path: root/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xpath_pred.erl
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diff --git a/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xpath_pred.erl b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xpath_pred.erl
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index 0000000000..451a09bee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/xmerl/src/xmerl_xpath_pred.erl
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+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2009. All Rights Reserved.
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+%% Description : Helper module to xmerl_xpath: XPATH predicates.
+%% API
+%% internal functions (called via apply/3)
+-export([boolean/1, boolean/2,
+ ceiling/2,
+ concat/2,
+ contains/2,
+ count/2,
+ floor/2,
+ fn_false/2,
+ fn_not/2,
+ fn_true/2,
+ id/2,
+ lang/2,
+ last/2,
+ 'local-name'/2,
+ 'namespace-uri'/2,
+ name/2,
+ string/2,
+ nodeset/1,
+ 'normalize-space'/2,
+ number/1, number/2,
+ position/2,
+ round/2,
+ 'starts-with'/2,
+ string/1,
+ 'string-length'/2,
+ substring/2,
+ 'substring-after'/2,
+ 'substring-before'/2,
+ sum/2,
+ translate/2]).
+%% -record(obj, {type,
+%% value}).
+-define(string(X), #xmlObj{type = string,
+ value = X}).
+-define(nodeset(X), #xmlObj{type = nodeset,
+ value = X}).
+-define(number(X), #xmlObj{type = number,
+ value = X}).
+-define(boolean(X), #xmlObj{type = boolean,
+ value = X}).
+eval(Expr, C = #xmlContext{context_node = #xmlNode{pos = Pos}}) ->
+ Obj = expr(Expr, C),
+ Res = case Obj#xmlObj.type of
+ number when Obj#xmlObj.value == Pos ->
+ true;
+ number ->
+ false;
+ boolean ->
+ Obj#xmlObj.value;
+ _ ->
+ mk_boolean(C, Obj)
+ end,
+% io:format("eval(~p, ~p) -> ~p~n", [Expr, Pos, Res]),
+ Res.
+string(X) ->
+ ?string(X).
+nodeset(X) ->
+ ?nodeset(X).
+number(X) ->
+ ?number(X).
+boolean(X) ->
+ ?boolean(X).
+expr({arith, Op, E1, E2}, C) ->
+ arith_expr(Op, E1, E2, C);
+expr({comp, Op, E1, E2}, C) ->
+ comp_expr(Op, E1, E2, C);
+expr({bool, Op, E1, E2}, C) ->
+ bool_expr(Op, E1, E2, C);
+expr({'negative', E}, C) ->
+ N = mk_number(C, E),
+ - N;
+expr({number, N}, _C) ->
+ ?number(N);
+expr({literal, S}, _C) ->
+ ?string(S);
+expr({function_call, F, Args}, C) ->
+ case core_function(F) of
+ {true, F1} ->
+ ?MODULE:F1(C, Args);
+ true ->
+ ?MODULE:F(C, Args);
+ false ->
+ %% here, we should look up the function in the context provided
+ %% by the caller, but we haven't figured this out yet.
+ exit({not_a_core_function, F})
+ end;
+expr({path, Type, PathExpr}, C) ->
+ #state{context=#xmlContext{nodeset = NS}} =
+ xmerl_xpath:eval_path(Type, PathExpr, C),
+ ?nodeset(NS);
+expr(Expr, _C) ->
+ exit({unknown_expr, Expr}).
+arith_expr('+', E1, E2, C) ->
+ ?number(mk_number(C, E1) + mk_number(C, E2));
+arith_expr('-', E1, E2, C) ->
+ ?number(mk_number(C, E1) - mk_number(C, E2));
+arith_expr('*', E1, E2, C) ->
+ ?number(mk_number(C, E1) * mk_number(C, E2));
+arith_expr('div', E1, E2, C) ->
+ ?number(mk_number(C, E1) / mk_number(C, E2));
+arith_expr('mod', E1, E2, C) ->
+ ?number(mk_number(C, E1) rem mk_number(C, E2)).
