path: root/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_sax_parser_base.erlsrc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_sax_parser_base.erlsrc')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 163 deletions
diff --git a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_sax_parser_base.erlsrc b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_sax_parser_base.erlsrc
index 4d75805b9b..1dca9608cb 100644
--- a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_sax_parser_base.erlsrc
+++ b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_sax_parser_base.erlsrc
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2017. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -64,29 +64,42 @@
%% Description: Parsing XML from input stream.
parse(Xml, State) ->
- RefTable = ets:new(xmerl_sax_entity_refs, [private]),
- State1 = event_callback(startDocument, State),
- case catch parse_document(Xml, State1#xmerl_sax_parser_state{ref_table=RefTable}) of
- {ok, Rest, State2} ->
- State3 = event_callback(endDocument, State2),
- ets:delete(RefTable),
- {ok, State3#xmerl_sax_parser_state.event_state, Rest};
- {fatal_error, {State2, Reason}} ->
- State3 = event_callback(endDocument, State2),
- ets:delete(RefTable),
- format_error(fatal_error, State3, Reason);
- {event_receiver_error, State2, {Tag, Reason}} ->
- State3 = event_callback(endDocument, State2),
- ets:delete(RefTable),
- format_error(Tag, State3, Reason);
- Other ->
- _State2 = event_callback(endDocument, State1),
- ets:delete(RefTable),
- throw(Other)
+ RefTable = maps:new(),
+ try
+ State1 = event_callback(startDocument, State),
+ Result = parse_document(Xml, State1#xmerl_sax_parser_state{ref_table=RefTable}),
+ handle_end_document(Result)
+ catch
+ throw:Exception ->
+ handle_end_document(Exception);
+ _:OtherError ->
+ handle_end_document({other, OtherError, State})
+ % case catch parse_document(Xml, State1#xmerl_sax_parser_state{ref_table=RefTable}) of
+ % {ok, Rest, State2} ->
+ % State3 = event_callback(endDocument, State2),
+ % case check_if_rest_ok(State3#xmerl_sax_parser_state.input_type, Rest) of
+ % true ->
+ % {ok, State3#xmerl_sax_parser_state.event_state, Rest};
+ % false ->
+ % format_error(fatal_error, State3, "Input found after legal document")
+ % end;
+ % {fatal_error, {State2, Reason}} ->
+ % State3 = event_callback(endDocument, State2),
+ % format_error(fatal_error, State3, Reason);
+ % {event_receiver_error, State2, {Tag, Reason}} ->
+ % State3 = event_callback(endDocument, State2),
+ % format_error(Tag, State3, Reason);
+ % {endDocument, Rest, State2} ->
+ % State3 = event_callback(endDocument, State2),
+ % {ok, State3#xmerl_sax_parser_state.event_state, Rest};
+ % Other ->
+ % _State2 = event_callback(endDocument, State1),
+ % {fatal_error, Other}
+ % end.
%% Function: parse_dtd(Xml, State) -> Result
%% Input: Xml = string() | binary()
@@ -96,38 +109,120 @@ parse(Xml, State) ->
%% Description: Parsing XML DTD from input stream.
