path: root/lib/stdlib/test/zip_SUITE.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/test/zip_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 759 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/zip_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/zip_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55cbd277ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/zip_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+-export([all/1, borderline/1, atomic/1,
+ bad_zip/1, unzip_from_binary/1, unzip_to_binary/1,
+ zip_to_binary/1,
+ unzip_options/1, zip_options/1, list_dir_options/1, aliases/1,
+ openzip_api/1, zip_api/1, unzip_jar/1,
+ compress_control/1]).
+all(suite) -> [borderline, atomic, bad_zip,
+ unzip_from_binary, unzip_to_binary,
+ zip_to_binary,
+ unzip_options, zip_options, list_dir_options, aliases,
+ openzip_api, zip_api, unzip_jar,
+ compress_control].
+borderline(doc) ->
+ ["Test creating, listing and extracting one file from an archive "
+ "multiple times with different file sizes. Also check that the "
+ "modification date of the extracted file has survived."];
+borderline(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ RootDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ TempDir = filename:join(RootDir, "borderline"),
+ ok = file:make_dir(TempDir),
+ Record = 512,
+ Block = 20 * Record,
+ lists:foreach(fun(Size) -> borderline_test(Size, TempDir) end,
+ [0, 1, 10, 13, 127, 333, Record-1, Record, Record+1,
+ Block-Record-1, Block-Record, Block-Record+1,
+ Block-1, Block, Block+1,
+ Block+Record-1, Block+Record, Block+Record+1]),
+ %% Clean up.
+ delete_files([TempDir]),
+ ok.
+borderline_test(Size, TempDir) ->
+ Archive = filename:join(TempDir, "ar_"++integer_to_list(Size)++".zip"),
+ Name = filename:join(TempDir, "file_"++integer_to_list(Size)),
+ io:format("Testing size ~p", [Size]),
+ %% Create a file and archive it.
+ {_, _, X0} = erlang:now(),
+ file:write_file(Name, random_byte_list(X0, Size)),
+ {ok, Archive} = zip:zip(Archive, [Name]),
+ ok = file:delete(Name),
+ %% Verify listing and extracting.
+ {ok, [#zip_comment{comment = []},
+ #zip_file{name = Name,
+ info = Info,
+ offset = 0,
+ comp_size = _}]} = zip:list_dir(Archive),
+ Size = Info#file_info.size,
+ {ok, [Name]} = zip:extract(Archive, [verbose]),
+ %% Verify contents of extracted file.
+ {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(Name),
+ true = match_byte_list(X0, binary_to_list(Bin)),
+ %% Verify that Unix zip can read it. (if we have a unix zip that is!)
+ unzip_list(Archive, Name),
+ ok.
+unzip_list(Archive, Name) ->
+ case os:find_executable("unzip") of
+ Unzip when is_list(Unzip) ->
+ unzip_list1(Archive, Name);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+unzip_list1(Archive, Name) ->
+ Expect = Name ++ "\n",
+ cmd_expect("unzip -Z -1 " ++ Archive, Expect).
+cmd_expect(Cmd, Expect) ->
+ Port = open_port({spawn, make_cmd(Cmd)}, [stream, in, eof]),
+ get_data(Port, Expect).
+get_data(Port, Expect) ->
+ receive
+ {Port, {data, Bytes}} ->
+ get_data(Port, match_output(Bytes, Expect, Port));
+ {Port, eof} ->
+ Port ! {self(), close},
+ receive
+ {Port, closed} ->
+ true
+ end,
+ receive
+ {'EXIT', Port, _} ->
+ ok
+ after 1 -> % force context switch
+ ok
+ end,
+ match_output(eof, Expect, Port)
+ end.
