path: root/lib/stdlib/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/src')
5 files changed, 172 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl
index 6068afb293..ee5e7a11bf 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2017. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
| {encoding, latin1 | unicode | utf8}).
-type(options() :: hook_function() | [option()]).
--record(pp, {string_fun, char_fun}).
+-record(pp, {value_fun, string_fun, char_fun}).
-record(options, {hook, encoding, opts}).
@@ -214,11 +214,15 @@ state(_Hook) ->
state() ->
- #pp{string_fun = fun io_lib:write_string_as_latin1/1,
+ Options = [{encoding,latin1}],
+ #pp{value_fun = fun(V) -> io_lib_pretty:print(V, Options) end,
+ string_fun = fun io_lib:write_string_as_latin1/1,
char_fun = fun io_lib:write_char_as_latin1/1}.
unicode_state() ->
- #pp{string_fun = fun io_lib:write_string/1,
+ Options = [{encoding,unicode}],
+ #pp{value_fun = fun(V) -> io_lib_pretty:print(V, Options) end,
+ string_fun = fun io_lib:write_string/1,
char_fun = fun io_lib:write_char/1}.
encoding(Options) ->
@@ -253,31 +257,30 @@ lattribute({attribute,_Line,Name,Arg}, Opts) ->
lattribute(module, {M,Vs}, _Opts) ->
A = a0(),
- attr("module",[{var,A,pname(M)},
- foldr(fun(V, C) -> {cons,A,{var,A,V},C}
- end, {nil,A}, Vs)]);
+ attr(module,[{var,A,pname(M)},
+ foldr(fun(V, C) -> {cons,A,{var,A,V},C}
+ end, {nil,A}, Vs)]);
lattribute(module, M, _Opts) ->
- attr("module", [{var,a0(),pname(M)}]);
+ attr(module, [{var,a0(),pname(M)}]);
lattribute(export, Falist, _Opts) ->
- call({var,a0(),"-export"}, [falist(Falist)], 0, options(none));
+ attrib(export, falist(Falist));
lattribute(import, Name, _Opts) when is_list(Name) ->
- attr("import", [{var,a0(),pname(Name)}]);
+ attr(import, [{var,a0(),pname(Name)}]);
lattribute(import, {From,Falist}, _Opts) ->
- attr("import",[{var,a0(),pname(From)},falist(Falist)]);
+ attrib(import, [leaf(pname(From)),falist(Falist)]);
lattribute(export_type, Talist, _Opts) ->
- call({var,a0(),"-export_type"}, [falist(Talist)], 0, options(none));
+ attrib(export_type, falist(Talist));
lattribute(optional_callbacks, Falist, Opts) ->
- ArgL = try falist(Falist)
- catch _:_ -> abstract(Falist, Opts)
- end,
- call({var,a0(),"-optional_callbacks"}, [ArgL], 0, options(none));
+ try attrib(optional_callbacks, falist(Falist))
+ catch _:_ -> attr(optional_callbacks, [abstract(Falist, Opts)])
+ end;
lattribute(file, {Name,Line}, _Opts) ->
- attr("file", [{string,a0(),Name},{integer,a0(),Line}]);
+ attr(file, [{string,a0(),Name},{integer,a0(),Line}]);
lattribute(record, {Name,Is}, Opts) ->
- Nl = leaf(format("-record(~w,", [Name])),
+ Nl = [leaf("-record("),{atom,Name},$,],
[{first,Nl,record_fields(Is, Opts)},$)];
lattribute(Name, Arg, Options) ->
- attr(write(Name), [abstract(Arg, Options)]).
+ attr(Name, [abstract(Arg, Options)]).
abstract(Arg, #options{encoding = Encoding}) ->
erl_parse:abstract(Arg, [{encoding,Encoding}]).
@@ -340,7 +343,7 @@ ltype({user_type,Line,T,Ts}, _) ->
ltype({remote_type,Line,[M,F,Ts]}, _) ->
simple_type({remote,Line,M,F}, Ts);
ltype({atom,_,T}, _) ->
- leaf(write(T));
+ {atom,T};
ltype(E, P) ->
lexpr(E, P, options(none)).
