path: root/lib/wx/api_gen
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/wx/api_gen')
5 files changed, 102 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/lib/wx/api_gen/gl_gen_c.erl b/lib/wx/api_gen/gl_gen_c.erl
index 3293050ab9..99dd2e58ea 100644
--- a/lib/wx/api_gen/gl_gen_c.erl
+++ b/lib/wx/api_gen/gl_gen_c.erl
@@ -47,30 +47,16 @@ gen(GLFuncs, GLUFuncs) ->
w("/***** This file is generated do not edit ****/~n~n", []),
w("#include <stdio.h>~n", []),
w("#include <string.h>~n", []),
- w("#include \"../wxe_impl.h\"~n", []),
- w("#include \"../wxe_gl.h\"~n", []),
+ w("#include \"../egl_impl.h\"~n", []),
w("#include \"gl_fdefs.h\"~n", []),
w("~nint gl_error_op;~n", []),
- w("void gl_dispatch(int op, char *bp,ErlDrvTermData caller,WXEBinRef *bins[]){~n",
+ w("void egl_dispatch(int op, char *bp, ErlDrvPort port, ErlDrvTermData caller, char *bins[]){~n",
w(" gl_error_op = op;~n", []),
- w(" if(caller != gl_active) {~n", []),
- w(" wxGLCanvas * current = glc[caller];~n", []),
- w(" if(current) { gl_active = caller; current->SetCurrent();}~n", []),
- w(" else {~n "
- " ErlDrvTermData rt[] = // Error msg~n"
- " {ERL_DRV_ATOM, driver_mk_atom((char *) \"_wxe_error_\"),~n"
- " ERL_DRV_INT, op,~n"
- " ERL_DRV_ATOM, driver_mk_atom((char *) \"no_gl_context\"),~n"
- " ERL_DRV_TUPLE,3};~n"
- " driver_send_term(WXE_DRV_PORT,caller,rt,8);~n"
- " return ;~n }~n };~n~n", []),
w(" switch(op)~n{~n",[]),
- w(" case 5000:~n wxe_tess_impl(bp, caller);~n break;~n", []),
- w(" case WXE_BIN_INCR:~n driver_binary_inc_refc(bins[0]->bin);~n break;~n",[]),
- w(" case WXE_BIN_DECR:~n driver_binary_dec_refc(bins[0]->bin);~n break;~n",[]),
+ w(" case 5000:~n erl_tess_impl(bp, port, caller);~n break;~n", []),
[funcs(F) || F <- GLUFuncs],
[funcs(F) || F <- GLFuncs],
@@ -171,10 +157,10 @@ decode_arg(P=#arg{where=c},A) -> {P,A};
decode_arg(P=#arg{in=false},A) -> {P,A};
decode_arg(P=#arg{name=Name,type=#type{name=Type,base=binary}},A0) ->
- w(" ~s *~s = (~s *) bins[~p]->base;~n", [Type,Name,Type,next_id(bin_count)]),
+ w(" ~s *~s = (~s *) bins[~p];~n", [Type,Name,Type,next_id(bin_count)]),
{P, A0};
decode_arg(P=#arg{name=Name,type=#type{name=Type,base=memory}},A0) ->
- w(" ~s *~s = (~s *) bins[~p]->base;~n", [Type,Name,Type,next_id(bin_count)]),
+ w(" ~s *~s = (~s *) bins[~p];~n", [Type,Name,Type,next_id(bin_count)]),
{P, A0};
decode_arg(P=#arg{name=Name,type=#type{name=T,base=string,single=list}},A0) ->
A = align(4,A0),
@@ -322,7 +308,7 @@ build_return_vals(Type,As) ->
w(" rt[AP++]=ERL_DRV_ATOM;"
" rt[AP++]=driver_mk_atom((char *) \"ok\");~n",[]),
