path: root/lib/test_server/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/test_server/src')
10 files changed, 714 insertions, 1721 deletions
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/erl2html2.erl b/lib/test_server/src/erl2html2.erl
index 6891e87e48..9c459c05d4 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/erl2html2.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/erl2html2.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2011. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -18,19 +18,9 @@
-%%% Purpose:Convert Erlang files to html. (Pretty faaast... :-)
+%%% Purpose:Convert Erlang files to html.
-% Some stats (Sparc5@110Mhz):
-% 4109 lines (erl_parse.erl): 3.00 secs
-% 1847 lines (application_controller.erl): 0.57 secs
-% 3160 lines (test_server.erl): 1.00 secs
-% 1199 lines (ts_estone.erl): 0.35 secs
-% Avg: ~4.5e-4s/line, or ~0.45s/1000 lines, or ~2200 lines/sec.
-export([convert/2, convert/3]).
@@ -52,134 +42,141 @@ convert(File, Dest) ->
"<body bgcolor=\"white\" text=\"black\""
" link=\"blue\" vlink=\"purple\" alink=\"red\">\n"],
convert(File, Dest, Header).
convert(File, Dest, Header) ->
- case file:read_file(File) of
- {ok, Bin} ->
- Code=binary_to_list(Bin),
- statistics(runtime),
- {Html1, Lines} = root(Code, [], 1),
- Html = [Header,
- "<pre>\n", Html1, "</pre>\n",
- footer(Lines),"</body>\n</html>\n"],
- file:write_file(Dest, Html);
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason}
+ %% statistics(runtime),
+ case parse_file(File) of
+ {ok,Functions} ->
+ %% {_, Time1} = statistics(runtime),
+ %% io:format("Parsed file in ~.2f Seconds.~n",[Time1/1000]),
+ case file:open(File,[raw,{read_ahead,10000}]) of
+ {ok,SFd} ->
+ case file:open(Dest,[write,raw]) of
+ {ok,DFd} ->
+ file:write(DFd,[Header,"<pre>\n"]),
+ Lines = build_html(SFd,DFd,Functions),
+ file:write(DFd,["</pre>\n",footer(),
+ "</body>\n</html>\n"]),
+ %% {_, Time2} = statistics(runtime),
+ %% io:format("Converted ~p lines in ~.2f Seconds.~n",
+ %% [Lines, Time2/1000]),
+ file:close(SFd),
+ file:close(DFd),
+ ok;
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end;
+ Error ->
+ Error
-root([], Res, Line) ->
- {Res, Line};
-root([Char0|Code], Res, Line0) ->
- Char = [Char0],
- case Char of
- "-" ->
- {Match, Line1, NewCode0, AttName} =
- read_to_char(Line0+1, Code, [], [$(, $.]),
- {_, Line2, NewCode, Stuff} = read_to_char(Line1, NewCode0, [], $\n),
- NewRes = [Res,linenum(Line0),"-<b>",AttName,
- "</b>",Match, Stuff, "\n"],
- root(NewCode, NewRes, Line2);
- "%" ->
- {_, Line, NewCode, Stuff} = read_to_char(Line0+1, Code, [], $\n),
- NewRes = [Res,linenum(Line0),"<i>%",Stuff,"</i>\n"],
- root(NewCode, NewRes, Line);
- "\n" ->
- root(Code, [Res,linenum(Line0), "\n"], Line0+1);
- " " ->
- {_, Line, NewCode, Stuff} = read_to_char(Line0+1, Code, [], $\n),
- root(NewCode, [Res,linenum(Line0)," ",Stuff, "\n"],
- Line);
- "\t" ->
- {_, Line, NewCode, Stuff} = read_to_char(Line0+1, Code, [], $\n),
- root(NewCode, [Res,linenum(Line0),"\t",Stuff, "\n"],
- Line);
- [Chr|_] when Chr>96, Chr<123 ->
- %% Assumed to be function/clause start.
- %% FIXME: This will trivially generate non-unique anchors
- %% (one for each clause) --- which is illegal HTML.
- {_, Line1, NewCode0, FName0} = read_to_char(Line0+1, Code, [], $(),
- {_, Line2, NewCode, Stuff} =
- read_to_char(Line1,NewCode0, [], $\n),
- FuncName = [[Chr],FName0],
- NewRes=[Res,"<a name=",FuncName,">",
- linenum(Line0),"<b>",FuncName,"</b></a>",
- "(",Stuff, "\n"],
- root(NewCode, NewRes, Line2);
- Chr ->
- {_, Line, NewCode, Stuff} = read_to_char(Line0+1, Code, [], $\n),
- root(NewCode, [Res,linenum(Line0),Chr,Stuff, "\n"],
- Line)
+%%% Parse the input file to get the line numbers for all function
+%%% definitions. This will be used when creating link targets for each
+%%% function in build_html/5.
+%%% All function clauses are also marked in order to allow
+%%% possibly_enhance/2 to write these in bold.
+parse_file(File) ->
+ case epp:open(File, [], []) of
+ {ok,Epp} ->
+ Forms = parse_file(Epp,File,false),
+ epp:close(Epp),
+ {ok,Forms};
+ {error,E} ->
+ {error,E}
-read_to_char(Line0, [], Res, _Chr) ->
- {nomatch, Line0, [], Res};
-read_to_char(Line0, [Char|Code], Res, Chr) ->
- case Char of
- Chr -> {Char, Line0, Code, Res};
- _ when is_list(Chr) ->
- case lists:member(Char,Chr) of
- true ->
- {Char, Line0, Code, Res};
- false ->
- {Line,NewCode,NewRes} = maybe_convert(Line0,Code,Res,Char),
- read_to_char(Line, NewCode, NewRes, Chr)
+parse_file(Epp,File,InCorrectFile) ->
+ case epp:parse_erl_form(Epp) of
+ {ok,Form} ->
+ case Form of
+ {attribute,_,file,{File,_}} ->
+ parse_file(Epp,File,true);
+ {attribute,_,file,{_OtherFile,_}} ->
+ parse_file(Epp,File,false);
+ {function,L,F,A,[_|C]} when InCorrectFile ->
+ Clauses = [{clause,CL} || {clause,CL,_,_,_} <- C],
+ [{atom_to_list(F),A,L} | Clauses] ++
+ parse_file(Epp,File,true);
+ _ ->
+ parse_file(Epp,File,InCorrectFile)
- _ ->
- {Line,NewCode,NewRes} = maybe_convert(Line0,Code,Res,Char),
- read_to_char(Line,NewCode, NewRes, Chr)
+ {error,_E} ->
+ parse_file(Epp,File,InCorrectFile);
+ {eof,_Location} ->
+ []
-maybe_convert(Line0,Code,Res,Chr) ->
- case Chr of
- %% Quoted stuff should not have the highlighting like normal code
- %% FIXME: unbalanced quotes (e.g. in comments) will cause trouble with
- %% highlighting and line numbering in the rest of the module.
- $" ->
- {_, Line1, NewCode, Stuff0} = read_to_char(Line0, Code, [], $"),
- {Line2,Stuff} = add_linenumbers(Line1,lists:flatten(Stuff0),[]),
- {Line2,NewCode,[Res,$",Stuff,$"]};
- %% These chars have meaning in HTML, and *must* *not* be
- %% written as themselves.
- $& ->
- {Line0, Code, [Res,"&amp;"]};
- $< ->
- {Line0, Code, [Res,"&lt;"]};
- $> ->
- {Line0, Code, [Res,"&gt;"]};
- %% Everything else is simply copied.
- OtherChr ->
- {Line0, Code, [Res,OtherChr]}
- end.
+%%% Add a link target for each line and one for each function definition.
+build_html(SFd,DFd,Functions) ->
+ build_html(SFd,DFd,file:read_line(SFd),1,Functions,false).
-add_linenumbers(Line,[Chr|Chrs],Res) ->
- case Chr of
- $\n -> add_linenumbers(Line+1,Chrs,[Res,$\n,linenum(Line)]);
- _ -> add_linenumbers(Line,Chrs,[Res,Chr])
- end;
-add_linenumbers(Line,[],Res) ->
- {Line,Res}.
+build_html(SFd,DFd,{ok,Str},L,[{F,A,L}|Functions],_IsFuncDef) ->
+ FALink = http_uri:encode(F++"-"++integer_to_list(A)),
+ file:write(DFd,["<a name=\"",FALink,"\"/>"]),
+ build_html(SFd,DFd,{ok,Str},L,Functions,true);
+build_html(SFd,DFd,{ok,Str},L,[{clause,L}|Functions],_IsFuncDef) ->
+ build_html(SFd,DFd,{ok,Str},L,Functions,true);
+build_html(SFd,DFd,{ok,Str},L,Functions,IsFuncDef) ->
+ LStr = line_number(L),
+ Str1 = line(Str,IsFuncDef),
+ file:write(DFd,[LStr,Str1]),
+ build_html(SFd,DFd,file:read_line(SFd),L+1,Functions,false);
+build_html(_SFd,_DFd,eof,L,_Functions,_IsFuncDef) ->
+ L.
-%% Make nicely indented line numbers.
-linenum(Line) ->
- Num = integer_to_list(Line),
- A = case Line rem 10 of
- 0 -> "<a name=\"" ++ Num ++"\"></a>";
- _ -> []
- end,
+line_number(L) ->
+ LStr = integer_to_list(L),
Pred =
- case length(Num) of
+ case length(LStr) of
Length when Length < 5 ->
_ ->
- [A,Pred,integer_to_list(Line),":"].
+ ["<a name=\"",LStr,"\"/>",Pred,LStr,": "].
+line(Str,IsFuncDef) ->
+ Str1 = htmlize(Str),
+ possibly_enhance(Str1,IsFuncDef).
+%%% Substitute special characters that should not appear in HTML
+htmlize([$<|Str]) ->
+ [$&,$l,$t,$;|htmlize(Str)];
+htmlize([$>|Str]) ->
+ [$&,$g,$t,$;|htmlize(Str)];
+htmlize([$&|Str]) ->
+ [$&,$a,$m,$p,$;|htmlize(Str)];
+htmlize([$"|Str]) ->
+ [$&,$q,$u,$o,$t,$;|htmlize(Str)];
+htmlize([Ch|Str]) ->
+ [Ch|htmlize(Str)];
+htmlize([]) ->
+ [].
+%%% Write comments in italic and function definitions in bold.
+possibly_enhance(Str,true) ->
+ case lists:splitwith(fun($() -> false; (_) -> true end, Str) of
+ {_,[]} -> Str;
+ {F,A} -> ["<b>",F,"</b>",A]
+ end;
+possibly_enhance([$%|_]=Str,_) ->
+ ["<i>",Str--"\n","</i>","\n"];
+possibly_enhance([$-|_]=Str,_) ->
+ possibly_enhance(Str,true);
+possibly_enhance(Str,false) ->
+ Str.
-footer(_Lines) ->
+%%% End of the file
+footer() ->
-%% {_, Time} = statistics(runtime),
-%% io:format("Converted ~p lines in ~.2f Seconds.~n",
-%% [Lines, Time/1000]),
-%% S = "<i>The transformation of this file (~p lines) took ~.2f seconds</i>",
-%% F = lists:flatten(io_lib:format(S, [Lines, Time/1000])),
-%% ["<hr size=1>",F,"<br>\n"].
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server.erl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server.erl
index bcffe896c4..14cdfd391a 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/test_server.erl
@@ -20,15 +20,12 @@
-%%% START %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% TEST_SERVER_CTRL INTERFACE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% TEST_SERVER_SUP INTERFACE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% TEST SUITE INTERFACE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@@ -60,49 +57,11 @@
-define(pl2a(M), test_server_sup:package_atom(M)).
-%% test_server
-%% This process is started only if the test is to be run on a remote target
-%% The process is then started on target
-%% A socket connection is established with the test_server_ctrl process
-%% on host, and information about target is sent to host.
-start([ControllerHost]) when is_atom(ControllerHost) ->
- start(atom_to_list(ControllerHost));
-start(ControllerHost) when is_list(ControllerHost) ->
- start(ControllerHost,?MAIN_PORT).
-start(ControllerHost,ControllerPort) ->
- S = self(),
- Pid = spawn(fun() -> init(ControllerHost,ControllerPort,S) end),
- receive {Pid,started} -> {ok,Pid};
- {Pid,Error} -> Error
- end.
-init(Host,Port,Starter) ->
- global:register_name(?MODULE,self()),
- process_flag(trap_exit,true),
- test_server_sup:cleanup_crash_dumps(),
- case gen_tcp:connect(Host,Port, [binary,
- {reuseaddr,true},
- {packet,2}]) of
- {ok,MainSock} ->
- Starter ! {self(),started},
- request(MainSock,{target_info,init_target_info()}),
- loop(#state{controller={Host,MainSock}});
- Error ->
- Starter ! {self(),{error,
- {could_not_contact_controller,Error}}}
- end.
init_target_info() ->
[$.|Emu] = code:objfile_extension(),
{_, OTPRel} = init:script_id(),
@@ -118,171 +77,10 @@ init_target_info() ->
-loop(#state{controller={_,MainSock}} = State) ->
- receive
- {tcp, MainSock, <<1,Request/binary>>} ->
- State1 = decode_main(binary_to_term(Request),State),
- loop(State1);
- {tcp_closed, MainSock} ->
- gen_tcp:close(MainSock),
- halt();
- {'EXIT',Pid,Reason} ->
- case lists:keysearch(Pid,1,State#state.jobs) of
- {value,{Pid,Name}} ->
- case Reason of
- normal -> ignore;
- _other -> request(MainSock,{job_proc_killed,Name,Reason})
- end,
- NewJobs = lists:keydelete(Pid,1,State#state.jobs),
- loop(State#state{jobs = NewJobs});
- false ->
- loop(State)
- end
- end.
-%% Decode request on main socket
-decode_main({job,Port,Name},#state{controller={Host,_},jobs=Jobs}=State) ->
- S = self(),
- NewJob = spawn_link(fun() -> job(Host,Port,S) end),
- receive {NewJob,started} -> State#state{jobs=[{NewJob,Name}|Jobs]};
- {NewJob,_Error} -> State
- end.
init_purify() ->
-%% Temporary job process on target
-%% This process will live while all test cases in the job are executed.
-%% A socket connection is established with the job process on host.
-job(Host,Port,Starter) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit,true),
- init_purify(),
- case gen_tcp:connect(Host,Port, [binary,
- {reuseaddr,true},
- {packet,4},
- {active,false}]) of
- {ok,JobSock} ->
- Starter ! {self(),started},
- job(JobSock);
- Error ->
- Starter ! {self(),{error,
- {could_not_contact_controller,Error}}}
- end.
-job(JobSock) ->
- JobDir = get_jobdir(),
- ok = file:make_dir(JobDir),
- ok = file:make_dir(filename:join(JobDir,?priv_dir)),
- put(test_server_job_sock,JobSock),
- put(test_server_job_dir,JobDir),
- {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
- job_loop(JobSock),
- ok = file:set_cwd(Cwd),
- send_privdir(JobDir,JobSock), % also recursively removes jobdir
- ok.
-get_jobdir() ->
- Now = now(),
- {{Y,M,D},{H,Mi,S}} = calendar:now_to_local_time(Now),
- Basename = io_lib:format("~w-~2.2.0w-~2.2.0w_~2.2.0w.~2.2.0w.~2.2.0w_~w",
- [Y,M,D,H,Mi,S,element(3,Now)]),
- %% if target has a file master, don't use prim_file to look up cwd
- case lists:keymember(master,1,init:get_arguments()) of
- true ->
- {ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
- Cwd ++ "/" ++ Basename;
- false ->
- filename:absname(Basename)
- end.
