path: root/lib/stdlib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib')
10 files changed, 170 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_internal.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_internal.erl
index 478f05e792..0b9b8b8e17 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_internal.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_internal.erl
@@ -263,7 +263,6 @@ bif(bit_size, 1) -> true;
bif(bitstring_to_list, 1) -> true;
bif(byte_size, 1) -> true;
bif(check_process_code, 2) -> true;
-bif(concat_binary, 1) -> true;
bif(date, 0) -> true;
bif(delete_module, 1) -> true;
bif(demonitor, 1) -> true;
@@ -405,7 +404,6 @@ old_bif(bit_size, 1) -> true;
old_bif(bitstring_to_list, 1) -> true;
old_bif(byte_size, 1) -> true;
old_bif(check_process_code, 2) -> true;
-old_bif(concat_binary, 1) -> true;
old_bif(date, 0) -> true;
old_bif(delete_module, 1) -> true;
old_bif(disconnect_node, 1) -> true;
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_scan.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_scan.erl
index 718ca2e91a..10b2ed2e49 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_scan.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_scan.erl
@@ -408,7 +408,12 @@ set_attr(line, {Line,Column}, Fun) when ?ALINE(Line), ?COLUMN(Column) ->
set_attr(line=Tag, Attrs, Fun) when is_list(Attrs) ->
{line,Line} = lists:keyfind(Tag, 1, Attrs),
- lists:keyreplace(Tag, 1, Attrs, {line,Fun(Line)});
+ case lists:keyreplace(Tag, 1, Attrs, {line,Fun(Line)}) of
+ [{line,Ln}] when ?ALINE(Ln) ->
+ Ln;
+ As ->
+ As
+ end;
set_attr(T1, T2, T3) ->
erlang:error(badarg, [T1,T2,T3]).
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib.erl
index 54c7283abf..165e03e506 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib.erl
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ fwrite(Format, Args) ->
-spec fread(Format, String) -> Result when
Format :: string(),
String :: string(),
- Result :: {'ok', InputList :: chars(), LeftOverChars :: string()}
+ Result :: {'ok', InputList :: [term()], LeftOverChars :: string()}
| {'more', RestFormat :: string(),
Nchars :: non_neg_integer(),
InputStack :: chars()}
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ fread(Chars, Format) ->
Format :: string(),
Return :: {'more', Continuation1 :: continuation()}
| {'done', Result, LeftOverChars :: string()},
- Result :: {'ok', InputList :: chars()}
+ Result :: {'ok', InputList :: [term()]}
| 'eof'
| {'error', What :: term()}.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_fread.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_fread.erl
index 52aa4d073c..ded1346097 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_fread.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/io_lib_fread.erl
@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@
-import(lists, [reverse/1,reverse/2]).
+ ((C) =:= $\s orelse (C) =:= $\t
+ orelse (C) =:= $\r orelse (C) =:= $\n)).
%% fread(Continuation, CharList, FormatString)
@@ -106,31 +110,27 @@ fread_line(Format0, Line, N0, Results0, More, Newline) ->
fread(Format, Line) ->
fread(Format, Line, 0, []).
-fread([$~|Format0], Line, N, Results) ->
+fread([$~|Format0]=AllFormat, Line, N, Results) ->
{Format,F,Sup,Unicode} = fread_field(Format0),
- fread1(Format, F, Sup, Unicode, Line, N, Results, Format0);
-fread([$\s|Format], Line, N, Results) ->
- fread_skip_white(Format, Line, N, Results);
-fread([$\t|Format], Line, N, Results) ->
- fread_skip_white(Format, Line, N, Results);
-fread([$\r|Format], Line, N, Results) ->
- fread_skip_white(Format, Line, N, Results);
-fread([$\n|Format], Line, N, Results) ->
+ fread1(Format, F, Sup, Unicode, Line, N, Results, AllFormat);
+fread([C|Format], Line, N, Results) when ?is_whitespace(C) ->
fread_skip_white(Format, Line, N, Results);
fread([C|Format], [C|Line], N, Results) ->
fread(Format, Line, N+1, Results);
fread([_F|_Format], [_C|_Line], _N, _Results) ->
+fread([_|_]=Format, [], N, Results) ->
+ {more,Format,N,Results};
+fread([_|_], eof, 0, []) ->
+ %% This is at start of input so no error.
