path: root/lib/tools/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/tools/test')
17 files changed, 1443 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/cover_SUITE.erl b/lib/tools/test/cover_SUITE.erl
index 90e113c178..161b0105b9 100644
--- a/lib/tools/test/cover_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/test/cover_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2017. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ all() ->
distribution, reconnect, die_and_reconnect,
dont_reconnect_after_stop, stop_node_after_disconnect,
export_import, otp_5031, otp_6115,
- otp_8270, otp_10979_hanging_node],
+ otp_8270, otp_10979_hanging_node, otp_14817],
case whereis(cover_server) of
undefined ->
[coverage,StartStop ++ NoStartStop];
@@ -1574,6 +1574,30 @@ otp_10979_hanging_node(_Config) ->
+otp_14817(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Test = <<"-module(otp_14817).
+ -export([a/0, b/0, c/0, d/0]).
+ a() -> ok. b() -> ok. c() -> ok.
+ d() -> ok.
+ ">>,
+ File = cc_mod(otp_14817, Test, Config),
+ ok = otp_14817:a(),
+ ok = otp_14817:b(),
+ ok = otp_14817:c(),
+ ok = otp_14817:d(),
+ {ok,[{{otp_14817,3},1},
+ {{otp_14817,3},1},
+ {{otp_14817,3},1},
+ {{otp_14817,4},1}]} =
+ cover:analyse(otp_14817, calls, line),
+ {ok, CovOut} = cover:analyse_to_file(otp_14817),
+ {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(CovOut),
+ <<"3..|",_/binary>> = string:find(Bin, "3..|"),
+ <<"1..|",_/binary>> = string:find(Bin, "1..|"),
+ ok = file:delete(File),
+ ok = file:delete(CovOut),
+ ok.
%% Take compiler options from beam in cover:compile_beam
compile_beam_opts(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE.erl b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE.erl
index 77a8813db5..5839f9ce5b 100644
--- a/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2018. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
-export([all/0, init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]).
+-export([bif_highlight/1, indent/1]).
-all() ->
- [bif_highlight].
+all() ->
+ [bif_highlight, indent].
init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
ErlangEl = filename:join([code:lib_dir(tools),"emacs","erlang.el"]),
@@ -74,4 +74,69 @@ check_bif_highlight(Bin, Tag, Compare) ->
[] = Compare -- EmacsIntBifs,
[] = EmacsIntBifs -- Compare.
+indent(Config) ->
+ case emacs_version_ok() of
+ false -> {skip, "Old or no emacs found"};
+ true ->
+ Def = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)) ++ "/" ++ ?MODULE_STRING ++ "_data",
+ Dir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config, Def),
+ OrigFs = filelib:wildcard(Dir ++ "/*"),
+ io:format("Dir: ~s~nFs: ~p~n", [Dir, OrigFs]),
+ Fs = [{File, unindent(File)} || File <- OrigFs,
+ filename:extension(File) =:= ""],
+ Indent = fun emacs/1,
+ [Indent(File) || {_, File} <- Fs],
+ Res = [diff(Orig, File) || {Orig, File} <- Fs],
+ [file:delete(File) || {ok, File} <- Res], %% Cleanup
+ [] = [Fail || {fail, Fail} <- Res],
+ ok
+ end.
+unindent(Input) ->
+ Output = Input ++ ".erl",
+ {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(Input),
+ Lines0 = string:split(Bin, "\n", all),
+ Lines = [string:trim(Line, leading, [$\s,$\t]) || Line <- Lines0],
+ %% io:format("File: ~s lines: ~w~n", [Input, length(Lines0)]),
+ %% [io:format("~s~n", [L]) || L <- Lines],
+ ok = file:write_file(Output, lists:join("\n", Lines)),
+ Output.
+diff(Orig, File) ->
+ case os:cmd(["diff ", Orig, " ", File]) of
+ "" -> {ok, File};
+ Diff ->
+ io:format("Fail: ~s vs ~s~n~s~n~n",[Orig, File, Diff]),
+ {fail, File}
+ end.
+emacs_version_ok() ->
+ case os:cmd("emacs --version | head -1") of
+ "GNU Emacs " ++ Ver ->
+ case string:to_float(Ver) of
+ {Vsn, _} when Vsn >= 24.1 ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ io:format("Emacs version fail~n~s~n~n",[Ver]),
+ false
+ end;
+ Res ->
+ io:format("Emacs version fail~n~s~n~n",[Res]),
+ false
+ end.
+emacs(File) ->
+ EmacsErlDir = filename:join([code:lib_dir(tools), "emacs"]),
+ Cmd = ["emacs ",
+ "--batch --quick ",
+ "--directory ", EmacsErlDir, " ",
+ "--eval \"(require 'erlang-start)\" ",
+ File, " ",
+ "--eval '(indent-region (point-min) (point-max) nil)' ",
+ "--eval '(save-buffer 0)'"
+ ],
+ _Res = os:cmd(Cmd),
+ % io:format("cmd ~s:~n=> ~s~n", [Cmd, _Res]),
+ ok.
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/comments b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/comments
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff974ca295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/comments
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+%% -*- Mode: erlang; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%%% 3 comment chars: always left indented
+%%% 2 comment chars: Context indented
+%%% 1 comment char: Rigth indented
+%%% left
+%% context dependent
+ % rigth
+func() ->
+%%% left
+ %% context dependent
+ % right indented
+ case get(foo) of
+ undefined ->
+ %% Testing indention
+ ok;
+ %% Catch all
+ Other ->
+ Other
+ end,
+ ok.
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/comprehensions b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/comprehensions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45279850a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/comprehensions
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+%% -*- Mode: erlang; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%%% indentation of comprehensions
+%%% Not everything in these test are set in stone
+%%% better indentation rules can be added but by having
+%%% these tests we can see what changes in new implementations
+%%% and notice when doing unintentional changes
+list() ->
+ %% I don't have a good idea how we want to handle this
+ %% but they are here to show how they are indented today.
+ Result1 = [X ||
+ #record{a=X} <- lists:seq(1, 10),
+ true = (X rem 2)
+ ],
+ Result2 = [X || <<X:32,_:32>> <= <<0:512>>,
+ true = (X rem 2)
+ ],
+ Res = [ func(X,
+ arg2)
+ ||
+ #record{a=X} <- lists:seq(1, 10),
+ true = (X rem 2)
+ ],
+ Result1.
