path: root/lib/stdlib/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src')
33 files changed, 1137 insertions, 802 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/Makefile b/lib/stdlib/src/Makefile
index 9ab2cd4134..1b3744b6fb 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/Makefile
@@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ MODULES= \
otp_internal \
orddict \
ordsets \
- pg \
re \
pool \
proc_lib \
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/dets.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/dets.erl
index c32da1624f..76e03bbfaa 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/dets.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/dets.erl
@@ -440,9 +440,10 @@ insert(Tab, Objs) when is_list(Objs) ->
insert(Tab, Obj) ->
badarg(treq(Tab, {insert, [Obj]}), [Tab, Obj]).
--spec insert_new(Name, Objects) -> boolean() when
+-spec insert_new(Name, Objects) -> boolean() | {'error', Reason} when
Name :: tab_name(),
- Objects :: object() | [object()].
+ Objects :: object() | [object()],
+ Reason :: term().
insert_new(Tab, Objs) when is_list(Objs) ->
badarg(treq(Tab, {insert_new, Objs}), [Tab, Objs]);
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/dict.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/dict.erl
index 6088e1a2dd..cf8fb3114a 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/dict.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/dict.erl
@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@
-define(exp_size, (?seg_size * ?expand_load)).
-define(con_size, (?seg_size * ?contract_load)).
--type segs(K, V) :: tuple()
- | {K, V}. % dummy
+-type segs(_Key, _Value) :: tuple().
%% Define a hashtable. The default values are the standard ones.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl
index 68e079b7e5..5f8637c118 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/epp.erl
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
%% An Erlang code preprocessor.
+-export([open/1, open/2,open/3,open/5,close/1,format_error/1]).
--export([parse_file/1, parse_file/3]).
+-export([parse_file/1, parse_file/2, parse_file/3]).
-export([default_encoding/0, encoding_to_string/1,
read_encoding_from_binary/1, read_encoding_from_binary/2,
- set_encoding/1, read_encoding/1, read_encoding/2]).
+ set_encoding/1, set_encoding/2, read_encoding/1, read_encoding/2]).
@@ -33,21 +33,34 @@
--type macros() :: [{atom(), term()}].
+-type macros() :: [atom() | {atom(), term()}].
-type epp_handle() :: pid().
-type source_encoding() :: latin1 | utf8.
+-type ifdef() :: 'ifdef' | 'ifndef' | 'else'.
+-type name() :: {'atom', atom()}.
+-type argspec() :: 'none' %No arguments
+ | non_neg_integer(). %Number of arguments
+-type tokens() :: [erl_scan:token()].
+-type used() :: {name(), argspec()}.
+-define(DEFAULT_ENCODING, utf8).
%% Epp state record.
--record(epp, {file, %Current file
- location, %Current location
- delta, %Offset from Location (-file)
- name="", %Current file name
- name2="", %-"-, modified by -file
- istk=[], %Ifdef stack
- sstk=[], %State stack
- path=[], %Include-path
- macs = dict:new() :: dict:dict(),%Macros (don't care locations)
- uses = dict:new() :: dict:dict(),%Macro use structure
+-record(epp, {file :: file:io_device(), %Current file
+ location=1, %Current location
+ delta=0 :: non_neg_integer(), %Offset from Location (-file)
+ name="" :: file:name(), %Current file name
+ name2="" :: file:name(), %-"-, modified by -file
+ istk=[] :: [ifdef()], %Ifdef stack
+ sstk=[] :: [#epp{}], %State stack
+ path=[] :: [file:name()], %Include-path
+ macs = dict:new() %Macros (don't care locations)
+ :: dict:dict(name(), {argspec(), tokens()}),
+ uses = dict:new() %Macro use structure
+ :: dict:dict(name(), [{argspec(), [used()]}]),
+ default_encoding = ?DEFAULT_ENCODING :: source_encoding(),
pre_opened = false :: boolean()
@@ -58,6 +71,7 @@
%%% distinction in the internal representation would simplify the code
%%% a little.
+%% open(Options)
%% open(FileName, IncludePath)
%% open(FileName, IncludePath, PreDefMacros)
%% open(FileName, IoDevice, StartLocation, IncludePath, PreDefMacros)
@@ -65,6 +79,7 @@
%% scan_erl_form(Epp)
%% parse_erl_form(Epp)
%% parse_file(Epp)
+%% parse_file(FileName, Options)
%% parse_file(FileName, IncludePath, PreDefMacros)
%% macro_defs(Epp)
@@ -87,14 +102,43 @@ open(Name, Path) ->
ErrorDescriptor :: term().
open(Name, Path, Pdm) ->
- Self = self(),
- Epp = spawn(fun() -> server(Self, Name, Path, Pdm) end),
- epp_request(Epp).
+ internal_open([{name, Name}, {includes, Path}, {macros, Pdm}], #epp{}).
open(Name, File, StartLocation, Path, Pdm) ->
- Self = self(),
- Epp = spawn(fun() -> server(Self, Name, File, StartLocation,Path,Pdm) end),
- epp_request(Epp).
+ internal_open([{name, Name}, {includes, Path}, {macros, Pdm}],
+ #epp{file=File, pre_opened=true, location=StartLocation}).
+-spec open(Options) ->
+ {'ok', Epp} | {'ok', Epp, Extra} | {'error', ErrorDescriptor} when
+ Options :: [{'default_encoding', DefEncoding :: source_encoding()} |
+ {'includes', IncludePath :: [DirectoryName :: file:name()]} |
+ {'macros', PredefMacros :: macros()} |
+ {'name',FileName :: file:name()} |
+ 'extra'],
+ Epp :: epp_handle(),
+ Extra :: [{'encoding', source_encoding() | 'none'}],
+ ErrorDescriptor :: term().
+open(Options) ->
+ internal_open(Options, #epp{}).
+internal_open(Options, St) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(name, Options) of
+ undefined ->
+ erlang:error(badarg);
+ Name ->
+ Self = self(),
+ Epp = spawn(fun() -> server(Self, Name, Options, St) end),
+ case epp_request(Epp) of
+ {ok, Pid, Encoding} ->
+ case proplists:get_bool(extra, Options) of
+ true -> {ok, Pid, [{encoding, Encoding}]};
+ false -> {ok, Pid}
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end
+ end.
-spec close(Epp) -> 'ok' when
Epp :: epp_handle().
@@ -170,9 +214,6 @@ format_error({'NYI',What}) ->
io_lib:format("not yet implemented '~s'", [What]);
format_error(E) -> file:format_error(E).
-%% parse_file(FileName, IncludePath, [PreDefMacro]) ->
-%% {ok,[Form]} | {error,OpenError}
-spec parse_file(FileName, IncludePath, PredefMacros) ->
{'ok', [Form]} | {error, OpenError} when
FileName :: file:name(),
@@ -184,17 +225,40 @@ format_error(E) -> file:format_error(E).
OpenError :: file:posix() | badarg | system_limit.
parse_file(Ifile, Path, Predefs) ->
- case open(Ifile, Path, Predefs) of
+ parse_file(Ifile, [{includes, Path}, {macros, Predefs}]).
+-spec parse_file(FileName, Options) ->
+ {'ok', [Form]} | {'ok', [Form], Extra} | {error, OpenError} when
+ FileName :: file:name(),
+ Options :: [{'includes', IncludePath :: [DirectoryName :: file:name()]} |
+ {'macros', PredefMacros :: macros()} |
+ {'default_encoding', DefEncoding :: source_encoding()} |
+ 'extra'],
+ Form :: erl_parse:abstract_form() | {'error', ErrorInfo} | {'eof',Line},
+ Line :: erl_scan:line(),
+ ErrorInfo :: erl_scan:error_info() | erl_parse:error_info(),
+ Extra :: [{'encoding', source_encoding() | 'none'}],
+ OpenError :: file:posix() | badarg | system_limit.
+parse_file(Ifile, Options) ->
+ case internal_open([{name, Ifile} | Options], #epp{}) of
{ok,Epp} ->
Forms = parse_file(Epp),
+ {ok,Epp,Extra} ->
+ Forms = parse_file(Epp),
+ close(Epp),
+ {ok,Forms,Extra};
{error,E} ->
-%% parse_file(Epp) ->
-%% [Form]
+-spec parse_file(Epp) -> [Form] when
+ Epp :: epp_handle(),
+ Form :: erl_parse:abstract_form() | {'error', ErrorInfo} | {'eof',Line},
+ Line :: erl_scan:line(),
+ ErrorInfo :: erl_scan:error_info() | erl_parse:error_info().
parse_file(Epp) ->
case parse_erl_form(Epp) of
@@ -219,8 +283,6 @@ parse_file(Epp) ->
--define(DEFAULT_ENCODING, utf8).
-spec default_encoding() -> source_encoding().
default_encoding() ->
@@ -258,9 +320,16 @@ read_encoding(Name, Options) ->
File :: io:device(). % pid(); raw files don't work
set_encoding(File) ->
+ set_encoding(File, ?DEFAULT_ENCODING).
+-spec set_encoding(File, Default) -> source_encoding() | none when
+ Default :: source_encoding(),
+ File :: io:device(). % pid(); raw files don't work
+set_encoding(File, Default) ->
Encoding = read_encoding_from_file(File, true),
Enc = case Encoding of
- none -> default_encoding();
+ none -> Default;
Encoding -> Encoding
ok = io:setopts(File, [{encoding, Enc}]),
@@ -446,35 +515,37 @@ restore_typed_record_fields([{attribute,La,type,{{record,Record},Fields,[]}}|
restore_typed_record_fields([Form|Forms]) ->
-%% server(StarterPid, FileName, Path, PreDefMacros)
-server(Pid, Name, Path, Pdm) ->
+server(Pid, Name, Options, #epp{pre_opened=PreOpened}=St) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- case file:open(Name, [read]) of
- {ok,File} ->
- Location = 1,
- init_server(Pid, Name, File, Location, Path, Pdm, false);
- {error,E} ->
- epp_reply(Pid, {error,E})
+ case PreOpened of
+ false ->
+ case file:open(Name, [read]) of
+ {ok,File} ->
+ init_server(Pid, Name, Options, St#epp{file = File});
+ {error,E} ->
+ epp_reply(Pid, {error,E})
+ end;
+ true ->
+ init_server(Pid, Name, Options, St)
-%% server(StarterPid, FileName, IoDevice, Location, Path, PreDefMacros)
-server(Pid, Name, File, AtLocation, Path, Pdm) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- init_server(Pid, Name, File, AtLocation, Path, Pdm, true).
-init_server(Pid, Name, File, AtLocation, Path, Pdm, Pre) ->
+init_server(Pid, Name, Options, St0) ->
+ Pdm = proplists:get_value(macros, Options, []),
Ms0 = predef_macros(Name),
case user_predef(Pdm, Ms0) of
{ok,Ms1} ->
- _ = set_encoding(File),
- epp_reply(Pid, {ok,self()}),
+ #epp{file = File, location = AtLocation} = St0,
+ DefEncoding = proplists:get_value(default_encoding, Options,
+ Encoding = set_encoding(File, DefEncoding),
+ epp_reply(Pid, {ok,self(),Encoding}),
%% ensure directory of current source file is
%% first in path
- Path1 = [filename:dirname(Name) | Path],
- St = #epp{file=File, location=AtLocation, delta=0,
- name=Name, name2=Name, path=Path1, macs=Ms1,
- pre_opened = Pre},
+ Path = [filename:dirname(Name) |
+ proplists:get_value(includes, Options, [])],
+ St = St0#epp{delta=0, name=Name, name2=Name,
+ path=Path, macs=Ms1,
+ default_encoding=DefEncoding},
From = wait_request(St),
enter_file_reply(From, Name, AtLocation, AtLocation),
@@ -600,9 +671,11 @@ enter_file2(NewF, Pname, From, St0, AtLocation) ->
%% the path) must be dropped, otherwise the path used within the current
%% file will depend on the order of file inclusions in the parent files
Path = [filename:dirname(Pname) | tl(St0#epp.path)],
- _ = set_encoding(NewF),
+ DefEncoding = St0#epp.default_encoding,
+ _ = set_encoding(NewF, DefEncoding),
- sstk=[St0|St0#epp.sstk],path=Path,macs=Ms}.
+ sstk=[St0|St0#epp.sstk],path=Path,macs=Ms,
+ default_encoding=DefEncoding}.
enter_file_reply(From, Name, Location, AtLocation) ->
Attr = loc_attr(AtLocation),
@@ -1048,8 +1121,20 @@ skip_toks(From, St, [I|Sis]) ->
skip_toks(From, St#epp{location=Cl}, Sis);
{ok,_Toks,Cl} ->
skip_toks(From, St#epp{location=Cl}, [I|Sis]);
- {error,_E,Cl} ->
- skip_toks(From, St#epp{location=Cl}, [I|Sis]);
+ {error,E,Cl} ->
+ case E of
+ {_,file_io_server,invalid_unicode} ->
+ %% The compiler needs to know that there was
+ %% invalid unicode characters in the file
+ %% (and there is no point in continuing anyway
+ %% since io server process has terminated).
+ epp_reply(From, {error,E}),
+ leave_file(wait_request(St), St);
+ _ ->
+ %% Some other invalid token, such as a bad floating
+ %% point number. Just ignore it.
+ skip_toks(From, St#epp{location=Cl}, [I|Sis])
+ end;
{eof,Cl} ->
leave_file(From, St#epp{location=Cl,istk=[I|Sis]});
{error,_E} ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_compile.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_compile.erl
index ed8fea5d78..caed4d41d6 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_compile.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_compile.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ my_halt(Reason) ->
compile(List) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> compiler_runner(List) end),
+ Pid = spawn_link(compiler_runner(List)),
{'EXIT', Pid, {compiler_result, Result}} ->
@@ -79,14 +79,16 @@ compile(List) ->
--spec compiler_runner([cmd_line_arg()]) -> no_return().
+-spec compiler_runner([cmd_line_arg()]) -> fun(() -> no_return()).
compiler_runner(List) ->
- %% We don't want the current directory in the code path.
- %% Remove it.
- Path = [D || D <- code:get_path(), D =/= "."],
- true = code:set_path(Path),
- exit({compiler_result, compile1(List)}).
+ fun() ->
+ %% We don't want the current directory in the code path.
+ %% Remove it.
+ Path = [D || D <- code:get_path(), D =/= "."],
+ true = code:set_path(Path),
+ exit({compiler_result, compile1(List)})
+ end.
%% Parses the first part of the option list.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_eval.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_eval.erl
index 3a4108e297..639ddfc214 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_eval.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_eval.erl
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
+%% Guard is_map/1 is not yet supported in HiPE.
%% An evaluator for Erlang abstract syntax.
@@ -74,7 +77,7 @@
%% Only exprs/2 checks the command by calling erl_lint. The reason is
%% that if there is a function handler present, then it is possible
%% that there are valid constructs in Expression to be taken care of
-%% by a function handler but considerad errors by erl_lint.
+%% by a function handler but considered errors by erl_lint.