-send_privdir(JobDir,JobSock) ->
- LocalPrivDir = filename:join(JobDir,?priv_dir),
- case file:list_dir(LocalPrivDir) of
- {ok,List} when List/=[] ->
- Tarfile0 = ?priv_dir ++ ".tar.gz",
- Tarfile = filename:join(JobDir,Tarfile0),
- {ok,Tar} = erl_tar:open(Tarfile,[write,compressed,cooked]),
- ok = erl_tar:add(Tar,LocalPrivDir,?priv_dir,[]),
- ok = erl_tar:close(Tar),
- {ok,TarBin} = file:read_file(Tarfile),
- file:delete(Tarfile),
- ok = del_dir(JobDir),
- request(JobSock,{{privdir,Tarfile0},TarBin});
- _ ->
- ok = del_dir(JobDir),
- request(JobSock,{privdir,empty_priv_dir})
- end.
-del_dir(Dir) ->
- case file:read_file_info(Dir) of
- {ok,#file_info{type=directory}} ->
- {ok,Cont} = file:list_dir(Dir),
- lists:foreach(fun(F) -> del_dir(filename:join(Dir,F)) end, Cont),
- ok = file:del_dir(Dir);
- {ok,#file_info{}} ->
- ok = file:delete(Dir);
- _r ->
- %% This might be a symlink - let's try to delete it!
- catch file:delete(Dir),
- ok
- end.
-%% Receive and decode request on job socket
-job_loop(JobSock) ->
- Request = recv(JobSock),
- case decode_job(Request) of
- ok -> job_loop(JobSock);
- {stop,R} -> R
- end.
-decode_job({{beam,Mod,Which},Beam}) ->
- % FIXME, shared directory structure on host and target required,
- % "Library beams" are not loaded from HOST... /Patrik
- code:add_patha(filename:dirname(Which)),
- % End of Patriks uglyness...
- {module,Mod} = code:load_binary(Mod,Which,Beam),
- ok;
-decode_job({{datadir,Tarfile0},Archive}) ->
- JobDir = get(test_server_job_dir),
- Tarfile = filename:join(JobDir,Tarfile0),
- ok = file:write_file(Tarfile,Archive),
- % Cooked is temporary removed/broken
- % ok = erl_tar:extract(Tarfile,[compressed,{cwd,JobDir},cooked]),
- ok = erl_tar:extract(Tarfile,[compressed,{cwd,JobDir}]),
- ok = file:delete(Tarfile),
- ok;
-decode_job({test_case,Case}) ->
- Result = run_test_case_apply(Case),
- JobSock = get(test_server_job_sock),
- request(JobSock,{test_case_result,Result}),
- case test_server_sup:tar_crash_dumps() of
- {error,no_crash_dumps} -> request(JobSock,{crash_dumps,no_crash_dumps});
- {ok,TarFile} ->
- {ok,TarBin} = file:read_file(TarFile),
- file:delete(TarFile),
- request(JobSock,{{crash_dumps,filename:basename(TarFile)},TarBin})
- end,
- ok;
-decode_job({sync_apply,{M,F,A}}) ->
- R = apply(M,F,A),
- request(get(test_server_job_sock),{sync_result,R}),
- ok;
-decode_job(job_done) ->
- {stop,stopped}.
%% cover_compile({App,Include,Exclude,Cross}) ->
%% {ok,AnalyseModules} | {error,Reason}
@@ -377,9 +175,7 @@ module_names(Beams) ->
do_cover_compile(Modules) ->
do_cover_compile1(lists:usort(Modules)). % remove duplicates
-do_cover_compile1([Dont|Rest]) when Dont=:=cover;
- Dont=:=test_server;
- Dont=:=test_server_ctrl ->
+do_cover_compile1([Dont|Rest]) when Dont=:=cover ->
do_cover_compile1([M|Rest]) ->
case {code:is_sticky(M),code:is_loaded(M)} of
@@ -416,7 +212,7 @@ do_cover_compile1([]) ->
-%% cover_analyse(Analyse,Modules) -> [{M,{Cov,NotCov,Details}}]
+%% cover_analyse(Analyse,Modules,Stop) -> [{M,{Cov,NotCov,Details}}]
%% Analyse = {details,Dir} | details | {overview,void()} | overview
%% Modules = [atom()], the modules to analyse
@@ -432,8 +228,19 @@ do_cover_compile1([]) ->
%% Also, if a Dir exists, cover data will be exported to a file called
%% all.coverdata in that directory.
-cover_analyse(Analyse,Modules) ->
- io:fwrite("Cover analysing...\n",[]),
+%% Finally, if Stop==true, then cover will be stopped after the
+%% analysis is completed. Stopping cover causes the original (non
+%% cover compiled) modules to be loaded back in. If a process at this
+%% point is still running old code of any of the cover compiled
+%% modules, meaning that is has not done any fully qualified function
+%% call after the cover compilation, the process will now be
+%% killed. To avoid this scenario, it is possible to set Stop=false,
+%% which means that the modules will stay cover compiled. Note that
+%% this is only recommended if the erlang node is being terminated
+%% after the test is completed.
+cover_analyse(Analyse,Modules,Stop) ->
+ print(stdout, "Cover analysing...\n", []),
DetailsFun =
case Analyse of
{details,Dir} ->
@@ -483,9 +290,15 @@ cover_analyse(Analyse,Modules) ->
end, Modules),
- Sticky = unstick_all_sticky(node()),
- cover:stop(),
- stick_all_sticky(node(),Sticky),
+ case Stop of
+ true ->
+ Sticky = unstick_all_sticky(node()),
+ cover:stop(),
+ stick_all_sticky(node(),Sticky);
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end,
pmap(Fun,List) ->
@@ -502,7 +315,20 @@ pmap(Fun,List) ->
end, Pids).
+do_cover_for_node(Node,CoverFunc) ->
+ %% In case a slave node is starting another slave node! I.e. this
+ %% function is executed on a slave node - then the cover function
+ %% must be executed on the master node. This is for instance the
+ %% case in test_server's own tests.
+ MainCoverNode = cover:get_main_node(),
+ Sticky = unstick_all_sticky(MainCoverNode,Node),
+ rpc:call(MainCoverNode,cover,CoverFunc,[Node]),
+ stick_all_sticky(Node,Sticky).
unstick_all_sticky(Node) ->
+ unstick_all_sticky(node(),Node).
+unstick_all_sticky(MainCoverNode,Node) ->
fun(M) ->
case code:is_sticky(M) of
@@ -513,7 +339,7 @@ unstick_all_sticky(Node) ->
- cover:modules()).
+ rpc:call(MainCoverNode,cover,modules,[])).
stick_all_sticky(Node,Sticky) ->
@@ -578,34 +404,23 @@ run_test_case_apply({CaseNum,Mod,Func,Args,Name,
DetFail = get(test_server_detected_fail),
-run_test_case_apply(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, TimetrapData) ->
- case get(test_server_job_dir) of
- undefined ->
- %% i'm a local target
- do_run_test_case_apply(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit,
- TimetrapData);
- JobDir ->
- %% i'm a remote target
- case Args of
- [Config] when is_list(Config) ->
- {value,{data_dir,HostDataDir}} =
- lists:keysearch(data_dir, 1, Config),
- DataBase = filename:basename(HostDataDir),
- TargetDataDir = filename:join(JobDir, DataBase),
- Config1 = lists:keyreplace(data_dir, 1, Config,
- {data_dir,TargetDataDir}),
- TargetPrivDir = filename:join(JobDir, ?priv_dir),
- Config2 = lists:keyreplace(priv_dir, 1, Config1,
- {priv_dir,TargetPrivDir}),
- do_run_test_case_apply(Mod, Func, [Config2], Name, RunInit,
- TimetrapData);
- _other ->
- do_run_test_case_apply(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit,
- TimetrapData)
- end
- end.
+-type tc_status() :: 'starting' | 'running' | 'init_per_testcase' |
+ 'end_per_testcase' | {'framework',atom(),atom()} |
+ 'tc'.
+ {
+ ref :: reference(),
+ pid :: pid(),
+ mf :: {atom(),atom()},
+ status :: tc_status() | 'undefined',
+ ret_val :: term(),
+ comment :: list(char()),
+ timeout :: non_neg_integer() | 'infinity',
+ config :: list() | 'undefined',
+ end_conf_pid :: pid() | 'undefined'
+ }).
-do_run_test_case_apply(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, TimetrapData) ->
+run_test_case_apply(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, TimetrapData) ->
{ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
Args2Print = case Args of
[Args1] when is_list(Args1) ->
@@ -628,8 +443,9 @@ do_run_test_case_apply(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, TimetrapData) ->
LogOpts, TCCallback)
put(test_server_detected_fail, []),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, false, "",
- undefined, starting).
+ St = #st{ref=Ref,pid=Pid,mf={Mod,Func},status=starting,ret_val=[],
+ comment="",timeout=infinity,config=hd(Args)},
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St).
%% Ugly bug (pre R5A):
%% If this process (group leader of the test case) terminates before
@@ -640,31 +456,23 @@ do_run_test_case_apply(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, TimetrapData) ->
%% A test case is known to have failed if it returns {'EXIT', _} tuple,
%% or sends a message {failed, File, Line} to it's group_leader
-run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf, Status) ->
- %% NOTE: Keep job_proxy_msgloop/0 up to date when changes
- %% are made in this function!
- {Timeout,ReturnValue} =
- case Terminate of
- {true, ReturnVal} ->
- %% stop any timetrap timers for the test case
- %% that have been started by this process
- timetrap_cancel_all(Pid, false),
- {20, ReturnVal};
- false ->
- {infinity, should_never_appear}
- end,
+run_test_case_msgloop(#st{ref=Ref,pid=Pid,end_conf_pid=EndConfPid0}=St0) ->
- {test_case_initialized,Pid} ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,Terminate,
- Comment,CurrConf,running);
- Abort = {abort_current_testcase,_,_} when Status == starting ->
+ {set_tc_state=Tag,From,{Status,Config0}} ->
+ Config = case Config0 of
+ unknown -> St0#st.config;
+ _ -> Config0
+ end,
+ St = St0#st{status=Status,config=Config},
+ From ! {self(),Tag,ok},
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St);
+ {abort_current_testcase,_,_}=Abort when St0#st.status =:= starting ->
%% we're in init phase, must must postpone this operation
%% until test case execution is in progress (or FW:init_tc
%% gets killed)
self() ! Abort,
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,Terminate,
- Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
{abort_current_testcase,Reason,From} ->
Line = case is_process_alive(Pid) of
true -> get_loc(Pid);
@@ -674,65 +482,49 @@ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf, Status) ->
From ! {self(),abort_current_testcase,ok},
- NewComment =
- receive
- {'DOWN', Mon, process, Pid, _} ->
- Comment
- after 10000 ->
- %% Pid is probably trapping exits, hit it harder...
- exit(Pid, kill),
- %% here's the only place we know Reason, so we save
- %% it as a comment, potentially replacing user data
- Error = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Aborted: ~p",
- [Reason])),
- Error1 = lists:flatten([string:strip(S,left) ||
+ St = receive
+ {'DOWN', Mon, process, Pid, _} ->
+ St0
+ after 10000 ->
+ %% Pid is probably trapping exits, hit it harder...
+ exit(Pid, kill),
+ %% here's the only place we know Reason, so we save
+ %% it as a comment, potentially replacing user data
+ Error = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Aborted: ~p",
+ [Reason])),
+ Error1 = lists:flatten([string:strip(S,left) ||
S <- string:tokens(Error,
- if length(Error1) > 63 ->
- string:substr(Error1,1,60) ++ "...";
- true ->
- Error1
- end
- end,
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,Terminate,
- NewComment,CurrConf,Status);
+ Comment = if length(Error1) > 63 ->
+ string:substr(Error1,1,60) ++ "...";
+ true ->
+ Error1
+ end,
+ St0#st{comment=Comment}
+ end,
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St);
{sync_apply,From,MFA} ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,Terminate,
- Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
{sync_apply_proxy,Proxy,From,MFA} ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,Terminate,
- Comment,CurrConf,Status);
- {comment,NewComment} ->
- NewComment1 = test_server_ctrl:to_string(NewComment),
- NewComment2 = test_server_sup:framework_call(format_comment,
- [NewComment1],
- NewComment1),
- Terminate1 =
- case Terminate of
- {true,{Time,Value,Loc,Opts,_OldComment}} ->
- {true,{Time,Value,mod_loc(Loc),Opts,NewComment2}};
- Other ->
- Other
- end,
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,Terminate1,
- NewComment2,CurrConf,Status);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
+ {comment,NewComment0} ->
+ NewComment1 = test_server_ctrl:to_string(NewComment0),
+ NewComment = test_server_sup:framework_call(format_comment,
+ [NewComment1],
+ NewComment1),
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St0#st{comment=NewComment});
{read_comment,From} ->
- From ! {self(),read_comment,Comment},
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,Terminate,
- Comment,CurrConf,Status);
- {set_curr_conf,From,NewCurrConf} ->
- From ! {self(),set_curr_conf,ok},
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,Terminate,
- Comment,NewCurrConf,Status);
- {make_priv_dir,From} when CurrConf == undefined ->
- From ! {self(),make_priv_dir,{error,no_priv_dir_in_config}},
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,Terminate,
- Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ From ! {self(),read_comment,St0#st.comment},
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
{make_priv_dir,From} ->
+ Config = case St0#st.config of
+ undefined -> [];
+ Config0 -> Config0
+ end,
Result =
- case proplists:get_value(priv_dir, element(2, CurrConf)) of
+ case proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config) of
undefined ->
PrivDir ->
@@ -746,207 +538,63 @@ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf, Status) ->
From ! {self(),make_priv_dir,Result},
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,Terminate,
- Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
{'EXIT',Pid,{Ref,Time,Value,Loc,Opts}} ->
- RetVal = {Time/1000000,Value,mod_loc(Loc),Opts,Comment},
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- {true,RetVal},Comment,undefined,Status);
+ RetVal = {Time/1000000,Value,Loc,Opts},
+ St = setup_termination(RetVal, St0#st{config=undefined}),
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St);
{'EXIT',Pid,Reason} ->
- case Reason of
- {timetrap_timeout,TVal,Loc} ->
- %% convert Loc to form that can be formatted
- case mod_loc(Loc) of
- {FwMod,FwFunc,framework} ->
- %% timout during framework call
- spawn_fw_call(FwMod,FwFunc,CurrConf,Pid,
- {framework_error,{timetrap,TVal}},
- unknown,self()),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,
- undefined,Status);
- Loc1 ->
- %% call end_per_testcase on a separate process,
- %% only so that the user has a chance to
- %% clean up after init_per_testcase, even after
- %% a timetrap timeout
- NewCurrConf =
- case CurrConf of
- {{Mod,Func},Conf} ->
- EndConfPid =
- call_end_conf(
- Mod,Func,Pid,
- {timetrap_timeout,TVal},
- Loc1,[{tc_status,
- {failed,
- timetrap_timeout}}|Conf],
- TVal),
- {EndConfPid,{Mod,Func},Conf};
- _ ->
- {Mod,Func} = get_mf(Loc1),
- %% The framework functions mustn't
- %% execute on this group leader process
- %% or io will cause deadlock, so we
- %% spawn a dedicated process for the
- %% operation and let the group leader
- %% go back to handle io.