+binary(B) ->
+ Binary1 = << <<X:8>> ||
+ #record{a=X} <- lists:seq(1, 10),
+ true = (X rem 2)
+ >>,
+ Binary2 = << <<X:8>> || <<X:32,_:32>> <= <<0:512>>,
+ true = (X rem 2)
+ >>,
+ Bin3 = <<
+ <<
+ X:8,
+ 34:8
+ >>
+ || <<X:32,_:32>> <= <<0:512>>,
+ true = (X rem 2)
+ >>,
+ ok.
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/funcs b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/funcs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..877f982005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/funcs
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+%% -*- Mode: erlang; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%%% Function (and funs) indentation
+%%% Not everything in these test are set in stone
+%%% better indentation rules can be added but by having
+%%% these tests we can see what changes in new implementations
+%%% and notice when doing unintentional changes
+ func1/0,
+ func2/0,
+ a_function_with_a_very_very_long_name/0,
+ when1/2
+ ]).
+ {inline, [
+ func2/2,
+ func3/2
+ ]
+ }
+ ]).
+func1() ->
+ basic.
+ A2) ->
+ ok.
+ A1,
+ A2
+ ) ->
+ ok.
+%% Okeefe style
+ ,A2
+ ,A3
+ ) ->
+ ok.
+ A41
+ ,A42) ->
+ ok.
+a_function_with_a_very_very_long_name() ->
+ A00 = #record{
+ field1=1,
+ field2=1
+ },
+ A00.
+when1(W1, W2)
+ when is_number(W1),
+ is_number(W2) ->
+ ok.
+when2(W1,W2,W3) when
+ W1 > W2,
+ W2 > W3 ->
+ ok.
+when3(W1,W2,W3) when
+ W1 > W2,
+ W2 > W3
+ ->
+ ok.
+ when
+ W1 > W2,
+ W2 > W3 ->
+ ok.
+ Other},
+ M1A2) ->
+ ok.
+ {
+ [H|T],
+ Other
+ },
+ M2A2
+ ) ->
+ ok.
+ M3A1,
+ [
+ H |
+ T
+ ],
+ Other
+ },
+ M3A2
+ ) ->
+ ok.
+ M4A:8,
+ M4B:16/unsigned-integer,
+ _/binary
+ >>,
+ M4C) ->
+ ok.
+ #record{
+ b=M5B,
+ c=M5C
+ }
+ ) ->
+ ok.
+ #{key6a := a6,
+ key6b := b6
+ }) ->
+ ok.
+ when
+ X ->
+ %% Changed fun to one indention level
+ %% 'when' and several clause forces a depth of '4'
+ Var = spawn(fun(X, _)
+ when X == 2;
+ X > 10 ->
+ hello,
+ case Hello() of
+ true when is_atom(X) ->
+ foo;
+ false ->
+ bar
+ end;
+ (Foo) when is_atom(Foo),
+ is_integer(X) ->
+ X = 6 * 45,
+ Y = true andalso
+ kalle
+ end),
+ Var;
+funs(2) ->
+ %% check EEP37 named funs
+ Fn1 = fun
+ Factory(N) when
+ N > 0 ->
+ F = Fact(N-1),
+ N * F;
+ Factory(0) ->
+ 1
+ end,
+ Fn1;
+funs(3) ->
+ %% check anonymous funs too
+ Fn2 = fun(0) ->
+ 1;
+ (N) ->
+ N
+ end,
+ ok;
+funs(4) ->
+ X = lists:foldr(fun(M) ->
+ <<M/binary, " ">>
+ end, [], Z),
+ A = <<X/binary, 0:8>>,
+ A.
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/highlight b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/highlight
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0719f6516a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/highlight
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+%% -*- Mode: erlang; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%%% Open this file in your editor and manually check the colors of
+%%% different types and calls and builtin words
+%%% Not everything in these test are set in stone
+%%% better indentation rules can be added but by having
+%%% these tests we can see what changes in new implementations
+%%% and notice when doing unintentional changes
+highlighting(X) % Function definitions should be highlighted
+ when is_integer(X) -> % and so should `when' and `is_integer' be
+ %% Highlighting
+ %% Various characters (we keep an `atom' after to see that highlighting ends)
+ $a,atom, % Characters should be marked
+ "string",atom, % and strings
+ 'asdasd',atom, % quote should be atoms??
+ 'VaV',atom,
+ 'aVa',atom,
+ '\'atom',atom,
+ 'atom\'',atom,
+ 'at\'om',atom,
+ '#1',atom,
+ $", atom, % atom should be ok
+ $', atom,
+ "string$", atom, "string$", atom, % currently buggy I know...
+ "string\$", atom, % workaround for bug above
+ "char $in string", atom,
+ 'atom$', atom, 'atom$', atom,
+ 'atom\$', atom,
+ 'char $in atom', atom,
+ $[, ${, $\\, atom,
+ ?MACRO_1,
+ ?MACRO_2(foo),
+ %% Numerical constants
+ 16#DD, % Should not be highlighted
+ 32#dd, % Should not be highlighted
+ 32#ddAB, % Should not be highlighted
+ 32#101, % Should not be highlighted
+ 32#ABTR, % Should not be highlighted
+ %% Variables
+ Variables = lists:foo(),
+ _Variables = lists:foo(),
+ AppSpec = Xyz/2,
+ Module42 = Xyz(foo, bar),
+ Module:foo(),
+ _Module:foo(), %
+ FooÅÅ = lists:reverse([tl,hd,tl,hd]), % Should highlight FooÅÅ
+ _FooÅÅ = 42, % Should highlight _FooÅÅ
+ %% Bifs
+ erlang:registered(),
+ registered(),
+ hd(tl(tl(hd([a,b,c])))),
+ erlang:anything(lists),
+ %% Guards
+ is_atom(foo), is_float(2.3), is_integer(32), is_number(4323.3),
+ is_function(Fun), is_pid(self()),
+ not_a_guard:is_list([]),
+ %% Other Types
+ atom, % not (currently) hightlighted
+ 234234,
+ 234.43,
+ [list, are, not, higlighted],
+ {nor, is, tuple},
+ ok.