w(" rt[AP++] = ERL_DRV_TUPLE; rt[AP++] = 2;~n",[]),
- w(" driver_send_term(WXE_DRV_PORT,caller,rt,AP);~n",[]),
+ w(" driver_send_term(port,caller,rt,AP);~n",[]),
{Val,Vars,Cnt} ->
@@ -348,7 +334,7 @@ build_return_vals(Type,As) ->
w(" rt[AP++] = ERL_DRV_TUPLE; rt[AP++] = 2;~n",[]),
w(" if (AP != ~s ) fprintf(stderr, \"%d: ERROR AP mismatch %d %d\\r\\n\",__LINE__,AP,~s);~n",
- w(" driver_send_term(WXE_DRV_PORT,caller,rt,AP);~n",[]),
+ w(" driver_send_term(port,caller,rt,AP);~n",[]),
case Vars of
none -> ignore;
_ ->
diff --git a/lib/wx/api_gen/gl_gen_erl.erl b/lib/wx/api_gen/gl_gen_erl.erl
index ce35484561..36a6ea2373 100644
--- a/lib/wx/api_gen/gl_gen_erl.erl
+++ b/lib/wx/api_gen/gl_gen_erl.erl
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ glu_defines(Defs) ->
w("~n%% GLU DEFINITIONS~n~n", []),
w("%% This file is generated DO NOT EDIT~n~n", []),
[gen_define(Def) || Def=#def{} <- Defs],
- close(),
+ close(),
gen_define(#def{name=N, val=Val, type=int}) ->
@@ -90,22 +90,51 @@ gl_api(Fs) ->
w("%% See <a href=\"http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/\">www.opengl.org</a>~n",[]),
w("%%~n", []),
w("%% Booleans are represented by integers 0 and 1.~n~n", []),
- w("%% @type wx_mem(). see wx.erl on memory allocation functions~n", []),
+ w("%% @type mem(). memory block~n", []),
w("%% @type enum(). An integer defined in gl.hrl~n", []),
w("%% @type offset(). An integer which is an offset in an array~n", []),
w("%% @type clamp(). A float clamped between 0.0 - 1.0~n", []),
w("-compile(inline).~n", []),
- %% w("-compile(export_all).~n~n", []),
- %% w("-compile(binary_comprehension).~n~n", []),
- w("-include(\"wxe.hrl\").~n", []),
+%% w("-include(\"wxe.hrl\").~n", []),
[w("-define(~s,~s).~n", [GL,Erl]) || {GL,Erl} <- types()],
Exp = fun(F) -> gen_export(F) end,
ExportList = lists:map(Exp,Fs),
w("~n-export([~s]).~n~n", [args(fun(EF) -> EF end, ",", ExportList, 60)]),
+ w("-export([call/2, cast/2, send_bin/1]).~n",[]),
+ w("%% @hidden~n", []),
+ w("call(Op, Args) ->~n", []),
+ w(" Port = get(opengl_port), ~n", []),
+ w(" _ = erlang:port_control(Port,Op,Args),~n", []),
+ w(" rec().~n", []),
+ w(" ~n", []),
+ w("%% @hidden~n", []),
+ w("cast(Op, Args) ->~n", []),
+ w(" Port = get(opengl_port), ~n", []),
+ w(" _ = erlang:port_control(Port,Op,Args),~n", []),
+ w(" ok.~n", []),
+ w(" ~n", []),
+ w("%% @hidden~n", []),
+ w("rec() ->~n", []),
+ w(" receive ~n", []),
+ w(" {'_egl_result_', Res} -> Res;~n", []),
+ w(" {'_egl_error_', Res} -> error({error,Res})~n", []),
+ w(" end.~n", []),
+ w("~n", []),
+ w("%% @hidden~n", []),
+ w("send_bin(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->~n", []),
