path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
75 files changed, 3630 insertions, 459 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/Makefile b/lib/compiler/test/Makefile
index e338dbb4e3..63763f31b2 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/Makefile
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/Makefile
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ release_tests_spec: make_emakefile
echo "-module($$module). %% dummy .erl file" >$$file; \
chmod -R u+w "$(RELSYSDIR)"
@tar cf - *_SUITE_data | (cd "$(RELSYSDIR)"; tar xf -)
diff --git a/lib/crypto/src/crypto.erl b/lib/crypto/src/crypto.erl
index 631af62615..ce8add6559 100644
--- a/lib/crypto/src/crypto.erl
+++ b/lib/crypto/src/crypto.erl
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
-export([ec_curve/1, ec_curves/0]).
+-deprecated({rand_uniform, 2, next_major_release}).
%% This should correspond to the similar macro in crypto.c
-define(MAX_BYTES_TO_NIF, 20000). %% Current value is: erlang:system_info(context_reductions) * 10
diff --git a/lib/hipe/amd64/hipe_amd64_ra_sse2_postconditions.erl b/lib/hipe/amd64/hipe_amd64_ra_sse2_postconditions.erl
index 8a3ea92156..891c874a15 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/amd64/hipe_amd64_ra_sse2_postconditions.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/amd64/hipe_amd64_ra_sse2_postconditions.erl
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ do_insn(I, TempMap, Strategy) -> % Insn -> {Insn list, DidSpill}
do_fp_unop(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#fp_binop{} ->
do_fp_binop(I, TempMap, Strategy);
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{} ->
+ do_pseudo_spill_fmove(I, TempMap, Strategy);
_ ->
%% All non sse2 ops
{[I], false}
@@ -95,8 +97,13 @@ do_fmove(I, TempMap, Strategy) ->
true ->
Tmp = spill_temp(double, Strategy),
- {[#fmove{src=Src, dst=Tmp},I#fmove{src=Tmp,dst=Dst}],
- true};
+ %% pseudo_spill_fmove allows spill slot move coalescing, but must not
+ %% contain memory operands (except for spilled temps)
+ Is = case is_float_temp(Src) andalso is_float_temp(Dst) of
+ true -> [#pseudo_spill_fmove{src=Src, temp=Tmp, dst=Dst}];
+ false -> [#fmove{src=Src, dst=Tmp},I#fmove{src=Tmp,dst=Dst}]
+ end,
+ {Is, true};
false ->
{[I], false}
@@ -104,6 +111,12 @@ do_fmove(I, TempMap, Strategy) ->
is_float_temp(#x86_temp{type=Type}) -> Type =:= double;
is_float_temp(#x86_mem{}) -> false.
+%%% Fix an pseudo_spill_fmove op.
+do_pseudo_spill_fmove(I = #pseudo_spill_fmove{temp=Temp}, TempMap, _Strategy) ->
+ %% Temp is above the low water mark and must not have been spilled
+ false = is_mem_opnd(Temp, TempMap),
+ {[I], false}. % nothing to do
%%% Check if an operand denotes a memory cell (mem or pseudo).
is_mem_opnd(Opnd, TempMap) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm.erl b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm.erl
index e34a00f561..3b090b501a 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm.erl
@@ -79,6 +79,9 @@
+ mk_pseudo_spill_move/3,
+ is_pseudo_spill_move/1,
@@ -250,6 +253,10 @@ is_pseudo_move(I) -> case I of #pseudo_move{} -> true; _ -> false end.
pseudo_move_dst(#pseudo_move{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
pseudo_move_src(#pseudo_move{src=Src}) -> Src.
+mk_pseudo_spill_move(Dst, Temp, Src) ->
+ #pseudo_spill_move{dst=Dst, temp=Temp, src=Src}.
+is_pseudo_spill_move(I) -> is_record(I, pseudo_spill_move).
mk_pseudo_switch(JTab, Index, Labels) ->
#pseudo_switch{jtab=JTab, index=Index, labels=Labels}.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm.hrl b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm.hrl
index 67bc07634e..be06b1ebd7 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm.hrl
+++ b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm.hrl
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
-record(pseudo_call_prepare, {nrstkargs}).
-record(pseudo_li, {dst, imm, label}). % pre-generated label for use by the assembler
-record(pseudo_move, {dst, src}).
+-record(pseudo_spill_move, {dst, temp, src}).
-record(pseudo_switch, {jtab, index, labels}).
-record(pseudo_tailcall, {funv, arity, stkargs, linkage}).
-record(pseudo_tailcall_prepare, {}).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_cfg.erl b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_cfg.erl
index ea6da67317..0bc3df30b9 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_cfg.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_cfg.erl
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
-export([params/1, reverse_postorder/1]).
-export([arity/1]). % for linear scan
%%% these tell cfg.inc what to define (ugly as hell)
-define(BREADTH_ORDER,true). % for linear scan
@@ -75,6 +76,26 @@ branch_successors(Branch) ->
#pseudo_tailcall{} -> []
+branch_preds(Branch) ->
+ case Branch of
+ #pseudo_bc{true_label=TrueLab,false_label=FalseLab,pred=Pred} ->
+ [{FalseLab, 1.0-Pred}, {TrueLab, Pred}];
+ #pseudo_call{contlab=ContLab, sdesc=#arm_sdesc{exnlab=[]}} ->
+ %% A function can still cause an exception, even if we won't catch it
+ [{ContLab, 1.0-hipe_bb_weights:call_exn_pred()}];
+ #pseudo_call{contlab=ContLab, sdesc=#arm_sdesc{exnlab=ExnLab}} ->
+ CallExnPred = hipe_bb_weights:call_exn_pred(),
+ [{ContLab, 1.0-CallExnPred}, {ExnLab, CallExnPred}];
+ #pseudo_switch{labels=Labels} ->
+ Prob = 1.0/length(Labels),
+ [{L, Prob} || L <- Labels];
+ _ ->
+ case branch_successors(Branch) of
+ [] -> [];
+ [Single] -> [{Single, 1.0}]
+ end
+ end.
fails_to(_Instr) -> [].
diff --git a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_defuse.erl b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_defuse.erl
index 0e62070c6c..652299a514 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_defuse.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_defuse.erl
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ insn_def_gpr(I) ->
#pseudo_call{} -> call_clobbered_gpr();
#pseudo_li{dst=Dst} -> [Dst];
#pseudo_move{dst=Dst} -> [Dst];
+ #pseudo_spill_move{dst=Dst, temp=Temp} -> [Dst, Temp];
#pseudo_tailcall_prepare{} -> tailcall_clobbered_gpr();
#smull{dstlo=DstLo,dsthi=DstHi,src1=Src1} ->
%% ARM requires DstLo, DstHi, and Src1 to be distinct.
@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ insn_use_gpr(I) ->
#pseudo_call{funv=FunV,sdesc=#arm_sdesc{arity=Arity}} ->
funv_use(FunV, arity_use_gpr(Arity));
#pseudo_move{src=Src} -> [Src];
+ #pseudo_spill_move{src=Src} -> [Src];
#pseudo_switch{jtab=JTabR,index=IndexR} -> addtemp(JTabR, [IndexR]);
#pseudo_tailcall{funv=FunV,arity=Arity,stkargs=StkArgs} ->
addargs(StkArgs, addtemps(tailcall_clobbered_gpr(), funv_use(FunV, arity_use_gpr(Arity))));
diff --git a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_frame.erl b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_frame.erl
index e323907e31..a1004fb609 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_frame.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_frame.erl
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ do_insn(I, LiveOut, Context, FPoff) ->
do_pseudo_call_prepare(I, FPoff);
#pseudo_move{} ->
{do_pseudo_move(I, Context, FPoff), FPoff};
+ #pseudo_spill_move{} ->
+ {do_pseudo_spill_move(I, Context, FPoff), FPoff};
#pseudo_tailcall{} ->
{do_pseudo_tailcall(I, Context), context_framesize(Context)};
_ ->
@@ -100,6 +102,26 @@ pseudo_offset(Temp, FPoff, Context) ->
FPoff + context_offset(Context, Temp).
+%%% Moves from one spill slot to another
+do_pseudo_spill_move(I, Context, FPoff) ->
+ #pseudo_spill_move{dst=Dst, temp=Temp, src=Src} = I,
+ case temp_is_pseudo(Src) andalso temp_is_pseudo(Dst) of
+ false -> % Register allocator changed its mind, turn back to move
+ do_pseudo_move(hipe_arm:mk_pseudo_move(Dst, Src), Context, FPoff);
+ true ->
+ SrcOffset = pseudo_offset(Src, FPoff, Context),
+ DstOffset = pseudo_offset(Dst, FPoff, Context),
+ case SrcOffset =:= DstOffset of
+ true -> []; % omit move-to-self
+ false ->
+ mk_load('ldr', Temp, SrcOffset, mk_sp(),
+ mk_store('str', Temp, DstOffset, mk_sp(), []))
+ end
+ end.
%%% Return - deallocate frame and emit 'ret $N' insn.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_ra_finalise.erl b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_ra_finalise.erl
index 9bfe0a9a83..80cd470708 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_ra_finalise.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_ra_finalise.erl
@@ -25,11 +25,17 @@ ra_bb(BB, Map) ->
hipe_bb:code_update(BB, ra_code(hipe_bb:code(BB), Map, [])).
ra_code([I|Insns], Map, Accum) ->
- ra_code(Insns, Map, [ra_insn(I, Map) | Accum]);
+ ra_code(Insns, Map, ra_insn(I, Map, Accum));
ra_code([], _Map, Accum) ->
-ra_insn(I, Map) ->
+ra_insn(I, Map, Accum) ->
+ case I of
+ #pseudo_move{} -> ra_pseudo_move(I, Map, Accum);
+ _ -> [ra_insn_1(I, Map) | Accum]
+ end.
+ra_insn_1(I, Map) ->
case I of
#alu{} -> ra_alu(I, Map);
#cmp{} -> ra_cmp(I, Map);
@@ -38,7 +44,7 @@ ra_insn(I, Map) ->
#move{} -> ra_move(I, Map);
#pseudo_call{} -> ra_pseudo_call(I, Map);
#pseudo_li{} -> ra_pseudo_li(I, Map);
- #pseudo_move{} -> ra_pseudo_move(I, Map);
+ #pseudo_spill_move{} -> ra_pseudo_spill_move(I, Map);
#pseudo_switch{} -> ra_pseudo_switch(I, Map);
#pseudo_tailcall{} -> ra_pseudo_tailcall(I, Map);
#smull{} -> ra_smull(I, Map);
@@ -80,10 +86,19 @@ ra_pseudo_li(I=#pseudo_li{dst=Dst}, Map) ->
NewDst = ra_temp(Dst, Map),
-ra_pseudo_move(I=#pseudo_move{dst=Dst,src=Src}, Map) ->
+ra_pseudo_move(I=#pseudo_move{dst=Dst,src=Src}, Map, Accum) ->
+ NewDst = ra_temp(Dst, Map),
+ NewSrc = ra_temp(Src, Map),
+ case NewSrc#arm_temp.reg =:= NewDst#arm_temp.reg of
+ true -> Accum;
+ false -> [I#pseudo_move{dst=NewDst,src=NewSrc} | Accum]
+ end.
+ra_pseudo_spill_move(I=#pseudo_spill_move{dst=Dst,temp=Temp,src=Src}, Map) ->
NewDst = ra_temp(Dst, Map),
+ NewTemp = ra_temp(Temp, Map),
NewSrc = ra_temp(Src, Map),
- I#pseudo_move{dst=NewDst,src=NewSrc}.
+ I#pseudo_spill_move{dst=NewDst, temp=NewTemp, src=NewSrc}.
ra_pseudo_switch(I=#pseudo_switch{jtab=JTab,index=Index}, Map) ->
NewJTab = ra_temp(JTab, Map),
diff --git a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_ra_postconditions.erl b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_ra_postconditions.erl
index 8d1ee1cb94..23c305511f 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_ra_postconditions.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_ra_postconditions.erl
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ do_insn(I, TempMap, Strategy) ->
#pseudo_call{} -> do_pseudo_call(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#pseudo_li{} -> do_pseudo_li(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#pseudo_move{} -> do_pseudo_move(I, TempMap, Strategy);
+ #pseudo_spill_move{} -> do_pseudo_spill_move(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#pseudo_switch{} -> do_pseudo_switch(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#pseudo_tailcall{} -> do_pseudo_tailcall(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#smull{} -> do_smull(I, TempMap, Strategy);
@@ -108,18 +109,25 @@ do_pseudo_li(I=#pseudo_li{dst=Dst}, TempMap, Strategy) ->
do_pseudo_move(I=#pseudo_move{dst=Dst,src=Src}, TempMap, Strategy) ->
%% Either Dst or Src (but not both) may be a pseudo temp.
- %% pseudo_move and pseudo_tailcall are special cases: in
- %% all other instructions, all temps must be non-pseudos
- %% after register allocation.
- case temp_is_spilled(Dst, TempMap) of
- true -> % Src must not be a pseudo
- {FixSrc,NewSrc,DidSpill} = fix_src1(Src, TempMap, Strategy),
- NewI = I#pseudo_move{src=NewSrc},
- {FixSrc ++ [NewI], DidSpill};
+ %% pseudo_move, pseudo_spill_move, and pseudo_tailcall
+ %% are special cases: in all other instructions, all
+ %% temps must be non-pseudos after register allocation.
+ case temp_is_spilled(Dst, TempMap)
+ andalso temp_is_spilled(Dst, TempMap)
+ of
+ true -> % Turn into pseudo_spill_move
+ Temp = clone(Src, temp1(Strategy)),
+ NewI = #pseudo_spill_move{dst=Dst, temp=Temp, src=Src},
+ {[NewI], true};
_ ->
{[I], false}
+do_pseudo_spill_move(I = #pseudo_spill_move{temp=Temp}, TempMap, _Strategy) ->
+ %% Temp is above the low water mark and must not have been spilled
+ false = temp_is_spilled(Temp, TempMap),
+ {[I], false}. % nothing to do
do_pseudo_switch(I=#pseudo_switch{jtab=JTab,index=Index}, TempMap, Strategy) ->
{FixJTab,NewJTab,DidSpill1} = fix_src1(JTab, TempMap, Strategy),
{FixIndex,NewIndex,DidSpill2} = fix_src2(Index, TempMap, Strategy),
diff --git a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_subst.erl b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_subst.erl
index 7510c197bd..4ff245f414 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_subst.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/arm/hipe_arm_subst.erl
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
%% limitations under the License.
+-export([insn_temps/2, insn_lbls/2]).
%% These should be moved to hipe_arm and exported
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
-type am3() :: #am3{}.
-type arg() :: temp() | integer().
-type funv() :: #arm_mfa{} | #arm_prim{} | temp().
+-type label() :: non_neg_integer().
-type insn() :: tuple(). % for now
-type subst_fun() :: fun((temp()) -> temp()).
@@ -58,6 +59,8 @@ insn_temps(T, I) ->
#pseudo_call{funv=F} -> I#pseudo_call{funv=funv_temps(T, F)};
#pseudo_call_prepare{} -> I;
#pseudo_li{dst=D} -> I#pseudo_li{dst=T(D)};
+ #pseudo_spill_move{dst=D,temp=U,src=S} ->
+ I#pseudo_spill_move{dst=T(D),temp=T(U),src=T(S)};
#pseudo_switch{jtab=J=#arm_temp{},index=Ix=#arm_temp{}} ->
#pseudo_tailcall{funv=F,stkargs=Stk} ->
@@ -103,3 +106,22 @@ funv_temps(SubstTemp, T=#arm_temp{}) -> SubstTemp(T).
-spec arg_temps(subst_fun(), arg()) -> arg().
arg_temps(_SubstTemp, Imm) when is_integer(Imm) -> Imm;
arg_temps(SubstTemp, T=#arm_temp{}) -> SubstTemp(T).
+-type lbl_subst_fun() :: fun((label()) -> label()).
+%% @doc Maps over the branch targets in an instruction
+-spec insn_lbls(lbl_subst_fun(), insn()) -> insn().
+insn_lbls(SubstLbl, I) ->
+ case I of
+ #b_label{label=Label} ->
+ I#b_label{label=SubstLbl(Label)};
+ #pseudo_bc{true_label=T, false_label=F} ->
+ I#pseudo_bc{true_label=SubstLbl(T), false_label=SubstLbl(F)};
+ #pseudo_call{sdesc=Sdesc, contlab=Contlab} ->
+ I#pseudo_call{sdesc=sdesc_lbls(SubstLbl, Sdesc),
+ contlab=SubstLbl(Contlab)}
+ end.
+sdesc_lbls(_SubstLbl, Sdesc=#arm_sdesc{exnlab=[]}) -> Sdesc;
+sdesc_lbls(SubstLbl, Sdesc=#arm_sdesc{exnlab=Exnlab}) ->
+ Sdesc#arm_sdesc{exnlab=SubstLbl(Exnlab)}.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/main/hipe.app.src b/lib/hipe/main/hipe.app.src
index af2c02006d..de0b255c01 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/main/hipe.app.src
+++ b/lib/hipe/main/hipe.app.src
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
+ hipe_bb_weights,
@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@
+ hipe_dsets,
@@ -146,9 +148,11 @@
+ hipe_range_split,
+ hipe_restore_reuse,
diff --git a/lib/hipe/main/hipe.erl b/lib/hipe/main/hipe.erl
index fff397b060..19b4e8bfe2 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/main/hipe.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/main/hipe.erl
@@ -1230,6 +1230,18 @@ option_text(regalloc) ->
" optimistic - another variant of a coalescing allocator";
option_text(remove_comments) ->
"Strip comments from intermediate code";
+option_text(ra_range_split) ->
+ "Split live ranges of temporaries live over call instructions\n"
+ "before performing register allocation.\n"
+ "Heuristically tries to move stack accesses to the cold path of function.\n"
+ "This range splitter is more sophisticated than 'ra_restore_reuse', but has\n"
+ "a significantly larger impact on compile time.\n"
+ "Should only be used with move coalescing register allocators.";
+option_text(ra_restore_reuse) ->
+ "Split live ranges of temporaries such that straight-line\n"
+ "code will not need to contain multiple restores from the same stack\n"
+ "location.\n"
+ "Should only be used with move coalescing register allocators.";
option_text(rtl_ssa) ->
"Perform SSA conversion on the RTL level -- default starting at O2";
option_text(rtl_ssa_const_prop) ->
@@ -1371,6 +1383,12 @@ opt_keys() ->
+ ra_range_split,
+ ra_restore_reuse,
+ range_split_min_gain,
+ range_split_mode1_fudge,
+ range_split_weight_power,
+ range_split_weights,
@@ -1409,7 +1427,8 @@ o1_opts(TargetArch) ->
icode_ssa_const_prop, icode_ssa_copy_prop, icode_inline_bifs,
rtl_ssa, rtl_ssa_const_prop, rtl_ssapre,
spillmin_color, use_indexing, remove_comments,
- binary_opt, {regalloc,coalescing} | o0_opts(TargetArch)],
+ binary_opt, {regalloc,coalescing}, ra_restore_reuse
+ | o0_opts(TargetArch)],
case TargetArch of
ultrasparc ->
@@ -1429,7 +1448,8 @@ o1_opts(TargetArch) ->
o2_opts(TargetArch) ->
Common = [icode_type, icode_call_elim, % icode_ssa_struct_reuse,
- rtl_lcm | (o1_opts(TargetArch) -- [rtl_ssapre])],
+ ra_range_split, range_split_weights, % XXX: Having defaults here is ugly
+ rtl_lcm | (o1_opts(TargetArch) -- [rtl_ssapre, ra_restore_reuse])],
case TargetArch of
T when T =:= amd64 orelse T =:= ppc64 -> % 64-bit targets
[icode_range | Common];
@@ -1477,6 +1497,9 @@ opt_negations() ->
{no_pp_rtl_ssapre, pp_rtl_ssapre},
{no_ra_partitioned, ra_partitioned},
{no_ra_prespill, ra_prespill},
+ {no_ra_range_split, ra_range_split},
+ {no_ra_restore_reuse, ra_restore_reuse},
+ {no_range_split_weights, range_split_weights},
{no_remove_comments, remove_comments},
{no_rtl_ssa, rtl_ssa},
{no_rtl_ssa_const_prop, rtl_ssa_const_prop},
diff --git a/lib/hipe/opt/Makefile b/lib/hipe/opt/Makefile
index 684d6f45b4..5a729d04ae 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/opt/Makefile
+++ b/lib/hipe/opt/Makefile
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ RELSYSDIR = $(RELEASE_PATH)/lib/hipe-$(VSN)
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Target Specs
# ----------------------------------------------------
-MODULES = hipe_spillmin hipe_spillmin_color hipe_spillmin_scan
+MODULES = hipe_spillmin hipe_spillmin_color hipe_spillmin_scan \
+ hipe_bb_weights
diff --git a/lib/hipe/opt/hipe_bb_weights.erl b/lib/hipe/opt/hipe_bb_weights.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ef113b94c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/opt/hipe_bb_weights.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% Computes basic block weights by using branch probabilities as weights in a
+%% linear equation system, that is then solved using Gauss-Jordan Elimination.
+%% The equation system representation is intentionally sparse, since most blocks
+%% have at most two successors.
+-export([compute/3, compute_fast/3, weight/2, call_exn_pred/0]).
+%% If the equation system is large, it might take too long to solve it exactly.
+%% Thus, if there are more than ?HEUR_MAX_SOLVE labels, we use the iterative
+%% approximation.
+-define(HEUR_MAX_SOLVE, 10000).
+-opaque bb_weights() :: #{label() => float()}.
+-type cfg() :: any().
+-type target_module() :: module().
+-type target_context() :: any().
+-type target() :: {target_module(), target_context()}.
+-type label() :: integer().
+-type var() :: label().
+-type assignment() :: {var(), float()}.
+-type eq_assoc() :: [{var(), key()}].
+-type solution() :: [assignment()].
+%% Constant. Predicted probability of a call resulting in an exception.
+-spec call_exn_pred() -> float().
+call_exn_pred() -> 0.01.
+-spec compute(cfg(), target_module(), target_context()) -> bb_weights().
+compute(CFG, TgtMod, TgtCtx) ->
+ Target = {TgtMod, TgtCtx},
+ Labels = labels(CFG, Target),
+ if length(Labels) > ?HEUR_MAX_SOLVE ->
+ ?debug_msg("~w: Too many labels (~w), approximating.~n",
+ [?MODULE, length(Labels)]),
+ compute_fast(CFG, TgtMod, TgtCtx);
+ true ->
+ {EqSys, EqAssoc} = build_eq_system(CFG, Labels, Target),
+ case solve(EqSys, EqAssoc) of
+ {ok, Solution} ->
+ maps:from_list(Solution)
+ end
+ end.