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/icr b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/icr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8445c1a74d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/icr
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+%% -*- Mode: erlang; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%%% indentation of if case receive statements
+%%% Not everything in these test are set in stone
+%%% better indentation rules can be added but by having
+%%% these tests we can see what changes in new implementations
+%%% and notice when doing unintentional changes
+indent_if(1, Z) ->
+ %% If
+ if Z >= 0 ->
+ X = 43 div Z,
+ X;
+ Z =< 10 ->
+ X = 43 div Z,
+ X;
+ Z == 5 orelse
+ Z == 7 ->
+ X = 43 div Z,
+ X;
+ is_number(Z),
+ Z < 32 ->
+ Z;
+ is_number(Z);
+ Z < 32 ->
+ Z * 32;
+ true ->
+ if_works
+ end;
+indent_if(2, Z) ->
+ %% If
+ if
+ Z >= 0 ->
+ X = 43 div Z,
+ X
+ ; Z =< 10 ->
+ 43 div Z
+ ; Z == 5 orelse
+ Z == 7 ->
+ X = 43 div Z,
+ X
+ ; is_number(Z),
+ Z < 32 ->
+ Z
+ ; true ->
+ if_works
+ end.
+indent_case(1, Z) ->
+ %% Case
+ case {Z, foo, bar} of
+ {Z,_,_} ->
+ X = 43 div 4,
+ foo(X);
+ {Z,_,_} when
+ Z =:= 42 -> % line should be indented as a when
+ X = 43 div 4,
+ foo(X);
+ {Z,_,_}
+ when Z < 10 orelse
+ Z =:= foo -> % Binary op alignment here !!!
+ X = 43 div 4,
+ Bool = Z < 5 orelse % Binary op args align differently after when
+ Z =:= foo, % and elsewhere ???
+ foo(X);
+ {Z,_,_}
+ when % when should be indented
+ Z < 10 % and the guards should follow when
+ andalso % unsure about how though
+ true ->
+ X = 43 div 4,
+ foo(X)
+ end;
+indent_case(2, Z) ->
+ %% Case
+ case {Z, foo, bar} of
+ {Z,_,_} ->
+ X = 43 div 4,
+ foo(X)
+ ; {Z,_,_} when
+ Z =:= 42 -> % line should be indented as a when
+ X = 43 div 4,
+ foo(X)
+ ; {Z,_,_}
+ when Z < 10 -> % when should be indented
+ X = 43 div 4,
+ foo(X)
+ ; {Z,_,_}
+ when % when should be indented
+ Z < 10 % and the guards should follow when
+ andalso % unsure about how though
+ true ->
+ X = 43 div 4,
+ foo(X)
+ end.
+indent_begin(Z) ->
+ %% Begin
+ begin
+ sune,
+ Z = 74234 +
+ foo(8456) +
+ 345 div 43,
+ Foo = begin
+ ok,
+ foo(234),
+ begin
+ io:format("Down here\n")
+ end
+ end,
+ {Foo,
+ bar}
+ end.
+indent_receive(1) ->
+ %% receive
+ receive
+ {Z,_,_} ->
+ X = 43 div 4,
+ foo(X)
+ ; Z ->
+ X = 43 div 4,
+ foo(X)
+ end,
+ ok;
+indent_receive(2) ->
+ receive
+ {Z,_,_} ->
+ X = 43 div 4,
+ foo(X);
+ Z % added clause
+ when Z =:= 1 -> % This line should be indented by 2
+ X = 43 div 4,
+ foo(X);
+ Z when % added clause
+ Z =:= 2 -> % This line should be indented by 2
+ X = 43 div 4,
+ foo(X);
+ Z ->
+ X = 43 div 4,
+ foo(X)
+ after infinity ->
+ foo(X),
+ asd(X),
+ 5*43
+ end,
+ ok;
+indent_receive() ->
+ receive
+ after 10 ->
+ foo(X),
+ asd(X),
+ 5*43
+ end,
+ ok.
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/macros b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/macros
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c874e9187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/macros
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+%% -*- Mode: erlang; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%%% Macros should be indented as code
+-define(M0, ok).
+ case X of
+ undefined -> error;
+ _ -> ok
+ end).
+ M2A2),
+ func(M2A1,
+ M2A2)
+ ).
+ M3,
+ undefined
+ ).
+ logger:log(?MODULE,?LINE)
+ ).
+-define(LOG, ok).
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/records b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/records
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..241582718c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/records
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+%% -*- Mode: erlang; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Test that records are indented correctly
+ {
+ r0a,
+ r0b,
+ r0c
+ }).
+-record(record1, {r1a,
+ r1b,
+ r1c
+ }).
+-record(record2, {
+ r2a,
+ r2b
+ }).
+-record(record3, {r3a = 8#42423 bor
+ 8#4234,
+ r3b = 8#5432
+ bor 2#1010101,
+ r3c = 123 +
+ 234,
+ r3d}).
+ { r5a = 1 :: integer()
+ , r5b = foobar :: atom()
+ }).
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/terms b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/terms
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..352364a73c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/terms
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+%% -*- Mode: erlang; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%%% indentation of terms contain builtin types
+%%% Not everything in these test are set in stone
+%%% better indentation rules can be added but by having
+%%% these tests we can see what changes in new implementations
+%%% and notice when doing unintentional changes
+list(1) ->
+ [a,
+ b,
+ c
+ ];
+list(2) ->
+ [ a,
+ b, c
+ ];
+list(3) ->
+ [
+ a,
+ b, c
+ ];
+list(4) ->
+ [ a
+ , b
+ , c
+ ].
+tuple(1) ->
+ {a,
+ b,c
+ };
+tuple(2) ->
+ { a,
+ b,c
+ };
+tuple(3) ->
+ {
+ a,
+ b,c
+ };
+tuple(4) ->
+ { a
+ , b
+ ,c
+ }.
+binary(1) ->
+ <<1:8,
+ 2:8
+ >>;
+binary(2) ->
+ <<
+ 1:8,
+ 2:8
+ >>;
+binary(3) ->
+ << 1:8,
+ 2:8
+ >>;
+binary(4) ->
+ <<
+ 1:8
+ ,2:8
+ >>;
+binary(5) ->
+ << 1:8
+ , 2:8
+ >>.