-spec(exprs(Expressions, Bindings) -> {value, Value, NewBindings} when
Expressions :: expressions(),
@@ -241,13 +244,20 @@ expr({record,_,_,Name,_}, _Bs, _Lf, _Ef, _RBs) ->
erlang:raise(error, {undef_record,Name}, stacktrace());
%% map
-expr({map,_, Binding,Es}, Bs0, Lf, Ef, RBs) ->
- {value, Map0, Bs1} = expr(Binding, Bs0, Lf, Ef, RBs),
- {Vs,Bs} = eval_map_fields(Es, Bs1, Lf, Ef),
- ret_expr(lists:foldl(fun
- ({map_assoc,K,V}, Mi) -> maps:put(K,V,Mi);
- ({map_exact,K,V}, Mi) -> maps:update(K,V,Mi)
- end, Map0, Vs), Bs, RBs);
+expr({map,_,Binding,Es}, Bs0, Lf, Ef, RBs) ->
+ {value, Map0, Bs1} = expr(Binding, Bs0, Lf, Ef, none),
+ case Map0 of
+ #{} ->
+ {Vs,Bs2} = eval_map_fields(Es, Bs0, Lf, Ef),
+ Map1 = lists:foldl(fun ({map_assoc,K,V}, Mi) ->
+ maps:put(K, V, Mi);
+ ({map_exact,K,V}, Mi) ->
+ maps:update(K, V, Mi)
+ end, Map0, Vs),
+ ret_expr(Map1, merge_bindings(Bs2, Bs1), RBs);
+ _ ->
+ erlang:raise(error, {badarg,Map0}, stacktrace())
+ end;
expr({map,_,Es}, Bs0, Lf, Ef, RBs) ->
{Vs,Bs} = eval_map_fields(Es, Bs0, Lf, Ef),
@@ -1113,9 +1123,10 @@ match1({tuple,_,Elts}, Tuple, Bs, BBs)
match_tuple(Elts, Tuple, 1, Bs, BBs);
match1({tuple,_,_}, _, _Bs, _BBs) ->
-match1({map,_,Fs}, Map, Bs, BBs) ->
+match1({map,_,Fs}, #{}=Map, Bs, BBs) ->
match_map(Fs, Map, Bs, BBs);
+match1({map,_,_}, _, _Bs, _BBs) ->
+ throw(nomatch);
match1({bin, _, Fs}, <<_/bitstring>>=B, Bs0, BBs) ->
eval_bits:match_bits(Fs, B, Bs0, BBs,
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_expand_records.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_expand_records.erl
index f53c6e1278..c74f68647f 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_expand_records.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_expand_records.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2012. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
checked_ra=[] % successfully accessed records
+-define(REC_OFFSET, 100000000). % A hundred millions. Also in v3_core.
-spec(module(AbsForms, CompileOptions) -> AbsForms when
AbsForms :: [erl_parse:abstract_form()],
CompileOptions :: [compile:option()]).
@@ -135,19 +137,20 @@ pattern({tuple,Line,Ps}, St0) ->
pattern({map,Line,Ps}, St0) ->
{TPs,St1} = pattern_list(Ps, St0),
-pattern({map_field_exact,Line,Key0,V0}, St0) ->
- {Key,St1} = pattern(Key0, St0),
+pattern({map_field_exact,Line,K0,V0}, St0) ->
+ {K,St1} = expr(K0, St0),
{V,St2} = pattern(V0, St1),
- {{map_field_exact,Line,Key,V},St2};
+ {{map_field_exact,Line,K,V},St2};
%%pattern({struct,Line,Tag,Ps}, St0) ->
%% {TPs,TPsvs,St1} = pattern_list(Ps, St0),
%% {{struct,Line,Tag,TPs},TPsvs,St1};
pattern({record_index,Line,Name,Field}, St) ->
{index_expr(Line, Field, Name, record_fields(Name, St)),St};
-pattern({record,Line,Name,Pfs}, St0) ->
+pattern({record,Line0,Name,Pfs}, St0) ->
Fs = record_fields(Name, St0),
{TMs,St1} = pattern_list(pattern_fields(Fs, Pfs), St0),
- {{tuple,Line,[{atom,Line,Name} | TMs]},St1};
+ Line = record_offset(Line0, St1),
+ {{tuple,Line,[{atom,Line0,Name} | TMs]},St1};
pattern({bin,Line,Es0}, St0) ->
{Es1,St1} = pattern_bin(Es0, St0),
@@ -329,8 +332,9 @@ expr({map_field_exact,Line,K0,V0}, St0) ->
expr({record_index,Line,Name,F}, St) ->
I = index_expr(Line, F, Name, record_fields(Name, St)),
expr(I, St);
-expr({record,Line,Name,Is}, St) ->
- expr({tuple,Line,[{atom,Line,Name} |
+expr({record,Line0,Name,Is}, St) ->
+ Line = record_offset(Line0, St),
+ expr({tuple,Line,[{atom,Line0,Name} |
record_inits(record_fields(Name, St), Is)]},
expr({record_field,Line,R,Name,F}, St) ->
@@ -582,8 +586,9 @@ strict_get_record_field(Line, R, {atom,_,F}=Index, Name, St0) ->
I = index_expr(F, Fs, 2),
P = record_pattern(2, I, Var, length(Fs)+1, Line, [{atom,Line,Name}]),
NLine = neg_line(Line),
+ RLine = record_offset(NLine, St),
E = {'case',NLine,R,
- [{clause,NLine,[{tuple,NLine,P}],[],[Var]},
+ [{clause,NLine,[{tuple,RLine,P}],[],[Var]},
@@ -836,7 +841,7 @@ optimize_is_record(H0, G0, #exprec{compile=Opts}) ->
[] ->
Rs0 ->
- case lists:member(no_is_record_optimization, Opts) of
+ case lists:member(dialyzer, Opts) of % no_is_record_optimization
true ->
false ->
@@ -961,3 +966,10 @@ opt_remove_2(A, _) -> A.
neg_line(L) ->
erl_parse:set_line(L, fun(Line) -> -abs(Line) end).
+record_offset(L, St) ->
+ case lists:member(dialyzer, St#exprec.compile) of
+ true when L >= 0 -> L+?REC_OFFSET;
+ true when L < 0 -> L-?REC_OFFSET;
+ false -> L
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_internal.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_internal.erl
index edfb097de0..2bf8b86c23 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_internal.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_internal.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
%% Erlang builtin functions allowed in guards.
@@ -293,6 +295,7 @@ bif(garbage_collect, 1) -> true;
bif(garbage_collect, 2) -> true;
bif(get, 0) -> true;
bif(get, 1) -> true;
+bif(get_keys, 0) -> true;
bif(get_keys, 1) -> true;
bif(group_leader, 0) -> true;
bif(group_leader, 2) -> true;
@@ -530,3 +533,53 @@ old_bif(unlink, 1) -> true;
old_bif(unregister, 1) -> true;
old_bif(whereis, 1) -> true;
old_bif(Name, A) when is_atom(Name), is_integer(A) -> false.
+-spec is_type(Name, NumberOfTypeVariables) -> boolean() when
+ Name :: atom(),
+ NumberOfTypeVariables :: non_neg_integer().
+%% Returns true if Name/NumberOfTypeVariables is a predefined type.
+is_type(any, 0) -> true;
+is_type(arity, 0) -> true;
+is_type(atom, 0) -> true;
+is_type(binary, 0) -> true;
+is_type(bitstring, 0) -> true;
+is_type(bool, 0) -> true;
+is_type(boolean, 0) -> true;
+is_type(byte, 0) -> true;
+is_type(char, 0) -> true;
+is_type(float, 0) -> true;
+is_type(function, 0) -> true;
+is_type(identifier, 0) -> true;
+is_type(integer, 0) -> true;
+is_type(iodata, 0) -> true;
+is_type(iolist, 0) -> true;
+is_type(list, 0) -> true;
+is_type(list, 1) -> true;
+is_type(map, 0) -> true;
+is_type(maybe_improper_list, 0) -> true;
+is_type(maybe_improper_list, 2) -> true;
+is_type(mfa, 0) -> true;
+is_type(module, 0) -> true;
+is_type(neg_integer, 0) -> true;
+is_type(nil, 0) -> true;
+is_type(no_return, 0) -> true;
+is_type(node, 0) -> true;
+is_type(non_neg_integer, 0) -> true;
+is_type(none, 0) -> true;
+is_type(nonempty_improper_list, 2) -> true;
+is_type(nonempty_list, 0) -> true;
+is_type(nonempty_list, 1) -> true;
+is_type(nonempty_maybe_improper_list, 0) -> true;
+is_type(nonempty_maybe_improper_list, 2) -> true;
+is_type(nonempty_string, 0) -> true;
+is_type(number, 0) -> true;
+is_type(pid, 0) -> true;
+is_type(port, 0) -> true;
+is_type(pos_integer, 0) -> true;
+is_type(reference, 0) -> true;
+is_type(string, 0) -> true;
+is_type(term, 0) -> true;
+is_type(timeout, 0) -> true;
+is_type(tuple, 0) -> true;
+is_type(_, _) -> false.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
index 49f1f3a6ee..6619ed5221 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
@@ -80,13 +80,17 @@ value_option(Flag, Default, On, OnVal, Off, OffVal, Opts) ->
-type fa() :: {atom(), arity()}. % function+arity
-type ta() :: {atom(), arity()}. % type+arity
+-record(typeinfo, {attr, line}).
%% Usage of records, functions, and imports. The variable table, which
%% is passed on as an argument, holds the usage of variables.
-record(usage, {
calls = dict:new(), %Who calls who
imported = [], %Actually imported functions
- used_records=sets:new() :: sets:set(),%Used record definitions
- used_types = dict:new() :: dict:dict()%Used type definitions
+ used_records = sets:new() %Used record definitions
+ :: sets:set(atom()),
+ used_types = dict:new() %Used type definitions
+ :: dict:dict(ta(), line())
%% Define the lint state record.
@@ -95,13 +99,17 @@ value_option(Flag, Default, On, OnVal, Off, OffVal, Opts) ->
-record(lint, {state=start :: 'start' | 'attribute' | 'function',
module=[], %Module
behaviour=[], %Behaviour
- exports=gb_sets:empty() :: gb_sets:set(),%Exports
- imports=[], %Imports
+ exports=gb_sets:empty() :: gb_sets:set(fa()),%Exports
+ imports=[] :: [fa()], %Imports, an orddict()
compile=[], %Compile flags
- records=dict:new() :: dict:dict(), %Record definitions
- locals=gb_sets:empty() :: gb_sets:set(),%All defined functions (prescanned)
- no_auto=gb_sets:empty() :: gb_sets:set() | 'all',%Functions explicitly not autoimported
- defined=gb_sets:empty() :: gb_sets:set(),%Defined fuctions
+ records=dict:new() %Record definitions
+ :: dict:dict(atom(), {line(),Fields :: term()}),
+ locals=gb_sets:empty() %All defined functions (prescanned)
+ :: gb_sets:set(fa()),
+ no_auto=gb_sets:empty() %Functions explicitly not autoimported
+ :: gb_sets:set(fa()) | 'all',
+ defined=gb_sets:empty() %Defined fuctions
+ :: gb_sets:set(fa()),
on_load=[] :: [fa()], %On-load function
on_load_line=0 :: line(), %Line for on_load
clashes=[], %Exported functions named as BIFs
@@ -116,12 +124,18 @@ value_option(Flag, Default, On, OnVal, Off, OffVal, Opts) ->
%outside any fun or lc
xqlc= false :: boolean(), %true if qlc.hrl included
new = false :: boolean(), %Has user-defined 'new/N'
- called= [] :: [{fa(),line()}], %Called functions
+ called= [] :: [{fa(),line()}], %Called functions
usage = #usage{} :: #usage{},
- specs = dict:new() :: dict:dict(), %Type specifications
- callbacks = dict:new() :: dict:dict(), %Callback types
- types = dict:new() :: dict:dict(), %Type definitions
- exp_types=gb_sets:empty():: gb_sets:set()%Exported types
+ specs = dict:new() %Type specifications
+ :: dict:dict(mfa(), line()),
+ callbacks = dict:new() %Callback types
+ :: dict:dict(mfa(), line()),
+ optional_callbacks = dict:new() %Optional callbacks
+ :: dict:dict(mfa(), line()),
+ types = dict:new() %Type definitions
+ :: dict:dict(ta(), #typeinfo{}),
+ exp_types=gb_sets:empty() %Exported types
+ :: gb_sets:set(ta())
-type lint_state() :: #lint{}.
@@ -225,6 +239,8 @@ format_error({too_many_arguments,Arity}) ->
"maximum allowed is ~w", [Arity,?MAX_ARGUMENTS]);
%% --- patterns and guards ---
format_error(illegal_pattern) -> "illegal pattern";
+format_error(illegal_map_key) ->
+ "illegal map key";
format_error({illegal_map_key_variable,K}) ->
io_lib:format("illegal use of variable ~w in map",[K]);
format_error(illegal_bin_pattern) ->
@@ -299,13 +315,20 @@ format_error({undefined_behaviour,Behaviour}) ->
io_lib:format("behaviour ~w undefined", [Behaviour]);
format_error({undefined_behaviour_callbacks,Behaviour}) ->
io_lib:format("behaviour ~w callback functions are undefined",
- [Behaviour]);
+ [Behaviour]);
format_error({ill_defined_behaviour_callbacks,Behaviour}) ->
io_lib:format("behaviour ~w callback functions erroneously defined",
+format_error({ill_defined_optional_callbacks,Behaviour}) ->
+ io_lib:format("behaviour ~w optional callback functions erroneously defined",
+ [Behaviour]);
format_error({behaviour_info, {_M,F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("cannot define callback attibute for ~w/~w when "
"behaviour_info is defined",[F,A]);
+format_error({redefine_optional_callback, {F, A}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("optional callback ~w/~w duplicated", [F, A]);
+format_error({undefined_callback, {_M, F, A}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("callback ~w/~w is undefined", [F, A]);
%% --- types and specs ---
format_error({singleton_typevar, Name}) ->
io_lib:format("type variable ~w is only used once (is unbound)", [Name]);
@@ -334,10 +357,14 @@ format_error({type_syntax, Constr}) ->
io_lib:format("bad ~w type", [Constr]);
format_error({redefine_spec, {M, F, A}}) ->
io_lib:format("spec for ~w:~w/~w already defined", [M, F, A]);
-format_error({redefine_callback, {M, F, A}}) ->
- io_lib:format("callback ~w:~w/~w already defined", [M, F, A]);
-format_error({spec_fun_undefined, {M, F, A}}) ->
- io_lib:format("spec for undefined function ~w:~w/~w", [M, F, A]);
+format_error({redefine_spec, {F, A}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("spec for ~w/~w already defined", [F, A]);
+format_error({redefine_callback, {F, A}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("callback ~w/~w already defined", [F, A]);
+format_error({bad_callback, {M, F, A}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("explicit module not allowed for callback ~w:~w/~w ", [M, F, A]);
+format_error({spec_fun_undefined, {F, A}}) ->
+ io_lib:format("spec for undefined function ~w/~w", [F, A]);
format_error({missing_spec, {F,A}}) ->
io_lib:format("missing specification for function ~w/~w", [F, A]);
format_error(spec_wrong_arity) ->
@@ -709,6 +736,8 @@ attribute_state({attribute,L,spec,{Fun,Types}}, St) ->
spec_decl(L, Fun, Types, St);
attribute_state({attribute,L,callback,{Fun,Types}}, St) ->
callback_decl(L, Fun, Types, St);
+attribute_state({attribute,L,optional_callbacks,Es}, St) ->
+ optional_callbacks(L, Es, St);
attribute_state({attribute,L,on_load,Val}, St) ->
on_load(L, Val, St);
attribute_state({attribute,_L,_Other,_Val}, St) -> % Ignore others
@@ -816,57 +845,73 @@ check_behaviour(St0) ->
%% Check behaviours for existence and defined functions.
behaviour_check(Bs, St0) ->
- {AllBfs,St1} = all_behaviour_callbacks(Bs, [], St0),
- St = behaviour_missing_callbacks(AllBfs, St1),
+ {AllBfs0, St1} = all_behaviour_callbacks(Bs, [], St0),
+ St = behaviour_missing_callbacks(AllBfs0, St1),
+ Exports = exports(St0),
+ F = fun(Bfs, OBfs) ->
+ [B || B <- Bfs,
+ not lists:member(B, OBfs)
+ orelse gb_sets:is_member(B, Exports)]
+ end,
+ %% After fixing missing callbacks new warnings may be emitted.
