path: root/lib/stdlib
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/stdlib')
2 files changed, 127 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/ms_transform.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/ms_transform.erl
index 1a571fc607..a249dea525 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/ms_transform.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/ms_transform.erl
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ transform_from_shell(Dialect, Clauses, BoundEnvironment) ->
parse_transform(Forms, _Options) ->
SaveFilename = setup_filename(),
- %io:format("~p~n",[Forms]),
+ %io:format("Forms: ~p~n",[Forms]),
case catch forms(Forms) of
{'EXIT',Reason} ->
@@ -340,11 +340,22 @@ copy({call,Line,{remote,_Line2,{record_field,_Line3,
As0},Bound) ->
+copy({match,Line,A,B},Bound) ->
+ {B1,Bound1} = copy(B,Bound),
+ {A1,Bound2} = copy(A,Bound),
+ {{match,Line,A1,B1},gb_sets:union(Bound1,Bound2)};
copy({var,_Line,'_'} = VarDef,Bound) ->
copy({var,_Line,Name} = VarDef,Bound) ->
Bound1 = gb_sets:add(Name,Bound),
+copy({'fun',Line,{clauses,Clauses}},Bound) -> % Dont export bindings from funs
+ {NewClauses,_IgnoredBindings} = copy_list(Clauses,Bound),
+ {{'fun',Line,{clauses,NewClauses}},Bound};
+copy({'case',Line,Of,ClausesList},Bound) -> % Dont export bindings from funs
+ {NewOf,NewBind0} = copy(Of,Bound),
+ {NewClausesList,NewBindings} = copy_case_clauses(ClausesList,NewBind0,[]),
+ {{'case',Line,NewOf,NewClausesList},NewBindings};
copy(T,Bound) when is_tuple(T) ->
{L,Bound1} = copy_list(tuple_to_list(T),Bound),
@@ -353,6 +364,20 @@ copy(L,Bound) when is_list(L) ->
copy(AnyOther,Bound) ->
+copy_case_clauses([],Bound,AddSets) ->
+ ReallyAdded = gb_sets:intersection(AddSets),
+ {[],gb_sets:union(Bound,ReallyAdded)};
+copy_case_clauses([{clause,Line,Match,Guard,Clauses}|T],Bound,AddSets) ->
+ {NewMatch,MatchBinds} = copy(Match,Bound),
+ {NewGuard,GuardBinds} = copy(Guard,MatchBinds), %% Really no new binds
+ {NewClauses,AllBinds} = copy(Clauses,GuardBinds),
+ %% To limit the setsizes, I subtract what I had before the case clause
+ %% and add it in the end
+ AddedBinds = gb_sets:subtract(AllBinds,Bound),
+ {NewTail,ExportedBindings} =
+ copy_case_clauses(T,Bound,[AddedBinds | AddSets]),
+ {[{clause,Line,NewMatch,NewGuard,NewClauses}|NewTail],ExportedBindings}.
copy_list([H|T],Bound) ->
{C1,Bound1} = copy(H,Bound),
{C2,Bound2} = copy_list(T,Bound1),
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/ms_transform_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/ms_transform_SUITE.erl
index 79a0a9af89..2d90d5b823 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/ms_transform_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/ms_transform_SUITE.erl
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
-export([init_per_testcase/2, fin_per_testcase/2]).
init_per_testcase(_Func, Config) ->
@@ -50,8 +51,90 @@ fin_per_testcase(_Func, Config) ->
all(suite) -> [from_shell,basic_ets,basic_dbg,records,record_index,multipass,
bitsyntax, record_defaults, andalso_orelse,
float_1_function, action_function,
+ warnings,
top_match, old_guards, autoimported, semicolon].