+ eof;
+fread([_|_], eof, _N, _Results) ->
+ %% This is an error as there is no more input.
+ fread_error(input);
fread([], Line, _N, Results) ->
-fread_skip_white(Format, [$\s|Line], N, Results) ->
- fread_skip_white(Format, Line, N+1, Results);
-fread_skip_white(Format, [$\t|Line], N, Results) ->
- fread_skip_white(Format, Line, N+1, Results);
-fread_skip_white(Format, [$\r|Line], N, Results) ->
- fread_skip_white(Format, Line, N+1, Results);
-fread_skip_white(Format, [$\n|Line], N, Results) ->
+fread_skip_white(Format, [C|Line], N, Results) when ?is_whitespace(C) ->
fread_skip_white(Format, Line, N+1, Results);
fread_skip_white(Format, Line, N, Results) ->
fread(Format, Line, N, Results).
@@ -166,9 +166,9 @@ fread1([$l|Format], _F, Sup, _U, Line, N, Res, _AllFormat) ->
fread(Format, Line, N, fread_result(Sup, N, Res));
fread1(_Format, _F, _Sup, _U, [], N, Res, AllFormat) ->
%% Need more input here.
- {more,[$~|AllFormat],N,Res};
-fread1(_Format, _F, _Sup, _U, eof, _N, [], _AllFormat) ->
- %% This is at start of format string so no error.
+ {more,AllFormat,N,Res};
+fread1(_Format, _F, _Sup, _U, eof, 0, [], _AllFormat) ->
+ %% This is at start of input so no error.
fread1(_Format, _F, _Sup, _U, eof, _N, _Res, _AllFormat) ->
%% This is an error as there is no more input.
@@ -386,26 +386,16 @@ fread_string_cs(Line0, N0, true) ->
%% fread_digits(Line, N, Base, Characters)
%% Read segments of things, return "thing" characters in reverse order.
-fread_skip_white([$\s|Line]) -> fread_skip_white(Line);
-fread_skip_white([$\t|Line]) -> fread_skip_white(Line);
-fread_skip_white([$\r|Line]) -> fread_skip_white(Line);
-fread_skip_white([$\n|Line]) -> fread_skip_white(Line);
+fread_skip_white([C|Line]) when ?is_whitespace(C) ->
+ fread_skip_white(Line);
fread_skip_white(Line) -> Line.
-fread_skip_white([$\s|Line], N) ->
- fread_skip_white(Line, N+1);
-fread_skip_white([$\t|Line], N) ->
- fread_skip_white(Line, N+1);
-fread_skip_white([$\r|Line], N) ->
- fread_skip_white(Line, N+1);
-fread_skip_white([$\n|Line], N) ->
+fread_skip_white([C|Line], N) when ?is_whitespace(C) ->
fread_skip_white(Line, N+1);
fread_skip_white(Line, N) -> {Line,N}.
-fread_skip_latin1_nonwhite([$\s|Line], N, Cs) -> {[$\s|Line],N,Cs};
-fread_skip_latin1_nonwhite([$\t|Line], N, Cs) -> {[$\t|Line],N,Cs};
-fread_skip_latin1_nonwhite([$\r|Line], N, Cs) -> {[$\r|Line],N,Cs};
-fread_skip_latin1_nonwhite([$\n|Line], N, Cs) -> {[$\n|Line],N,Cs};
+fread_skip_latin1_nonwhite([C|Line], N, Cs) when ?is_whitespace(C) ->
+ {[C|Line],N,Cs};
fread_skip_latin1_nonwhite([C|Line], N, []) when C > 255 ->
fread_skip_latin1_nonwhite([C|Line], N, Cs) when C > 255 ->
@@ -414,10 +404,8 @@ fread_skip_latin1_nonwhite([C|Line], N, Cs) ->
fread_skip_latin1_nonwhite(Line, N+1, [C|Cs]);
fread_skip_latin1_nonwhite([], N, Cs) -> {[],N,Cs}.