- spawn_fw_call(Mod,Func,CurrConf,Pid,
- {timetrap_timeout,TVal},
- Loc1,self()),
- undefined
- end,
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,
- NewCurrConf,Status)
- end;
- {timetrap_timeout,TVal,Loc,InitOrEnd} ->
- case mod_loc(Loc) of
- {FwMod,FwFunc,framework} ->
- %% timout during framework call
- spawn_fw_call(FwMod,FwFunc,CurrConf,Pid,
- {framework_error,{timetrap,TVal}},
- unknown,self());
- Loc1 ->
- {Mod,_Func} = get_mf(Loc1),
- spawn_fw_call(Mod,InitOrEnd,CurrConf,Pid,
- {timetrap_timeout,TVal},
- Loc1,self())
- end,
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,CurrConf,Status);
- {testcase_aborted,ErrorMsg={user_timetrap_error,_},AbortLoc} ->
- %% user timetrap function caused exit
- %% during start of test case
- {Mod,Func} = get_mf(mod_loc(AbortLoc)),
- spawn_fw_call(Mod,Func,CurrConf,Pid,
- ErrorMsg,unknown,self()),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,
- undefined,Status);
- {testcase_aborted,AbortReason,AbortLoc} ->
- ErrorMsg = {testcase_aborted,AbortReason},
- case mod_loc(AbortLoc) of
- {FwMod,FwFunc,framework} ->
- %% abort during framework call
- spawn_fw_call(FwMod,FwFunc,CurrConf,Pid,
- {framework_error,ErrorMsg},
- unknown,self()),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,
- undefined,Status);
- Loc1 ->
- %% call end_per_testcase on a separate process,
- %% only so that the user has a chance to clean up
- %% after init_per_testcase, even after abortion
- NewCurrConf =
- case CurrConf of
- {{Mod,Func},Conf} ->
- TVal =
- case lists:keysearch(default_timeout,
- 1,
- Conf) of
- {value,{default_timeout,Tmo}} ->
- Tmo;
- _ ->
- end,
- EndConfPid =
- call_end_conf(
- Mod,Func,Pid,
- ErrorMsg,Loc1,
- [{tc_status,
- {failed,ErrorMsg}}|Conf],TVal),
- {EndConfPid,{Mod,Func},Conf};
- _ ->
- {Mod,Func} = get_mf(Loc1),
- spawn_fw_call(Mod,Func,CurrConf,Pid,
- ErrorMsg,Loc1,self()),
- undefined
- end,
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,
- NewCurrConf,Status)
- end;
- killed ->
- %% result of an exit(TestCase,kill) call, which is the
- %% only way to abort a testcase process that traps exits
- %% (see abort_current_testcase)
- {Mod,Func} = case CurrConf of
- {MF,_} -> MF;
- _ -> {undefined,undefined}
- end,
- spawn_fw_call(Mod,Func,CurrConf,Pid,
- testcase_aborted_or_killed,
- unknown,self()),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,CurrConf,Status);
- {fw_error,{FwMod,FwFunc,FwError}} ->
- spawn_fw_call(FwMod,FwFunc,CurrConf,Pid,
- {framework_error,FwError},
- unknown,self()),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,CurrConf,Status);
- _Other ->
- %% the testcase has terminated because of Reason (e.g. an exit
- %% because a linked process failed)
- {Mod,Func} = case CurrConf of
- {MF,_} -> MF;
- _ -> {undefined,undefined}
- end,
- spawn_fw_call(Mod,Func,CurrConf,Pid,
- Reason,unknown,self()),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,CurrConf,Status)
- end;
- {EndConfPid,{call_end_conf,Data,_Result}} ->
+ St = handle_tc_exit(Reason, St0),
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St);
+ {EndConfPid0,{call_end_conf,Data,_Result}} ->
+ #st{mf={Mod,Func},config=CurrConf} = St0,
case CurrConf of
- {EndConfPid,{Mod,Func},_Conf} ->
+ _ when is_list(CurrConf) ->
{_Mod,_Func,TCPid,TCExitReason,Loc} = Data,
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,undefined,Status);
+ St = St0#st{config=undefined,end_conf_pid=undefined},
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St);
_ ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,CurrConf,Status)
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St0)
{_FwCallPid,fw_notify_done,{T,Value,Loc,Opts,AddToComment}} ->
%% the framework has been notified, we're finished
- RetVal =
- case AddToComment of
- undefined ->
- {T,Value,Loc,Opts,Comment};
- _ ->
- Comment1 =
- if Comment == "" ->
- AddToComment;
- true ->
- Comment ++
- test_server_ctrl:xhtml("<br>",
- "<br />") ++
- AddToComment
- end,
- {T,Value,Loc,Opts,Comment1}
- end,
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- {true,RetVal},Comment,undefined,Status);
+ RetVal = {T,Value,Loc,Opts},
+ Comment0 = St0#st.comment,
+ Comment = case AddToComment of
+ undefined ->
+ Comment0;
+ _ ->
+ if Comment0 =:= "" ->
+ AddToComment;
+ true ->
+ Comment0 ++
+ test_server_ctrl:xhtml("<br>",
+ "<br />") ++
+ AddToComment
+ end
+ end,
+ St = setup_termination(RetVal, St0#st{comment=Comment,
+ config=undefined}),
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St);
{'EXIT',_FwCallPid,{fw_notify_done,Func,Error}} ->
%% a framework function failed
Loc = case CB of
FW when FW =:= false; FW =:= "undefined" ->
- {test_server,Func};
+ [{test_server,Func}];
_ ->
- {list_to_atom(CB),Func}
+ [{list_to_atom(CB),Func}]
- RetVal = {died,{framework_error,Loc,Error},Loc,"Framework error"},
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- {true,RetVal},Comment,undefined,Status);
+ RetVal = {died,{framework_error,Loc,Error},Loc},
+ St = setup_termination(RetVal, St0#st{comment="Framework error",
+ config=undefined}),
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St);
{failed,File,Line} ->
[{File, Line}| get(test_server_detected_fail)]),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
{user_timetrap,Pid,_TrapTime,StartTime,E={user_timetrap_error,_},_} ->
case update_user_timetraps(Pid, StartTime) of
@@ -955,8 +603,7 @@ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf, Status) ->
ignore ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
{user_timetrap,Pid,TrapTime,StartTime,ElapsedTime,Scale} ->
%% a user timetrap is triggered, ignore it if new
%% timetrap has been started since
@@ -971,44 +618,117 @@ run_test_case_msgloop(Ref, Pid, Terminate, Comment, CurrConf, Status) ->
ignore ->
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
{timetrap_cancel_one,Handle,_From} ->
timetrap_cancel_one(Handle, false),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
{timetrap_cancel_all,TCPid,_From} ->
timetrap_cancel_all(TCPid, false),
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
{get_timetrap_info,From,TCPid} ->
Info = get_timetrap_info(TCPid, false),
From ! {self(),get_timetrap_info,Info},
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
_Other when not is_tuple(_Other) ->
%% ignore anything not generated by test server
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,CurrConf,Status);
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
_Other when element(1, _Other) /= 'EXIT',
element(1, _Other) /= started,
element(1, _Other) /= finished,
element(1, _Other) /= print ->
%% ignore anything not generated by test server
- run_test_case_msgloop(Ref,Pid,
- Terminate,Comment,CurrConf,Status)
- after Timeout ->
- ReturnValue
+ run_test_case_msgloop(St0)
+ after St0#st.timeout ->
+ #st{ret_val=RetVal,comment=Comment} = St0,
+ erlang:append_element(RetVal, Comment)
+setup_termination(RetVal, #st{pid=Pid}=St) ->
+ timetrap_cancel_all(Pid, false),
+ St#st{ret_val=RetVal,timeout=20}.
+set_tc_state(State) ->
+ set_tc_state(State,unknown).
+set_tc_state(State, Config) ->
+ tc_supervisor_req(set_tc_state, {State,Config}).
+handle_tc_exit(killed, St) ->
+ %% probably the result of an exit(TestCase,kill) call, which is the
+ %% only way to abort a testcase process that traps exits
+ %% (see abort_current_testcase).
+ #st{config=Config,mf={Mod,Func},pid=Pid} = St,
+ Msg = testcase_aborted_or_killed,
+ spawn_fw_call(Mod, Func, Config, Pid, Msg, unknown, self()),
+ St;
+handle_tc_exit({testcase_aborted,{user_timetrap_error,_}=Msg,_}, St) ->
+ #st{config=Config,mf={Mod,Func},pid=Pid} = St,
+ spawn_fw_call(Mod, Func, Config, Pid, Msg, unknown, self()),
+ St;
+handle_tc_exit(Reason, #st{status={framework,FwMod,FwFunc},
+ config=Config,pid=Pid}=St) ->
+ R = case Reason of
+ {timetrap_timeout,TVal,_} ->
+ {timetrap,TVal};
+ {testcase_aborted=E,AbortReason,_} ->
+ {E,AbortReason};
+ {fw_error,{FwMod,FwFunc,FwError}} ->
+ FwError;
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end,
+ Error = {framework_error,R},
+ spawn_fw_call(FwMod, FwFunc, Config, Pid, Error, unknown, self()),
+ St;
+handle_tc_exit(Reason, #st{status=tc,config=Config0,mf={Mod,Func},pid=Pid}=St)
+ when is_list(Config0) ->
+ {R,Loc1,F} = case Reason of
+ {timetrap_timeout=E,TVal,Loc0} ->
+ {{E,TVal},Loc0,E};
+ {testcase_aborted=E,AbortReason,Loc0} ->
+ Msg = {E,AbortReason},
+ {Msg,Loc0,Msg};
+ Other ->
+ {Other,unknown,Other}
+ end,
+ Timeout = end_conf_timeout(Reason, St),
+ Config = [{tc_status,{failed,F}}|Config0],
+ EndConfPid = call_end_conf(Mod, Func, Pid, R, Loc1, Config, Timeout),
+ St#st{end_conf_pid=EndConfPid};
+handle_tc_exit(Reason, #st{config=Config,mf={Mod,Func0},pid=Pid,
+ status=Status}=St) ->
+ {R,Loc1} = case Reason of
+ {timetrap_timeout=E,TVal,Loc0} ->
+ {{E,TVal},Loc0};
+ {testcase_aborted=E,AbortReason,Loc0} ->
+ {{E,AbortReason},Loc0};
+ Other ->
+ {Other,unknown}
+ end,
+ Func = case Status of
+ init_per_testcase=F -> {F,Func0};
+ end_per_testcase=F -> {F,Func0};
+ _ -> Func0
+ end,
+ spawn_fw_call(Mod, Func, Config, Pid, R, Loc1, self()),
+ St.
+end_conf_timeout({timetrap_timeout,Timeout,_}, _) ->
+ Timeout;
+end_conf_timeout(_, #st{config=Config}) when is_list(Config) ->
+ proplists:get_value(default_timeout, Config, ?DEFAULT_TIMETRAP_SECS*1000);
+end_conf_timeout(_, _) ->
call_end_conf(Mod,Func,TCPid,TCExitReason,Loc,Conf,TVal) ->
Starter = self(),
Data = {Mod,Func,TCPid,TCExitReason,Loc},
EndConfProc =
fun() ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit,true), % to catch timetraps
Supervisor = self(),
EndConfApply =
fun() ->
+ timetrap(TVal),
case catch apply(Mod,end_per_testcase,[Func,Conf]) of
{'EXIT',Why} ->
@@ -1027,26 +747,26 @@ call_end_conf(Mod,Func,TCPid,TCExitReason,Loc,Conf,TVal) ->
{Pid,end_conf} ->
Starter ! {self(),{call_end_conf,Data,ok}};
{'EXIT',Pid,Reason} ->
- Starter ! {self(),{call_end_conf,Data,{error,Reason}}}
- after TVal ->
- exit(Pid, kill),
group_leader() ! {printout,12,
"WARNING! ~p:end_per_testcase(~p, ~p)"
- " failed!\n\tReason: timetrap timeout"
- " after ~w ms!\n", [Mod,Func,Conf,TVal]},
- Starter ! {self(),{call_end_conf,Data,{error,timeout}}}
+ " failed!\n\tReason: ~p\n",
+ [Mod,Func,Conf,Reason]},
+ Starter ! {self(),{call_end_conf,Data,{error,Reason}}};
+ {'EXIT',_OtherPid,Reason} ->
+ %% Probably the parent - not much to do about that
+ exit(Reason)
Loc,SendTo) ->
FwCall =
fun() ->
Skip = {skip,{failed,{Mod,init_per_testcase,Why}}},
%% if init_per_testcase fails, the test case
%% should be skipped
- case catch do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, Loc, {Pid,Skip,[[]]}, Why) of
+ case catch do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, {Pid,Skip,[CurrConf]}, Why) of
{'EXIT',FwEndTCErr} ->
_ ->
@@ -1060,19 +780,10 @@ spawn_fw_call(Mod,{init_per_testcase,Func},_,Pid,{timetrap_timeout,TVal}=Why,
{timetrap_timeout,TVal}=Why,_Loc,SendTo) ->
- %%! This is a temporary fix that keeps Test Server alive during
- %%! execution of a parallel test case group, when sometimes
- %%! this clause gets called with EndConf == undefined. See OTP-9594
- %%! for more info.
