path: root/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
index 09238ae2b4..b23cdf5900 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@
test_delete_table_while_size_snapshot/1, test_delete_table_while_size_snapshot_helper/0]).
-export([ordered/1, ordered_match/1, interface_equality/1,
- fixtable_next/1, fixtable_insert/1, rename/1, rename_unnamed/1, evil_rename/1,
+ fixtable_next/1, fixtable_iter_bag/1,
+ fixtable_insert/1, rename/1, rename_unnamed/1, evil_rename/1,
update_element/1, update_counter/1, evil_update_counter/1, partly_bound/1, match_heavy/1]).
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ all() ->
{group, match}, t_match_spec_run,
{group, lookup_element}, {group, misc}, {group, files},
{group, heavy}, ordered, ordered_match,
- interface_equality, fixtable_next, fixtable_insert,
+ interface_equality, fixtable_next, fixtable_iter_bag, fixtable_insert,
rename, rename_unnamed, evil_rename, update_element,
update_counter, evil_update_counter,
update_counter_with_default, partly_bound,
@@ -2446,6 +2447,135 @@ do_fixtable_next(Tab) ->
false = ets:info(Tab, fixed),
+%% Check that iteration of bags find all live objects and nothing else.
+fixtable_iter_bag(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ repeat_for_opts(fun fixtable_iter_do/1,
+ [write_concurrency,[bag,duplicate_bag]]).
+fixtable_iter_do(Opts) ->
+ EtsMem = etsmem(),
+ do_fixtable_iter_bag(ets_new(fixtable_iter_bag,Opts)),
+ verify_etsmem(EtsMem).
+do_fixtable_iter_bag(T) ->
+ MaxValues = 4,
+ %% Create 1 to MaxValues objects for each key
+ %% and then delete every possible combination of those objects
+ %% in every possible order.
+ %% Then test iteration returns all live objects and nothing else.
+ CrDelOps = [begin
+ Values = lists:seq(1,N),
+ %% All ways of deleting any number of the Values in any order
+ Combos = combs(Values),
+ DeleteOps = concat_lists([perms(C) || C <- Combos]),
+ {N, DeleteOps}
+ end
+ || N <- lists:seq(1,MaxValues)],
+ %%io:format("~p\n", [CrDelOps]),
+ NKeys = lists:foldl(fun({_, DeleteOps}, Cnt) ->
+ Cnt + length(DeleteOps)
+ end,
+ 0,
+ CrDelOps),
+ io:format("Create ~p keys\n", [NKeys]),
+ %% Fixate even before inserts just to maintain small table size
+ %% and increase likelyhood of different keys in same bucket.
+ ets:safe_fixtable(T,true),
+ InsRes = [begin
+ [begin
+ Key = {NValues,ValueList},
+ [begin
+ Tpl = {Key, V},
+ %%io:format("Insert object ~p", [Tpl]),
+ ets:insert(T, Tpl),
+ Tpl
+ end
+ || V <- lists:seq(1,NValues)]
+ end
+ || ValueList <- DeleteOps]
+ end
+ || {NValues, DeleteOps} <- CrDelOps],
+ Inserted = lists:flatten(InsRes),
+ InSorted = lists:sort(Inserted),
+ InSorted = lists:usort(Inserted), %% No duplicates
+ NObjs = length(Inserted),
+ DelRes = [begin
+ [begin
+ Key = {NValues,ValueList},
+ [begin
+ Tpl = {Key, V},
+ %%io:format("Delete object ~p", [Tpl]),
+ ets:delete_object(T, Tpl),
+ Tpl
+ end
+ || V <- ValueList]
+ end
+ || ValueList <- DeleteOps]
+ end
+ || {NValues, DeleteOps} <- CrDelOps],
+ Deleted = lists:flatten(DelRes),
+ DelSorted = lists:sort(Deleted),
+ DelSorted = lists:usort(Deleted), %% No duplicates
+ NDels = length(Deleted),
+ %% Nr of keys where all values were deleted.
+ NDeletedKeys = lists:sum([factorial(N) || N <- lists:seq(1,MaxValues)]),
+ CountKeysFun = fun Me(K1, Cnt) ->
+ case ets:next(T, K1) of
+ '$end_of_table' ->
+ Cnt;
+ K2 ->
+ Objs = ets:lookup(T, K2),
+ [{{NValues, ValueList}, _V} | _] = Objs,
+ ExpectedLive = NValues - length(ValueList),
+ ExpectedLive = length(Objs),
+ Me(K2, Cnt+1)
+ end
+ end,
+ ExpectedKeys = NKeys - NDeletedKeys,
+ io:format("Expected keys: ~p\n", [ExpectedKeys]),
+ FoundKeys = CountKeysFun(ets:first(T), 1),
+ io:format("Found keys: ~p\n", [FoundKeys]),
+ ExpectedKeys = FoundKeys,
+ ExpectedObjs = NObjs - NDels,
+ io:format("Expected objects: ~p\n", [ExpectedObjs]),
+ FoundObjs = ets:select_count(T, [{{'_','_'}, [], [true]}]),
+ io:format("Found objects: ~p\n", [FoundObjs]),
+ ExpectedObjs = FoundObjs,
+ ets:delete(T).
+%% All permutations of list
+perms([]) -> [[]];
+perms(L) -> [[H|T] || H <- L, T <- perms(L--[H])].
+%% All combinations of picking the element (or not) from list
+combs([]) -> [[]];
+combs([H|T]) ->
+ Tcombs = combs(T),
+ Tcombs ++ [[H | C] || C <- Tcombs].
+factorial(0) -> 1;
+factorial(N) when N > 0 ->
+ N * factorial(N - 1).
+concat_lists([]) ->
+ [];
+concat_lists([H|T]) ->
+ H ++ concat_lists(T).
%% Check inserts of deleted keys in fixed bags.
fixtable_insert(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Combos = [[Type,{write_concurrency,WC}] || Type<- [bag,duplicate_bag],
@@ -4854,7 +4984,7 @@ tabfile_ext4(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{error,Y} = ets:file2tab(FName,[{verify,true}]),
- end || N <- lists:seq(500,600)],
+ end || N <- lists:seq(700,800)],