path: root/lib/stdlib/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib/test')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
index 691b1189be..1661aa0217 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
@@ -99,6 +99,8 @@
+-define(m(A,B), ?line assert_eq(A,B)).
init_per_testcase(Case, Config) ->
Seed = {S1,S2,S3} = random:seed0(), %now(),
@@ -176,29 +178,114 @@ t_match_spec_run(suite) ->
t_match_spec_run(doc) ->
["Check ets:match_spec_run/2."];
t_match_spec_run(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ init_externals(),
?line EtsMem = etsmem(),
- ?line [2,3] = ets:match_spec_run([{1},{2},{3}],
- ets:match_spec_compile(
- [{{'$1'},[{'>','$1',1}],['$1']}])),
+ t_match_spec_run_test([{1},{2},{3}],
+ [{{'$1'},[{'>','$1',1}],['$1']}],
+ [2,3]),
?line Huge = [{X} || X <- lists:seq(1,2500)],
?line L = lists:seq(2476,2500),
- ?line L = ets:match_spec_run(Huge,
- ets:match_spec_compile(
- [{{'$1'},[{'>','$1',2475}],['$1']}])),
+ t_match_spec_run_test(Huge, [{{'$1'},[{'>','$1',2475}],['$1']}], L),
?line L2 = [{X*16#FFFFFFF} || X <- L],
- ?line L2 = ets:match_spec_run(Huge,
- ets:match_spec_compile(
- [{{'$1'},
- [{'>','$1',2475}],
- [{{{'*','$1',16#FFFFFFF}}}]}])),
- ?line [500,1000,1500,2000,2500] =
- ets:match_spec_run(Huge,
- ets:match_spec_compile(
- [{{'$1'},
- [{'=:=',{'rem','$1',500},0}],
- ['$1']}])),
+ t_match_spec_run_test(Huge,
+ [{{'$1'}, [{'>','$1',2475}], [{{{'*','$1',16#FFFFFFF}}}]}],
+ L2),
+ t_match_spec_run_test(Huge, [{{'$1'}, [{'=:=',{'rem','$1',500},0}], ['$1']}],
+ [500,1000,1500,2000,2500]),
+ %% More matching fun with several match clauses and guards,
+ %% applied to a variety of terms.
+ Fun = fun(Term) ->
+ CTerm = {const, Term},
+ N_List = [{Term, "0", "v-element"},
+ {"=hidden_node", "0", Term},
+ {"0", Term, Term},
+ {"something", Term, "something else"},
+ {"guard and res", Term, 872346},
+ {Term, {'and',Term,'again'}, 3.14},
+ {Term, {'and',Term,'again'}, "m&g"},
+ {Term, {'and',Term,'again'}, "m&g&r"},
+ {[{second,Term}, 'and', "tail"], Term, ['and',"tail"]}],
+ N_MS = [{{'$1','$2','$3'},
+ [{'=:=','$1',CTerm}, {'=:=','$2',{const,"0"}}],
+ [{{"Guard only for $1",'$3'}}]},
+ {{'$3','$1','$4'},
+ [{'=:=','$3',"=hidden_node"}, {'=:=','$1',{const,"0"}}],
+ [{{"Result only for $4",'$4'}}]},
+ {{'$2','$1','$1'},
+ [{'=:=','$2',{const,"0"}}],
+ [{{"Match only for $1",'$2'}}]},
+ {{'$2',Term,['$3'|'_']},
+ [{is_list,'$2'},{'=:=','$3',$s}],
+ [{{"Matching term",'$2'}}]},
+ {{'$1','$2',872346},
+ [{'=:=','$2',CTerm}, {is_list,'$1'}],
+ [{{"Guard and result",'$2'}}]},
+ {{'$1', {'and','$1','again'}, '$2'},
+ [{is_float,'$2'}],
+ [{{"Match and result",'$1'}}]},
+ {{'$1', {'and','$1','again'}, '$2'},
+ [{'=:=','$1',CTerm}, {'=:=', '$2', "m&g"}],
+ [{{"Match and guard",'$2'}}]},
+ {{'$1', {'and','$1','again'}, "m&g&r"},
+ [{'=:=','$1',CTerm}],
+ [{{"Match, guard and result",'$1'}}]},
+ {{'$1', '$2', '$3'},
+ [{'=:=','$1',[{{second,'$2'}} | '$3']}],
+ [{{"Building guard"}}]}
+ ],
+ N_Result = [{"Guard only for $1", "v-element"},
+ {"Result only for $4", Term},
+ {"Match only for $1", "0"},
+ {"Matching term","something"},
+ {"Guard and result",Term},
+ {"Match and result",Term},
+ {"Match and guard","m&g"},
+ {"Match, guard and result",Term},
+ {"Building guard"}],
+ F = fun(N_MS_Perm) ->
+ t_match_spec_run_test(N_List, N_MS_Perm, N_Result)
+ end,
+ repeat_for_permutations(F, N_MS)
+ end,
+ test_terms(Fun),
?line verify_etsmem(EtsMem).