- EndConf1 = if EndConf == undefined ->
- [{tc_status,{failed,{Mod,end_per_testcase,Why}}}];
- true ->
- EndConf
- end,
FwCall =
fun() ->
{RetVal,Report} =
- case proplists:get_value(tc_status, EndConf1) of
+ case proplists:get_value(tc_status, EndConf) of
undefined ->
E = {failed,{Mod,end_per_testcase,Why}},
@@ -1086,9 +797,9 @@ spawn_fw_call(Mod,{end_per_testcase,Func},EndConf,Pid,
"WARNING! ~p:end_per_testcase(~p, ~p)"
" failed!\n\tReason: timetrap timeout"
" after ~w ms!\n", [Mod,Func,EndConf,TVal]},
- FailLoc = proplists:get_value(tc_fail_loc, EndConf1),
- case catch do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, FailLoc,
- {Pid,Report,[EndConf1]}, Why) of
+ FailLoc = proplists:get_value(tc_fail_loc, EndConf),
+ case catch do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func,
+ {Pid,Report,[EndConf]}, Why) of
{'EXIT',FwEndTCErr} ->
_ ->
@@ -1122,14 +833,9 @@ spawn_fw_call(FwMod,FwFunc,_,_Pid,{framework_error,FwError},_,SendTo) ->
spawn_fw_call(Mod,Func,CurrConf,Pid,Error,Loc,SendTo) ->
- {Mod1,Func1} =
- case {Mod,Func,CurrConf} of
- {undefined,undefined,{{M,F},_}} -> {M,F};
- _ -> {Mod,Func}
- end,
FwCall =
fun() ->
- case catch fw_error_notify(Mod1,Func1,[],
+ case catch fw_error_notify(Mod,Func,[],
Error,Loc) of
{'EXIT',FwErrorNotifyErr} ->
@@ -1137,8 +843,8 @@ spawn_fw_call(Mod,Func,CurrConf,Pid,Error,Loc,SendTo) ->
_ ->
- Conf = [{tc_status,{failed,timetrap_timeout}}],
- case catch do_end_tc_call(Mod1,Func1, Loc,
+ Conf = [{tc_status,{failed,timetrap_timeout}}|CurrConf],
+ case catch do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func,
{Pid,Error,[Conf]},Error) of
{'EXIT',FwEndTCErr} ->
@@ -1203,81 +909,73 @@ run_test_case_eval(Mod, Func, Args0, Name, Ref, RunInit,
TimetrapData, LogOpts, TCCallback) ->
put(test_server_multiply_timetraps, TimetrapData),
put(test_server_logopts, LogOpts),
+ Where = [{Mod,Func}],
+ put(test_server_loc, Where),
FWInitResult = test_server_sup:framework_call(init_tc,[?pl2a(Mod),Func,Args0],
- group_leader() ! {test_case_initialized,self()},
+ set_tc_state(running),
{{Time,Value},Loc,Opts} =
case FWInitResult of
{ok,Args} ->
run_test_case_eval1(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, TCCallback);
Error = {error,_Reason} ->
- Where = {Mod,Func},
- NewResult = do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, Where, {Error,Args0},
+ NewResult = do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, {Error,Args0},
{fail,Reason} ->
Conf = [{tc_status,{failed,Reason}} | hd(Args0)],
- Where = {Mod,Func},
fw_error_notify(Mod, Func, Conf, Reason),
- NewResult = do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, Where, {{error,Reason},[Conf]},
+ NewResult = do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, {{error,Reason},[Conf]},
Skip = {skip,_Reason} ->
- Where = {Mod,Func},
- NewResult = do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, Where, {Skip,Args0}, Skip),
+ NewResult = do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, {Skip,Args0}, Skip),
{auto_skip,Reason} ->
- Where = {Mod,Func},
- NewResult = do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, Where, {{skip,Reason},Args0},
+ NewResult = do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, {{skip,Reason},Args0},
run_test_case_eval1(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, TCCallback) ->
- %% save current state in controller loop
- tc_supervisor_req(set_curr_conf, {{Mod,Func},hd(Args)}),
case RunInit of
run_init ->
- put(test_server_init_or_end_conf,{init_per_testcase,Func}),
- put(test_server_loc, {Mod,{init_per_testcase,Func}}),
+ set_tc_state(init_per_testcase, hd(Args)),
case init_per_testcase(Mod, Func, Args) of
Skip = {skip,Reason} ->
Line = get_loc(),
- Conf = [{tc_status,{skipped,Reason}}],
- NewRes = do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, Line, {Skip,[Conf]}, Skip),
+ Conf = [{tc_status,{skipped,Reason}}|hd(Args)],
+ NewRes = do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, {Skip,[Conf]}, Skip),
{skip_and_save,Reason,SaveCfg} ->
Line = get_loc(),
- Conf = [{tc_status,{skipped,Reason}},{save_config,SaveCfg}],
- NewRes = do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, Line, {{skip,Reason},[Conf]},
+ Conf = [{tc_status,{skipped,Reason}},{save_config,SaveCfg}|hd(Args)],
+ NewRes = do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, {{skip,Reason},[Conf]},
FailTC = {fail,Reason} -> % user fails the testcase
EndConf = [{tc_status,{failed,Reason}} | hd(Args)],
fw_error_notify(Mod, Func, EndConf, Reason),
- NewRes = do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, {Mod,Func},
+ NewRes = do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func,
- {{0,NewRes},{Mod,Func},[]};
+ {{0,NewRes},[{Mod,Func}],[]};
{ok,NewConf} ->
- put(test_server_init_or_end_conf,undefined),
%% call user callback function if defined
NewConf1 = user_callback(TCCallback, Mod, Func, init, NewConf),
%% save current state in controller loop
- tc_supervisor_req(set_curr_conf, {{Mod,Func},NewConf1}),
- put(test_server_loc, {Mod,Func}),
+ set_tc_state(tc, NewConf1),
%% execute the test case
{{T,Return},Loc} = {ts_tc(Mod, Func, [NewConf1]),get_loc()},
{EndConf,TSReturn,FWReturn} =
case Return of
{E,TCError} when E=='EXIT' ; E==failed ->
- ModLoc = mod_loc(Loc),
fw_error_notify(Mod, Func, NewConf1,
- TCError, ModLoc),
+ TCError, Loc),
- {tc_fail_loc,ModLoc}|NewConf1],
+ {tc_fail_loc,Loc}|NewConf1],
SaveCfg={save_config,_} ->
@@ -1294,7 +992,6 @@ run_test_case_eval1(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, TCCallback) ->
%% call user callback function if defined
EndConf1 = user_callback(TCCallback, Mod, Func, 'end', EndConf),
%% update current state in controller loop
- tc_supervisor_req(set_curr_conf, EndConf1),
{FWReturn1,TSReturn1,EndConf2} =
case end_per_testcase(Mod, Func, EndConf1) of
SaveCfg1={save_config,_} ->
@@ -1314,23 +1011,21 @@ run_test_case_eval1(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, TCCallback) ->
%% clear current state in controller loop
- tc_supervisor_req(set_curr_conf, undefined),
- put(test_server_init_or_end_conf,undefined),
- case do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func, Loc,
+ case do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func,
{FWReturn1,[EndConf2]}, TSReturn1) of
{failed,Reason} = NewReturn ->
fw_error_notify(Mod,Func,EndConf2, Reason),
- {{T,NewReturn},{Mod,Func},[]};
+ {{T,NewReturn},[{Mod,Func}],[]};
NewReturn ->
skip_init ->
+ set_tc_state(running, hd(Args)),
%% call user callback function if defined
Args1 = user_callback(TCCallback, Mod, Func, init, Args),
%% ts_tc does a catch
- put(test_server_loc, {Mod,Func}),
%% if this is a named conf group, the test case (init or end conf)
%% should be called with the name as the first argument
Args2 = if Name == undefined -> Args1;
@@ -1341,43 +1036,12 @@ run_test_case_eval1(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, TCCallback) ->
%% call user callback function if defined
Return1 = user_callback(TCCallback, Mod, Func, 'end', Return),
{Return2,Opts} = process_return_val([Return1], Mod, Func,
- Args1, {Mod,Func}, Return1),
+ Args1, [{Mod,Func}], Return1),
-do_end_tc_call(M,F, Loc, Res, Return) ->
- IsSuite = case lists:reverse(atom_to_list(M)) of
- [$E,$T,$I,$U,$S,$_|_] -> true;
- _ -> false
- end,
+do_end_tc_call(Mod, Func, Res, Return) ->
FwMod = os:getenv("TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK"),
- {Mod,Func} =
- if FwMod == M ; FwMod == "undefined"; FwMod == false ->
- {M,F};
- (not IsSuite) and is_list(Loc) and (length(Loc)>1) ->
- %% If failure in other module (M) than suite, try locate
- %% suite name in Loc list and call end_tc with Suite:TestCase
- %% instead of M:F.
- GetSuite = fun(S,TC) ->
- case lists:reverse(atom_to_list(S)) of
- [$E,$T,$I,$U,$S,$_|_] -> [{S,TC}];
- _ -> []
- end
- end,
- case lists:flatmap(fun({S,TC,_}) -> GetSuite(S,TC);
- ({{S,TC},_}) -> GetSuite(S,TC);
- ({S,TC}) -> GetSuite(S,TC);
- (_) -> []
- end, Loc) of
- [] ->
- {M,F};
- [FoundSuite|_] ->
- FoundSuite
- end;
- true ->
- {M,F}
- end,
Ref = make_ref(),
if FwMod == "ct_framework" ; FwMod == "undefined"; FwMod == false ->
case test_server_sup:framework_call(
@@ -1419,7 +1083,7 @@ process_return_val([Return], M,F,A, Loc, Final) when is_list(Return) ->
true -> % must be return value from end conf case
process_return_val1(Return, M,F,A, Loc, Final, []);
false -> % must be Config value from init conf case
- case do_end_tc_call(M, F, Loc, {ok,A}, Return) of
+ case do_end_tc_call(M, F, {ok,A}, Return) of
{failed, FWReason} = Failed ->
fw_error_notify(M,F,A, FWReason),
{Failed, []};
@@ -1435,9 +1099,9 @@ process_return_val(Return, M,F,A, Loc, Final) ->
process_return_val1([Failed={E,TCError}|_], M,F,A=[Args], Loc, _, SaveOpts)
when E=='EXIT';
E==failed ->
- fw_error_notify(M,F,A, TCError, mod_loc(Loc)),
- case do_end_tc_call(M,F, Loc, {{error,TCError},
- [[{tc_status,{failed,TCError}}|Args]]},
+ fw_error_notify(M,F,A, TCError, Loc),
+ case do_end_tc_call(M,F, {{error,TCError},
+ [[{tc_status,{failed,TCError}}|Args]]},
Failed) of
{failed,FWReason} ->
@@ -1455,8 +1119,8 @@ process_return_val1([RetVal={Tag,_}|Opts], M,F,A, Loc, _, SaveOpts) when Tag==sk
process_return_val1(Opts, M,F,A, Loc, RetVal, SaveOpts);
process_return_val1([_|Opts], M,F,A, Loc, Final, SaveOpts) ->
process_return_val1(Opts, M,F,A, Loc, Final, SaveOpts);
-process_return_val1([], M,F,A, Loc, Final, SaveOpts) ->
- case do_end_tc_call(M,F, Loc, {Final,A}, Final) of
+process_return_val1([], M,F,A, _Loc, Final, SaveOpts) ->
+ case do_end_tc_call(M,F, {Final,A}, Final) of
{failed,FWReason} ->
NewReturn ->
@@ -1522,7 +1186,7 @@ do_init_per_testcase(Mod, Args) ->
throw:Other ->
Line = get_loc(),
- FormattedLoc = test_server_sup:format_loc(mod_loc(Line)),
+ FormattedLoc = test_server_sup:format_loc(Line),
group_leader() ! {printout,12,
"ERROR! init_per_testcase thrown!\n"
"\tLocation: ~s\n\tReason: ~p\n",
@@ -1533,7 +1197,7 @@ do_init_per_testcase(Mod, Args) ->
Reason = {Reason0,Stk},
Line = get_loc(),
- FormattedLoc = test_server_sup:format_loc(mod_loc(Line)),
+ FormattedLoc = test_server_sup:format_loc(Line),
group_leader() ! {printout,12,
"ERROR! init_per_testcase crashed!\n"
"\tLocation: ~s\n\tReason: ~p\n",
@@ -1556,8 +1220,7 @@ end_per_testcase(Mod, Func, Conf) ->
do_end_per_testcase(Mod,EndFunc,Func,Conf) ->
- put(test_server_init_or_end_conf,{EndFunc,Func}),
- put(test_server_loc, {Mod,{EndFunc,Func}}),
+ set_tc_state(end_per_testcase, Conf),
try Mod:EndFunc(Func, Conf) of
{save_config,_}=SaveCfg ->
@@ -1581,8 +1244,7 @@ do_end_per_testcase(Mod,EndFunc,Func,Conf) ->
"Reason: ~p\n"
"Line: ~s\n",
[EndFunc, Other,
- test_server_sup:format_loc(
- mod_loc(get_loc()))]},
+ test_server_sup:format_loc(get_loc())]},
Class:Reason ->
Stk = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
@@ -1604,8 +1266,7 @@ do_end_per_testcase(Mod,EndFunc,Func,Conf) ->
"Reason: ~p\n"
"Line: ~s\n",
[EndFunc, Reason,
- test_server_sup:format_loc(
- mod_loc(get_loc()))]},
+ test_server_sup:format_loc(get_loc())]},
@@ -1618,66 +1279,19 @@ get_loc(Pid) ->
lists:foreach(fun({Key,Val}) -> put(Key, Val) end, Dict),
Stk = [rewrite_loc_item(Loc) || Loc <- Stk0],
case get(test_server_loc) of
- undefined ->
- put(test_server_loc, Stk);
- {Suite,Case} ->
+ [{Suite,Case}] ->
%% location info unknown, check if {Suite,Case,Line}
%% is available in stacktrace. and if so, use stacktrace
- %% instead of currect test_server_loc
+ %% instead of current test_server_loc
case [match || {S,C,_L} <- Stk, S == Suite, C == Case] of
[match|_] -> put(test_server_loc, Stk);
_ -> ok
_ ->
- ok
+ put(test_server_loc, Stk)
-%% find the latest known Suite:Testcase
-get_mf(MFs) ->
- get_mf(MFs, {undefined,undefined}).
-get_mf([MF|MFs], _Found) when is_tuple(MF) ->
- ModFunc = {Mod,_} = case MF of
- {M,F,_} -> {M,F};
- MF -> MF
- end,
- case is_suite(Mod) of
- true -> ModFunc;
- false -> get_mf(MFs, ModFunc)
- end;
-get_mf(_, Found) ->
- Found.
-is_suite(Mod) ->
- case lists:reverse(atom_to_list(Mod)) of
- "ETIUS" ++ _ -> true;
- _ -> false
- end.
-mod_loc(Loc) ->
- %% handle diff line num versions
- case Loc of
- [{{_M,_F},_L}|_] ->
- [begin if L /= 0 -> {?pl2a(M),F,L};
- true -> {?pl2a(M),F} end end || {{M,F},L} <- Loc];
- [{_M,_F}|_] ->
- [{?pl2a(M),F} || {M,F} <- Loc];
- {{M,F},0} ->
- [{?pl2a(M),F}];
- {{M,F},L} ->
- [{?pl2a(M),F,L}];
- {M,ForL} ->
- [{?pl2a(M),ForL}];
- {M,F,0} ->
- [{M,F}];
- [{M,F,0}|Stack] ->
- [{M,F}|Stack];
- _ ->
- Loc
- end.
fw_error_notify(Mod, Func, Args, Error) ->
@@ -1699,10 +1313,10 @@ fw_error_notify(Mod, Func, Args, Error, Loc) ->
%% is directed to console, major and/or minor log files.
print(Detail,Format,Args) ->
- local_or_remote_apply({test_server_ctrl,print,[Detail,Format,Args]}).
+ test_server_ctrl:print(Detail, Format, Args).
print(Detail,Format,Args,Printer) ->
- local_or_remote_apply({test_server_ctrl,print,[Detail,Format,Args,Printer]}).
+ test_server_ctrl:print(Detail, Format, Args, Printer).
%% print_timsteamp(Detail,Leader) -> ok
@@ -1712,7 +1326,7 @@ print(Detail,Format,Args,Printer) ->
%% log files.
print_timestamp(Detail,Leader) ->
- local_or_remote_apply({test_server_ctrl,print_timestamp,[Detail,Leader]}).
+ test_server_ctrl:print_timestamp(Detail, Leader).
@@ -1760,7 +1374,12 @@ ts_tc(M, F, A) ->
{Elapsed, Result}.
set_loc(Stk) ->
- Loc = [rewrite_loc_item(I) || {_,_,_,_}=I <- Stk],
+ Loc = case [rewrite_loc_item(I) || {_,_,_,_}=I <- Stk] of
+ [{M,F,0}|Stack] ->
+ [{M,F}|Stack];
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end,
put(test_server_loc, Loc).
rewrite_loc_item({M,F,_,Loc}) ->
@@ -2569,7 +2188,10 @@ start_node(Name, Type, Options) ->
%% by a shielded node.
Cover = case is_cover() of
true ->
- not is_shielded(Name) andalso same_version(Node);
+ not is_shielded(Name)
+ andalso same_version(Node)
+ andalso proplists:get_value(start_cover,Options,
+ true);
false ->
@@ -2577,9 +2199,7 @@ start_node(Name, Type, Options) ->
case Cover of
true ->
- Sticky = unstick_all_sticky(Node),
- cover:start(Node),
- stick_all_sticky(Node,Sticky);
+ do_cover_for_node(Node,start);
_ ->
@@ -2607,7 +2227,27 @@ wait_for_node(Slave) ->
group_leader() ! {sync_apply,
- receive {sync_result,R} -> R end.
+ Result = receive {sync_result,R} -> R end,
+ case Result of
+ ok ->
+ Cover = case is_cover() of
+ true ->
+ not is_shielded(Slave) andalso same_version(Slave);
+ false ->
+ false
+ end,
+ net_adm:ping(Slave),
+ case Cover of
+ true ->
+ do_cover_for_node(Slave,start);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ Result.
@@ -2619,9 +2259,7 @@ stop_node(Slave) ->
Nocover = is_shielded(Slave) orelse not same_version(Slave),
case is_cover() of
true when not Nocover ->
- Sticky = unstick_all_sticky(Slave),
- cover:stop(Slave),
- stick_all_sticky(Slave,Sticky);
+ do_cover_for_node(Slave,flush);
_ ->
@@ -2818,7 +2456,7 @@ make_priv_dir() ->
%% Returns the OsType of the target node. OsType is
%% the same as returned from os:type()
os_type() ->
- test_server_ctrl:get_target_os_type().