@@ -382,12 +385,12 @@ tuple_type(Ts, F) ->
specattr(SpecKind, {FuncSpec,TypeSpecs}) ->
Func = case FuncSpec of
{F,_A} ->
- format("~w", [F]);
+ {atom,F};
{M,F,_A} ->
- format("~w:~w", [M, F])
+ [{atom,M},$:,{atom,F}]
{first,leaf(lists:concat(["-", SpecKind, " "])),
- {list,[{first,leaf(Func),spec_clauses(TypeSpecs)}]}}.
+ {list,[{first,Func,spec_clauses(TypeSpecs)}]}}.
spec_clauses(TypeSpecs) ->
{prefer_nl,[$;],[sig_type(T) || T <- TypeSpecs]}.
@@ -429,7 +432,10 @@ ltypes(Ts, F, Prec) ->
[F(T, Prec) || T <- Ts].
attr(Name, Args) ->
- call({var,a0(),format("-~s", [Name])}, Args, 0, options(none)).
+ {first,[$-,{atom,Name}],args(Args, options(none))}.
+attrib(Name, Args) ->
+ {first,[$-,{atom,Name}],[{seq,$(,$),[$,],Args}]}.
pname(['' | As]) ->
[$. | pname(As)];
@@ -441,10 +447,13 @@ pname(A) when is_atom(A) ->
falist([]) ->
- {nil,a0()};
-falist([{Name,Arity}|Falist]) ->
- A = a0(),
- {cons,A,{var,A,format("~w/~w", [Name,Arity])},falist(Falist)}.
+ [leaf("[]")];
+falist(Falist) ->
+ L = [begin
+ {Name,Arity} = Fa,
+ [{atom,Name},leaf(format("/~w", [Arity]))]
+ end || Fa <- Falist],
+ [{seq,$[,$],$,,L}].
lfunction({function,_Line,Name,_Arity,Cs}, Opts) ->
Cll = nl_clauses(fun (C, H) -> func_clause(Name, C, H) end, $;, Opts, Cs),
@@ -489,7 +498,7 @@ lexpr({var,_,V}, _, _) -> leaf(format("~ts", [V]));
lexpr({char,_,C}, _, _) -> {char,C};
lexpr({integer,_,N}, _, _) -> leaf(write(N));
lexpr({float,_,F}, _, _) -> leaf(write(F));
-lexpr({atom,_,A}, _, _) -> leaf(write(A));
+lexpr({atom,_,A}, _, _) -> {atom,A};
lexpr({string,_,S}, _, _) -> {string,S};
lexpr({nil,_}, _, _) -> '[]';
lexpr({cons,_,H,T}, _, Opts) ->
@@ -519,7 +528,7 @@ lexpr({record, _, Name, Fs}, Prec, Opts) ->
lexpr({record_field, _, Rec, Name, F}, Prec, Opts) ->
{L,P,R} = inop_prec('#'),
Rl = lexpr(Rec, L, Opts),
- Nl = leaf(format("#~w.", [Name])),
+ Nl = [$#,{atom,Name},$.],
El = [Rl,Nl,lexpr(F, R, Opts)],
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
lexpr({record, _, Rec, Name, Fs}, Prec, Opts) ->
@@ -538,12 +547,12 @@ lexpr({record_field, _, Rec, F}, Prec, Opts) ->
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
lexpr({map, _, Fs}, Prec, Opts) ->
{P,_R} = preop_prec('#'),
- El = {first,leaf("#"),map_fields(Fs, Opts)},
+ El = {first,$#,map_fields(Fs, Opts)},
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
lexpr({map, _, Map, Fs}, Prec, Opts) ->
{L,P,_R} = inop_prec('#'),
Rl = lexpr(Map, L, Opts),
- El = {first,[Rl,leaf("#")],map_fields(Fs, Opts)},
+ El = {first,[Rl,$#],map_fields(Fs, Opts)},
maybe_paren(P, Prec, El);
lexpr({block,_,Es}, _, Opts) ->
{list,[{step,'begin',body(Es, Opts)},'end']};
@@ -563,13 +572,16 @@ lexpr({'receive',_,Cs,To,ToOpt}, _, Opts) ->
lexpr({'fun',_,{function,F,A}}, _Prec, _Opts) ->
- leaf(format("fun ~w/~w", [F,A]));
-lexpr({'fun',_,{function,F,A},Extra}, _Prec, _Opts) ->
- {force_nl,fun_info(Extra),leaf(format("fun ~w/~w", [F,A]))};
-lexpr({'fun',_,{function,M,F,A}}, _Prec, _Opts)
+ [leaf("fun "),{atom,F},leaf(format("/~w", [A]))];
+lexpr({'fun',L,{function,_,_}=Func,Extra}, Prec, Opts) ->
+ {force_nl,fun_info(Extra),lexpr({'fun',L,Func}, Prec, Opts)};
+lexpr({'fun',L,{function,M,F,A}}, Prec, Opts)
when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) ->
%% For backward compatibility with pre-R15 abstract format.
