path: root/lib/tools/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/tools/src')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tools/src/lcnt.erl b/lib/tools/src/lcnt.erl
index 5b125c6f5a..d5ba8aa52f 100644
--- a/lib/tools/src/lcnt.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/src/lcnt.erl
@@ -356,8 +356,7 @@ handle_call({histogram, Lockname, InOpts}, _From, #state{ duration=Duration, loc
{thresholds, [{tries, -1}, {colls, -1}, {time, -1}]}], Opts),
Prints = locks2print([L], Duration),
print_lock_information(Prints, proplists:get_value(print, Opts1)),
- print_full_histogram(SumStats#stats.hist),
- io:format("~n")
+ print_full_histogram(SumStats#stats.hist)
end, Combos),
{reply, ok, State};
@@ -649,15 +648,19 @@ format_histogram(Tup) when is_tuple(Tup) ->
_ -> string_histogram([case V of 0 -> 0; _ -> V/Max end || V <- Vs])
-string_histogram([0|Vs]) ->
- [$\s|string_histogram(Vs)];
-string_histogram([V|Vs]) when V > 0.66 ->
- [$X|string_histogram(Vs)];
-string_histogram([V|Vs]) when V > 0.33 ->
- [$x|string_histogram(Vs)];
-string_histogram([_|Vs]) ->
- [$.|string_histogram(Vs)];
-string_histogram([]) -> [].
+string_histogram(Vs) ->
+ [$||histogram_values_to_string(Vs,$|)].
+histogram_values_to_string([0|Vs],End) ->
+ [$\s|histogram_values_to_string(Vs,End)];
+histogram_values_to_string([V|Vs],End) when V > 0.66 ->
+ [$X|histogram_values_to_string(Vs,End)];
+histogram_values_to_string([V|Vs],End) when V > 0.33 ->
+ [$x|histogram_values_to_string(Vs,End)];
+histogram_values_to_string([_|Vs],End) ->
+ [$.|histogram_values_to_string(Vs,End)];
+histogram_values_to_string([],End) ->
+ [End].
%% state making
@@ -780,7 +783,7 @@ auto_print_width(Locks, Print) ->
({print,print}, Out) -> [print|Out];
({Str, Len}, Out) -> [erlang:min(erlang:max(length(s(Str))+1,Len),80)|Out]
end, [], lists:zip(tuple_to_list(L), tuple_to_list(Max)))))
- end, #print{ id = 4, type = 5, entry = 5, name = 6, tries = 8, colls = 13, cr = 16, time = 11, dtr = 14, hist=20 },
+ end, #print{ id=4, type=5, entry=5, name=6, tries=8, colls=13, cr=16, time=11, dtr=14, hist=20 },
% Setup the offsets for later pruning
Offsets = [
@@ -822,7 +825,7 @@ print_header(Opts) ->
cr = "collisions [%]",
time = "time [us]",
dtr = "duration [%]",
- hist = "histogram"
+ hist = "histogram [log2(us)]"
Divider = #print{
name = lists:duplicate(1 + length(Header#print.name), 45),
@@ -865,9 +868,9 @@ format_lock(L, [Opt|Opts]) ->
{time, W} -> [{space, W, s(L#print.time) } | format_lock(L, Opts)];
duration -> [{space, 20, s(L#print.dtr) } | format_lock(L, Opts)];
{duration, W} -> [{space, W, s(L#print.dtr) } | format_lock(L, Opts)];
- histogram -> [{space, 0, s(L#print.hist) } | format_lock(L, Opts)];
- {histogram, W} -> [{space, W, s(L#print.hist) } | format_lock(L, Opts)];
- _ -> format_lock(L, Opts)
+ histogram -> [{space, 20, s(L#print.hist) } | format_lock(L, Opts)];
+ {histogram, W} -> [{left, W - length(s(L#print.hist)) - 1, s(L#print.hist)} | format_lock(L, Opts)];
+ _ -> format_lock(L, Opts)
print_state_information(#state{locks = Locks} = State) ->
@@ -928,6 +931,7 @@ s(T) -> term2string(T).
strings(Strings) -> strings(Strings, []).
strings([], Out) -> Out;
strings([{space, N, S} | Ss], Out) -> strings(Ss, Out ++ term2string(term2string("~~~ws", [N]), [S]));
+strings([{left, N, S} | Ss], Out) -> strings(Ss, Out ++ term2string(term2string(" ~~s~~~ws", [N]), [S,""]));
strings([{format, Format, S} | Ss], Out) -> strings(Ss, Out ++ term2string(Format, [S]));
strings([S|Ss], Out) -> strings(Ss, Out ++ term2string("~ts", [S])).