+ os:type().
@@ -2937,47 +2575,9 @@ purify_format(Format, Args) ->
%% Generic send functions for communication with host
-sync_local_or_remote_apply(Proxy,From,{M,F,A} = MFA) ->
- case get(test_server_job_sock) of
- undefined ->
- %% i'm a local target
- Result = apply(M,F,A),
- if is_pid(Proxy) -> Proxy ! {sync_result_proxy,From,Result};
- true -> From ! {sync_result,Result}
- end;
- JobSock ->
- %% i'm a remote target
- request(JobSock,{sync_apply,MFA}),
- {sync_result,Result} = recv(JobSock),
- if is_pid(Proxy) -> Proxy ! {sync_result_proxy,From,Result};
- true -> From ! {sync_result,Result}
- end
- end.
-local_or_remote_apply({M,F,A} = MFA) ->
- case get(test_server_job_sock) of
- undefined ->
- %% i'm a local target
- apply(M,F,A),
- ok;
- JobSock ->
- %% i'm a remote target
- request(JobSock,{apply,MFA}),
- ok
- end.
-request(Sock,Request) ->
- gen_tcp:send(Sock,<<1,(term_to_binary(Request))/binary>>).
-%% Generic receive function for communication with host
-recv(Sock) ->
- case gen_tcp:recv(Sock,0) of
- {error,closed} ->
- gen_tcp:close(Sock),
- exit(connection_lost);
- {ok,<<1,Request/binary>>} ->
- binary_to_term(Request);
- {ok,<<0,B/binary>>} ->
- B
+sync_local_or_remote_apply(Proxy, From, {M,F,A}) ->
+ %% i'm a local target
+ Result = apply(M, F, A),
+ if is_pid(Proxy) -> Proxy ! {sync_result_proxy,From,Result};
+ true -> From ! {sync_result,Result}
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_ctrl.erl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_ctrl.erl
index 7f04e2eb23..bc08c12089 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_ctrl.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_ctrl.erl
@@ -34,118 +34,6 @@
-%% The Erlang Test Server can be run on the target machine (local target)
-%% or towards a remote target. The execution flow is mainly the same in
-%% both cases, but with a remote target the test cases are (obviously)
-%% executed on the target machine. Host and target communicates over
-%% socket connections because the host should not be introduced as an
-%% additional node in the distributed erlang system in which the test
-%% cases are run.
-%% Local Target:
-%% =============
-%% -----
-%% | | test_server_ctrl ({global,test_server})
-%% ----- (test_server_ctrl.erl)
-%% |
-%% |
-%% -----
-%% | | JobProc
-%% ----- (test_server_ctrl.erl and test_server.erl)
-%% |
-%% |
-%% -----
-%% | | CaseProc
-%% ----- (test_server.erl)
-%% test_server_ctrl is the main process in the system. It is a registered
-%% process, and it will always be alive when testing is ongoing.
-%% test_server_ctrl initiates testing and monitors JobProc(s).
-%% When target is local, and Test Server is *not* being used by a framework
-%% application (where it might cause duplicate name problems in a distributed
-%% test environment), the process is globally registered as 'test_server'
-%% to be able to simulate the {global,test_server} process on a remote target.
-%% JobProc is spawned for each 'job' added to the test_server_ctrl.
-%% A job can mean one test case, one test suite or one spec.
-%% JobProc creates and writes logs and presents results from testing.
-%% JobProc is the group leader for CaseProc.
-%% CaseProc is spawned for each test case. It runs the test case and
-%% sends results and any other information to its group leader - JobProc.
-%% Remote Target:
-%% ==============
-%% ----- MainSock -----
-%% test_server_ctrl | |- - - - - - -| | {global,test_server}
-%% (test_server_ctrl.erl) ----- ----- (test_server.erl)
-%% | |
-%% | |
-%% ----- JobSock -----
-%% JobProcH | |- - - - - - -| | JobProcT
-%% (test_server_ctrl.erl) ----- ----- (test_server.erl)
-%% |
-%% |
-%% -----
-%% | | CaseProc
-%% ----- (test_server.erl)
-%% A separate test_server process only exists when target is remote. It
-%% is then the main process on target. It is started when test_server_ctrl
-%% is started, and a socket connection is established between
-%% test_server_ctrl and test_server. The following information can be sent
-%% over MainSock:
-%% -> {target_info, TargetInfo} (during initiation)
-%% <- {job_proc_killed,Name,Reason} (if a JobProcT dies unexpectedly)
-%% -> {job,Port,Name} (to start a new JobProcT)
-%% When target is remote, JobProc is split into to processes: JobProcH
-%% executing on Host and JobProcT executing on Target. (The two processes
-%% execute the same code as JobProc does when target is local.) JobProcH
-%% and JobProcT communicates over a socket connection. The following
-%% information can be sent over JobSock:
-%% -> {test_case, Case} To start a new test case
-%% -> {beam,Mod} .beam file as binary to be loaded
-%% on target, e.g. a test suite
-%% -> {datadir,Tarfile} Content of the datadir for a test suite
-%% <- {apply,MFA} MFA to be applied on host, ignore return;
-%% (apply is used for printing information in
-%% log or console)
-%% <- {sync_apply,MFA} MFA to be applied on host, wait for return
-%% (used for starting and stopping slave nodes)
-%% -> {sync_apply,MFA} MFA to be applied on target, wait for return
-%% (used for cover compiling and analysing)
-%% <-> {sync_result,Result} Return value from sync_apply
-%% <- {test_case_result,Result} When a test case is finished
-%% <- {crash_dumps,Tarfile} When a test case is finished
-%% -> job_done When a job is finished
-%% <- {privdir,Privdir} When a job is finished
%%% SUPERVISOR INTERFACE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-export([start/0, start/1, start_link/1, stop/0]).
@@ -165,8 +53,8 @@
-export([reject_io_reqs/1, get_levels/0, set_levels/3]).
-export([multiply_timetraps/1, scale_timetraps/1, get_timetrap_parameters/0]).
--export([cover/2, cover/3, cover/7,
- cross_cover_analyse/1, cross_cover_analyse/2, trc/1, stop_trace/0]).
+-export([cover/2, cover/3, cover/8,
+ cross_cover_analyse/2, cross_cover_analyse/3, trc/1, stop_trace/0]).
@@ -177,7 +65,6 @@
-export([format/1, format/2, format/3, to_string/1]).
%%% DEBUGGER INTERFACE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@@ -463,8 +350,7 @@ wait_finish() ->
abort_current_testcase(Reason) ->
- controller_call({abort_current_testcase,Reason}),
- ok.
+ controller_call({abort_current_testcase,Reason}).
abort() ->
OldTrap = process_flag(trap_exit, true),
@@ -521,9 +407,9 @@ cover(App, Analyse) when is_atom(App) ->
cover(CoverFile, Analyse) ->
cover(none, CoverFile, Analyse).
cover(App, CoverFile, Analyse) ->
- controller_call({cover,{App,CoverFile},Analyse}).
-cover(App, CoverFile, Exclude, Include, Cross, Export, Analyse) ->
- controller_call({cover,{App,{CoverFile,Exclude,Include,Cross,Export}},Analyse}).
+ controller_call({cover,{App,CoverFile},Analyse,true}).
+cover(App, CoverFile, Exclude, Include, Cross, Export, Analyse, Stop) ->
+ controller_call({cover,{App,{CoverFile,Exclude,Include,Cross,Export}},Analyse,Stop}).
testcase_callback(ModFunc) ->
@@ -537,20 +423,6 @@ kill_slavenodes() ->
get_hosts() ->
-get_target_os_type() ->
- case whereis(?MODULE) of
- undefined ->
- %% This is probably called on the target node
- os:type();
- Pid when Pid =:= self() ->
- os:type();
- _pid ->
- %% This is called on the controller, e.g. from a
- %% specification clause of a test case
- #target_info{os_type=OsType} = controller_call(get_target_info),
- OsType
- end.
add_job(Name, TopCase) ->
@@ -606,7 +478,7 @@ controller_call(Arg, Timeout) ->
%% Mode 'lazy' ignores (and resets to []) any jobs in the state file
-init([Param]) ->
+init([_]) ->
case os:getenv("TEST_SERVER_CALL_TRACE") of
false ->
@@ -632,104 +504,14 @@ init([Param]) ->
State = #state{jobs=[],finish=false},
- case contact_main_target(Param) of
- {ok,TI} ->
- ets:new(slave_tab, [named_table,set,public,{keypos,2}]),
- set_hosts([TI#target_info.host]),
- {ok,State#state{target_info=TI}};
- {error,Reason} ->
- {stop,Reason}
- end.
-%% If the test is to be run at a remote target, this function sets up
-%% a socket communication with the target.
-contact_main_target(local) ->
- %% When used by a general framework, global registration of
- %% test_server should not be required.
- case get_fw_mod(undefined) of
- undefined ->
- %% Local target! The global test_server process implemented by
- %% test_server.erl will not be started, so we simulate it by
- %% globally registering this process instead.
- global:sync(),
- case global:whereis_name(test_server) of
- undefined ->
- global:register_name(test_server, self());
- Pid ->
- case node() of
- N when N == node(Pid) ->
- io:format(user, "Warning: test_server already running!\n", []),
- global:re_register_name(test_server,self());
- _ ->
- ok
- end
- end;
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
- TI = test_server:init_target_info(),
+ TI0 = test_server:init_target_info(),
TargetHost = test_server_sup:hoststr(),
- {ok,TI#target_info{where=local,
- host=TargetHost,
- naming=naming(),
- master=TargetHost}};
-contact_main_target(ParameterFile) ->
- case read_parameters(ParameterFile) of
- {ok,Par} ->
- case test_server_node:start_remote_main_target(Par) of
- {ok,TI} ->
- {ok,TI};
- {error,Error} ->
- {error,{could_not_start_main_target,Error}}
- end;
- {error,Error} ->
- {error,{could_not_read_parameterfile,Error}}
- end.
-read_parameters(File) ->
- case file:consult(File) of
- {ok,Data} ->
- read_parameters(lists:flatten(Data), #par{naming=naming()});
- Error ->
- Error
- end.
-read_parameters([{type,Type}|Data], Par) -> % mandatory
- read_parameters(Data, Par#par{type=Type});
-read_parameters([{target,Target}|Data], Par) -> % mandatory
- read_parameters(Data, Par#par{target=cast_to_list(Target)});
-read_parameters([{slavetargets,SlaveTargets}|Data], Par) ->
- read_parameters(Data, Par#par{slave_targets=SlaveTargets});
-read_parameters([{longnames,Bool}|Data], Par) ->
- Naming = if Bool->"-name"; true->"-sname" end,
- read_parameters(Data, Par#par{naming=Naming});
-read_parameters([{master,{Node,Cookie}}|Data], Par) ->
- read_parameters(Data, Par#par{master=cast_to_list(Node),
- cookie=cast_to_list(Cookie)});
-read_parameters([Other|_Data], _Par) ->
- {error,{illegal_parameter,Other}};
-read_parameters([], Par) when Par#par.type==undefined ->
- {error, {missing_mandatory_parameter,type}};
-read_parameters([], Par) when Par#par.target==undefined ->
- {error, {missing_mandatory_parameter,target}};
-read_parameters([], Par0) ->
- Par =
- case {Par0#par.type, Par0#par.master} of
- {ose, undefined} ->
- %% Use this node as master and bootserver for target
- %% and slave nodes
- Par0#par{master = atom_to_list(node()),
- cookie = atom_to_list(erlang:get_cookie())};
- {ose, _Master} ->
- %% Master for target and slave nodes was defined in parameterfile
- Par0;
- _ ->
- %% Use target as master for slave nodes,
- %% (No master is used for target)
- Par0#par{master="test_server@" ++ Par0#par.target}
- end,
- {ok,Par}.
+ TI = TI0#target_info{host=TargetHost,
+ naming=naming(),
+ master=TargetHost},
+ ets:new(slave_tab, [named_table,set,public,{keypos,2}]),
+ set_hosts([TI#target_info.host]),
+ {ok,State#state{target_info=TI}}.
naming() ->
case lists:member($., test_server_sup:hoststr()) of
@@ -796,7 +578,7 @@ handle_call({add_job,Dir,Name,TopCase,Skip}, _From, State) ->
ExtraTools =
case State#state.cover of
false -> [];
- {App,Analyse} -> [{cover,App,Analyse}]
+ {App,Analyse,Stop} -> [{cover,App,Analyse,Stop}]
ExtraTools1 =
case State#state.random_seed of
@@ -1052,13 +834,13 @@ handle_call(stop_trace, _From, State) ->
-%% handle_call({cover,App,Analyse}, _, State) -> ok | {error,Reason}
+%% handle_call({cover,App,Analyse,Stop}, _, State) -> ok | {error,Reason}
%% All modules inn application App are cover compiled
%% Analyse indicates on which level the coverage should be analysed
-handle_call({cover,App,Analyse}, _From, State) ->
- {reply,ok,State#state{cover={App,Analyse}}};
+handle_call({cover,App,Analyse,Stop}, _From, State) ->
+ {reply,ok,State#state{cover={App,Analyse,Stop}}};
%% handle_call({create_priv_dir,Value}, _, State) -> ok | {error,Reason}
@@ -1210,25 +992,17 @@ handle_cast({node_started,Node}, State) ->
%% Pid = pid()
%% Reason = term()
-%% Handles exit messages from linked processes. Only test suites and
-%% possibly a target client are expected to be linked.
-%% When a test suite terminates, it is removed from the job queue.
-%% If a target client terminates it means that we lost contact with
-%% target. The test_server_ctrl process is terminated, and teminate/2
-%% will do the cleanup
+%% Handles exit messages from linked processes. Only test suites are
+%% expected to be linked. When a test suite terminates, it is removed
+%% from the job queue. If a target client terminates it means that we
+%% lost contact with target. The test_server_ctrl process is
+%% terminated, and teminate/2 will do the cleanup
handle_info({'EXIT',Pid,Reason}, State) ->
case lists:keysearch(Pid,2,State#state.jobs) of
false ->
- TI = State#state.target_info,
- case TI#target_info.target_client of
- Pid ->
- %% The target client died - lost contact with target
- {stop,{lost_contact_with_target,Reason},State};
- _other ->
- %% not our problem
- {noreply,State}
- end;
+ %% not our problem
+ {noreply,State};
{value,{Name,_}} ->
NewJobs = lists:keydelete(Pid, 2, State#state.jobs),
case Reason of
@@ -1303,14 +1077,8 @@ handle_info({tcp_closed,Sock}, State=#state{trc=Sock}) ->
%%! Maybe print something???
handle_info({tcp_closed,Sock}, State) ->
- case test_server_node:nodedown(Sock,State#state.target_info) of
- target_died ->
- %% terminate/2 will do the cleanup
- {stop,target_died,State};
- _ ->
- {noreply,State}
- end;
+ test_server_node:nodedown(Sock, State#state.target_info),
+ {noreply,State};
handle_info(_, State) ->
%% dummy; accept all, do nothing.
{noreply, State}.
@@ -1416,6 +1184,7 @@ init_tester(Mod, Func, Args, Dir, Name, {_,_,MinLev}=Levels,
group_leader(test_server_io:get_gl(true), self()),
{TimeMy,Result} = ts_tc(Mod, Func, Args),
+ test_server_io:set_job_name(undefined),
catch stop_extra_tools(StartedExtraTools),
case Result of
{'EXIT',test_suites_done} ->
@@ -1465,11 +1234,11 @@ elapsed_time(Before, After) ->
start_extra_tools(ExtraTools) ->
start_extra_tools(ExtraTools, []).
