path: root/lib/stdlib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib')
5 files changed, 81 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/c.xml b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/c.xml
index ddae388a1b..9cd4581a89 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/c.xml
+++ b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/c.xml
@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ compile:file(<anno>File</anno>, <anno>Options</anno> ++ [report_errors, report_w
<name name="ls" arity="1"/>
- <fsummary>List files in a directory</fsummary>
+ <fsummary>List files in a directory or a single file</fsummary>
- <p>Lists files in directory <c><anno>Dir</anno></c>.</p>
+ <p>Lists files in directory <c><anno>Dir</anno></c> or, if Dir is a file, only list it.</p>
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl
index fe7e0f8e60..2e9ebece0e 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl
@@ -302,10 +302,10 @@ clear_crypto_key_fun() ->
-spec make_crypto_key(mode(), string()) ->
{binary(), binary(), binary(), binary()}.
-make_crypto_key(des3_cbc, String) ->
+make_crypto_key(des3_cbc=Type, String) ->
<<K1:8/binary,K2:8/binary>> = First = erlang:md5(String),
<<K3:8/binary,IVec:8/binary>> = erlang:md5([First|reverse(String)]),
- {K1,K2,K3,IVec}.
+ {Type,[K1,K2,K3],IVec,8}.
%% Local functions
@@ -864,20 +864,20 @@ mandatory_chunks() ->
-define(CRYPTO_KEY_SERVER, beam_lib__crypto_key_server).
-decrypt_abst(Mode, Module, File, Id, AtomTable, Bin) ->
+decrypt_abst(Type, Module, File, Id, AtomTable, Bin) ->
- KeyString = get_crypto_key({debug_info, Mode, Module, File}),
- Key = make_crypto_key(des3_cbc, KeyString),
- Term = decrypt_abst_1(Mode, Key, Bin),
+ KeyString = get_crypto_key({debug_info, Type, Module, File}),
+ Key = make_crypto_key(Type, KeyString),
+ Term = decrypt_abst_1(Key, Bin),
{AtomTable, {Id, Term}}
_:_ ->
error({key_missing_or_invalid, File, Id})
-decrypt_abst_1(des3_cbc, {K1, K2, K3, IVec}, Bin) ->
+decrypt_abst_1({Type,Key,IVec,_BlockSize}, Bin) ->
ok = start_crypto(),
- NewBin = crypto:des3_cbc_decrypt(K1, K2, K3, IVec, Bin),
+ NewBin = crypto:block_decrypt(Type, Key, IVec, Bin),
start_crypto() ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/c.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/c.erl
index 91d317489c..6e96e3d564 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/c.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/c.erl
@@ -713,8 +713,10 @@ ls(Dir) ->
case file:list_dir(Dir) of
{ok, Entries} ->
- {error,_E} ->
- format("Invalid directory\n")
+ {error, enotdir} ->
+ ls_print([Dir]);
+ {error, Error} ->
+ format("~s\n", [file:format_error(Error)])
ls_print([]) -> ok;
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
index f2849e50ec..42a42b7fd7 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
@@ -75,18 +75,18 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, md5, 1) ->
obsolete_1(crypto, sha, 1) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hash, 2}};
-obsolete_1(crypto, md4_init, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_init, 2}};
-obsolete_1(crypto, md5_init, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_init, 2}};
-obsolete_1(crypto, sha_init, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_init, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, md4_init, 0) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, hash_init, 1}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, md5_init, 0) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, hash_init, 1}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, sha_init, 0) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, hash_init, 1}};
obsolete_1(crypto, md4_update, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hash_update, 3}};
obsolete_1(crypto, md5_update, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hash_update, 3}};
-obsolete_1(crypto, sah_update, 2) ->
+obsolete_1(crypto, sha_update, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hash_update, 3}};
obsolete_1(crypto, md4_final, 1) ->
@@ -100,16 +100,22 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, md5_mac, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hmac, 3}};
obsolete_1(crypto, sha_mac, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hmac, 3}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, sha_mac, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, hmac, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, sha_mac_96, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hmac_n, 3}};
obsolete_1(crypto, md5_mac_96, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, hmac_n, 3}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_sign, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, sign, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_sign, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, sign, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_verify, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, verify, 4}};
+ {deprecated, {crypto, verify, 5}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_verify, 4) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, verify, 5}};
obsolete_1(crypto, dss_sign, 2) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, sign, 4}};