+comp_expr('>', E1, E2, C) ->
+ N1 = expr(E1,C),
+ N2 = expr(E2,C),
+ ?boolean(compare_ineq_format(N1,N2,C) > compare_ineq_format(N2,N1,C));
+comp_expr('<', E1, E2, C) ->
+ N1 = expr(E1,C),
+ N2 = expr(E2,C),
+ ?boolean(compare_ineq_format(N1,N2,C) > compare_ineq_format(N2,N1,C));
+comp_expr('>=', E1, E2, C) ->
+ N1 = expr(E1,C),
+ N2 = expr(E2,C),
+ ?boolean(compare_ineq_format(N1,N2,C) > compare_ineq_format(N2,N1,C));
+comp_expr('<=', E1, E2, C) ->
+ N1 = expr(E1,C),
+ N2 = expr(E2,C),
+ ?boolean(compare_ineq_format(N1,N2,C) > compare_ineq_format(N2,N1,C));
+comp_expr('=', E1, E2, C) ->
+ N1 = expr(E1,C),
+ N2 = expr(E2,C),
+ ?boolean(compare_eq_format(N1,N2,C) == compare_eq_format(N2,N1,C));
+comp_expr('!=', E1, E2, C) ->
+ N1 = expr(E1,C),
+ N2 = expr(E2,C),
+ ?boolean(compare_eq_format(N1,N2,C) /= compare_eq_format(N2,N1,C)).
+bool_expr('or', E1, E2, C) ->
+ ?boolean(mk_boolean(C, E1) or mk_boolean(C, E2));
+bool_expr('and', E1, E2, C) ->
+ ?boolean(mk_boolean(C, E1) and mk_boolean(C, E2)).
+%% According to chapter 3.4 in XML Path Language ver 1.0 the format of
+%% the compared objects are depending on the type of the other
+%% object.
+%% 1. Comparisons involving node-sets is treated equally despite
+%% of which comparancy operand is used. In this case:
+%% - node-set comp node-set: string values are used
+%% - node-set comp number : ((node-set string value) -> number)
+%% - node-set comp boolean : (node-set string value) -> boolean
+%% 2. Comparisons when neither object is a node-set and the operand
+%% is = or != the following transformation is done before comparison:
+%% - if one object is a boolean the other is converted to a boolean.
+%% - if one object is a number the other is converted to a number.
+%% - otherwise convert both to the string value.
+%% 3. Comparisons when neither object is a node-set and the operand is
+%% <=, <, >= or > both objects are converted to a number.
+compare_eq_format(N1=#xmlObj{type=T1},N2=#xmlObj{type=T2},C) when T1==nodeset;
+ T2==nodeset ->
+ compare_nseq_format(N1,N2,C);
+compare_eq_format(N1=#xmlObj{type=T1},#xmlObj{type=T2},C) when T1==boolean;
+ T2==boolean ->
+ mk_boolean(C,N1);
+compare_eq_format(N1=#xmlObj{type=T1},#xmlObj{type=T2},C) when T1==number;
+ T2==number ->
+ mk_number(C,N1);
+compare_eq_format(N1,_,C) ->
+ mk_string(C,string_value(N1)).
+ N2=#xmlObj{type=T2},C) when T1==nodeset;
+ T2==nodeset ->
+ compare_nseq_format(N1,N2,C);
+compare_ineq_format(N1,_N2,C) ->
+ mk_number(C,N1).
+compare_nseq_format(N1=#xmlObj{type = number},_N2,C) ->
+ mk_number(C,N1);
+compare_nseq_format(N1=#xmlObj{type = boolean},_N2,C) ->
+ mk_boolean(C,N1);
+compare_nseq_format(N1=#xmlObj{type = string},_N2,C) ->
+ mk_string(C,N1);
+compare_nseq_format(N1=#xmlObj{type = nodeset},_N2=#xmlObj{type=number},C) ->
+ %% transform nodeset value to its string-value
+ mk_number(C,string_value(N1));
+compare_nseq_format(N1=#xmlObj{type = nodeset},_N2=#xmlObj{type=boolean},C) ->
+ mk_boolean(C,N1);
+compare_nseq_format(N1=#xmlObj{type = nodeset},_N2,C) ->
+ mk_string(C,string_value(N1)).