-start_extra_tools([{cover,App,Analyse} | ExtraTools], Started) ->
+start_extra_tools([{cover,App,Analyse,Stop} | ExtraTools], Started) ->
case cover_compile(App) of
{ok,AnalyseMods} ->
- [{cover,App,Analyse,AnalyseMods}|Started]);
+ [{cover,App,Analyse,AnalyseMods,Stop}|Started]);
{error,_} ->
start_extra_tools(ExtraTools, Started)
@@ -1488,8 +1257,8 @@ stop_extra_tools(ExtraTools) ->
stop_extra_tools(ExtraTools, TestDir).
-stop_extra_tools([{cover,App,Analyse,AnalyseMods}|ExtraTools], TestDir) ->
- cover_analyse(App, Analyse, AnalyseMods, TestDir),
+stop_extra_tools([{cover,App,Analyse,AnalyseMods,Stop}|ExtraTools], TestDir) ->
+ cover_analyse(App, Analyse, AnalyseMods, Stop, TestDir),
stop_extra_tools(ExtraTools, TestDir);
%%stop_extra_tools([_ | ExtraTools], TestDir) ->
%% stop_extra_tools(ExtraTools, TestDir);
@@ -2027,7 +1796,7 @@ start_minor_log_file1(Mod, Func, LogDir, AbsName, MFA) ->
lists:member(no_src, get(test_server_logopts))} of
{true,false} ->
print(Lev, "<a href=\"~s#~s\">source code for ~p:~p/1</a>\n",
- [SrcListing,Func,Mod,Func]);
+ [SrcListing,atom_to_list(Func)++"-1",Mod,Func]);
_ -> ok
@@ -2318,9 +2087,7 @@ do_add_end_per_suite_and_skip(LastMod, LastRef, Mod, FwMod) ->
%% Runs the specified tests, then displays/logs the summary.
run_test_cases(TestSpec, Config, TimetrapData) ->
- maybe_open_job_sock(),
+ test_server:init_purify(),
case lists:member(no_src, get(test_server_logopts)) of
true ->
@@ -2330,8 +2097,6 @@ run_test_cases(TestSpec, Config, TimetrapData) ->
run_test_cases_loop(TestSpec, [Config], TimetrapData, [], []),
- maybe_get_privdir(),
{AllSkippedN,UserSkipN,AutoSkipN,SkipStr} =
case get(test_server_skipped) of
{0,0} -> {0,0,0,""};
@@ -2350,41 +2115,6 @@ run_test_cases(TestSpec, Config, TimetrapData) ->
print(major, "=auto_skipped ~p", [AutoSkipN]),
-%% If the test is run at a remote target, this function sets up a socket
-%% communication with the target for handling this particular job.
-maybe_open_job_sock() ->
- TI = get_target_info(),
- case TI#target_info.where of
- local ->
- %% local target
- test_server:init_purify();
- MainSock ->
- %% remote target
- {ok,LSock} = gen_tcp:listen(0, [binary,
- {reuseaddr,true},
- {packet,4},
- {active,false}]),
- {ok,Port} = inet:port(LSock),
- request(MainSock, {job,Port,get(test_server_name)}),
- case gen_tcp:accept(LSock, ?ACCEPT_TIMEOUT) of
- {ok,Sock} -> put(test_server_ctrl_job_sock, Sock);
- {error,Reason} -> exit({no_contact,Reason})
- end
- end.
-%% If the test is run at a remote target, this function waits for a
-%% tar packet containing the privdir created by the test case.
-maybe_get_privdir() ->
- case get(test_server_ctrl_job_sock) of
- undefined ->
- %% local target
- ok;
- Sock ->
- %% remote target
- request(Sock, job_done),
- gen_tcp:close(Sock)
- end.
%% run_test_cases_loop(TestCases, Config, TimetrapData, Mode, Status) -> ok
@@ -2899,7 +2629,7 @@ run_test_cases_loop([{conf,Ref,Props,{Mod,Func}}|_Cases]=Cs0,
CurrMode = curr_mode(Ref, Mode0, Mode),
- ConfCaseResult = run_test_case(Ref, 0, Mod, Func, [ActualCfg], skip_init, target,
+ ConfCaseResult = run_test_case(Ref, 0, Mod, Func, [ActualCfg], skip_init,
TimetrapData, CurrMode),
case ConfCaseResult of
@@ -2933,6 +2663,7 @@ run_test_cases_loop([{conf,Ref,Props,{Mod,Func}}|_Cases]=Cs0,
{_,Fail,_} when element(1,Fail) == 'EXIT';
element(1,Fail) == timetrap_timeout;
+ element(1,Fail) == user_timetrap_error;
element(1,Fail) == failed ->
{Cases2,Config1,Status3} =
if StartConf ->
@@ -2952,14 +2683,6 @@ run_test_cases_loop([{conf,Ref,Props,{Mod,Func}}|_Cases]=Cs0,
run_test_cases_loop(Cases2, Config1, TimetrapData, Mode, Status3);
- {died,Why,_} when Func == init_per_suite ->
- print(minor, "~n*** Unexpected exit during init_per_suite.~n", []),
- Reason = {failed,{Mod,init_per_suite,Why}},
- Cases2 = skip_cases_upto(Ref, Cases, Reason, conf, CurrMode),
- set_io_buffering(IOHandler),
- stop_minor_log_file(),
- run_test_cases_loop(Cases2, Config, TimetrapData, Mode,
- delete_status(Ref, Status2));
{_,{Skip,Reason},_} when StartConf and ((Skip==skip) or (Skip==skipped)) ->
print(minor, "~n*** ~p skipped.~n"
@@ -3030,7 +2753,7 @@ run_test_cases_loop([{conf,Ref,Props,{Mod,Func}}|_Cases]=Cs0,
run_test_cases_loop([{make,Ref,{Mod,Func,Args}}|Cases0], Config, TimetrapData, Mode, Status) ->
- case run_test_case(Ref, 0, Mod, Func, Args, skip_init, host, TimetrapData) of
+ case run_test_case(Ref, 0, Mod, Func, Args, skip_init, TimetrapData) of
{_,Why={'EXIT',_},_} ->
print(minor, "~n*** ~p failed.~n"
" Skipping all cases.", [Func]),
@@ -3075,7 +2798,7 @@ run_test_cases_loop([{Mod,Func,Args}|Cases], Config, TimetrapData, Mode, Status)
case run_test_case(undefined, Num+1, Mod, Func, Args,
- run_init, target, TimetrapData, Mode) of
+ run_init, TimetrapData, Mode) of
%% callback to framework module failed, exit immediately
{_,{framework_error,{FwMod,FwFunc},Reason},_} ->
print(minor, "~n*** ~p failed in ~p. Reason: ~p~n", [FwMod,FwFunc,Reason]),
@@ -3711,6 +3434,11 @@ handle_io_and_exit_loop(_, [], Ok,Skip,Fail) ->
handle_io_and_exits(Main, CurrPid, CaseNum, Mod, Func, Cases) ->
+ {abort_current_testcase=Tag,_Reason,From} ->
+ %% If a parallel group is executing, there is no unique
+ %% current test case, so we must generate an error.
+ From ! {self(),Tag,{error,parallel_group}},
+ handle_io_and_exits(Main, CurrPid, CaseNum, Mod, Func, Cases);
%% end of io session from test case executed by main process
{finished,_,Main,CaseNum,Mod,Func,Result,_RetVal} ->
@@ -3764,23 +3492,23 @@ handle_io_and_exits(Main, CurrPid, CaseNum, Mod, Func, Cases) ->
%% RetVal is the result of executing the test case. It contains info
%% about the execution time and the return value of the test case function.
-run_test_case(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, RunInit, Where, TimetrapData) ->
+run_test_case(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, RunInit, TimetrapData) ->
- run_test_case1(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, RunInit, Where,
+ run_test_case1(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, RunInit,
TimetrapData, [], self()).
-run_test_case(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, skip_init, Where, TimetrapData, Mode) ->
+run_test_case(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, skip_init, TimetrapData, Mode) ->
%% a conf case is always executed by the main process
- run_test_case1(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, skip_init, Where,
+ run_test_case1(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, skip_init,
TimetrapData, Mode, self());
-run_test_case(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, RunInit, Where, TimetrapData, Mode) ->
+run_test_case(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, RunInit, TimetrapData, Mode) ->
Main = self(),
case check_prop(parallel, Mode) of
false ->
%% this is a sequential test case
- run_test_case1(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, RunInit, Where,
+ run_test_case1(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, RunInit,
TimetrapData, Mode, Main);
_Ref ->
%% this a parallel test case, spawn the new process
@@ -3792,11 +3520,11 @@ run_test_case(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, RunInit, Where, TimetrapData, Mode) ->
[put(Key, Val) || {Key,Val} <- Dictionary],
run_test_case1(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, RunInit,
- Where, TimetrapData, Mode, Main)
+ TimetrapData, Mode, Main)
-run_test_case1(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, RunInit, Where,
+run_test_case1(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, RunInit,
TimetrapData, Mode, Main) ->
group_leader(test_server_io:get_gl(Main == self()), self()),
@@ -3809,12 +3537,6 @@ run_test_case1(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, RunInit, Where,
Main ! {started,Ref,self(),Num,Mod,Func}
TSDir = get(test_server_dir),
- case Where of
- target ->
- maybe_send_beam_and_datadir(Mod);
- host ->
- ok
- end,
print(major, "=case ~p:~p", [Mod, Func]),
MinorName = start_minor_log_file(Mod, Func),
@@ -3872,7 +3594,7 @@ run_test_case1(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, RunInit, Where,
%% run the test case
{Result,DetectedFail,ProcsBefore,ProcsAfter} =
run_test_case_apply(Num, Mod, Func, [UpdatedArgs], get_name(Mode),
- RunInit, Where, TimetrapData),
+ RunInit, TimetrapData),
{Time,RetVal,Loc,Opts,Comment} =
case Result of
Normal={_Time,_RetVal,_Loc,_Opts,_Comment} -> Normal;
@@ -3989,7 +3711,7 @@ run_test_case1(Ref, Num, Mod, Func, Args, RunInit, Where,
true ->
- check_new_crash_dumps(Where),
+ test_server_sup:check_new_crash_dumps(),
%% if io is being buffered, send finished message
%% (no matter if case runs on parallel or main process)
@@ -4017,109 +3739,6 @@ do_unless_parallel(Main, Action) when is_function(Action, 0) ->
num2str(0) -> "";
num2str(N) -> integer_to_list(N).
-%% If remote target, this function sends the test suite (if not already sent)
-%% and the content of datadir til target.
-maybe_send_beam_and_datadir(Mod) ->
- case get(test_server_ctrl_job_sock) of
- undefined ->
- %% local target
- ok;
- JobSock ->
- %% remote target
- case get(test_server_downloaded_suites) of
- undefined ->
- send_beam_and_datadir(Mod, JobSock),
- put(test_server_downloaded_suites, [Mod]);
- Suites ->
- case lists:member(Mod, Suites) of
- false ->
- send_beam_and_datadir(Mod, JobSock),
- put(test_server_downloaded_suites, [Mod|Suites]);
- true ->
- ok
- end
- end
- end.
-send_beam_and_datadir(Mod, JobSock) ->
- case code:which(Mod) of
- non_existing ->
- io:format("** WARNING: Suite ~w could not be found on host\n",
- [Mod]);
- BeamFile ->
- send_beam(JobSock, Mod, BeamFile)
- end,
- DataDir = get_data_dir(Mod),
- case file:read_file_info(DataDir) of
- {ok,_I} ->
- {ok,All} = file:list_dir(DataDir),
- AddTarFiles =
- case controller_call(get_target_info) of
- #target_info{os_family=ose} ->
- ObjExt = code:objfile_extension(),
- Wc = filename:join(DataDir, "*" ++ ObjExt),
- ModsInDatadir = filelib:wildcard(Wc),
- SendBeamFun = fun(X) -> send_beam(JobSock, X) end,
- lists:foreach(SendBeamFun, ModsInDatadir),
- %% No need to send C code or makefiles since
- %% no compilation can be done on target anyway.
- %% Compiled C code must exist on target.
- %% Beam files are already sent as binaries.
- %% Erlang source are sent in case the test case
- %% is to compile it.
- Filter = fun("Makefile") -> false;
- ("Makefile.src") -> false;
- (Y) ->
- case filename:extension(Y) of
- ".c" -> false;
- ObjExt -> false;
- _ -> true
- end
- end,
- lists:filter(Filter, All);
- _ ->
- All
- end,
- Tarfile = "data_dir.tar.gz",
- {ok,Tar} = erl_tar:open(Tarfile, [write,compressed]),
- ShortDataDir = filename:basename(DataDir),
- AddTarFun =
- fun(File) ->
- Long = filename:join(DataDir, File),
- Short = filename:join(ShortDataDir, File),
- ok = erl_tar:add(Tar, Long, Short, [])
- end,
- lists:foreach(AddTarFun, AddTarFiles),
- ok = erl_tar:close(Tar),
- {ok,TarBin} = file:read_file(Tarfile),
- file:delete(Tarfile),
- request(JobSock, {{datadir,Tarfile}, TarBin});
- {error,_R} ->
- ok
- end.
-send_beam(JobSock, BeamFile) ->
- Mod=filename:rootname(filename:basename(BeamFile), code:objfile_extension()),
- send_beam(JobSock, list_to_atom(Mod), BeamFile).
-send_beam(JobSock, Mod, BeamFile) ->
- {ok,BeamBin} = file:read_file(BeamFile),
- request(JobSock, {{beam,Mod,BeamFile}, BeamBin}).
-check_new_crash_dumps(Where) ->
- case Where of
- target ->
- case get(test_server_ctrl_job_sock) of
- undefined ->
- ok;
- Socket ->
- read_job_sock_loop(Socket)
- end;
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
- test_server_sup:check_new_crash_dumps().
%% progress(Result, CaseNum, Mod, Func, Location, Reason, Time,
%% Comment, TimeFormat) -> Result
@@ -4487,11 +4106,10 @@ do_format_exception(Reason={Error,Stack}) ->
%% run_test_case_apply(CaseNum, Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit,
-%% Where, TimetrapData) ->
+%% TimetrapData) ->
%% {{Time,RetVal,Loc,Opts,Comment},DetectedFail,ProcessesBefore,ProcessesAfter} |
%% {{died,Reason,unknown,Comment},DetectedFail,ProcessesBefore,ProcessesAfter}
%% Name = atom()
-%% Where = target | host
%% Time = float() (seconds)
%% RetVal = term()
%% Loc = term()
@@ -4506,23 +4124,10 @@ do_format_exception(Reason={Error,Stack}) ->
%% sent over socket to target, and test_server runs the case and sends the
%% result back over the socket. Else test_server runs the case directly on host.
-run_test_case_apply(CaseNum, Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, host,
+run_test_case_apply(CaseNum, Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit,
TimetrapData) ->
- TimetrapData});
-run_test_case_apply(CaseNum, Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, target,
- TimetrapData) ->
- case get(test_server_ctrl_job_sock) of
- undefined ->
- %% local target
- test_server:run_test_case_apply({CaseNum,Mod,Func,Args,Name,RunInit,
- TimetrapData});
- JobSock ->
- %% remote target
- request(JobSock, {test_case,{CaseNum,Mod,Func,Args,Name,RunInit,
- TimetrapData}}),
- read_job_sock_loop(JobSock)
- end.
+ TimetrapData}).
