variables added, flag new variables as unsafe.
{Evt,St} = expr(E, Vt, St0),
- {vtupdate(vtunsafe({'catch',Line}, Evt, Vt), Evt),St};
+ {vtupdate(vtunsafe({'catch',Line}, Evt, Vt), Evt),
+ St#lint{catch_scope=after_old_catch}};
expr({match,_Line,P,E}, Vt, St0) ->
{Evt,St1} = expr(E, Vt, St0),
{Pvt,Bvt,St2} = pattern(P, vtupdate(Evt, Vt), St1),
@@ -3173,6 +3197,17 @@ is_module_dialyzer_option(Option) ->
+%% try_catch_clauses(Scs, Ccs, In, ImportVarTable, State) ->
+%% {UpdVt,State}.
+try_clauses(Scs, Ccs, In, Vt, St0) ->
+ {Csvt0,St1} = icrt_clauses(Scs, Vt, St0),
+ St2 = St1#lint{catch_scope=try_catch},
+ {Csvt1,St3} = icrt_clauses(Ccs, Vt, St2),
+ Csvt = Csvt0 ++ Csvt1,
+ UpdVt = icrt_export(Csvt, Vt, In, St3),
+ {UpdVt,St3}.
%% icrt_clauses(Clauses, In, ImportVarTable, State) ->
%% {UpdVt,State}.
@@ -3657,7 +3692,8 @@ has_wildcard_field([]) -> false.
check_remote_function(Line, M, F, As, St0) ->
St1 = deprecated_function(Line, M, F, As, St0),
St2 = check_qlc_hrl(Line, M, F, As, St1),
- format_function(Line, M, F, As, St2).
+ St3 = check_get_stacktrace(Line, M, F, As, St2),
+ format_function(Line, M, F, As, St3).
%% check_qlc_hrl(Line, ModName, FuncName, [Arg], State) -> State
%% Add warning if qlc:q/1,2 has been called but qlc.hrl has not
@@ -3706,6 +3742,23 @@ deprecated_function(Line, M, F, As, St) ->
+check_get_stacktrace(Line, erlang, get_stacktrace, [], St) ->
+ case St of
+ #lint{catch_scope=none} ->
+ St;
+ #lint{catch_scope=try_catch} ->
+ St;
+ #lint{catch_scope=Scope} ->
+ case is_warn_enabled(get_stacktrace, St) of
+ false ->
+ St;
+ true ->
+ add_warning(Line, {get_stacktrace,Scope}, St)
+ end
+ end;
+check_get_stacktrace(_, _, _, _, St) ->
+ St.
-dialyzer({no_match, deprecated_type/5}).
deprecated_type(L, M, N, As, St) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl
index 597830cf9a..257c829801 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
%%% The standard behaviour should export init_it/6.
--export([start/5, start/6, debug_options/2,
+-export([start/5, start/6, debug_options/2, hibernate_after/1,
name/1, unregister_name/1, get_proc_name/1, get_parent/0,
call/3, call/4, reply/2, stop/1, stop/3]).
@@ -408,6 +408,14 @@ spawn_opts(Options) ->
+hibernate_after(Options) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(hibernate_after, 1, Options) of
+ {_,HibernateAfterTimeout} ->
+ HibernateAfterTimeout;
+ false ->
+ infinity
+ end.
debug_options(Name, Opts) ->
case lists:keyfind(debug, 1, Opts) of
{_,Options} ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_event.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_event.erl
index 4c80464680..da2b0da3ca 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_event.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_event.erl
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
stop/1, stop/3,
notify/2, sync_notify/2,
add_handler/3, add_sup_handler/3, delete_handler/3, swap_handler/3,
- swap_sup_handler/3, which_handlers/1, call/3, call/4, wake_hib/4]).
+ swap_sup_handler/3, which_handlers/1, call/3, call/4, wake_hib/5]).
@@ -186,8 +186,9 @@ init_it(Starter, Parent, Name0, _, _, Options) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Name = gen:name(Name0),
Debug = gen:debug_options(Name, Options),
+ HibernateAfterTimeout = gen:hibernate_after(Options),
proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {ok, self()}),
- loop(Parent, Name, [], Debug, false).
+ loop(Parent, Name, [], HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, false).