+core_function('last') -> true;
+core_function('position') -> true;
+core_function('count') -> true;
+core_function('id') -> true;
+core_function('local-name') -> true;
+core_function('namespace-uri') -> true;
+core_function('name') -> true;
+core_function('string') -> true;
+core_function('concat') -> true;
+core_function('starts-with') -> true;
+core_function('contains') -> true;
+core_function('substring-before') -> true;
+core_function('substring-after') -> true;
+core_function('string-length') -> true;
+core_function('normalize-space') -> true;
+core_function('translate') -> true;
+core_function('boolean') -> true;
+core_function('not') -> {true, fn_not};
+core_function('true') -> {true, fn_true};
+core_function('false') -> {true, fn_false};
+core_function('lang') -> true;
+core_function('number') -> true;
+core_function('sum') -> true;
+core_function('floor') -> true;
+core_function('ceiling') -> true;
+core_function('round') -> true;
+core_function(_) ->
+ false.
+%%% node set functions
+%% number: last()
+last(#xmlContext{nodeset = Set}, []) ->
+ ?number(length(Set)).
+%% number: position()
+position(#xmlContext{context_node = #xmlNode{pos = Pos}}, []) ->
+ ?number(Pos).
+%% number: count(node-set)
+count(C, [Arg]) ->
+ ?number(length(mk_nodeset(C, Arg))).
+%% node-set: id(object)
+id(C, [Arg]) ->
+ WD = C#xmlContext.whole_document,
+ NS0 = [WD],
+ Obj = mk_object(C,Arg),
+ case Obj#xmlObj.type of
+ nodeset ->
+ NodeSet = Obj#xmlObj.value,
+ IdTokens =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(N, AccX) ->
+ StrVal = string_value(N),
+ TokensX = id_tokens(StrVal),
+ TokensX ++ AccX
+ end, [], NodeSet),
+ NewNodeSet =
+ xmerl_xpath:axis(descendant_or_self,
+ fun(Node) ->
+ attribute_test(Node, id, IdTokens)
+ end, C#xmlContext{nodeset = NS0}),
+ ?nodeset(NewNodeSet);
+ _ ->
+ StrVal = string_value(Obj#xmlObj.value),
+ IdTokens = id_tokens(StrVal),
+ NodeSet = [(WD#xmlNode.node)#xmlDocument.content],
+ NewNodeSet = lists:foldl(
+ fun(Tok, AccX) ->
+ select_on_attribute(NodeSet, id, Tok, AccX)
+ end, [], IdTokens),
+ ?nodeset(NewNodeSet)
+ end.
+id_tokens(Str=#xmlObj{type=string}) ->
+ string:tokens(Str#xmlObj.value, " \t\n\r").
+%%id_tokens(Str) when list(Str) ->
+%% string:tokens(Str, " \t\n\r").
+attribute_test(#xmlNode{node = #xmlElement{attributes = Attrs}},
+ Key, Vals) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(Key, #xmlAttribute.name, Attrs) of
+ {value, #xmlAttribute{value = V}} ->
+ lists:member(V, Vals);
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end;
+attribute_test(_Node, _Key, _Vals) ->
+ false.
+%% string: local-name(node-set?)
+'local-name'(C, []) ->
+ local_name1(default_nodeset(C));
+'local-name'(C, [Arg]) ->
+ local_name1(mk_nodeset(C, Arg)).
+local_name1([]) ->
+ ?string([]);
+local_name1([#xmlNode{type=element,node=El}|_]) ->
+ #xmlElement{name=Name,nsinfo=NSI} = El,
+ local_name2(Name,NSI);
+local_name1([#xmlNode{type=attribute,node=Att}|_]) ->
+ #xmlAttribute{name=Name,nsinfo=NSI} = Att,
+ local_name2(Name,NSI);
+local_name1([#xmlElement{name = Name, nsinfo = NSI}|_]) ->
+ local_name2(Name,NSI).