+ w(" Port = get(opengl_port), ~n", []),
+ w(" erlang:port_command(Port,Bin);~n", []),
+ w("send_bin(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->~n", []),
+ w(" Port = get(opengl_port), ~n", []),
+ w(" case element(2, Tuple) of~n", []),
+ w(" Bin when is_binary(Bin) ->~n", []),
+ w(" erlang:port_command(Port,Bin)~n", []),
+ w(" end.~n", []),
+ w("~n", []),
w("~n%% API~n~n", []),
[gen_funcs(F) || F <- Fs],
@@ -120,20 +149,20 @@ glu_api(Fs) ->
w("%% See <a href=\"http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/\">www.opengl.org</a>~n",[]),
w("%%~n", []),
w("%% Booleans are represented by integers 0 and 1.~n~n", []),
- w("%% @type wx_mem(). see wx.erl on memory allocation functions~n", []),
+ w("%% @type mem(). memory block~n", []),
w("%% @type enum(). An integer defined in gl.hrl~n", []),
w("%% @type offset(). An integer which is an offset in an array~n", []),
w("%% @type clamp(). A float clamped between 0.0 - 1.0~n~n", []),
w("-compile(inline).~n", []),
- w("-include(\"wxe.hrl\").~n", []),
+ %%w("-include(\"wxe.hrl\").~n", []),
[w("-define(~s,~s).~n", [GL,Erl]) || {GL,Erl} <- types()],
Exp = fun(F) -> gen_export(F) end,
ExportList = ["tesselate/2" | lists:map(Exp,Fs)],
w("~n-export([~s]).~n~n", [args(fun(EF) -> EF end, ",", ExportList, 60)]),
+ w("-import(gl, [call/2,cast/2,send_bin/1]).", []),
w("~n%% API~n~n", []),
w("%% @spec (Vec3, [Vec3]) -> {Triangles, VertexPos}~n",[]),
@@ -148,13 +177,13 @@ glu_api(Fs) ->
"%% may contain newly created vertices in the end.~n", []),
w("tesselate({Nx,Ny,Nz}, Vs) ->~n",[]),
- w(" wxe_util:call(5000, <<(length(Vs)):32/native,0:32,~n"
+ w(" call(5000, <<(length(Vs)):32/native,0:32,~n"
" Nx:?GLdouble,Ny:?GLdouble,Nz:?GLdouble,~n"
" (<< <<Vx:?GLdouble,Vy:?GLdouble,Vz:?GLdouble >>~n"
" || {Vx,Vy,Vz} <- Vs>>)/binary >>).~n~n", []),
[gen_funcs(F) || F <- Fs],
- close(),
+ close(),
gen_funcs([F]) when is_list(F) ->
@@ -229,9 +258,9 @@ gen_func(_F=#func{name=Name,type=T,params=As,id=MId}) ->
{StrArgs,_} = marshal_args(PreAs),
case have_return_vals(T,As) of
true ->
- w(" wxe_util:call(~p, <<~s>>)", [MId, StrArgs]);
+ w(" call(~p, <<~s>>)", [MId, StrArgs]);
false ->
- w(" wxe_util:cast(~p, <<~s>>)", [MId, StrArgs])
+ w(" cast(~p, <<~s>>)", [MId, StrArgs])
@@ -302,7 +331,7 @@ doc_arg_type3(#type{base=guard_int}) -> "offset()|binary()";
doc_arg_type3(#type{base=string}) -> "string()";
doc_arg_type3(#type{base=bool}) -> "0|1";
doc_arg_type3(#type{base=binary}) -> "binary()";
-doc_arg_type3(#type{base=memory}) -> "wx:wx_mem()".
+doc_arg_type3(#type{base=memory}) -> "mem()".