- leaf(format("fun ~w:~w/~w", [M,F,A]));
+ Mod = erl_parse:abstract(M),
+ Fun = erl_parse:abstract(F),
+ Arity = erl_parse:abstract(A),
+ lexpr({'fun',L,{function,Mod,Fun,Arity}}, Prec, Opts);
lexpr({'fun',_,{function,M,F,A}}, _Prec, Opts) ->
%% New format in R15.
NameItem = lexpr(M, Opts),
@@ -660,7 +672,7 @@ lexpr({bin,_,Fs}, _, Opts) ->
bit_grp(Fs, Opts);
%% Special case for straight values.
lexpr({value,_,Val}, _,_) ->
- leaf(write(Val));
+ {value,Val};
%% Now do the hook.
lexpr(Other, _Precedence, #options{hook = none}) ->
@@ -676,7 +688,7 @@ call(Name, Args, Prec, Opts) ->
maybe_paren(P, Prec, Item).
fun_info(Extra) ->
- leaf(format("% fun-info: ~w", [Extra])).
+ [leaf("% fun-info: "),{value,Extra}].
%% BITS:
@@ -717,7 +729,7 @@ bit_elem_type(T) ->
%% end of BITS
record_name(Name) ->
- leaf(format("#~w", [Name])).
+ [$#,{atom,Name}].
record_fields(Fs, Opts) ->
tuple(Fs, fun record_field/2, Opts).
@@ -919,8 +931,10 @@ frmt(Item, I, PP) ->
%%% - {force_nl,ExtraInfo,I}: fun-info (a comment) forces linebreak before I.
%%% - {prefer_nl,Sep,IPs}: forces linebreak between Is unlesss negative
%%% indentation.
+%%% - {atom,A}: an atom
%%% - {char,C}: a character
%%% - {string,S}: a string.
+%%% - {value,T}: a term.
%%% - {hook,...}, {ehook,...}: hook expressions.
%%% list, first, seq, force_nl, and prefer_nl all accept IPs, where each
@@ -981,6 +995,10 @@ f({prefer_nl,Sep,LItems}, I0, ST, WT, PP) ->
true ->
{insert_newlines(CharsSize2L, I0, ST),nsz(lists:last(Sizes), I0)}
+f({value,V}, I, ST, WT, PP) ->
+ f(write_a_value(V, PP), I, ST, WT, PP);
+f({atom,A}, I, ST, WT, PP) ->
+ f(write_an_atom(A, PP), I, ST, WT, PP);
f({char,C}, I, ST, WT, PP) ->
f(write_a_char(C, PP), I, ST, WT, PP);
f({string,S}, I, ST, WT, PP) ->
@@ -1119,6 +1137,12 @@ has_nl([C|Cs]) ->
has_nl([]) ->
+write_a_value(V, PP) ->
+ flat_leaf(write_value(V, PP)).
+write_an_atom(A, PP) ->
+ flat_leaf(write_atom(A, PP)).
write_a_char(C, PP) ->
flat_leaf(write_char(C, PP)).