+local_name2(Name, NSI) ->
+ case NSI of
+ {_Prefix, Local} ->
+ ?string(Local);
+ [] ->
+ ?string(atom_to_list(Name))
+ end.
+%% string: namespace-uri(node-set?)
+'namespace-uri'(C, []) ->
+ ns_uri(default_nodeset(C));
+'namespace-uri'(C, [Arg]) ->
+ ns_uri(mk_nodeset(C, Arg)).
+ns_uri([]) ->
+ ?string([]);
+ns_uri([#xmlElement{nsinfo = NSI, namespace = NS}|_]) ->
+ ns_uri2(NSI,NS);
+ns_uri([#xmlNode{type=element,node=El}|_]) ->
+ #xmlElement{nsinfo=NSI, namespace = NS} = El,
+ ns_uri2(NSI,NS);
+ns_uri([#xmlNode{type=attribute,node=Att}|_]) ->
+ #xmlAttribute{nsinfo=NSI, namespace = NS} = Att,
+ ns_uri2(NSI,NS);
+ns_uri(_) ->
+ ?string([]).
+ns_uri2(NSI,NS) ->
+ case NSI of
+ {Prefix, _} ->
+ case lists:keysearch(Prefix, 1, NS#xmlNamespace.nodes) of
+ false ->
+ ?string([]);
+ {value, {_K, V}} ->
+ string_value(V)
+ end;
+ [] ->
+ ?string([])
+ end.
+%% name(node-set) -> xmlObj{type=string}
+%% The name function returns a string containing the QName of the node
+%% first in document order. The representation of the QName is not
+%% standardized and applications have their own format. At
+%% http://xml.coverpages.org/clarkNS-980804.html (the author of XPath)
+%% adopts the format "namespace URI"+"local-name" but according to
+%% other sources it is more common to use the format:
+%% '{'"namespace URI"'}'"local-name". This function also uses this
+%% latter form.
+name(C,[]) ->
+ name1(default_nodeset(C));
+name(C, [Arg]) ->
+ name1(mk_nodeset(C, Arg)).
+name1([]) ->
+ ?string([]);
+name1(NodeSet) ->
+ NSVal =
+ case ns_uri(NodeSet) of
+ #xmlObj{value=NSStr} when NSStr =/= [] ->
+ "{"++NSStr++"}";
+ _ ->
+ ""
+ end,
+ #xmlObj{value=LocalName} = local_name1(NodeSet),
+ ?string(NSVal++LocalName).
+%%% String functions
+%% string: string(object?)
+string(C, []) ->
+ ns_string(default_nodeset(C));
+string(C, [Arg]) ->
+ string_value(mk_object(C, Arg)).
+ns_string([Obj|_]) ->
+ string_value(Obj).
+string_value(#xmlObj{type=nodeset,value=[]}) ->
+ ?string("");
+string_value(N=#xmlObj{type=nodeset}) ->
+ string_value(hd(N#xmlObj.value));
+string_value(N=#xmlObj{}) ->
+ string_value(N#xmlObj.value);
+%% Needed also string_value for root_nodes, elements (concatenation of
+%% al decsendant text nodes) and attribute nodes (normalized value).
+string_value(A=#xmlNode{type=attribute}) ->
+ #xmlAttribute{value=AttVal}=A#xmlNode.node,
+ ?string(AttVal);
+string_value(El=#xmlNode{type=element}) ->
+ #xmlElement{content=C} = El#xmlNode.node,
+ TextValue = fun(#xmlText{value=T},_Fun) -> T;
+ (#xmlElement{content=Cont},Fun) -> Fun(Cont,Fun);
+ (_,_) -> []
+ end,
+ TextDecendants=fun(X) -> TextValue(X,TextValue) end,
+ ?string(lists:flatten(lists:map(TextDecendants,C)));
+string_value(T=#xmlNode{type=text}) ->
+ #xmlText{value=Txt} = T#xmlNode.node,
+ ?string(Txt);
+string_value(infinity) -> ?string("Infinity");
+string_value(neg_infinity) -> ?string("-Infinity");
+string_value(A) when is_atom(A) ->
+ ?string(atom_to_list(A));
+string_value(N) when is_integer(N) ->
+ ?string(integer_to_list(N));
+string_value(N) when is_float(N) ->
+ N1 = round(N * 10000000000000000),
+ ?string(strip_zeroes(integer_to_list(N1)));
+string_value(Str) when is_list(Str) ->
+ ?string(Str).