+record(1) ->
+ #record{a=1,
+ b=2
+ };
+record(2) ->
+ #record{ a=1,
+ b=2
+ };
+record(3) ->
+ #record{
+ a=1,
+ b=2
+ };
+record(4) ->
+ #record{
+ a=1
+ ,b=2
+ };
+record(Record) ->
+ Record#record{
+ a=1
+ ,b=2
+ }.
+map(1) ->
+ #{a=>1,
+ b=>2
+ };
+map(2) ->
+ #{ a=>1,
+ b=>2
+ };
+map(3) ->
+ #{
+ a=>1,
+ b=>2
+ };
+map(4) ->
+ #{
+ a => <<"a">>
+ ,b => 2
+ };
+map(MapVar) ->
+ MapVar = #{a :=<<"a">>
+ ,b:=1}.
+deep(Rec) ->
+ Rec#rec{ atom = 'atom',
+ map = #{ k1 => {v,
+ 1},
+ k2 => [
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3
+ ],
+ {key,
+ 3}
+ =>
+ <<
+ 123:8,
+ 255:8
+ >>
+ }
+ }.
+%% Record indentation
+some_function_with_a_very_long_name() ->
+ #'a-long-record-name-like-it-sometimes-is-with-asn.1-records'{
+ field1=a,
+ field2=b},
+ case dummy_function_with_a_very_very_long_name(x) of
+ #'a-long-record-name-like-it-sometimes-is-with-asn.1-records'{
+ field1=a,
+ field2=b} ->
+ ok;
+ Var = #'a-long-record-name-like-it-sometimes-is-with-asn.1-records'{
+ field1=a,
+ field2=b} ->
+ Var#'a-long-record-name-like-it-sometimes-is-with-asn.1-records'{
+ field1=a,
+ field2=b};
+ #xyz{
+ a=1,
+ b=2} ->
+ ok
+ end.
+some_function_name_xyz(xyzzy, #some_record{
+ field1=Field1,
+ field2=Field2}) ->
+ SomeVariable = f(#'Some-long-record-name'{
+ field_a = 1,
+ 'inter-xyz-parameters' =
+ #'Some-other-very-long-record-name'{
+ field2 = Field1,
+ field2 = Field2}}),
+ {ok, SomeVariable}.
+foo() ->
+ [#foo{
+ foo = foo}].
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/try_catch b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/try_catch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0005b2003a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/try_catch
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+%% -*- Mode: erlang; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%%% Try and catch indentation is hard
+%%% Not everything in these test are set in stone
+%%% better indentation rules can be added but by having
+%%% these tests we can see what changes in new implementations
+%%% and notice when doing unintentional changes
+try_catch() ->
+ try
+ io:format(stdout, "Parsing file ~s, ",
+ [St0#leex.xfile]),
+ {ok,Line3,REAs,Actions,St3} =
+ parse_rules(Xfile, Line2, Macs, St2)
+ catch
+ exit:{badarg,R} ->
+ foo(R),
+ io:format(stdout,
+ "ERROR reason ~p~n",
+ R);
+ error:R
+ when R =:= 42 -> % when should be indented
+ foo(R);
+ error:R
+ when % when should be indented
+ R =:= 42 -> % but unsure about this (maybe 2 more)
+ foo(R);
+ error:R when
+ R =:= foo -> % line should be 2 indented (works)
+ foo(R);
+ error:R ->
+ foo(R),
+ io:format(stdout,
+ "ERROR reason ~p~n",
+ R)
+ after
+ foo('after'),
+ file:close(Xfile)
+ end;
+try_catch() ->
+ try
+ foo(bar)
+ of
+ X when true andalso
+ kalle ->
+ io:format(stdout, "Parsing file ~s, ",
+ [St0#leex.xfile]),
+ {ok,Line3,REAs,Actions,St3} =
+ parse_rules(Xfile, Line2, Macs, St2);
+ X
+ when false andalso % when should be 2 indented
+ bengt ->
+ gurka();
+ X when
+ false andalso % line should be 2 indented
+ not bengt ->
+ gurka();
+ X ->
+ io:format(stdout, "Parsing file ~s, ",
+ [St0#leex.xfile]),
+ {ok,Line3,REAs,Actions,St3} =
+ parse_rules(Xfile, Line2, Macs, St2)
+ catch
+ exit:{badarg,R} ->
+ foo(R),
+ io:format(stdout,
+ "ERROR reason ~p~n",
+ R);
+ error:R ->
+ foo(R),
+ io:format(stdout,
+ "ERROR reason ~p~n",
+ R)
+ after
+ foo('after'),
+ file:close(Xfile),
+ bar(with_long_arg,
+ with_second_arg)
+ end;
+try_catch() ->
+ try foo()
+ after
+ foo(),
+ bar(with_long_arg,
+ with_second_arg)
+ end.
+indent_catch() ->
+ D = B +
+ float(43.1),
+ B = catch oskar(X),
+ A = catch (baz +
+ bax),
+ catch foo(),
+ C = catch B +
+ float(43.1),
+ case catch foo(X) of
+ A ->
+ B
+ end,
+ case
+ catch foo(X)
+ of
+ A ->
+ B
+ end,
+ case
+ foo(X)
+ of
+ A ->
+ catch B,
+ X
+ end,
+ try sune of
+ _ -> foo
+ catch _:_ -> baf
+ end,
+ Variable = try
+ sune
+ of
+ _ ->
+ X = 5,
+ (catch foo(X)),
+ X + 10
+ catch _:_ -> baf
+ after cleanup()
+ end,
+ try
+ (catch sune)
+ of
+ _ ->
+ foo1(),
+ catch foo() %% BUGBUG can't handle catch inside try without parentheses
+ catch _:_ ->
+ baf
+ end,
+ try
+ (catch exit())
+ catch
+ _ ->
+ catch baf()
+ end,
+ ok.
+%% this used to result in 2x the correct indentation within the function
+%% body, due to the function name being mistaken for a keyword
+catcher(N) ->
+ try generate_exception(N) of
+ Val -> {N, normal, Val}
+ catch
+ throw:X -> {N, caught, thrown, X};
+ exit:X -> {N, caught, exited, X};
+ error:X -> {N, caught, error, X}
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/type_specs b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/type_specs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e71841cc7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tools/test/emacs_SUITE_data/type_specs
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+%% -*- Mode: erlang; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Tests how types and specs are indented (also that the editor can parse them)
+%% May need improvements
+-type ann() :: Var :: integer().