parse_dtd(Xml, State) ->
- RefTable = ets:new(xmerl_sax_entity_refs, [private]),
- State1 = event_callback(startDocument, State),
- case catch parse_external_entity_1(Xml, State1#xmerl_sax_parser_state{ref_table=RefTable}) of
- {fatal_error, {State2, Reason}} ->
- State3 = event_callback(endDocument, State2),
- ets:delete(RefTable),
- format_error(fatal_error, State3, Reason);
- {event_receiver_error, State2, {Tag, Reason}} ->
- State3 = event_callback(endDocument, State2),
- format_error(Tag, State3, Reason);
- {Rest, State2} when is_record(State2, xmerl_sax_parser_state) ->
- State3 = event_callback(endDocument, State2),
- ets:delete(RefTable),
- {ok, State3#xmerl_sax_parser_state.event_state, Rest};
- {endDocument, Rest, State2} when is_record(State2, xmerl_sax_parser_state) ->
- State3 = event_callback(endDocument, State2),
- ets:delete(RefTable),
- {ok, State3#xmerl_sax_parser_state.event_state, Rest};
- Other ->
- _State2 = event_callback(endDocument, State1),
- ets:delete(RefTable),
- throw(Other)
+ RefTable = maps:new(),
+ try
+ State1 = event_callback(startDocument, State),
+ Result = parse_external_entity_1(Xml, State1#xmerl_sax_parser_state{ref_table=RefTable}),
+ handle_end_document(Result)
+ catch
+ throw:Exception ->
+ handle_end_document(Exception);
+ _:OtherError ->
+ handle_end_document({other, OtherError, State})
+ % case catch parse_external_entity_1(Xml, State1#xmerl_sax_parser_state{ref_table=RefTable}) of
+ % {fatal_error, {State2, Reason}} ->
+ % State3 = event_callback(endDocument, State2),
+ % format_error(fatal_error, State3, Reason);
+ % {event_receiver_error, State2, {Tag, Reason}} ->
+ % State3 = event_callback(endDocument, State2),
+ % format_error(Tag, State3, Reason);
+ % {Rest, State2} when is_record(State2, xmerl_sax_parser_state) ->
+ % State3 = event_callback(endDocument, State2),
+ % {ok, State3#xmerl_sax_parser_state.event_state, Rest};
+ % {endDocument, Rest, State2} when is_record(State2, xmerl_sax_parser_state) ->
+ % State3 = event_callback(endDocument, State2),
+ % {ok, State3#xmerl_sax_parser_state.event_state, Rest};
+ % Other ->
+ % _State2 = event_callback(endDocument, State1),
+ % {fatal_error, Other}
+ % end.
%% Internal functions
+%% Function: handle_end_document(ParserResult) -> Result
+%% Input: ParseResult = term()
+%% Output: Result = {ok, Rest, EventState} |
+%% EventState = term()
+%% Description: Ends the parsing and formats output
+handle_end_document({ok, Rest, State}) ->
+ %%ok case from parse
+ try
+ State1 = event_callback(endDocument, State),
+ case check_if_rest_ok(State1#xmerl_sax_parser_state.input_type, Rest) of
+ true ->
+ {ok, State1#xmerl_sax_parser_state.event_state, Rest};
+ false ->
+ format_error(fatal_error, State1, "Input found after legal document")
+ end
+ catch
+ throw:{event_receiver_error, State2, {Tag, Reason}} ->
+ format_error(Tag, State2, Reason);
+ _:Other ->
+ {fatal_error, Other}
+ end;
+handle_end_document({endDocument, Rest, State}) ->
+ %% ok case from parse and parse_dtd
+ try
+ State1 = event_callback(endDocument, State),
+ {ok, State1#xmerl_sax_parser_state.event_state, Rest}
+ catch
+ throw:{event_receiver_error, State2, {Tag, Reason}} ->
+ format_error(Tag, State2, Reason);
+ _:Other ->
+ {fatal_error, Other}
+ end;
+handle_end_document({fatal_error, {State, Reason}}) ->
+ try
+ State1 = event_callback(endDocument, State),
+ format_error(fatal_error, State1, Reason)
+ catch
+ throw:{event_receiver_error, State2, {Tag, Reason}} ->
+ format_error(Tag, State2, Reason);
+ _:Other ->
+ {fatal_error, Other}
+ end;
+handle_end_document({event_receiver_error, State, {Tag, Reason}}) ->
+ try
+ State1 = event_callback(endDocument, State),
+ format_error(Tag, State1, Reason)
+ catch
+ throw:{event_receiver_error, State2, {Tag, Reason}} ->
+ format_error(Tag, State2, Reason);
+ _:Other ->
+ {fatal_error, Other}
+ end;
+handle_end_document({Rest, State}) when is_record(State, xmerl_sax_parser_state) ->
+ %%ok case from parse_dtd
+ try
+ State1 = event_callback(endDocument, State),
+ {ok, State1#xmerl_sax_parser_state.event_state, Rest}
+ catch
+ throw:{event_receiver_error, State2, {Tag, Reason}} ->
+ format_error(Tag, State2, Reason);
+ _:Other ->
+ {fatal_error, Other}
+ end;
+handle_end_document({other, Error, State}) ->
+ try
+ _State1 = event_callback(endDocument, State),
+ {fatal_error, Error}
+ catch
+ throw:{event_receiver_error, State2, {Tag, Reason}} ->
+ format_error(Tag, State2, Reason);
+ _:Other ->
+ {fatal_error, Other}
+ end.