+ AllBfs = [{Item,F(Bfs0, OBfs0)} || {Item,Bfs0,OBfs0} <- AllBfs0],
behaviour_conflicting(AllBfs, St).
all_behaviour_callbacks([{Line,B}|Bs], Acc, St0) ->
- {Bfs0,St} = behaviour_callbacks(Line, B, St0),
- all_behaviour_callbacks(Bs, [{{Line,B},Bfs0}|Acc], St);
+ {Bfs0,OBfs0,St} = behaviour_callbacks(Line, B, St0),
+ all_behaviour_callbacks(Bs, [{{Line,B},Bfs0,OBfs0}|Acc], St);
all_behaviour_callbacks([], Acc, St) -> {reverse(Acc),St}.
behaviour_callbacks(Line, B, St0) ->
try B:behaviour_info(callbacks) of
- Funcs when is_list(Funcs) ->
- All = all(fun({FuncName, Arity}) ->
- is_atom(FuncName) andalso is_integer(Arity);
- ({FuncName, Arity, Spec}) ->
- is_atom(FuncName) andalso is_integer(Arity)
- andalso is_list(Spec);
- (_Other) ->
- false
- end,
- Funcs),
- MaybeRemoveSpec = fun({_F,_A}=FA) -> FA;
- ({F,A,_S}) -> {F,A};
- (Other) -> Other
- end,
- if
- All =:= true ->
- {[MaybeRemoveSpec(F) || F <- Funcs], St0};
+ undefined ->
+ St1 = add_warning(Line, {undefined_behaviour_callbacks, B}, St0),
+ {[], [], St1};
+ Funcs ->
+ case is_fa_list(Funcs) of
true ->
+ try B:behaviour_info(optional_callbacks) of
+ undefined ->
+ {Funcs, [], St0};
+ OptFuncs ->
+ %% OptFuncs should always be OK thanks to
+ %% sys_pre_expand.
+ case is_fa_list(OptFuncs) of
+ true ->
+ {Funcs, OptFuncs, St0};
+ false ->
+ W = {ill_defined_optional_callbacks, B},
+ St1 = add_warning(Line, W, St0),
+ {Funcs, [], St1}
+ end
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ {Funcs, [], St0}
+ end;
+ false ->
St1 = add_warning(Line,
- {ill_defined_behaviour_callbacks,B},
+ {ill_defined_behaviour_callbacks, B},
- {[], St1}
- end;
- undefined ->
- St1 = add_warning(Line, {undefined_behaviour_callbacks,B}, St0),
- {[], St1};
- _Other ->
- St1 = add_warning(Line, {ill_defined_behaviour_callbacks,B}, St0),
- {[], St1}
+ {[], [], St1}
+ end
_:_ ->
- St1 = add_warning(Line, {undefined_behaviour,B}, St0),
- {[], St1}
+ St1 = add_warning(Line, {undefined_behaviour, B}, St0),
+ {[], [], St1}
-behaviour_missing_callbacks([{{Line,B},Bfs}|T], St0) ->
+behaviour_missing_callbacks([{{Line,B},Bfs0,OBfs}|T], St0) ->
+ Bfs = ordsets:subtract(ordsets:from_list(Bfs0), ordsets:from_list(OBfs)),
Exports = gb_sets:to_list(exports(St0)),
- Missing = ordsets:subtract(ordsets:from_list(Bfs), Exports),
+ Missing = ordsets:subtract(Bfs, Exports),
St = foldl(fun (F, S0) ->
- add_warning(Line, {undefined_behaviour_func,F,B}, S0)
+ case is_fa(F) of
+ true ->
+ M = {undefined_behaviour_func,F,B},
+ add_warning(Line, M, S0);
+ false ->
+ S0 % ill_defined_behaviour_callbacks
+ end
end, St0, Missing),
behaviour_missing_callbacks(T, St);
behaviour_missing_callbacks([], St) -> St.
@@ -1108,19 +1153,29 @@ check_unused_records(Forms, St0) ->
check_callback_information(#lint{callbacks = Callbacks,
- defined = Defined} = State) ->
- case gb_sets:is_member({behaviour_info,1}, Defined) of
- false -> State;
+ optional_callbacks = OptionalCbs,
+ defined = Defined} = St0) ->
+ OptFun = fun({MFA, Line}, St) ->
+ case dict:is_key(MFA, Callbacks) of
+ true ->
+ St;
+ false ->
+ add_error(Line, {undefined_callback, MFA}, St)
+ end
+ end,
+ St1 = lists:foldl(OptFun, St0, dict:to_list(OptionalCbs)),
+ case gb_sets:is_member({behaviour_info, 1}, Defined) of
+ false -> St1;
true ->
case dict:size(Callbacks) of
- 0 -> State;
+ 0 -> St1;
_ ->
CallbacksList = dict:to_list(Callbacks),
FoldL =
- fun({Fa,Line},St) ->
+ fun({Fa, Line}, St) ->
add_error(Line, {behaviour_info, Fa}, St)
- lists:foldl(FoldL, State, CallbacksList)
+ lists:foldl(FoldL, St1, CallbacksList)
@@ -1168,7 +1223,7 @@ export_type(Line, ETs, #lint{usage = Usage, exp_types = ETs0} = St0) ->
add_error(Line, {bad_export_type, ETs}, St0)
--spec exports(lint_state()) -> gb_sets:set().
+-spec exports(lint_state()) -> gb_sets:set(fa()).
exports(#lint{compile = Opts, defined = Defs, exports = Es}) ->
case lists:member(export_all, Opts) of
@@ -1385,19 +1440,20 @@ pattern({cons,_Line,H,T}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St0) ->
pattern({tuple,_Line,Ps}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
pattern_list(Ps, Vt, Old, Bvt, St);
pattern({map,_Line,Ps}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
- foldl(fun ({map_field_assoc,L,_,_}, {Psvt,Bvt0,St0}) ->
- {Psvt,Bvt0,add_error(L, illegal_pattern, St0)};
- ({map_field_exact,L,KP,VP}, {Psvt,Bvt0,St0}) ->
- case expr(KP, [], St0) of
- {[],_} ->
- {Pvt,Bvt1,St1} = pattern(VP, Vt, Old, Bvt, St0),
- {vtmerge_pat(Pvt, Psvt),vtmerge_pat(Bvt0, Bvt1),
- St1};
- {[Var|_],_} ->
- Error = {illegal_map_key_variable,element(1, Var)},
- {Psvt,Bvt0,add_error(L, Error, St0)}
- end
- end, {[],[],St}, Ps);
+ foldl(fun
+ ({map_field_assoc,L,_,_}, {Psvt,Bvt0,St0}) ->
+ {Psvt,Bvt0,add_error(L, illegal_pattern, St0)};
+ ({map_field_exact,L,KP,VP}, {Psvt,Bvt0,St0}) ->
+ case is_valid_map_key(KP, pattern, St0) of
+ true ->
+ {Pvt,Bvt1,St1} = pattern(VP, Vt, Old, Bvt, St0),
+ {vtmerge_pat(Pvt, Psvt),vtmerge_pat(Bvt0, Bvt1), St1};
+ false ->
+ {Psvt,Bvt0,add_error(L, illegal_map_key, St0)};
+ {false,variable,Var} ->
+ {Psvt,Bvt0,add_error(L, {illegal_map_key_variable,Var}, St0)}
+ end
+ end, {[],[],St}, Ps);
%%pattern({struct,_Line,_Tag,Ps}, Vt, Old, Bvt, St) ->
%% pattern_list(Ps, Vt, Old, Bvt, St);
pattern({record_index,Line,Name,Field}, _Vt, _Old, _Bvt, St) ->
@@ -2235,9 +2291,10 @@ check_assoc_fields([], St) ->
map_fields([{Tag,Line,K,V}|Fs], Vt, St, F) when Tag =:= map_field_assoc;
Tag =:= map_field_exact ->
St1 = case is_valid_map_key(K, St) of
- true -> St;
- {false,Var} -> add_error(Line, {illegal_map_key_variable,Var}, St)
- end,
+ true -> St;
+ false -> add_error(Line, illegal_map_key, St);
+ {false,variable,Var} -> add_error(Line, {illegal_map_key_variable,Var}, St)
+ end,
{Pvt,St2} = F([K,V], Vt, St1),
{Vts,St3} = map_fields(Fs, Vt, St2, F),
{vtupdate(Pvt, Vts),St3};
@@ -2296,11 +2353,68 @@ is_valid_call(Call) ->
_ -> true
+%% is_valid_map_key(K,St) -> true | false | {false, Var::atom()}
+%% check for value expression without variables
is_valid_map_key(K,St) ->
+ is_valid_map_key(K,expr,St).
+is_valid_map_key(K,Ctx,St) ->
case expr(K,[],St) of
- {[],_} -> true;
+ {[],_} ->
+ is_valid_map_key_value(K,Ctx);
{[Var|_],_} ->
- {false,element(1,Var)}
+ {false,variable,element(1,Var)}
+ end.
+is_valid_map_key_value(K,Ctx) ->
+ case K of
+ {char,_,_} -> true;
+ {integer,_,_} -> true;
+ {float,_,_} -> true;
+ {string,_,_} -> true;
+ {nil,_} -> true;
+ {atom,_,_} -> true;
+ {cons,_,H,T} ->
+ is_valid_map_key_value(H,Ctx) andalso
+ is_valid_map_key_value(T,Ctx);
+ {tuple,_,Es} ->
+ foldl(fun(E,B) ->
+ B andalso is_valid_map_key_value(E,Ctx)
+ end,true,Es);
+ {map,_,Arg,Ps} ->
+ % only check for value expressions to be valid
+ % invalid map expressions are later checked in
+ % core and kernel
+ is_valid_map_key_value(Arg,Ctx) andalso foldl(fun
+ ({Tag,_,Ke,Ve},B) when Tag =:= map_field_assoc;
+ Tag =:= map_field_exact, Ctx =:= expr ->
+ B andalso is_valid_map_key_value(Ke,Ctx)
+ andalso is_valid_map_key_value(Ve,Ctx);
+ (_,_) -> false
+ end,true,Ps);
+ {map,_,Ps} ->
+ foldl(fun
+ ({Tag,_,Ke,Ve},B) when Tag =:= map_field_assoc;
+ Tag =:= map_field_exact, Ctx =:= expr ->
+ B andalso is_valid_map_key_value(Ke,Ctx)
+ andalso is_valid_map_key_value(Ve,Ctx);
+ (_,_) -> false
+ end, true, Ps);
+ {record,_,_,Fs} ->
+ foldl(fun
+ ({record_field,_,Ke,Ve},B) ->
+ B andalso is_valid_map_key_value(Ke,Ctx)
+ andalso is_valid_map_key_value(Ve,Ctx)
+ end,true,Fs);
+ {bin,_,Es} ->
+ % only check for value expressions to be valid
+ % invalid binary expressions are later checked in
+ % core and kernel
+ foldl(fun
+ ({bin_element,_,E,_,_},B) ->
+ B andalso is_valid_map_key_value(E,Ctx)
+ end,true,Es);
+ _ -> false
%% record_def(Line, RecordName, [RecField], State) -> State.
@@ -2515,8 +2629,6 @@ find_field(_F, []) -> error.
%% Attr :: 'type' | 'opaque'
%% Checks that a type definition is valid.
--record(typeinfo, {attr, line}).
type_def(_Attr, _Line, {record, _RecName}, Fields, [], St0) ->
%% The record field names and such are checked in the record format.
%% We only need to check the types.
@@ -2538,22 +2650,20 @@ type_def(Attr, Line, TypeName, ProtoType, Args, St0) ->
case is_obsolete_builtin_type(TypePair) of
true -> StoreType(St0);
false ->
- case is_newly_introduced_builtin_type(TypePair) of
- %% allow some types just for bootstrapping
- true ->
- Warn = {new_builtin_type, TypePair},
- St1 = add_warning(Line, Warn, St0),
- StoreType(St1);
- false ->
- add_error(Line, {builtin_type, TypePair}, St0)
- end
+ case is_newly_introduced_builtin_type(TypePair) of
+ %% allow some types just for bootstrapping
+ true ->
+ Warn = {new_builtin_type, TypePair},
+ St1 = add_warning(Line, Warn, St0),
+ StoreType(St1);
+ false ->
+ add_error(Line, {builtin_type, TypePair}, St0)
+ end
false ->
- case
- dict:is_key(TypePair, TypeDefs)
- orelse is_var_arity_type(TypeName)
- of
- true -> add_error(Line, {redefine_type, TypePair}, St0);
+ case dict:is_key(TypePair, TypeDefs) of
+ true ->
+ add_error(Line, {redefine_type, TypePair}, St0);
false ->
St1 = case
Attr =:= opaque andalso
@@ -2590,7 +2700,7 @@ check_type({paren_type, _L, [Type]}, SeenVars, St) ->
check_type({remote_type, L, [{atom, _, Mod}, {atom, _, Name}, Args]},
SeenVars, #lint{module=CurrentMod} = St) ->
case Mod =:= CurrentMod of
- true -> check_type({type, L, Name, Args}, SeenVars, St);
+ true -> check_type({user_type, L, Name, Args}, SeenVars, St);
false ->
lists:foldl(fun(T, {AccSeenVars, AccSt}) ->
check_type(T, AccSeenVars, AccSt)
@@ -2624,12 +2734,15 @@ check_type({type, L, range, [From, To]}, SeenVars, St) ->
_ -> add_error(L, {type_syntax, range}, St)
{SeenVars, St1};
-check_type({type, _L, map, any}, SeenVars, St) -> {SeenVars, St};
+check_type({type, L, map, any}, SeenVars, St) ->
+ %% To get usage right while map/0 is a newly_introduced_builtin_type.