+match_output([C|Output], [C|Expect], Port) ->
+ match_output(Output, Expect, Port);
+match_output([_|_], [_|_], Port) ->
+ kill_port_and_fail(Port, badmatch);
+match_output([X|Output], [], Port) ->
+ kill_port_and_fail(Port, {too_much_data, [X|Output]});
+match_output([], Expect, _Port) ->
+ Expect;
+match_output(eof, [], _Port) ->
+ [];
+match_output(eof, Expect, Port) ->
+ kill_port_and_fail(Port, {unexpected_end_of_input, Expect}).
+kill_port_and_fail(Port, Reason) ->
+ unlink(Port),
+ exit(Port, die),
+ test_server:fail(Reason).
+make_cmd(Cmd) ->
+ Cmd.
+%% case os:type() of
+%% {win32, _} -> lists:concat(["cmd /c", Cmd]);
+%% {unix, _} -> lists:concat(["sh -c '", Cmd, "'"])
+%% end.
+%% Verifies a random byte list.
+match_byte_list(X0, [Byte|Rest]) ->
+ X = next_random(X0),
+ case (X bsr 26) band 16#ff of
+ Byte -> match_byte_list(X, Rest);
+ _ -> false
+ end;
+match_byte_list(_, []) ->
+ true.
+%% Generates a random byte list.
+random_byte_list(X0, Count) ->
+ random_byte_list(X0, Count, []).
+random_byte_list(X0, Count, Result) when Count > 0->
+ X = next_random(X0),
+ random_byte_list(X, Count-1, [(X bsr 26) band 16#ff|Result]);
+random_byte_list(_X, 0, Result) ->
+ lists:reverse(Result).
+%% This RNG is from line 21 on page 102 in Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming,
+%% Volume II, Seminumerical Algorithms.
+next_random(X) ->
+ (X*17059465+1) band 16#fffffffff.
+atomic(doc) ->
+ ["Test the 'atomic' operations: zip/unzip/list_dir, on archives."
+ "Also test the 'cooked' option."];
+atomic(suite) -> [];
+atomic(Config) when list(Config) ->
+ ok = file:set_cwd(?config(priv_dir, Config)),
+ DataFiles = data_files(),
+ Names = [Name || {Name,_,_} <- DataFiles],
+ io:format("Names: ~p", [Names]),
+ %% Create a zip archive.
+ Zip2 = "zip.zip",
+ {ok, Zip2} = zip:zip(Zip2, Names, []),
+ Names = names_from_list_dir(zip:list_dir(Zip2)),
+ %% Same test again, but this time created with 'cooked'
+ Zip3 = "cooked.zip",
+ {ok, Zip3} = zip:zip(Zip3, Names, [cooked]),
+ Names = names_from_list_dir(zip:list_dir(Zip3)),
+ Names = names_from_list_dir(zip:list_dir(Zip3, [cooked])),
+ %% Clean up.
+ delete_files([Zip2,Zip3|Names]),
+ ok.
+openzip_api(doc) ->
+ ["Test the openzip_open/2, openzip_get/1, openzip_get/2, openzip_close/1 "
+ "and openzip_list_dir/1 functions."];
+openzip_api(suite) -> [];
+openzip_api(Config) when list(Config) ->
+ ok = file:set_cwd(?config(priv_dir, Config)),
+ DataFiles = data_files(),
+ Names = [Name || {Name, _, _} <- DataFiles],
+ io:format("Names: ~p", [Names]),
+ %% Create a zip archive
+ Zip = "zip.zip",
+ {ok, Zip} = zip:zip(Zip, Names, []),
+ %% Open archive
+ {ok, OpenZip} = zip:openzip_open(Zip, [memory]),
+ %% List dir
+ Names = names_from_list_dir(zip:openzip_list_dir(OpenZip)),
+ %% Get a file
+ Name1 = hd(Names),
+ {ok, Data1} = file:read_file(Name1),
+ {ok, {Name1, Data1}} = zip:openzip_get(Name1, OpenZip),
+ %% Get all files
+ FilesDatas = lists:map(fun(Name) -> {ok, B} = file:read_file(Name),
+ {Name, B} end, Names),
+ {ok, FilesDatas} = zip:openzip_get(OpenZip),
+ %% Close
+ ok = zip:openzip_close(OpenZip),
+ %% Clean up.