+-spec build_eq_system(cfg(), [label()], target()) -> {eq_system(), eq_assoc()}.
+build_eq_system(CFG, Labels, Target) ->
+ StartLb = hipe_gen_cfg:start_label(CFG),
+ EQS0 = eqs_new(),
+ {EQS1, Assoc} = build_eq_system(Labels, CFG, Target, [], EQS0),
+ {StartLb, StartKey} = lists:keyfind(StartLb, 1, Assoc),
+ StartRow0 = eqs_get(StartKey, EQS1),
+ StartRow = row_set_const(-1.0, StartRow0), % -1.0 since StartLb coef is -1.0
+ EQS = eqs_put(StartKey, StartRow, EQS1),
+ {EQS, Assoc}.
+build_eq_system([], _CFG, _Target, Map, EQS) -> {EQS, lists:reverse(Map)};
+build_eq_system([L|Ls], CFG, Target, Map, EQS0) ->
+ PredProb = pred_prob(L, CFG, Target),
+ {Key, EQS} = eqs_insert(row_new([{L, -1.0}|PredProb], 0.0), EQS0),
+ build_eq_system(Ls, CFG, Target, [{L, Key}|Map], EQS).
+pred_prob(L, CFG, Target) ->
+ [begin
+ BB = bb(CFG, Pred, Target),
+ Ps = branch_preds(hipe_bb:last(BB), Target),
+ ?ASSERT(length(lists:ukeysort(1, Ps))
+ =:= length(hipe_gen_cfg:succ(CFG, Pred))),
+ case lists:keyfind(L, 1, Ps) of
+ {L, Prob} when is_float(Prob) -> {Pred, Prob}
+ end
+ end || Pred <- hipe_gen_cfg:pred(CFG, L)].
+-spec triangelise(eq_system(), eq_assoc()) -> {eq_system(), eq_assoc()}.
+triangelise(EQS, VKs) ->
+ triangelise_1(mk_triix(EQS, VKs), []).
+triangelise_1(TIX0, Acc) ->
+ case triix_is_empty(TIX0) of
+ true -> {triix_eqs(TIX0), lists:reverse(Acc)};
+ false ->
+ {V,Key,TIX1} = triix_pop_smallest(TIX0),
+ Row0 = triix_get(Key, TIX1),
+ case row_get(V, Row0) of
+ Coef when Coef > -0.0001, Coef < 0.0001 ->
+ throw(error);
+ _ ->
+ Row = row_normalise(V, Row0),
+ TIX2 = triix_put(Key, Row, TIX1),
+ TIX = eliminate_triix(V, Key, Row, TIX2),
+ triangelise_1(TIX, [{V,Key}|Acc])
+ end
+ end.
+%% Triangelisation maintains its own index, outside of eqs. This index is
+%% essentially a BST (used as a heap) of all equations by size, with {Key,Var}
+%% as the values and only containing a subset of all the keys in the whole
+%% equation system. The key operation is triix_pop_smallest/1, which pops a
+%% {Key,Var} from the heap corresponding to one of the smallest equations. This
+%% is critical in order to prevent the equations from growing during
+%% triangelisation, which would make the algorithm O(n^2) in the common case.
+-type tri_eq_system() :: {eq_system(),
+ gb_trees:tree(non_neg_integer(),
+ gb_trees:tree(key(), var()))}.
+triix_eqs({EQS, _}) -> EQS.
+triix_get(Key, {EQS, _}) -> eqs_get(Key, EQS).
+triix_is_empty({_, Tree}) -> gb_trees:is_empty(Tree).
+triix_lookup(V, {EQS, _}) -> eqs_lookup(V, EQS).
+mk_triix(EQS, VKs) ->
+ {EQS,
+ lists:foldl(fun({V,Key}, Tree) ->
+ Size = row_size(eqs_get(Key, EQS)),
+ sitree_insert(Size, Key, V, Tree)
+ end, gb_trees:empty(), VKs)}.
+sitree_insert(Size, Key, V, SiTree) ->
+ SubTree1 =
+ case gb_trees:lookup(Size, SiTree) of
+ none -> gb_trees:empty();
+ {value, SubTree0} -> SubTree0
+ end,
+ SubTree = gb_trees:insert(Key, V, SubTree1),
+ gb_trees:enter(Size, SubTree, SiTree).
+sitree_update_subtree(Size, SubTree, SiTree) ->
+ case gb_trees:is_empty(SubTree) of
+ true -> gb_trees:delete(Size, SiTree);
+ false -> gb_trees:update(Size, SubTree, SiTree)
+ end.
+triix_put(Key, Row, {EQS, Tree0}) ->
+ OldSize = row_size(eqs_get(Key, EQS)),
+ case row_size(Row) of
+ OldSize -> {eqs_put(Key, Row, EQS), Tree0};
+ Size ->
+ Tree =
+ case gb_trees:lookup(OldSize, Tree0) of
+ none -> Tree0;
+ {value, SubTree0} ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(Key, SubTree0) of
+ none -> Tree0;
+ {value, V} ->
+ SubTree = gb_trees:delete(Key, SubTree0),
+ Tree1 = sitree_update_subtree(OldSize, SubTree, Tree0),
+ sitree_insert(Size, Key, V, Tree1)
+ end
+ end,
+ {eqs_put(Key, Row, EQS), Tree}
+ end.
+triix_pop_smallest({EQS, Tree}) ->
+ {Size, SubTree0} = gb_trees:smallest(Tree),
+ {Key, V, SubTree} = gb_trees:take_smallest(SubTree0),
+ {V, Key, {EQS, sitree_update_subtree(Size, SubTree, Tree)}}.
+row_normalise(Var, Row) ->
+ %% Normalise v's coef to 1.0
+ %% row_set_coef ensures the coef is exactly 1.0 (no rounding errors)
+ row_set_coef(Var, 1.0, row_scale(Row, 1.0/row_get(Var, Row))).
+%% Precondition: Row must be normalised; i.e. Vars coef must be 1.0 (mod
+%% rounding errors)
+-spec eliminate(var(), key(), row(), eq_system()) -> eq_system().
+eliminate(Var, Key, Row, TIX0) ->
+ eliminate_abstr(Var, Key, Row, TIX0,
+ fun eqs_get/2, fun eqs_lookup/2, fun eqs_put/3).
+-spec eliminate_triix(var(), key(), row(), tri_eq_system()) -> tri_eq_system().
+eliminate_triix(Var, Key, Row, TIX0) ->
+ eliminate_abstr(Var, Key, Row, TIX0,
+ fun triix_get/2, fun triix_lookup/2, fun triix_put/3).
+%% The same function implemented for two data types, eqs and triix.
+-compile({inline, eliminate_abstr/7}).
+-spec eliminate_abstr(var(), key(), row(), ADT, fun((key(), ADT) -> row()),
+ fun((var(), ADT) -> [key()]),
+ fun((key(), row(), ADT) -> ADT)) -> ADT.
+eliminate_abstr(Var, Key, Row, ADT0, GetFun, LookupFun, PutFun) ->
+ ?ASSERT(1.0 =:= row_get(Var, Row)),
+ ADT =
+ lists:foldl(fun(RK, ADT1) when RK =:= Key -> ADT1;
+ (RK, ADT1) ->
+ R = GetFun(RK, ADT1),
+ PutFun(RK, row_addmul(R, Row, -row_get(Var, R)), ADT1)
+ end, ADT0, LookupFun(Var, ADT0)),
+ [Key] = LookupFun(Var, ADT),
+ ADT.
+-spec solve(eq_system(), eq_assoc()) -> error | {ok, solution()}.
+solve(EQS0, EqAssoc0) ->
+ try triangelise(EQS0, EqAssoc0)
+ of {EQS1, EqAssoc} ->
+ {ok, solve_1(EqAssoc, maps:from_list(EqAssoc), EQS1, [])}
+ catch error -> error
+ end.
+solve_1([], _VarEqs, _EQS, Acc) -> Acc;
+solve_1([{V,K}|Ps], VarEqs, EQS0, Acc0) ->
+ Row0 = eqs_get(K, EQS0),
+ VarsToKill = [Var || {Var, _} <- row_coefs(Row0), Var =/= V],
+ Row1 = kill_vars(VarsToKill, VarEqs, EQS0, Row0),
+ [{V,_}] = row_coefs(Row1), % assertion
+ Row = row_normalise(V, Row1),
+ [{V,1.0}] = row_coefs(Row), % assertion
+ EQS = eliminate(V, K, Row, EQS0),
+ [K] = eqs_lookup(V, EQS),
+ solve_1(Ps, VarEqs, eqs_remove(K, EQS), [{V, row_const(Row)}|Acc0]).
+kill_vars([], _VarEqs, _EQS, Row) -> Row;
+kill_vars([V|Vs], VarEqs, EQS, Row0) ->
+ VRow0 = eqs_get(maps:get(V, VarEqs), EQS),
+ VRow = row_normalise(V, VRow0),
+ ?ASSERT(1.0 =:= row_get(V, VRow)),
+ Row = row_addmul(Row0, VRow, -row_get(V, Row0)),
+ ?ASSERT(0.0 =:= row_get(V, Row)), % V has been killed
+ kill_vars(Vs, VarEqs, EQS, Row).
+-spec weight(label(), bb_weights()) -> float().
+weight(Lbl, Weights) ->
+ maps:get(Lbl, Weights).
+%% Row datatype
+%% Invariant: No 0.0 coefficiets!
+-spec row_empty() -> row().
+row_empty() -> {orddict:new(), 0.0}.
+-spec row_new([{var(), float()}], float()) -> row().
+row_new(Coefs, Const) when is_float(Const) ->
+ row_ensure_invar({row_squash_multiples(lists:keysort(1, Coefs)), Const}).
+row_squash_multiples([{K, C1},{K, C2}|Ps]) ->
+ row_squash_multiples([{K,C1+C2}|Ps]);
+row_squash_multiples([P|Ps]) -> [P|row_squash_multiples(Ps)];
+row_squash_multiples([]) -> [].
+row_ensure_invar({Coef, Const}) ->
+ {orddict:filter(fun(_, 0.0) -> false; (_, F) when is_float(F) -> true end,
+ Coef), Const}.
+row_const({_, Const}) -> Const.
+row_coefs({Coefs, _}) -> orddict:to_list(Coefs).
+row_size({Coefs, _}) -> orddict:size(Coefs).
+row_get(Var, {Coefs, _}) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Var, 1, Coefs) of
+ false -> 0.0;
+ {_, Coef} -> Coef
+ end.
+row_set_coef(Var, 0.0, {Coefs, Const}) ->
+ {orddict:erase(Var, Coefs), Const};
+row_set_coef(Var, Coef, {Coefs, Const}) ->
+ {orddict:store(Var, Coef, Coefs), Const}.
+row_set_const(Const, {Coefs, _}) -> {Coefs, Const}.
+%% Lhs + Rhs*Factor
+-spec row_addmul(row(), row(), float()) -> row().
+row_addmul({LhsCoefs, LhsConst}, {RhsCoefs, RhsConst}, Factor)
+ when is_float(Factor) ->
+ Coefs = row_addmul_coefs(LhsCoefs, RhsCoefs, Factor),
+ Const = LhsConst + RhsConst * Factor,
+ {Coefs, Const}.
+row_addmul_coefs(Ls, [], Factor) when is_float(Factor) -> Ls;
+row_addmul_coefs([], Rs, Factor) when is_float(Factor) ->
+ row_scale_coefs(Rs, Factor);
+row_addmul_coefs([L={LV, _}|Ls], Rs=[{RV,_}|_], Factor)
+ when LV < RV, is_float(Factor) ->
+ [L|row_addmul_coefs(Ls, Rs, Factor)];
+row_addmul_coefs(Ls=[{LV, _}|_], [{RV, RC}|Rs], Factor)
+ when LV > RV, is_float(RC), is_float(Factor) ->
+ [{RV, RC*Factor}|row_addmul_coefs(Ls, Rs, Factor)];
+row_addmul_coefs([{V, LC}|Ls], [{V, RC}|Rs], Factor)
+ when is_float(LC), is_float(RC), is_float(Factor) ->
+ case LC + RC * Factor of
+ 0.0 -> row_addmul_coefs(Ls, Rs, Factor);
+ C -> [{V,C}|row_addmul_coefs(Ls, Rs, Factor)]
+ end.
+row_scale(_, 0.0) -> row_empty();
+row_scale({RowCoefs, RowConst}, Factor) when is_float(Factor) ->
+ {row_scale_coefs(RowCoefs, Factor), RowConst * Factor}.
+row_scale_coefs([{V,C}|Cs], Factor) when is_float(Factor), is_float(C) ->
+ [{V,C*Factor}|row_scale_coefs(Cs, Factor)];
+row_scale_coefs([], Factor) when is_float(Factor) ->
+ [].
+%% Equation system ADT
+%% Stores a linear equation system, allowing for efficient updates and efficient
+%% queries for all equations mentioning a variable.
+%% It is sort of like a "database" table of {Primary, Terms, Const} indexed both
+%% on Primary as well as the vars (map keys) in Terms.
+-type row() :: {Terms :: orddict:orddict(var(), float()),
+ Const :: float()}.
+-type key() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type rev_index() :: #{var() => ordsets:ordset(key())}.
+-record(eq_system, {
+ rows = #{} :: #{key() => row()},
+ revidx = revidx_empty() :: rev_index(),
+ next_key = 0 :: key()
+ }).
+-type eq_system() :: #eq_system{}.
+eqs_new() -> #eq_system{}.
+-spec eqs_insert(row(), eq_system()) -> {key(), eq_system()}.
+eqs_insert(Row, EQS=#eq_system{next_key=NextKey0}) ->
+ Key = NextKey0,
+ NextKey = NextKey0 + 1,
+ {Key, eqs_insert(Key, Row, EQS#eq_system{next_key=NextKey})}.
+eqs_insert(Key, Row, EQS=#eq_system{rows=Rows, revidx=RevIdx0}) ->
+ RevIdx = revidx_add(Key, Row, RevIdx0),
+ EQS#eq_system{rows=Rows#{Key => Row}, revidx=RevIdx}.
+eqs_put(Key, Row, EQS0) ->
+ eqs_insert(Key, Row, eqs_remove(Key, EQS0)).
+eqs_remove(Key, EQS=#eq_system{rows=Rows, revidx=RevIdx0}) ->
+ OldRow = maps:get(Key, Rows),
+ RevIdx = revidx_remove(Key, OldRow, RevIdx0),
+ EQS#eq_system{rows = maps:remove(Key, Rows), revidx=RevIdx}.
+-spec eqs_get(key(), eq_system()) -> row().
+eqs_get(Key, #eq_system{rows=Rows}) -> maps:get(Key, Rows).
+%% Keys of all equations containing a nonzero coefficient for Var
+-spec eqs_lookup(var(), eq_system()) -> ordsets:ordset(key()).
+eqs_lookup(Var, #eq_system{revidx=RevIdx}) -> maps:get(Var, RevIdx).
+%% eqs_rows(#eq_system{rows=Rows}) -> maps:to_list(Rows).
+%% eqs_print(EQS) ->
+%% lists:foreach(fun({_, Row}) ->
+%% row_print(Row)
+%% end, lists:sort(eqs_rows(EQS))).
+%% row_print(Row) ->
+%% CoefStrs = [io_lib:format("~wl~w", [Coef, Var])
+%% || {Var, Coef} <- row_coefs(Row)],
+%% CoefStr = lists:join(" + ", CoefStrs),
+%% io:format("~w = ~s~n", [row_const(Row), CoefStr]).
+revidx_empty() -> #{}.
+-spec revidx_add(key(), row(), rev_index()) -> rev_index().
+revidx_add(Key, Row, RevIdx0) ->
+ orddict:fold(fun(Var, _Coef, RevIdx1) ->
+ ?ASSERT(_Coef /= 0.0),
+ RevIdx1#{Var => ordsets:add_element(
+ Key, maps:get(Var, RevIdx1, ordsets:new()))}
+ end, RevIdx0, row_coefs(Row)).
+-spec revidx_remove(key(), row(), rev_index()) -> rev_index().
+revidx_remove(Key, {Coefs, _}, RevIdx0) ->
+ orddict:fold(fun(Var, _Coef, RevIdx1) ->
+ case RevIdx1 of
+ #{Var := Keys0} ->
+ case ordsets:del_element(Key, Keys0) of
+ [] -> maps:remove(Var, RevIdx1);
+ Keys -> RevIdx1#{Var := Keys}
+ end
+ end
+ end, RevIdx0, Coefs).
+-define(FAST_ITERATIONS, 5).
+%% @doc Computes a rough approximation of BB weights. The approximation is
+%% particularly poor (converges slowly) for recursive functions and loops.
+-spec compute_fast(cfg(), target_module(), target_context()) -> bb_weights().
+compute_fast(CFG, TgtMod, TgtCtx) ->
+ Target = {TgtMod, TgtCtx},
+ StartLb = hipe_gen_cfg:start_label(CFG),
+ RPO = reverse_postorder(CFG, Target),
+ PredProbs = [{L, pred_prob(L, CFG, Target)} || L <- RPO, L =/= StartLb],
+ Probs0 = (maps:from_list([{L, 0.0} || L <- RPO]))#{StartLb := 1.0},
+ fast_iterate(?FAST_ITERATIONS, PredProbs, Probs0).
+fast_iterate(0, _Pred, Probs) -> Probs;
+fast_iterate(Iters, Pred, Probs0) ->
+ fast_iterate(Iters-1, Pred,
+ fast_one(Pred, Probs0)).
+fast_one([{L, Pred}|Ls], Probs0) ->
+ Weight = fast_sum(Pred, Probs0, 0.0),
+ Probs = Probs0#{L => Weight},
+ fast_one(Ls, Probs);
+fast_one([], Probs) ->
+ Probs.
+fast_sum([{P,EWt}|Pred], Probs, Acc) when is_float(EWt), is_float(Acc) ->
+ case Probs of
+ #{P := PWt} when is_float(PWt) ->
+ fast_sum(Pred, Probs, Acc + PWt * EWt)
+ end;
+fast_sum([], _Probs, Acc) when is_float(Acc) ->
+ Acc.
+%% Target module interface functions
+-define(TGT_IFACE_0(N), N( {M,C}) -> M:N( C)).
+-define(TGT_IFACE_1(N), N(A1, {M,C}) -> M:N(A1, C)).
+-define(TGT_IFACE_2(N), N(A1,A2, {M,C}) -> M:N(A1,A2, C)).
+-define(TGT_IFACE_3(N), N(A1,A2,A3,{M,C}) -> M:N(A1,A2,A3,C)).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/opt/hipe_spillmin_color.erl b/lib/hipe/opt/hipe_spillmin_color.erl
index 41f1972df7..f87d9a5b61 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/opt/hipe_spillmin_color.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/opt/hipe_spillmin_color.erl
@@ -166,9 +166,13 @@ remap_temp_map0(Cols, [_Y|Ys], SpillIndex) ->
build_ig(CFG, Live, Target, TempMap) ->
- try build_ig0(CFG, Live, Target, TempMap)
- catch error:Rsn -> exit({regalloc, build_ig, Rsn})
- end.
+ TempMapping = map_spilled_temporaries(TempMap),
+ TempMappingTable = setup_ets(TempMapping),
+ NumSpilled = length(TempMapping),
+ IG = build_ig_bbs(labels(CFG, Target), CFG, Live, empty_ig(NumSpilled),
+ Target, TempMap, TempMappingTable),
+ ets:delete(TempMappingTable),
+ {normalize_ig(IG), NumSpilled}.
%% Creates an ETS table consisting of the keys given in List, with the values
%% being an integer which is the position of the key in List.
@@ -183,15 +187,6 @@ setup_ets0([X|Xs], Table, N) ->
ets:insert(Table, {X, N}),
setup_ets0(Xs, Table, N+1).
-build_ig0(CFG, Live, Target, TempMap) ->
- TempMapping = map_spilled_temporaries(TempMap),
- TempMappingTable = setup_ets(TempMapping),
- NumSpilled = length(TempMapping),
- IG = build_ig_bbs(labels(CFG, Target), CFG, Live, empty_ig(NumSpilled),
- Target, TempMap, TempMappingTable),
- ets:delete(TempMappingTable),
- {normalize_ig(IG), NumSpilled}.
build_ig_bbs([], _CFG, _Live, IG, _Target, _TempMap, _TempMapping) ->
build_ig_bbs([L|Ls], CFG, Live, IG, Target, TempMap, TempMapping) ->
@@ -212,16 +207,26 @@ build_ig_bb([X|Xs], LiveOut, IG, Target, TempMap, TempMapping) ->
build_ig_bb(Xs, LiveOut, IG, Target, TempMap, TempMapping),
build_ig_instr(X, Live, NewIG, Target, TempMap, TempMapping).
-build_ig_instr(X, Live, IG, Target, TempMap, TempMapping) ->
+build_ig_instr(X, Live0, IG0, Target, TempMap, TempMapping) ->
{Def, Use} = def_use(X, Target, TempMap),
- ?report3("Live ~w\n~w : Def: ~w Use ~w\n",[Live, X, Def,Use]),
+ ?report3("Live ~w\n~w : Def: ~w Use ~w\n",[Live0, X, Def,Use]),
DefListMapped = list_map(Def, TempMapping, []),
UseListMapped = list_map(Use, TempMapping, []),
DefSetMapped = ordsets:from_list(DefListMapped),
UseSetMapped = ordsets:from_list(UseListMapped),
- NewIG = interference_arcs(DefListMapped, ordsets:to_list(Live), IG),
- NewLive = ordsets:union(UseSetMapped, ordsets:subtract(Live, DefSetMapped)),
- {NewLive, NewIG}.
+ {Live1, IG1} =
+ analyze_move(X, Live0, IG0, Target, DefSetMapped, UseSetMapped),
+ IG = interference_arcs(DefListMapped, ordsets:to_list(Live1), IG1),
+ Live = ordsets:union(UseSetMapped, ordsets:subtract(Live1, DefSetMapped)),
+ {Live, IG}.
+analyze_move(X, Live0, IG0, Target, DefSetMapped, UseSetMapped) ->
+ case {is_spill_move(X, Target), DefSetMapped, UseSetMapped} of
+ {true, [Dst], [Src]} ->
+ {ordsets:del_element(Src, Live0), add_move(Src, Dst, IG0)};
+ {_, _, _} ->
+ {Live0, IG0}
+ end.
%% Given a list of Keys and an ets-table returns a list of the elements
%% in Mapping corresponding to the Keys and appends Acc to this list.