+ St1 = used_type({map, 0}, L, St),
+ {SeenVars, St1};
check_type({type, _L, map, Pairs}, SeenVars, St) ->
lists:foldl(fun(Pair, {AccSeenVars, AccSt}) ->
check_type(Pair, AccSeenVars, AccSt)
end, {SeenVars, St}, Pairs);
-check_type({type, _L, map_field_assoc, Dom, Range}, SeenVars, St) ->
+check_type({type, _L, map_field_assoc, [Dom, Range]}, SeenVars, St) ->
check_type({type, -1, product, [Dom, Range]}, SeenVars, St);
check_type({type, _L, tuple, any}, SeenVars, St) -> {SeenVars, St};
check_type({type, _L, any}, SeenVars, St) -> {SeenVars, St};
@@ -2648,41 +2761,39 @@ check_type({type, L, record, [Name|Fields]}, SeenVars, St) ->
check_record_types(L, Atom, Fields, SeenVars, St1);
_ -> {SeenVars, add_error(L, {type_syntax, record}, St)}
-check_type({type, _L, product, Args}, SeenVars, St) ->
+check_type({type, _L, Tag, Args}, SeenVars, St) when Tag =:= product;
+ Tag =:= union;
+ Tag =:= tuple ->
lists:foldl(fun(T, {AccSeenVars, AccSt}) ->
check_type(T, AccSeenVars, AccSt)
end, {SeenVars, St}, Args);
check_type({type, La, TypeName, Args}, SeenVars, St) ->
- #lint{usage=Usage, module = Module, types=Types} = St,
+ #lint{module = Module, types=Types} = St,
Arity = length(Args),
TypePair = {TypeName, Arity},
- St1 = case is_var_arity_type(TypeName) of
- true -> St;
- false ->
- Obsolete = (is_warn_enabled(deprecated_type, St)
- andalso obsolete_builtin_type(TypePair)),
- IsObsolete =
- case Obsolete of
- {deprecated, Repl, _} when element(1, Repl) =/= Module ->
- case dict:find(TypePair, Types) of
- {ok, _} -> false;
- error -> true
- end;
- _ -> false
- end,
- case IsObsolete of
- true ->
+ Obsolete = (is_warn_enabled(deprecated_type, St)
+ andalso obsolete_builtin_type(TypePair)),
+ St1 = case Obsolete of
+ {deprecated, Repl, _} when element(1, Repl) =/= Module ->
+ case dict:find(TypePair, Types) of
+ {ok, _} ->
+ used_type(TypePair, La, St);
+ error ->
{deprecated, Replacement, Rel} = Obsolete,
Tag = deprecated_builtin_type,
W = {Tag, TypePair, Replacement, Rel},
- add_warning(La, W, St);
- false ->
- OldUsed = Usage#usage.used_types,
- UsedTypes = dict:store(TypePair, La, OldUsed),
- St#lint{usage=Usage#usage{used_types=UsedTypes}}
- end
- end,
+ add_warning(La, W, St)
+ end;
+ _ -> St
+ end,
check_type({type, -1, product, Args}, SeenVars, St1);
+check_type({user_type, L, TypeName, Args}, SeenVars, St) ->
+ Arity = length(Args),
+ TypePair = {TypeName, Arity},
+ St1 = used_type(TypePair, L, St),
+ lists:foldl(fun(T, {AccSeenVars, AccSt}) ->
+ check_type(T, AccSeenVars, AccSt)
+ end, {SeenVars, St1}, Args);
check_type(I, SeenVars, St) ->
case erl_eval:partial_eval(I) of
{integer,_ILn,_Integer} -> {SeenVars, St};
@@ -2724,92 +2835,24 @@ check_record_types([{type, _, field_type, [{atom, AL, FName}, Type]}|Left],
check_record_types([], _Name, _DefFields, SeenVars, St, _SeenFields) ->
{SeenVars, St}.
-is_var_arity_type(tuple) -> true;
-is_var_arity_type(product) -> true;
-is_var_arity_type(union) -> true;
-is_var_arity_type(record) -> true;
-is_var_arity_type(_) -> false.
-is_default_type({any, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({arity, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({array, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({atom, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({atom, 1}) -> true;
-is_default_type({binary, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({binary, 2}) -> true;
-is_default_type({bitstring, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({bool, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({boolean, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({byte, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({char, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({dict, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({digraph, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({float, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({'fun', 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({'fun', 2}) -> true;
-is_default_type({function, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({gb_set, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({gb_tree, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({identifier, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({integer, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({integer, 1}) -> true;
-is_default_type({iodata, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({iolist, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({list, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({list, 1}) -> true;
-is_default_type({map, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({maybe_improper_list, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({maybe_improper_list, 2}) -> true;
-is_default_type({mfa, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({module, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({neg_integer, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({nil, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({no_return, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({node, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({non_neg_integer, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({none, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({nonempty_list, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({nonempty_list, 1}) -> true;
-is_default_type({nonempty_improper_list, 2}) -> true;
-is_default_type({nonempty_maybe_improper_list, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({nonempty_maybe_improper_list, 2}) -> true;
-is_default_type({nonempty_string, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({number, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({pid, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({port, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({pos_integer, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({queue, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({range, 2}) -> true;
-is_default_type({reference, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({set, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({string, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({term, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({timeout, 0}) -> true;
-is_default_type({var, 1}) -> true;
-is_default_type(_) -> false.
+used_type(TypePair, L, St) ->
+ Usage = St#lint.usage,
+ OldUsed = Usage#usage.used_types,
+ UsedTypes = dict:store(TypePair, L, OldUsed),
+ St#lint{usage=Usage#usage{used_types=UsedTypes}}.
+is_default_type({Name, NumberOfTypeVariables}) ->
+ erl_internal:is_type(Name, NumberOfTypeVariables).
+is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({map, 0}) -> true;
is_newly_introduced_builtin_type({Name, _}) when is_atom(Name) -> false.
is_obsolete_builtin_type(TypePair) ->
obsolete_builtin_type(TypePair) =/= no.
-%% Obsolete in OTP 17.0.
-obsolete_builtin_type({array, 0}) ->
- {deprecated, {array, array, 1}, "OTP 18.0"};
-obsolete_builtin_type({dict, 0}) ->
- {deprecated, {dict, dict, 2}, "OTP 18.0"};
-obsolete_builtin_type({digraph, 0}) ->
- {deprecated, {digraph, graph}, "OTP 18.0"};
-obsolete_builtin_type({gb_set, 0}) ->
- {deprecated, {gb_sets, set, 1}, "OTP 18.0"};
-obsolete_builtin_type({gb_tree, 0}) ->
- {deprecated, {gb_trees, tree, 2}, "OTP 18.0"};
-obsolete_builtin_type({queue, 0}) ->
- {deprecated, {queue, queue, 1}, "OTP 18.0"};
-obsolete_builtin_type({set, 0}) ->
- {deprecated, {sets, set, 1}, "OTP 18.0"};
-obsolete_builtin_type({tid, 0}) ->
- {deprecated, {ets, tid}, "OTP 18.0"};
+%% To keep Dialyzer silent...
+obsolete_builtin_type({1, 255}) ->
+ {deprecated, {2, 255}, ""};
obsolete_builtin_type({Name, A}) when is_atom(Name), is_integer(A) -> no.
%% spec_decl(Line, Fun, Types, State) -> State.
@@ -2821,7 +2864,7 @@ spec_decl(Line, MFA0, TypeSpecs, St0 = #lint{specs = Specs, module = Mod}) ->
St1 = St0#lint{specs = dict:store(MFA, Line, Specs)},
case dict:is_key(MFA, Specs) of
- true -> add_error(Line, {redefine_spec, MFA}, St1);
+ true -> add_error(Line, {redefine_spec, MFA0}, St1);
false -> check_specs(TypeSpecs, Arity, St1)
@@ -2829,16 +2872,50 @@ spec_decl(Line, MFA0, TypeSpecs, St0 = #lint{specs = Specs, module = Mod}) ->
callback_decl(Line, MFA0, TypeSpecs,
St0 = #lint{callbacks = Callbacks, module = Mod}) ->
- MFA = case MFA0 of
- {F, Arity} -> {Mod, F, Arity};
- {_M, _F, Arity} -> MFA0
- end,
- St1 = St0#lint{callbacks = dict:store(MFA, Line, Callbacks)},
- case dict:is_key(MFA, Callbacks) of
- true -> add_error(Line, {redefine_callback, MFA}, St1);
- false -> check_specs(TypeSpecs, Arity, St1)
+ case MFA0 of
+ {_M, _F, _A} -> add_error(Line, {bad_callback, MFA0}, St0);
+ {F, Arity} ->
+ MFA = {Mod, F, Arity},
+ St1 = St0#lint{callbacks = dict:store(MFA, Line, Callbacks)},
+ case dict:is_key(MFA, Callbacks) of
+ true -> add_error(Line, {redefine_callback, MFA0}, St1);
+ false -> check_specs(TypeSpecs, Arity, St1)
+ end
+ end.
+%% optional_callbacks(Line, FAs, State) -> State.
+optional_callbacks(Line, Term, St0) ->
+ try true = is_fa_list(Term), Term of
+ FAs ->
+ optional_cbs(Line, FAs, St0)
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ St0 % ignore others
+optional_cbs(_Line, [], St) ->
+ St;
+optional_cbs(Line, [{F,A}|FAs], St0) ->
+ #lint{optional_callbacks = OptionalCbs, module = Mod} = St0,
+ MFA = {Mod, F, A},
+ St1 = St0#lint{optional_callbacks = dict:store(MFA, Line, OptionalCbs)},
+ St2 = case dict:is_key(MFA, OptionalCbs) of
+ true ->
+ add_error(Line, {redefine_optional_callback, {F,A}}, St1);
+ false ->
+ St1
+ end,
+ optional_cbs(Line, FAs, St2).
+is_fa_list([E|L]) -> is_fa(E) andalso is_fa_list(L);
+is_fa_list([]) -> true;
+is_fa_list(_) -> false.
+is_fa({FuncName, Arity})
+ when is_atom(FuncName), is_integer(Arity), Arity >= 0 -> true;
+is_fa(_) -> false.
check_specs([FunType|Left], Arity, St0) ->
{FunType1, CTypes} =
case FunType of
@@ -2862,10 +2939,11 @@ check_specs([], _Arity, St) ->
check_specs_without_function(#lint{module=Mod,defined=Funcs,specs=Specs}=St) ->
- Fun = fun({M, F, A} = MFA, Line, AccSt) when M =:= Mod ->
- case gb_sets:is_element({F, A}, Funcs) of
+ Fun = fun({M, F, A}, Line, AccSt) when M =:= Mod ->
+ FA = {F, A},
+ case gb_sets:is_element(FA, Funcs) of
true -> AccSt;
- false -> add_error(Line, {spec_fun_undefined, MFA}, AccSt)
+ false -> add_error(Line, {spec_fun_undefined, FA}, AccSt)
({_M, _F, _A}, _Line, AccSt) -> AccSt
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl
index 6316db7054..a626d98ee4 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_parse.yrl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -146,8 +146,7 @@ type -> '(' top_type ')' : {paren_type, ?line('$2'), ['$2']}.
type -> var : '$1'.
type -> atom : '$1'.
type -> atom '(' ')' : build_gen_type('$1').
-type -> atom '(' top_types ')' : {type, ?line('$1'),
- normalise('$1'), '$3'}.
+type -> atom '(' top_types ')' : build_type('$1', '$3').
type -> atom ':' atom '(' ')' : {remote_type, ?line('$1'),
['$1', '$3', []]}.
type -> atom ':' atom '(' top_types ')' : {remote_type, ?line('$1'),
@@ -181,7 +180,7 @@ fun_type -> '(' top_types ')' '->' top_type
map_pair_types -> map_pair_type : ['$1'].
map_pair_types -> map_pair_type ',' map_pair_types : ['$1'|'$3'].
-map_pair_type -> top_type '=>' top_type : {type, ?line('$2'), map_field_assoc,'$1','$3'}.
+map_pair_type -> top_type '=>' top_type : {type, ?line('$2'), map_field_assoc,['$1','$3']}.
field_types -> field_type : ['$1'].
field_types -> field_type ',' field_types : ['$1'|'$3'].
@@ -665,6 +664,8 @@ find_arity_from_specs([Spec|_]) ->
{type, _, 'fun', [{type, _, product, Args},_]} = Fun,
+build_def({var, L, '_'}, _Types) ->
+ ret_err(L, "bad type variable");
build_def(LHS, Types) ->
IsSubType = {atom, ?line(LHS), is_subtype},
{type, ?line(LHS), constraint, [IsSubType, [LHS, Types]]}.
@@ -684,7 +685,8 @@ build_gen_type({atom, La, tuple}) ->
build_gen_type({atom, La, map}) ->
{type, La, map, any};
build_gen_type({atom, La, Name}) ->
- {type, La, Name, []}.
+ Tag = type_tag(Name, 0),
+ {Tag, La, Name, []}.
build_bin_type([{var, _, '_'}|Left], Int) ->
build_bin_type(Left, Int);
@@ -693,6 +695,16 @@ build_bin_type([], Int) ->
build_bin_type([{var, La, _}|_], _) ->
ret_err(La, "Bad binary type").
+build_type({atom, L, Name}, Types) ->
+ Tag = type_tag(Name, length(Types)),
+ {Tag, L, Name, Types}.
+type_tag(TypeName, NumberOfTypeVariables) ->
+ case erl_internal:is_type(TypeName, NumberOfTypeVariables) of
+ true -> type;
+ false -> user_type
+ end.
%% build_attribute(AttrName, AttrValue) ->
%% {attribute,Line,module,Module}
%% {attribute,Line,export,Exports}
@@ -848,10 +860,12 @@ build_fun(Line, Cs) ->
check_clauses(Cs, Name, Arity) ->
- mapl(fun ({clause,L,N,As,G,B}) when N =:= Name, length(As) =:= Arity ->
- {clause,L,As,G,B};
- ({clause,L,_N,_As,_G,_B}) ->
- ret_err(L, "head mismatch") end, Cs).
+ [case C of
+ {clause,L,N,As,G,B} when N =:= Name, length(As) =:= Arity ->
+ {clause,L,As,G,B};
+ {clause,L,_N,_As,_G,_B} ->
+ ret_err(L, "head mismatch")
+ end || C <- Cs].
build_try(L,Es,Scs,{Ccs,As}) ->
@@ -861,17 +875,6 @@ ret_err(L, S) ->
{location,Location} = get_attribute(L, location),
return_error(Location, S).
-%% mapl(F,List)
-%% an alternative map which always maps from left to right
-%% and makes it possible to interrupt the mapping with throw on
-%% the first occurence from left as expected.
-%% can be removed when the jam machine (and all other machines)
-%% uses the standardized (Erlang 5.0) evaluation order (from left to right)
-mapl(F, [H|T]) ->
- V = F(H),
- [V | mapl(F,T)];
-mapl(_, []) ->
- [].
%% Convert between the abstract form of a term and a term.
@@ -919,59 +922,63 @@ normalise_list([]) ->
Data :: term(),
AbsTerm :: abstract_expr().
abstract(T) ->
- abstract(T, 0, epp:default_encoding()).
+ abstract(T, 0, enc_func(epp:default_encoding())).
+-type encoding_func() :: fun((non_neg_integer()) -> boolean()).
%%% abstract/2 takes line and encoding options
-spec abstract(Data, Options) -> AbsTerm when
Data :: term(),
Options :: Line | [Option],
Option :: {line, Line} | {encoding, Encoding},
- Encoding :: latin1 | unicode | utf8,
+ Encoding :: 'latin1' | 'unicode' | 'utf8' | 'none' | encoding_func(),
Line :: erl_scan:line(),
AbsTerm :: abstract_expr().
abstract(T, Line) when is_integer(Line) ->
- abstract(T, Line, epp:default_encoding());
+ abstract(T, Line, enc_func(epp:default_encoding()));
abstract(T, Options) when is_list(Options) ->
Line = proplists:get_value(line, Options, 0),
Encoding = proplists:get_value(encoding, Options,epp:default_encoding()),
- abstract(T, Line, Encoding).
+ EncFunc = enc_func(Encoding),
+ abstract(T, Line, EncFunc).
- is_integer(C) andalso
- (C >= 0 andalso C < 16#D800 orelse
+ (C < 16#D800 orelse
C > 16#DFFF andalso C < 16#FFFE orelse
C > 16#FFFF andalso C =< 16#10FFFF)).