+%% This may be subject to change
+warnings(suite) ->
+ [];
+warnings(doc) ->
+ ["Check that shadowed variables in fun head generate warning"];
+warnings(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line setup(Config),
+ Prog = <<"A=5, "
+ "ets:fun2ms(fun({A,B}) "
+ " when is_integer(A) and (A+5 > B) -> "
+ " A andalso B "
+ " end)">>,
+ ?line [{_,[{_,ms_transform,{?WARN_NUMBER_SHADOW,'A'}}]}] =
+ compile_ww(Prog),
+ Prog2 = <<"C=5, "
+ "ets:fun2ms(fun({A,B} = C) "
+ " when is_integer(A) and (A+5 > B) -> "
+ " {A andalso B,C} "
+ " end)">>,
+ ?line [{_,[{_,ms_transform,{?WARN_NUMBER_SHADOW,'C'}}]}] =
+ compile_ww(Prog2),
+ Rec3 = <<"-record(a,{a,b,c,d=foppa}).">>,
+ Prog3 = <<"A=3,C=5, "
+ "ets:fun2ms(fun(#a{a = A, b = B} = C) "
+ " when is_integer(A) and (A+5 > B) -> "
+ " {A andalso B,C} "
+ " end)">>,
+ ?line [{_,[{_,ms_transform,{?WARN_NUMBER_SHADOW,'A'}},
+ {_,ms_transform,{?WARN_NUMBER_SHADOW,'C'}}]}] =
+ compile_ww(Rec3,Prog3),
+ Rec4 = <<"-record(a,{a,b,c,d=foppa}).">>,
+ Prog4 = <<"A=3,C=5, "
+ "F = fun(B) -> B*3 end,"
+ "erlang:display(F(A)),"
+ "ets:fun2ms(fun(#a{a = A, b = B} = C) "
+ " when is_integer(A) and (A+5 > B) -> "
+ " {A andalso B,C} "
+ " end)">>,
+ ?line [{_,[{_,ms_transform,{?WARN_NUMBER_SHADOW,'A'}},
+ {_,ms_transform,{?WARN_NUMBER_SHADOW,'C'}}]}] =
+ compile_ww(Rec4,Prog4),
+ Rec5 = <<"-record(a,{a,b,c,d=foppa}).">>,
+ Prog5 = <<"A=3,C=5, "
+ "F = fun(B) -> B*3 end,"
+ "erlang:display(F(A)),"
+ "B = ets:fun2ms(fun(#a{a = A, b = B} = C) "
+ " when is_integer(A) and (A+5 > B) -> "
+ " {A andalso B,C} "
+ " end)">>,
+ ?line [{_,[{_,ms_transform,{?WARN_NUMBER_SHADOW,'A'}},
+ {_,ms_transform,{?WARN_NUMBER_SHADOW,'C'}}]}] =
+ compile_ww(Rec5,Prog5),
+ Prog6 = <<" X=bar, "
+ " A = case X of"
+ " foo ->"
+ " foo;"
+ " Y ->"
+ " ets:fun2ms(fun(Y) ->" % This is a warning
+ " 3*Y"
+ " end)"
+ " end,"
+ " ets:fun2ms(fun(Y) ->" % Y out of "scope" here, so no warning
+ " {3*Y,A}"
+ " end)">>,
+ ?line [{_,[{_,ms_transform,{?WARN_NUMBER_SHADOW,'Y'}}]}] =
+ compile_ww(Prog6),
+ Prog7 = <<" X=bar, "
+ " A = case X of"
+ " foo ->"
+ " Y = foo;"
+ " Y ->"
+ " bar"
+ " end,"
+ " ets:fun2ms(fun(Y) ->" % Y exported from case and safe, so warn
+ " {3*Y,A}"
+ " end)">>,
+ ?line [{_,[{_,ms_transform,{?WARN_NUMBER_SHADOW,'Y'}}]}] =
+ compile_ww(Prog7),
+ ok.
andalso_orelse(suite) ->
andalso_orelse(doc) ->
@@ -721,6 +804,24 @@ compile_and_run(Records,Expr) ->
+compile_ww(Expr) ->
+ compile_ww(<<>>,Expr).
+compile_ww(Records,Expr) ->
+ Prog = <<
+ "-module(tmp).\n",
+ "-include_lib(\"stdlib/include/ms_transform.hrl\").\n",
+ "-export([tmp/0]).\n",
+ Records/binary,"\n",
+ "tmp() ->\n",
+ Expr/binary,".\n">>,
+ FN=temp_name(),
+ file:write_file(FN,Prog),
+ {ok,Forms} = epp:parse_file(FN,"",""),
+ {ok,tmp,_Bin,Wlist} = compile:forms(Forms,[return_warnings,
+ nowarn_unused_vars,
+ nowarn_unused_record]),
+ Wlist.
do_eval(String) ->
{done,{ok,T,_},[]} = erl_scan:tokens(