+ delete_files([Names]),
+ ok.
+zip_api(doc) ->
+ ["Test the zip_open/2, zip_get/1, zip_get/2, zip_close/1 "
+ "and zip_list_dir/1 functions."];
+zip_api(suite) -> [];
+zip_api(Config) when list(Config) ->
+ ok = file:set_cwd(?config(priv_dir, Config)),
+ DataFiles = data_files(),
+ Names = [Name || {Name, _, _} <- DataFiles],
+ io:format("Names: ~p", [Names]),
+ %% Create a zip archive
+ Zip = "zip.zip",
+ {ok, Zip} = zip:zip(Zip, Names, []),
+ %% Open archive
+ {ok, ZipSrv} = zip:zip_open(Zip, [memory]),
+ %% List dir
+ Names = names_from_list_dir(zip:zip_list_dir(ZipSrv)),
+ %% Get a file
+ Name1 = hd(Names),
+ {ok, Data1} = file:read_file(Name1),
+ {ok, {Name1, Data1}} = zip:zip_get(Name1, ZipSrv),
+ %% Get all files
+ FilesDatas = lists:map(fun(Name) -> {ok, B} = file:read_file(Name),
+ {Name, B} end, Names),
+ {ok, FilesDatas} = zip:zip_get(ZipSrv),
+ %% Close
+ ok = zip:zip_close(ZipSrv),
+ %% Clean up.
+ delete_files([Names]),
+ ok.
+unzip_options(doc) ->
+ ["Test options for unzip, only cwd and file_list currently"];
+unzip_options(suite) ->
+ [];
+unzip_options(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ Long = filename:join(DataDir, "abc.zip"),
+ %% create a temp directory
+ Subdir = filename:join(PrivDir, "t"),
+ ok = file:make_dir(Subdir),
+ FList = ["quotes/rain.txt","wikipedia.txt"],
+ %% Unzip a zip file in Subdir
+ ?line {ok, RetList} = zip:unzip(Long, [{cwd, Subdir},
+ {file_list, FList}]),
+ %% Verify.
+ ?line true = (length(FList) =:= length(RetList)),
+ ?line lists:foreach(fun(F)-> {ok,B} = file:read_file(filename:join(DataDir, F)),
+ {ok,B} = file:read_file(filename:join(Subdir, F)) end,
+ FList),
+ ?line lists:foreach(fun(F)-> ok = file:delete(F) end,
+ RetList),
+ %% Clean up and verify no more files.
+ ?line 0 = delete_files([Subdir]),
+ ok.
+unzip_jar(doc) ->
+ ["Test unzip a jar file (OTP-7382)"];
+unzip_jar(suite) ->
+ [];
+unzip_jar(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ JarFile = filename:join(DataDir, "test.jar"),
+ %% create a temp directory
+ Subdir = filename:join(PrivDir, "jartest"),
+ ok = file:make_dir(Subdir),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(Subdir),
+ FList = ["META-INF/MANIFEST.MF","test.txt"],
+ {ok, RetList} = zip:unzip(JarFile),
+ %% Verify.
+ ?line lists:foreach(fun(F)-> {ok,B} = file:read_file(filename:join(DataDir, F)),
+ {ok,B} = file:read_file(filename:join(Subdir, F)) end,
+ FList),
+ ?line lists:foreach(fun(F)-> ok = file:delete(F) end,
+ RetList),
+ %% Clean up and verify no more files.
+ ?line 0 = delete_files([Subdir]),
+ ok.