+enc_func(latin1) -> fun(C) -> C < 256 end;
+enc_func(unicode) -> fun(C) -> ?UNICODE(C) end;
+enc_func(utf8) -> fun(C) -> ?UNICODE(C) end;
+enc_func(none) -> none;
+enc_func(Fun) when is_function(Fun, 1) -> Fun;
+enc_func(Term) -> erlang:error({badarg, Term}).
abstract(T, L, _E) when is_integer(T) -> {integer,L,T};
abstract(T, L, _E) when is_float(T) -> {float,L,T};
abstract(T, L, _E) when is_atom(T) -> {atom,L,T};
abstract([], L, _E) -> {nil,L};
abstract(B, L, _E) when is_bitstring(B) ->
{bin, L, [abstract_byte(Byte, L) || Byte <- bitstring_to_list(B)]};
-abstract([C|T], L, unicode=E) when ?UNICODE(C) ->
- abstract_unicode_string(T, [C], L, E);
-abstract([C|T], L, utf8=E) when ?UNICODE(C) ->
- abstract_unicode_string(T, [C], L, E);
-abstract([C|T], L, latin1=E) when is_integer(C), 0 =< C, C < 256 ->
- abstract_string(T, [C], L, E);
-abstract([H|T], L, E) ->
+abstract([H|T], L, none=E) ->
{cons,L,abstract(H, L, E),abstract(T, L, E)};
+abstract(List, L, E) when is_list(List) ->
+ abstract_list(List, [], L, E);
abstract(Tuple, L, E) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
- {tuple,L,abstract_list(tuple_to_list(Tuple), L, E)}.
-abstract_string([C|T], String, L, E) when is_integer(C), 0 =< C, C < 256 ->
- abstract_string(T, [C|String], L, E);
-abstract_string([], String, L, _E) ->
- {string, L, lists:reverse(String)};
-abstract_string(T, String, L, E) ->
- not_string(String, abstract(T, L, E), L, E).
-abstract_unicode_string([C|T], String, L, E) when ?UNICODE(C) ->
- abstract_unicode_string(T, [C|String], L, E);
-abstract_unicode_string([], String, L, _E) ->
+ {tuple,L,abstract_tuple_list(tuple_to_list(Tuple), L, E)}.
+abstract_list([H|T], String, L, E) ->
+ case is_integer(H) andalso H >= 0 andalso E(H) of
+ true ->
+ abstract_list(T, [H|String], L, E);
+ false ->
+ AbstrList = {cons,L,abstract(H, L, E),abstract(T, L, E)},
+ not_string(String, AbstrList, L, E)
+ end;
+abstract_list([], String, L, _E) ->
{string, L, lists:reverse(String)};
-abstract_unicode_string(T, String, L, E) ->
+abstract_list(T, String, L, E) ->
not_string(String, abstract(T, L, E), L, E).
not_string([C|T], Result, L, E) ->
@@ -979,9 +986,9 @@ not_string([C|T], Result, L, E) ->
not_string([], Result, _L, _E) ->
-abstract_list([H|T], L, E) ->
- [abstract(H, L, E)|abstract_list(T, L, E)];
-abstract_list([], _L, _E) ->
+abstract_tuple_list([H|T], L, E) ->
+ [abstract(H, L, E)|abstract_tuple_list(T, L, E)];
+abstract_tuple_list([], _L, _E) ->
abstract_byte(Byte, L) when is_integer(Byte) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl
index 9dbe89da91..10842d21ab 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -232,13 +232,21 @@ lattribute(import, Name, _Opts, _State) when is_list(Name) ->
attr("import", [{var,0,pname(Name)}]);
lattribute(import, {From,Falist}, _Opts, _State) ->
+lattribute(optional_callbacks, Falist, Opts, _State) ->
+ ArgL = try falist(Falist)
+ catch _:_ -> abstract(Falist, Opts)
+ end,
+ call({var,0,"-optional_callbacks"}, [ArgL], 0, options(none));
lattribute(file, {Name,Line}, _Opts, State) ->
attr("file", [{var,0,(State#pp.string_fun)(Name)},{integer,0,Line}]);
lattribute(record, {Name,Is}, Opts, _State) ->
Nl = leaf(format("-record(~w,", [Name])),
[{first,Nl,record_fields(Is, Opts)},$)];
-lattribute(Name, Arg, #options{encoding = Encoding}, _State) ->
- attr(write(Name), [erl_parse:abstract(Arg, [{encoding,Encoding}])]).
+lattribute(Name, Arg, Options, _State) ->
+ attr(write(Name), [abstract(Arg, Options)]).
+abstract(Arg, #options{encoding = Encoding}) ->
+ erl_parse:abstract(Arg, [{encoding,Encoding}]).
typeattr(Tag, {TypeName,Type,Args}, _Opts) ->
{first,leaf("-"++atom_to_list(Tag)++" "),
@@ -256,6 +264,10 @@ ltype({type,_Line,nonempty_list,[T]}) ->
ltype({type,Line,nil,[]}) ->
lexpr({nil,Line}, 0, options(none));
+ltype({type,Line,map,any}) ->
+ simple_type({atom,Line,map}, []);
+ltype({type,_Line,map,Pairs}) ->
+ map_type(Pairs);
ltype({type,Line,tuple,any}) ->
simple_type({atom,Line,tuple}, []);
ltype({type,_Line,tuple,Ts}) ->
@@ -273,6 +285,9 @@ ltype({type,_,'fun',[{type,_,any},_]}=FunType) ->
ltype({type,_Line,'fun',[{type,_,product,_},_]}=FunType) ->
[fun_type(['fun',$(], FunType),$)];
ltype({type,Line,T,Ts}) ->
+ %% Compatibility. Before 18.0.
+ simple_type({atom,Line,T}, Ts);
+ltype({user_type,Line,T,Ts}) ->
simple_type({atom,Line,T}, Ts);
ltype({remote_type,Line,[M,F,Ts]}) ->
simple_type({remote,Line,M,F}, Ts);
@@ -289,6 +304,15 @@ binary_type(I1, I2) ->
E2 = [[leaf("_:_*"),lexpr(I2, P, options(none))] || U],
+map_type(Fs) ->
+ {first,[$#],map_pair_types(Fs)}.
+map_pair_types(Fs) ->
+ tuple_type(Fs, fun map_pair_type/1).
+map_pair_type({type,_Line,map_field_assoc,[Ktype,Vtype]}) ->
+ {seq,[],[]," =>",[ltype(Ktype),ltype(Vtype)]}.
record_type(Name, Fields) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_scan.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_scan.erl
index ae59d5f44f..6fd6bb888b 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_scan.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_scan.erl
@@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ scan_number([$#|Cs]=Cs0, St, Line, Col, Toks, Ncs0) ->
Ncs = lists:reverse(Ncs0),
case catch list_to_integer(Ncs) of
B when B >= 2, B =< 1+$Z-$A+10 ->
- Bcs = ?STR(St, Ncs++[$#]),
+ Bcs = Ncs++[$#],
scan_based_int(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,[],Bcs});
B ->
Len = length(Ncs),
@@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@ scan_based_int(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, {B,Ncs0,Bcs}) ->
Ncs = lists:reverse(Ncs0),
case catch erlang:list_to_integer(Ncs, B) of
N when is_integer(N) ->
- tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, integer, ?STR(St, Bcs++Ncs), N);
+ tok3(Cs, St, Line, Col, Toks, integer, Bcs++Ncs, N);
_ ->
Len = length(Bcs)+length(Ncs),
Ncol = incr_column(Col, Len),
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_tar.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_tar.erl
index 40b48d7999..acf7a5cd40 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_tar.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_tar.erl
@@ -381,7 +381,12 @@ to_octal(Int, Count, Result) ->
to_octal(Int div 8, Count-1, [Int rem 8 + $0|Result]).
to_string(Str0, Count) ->
- Str = list_to_binary(Str0),
+ Str = case file:native_name_encoding() of
+ utf8 ->
+ unicode:characters_to_binary(Str0);
+ latin1 ->
+ list_to_binary(Str0)
+ end,
case byte_size(Str) of
Size when Size < Count ->
@@ -392,9 +397,17 @@ to_string(Str0, Count) ->
pad_file(File) ->
{ok,Position} = file:position(File, {cur,0}),
- %% There must be at least one empty record at the end of the file.
- Zeros = zeroes(?block_size - (Position rem ?block_size)),
- file:write(File, Zeros).
+ %% There must be at least two zero records at the end.
+ Fill = case ?block_size - (Position rem ?block_size) of
+ Fill0 when Fill0 < 2*?record_size ->
+ %% We need to another block here to ensure that there
+ %% are at least two zero records at the end.
+ Fill0 + ?block_size;
+ Fill0 ->
+ %% Large enough.
+ Fill0
+ end,
+ file:write(File, zeroes(Fill)).
split_filename(Name) when length(Name) =< ?th_name_len ->
{"", Name};
@@ -608,7 +621,22 @@ typeflag(Bin) ->
%% Get the name of the file from the prefix and name fields of the
%% tar header.
-get_name(Bin) ->
+get_name(Bin0) ->
+ List0 = get_name_raw(Bin0),
+ case file:native_name_encoding() of
+ utf8 ->
+ Bin = list_to_binary(List0),
+ case unicode:characters_to_list(Bin) of
+ {error,_,_} ->
+ List0;
+ List when is_list(List) ->
+ List
+ end;
+ latin1 ->
+ List0
+ end.
+get_name_raw(Bin) ->
Name = from_string(Bin, ?th_name, ?th_name_len),
case binary_to_list(Bin, ?th_prefix+1, ?th_prefix+1) of
[0] ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/escript.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/escript.erl
index 35f6dff57e..6bd0eb8a22 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/escript.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/escript.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2007-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@
| {file:filename(), binary()}
| {file:filename(), binary(), file:file_info()}.
--type zip_create_option() :: term().
-type section() ::
| {shebang, shebang() | default | undefined}
@@ -68,8 +67,8 @@
| {emu_args, emu_args() | undefined}
| {source, file:filename() | binary()}
| {beam, file:filename() | binary()}
- | {archive, file:filename() | binary()}
- | {archive, [zip_file()], [zip_create_option()]}.
+ | {archive, zip:filename() | binary()}
+ | {archive, [zip_file()], [zip:create_option()]}.
@@ -289,6 +288,8 @@ start(EscriptOptions) ->
+-spec parse_and_run(_, _, _) -> no_return().
parse_and_run(File, Args, Options) ->
CheckOnly = lists:member("s", Options),
{Source, Module, FormsOrBin, HasRecs, Mode} =
@@ -727,6 +728,8 @@ epp_parse_file2(Epp, S, Forms, Parsed) ->
%% Evaluate script
+-spec debug(_, _, _) -> no_return().
debug(Module, AbsMod, Args) ->
case hidden_apply(debugger, debugger, start, []) of
{ok, _} ->
@@ -742,6 +745,8 @@ debug(Module, AbsMod, Args) ->
fatal("Cannot start the debugger")
+-spec run(_, _) -> no_return().
run(Module, Args) ->
@@ -751,6 +756,8 @@ run(Module, Args) ->
fatal(format_exception(Class, Reason))
+-spec interpret(_, _, _, _) -> no_return().
interpret(Forms, HasRecs, File, Args) ->
%% Basic validation before execution
case erl_lint:module(Forms) of
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/filelib.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/filelib.erl
index a266daa084..9efbe8da20 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/filelib.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/filelib.erl
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ do_wildcard(Pattern, Cwd, Mod) ->
do_wildcard_1({exists,File}, Mod) ->
- case eval_read_file_info(File, Mod) of
+ case eval_read_link_info(File, Mod) of
{ok,_} -> [File];
_ -> []
@@ -497,6 +497,16 @@ eval_read_file_info(File, erl_prim_loader) ->
eval_read_file_info(File, Mod) ->
+eval_read_link_info(File, file) ->
+ file:read_link_info(File);
+eval_read_link_info(File, erl_prim_loader) ->
+ case erl_prim_loader:read_link_info(File) of
+ error -> {error, erl_prim_loader};
+ Res-> Res
+ end;
+eval_read_link_info(File, Mod) ->
+ Mod:read_link_info(File).
eval_list_dir(Dir, file) ->
eval_list_dir(Dir, erl_prim_loader) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl
index 63116fa16e..6d7ca3d75c 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen.erl
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
%%% The standard behaviour should export init_it/6.
-export([start/5, start/6, debug_options/1,
- call/3, call/4, reply/2]).
+ call/3, call/4, reply/2, stop/1, stop/3]).
-export([init_it/6, init_it/7]).
@@ -145,56 +145,10 @@ init_it2(GenMod, Starter, Parent, Name, Mod, Args, Options) ->
call(Process, Label, Request) ->
call(Process, Label, Request, ?default_timeout).
-%% Local or remote by pid
-call(Pid, Label, Request, Timeout)
- when is_pid(Pid), Timeout =:= infinity;
- is_pid(Pid), is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
- do_call(Pid, Label, Request, Timeout);
-%% Local by name
-call(Name, Label, Request, Timeout)
- when is_atom(Name), Timeout =:= infinity;
- is_atom(Name), is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
- case whereis(Name) of
- Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- do_call(Pid, Label, Request, Timeout);
- undefined ->
- exit(noproc)
- end;
-%% Global by name
call(Process, Label, Request, Timeout)
- when ((tuple_size(Process) == 2 andalso element(1, Process) == global)
- orelse
- (tuple_size(Process) == 3 andalso element(1, Process) == via))
- andalso
- (Timeout =:= infinity orelse (is_integer(Timeout) andalso Timeout >= 0)) ->
- case where(Process) of
- Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- Node = node(Pid),
- try do_call(Pid, Label, Request, Timeout)
- catch
- exit:{nodedown, Node} ->
- %% A nodedown not yet detected by global,
- %% pretend that it was.
- exit(noproc)
- end;
- undefined ->
- exit(noproc)
- end;
-%% Local by name in disguise
-call({Name, Node}, Label, Request, Timeout)
- when Node =:= node(), Timeout =:= infinity;
- Node =:= node(), is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
- call(Name, Label, Request, Timeout);
-%% Remote by name
-call({_Name, Node}=Process, Label, Request, Timeout)
- when is_atom(Node), Timeout =:= infinity;
- is_atom(Node), is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
- if
- node() =:= nonode@nohost ->
- exit({nodedown, Node});
- true ->
- do_call(Process, Label, Request, Timeout)
- end.
+ when Timeout =:= infinity; is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
+ Fun = fun(Pid) -> do_call(Pid, Label, Request, Timeout) end,
+ do_for_proc(Process, Fun).
do_call(Process, Label, Request, Timeout) ->
try erlang:monitor(process, Process) of
@@ -276,6 +230,65 @@ reply({To, Tag}, Reply) ->
Msg = {Tag, Reply},
try To ! Msg catch _:_ -> Msg end.
+%% Syncronously stop a generic process
+stop(Process) ->
+ stop(Process, normal, infinity).
+stop(Process, Reason, Timeout)
+ when Timeout =:= infinity; is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
+ Fun = fun(Pid) -> proc_lib:stop(Pid, Reason, Timeout) end,
+ do_for_proc(Process, Fun).
+%% Map different specifications of a process to either Pid or
+%% {Name,Node}. Execute the given Fun with the process as only
+%% argument.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Local or remote by pid
+do_for_proc(Pid, Fun) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ Fun(Pid);
+%% Local by name
+do_for_proc(Name, Fun) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ case whereis(Name) of
+ Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ Fun(Pid);
+ undefined ->
+ exit(noproc)
+ end;
+%% Global by name
+do_for_proc(Process, Fun)
+ when ((tuple_size(Process) == 2 andalso element(1, Process) == global)
+ orelse
+ (tuple_size(Process) == 3 andalso element(1, Process) == via)) ->
+ case where(Process) of
+ Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ Node = node(Pid),
+ try Fun(Pid)
+ catch
+ exit:{nodedown, Node} ->
+ %% A nodedown not yet detected by global,
+ %% pretend that it was.
