path: root/lib/stdlib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib')
4 files changed, 43 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
index c4cb5fdc80..5678e7eebe 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
@@ -293,6 +293,9 @@ format_error({variable_in_record_def,V}) ->
%% --- binaries ---
format_error({undefined_bittype,Type}) ->
io_lib:format("bit type ~w undefined", [Type]);
+format_error({bittype_mismatch,Val1,Val2,What}) ->
+ io_lib:format("conflict in ~s specification for bit field: '~p' and '~p'",
+ [What,Val1,Val2]);
format_error(bittype_unit) ->
"a bit unit size must not be specified unless a size is specified too";
format_error(illegal_bitsize) ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl
index f7a969977a..c5177aca90 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_pp.erl
@@ -253,6 +253,8 @@ lattribute(import, Name, _Opts, _State) when is_list(Name) ->
attr("import", [{var,a0(),pname(Name)}]);
lattribute(import, {From,Falist}, _Opts, _State) ->
+lattribute(export_type, Talist, _Opts, _State) ->
+ call({var,a0(),"-export_type"}, [falist(Talist)], 0, options(none));
lattribute(optional_callbacks, Falist, Opts, _State) ->
ArgL = try falist(Falist)
catch _:_ -> abstract(Falist, Opts)
@@ -321,7 +323,6 @@ ltype({type,_,'fun',[{type,_,any},_]}=FunType, _) ->
ltype({type,_Line,'fun',[{type,_,product,_},_]}=FunType, _) ->
[fun_type(['fun',$(], FunType),$)];
ltype({type,Line,T,Ts}, _) ->
- %% Compatibility. Before 18.0.
simple_type({atom,Line,T}, Ts);
ltype({user_type,Line,T,Ts}, _) ->
simple_type({atom,Line,T}, Ts);
@@ -346,16 +347,8 @@ map_type(Fs) ->
map_pair_types(Fs) ->
tuple_type(Fs, fun map_pair_type/2).
-map_pair_type({type,_Line,map_field_assoc,[Ktype,Vtype]}, Prec) ->
- map_assoc_typed(ltype(Ktype), Vtype, Prec).
-map_assoc_typed(B, {type,_,union,Ts}, Prec) ->
- {first,[B,$\s],{seq,[],[],[],map_assoc_union_type(Ts, Prec)}};
-map_assoc_typed(B, Type, Prec) ->
- {list,[{cstep,[B," =>"],ltype(Type, Prec)}]}.
-map_assoc_union_type([T|Ts], Prec) ->
- [[leaf("=> "),ltype(T)] | ltypes(Ts, fun union_elem/2, Prec)].
+map_pair_type({type,_Line,map_field_assoc,[KType,VType]}, Prec) ->
+ {list,[{cstep,[ltype(KType, Prec),leaf(" =>")],ltype(VType, Prec)}]}.
record_type(Name, Fields) ->
@@ -370,9 +363,6 @@ typed(B, Type) ->
{_L,_P,R} = type_inop_prec('::'),
{list,[{cstep,[B,' ::'],ltype(Type, R)}]}.
-union_elem(T, Prec) ->
- [leaf(" | "),ltype(T, Prec)].
tuple_type(Ts, F) ->
{seq,${,$},[$,],ltypes(Ts, F, 0)}.
@@ -399,6 +389,9 @@ guard_type(Before, Gs) ->
Gl = {list,[{step,'when',expr_list(Gs, [$,], fun constraint/2, Opts)}]},
+ _Opts) ->
+ typed(lexpr(V, options(none)), Type);
constraint({type,_Line,constraint,[Tag,As]}, _Opts) ->
simple_type(Tag, As).
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/erl_lint_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/erl_lint_SUITE.erl
index 0424e2b967..5347ccaf1f 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/erl_lint_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/erl_lint_SUITE.erl
@@ -3604,7 +3604,10 @@ bin_syntax_errors(Config) ->
t(<<X/unit:8>>) -> X;
t(<<X:7/float>>) -> X;
t(<< <<_:8>> >>) -> ok;
- t(<<(x ! y):8/integer>>) -> ok.
+ t(<<(x ! y):8/integer>>) -> ok;
+ t(X) ->
+ {<<X/binary-integer>>,<<X/signed-unsigned-integer>>,
+ <<X/little-big>>,<<X/unit:4-unit:8>>}.
@@ -3613,7 +3616,12 @@ bin_syntax_errors(Config) ->
- {8,erl_lint,illegal_pattern}],
+ {8,erl_lint,illegal_pattern},
+ {10,erl_lint,{bittype_mismatch,integer,binary,"type"}},
+ {10,erl_lint,{bittype_mismatch,unsigned,signed,"sign"}},
+ {11,erl_lint,{bittype_mismatch,8,4,"unit"}},
+ {11,erl_lint,{bittype_mismatch,big,little,"endianness"}}
+ ],
[] = run(Config, Ts),
@@ -3920,22 +3928,35 @@ run_test2(Conf, Test, Warnings0) ->
%% is no reason to produce an output file since we are only
%% interested in the errors and warnings.
- %% Print warnings, call erl_lint:format_error/1.
+ %% Print warnings, call erl_lint:format_error/1. (But note that
+ %% the compiler will ignore failing calls to erl_lint:format_error/1.)
compile:file(File, [binary,report|Opts]),
case compile:file(File, [binary|Opts]) of
- {ok, _M, Code, Ws} when is_binary(Code) -> warnings(File, Ws);
- {error, [{File,Es}], []} -> {errors, Es, []};
- {error, [{File,Es}], [{File,Ws}]} -> {error, Es, Ws};
- {error, [{File,Es1},{File,Es2}], []} -> {errors2, Es1, Es2}
+ {ok, _M, Code, Ws} when is_binary(Code) ->
+ warnings(File, Ws);
+ {error, [{File,Es}], []} ->
+ {errors, call_format_error(Es), []};
+ {error, [{File,Es}], [{File,Ws}]} ->
+ {error, call_format_error(Es), call_format_error(Ws)};
+ {error, [{File,Es1},{File,Es2}], []} ->
+ {errors2, Es1, Es2}
warnings(File, Ws) ->
case lists:append([W || {F, W} <- Ws, F =:= File]) of
- [] -> [];
- L -> {warnings, L}
+ [] ->
+ [];
+ L ->
+ {warnings, call_format_error(L)}
+call_format_error(L) ->
+ %% Smoke test of format_error/1 to make sure that no crashes
+ %% slip through.
+ _ = [Mod:format_error(Term) || {_,Mod,Term} <- L],
+ L.
fail() ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/erl_pp_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/erl_pp_SUITE.erl
index 389fd059f6..92e2764c65 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/erl_pp_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/erl_pp_SUITE.erl
@@ -960,6 +960,9 @@ maps_syntax(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
"-type t1() :: map().\n"
"-type t2() :: #{ atom() => integer(), atom() => float() }.\n"
+ "-type u() :: #{a => (I :: integer()) | (A :: atom()),\n"
+ " (X :: atom()) | (Y :: atom()) =>\n"
+ " (I :: integer()) | (A :: atom())}.\n"
"-spec f1(t1()) -> 'true'.\n"
"f1(M) when is_map(M) -> true.\n"
"-spec f2(t2()) -> integer().\n"