+t_match_spec_run_test(List, MS, Result) ->
+ %%io:format("ms = ~p\n",[MS]),
+ ?m(Result, ets:match_spec_run(List, ets:match_spec_compile(MS))),
+ %% Check that ets:select agree
+ Tab = ets:new(xxx, [bag]),
+ ets:insert(Tab, List),
+ SRes = lists:sort(Result),
+ ?m(SRes, lists:sort(ets:select(Tab, MS))),
+ ets:delete(Tab).
+assert_eq(A,A) -> ok;
+assert_eq(A,B) ->
+ io:format("FAILED MATCH:\n~p\n =/=\n~p\n",[A,B]),
+ ?t:fail("assert_eq failed").
t_repair_continuation(suite) ->
@@ -5496,6 +5583,20 @@ repeat_while(Fun, Arg0) ->
{false,Ret} -> Ret
+%% Some (but not all) permutations of List
+repeat_for_permutations(Fun, List) ->
+ repeat_for_permutations(Fun, List, length(List)-1).
+repeat_for_permutations(Fun, List, 0) ->
+ Fun(List);
+repeat_for_permutations(Fun, List, N) ->
+ {A,B} = lists:split(N, List),
+ L1 = B++A,
+ L2 = lists:reverse(L1),
+ L3 = B++lists:reverse(A),
+ L4 = lists:reverse(B)++A,
+ Fun(L1), Fun(L2), Fun(L3), Fun(L4),
+ repeat_for_permutations(Fun, List, N-1).
receive_any() ->
receive M ->
io:format("Process ~p got msg ~p\n", [self(),M]),
@@ -5677,6 +5778,7 @@ test_terms(Test_Func) ->
?line Pib0 = process_info(self(),binary),
id(I) -> I.
very_big_num() ->
@@ -5708,27 +5810,32 @@ make_ext_ref() ->
init_externals() ->
- SysDistSz = ets:info(sys_dist,size),
- ?line Pa = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
- ?line {ok, Node} = test_server:start_node(plopp, slave, [{args, " -pa " ++ Pa}]),
- ?line Res = case rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, rpc_externals, []) of
- {badrpc, {'EXIT', E}} ->
- test_server:fail({rpcresult, E});
- R -> R
- end,
- ?line test_server:stop_node(Node),
- %% Wait for table 'sys_dist' to stabilize
- repeat_while(fun() ->
- case ets:info(sys_dist,size) of
- SysDistSz -> false;
- Sz ->
- io:format("Waiting for sys_dist to revert size from ~p to size ~p\n",
- [Sz, SysDistSz]),
- receive after 1000 -> true end
- end
- end),
- put(externals, Res).
+ case get(externals) of
+ undefined ->
+ SysDistSz = ets:info(sys_dist,size),
+ ?line Pa = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
+ ?line {ok, Node} = test_server:start_node(plopp, slave, [{args, " -pa " ++ Pa}]),
+ ?line Res = case rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, rpc_externals, []) of
+ {badrpc, {'EXIT', E}} ->
+ test_server:fail({rpcresult, E});
+ R -> R
+ end,
+ ?line test_server:stop_node(Node),
+ %% Wait for table 'sys_dist' to stabilize
+ repeat_while(fun() ->
+ case ets:info(sys_dist,size) of
+ SysDistSz -> false;
+ Sz ->
+ io:format("Waiting for sys_dist to revert size from ~p to size ~p\n",
+ [Sz, SysDistSz]),
+ receive after 1000 -> true end
+ end
+ end),
+ put(externals, Res);
+ {_,_,_} -> ok
+ end.
rpc_externals() ->
{self(), make_port(), make_ref()}.