%% print(Detail, Format, Args) -> ok
@@ -5119,7 +4724,7 @@ get_target_info() ->
%% Called by test_server. See test_server:start_node/3 for details
start_node(Name, Type, Options) ->
- T = 10 * ?ACCEPT_TIMEOUT, % give some extra time
+ T = 10 * ?ACCEPT_TIMEOUT * test_server:timetrap_scale_factor(),
format(minor, "Attempt to start ~w node ~p with options ~p",
[Type, Name, Options]),
case controller_call({start_node,Name,Type,Options}, T) of
@@ -5164,7 +4769,8 @@ start_node(Name, Type, Options) ->
%% when the new node has contacted test_server_ctrl again
wait_for_node(Slave) ->
- case catch controller_call({wait_for_node,Slave},10000) of
+ T = 10000 * test_server:timetrap_scale_factor(),
+ case catch controller_call({wait_for_node,Slave},T) of
{'EXIT',{timeout,_}} -> {error,timeout};
ok -> ok
@@ -5188,60 +4794,6 @@ stop_node(Slave) ->
-%% Functions handling target communication over socket
-%% Generic send function for communication with target
-request(Sock,Request) ->
- gen_tcp:send(Sock,<<1,(term_to_binary(Request))/binary>>).
-%% Receive and decode request on job specific socket
-%% Used when test is running on a remote target
-read_job_sock_loop(Sock) ->
- case gen_tcp:recv(Sock,0) of
- {error,Reason} ->
- gen_tcp:close(Sock),
- exit({controller,connection_lost,Reason});
- {ok,<<1,Request/binary>>} ->
- case decode(binary_to_term(Request)) of
- ok ->
- read_job_sock_loop(Sock);
- {stop,Result} ->
- Result
- end
- end.
-decode({apply,{M,F,A}}) ->
- apply(M,F,A),
- ok;
-decode({sync_apply,{M,F,A}}) ->
- R = apply(M,F,A),
- request(get(test_server_ctrl_job_sock),{sync_result,R}),
- ok;
-decode({sync_result,Result}) ->
- {stop,Result};
-decode({test_case_result,Result}) ->
- {stop,Result};
-decode({privdir,empty_priv_dir}) ->
- {stop,ok};
-decode({{privdir,PrivDirTar},TarBin}) ->
- Root = get(test_server_log_dir_base),
- unpack_tar(Root,PrivDirTar,TarBin),
- {stop,ok};
-decode({crash_dumps,no_crash_dumps}) ->
- {stop,ok};
-decode({{crash_dumps,CrashDumpTar},TarBin}) ->
- Dir = test_server_sup:crash_dump_dir(),
- unpack_tar(Dir,CrashDumpTar,TarBin),
- {stop,ok}.
-unpack_tar(Dir,TarFileName0,TarBin) ->
- TarFileName = filename:join(Dir,TarFileName0),
- ok = file:write_file(TarFileName,TarBin),
- ok = erl_tar:extract(TarFileName,[compressed,{cwd,Dir}]),
- ok = file:delete(TarFileName).
@@ -5386,16 +4938,7 @@ cover_compile({App,CoverFile}) ->
cover_compile1(What) ->
- case get(test_server_ctrl_job_sock) of
- undefined ->
- %% local target
- test_server:cover_compile(What);
- JobSock ->
- %% remote target
- request(JobSock, {sync_apply,{test_server,cover_compile,[What]}}),
- read_job_sock_loop(JobSock)
- end.
+ test_server:cover_compile(What).
%% Read the coverfile for an application and return a list of modules
%% that are members of the application but shall not be compiled
@@ -5447,7 +4990,7 @@ check_cover_file([], Exclude, Include) ->
%% This per application analysis writes the file cover.html in the
%% application's run.<timestamp> directory.
-cover_analyse({App,CoverInfo}, Analyse, AnalyseMods, TestDir) ->
+cover_analyse({App,CoverInfo}, Analyse, AnalyseMods, Stop, TestDir) ->
{ok,CoverLog} = file:open(filename:join(TestDir, ?coverlog_name), [write]),
@@ -5478,7 +5021,7 @@ cover_analyse({App,CoverInfo}, Analyse, AnalyseMods, TestDir) ->
io:fwrite(CoverLog, "<p>Excluded module(s): <code>~p</code>\n", [Excluded]),
- Coverage = cover_analyse(Analyse, AnalyseMods),
+ Coverage = cover_analyse(Analyse, AnalyseMods, Stop),
case lists:filter(fun({_M,{_,_,_}}) -> false;
(_) -> true
@@ -5495,32 +5038,27 @@ cover_analyse({App,CoverInfo}, Analyse, AnalyseMods, TestDir) ->
file:write_file(filename:join(TestDir, ?cover_total),
-cover_analyse(Analyse, AnalyseMods) ->
+cover_analyse(Analyse, AnalyseMods, Stop) ->
TestDir = get(test_server_log_dir_base),
- case get(test_server_ctrl_job_sock) of
- undefined ->
- %% local target
- test_server:cover_analyse({Analyse,TestDir}, AnalyseMods);
- JobSock ->
- %% remote target
- request(JobSock, {sync_apply,{test_server,
- cover_analyse,
- [Analyse,AnalyseMods]}}),
- read_job_sock_loop(JobSock)
- end.
+ test_server:cover_analyse({Analyse,TestDir}, AnalyseMods, Stop).
%% Cover analysis, cross application
%% This can be executed on any node after all tests are finished.
-%% The node's current directory must be the same as when the tests
-%% were run.
-cross_cover_analyse(Analyse) ->
- cross_cover_analyse(Analyse, undefined).
-cross_cover_analyse(Analyse, CrossModules) ->
- CoverdataFiles = get_coverdata_files(),
+%% Apps = [{App,Dir}]
+%% App = atom(), application name
+%% Dir = string(), the log directory for App, normally where
+%% run.<timestamp> is found.
+%% Modules = [atom()], modules that have been cover compiled during tests
+%% of other apps than the one they belong to.
+cross_cover_analyse(Analyse, Apps) ->
+ cross_cover_analyse(Analyse, Apps, get_cross_modules()).
+cross_cover_analyse(Analyse, Apps, Modules) ->
+ Apps1 = get_latest_run_dirs(Apps),
+ Apps2 = add_cross_modules(Modules,Apps1),
+ CoverdataFiles = get_coverdata_files(Apps2),
lists:foreach(fun(CDF) -> cover:import(CDF) end, CoverdataFiles),
- io:fwrite("Cover analysing... ", []),
+ io:fwrite("Cover analysing...\n", []),
DetailsFun =
case Analyse of
details ->
@@ -5534,25 +5072,15 @@ cross_cover_analyse(Analyse, CrossModules) ->
_ ->
fun(_,_) -> undefined end
- SortedModules =
- case CrossModules of
- undefined ->
- sort_modules([Mod || Mod <- get_all_cross_modules(),
- lists:member(Mod, cover:imported_modules())], []);
- _ ->
- sort_modules(CrossModules, [])
- end,
- Coverage = analyse_apps(SortedModules, DetailsFun, []),
+ Coverage = analyse_apps(Apps2, DetailsFun, []),
- write_cross_cover_logs(Coverage).
+ write_cross_cover_logs(Coverage,Apps2).
-%% For each application from which there are modules listed in the
-%% cross.cover, write a cross cover log (cross_cover.html).
-write_cross_cover_logs([{App,Coverage}|T]) ->
- case last_test_for_app(App) of
- false ->
- ok;
- Dir ->
+%% For each application from which there are cross cover analysed
+%% modules, write a cross cover log (cross_cover.html).
+write_cross_cover_logs([{App,Coverage}|T],Apps) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(App,1,Apps) of
+ {_,Dir,Mods} when Mods=/=[] ->
CoverLogName = filename:join(Dir,?cross_coverlog_name),
{ok,CoverLog} = file:open(CoverLogName, [write]),
@@ -5560,54 +5088,51 @@ write_cross_cover_logs([{App,Coverage}|T]) ->
"<h1>Coverage results for \'~w\' from all tests</h1>\n",
write_cover_result_table(CoverLog, Coverage),
- io:fwrite("Written file ~p\n", [CoverLogName])
+ io:fwrite("Written file ~p\n", [CoverLogName]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
- write_cross_cover_logs(T);
-write_cross_cover_logs([]) ->
+ write_cross_cover_logs(T,Apps);
+write_cross_cover_logs([],_) ->
io:fwrite("done\n", []).
-%% Find all exported coverdata files. First find all the latest
-%% run.<timestamp> directories, and the check if there is a file named
-%% all.coverdata.
-get_coverdata_files() ->
- PossibleFiles = [last_coverdata_file(Dir) ||
- Dir <- filelib:wildcard([$*|?logdir_ext]),
- filelib:is_dir(Dir)],
- [File || File <- PossibleFiles, filelib:is_file(File)].
-last_coverdata_file(Dir) ->
- LastDir = last_test(filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Dir,"run.[1-2]*")),false),
- filename:join(LastDir,"all.coverdata").
-%% Find the latest run.<timestamp> directory for the given application.
-last_test_for_app(App) ->
- AppLogDir = atom_to_list(App)++?logdir_ext,
- last_test(filelib:wildcard(filename:join(AppLogDir,"run.[1-2]*")),false).
-last_test([Run|Rest], false) ->
- last_test(Rest, Run);
-last_test([Run|Rest], Latest) when Run > Latest ->
- last_test(Rest, Run);
-last_test([_|Rest], Latest) ->
- last_test(Rest, Latest);
-last_test([], Latest) ->
+%% Get the latest run.<timestamp> directories
+get_latest_run_dirs([{App,Dir}|Apps]) ->
+ [{App,get_latest_run_dir(Dir)} | get_latest_run_dirs(Apps)];
+get_latest_run_dirs([]) ->
+ [].
+get_latest_run_dir(Dir) ->
+ case filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Dir,"run.[1-2]*")) of
+ [] ->
+ Dir;
+ [H|T] ->
+ get_latest_dir(T,H)
+ end.
+get_latest_dir([H|T],Latest) when H>Latest ->
+ get_latest_dir(T,H);
+get_latest_dir([_|T],Latest) ->
+ get_latest_dir(T,Latest);
+get_latest_dir([],Latest) ->
-%% Sort modules according to the application they belong to.
-%% Return [{App,LastTestDir,ModuleList}]
-sort_modules([M|Modules], Acc) ->
- App = get_app(M),
- Acc1 =
- case lists:keysearch(App, 1, Acc) of
- {value,{App,LastTest,List}} ->
- lists:keyreplace(App, 1, Acc, {App,LastTest,[M|List]});
+%% Associate the cross cover modules with their applications.
+ do_add_cross_modules(Mods,[{App,Dir,[]} || {App,Dir} <- Apps]).
+ App = get_app(Mod),
+ NewApps =
+ case lists:keytake(App,1,Apps) of
+ {value,{App,Dir,AppMods},Rest} ->
+ [{App,Dir,lists:umerge([Mod],AppMods)}|Rest];
false ->
- [{App,last_test_for_app(App),[M]}|Acc]
+ Apps
- sort_modules(Modules, Acc1);
-sort_modules([], Acc) ->
- Acc.
+ do_add_cross_modules(Mods,NewApps);
+do_add_cross_modules([],Apps) ->
+ %% Just to get the modules in the same order as app-only cover log
+ [{App,Dir,lists:reverse(Mods)} || {App,Dir,Mods} <- Apps].
get_app(Module) ->
Beam = code:which(Module),
@@ -5615,6 +5140,14 @@ get_app(Module) ->
[AppStr|_] = string:tokens(AppDir,"-"),
+%% Find all exported coverdata files.
+get_coverdata_files(Apps) ->
+ lists:flatmap(
+ fun({_,LatestAppDir,_}) ->
+ filelib:wildcard(filename:join(LatestAppDir,"all.coverdata"))
+ end,
+ Apps).
%% For each application, analyse all modules
%% Used for cross cover analysis.
@@ -5635,7 +5168,7 @@ analyse_modules(_Dir, [], _DetailsFun, Acc) ->
%% Read the cross cover file (cross.cover)
-get_all_cross_modules() ->
+get_cross_modules() ->
get_cross_modules(App) ->
case file:consult(?cross_cover_file) of
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_h.erl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_h.erl
index fdeee59326..78daba855d 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_h.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_h.erl
@@ -131,6 +131,11 @@ report_receiver(warning_msg, _) -> kernel;
report_receiver(warning_report, _) -> kernel;
report_receiver(info, _) -> kernel;
report_receiver(info_msg, _) -> kernel;
+ when is_tuple(Tuple) andalso
+ (element(1,Tuple)==ct_connection orelse
+ element(1,Tuple)==conn_log) ->
+ none;
report_receiver(info_report, _) -> kernel;
report_receiver(_, _) -> none.
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_internal.hrl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_internal.hrl
index b58b42805e..d204c35293 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_internal.hrl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_internal.hrl
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@
%% Target information generated by test_server:init_target_info/0 and
%% test_server_ctrl:contact_main_target/2
%% Once initiated, this information will never change!!
--record(target_info, {where, % local | Socket
- os_family, % atom(); win32 | unix
+-record(target_info, {os_family, % atom(); win32 | unix
os_type, % result of os:type()
host, % string(); the name of the target machine
version, % string()
@@ -43,7 +42,6 @@
% itself is master for slave nodes
%% The following are only used for remote targets
- target_client, % reference to a client talking to target
slave_targets=[]}).% list() of atom(); all available
% targets for starting slavenodes
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_io.erl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_io.erl
index abdfb71241..e960b3087a 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_io.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_io.erl
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ stop() ->
%% Return a group leader (a process using the test_server_gl module).
%% If Shared is true, the shared group leader is returned (suitable for
%% running sequential test cases), otherwise a new group leader process
-%% is spawned. Group leader processes will live until they are garbaged
-%% collected by a call to gc/0.
+%% is spawned. Group leader processes will live until the
+%% 'test_server_io' process is stopped.
get_gl(Shared) when is_boolean(Shared) ->
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ start_transaction() ->
%% end_transaction()
%% End the transaction started by start_transaction/0. Subsequent calls to
-%% print/3 will cause the message to be printed directory.
+%% print/3 will cause the message to be printed directly.
end_transaction() ->
@@ -253,6 +253,8 @@ output(From, Tag, Str, #st{io_buffering=Buffered,buffered=Buf0}=St) ->
+do_output(stdout, Str, #st{job_name=undefined}) ->
+ io:put_chars(Str);
do_output(stdout, Str0, #st{job_name=Name}) ->
Str = io_lib:format("Testing ~s: ~s\n", [Name,Str0]),
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_node.erl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_node.erl
index 872f15f2be..b307d93c7d 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_node.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_node.erl
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
%% Test Controller interface
-export([start_node/5, stop_node/2]).
-export([kill_nodes/1, nodedown/2]).
@@ -57,79 +57,8 @@ is_release_available(Rel) ->
-%%% Start main target node on remote host
-%%% The target node must not know the controller node via erlang distribution.
-start_remote_main_target(Parameters) ->
- #par{type=TargetType,
- target=TargetHost,
- naming=Naming,
- master=MasterNode,
- cookie=MasterCookie,
- slave_targets=SlaveTargets} = Parameters,
- lists:foreach(fun(T) -> maybe_reboot_target({TargetType,T}) end,
- [list_to_atom(TargetHost)|SlaveTargets]),
- Cmd0 = get_main_target_start_command(TargetType,TargetHost,Naming,
- MasterNode,MasterCookie),
- Cmd =
- case os:getenv("TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK") of
- FW when FW =:= false; FW =:= "undefined" -> Cmd0;
- FW -> Cmd0 ++ " -env TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK " ++ FW
- end,
- {ok,LSock} = gen_tcp:listen(?MAIN_PORT,[binary,{reuseaddr,true},{packet,2}]),
- case start_target(TargetType,TargetHost,Cmd) of
- {ok,TargetClient,AcceptTimeout} ->
- case gen_tcp:accept(LSock,AcceptTimeout) of
- {ok,Sock} ->
- gen_tcp:close(LSock),
- receive
- {tcp,Sock,Bin} when is_binary(Bin) ->
- case unpack(Bin) of
- error ->
- gen_tcp:close(Sock),
- close_target_client(TargetClient),
- {error,bad_message};
- {ok,{target_info,TI}} ->
- put(test_server_free_targets,SlaveTargets),
- {ok, TI#target_info{where=Sock,
- host=TargetHost,
- naming=Naming,
- master=MasterNode,
- target_client=TargetClient,
- slave_targets=SlaveTargets}}
- end;
- {tcp_closed,Sock} ->
- gen_tcp:close(Sock),
- close_target_client(TargetClient),
- {error,could_not_contact_target}
- after AcceptTimeout ->
- gen_tcp:close(Sock),
- close_target_client(TargetClient),
- {error,timeout}
- end;
- Error ->
- %%! maybe something like kill_target(...)???