-spec add_handler(emgr_ref(), handler(), term()) -> term().
add_handler(M, Handler, Args) -> rpc(M, {add_handler, Handler, Args}).
@@ -264,81 +265,83 @@ send(M, Cmd) ->
M ! Cmd,
-loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, true) ->
- proc_lib:hibernate(?MODULE, wake_hib, [Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug]);
-loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, _) ->
- fetch_msg(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, false).
+loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, true) ->
+ proc_lib:hibernate(?MODULE, wake_hib, [Parent, ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug]);
+loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, _) ->
+ fetch_msg(Parent, ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, false).
-wake_hib(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug) ->
- fetch_msg(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, true).
+wake_hib(Parent, ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug) ->
+ fetch_msg(Parent, ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, true).
-fetch_msg(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, Hib) ->
+fetch_msg(Parent, ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, Hib) ->
{system, From, Req} ->
sys:handle_system_msg(Req, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug,
- [ServerName, MSL, Hib],Hib);
+ [ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Hib],Hib);
{'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
terminate_server(Reason, Parent, MSL, ServerName);
Msg when Debug =:= [] ->
- handle_msg(Msg, Parent, ServerName, MSL, []);
+ handle_msg(Msg, Parent, ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, []);
Msg ->
Debug1 = sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3,
ServerName, {in, Msg}),
- handle_msg(Msg, Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug1)
+ handle_msg(Msg, Parent, ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug1)
+ after HibernateAfterTimeout ->
+ loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, true)
-handle_msg(Msg, Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug) ->
+handle_msg(Msg, Parent, ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug) ->
case Msg of
{notify, Event} ->
{Hib,MSL1} = server_notify(Event, handle_event, MSL, ServerName),
- loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
+ loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, Hib);
{_From, Tag, {sync_notify, Event}} ->
{Hib, MSL1} = server_notify(Event, handle_event, MSL, ServerName),
reply(Tag, ok),
- loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
+ loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, Hib);
{'EXIT', From, Reason} ->
MSL1 = handle_exit(From, Reason, MSL, ServerName),
- loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, false);
+ loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, false);
{_From, Tag, {call, Handler, Query}} ->
{Hib, Reply, MSL1} = server_call(Handler, Query, MSL, ServerName),
reply(Tag, Reply),
- loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
+ loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, Hib);
{_From, Tag, {add_handler, Handler, Args}} ->
{Hib, Reply, MSL1} = server_add_handler(Handler, Args, MSL),
reply(Tag, Reply),
- loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
+ loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, Hib);
{_From, Tag, {add_sup_handler, Handler, Args, SupP}} ->
{Hib, Reply, MSL1} = server_add_sup_handler(Handler, Args, MSL, SupP),
reply(Tag, Reply),
- loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
+ loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, Hib);
{_From, Tag, {delete_handler, Handler, Args}} ->
{Reply, MSL1} = server_delete_handler(Handler, Args, MSL,
reply(Tag, Reply),
- loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, false);
+ loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, false);
{_From, Tag, {swap_handler, Handler1, Args1, Handler2, Args2}} ->
{Hib, Reply, MSL1} = server_swap_handler(Handler1, Args1, Handler2,
Args2, MSL, ServerName),
reply(Tag, Reply),
- loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
+ loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, Hib);
{_From, Tag, {swap_sup_handler, Handler1, Args1, Handler2, Args2,
Sup}} ->
{Hib, Reply, MSL1} = server_swap_handler(Handler1, Args1, Handler2,
Args2, MSL, Sup, ServerName),
reply(Tag, Reply),
- loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
+ loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, Hib);
{_From, Tag, stop} ->
catch terminate_server(normal, Parent, MSL, ServerName),
reply(Tag, ok);
{_From, Tag, which_handlers} ->
reply(Tag, the_handlers(MSL)),
- loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, false);
+ loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, false);
{_From, Tag, get_modules} ->
reply(Tag, get_modules(MSL)),
- loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, false);
+ loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, false);
Other ->
{Hib, MSL1} = server_notify(Other, handle_info, MSL, ServerName),
- loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib)
+ loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, Hib)
terminate_server(Reason, Parent, MSL, ServerName) ->
@@ -392,18 +395,18 @@ terminate_supervised(Pid, Reason, MSL, SName) ->
%% Callback functions for system messages handling.