@@ -271,15 +276,6 @@ i_arcs(X, [Y|Ys], IG) ->
%% throw an exception (the caller should retry with more stack slots)
color(IG, StackSlots, NumNodes, Target) ->
- try
- color_0(IG, StackSlots, NumNodes, Target)
- catch
- error:Rsn ->
- ?error_msg("Coloring failed with ~p~n", [Rsn]),
- ?EXIT(Rsn)
- end.
-color_0(IG, StackSlots, NumNodes, Target) ->
?report("simplification of IG~n", []),
K = ordsets:size(StackSlots),
Nodes = list_ig(IG),
@@ -382,7 +378,8 @@ select_colors([{X,colorable}|Xs], IG, Cols, PhysRegs) ->
select_color(X, IG, Cols, PhysRegs) ->
UsedColors = get_colors(neighbors(X, IG), Cols),
- Reg = select_unused_color(UsedColors, PhysRegs),
+ Preferences = get_colors(move_connected(X, IG), Cols),
+ Reg = select_unused_color(UsedColors, Preferences, PhysRegs),
{Reg, set_color(X, Reg, Cols)}.
@@ -396,10 +393,14 @@ get_colors([X|Xs], Cols) ->
[R|get_colors(Xs, Cols)]
-select_unused_color(UsedColors, PhysRegs) ->
+select_unused_color(UsedColors, Preferences, PhysRegs) ->
Summary = ordsets:from_list(UsedColors),
- AvailRegs = ordsets:to_list(ordsets:subtract(PhysRegs, Summary)),
- hd(AvailRegs).
+ case ordsets:subtract(ordsets:from_list(Preferences), Summary) of
+ [PreferredColor|_] -> PreferredColor;
+ _ ->
+ AvailRegs = ordsets:to_list(ordsets:subtract(PhysRegs, Summary)),
+ hd(AvailRegs)
+ end.
push_colored(X, Stk) ->
[{X, colorable} | Stk].
@@ -456,7 +457,11 @@ init_stackslots(NumSlots, Acc) ->
%% Note: later on, we may wish to add 'move-related' support.
--record(ig_info, {neighbors = [] :: [_], degree = 0 :: non_neg_integer()}).
+-record(ig_info, {
+ neighbors = [] :: [_],
+ degree = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ move_connected = [] :: [_]
+ }).
empty_ig(NumNodes) ->
hipe_vectors:new(NumNodes, #ig_info{}).
@@ -467,16 +472,29 @@ degree(Info) ->
neighbors(Info) ->
+move_connected(Info) ->
+ Info#ig_info.move_connected.
add_edge(X, X, IG) -> IG;
add_edge(X, Y, IG) ->
add_arc(X, Y, add_arc(Y, X, IG)).
+add_move(X, X, IG) -> IG;
+add_move(X, Y, IG) ->
+ add_move_arc(X, Y, add_move_arc(Y, X, IG)).
add_arc(X, Y, IG) ->
Info = hipe_vectors:get(IG, X),
Old = neighbors(Info),
New = Info#ig_info{neighbors = [Y|Old]},
+add_move_arc(X, Y, IG) ->
+ Info = hipe_vectors:get(IG, X),
+ Old = move_connected(Info),
+ New = Info#ig_info{move_connected = [Y|Old]},
+ hipe_vectors:set(IG,X,New).
normalize_ig(IG) ->
Size = hipe_vectors:size(IG),
normalize_ig(Size-1, IG).
@@ -486,7 +504,8 @@ normalize_ig(-1, IG) ->
normalize_ig(I, IG) ->
Info = hipe_vectors:get(IG, I),
N = ordsets:from_list(neighbors(Info)),
- NewInfo = Info#ig_info{neighbors = N, degree = length(N)},
+ M = ordsets:subtract(ordsets:from_list(move_connected(Info)), N),
+ NewInfo = Info#ig_info{neighbors = N, degree = length(N), move_connected = M},
NewIG = hipe_vectors:set(IG, I, NewInfo),
normalize_ig(I-1, NewIG).
@@ -494,6 +513,10 @@ neighbors(X, IG) ->
Info = hipe_vectors:get(IG, X),
+move_connected(X, IG) ->
+ Info = hipe_vectors:get(IG, X),
+ Info#ig_info.move_connected.
decrement_degree(X, IG) ->
Info = hipe_vectors:get(IG, X),
Degree = degree(Info),
@@ -555,3 +578,6 @@ def_use(X, Target={TgtMod,TgtCtx}, TempMap) ->
reg_names(Regs, {TgtMod,TgtCtx}) ->
[TgtMod:reg_nr(X,TgtCtx) || X <- Regs].
+is_spill_move(Instr, {TgtMod,TgtCtx}) ->
+ TgtMod:is_spill_move(Instr, TgtCtx).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc.erl b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc.erl
index df9f193fa3..63ecd0a0b8 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc.erl
@@ -98,6 +98,9 @@
+ mk_pseudo_spill_move/3,
+ is_pseudo_spill_move/1,
@@ -131,6 +134,9 @@
+ mk_pseudo_spill_fmove/3,
+ is_pseudo_spill_fmove/1,
@@ -412,6 +418,10 @@ is_pseudo_move(I) -> case I of #pseudo_move{} -> true; _ -> false end.
pseudo_move_dst(#pseudo_move{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
pseudo_move_src(#pseudo_move{src=Src}) -> Src.
+mk_pseudo_spill_move(Dst, Temp, Src) ->
+ #pseudo_spill_move{dst=Dst, temp=Temp, src=Src}.
+is_pseudo_spill_move(I) -> is_record(I, pseudo_spill_move).
mk_pseudo_tailcall(FunC, Arity, StkArgs, Linkage) ->
#pseudo_tailcall{func=FunC, arity=Arity, stkargs=StkArgs, linkage=Linkage}.
pseudo_tailcall_func(#pseudo_tailcall{func=FunC}) -> FunC.
@@ -495,6 +505,10 @@ is_pseudo_fmove(I) -> case I of #pseudo_fmove{} -> true; _ -> false end.
pseudo_fmove_dst(#pseudo_fmove{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
pseudo_fmove_src(#pseudo_fmove{src=Src}) -> Src.
+mk_pseudo_spill_fmove(Dst, Temp, Src) ->
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{dst=Dst, temp=Temp, src=Src}.
+is_pseudo_spill_fmove(I) -> is_record(I, pseudo_spill_fmove).
mk_defun(MFA, Formals, IsClosure, IsLeaf, Code, Data, VarRange, LabelRange) ->
#defun{mfa=MFA, formals=Formals, code=Code, data=Data,
isclosure=IsClosure, isleaf=IsLeaf,
diff --git a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc.hrl b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc.hrl
index a96692c52e..3eef8be487 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc.hrl
+++ b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc.hrl
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
-record(pseudo_call_prepare, {nrstkargs}).
-record(pseudo_li, {dst, imm}).
-record(pseudo_move, {dst, src}).
+-record(pseudo_spill_move, {dst, temp, src}).
-record(pseudo_tailcall, {func, arity, stkargs, linkage}).
-record(pseudo_tailcall_prepare, {}).
-record(store, {stop, src, disp, base}). % non-indexed, non-update form
@@ -99,6 +100,7 @@
-record(fp_binary, {fp_binop, dst, src1, src2}).
-record(fp_unary, {fp_unop, dst, src}).
-record(pseudo_fmove, {dst, src}).
+-record(pseudo_spill_fmove, {dst, temp, src}).
%%% Function definitions.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_cfg.erl b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_cfg.erl
index f17c0ac503..d44d38f38d 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_cfg.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_cfg.erl
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
bb/2, bb_add/3]).
-export([linearise/1, params/1, reverse_postorder/1]).
-%%%-export([redirect_jmp/3, arity/1]).
+-export([redirect_jmp/3, arity/1]).
%%% these tell cfg.inc what to define (ugly as hell)
@@ -75,11 +75,30 @@ branch_successors(Branch) ->
#pseudo_tailcall{} -> []
+branch_preds(Branch) ->
+ case Branch of
+ #bctr{labels=Labels} ->
+ Prob = 1.0/length(Labels),
+ [{L, Prob} || L <- Labels];
+ #pseudo_bc{true_label=TrueLab,false_label=FalseLab,pred=Pred} ->
+ [{FalseLab, 1.0-Pred}, {TrueLab, Pred}];
+ #pseudo_call{contlab=ContLab, sdesc=#ppc_sdesc{exnlab=[]}} ->
+ %% A function can still cause an exception, even if we won't catch it
+ [{ContLab, 1.0-hipe_bb_weights:call_exn_pred()}];
+ #pseudo_call{contlab=ContLab, sdesc=#ppc_sdesc{exnlab=ExnLab}} ->
+ CallExnPred = hipe_bb_weights:call_exn_pred(),
+ [{ContLab, 1.0-CallExnPred}, {ExnLab, CallExnPred}];
+ _ ->
+ case branch_successors(Branch) of
+ [] -> [];
+ [Single] -> [{Single, 1.0}]
+ end
+ end.
fails_to(_Instr) -> [].
redirect_jmp(I, Old, New) ->
case I of
#b_label{label=Label} ->
@@ -93,10 +112,16 @@ redirect_jmp(I, Old, New) ->
if Old =:= FalseLab -> I1#pseudo_bc{false_label=New};
true -> I1
- %% handle pseudo_call too?
- _ -> I
+ #pseudo_call{sdesc=SDesc0, contlab=ContLab0} ->
+ SDesc = case SDesc0 of
+ #ppc_sdesc{exnlab=Old} -> SDesc0#ppc_sdesc{exnlab=New};
+ #ppc_sdesc{exnlab=_} -> SDesc0
+ end,
+ ContLab = if Old =:= ContLab0 -> New;
+ true -> ContLab0
+ end,
+ I#pseudo_call{sdesc=SDesc, contlab=ContLab}
mk_goto(Label) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_defuse.erl b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_defuse.erl
index 9a99611493..d8a864f7d5 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_defuse.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_defuse.erl
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ insn_def_gpr(I) ->
#pseudo_call{} -> call_clobbered_gpr();
#pseudo_li{dst=Dst} -> [Dst];
#pseudo_move{dst=Dst} -> [Dst];
+ #pseudo_spill_move{dst=Dst,temp=Temp} -> [Dst, Temp];
#pseudo_tailcall_prepare{} -> tailcall_clobbered_gpr();
#unary{dst=Dst} -> [Dst];
_ -> []
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ insn_use_gpr(I) ->
#mtspr{src=Src} -> [Src];
#pseudo_call{sdesc=#ppc_sdesc{arity=Arity}} -> arity_use_gpr(Arity);
#pseudo_move{src=Src} -> [Src];
+ #pseudo_spill_move{src=Src} -> [Src];
#pseudo_tailcall{arity=Arity,stkargs=StkArgs} ->
addsrcs(StkArgs, addtemps(tailcall_clobbered_gpr(), arity_use_gpr(Arity)));
#store{src=Src,base=Base} -> addtemp(Src, [Base]);
@@ -110,6 +112,7 @@ insn_def_fpr(I) ->
#fp_binary{dst=Dst} -> [Dst];
#fp_unary{dst=Dst} -> [Dst];
#pseudo_fmove{dst=Dst} -> [Dst];
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{dst=Dst,temp=Temp} -> [Dst, Temp];
_ -> []
@@ -126,6 +129,7 @@ insn_use_fpr(I) ->
#fp_binary{src1=Src1,src2=Src2} -> addtemp(Src1, [Src2]);
#fp_unary{src=Src} -> [Src];
#pseudo_fmove{src=Src} -> [Src];
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{src=Src} -> [Src];
_ -> []
diff --git a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_frame.erl b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_frame.erl
index a91cb18cc2..b88b75a5bd 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_frame.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_frame.erl
@@ -66,10 +66,14 @@ do_insn(I, LiveOut, Context, FPoff) ->
do_pseudo_call_prepare(I, FPoff);
#pseudo_move{} ->
{do_pseudo_move(I, Context, FPoff), FPoff};
+ #pseudo_spill_move{} ->
+ {do_pseudo_spill_move(I, Context, FPoff), FPoff};
#pseudo_tailcall{} ->
{do_pseudo_tailcall(I, Context), context_framesize(Context)};
#pseudo_fmove{} ->
{do_pseudo_fmove(I, Context, FPoff), FPoff};
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{} ->
+ {do_pseudo_spill_fmove(I, Context, FPoff), FPoff};
_ ->
{[I], FPoff}
@@ -98,6 +102,22 @@ do_pseudo_move(I, Context, FPoff) ->
+do_pseudo_spill_move(I, Context, FPoff) ->
+ #pseudo_spill_move{dst=Dst,temp=Temp,src=Src} = I,
+ case temp_is_pseudo(Src) andalso temp_is_pseudo(Dst) of
+ false -> % Register allocator changed its mind, turn back to move
+ do_pseudo_move(hipe_ppc:mk_pseudo_move(Dst, Src), Context, FPoff);
+ true ->
+ SrcOffset = pseudo_offset(Src, FPoff, Context),
+ DstOffset = pseudo_offset(Dst, FPoff, Context),
+ case SrcOffset =:= DstOffset of
+ true -> []; % omit move-to-self
+ false ->
+ mk_load(hipe_ppc:ldop_word(), Temp, SrcOffset, mk_sp(),
+ mk_store(hipe_ppc:stop_word(), Temp, DstOffset, mk_sp(), []))
+ end
+ end.
do_pseudo_fmove(I, Context, FPoff) ->
Dst = hipe_ppc:pseudo_fmove_dst(I),
Src = hipe_ppc:pseudo_fmove_src(I),
@@ -115,6 +135,22 @@ do_pseudo_fmove(I, Context, FPoff) ->
+do_pseudo_spill_fmove(I, Context, FPoff) ->
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{dst=Dst,temp=Temp,src=Src} = I,
+ case temp_is_pseudo(Src) andalso temp_is_pseudo(Dst) of
+ false -> % Register allocator changed its mind, turn back to move
+ do_pseudo_fmove(hipe_ppc:mk_pseudo_fmove(Dst, Src), Context, FPoff);
+ true ->
+ SrcOffset = pseudo_offset(Src, FPoff, Context),
+ DstOffset = pseudo_offset(Dst, FPoff, Context),
+ case SrcOffset =:= DstOffset of
+ true -> []; % omit move-to-self
+ false ->
+ hipe_ppc:mk_fload(Temp, SrcOffset, mk_sp(), 0)
+ ++ hipe_ppc:mk_fstore(Temp, DstOffset, mk_sp(), 0)
+ end
+ end.
pseudo_offset(Temp, FPoff, Context) ->
FPoff + context_offset(Context, Temp).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_ra_finalise.erl b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_ra_finalise.erl
index 74ef7475eb..bca504d754 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_ra_finalise.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_ra_finalise.erl
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ ra_insn(I, Map, FPMap) ->
#mtspr{} -> ra_mtspr(I, Map);
#pseudo_li{} -> ra_pseudo_li(I, Map);
#pseudo_move{} -> ra_pseudo_move(I, Map);
+ #pseudo_spill_move{} -> ra_pseudo_spill_move(I, Map);
#pseudo_tailcall{} -> ra_pseudo_tailcall(I, Map);
#store{} -> ra_store(I, Map);
#storex{} -> ra_storex(I, Map);
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ ra_insn(I, Map, FPMap) ->
#fp_binary{} -> ra_fp_binary(I, FPMap);
#fp_unary{} -> ra_fp_unary(I, FPMap);
#pseudo_fmove{} -> ra_pseudo_fmove(I, FPMap);
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{} -> ra_pseudo_spill_fmove(I, FPMap);
_ -> I
@@ -98,6 +100,12 @@ ra_pseudo_move(I=#pseudo_move{dst=Dst,src=Src}, Map) ->
NewSrc = ra_temp(Src, Map),
+ra_pseudo_spill_move(I=#pseudo_spill_move{dst=Dst,temp=Temp,src=Src}, Map) ->
+ NewDst = ra_temp(Dst, Map),
+ NewTemp = ra_temp(Temp, Map),
+ NewSrc = ra_temp(Src, Map),
+ I#pseudo_spill_move{dst=NewDst,temp=NewTemp,src=NewSrc}.
ra_pseudo_tailcall(I=#pseudo_tailcall{stkargs=StkArgs}, Map) ->
NewStkArgs = ra_args(StkArgs, Map),
@@ -156,6 +164,13 @@ ra_pseudo_fmove(I=#pseudo_fmove{dst=Dst,src=Src}, FPMap) ->
NewSrc = ra_temp_fp(Src, FPMap),
+ FPMap) ->
+ NewDst = ra_temp_fp(Dst, FPMap),
+ NewTemp = ra_temp_fp(Temp, FPMap),
+ NewSrc = ra_temp_fp(Src, FPMap),
+ I#pseudo_spill_fmove{dst=NewDst,temp=NewTemp,src=NewSrc}.
ra_args([Arg|Args], Map) ->
[ra_temp_or_imm(Arg, Map) | ra_args(Args, Map)];
ra_args([], _) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_ra_postconditions.erl b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_ra_postconditions.erl
index 95aa294fe5..0a97129666 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_ra_postconditions.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_ra_postconditions.erl
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ do_insn(I, TempMap, Strategy) ->
#mtspr{} -> do_mtspr(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#pseudo_li{} -> do_pseudo_li(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#pseudo_move{} -> do_pseudo_move(I, TempMap, Strategy);
+ #pseudo_spill_move{} -> do_pseudo_spill_move(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#store{} -> do_store(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#storex{} -> do_storex(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#unary{} -> do_unary(I, TempMap, Strategy);
@@ -117,18 +118,25 @@ do_pseudo_li(I=#pseudo_li{dst=Dst}, TempMap, Strategy) ->
do_pseudo_move(I=#pseudo_move{dst=Dst,src=Src}, TempMap, Strategy) ->
%% Either Dst or Src (but not both) may be a pseudo temp.
- %% pseudo_move and pseudo_tailcall are special cases: in
- %% all other instructions, all temps must be non-pseudos
- %% after register allocation.
- case temp_is_spilled(Dst, TempMap) of
- true -> % Src must not be a pseudo
- {FixSrc,NewSrc,DidSpill} = fix_src1(Src, TempMap, Strategy),
- NewI = I#pseudo_move{src=NewSrc},
- {FixSrc ++ [NewI], DidSpill};
+ %% pseudo_move, pseudo_spill_move, and pseudo_tailcall are
+ %% special cases: in all other instructions, all temps
+ %% must be non-pseudos after register allocation.
+ case temp_is_spilled(Src, TempMap)
+ andalso temp_is_spilled(Dst, TempMap)
+ of
+ true -> % Turn into pseudo_spill_move
+ Temp = clone(Src, temp1(Strategy)),
+ NewI = #pseudo_spill_move{dst=Dst,temp=Temp,src=Src},
+ {[NewI], true};
_ ->
{[I], false}
+do_pseudo_spill_move(I=#pseudo_spill_move{temp=Temp}, TempMap, _Strategy) ->
+ %% Temp is above the low water mark and must not have been spilled
+ false = temp_is_spilled(Temp, TempMap),
+ {[I], false}.
do_store(I=#store{src=Src,base=Base}, TempMap, Strategy) ->
{FixSrc,NewSrc,DidSpill1} = fix_src1(Src, TempMap, Strategy),
{FixBase,NewBase,DidSpill2} = fix_src2(Base, TempMap, Strategy),
diff --git a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_ra_postconditions_fp.erl b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_ra_postconditions_fp.erl
index 5ec5f29577..7342053620 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_ra_postconditions_fp.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_ra_postconditions_fp.erl
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ do_insn(I, TempMap) ->
#fp_binary{} -> do_fp_binary(I, TempMap);
#fp_unary{} -> do_fp_unary(I, TempMap);
#pseudo_fmove{} -> do_pseudo_fmove(I, TempMap);
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{} -> do_pseudo_spill_fmove(I, TempMap);
_ -> {[I], false}
@@ -81,15 +82,22 @@ do_fp_unary(I=#fp_unary{dst=Dst,src=Src}, TempMap) ->
{FixSrc ++ [NewI | FixDst], DidSpill1 or DidSpill2}.
do_pseudo_fmove(I=#pseudo_fmove{dst=Dst,src=Src}, TempMap) ->
- case temp_is_spilled(Dst, TempMap) of
- true ->
- {FixSrc,NewSrc,DidSpill} = fix_src(Src, TempMap),
- NewI = I#pseudo_fmove{src=NewSrc},
- {FixSrc ++ [NewI], DidSpill};
+ case temp_is_spilled(Src, TempMap)
+ andalso temp_is_spilled(Dst, TempMap)
+ of
+ true -> % Turn into pseudo_spill_fmove
+ Temp = clone(Src),
+ NewI = #pseudo_spill_fmove{dst=Dst,temp=Temp,src=Src},
+ {[NewI], true};
_ ->
{[I], false}
+do_pseudo_spill_fmove(I=#pseudo_spill_fmove{temp=Temp}, TempMap) ->
+ %% Temp is above the low water mark and must not have been spilled
+ false = temp_is_spilled(Temp, TempMap),
+ {[I], false}.
%%% Fix Dst and Src operands.
fix_src(Src, TempMap) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_subst.erl b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_subst.erl
index 1cd18b5c01..e282b22774 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_subst.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/ppc/hipe_ppc_subst.erl
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ insn_temps(T, I) ->
#pseudo_call_prepare{} -> I;
#pseudo_li{dst=D} -> I#pseudo_li{dst=T(D)};
#pseudo_move{dst=D,src=S} -> I#pseudo_move{dst=T(D),src=T(S)};
+ #pseudo_spill_move{dst=D,temp=U,src=S} ->
+ I#pseudo_spill_move{dst=T(D),temp=T(U),src=T(S)};
#pseudo_tailcall{func=F,stkargs=Stk} when not is_record(F, ppc_temp) ->
#pseudo_tailcall_prepare{} -> I;
@@ -62,7 +64,9 @@ insn_temps(T, I) ->
#fp_binary{dst=D,src1=L,src2=R} ->
#fp_unary{dst=D,src=S} -> I#fp_unary{dst=T(D),src=T(S)};
- #pseudo_fmove{dst=D,src=S} -> I#pseudo_fmove{dst=T(D),src=T(S)}
+ #pseudo_fmove{dst=D,src=S} -> I#pseudo_fmove{dst=T(D),src=T(S)};
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{dst=D,temp=U,src=S} ->
+ I#pseudo_spill_fmove{dst=T(D),temp=T(U),src=T(S)}
-spec oper_temps(subst_fun(), oper()) -> oper().