@@ -135,8 +141,8 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, des_cbc_encrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, des3_cbc_encrypt, 5) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
-obsolete_1(crypto, des_ecb_encrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, des_ecb_encrypt, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 3}};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_ede3_cbc_encrypt, 5) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_cfb_encrypt, 3) ->
@@ -153,6 +159,8 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, blowfish_ofb64_encrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cfb_128_encrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cbc_128_encrypt, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cbc_256_encrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto,rc2_cbc_encrypt, 3) ->
@@ -164,8 +172,8 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, des_cbc_decrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, des3_cbc_decrypt, 5) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
-obsolete_1(crypto, des_ecb_decrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, des_ecb_decrypt, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 3}};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_ede3_cbc_decrypt, 5) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_cfb_decrypt, 3) ->
@@ -182,6 +190,8 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, blowfish_ofb64_decrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cfb_128_decrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cbc_128_decrypt, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cbc_256_decrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
obsolete_1(crypto,rc2_cbc_decrypt, 3) ->
@@ -189,16 +199,50 @@ obsolete_1(crypto,rc2_cbc_decrypt, 3) ->
obsolete_1(crypto,rc2_40_cbc_decrypt, 3) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, aes_ctr_stream_decrypt, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, stream_decrypt, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, aes_ctr_stream_encrypt, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, stream_encrypt, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, aes_ctr_decrypt, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, stream_decrypt, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, aes_ctr_encrypt, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, stream_encrypt, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rc4_encrypt, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, stream_encrypt, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rc4_encrypt_with_state, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, stream_encrypt, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, aes_ctr_stream_init, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, stream_init, 3}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rc4_set_key, 1) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, stream_init, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_private_decrypt, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, private_decrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_public_decrypt, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, public_decrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_private_encrypt, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, private_encrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_public_encrypt, 3) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, public_encrypt, 4}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, des_cfb_ivec, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, next_iv, 3}};
+obsolete_1(crypto,des_cbc_ivec, 1) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, next_iv, 2}};
+obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cbc_ivec, 1) ->
+ {deprecated, {crypto, next_iv, 2}};
obsolete_1(crypto,info, 0) ->
{deprecated, {crypto, module_info, 0}};
obsolete_1(crypto, strong_rand_mpint, 3) ->
{deprecated, "needed only by deprecated functions"};
-obsolete_1(crypto, erlint, 3) ->
+obsolete_1(crypto, erlint, 1) ->
{deprecated, "needed only by deprecated functions"};
-obsolete_1(crypto, mpint, 3) ->
+obsolete_1(crypto, mpint, 1) ->
{deprecated, "needed only by deprecated functions"};
%% *** SNMP ***
obsolete_1(snmp, N, A) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/c_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/c_SUITE.erl
index 25281365be..8c55b616b9 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/c_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/c_SUITE.erl
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
-export([c_1/1, c_2/1, c_3/1, c_4/1, nc_1/1, nc_2/1, nc_3/1, nc_4/1,
- memory/1]).
+ ls/1, memory/1]).
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
all() ->
- [c_1, c_2, c_3, c_4, nc_1, nc_2, nc_3, nc_4, memory].
+ [c_1, c_2, c_3, c_4, nc_1, nc_2, nc_3, nc_4, ls, memory].
groups() ->
@@ -147,6 +147,13 @@ nc_4(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Result = nc(R,[{outdir,W}]),
?line {ok, m} = Result.
+ls(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Directory = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ ok = c:ls(Directory),
+ File = filename:join(Directory, "m.erl"),
+ ok = c:ls(File),
+ ok = c:ls("no_such_file").
memory(doc) ->
["Checks that c:memory/[0,1] returns consistent results."];
memory(suite) ->