+strip_zeroes(Str) ->
+ strip_zs(lists:reverse(Str), 15).
+strip_zs([H|T], 0) ->
+ lists:reverse(T) ++ [$., H];
+strip_zs("0" ++ T, N) ->
+ strip_zs(T, N-1);
+strip_zs([H|T], N) ->
+ strip_zs(T, N-1, [H]).
+strip_zs([H|T], 0, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(T) ++ [$.,H|Acc];
+strip_zs([H|T], N, Acc) ->
+ strip_zs(T, N-1, [H|Acc]).
+%% string: concat(string, string, string*)
+concat(C, Args = [_, _|_]) ->
+ Strings = [mk_string(C, A) || A <- Args],
+ ?string(lists:concat(Strings)).
+%% boolean: starts-with(string, string)
+'starts-with'(C, [A1, A2]) ->
+ ?boolean(lists:prefix(mk_string(C, A2), mk_string(C, A1))).
+%% boolean: contains(string, string)
+contains(C, [A1, A2]) ->
+ Pos = string:str(mk_string(C, A1), mk_string(C, A2)),
+ ?boolean(Pos > 0).
+%% string: substring-before(string, string)
+'substring-before'(C, [A1, A2]) ->
+ S1 = mk_string(C, A1),
+ S2 = mk_string(C, A2),
+ Pos = string:str(S1, S2),
+ ?string(string:substr(S1, 1, Pos)).
+%% string: substring-after(string, string)
+'substring-after'(C, [A1, A2]) ->
+ S1 = mk_string(C, A1),
+ S2 = mk_string(C, A2),
+ case string:str(S1, S2) of
+ 0 ->
+ ?string([]);
+ Pos ->
+ ?string(string:substr(S1, Pos))
+ end.
+%% string: substring(string, number, number?)
+substring(C, [A1, A2]) ->
+ S = mk_string(C, A1),
+ Pos = mk_integer(C, A2),
+ ?string(string:substr(S, Pos));
+substring(C, [A1, A2, A3]) ->
+ S = mk_string(C, A1),
+ Pos = mk_integer(C, A2),
+ Length = mk_integer(C, A3),
+ ?string(string:substr(S, Pos, Length)).
+%% number: string-length(string?)
+'string-length'(C = #xmlContext{context_node = N}, []) ->
+ length(mk_string(C, string_value(N)));
+'string-length'(C, [A]) ->
+ length(mk_string(C, A)).
+%% string: normalize-space(string?)
+'normalize-space'(C = #xmlContext{context_node = N}, []) ->
+ normalize(mk_string(C, string_value(N)));
+'normalize-space'(C, [A]) ->
+ normalize(mk_string(C, A)).
+%% string: translate(string, string, string)
+translate(C, [A1, A2, A3]) ->
+ S1 = mk_string(C, A1),
+ S2 = mk_string(C, A2),
+ S3 = mk_string(C, A3),
+ ?string(translate1(S1, translations(S2, S3))).
+translate1([H|T], Xls) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(H, 1, Xls) of
+ {value, {_, remove}} ->
+ translate1(T, Xls);
+ {value, {_, replace, H1}} ->
+ [H1|translate1(T, Xls)];
+ false ->
+ [H|translate1(T, Xls)]
+ end;
+translate1([], _) ->
+ [].