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/Makefile b/lib/hipe/regalloc/Makefile
index 209f230a9b..81a92e5d35 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/regalloc/Makefile
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/Makefile
@@ -50,8 +50,10 @@ MODULES = hipe_ig hipe_ig_moves hipe_moves \
hipe_optimistic_regalloc \
hipe_coalescing_regalloc \
hipe_graph_coloring_regalloc \
+ hipe_range_split \
hipe_regalloc_loop \
hipe_regalloc_prepass \
+ hipe_restore_reuse \
hipe_ls_regalloc \
hipe_ppc_specific hipe_ppc_specific_fp \
hipe_sparc_specific hipe_sparc_specific_fp \
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_amd64_specific_sse2.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_amd64_specific_sse2.erl
index 9682d37520..d592ba391c 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_amd64_specific_sse2.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_amd64_specific_sse2.erl
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
is_arg/2, %% used by hipe_ls_regalloc
+ is_spill_move/2,
is_fixed/2, %% used by hipe_graph_coloring_regalloc
@@ -50,12 +51,19 @@
-%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_prepass
+%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_prepass, hipe_range_split
+ mk_goto/2,
+ redirect_jmp/4,
+ new_label/1,
+ new_reg_nr/1,
+%% callbacks for hipe_bb_weights
@@ -152,6 +160,9 @@ bb(CFG, L, _) ->
update_bb(CFG,L,BB,_) ->
+branch_preds(Instr,_) ->
+ hipe_x86_cfg:branch_preds(Instr).
%% AMD64 stuff
def_use(Instruction, _) ->
@@ -184,10 +195,34 @@ is_move(Instruction, _) ->
andalso hipe_x86:is_temp(Dst) andalso hipe_x86:temp_is_allocatable(Dst);
false -> false
+is_spill_move(Instruction,_) ->
+ hipe_x86:is_pseudo_spill_fmove(Instruction).
reg_nr(Reg, _) ->
+mk_move(Src, Dst, _) ->
+ hipe_x86:mk_fmove(Src, Dst).
+mk_goto(Label, _) ->
+ hipe_x86:mk_jmp_label(Label).
+redirect_jmp(Jmp, ToOld, ToNew, _) when is_integer(ToOld), is_integer(ToNew) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ put(Ref, false),
+ I = hipe_x86_subst:insn_lbls(
+ fun(Tgt) ->
+ if Tgt =:= ToOld -> put(Ref, true), ToNew;
+ is_integer(Tgt) -> Tgt
+ end
+ end, Jmp),
+ true = erase(Ref), % Assert that something was rewritten
+ I.
+new_label(_) ->
+ hipe_gensym:get_next_label(x86).
new_reg_nr(_) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_arm_specific.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_arm_specific.erl
index cef22e5af9..7ebc6aa336 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_arm_specific.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_arm_specific.erl
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ ,is_spill_move/2
@@ -46,12 +47,19 @@
%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_loop
-%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_prepass
+%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_prepass, hipe_range_split
+ mk_goto/2,
+ redirect_jmp/4,
+ new_label/1,
+ new_reg_nr/1,
+%% callbacks for hipe_bb_weights, hipe_range_split
check_and_rewrite(CFG, Coloring, no_context) ->
hipe_arm_ra_postconditions:check_and_rewrite(CFG, Coloring, 'normal').
@@ -115,6 +123,9 @@ bb(CFG,L,_) ->
update_bb(CFG,L,BB,_) ->
+branch_preds(Branch,_) ->
+ hipe_arm_cfg:branch_preds(Branch).
%% ARM stuff
def_use(Instruction, Ctx) ->
@@ -144,9 +155,33 @@ is_move(Instruction, _) ->
false -> false
+is_spill_move(Instruction, _) ->
+ hipe_arm:is_pseudo_spill_move(Instruction).
reg_nr(Reg, _) ->
+mk_move(Src, Dst, _) ->
+ hipe_arm:mk_pseudo_move(Dst, Src).
+mk_goto(Label, _) ->
+ hipe_arm:mk_b_label(Label).
+redirect_jmp(Jmp, ToOld, ToNew, _) when is_integer(ToOld), is_integer(ToNew) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ put(Ref, false),
+ I = hipe_arm_subst:insn_lbls(
+ fun(Tgt) ->
+ if Tgt =:= ToOld -> put(Ref, true), ToNew;
+ is_integer(Tgt) -> Tgt
+ end
+ end, Jmp),
+ true = erase(Ref), % Assert that something was rewritten
+ I.
+new_label(_) ->
+ hipe_gensym:get_next_label(arm).
new_reg_nr(_) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_ppc_specific.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_ppc_specific.erl
index a6450b4d96..81bb551bd2 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_ppc_specific.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_ppc_specific.erl
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ ,is_spill_move/2
@@ -46,12 +47,19 @@
%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_loop
-%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_prepass
+%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_prepass, hipe_range_split
+ mk_goto/2,
+ redirect_jmp/4,
+ new_label/1,
+ new_reg_nr/1,
+%% callbacks for hipe_bb_weights
check_and_rewrite(CFG, Coloring, _) ->
hipe_ppc_ra_postconditions:check_and_rewrite(CFG, Coloring, 'normal').
@@ -115,6 +123,9 @@ bb(CFG,L,_) ->
update_bb(CFG,L,BB,_) ->
+branch_preds(Instr,_) ->
+ hipe_ppc_cfg:branch_preds(Instr).
%% PowerPC stuff
def_use(Instruction, Ctx) ->
@@ -144,9 +155,24 @@ is_move(Instruction, _) ->
false -> false
+is_spill_move(Instruction, _) ->
+ hipe_ppc:is_pseudo_spill_move(Instruction).
reg_nr(Reg, _) ->
+mk_move(Src, Dst, _) ->
+ hipe_ppc:mk_pseudo_move(Dst, Src).
+mk_goto(Label, _) ->
+ hipe_ppc:mk_b_label(Label).
+redirect_jmp(Jmp, ToOld, ToNew, _) when is_integer(ToOld), is_integer(ToNew) ->
+ hipe_ppc_cfg:redirect_jmp(Jmp, ToOld, ToNew).
+new_label(_) ->
+ hipe_gensym:get_next_label(ppc).
new_reg_nr(_) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_ppc_specific_fp.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_ppc_specific_fp.erl
index 23cb6c0318..dcfdf6592c 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_ppc_specific_fp.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_ppc_specific_fp.erl
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ ,is_spill_move/2
@@ -46,12 +47,19 @@
%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_loop
-%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_prepass
+%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_prepass, hipe_range_split
+ mk_goto/2,
+ redirect_jmp/4,
+ new_label/1,
+ new_reg_nr/1,
+%% callbacks for hipe_bb_weights
check_and_rewrite(CFG, Coloring, _) ->
hipe_ppc_ra_postconditions_fp:check_and_rewrite(CFG, Coloring).
@@ -108,6 +116,9 @@ bb(CFG, L, _) ->
update_bb(CFG,L,BB,_) ->
+branch_preds(Instr,_) ->
+ hipe_ppc_cfg:branch_preds(Instr).
%% PowerPC stuff
def_use(I, Ctx) ->
@@ -125,9 +136,24 @@ defines_all_alloc(I, _) ->
is_move(I, _) ->
+is_spill_move(I, _) ->
+ hipe_ppc:is_pseudo_spill_fmove(I).
reg_nr(Reg, _) ->
+mk_move(Src, Dst, _) ->
+ hipe_ppc:mk_pseudo_fmove(Dst, Src).
+mk_goto(Label, _) ->
+ hipe_ppc:mk_b_label(Label).
+redirect_jmp(Jmp, ToOld, ToNew, _) when is_integer(ToOld), is_integer(ToNew) ->
+ hipe_ppc_cfg:redirect_jmp(Jmp, ToOld, ToNew).
+new_label(_) ->
+ hipe_gensym:get_next_label(ppc).
new_reg_nr(_) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_range_split.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_range_split.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39b086d9f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_range_split.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1187 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% Live range splitting is useful to allow a register allocator to allocate a
+%% temporary to register for a part of its lifetime, even if it cannot be for
+%% the entirety. This improves register allocation quality, at the cost of
+%% making the allocation problem more time and memory intensive to solve.
+%% Optimal allocation can be achieved if all temporaries are split at every
+%% program point (between all instructions), but this makes register allocation
+%% infeasably slow in practice. Instead, this module uses heuristics to choose
+%% which temporaries should have their live ranges split, and at which points.
+%% The range splitter only considers temps which are live during a call
+%% instruction, since they're known to be spilled. The control-flow graph is
+%% partitioned at call instructions and splitting decisions are made separately
+%% for each partition. The register copy of a temp (if any) gets a separate name
+%% in each partition.
+%% There are three different ways the range splitter may choose to split a
+%% temporary in a program partition:
+%% * Mode1: Spill the temp before calls, and restore it after them
+%% * Mode2: Spill the temp after definitions, restore it after calls
+%% * Mode3: Spill the temp after definitions, restore it before uses
+%% To pick which of these should be used for each temp×partiton pair, the range
+%% splitter uses a cost function. The cost is simply the sum of the cost of all
+%% expected stack accesses, and the cost for an individual stack access is based
+%% on the probability weight of the basic block that it resides in. This biases
+%% the range splitter so that it attempts moving stack accesses from a functions
+%% hot path to the cold path.
+%% The heuristic has a couple of tuning knobs, adjusting its preference for
+%% different spilling modes, aggressiveness, and how much influence the basic
+%% block probability weights have.
+%% Edge case not handled: Call instructions directly defining a pseudo. In that
+%% case, if that pseudo has been selected for mode2 spills, no spill is inserted
+%% after the call.
+%% -define(DO_ASSERT, 1).
+%% -define(DEBUG, 1).
+%% Heuristic tuning constants
+-define(DEFAULT_MIN_GAIN, 1.1). % option: range_split_min_gain
+-define(DEFAULT_MODE1_FUDGE, 1.1). % option: range_split_mode1_fudge
+-define(DEFAULT_WEIGHT_POWER, 2). % option: range_split_weight_power
+-define(WEIGHT_CONST_FUN(Power), math:log(Power)/math:log(100)).
+-define(WEIGHT_FUN(Wt, Const), math:pow(Wt, Const)).
+-define(HEUR_MAX_TEMPS, 20000).
+-type target_cfg() :: any().
+-type target_instr() :: any().
+-type target_temp() :: any().
+-type liveness() :: any().
+-type target_module() :: module().
+-type target_context() :: any().
+-type target() :: {target_module(), target_context()}.
+-type liveset() :: ordsets:ordset(temp()).
+-type temp() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type label() :: non_neg_integer().
+-spec split(target_cfg(), liveness(), target_module(), target_context(),
+ comp_options())
+ -> target_cfg().
+split(TCFG0, Liveness, TargetMod, TargetContext, Options) ->
+ Target = {TargetMod, TargetContext},
+ NoTemps = number_of_temporaries(TCFG0, Target),
+ if NoTemps > ?HEUR_MAX_TEMPS ->
+ ?debug_msg("~w: Too many temps (~w), falling back on restore_reuse.~n",
+ [?MODULE, NoTemps]),
+ hipe_restore_reuse:split(TCFG0, Liveness, TargetMod, TargetContext);
+ true ->
+ Wts = compute_weights(TCFG0, TargetMod, TargetContext, Options),
+ {CFG0, Temps} = convert(TCFG0, Target),
+ Avail = avail_analyse(TCFG0, Liveness, Target),
+ Defs = def_analyse(CFG0, TCFG0),
+ RDefs = rdef_analyse(CFG0),
+ PLive = plive_analyse(CFG0),
+ {CFG, DUCounts, Costs, DSets0} =
+ scan(CFG0, Liveness, PLive, Wts, Defs, RDefs, Avail, Target),
+ {DSets, _} = hipe_dsets:to_map(DSets0),
+ Renames = decide(DUCounts, Costs, Target, Options),
+ rewrite(CFG, TCFG0, Target, Liveness, PLive, Defs, Avail, DSets, Renames,
+ Temps)
+ end.
+%% Internal program representation
+%% Second pass: Convert cfg to internal representation
+-record(cfg, {
+ rpo_labels :: [label()],
+ bbs :: #{label() => bb()}
+ }).
+-type cfg() :: #cfg{}.
+cfg_bb(L, #cfg{bbs=BBS}) -> maps:get(L, BBS).
+cfg_postorder(#cfg{rpo_labels=RPO}) -> lists:reverse(RPO).
+-record(bb, {
+ code :: [code_elem()],
+ %% If the last instruction of code defines all allocatable registers
+ has_call :: boolean(),
+ succ :: [label()]
+ }).
+-type bb() :: #bb{}.
+-type code_elem() :: instr() | mode2_spills() | mode3_restores().
+bb_code(#bb{code=Code}) -> Code.
+bb_has_call(#bb{has_call=HasCall}) -> HasCall.
+bb_succ(#bb{succ=Succ}) -> Succ.
+bb_butlast(#bb{code=Code}) ->
+ bb_butlast_1(Code).
+bb_butlast_1([_Last]) -> [];
+bb_butlast_1([I|Is]) -> [I|bb_butlast_1(Is)].
+bb_last(#bb{code=Code}) -> lists:last(Code).
+-record(instr, {
+ i :: target_instr(),
+ def :: ordsets:ordset(temp()),
+ use :: ordsets:ordset(temp())
+ }).
+-type instr() :: #instr{}.
+-record(mode2_spills, {
+ temps :: ordsets:ordset(temp())
+ }).
+-type mode2_spills() :: #mode2_spills{}.
+-record(mode3_restores, {
+ temps :: ordsets:ordset(temp())
+ }).
+-type mode3_restores() :: #mode3_restores{}.
+-spec convert(target_cfg(), target()) -> {cfg(), temps()}.
+convert(CFG, Target) ->
+ RPO = reverse_postorder(CFG, Target),
+ {BBsList, Temps} = convert_bbs(RPO, CFG, Target, #{}, []),
+ {#cfg{rpo_labels = RPO,
+ bbs = maps:from_list(BBsList)},
+ Temps}.
+convert_bbs([], _CFG, _Target, Temps, Acc) -> {Acc, Temps};
+convert_bbs([L|Ls], CFG, Target, Temps0, Acc) ->
+ Succs = hipe_gen_cfg:succ(CFG, L),
+ TBB = bb(CFG, L, Target),
+ TCode = hipe_bb:code(TBB),
+ {Code, Last, Temps} = convert_code(TCode, Target, Temps0, []),
+ HasCall = defines_all_alloc(Last#instr.i, Target),
+ BB = #bb{code = Code,
+ has_call = HasCall,
+ succ = Succs},
+ convert_bbs(Ls, CFG, Target, Temps, [{L,BB}|Acc]).
+convert_code([], _Target, Temps, [Last|_]=Acc) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Acc), Last, Temps};
+convert_code([TI|TIs], Target, Temps0, Acc) ->
+ {TDef, TUse} = def_use(TI, Target),
+ I = #instr{i = TI,
+ def = ordsets:from_list(reg_names(TDef, Target)),
+ use = ordsets:from_list(reg_names(TUse, Target))},
+ Temps = add_temps(TUse, Target, add_temps(TDef, Target, Temps0)),
+ convert_code(TIs, Target, Temps, [I|Acc]).
+-type temps() :: #{temp() => target_temp()}.
+add_temps([], _Target, Temps) -> Temps;
+add_temps([T|Ts], Target, Temps) ->
+ add_temps(Ts, Target, Temps#{reg_nr(T, Target) => T}).
+%% Fourth pass: P({DEF}) lattice fwd dataflow (for eliding stores at SPILL
+%% splits)
+-type defsi() :: #{label() => defseti() | {call, defseti(), defseti()}}.
+-type defs() :: #{label() => defsetf()}.
+-spec def_analyse(cfg(), target_cfg()) -> defs().
+def_analyse(CFG = #cfg{rpo_labels = RPO}, TCFG) ->
+ Defs0 = def_init(CFG),
+ def_dataf(RPO, TCFG, Defs0).
+-spec def_init(cfg()) -> defsi().
+def_init(#cfg{bbs = BBs}) ->
+ maps:from_list(
+ [begin
+ {L, case HasCall of
+ false -> def_init_scan(bb_code(BB), defseti_new());
+ true ->
+ {call, def_init_scan(bb_butlast(BB), defseti_new()),
+ defseti_from_ordset((bb_last(BB))#instr.def)}
+ end}
+ end || {L, BB = #bb{has_call=HasCall}} <- maps:to_list(BBs)]).
+def_init_scan([], Defset) -> Defset;
+def_init_scan([#instr{def=Def}|Is], Defset0) ->
+ Defset = defseti_add_ordset(Def, Defset0),
+ def_init_scan(Is, Defset).
+-spec def_dataf([label()], target_cfg(), defsi()) -> defs().
+def_dataf(Labels, TCFG, Defs0) ->
+ case def_dataf_once(Labels, TCFG, Defs0, 0) of
+ {Defs, 0} ->
+ def_finalise(Defs);
+ {Defs, _Changed} ->
+ def_dataf(Labels, TCFG, Defs)
+ end.
+-spec def_finalise(defsi()) -> defs().
+def_finalise(Defs) ->
+ maps:from_list([{K, defseti_finalise(BL)}
+ || {K, {call, BL, _}} <- maps:to_list(Defs)]).
+-spec def_dataf_once([label()], target_cfg(), defsi(), non_neg_integer())
+ -> {defsi(), non_neg_integer()}.
+def_dataf_once([], _TCFG, Defs, Changed) -> {Defs, Changed};
+def_dataf_once([L|Ls], TCFG, Defs0, Changed0) ->
+ AddPreds =
+ fun(Defset1) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun(P, Defset2) ->
+ defseti_union(defout(P, Defs0), Defset2)
+ end, Defset1, hipe_gen_cfg:pred(TCFG, L))
+ end,
+ Defset =
+ case Defset0 = maps:get(L, Defs0) of
+ {call, Butlast, Defout} -> {call, AddPreds(Butlast), Defout};
+ _ -> AddPreds(Defset0)
+ end,
+ Changed = case Defset =:= Defset0 of
+ true -> Changed0;
+ false -> Changed0+1
+ end,
+ def_dataf_once(Ls, TCFG, Defs0#{L := Defset}, Changed).
+-spec defout(label(), defsi()) -> defseti().
+defout(L, Defs) ->
+ case maps:get(L, Defs) of
+ {call, _DefButLast, Defout} -> Defout;
+ Defout -> Defout
+ end.
+-spec defbutlast(label(), defs()) -> defsetf().
+defbutlast(L, Defs) -> maps:get(L, Defs).
+-spec defseti_new() -> defseti().
+-spec defseti_union(defseti(), defseti()) -> defseti().
+-spec defseti_add_ordset(ordset:ordset(temp()), defseti()) -> defseti().
+-spec defseti_from_ordset(ordset:ordset(temp())) -> defseti().
+-spec defseti_finalise(defseti()) -> defsetf().
+-spec defsetf_member(temp(), defsetf()) -> boolean().
+-spec defsetf_intersect_ordset(ordsets:ordset(temp()), defsetf())
+ -> ordsets:ordset(temp()).
+-type defseti() :: bitord().
+defseti_new() -> bitord_new().
+defseti_union(A, B) -> bitord_union(A, B).
+defseti_add_ordset(OS, D) -> defseti_union(defseti_from_ordset(OS), D).
+defseti_from_ordset(OS) -> bitord_from_ordset(OS).
+defseti_finalise(D) -> bitarr_from_bitord(D).
+-type defsetf() :: bitarr().
+defsetf_member(E, D) -> bitarr_get(E, D).
+defsetf_intersect_ordset([], _D) -> [];
+defsetf_intersect_ordset([E|Es], D) ->
+ case bitarr_get(E, D) of
+ true -> [E|defsetf_intersect_ordset(Es,D)];
+ false -> defsetf_intersect_ordset(Es,D)
+ end.
+%% Fifth pass: P({DEF}) lattice reverse dataflow (for eliding stores at defines
+%% in mode2)
+-type rdefsi() :: #{label() =>
+ {call, rdefseti(), [label()]}
+ | {nocall, rdefseti(), rdefseti(), [label()]}}.
+-type rdefs() :: #{label() => {final, rdefsetf(), [label()]}}.
+-spec rdef_analyse(cfg()) -> rdefs().
+rdef_analyse(CFG = #cfg{rpo_labels=RPO}) ->
+ Defs0 = rdef_init(CFG),
+ PO = rdef_postorder(RPO, CFG, []),
+ rdef_dataf(PO, Defs0).
+%% Filter out 'call' labels, since they don't change
+-spec rdef_postorder([label()], cfg(), [label()]) -> [label()].
+rdef_postorder([], _CFG, Acc) -> Acc;
+rdef_postorder([L|Ls], CFG, Acc) ->
+ case bb_has_call(cfg_bb(L, CFG)) of
+ true -> rdef_postorder(Ls, CFG, Acc);
+ false -> rdef_postorder(Ls, CFG, [L|Acc])
+ end.
+-spec rdef_init(cfg()) -> rdefsi().
+rdef_init(#cfg{bbs = BBs}) ->
+ maps:from_list(
+ [{L, case HasCall of
+ true ->
+ Defin = rdef_init_scan(bb_butlast(BB), rdefseti_empty()),
+ {call, Defin, Succs};
+ false ->
+ Gen = rdef_init_scan(bb_code(BB), rdefseti_empty()),
+ {nocall, Gen, rdefseti_top(), Succs}
+ end}
+ || {L, BB = #bb{has_call=HasCall, succ=Succs}} <- maps:to_list(BBs)]).
+-spec rdef_init_scan([instr()], rdefseti()) -> rdefseti().
+rdef_init_scan([], Defset) -> Defset;
+rdef_init_scan([#instr{def=Def}|Is], Defset0) ->
+ Defset = rdefseti_add_ordset(Def, Defset0),
+ rdef_init_scan(Is, Defset).
+-spec rdef_dataf([label()], rdefsi()) -> rdefs().
+rdef_dataf(Labels, Defs0) ->
+ case rdef_dataf_once(Labels, Defs0, 0) of
+ {Defs, 0} ->
+ rdef_finalise(Defs);
+ {Defs, _Changed} ->
+ rdef_dataf(Labels, Defs)
+ end.
+-spec rdef_finalise(rdefsi()) -> rdefs().
+rdef_finalise(Defs) ->
+ maps:map(fun(L, V) ->
+ Succs = rsuccs_val(V),
+ Defout0 = rdefout_intersect(L, Defs, rdefseti_top()),
+ {final, rdefset_finalise(Defout0), Succs}
+ end, Defs).
+-spec rdef_dataf_once([label()], rdefsi(), non_neg_integer())
+ -> {rdefsi(), non_neg_integer()}.
+rdef_dataf_once([], Defs, Changed) -> {Defs, Changed};
+rdef_dataf_once([L|Ls], Defs0, Changed0) ->
+ #{L := {nocall, Gen, Defin0, Succs}} = Defs0,
+ Defin = rdefseti_union(Gen, rdefout_intersect(L, Defs0, Defin0)),
+ Defset = {nocall, Gen, Defin, Succs},
+ Changed = case Defin =:= Defin0 of
+ true -> Changed0;
+ false -> Changed0+1
+ end,
+ rdef_dataf_once(Ls, Defs0#{L := Defset}, Changed).