-fread_skip_nonwhite([$\s|Line], N, Cs) -> {[$\s|Line],N,Cs};
-fread_skip_nonwhite([$\t|Line], N, Cs) -> {[$\t|Line],N,Cs};
-fread_skip_nonwhite([$\r|Line], N, Cs) -> {[$\r|Line],N,Cs};
-fread_skip_nonwhite([$\n|Line], N, Cs) -> {[$\n|Line],N,Cs};
+fread_skip_nonwhite([C|Line], N, Cs) when ?is_whitespace(C) ->
+ {[C|Line],N,Cs};
fread_skip_nonwhite([C|Line], N, Cs) ->
fread_skip_nonwhite(Line, N+1, [C|Cs]);
fread_skip_nonwhite([], N, Cs) -> {[],N,Cs}.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
index 39d017d430..db46670f61 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ obsolete_1(ssl_pkix, decode_cert, A) when A =:= 1; A =:= 2 ->
%% Added in R13B04.
obsolete_1(erlang, concat_binary, 1) ->
- {deprecated,{erlang,list_to_binary,1},"R15B"};
+ {removed,{erlang,list_to_binary,1},"R15B"};
%% Added in R14A.
obsolete_1(ssl, peercert, 2) ->
@@ -461,6 +461,10 @@ obsolete_1(public_key, pem_to_der, 1) ->
obsolete_1(public_key, decode_private_key, A) when A =:= 1; A =:= 2 ->
+%% Added in R15B
+obsolete_1(asn1rt, F, _) when F == load_driver; F == unload_driver ->
+ {deprecated,"deprecated (will be removed in R16A); has no effect as drivers are no longer used."};
obsolete_1(_, _, _) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/queue.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/queue.erl
index 4c6b4d710b..afe917b151 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/queue.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/queue.erl
@@ -56,16 +56,14 @@
new() -> {[],[]}. %{RearList,FrontList}
%% O(1)
--spec is_queue(Term) -> boolean() when
- Term :: term().
+-spec is_queue(Term :: term()) -> boolean().
is_queue({R,F}) when is_list(R), is_list(F) ->
is_queue(_) ->
%% O(1)
--spec is_empty(Q) -> boolean() when
- Q :: queue().
+-spec is_empty(Q :: queue()) -> boolean().
is_empty({[],[]}) ->
is_empty({In,Out}) when is_list(In), is_list(Out) ->
@@ -74,16 +72,14 @@ is_empty(Q) ->
erlang:error(badarg, [Q]).
%% O(len(Q))
--spec len(Q) -> non_neg_integer() when
- Q :: queue().
+-spec len(Q :: queue()) -> non_neg_integer().
len({R,F}) when is_list(R), is_list(F) ->
len(Q) ->
erlang:error(badarg, [Q]).
%% O(len(Q))
--spec to_list(Q) -> list() when
- Q :: queue().
+-spec to_list(Q :: queue()) -> list().
to_list({In,Out}) when is_list(In), is_list(Out) ->
Out++lists:reverse(In, []);
to_list(Q) ->
@@ -92,8 +88,7 @@ to_list(Q) ->
%% Create queue from list
%% O(length(L))
--spec from_list(L) -> queue() when
- L :: list().
+-spec from_list(L :: list()) -> queue().
from_list(L) when is_list(L) ->
from_list(L) ->
@@ -102,9 +97,7 @@ from_list(L) ->
%% Return true or false depending on if element is in queue
%% O(length(Q)) worst case
--spec member(Item, Q) -> boolean() when
- Item :: term(),
- Q :: queue().
