path: root/lib/wx/test/wx_basic_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/wx/test/wx_basic_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/wx/test/wx_basic_SUITE.erl b/lib/wx/test/wx_basic_SUITE.erl
index 6a2528780e..d0ec0b1f26 100644
--- a/lib/wx/test/wx_basic_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/wx/test/wx_basic_SUITE.erl
@@ -49,10 +49,13 @@ suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}, {timetrap,{minutes,2}}].
all() ->
[silent_start, create_window, several_apps, wx_api, wx_misc,
- data_types, wx_object].
+ data_types, wx_object, {group, undef_callbacks},
+ undef_in_handle_info, undef_in_terminate].
groups() ->
- [].
+ [{undef_callbacks, [],
+ [undef_handle_event, undef_handle_call, undef_handle_cast, undef_handle_info,
+ undef_code_change, undef_terminate1, undef_terminate2]}].
init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
@@ -426,6 +429,154 @@ wx_object(Config) ->
catch wx:destroy(),
+%% Test that the server crashes correctly if the handle_event callback is
+%% not exported in the callback module
+undef_handle_event(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo);
+undef_handle_event(_Config) ->
+ wx:new(),
+ {_, _, _, Pid} = wx_object:start(wx_oc_object, [], []),
+ MRef = monitor(process, Pid),
+ %% Mock a call to handle_event
+ Pid ! {wx, a, b, c, d},
+ ok = receive
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid,
+ {undef, [{wx_oc_object, handle_event, _, _}|_]}} ->
+ ok
+ after 5000 ->
+ ct:fail(should_crash)
+ end.
+%% Test that the server crashes correctly if the handle_call callback is
+%% not exported in the callback module
+undef_handle_call(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo);
+undef_handle_call(_Config) ->
+ wx:new(),
+ Frame = wx_object:start(wx_oc_object, [], []),
+ try
+ wx_object:call(Frame, call_msg),
+ ct:fail(should_crash)
+ catch error:{{undef, [{wx_oc_object,handle_call, _, _}|_]},
+ {wx_object,call,_}} ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% Test that the server crashes correctly if the handle_cast callback is
+%% not exported in the callback module
+undef_handle_cast(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo);
+undef_handle_cast(_Config) ->
+ wx:new(),
+ {_, _, _, Pid} = Frame = wx_object:start(wx_oc_object, [], []),
+ MRef = monitor(process, Pid),
+ wx_object:cast(Frame, cast_msg),
+ ok = receive
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid,
+ {undef, [{wx_oc_object, handle_cast, _, _}|_]}} ->
+ ok
+ after 5000 ->
+ ct:fail(should_crash)
+ end.
+%% Test the default implementation of handle_info if the callback module
+%% does not export it
+undef_handle_info(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo);
+undef_handle_info(_Config) ->
+ wx:new(),
+ {_, _, _, Pid} = wx_object:start(wx_oc_object, [], []),
+ MRef = monitor(process, Pid),
+ Pid ! test,
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, _} ->
+ ct:fail(should_not_crash)
+ after 500 ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ ok = wx_object:stop(Pid).
+%% Test the server crashes correctly if called and the code_change callback is
+%% not exported in the callback module
+undef_code_change(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo);
+undef_code_change(_Config) ->
+ wx:new(),
+ {_, _, _, Pid} = wx_object:start(wx_oc_object, [], []),
+ sys:suspend(Pid),
+ sys:replace_state(Pid, fun([P, S, M, T]) -> [P, {new, S}, M, T] end),
+ {error, {'EXIT', {undef, [{wx_oc_object,code_change, [_, _, _], _}|_]}}}
+ = sys:change_code(Pid, wx_oc_object, old_vsn, []),
+ ok = sys:resume(Pid),
+ ok = wx_object:stop(Pid).
+%% Test the default implementation of terminate if the callback module
+%% does not export it
+undef_terminate1(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo);
+undef_terminate1(_Config) ->
+ ok = terminate([], normal).
+%% Test the default implementation of terminate if the callback module
+%% does not export it
+undef_terminate2(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo);
+undef_terminate2(_Config) ->
+ ok = terminate([{error, test}, infinity], {error, test}).
+terminate(ArgsTl, Reason) ->
+ wx:new(),
+ {_, _, _, Pid} = wx_object:start(wx_oc_object, [], []),
+ MRef = monitor(process, Pid),
+ ok = apply(wx_object, stop, [Pid|ArgsTl]),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, Reason} ->
+ ok
+ after 1000 ->
+ ct:fail(failed)
+ end.
+%% Test that the server crashes correctly if the handle_info callback is
+%% calling an undefined function
+undef_in_handle_info(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo);
+undef_in_handle_info(_Config) ->
+ wx:new(),
+ Init = ui_init_fun(),
+ {_, _, _, Pid} = wx_object:start(wx_obj_test,
+ [{parent, self()}, {init, Init}], []),
+ unlink(Pid),
+ MRef = monitor(process, Pid),
+ Pid ! {call_undef_fun, {wx_obj_test, handle_info}},
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid,
+ {undef, [{wx_obj_test, handle_info, _, _}|_]}} ->
+ ok
+ after 1000 ->
+ ct:fail(failed)
+ end,
+ ok.
+%% Test that the server crashes correctly if the terminate callback is
+%% calling an undefined function
+undef_in_terminate(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo);
+undef_in_terminate(_Config) ->
+ wx:new(),
+ Init = ui_init_fun(),
+ Frame = wx_object:start(wx_obj_test,
+ [{parent, self()}, {init, Init},
+ {terminate, {wx_obj_test, terminate}}], []),
+ try
+ wx_object:stop(Frame),
+ ct:fail(should_crash)
+ catch error:{{undef, [{wx_obj_test, terminate, _, _}|_]}, _} ->
+ ok
+ end.
+ui_init_fun() ->
+ Init = fun() ->
+ Frame0 = wxFrame:new(wx:null(), ?wxID_ANY, "Test wx_object", [{size, {500, 400}}]),
+ Frame = wx_object:set_pid(Frame0, self()),
+ Sz = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL),
+ Panel = wxPanel:new(Frame),
+ wxSizer:add(Sz, Panel, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND}, {proportion, 1}]),
+ wxWindow:show(Frame),
+ {Frame, {Frame, Panel}}
+ end,
+ Init.
check_events(Msgs) ->
check_events(Msgs, 0,0).