- gen_tcp:close(LSock),
- close_target_client(TargetClient),
- {error,{could_not_contact_target,Error}}
- end;
- Error ->
- gen_tcp:close(LSock),
- {error,{could_not_start_target,Error}}
- end.
stop(TI) ->
- kill_nodes(TI),
- case TI#target_info.where of
- local -> % there is no remote target to stop
- ok;
- Sock -> % stop remote target
- gen_tcp:close(Sock),
- close_target_client(TI#target_info.target_client)
- end.
+ kill_nodes(TI).
nodedown(Sock, TI) ->
Match = #slave_info{name='$1',socket=Sock,client='$2',_='_'},
@@ -146,14 +75,8 @@ nodedown(Sock, TI) ->
false -> ok
- [] ->
- case TI#target_info.where of
- Sock ->
- %% test_server_ctrl will do the cleanup
- target_died;
- _ ->
- ignore
- end
+ [] ->
+ ok
@@ -167,10 +90,7 @@ start_tracer_node(TraceFile,TI) ->
Match = #slave_info{name='$1',_='_'},
SlaveNodes = lists:map(fun([N]) -> [" ",N] end,
- TargetNode = case TI#target_info.where of
- local -> node();
- _ -> "test_server@" ++ TI#target_info.host
- end,
+ TargetNode = node(),
Cookie = TI#target_info.cookie,
{ok,LSock} = gen_tcp:listen(0,[binary,{reuseaddr,true},{packet,2}]),
{ok,TracePort} = inet:port(LSock),
@@ -471,129 +391,29 @@ start_node_slave(SlaveName, OptList, From, TI) ->
Ret =
case start_which_node(OptList) of
{error,Reason} -> {{error,Reason},undefined,undefined};
- Host0 -> do_start_node_slave(Host0,SlaveName,Args,Prog,Cleanup,TI)
+ Host0 -> do_start_node_slave(Host0,SlaveName,Args,Prog,Cleanup)
-do_start_node_slave(Host0, SlaveName, Args, Prog, Cleanup, TI) ->
- case TI#target_info.where of
- local ->
- Host =
- case Host0 of
- local -> test_server_sup:hoststr();
- _ -> cast_to_list(Host0)
- end,
- Cmd = Prog ++ " " ++ Args,
- %% Can use slave.erl here because I'm both controller and target
- %% so I will ping the new node anyway
- case slave:start(Host, SlaveName, Args, no_link, Prog) of
- {ok,Nodename} ->
- case Cleanup of
- true -> ets:insert(slave_tab,#slave_info{name=Nodename});
- false -> ok
- end,
- {{ok,Nodename}, Host, Cmd, [], []};
- Ret ->
- {Ret, Host, Cmd}
- end;
- _Sock ->
- %% Cannot use slave.erl here because I'm only controller, and will
- %% not ping the new node. Only target shall contact the new node!!
- no_contact_start_slave(Host0,SlaveName,Args,Prog,Cleanup,TI)
- end.
-no_contact_start_slave(Host, Name, Args0, Prog, Cleanup,TI) ->
- Args1 = case string:str(Args0,"-setcookie") of
- 0 -> "-setcookie " ++ TI#target_info.cookie ++ " " ++ Args0;
- _ -> Args0
+do_start_node_slave(Host0, SlaveName, Args, Prog, Cleanup) ->
+ Host =
+ case Host0 of
+ local -> test_server_sup:hoststr();
+ _ -> cast_to_list(Host0)
+ end,
+ Cmd = Prog ++ " " ++ Args,
+ %% Can use slave.erl here because I'm both controller and target
+ %% so I will ping the new node anyway
+ case slave:start(Host, SlaveName, Args, no_link, Prog) of
+ {ok,Nodename} ->
+ case Cleanup of
+ true -> ets:insert(slave_tab,#slave_info{name=Nodename});
+ false -> ok
- Args = TI#target_info.naming ++ " " ++ cast_to_list(Name) ++ " " ++ Args1,
- case Host of
- local ->
- case get(test_server_free_targets) of
- [] ->
- io:format("Starting slave ~p on HOST~n", [Name]),
- TargetType = test_server_sup:get_os_family(),
- Cmd0 = get_slave_node_start_command(TargetType,
- Prog,
- TI#target_info.master),
- Cmd = Cmd0 ++ " " ++ Args,
- do_no_contact_start_slave(TargetType,
- test_server_sup:hoststr(),
- Cmd, Cleanup,TI, false);
- [H|T] ->
- TargetType = TI#target_info.os_family,
- Cmd0 = get_slave_node_start_command(TargetType,
- Prog,
- TI#target_info.master),
- Cmd = Cmd0 ++ " " ++ Args,
- case do_no_contact_start_slave(TargetType,H,Cmd,Cleanup,
- TI,true) of
- {error,remove} ->
- io:format("Cannot start node on ~p, "
- "removing from slave "
- "target list.", [H]),
- put(test_server_free_targets,T),
- no_contact_start_slave(Host,Name,Args,Prog,
- Cleanup,TI);
- {error,keep} ->
- %% H is added to the END OF THE LIST
- %% in order to avoid the same target to
- %% be selected each time
- put(test_server_free_targets,T++[H]),
- no_contact_start_slave(Host,Name,Args,Prog,
- Cleanup,TI);
- R ->
- put(test_server_free_targets,T),
- R
- end
- end;
- _ ->
- TargetType = TI#target_info.os_family,
- Cmd0 = get_slave_node_start_command(TargetType,
- Prog,
- TI#target_info.master),
- Cmd = Cmd0 ++ " " ++ Args,
- do_no_contact_start_slave(TargetType, Host, Cmd, Cleanup, TI, false)
- end.
-do_no_contact_start_slave(TargetType,Host0,Cmd0,Cleanup,TI,Retry) ->
- %% Must use TargetType instead of TI#target_info.os_familiy here
- %% because if there were no free_targets we will be starting the
- %% slave node on host which might have a different os_familiy
- Host = cast_to_list(Host0),
- {ok,LSock} = gen_tcp:listen(0,[binary,
- {reuseaddr,true},
- {packet,2}]),
- {ok,WaitPort} = inet:port(LSock),
- Cmd = lists:concat([Cmd0, " -s ", ?MODULE, " node_started ",
- test_server_sup:hoststr(), " ", WaitPort]),
- case start_target(TargetType,Host,Cmd) of
- {ok,Client,AcceptTimeout} ->
- case wait_for_node_started(LSock,AcceptTimeout,
- Client,Cleanup,TI,self()) of
- {error,_}=WaitError ->
- if Retry ->
- case maybe_reboot_target(Client) of
- {error,_} -> {error,remove};
- ok -> {error,keep}
- end;
- true ->
- {WaitError,Host,Cmd}
- end;
- {Ok,Warning} ->
- {Ok,Host,Cmd,[],Warning}
- end;
- StartError ->
- gen_tcp:close(LSock),
- if Retry -> {error,remove};
- true -> {{error,{could_not_start_target,StartError}},Host,Cmd}
- end
+ {{ok,Nodename}, Host, Cmd, [], []};
+ Ret ->
+ {Ret, Host, Cmd}
@@ -777,40 +597,10 @@ kill_node(SI,TI) ->
%%% Platform specific code
-start_target(unix,TargetHost,Cmd0) ->
- Cmd =
- case test_server_sup:hoststr() of
- TargetHost -> Cmd0;
- _ -> lists:concat(["rsh ",TargetHost, " ", Cmd0])
- end,
- open_port({spawn, Cmd}, [stream]),
- {ok,undefined,?ACCEPT_TIMEOUT}.
-maybe_reboot_target(_) ->
- {error, cannot_reboot_target}.
close_target_client(undefined) ->
-%% Command for starting main target
- _MasterNode,_MasterCookie) ->
- Prog = pick_erl_program(default),
- Prog ++ " " ++ Naming ++ " test_server" ++
- " -boot start_sasl -sasl errlog_type error"
- " -s test_server start " ++ test_server_sup:hoststr().
-%% Command for starting slave nodes
-get_slave_node_start_command(unix, Prog, MasterNode) ->
- cast_to_list(Prog) ++ " -detached -master " ++ MasterNode.
%%% cast_to_list(X) -> string()
%%% X = list() | atom() | void()
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_sup.erl b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_sup.erl
index 4a27c1ebae..c7553cccb5 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/test_server_sup.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/test_server_sup.erl
@@ -64,13 +64,7 @@ timetrap(Timeout0, ReportTVal, Scale, Pid) ->
true -> ReportTVal end,
MFLs = test_server:get_loc(Pid),
Mon = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
- Trap =
- case get(test_server_init_or_end_conf) of
- undefined ->
- {timetrap_timeout,TimeToReport,MFLs};
- InitOrEnd ->
- {timetrap_timeout,TimeToReport,MFLs,InitOrEnd}
- end,
+ Trap = {timetrap_timeout,TimeToReport,MFLs},
exit(Pid, Trap),
{'DOWN', Mon, process, Pid, _} ->
@@ -518,8 +512,18 @@ framework_call(Callback,Func,Args,DefaultReturn) ->
case erlang:function_exported(Mod,Func,length(Args)) of
true ->
- put(test_server_loc, {Mod,Func,framework}),
EH = fun(Reason) -> exit({fw_error,{Mod,Func,Reason}}) end,
+ SetTcState = case Func of
+ end_tc -> true;
+ init_tc -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end,
+ case SetTcState of
+ true ->
+ test_server:set_tc_state({framework,Mod,Func});
+ false ->
+ ok
+ end,
try apply(Mod,Func,Args) of
Result ->
@@ -550,18 +554,6 @@ format_loc([{Mod,LineOrFunc}]) ->
format_loc({Mod,Func}) when is_atom(Func) ->
-format_loc({Mod,Line}) when is_integer(Line) ->
- %% ?line macro is used
- ModStr = package_str(Mod),
- case {lists:member(no_src, get(test_server_logopts)),
- lists:reverse(ModStr)} of
- {false,[$E,$T,$I,$U,$S,$_|_]} ->
- io_lib:format("{~s,<a href=\"~s~s#~w\">~w</a>}",
- [ModStr,downcase(ModStr),?src_listing_ext,
- round_to_10(Line),Line]);
- _ ->
- io_lib:format("{~s,~w}",[ModStr,Line])
- end;
format_loc(Loc) ->
@@ -576,16 +568,11 @@ format_loc1({Mod,Func,Line}) ->
{false,[$E,$T,$I,$U,$S,$_|_]} ->
io_lib:format("{~s,~w,<a href=\"~s~s#~w\">~w</a>}",
- round_to_10(Line),Line]);
+ Line,Line]);
_ ->
-round_to_10(N) when (N rem 10) == 0 ->
- N;
-round_to_10(N) ->
- trunc(N/10)*10.
downcase(S) -> downcase(S, []).
downcase([Uc|Rest], Result) when $A =< Uc, Uc =< $Z ->
downcase(Rest, [Uc-$A+$a|Result]);
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/ts.erl b/lib/test_server/src/ts.erl
index db16b6ecd2..115e783070 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/ts.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/ts.erl
@@ -259,14 +259,43 @@ run(List, Opts) when is_list(List), is_list(Opts) ->
run(Testspec, Config) when is_atom(Testspec), is_list(Config) ->
Options=check_test_get_opts(Testspec, Config),
- Spec = case code:lib_dir(Testspec) of
- {error, bad_name} when Testspec /= emulator,
- Testspec /= system,
- Testspec /= epmd ->
- create_skip_spec(Testspec, tests(Testspec));
- _ ->
- File++".spec"
- end,
+ WhatToDo =
+ case Testspec of
+ %% Known to exist but fails generic tests below
+ emulator -> test;
+ system -> test;
+ erl_interface -> test;
+ epmd -> test;
+ _ ->
+ case code:lib_dir(Testspec) of
+ {error,bad_name} ->
+ %% Application does not exist
+ skip;
+ Path ->
+ case file:read_file_info(filename:join(Path,"ebin")) of
+ {ok,#file_info{type=directory}} ->
+ %% Erlang application is built
+ test;
+ _ ->
+ case filelib:wildcard(
+ filename:join([Path,"priv","*.jar"])) of
+ [] ->
+ %% The application is not built
+ skip;
+ [_|_] ->
+ %% Java application is built
+ test
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ Spec =
+ case WhatToDo of
+ skip ->
+ create_skip_spec(Testspec, tests(Testspec));
+ test ->
+ File++".spec"
+ end,
run_test(File, [{spec,[Spec]}], Options);
%% Runs one module in a spec (interactive)
run(Testspec, Mod) when is_atom(Testspec), is_atom(Mod) ->
@@ -498,8 +527,60 @@ estone(Opts) when is_list(Opts) -> run(emulator,estone_SUITE,Opts).
cross_cover_analyse([Level]) ->
cross_cover_analyse(Level) ->
- test_server_ctrl:cross_cover_analyse(Level).
+ Apps = get_last_app_tests(),
+ Modules = get_cross_modules(Apps,[]),
+ test_server_ctrl:cross_cover_analyse(Level,Apps,Modules).
+get_last_app_tests() ->
+ AllTests = filelib:wildcard(filename:join(["*","*_test.logs"])),
+ {ok,RE} = re:compile("^[^/]*/[^\.]*\.(.*)_test\.logs$"),
+ get_last_app_tests(AllTests,RE,[]).
+get_last_app_tests([Dir|Dirs],RE,Acc) ->
+ NewAcc =
+ case re:run(Dir,RE,[{capture,all,list}]) of
+ {match,[Dir,AppStr]} ->
+ App = list_to_atom(AppStr),
+ case lists:keytake(App,1,Acc) of
+ {value,{App,LastDir},Rest} ->
+ if Dir > LastDir ->
+ [{App,Dir}|Rest];
+ true ->
+ Acc
+ end;
+ false ->
+ [{App,Dir} | Acc]
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ Acc
+ end,
+ get_last_app_tests(Dirs,RE,NewAcc);
+get_last_app_tests([],_,Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+get_cross_modules([{App,_}|Apps],Acc) ->
+ Mods = cross_modules(App),
+ get_cross_modules(Apps,lists:umerge(Mods,Acc));
+get_cross_modules([],Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+cross_modules(App) ->
+ case default_coverfile(App) of
+ none ->
+ [];
+ File ->
+ case catch file:consult(File) of
+ {ok,CoverSpec} ->
+ case lists:keyfind(cross_apps,1,CoverSpec) of
+ false ->
+ [];
+ {cross_apps,App,Modules} ->
+ lists:usort(Modules)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end
+ end.
%%% Implementation.
diff --git a/lib/test_server/src/ts_run.erl b/lib/test_server/src/ts_run.erl
index 57d1b8806e..741dd483f5 100644
--- a/lib/test_server/src/ts_run.erl
+++ b/lib/test_server/src/ts_run.erl
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ make_common_test_args(Args0, Options0, _Vars) ->
io:format("No cover file found for ~p~n",[App]),
{value,{cover,_App,File,_Analyse}} ->
- [{cover,to_list(File)}];
+ [{cover,to_list(File)},{cover_stop,false}];
false ->