path: root/lib/stdlib/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/test')
2 files changed, 91 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/dets_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/dets_SUITE.erl
index 8ff7c3ccc9..059d553b00 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/dets_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/dets_SUITE.erl
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
simultaneous_open/1, insert_new/1, repair_continuation/1,
otp_5487/1, otp_6206/1, otp_6359/1, otp_4738/1, otp_7146/1,
otp_8070/1, otp_8856/1, otp_8898/1, otp_8899/1, otp_8903/1,
- otp_8923/1, otp_9282/1]).
+ otp_8923/1, otp_9282/1, otp_11245/1]).
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ all() ->
many_clients, otp_4906, otp_5402, simultaneous_open,
insert_new, repair_continuation, otp_5487, otp_6206,
otp_6359, otp_4738, otp_7146, otp_8070, otp_8856, otp_8898,
- otp_8899, otp_8903, otp_8923, otp_9282
+ otp_8899, otp_8903, otp_8923, otp_9282, otp_11245
groups() ->
@@ -3898,6 +3898,28 @@ some_calls(Tab, Config) ->
+otp_11245(doc) ->
+ ["OTP-11245. Tables remained fixed after traversal"];
+otp_11245(suite) ->
+ [];
+otp_11245(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Tab = otp_11245,
+ File = filename(Tab, Config),
+ {ok, Tab} = dets:open_file(Tab, [{file,File}]),
+ N = 1024,
+ ins(Tab, N),
+ N = length(dets:match(Tab, '_')),
+ false = dets:info(Tab, safe_fixed),
+ dets:traverse(Tab, fun(_) -> continue end),
+ false = dets:info(Tab, safe_fixed),
+ N = dets:foldl(fun(_, N2) -> N2+1 end, 0, Tab),
+ false = dets:info(Tab, safe_fixed),
+ N = dets:foldr(fun(_, N2) -> N2+1 end, 0, Tab),
+ false = dets:info(Tab, safe_fixed),
+ ok = dets:close(Tab),
+ file:delete(File),
+ ok.
%% Parts common to several test cases
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/erl_lint_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/erl_lint_SUITE.erl
index f8345559c4..48ddeac478 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/erl_lint_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/erl_lint_SUITE.erl
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
guard/1, otp_4886/1, otp_4988/1, otp_5091/1, otp_5276/1, otp_5338/1,
otp_5362/1, otp_5371/1, otp_7227/1, otp_5494/1, otp_5644/1, otp_5878/1,
- otp_5917/1, otp_6585/1, otp_6885/1, otp_10436/1,
+ otp_5917/1, otp_6585/1, otp_6885/1, otp_10436/1, otp_11254/1,
behaviour_basic/1, behaviour_multiple/1,
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ all() ->
unsafe_vars, unsafe_vars2, unsafe_vars_try, guard,
otp_4886, otp_4988, otp_5091, otp_5276, otp_5338,
otp_5362, otp_5371, otp_7227, otp_5494, otp_5644,
- otp_5878, otp_5917, otp_6585, otp_6885, otp_10436, export_all,
+ otp_5878, otp_5917, otp_6585, otp_6885, otp_10436, otp_11254,export_all,
bif_clash, behaviour_basic, behaviour_multiple,
otp_7550, otp_8051, format_warn, {group, on_load},
too_many_arguments, basic_errors, bin_syntax_errors].
@@ -151,7 +151,16 @@ unused_vars_warn_basic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- {29,erl_lint,{unused_var,'B'}}]}}],
+ {29,erl_lint,{unused_var,'B'}}]}},
+ {basic2,
+ <<"-record(r, {x,y}).
+ f({X,Y}) -> {Z=X,Z=Y};
+ f([H|T]) -> [Z=H|Z=T];
+ f(#r{x=X,y=Y}) -> #r{x=A=X,y=A=Y}.
+ g({M, F}) -> (Z=M):(Z=F)();
+ g({M, F, Arg}) -> (Z=M):F(Z=Arg).
+ h(X, Y) -> (Z=X) + (Z=Y).">>,
+ [warn_unused_vars], []}],
?line [] = run(Config, Ts),
@@ -537,7 +546,29 @@ unused_vars_warn_rec(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- {warnings,[{22,erl_lint,{unused_var,'Same'}}]}}],
+ {warnings,[{22,erl_lint,{unused_var,'Same'}}]}},
+ {rec2,
+ <<"-record(r, {a,b}).
+ f(X, Y) -> #r{a=[K || K <- Y], b=[K || K <- Y]}.
+ g(X, Y) -> #r{a=lists:map(fun (K) -> K end, Y),
+ b=lists:map(fun (K) -> K end, Y)}.
+ h(X, Y) -> #r{a=case Y of _ when is_list(Y) -> Y end,
+ b=case Y of _ when is_list(Y) -> Y end}.
+ i(X, Y) -> #r{a=if is_list(Y) -> Y end, b=if is_list(Y) -> Y end}.
+ ">>,
+ [warn_unused_vars],
+ {warnings,[{2,erl_lint,{unused_var,'X'}},
+ {3,erl_lint,{unused_var,'X'}},
+ {5,erl_lint,{unused_var,'X'}},
+ {7,erl_lint,{unused_var,'X'}}]}},
+ {rec3,
+ <<"-record(r, {a}).
+ t() -> X = 1, #r{a=foo, a=bar, a=qux}.
+ ">>,
+ [warn_unused_vars],
+ {error,[{2,erl_lint,{redefine_field,r,a}},
+ {2,erl_lint,{redefine_field,r,a}}],
+ [{2,erl_lint,{unused_var,'X'}}]}}],
?line [] = run(Config, Ts),
@@ -1075,7 +1106,24 @@ unsafe_vars_try(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- []}}],
+ []}},
+ {unsafe_try5,
+ <<"bang() ->
+ case 1 of
+ nil ->
+ Acc = 2;
+ _ ->
+ try
+ Acc = 3,
+ Acc
+ catch _:_ ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end,
+ Acc.
+ ">>,
+ [],
+ {errors,[{13,erl_lint,{unsafe_var,'Acc',{'try',6}}}],[]}}],
?line [] = run(Config, Ts),
@@ -2418,6 +2466,20 @@ otp_10436(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
run_test2(Config, Ts2, []),
+otp_11254(doc) ->
+ "OTP-11254. Warnings for opaque types.";
+otp_11254(suite) -> [];
+otp_11254(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Ts = <<"-module(p2).
+ -export([manifest/2]).
+ manifest(Module, Name) ->
+ fun Module:Nine/1.
+ ">>,
+ {error,[{4,erl_lint,{unbound_var,'Nine'}}],
+ [{3,erl_lint,{unused_var,'Name'}}]} =
+ run_test2(Config, Ts, []),
+ ok.
export_all(doc) ->
"OTP-7392. Warning for export_all.";
export_all(Config) when is_list(Config) ->