+zip_options(doc) ->
+ ["Test the options for unzip, only cwd currently"];
+zip_options(suite) ->
+ [];
+zip_options(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ ok = file:set_cwd(PrivDir),
+ DataFiles = data_files(),
+ Names = [Name || {Name, _, _} <- DataFiles],
+ %% Make sure cwd is not where we get the files
+ ok = file:set_cwd(?config(data_dir, Config)),
+ %% Create a zip archive
+ {ok, Zip} = zip:zip("filename_not_used.zip", Names, [memory, {cwd, PrivDir}]),
+ %% Open archive
+ {ok, ZipSrv} = zip:zip_open(Zip, [memory]),
+ %% List dir
+ Names = names_from_list_dir(zip:zip_list_dir(ZipSrv)),
+ %% Get a file
+ Name1 = hd(Names),
+ {ok, Data1} = file:read_file(filename:join(PrivDir, Name1)),
+ {ok, {Name1, Data1}} = zip:zip_get(Name1, ZipSrv),
+ %% Get all files
+ FilesDatas = lists:map(fun(Name) -> {ok, B} = file:read_file(filename:join(PrivDir, Name)),
+ {Name, B} end, Names),
+ {ok, FilesDatas} = zip:zip_get(ZipSrv),
+ %% Close
+ ok = zip:zip_close(ZipSrv),
+ %% Clean up.
+ delete_files([Names]),
+ ok.
+list_dir_options(doc) ->
+ ["Test the options for list_dir... one day"];
+list_dir_options(suite) ->
+ [];
+list_dir_options(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ok.
+%% convert zip_info as returned from list_dir to a list of names
+names_from_list_dir({ok, Info}) ->
+ names_from_list_dir(Info);
+names_from_list_dir(Info) ->
+ tl(lists:map(fun(#zip_file{name = Name}) -> Name;
+ (_) -> ok end, Info)).
+%% Returns a sequence of characters.
+char_seq(N, First) ->
+ char_seq(N, First, []).
+char_seq(0, _, Result) ->
+ Result;
+char_seq(N, C, Result) when C < 127 ->
+ char_seq(N-1, C+1, [C|Result]);
+char_seq(N, _, Result) ->
+ char_seq(N, $!, Result).
+data_files() ->
+ Files = [{"first_file", 1555, $a},
+ {"small_file", 7, $d},
+ {"big_file", 23875, $e},
+ {"last_file", 7500, $g}],
+ create_files(Files),
+ Files.
+create_files([{Name, dir, _First}|Rest]) ->
+ ok = file:make_dir(Name),
+ create_files(Rest);
+create_files([{Name, Size, First}|Rest]) when is_integer(Size) ->
+ ok = file:write_file(Name, char_seq(Size, First)),
+ create_files(Rest);
+create_files([]) ->
+ ok.
+%% make_dirs([Dir|Rest], []) ->
+%% ok = file:make_dir(Dir),
+%% make_dirs(Rest, Dir);
+%% make_dirs([Dir|Rest], Parent) ->
+%% Name = filename:join(Parent, Dir),
+%% ok = file:make_dir(Name),
+%% make_dirs(Rest, Name);
+%% make_dirs([], Dir) ->
+%% Dir.
+bad_zip(doc) ->
+ ["Try zip:unzip/1 on some corrupted zip files."];
+bad_zip(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ok = file:set_cwd(?config(priv_dir, Config)),
+ try_bad("bad_crc", {bad_crc, "abc.txt"}, Config),
+ try_bad("bad_central_directory", bad_central_directory, Config),
+ try_bad("bad_file_header", bad_file_header, Config),
+ try_bad("bad_eocd", bad_eocd, Config),
+ try_bad("enoent", enoent, Config),
+ GetNotFound = fun(A) ->
+ {ok, O} = zip:openzip_open(A, []),
+ zip:openzip_get("not_here", O)
+ end,
+ try_bad("abc", file_not_found, GetNotFound, Config),
+ ok.
+try_bad(N, R, Config) ->
+ try_bad(N, R, fun(A) -> io:format("name : ~p\n", [A]),
+ zip:unzip(A, [verbose]) end, Config).