+ exit(noproc)
+ end;
+ undefined ->
+ exit(noproc)
+ end;
+%% Local by name in disguise
+do_for_proc({Name, Node}, Fun) when Node =:= node() ->
+ do_for_proc(Name, Fun);
+%% Remote by name
+do_for_proc({_Name, Node} = Process, Fun) when is_atom(Node) ->
+ if
+ node() =:= nonode@nohost ->
+ exit({nodedown, Node});
+ true ->
+ Fun(Process)
+ end.
%%% Misc. functions.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_event.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_event.erl
index 7629e88fbf..934b112f6f 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_event.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_event.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
%%% Modified by Martin - uses proc_lib, sys and gen!
--export([start/0, start/1, start_link/0, start_link/1, stop/1, notify/2,
- sync_notify/2,
+-export([start/0, start/1, start_link/0, start_link/1, stop/1, stop/3,
+ notify/2, sync_notify/2,
add_handler/3, add_sup_handler/3, delete_handler/3, swap_handler/3,
swap_sup_handler/3, which_handlers/1, call/3, call/4, wake_hib/4]).
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
+ system_get_state/1,
+ system_replace_state/2,
-export_type([handler/0, handler_args/0, add_handler_ret/0,
@@ -99,6 +101,14 @@
-callback code_change(OldVsn :: (term() | {down, term()}),
State :: term(), Extra :: term()) ->
{ok, NewState :: term()}.
+-callback format_status(Opt, StatusData) -> Status when
+ Opt :: 'normal' | 'terminate',
+ StatusData :: [PDict | State],
+ PDict :: [{Key :: term(), Value :: term()}],
+ State :: term(),
+ Status :: term().
@@ -183,7 +193,11 @@ swap_sup_handler(M, {H1, A1}, {H2, A2}) ->
which_handlers(M) -> rpc(M, which_handlers).
-spec stop(emgr_ref()) -> 'ok'.
-stop(M) -> rpc(M, stop).
+stop(M) ->
+ gen:stop(M).
+stop(M, Reason, Timeout) ->
+ gen:stop(M, Reason, Timeout).
rpc(M, Cmd) ->
{ok, Reply} = gen:call(M, self(), Cmd, infinity),
@@ -229,24 +243,6 @@ wake_hib(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug) ->
fetch_msg(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, Hib) ->
- {system, From, get_state} ->
- States = [{Mod,Id,State} || #handler{module=Mod, id=Id, state=State} <- MSL],
- sys:handle_system_msg(get_state, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug,
- {States, [ServerName, MSL, Hib]}, Hib);
- {system, From, {replace_state, StateFun}} ->
- {NMSL, NStates} =
- lists:unzip([begin
- Cur = {Mod,Id,State},
- try
- NState = {Mod,Id,NS} = StateFun(Cur),
- {HS#handler{state=NS}, NState}
- catch
- _:_ ->
- {HS, Cur}
- end
- end || #handler{module=Mod, id=Id, state=State}=HS <- MSL]),
- sys:handle_system_msg(replace_state, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug,
- {NStates, [ServerName, NMSL, Hib]}, Hib);
{system, From, Req} ->
sys:handle_system_msg(Req, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug,
[ServerName, MSL, Hib],Hib);
@@ -300,9 +296,6 @@ handle_msg(Msg, Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug) ->
Args2, MSL, Sup, ServerName),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
- {From, Tag, stop} ->
- catch terminate_server(normal, Parent, MSL, ServerName),
- ?reply(ok);
{From, Tag, which_handlers} ->
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, false);
@@ -383,6 +376,23 @@ system_code_change([ServerName, MSL, Hib], Module, OldVsn, Extra) ->
{ok, [ServerName, MSL1, Hib]}.
+system_get_state([_ServerName, MSL, _Hib]) ->
+ {ok, [{Mod,Id,State} || #handler{module=Mod, id=Id, state=State} <- MSL]}.
+system_replace_state(StateFun, [ServerName, MSL, Hib]) ->
+ {NMSL, NStates} =
+ lists:unzip([begin
+ Cur = {Mod,Id,State},
+ try
+ NState = {Mod,Id,NS} = StateFun(Cur),
+ {HS#handler{state=NS}, NState}
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ {HS, Cur}
+ end
+ end || #handler{module=Mod, id=Id, state=State}=HS <- MSL]),
+ {ok, NStates, [ServerName, NMSL, Hib]}.
%% Format debug messages. Print them as the call-back module sees
%% them, not as the real erlang messages. Use trace for that.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_fsm.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_fsm.erl
index e9654322f1..89825a6a57 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_fsm.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_fsm.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
-export([start/3, start/4,
start_link/3, start_link/4,
+ stop/1, stop/3,
send_event/2, sync_send_event/2, sync_send_event/3,
sync_send_all_state_event/2, sync_send_all_state_event/3,
@@ -118,6 +119,8 @@
+ system_get_state/1,
+ system_replace_state/2,
-import(error_logger, [format/2]).
@@ -158,6 +161,14 @@
-callback code_change(OldVsn :: term() | {down, term()}, StateName :: atom(),
StateData :: term(), Extra :: term()) ->
{ok, NextStateName :: atom(), NewStateData :: term()}.
+-callback format_status(Opt, StatusData) -> Status when
+ Opt :: 'normal' | 'terminate',
+ StatusData :: [PDict | State],
+ PDict :: [{Key :: term(), Value :: term()}],
+ State :: term(),
+ Status :: term().
%%% ---------------------------------------------------
%%% Starts a generic state machine.
@@ -187,6 +198,11 @@ start_link(Mod, Args, Options) ->
start_link(Name, Mod, Args, Options) ->
gen:start(?MODULE, link, Name, Mod, Args, Options).
+stop(Name) ->
+ gen:stop(Name).
+stop(Name, Reason, Timeout) ->
+ gen:stop(Name, Reason, Timeout).
send_event({global, Name}, Event) ->
catch global:send(Name, {'$gen_event', Event}),
@@ -422,17 +438,6 @@ wake_hib(Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Debug) ->
decode_msg(Msg,Parent, Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time, Debug, Hib) ->
case Msg of
- {system, From, get_state} ->
- Misc = [Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time],
- sys:handle_system_msg(get_state, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug,
- {{StateName, StateData}, Misc}, Hib);
- {system, From, {replace_state, StateFun}} ->
- State = {StateName, StateData},
- NState = {NStateName, NStateData} = try StateFun(State)
- catch _:_ -> State end,
- NMisc = [Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, Time],
- sys:handle_system_msg(replace_state, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug,
- {NState, NMisc}, Hib);
{system, From, Req} ->
sys:handle_system_msg(Req, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug,
[Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time], Hib);
@@ -467,6 +472,13 @@ system_code_change([Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time],
Else -> Else
+system_get_state([_Name, StateName, StateData, _Mod, _Time]) ->
+ {ok, {StateName, StateData}}.
+system_replace_state(StateFun, [Name, StateName, StateData, Mod, Time]) ->
+ Result = {NStateName, NStateData} = StateFun({StateName, StateData}),
+ {ok, Result, [Name, NStateName, NStateData, Mod, Time]}.
%% Format debug messages. Print them as the call-back module sees
%% them, not as the real erlang messages. Use trace for that.
@@ -596,7 +608,8 @@ reply(Name, {To, Tag}, Reply, Debug, StateName) ->
terminate(Reason, Name, Msg, Mod, StateName, StateData, Debug) ->
case catch Mod:terminate(Reason, StateName, StateData) of
{'EXIT', R} ->
- error_info(R, Name, Msg, StateName, StateData, Debug),
+ FmtStateData = format_status(terminate, Mod, get(), StateData),
+ error_info(R, Name, Msg, StateName, FmtStateData, Debug),
_ ->
case Reason of
@@ -607,17 +620,7 @@ terminate(Reason, Name, Msg, Mod, StateName, StateData, Debug) ->
{shutdown,_}=Shutdown ->
_ ->
- FmtStateData =
- case erlang:function_exported(Mod, format_status, 2) of
- true ->
- Args = [get(), StateData],
- case catch Mod:format_status(terminate, Args) of
- {'EXIT', _} -> StateData;
- Else -> Else
- end;
- _ ->
- StateData
- end,
+ FmtStateData = format_status(terminate, Mod, get(), StateData),
@@ -682,21 +685,29 @@ format_status(Opt, StatusData) ->
Header = gen:format_status_header("Status for state machine",
Log = sys:get_debug(log, Debug, []),
- DefaultStatus = [{data, [{"StateData", StateData}]}],
- Specfic =
- case erlang:function_exported(Mod, format_status, 2) of
- true ->
- case catch Mod:format_status(Opt,[PDict,StateData]) of
- {'EXIT', _} -> DefaultStatus;
- StatusList when is_list(StatusList) -> StatusList;
- Else -> [Else]
- end;
- _ ->
- DefaultStatus
- end,
+ Specfic = format_status(Opt, Mod, PDict, StateData),
+ Specfic = case format_status(Opt, Mod, PDict, StateData) of
+ S when is_list(S) -> S;
+ S -> [S]
+ end,
[{header, Header},
{data, [{"Status", SysState},
{"Parent", Parent},
{"Logged events", Log},
{"StateName", StateName}]} |
+format_status(Opt, Mod, PDict, State) ->
+ DefStatus = case Opt of
+ terminate -> State;
+ _ -> [{data, [{"StateData", State}]}]
+ end,
+ case erlang:function_exported(Mod, format_status, 2) of
+ true ->
+ case catch Mod:format_status(Opt, [PDict, State]) of
+ {'EXIT', _} -> DefStatus;
+ Else -> Else
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ DefStatus
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_server.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_server.erl
index 5f14e48b0a..2d8d7f6233 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/gen_server.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/gen_server.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
%% API
-export([start/3, start/4,
start_link/3, start_link/4,
+ stop/1, stop/3,
call/2, call/3,
cast/2, reply/2,
abcast/2, abcast/3,
@@ -98,6 +99,8 @@
+ system_get_state/1,
+ system_replace_state/2,
%% Internal exports
@@ -135,6 +138,15 @@
-callback code_change(OldVsn :: (term() | {down, term()}), State :: term(),
Extra :: term()) ->
{ok, NewState :: term()} | {error, Reason :: term()}.
+-callback format_status(Opt, StatusData) -> Status when
+ Opt :: 'normal' | 'terminate',
+ StatusData :: [PDict | State],
+ PDict :: [{Key :: term(), Value :: term()}],
+ State :: term(),
+ Status :: term().
%%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Starts a generic server.
@@ -166,6 +178,17 @@ start_link(Name, Mod, Args, Options) ->
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Stop a generic server and wait for it to terminate.
+%% If the server is located at another node, that node will
+%% be monitored.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+stop(Name) ->
+ gen:stop(Name).
+stop(Name, Reason, Timeout) ->
+ gen:stop(Name, Reason, Timeout).
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
%% Make a call to a generic server.
%% If the server is located at another node, that node will
%% be monitored.
@@ -372,13 +395,6 @@ wake_hib(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Debug) ->
decode_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, Debug, Hib) ->
case Msg of
- {system, From, get_state} ->
- sys:handle_system_msg(get_state, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug,
- {State, [Name, State, Mod, Time]}, Hib);
- {system, From, {replace_state, StateFun}} ->
- NState = try StateFun(State) catch _:_ -> State end,
- sys:handle_system_msg(replace_state, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug,
- {NState, [Name, NState, Mod, Time]}, Hib);
{system, From, Req} ->
sys:handle_system_msg(Req, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug,
[Name, State, Mod, Time], Hib);
@@ -687,6 +703,13 @@ system_code_change([Name, State, Mod, Time], _Module, OldVsn, Extra) ->
Else -> Else
+system_get_state([_Name, State, _Mod, _Time]) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+system_replace_state(StateFun, [Name, State, Mod, Time]) ->
+ NState = StateFun(State),
+ {ok, NState, [Name, NState, Mod, Time]}.
%% Format debug messages. Print them as the call-back module sees
%% them, not as the real erlang messages. Use trace for that.
@@ -718,7 +741,8 @@ print_event(Dev, Event, Name) ->
terminate(Reason, Name, Msg, Mod, State, Debug) ->
case catch Mod:terminate(Reason, State) of
{'EXIT', R} ->
- error_info(R, Name, Msg, State, Debug),
+ FmtState = format_status(terminate, Mod, get(), State),
+ error_info(R, Name, Msg, FmtState, Debug),
_ ->
case Reason of
@@ -729,17 +753,7 @@ terminate(Reason, Name, Msg, Mod, State, Debug) ->
{shutdown,_}=Shutdown ->
_ ->
- FmtState =
- case erlang:function_exported(Mod, format_status, 2) of
- true ->
- Args = [get(), State],
- case catch Mod:format_status(terminate, Args) of
- {'EXIT', _} -> State;
- Else -> Else
- end;
- _ ->
- State
- end,
+ FmtState = format_status(terminate, Mod, get(), State),
error_info(Reason, Name, Msg, FmtState, Debug),
@@ -789,22 +803,10 @@ opt(_, []) ->
debug_options(Name, Opts) ->
case opt(debug, Opts) of
- {ok, Options} -> dbg_options(Name, Options);
- _ -> dbg_options(Name, [])
+ {ok, Options} -> dbg_opts(Name, Options);
+ _ -> []
-dbg_options(Name, []) ->
- Opts =
- case init:get_argument(generic_debug) of
- error ->
- [];
- _ ->
- [log, statistics]
- end,
- dbg_opts(Name, Opts);
-dbg_options(Name, Opts) ->
- dbg_opts(Name, Opts).
dbg_opts(Name, Opts) ->
case catch sys:debug_options(Opts) of
{'EXIT',_} ->
@@ -873,23 +875,29 @@ name_to_pid(Name) ->
format_status(Opt, StatusData) ->
[PDict, SysState, Parent, Debug, [Name, State, Mod, _Time]] = StatusData,
- Header = gen:format_status_header("Status for generic server",
- Name),
+ Header = gen:format_status_header("Status for generic server", Name),
Log = sys:get_debug(log, Debug, []),
- DefaultStatus = [{data, [{"State", State}]}],
- Specfic =
- case erlang:function_exported(Mod, format_status, 2) of
- true ->
- case catch Mod:format_status(Opt, [PDict, State]) of
- {'EXIT', _} -> DefaultStatus;
- StatusList when is_list(StatusList) -> StatusList;
- Else -> [Else]
- end;
- _ ->
- DefaultStatus
- end,
+ Specfic = case format_status(Opt, Mod, PDict, State) of
+ S when is_list(S) -> S;
+ S -> [S]
+ end,
[{header, Header},
{data, [{"Status", SysState},
{"Parent", Parent},
{"Logged events", Log}]} |
+format_status(Opt, Mod, PDict, State) ->
+ DefStatus = case Opt of
+ terminate -> State;
+ _ -> [{data, [{"State", State}]}]
+ end,
+ case erlang:function_exported(Mod, format_status, 2) of
+ true ->
+ case catch Mod:format_status(Opt, [PDict, State]) of
+ {'EXIT', _} -> DefStatus;
+ Else -> Else
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ DefStatus
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/io.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/io.erl
index b11d41e2eb..27e2a82b41 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/io.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/io.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -177,13 +177,15 @@ get_password(Io) ->
| {'expand_fun', expand_fun()}
| {'encoding', encoding()}.
--spec getopts() -> [opt_pair()].