+-type ann2() ::
+ 'return'
+ | 'return_white_spaces'
+ | 'return_comments'
+ | 'text' | ann().
+-type paren() ::
+ (ann2()).
+-type t6() ::
+ 1 | 2 | 3 |
+ 'foo'
+ | 'bar'.
+-type t8() :: {any(),none(),pid(),port(),
+ reference(),float()}.
+-type t14() :: [erl_scan:foo() |
+ %% Should be highlighted
+ term() |
+ boolean() |
+ byte() |
+ char() |
+ non_neg_integer() | nonempty_list() |
+ pos_integer() |
+ neg_integer() |
+ number() |
+ list() |
+ nonempty_improper_list() | nonempty_maybe_improper_list() |
+ maybe_improper_list() | string() | iolist() | byte() |
+ module() |
+ mfa() |
+ node() |
+ timeout() |
+ no_return() |
+ %% Should not be highlighted
+ nonempty_() | nonlist() |
+ erl_scan:bar(34, 92) | t13() | m:f(integer() | <<_:_*16>>)].
+-type t15() :: {binary(),<<>>,<<_:34>>,<<_:_*42>>,
+ <<_:3,_:_*14>>,<<>>} | [<<>>|<<_:34>>|<<_:16>>|
+ <<_:3,_:_*1472>>|<<_:19,_:_*14>>| <<_:34>>|
+ <<_:34>>|<<_:34>>|<<_:34>>].
+-type t18() ::
+ fun(() -> t17() | t16()).
+-type t19() ::
+ fun((t18()) -> t16()) |
+ fun((nonempty_maybe_improper_list('integer', any())|
+ 1|2|3|a|b|<<_:3,_:_*14>>|integer())
+ ->
+ nonempty_maybe_improper_list('integer', any())| %% left to col 16?
+ 1|2|3|a|b|<<_:3,_:_*14>>|integer()). %% left to col 16?
+-type t20() :: [t19(), ...].
+-type t25() :: #rec3{f123 :: [t24() |
+ 1|2|3|4|a|b|c|d|
+ nonempty_maybe_improper_list(integer, any())]}.
+-type t26() :: #rec4{ a :: integer()
+ , b :: any()
+ }.
+%% Spec
+-spec t1(FooBar :: t99()) -> t99();
+ (t2()) -> t2();
+ (t4()) -> t4() when is_subtype(t4(), t24);
+ (t23()) -> t23() when is_subtype(t23(), atom()),
+ is_subtype(t23(), t14());
+ (t24()) -> t24() when is_subtype(t24(), atom()),
+ is_subtype(t24(), t14()),
+ is_subtype(t24(), t4()).
+-spec over(I :: integer()) -> R1 :: foo:typen();
+ (A :: atom()) -> R2 :: foo:atomen();
+ (T :: tuple()) -> R3 :: bar:typen().
+-spec mod:t2() -> any().
+-spec handle_cast(Cast :: {'exchange', node(), [[name(),...]]}
+ | {'del_member', name(), pid()},
+ #state{}) -> {'noreply', #state{}}.
+-spec handle_cast(Cast ::
+ {'exchange', node(), [[name(),...]]}
+ | {'del_member', name(), pid()},
+ #state{}) ->
+ {'noreply', #state{}}. %% left to col 10?
+-spec all(fun((T) -> boolean()), List :: [T]) ->
+ boolean() when is_subtype(T, term()). % (*)
+-spec get_closest_pid(term()) ->
+ Return :: pid() %% left to col 10?
+ | {'error', {'no_process', term()}} %% left to col 10?
+ | {'no_such_group', term()}. %% left to col 10?
+-spec add( X :: integer()
+ , Y :: integer()
+ ) -> integer().
+-opaque attributes_data() ::
+ [{'column', column()} | {'line', info_line()} |
+ {'text', string()}] | {line(),column()}.
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE_data/eed.erl b/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE_data/eed.erl
index 5f2a21aa60..9fe49c6f5c 100644
--- a/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE_data/eed.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/test/eprof_SUITE_data/eed.erl
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ edit(Name) ->
loop(St0) ->
{ok, St1, Cmd} = get_line(St0),
- case catch command(lib:nonl(Cmd), St1) of
+ case catch command(nonl(Cmd), St1) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
%% XXX Should clear outstanding global command here.
loop(print_error({'EXIT', Reason}, St1));
@@ -66,6 +66,10 @@ loop(St0) ->
+nonl([$\n]) -> [];
+nonl([]) -> [];
+nonl([H|T]) -> [H|nonl(T)].
command(Cmd, St) ->
case parse_command(Cmd, St) of
quit ->
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/fprof_SUITE.erl b/lib/tools/test/fprof_SUITE.erl
index 8fd164a4b3..ae0e7253ad 100644
--- a/lib/tools/test/fprof_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/test/fprof_SUITE.erl
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
suite() ->
- {timetrap,{seconds,60}}].
+ {timetrap,{seconds,240}}].
all() ->
case test_server:is_native(fprof_SUITE) of
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ seq_r(Start, Stop, Succ, R) ->
create_file_slow(Name, N) when is_integer(N), N >= 0 ->
{ok, FD} =
- file:open(Name, [raw, write, delayed_write, binary]),
+ file:open(Name, [raw, write, binary]),
if N > 256 ->
ok = file:write(FD,
lists:map(fun (X) -> <<X:32/unsigned>> end,
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/instrument_SUITE.erl b/lib/tools/test/instrument_SUITE.erl
index f37d28c277..8c521b2e1a 100644
--- a/lib/tools/test/instrument_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/test/instrument_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2018. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -20,89 +20,274 @@
-export([all/0, suite/0]).
--export(['+Mim true'/1, '+Mis true'/1]).
+-export([allocations_enabled/1, allocations_disabled/1, allocations_ramv/1,
+ carriers_enabled/1, carriers_disabled/1]).
+-export([test_all_alloc/2, test_per_alloc/2, test_format/3, test_abort/1,
+ generate_test_blocks/0, churn_memory/0]).
suite() ->
- {timetrap,{seconds,10}}].