@@ -1135,7 +1159,7 @@ write_a_string([], _N, _Len, _PP) ->
write_a_string(S, N, Len, PP) ->
SS = string:sub_string(S, 1, N),
Sl = write_string(SS, PP),
- case (length(Sl) > Len) and (N > ?MIN_SUBSTRING) of
+ case (chars_size(Sl) > Len) and (N > ?MIN_SUBSTRING) of
true ->
write_a_string(S, N-1, Len, PP);
false ->
@@ -1147,11 +1171,17 @@ flat_leaf(S) ->
L = lists:flatten(S),
+write_value(V, PP) ->
+ (PP#pp.value_fun)(V).
+write_atom(A, PP) ->
+ (PP#pp.value_fun)(A).
write_string(S, PP) ->
- lists:flatten((PP#pp.string_fun)(S)).
+ (PP#pp.string_fun)(S).
write_char(C, PP) ->
- lists:flatten((PP#pp.char_fun)(C)).
+ (PP#pp.char_fun)(C).
%% Utilities
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib.erl
index a91143a764..28e5007e5a 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2017. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
write_latin1_string/2, write_char/1, write_latin1_char/1]).
--export([write_string_as_latin1/1, write_string_as_latin1/2,
- write_char_as_latin1/1]).
+-export([write_atom_as_latin1/1, write_string_as_latin1/1,
+ write_string_as_latin1/2, write_char_as_latin1/1]).
-export([quote_atom/2, char_list/1, latin1_char_list/1,
deep_char_list/1, deep_latin1_char_list/1,
@@ -344,6 +344,11 @@ write_binary_body(B, _D) ->
<<X:L>> = B,
+%%% There are two functions to write Unicode atoms:
+%%% - they both escape control characters < 160;
+%%% - write_atom() never escapes characters >= 160;
+%%% - write_atom_as_latin1() also escapes characters >= 255.
%% write_atom(Atom) -> [Char]
%% Generate the list of characters needed to print an atom.
@@ -351,17 +356,26 @@ write_binary_body(B, _D) ->
Atom :: atom().
write_atom(Atom) ->
+ write_possibly_quoted_atom(Atom, fun write_string/2).
+-spec write_atom_as_latin1(Atom) -> latin1_string() when
+ Atom :: atom().
+write_atom_as_latin1(Atom) ->
+ write_possibly_quoted_atom(Atom, fun write_string_as_latin1/2).
+write_possibly_quoted_atom(Atom, PFun) ->
Chars = atom_to_list(Atom),
case quote_atom(Atom, Chars) of
true ->
- write_string(Chars, $'); %'
+ PFun(Chars, $'); %'
false ->
%% quote_atom(Atom, CharList)
%% Return 'true' if atom with chars in CharList needs to be quoted, else
-%% return 'false'.
+%% return 'false'. Notice that characters >= 160 are always quoted.
-spec quote_atom(atom(), chars()) -> boolean().
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_pretty.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_pretty.erl
index aabccfc5d9..ff368d02da 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_pretty.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_pretty.erl
@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ print(_, _, _, 0, _M, _RF, _Enc, _Str) -> "...";
print(Term, Col, Ll, D, M, RecDefFun, Enc, Str) when Col =< 0 ->
%% ensure Col is at least 1
print(Term, 1, Ll, D, M, RecDefFun, Enc, Str);
+print(Atom, _Col, _Ll, _D, _M, _RF, Enc, _Str) when is_atom(Atom) ->
+ write_atom(Atom, Enc);
print(Term, Col, Ll, D, M0, RecDefFun, Enc, Str) when is_tuple(Term);
@@ -407,6 +409,9 @@ print_length({}, _D, _RF, _Enc, _Str) ->
{"{}", 2};
print_length(#{}=M, _D, _RF, _Enc, _Str) when map_size(M) =:= 0 ->
{"#{}", 3};
+print_length(Atom, _D, _RF, Enc, _Str) when is_atom(Atom) ->
+ S = write_atom(Atom, Enc),
+ {S, lists:flatlength(S)};
print_length(List, D, RF, Enc, Str) when is_list(List) ->
%% only flat lists are "printable"
case Str andalso printable_list(List, D, Enc) of
@@ -500,7 +505,7 @@ print_length_tuple(Tuple, D, RF, Enc, Str) ->
print_length_record(_Tuple, 1, _RF, _RDefs, _Enc, _Str) ->
{"{...}", 5};
print_length_record(Tuple, D, RF, RDefs, Enc, Str) ->
- Name = [$# | io_lib:write_atom(element(1, Tuple))],
+ Name = [$# | write_atom(element(1, Tuple), Enc)],
NameL = length(Name),
Elements = tl(tuple_to_list(Tuple)),
L = print_length_fields(RDefs, D - 1, Elements, RF, Enc, Str),
@@ -515,7 +520,7 @@ print_length_fields([Def | Defs], D, [E | Es], RF, Enc, Str) ->
print_length_fields(Defs, D - 1, Es, RF, Enc, Str)].