+-spec getopts() -> [opt_pair()] | {'error', Reason} when
+ Reason :: term().
getopts() ->
--spec getopts(IoDevice) -> [opt_pair()] when
- IoDevice :: device().
+-spec getopts(IoDevice) -> [opt_pair()] | {'error', Reason} when
+ IoDevice :: device(),
+ Reason :: term().
getopts(Io) ->
request(Io, getopts).
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_format.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_format.erl
index 56e15a17ec..89ae6fb187 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_format.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_format.erl
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ term(T, none, _Adj, none, _Pad) -> T;
term(T, none, Adj, P, Pad) -> term(T, P, Adj, P, Pad);
term(T, F, Adj, P0, Pad) ->
L = lists:flatlength(T),
- P = case P0 of none -> erlang:min(L, F); _ -> P0 end,
+ P = erlang:min(L, case P0 of none -> F; _ -> min(P0, F) end),
L > P ->
adjust(chars($*, P), chars(Pad, F-P), Adj);
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_pretty.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_pretty.erl
index 4057abd8d5..aece06afa6 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_pretty.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_pretty.erl
@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
%%% Exported functions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/maps.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/maps.erl
index 1f94d9e69d..ba4d6a5c87 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/maps.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/maps.erl
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@
- without/2
+ without/2,
+ with/2,
+ get/3
@@ -43,8 +45,6 @@
-spec get(Key,Map) -> Value when
Key :: term(),
Map :: map(),
@@ -134,16 +134,31 @@ to_list(_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef).
update(_,_,_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef).
--spec values(Map) -> Keys when
+-spec values(Map) -> Values when
Map :: map(),
- Keys :: [Key],
- Key :: term().
+ Values :: [Value],
+ Value :: term().
values(_) -> erlang:nif_error(undef).
%%% End of BIFs
+-spec get(Key, Map, Default) -> Value | Default when
+ Key :: term(),
+ Map :: map(),
+ Value :: term(),
+ Default :: term().
+get(Key, Map, Default) ->
+ case maps:find(Key, Map) of
+ {ok, Value} ->
+ Value;
+ error ->
+ Default
+ end.
-spec fold(Fun,Init,Map) -> Acc when
Fun :: fun((K, V, AccIn) -> AccOut),
Init :: term(),
@@ -187,3 +202,13 @@ size(Map) when is_map(Map) ->
without(Ks, M) when is_list(Ks), is_map(M) ->
maps:from_list([{K,V}||{K,V} <- maps:to_list(M), not lists:member(K, Ks)]).
+-spec with(Ks, Map1) -> Map2 when
+ Ks :: [K],
+ Map1 :: map(),
+ Map2 :: map(),
+ K :: term().
+with(Ks, M) when is_list(Ks), is_map(M) ->
+ maps:from_list([{K,V}||{K,V} <- maps:to_list(M), lists:member(K, Ks)]).
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
index 380bc3eccc..662a0aca74 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -83,18 +83,18 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, sha_init, 0) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hash_init, 1}};
obsolete_1(crypto, md4_update, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_update, 3}};
+ {deprecated, {crypto, hash_update, 2}};
obsolete_1(crypto, md5_update, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_update, 3}};
+ {deprecated, {crypto, hash_update, 2}};
obsolete_1(crypto, sha_update, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_update, 3}};
+ {deprecated, {crypto, hash_update, 2}};
obsolete_1(crypto, md4_final, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_final, 2}};
+ {deprecated, {crypto, hash_final, 1}};
obsolete_1(crypto, md5_final, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_final, 2}};
+ {deprecated, {crypto, hash_final, 1}};
obsolete_1(crypto, sha_final, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_final, 2}};
+ {deprecated, {crypto, hash_final, 1}};
obsolete_1(crypto, md5_mac, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hmac, 3}};
@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, sha_mac, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hmac, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, sha_mac_96, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hmac_n, 3}};
+ {deprecated, {crypto, hmac, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, md5_mac_96, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hmac_n, 3}};
+ {deprecated, {crypto, hmac, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_sign, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, sign, 4}};
@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, dss_sign, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, sign, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, dss_verify, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, verify, 4}};
+ {deprecated, {crypto, verify, 5}};
obsolete_1(crypto, dss_verify, 4) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, verify, 4}};
+ {deprecated, {crypto, verify, 5}};
obsolete_1(crypto, mod_exp, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, mod_pow, 3}};
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, mod_exp, 3) ->
obsolete_1(crypto, dh_compute_key, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, compute_key, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, dh_generate_key, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, generate_key, 3}};
+ {deprecated, {crypto, generate_key, 2}};
obsolete_1(crypto, dh_generate_key, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, generate_key, 3}};
@@ -250,12 +250,12 @@ obsolete_1(snmp, N, A) ->
false ->
true ->
- {deprecated, "Deprecated (will be removed in R17B); use snmpa:"++atom_to_list(N)++"/"++
+ {deprecated, "Deprecated (will be removed in OTP 18); use snmpa:"++atom_to_list(N)++"/"++
integer_to_list(A)++" instead"}
obsolete_1(snmpa, old_info_format, 1) ->
- {deprecated, "Deprecated; (will be removed in R17B); use \"new\" format instead"};
+ {deprecated, "Deprecated; (will be removed in OTP 18); use \"new\" format instead"};
obsolete_1(snmpm, agent_info, 3) ->
{removed, {snmpm, agent_info, 2}, "R16B"};
obsolete_1(snmpm, update_agent_info, 5) ->
@@ -366,23 +366,6 @@ obsolete_1(auth, node_cookie, 1) ->
obsolete_1(auth, node_cookie, 2) ->
{deprecated, "Deprecated; use erlang:set_cookie/2 and net_adm:ping/1 instead"};
-obsolete_1(erlang, is_constant, 1) ->
- {removed, "Removed in R13B"};
-%% Added in R12B-0.
-obsolete_1(ssl, port, 1) ->
- {removed, {ssl, sockname, 1}, "R13B"};
-obsolete_1(ssl, accept, A) when A =:= 1; A =:= 2 ->
- {removed, "deprecated; use ssl:transport_accept/1,2 and ssl:ssl_accept/1,2"};
-obsolete_1(erlang, fault, 1) ->
- {removed, {erlang,error,1}, "R13B"};
-obsolete_1(erlang, fault, 2) ->
- {removed, {erlang,error,2}, "R13B"};
-%% Added in R12B-2.
-obsolete_1(file, rawopen, 2) ->
- {removed, "deprecated (will be removed in R13B); use file:open/2 with the raw option"};
obsolete_1(http, request, 1) -> {removed,{httpc,request,1},"R15B"};
obsolete_1(http, request, 2) -> {removed,{httpc,request,2},"R15B"};
obsolete_1(http, request, 4) -> {removed,{httpc,request,4},"R15B"};
@@ -524,7 +507,7 @@ obsolete_1(docb_xml_check, _, _) ->
%% Added in R15B
obsolete_1(asn1rt, F, _) when F == load_driver; F == unload_driver ->
- {deprecated,"deprecated (will be removed in R16A); has no effect as drivers are no longer used."};
+ {deprecated,"deprecated (will be removed in OTP 18); has no effect as drivers are no longer used"};
obsolete_1(ssl, pid, 1) ->
{removed,"was removed in R16; is no longer needed"};
obsolete_1(inviso, _, _) ->
@@ -532,7 +515,7 @@ obsolete_1(inviso, _, _) ->
%% Added in R15B01.
obsolete_1(gs, _, _) ->
- {deprecated,"the gs application has been deprecated and will be removed in R17; use the wx application instead"};
+ {deprecated,"the gs application has been deprecated and will be removed in OTP 18; use the wx application instead"};
obsolete_1(ssh, sign_data, 2) ->
{deprecated,"deprecated (will be removed in R16A); use public_key:pem_decode/1, public_key:pem_entry_decode/1 "
"and public_key:sign/3 instead"};
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/pg.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/pg.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index ee177e4e0b..0000000000
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/pg.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2011. All Rights Reserved.
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
-%% pg provides a process group facility. Messages
-%% can be multicasted to all members in the group
- create/2,
- standby/2,
- join/2,
- send/2,
- esend/2,
- members/1,
- name_to_pid/1,
- master/1]).
-%% Create a brand new empty process group with the master residing
-%% at the local node
--spec create(PgName) -> 'ok' | {'error', Reason} when
- PgName :: term(),
- Reason :: 'already_created' | term().
-create(PgName) ->
- catch begin check(PgName),
- Pid = spawn(pg,master,[PgName]),
- global:register_name(PgName,Pid),
- ok end.
-%% Create a brand new empty process group with the master
-%% residing at Node
--spec create(PgName, Node) -> 'ok' | {'error', Reason} when
- PgName :: term(),
- Node :: node(),
- Reason :: 'already_created' | term().
-create(PgName, Node) ->
- catch begin check(PgName),
- Pid = spawn(Node,pg,master,[PgName]),
- global:register_name(PgName,Pid),
- ok end.
-%% Have a process on Node that will act as a standby for the process
-%% group manager. So if the node where the manager runs fails, the
-%% process group will continue to function.
--spec standby(term(), node()) -> 'ok'.
-standby(_PgName, _Node) ->
- ok.
-%% Tell process group PgName that Pid is a new member of the group
-%% synchronously return a list of all old members in the group
--spec join(PgName, Pid) -> Members when
- PgName :: term(),
- Pid :: pid(),
- Members :: [pid()].
-join(PgName, Pid) when is_atom(PgName) ->
- global:send(PgName, {join,self(),Pid}),
- receive
- {_P,{members,Members}} ->
- Members
- end.
-%% Multi cast Mess to all members in the group
--spec send(PgName, Msg) -> 'ok' when
- PgName :: term(),
- Msg :: term().
-send(PgName, Mess) when is_atom(PgName) ->
- global:send(PgName, {send, self(), Mess}),
- ok;
-send(Pg, Mess) when is_pid(Pg) ->
- Pg ! {send,self(),Mess},
- ok.
-%% multi cast a message to all members in the group but ourselves
-%% If we are a member
--spec esend(PgName, Msg) -> 'ok' when
- PgName :: term(),
- Msg :: term().
-esend(PgName, Mess) when is_atom(PgName) ->
- global:send(PgName, {esend,self(),Mess}),
- ok;
-esend(Pg, Mess) when is_pid(Pg) ->
- Pg ! {esend,self(),Mess},
- ok.
-%% Return the members of the group
--spec members(PgName) -> Members when
- PgName :: term(),
- Members :: [pid()].
-members(PgName) when is_atom(PgName) ->
- global:send(PgName, {self() ,members}),
- receive
- {_P,{members,Members}} ->
- Members
- end;
-members(Pg) when is_pid(Pg) ->
- Pg ! {self,members},
- receive
- {_P,{members,Members}} ->
- Members
- end.
--spec name_to_pid(atom()) -> pid() | 'undefined'.
-name_to_pid(PgName) when is_atom(PgName) ->
- global:whereis_name(PgName).
--spec master(term()) -> no_return().
-master(PgName) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- master_loop(PgName, []).
-master_loop(PgName,Members) ->
- receive
- {send,From,Message} ->
- send_all(Members,{pg_message,From,PgName,Message}),
- master_loop(PgName,Members);
- {esend,From,Message} ->
- send_all(lists:delete(From,Members),
- {pg_message,From,PgName,Message}),
- master_loop(PgName,Members);
- {join,From,Pid} ->
- link(Pid),
- send_all(Members,{new_member,PgName,Pid}),
- From ! {self(),{members,Members}},
- master_loop(PgName,[Pid|Members]);
- {From,members} ->
- From ! {self(),{members,Members}},
- master_loop(PgName,Members);
- {'EXIT',From,_} ->
- L =
- case lists:member(From,Members) of
- true ->
- NewMembers = lists:delete(From,Members),
- send_all(NewMembers, {crashed_member,PgName,From}),
- NewMembers;
- false ->
- Members
- end,
- master_loop(PgName,L)
- end.
-send_all([], _) -> ok;
-send_all([P|Ps], M) ->
- P ! M,
- send_all(Ps, M).
-%% Check if the process group already exists
-check(PgName) ->
- case global:whereis_name(PgName) of
- Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- throw({error,already_created});
- undefined ->
- ok
- end.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/proc_lib.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/proc_lib.erl
index 1eb6fc2e86..8792ff44d3 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/proc_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/proc_lib.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
init_ack/1, init_ack/2,
- translate_initial_call/1]).
+ translate_initial_call/1,
+ stop/1, stop/3]).
%% Internal exports.
@@ -216,10 +217,8 @@ ensure_link(SpawnOpts) ->
init_p(Parent, Ancestors, Fun) when is_function(Fun) ->
put('$ancestors', [Parent|Ancestors]),
- {module,Mod} = erlang:fun_info(Fun, module),
- {name,Name} = erlang:fun_info(Fun, name),
- {arity,Arity} = erlang:fun_info(Fun, arity),
- put('$initial_call', {Mod,Name,Arity}),
+ Mfa = erlang:fun_info_mfa(Fun),
+ put('$initial_call', Mfa),
@@ -750,3 +749,50 @@ format_tag(Tag, Data) ->
modifier(latin1) -> "";
modifier(_) -> "t".
+%%% -----------------------------------------------------------
+%%% Stop a process and wait for it to terminate
+%%% -----------------------------------------------------------
+-spec stop(Process) -> 'ok' when
+ Process :: pid() | RegName | {RegName,node()},
+ RegName :: atom().
+stop(Process) ->
+ stop(Process, normal, infinity).
+-spec stop(Process, Reason, Timeout) -> 'ok' when
+ Process :: pid() | RegName | {RegName,node()},
+ RegName :: atom(),
+ Reason :: term(),
+ Timeout :: timeout().
+stop(Process, Reason, Timeout) ->
+ {Pid, Mref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(do_stop(Process, Reason)),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
+ ok;
+ {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, {noproc,{sys,terminate,_}}} ->
+ exit(noproc);
+ {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, CrashReason} ->
+ exit(CrashReason)
+ after Timeout ->
+ exit(Pid, kill),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, _} ->
+ exit(timeout)
+ end
+ end.
+-spec do_stop(Process, Reason) -> Fun when
+ Process :: pid() | RegName | {RegName,node()},
+ RegName :: atom(),
+ Reason :: term(),
+ Fun :: fun(() -> no_return()).
+do_stop(Process, Reason) ->
+ fun() ->
+ Mref = erlang:monitor(process, Process),
+ ok = sys:terminate(Process, Reason, infinity),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, ExitReason} ->
+ exit(ExitReason)
+ end
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/sets.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/sets.erl
index be4b600f25..167a676281 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/sets.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/sets.erl
@@ -55,9 +55,8 @@
--type seg() :: tuple().
--type segs(E) :: tuple()
- | E. % dummy
+-type seg() :: tuple().
+-type segs(_Element) :: tuple().