+-spec member(Item :: term(), Q :: queue()) -> boolean().
member(X, {R,F}) when is_list(R), is_list(F) ->
lists:member(X, R) orelse lists:member(X, F);
member(X, Q) ->
@@ -117,10 +110,7 @@ member(X, Q) ->
%% Put at least one element in each list, if it is cheap
%% O(1)
--spec in(Item, Q1) -> Q2 when
- Item :: term(),
- Q1 :: queue(),
- Q2 :: queue().
+-spec in(Item :: term(), Q1 :: queue()) -> Q2 :: queue().
in(X, {[_]=In,[]}) ->
{[X], In};
in(X, {In,Out}) when is_list(In), is_list(Out) ->
@@ -132,10 +122,7 @@ in(X, Q) ->
%% Put at least one element in each list, if it is cheap
%% O(1)
--spec in_r(Item, Q1) -> Q2 when
- Item :: term(),
- Q1 :: queue(),
- Q2 :: queue().
+-spec in_r(Item :: term(), Q1 :: queue()) -> Q2 :: queue().
in_r(X, {[],[_]=F}) ->
in_r(X, {R,F}) when is_list(R), is_list(F) ->
@@ -146,10 +133,9 @@ in_r(X, Q) ->
%% Take from head/front
%% O(1) amortized, O(len(Q)) worst case
--spec out(Q1) -> Result when
- Q1 :: queue(),
- Q2 :: queue(),
- Result :: {{value, Item :: term()}, Q2} | {empty, Q1}.
+-spec out(Q1 :: queue()) ->
+ {{value, Item :: term()}, Q2 :: queue()} |
+ {empty, Q1 :: queue()}.
out({[],[]}=Q) ->
out({[V],[]}) ->
@@ -167,10 +153,9 @@ out(Q) ->
%% Take from tail/rear
%% O(1) amortized, O(len(Q)) worst case
--spec out_r(Q1) -> Result when
- Q1 :: queue(),
- Q2 :: queue(),
- Result :: {{value, Item :: term()}, Q2} | {empty, Q1}.
+-spec out_r(Q1 :: queue()) ->
+ {{value, Item :: term()}, Q2 :: queue()} |
+ {empty, Q1 :: queue()}.
out_r({[],[]}=Q) ->
out_r({[],[V]}) ->
@@ -191,9 +176,7 @@ out_r(Q) ->
%% Return the first element in the queue
%% O(1) since the queue is supposed to be well formed
--spec get(Q) -> Item when
- Q :: queue(),
- Item :: term().
+-spec get(Q :: queue()) -> Item :: term().
get({[],[]}=Q) ->
erlang:error(empty, [Q]);
get({R,F}) when is_list(R), is_list(F) ->
@@ -212,9 +195,7 @@ get([_|R], []) -> % malformed queue -> O(len(Q))
%% Return the last element in the queue
%% O(1) since the queue is supposed to be well formed
--spec get_r(Q) -> Item when
- Q :: queue(),
- Item :: term().
+-spec get_r(Q :: queue()) -> Item :: term().
get_r({[],[]}=Q) ->
erlang:error(empty, [Q]);
get_r({[H|_],F}) when is_list(F) ->
@@ -229,9 +210,7 @@ get_r(Q) ->
%% Return the first element in the queue
%% O(1) since the queue is supposed to be well formed
--spec peek(Q) -> 'empty' | {'value',Item} when
- Q :: queue(),
- Item :: term().
+-spec peek(Q :: queue()) -> empty | {value,Item :: term()}.
peek({[],[]}) ->
peek({R,[H|_]}) when is_list(R) ->
@@ -246,9 +225,7 @@ peek(Q) ->
%% Return the last element in the queue
%% O(1) since the queue is supposed to be well formed
--spec peek_r(Q) -> 'empty' | {'value',Item} when
- Q :: queue(),
- Item :: term().
+-spec peek_r(Q :: queue()) -> empty | {value,Item :: term()}.
peek_r({[],[]}) ->
peek_r({[H|_],F}) when is_list(F) ->
@@ -263,9 +240,7 @@ peek_r(Q) ->
%% Remove the first element and return resulting queue
%% O(1) amortized
--spec drop(Q1) -> Q2 when
- Q1 :: queue(),
- Q2 :: queue().