-system_continue(Parent, Debug, [ServerName, MSL, Hib]) ->
- loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, Hib).
+system_continue(Parent, Debug, [ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Hib]) ->
+ loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, Hib).
-spec system_terminate(_, _, _, [_]) -> no_return().
-system_terminate(Reason, Parent, _Debug, [ServerName, MSL, _Hib]) ->
+system_terminate(Reason, Parent, _Debug, [ServerName, MSL, _HibernateAfterTimeout, _Hib]) ->
terminate_server(Reason, Parent, MSL, ServerName).
%% Module here is sent in the system msg change_code. It specifies
%% which module should be changed.
-system_code_change([ServerName, MSL, Hib], Module, OldVsn, Extra) ->
+system_code_change([ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Hib], Module, OldVsn, Extra) ->
MSL1 = lists:zf(fun(H) when H#handler.module =:= Module ->
{ok, NewState} =
@@ -412,12 +415,12 @@ system_code_change([ServerName, MSL, Hib], Module, OldVsn, Extra) ->
(_) -> true
- {ok, [ServerName, MSL1, Hib]}.
+ {ok, [ServerName, MSL1, HibernateAfterTimeout, Hib]}.
-system_get_state([_ServerName, MSL, _Hib]) ->
+system_get_state([_ServerName, MSL, _HibernateAfterTimeout, _Hib]) ->
{ok, [{Mod,Id,State} || #handler{module=Mod, id=Id, state=State} <- MSL]}.
-system_replace_state(StateFun, [ServerName, MSL, Hib]) ->
+system_replace_state(StateFun, [ServerName, MSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Hib]) ->
{NMSL, NStates} =
Cur = {Mod,Id,State},
@@ -429,7 +432,7 @@ system_replace_state(StateFun, [ServerName, MSL, Hib]) ->
{HS, Cur}
end || #handler{module=Mod, id=Id, state=State}=HS <- MSL]),
- {ok, NStates, [ServerName, NMSL, Hib]}.
+ {ok, NStates, [ServerName, NMSL, HibernateAfterTimeout, Hib]}.
%% Format debug messages. Print them as the call-back module sees
@@ -798,7 +801,7 @@ get_modules(MSL) ->
%% Status information
format_status(Opt, StatusData) ->
- [PDict, SysState, Parent, _Debug, [ServerName, MSL, _Hib]] = StatusData,
+ [PDict, SysState, Parent, _Debug, [ServerName, MSL, _HibernateAfterTimeout, _Hib]] = StatusData,
Header = gen:format_status_header("Status for event handler",
FmtMSL = [case erlang:function_exported(Mod, format_status, 2) of
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_fsm.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_fsm.erl
index f9d4286a7c..9ef0ca818c 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_fsm.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_fsm.erl
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
sync_send_all_state_event/2, sync_send_all_state_event/3,
- enter_loop/4, enter_loop/5, enter_loop/6, wake_hib/6]).
+ enter_loop/4, enter_loop/5, enter_loop/6, wake_hib/7]).
%% Internal exports
@@ -329,7 +329,8 @@ enter_loop(Mod, Options, StateName, StateData, ServerName, Timeout) ->
Name = gen:get_proc_name(ServerName),
Parent = gen:get_parent(),
Debug = gen:debug_options(Name, Options),
- loop(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Timeout, Debug).
+ HibernateAfterTimeout = gen:hibernate_after(Options),
+ loop(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Timeout, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug).
%%% ---------------------------------------------------
%%% Initiate the new process.
@@ -343,13 +344,14 @@ init_it(Starter, self, Name, Mod, Args, Options) ->
init_it(Starter, Parent, Name0, Mod, Args, Options) ->
Name = gen:name(Name0),
Debug = gen:debug_options(Name, Options),
- case catch Mod:init(Args) of
+ HibernateAfterTimeout = gen:hibernate_after(Options),
+ case catch Mod:init(Args) of
{ok, StateName, StateData} ->
proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {ok, self()}),
- loop(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, infinity, Debug);
+ loop(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug);
{ok, StateName, StateData, Timeout} ->
proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {ok, self()}),
- loop(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Timeout, Debug);
+ loop(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Timeout, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug);
{stop, Reason} ->
proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {error, Reason}),
@@ -371,68 +373,77 @@ init_it(Starter, Parent, Name0, Mod, Args, Options) ->
%% The MAIN loop
-loop(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, hibernate, Debug) ->
+loop(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, hibernate, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug) ->
- [Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod,
+ [Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, HibernateAfterTimeout,
-loop(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time, Debug) ->
+loop(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug) ->
+ receive
+ Msg ->
+ decode_msg(Msg,Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, false)
+ after HibernateAfterTimeout ->
+ loop(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, hibernate, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug)
+ end;
+loop(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug) ->
Msg = receive
Input ->
after Time ->
{'$gen_event', timeout}
- decode_msg(Msg,Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time, Debug, false).