print_length_field(Def, D, E, RF, Enc, Str) ->
- Name = io_lib:write_atom(Def),
+ Name = write_atom(Def, Enc),
{S, L} = print_length(E, D, RF, Enc, Str),
NameL = length(Name) + 3,
{{field, Name, NameL, {S, L}}, NameL + L}.
@@ -664,6 +669,11 @@ printable_char(C,unicode) ->
C > 16#DFFF andalso C < 16#FFFE orelse
C > 16#FFFF andalso C =< 16#10FFFF.
+write_atom(A, latin1) ->
+ io_lib:write_atom_as_latin1(A);
+write_atom(A, _Uni) ->
+ io_lib:write_atom(A).
write_string(S, latin1) ->
io_lib:write_latin1_string(S, $"); %"
write_string(S, _Uni) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/rand.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/rand.erl
index 1f457b9e0e..dfd102f9ef 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/rand.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/rand.erl
@@ -45,20 +45,31 @@
%% =====================================================================
%% This depends on the algorithm handler function
--type alg_seed() :: exs64_state() | exsplus_state() | exs1024_state().
+-type alg_state() ::
+ exs64_state() | exsplus_state() | exs1024_state() | term().
%% This is the algorithm handler function within this module
--type alg_handler() :: #{type := alg(),
- max := integer(),
- next := fun(),
- uniform := fun(),
- uniform_n := fun(),
- jump := fun()}.
-%% Internal state
--opaque state() :: {alg_handler(), alg_seed()}.
--type alg() :: exs64 | exsplus | exs1024.
--opaque export_state() :: {alg(), alg_seed()}.
--export_type([alg/0, state/0, export_state/0]).
+-type alg_handler() ::
+ #{type := alg(),
+ max := integer() | infinity,
+ next :=
+ fun((alg_state()) -> {non_neg_integer(), alg_state()}),
+ uniform :=
+ fun((state()) -> {float(), state()}),
+ uniform_n :=
+ fun((pos_integer(), state()) -> {pos_integer(), state()}),
+ jump :=
+ fun((state()) -> state())}.
+%% Algorithm state
+-type state() :: {alg_handler(), alg_state()}.
+-type builtin_alg() :: exs64 | exsplus | exs1024.
+-type alg() :: builtin_alg() | atom().
+-type export_state() :: {alg(), alg_state()}.
+ [builtin_alg/0, alg/0, alg_handler/0, alg_state/0,
+ state/0, export_state/0]).
+-export_type([exs64_state/0, exsplus_state/0, exs1024_state/0]).
%% =====================================================================
%% API
@@ -72,7 +83,7 @@ export_seed() ->
_ -> undefined
--spec export_seed_s(state()) -> export_state().
+-spec export_seed_s(State :: state()) -> export_state().
export_seed_s({#{type:=Alg}, Seed}) -> {Alg, Seed}.
%% seed(Alg) seeds RNG with runtime dependent values
@@ -81,27 +92,37 @@ export_seed_s({#{type:=Alg}, Seed}) -> {Alg, Seed}.
%% seed({Alg,Seed}) setup RNG with a previously exported seed
%% and return the NEW state
--spec seed(AlgOrExpState::alg() | export_state()) -> state().
