path: root/lib/tools/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/tools/src')
3 files changed, 97 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tools/src/lcnt.erl b/lib/tools/src/lcnt.erl
index d881fedbd5..139b3d8a4a 100644
--- a/lib/tools/src/lcnt.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/src/lcnt.erl
@@ -34,8 +34,11 @@
-%% erts_debug:lock_counters api
+%% erts_debug:lcnt_xxx api
+ rt_mask/1,
+ rt_mask/2,
+ rt_collect/0,
@@ -134,27 +137,61 @@ start_internal() ->
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
-%% API erts_debug:lock_counters
+%% API erts_debug:lcnt_xxx
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
-rt_collect() ->
- erts_debug:lock_counters(info).
+rt_mask(Node, Categories) when is_atom(Node), is_list(Categories) ->
+ rpc:call(Node, lcnt, rt_mask, [Categories]).
+rt_mask(Node) when is_atom(Node) ->
+ rpc:call(Node, lcnt, rt_mask, []);
+rt_mask(Categories) when is_list(Categories) ->
+ case erts_debug:lcnt_control(copy_save) of
+ false ->
+ erts_debug:lcnt_control(mask, Categories);
+ true ->
+ {error, copy_save_enabled}
+ end.
+rt_mask() ->
+ erts_debug:lcnt_control(mask).
rt_collect(Node) ->
- rpc:call(Node, erts_debug, lock_counters, [info]).
+ rpc:call(Node, lcnt, rt_collect, []).
+rt_collect() ->
+ erts_debug:lcnt_collect().
+rt_clear(Node) ->
+ rpc:call(Node, lcnt, rt_clear, []).
rt_clear() ->
- erts_debug:lock_counters(clear).
+ erts_debug:lcnt_clear().
-rt_clear(Node) ->
- rpc:call(Node, erts_debug, lock_counters, [clear]).
+rt_opt(Node, Arg) ->
+ rpc:call(Node, lcnt, rt_opt, [Arg]).
-rt_opt({Type, Opt}) ->
- erts_debug:lock_counters({Type, Opt}).
+%% Compatibility shims for the "process/port_locks" options mentioned in the
+%% manual.
+rt_opt({process_locks, Enable}) ->
+ toggle_category(process, Enable);
+rt_opt({port_locks, Enable}) ->
+ toggle_category(io, Enable);
-rt_opt(Node, {Type, Opt}) ->
- rpc:call(Node, erts_debug, lock_counters, [{Type, Opt}]).
+rt_opt({Type, NewVal}) ->
+ PreviousVal = erts_debug:lcnt_control(Type),
+ erts_debug:lcnt_control(Type, NewVal),
+ PreviousVal.
+toggle_category(Category, true) ->
+ PreviousMask = erts_debug:lcnt_control(mask),
+ erts_debug:lcnt_control(mask, [Category | PreviousMask]),
+ lists:member(Category, PreviousMask);
+toggle_category(Category, false) ->
+ PreviousMask = erts_debug:lcnt_control(mask),
+ erts_debug:lcnt_control(mask, lists:delete(Category, PreviousMask)),
+ lists:member(Category, PreviousMask).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
@@ -192,13 +229,9 @@ call(Msg) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, Msg, infinity).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
apply(M,F,As) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(As) ->
- ok = start_internal(),
- Opt = lcnt:rt_opt({copy_save, true}),
- lcnt:clear(),
- Res = erlang:apply(M,F,As),
- lcnt:collect(),
- lcnt:rt_opt({copy_save, Opt}),
- Res.
+ apply(fun() ->
+ erlang:apply(M,F,As)
+ end).
apply(Fun) when is_function(Fun) ->
lcnt:apply(Fun, []).
@@ -209,7 +242,9 @@ apply(Fun, As) when is_function(Fun) ->
Res = erlang:apply(Fun, As),
- lcnt:rt_opt({copy_save, Opt}),
+ %% _ is bound to silence a dialyzer warning; it used to fail silently and
+ %% we don't want to change the error semantics.
+ _ = lcnt:rt_opt({copy_save, Opt}),
all_conflicts() -> all_conflicts(time).
diff --git a/lib/tools/src/make.erl b/lib/tools/src/make.erl
index ce30156db6..6554d338af 100644
--- a/lib/tools/src/make.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/src/make.erl
@@ -267,15 +267,47 @@ include_opt([]) ->
recompile(File, true, _Load, _Opts) ->
io:format("Out of date: ~ts\n",[File]);
-recompile(File, false, noload, Opts) ->
+recompile(File, false, Load, Opts) ->
io:format("Recompile: ~ts\n",[File]),
- compile:file(File, [report_errors, report_warnings, error_summary |Opts]);
-recompile(File, false, load, Opts) ->
- io:format("Recompile: ~ts\n",[File]),
- c:c(File, Opts);
-recompile(File, false, netload, Opts) ->
- io:format("Recompile: ~ts\n",[File]),
- c:nc(File, Opts).
+ case compile:file(File, [report_errors, report_warnings |Opts]) of
+ Ok when is_tuple(Ok), element(1,Ok)==ok ->
+ maybe_load(element(2,Ok), Load, Opts);
+ _Error ->
+ error
+ end.
+maybe_load(_Mod, noload, _Opts) ->
+ ok;
+maybe_load(Mod, Load, Opts) ->
+ %% We have compiled File with options Opts. Find out where the
+ %% output file went to, and load it.
+ case compile:output_generated(Opts) of
+ true ->
+ Dir = proplists:get_value(outdir,Opts,"."),
+ do_load(Dir, Mod, Load);
+ false ->
+ io:format("** Warning: No object file created - nothing loaded **~n"),
+ ok
+ end.
+do_load(Dir, Mod, load) ->
+ code:purge(Mod),
+ case code:load_abs(filename:join(Dir, Mod),Mod) of
+ {module,Mod} ->
+ {ok,Mod};
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end;
+do_load(Dir, Mod, netload) ->
+ Obj = atom_to_list(Mod) ++ code:objfile_extension(),
+ Fname = filename:join(Dir, Obj),
+ case file:read_file(Fname) of
+ {ok,Bin} ->
+ rpc:eval_everywhere(code,load_binary,[Mod,Fname,Bin]),
+ {ok,Mod};
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end.
exists(File) ->
case file:read_file_info(File) of
diff --git a/lib/tools/src/tools.app.src b/lib/tools/src/tools.app.src
index 12f0cfd2df..8beef49bf9 100644
--- a/lib/tools/src/tools.app.src
+++ b/lib/tools/src/tools.app.src
@@ -41,6 +41,6 @@
{runtime_dependencies, ["stdlib-3.1","runtime_tools-1.8.14",
- "kernel-3.0","erts-7.0","compiler-5.0"]}
+ "kernel-5.4","erts-9.1","compiler-5.0"]}