+-spec rdefin(label(), rdefsi()) -> rdefseti().
+rdefin(L, Defs) -> rdefin_val(maps:get(L, Defs)).
+rdefin_val({nocall, _Gen, Defin, _Succs}) -> Defin;
+rdefin_val({call, Defin, _Succs}) -> Defin.
+-spec rsuccs(label(), rdefsi()) -> [label()].
+rsuccs(L, Defs) -> rsuccs_val(maps:get(L, Defs)).
+rsuccs_val({nocall, _Gen, _Defin, Succs}) -> Succs;
+rsuccs_val({call, _Defin, Succs}) -> Succs.
+-spec rdefout(label(), rdefs()) -> rdefsetf().
+rdefout(L, Defs) ->
+ #{L := {final, Defout, _Succs}} = Defs,
+ Defout.
+-spec rdefout_intersect(label(), rdefsi(), rdefseti()) -> rdefseti().
+rdefout_intersect(L, Defs, Init) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun(S, Acc) ->
+ rdefseti_intersect(rdefin(S, Defs), Acc)
+ end, Init, rsuccs(L, Defs)).
+-type rdefseti() :: bitord() | top.
+rdefseti_top() -> top.
+rdefseti_empty() -> bitord_new().
+-spec rdefseti_from_ordset(ordsets:ordset(temp())) -> rdefseti().
+rdefseti_from_ordset(OS) -> bitord_from_ordset(OS).
+-spec rdefseti_add_ordset(ordsets:ordset(temp()), rdefseti()) -> rdefseti().
+rdefseti_add_ordset(_, top) -> top; % Should never happen in rdef_dataf
+rdefseti_add_ordset(OS, D) -> rdefseti_union(rdefseti_from_ordset(OS), D).
+-spec rdefseti_union(rdefseti(), rdefseti()) -> rdefseti().
+rdefseti_union(top, _) -> top;
+rdefseti_union(_, top) -> top;
+rdefseti_union(A, B) -> bitord_union(A, B).
+-spec rdefseti_intersect(rdefseti(), rdefseti()) -> rdefseti().
+rdefseti_intersect(top, D) -> D;
+rdefseti_intersect(D, top) -> D;
+rdefseti_intersect(A, B) -> bitord_intersect(A, B).
+-type rdefsetf() :: {arr, bitarr()} | top.
+-spec rdefset_finalise(rdefseti()) -> rdefsetf().
+rdefset_finalise(top) -> top;
+rdefset_finalise(Ord) -> {arr, bitarr_from_bitord(Ord)}.
+%% rdefsetf_top() -> top.
+rdefsetf_empty() -> {arr, bitarr_new()}.
+-spec rdefsetf_add_ordset(ordset:ordset(temp()), rdefsetf()) -> rdefsetf().
+rdefsetf_add_ordset(_, top) -> top;
+rdefsetf_add_ordset(OS, {arr, Arr}) ->
+ {arr, lists:foldl(fun bitarr_set/2, Arr, OS)}.
+-spec rdef_step(instr(), rdefsetf()) -> rdefsetf().
+rdef_step(#instr{def=Def}, Defset) ->
+ %% ?ASSERT(not defines_all_alloc(I, Target)),
+ rdefsetf_add_ordset(Def, Defset).
+-spec ordset_subtract_rdefsetf(ordsets:ordset(temp()), rdefsetf())
+ -> ordsets:ordset(temp()).
+ordset_subtract_rdefsetf(_, top) -> [];
+ordset_subtract_rdefsetf(OS, {arr, Arr}) ->
+ %% Lazy implementation; could do better if OS can grow
+ lists:filter(fun(E) -> not bitarr_get(E, Arr) end, OS).
+%% Integer sets represented as bit sets
+%% Two representations; bitord() and bitarr()
+-define(LIMB_IX_BITS, 11).
+-define(LIMB_BITS, (1 bsl ?LIMB_IX_BITS)).
+-define(LIMB_IX(Index), (Index bsr ?LIMB_IX_BITS)).
+-define(BIT_IX(Index), (Index band (?LIMB_BITS - 1))).
+-define(BIT_MASK(Index), (1 bsl ?BIT_IX(Index))).
+%% bitord(): fast at union/2 and can be compared for equality with '=:='
+-type bitord() :: orddict:orddict(non_neg_integer(), 0..((1 bsl ?LIMB_BITS)-1)).
+-spec bitord_new() -> bitord().
+bitord_new() -> [].
+-spec bitord_union(bitord(), bitord()) -> bitord().
+bitord_union(Lhs, Rhs) ->
+ orddict:merge(fun(_, L, R) -> L bor R end, Lhs, Rhs).
+-spec bitord_intersect(bitord(), bitord()) -> bitord().
+bitord_intersect([], _) -> [];
+bitord_intersect(_, []) -> [];
+bitord_intersect([{K, L}|Ls], [{K, R}|Rs]) ->
+ [{K, L band R} | bitord_intersect(Ls, Rs)];
+bitord_intersect([{LK, _}|Ls], [{RK, _}|_]=Rs) when LK < RK ->
+ bitord_intersect(Ls, Rs);
+bitord_intersect([{LK, _}|_]=Ls, [{RK, _}|Rs]) when LK > RK ->
+ bitord_intersect(Ls, Rs).
+-spec bitord_from_ordset(ordsets:ordset(non_neg_integer())) -> bitord().
+bitord_from_ordset([]) -> [];
+bitord_from_ordset([B|Bs]) ->
+ bitord_from_ordset_1(Bs, ?LIMB_IX(B), ?BIT_MASK(B)).
+bitord_from_ordset_1([B|Bs], Key, Val) when Key =:= ?LIMB_IX(B) ->
+ bitord_from_ordset_1(Bs, Key, Val bor ?BIT_MASK(B));
+bitord_from_ordset_1([B|Bs], Key, Val) ->
+ [{Key,Val} | bitord_from_ordset_1(Bs, ?LIMB_IX(B), ?BIT_MASK(B))];
+bitord_from_ordset_1([], Key, Val) -> [{Key, Val}].
+%% bitarr(): fast (enough) at get/2
+-type bitarr() :: array:array(0..((1 bsl ?LIMB_BITS)-1)).
+-spec bitarr_new() -> bitarr().
+bitarr_new() -> array:new({default, 0}).
+-spec bitarr_get(non_neg_integer(), bitarr()) -> boolean().
+bitarr_get(Index, Array) ->
+ Limb = array:get(?LIMB_IX(Index), Array),
+ 0 =/= (Limb band ?BIT_MASK(Index)).
+-spec bitarr_set(non_neg_integer(), bitarr()) -> bitarr().
+bitarr_set(Index, Array) ->
+ Limb0 = array:get(?LIMB_IX(Index), Array),
+ Limb = Limb0 bor ?BIT_MASK(Index),
+ array:set(?LIMB_IX(Index), Limb, Array).
+-spec bitarr_from_bitord(bitord()) -> bitarr().
+bitarr_from_bitord(Ord) ->
+ array:from_orddict(Ord, 0).
+%% Sixth pass: Partition-local liveness analysis
+%% As temps are not spilled when exiting a partition in mode2, only
+%% partition-local uses need to be considered when deciding which temps need
+%% restoring at partition entry.
+-type plive() :: #{label() =>
+ {call, liveset(), [label()]}
+ | {nocall, {liveset(), liveset()}, liveset(), [label()]}}.
+-spec plive_analyse(cfg()) -> plive().
+plive_analyse(CFG) ->
+ Defs0 = plive_init(CFG),
+ PO = cfg_postorder(CFG),
+ plive_dataf(PO, Defs0).
+-spec plive_init(cfg()) -> plive().
+plive_init(#cfg{bbs = BBs}) ->
+ maps:from_list(
+ [begin
+ {L, case HasCall of
+ true ->
+ {Gen, _} = plive_init_scan(bb_code(BB)),
+ {call, Gen, Succs};
+ false ->
+ GenKill = plive_init_scan(bb_code(BB)),
+ {nocall, GenKill, liveset_empty(), Succs}
+ end}
+ end || {L, BB = #bb{has_call=HasCall, succ=Succs}} <- maps:to_list(BBs)]).
+-spec plive_init_scan([instr()]) -> {liveset(), liveset()}.
+plive_init_scan([]) -> {liveset_empty(), liveset_empty()};
+plive_init_scan([#instr{def=InstrKill, use=InstrGen}|Is]) ->
+ {Gen0, Kill0} = plive_init_scan(Is),
+ Gen1 = liveset_subtract(Gen0, InstrKill),
+ Gen = liveset_union(Gen1, InstrGen),
+ Kill1 = liveset_union(Kill0, InstrKill),
+ Kill = liveset_subtract(Kill1, InstrGen),
+ {Gen, Kill}.
+-spec plive_dataf([label()], plive()) -> plive().
+plive_dataf(Labels, PLive0) ->
+ case plive_dataf_once(Labels, PLive0, 0) of
+ {PLive, 0} -> PLive;
+ {PLive, _Changed} ->
+ plive_dataf(Labels, PLive)
+ end.
+-spec plive_dataf_once([label()], plive(), non_neg_integer()) ->
+ {plive(), non_neg_integer()}.
+plive_dataf_once([], PLive, Changed) -> {PLive, Changed};
+plive_dataf_once([L|Ls], PLive0, Changed0) ->
+ Liveset =
+ case Liveset0 = maps:get(L, PLive0) of
+ {call, Livein, Succs} ->
+ {call, Livein, Succs};
+ {nocall, {Gen, Kill} = GenKill, _OldLivein, Succs} ->
+ Liveout = pliveout(L, PLive0),
+ Livein = liveset_union(Gen, liveset_subtract(Liveout, Kill)),
+ {nocall, GenKill, Livein, Succs}
+ end,
+ Changed = case Liveset =:= Liveset0 of
+ true -> Changed0;
+ false -> Changed0+1
+ end,
+ plive_dataf_once(Ls, PLive0#{L := Liveset}, Changed).
+-spec pliveout(label(), plive()) -> liveset().
+pliveout(L, PLive) ->
+ liveset_union([plivein(S, PLive) || S <- psuccs(L, PLive)]).
+-spec psuccs(label(), plive()) -> [label()].
+psuccs(L, PLive) -> psuccs_val(maps:get(L, PLive)).
+psuccs_val({call, _Livein, Succs}) -> Succs;
+psuccs_val({nocall, _GenKill, _Livein, Succs}) -> Succs.
+-spec plivein(label(), plive()) -> liveset().
+plivein(L, PLive) -> plivein_val(maps:get(L, PLive)).
+plivein_val({call, Livein, _Succs}) -> Livein;
+plivein_val({nocall, _GenKill, Livein, _Succs}) -> Livein.
+liveset_empty() -> ordsets:new().
+liveset_subtract(A, B) -> ordsets:subtract(A, B).
+liveset_union(A, B) -> ordsets:union(A, B).
+liveset_union(LivesetList) -> ordsets:union(LivesetList).
+%% Third pass: Compute dataflow analyses required for placing mode3
+%% spills/restores.
+%% Reuse analysis implementation in hipe_restore_reuse.
+%% XXX: hipe_restore_reuse has it's own "rdef"; we would like to reuse that one
+%% too.
+-type avail() :: hipe_restore_reuse:avail().
+-spec avail_analyse(target_cfg(), liveness(), target()) -> avail().
+avail_analyse(CFG, Liveness, Target) ->
+ hipe_restore_reuse:analyse(CFG, Liveness, Target).
+-spec mode3_split_in_block(label(), avail()) -> ordsets:ordset(temp()).
+mode3_split_in_block(L, Avail) ->
+ hipe_restore_reuse:split_in_block(L, Avail).
+-spec mode3_block_renameset(label(), avail()) -> ordsets:ordset(temp()).
+mode3_block_renameset(L, Avail) ->
+ hipe_restore_reuse:renamed_in_block(L, Avail).
+%% Seventh pass
+%% Compute program space partitioning, collect information required by the
+%% heuristic.
+-type part_key() :: label().
+-type part_dsets() :: hipe_dsets:dsets(part_key()).
+-type part_dsets_map() :: #{part_key() => part_key()}.
+-type ducounts() :: #{part_key() => ducount()}.
+-spec scan(cfg(), liveness(), plive(), weights(), defs(), rdefs(), avail(),
+ target()) -> {cfg(), ducounts(), costs(), part_dsets()}.
+scan(CFG0, Liveness, PLive, Weights, Defs, RDefs, Avail, Target) ->
+ #cfg{rpo_labels = Labels, bbs = BBs0} = CFG0,
+ CFG = CFG0#cfg{bbs=#{}}, % kill reference
+ DSets0 = hipe_dsets:new(Labels),
+ Costs0 = costs_new(),
+ {BBs, DUCounts0, Costs1, DSets1} =
+ scan_bbs(maps:to_list(BBs0), Liveness, PLive, Weights, Defs, RDefs, Avail,
+ Target, #{}, Costs0, DSets0, []),
+ {RLList, DSets2} = hipe_dsets:to_rllist(DSets1),
+ {Costs, DSets} = costs_map_roots(DSets2, Costs1),
+ DUCounts = collect_ducounts(RLList, DUCounts0, #{}),
+ {CFG#cfg{bbs=maps:from_list(BBs)}, DUCounts, Costs, DSets}.
+-spec collect_ducounts([{label(), [label()]}], ducounts(), ducounts())
+ -> ducounts().
+collect_ducounts([], _, Acc) -> Acc;
+collect_ducounts([{R,Ls}|RLs], DUCounts, Acc) ->
+ DUCount = lists:foldl(
+ fun(Key, FAcc) ->
+ ducount_merge(maps:get(Key, DUCounts, ducount_new()), FAcc)
+ end, ducount_new(), Ls),
+ collect_ducounts(RLs, DUCounts, Acc#{R => DUCount}).
+-spec scan_bbs([{label(), bb()}], liveness(), plive(), weights(), defs(),
+ rdefs(), avail(), target(), ducounts(), costs(), part_dsets(),
+ [{label(), bb()}])
+ -> {[{label(), bb()}], ducounts(), costs(), part_dsets()}.
+scan_bbs([], _Liveness, _PLive, _Weights, _Defs, _RDefs, _Avail, _Target,
+ DUCounts, Costs, DSets, Acc) ->
+ {Acc, DUCounts, Costs, DSets};
+scan_bbs([{L,BB}|BBs], Liveness, PLive, Weights, Defs, RDefs, Avail, Target,
+ DUCounts0, Costs0, DSets0, Acc) ->
+ Wt = weight(L, Weights),
+ {DSets, Costs5, EntryCode, ExitCode, RDefout, Liveout} =
+ case bb_has_call(BB) of
+ false ->
+ DSets1 = lists:foldl(fun(S, DS) -> hipe_dsets:union(L, S, DS) end,
+ DSets0, bb_succ(BB)),
+ {DSets1, Costs0, bb_code(BB), [], rdefout(L, RDefs),
+ liveout(Liveness, L, Target)};
+ true ->
+ LastI = #instr{def=LastDef} = bb_last(BB),
+ LiveBefore = ordsets:subtract(liveout(Liveness, L, Target), LastDef),
+ %% We can omit the spill of a temp that has not been defined since the
+ %% last time it was spilled
+ SpillSet = defsetf_intersect_ordset(LiveBefore, defbutlast(L, Defs)),
+ Costs1 = costs_insert(exit, L, Wt, SpillSet, Costs0),
+ Costs4 = lists:foldl(fun({S, BranchWt}, Costs2) ->
+ SLivein = livein(Liveness, S, Target),
+ SPLivein = plivein(S, PLive),
+ SWt = weight_scaled(L, BranchWt, Weights),
+ Costs3 = costs_insert(entry1, S, SWt, SLivein, Costs2),
+ costs_insert(entry2, S, SWt, SPLivein, Costs3)
+ end, Costs1, branch_preds(LastI#instr.i, Target)),
+ {DSets0, Costs4, bb_butlast(BB), [LastI], rdefsetf_empty(), LiveBefore}
+ end,
+ Mode3Splits = mode3_split_in_block(L, Avail),
+ {RevEntryCode, Restored} = scan_bb_fwd(EntryCode, Mode3Splits, [], []),
+ {Code, DUCount, Mode2Spills} =
+ scan_bb(RevEntryCode, Wt, RDefout, Liveout, ducount_new(), [], ExitCode),
+ DUCounts = DUCounts0#{L => DUCount},
+ M2SpillSet = ordsets:from_list(Mode2Spills),
+ Costs6 = costs_insert(spill, L, Wt, M2SpillSet, Costs5),
+ Mode3Renames = mode3_block_renameset(L, Avail),
+ Costs7 = costs_insert(restore, L, Wt, ordsets:intersection(M2SpillSet, Mode3Renames), Costs6),
+ Costs8 = costs_insert(restore, L, Wt, ordsets:from_list(Restored), Costs7),
+ Costs = add_unsplit_mode3_costs(DUCount, Mode3Renames, L, Costs8),
+ scan_bbs(BBs, Liveness, PLive, Weights, Defs, RDefs, Avail, Target, DUCounts,
+ Costs, DSets, [{L,BB#bb{code=Code}}|Acc]).
+-spec add_unsplit_mode3_costs(ducount(), ordsets:ordset(temp()), label(), costs())
+ -> costs().
+add_unsplit_mode3_costs(DUCount, Mode3Renames, L, Costs) ->
+ Unsplit = orddict_without_ordset(Mode3Renames,
+ orddict:from_list(ducount_to_list(DUCount))),
+ add_unsplit_mode3_costs_1(Unsplit, L, Costs).
+-spec add_unsplit_mode3_costs_1([{temp(),float()}], label(), costs())
+ -> costs().
+add_unsplit_mode3_costs_1([], _L, Costs) -> Costs;
+add_unsplit_mode3_costs_1([{T,C}|Cs], L, Costs) ->
+ add_unsplit_mode3_costs_1(Cs, L, costs_insert(restore, L, C, [T], Costs)).
+%% @doc Returns a new orddict without keys in Set and their associated values.
+-spec orddict_without_ordset(ordsets:ordset(K), orddict:orddict(K, V))
+ -> orddict:orddict(K, V).
+orddict_without_ordset([S|Ss], [{K,_}|_]=Dict) when S < K ->
+ orddict_without_ordset(Ss, Dict);
+orddict_without_ordset([S|_]=Set, [D={K,_}|Ds]) when S > K ->
+ [D|orddict_without_ordset(Set, Ds)];
+orddict_without_ordset([_S|Ss], [{_K,_}|Ds]) -> % _S == _K
+ orddict_without_ordset(Ss, Ds);
+orddict_without_ordset(_, []) -> [];
+orddict_without_ordset([], Dict) -> Dict.
+%% Scans the code forward, collecting and inserting mode3 restores
+-spec scan_bb_fwd([instr()], ordsets:ordset(temp()), ordsets:ordset(temp()),
+ [code_elem()])
+ -> {[code_elem()], ordsets:ordset(temp())}.
+scan_bb_fwd([], [], Restored, Acc) -> {Acc, Restored};
+scan_bb_fwd([I|Is], SplitHere0, Restored0, Acc0) ->
+ #instr{def=Def, use=Use} = I,
+ {ToRestore, SplitHere1} =
+ lists:partition(fun(R) -> lists:member(R, Use) end, SplitHere0),
+ SplitHere = lists:filter(fun(R) -> not lists:member(R, Def) end, SplitHere1),
+ Acc =
+ case ToRestore of
+ [] -> [I | Acc0];
+ _ -> [I, #mode3_restores{temps=ToRestore} | Acc0]
+ end,
+ scan_bb_fwd(Is, SplitHere, ToRestore ++ Restored0, Acc).
+%% Scans the code backwards, collecting def/use counts and mode2 spills
+-spec scan_bb([code_elem()], float(), rdefsetf(), liveset(), ducount(),
+ [temp()], [code_elem()])
+ -> {[code_elem()], ducount(), [temp()]}.
+scan_bb([], _Wt, _RDefout, _Liveout, DUCount, Spills, Acc) ->
+ {Acc, DUCount, Spills};
+scan_bb([I=#mode3_restores{}|Is], Wt, RDefout, Liveout, DUCount, Spills, Acc) ->
+ scan_bb(Is, Wt, RDefout, Liveout, DUCount, Spills, [I|Acc]);
+scan_bb([I|Is], Wt, RDefout, Liveout, DUCount0, Spills0, Acc0) ->
+ #instr{def=Def,use=Use} = I,
+ DUCount = ducount_add(Use, Wt, ducount_add(Def, Wt, DUCount0)),
+ Livein = liveness_step(I, Liveout),
+ RDefin = rdef_step(I, RDefout),
+ %% The temps that would be spilled after I in mode 2
+ NewSpills = ordset_subtract_rdefsetf(
+ ordsets:intersection(Def, Liveout),
+ RDefout),
+ ?ASSERT(NewSpills =:= (NewSpills -- Spills0)),
+ Spills = NewSpills ++ Spills0,
+ Acc1 = case NewSpills of
+ [] -> Acc0;
+ _ -> [#mode2_spills{temps=NewSpills}|Acc0]
+ end,
+ scan_bb(Is, Wt, RDefin, Livein, DUCount, Spills, [I|Acc1]).
+-spec liveness_step(instr(), liveset()) -> liveset().
+liveness_step(#instr{def=Def, use=Use}, Liveout) ->
+ ordsets:union(Use, ordsets:subtract(Liveout, Def)).
+%% First pass: compute basic-block weighting
+-type weights() :: no_bb_weights
+ | {hipe_bb_weights:bb_weights(), float()}.
+-spec weight(label(), weights()) -> float().
+weight(L, Weights) -> weight_scaled(L, 1.0, Weights).
+-spec compute_weights(target_cfg(), target_module(), target_context(),
+ comp_options()) -> weights().
+compute_weights(CFG, TargetMod, TargetContext, Options) ->
+ case proplists:get_bool(range_split_weights, Options) of
+ false -> no_bb_weights;
+ true ->
+ {hipe_bb_weights:compute(CFG, TargetMod, TargetContext),
+ ?WEIGHT_CONST_FUN(proplists:get_value(range_split_weight_power,
+ end.
+-spec weight_scaled(label(), float(), weights()) -> float().
+weight_scaled(_L, _Scale, no_bb_weights) -> 1.0;
+weight_scaled(L, Scale, {Weights, Const}) ->
+ Wt0 = hipe_bb_weights:weight(L, Weights) * Scale,
+ Wt = erlang:min(erlang:max(Wt0, 0.0000000000000000001), 10000.0),
+ ?WEIGHT_FUN(Wt, Const).
+%% Heuristic splitting decision.
+%% Decide which temps to split, in which parts, and pick new names for them.