+ decode_msg(Msg,Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, false).
-wake_hib(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Debug) ->
+wake_hib(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug) ->
Msg = receive
Input ->
- decode_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, hibernate, Debug, true).
+ decode_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, hibernate, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, true).
-decode_msg(Msg,Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time, Debug, Hib) ->
+decode_msg(Msg,Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, Hib) ->
case Msg of
{system, From, Req} ->
sys:handle_system_msg(Req, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug,
- [Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time], Hib);
+ [Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout], Hib);
{'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
terminate(Reason, Name, Msg, Mod, StateName, StateData, Debug);
_Msg when Debug =:= [] ->
- handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time);
+ handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout);
_Msg ->
Debug1 = sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3,
{Name, StateName}, {in, Msg}),
handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, StateName, StateData,
- Mod, Time, Debug1)
+ Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug1)
%% Callback functions for system messages handling.
-system_continue(Parent, Debug, [Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time]) ->
- loop(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time, Debug).
+system_continue(Parent, Debug, [Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout]) ->
+ loop(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug).
-spec system_terminate(term(), _, _, [term(),...]) -> no_return().
system_terminate(Reason, _Parent, Debug,
- [Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, _Time]) ->
+ [Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, _Time, _HibernateAfterTimeout]) ->
terminate(Reason, Name, [], Mod, StateName, StateData, Debug).
-system_code_change([Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time],
+system_code_change([Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout],
_Module, OldVsn, Extra) ->
case catch Mod:code_change(OldVsn, StateName, StateData, Extra) of
{ok, NewStateName, NewStateData} ->
- {ok, [Name, NewStateName, NewStateData, Mod, Time]};
+ {ok, [Name, NewStateName, NewStateData, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout]};
Else -> Else
-system_get_state([_Name, StateName, StateData, _Mod, _Time]) ->
+system_get_state([_Name, StateName, StateData, _Mod, _Time, _HibernateAfterTimeout]) ->
{ok, {StateName, StateData}}.
-system_replace_state(StateFun, [Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time]) ->
+system_replace_state(StateFun, [Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout]) ->
Result = {NStateName, NStateData} = StateFun({StateName, StateData}),
- {ok, Result, [Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, Time]}.
+ {ok, Result, [Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout]}.
%% Format debug messages. Print them as the call-back module sees
@@ -467,19 +478,19 @@ print_event(Dev, return, {Name, StateName}) ->
io:format(Dev, "*DBG* ~p switched to state ~w~n",
[Name, StateName]).
-handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, _Time) -> %No debug here
+handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, _Time, HibernateAfterTimeout) -> %No debug here
From = from(Msg),
case catch dispatch(Msg, Mod, StateName, StateData) of
{next_state, NStateName, NStateData} ->
- loop(Parent, Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, infinity, []);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, []);
{next_state, NStateName, NStateData, Time1} ->
- loop(Parent, Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, Time1, []);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, Time1, HibernateAfterTimeout, []);
{reply, Reply, NStateName, NStateData} when From =/= undefined ->
reply(From, Reply),
- loop(Parent, Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, infinity, []);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, []);
{reply, Reply, NStateName, NStateData, Time1} when From =/= undefined ->
reply(From, Reply),
- loop(Parent, Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, Time1, []);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, Time1, HibernateAfterTimeout, []);
{stop, Reason, NStateData} ->
terminate(Reason, Name, Msg, Mod, StateName, NStateData, []);
{stop, Reason, Reply, NStateData} when From =/= undefined ->
@@ -490,7 +501,7 @@ handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, _Time) -> %No debug her
{'EXIT', {undef, [{Mod, handle_info, [_,_,_], _}|_]}} ->
error_logger:warning_msg("** Undefined handle_info in ~p~n"
"** Unhandled message: ~p~n", [Mod, Msg]),
- loop(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, infinity, []);
+ loop(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, []);
{'EXIT', What} ->
terminate(What, Name, Msg, Mod, StateName, StateData, []);
Reply ->
@@ -498,23 +509,23 @@ handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, _Time) -> %No debug her
Name, Msg, Mod, StateName, StateData, [])
-handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, _Time, Debug) ->
+handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, _Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug) ->
From = from(Msg),
case catch dispatch(Msg, Mod, StateName, StateData) of
{next_state, NStateName, NStateData} ->
Debug1 = sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3,
{Name, NStateName}, return),
- loop(Parent, Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, infinity, Debug1);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug1);
{next_state, NStateName, NStateData, Time1} ->
Debug1 = sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3,
{Name, NStateName}, return),
- loop(Parent, Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, Time1, Debug1);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, Time1, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug1);
{reply, Reply, NStateName, NStateData} when From =/= undefined ->
Debug1 = reply(Name, From, Reply, Debug, NStateName),
- loop(Parent, Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, infinity, Debug1);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug1);
{reply, Reply, NStateName, NStateData, Time1} when From =/= undefined ->
Debug1 = reply(Name, From, Reply, Debug, NStateName),
- loop(Parent, Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, Time1, Debug1);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, Time1, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug1);
{stop, Reason, NStateData} ->
terminate(Reason, Name, Msg, Mod, StateName, NStateData, Debug);
{stop, Reason, Reply, NStateData} when From =/= undefined ->
@@ -645,7 +656,7 @@ get_msg(Msg) -> Msg.
%% Status information
format_status(Opt, StatusData) ->
- [PDict, SysState, Parent, Debug, [Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, _Time]] =
+ [PDict, SysState, Parent, Debug, [Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, _Time, _HibernateAfterTimeout]] =
Header = gen:format_status_header("Status for state machine",
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_server.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_server.erl
index e628fec00f..ba0a7ae8e5 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_server.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_server.erl
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
cast/2, reply/2,
abcast/2, abcast/3,
multi_call/2, multi_call/3, multi_call/4,
- enter_loop/3, enter_loop/4, enter_loop/5, wake_hib/5]).
+ enter_loop/3, enter_loop/4, enter_loop/5, wake_hib/6]).
%% System exports
@@ -307,7 +307,8 @@ enter_loop(Mod, Options, State, ServerName, Timeout) ->
Name = gen:get_proc_name(ServerName),
Parent = gen:get_parent(),
Debug = gen:debug_options(Name, Options),
- loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Timeout, Debug).
+ HibernateAfterTimeout = gen:hibernate_after(Options),
+ loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Timeout, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug).
%%% Gen-callback functions
@@ -325,13 +326,14 @@ init_it(Starter, self, Name, Mod, Args, Options) ->
init_it(Starter, Parent, Name0, Mod, Args, Options) ->
Name = gen:name(Name0),
Debug = gen:debug_options(Name, Options),
+ HibernateAfterTimeout = gen:hibernate_after(Options),
case catch Mod:init(Args) of
{ok, State} ->
proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {ok, self()}),
- loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, infinity, Debug);
+ loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug);
{ok, State, Timeout} ->
proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {ok, self()}),
- loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Timeout, Debug);
+ loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Timeout, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug);
{stop, Reason} ->
%% For consistency, we must make sure that the
%% registered name (if any) is unregistered before
@@ -362,37 +364,46 @@ init_it(Starter, Parent, Name0, Mod, Args, Options) ->
%%% ---------------------------------------------------
%%% The MAIN loop.
%%% ---------------------------------------------------
-loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, hibernate, Debug) ->
- proc_lib:hibernate(?MODULE,wake_hib,[Parent, Name, State, Mod, Debug]);
-loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, Debug) ->
+loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, hibernate, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug) ->
+ proc_lib:hibernate(?MODULE,wake_hib,[Parent, Name, State, Mod, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug]);
+loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug) ->
+ receive
+ Msg ->
+ decode_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, false)
+ after HibernateAfterTimeout ->
+ loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, hibernate, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug)
+ end;
+loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug) ->
Msg = receive
Input ->
after Time ->
- decode_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, Debug, false).