%% Function: parse_document(Rest, State) -> Result
%% Input: Rest = string() | binary()
%% State = #xmerl_sax_parser_state{}
@@ -136,10 +231,11 @@ parse_dtd(Xml, State) ->
%% [1] document ::= prolog element Misc*
parse_document(Rest, State) when is_record(State, xmerl_sax_parser_state) ->
- {Rest1, State1} = parse_xml_decl(Rest, State),
+ {Rest1, State1} = parse_byte_order_mark(Rest, State),
{Rest2, State2} = parse_misc(Rest1, State1, true),
{ok, Rest2, State2}.
%% Function: parse_xml_decl(Rest, State) -> Result
@@ -150,15 +246,8 @@ parse_document(Rest, State) when is_record(State, xmerl_sax_parser_state) ->
%% [22] prolog ::= XMLDecl? Misc* (doctypedecl Misc*)?
%% [23] XMLDecl ::= '<?xml' VersionInfo EncodingDecl? SDDecl? S? '?>'
--dialyzer({[no_fail_call, no_match], parse_xml_decl/2}).
parse_xml_decl(?STRING_EMPTY, State) ->
cf(?STRING_EMPTY, State, fun parse_xml_decl/2);
-parse_xml_decl(?BYTE_ORDER_MARK_1, State) ->
- cf(?BYTE_ORDER_MARK_1, State, fun parse_xml_decl/2);
-parse_xml_decl(?BYTE_ORDER_MARK_2, State) ->
- cf(?BYTE_ORDER_MARK_2, State, fun parse_xml_decl/2);
-parse_xml_decl(?BYTE_ORDER_MARK_REST(Rest), State) ->
- cf(Rest, State, fun parse_xml_decl/2);
parse_xml_decl(?STRING("<") = Bytes, State) ->
cf(Bytes, State, fun parse_xml_decl/2);
parse_xml_decl(?STRING("<?") = Bytes, State) ->
@@ -170,31 +259,19 @@ parse_xml_decl(?STRING("<?xm") = Bytes, State) ->
parse_xml_decl(?STRING("<?xml") = Bytes, State) ->
cf(Bytes, State, fun parse_xml_decl/2);
parse_xml_decl(?STRING_REST("<?xml", Rest1), State) ->
- parse_xml_decl_1(Rest1, State);
-parse_xml_decl(Bytes, #xmerl_sax_parser_state{encoding=Enc} = State) when is_binary(Bytes) ->
- case unicode:characters_to_list(Bytes, Enc) of
- {incomplete, _, _} ->
- cf(Bytes, State, fun parse_xml_decl/2);
- {error, _Encoded, _Rest} ->
- ?fatal_error(State, lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Bad character, not in ~p\n", [Enc])));
- _ ->
- parse_prolog(Bytes, State)
- end;
-parse_xml_decl(Bytes, State) ->
- parse_prolog(Bytes, State).
+ parse_xml_decl_rest(Rest1, State);
+?PARSE_XML_DECL(Bytes, State).