+translations([H|T], [H1|T1]) ->
+ [{H, replace, H1}|translations(T, T1)];
+translations(Rest, []) ->
+ [{X, remove} || X <- Rest];
+translations([], _Rest) ->
+ [].
+%% boolean: boolean(object)
+boolean(C, [Arg]) ->
+ ?boolean(mk_boolean(C, Arg)).
+%% boolean: not(boolean) ->
+fn_not(C, [Arg]) ->
+ ?boolean(not(mk_boolean(C, Arg))).
+%% boolean: true() ->
+fn_true(_C, []) ->
+ ?boolean(true).
+%% boolean: false() ->
+fn_false(_C, []) ->
+ ?boolean(false).
+%% boolean: lang(string) ->
+lang(C = #xmlContext{context_node = N}, [Arg]) ->
+ S = mk_string(C, Arg),
+ Lang =
+ case N of
+ #xmlElement{language = L} -> L;
+ #xmlAttribute{language = L} -> L;
+ #xmlText{language = L} -> L;
+ #xmlComment{language = L} -> L;
+ _ -> []
+ end,
+ case Lang of
+ [] ->
+ ?boolean(false);
+ _ ->
+ ?boolean(match_lang(upcase(S), upcase(Lang)))
+ end.
+upcase([H|T]) when H >= $a, H =< $z ->
+ [H+($A-$a)|upcase(T)];
+upcase([H|T]) ->
+ [H|upcase(T)];
+upcase([]) ->
+ [].
+match_lang([H|T], [H|T1]) ->
+ match_lang(T, T1);
+match_lang([], "-" ++ _) ->
+ true;
+match_lang([], []) ->
+ true;
+match_lang(_, _) ->
+ false.
+%% number: number(object)
+number(C = #xmlContext{context_node = N}, []) ->
+ ?number(mk_number(C, string(C, N)));
+number(C, [Arg]) ->
+ ?number(mk_number(C, Arg)).
+sum(C, [Arg]) ->
+ NS = mk_nodeset(C, Arg),
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(N, Sum) ->
+ Sum + mk_number(C, string(C, N))
+ end, 0, NS).
+floor(C, [Arg]) ->
+ Num = mk_number(C, Arg),
+ case trunc(Num) of
+ Num1 when Num1 > Num ->
+ ?number(Num1-1);
+ Num1 ->
+ ?number(Num1)
+ end.
+ceiling(C, [Arg]) ->
+ Num = mk_number(C, Arg),
+ case trunc(Num) of
+ Num1 when Num1 < Num ->
+ ?number(Num1+1);
+ Num1 ->
+ ?number(Num1)
+ end.
+round(C, [Arg]) ->
+ case mk_number(C, Arg) of
+ A when is_atom(A) ->
+ A;
+ N when is_integer(N) ->
+ N;
+ F when is_float(F) ->
+ round(F)
+ end.
+select_on_attribute([E = #xmlElement{attributes = Attrs}|T], K, V, Acc) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(K, #xmlAttribute.name, Attrs) of
+ {value, #xmlAttribute{value = V}} ->
+ Acc2 = select_on_attribute(E#xmlElement.content,K,V,[E|Acc]),
+ select_on_attribute(T, K, V, Acc2);
+ _ ->
+ Acc2 = select_on_attribute(E#xmlElement.content,K,V,Acc),
+ select_on_attribute(T, K, V, Acc2)
+ end;
+select_on_attribute([H|T], K, V, Acc) when is_record(H,xmlText) ->
+ select_on_attribute(T, K, V, Acc);
+select_on_attribute([], _K, _V, Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+mk_nodeset(_C0, #xmlContext{nodeset = NS}) ->
+ NS;
+mk_nodeset(_C0, #xmlObj{type = nodeset, value = NS}) ->
+ NS;
+mk_nodeset(C0, Expr) ->
+ case expr(Expr, C0) of
+ #xmlObj{type = nodeset, value = NS} ->
+ NS;
+ Other ->
+ exit({expected_nodeset, Other})
+ end.
+default_nodeset(#xmlContext{context_node = N}) ->
+ [N].