+-type spill_mode() :: mode1 % Spill temps at partition exits
+ | mode2 % Spill temps at definitions
+ | mode3.% Spill temps at definitions, restore temps at uses
+-type ren() :: #{temp() => {spill_mode(), temp()}}.
+-type renames() :: #{label() => ren()}.
+-record(heur_par, {
+ mode1_fudge :: float(),
+ min_gain :: float()
+ }).
+-type heur_par() :: #heur_par{}.
+-spec decide(ducounts(), costs(), target(), comp_options()) -> renames().
+decide(DUCounts, Costs, Target, Options) ->
+ Par = #heur_par{
+ mode1_fudge = proplists:get_value(range_split_mode1_fudge, Options,
+ min_gain = proplists:get_value(range_split_min_gain, Options,
+ decide_parts(maps:to_list(DUCounts), Costs, Target, Par, #{}).
+-spec decide_parts([{part_key(), ducount()}], costs(), target(),
+ heur_par(), renames())
+ -> renames().
+decide_parts([], _Costs, _Target, _Par, Acc) -> Acc;
+decide_parts([{Part,DUCount}|Ps], Costs, Target, Par, Acc) ->
+ Spills = decide_temps(ducount_to_list(DUCount), Part, Costs, Target, Par,
+ #{}),
+ decide_parts(Ps, Costs, Target, Par, Acc#{Part => Spills}).
+-spec decide_temps([{temp(), float()}], part_key(), costs(), target(),
+ heur_par(), ren())
+ -> ren().
+decide_temps([], _Part, _Costs, _Target, _Par, Acc) -> Acc;
+decide_temps([{Temp, SpillGain}|Ts], Part, Costs, Target, Par, Acc0) ->
+ SpillCost1 = costs_query(Temp, entry1, Part, Costs)
+ + costs_query(Temp, exit, Part, Costs),
+ SpillCost2 = costs_query(Temp, entry2, Part, Costs)
+ + costs_query(Temp, spill, Part, Costs),
+ SpillCost3 = costs_query(Temp, restore, Part, Costs),
+ Acc =
+ %% SpillCost1 =:= 0.0 usually means the temp is local to the partition;
+ %% hence no need to split it
+ case (SpillCost1 =/= 0.0) %% maps:is_key(Temp, S)
+ andalso (not is_precoloured(Temp, Target))
+ andalso ((Par#heur_par.min_gain*SpillCost1 < SpillGain)
+ orelse (Par#heur_par.min_gain*SpillCost2 < SpillGain)
+ orelse (Par#heur_par.min_gain*SpillCost3 < SpillGain))
+ of
+ false -> Acc0;
+ true ->
+ Mode =
+ if Par#heur_par.mode1_fudge*SpillCost1 < SpillCost2,
+ Par#heur_par.mode1_fudge*SpillCost1 < SpillCost3 ->
+ mode1;
+ SpillCost2 < SpillCost3 ->
+ mode2;
+ true ->
+ mode3
+ end,
+ Acc0#{Temp => {Mode, new_reg_nr(Target)}}
+ end,
+ decide_temps(Ts, Part, Costs, Target, Par, Acc).
+%% Eighth pass: Rewrite program performing range splitting.
+-spec rewrite(cfg(), target_cfg(), target(), liveness(), plive(), defs(),
+ avail(), part_dsets_map(), renames(), temps())
+ -> target_cfg().
+rewrite(#cfg{bbs=BBs}, TCFG, Target, Liveness, PLive, Defs, Avail, DSets,
+ Renames, Temps) ->
+ rewrite_bbs(maps:to_list(BBs), Target, Liveness, PLive, Defs, Avail, DSets,
+ Renames, Temps, TCFG).
+-spec rewrite_bbs([{label(), bb()}], target(), liveness(), plive(), defs(),
+ avail(), part_dsets_map(), renames(), temps(), target_cfg())
+ -> target_cfg().
+rewrite_bbs([], _Target, _Liveness, _PLive, _Defs, _Avail, _DSets, _Renames,
+ _Temps, TCFG) ->
+rewrite_bbs([{L,BB}|BBs], Target, Liveness, PLive, Defs, Avail, DSets, Renames,
+ Temps, TCFG0) ->
+ Code0Rev = lists:reverse(bb_code(BB)),
+ EntryRen = maps:get(maps:get(L,DSets), Renames),
+ M3Ren = mode3_block_renameset(L, Avail),
+ SubstFun = rewrite_subst_fun(Target, EntryRen, M3Ren),
+ Fun = fun(I) -> subst_temps(SubstFun, I, Target) end,
+ {Code, TCFG} =
+ case bb_has_call(BB) of
+ false ->
+ Code1 = rewrite_instrs(Code0Rev, Fun, EntryRen, M3Ren, Temps, Target,
+ []),
+ {Code1, TCFG0};
+ true ->
+ CallI0 = hd(Code0Rev),
+ Succ = bb_succ(BB),
+ {CallTI, TCFG1} = inject_restores(Succ, Target, Liveness, PLive, DSets,
+ Renames, Temps, CallI0#instr.i, TCFG0),
+ Liveout1 = liveness_step(CallI0, liveout(Liveness, L, Target)),
+ Defout = defbutlast(L, Defs),
+ SpillMap = mk_spillmap(EntryRen, Liveout1, Defout, Temps, Target),
+ Code1 = rewrite_instrs(tl(Code0Rev), Fun, EntryRen, M3Ren, Temps,
+ Target, []),
+ Code2 = lift_spills(lists:reverse(Code1), Target, SpillMap, [CallTI]),
+ {Code2, TCFG1}
+ end,
+ TBB = hipe_bb:code_update(bb(TCFG, L, Target), Code),
+ rewrite_bbs(BBs, Target, Liveness, PLive, Defs, Avail, DSets, Renames, Temps,
+ update_bb(TCFG, L, TBB, Target)).
+-spec rewrite_instrs([code_elem()], rewrite_fun(), ren(),
+ ordsets:ordset(temp()), temps(), target(),
+ [target_instr()])
+ -> [target_instr()].
+rewrite_instrs([], _Fun, _Ren, _M3Ren, _Temps, _Target, Acc) -> Acc;
+rewrite_instrs([I|Is], Fun, Ren, M3Ren, Temps, Target, Acc0) ->
+ Acc =
+ case I of
+ #instr{i=TI} -> [Fun(TI)|Acc0];
+ #mode2_spills{temps=Mode2Spills} ->
+ add_mode2_spills(Mode2Spills, Target, Ren, M3Ren, Temps, Acc0);
+ #mode3_restores{temps=Mode3Restores} ->
+ add_mode3_restores(Mode3Restores, Target, Ren, Temps, Acc0)
+ end,
+ rewrite_instrs(Is, Fun, Ren, M3Ren, Temps, Target, Acc).
+-spec add_mode2_spills(ordsets:ordset(temp()), target(), ren(),
+ ordsets:ordset(temp()), temps(), [target_instr()])
+ -> [target_instr()].
+add_mode2_spills([], _Target, _Ren, _M3Ren, _Temps, Acc) -> Acc;
+add_mode2_spills([R|Rs], Target, Ren, M3Ren, Temps, Acc0) ->
+ Acc =
+ case Ren of
+ #{R := {Mode, NewName}} when Mode =:= mode2; Mode =:= mode3 ->
+ case Mode =/= mode3 orelse lists:member(R, M3Ren) of
+ false -> Acc0;
+ true ->
+ #{R := T} = Temps,
+ SpillInstr = mk_move(update_reg_nr(NewName, T, Target), T, Target),
+ [SpillInstr|Acc0]
+ end;
+ #{} ->
+ Acc0
+ end,
+ add_mode2_spills(Rs, Target, Ren, M3Ren, Temps, Acc).
+-spec add_mode3_restores(ordsets:ordset(temp()), target(), ren(), temps(),
+ [target_instr()])
+ -> [target_instr()].
+add_mode3_restores([], _Target, _Ren, _Temps, Acc) -> Acc;
+add_mode3_restores([R|Rs], Target, Ren, Temps, Acc) ->
+ case Ren of
+ #{R := {mode3, NewName}} ->
+ #{R := T} = Temps,
+ RestoreInstr = mk_move(T, update_reg_nr(NewName, T, Target), Target),
+ add_mode3_restores(Rs, Target, Ren, Temps, [RestoreInstr|Acc]);
+ #{} ->
+ add_mode3_restores(Rs, Target, Ren, Temps, Acc)
+ end.
+-type rewrite_fun() :: fun((target_instr()) -> target_instr()).
+-type subst_fun() :: fun((target_temp()) -> target_temp()).
+-spec rewrite_subst_fun(target(), ren(), ordsets:ordset(temp())) -> subst_fun().
+rewrite_subst_fun(Target, Ren, M3Ren) ->
+ fun(Temp) ->
+ Reg = reg_nr(Temp, Target),
+ case Ren of
+ #{Reg := {Mode, NewName}} ->
+ case Mode =/= mode3 orelse lists:member(Reg, M3Ren) of
+ false -> Temp;
+ true -> update_reg_nr(NewName, Temp, Target)
+ end;
+ #{} -> Temp
+ end
+ end.
+-type spillmap() :: [{temp(), target_instr()}].
+-spec mk_spillmap(ren(), liveset(), defsetf(), temps(), target())
+ -> spillmap().
+mk_spillmap(Ren, Livein, Defout, Temps, Target) ->
+ [begin
+ Temp = maps:get(Reg, Temps),
+ {NewName, mk_move(update_reg_nr(NewName, Temp, Target), Temp, Target)}
+ end || {Reg, {mode1, NewName}} <- maps:to_list(Ren),
+ lists:member(Reg, Livein), defsetf_member(Reg, Defout)].
+-spec mk_restores(ren(), liveset(), liveset(), temps(), target())
+ -> [target_instr()].
+mk_restores(Ren, Livein, PLivein, Temps, Target) ->
+ [begin
+ Temp = maps:get(Reg, Temps),
+ mk_move(Temp, update_reg_nr(NewName, Temp, Target), Target)
+ end || {Reg, {Mode, NewName}} <- maps:to_list(Ren),
+ ( (Mode =:= mode1 andalso lists:member(Reg, Livein ))
+ orelse (Mode =:= mode2 andalso lists:member(Reg, PLivein)))].
+-spec inject_restores([label()], target(), liveness(), plive(),
+ part_dsets_map(), renames(), temps(), target_instr(),
+ target_cfg())
+ -> {target_instr(), target_cfg()}.
+inject_restores([], _Target, _Liveness, _PLive, _DSets, _Renames, _Temps, CFTI,
+ TCFG) ->
+inject_restores([L|Ls], Target, Liveness, PLive, DSets, Renames, Temps, CFTI0,
+ TCFG0) ->
+ Ren = maps:get(maps:get(L,DSets), Renames),
+ Livein = livein(Liveness, L, Target),
+ PLivein = plivein(L, PLive),
+ {CFTI, TCFG} =
+ case mk_restores(Ren, Livein, PLivein, Temps, Target) of
+ [] -> {CFTI0, TCFG0}; % optimisation
+ Restores ->
+ RestBBLbl = new_label(Target),
+ Code = Restores ++ [mk_goto(L, Target)],
+ CFTI1 = redirect_jmp(CFTI0, L, RestBBLbl, Target),
+ TCFG1 = update_bb(TCFG0, RestBBLbl, hipe_bb:mk_bb(Code), Target),
+ {CFTI1, TCFG1}
+ end,
+ inject_restores(Ls, Target, Liveness, PLive, DSets, Renames, Temps, CFTI,
+ TCFG).
+%% Heuristic. Move spills up until we meet the edge of the BB or a definition of
+%% that temp.
+-spec lift_spills([target_instr()], target(), spillmap(), [target_instr()])
+ -> [target_instr()].
+lift_spills([], _Target, SpillMap, Acc) ->
+ [SpillI || {_, SpillI} <- SpillMap] ++ Acc;
+lift_spills([I|Is], Target, SpillMap0, Acc) ->
+ Def = reg_defines(I, Target),
+ {Spills0, SpillMap} =
+ lists:partition(fun({Reg,_}) -> lists:member(Reg, Def) end, SpillMap0),
+ Spills = [SpillI || {_, SpillI} <- Spills0],
+ lift_spills(Is, Target, SpillMap, [I|Spills ++ Acc]).
+reg_defines(I, Target) ->
+ reg_names(defines(I,Target), Target).
+%% Costs ADT
+%% Keeps track of cumulative cost of spilling temps in particular partitions
+%% using particular spill modes.
+-type cost_map() :: #{[part_key()|temp()] => float()}.
+-type cost_key() :: entry1 | entry2 | exit | spill | restore.
+-record(costs, {entry1 = #{} :: cost_map()
+ ,entry2 = #{} :: cost_map()
+ ,exit = #{} :: cost_map()
+ ,spill = #{} :: cost_map()
+ ,restore = #{} :: cost_map()
+ }).
+-type costs() :: #costs{}.
+-spec costs_new() -> costs().
+costs_new() -> #costs{}.
+-spec costs_insert(cost_key(), part_key(), float(), liveset(), costs())
+ -> costs().
+costs_insert(entry1, A, Weight, Liveset, Costs=#costs{entry1=Entry1}) ->
+ Costs#costs{entry1=costs_insert_1(A, Weight, Liveset, Entry1)};
+costs_insert(entry2, A, Weight, Liveset, Costs=#costs{entry2=Entry2}) ->
+ Costs#costs{entry2=costs_insert_1(A, Weight, Liveset, Entry2)};
+costs_insert(exit, A, Weight, Liveset, Costs=#costs{exit=Exit}) ->
+ Costs#costs{exit=costs_insert_1(A, Weight, Liveset, Exit)};
+costs_insert(spill, A, Weight, Liveset, Costs=#costs{spill=Spill}) ->
+ Costs#costs{spill=costs_insert_1(A, Weight, Liveset, Spill)};
+costs_insert(restore, A, Weight, Liveset, Costs=#costs{restore=Restore}) ->
+ Costs#costs{restore=costs_insert_1(A, Weight, Liveset, Restore)}.
+costs_insert_1(A, Weight, Liveset, CostMap0) when is_float(Weight) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun(Live, CostMap1) ->
+ map_update_counter([A|Live], Weight, CostMap1)
+ end, CostMap0, Liveset).
+-spec costs_map_roots(part_dsets(), costs()) -> {costs(), part_dsets()}.
+costs_map_roots(DSets0, Costs) ->
+ {Entry1, DSets1} = costs_map_roots_1(DSets0, Costs#costs.entry1),
+ {Entry2, DSets2} = costs_map_roots_1(DSets1, Costs#costs.entry2),
+ {Exit, DSets3} = costs_map_roots_1(DSets2, Costs#costs.exit),
+ {Spill, DSets4} = costs_map_roots_1(DSets3, Costs#costs.spill),
+ {Restore, DSets} = costs_map_roots_1(DSets4, Costs#costs.restore),
+ {#costs{entry1=Entry1,entry2=Entry2,exit=Exit,spill=Spill,restore=Restore},
+ DSets}.
+costs_map_roots_1(DSets0, CostMap) ->
+ {NewEs, DSets} = lists:mapfoldl(fun({[A|T], Wt}, DSets1) ->
+ {AR, DSets2} = hipe_dsets:find(A, DSets1),
+ {{[AR|T], Wt}, DSets2}
+ end, DSets0, maps:to_list(CostMap)),
+ {maps_from_list_merge(NewEs, fun erlang:'+'/2, #{}), DSets}.
+maps_from_list_merge([], _MF, Acc) -> Acc;
+maps_from_list_merge([{K,V}|Ps], MF, Acc) ->
+ maps_from_list_merge(Ps, MF, case Acc of
+ #{K := OV} -> Acc#{K := MF(V, OV)};
+ #{} -> Acc#{K => V}
+ end).
+-spec costs_query(temp(), cost_key(), part_key(), costs()) -> float().
+costs_query(Temp, entry1, Part, #costs{entry1=Entry1}) ->
+ costs_query_1(Temp, Part, Entry1);
+costs_query(Temp, entry2, Part, #costs{entry2=Entry2}) ->
+ costs_query_1(Temp, Part, Entry2);
+costs_query(Temp, exit, Part, #costs{exit=Exit}) ->
+ costs_query_1(Temp, Part, Exit);
+costs_query(Temp, spill, Part, #costs{spill=Spill}) ->
+ costs_query_1(Temp, Part, Spill);
+costs_query(Temp, restore, Part, #costs{restore=Restore}) ->
+ costs_query_1(Temp, Part, Restore).
+costs_query_1(Temp, Part, CostMap) ->
+ Key = [Part|Temp],
+ case CostMap of
+ #{Key := Wt} -> Wt;
+ #{} -> 0.0
+ end.
+-spec map_update_counter(Key, number(), #{Key => number(), OK => OV})
+ -> #{Key := number(), OK => OV}.
+map_update_counter(Key, Incr, Map) ->
+ case Map of
+ #{Key := Orig} -> Map#{Key := Orig + Incr};
+ #{} -> Map#{Key => Incr}
+ end.
+%% Def and use counting ADT
+-type ducount() :: #{temp() => float()}.
+-spec ducount_new() -> ducount().
+ducount_new() -> #{}.
+-spec ducount_add([temp()], float(), ducount()) -> ducount().
+ducount_add([], _Weight, DUCount) -> DUCount;
+ducount_add([T|Ts], Weight, DUCount0) ->
+ DUCount =
+ case DUCount0 of
+ #{T := Count} -> DUCount0#{T := Count + Weight};
+ #{} -> DUCount0#{T => Weight}
+ end,
+ ducount_add(Ts, Weight, DUCount).
+ducount_to_list(DUCount) -> maps:to_list(DUCount).
+-spec ducount_merge(ducount(), ducount()) -> ducount().
+ducount_merge(DCA, DCB) when map_size(DCA) < map_size(DCB) ->
+ ducount_merge_1(ducount_to_list(DCA), DCB);
+ducount_merge(DCA, DCB) when map_size(DCA) >= map_size(DCB) ->
+ ducount_merge_1(ducount_to_list(DCB), DCA).
+ducount_merge_1([], DUCount) -> DUCount;
+ducount_merge_1([{T,AC}|Ts], DUCount0) ->
+ DUCount =
+ case DUCount0 of
+ #{T := BC} -> DUCount0#{T := AC + BC};
+ #{} -> DUCount0#{T => AC}
+ end,
+ ducount_merge_1(Ts, DUCount).
+%% Target module interface functions
+-define(TGT_IFACE_0(N), N( {M,C}) -> M:N( C)).
+-define(TGT_IFACE_1(N), N(A1, {M,C}) -> M:N(A1, C)).
+-define(TGT_IFACE_2(N), N(A1,A2, {M,C}) -> M:N(A1,A2, C)).
+-define(TGT_IFACE_3(N), N(A1,A2,A3,{M,C}) -> M:N(A1,A2,A3,C)).
+branch_preds(Instr, {TgtMod,TgtCtx}) ->
+ merge_sorted_preds(lists:keysort(1, TgtMod:branch_preds(Instr, TgtCtx))).
+livein(Liveness, L, Target={TgtMod,TgtCtx}) ->
+ ordsets:from_list(reg_names(TgtMod:livein(Liveness, L, TgtCtx), Target)).
+liveout(Liveness, L, Target={TgtMod,TgtCtx}) ->
+ ordsets:from_list(reg_names(TgtMod:liveout(Liveness, L, TgtCtx), Target)).
+merge_sorted_preds([]) -> [];
+merge_sorted_preds([{L, P1}, {L, P2}|LPs]) ->
+ merge_sorted_preds([{L, P1+P2}|LPs]);
+merge_sorted_preds([LP|LPs]) -> [LP|merge_sorted_preds(LPs)].
+reg_names(Regs, {TgtMod,TgtCtx}) ->
+ [TgtMod:reg_nr(X,TgtCtx) || X <- Regs].
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_regalloc_loop.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_regalloc_loop.erl
index 5bbb0ba7c1..29ef3adcc2 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_regalloc_loop.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_regalloc_loop.erl
@@ -32,9 +32,11 @@ ra_fp(CFG, Liveness, Options, RegAllocMod, TargetMod, TargetCtx) ->
ra_common(CFG0, Liveness0, SpillIndex, Options, RegAllocMod, TargetMod,
TargetCtx) ->
?inc_counter(ra_calls_counter, 1),
- SpillLimit0 = TargetMod:number_of_temporaries(CFG0, TargetCtx),
+ {CFG1, Liveness1} =
+ do_range_split(CFG0, Liveness0, TargetMod, TargetCtx, Options),
+ SpillLimit0 = TargetMod:number_of_temporaries(CFG1, TargetCtx),
{Coloring, _, CFG, Liveness} =
- call_allocator_initial(CFG0, Liveness0, SpillLimit0, SpillIndex, Options,
+ call_allocator_initial(CFG1, Liveness1, SpillLimit0, SpillIndex, Options,
RegAllocMod, TargetMod, TargetCtx),
%% The first iteration, the hipe_regalloc_prepass may create new temps, these
%% should not end up above SpillLimit.
@@ -96,3 +98,20 @@ call_allocator(CFG, Liveness, SpillLimit, SpillIndex, Options, RegAllocMod,
RegAllocMod:regalloc(CFG, Liveness, SpillIndex, SpillLimit, TargetMod,
TargetCtx, Options)
+do_range_split(CFG0, Liveness0, TgtMod, TgtCtx, Options) ->
+ {CFG2, Liveness1} =
+ case proplists:get_bool(ra_restore_reuse, Options) of
+ true ->
+ CFG1 = hipe_restore_reuse:split(CFG0, Liveness0, TgtMod, TgtCtx),
+ {CFG1, TgtMod:analyze(CFG1, TgtCtx)};
+ false ->
+ {CFG0, Liveness0}
+ end,
+ case proplists:get_bool(ra_range_split, Options) of
+ true ->
+ CFG3 = hipe_range_split:split(CFG2, Liveness1, TgtMod, TgtCtx, Options),
+ {CFG3, TgtMod:analyze(CFG3, TgtCtx)};
+ false ->
+ {CFG2, Liveness1}
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_regalloc_prepass.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_regalloc_prepass.erl
index e212420ad2..5024840237 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_regalloc_prepass.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_regalloc_prepass.erl
@@ -483,8 +483,8 @@ merge_pointless_splits_1([], _ScanBBs, DSets, Acc) -> {Acc, DSets};
merge_pointless_splits_1([P={_,{single,_}}|Ps], ScanBBs, DSets, Acc) ->
merge_pointless_splits_1(Ps, ScanBBs, DSets, [P|Acc]);
merge_pointless_splits_1([P0={L,{split,_,_}}|Ps], ScanBBs, DSets0, Acc) ->
- {EntryRoot, DSets1} = dsets_find({entry,L}, DSets0),
- {ExitRoot, DSets} = dsets_find({exit,L}, DSets1),
+ {EntryRoot, DSets1} = hipe_dsets:find({entry,L}, DSets0),
+ {ExitRoot, DSets} = hipe_dsets:find({exit,L}, DSets1),
case EntryRoot =:= ExitRoot of
false -> merge_pointless_splits_1(Ps, ScanBBs, DSets, [P0|Acc]);
true ->
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ merge_pointless_splits_1([P0={L,{split,_,_}}|Ps], ScanBBs, DSets0, Acc) ->
-spec merge_small_parts(bb_dsets()) -> {bb_dsets_rllist(), bb_dsets()}.
merge_small_parts(DSets0) ->
- {RLList, DSets1} = dsets_to_rllist(DSets0),
+ {RLList, DSets1} = hipe_dsets:to_rllist(DSets0),
RLLList = [{R, length(Elems), Elems} || {R, Elems} <- RLList],
merge_small_parts_1(RLLList, DSets1, []).