-parse_xml_decl_1(?STRING_UNBOUND_REST(C, Rest) = Bytes, State) ->
+parse_xml_decl_rest(?STRING_UNBOUND_REST(C, Rest) = Bytes, State) ->
?is_whitespace(C) ->
{_XmlAttributes, Rest1, State1} = parse_version_info(Rest, State, []),
- %State2 = event_callback({processingInstruction, "xml", XmlAttributes}, State1),% The XML decl. should not be reported as a PI
parse_prolog(Rest1, State1);
true ->
parse_prolog(?STRING_REST("<?xml", Bytes), State)
-parse_xml_decl_1(Bytes, State) ->
- unicode_incomplete_check([Bytes, State, fun parse_xml_decl_1/2], undefined).
+parse_xml_decl_rest(Bytes, State) ->
+ unicode_incomplete_check([Bytes, State, fun parse_xml_decl_rest/2], undefined).
@@ -216,8 +293,6 @@ parse_prolog(?STRING_REST("<?", Rest), State) ->
parse_prolog(Rest1, State1);
{endDocument, Rest1, State1} ->
parse_prolog(Rest1, State1)
- % IValue = ?TO_INPUT_FORMAT("<?"),
- % {?APPEND_STRING(IValue, Rest1), State1}
parse_prolog(?STRING_REST("<!", Rest), State) ->
parse_prolog_1(Rest, State);
@@ -230,7 +305,6 @@ parse_prolog(Bytes, State) ->
unicode_incomplete_check([Bytes, State, fun parse_prolog/2],
"expecting < or whitespace").
parse_prolog_1(?STRING_EMPTY, State) ->
cf(?STRING_EMPTY, State, fun parse_prolog_1/2);
parse_prolog_1(?STRING("D") = Bytes, State) ->
@@ -442,6 +516,16 @@ check_if_new_doc_allowed(stream, []) ->
check_if_new_doc_allowed(_, _) ->
+check_if_rest_ok(file, []) ->
+ true;
+check_if_rest_ok(file, <<>>) ->
+ true;
+check_if_rest_ok(stream, _) ->
+ true;
+check_if_rest_ok(_, _) ->
+ false.
%% Function: parse_pi_1(Rest, State) -> Result
%% Input: Rest = string() | binary()
@@ -886,11 +970,11 @@ send_end_prefix_mapping_event([{Prefix, _Uri} |Ns], State) ->
parse_eq(?STRING_EMPTY, State) ->
cf(?STRING_EMPTY, State, fun parse_eq/2);
parse_eq(?STRING_REST("=", Rest), State) ->
- {Rest, State};
+ {Rest, State};
parse_eq(?STRING_UNBOUND_REST(C, _) = Bytes, State) when ?is_whitespace(C) ->
- {_WS, Rest, State1} =
- whitespace(Bytes, State, []),
- parse_eq(Rest, State1);
+ {_WS, Rest, State1} =
+ whitespace(Bytes, State, []),
+ parse_eq(Rest, State1);
parse_eq(Bytes, State) ->
unicode_incomplete_check([Bytes, State, fun parse_eq/2],
"expecting = or whitespace").
@@ -908,11 +992,11 @@ parse_eq(Bytes, State) ->
parse_att_value(?STRING_EMPTY, State) ->
cf(?STRING_EMPTY, State, fun parse_att_value/2);
parse_att_value(?STRING_UNBOUND_REST(C, Rest), State) when C == $'; C == $" ->
- parse_att_value(Rest, State, C, []);
+ parse_att_value(Rest, State, C, []);
parse_att_value(?STRING_UNBOUND_REST(C, _) = Bytes, State) when ?is_whitespace(C) ->
- {_WS, Rest, State1} =
- whitespace(Bytes, State, []),
- parse_att_value(Rest, State1);
+ {_WS, Rest, State1} =
+ whitespace(Bytes, State, []),
+ parse_att_value(Rest, State1);
parse_att_value(Bytes, State) ->
unicode_incomplete_check([Bytes, State, fun parse_att_value/2],
"\', \" or whitespace expected").