+ decode_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, false).
-wake_hib(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Debug) ->
+wake_hib(Parent, Name, State, Mod, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug) ->
Msg = receive
Input ->
- decode_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, hibernate, Debug, true).
+ decode_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, hibernate, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, true).
-decode_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, Debug, Hib) ->
+decode_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug, Hib) ->
case Msg of
{system, From, Req} ->
sys:handle_system_msg(Req, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug,
- [Name, State, Mod, Time], Hib);
+ [Name, State, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout], Hib);
{'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
terminate(Reason, Name, undefined, Msg, Mod, State, Debug);
_Msg when Debug =:= [] ->
- handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod);
+ handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, HibernateAfterTimeout);
_Msg ->
Debug1 = sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3,
Name, {in, Msg}),
- handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, Debug1)
+ handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug1)
%%% ---------------------------------------------------
@@ -659,65 +670,65 @@ try_terminate(Mod, Reason, State) ->
%%% Message handling functions
%%% ---------------------------------------------------
-handle_msg({'$gen_call', From, Msg}, Parent, Name, State, Mod) ->
+handle_msg({'$gen_call', From, Msg}, Parent, Name, State, Mod, HibernateAfterTimeout) ->
Result = try_handle_call(Mod, Msg, From, State),
case Result of
{ok, {reply, Reply, NState}} ->
reply(From, Reply),
- loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, []);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, []);
{ok, {reply, Reply, NState, Time1}} ->
reply(From, Reply),
- loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, []);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, HibernateAfterTimeout, []);
{ok, {noreply, NState}} ->
- loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, []);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, []);
{ok, {noreply, NState, Time1}} ->
- loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, []);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, HibernateAfterTimeout, []);
{ok, {stop, Reason, Reply, NState}} ->
{'EXIT', R} =
(catch terminate(Reason, Name, From, Msg, Mod, NState, [])),
reply(From, Reply),
- Other -> handle_common_reply(Other, Parent, Name, From, Msg, Mod, State)
+ Other -> handle_common_reply(Other, Parent, Name, From, Msg, Mod, HibernateAfterTimeout, State)
-handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod) ->
+handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, HibernateAfterTimeout) ->
Reply = try_dispatch(Msg, Mod, State),
- handle_common_reply(Reply, Parent, Name, undefined, Msg, Mod, State).
+ handle_common_reply(Reply, Parent, Name, undefined, Msg, Mod, HibernateAfterTimeout, State).
-handle_msg({'$gen_call', From, Msg}, Parent, Name, State, Mod, Debug) ->
+handle_msg({'$gen_call', From, Msg}, Parent, Name, State, Mod, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug) ->
Result = try_handle_call(Mod, Msg, From, State),
case Result of
{ok, {reply, Reply, NState}} ->
Debug1 = reply(Name, From, Reply, NState, Debug),
- loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, Debug1);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug1);
{ok, {reply, Reply, NState, Time1}} ->
Debug1 = reply(Name, From, Reply, NState, Debug),
- loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, Debug1);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug1);
{ok, {noreply, NState}} ->
Debug1 = sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3, Name,
{noreply, NState}),
- loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, Debug1);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug1);
{ok, {noreply, NState, Time1}} ->
Debug1 = sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3, Name,
{noreply, NState}),
- loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, Debug1);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug1);
{ok, {stop, Reason, Reply, NState}} ->
{'EXIT', R} =
(catch terminate(Reason, Name, From, Msg, Mod, NState, Debug)),
_ = reply(Name, From, Reply, NState, Debug),
Other ->
- handle_common_reply(Other, Parent, Name, From, Msg, Mod, State, Debug)
+ handle_common_reply(Other, Parent, Name, From, Msg, Mod, HibernateAfterTimeout, State, Debug)
-handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, Debug) ->
+handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug) ->
Reply = try_dispatch(Msg, Mod, State),
- handle_common_reply(Reply, Parent, Name, undefined, Msg, Mod, State, Debug).
+ handle_common_reply(Reply, Parent, Name, undefined, Msg, Mod, HibernateAfterTimeout, State, Debug).