+try_bad(Name0, Reason, What, Config) ->
+ %% Intentionally no macros here.
+ DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Name = Name0 ++ ".zip",
+ io:format("~nTrying ~s", [Name]),
+ Full = filename:join(DataDir, Name),
+ Expected = {error, Reason},
+ case What(Full) of
+ Expected ->
+ io:format("Result: ~p\n", [Expected]);
+ Other ->
+ io:format("unzip/2 returned ~p (expected ~p)\n", [Other, Expected]),
+ test_server:fail({bad_return_value, Other})
+ end.
+unzip_to_binary(doc) ->
+ ["Test extracting to binary with memory option."];
+unzip_to_binary(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ delete_all_in(PrivDir),
+ file:set_cwd(PrivDir),
+ Long = filename:join(DataDir, "abc.zip"),
+ %% Unzip a zip file into a binary
+ {ok, FBList} = zip:unzip(Long, [memory]),
+ %% Verify.
+ lists:foreach(fun({F,B}) -> {ok,B}=file:read_file(filename:join(DataDir, F))
+ end, FBList),
+ %% Make sure no files created in cwd
+ {ok,[]} = file:list_dir(PrivDir),
+ ok.
+zip_to_binary(doc) ->
+ ["Test compressing to binary with memory option."];
+zip_to_binary(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ delete_all_in(PrivDir),
+ file:set_cwd(PrivDir),
+ FileName = "abc.txt",
+ ZipName = "t.zip",
+ FilePath = filename:join(DataDir, FileName),
+ {ok, _Size} = file:copy(FilePath, FileName),
+ %% Zip to a binary archive
+ {ok, {ZipName, ZipB}} = zip:zip(ZipName, [FileName], [memory]),
+ %% Make sure no files created in cwd
+ {ok,[FileName]} = file:list_dir(PrivDir),
+ %% Zip to a file
+ {ok, ZipName} = zip:zip(ZipName, [FileName]),
+ %% Verify.
+ {ok, ZipB} = file:read_file(ZipName),
+ {ok, FData} = file:read_file(FileName),
+ {ok, [{FileName, FData}]} = zip:unzip(ZipB, [memory]),
+ %% Clean up.
+ delete_files([FileName, ZipName]),
+ ok.
+aliases(doc) ->
+ ["Test using the aliases, extract/2, table/2 and create/3"];
+aliases(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ {_, _, X0} = erlang:now(),
+ Size = 100,
+ B = list_to_binary(random_byte_list(X0, Size)),
+ %% create
+ {ok, {"z.zip", ZArchive}} = zip:create("z.zip", [{"b", B}], [memory]),
+ %% extract
+ {ok, [{"b", B}]} = zip:extract(ZArchive, [memory]),
+ %% table
+ {ok, [#zip_comment{comment = _}, #zip_file{name = "b",
+ info = FI,
+ comp_size = _,
+ offset = 0}]} =
+ zip:table(ZArchive),
+ Size = FI#file_info.size,
+ ok.
+unzip_from_binary(doc) ->
+ ["Test extracting a zip archive from a binary."];
+unzip_from_binary(Config) when list(Config) ->
+ DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
+ ExtractDir = filename:join(PrivDir, "extract_from_binary"),
+ ok = file:make_dir(ExtractDir),
+ Archive = filename:join(ExtractDir, "abc.zip"),
+ {ok, _Size} = file:copy(filename:join(DataDir, "abc.zip"), Archive),
+ FileName = "abc.txt",
+ Quote = "quotes/rain.txt",
+ Wikipedia = "wikipedia.txt",
+ EmptyFile = "emptyFile",
+ file:set_cwd(ExtractDir),
+ %% Read a zip file into a binary and extract from the binary.
+ {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(Archive),
+ {ok, [FileName,Quote,Wikipedia,EmptyFile]} = zip:unzip(Bin),
+ %% Verify.