+-spec drop(Q1 :: queue()) -> Q2 :: queue().
drop({[],[]}=Q) ->
erlang:error(empty, [Q]);
drop({[_],[]}) ->
@@ -283,9 +258,7 @@ drop(Q) ->
%% Remove the last element and return resulting queue
%% O(1) amortized
--spec drop_r(Q1) -> Q2 when
- Q1 :: queue(),
- Q2 :: queue().
+-spec drop_r(Q1 :: queue()) -> Q2 :: queue().
drop_r({[],[]}=Q) ->
erlang:error(empty, [Q]);
drop_r({[],[_]}) ->
@@ -306,9 +279,7 @@ drop_r(Q) ->
%% Return reversed queue
%% O(1)
--spec reverse(Q1) -> Q2 when
- Q1 :: queue(),
- Q2 :: queue().
+-spec reverse(Q1 :: queue()) -> Q2 :: queue().
reverse({R,F}) when is_list(R), is_list(F) ->
reverse(Q) ->
@@ -318,10 +289,7 @@ reverse(Q) ->
%% Q2 empty: O(1)
%% else: O(len(Q1))
--spec join(Q1, Q2) -> Q3 when
- Q1 :: queue(),
- Q2 :: queue(),
- Q3 :: queue().
+-spec join(Q1 :: queue(), Q2 :: queue()) -> Q3 :: queue().
join({R,F}=Q, {[],[]}) when is_list(R), is_list(F) ->
join({[],[]}, {R,F}=Q) when is_list(R), is_list(F) ->
@@ -335,11 +303,8 @@ join(Q1, Q2) ->
%% N = 0..len(Q)
%% O(max(N, len(Q)))
--spec split(N, Q1) -> {Q2,Q3} when
- N :: non_neg_integer(),
- Q1 :: queue(),
- Q2 :: queue(),
- Q3 :: queue().
+-spec split(N :: non_neg_integer(), Q1 :: queue()) ->
+ {Q2 :: queue(),Q3 :: queue()}.
split(0, {R,F}=Q) when is_list(R), is_list(F) ->
split(N, {R,F}=Q) when is_integer(N), N >= 1, is_list(R), is_list(F) ->
@@ -380,10 +345,8 @@ split_r1_to_f2(N, [X|R1], F1, R2, F2) ->
%% Fun(_) -> List: O(length(List) * len(Q))
%% else: O(len(Q)
--spec filter(Fun, Q1) -> Q2 when
- Fun :: fun((Item :: term()) -> boolean() | list()),
- Q1 :: queue(),
- Q2 :: queue().
+-spec filter(Fun, Q1 :: queue()) -> Q2 :: queue() when
+ Fun :: fun((Item :: term()) -> boolean() | list()).
filter(Fun, {R0,F0}) when is_function(Fun, 1), is_list(R0), is_list(F0) ->
F = filter_f(Fun, F0),
R = filter_r(Fun, R0),
@@ -459,10 +422,7 @@ filter_r(Fun, [X|R0]) ->
%% Cons to head
--spec cons(Item, Q1) -> Q2 when
- Item :: term(),
- Q1 :: queue(),
- Q2 :: queue().
+-spec cons(Item :: term(), Q1 :: queue()) -> Q2 :: queue().
cons(X, Q) ->
in_r(X, Q).
@@ -471,9 +431,7 @@ cons(X, Q) ->
%% Return the first element in the queue
%% O(1) since the queue is supposed to be well formed
--spec head(Q) -> Item when
- Q :: queue(),
- Item :: term().
+-spec head(Q :: queue()) -> Item :: term().
head({[],[]}=Q) ->
erlang:error(empty, [Q]);
head({R,F}) when is_list(R), is_list(F) ->
@@ -483,9 +441,7 @@ head(Q) ->
%% Remove head element and return resulting queue
--spec tail(Q1) -> Q2 when
- Q1 :: queue(),
- Q2 :: queue().