@@ -518,8 +518,8 @@ merge_small_parts_1([Fst,{R, L, Es}|Ps], DSets, Acc)
merge_small_parts_1([Fst|Ps], DSets, [{R,Es}|Acc]);
merge_small_parts_1([{R1,L1,Es1},{R2,L2,Es2}|Ps], DSets0, Acc) ->
- DSets1 = dsets_union(R1, R2, DSets0),
- {R, DSets} = dsets_find(R1, DSets1),
+ DSets1 = hipe_dsets:union(R1, R2, DSets0),
+ {R, DSets} = hipe_dsets:find(R1, DSets1),
merge_small_parts_1([{R,L2+L1,Es2++Es1}|Ps], DSets, Acc).
%% @doc Partition an ordering over BBs into subsequences for the dsets that
@@ -531,8 +531,8 @@ part_order(Lbs, DSets) -> part_order(Lbs, DSets, #{}).
part_order([], DSets, Acc) -> {Acc, DSets};
part_order([L|Ls], DSets0, Acc0) ->
- {EntryRoot, DSets1} = dsets_find({entry,L}, DSets0),
- {ExitRoot, DSets2} = dsets_find({exit,L}, DSets1),
+ {EntryRoot, DSets1} = hipe_dsets:find({entry,L}, DSets0),
+ {ExitRoot, DSets2} = hipe_dsets:find({exit,L}, DSets1),
Acc1 = map_append(EntryRoot, L, Acc0),
%% Only include the label once if both entry and exit is in same partition
Acc2 = case EntryRoot =:= ExitRoot of
@@ -558,73 +558,26 @@ map_append(Key, Elem, Map) ->
%% split point, and one from the end to the last split point.
-type bb_dset_key() :: {entry | exit, label()}.
--type bb_dsets() :: dsets(bb_dset_key()).
+-type bb_dsets() :: hipe_dsets:dsets(bb_dset_key()).
-type bb_dsets_rllist() :: [{bb_dset_key(), [bb_dset_key()]}].
-spec initial_dsets(target_cfg(), module(), target_context()) -> bb_dsets().
initial_dsets(CFG, TgtMod, TgtCtx) ->
Labels = TgtMod:labels(CFG, TgtCtx),
- DSets0 = dsets_new(lists:append([[{entry,L},{exit,L}] || L <- Labels])),
+ DSets0 = hipe_dsets:new(lists:append([[{entry,L},{exit,L}] || L <- Labels])),
Edges = lists:append([[{L, S} || S <- hipe_gen_cfg:succ(CFG, L)]
|| L <- Labels]),
- lists:foldl(fun({X, Y}, DS) -> dsets_union({exit,X}, {entry,Y}, DS) end,
+ lists:foldl(fun({X, Y}, DS) -> hipe_dsets:union({exit,X}, {entry,Y}, DS) end,
DSets0, Edges).
-spec join_whole_blocks(part_bb_list(), bb_dsets()) -> bb_dsets().
join_whole_blocks(PartBBList, DSets0) ->
- lists:foldl(fun({L, {single, _}}, DS) -> dsets_union({entry,L}, {exit,L}, DS);
+ lists:foldl(fun({L, {single, _}}, DS) ->
+ hipe_dsets:union({entry,L}, {exit,L}, DS);
({_, {split, _, _}}, DS) -> DS
end, DSets0, PartBBList).
-%% The disjoint set forests data structure, for elements of arbitrary types.
-%% Note that the find operation mutates the set.
-%% We could do this more efficiently if we restricted the elements to integers,
-%% and used the (mutable) hipe arrays. For arbitrary terms ETS could be used,
-%% for a persistent interface (which isn't that nice when even accessors return
-%% modified copies), the array module could be used.
--type dsets(X) :: #{X => {node, X} | {root, non_neg_integer()}}.
--spec dsets_new([E]) -> dsets(E).
-dsets_new(Elems) -> maps:from_list([{E,{root,0}} || E <- Elems]).
--spec dsets_find(E, dsets(E)) -> {E, dsets(E)}.
-dsets_find(E, DS0) ->
- case DS0 of
- #{E := {root,_}} -> {E, DS0};
- #{E := {node,N}} ->
- case dsets_find(N, DS0) of
- {N, _}=T -> T;
- {R, DS1} -> {R, DS1#{E := {node,R}}}
- end
- ;_ -> error(badarg, [E, DS0])
- end.
--spec dsets_union(E, E, dsets(E)) -> dsets(E).
-dsets_union(X, Y, DS0) ->
- {XRoot, DS1} = dsets_find(X, DS0),
- case dsets_find(Y, DS1) of
- {XRoot, DS2} -> DS2;
- {YRoot, DS2} ->
- #{XRoot := {root,XRR}, YRoot := {root,YRR}} = DS2,
- if XRR < YRR -> DS2#{XRoot := {node,YRoot}};
- XRR > YRR -> DS2#{YRoot := {node,XRoot}};
- true -> DS2#{YRoot := {node,XRoot}, XRoot := {root,XRR+1}}
- end
- end.
--spec dsets_to_rllist(dsets(E)) -> {[{Root::E, Elems::[E]}], dsets(E)}.
-dsets_to_rllist(DS0) ->
- {Lists, DS} = dsets_to_rllist(maps:keys(DS0), #{}, DS0),
- {maps:to_list(Lists), DS}.
-dsets_to_rllist([], Acc, DS) -> {Acc, DS};
-dsets_to_rllist([E|Es], Acc, DS0) ->
- {ERoot, DS} = dsets_find(E, DS0),
- dsets_to_rllist(Es, map_append(ERoot, E, Acc), DS).
%% Third pass
%% Collect all referenced temps in each partition.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_restore_reuse.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_restore_reuse.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2158bd185e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_restore_reuse.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% This is a simple live range splitter that tries to avoid sequences where a
+%% temporary is accessed on stack multiple times by keeping a copy of that temp
+%% around in a register.
+%% At any point where a temporary that is expected to be spilled (see uses of
+%% spills_add_list/2) is defined or used, this pass considers that temporary
+%% "available".
+%% Limitations:
+%% * If a live range part starts with several different restores, this module
+%% will introduce a new temp number for each of them, and later be forced to
+%% generate phi blocks. It would be more efficient to introduce just a
+%% single temp number. That would also remove the need for the phi blocks.
+%% * If a live range part ends in a definition, that definition should just
+%% define the base temp rather than the substitution, since some CISC
+%% targets might be able to inline the memory access in the instruction.
+%% Exports for hipe_range_split, which uses restore_reuse as one possible spill
+%% "mode"
+ ,renamed_in_block/2
+ ,split_in_block/2
+ ]).
+%% -define(DO_ASSERT, 1).
+-type target_cfg() :: any().
+-type liveness() :: any().
+-type target_module() :: module().
+-type target_context() :: any().
+-type target() :: {target_module(), target_context()}.
+-type label() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type reg() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type instr() :: any().
+-type temp() :: any().
+-spec split(target_cfg(), liveness(), target_module(), target_context())
+ -> target_cfg().
+split(CFG, Liveness, TargetMod, TargetContext) ->
+ Target = {TargetMod, TargetContext},
+ Avail = analyse(CFG, Liveness, Target),
+ rewrite(CFG, Target, Avail).
+-opaque avail() :: #{label() => avail_bb()}.
+-record(avail_bb, {
+ %% Blocks where HasCall is true are considered to have too high
+ %% register pressure to support a register copy of a temp
+ has_call :: boolean(),
+ %% AvailOut: Temps that can be split (are available)
+ out :: availset(),
+ %% Gen: AvailOut generated locally
+ gen :: availset(),
+ %% WantIn: Temps that are split
+ want :: regset(),
+ %% Self: Temps with avail-want pairs locally
+ self :: regset(),
+ %% DefIn: Temps shadowed by later def in same live range part
+ defin :: regset(),
+ pred :: [label()],
+ succ :: [label()]
+ }).
+-type avail_bb() :: #avail_bb{}.
+avail_get(L, Avail) -> maps:get(L, Avail).
+avail_set(L, Val, Avail) -> maps:put(L, Val, Avail).
+avail_has_call(L, Avail) -> (avail_get(L, Avail))#avail_bb.has_call.
+avail_out(L, Avail) -> (avail_get(L, Avail))#avail_bb.out.
+avail_self(L, Avail) -> (avail_get(L, Avail))#avail_bb.self.
+avail_pred(L, Avail) -> (avail_get(L, Avail))#avail_bb.pred.
+avail_succ(L, Avail) -> (avail_get(L, Avail))#avail_bb.succ.
+avail_in(L, Avail) ->
+ case avail_pred(L, Avail) of
+ [] -> availset_empty(); % entry
+ Pred ->
+ lists:foldl(fun(P, ASet) ->
+ availset_intersect(avail_out(P, Avail), ASet)
+ end, availset_top(), Pred)
+ end.
+want_in(L, Avail) -> (avail_get(L, Avail))#avail_bb.want.
+want_out(L, Avail) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun(S, Set) ->
+ ordsets:union(want_in(S, Avail), Set)
+ end, ordsets:new(), avail_succ(L, Avail)).
+def_in(L, Avail) -> (avail_get(L, Avail))#avail_bb.defin.
+def_out(L, Avail) ->
+ case avail_succ(L, Avail) of
+ [] -> ordsets:new(); % entry
+ Succ ->
+ ordsets:intersection([def_in(S, Avail) || S <- Succ])
+ end.
+-type regset() :: ordsets:ordset(reg()).
+-type availset() :: top | regset().
+availset_empty() -> [].
+availset_top() -> top.
+availset_intersect(top, B) -> B;
+availset_intersect(A, top) -> A;
+availset_intersect(A, B) -> ordsets:intersection(A, B).
+availset_union(top, _) -> top;
+availset_union(_, top) -> top;
+availset_union(A, B) -> ordsets:union(A, B).
+ordset_intersect_availset(OS, top) -> OS;
+ordset_intersect_availset(OS, AS) -> ordsets:intersection(OS, AS).
+%% Analysis pass
+%% The analysis pass collects the set of temps we're interested in splitting
+%% (Spills), and computes three dataflow analyses for this subset of temps.
+%% Avail, which is the set of temps which are available in register from a
+%% previous (potential) spill or restore without going through a HasCall
+%% block.
+%% Want, which is a liveness analysis for the subset of temps used by an
+%% instruction that are also in Avail at that point. In other words, Want is
+%% the set of temps that are split (has a register copy) at a particular
+%% point.
+%% Def, which are the temps that are already going to be spilled later, and so
+%% need not be spilled when they're defined.
+%% Lastly, it computes the set Self for each block, which is the temps that have
+%% avail-want pairs in the same block, and so should be split in that block even
+%% if they're not in WantIn for the block.
+-spec analyse(target_cfg(), liveness(), target()) -> avail().
+analyse(CFG, Liveness, Target) ->
+ Avail0 = analyse_init(CFG, Liveness, Target),
+ RPO = reverse_postorder(CFG, Target),
+ AvailLs = [L || L <- RPO, not avail_has_call(L, Avail0)],
+ Avail1 = avail_dataf(AvailLs, Avail0),
+ Avail2 = analyse_filter_want(maps:keys(Avail1), Avail1),
+ PO = lists:reverse(RPO),
+ want_dataf(PO, Avail2).
+-spec analyse_init(target_cfg(), liveness(), target()) -> avail().
+analyse_init(CFG, Liveness, Target) ->
+ analyse_init(labels(CFG, Target), CFG, Liveness, Target, #{}, []).
+-spec analyse_init([label()], target_cfg(), liveness(), target(), spillset(),
+ [{label(), avail_bb()}])
+ -> avail().
+analyse_init([], _CFG, _Liveness, Target, Spills0, Acc) ->
+ %% Precoloured temps can't be spilled
+ Spills = spills_filter(fun(R) -> not is_precoloured(R, Target) end, Spills0),
+ analyse_init_1(Acc, Spills, []);
+analyse_init([L|Ls], CFG, Liveness, Target, Spills0, Acc) ->
+ {DefIn, Gen, Self, Want, HasCall0} =
+ analyse_scan(hipe_bb:code(bb(CFG, L, Target)), Target,
+ ordsets:new(), ordsets:new(), ordsets:new(),
+ ordsets:new()),
+ {Spills, Out, HasCall} =
+ case HasCall0 of
+ false -> {Spills0, availset_top(), false};
+ {true, CallDefs} ->
+ Spill = ordsets:subtract(liveout(Liveness, L, Target), CallDefs),
+ {spills_add_list(Spill, Spills0), Gen, true}
+ end,
+ Pred = hipe_gen_cfg:pred(CFG, L),
+ Succ = hipe_gen_cfg:succ(CFG, L),
+ Val = #avail_bb{gen=Gen, want=Want, self=Self, out=Out, has_call=HasCall,
+ pred=Pred, succ=Succ, defin=DefIn},
+ analyse_init(Ls, CFG, Liveness, Target, Spills, [{L, Val} | Acc]).
+-spec analyse_init_1([{label(), avail_bb()}], spillset(),
+ [{label(), avail_bb()}])
+ -> avail().
+analyse_init_1([], _Spills, Acc) -> maps:from_list(Acc);
+analyse_init_1([{L, Val0}|Vs], Spills, Acc) ->
+ #avail_bb{out=Out,gen=Gen,want=Want,self=Self} = Val0,
+ Val = Val0#avail_bb{
+ out = spills_filter_availset(Out, Spills),
+ gen = spills_filter_availset(Gen, Spills),
+ want = spills_filter_availset(Want, Spills),
+ self = spills_filter_availset(Self, Spills)},
+ analyse_init_1(Vs, Spills, [{L, Val} | Acc]).
+-type spillset() :: #{reg() => []}.
+-spec spills_add_list([reg()], spillset()) -> spillset().
+spills_add_list([], Spills) -> Spills;
+spills_add_list([R|Rs], Spills) -> spills_add_list(Rs, Spills#{R => []}).
+-spec spills_filter_availset(availset(), spillset()) -> availset().
+spills_filter_availset([E|Es], Spills) ->
+ case Spills of
+ #{E := _} -> [E|spills_filter_availset(Es, Spills)];
+ #{} -> spills_filter_availset(Es, Spills)
+ end;
+spills_filter_availset([], _) -> [];
+spills_filter_availset(top, _) -> top.
+spills_filter(Fun, Spills) -> maps:filter(fun(K, _) -> Fun(K) end, Spills).
+-spec analyse_scan([instr()], target(), Defset, Gen, Self, Want)
+ -> {Defset, Gen, Self, Want, HasCall} when
+ HasCall :: false | {true, regset()},
+ Defset :: regset(),
+ Gen :: availset(),
+ Self :: regset(),
+ Want :: regset().
+analyse_scan([], _Target, Defs, Gen, Self, Want) ->
+ {Defs, Gen, Self, Want, false};
+analyse_scan([I|Is], Target, Defs0, Gen0, Self0, Want0) ->
+ {DefL, UseL} = reg_def_use(I, Target),
+ Use = ordsets:from_list(UseL),
+ Def = ordsets:from_list(DefL),
+ Self = ordsets:union(ordsets:intersection(Use, Gen0), Self0),
+ Want = ordsets:union(ordsets:subtract(Use, Defs0), Want0),
+ Defs = ordsets:union(Def, Defs0),
+ case defines_all_alloc(I, Target) of
+ true ->
+ [] = Is, %assertion
+ {Defs, ordsets:new(), Self, Want, {true, Def}};
+ false ->
+ Gen = ordsets:union(ordsets:union(Def, Use), Gen0),
+ analyse_scan(Is, Target, Defs, Gen, Self, Want)
+ end.
+-spec avail_dataf([label()], avail()) -> avail().
+avail_dataf(RPO, Avail0) ->
+ case avail_dataf_once(RPO, Avail0, 0) of
+ {Avail, 0} -> Avail;
+ {Avail, _Changed} ->
+ avail_dataf(RPO, Avail)
+ end.
+-spec avail_dataf_once([label()], avail(), non_neg_integer())
+ -> {avail(), non_neg_integer()}.
+avail_dataf_once([], Avail, Changed) -> {Avail, Changed};
+avail_dataf_once([L|Ls], Avail0, Changed0) ->
+ ABB = #avail_bb{out=OldOut, gen=Gen} = avail_get(L, Avail0),
+ In = avail_in(L, Avail0),
+ {Changed, Avail} =
+ case availset_union(In, Gen) of
+ OldOut -> {Changed0, Avail0};
+ Out -> {Changed0+1, avail_set(L, ABB#avail_bb{out=Out}, Avail0)}
+ end,
+ avail_dataf_once(Ls, Avail, Changed).
+-spec analyse_filter_want([label()], avail()) -> avail().
+analyse_filter_want([], Avail) -> Avail;
+analyse_filter_want([L|Ls], Avail0) ->
+ ABB = #avail_bb{want=Want0, defin=DefIn0} = avail_get(L, Avail0),
+ In = avail_in(L, Avail0),
+ Want = ordset_intersect_availset(Want0, In),
+ DefIn = ordset_intersect_availset(DefIn0, In),
+ Avail = avail_set(L, ABB#avail_bb{want=Want, defin=DefIn}, Avail0),
+ analyse_filter_want(Ls, Avail).
+-spec want_dataf([label()], avail()) -> avail().
+want_dataf(PO, Avail0) ->
+ case want_dataf_once(PO, Avail0, 0) of
+ {Avail, 0} -> Avail;
+ {Avail, _Changed} ->
+ want_dataf(PO, Avail)
+ end.
+-spec want_dataf_once([label()], avail(), non_neg_integer())
+ -> {avail(), non_neg_integer()}.
+want_dataf_once([], Avail, Changed) -> {Avail, Changed};
+want_dataf_once([L|Ls], Avail0, Changed0) ->
+ ABB0 = #avail_bb{want=OldIn,defin=OldDef} = avail_get(L, Avail0),
+ AvailIn = avail_in(L, Avail0),
+ Out = want_out(L, Avail0),
+ DefOut = def_out(L, Avail0),
+ {Changed, Avail} =
+ case {ordsets:union(ordset_intersect_availset(Out, AvailIn), OldIn),
+ ordsets:union(ordset_intersect_availset(DefOut, AvailIn), OldDef)}
+ of
+ {OldIn, OldDef} -> {Changed0, Avail0};
+ {In, DefIn} ->
+ ABB = ABB0#avail_bb{want=In,defin=DefIn},
+ {Changed0+1, avail_set(L, ABB, Avail0)}
+ end,
+ want_dataf_once(Ls, Avail, Changed).
+%% Rewrite pass
+-type subst_dict() :: orddict:orddict(reg(), reg()).
+-type input() :: #{label() => subst_dict()}.
+-spec rewrite(target_cfg(), target(), avail()) -> target_cfg().
+rewrite(CFG, Target, Avail) ->
+ RPO = reverse_postorder(CFG, Target),
+ rewrite(RPO, Target, Avail, #{}, CFG).
+-spec rewrite([label()], target(), avail(), input(), target_cfg())
+ -> target_cfg().
+rewrite([], _Target, _Avail, _Input, CFG) -> CFG;
+rewrite([L|Ls], Target, Avail, Input0, CFG0) ->
+ SplitHere = split_in_block(L, Avail),
+ {Input1, LInput} =
+ case Input0 of
+ #{L := LInput0} -> {Input0, LInput0};
+ #{} -> {Input0#{L => []}, []} % entry block
+ end,
+ ?ASSERT([] =:= [X || X <- SplitHere, orddict:is_key(X, LInput)]),
+ ?ASSERT(want_in(L, Avail) =:= orddict:fetch_keys(LInput)),
+ {CFG1, LOutput} =
+ case {SplitHere, LInput} of
+ {[], []} -> % optimisation (rewrite will do nothing, so skip it)
+ {CFG0, LInput};
+ _ ->
+ Code0 = hipe_bb:code(BB=bb(CFG0, L, Target)),
+ DefOut = def_out(L, Avail),
+ {Code, LOutput0, _DefIn} =
+ rewrite_instrs(Code0, Target, LInput, DefOut, SplitHere),
+ {update_bb(CFG0, L, hipe_bb:code_update(BB, Code), Target), LOutput0}
+ end,
+ {Input, CFG} = rewrite_succs(avail_succ(L, Avail), Target, L, LOutput, Avail,
+ Input1, CFG1),
+ rewrite(Ls, Target, Avail, Input, CFG).
+-spec renamed_in_block(label(), avail()) -> ordsets:ordset(reg()).
+renamed_in_block(L, Avail) ->
+ ordsets:union([avail_self(L, Avail), want_in(L, Avail),
+ want_out(L, Avail)]).
+-spec split_in_block(label(), avail()) -> ordsets:ordset(reg()).
+split_in_block(L, Avail) ->
+ ordsets:subtract(ordsets:union(avail_self(L, Avail), want_out(L, Avail)),
+ want_in(L, Avail)).
+-spec rewrite_instrs([instr()], target(), subst_dict(), regset(), [reg()])
+ -> {[instr()], subst_dict(), regset()}.
+rewrite_instrs([], _Target, Output, DefOut, []) ->
+ {[], Output, DefOut};
+rewrite_instrs([I|Is], Target, Input0, BBDefOut, SplitHere0) ->
+ {TDef, TUse} = def_use(I, Target),
+ {Def, Use} = {reg_names(TDef, Target), reg_names(TUse, Target)},
+ %% Restores are generated in forward order by picking temps from SplitHere as
+ %% they're used or defined. After the last instruction, all temps have been
+ %% picked.
+ {ISplits, SplitHere} =
+ lists:partition(fun(R) ->
+ lists:member(R, Def) orelse lists:member(R, Use)
+ end, SplitHere0),
+ {Input, Restores} =
+ case ISplits of
+ [] -> {Input0, []};
+ _ ->
+ make_splits(ISplits, Target, TDef, TUse, Input0, [])
+ end,
+ %% Here's the recursive call
+ {Acc0, Output, DefOut} =
+ rewrite_instrs(Is, Target, Input, BBDefOut, SplitHere),
+ %% From here we're processing instructions in reverse order, because to avoid
+ %% redundant spills we need to walk the 'def' dataflow, which is in reverse.