+ {timetrap,{minutes,5}}].
all() ->
- ['+Mim true', '+Mis true'].
-%% Check that memory data can be read and processed
-'+Mim true'(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Node = start_slave("+Mim true"),
- MD = rpc:call(Node, instrument, memory_data, []),
- [{total,[{sizes,S1,S2,S3},{blocks,B1,B2,B3}]}]
- = rpc:call(Node, instrument, memory_status, [total]),
- stop_slave(Node),
- true = S1 =< S2,
- true = S2 =< S3,
- true = B1 =< B2,
- true = B2 =< B3,
- MDS = instrument:sort(MD),
- {Low, High} = instrument:mem_limits(MDS),
- true = Low < High,
- {_, AL} = MDS,
- SumBlocks = instrument:sum_blocks(MD),
- case SumBlocks of
- N when is_integer(N) ->
- N = lists:foldl(fun ({_,_,Size,_}, Sum) ->
- Size+Sum
- end, 0, AL),
- true = N =< S3;
- Other ->
- ct:fail(Other)
+ [allocations_enabled, allocations_disabled, allocations_ramv,
+ carriers_enabled, carriers_disabled].
+allocations_test(Args, Plain, PerAlloc) ->
+ run_test(Args, fun(Node) ->
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, test_all_alloc,
+ [fun instrument:allocations/0, Plain]),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, test_per_alloc,
+ [fun instrument:allocations/1, PerAlloc]),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, test_format,
+ [#{ histogram_start => 512,
+ histogram_width => 4 },
+ fun instrument:allocations/1,
+ fun verify_allocations_output/2]),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, test_abort,
+ [fun erts_internal:gather_alloc_histograms/1])
+ end).
+allocations_enabled(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ allocations_test("+Meamax +Muatags true",
+ fun verify_allocations_enabled/1,
+ fun verify_allocations_enabled/2).
+allocations_disabled(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ allocations_test("+Meamax +Muatags false",
+ fun verify_allocations_disabled/1,
+ fun verify_allocations_disabled/2).
+allocations_ramv(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ allocations_test("+Meamax +Muatags true +Muramv true",
+ fun verify_allocations_enabled/1,
+ fun verify_allocations_enabled/2).
+verify_allocations_disabled(_AllocType, Result) ->
+ verify_allocations_disabled(Result).
+verify_allocations_disabled({error, not_enabled}) ->
+ ok.
+%% Skip types that have unstable results or are unaffected by +Muatags
+verify_allocations_enabled(literal_alloc, _Result) -> ok;
+verify_allocations_enabled(exec_alloc, _Result) -> ok;
+verify_allocations_enabled(temp_alloc, _Result) -> ok;
+verify_allocations_enabled(sl_alloc, _Result) -> ok;
+verify_allocations_enabled(_AllocType, Result) ->
+ verify_allocations_enabled(Result).
+verify_allocations_enabled({ok, {_HistStart, _UnscannedBytes, Allocs}}) ->
+ true = Allocs =/= #{}.
+verify_allocations_output(#{ histogram_start := HistStart,
+ histogram_width := HistWidth },
+ {ok, {HistStart, _UnscannedBytes, ByOrigin}}) ->
+ AllHistograms = lists:flatten([maps:values(ByType) ||
+ ByType <- maps:values(ByOrigin)]),
+ %% Do the histograms look alright?
+ HistogramSet = ordsets:from_list(AllHistograms),
+ Verified = [H || H <- HistogramSet,
+ tuple_size(H) =:= HistWidth,
+ hist_sum(H) >= 1],
+ [] = ordsets:subtract(HistogramSet, Verified),
+ %% Do we have at least as many blocks as we've generated?
+ BlockCount = lists:foldl(fun(Hist, Acc) ->
+ hist_sum(Hist) + Acc
+ end, 0, AllHistograms),
+ GenTotalBlockCount = ?GENERATED_BLOCK_COUNT,
+ if
+ BlockCount < GenSBCBlockCount ->
+ ct:fail("Found ~p blocks, required at least ~p (SB)." ,
+ [BlockCount, GenSBCBlockCount]);
+ BlockCount >= GenTotalBlockCount ->
+ ct:pal("Found ~p blocks, expected at least ~p (SB + MB).",
+ [BlockCount, GenTotalBlockCount]);
+ BlockCount < GenTotalBlockCount ->
+ ct:pal("Found ~p blocks, expected at least ~p (SB + MB), but this "
+ "may be due to MBCs being skipped if they're about to be "
+ "scanned just as they're fetched from the carrier pool.",
+ [BlockCount, GenTotalBlockCount])
+ end,
+ ok;
+verify_allocations_output(#{}, {error, not_enabled}) ->
+ ok.
+%% %% %% %% %% %%
+carriers_test(Args, Plain, PerAlloc) ->
+ run_test(Args, fun(Node) ->
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, test_all_alloc,
+ [fun instrument:carriers/0, Plain]),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, test_per_alloc,
+ [fun instrument:carriers/1, PerAlloc]),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, test_format,
+ [#{ histogram_start => 1024,
+ histogram_width => 4 },
+ fun instrument:carriers/1,
+ fun verify_carriers_output/2]),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, test_abort,
+ [fun erts_internal:gather_carrier_info/1])
+ end).
+carriers_enabled(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ carriers_test("+Meamax",
+ fun verify_carriers_enabled/1,
+ fun verify_carriers_enabled/2).
+carriers_disabled(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ carriers_test("+Meamin",
+ fun verify_carriers_disabled/1,
+ fun verify_carriers_disabled/2).
+verify_carriers_disabled(_AllocType, Result) ->
+ verify_carriers_disabled(Result).
+verify_carriers_disabled({error, not_enabled}) ->
+ ok;
+verify_carriers_disabled({ok, {_HistStart, Carriers}}) ->
+ verify_carriers_disabled_1(Carriers).
+verify_carriers_disabled_1([]) ->
+ ok;
+%% literal_alloc, exec_alloc, and temp_alloc can't be disabled, so we have to
+%% accept their presence in carriers_disabled/test_all_alloc.
+verify_carriers_disabled_1([Carrier | Rest]) when
+ element(1, Carrier) =:= literal_alloc;
+ element(1, Carrier) =:= exec_alloc;
+ element(1, Carrier) =:= temp_alloc ->
+ verify_carriers_disabled_1(Rest).