@@ -1024,16 +1108,21 @@ parse_etag(Bytes, State) ->
unicode_incomplete_check([Bytes, State, fun parse_etag/2],
parse_etag_1(?STRING_REST(">", Rest),
#xmerl_sax_parser_state{end_tags=[{_ETag, Uri, LocalName, QName, OldNsList, NewNsList}
- |RestOfETags]} = State, _Tag) ->
+ |RestOfETags],
+ input_type=InputType} = State, _Tag) ->
State1 = event_callback({endElement, Uri, LocalName, QName}, State),
State2 = send_end_prefix_mapping_event(NewNsList, State1),
- parse_content(Rest,
- State2#xmerl_sax_parser_state{end_tags=RestOfETags,
- ns = OldNsList},
- [], true);
+ case check_if_new_doc_allowed(InputType, RestOfETags) of
+ true ->
+ throw({endDocument, Rest, State2#xmerl_sax_parser_state{ns = OldNsList}});
+ false ->
+ parse_content(Rest,
+ State2#xmerl_sax_parser_state{end_tags=RestOfETags,
+ ns = OldNsList},
+ [], true)
+ end;
parse_etag_1(?STRING_UNBOUND_REST(_C, _), State, Tag) ->
{P,TN} = Tag,
?fatal_error(State, "Bad EndTag: " ++ P ++ ":" ++ TN);
@@ -1051,21 +1140,26 @@ parse_etag_1(Bytes, State, Tag) ->
%% Description: Parsing the content part of tags
%% [43] content ::= (element | CharData | Reference | CDSect | PI | Comment)*
parse_content(?STRING_EMPTY, State, Acc, IgnorableWS) ->
- case catch cf(?STRING_EMPTY, State, Acc, IgnorableWS, fun parse_content/4) of
- {Rest, State1} when is_record(State1, xmerl_sax_parser_state) ->
- {Rest, State1};
- {fatal_error, {State1, Msg}} ->
- case check_if_document_complete(State1, Msg) of
- true ->
- State2 = send_character_event(length(Acc), IgnorableWS, lists:reverse(Acc), State1),
- {?STRING_EMPTY, State2};
- false ->
- ?fatal_error(State1, Msg)
- end;
- Other ->
- throw(Other)
+ case check_if_document_complete(State, "No more bytes") of
+ true ->
+ State1 = send_character_event(length(Acc), IgnorableWS, lists:reverse(Acc), State),
+ {?STRING_EMPTY, State1};
+ false ->
+ case catch cf(?STRING_EMPTY, State, Acc, IgnorableWS, fun parse_content/4) of
+ {Rest, State1} when is_record(State1, xmerl_sax_parser_state) ->
+ {Rest, State1};
+ {fatal_error, {State1, Msg}} ->
+ case check_if_document_complete(State1, Msg) of
+ true ->
+ State2 = send_character_event(length(Acc), IgnorableWS, lists:reverse(Acc), State1),
+ {?STRING_EMPTY, State2};
+ false ->
+ ?fatal_error(State1, Msg)
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ throw(Other)
+ end
parse_content(?STRING("\r") = Bytes, State, Acc, IgnorableWS) ->
cf(Bytes, State, Acc, IgnorableWS, fun parse_content/4);
@@ -1094,7 +1188,7 @@ parse_content(?STRING_REST("<?", Rest), State, Acc, IgnorableWS) ->
parse_content(?STRING_REST("<!", Rest1) = Rest, #xmerl_sax_parser_state{end_tags = ET} = State, Acc, IgnorableWS) ->
case ET of
[] ->
- {Rest, State}; %%LATH : Skicka ignorable WS ???
+ {Rest, State}; %% Skicka ignorable WS ???
_ ->
State1 = send_character_event(length(Acc), IgnorableWS, lists:reverse(Acc), State),
parse_cdata(Rest1, State1)
@@ -1102,7 +1196,7 @@ parse_content(?STRING_REST("<!", Rest1) = Rest, #xmerl_sax_parser_state{end_tags
parse_content(?STRING_REST("<", Rest1) = Rest, #xmerl_sax_parser_state{end_tags = ET} = State, Acc, IgnorableWS) ->
case ET of
[] ->
- {Rest, State}; %%LATH : Skicka ignorable WS ???
+ {Rest, State}; %% Skicka ignorable WS ???