+ DestFilename = filename:join(ExtractDir, "abc.txt"),
+ {ok, Data} = file:read_file(filename:join(DataDir, FileName)),
+ {ok, Data} = file:read_file(DestFilename),
+ DestQuote = filename:join([ExtractDir, "quotes", "rain.txt"]),
+ {ok, QuoteData} = file:read_file(filename:join(DataDir, Quote)),
+ {ok, QuoteData} = file:read_file(DestQuote),
+ %% Clean up.
+ delete_files([DestFilename, DestQuote, Archive, ExtractDir]),
+ ok.
+%% oac_files() ->
+%% Files = [{"oac_file", 1459, $x},
+%% {"oac_small", 99, $w},
+%% {"oac_big", 33896, $A}],
+%% create_files(Files),
+%% Files.
+%% Delete the given list of files and directories.
+%% Return total number of deleted files (not directories)
+delete_files(List) ->
+ do_delete_files(List, 0).
+do_delete_files([],Cnt) ->
+ Cnt;
+do_delete_files([Item|Rest], Cnt) ->
+ case file:delete(Item) of
+ ok ->
+ DelCnt = 1;
+ {error,eperm} ->
+ file:change_mode(Item, 8#777),
+ DelCnt = delete_files(filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Item, "*"))),
+ file:del_dir(Item);
+ {error,eacces} ->
+ %% We'll see about that!
+ file:change_mode(Item, 8#777),
+ case file:delete(Item) of
+ ok ->
+ DelCnt = 1;
+ {error,_} ->
+ erlang:yield(),
+ file:change_mode(Item, 8#777),
+ file:delete(Item),
+ DelCnt = 1
+ end;
+ {error,_} ->
+ DelCnt = 0
+ end,
+ do_delete_files(Rest, Cnt + DelCnt).
+delete_all_in(Dir) ->
+ {ok, Files} = file:list_dir(Dir),
+ delete_files(lists:map(fun(F) -> filename:join(Dir,F) end,
+ Files)).
+compress_control(doc) ->
+ ["Test control of which files that should be compressed"];
+compress_control(suite) -> [];
+compress_control(Config) when list(Config) ->
+ ok = file:set_cwd(?config(priv_dir, Config)),
+ Dir = "compress_control",
+ Files = [
+ {Dir, dir, $d},
+ {filename:join([Dir, "first_file.txt"]), 10000, $f},
+ {filename:join([Dir, "a_dir"]), dir, $d},
+ {filename:join([Dir, "a_dir", "zzz.zip"]), 10000, $z},
+ {filename:join([Dir, "a_dir", "lll.lzh"]), 10000, $l},
+ {filename:join([Dir, "a_dir", "eee.exe"]), 10000, $e},
+ {filename:join([Dir, "a_dir", "ggg.arj"]), 10000, $g},
+ {filename:join([Dir, "a_dir", "b_dir"]), dir, $d},
+ {filename:join([Dir, "a_dir", "b_dir", "ggg.arj"]), 10000, $a},
+ {filename:join([Dir, "last_file.txt"]), 10000, $l}
+ ],
+ test_compress_control(Dir,
+ Files,
+ [{compress, []}],
+ []),
+ test_compress_control(Dir,
+ Files,
+ [{uncompress, all}],
+ []),
+ test_compress_control(Dir,
+ Files,
+ [{uncompress, []}],
+ [".txt", ".exe", ".zip", ".lzh", ".arj"]),
+ test_compress_control(Dir,
+ Files,
+ [],
+ [".txt", ".exe"]),
+ test_compress_control(Dir,
+ Files,
+ [{uncompress, {add, [".exe"]}},
+ {uncompress, {del, [".zip", "arj"]}}],
+ [".txt", ".zip", "arj"]),
+ test_compress_control(Dir,
+ Files,
+ [{uncompress, []},
+ {uncompress, {add, [".exe"]}},
+ {uncompress, {del, [".zip", "arj"]}}],
+ [".txt", ".zip", ".lzh", ".arj"]),
+ ok.