-handle_common_reply(Reply, Parent, Name, From, Msg, Mod, State) ->
+handle_common_reply(Reply, Parent, Name, From, Msg, Mod, HibernateAfterTimeout, State) ->
case Reply of
{ok, {noreply, NState}} ->
- loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, []);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, []);
{ok, {noreply, NState, Time1}} ->
- loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, []);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, HibernateAfterTimeout, []);
{ok, {stop, Reason, NState}} ->
terminate(Reason, Name, From, Msg, Mod, NState, []);
{'EXIT', ExitReason, ReportReason} ->
@@ -726,16 +737,16 @@ handle_common_reply(Reply, Parent, Name, From, Msg, Mod, State) ->
terminate({bad_return_value, BadReply}, Name, From, Msg, Mod, State, [])
-handle_common_reply(Reply, Parent, Name, From, Msg, Mod, State, Debug) ->
+handle_common_reply(Reply, Parent, Name, From, Msg, Mod, HibernateAfterTimeout, State, Debug) ->
case Reply of
{ok, {noreply, NState}} ->
Debug1 = sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3, Name,
{noreply, NState}),
- loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, Debug1);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug1);
{ok, {noreply, NState, Time1}} ->
Debug1 = sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3, Name,
{noreply, NState}),
- loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, Debug1);
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug1);
{ok, {stop, Reason, NState}} ->
terminate(Reason, Name, From, Msg, Mod, NState, Debug);
{'EXIT', ExitReason, ReportReason} ->
@@ -753,26 +764,26 @@ reply(Name, {To, Tag}, Reply, State, Debug) ->
%% Callback functions for system messages handling.
-system_continue(Parent, Debug, [Name, State, Mod, Time]) ->
- loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, Debug).
+system_continue(Parent, Debug, [Name, State, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout]) ->
+ loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout, Debug).
-spec system_terminate(_, _, _, [_]) -> no_return().
-system_terminate(Reason, _Parent, Debug, [Name, State, Mod, _Time]) ->
+system_terminate(Reason, _Parent, Debug, [Name, State, Mod, _Time, _HibernateAfterTimeout]) ->
terminate(Reason, Name, undefined, [], Mod, State, Debug).
-system_code_change([Name, State, Mod, Time], _Module, OldVsn, Extra) ->
+system_code_change([Name, State, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout], _Module, OldVsn, Extra) ->
case catch Mod:code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) of
- {ok, NewState} -> {ok, [Name, NewState, Mod, Time]};
+ {ok, NewState} -> {ok, [Name, NewState, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout]};
Else -> Else
-system_get_state([_Name, State, _Mod, _Time]) ->
+system_get_state([_Name, State, _Mod, _Time, _HibernateAfterTimeout]) ->
{ok, State}.
-system_replace_state(StateFun, [Name, State, Mod, Time]) ->
+system_replace_state(StateFun, [Name, State, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout]) ->
NState = StateFun(State),
- {ok, NState, [Name, NState, Mod, Time]}.
+ {ok, NState, [Name, NState, Mod, Time, HibernateAfterTimeout]}.
%% Format debug messages. Print them as the call-back module sees
@@ -802,10 +813,10 @@ print_event(Dev, Event, Name) ->
%%% Terminate the server.
%%% ---------------------------------------------------
-spec terminate(_, _, _, _, _, _, _) -> no_return().
terminate(Reason, Name, From, Msg, Mod, State, Debug) ->
terminate(Reason, Reason, Name, From, Msg, Mod, State, Debug).
-spec terminate(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) -> no_return().
terminate(ExitReason, ReportReason, Name, From, Msg, Mod, State, Debug) ->
Reply = try_terminate(Mod, ExitReason, State),
@@ -851,7 +862,7 @@ error_info(Reason, Name, From, Msg, State, Debug) ->
_ ->
- end,
+ end,
{ClientFmt, ClientArgs} = client_stacktrace(From),
format("** Generic server ~p terminating \n"
"** Last message in was ~p~n"
@@ -860,7 +871,6 @@ error_info(Reason, Name, From, Msg, State, Debug) ->
[Name, Msg, State, Reason1] ++ ClientArgs),
client_stacktrace(undefined) ->
{"", []};
client_stacktrace({From, _Tag}) ->
@@ -885,7 +895,7 @@ client_stacktrace(From) when is_pid(From) ->
%% Status information
format_status(Opt, StatusData) ->
- [PDict, SysState, Parent, Debug, [Name, State, Mod, _Time]] = StatusData,
+ [PDict, SysState, Parent, Debug, [Name, State, Mod, _Time, _HibernateAfterTimeout]] = StatusData,
Header = gen:format_status_header("Status for generic server", Name),
Log = sys:get_debug(log, Debug, []),
Specfic = case format_status(Opt, Mod, PDict, State) of
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
index 6f566b8beb..86109f04b4 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_statem.erl
@@ -369,9 +369,12 @@ event_type(Type) ->
Dbgs ::
['trace' | 'log' | 'statistics' | 'debug'
| {'logfile', string()}]}.