_ ->
State1 = send_character_event(length(Acc), IgnorableWS, lists:reverse(Acc), State),
parse_stag(Rest1, State1)
@@ -1204,7 +1298,6 @@ send_character_event(_, true, String, State) ->
%% Description: Parse whitespaces.
%% [3] S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
--dialyzer({no_fail_call, whitespace/3}).
whitespace(?STRING_EMPTY, State, Acc) ->
case cf(?STRING_EMPTY, State, Acc, fun whitespace/3) of
{?STRING_EMPTY, State} ->
@@ -1230,16 +1323,7 @@ whitespace(?STRING_REST("\r", Rest), State, Acc) ->
whitespace(Rest, State#xmerl_sax_parser_state{line_no=N+1}, [?lf |Acc]);
whitespace(?STRING_UNBOUND_REST(C, Rest), State, Acc) when ?is_whitespace(C) ->
whitespace(Rest, State, [C|Acc]);
-whitespace(?STRING_UNBOUND_REST(_C, _) = Bytes, State, Acc) ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc), Bytes, State};
-whitespace(Bytes, #xmerl_sax_parser_state{encoding=Enc} = State, Acc) when is_binary(Bytes) ->
- case unicode:characters_to_list(Bytes, Enc) of
- {incomplete, _, _} ->
- cf(Bytes, State, Acc, fun whitespace/3);
- {error, _Encoded, _Rest} ->
- ?fatal_error(State, lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Bad character, not in ~p\n", [Enc])))
- end.
+?WHITESPACE(Bytes, State, Acc).
%% Function: parse_reference(Rest, State, HaveToExist) -> Result
@@ -1362,23 +1446,24 @@ parse_pe_reference_1(Bytes, State, Name) ->
"missing ; after reference " ++ Name).
-%% Function: insert_reference(Reference, State) -> Result
-%% Parameters: Reference = string()
+%% Function: insert_reference(Name, Ref, State) -> Result
+%% Parameters: Name = string()
+%% Ref = {Type, Value}
+%% Type = atom()
+%% Value = term()
%% State = #xmerl_sax_parser_state{}
%% Result :
-insert_reference({Name, Type, Value}, Table) ->
- case ets:lookup(Table, Name) of
- [{Name, _, _}] ->
- ok;
+insert_reference(Name, Value, #xmerl_sax_parser_state{ref_table = Map} = State) ->
+ case maps:find(Name, Map) of
+ error ->
+ State#xmerl_sax_parser_state{ref_table = maps:put(Name, Value, Map)};
_ ->
- ets:insert(Table, {Name, Type, Value})
+ State
%% Function: look_up_reference(Reference, State) -> Result
%% Parameters: Reference = string()
@@ -1396,8 +1481,8 @@ look_up_reference("apos", _, _) ->
look_up_reference("quot", _, _) ->
{internal_general, "quot", "\""};
look_up_reference(Name, HaveToExist, State) ->
- case ets:lookup(State#xmerl_sax_parser_state.ref_table, Name) of
- [{Name, Type, Value}] ->
+ case maps:find(Name, State#xmerl_sax_parser_state.ref_table) of
+ {ok, {Type, Value}} ->
{Type, Name, Value};
_ ->
case HaveToExist of
@@ -1479,7 +1564,7 @@ parse_system_litteral(?STRING_EMPTY, State, Stop, Acc) ->
parse_system_litteral(?STRING_UNBOUND_REST(Stop, Rest), State, Stop, Acc) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), Rest, State};
parse_system_litteral(?STRING_UNBOUND_REST(C, Rest), State, Stop, Acc) ->
- parse_system_litteral(Rest, State, Stop, [C |Acc]);
+ parse_system_litteral(Rest, State, Stop, [C |Acc]);
parse_system_litteral(Bytes, State, Stop, Acc) ->
unicode_incomplete_check([Bytes, State, Stop, Acc, fun parse_system_litteral/4],
