path: root/lib/stdlib/test/dets_SUITE.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/test/dets_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/dets_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/dets_SUITE.erl
index 00a5da42ad..119b4dc7cb 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/dets_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/dets_SUITE.erl
@@ -2032,6 +2032,12 @@ match(Config, Version) ->
CrashPos = if Version =:= 8 -> 5; Version =:= 9 -> 1 end,
crash(Fname, ObjPos2+CrashPos),
{ok, _} = dets:open_file(T, Args),
+ case dets:insert_new(T, Obj) of % OTP-12024
+ ok ->
+ bad_object(dets:sync(T), Fname);
+ Else3 ->
+ bad_object(Else3, Fname)
+ end,
io:format("Expect corrupt table:~n"),
case ins(T, N) of
ok ->
@@ -3953,15 +3959,6 @@ otp_11709(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% Parts common to several test cases
-start_node_rel(Name, Rel, How) ->
- Release = [{release, atom_to_list(Rel)}],
- Pa = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
- test_server:start_node(Name, How,
- [{args,
- " -kernel net_setuptime 100 "
- " -pa " ++ Pa},
- {erl, Release}]).
crash(File, Where) ->
crash(File, Where, 10).
@@ -4352,7 +4349,7 @@ check_badarg({'EXIT', {badarg, [{M,F,Args,_} | _]}}, M, F, Args) ->
check_badarg({'EXIT', {badarg, [{M,F,A,_} | _]}}, M, F, Args) ->
true = test_server:is_native(M) andalso length(Args) =:= A.
-check_pps(P0) ->
+check_pps({Ports0,Procs0} = P0) ->
case pps() of
P0 ->
@@ -4364,22 +4361,28 @@ check_pps(P0) ->
case pps() of
P0 ->
- P1 ->
- io:format("failure, got ~p~n, expected ~p\n", [P1, P0]),
- {Ports0,Procs0} = P0,
- {Ports1,Procs1} = P1,
- show("Old ports", Ports0 -- Ports1),
- show("New ports", Ports1 -- Ports0),
- show("Old procs", Procs0 -- Procs1),
- show("New procs", Procs1 -- Procs0),
- ?t:fail()
- end
+ {Ports1,Procs1} = P1 ->
+ case {Ports1 -- Ports0, Procs1 -- Procs0} of
+ {[], []} -> ok;
+ {PortsDiff,ProcsDiff} ->
+ io:format("failure, got ~p~n, expected ~p\n", [P1, P0]),
+ show("Old port", Ports0 -- Ports1),
+ show("New port", PortsDiff),
+ show("Old proc", Procs0 -- Procs1),
+ show("New proc", ProcsDiff),
+ ?t:fail()
+ end
+ end
show(_S, []) ->
-show(S, L) ->
- io:format("~s: ~p~n", [S, L]).
+show(S, [Pid|Pids]) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ io:format("~s: ~p~n", [S, erlang:process_info(Pid)]),
+ show(S, Pids);
+show(S, [Port|Ports]) when is_port(Port)->
+ io:format("~s: ~p~n", [S, erlang:port_info(Port)]),
+ show(S, Ports).
pps() ->