+-spec seed(
+ AlgOrStateOrExpState :: builtin_alg() | state() | export_state()) ->
+ state().
seed(Alg) ->
--spec seed_s(AlgOrExpState::alg() | export_state()) -> state().
-seed_s(Alg) when is_atom(Alg) ->
- seed_s(Alg, {erlang:phash2([{node(),self()}]),
- erlang:system_time(),
- erlang:unique_integer()});
+-spec seed_s(
+ AlgOrStateOrExpState :: builtin_alg() | state() | export_state()) ->
+ state().
+seed_s({AlgHandler, _Seed} = State) when is_map(AlgHandler) ->
+ State;
seed_s({Alg0, Seed}) ->
{Alg,_SeedFun} = mk_alg(Alg0),
- {Alg, Seed}.
+ {Alg, Seed};
+seed_s(Alg) ->
+ seed_s(Alg, {erlang:phash2([{node(),self()}]),
+ erlang:system_time(),
+ erlang:unique_integer()}).
%% seed/2: seeds RNG with the algorithm and given values
%% and returns the NEW state.
--spec seed(Alg :: alg(), {integer(), integer(), integer()}) -> state().
+-spec seed(
+ Alg :: builtin_alg(), Seed :: {integer(), integer(), integer()}) ->
+ state().
seed(Alg0, S0) ->
seed_put(seed_s(Alg0, S0)).
--spec seed_s(Alg :: alg(), {integer(), integer(), integer()}) -> state().
+-spec seed_s(
+ Alg :: builtin_alg(), Seed :: {integer(), integer(), integer()}) ->
+ state().
seed_s(Alg0, S0 = {_, _, _}) ->
{Alg, Seed} = mk_alg(Alg0),
AS = Seed(S0),
@@ -113,7 +134,7 @@ seed_s(Alg0, S0 = {_, _, _}) ->
%% uniform/0: returns a random float X where 0.0 < X < 1.0,
%% updating the state in the process dictionary.
--spec uniform() -> X::float().
+-spec uniform() -> X :: float().
uniform() ->
{X, Seed} = uniform_s(seed_get()),
_ = seed_put(Seed),
@@ -123,7 +144,7 @@ uniform() ->
%% uniform/1 returns a random integer X where 1 =< X =< N,
%% updating the state in the process dictionary.
--spec uniform(N :: pos_integer()) -> X::pos_integer().
+-spec uniform(N :: pos_integer()) -> X :: pos_integer().
uniform(N) ->
{X, Seed} = uniform_s(N, seed_get()),
_ = seed_put(Seed),
@@ -133,7 +154,7 @@ uniform(N) ->
%% returns a random float X where 0.0 < X < 1.0,
%% and a new state.
--spec uniform_s(state()) -> {X::float(), NewS :: state()}.
+-spec uniform_s(State :: state()) -> {X :: float(), NewState :: state()}.
uniform_s(State = {#{uniform:=Uniform}, _}) ->
@@ -141,7 +162,8 @@ uniform_s(State = {#{uniform:=Uniform}, _}) ->
%% uniform_s/2 returns a random integer X where 1 =< X =< N,
%% and a new state.
--spec uniform_s(N::pos_integer(), state()) -> {X::pos_integer(), NewS::state()}.
+-spec uniform_s(N :: pos_integer(), State :: state()) ->
+ {X :: pos_integer(), NewState :: state()}.
uniform_s(N, State = {#{uniform_n:=Uniform, max:=Max}, _})
when 0 < N, N =< Max ->
Uniform(N, State);
@@ -155,7 +177,7 @@ uniform_s(N, State0 = {#{uniform:=Uniform}, _})
%% after a large number of call defined for each algorithm.
%% The large number is algorithm dependent.
--spec jump(state()) -> NewS :: state().
+-spec jump(state()) -> NewState :: state().
jump(State = {#{jump:=Jump}, _}) ->
@@ -164,7 +186,7 @@ jump(State = {#{jump:=Jump}, _}) ->
%% and write back the new value to the internal state,
%% then returns the new value.