@@ -1651,9 +1736,11 @@ parse_external_entity(State, _PubId, SysId) ->
end_tags = []},
- EventState = handle_external_entity(ExtRef, State1),
+ {EventState, RefTable} = handle_external_entity(ExtRef, State1),
- NewState = event_callback({endEntity, SysId}, SaveState#xmerl_sax_parser_state{event_state=EventState}),
+ NewState = event_callback({endEntity, SysId},
+ SaveState#xmerl_sax_parser_state{event_state=EventState,
+ ref_table=RefTable}),
@@ -1680,7 +1767,8 @@ handle_external_entity({file, FileToOpen}, State) ->
ok = file:close(FD),
- EntityState#xmerl_sax_parser_state.event_state
+ {EntityState#xmerl_sax_parser_state.event_state,
+ EntityState#xmerl_sax_parser_state.ref_table}
handle_external_entity({http, Url}, State) ->
@@ -1693,14 +1781,16 @@ handle_external_entity({http, Url}, State) ->
++ file:format_error(Reason));
{ok, FD} ->
{?STRING_EMPTY, EntityState} =
- parse_external_entity_1(<<>>,
+ parse_external_entity_byte_order_mark(<<>>,
ok = file:close(FD),
ok = file:delete(TmpFile),
- EntityState#xmerl_sax_parser_state.event_state
+ {EntityState#xmerl_sax_parser_state.event_state,
+ EntityState#xmerl_sax_parser_state.ref_table}
throw:{error, Error} ->
@@ -1709,6 +1799,8 @@ handle_external_entity({http, Url}, State) ->
handle_external_entity({Tag, _Url}, State) ->
?fatal_error(State, "Unsupported URI type: " ++ atom_to_list(Tag)).
%% Function : parse_external_entity_1(Rest, State) -> Result
%% Parameters: Rest = string() | binary()
@@ -1716,22 +1808,15 @@ handle_external_entity({Tag, _Url}, State) ->
%% Result : {Rest, State}
%% Description: Parse the external entity.
--dialyzer({[no_fail_call, no_match], parse_external_entity_1/2}).
parse_external_entity_1(?STRING_EMPTY, #xmerl_sax_parser_state{file_type=Type} = State) ->
case catch cf(?STRING_EMPTY, State, fun parse_external_entity_1/2) of
{Rest, State1} when is_record(State1, xmerl_sax_parser_state) ->
- {Rest, State};
+ {Rest, State1};
{fatal_error, {State1, "No more bytes"}} when Type == dtd; Type == entity ->
{?STRING_EMPTY, State1};
Other ->
-parse_external_entity_1(?BYTE_ORDER_MARK_1, State) ->
- cf(?BYTE_ORDER_MARK_1, State, fun parse_external_entity_1/2);
-parse_external_entity_1(?BYTE_ORDER_MARK_2, State) ->
- cf(?BYTE_ORDER_MARK_2, State, fun parse_external_entity_1/2);
-parse_external_entity_1(?BYTE_ORDER_MARK_REST(Rest), State) ->
- parse_external_entity_1(Rest, State);
parse_external_entity_1(?STRING("<") = Bytes, State) ->
cf(Bytes, State, fun parse_external_entity_1/2);
parse_external_entity_1(?STRING("<?") = Bytes, State) ->
@@ -2452,24 +2537,24 @@ parse_entity_def(?STRING_EMPTY, State, Name) ->
cf(?STRING_EMPTY, State, Name, fun parse_entity_def/3);
parse_entity_def(?STRING_UNBOUND_REST(C, Rest), State, Name) when C == $'; C == $" ->
{Value, Rest1, State1} = parse_entity_value(Rest, State, C, []),
- insert_reference({Name, internal_general, Value}, State1#xmerl_sax_parser_state.ref_table),
- State2 = event_callback({internalEntityDecl, Name, Value}, State1),
- {_WS, Rest2, State3} = whitespace(Rest1, State2, []),
- parse_def_end(Rest2, State3);
+ State2 = insert_reference(Name, {internal_general, Value}, State1),