guard_test(As) ->
Str = args(fun(#arg{name=N,type=#type{base=guard_int}}) ->
@@ -316,10 +345,10 @@ guard_test(As) ->
pre_marshal([#arg{name=N,in=true,type=#type{base=binary}}|R]) ->
- w(" wxe_util:send_bin(~s),~n", [erl_arg_name(N)]),
+ w(" send_bin(~s),~n", [erl_arg_name(N)]),
pre_marshal([#arg{name=N,type=#type{base=memory}}|R]) ->
- w(" wxe_util:send_bin(~s#wx_mem.bin),~n", [erl_arg_name(N)]),
+ w(" send_bin(~s),~n", [erl_arg_name(N)]),
pre_marshal([A=#arg{name=N,type=#type{base=string,single=list}}|R]) ->
%% With null terminations
diff --git a/lib/wx/api_gen/wx_gen_cpp.erl b/lib/wx/api_gen/wx_gen_cpp.erl
index 846cec46c4..4bcdbe6a68 100644
--- a/lib/wx/api_gen/wx_gen_cpp.erl
+++ b/lib/wx/api_gen/wx_gen_cpp.erl
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ gen_funcs(Defs) ->
w("#include \"../wxe_impl.h\"~n"),
w("#include \"../wxe_events.h\"~n"),
w("#include \"../wxe_return.h\"~n"),
+ w("#include \"../wxe_gl.h\"~n"),
w("#include \"wxe_macros.h\"~n"),
w("#include \"wxe_derived_dest.h\"~n~n"),
@@ -176,6 +177,9 @@ gen_funcs(Defs) ->
" rt.addAtom(\"ok\");~n"
" break;~n"
" }~n"),
+ w(" case WXE_BIN_INCR:~n driver_binary_inc_refc(Ecmd.bin[0]->bin);~n break;~n",[]),
+ w(" case WXE_BIN_DECR:~n driver_binary_dec_refc(Ecmd.bin[0]->bin);~n break;~n",[]),
+ w(" case WXE_INIT_OPENGL:~n wxe_initOpenGL(rt, bp);~n break;~n",[]),
Res = [gen_class(Class) || Class <- Defs],
@@ -266,13 +270,13 @@ gen_method(CName, M=#method{name=N,params=Ps0,type=T,method_type=MT,id=MethodId
Def =/= none, In =/= false, Where =/= c],
decode_options(Opts, Align),
case M#method.pre_hook of
- undefined -> skip;
- Pre -> w(" ~s;~n", [Pre])
+ {c,Pre} -> w(" ~s;~n", [Pre]);
+ _ -> skip
Ps3 = call_wx(N,{MT,CName},T,Ps2),
case M#method.post_hook of
- undefined -> skip;
- Post -> w(" ~s;~n", [Post])
+ {c, Post} -> w(" ~s;~n", [Post]);
+ _ -> skip
diff --git a/lib/wx/api_gen/wx_gen_erl.erl b/lib/wx/api_gen/wx_gen_erl.erl
index 7962dd9fbf..8648174b5b 100644
--- a/lib/wx/api_gen/wx_gen_erl.erl
+++ b/lib/wx/api_gen/wx_gen_erl.erl
@@ -270,6 +270,16 @@ gen_method2(M=#method{name=N,alias=A,params=Ps,type=T,method_type=MT,id=MethodId
MId = arg_type_tests(Args, "?" ++ get_unique_name(MethodId)),
{MArgs,Align} = marshal_args(Args),
MOpts = marshal_opts(Optional, Align, Args),
+ case M#method.pre_hook of
+ {erl,Pre} -> w(" ~s~n", [Pre]);
+ _ -> skip
+ end,
+ case M#method.post_hook of
+ {erl,_} -> w(" _Result = ~n", []);
+ _ -> skip
+ end,
case have_return_vals(T, Ps) of
_ when MT =:= constructor ->
w(" wxe_util:construct(~s,~n <<~s~s>>)", [MId, MArgs,MOpts]);
@@ -278,6 +288,13 @@ gen_method2(M=#method{name=N,alias=A,params=Ps,type=T,method_type=MT,id=MethodId
false ->
w(" wxe_util:cast(~s,~n <<~s~s>>)", [MId, MArgs,MOpts])
+ case M#method.post_hook of
+ {erl,Post} ->
+ w(" ~s~n", [Post]),
+ w(" _Result~n", []);
+ _ -> skip
+ end,
diff --git a/lib/wx/api_gen/wxapi.conf b/lib/wx/api_gen/wxapi.conf