+test_compress_control(Dir, Files, ZipOptions, Expected) ->
+ %% Cleanup
+ Zip = "zip.zip",
+ Names = [N || {N, _, _} <- Files],
+ delete_files([Zip]),
+ delete_files(lists:reverse(Names)),
+ create_files(Files),
+ {ok, Zip} = zip:create(Zip, [Dir], ZipOptions),
+ {ok, OpenZip} = zip:openzip_open(Zip, [memory]),
+ {ok,[#zip_comment{comment = ""} | ZipList]} = zip:openzip_list_dir(OpenZip),
+ io:format("compress_control: -> ~p -> ~p\n -> ~pn", [Expected, ZipOptions, ZipList]),
+ verify_compression(Files, ZipList, OpenZip, ZipOptions, Expected),
+ ok = zip:openzip_close(OpenZip),
+ %% Cleanup
+ delete_files([Zip]),
+ delete_files(lists:reverse(Names)), % Remove plain files before directories
+ ok.
+verify_compression([{Name, Kind, _Filler} | Files], ZipList, OpenZip, ZipOptions, Expected) ->
+ {Name2, BinSz} =
+ case Kind of
+ dir ->
+ {Name ++ "/", 0};
+ _ ->
+ {ok, {Name, Bin}} = zip:openzip_get(Name, OpenZip),
+ {Name, size(Bin)}
+ end,
+ {Name2, {value, ZipFile}} = {Name2, lists:keysearch(Name2, #zip_file.name, ZipList)},
+ #zip_file{info = #file_info{size = InfoSz, type = InfoType}, comp_size = InfoCompSz} = ZipFile,
+ Ext = filename:extension(Name),
+ IsComp = is_compressed(Ext, Kind, ZipOptions),
+ ExpComp = lists:member(Ext, Expected),
+ case {Name, Kind, InfoType, IsComp, ExpComp, BinSz, InfoSz, InfoCompSz} of
+ {_, dir, directory, false, _, Sz, Sz, Sz} when Sz =:= BinSz -> ok;
+ {_, Sz, regular, false, false, Sz, Sz, Sz} when Sz =:= BinSz -> ok;
+ {_, Sz, regular, true, true, Sz, Sz, OtherSz} when Sz =:= BinSz, OtherSz =/= BinSz -> ok
+ end,
+ verify_compression(Files, ZipList -- [ZipFile], OpenZip, ZipOptions, Expected);
+verify_compression([], [], _OpenZip, _ZipOptions, _Expected) ->
+ ok.
+is_compressed(_Ext, dir, _Options) ->
+ false;
+is_compressed(Ext, _Sz, Options) ->
+ CompressOpt =
+ case [What || {compress, What} <- Options] of
+ [] -> all;
+ CompressOpts-> extensions(CompressOpts, all)
+ end,
+ DoCompress = (CompressOpt =:= all) orelse lists:member(Ext, CompressOpt),
+ Default = [".Z", ".zip", ".zoo", ".arc", ".lzh", ".arj"],
+ UncompressOpt =
+ case [What || {uncompress, What} <- Options] of
+ [] -> Default;
+ UncompressOpts-> extensions(UncompressOpts, Default)
+ end,
+ DoUncompress = (UncompressOpt =:= all) orelse lists:member(Ext, UncompressOpt),
+ DoCompress andalso not DoUncompress.
+extensions([H | T], Old) ->
+ case H of
+ all ->
+ extensions(T, H);
+ H when is_list(H) ->
+ extensions(T, H);
+ {add, New} when is_list(New), is_list(Old) ->
+ extensions(T, Old ++ New);
+ {del, New} when is_list(New), is_list(Old) ->
+ extensions(T, Old -- New);
+ _ ->
+ extensions(T, Old)
+ end;
+extensions([], Old) ->
+ Old.