+mk_object(_C0, Obj = #xmlObj{}) ->
+ Obj;
+mk_object(C0, Expr) ->
+ expr(Expr, C0).
+mk_string(_C0, #xmlObj{type = string, value = V}) ->
+ V;
+mk_string(C0, Obj = #xmlObj{}) ->
+ mk_string(C0,string_value(Obj));
+mk_string(C0, Expr) ->
+ mk_string(C0, expr(Expr, C0)).
+mk_integer(_C0, #xmlObj{type = number, value = V}) when is_float(V) ->
+ round(V);
+mk_integer(_C0, #xmlObj{type = number, value = V}) when is_integer(V) ->
+ V;
+mk_integer(C, Expr) ->
+ mk_integer(C, expr(Expr, C)).
+mk_number(_C, #xmlObj{type = string, value = V}) ->
+ scan_number(V);
+mk_number(_C, #xmlObj{type = number, value = V}) ->
+ V;
+mk_number(C, N=#xmlObj{type = nodeset}) ->
+ mk_number(C,string_value(N));
+mk_number(_C, #xmlObj{type = boolean, value = false}) ->
+ 0;
+mk_number(_C, #xmlObj{type = boolean, value = true}) ->
+ 1;
+mk_number(C, Expr) ->
+ mk_number(C, expr(Expr, C)).
+mk_boolean(_C, #xmlObj{type = boolean, value = V}) ->
+ V;
+mk_boolean(_C, #xmlObj{type = number, value = 0}) ->
+ false;
+mk_boolean(_C, #xmlObj{type = number, value = V}) when is_float(V) ; is_integer(V) ->
+ true;
+mk_boolean(_C, #xmlObj{type = nodeset, value = []}) ->
+ false;
+mk_boolean(_C, #xmlObj{type = nodeset, value = _V}) ->
+ true;
+mk_boolean(_C, #xmlObj{type = string, value = []}) ->
+ false;
+mk_boolean(_C, #xmlObj{type = string, value = _V}) ->
+ true;
+mk_boolean(C, Expr) ->
+ mk_boolean(C, expr(Expr, C)).
+normalize([H|T]) when ?whitespace(H) ->
+ normalize(T);
+normalize(Str) ->
+ ContF = fun(_ContF, RetF, _S) ->
+ RetF()
+ end,
+ normalize(Str,
+ #xmerl_scanner{acc_fun = fun() -> exit(acc_fun) end,
+ event_fun = fun() -> exit(event_fun) end,
+ hook_fun = fun() -> exit(hook_fun) end,
+ continuation_fun = ContF},
+ []).
+normalize(Str = [H|_], S, Acc) when ?whitespace(H) ->
+ case xmerl_scan:accumulate_whitespace(Str, S, preserve, Acc) of
+ {" " ++ Acc1, [], _S1} ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc1);
+ {Acc1, [], _S1} ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc1);
+ {Acc1, T1, S1} ->
+ normalize(T1, S1, Acc1)
+ end;
+normalize([H|T], S, Acc) ->
+ normalize(T, S, [H|Acc]);
+normalize([], _S, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc).
+scan_number([H|T]) when ?whitespace(H) ->
+ scan_number(T);
+scan_number("-" ++ T) ->
+ case catch xmerl_xpath_scan:scan_number(T) of
+ {{number, N}, Tail} ->
+ case is_all_white(Tail) of
+ true ->
+ N;
+ false ->
+ 'NaN'
+ end;
+ _Other ->
+ 'NaN'
+ end;
+scan_number(T) ->
+ case catch xmerl_xpath_scan:scan_number(T) of
+ {{number, N}, Tail} ->
+ case is_all_white(Tail) of
+ true ->
+ N;
+ false ->
+ 'NaN'
+ end;
+ _Other ->
+ 'NaN'
+ end.
+is_all_white([H|T]) when ?whitespace(H) ->
+ is_all_white(T);
+is_all_white([_H|_T]) ->
+ false;
+is_all_white([]) ->
+ true.