index 6bafda5b9d..14f5f7e267 100644
--- a/lib/wx/api_gen/wxapi.conf
+++ b/lib/wx/api_gen/wxapi.conf
@@ -505,15 +505,15 @@
- "if(!static_data) {"
- "data = (unsigned char *) malloc(Ecmd.bin[0]->size);"
- "memcpy(data,Ecmd.bin[0]->base,Ecmd.bin[0]->size);}"},
+ {c, "if(!static_data) {"
+ "data = (unsigned char *) malloc(Ecmd.bin[0]->size);"
+ "memcpy(data,Ecmd.bin[0]->base,Ecmd.bin[0]->size);}"}},
- "if(!static_data) {"
- " data = (unsigned char *) malloc(Ecmd.bin[0]->size);"
- " alpha = (unsigned char *) malloc(Ecmd.bin[1]->size);"
- " memcpy(data,Ecmd.bin[0]->base,Ecmd.bin[0]->size);"
- " memcpy(alpha,Ecmd.bin[1]->base,Ecmd.bin[1]->size);}"}
+ {c, "if(!static_data) {"
+ " data = (unsigned char *) malloc(Ecmd.bin[0]->size);"
+ " alpha = (unsigned char *) malloc(Ecmd.bin[1]->size);"
+ " memcpy(data,Ecmd.bin[0]->base,Ecmd.bin[0]->size);"
+ " memcpy(alpha,Ecmd.bin[1]->base,Ecmd.bin[1]->size);}"}}
@@ -524,15 +524,15 @@
- "if(!static_data) {"
- "data = (unsigned char *) malloc(Ecmd.bin[0]->size);"
- "memcpy(data,Ecmd.bin[0]->base,Ecmd.bin[0]->size);}"},
+ {c, "if(!static_data) {"
+ "data = (unsigned char *) malloc(Ecmd.bin[0]->size);"
+ "memcpy(data,Ecmd.bin[0]->base,Ecmd.bin[0]->size);}"}},
- "if(!static_data) {"
- " data = (unsigned char *) malloc(Ecmd.bin[0]->size);"
- " alpha = (unsigned char *) malloc(Ecmd.bin[1]->size);"
- " memcpy(data,Ecmd.bin[0]->base,Ecmd.bin[0]->size);"
- " memcpy(alpha,Ecmd.bin[1]->base,Ecmd.bin[1]->size);}"}
+ {c, "if(!static_data) {"
+ " data = (unsigned char *) malloc(Ecmd.bin[0]->size);"
+ " alpha = (unsigned char *) malloc(Ecmd.bin[1]->size);"
+ " memcpy(data,Ecmd.bin[0]->base,Ecmd.bin[0]->size);"
+ " memcpy(alpha,Ecmd.bin[1]->base,Ecmd.bin[1]->size);}"}}
'Destroy','FindFirstUnusedColour', % 'FindHandler',
@@ -551,15 +551,15 @@
{'SetAlpha', [{{2,"alpha"},[in,{base,binary}, {def, none}]},
- "if(!static_data) {"
- "alpha = (unsigned char *) malloc(Ecmd.bin[0]->size);"
- "memcpy(alpha,Ecmd.bin[0]->base,Ecmd.bin[0]->size);}"}
+ {c, "if(!static_data) {"
+ "alpha = (unsigned char *) malloc(Ecmd.bin[0]->size);"
+ "memcpy(alpha,Ecmd.bin[0]->base,Ecmd.bin[0]->size);}"}}
{'SetData', [{"data",[in,{base,binary}]},
- "if(!static_data) {"
- "data = (unsigned char *) malloc(Ecmd.bin[0]->size);"
- "memcpy(data,Ecmd.bin[0]->base,Ecmd.bin[0]->size);}"}
+ {c, "if(!static_data) {"
+ "data = (unsigned char *) malloc(Ecmd.bin[0]->size);"
+ "memcpy(data,Ecmd.bin[0]->base,Ecmd.bin[0]->size);}"}}
@@ -1146,9 +1146,10 @@
{class, wxGLCanvas, wxWindow,
[{skip, [{'SetCurrent', 2}]}], %% NA MAC
- [{'wxGLCanvas', [{"attribList", [in, {single,array}]}]},
+ [{'wxGLCanvas', [{"attribList", [in, {single,array}]},
+ {pre_hook, {erl, "wxe_master:init_opengl(),"}}]},
- {'SetCurrent', [{post_hook,"if(This->GetContext()) setActiveGL(Ecmd.caller,This)"}]},
+ {'SetCurrent', [{post_hook,{c, "if(This->GetContext()) setActiveGL(Ecmd.caller,This)"}}]},
%%{'SetColour', [{"colour", [in, {single,array}]}]},