+%% exec_alloc only has a carrier if it's actually used.
+verify_carriers_enabled(exec_alloc, _Result) -> ok;
+verify_carriers_enabled(_AllocType, Result) -> verify_carriers_enabled(Result).
+verify_carriers_enabled({ok, {_HistStart, Carriers}}) when Carriers =/= [] ->
+ ok.
+verify_carriers_output(#{ histogram_start := HistStart,
+ histogram_width := HistWidth },
+ {ok, {HistStart, AllCarriers}}) ->
+ %% Do the carriers look alright?
+ CarrierSet = ordsets:from_list(AllCarriers),
+ Verified = [C || {AllocType,
+ TotalSize,
+ UnscannedSize,
+ AllocatedSize,
+ AllocatedCount,
+ InPool,
+ FreeBlockHist} = C <- CarrierSet,
+ is_atom(AllocType),
+ is_integer(TotalSize), TotalSize >= 1,
+ is_integer(UnscannedSize), UnscannedSize < TotalSize,
+ UnscannedSize >= 0,
+ is_integer(AllocatedSize), AllocatedSize < TotalSize,
+ AllocatedSize >= 0,
+ is_integer(AllocatedCount), AllocatedCount =< AllocatedSize,
+ AllocatedCount >= 0,
+ is_boolean(InPool),
+ tuple_size(FreeBlockHist) =:= HistWidth,
+ carrier_block_check(AllocatedCount, FreeBlockHist)],
+ [] = ordsets:subtract(CarrierSet, Verified),
+ %% Do we have at least as many carriers as we've generated?
+ CarrierCount = length(AllCarriers),
+ if
+ CarrierCount < GenSBCCount ->
+ ct:fail("Carrier count is ~p, expected at least ~p (SBC).",
+ [CarrierCount, GenSBCCount]);
+ CarrierCount >= GenSBCCount ->
+ ok
- lists:foldl(
- fun ({TDescr,Addr,Size,Proc}, MinAddr) ->
- true = TDescr /= invalid_type,
- true = is_integer(TDescr),
- true = is_integer(Addr),
- true = is_integer(Size),
- true = Addr >= MinAddr,
- case Proc of
- {0, Number, Serial} ->
- true = is_integer(Number),
- true = is_integer(Serial);
- undefined ->
- ok;
- BadProc ->
- ct:fail({badproc, BadProc})
- end,
- NextMinAddr = Addr+Size,
- true = NextMinAddr =< High,
- NextMinAddr
- end, Low, AL),
- {_, DAL} = instrument:descr(MDS),
- lists:foreach(
- fun ({TDescr,_,_,Proc}) ->
- true = TDescr /= invalid_type,
- true = is_atom(TDescr) orelse is_list(TDescr),
- true = is_pid(Proc) orelse Proc == undefined
- end, DAL),
- ASL = lists:map(fun ({_,A,S,_}) -> {A,S} end, AL),
- ASL = lists:map(fun ({_,A,S,_}) -> {A,S} end, DAL),
- instrument:holes(MDS),
- {comment, "total status - sum of blocks = " ++ integer_to_list(S1-SumBlocks)}.
-%% Check that memory data can be read and processed
-'+Mis true'(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Node = start_slave("+Mis true"),
- [{total,[{sizes,S1,S2,S3},{blocks,B1,B2,B3}]}]
- = rpc:call(Node, instrument, memory_status, [total]),
- true = S1 =< S2,
- true = S2 =< S3,
- true = B1 =< B2,
- true = B2 =< B3,
- true = is_list(rpc:call(Node,instrument,memory_status,[allocators])),
- true = is_list(rpc:call(Node,instrument,memory_status,[classes])),
- true = is_list(rpc:call(Node,instrument,memory_status,[types])),
+ ok;
+verify_carriers_output(#{}, {error, not_enabled}) ->
+ ok.
+carrier_block_check(AllocCount, FreeHist) ->
+ %% A carrier must contain at least one block, and th. number of free blocks
+ %% must not exceed the number of allocated blocks + 1.
+ FreeCount = hist_sum(FreeHist),
+ (AllocCount + FreeCount) >= 1 andalso FreeCount =< (AllocCount + 1).
+%% %% %% %% %% %%
+test_all_alloc(Gather, Verify) ->
+ Verify(Gather()),
+test_per_alloc(Gather, Verify) ->
+ [begin
+ Verify(T, Gather(#{ allocator_types => [T] }))
+ end || T <- erlang:system_info(alloc_util_allocators)],
+ ok.
+test_format(#{ allocator_types := _ }, _, _) ->
+ error(badarg);
+test_format(Options0, Gather, Verify) ->
+ %% We limit format checking to binary_alloc since we generated the test
+ %% vectors there.
+ Options = Options0#{ allocator_types => [binary_alloc] },
+ Verify(Options, Gather(Options)),
+ ok.
+test_abort(Gather) ->
+ %% There's no way for us to tell whether this actually aborted or ran to
+ %% completion, but it might catch a few segfaults.
+ Runner = self(),
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ spawn_opt(fun() ->
+ [Gather({Type, SchedId, 1, 1, Ref}) ||
+ Type <- erlang:system_info(alloc_util_allocators),
+ SchedId <- lists:seq(0, erlang:system_info(schedulers))],
+ Runner ! Ref
+ end, [{priority, max}]),
+ receive
+ Ref -> ok
+ end.
+hist_sum(H) -> hist_sum_1(H, tuple_size(H), 0).
+hist_sum_1(_H, 0, A) -> A;
+hist_sum_1(H, N, A) -> hist_sum_1(H, N - 1, element(N, H) + A).
+run_test(Args0, Test) ->
+ %% Override single-block carrier threshold for binaries to ensure we have
+ %% coverage for that path. generate_test_blocks builds a few binaries that
+ %% crosses this threshold.
+ %%
+ %% We also set the abandon carrier threshold to 70% to provoke more
+ %% activity in the carrier pool.