--spec jump() -> NewS :: state().
+-spec jump() -> NewState :: state().
jump() ->
@@ -182,7 +204,7 @@ normal() ->
%% The Ziggurat Method for generating random variables - Marsaglia and Tsang
%% Paper and reference code: http://www.jstatsoft.org/v05/i08/
--spec normal_s(state()) -> {float(), NewS :: state()}.
+-spec normal_s(State :: state()) -> {float(), NewState :: state()}.
normal_s(State0) ->
{Sign, R, State} = get_52(State0),
Idx = R band 16#FF,
@@ -245,7 +267,7 @@ mk_alg(exs1024) ->
%% Reference URL: http://xorshift.di.unimi.it/
%% =====================================================================
--type exs64_state() :: uint64().
+-opaque exs64_state() :: uint64().
exs64_seed({A1, A2, A3}) ->
{V1, _} = exs64_next(((A1 band ?UINT32MASK) * 4294967197 + 1)),
@@ -280,7 +302,7 @@ exs64_jump(_) ->
%% Modification of the original Xorshift128+ algorithm to 116
%% by Sebastiano Vigna, a lot of thanks for his help and work.
%% =====================================================================
--type exsplus_state() :: nonempty_improper_list(uint58(), uint58()).
+-opaque exsplus_state() :: nonempty_improper_list(uint58(), uint58()).
-dialyzer({no_improper_lists, exsplus_seed/1}).
@@ -349,7 +371,7 @@ exsplus_jump(S, [AS0|AS1], J, N) ->
%% Reference URL: http://xorshift.di.unimi.it/
%% =====================================================================
--type exs1024_state() :: {list(uint64()), list(uint64())}.
+-opaque exs1024_state() :: {list(uint64()), list(uint64())}.
exs1024_seed({A1, A2, A3}) ->
B1 = (((A1 band ?UINT21MASK) + 1) * 2097131) band ?UINT21MASK,
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/shell.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/shell.erl
index 28f37ef8bf..394f4f2fa4 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/shell.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/shell.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2017. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -349,10 +349,16 @@ default_prompt(N) ->
%% Don't bother flattening the list irrespective of what the
%% I/O-protocol states.
case is_alive() of
- true -> io_lib:format(<<"(~s)~w> ">>, [node(), N]);
+ true -> io_lib:format(<<"(~ts)~w> ">>, [node_string(), N]);
false -> io_lib:format(<<"~w> ">>, [N])
+node_string() ->
+ case encoding() of
+ latin1 -> io_lib:write_atom_as_latin1(node());
+ _ -> io_lib:write_atom(node())
+ end.
%% expand_hist(Expressions, CommandNumber)
%% Preprocess the expression list replacing all history list commands
%% with their expansions.
@@ -967,10 +973,11 @@ local_func(f, [{var,_,Name}], Bs, _Shell, _RT, _Lf, _Ef) ->
{value,ok,erl_eval:del_binding(Name, Bs)};
local_func(f, [_Other], _Bs, _Shell, _RT, _Lf, _Ef) ->
erlang:raise(error, function_clause, [{shell,f,1}]);
-local_func(rd, [{atom,_,RecName},RecDef0], Bs, _Shell, RT, _Lf, _Ef) ->
+local_func(rd, [{atom,_,RecName0},RecDef0], Bs, _Shell, RT, _Lf, _Ef) ->
RecDef = expand_value(RecDef0),
RDs = lists:flatten(erl_pp:expr(RecDef)),
- Attr = lists:concat(["-record('", RecName, "',", RDs, ")."]),
+ RecName = io_lib:write_atom_as_latin1(RecName0),
+ Attr = lists:concat(["-record(", RecName, ",", RDs, ")."]),
{ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(Attr),
case erl_parse:parse_form(Tokens) of
{ok,AttrForm} ->
@@ -1417,9 +1424,11 @@ columns() ->
{ok,N} -> N;
_ -> 80
encoding() ->
[{encoding, Encoding}] = enc(),
enc() ->
case lists:keyfind(encoding, 1, io:getopts()) of
false -> [{encoding,latin1}]; % should never happen