+-spec tail(Q1 :: queue()) -> Q2 :: queue().
tail(Q) ->
@@ -493,35 +449,22 @@ tail(Q) ->
%% Cons to tail
--spec snoc(Q1, Item) -> Q2 when
- Q1 :: queue(),
- Q2 :: queue(),
- Item :: term().
+-spec snoc(Q1 :: queue(), Item :: term()) -> Q2 :: queue().
snoc(Q, X) ->
in(X, Q).
%% Return last element
--spec daeh(Q) -> Item when
- Q :: queue(),
- Item :: term().
+-spec daeh(Q :: queue()) -> Item :: term().
daeh(Q) -> get_r(Q).
--spec last(Q) -> Item when
- Q :: queue(),
- Item :: term().
+-spec last(Q :: queue()) -> Item :: term().
last(Q) -> get_r(Q).
%% Remove last element and return resulting queue
--spec liat(Q1) -> Q2 when
- Q1 :: queue(),
- Q2 :: queue().
+-spec liat(Q1 :: queue()) -> Q2 :: queue().
liat(Q) -> drop_r(Q).
--spec lait(Q1) -> Q2 when
- Q1 :: queue(),
- Q2 :: queue().
+-spec lait(Q1 :: queue()) -> Q2 :: queue().
lait(Q) -> drop_r(Q). %% Oops, mis-spelled 'tail' reversed. Forget this one.
--spec init(Q1) -> Q2 when
- Q1 :: queue(),
- Q2 :: queue().
+-spec init(Q1 :: queue()) -> Q2 :: queue().
init(Q) -> drop_r(Q).
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/erl_scan_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/erl_scan_SUITE.erl
index 31a4f94294..4298b2c701 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/erl_scan_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/erl_scan_SUITE.erl
@@ -737,6 +737,10 @@ set_attribute() ->
(catch {foo, erl_scan:set_attribute(line, [], F2)}), % type error
?line {'EXIT',{badarg,_}} =
(catch {foo, erl_scan:set_attribute(column, [], F2)}), % type error
+ %% OTP-9412
+ ?line 8 = erl_scan:set_attribute(line, [{line,{nos,'X',8}}],
+ fun({nos,_V,VL}) -> VL end),
column_errors() ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
index 9d348b5f1a..9341300f90 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
-export([write_concurrency/1, heir/1, give_away/1, setopts/1]).
-export([bad_table/1, types/1]).
-export([init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]).
%% Convenience for manual testing
@@ -143,7 +144,8 @@ all() ->
otp_8166, exit_large_table_owner,
exit_many_large_table_owner, exit_many_tables_owner,
exit_many_many_tables_owner, write_concurrency, heir,
- give_away, setopts, bad_table, types].
+ give_away, setopts, bad_table, types,
+ otp_9423].
groups() ->
[{new, [],
@@ -5420,7 +5422,39 @@ types_do(Opts) ->
?line verify_etsmem(EtsMem).
+otp_9423(doc) -> ["vm-deadlock caused by race between ets:delete and others on write_concurrency table"];
+otp_9423(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ InitF = fun(_) -> {0,0} end,
+ ExecF = fun({S,F}) ->
+ receive
+ stop ->
+ io:format("~p got stop\n", [self()]),
+ [end_of_work | {"Succeded=",S,"Failed=",F}]
+ after 0 ->
+ %%io:format("~p (~p) doing lookup\n", [self(), {S,F}]),
+ try ets:lookup(otp_9423, key) of
+ [] -> {S+1,F}
+ catch
+ error:badarg -> {S,F+1}
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ FiniF = fun(R) -> R end,
+ case run_workers(InitF, ExecF, FiniF, infinite, 1) of
+ Pids when is_list(Pids) ->
+ %%[P ! start || P <- Pids],
+ repeat(fun() -> ets:new(otp_9423, [named_table, public, {write_concurrency,true}]),
+ ets:delete(otp_9423)
+ end, 10000),
+ [P ! stop || P <- Pids],
+ wait_pids(Pids),
+ ok;
+ Skipped -> Skipped
+ end.