+ Args = Args0 ++ " +MBsbct 1 +Muacul 70",
+ Node = start_slave(Args),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, generate_test_blocks, []),
+ ok = Test(Node),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, churn_memory, []),
+ ok = Test(Node),
+ true = test_server:stop_node(Node).
start_slave(Args) ->
MicroSecs = erlang:monotonic_time(),
Name = "instr" ++ integer_to_list(MicroSecs),
@@ -112,6 +297,60 @@ start_slave(Args) ->
[{args, "-pa " ++ Pa ++ " " ++ Args}]),
+generate_test_blocks() ->
+ Runner = self(),
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ spawn(fun() ->
+ %% We've set the single-block carrier threshold to 1KB so one
+ %% ought to land in a SBC and the other in a MBC. Both are kept
+ %% alive forever.
+ SBCs = [<<I, 0:(1 bsl 10)/unit:8>> ||
+ I <- lists:seq(1, ?GENERATED_SBC_BLOCK_COUNT)],
+ MBCs = [<<I, 0:64/unit:8>> ||
+ I <- lists:seq(1, ?GENERATED_MBC_BLOCK_COUNT)],
+ Runner ! Ref,
+ receive after infinity -> ok end,
+ unreachable ! {SBCs, MBCs}
+ end),
+ receive
+ Ref -> ok
+ end.
-stop_slave(Node) ->
- true = test_server:stop_node(Node).
+churn_memory() ->
+ %% All processes spawned from here on have 'low' priority to avoid starving
+ %% others (e.g. the rpc process) which could cause the test to time out.
+ [begin
+ churn_list_to_binary(),
+ churn_processes(),
+ churn_ets()
+ end || _ <- lists:seq(1, erlang:system_info(schedulers))],
+ ok.
+churn_processes() ->
+ Pid = spawn_opt(fun churn_processes/0, [{priority, low}]),
+ [Pid ! <<I, 0:128/unit:8>> || I <- lists:seq(1, 128)].
+%% Nearly all types have a few allocations at all times but sl_alloc is
+%% often empty. list_to_binary on large inputs will yield and spill the
+%% state into an 'estack' which is allocated through sl_alloc.
+%% This is inherently unstable so we skip the verification step for this
+%% type, but there's still a point to hammering it.
+churn_list_to_binary() ->
+ List = binary_to_list(<<0:(1 bsl 20)/unit:8>>),
+ spawn_opt(fun() -> churn_list_to_binary_1(List) end, [{priority, low}]).
+churn_list_to_binary_1(List) ->
+ _ = id(list_to_binary(List)),
+ churn_list_to_binary_1(List).
+churn_ets() ->
+ spawn_opt(fun() -> churn_ets_1(ets:new(gurka, [])) end, [{priority, low}]).
+churn_ets_1(Tab) ->
+ ets:insert(Tab, {gaffel, lists:seq(1, 16)}),
+ ets:delete_all_objects(Tab),
+ churn_ets_1(Tab).
+id(I) ->
+ I.
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/lcnt_SUITE.erl b/lib/tools/test/lcnt_SUITE.erl
index 146c915087..8a2f6bfc89 100644
--- a/lib/tools/test/lcnt_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/test/lcnt_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2017. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2018. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
+ t_implicit_start/1,
+ t_crash_before_collect/1,
init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
@@ -44,8 +46,8 @@ suite() ->
all() ->
- [t_load, t_conflicts, t_locations, t_swap_keys,
- smoke_lcnt].
+ [t_load, t_conflicts, t_locations, t_swap_keys, t_implicit_start,
+ t_crash_before_collect, smoke_lcnt].
%% Tests
@@ -149,6 +151,15 @@ t_swap_keys_file([File|Files]) ->
ok = lcnt:stop(),
+%% Prior to OTP-14913 this would crash with 'noproc' as the lcnt server hadn't
+%% been started yet.
+t_implicit_start(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ok = lcnt:conflicts().
+t_crash_before_collect(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ {ok, _} = lcnt:start(),
+ ok = lcnt:information().
%% Simple smoke test of actual lock-counting, if running on
%% a run-time with lock-counting enabled.
smoke_lcnt(Config) ->
diff --git a/lib/tools/test/xref_SUITE.erl b/lib/tools/test/xref_SUITE.erl
index d651cbcfee..4ec75f7962 100644
--- a/lib/tools/test/xref_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/test/xref_SUITE.erl
@@ -1112,27 +1112,16 @@ read_expected(Version) ->
- {POS8+4,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
- {POS8+5,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
- {POS9+2,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
- {POS9+3,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
- {POS9+4,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
- {POS9+7,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
- {POS10+4,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
- {POS11+6,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
- {POS12+1,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
- {POS12+4,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
- {POS12+7,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
@@ -1162,15 +1151,26 @@ read_expected(Version) ->
{POS3+3, {FF,{erlang,spawn_link,3}}},
{POS3+4, {FF,{erlang,spawn_link,3}}},
{POS6+4, {FF,{erlang,spawn,3}}},
+ {POS8+4,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
+ {POS8+5,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
+ {POS9+2,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
+ {POS9+3,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
+ {POS9+4,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
+ {POS9+7,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
+ {POS10+4,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
+ {POS11+6,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
+ {POS12+1,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
+ {POS12+4,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
+ {POS12+7,{FF,{erlang,apply,2}}},
{POS13+5, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,length,1}}},
{POS14+3, {{read,bi,0},{erlang,length,1}}}],
@@ -2233,18 +2233,18 @@ variables(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
{{error, _, _}, _} = xref_base:variables(S108, [{verbose,false}]),
{ok, S109} = xref_base:set_library_path(S108, [], [{verbose,false}]),
- Tabs = length(ets:all()),
+ NoOfTables = erlang:system_info(ets_count),
{ok, S110} = eval("Eplus := closure E, TT := Eplus",
'closure()', S109),
{{ok, [{user, ['Eplus','TT']}]}, S111} = xref_base:variables(S110),
{ok, S112} = xref_base:forget(S111, ['TT','Eplus']),
- true = Tabs =:= length(ets:all()),
+ true = NoOfTables =:= erlang:system_info(ets_count),
{ok, NS0} = eval("Eplus := closure E", 'closure()', S112),
{{ok, [{user, ['Eplus']}]}, NS} = xref_base:variables(NS0),
ok = xref_base:delete(NS),
- true = Tabs =:= length(ets:all()),
+ true = NoOfTables =:= erlang:system_info(ets_count),
ok = file:delete(Beam),