%% Define a hash set. The default values are the standard ones.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/shell.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/shell.erl
index 3b90542452..679c13f0cf 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/shell.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/shell.erl
@@ -371,6 +371,14 @@ expand_expr({bc,L,E,Qs}, C) ->
{bc,L,expand_expr(E, C),expand_quals(Qs, C)};
expand_expr({tuple,L,Elts}, C) ->
{tuple,L,expand_exprs(Elts, C)};
+expand_expr({map,L,Es}, C) ->
+ {map,L,expand_exprs(Es, C)};
+expand_expr({map,L,Arg,Es}, C) ->
+ {map,L,expand_expr(Arg, C),expand_exprs(Es, C)};
+expand_expr({map_field_assoc,L,K,V}, C) ->
+ {map_field_assoc,L,expand_expr(K, C),expand_expr(V, C)};
+expand_expr({map_field_exact,L,K,V}, C) ->
+ {map_field_exact,L,expand_expr(K, C),expand_expr(V, C)};
expand_expr({record_index,L,Name,F}, C) ->
{record_index,L,Name,expand_expr(F, C)};
expand_expr({record,L,Name,Is}, C) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/slave.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/slave.erl
index 3e647635bc..1898dc8aba 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/slave.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/slave.erl
@@ -290,7 +290,10 @@ register_unique_name(Number) ->
%% no need to use rsh.
mk_cmd(Host, Name, Args, Waiter, Prog0) ->
- Prog = quote_progname(Prog0),
+ Prog = case os:type() of
+ {ose,_} -> mk_ose_prog(Prog0);
+ _ -> quote_progname(Prog0)
+ end,
BasicCmd = lists:concat([Prog,
" -detached -noinput -master ", node(),
" ", long_or_short(), Name, "@", Host,
@@ -310,6 +313,24 @@ mk_cmd(Host, Name, Args, Waiter, Prog0) ->
+%% On OSE we have to pass the beam arguments directory to the slave
+%% process. To find out what arguments that should be passed on we
+%% make an assumption. All arguments after the last "--" should be
+%% skipped. So given these arguments:
+%% -Muycs256 -A 1 -- -root /mst/ -progname beam.debug.smp -- -home /mst/ -- -kernel inetrc '"/mst/inetrc.conf"' -- -name test@localhost
+%% we send
+%% -Muycs256 -A 1 -- -root /mst/ -progname beam.debug.smp -- -home /mst/ -- -kernel inetrc '"/mst/inetrc.conf"' --
+%% to the slave with whatever other args that are added in mk_cmd.
+mk_ose_prog(Prog) ->
+ SkipTail = fun("--",[]) ->
+ ["--"];
+ (_,[]) ->
+ [];
+ (Arg,Args) ->
+ [Arg," "|Args]
+ end,
+ [Prog,tl(lists:foldr(SkipTail,[],erlang:system_info(emu_args)))].
%% This is an attempt to distinguish between spaces in the program
%% path and spaces that separate arguments. The program is quoted to
%% allow spaces in the path.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/stdlib.app.src b/lib/stdlib/src/stdlib.app.src
index a64b8e13c0..f134c75869 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/stdlib.app.src
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/stdlib.app.src
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@
- pg,
@@ -102,5 +101,8 @@
{applications, [kernel]},
- {env, []}]}.
+ {env, []},
+ {runtime_dependencies, ["sasl-2.4","kernel-3.0.2","erts-6.2","crypto-3.3",
+ "compiler-5.0"]}
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/stdlib.appup.src b/lib/stdlib/src/stdlib.appup.src
index 22eefb2514..e718fce140 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/stdlib.appup.src
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/stdlib.appup.src
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Up from - max one major revision back
- [{<<"2\\.0(\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}, %% R17
- {<<"1\\.19(\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}],%% R16
+ [{<<"2\\.1(\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}, %% 17.1
+ {<<"2\\.0(\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}], %% 17.0
%% Down to - max one major revision back
- [{<<"2\\.0(\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}, %% R17
- {<<"1\\.19(\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}] %% R16
+ [{<<"2\\.1(\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}, %% 17.1
+ {<<"2\\.0(\\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}] %% 17.0
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/sys.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/sys.erl
index 04f8dfb61b..7e4bfa1fdd 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/sys.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/sys.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
get_state/1, get_state/2,
replace_state/2, replace_state/3,
change_code/4, change_code/5,
+ terminate/2, terminate/3,
log/2, log/3, trace/2, trace/3, statistics/2, statistics/3,
log_to_file/2, log_to_file/3, no_debug/1, no_debug/2,
install/2, install/3, remove/2, remove/3]).
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@
{N :: non_neg_integer(),
[{Event :: system_event(),
FuncState :: _,
- FormFunc :: dbg_fun()}]}}
+ FormFunc :: format_fun()}]}}
| {'statistics', {file:date_time(),
{'reductions', non_neg_integer()},
MessagesIn :: non_neg_integer(),
@@ -57,6 +58,10 @@
Event :: system_event(),
ProcState :: _) -> 'done' | (NewFuncState :: _)).
+-type format_fun() :: fun((Device :: io:device() | file:io_device(),
+ Event :: system_event(),
+ Extra :: term()) -> any()).
%% System messages
@@ -102,20 +107,31 @@ get_status(Name, Timeout) -> send_system_msg(Name, get_status, Timeout).
-spec get_state(Name) -> State when
Name :: name(),
State :: term().
-get_state(Name) -> send_system_msg(Name, get_state).
+get_state(Name) ->
+ case send_system_msg(Name, get_state) of
+ {error, Reason} -> error(Reason);
+ State -> State
+ end.
-spec get_state(Name, Timeout) -> State when
Name :: name(),
Timeout :: timeout(),
State :: term().
-get_state(Name, Timeout) -> send_system_msg(Name, get_state, Timeout).
+get_state(Name, Timeout) ->
+ case send_system_msg(Name, get_state, Timeout) of
+ {error, Reason} -> error(Reason);
+ State -> State
+ end.
-spec replace_state(Name, StateFun) -> NewState when
Name :: name(),
StateFun :: fun((State :: term()) -> NewState :: term()),
NewState :: term().
replace_state(Name, StateFun) ->
- send_system_msg(Name, {replace_state, StateFun}).
+ case send_system_msg(Name, {replace_state, StateFun}) of
+ {error, Reason} -> error(Reason);
+ State -> State
+ end.
-spec replace_state(Name, StateFun, Timeout) -> NewState when
Name :: name(),
@@ -123,7 +139,10 @@ replace_state(Name, StateFun) ->
Timeout :: timeout(),
NewState :: term().
replace_state(Name, StateFun, Timeout) ->
- send_system_msg(Name, {replace_state, StateFun}, Timeout).
+ case send_system_msg(Name, {replace_state, StateFun}, Timeout) of
+ {error, Reason} -> error(Reason);
+ State -> State
+ end.
-spec change_code(Name, Module, OldVsn, Extra) -> 'ok' | {error, Reason} when
Name :: name(),
@@ -145,6 +164,19 @@ change_code(Name, Mod, Vsn, Extra) ->
change_code(Name, Mod, Vsn, Extra, Timeout) ->
send_system_msg(Name, {change_code, Mod, Vsn, Extra}, Timeout).
+-spec terminate(Name, Reason) -> 'ok' when
+ Name :: name(),
+ Reason :: term().
+terminate(Name, Reason) ->
+ send_system_msg(Name, {terminate, Reason}).
+-spec terminate(Name, Reason, Timeout) -> 'ok' when
+ Name :: name(),
+ Reason :: term(),
+ Timeout :: timeout().
+terminate(Name, Reason, Timeout) ->
+ send_system_msg(Name, {terminate, Reason}, Timeout).
%% Debug commands
@@ -280,6 +312,8 @@ mfa(Name, {debug, {Func, Arg2}}) ->
{sys, Func, [Name, Arg2]};
mfa(Name, {change_code, Mod, Vsn, Extra}) ->
{sys, change_code, [Name, Mod, Vsn, Extra]};
+mfa(Name, {terminate, Reason}) ->
+ {sys, terminate, [Name, Reason]};
mfa(Name, Atom) ->
{sys, Atom, [Name]}.
@@ -295,7 +329,7 @@ mfa(Name, Req, Timeout) ->
%% Returns: This function *never* returns! It calls the function
%% Module:system_continue(Parent, NDebug, Misc)
%% there the process continues the execution or
-%% Module:system_terminate(Raeson, Parent, Debug, Misc) if
+%% Module:system_terminate(Reason, Parent, Debug, Misc) if
%% the process should terminate.
%% The Module must export system_continue/3, system_terminate/4
%% and format_status/2 for status information.
@@ -321,7 +355,10 @@ handle_system_msg(SysState, Msg, From, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc, Hib) ->
suspend_loop(suspended, Parent, Mod, NDebug, NMisc, Hib);
{running, Reply, NDebug, NMisc} ->
_ = gen:reply(From, Reply),
- Mod:system_continue(Parent, NDebug, NMisc)
+ Mod:system_continue(Parent, NDebug, NMisc);
+ {{terminating, Reason}, Reply, NDebug, NMisc} ->
+ _ = gen:reply(From, Reply),
+ Mod:system_terminate(Reason, Parent, NDebug, NMisc)
@@ -332,7 +369,7 @@ handle_system_msg(SysState, Msg, From, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc, Hib) ->
-spec handle_debug(Debug, FormFunc, Extra, Event) -> [dbg_opt()] when
Debug :: [dbg_opt()],
- FormFunc :: dbg_fun(),
+ FormFunc :: format_fun(),
Extra :: term(),
Event :: system_event().
handle_debug([{trace, true} | T], FormFunc, State, Event) ->
@@ -390,16 +427,19 @@ do_cmd(_, suspend, _Parent, _Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
{suspended, ok, Debug, Misc};
do_cmd(_, resume, _Parent, _Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
{running, ok, Debug, Misc};
-do_cmd(SysState, get_state, _Parent, _Mod, Debug, {State, Misc}) ->
- {SysState, State, Debug, Misc};
-do_cmd(SysState, replace_state, _Parent, _Mod, Debug, {State, Misc}) ->
- {SysState, State, Debug, Misc};
+do_cmd(SysState, get_state, _Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
+ {SysState, do_get_state(Mod, Misc), Debug, Misc};
+do_cmd(SysState, {replace_state, StateFun}, _Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
+ {Res, NMisc} = do_replace_state(StateFun, Mod, Misc),
+ {SysState, Res, Debug, NMisc};
do_cmd(SysState, get_status, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
Res = get_status(SysState, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc),
{SysState, Res, Debug, Misc};
do_cmd(SysState, {debug, What}, _Parent, _Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
{Res, NDebug} = debug_cmd(What, Debug),
{SysState, Res, NDebug, Misc};
+do_cmd(_, {terminate, Reason}, _Parent, _Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
+ {{terminating, Reason}, ok, Debug, Misc};
do_cmd(suspended, {change_code, Module, Vsn, Extra}, _Parent,
Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
{Res, NMisc} = do_change_code(Mod, Module, Vsn, Extra, Misc),
@@ -407,6 +447,40 @@ do_cmd(suspended, {change_code, Module, Vsn, Extra}, _Parent,
do_cmd(SysState, Other, _Parent, _Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
{SysState, {error, {unknown_system_msg, Other}}, Debug, Misc}.
+do_get_state(Mod, Misc) ->
+ case erlang:function_exported(Mod, system_get_state, 1) of
+ true ->
+ try
+ {ok, State} = Mod:system_get_state(Misc),
+ State
+ catch
+ Cl:Exc ->
+ {error, {callback_failed,{Mod,system_get_state},{Cl,Exc}}}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ Misc
+ end.
+do_replace_state(StateFun, Mod, Misc) ->
+ case erlang:function_exported(Mod, system_replace_state, 2) of
+ true ->
+ try
+ {ok, State, NMisc} = Mod:system_replace_state(StateFun, Misc),
+ {State, NMisc}
+ catch
+ Cl:Exc ->
+ {{error, {callback_failed,{Mod,system_replace_state},{Cl,Exc}}}, Misc}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ try
+ NMisc = StateFun(Misc),
+ {NMisc, NMisc}
+ catch
+ Cl:Exc ->
+ {{error, {callback_failed,StateFun,{Cl,Exc}}}, Misc}
+ end
+ end.
get_status(SysState, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
PDict = get(),
FmtMisc =
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/zip.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/zip.erl
index c40ce8e203..b768c6d0b9 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/zip.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/zip.erl
@@ -203,8 +203,18 @@
--type zip_file() :: #zip_file{}.
+-type create_option() :: memory | cooked | verbose | {comment, string()}
+ | {cwd, file:filename()}
+ | {compress, extension_spec()}
+ | {uncompress, extension_spec()}.
+-type extension() :: string().
+-type extension_spec() :: all | [extension()] | {add, [extension()]} | {del, [extension()]}.
+-type filename() :: file:filename().
-type zip_comment() :: #zip_comment{}.
+-type zip_file() :: #zip_file{}.
+-export_type([create_option/0, filename/0]).
%% Open a zip archive with options
@@ -340,13 +350,13 @@ unzip(F) -> unzip(F, []).
-spec(unzip(Archive, Options) -> RetValue when
Archive :: file:name() | binary(),
Options :: [Option],
- Option :: {file_list, FileList}
+ Option :: {file_list, FileList} | cooked
| keep_old_files | verbose | memory |
{file_filter, FileFilter} | {cwd, CWD},
FileList :: [file:name()],
FileBinList :: [{file:name(),binary()}],
FileFilter :: fun((ZipFile) -> boolean()),
- CWD :: string(),
+ CWD :: file:filename(),
ZipFile :: zip_file(),
RetValue :: {ok, FileList}
| {ok, FileBinList}
@@ -430,7 +440,7 @@ zip(F, Files) -> zip(F, Files, []).
What :: all | [Extension] | {add, [Extension]} | {del, [Extension]},
Extension :: string(),
Comment :: string(),
- CWD :: string(),
+ CWD :: file:filename(),
RetValue :: {ok, FileName :: file:name()}
| {ok, {FileName :: file:name(), binary()}}
| {error, Reason :: term()}).
@@ -712,8 +722,8 @@ table(F, O) -> list_dir(F, O).
FileList :: [FileSpec],
FileSpec :: file:name() | {file:name(), binary()}
| {file:name(), binary(), file:file_info()},
- RetValue :: {ok, FileName :: file:name()}
- | {ok, {FileName :: file:name(), binary()}}
+ RetValue :: {ok, FileName :: filename()}
+ | {ok, {FileName :: filename(), binary()}}
| {error, Reason :: term()}).
create(F, Fs) -> zip(F, Fs).
@@ -724,14 +734,9 @@ create(F, Fs) -> zip(F, Fs).
FileSpec :: file:name() | {file:name(), binary()}
| {file:name(), binary(), file:file_info()},
Options :: [Option],
- Option :: memory | cooked | verbose | {comment, Comment}
- | {cwd, CWD} | {compress, What} | {uncompress, What},
- What :: all | [Extension] | {add, [Extension]} | {del, [Extension]},
- Extension :: string(),
- Comment :: string(),
- CWD :: string(),
- RetValue :: {ok, FileName :: file:name()}
- | {ok, {FileName :: file:name(), binary()}}
+ Option :: create_option(),
+ RetValue :: {ok, FileName :: filename()}
+ | {ok, {FileName :: filename(), binary()}}
| {error, Reason :: term()}).
create(F, Fs, O) -> zip(F, Fs, O).
@@ -755,7 +760,7 @@ extract(F) -> unzip(F).
FileList :: [file:name()],
FileBinList :: [{file:name(),binary()}],
FileFilter :: fun((ZipFile) -> boolean()),
- CWD :: string(),
+ CWD :: file:filename(),
ZipFile :: zip_file(),
RetValue :: {ok, FileList}
| {ok, FileBinList}
@@ -1153,7 +1158,7 @@ zip_open(Archive) -> zip_open(Archive, []).
Archive :: file:name() | binary(),
ZipHandle :: pid(),
Options :: [Option],
- Option :: cooked | memory | {cwd, CWD :: string()},
+ Option :: cooked | memory | {cwd, CWD :: file:filename()},
Reason :: term()).
zip_open(Archive, Options) ->