% Utility functions:
@@ -5434,21 +5468,30 @@ add_lists([E1|T1], [E2|T2], Acc) ->
add_lists(T1, T2, [E1+E2 | Acc]).
run_workers(InitF,ExecF,FiniF,Laps) ->
+ run_workers(InitF,ExecF,FiniF,Laps, 0).
+run_workers(InitF,ExecF,FiniF,Laps, Exclude) ->
case erlang:system_info(smp_support) of
true ->
- run_workers_do(InitF,ExecF,FiniF,Laps);
+ run_workers_do(InitF,ExecF,FiniF,Laps, Exclude);
false ->
{skipped,"No smp support"}
run_workers_do(InitF,ExecF,FiniF,Laps) ->
- NumOfProcs = erlang:system_info(schedulers),
+ run_workers_do(InitF,ExecF,FiniF,Laps, 0).
+run_workers_do(InitF,ExecF,FiniF,Laps, Exclude) ->
+ ?line NumOfProcs = case erlang:system_info(schedulers) of
+ N when (N > Exclude) -> N - Exclude
+ end,
io:format("smp starting ~p workers\n",[NumOfProcs]),
Seeds = [{ProcN,random:uniform(9999)} || ProcN <- lists:seq(1,NumOfProcs)],
Parent = self(),
Pids = [spawn_link(fun()-> worker(Seed,InitF,ExecF,FiniF,Laps,Parent,NumOfProcs) end)
|| Seed <- Seeds],
- wait_pids(Pids).
+ case Laps of
+ infinite -> Pids;
+ _ -> wait_pids(Pids)
+ end.
worker({ProcN,Seed}, InitF, ExecF, FiniF, Laps, Parent, NumOfProcs) ->
io:format("smp worker ~p, seed=~p~n",[self(),Seed]),
@@ -5463,6 +5506,8 @@ worker_loop(0, _, State) ->
worker_loop(_, _, [end_of_work|State]) ->
+worker_loop(infinite, ExecF, State) ->
+ worker_loop(infinite,ExecF,ExecF(State));
worker_loop(N, ExecF, State) ->
@@ -5517,20 +5562,21 @@ etsmem() ->
case erlang:system_info({allocator,ets_alloc}) of
false -> undefined;
MemInfo ->
- MSBCS = lists:foldl(
- fun ({instance, _, L}, Acc) ->
- {value,{_,MBCS}} = lists:keysearch(mbcs, 1, L),
- {value,{_,SBCS}} = lists:keysearch(sbcs, 1, L),
- [MBCS,SBCS | Acc]
- end,
- [],
- MemInfo),
+ CS = lists:foldl(
+ fun ({instance, _, L}, Acc) ->
+ {value,{_,SBMBCS}} = lists:keysearch(sbmbcs, 1, L),
+ {value,{_,MBCS}} = lists:keysearch(mbcs, 1, L),
+ {value,{_,SBCS}} = lists:keysearch(sbcs, 1, L),
+ end,
+ [],
+ MemInfo),
fun(L, {Bl0,BlSz0}) ->
{value,{_,Bl,_,_}} = lists:keysearch(blocks, 1, L),
{value,{_,BlSz,_,_}} = lists:keysearch(blocks_size, 1, L),
- end, {0,0}, MSBCS)
+ end, {0,0}, CS)
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/io_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/io_SUITE.erl
index 54a98985cd..bb02a879c2 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/io_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/io_SUITE.erl
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
otp_6282/1, otp_6354/1, otp_6495/1, otp_6517/1, otp_6502/1,
manpage/1, otp_6708/1, otp_7084/1, otp_7421/1,
io_lib_collect_line_3_wb/1, cr_whitespace_in_string/1,
- io_fread_newlines/1, otp_8989/1]).