+ State3 = event_callback({internalEntityDecl, Name, Value}, State2),
+ {_WS, Rest2, State4} = whitespace(Rest1, State3, []),
+ parse_def_end(Rest2, State4);
parse_entity_def(?STRING_UNBOUND_REST(C, _) = Rest, State, Name) when C == $S; C == $P ->
{PubId, SysId, Rest1, State1} = parse_external_id(Rest, State, false),
{Ndata, Rest2, State2} = parse_ndata(Rest1, State1),
case Ndata of
undefined ->
- insert_reference({Name, external_general, {PubId, SysId}},
- State2#xmerl_sax_parser_state.ref_table),
- State3 = event_callback({externalEntityDecl, Name, PubId, SysId}, State2),
- {Rest2, State3};
+ State3 = insert_reference(Name, {external_general, {PubId, SysId}},
+ State2),
+ State4 = event_callback({externalEntityDecl, Name, PubId, SysId}, State3),
+ {Rest2, State4};
_ ->
- insert_reference({Name, unparsed, {PubId, SysId, Ndata}},
- State2#xmerl_sax_parser_state.ref_table),
- State3 = event_callback({unparsedEntityDecl, Name, PubId, SysId, Ndata}, State2),
- {Rest2, State3}
+ State3 = insert_reference(Name, {unparsed, {PubId, SysId, Ndata}},
+ State2),
+ State4 = event_callback({unparsedEntityDecl, Name, PubId, SysId, Ndata}, State3),
+ {Rest2, State4}
parse_entity_def(Bytes, State, Name) ->
unicode_incomplete_check([Bytes, State, Name, fun parse_entity_def/3],
@@ -2646,19 +2731,19 @@ parse_pe_def(?STRING_EMPTY, State, Name) ->
parse_pe_def(?STRING_UNBOUND_REST(C, Rest), State, Name) when C == $'; C == $" ->
{Value, Rest1, State1} = parse_entity_value(Rest, State, C, []),
Name1 = "%" ++ Name,
- insert_reference({Name1, internal_parameter, Value},
- State1#xmerl_sax_parser_state.ref_table),
- State2 = event_callback({internalEntityDecl, Name1, Value}, State1),
- {_WS, Rest2, State3} = whitespace(Rest1, State2, []),
- parse_def_end(Rest2, State3);
+ State2 = insert_reference(Name1, {internal_parameter, Value},
+ State1),
+ State3 = event_callback({internalEntityDecl, Name1, Value}, State2),
+ {_WS, Rest2, State4} = whitespace(Rest1, State3, []),
+ parse_def_end(Rest2, State4);
parse_pe_def(?STRING_UNBOUND_REST(C, _) = Bytes, State, Name) when C == $S; C == $P ->
{PubId, SysId, Rest1, State1} = parse_external_id(Bytes, State, false),
Name1 = "%" ++ Name,
- insert_reference({Name1, external_parameter, {PubId, SysId}},
- State1#xmerl_sax_parser_state.ref_table),
- State2 = event_callback({externalEntityDecl, Name1, PubId, SysId}, State1),
- {_WS, Rest2, State3} = whitespace(Rest1, State2, []),
- parse_def_end(Rest2, State3);
+ State2 = insert_reference(Name1, {external_parameter, {PubId, SysId}},
+ State1),
+ State3 = event_callback({externalEntityDecl, Name1, PubId, SysId}, State2),
+ {_WS, Rest2, State4} = whitespace(Rest1, State3, []),
+ parse_def_end(Rest2, State4);
parse_pe_def(Bytes, State, Name) ->
unicode_incomplete_check([Bytes, State, Name, fun parse_pe_def/3],
"\", \', SYSTEM or PUBLIC expected").
@@ -3290,7 +3375,7 @@ cf(Rest, #xmerl_sax_parser_state{continuation_fun = CFun, continuation_state = C
throw:ErrorTerm ->
?fatal_error(State, ErrorTerm);
- exit:Reason ->
+ exit:Reason ->
?fatal_error(State, {'EXIT', Reason})
case Result of