+-type hibernate_after_opt() ::
+ {'hibernate_after', HibernateAfterTimeout :: timeout()}.
-type start_opt() ::
| {'timeout', Time :: timeout()}
+ | hibernate_after_opt()
| {'spawn_opt', [proc_lib:spawn_option()]}.
-type start_ret() :: {'ok', pid()} | 'ignore' | {'error', term()}.
@@ -544,14 +547,14 @@ reply({To,Tag}, Reply) when is_pid(To) ->
%% started by proc_lib into a state machine using
%% the same arguments as you would have returned from init/1
-spec enter_loop(
- Module :: module(), Opts :: [debug_opt()],
+ Module :: module(), Opts :: [debug_opt() | hibernate_after_opt()],
State :: state(), Data :: data()) ->
enter_loop(Module, Opts, State, Data) ->
enter_loop(Module, Opts, State, Data, self()).
-spec enter_loop(
- Module :: module(), Opts :: [debug_opt()],
+ Module :: module(), Opts :: [debug_opt() | hibernate_after_opt()],
State :: state(), Data :: data(),
Server_or_Actions ::
server_name() | pid() | [action()]) ->
@@ -565,7 +568,7 @@ enter_loop(Module, Opts, State, Data, Server_or_Actions) ->
-spec enter_loop(
- Module :: module(), Opts :: [debug_opt()],
+ Module :: module(), Opts :: [debug_opt() | hibernate_after_opt()],
State :: state(), Data :: data(),
Server :: server_name() | pid(),
Actions :: [action()] | action()) ->
@@ -605,7 +608,8 @@ enter(Module, Opts, State, Data, Server, Actions, Parent) ->
%% The values should already have been type checked
Name = gen:get_proc_name(Server),
Debug = gen:debug_options(Name, Opts),
- Events = [],
+ HibernateAfterTimeout = gen:hibernate_after(Opts),
+ Events = [],
P = [],
Event = {internal,init_state},
%% We enforce {postpone,false} to ensure that
@@ -648,6 +652,7 @@ enter(Module, Opts, State, Data, Server, Actions, Parent) ->
timer_refs => TimerRefs,
timer_types => TimerTypes,
hibernate => Hibernate,
+ hibernate_after => HibernateAfterTimeout,
cancel_timers => CancelTimers
NewDebug = sys_debug(Debug, S, State, {enter,Event,State}),
@@ -854,7 +859,7 @@ loop_hibernate(Parent, Debug, S) ->
%% Entry point for wakeup_from_hibernate/3
-loop_receive(Parent, Debug, S) ->
+loop_receive(Parent, Debug, #{hibernate_after := HibernateAfterTimeout} = S) ->
Msg ->
case Msg of
@@ -956,6 +961,9 @@ loop_receive(Parent, Debug, S) ->
Parent, Debug, S, Hibernate, Event)
+ after
+ HibernateAfterTimeout ->
+ loop_hibernate(Parent, Debug, S)
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl
index 20aaa2638c..535ca57a6b 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/qlc.erl
@@ -1392,8 +1392,10 @@ next_loop(Pid, L, N) when N =/= 0 ->
{caught, throw, Error, [?THROWN_ERROR | _]} ->
{caught, Class, Reason, Stacktrace} ->
- _ = (catch erlang:error(foo)),
- erlang:raise(Class, Reason, Stacktrace ++ erlang:get_stacktrace());
+ CurrentStacktrace = try erlang:error(foo)
+ catch error:_ -> erlang:get_stacktrace()
+ end,
+ erlang:raise(Class, Reason, Stacktrace ++ CurrentStacktrace);
error ->
erlang:error({qlc_cursor_pid_no_longer_exists, Pid})