+ io_fread_newlines/1, otp_8989/1, io_lib_fread_literal/1]).
%-define(debug, true).
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ all() ->
otp_6282, otp_6354, otp_6495, otp_6517, otp_6502,
manpage, otp_6708, otp_7084, otp_7421,
io_lib_collect_line_3_wb, cr_whitespace_in_string,
- io_fread_newlines, otp_8989].
+ io_fread_newlines, otp_8989, io_lib_fread_literal].
groups() ->
@@ -1995,3 +1995,29 @@ otp_8989(Suite) when is_list(Suite) ->
?line "Hel " = fmt("~-4.*s", [3,Hello]),
?line "Hel " = fmt("~*.*s", [-4,3,Hello]),
+io_lib_fread_literal(doc) ->
+ "OTP-9439 io_lib:fread bug for literate at end";
+io_lib_fread_literal(Suite) when is_list(Suite) ->
+ ?line {more,"~d",0,""} = io_lib:fread("~d", ""),
+ ?line {error,{fread,integer}} = io_lib:fread("~d", " "),
+ ?line {more,"~d",1,""} = io_lib:fread(" ~d", " "),
+ ?line {ok,[17],"X"} = io_lib:fread(" ~d", " 17X"),
+ %%
+ ?line {more,"d",0,""} = io_lib:fread("d", ""),
+ ?line {error,{fread,input}} = io_lib:fread("d", " "),
+ ?line {more,"d",1,""} = io_lib:fread(" d", " "),
+ ?line {ok,[],"X"} = io_lib:fread(" d", " dX"),
+ %%
+ ?line {done,eof,_} = io_lib:fread([], eof, "~d"),
+ ?line {done,eof,_} = io_lib:fread([], eof, " ~d"),
+ ?line {more,C1} = io_lib:fread([], " \n", " ~d"),
+ ?line {done,{error,{fread,input}},_} = io_lib:fread(C1, eof, " ~d"),
+ ?line {done,{ok,[18]},""} = io_lib:fread(C1, "18\n", " ~d"),
+ %%
+ ?line {done,eof,_} = io_lib:fread([], eof, "d"),
+ ?line {done,eof,_} = io_lib:fread([], eof, " d"),
+ ?line {more,C2} = io_lib:fread([], " \n", " d"),
+ ?line {done,{error,{fread,input}},_} = io_lib:fread(C2, eof, " d"),
+ ?line {done,{ok,[]},[]} = io_lib:fread(C2, "d\n", " d"),
+ ok.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/supervisor_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/supervisor_SUITE.erl
index 969916abed..7a75114cb6 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/supervisor_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/supervisor_SUITE.erl
@@ -119,10 +119,9 @@ end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
init_per_testcase(count_children_memory, Config) ->
- MemoryState = erlang:system_info(allocator),
- case count_children_allocator_test(MemoryState) of
- true -> Config;
- false ->
+ try erlang:memory() of
+ _ -> Config
+ catch error:notsup ->
{skip, "+Meamin used during test; erlang:memory/1 not available"}
init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
@@ -1118,17 +1117,6 @@ count_children_memory(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
[terminate(SupPid, Pid, child, kill) || {undefined, Pid, worker, _Modules} <- Children3],
[1,0,0,0] = get_child_counts(sup_test).
-count_children_allocator_test(MemoryState) ->
- Allocators = [temp_alloc, eheap_alloc, binary_alloc, ets_alloc,
- driver_alloc, sl_alloc, ll_alloc, fix_alloc, std_alloc,
- sys_alloc],
- MemoryStateList = element(4, MemoryState),
- AllocTypes = [lists:keyfind(Alloc, 1, MemoryStateList)
- || Alloc <- Allocators],
- AllocStates = [lists:keyfind(e, 1, AllocValue)
- || {_Type, AllocValue} <- AllocTypes],
- lists:all(fun(State) -> State == {e, true} end, AllocStates).
do_not_save_start_parameters_for_temporary_children(doc) ->
["Temporary children shall not be restarted so they should not "