+ SubstFun = fun(Temp) ->
+ case orddict:find(reg_nr(Temp, Target), Input) of
+ {ok, NewTemp} -> NewTemp;
+ error -> Temp
+ end
+ end,
+ Acc1 = insert_spills(TDef, Target, Input, DefOut, Acc0),
+ Acc = Restores ++ [subst_temps(SubstFun, I, Target) | Acc1],
+ DefIn = ordsets:union(DefOut, ordsets:from_list(Def)),
+ {Acc, Output, DefIn}.
+-spec make_splits([reg()], target(), [temp()], [temp()], subst_dict(),
+ [instr()])
+ -> {subst_dict(), [instr()]}.
+make_splits([], _Target, _TDef, _TUse, Input, Acc) ->
+ {Input, Acc};
+make_splits([S|Ss], Target, TDef, TUse, Input0, Acc0) ->
+ SubstReg = new_reg_nr(Target),
+ {Acc, Subst} =
+ case find_reg_temp(S, TUse, Target) of
+ error ->
+ {ok, Temp} = find_reg_temp(S, TDef, Target),
+ {Acc0, update_reg_nr(SubstReg, Temp, Target)};
+ {ok, Temp} ->
+ Subst0 = update_reg_nr(SubstReg, Temp, Target),
+ Acc1 = [mk_move(Temp, Subst0, Target) | Acc0],
+ {Acc1, Subst0}
+ end,
+ Input = orddict:store(S, Subst, Input0),
+ make_splits(Ss, Target, TDef, TUse, Input, Acc).
+-spec find_reg_temp(reg(), [temp()], target()) -> error | {ok, temp()}.
+find_reg_temp(_Reg, [], _Target) -> error;
+find_reg_temp(Reg, [T|Ts], Target) ->
+ case reg_nr(T, Target) of
+ Reg -> {ok, T};
+ _ -> find_reg_temp(Reg, Ts, Target)
+ end.
+-spec insert_spills([temp()], target(), subst_dict(), regset(), [instr()])
+ -> [instr()].
+insert_spills([], _Target, _Input, _DefOut, Acc) -> Acc;
+insert_spills([T|Ts], Target, Input, DefOut, Acc0) ->
+ R = reg_nr(T, Target),
+ Acc =
+ case orddict:find(R, Input) of
+ error -> Acc0;
+ {ok, Subst} ->
+ case lists:member(R, DefOut) of
+ true -> Acc0;
+ false -> [mk_move(Subst, T, Target) | Acc0]
+ end
+ end,
+ insert_spills(Ts, Target, Input, DefOut, Acc).
+-spec rewrite_succs([label()], target(), label(), subst_dict(), avail(),
+ input(), target_cfg()) -> {input(), target_cfg()}.
+rewrite_succs([], _Target, _P, _POutput, _Avail, Input, CFG) -> {Input, CFG};
+rewrite_succs([L|Ls], Target, P, POutput, Avail, Input0, CFG0) ->
+ NewLInput = orddict_with_ordset(want_in(L, Avail), POutput),
+ {Input, CFG} =
+ case Input0 of
+ #{L := LInput} ->
+ CFG2 =
+ case required_phi_moves(LInput, NewLInput) of
+ [] -> CFG0;
+ ReqMovs ->
+ PhiLb = new_label(Target),
+ Code = [mk_move(S,D,Target) || {S,D} <- ReqMovs]
+ ++ [mk_goto(L, Target)],
+ PhiBB = hipe_bb:mk_bb(Code),
+ CFG1 = update_bb(CFG0, PhiLb, PhiBB, Target),
+ bb_redirect_jmp(L, PhiLb, P, CFG1, Target)
+ end,
+ {Input0, CFG2};
+ #{} ->
+ {Input0#{L => NewLInput}, CFG0}
+ end,
+ rewrite_succs(Ls, Target, P, POutput, Avail, Input, CFG).
+-spec bb_redirect_jmp(label(), label(), label(), target_cfg(), target())
+ -> target_cfg().
+bb_redirect_jmp(From, To, Lb, CFG, Target) ->
+ BB0 = bb(CFG, Lb, Target),
+ Last = redirect_jmp(hipe_bb:last(BB0), From, To, Target),
+ BB = hipe_bb:code_update(BB0, hipe_bb:butlast(BB0) ++ [Last]),
+ update_bb(CFG, Lb, BB, Target).
+-spec required_phi_moves(subst_dict(), subst_dict()) -> [{reg(), reg()}].
+required_phi_moves([], []) -> [];
+required_phi_moves([P|Is], [P|Os]) -> required_phi_moves(Is, Os);
+required_phi_moves([{K, In}|Is], [{K, Out}|Os]) ->
+ [{Out, In}|required_phi_moves(Is, Os)].
+%% @doc Returns a new orddict with the keys in Set and their associated values.
+-spec orddict_with_ordset(ordsets:ordset(K), orddict:orddict(K, V))
+ -> orddict:orddict(K, V).
+orddict_with_ordset([S|Ss], [{K, _}|_]=Dict) when S < K ->
+ orddict_with_ordset(Ss, Dict);
+orddict_with_ordset([S|_]=Set, [{K, _}|Ds]) when S > K ->
+ orddict_with_ordset(Set, Ds);
+orddict_with_ordset([_S|Ss], [{_K, _}=P|Ds]) -> % _S == _K
+ [P|orddict_with_ordset(Ss, Ds)];
+orddict_with_ordset([], _) -> [];
+orddict_with_ordset(_, []) -> [].
+%% Target module interface functions
+-define(TGT_IFACE_0(N), N( {M,C}) -> M:N( C)).
+-define(TGT_IFACE_1(N), N(A1, {M,C}) -> M:N(A1, C)).
+-define(TGT_IFACE_2(N), N(A1,A2, {M,C}) -> M:N(A1,A2, C)).
+-define(TGT_IFACE_3(N), N(A1,A2,A3,{M,C}) -> M:N(A1,A2,A3,C)).
+liveout(Liveness, L, Target={TgtMod,TgtCtx}) ->
+ ordsets:from_list(reg_names(TgtMod:liveout(Liveness, L, TgtCtx), Target)).
+reg_names(Regs, {TgtMod,TgtCtx}) ->
+ [TgtMod:reg_nr(X,TgtCtx) || X <- Regs].
+reg_def_use(I, Target) ->
+ {TDef, TUse} = def_use(I, Target),
+ {reg_names(TDef, Target), reg_names(TUse, Target)}.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_sparc_specific.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_sparc_specific.erl
index 31fca81316..78b6379eba 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_sparc_specific.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_sparc_specific.erl
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ ,is_spill_move/2
@@ -46,12 +47,19 @@
%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_loop
-%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_prepass
+%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_prepass, hipe_range_split
+ mk_goto/2,
+ redirect_jmp/4,
+ new_label/1,
+ new_reg_nr/1,
+%% callbacks for hipe_bb_weights, hipe_range_split
check_and_rewrite(CFG, Coloring, no_context) ->
hipe_sparc_ra_postconditions:check_and_rewrite(CFG, Coloring, 'normal').
@@ -115,6 +123,9 @@ bb(CFG,L,_) ->
update_bb(CFG,L,BB,_) ->
+branch_preds(Branch,_) ->
+ hipe_sparc_cfg:branch_preds(Branch).
%% SPARC stuff
def_use(Instruction, Ctx) ->
@@ -144,9 +155,24 @@ is_move(Instruction, _) ->
false -> false
+is_spill_move(Instruction, _) ->
+ hipe_sparc:is_pseudo_spill_move(Instruction).
reg_nr(Reg, _) ->
+mk_move(Src, Dst, _) ->
+ hipe_sparc:mk_pseudo_move(Src, Dst).
+mk_goto(Label, _) ->
+ hipe_sparc:mk_b_label(Label).
+redirect_jmp(Jmp, ToOld, ToNew, _) when is_integer(ToOld), is_integer(ToNew) ->
+ hipe_sparc_cfg:redirect_jmp(Jmp, ToOld, ToNew).
+new_label(_) ->
+ hipe_gensym:get_next_label(sparc).
new_reg_nr(_) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_sparc_specific_fp.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_sparc_specific_fp.erl
index 050d65e1a9..485fdc212a 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_sparc_specific_fp.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_sparc_specific_fp.erl
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ ,is_spill_move/2
@@ -46,12 +47,19 @@
%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_loop
-%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_prepass
+%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_prepass, hipe_range_split
+ mk_goto/2,
+ redirect_jmp/4,
+ new_label/1,
+ new_reg_nr/1,
+%% callbacks for hipe_bb_weights, hipe_range_split
check_and_rewrite(CFG, Coloring, no_context) ->
hipe_sparc_ra_postconditions_fp:check_and_rewrite(CFG, Coloring).
@@ -108,6 +116,9 @@ bb(CFG, L, _) ->
update_bb(CFG,L,BB,_) ->
+branch_preds(Branch,_) ->
+ hipe_sparc_cfg:branch_preds(Branch).
%% SPARC stuff
def_use(I, Ctx) ->
@@ -125,9 +136,24 @@ defines_all_alloc(I, _) ->
is_move(I, _) ->
+is_spill_move(I, _) ->
+ hipe_sparc:is_pseudo_spill_fmove(I).
reg_nr(Reg, _) ->
+mk_move(Src, Dst, _) ->
+ hipe_sparc:mk_pseudo_fmove(Src, Dst).
+mk_goto(Label, _) ->
+ hipe_sparc:mk_b_label(Label).
+redirect_jmp(Jmp, ToOld, ToNew, _) when is_integer(ToOld), is_integer(ToNew) ->
+ hipe_sparc_cfg:redirect_jmp(Jmp, ToOld, ToNew).
+new_label(_) ->
+ hipe_gensym:get_next_label(sparc).
new_reg_nr(_) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_x86_specific.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_x86_specific.erl
index c1c8dbbcd6..dacfb71b00 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_x86_specific.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_x86_specific.erl
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
is_arg/2, % used by hipe_ls_regalloc
+ is_spill_move/2,
is_fixed/2, % used by hipe_graph_coloring_regalloc
@@ -63,12 +64,19 @@
%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_loop
-%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_prepass
+%% callbacks for hipe_regalloc_prepass, hipe_range_split
+ mk_goto/2,
+ redirect_jmp/4,
+ new_label/1,
+ new_reg_nr/1,
+%% callbacks for hipe_bb_weights
check_and_rewrite(CFG, Coloring, _) ->
?HIPE_X86_RA_POSTCONDITIONS:check_and_rewrite(CFG, Coloring, 'normal').
@@ -156,6 +164,9 @@ bb(CFG,L,_) ->
update_bb(CFG,L,BB,_) ->
+branch_preds(Instr,_) ->
+ hipe_x86_cfg:branch_preds(Instr).
%% X86 stuff
def_use(Instruction,_) ->
@@ -200,9 +211,33 @@ is_move(Instruction,_) ->
false -> false
+is_spill_move(Instruction,_) ->
+ hipe_x86:is_pseudo_spill_move(Instruction).
reg_nr(Reg,_) ->
+mk_move(Src, Dst, _) ->
+ hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, Dst).
+mk_goto(Label, _) ->
+ hipe_x86:mk_jmp_label(Label).
+redirect_jmp(Jmp, ToOld, ToNew, _) when is_integer(ToOld), is_integer(ToNew) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ put(Ref, false),
+ I = hipe_x86_subst:insn_lbls(
+ fun(Tgt) ->
+ if Tgt =:= ToOld -> put(Ref, true), ToNew;
+ is_integer(Tgt) -> Tgt
+ end
+ end, Jmp),
+ true = erase(Ref), % Assert that something was rewritten
+ I.
+new_label(_) ->
+ hipe_gensym:get_next_label(x86).
new_reg_nr(_) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_x86_specific_x87.erl b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_x86_specific_x87.erl
index 4b4c83f76d..3fe49e1f00 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_x86_specific_x87.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/regalloc/hipe_x86_specific_x87.erl
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
+ is_spill_move/2,
@@ -158,6 +159,9 @@ defines(I, _) ->
defines_all_alloc(I, _) -> hipe_amd64_defuse:insn_defs_all(I).
+is_spill_move(I, _) ->
+ hipe_x86:is_pseudo_spill_fmove(I).
temp_is_double(Temp) ->
hipe_x86:temp_type(Temp) =:= 'double'.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc.erl b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc.erl
index 916857b224..22e0761b69 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc.erl
@@ -87,6 +87,9 @@
+ mk_pseudo_spill_move/3,
+ is_pseudo_spill_move/1,
@@ -117,6 +120,9 @@
+ mk_pseudo_spill_fmove/3,
+ is_pseudo_spill_fmove/1,
@@ -269,6 +275,10 @@ mk_pseudo_ret() -> #pseudo_ret{}.
mk_pseudo_set(Imm, Dst) -> #pseudo_set{imm=Imm, dst=Dst}.
+mk_pseudo_spill_move(Src, Temp, Dst) ->
+ #pseudo_spill_move{src=Src, temp=Temp, dst=Dst}.
+is_pseudo_spill_move(I) -> is_record(I, pseudo_spill_move).
mk_pseudo_tailcall(FunV, Arity, StkArgs, Linkage) ->
#pseudo_tailcall{funv=FunV, arity=Arity, stkargs=StkArgs, linkage=Linkage}.
pseudo_tailcall_funv(#pseudo_tailcall{funv=FunV}) -> FunV.
@@ -375,6 +385,10 @@ is_pseudo_fmove(I) -> case I of #pseudo_fmove{} -> true; _ -> false end.
pseudo_fmove_src(#pseudo_fmove{src=Src}) -> Src.
pseudo_fmove_dst(#pseudo_fmove{dst=Dst}) -> Dst.
+mk_pseudo_spill_fmove(Src, Temp, Dst) ->
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{src=Src, temp=Temp, dst=Dst}.
+is_pseudo_spill_fmove(I) -> is_record(I, pseudo_spill_fmove).
mk_pseudo_fstore(Src, Base, Disp) ->
#pseudo_fstore{src=Src, base=Base, disp=Disp}.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc.hrl b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc.hrl
index 4eae6777a9..f60e516e59 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc.hrl
+++ b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc.hrl
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@
-record(pseudo_move, {src, dst}).
-record(pseudo_ret, {}).
-record(pseudo_set, {imm, dst}).
+-record(pseudo_spill_fmove, {src, temp, dst}).
+-record(pseudo_spill_move, {src, temp, dst}).
-record(pseudo_tailcall, {funv, arity, stkargs, linkage}).
-record(pseudo_tailcall_prepare, {}).
-record(rdy, {dst}).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_cfg.erl b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_cfg.erl
index 27374d187b..45c8e887b5 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_cfg.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_cfg.erl
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
-export([arity/1]). % for linear scan
+-export([redirect_jmp/3, branch_preds/1]).
-define(SPARC_CFG, true). % needed for cfg.inc
@@ -77,28 +78,53 @@ branch_successors(Branch) ->
#pseudo_tailcall{} -> []
+branch_preds(Branch) ->
+ case Branch of
+ #jmp{labels=Labels} ->
+ Prob = 1.0/length(Labels),
+ [{L, Prob} || L <- Labels];
+ #pseudo_bp{true_label=TrueLab,false_label=FalseLab,pred=Pred} ->
+ [{FalseLab, 1.0-Pred}, {TrueLab, Pred}];
+ #pseudo_call{contlab=ContLab, sdesc=#sparc_sdesc{exnlab=[]}} ->
+ %% A function can still cause an exception, even if we won't catch it
+ [{ContLab, 1.0-hipe_bb_weights:call_exn_pred()}];
+ #pseudo_call{contlab=ContLab, sdesc=#sparc_sdesc{exnlab=ExnLab}} ->
+ CallExnPred = hipe_bb_weights:call_exn_pred(),
+ [{ContLab, 1.0-CallExnPred}, {ExnLab, CallExnPred}];
+ _ ->
+ case branch_successors(Branch) of
+ [] -> [];
+ [Single] -> [{Single, 1.0}]
+ end
+ end.
fails_to(_Instr) -> [].
redirect_jmp(I, Old, New) ->
case I of
- #b_label{label=Label} ->
- if Old =:= Label -> I#b_label{label=New};
+ #bp{'cond'='a',label=Label} ->
+ if Old =:= Label -> I#bp{label=New};
true -> I
- #pseudo_bc{true_label=TrueLab, false_label=FalseLab} ->
- I1 = if Old =:= TrueLab -> I#pseudo_bc{true_label=New};
+ #pseudo_bp{true_label=TrueLab, false_label=FalseLab} ->
+ I1 = if Old =:= TrueLab -> I#pseudo_bp{true_label=New};
true -> I
- if Old =:= FalseLab -> I1#pseudo_bc{false_label=New};
+ if Old =:= FalseLab -> I1#pseudo_bp{false_label=New};
true -> I1
- %% handle pseudo_call too?
- _ -> I
+ #pseudo_call{contlab=ContLab0, sdesc=SDesc0} ->
+ SDesc = case SDesc0 of
+ #sparc_sdesc{exnlab=Old} -> SDesc0#sparc_sdesc{exnlab=New};
+ #sparc_sdesc{exnlab=_} -> SDesc0
+ end,
+ ContLab = if Old =:= ContLab0 -> New;
+ true -> ContLab0
+ end,
+ I#pseudo_call{sdesc=SDesc, contlab=ContLab}
mk_goto(Label) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_defuse.erl b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_defuse.erl
index cb75f82e2b..4d4b11e301 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_defuse.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_defuse.erl
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ insn_def_gpr(I) ->
#pseudo_call{} -> call_clobbered_gpr();
#pseudo_move{dst=Dst} -> [Dst];
#pseudo_set{dst=Dst} -> [Dst];
+ #pseudo_spill_move{temp=Temp, dst=Dst} -> [Temp, Dst];
#pseudo_tailcall_prepare{} -> tailcall_clobbered_gpr();
#rdy{dst=Dst} -> [Dst];
#sethi{dst=Dst} -> [Dst];
@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ insn_use_gpr(I) ->
funv_use(FunV, arity_use_gpr(Arity));
#pseudo_move{src=Src} -> [Src];
#pseudo_ret{} -> [hipe_sparc:mk_rv()];
+ #pseudo_spill_move{src=Src} -> [Src];
#pseudo_tailcall{funv=FunV,arity=Arity,stkargs=StkArgs} ->
addsrcs(StkArgs, addtemps(tailcall_clobbered_gpr(), funv_use(FunV, arity_use_gpr(Arity))));
#store{src=Src,base=Base,disp=Disp} ->
@@ -112,6 +114,7 @@ insn_def_fpr(I) ->
#fp_unary{dst=Dst} -> [Dst];
#pseudo_fload{dst=Dst} -> [Dst];
#pseudo_fmove{dst=Dst} -> [Dst];
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{temp=Temp, dst=Dst} -> [Temp, Dst];
_ -> []
@@ -130,6 +133,7 @@ insn_use_fpr(I) ->
#fp_unary{src=Src} -> [Src];
#pseudo_fmove{src=Src} -> [Src];
#pseudo_fstore{src=Src} -> [Src];
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{src=Src} -> [Src];
_ -> []
diff --git a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_frame.erl b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_frame.erl
index 6f29c3c905..1f2a259ca1 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_frame.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_frame.erl
@@ -82,6 +82,10 @@ do_insn(I, LiveOut, Context, FPoff) ->
{do_pseudo_tailcall(I, Context), context_framesize(Context)};
#pseudo_fmove{} ->
{do_pseudo_fmove(I, Context, FPoff), FPoff};
+ #pseudo_spill_move{} ->
+ {do_pseudo_spill_move(I, Context, FPoff), FPoff};
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{} ->
+ {do_pseudo_spill_fmove(I, Context, FPoff), FPoff};
_ ->
{[I], FPoff}
@@ -110,6 +114,22 @@ do_pseudo_move(I, Context, FPoff) ->
+do_pseudo_spill_move(I, Context, FPoff) ->
+ #pseudo_spill_move{src=Src,temp=Temp,dst=Dst} = I,
+ case temp_is_pseudo(Src) andalso temp_is_pseudo(Dst) of
+ false -> % Register allocator changed its mind, turn back to move
+ do_pseudo_move(hipe_sparc:mk_pseudo_move(Src, Dst), Context, FPoff);
+ true ->
+ SrcOffset = pseudo_offset(Src, FPoff, Context),
+ DstOffset = pseudo_offset(Dst, FPoff, Context),
+ case SrcOffset =:= DstOffset of
+ true -> []; % omit move-to-self
+ false ->
+ mk_load(hipe_sparc:mk_sp(), SrcOffset, Temp,
+ mk_store(Temp, hipe_sparc:mk_sp(), DstOffset, []))
+ end
+ end.
do_pseudo_fmove(I, Context, FPoff) ->
Dst = hipe_sparc:pseudo_fmove_dst(I),
Src = hipe_sparc:pseudo_fmove_src(I),
@@ -127,6 +147,22 @@ do_pseudo_fmove(I, Context, FPoff) ->
+do_pseudo_spill_fmove(I, Context, FPoff) ->
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{src=Src,temp=Temp,dst=Dst} = I,
+ case temp_is_pseudo(Src) andalso temp_is_pseudo(Dst) of
+ false -> % Register allocator changed its mind, turn back to fmove
+ do_pseudo_fmove(hipe_sparc:mk_pseudo_fmove(Src, Dst), Context, FPoff);
+ true ->
+ SrcOffset = pseudo_offset(Src, FPoff, Context),
+ DstOffset = pseudo_offset(Dst, FPoff, Context),
+ case SrcOffset =:= DstOffset of
+ true -> []; % omit move-to-self
+ false ->
+ mk_fload(hipe_sparc:mk_sp(), SrcOffset, Temp)
+ ++ mk_fstore(Temp, hipe_sparc:mk_sp(), DstOffset)
+ end
+ end.
pseudo_offset(Temp, FPoff, Context) ->
FPoff + context_offset(Context, Temp).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_ra_finalise.erl b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_ra_finalise.erl
index 5fdb73e197..a724821992 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_ra_finalise.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_ra_finalise.erl
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ ra_insn(I, Map, FPMap) ->
#pseudo_call{} -> ra_pseudo_call(I, Map);
#pseudo_move{} -> ra_pseudo_move(I, Map);
#pseudo_set{} -> ra_pseudo_set(I, Map);
+ #pseudo_spill_move{} -> ra_pseudo_spill_move(I, Map);
#pseudo_tailcall{} -> ra_pseudo_tailcall(I, Map);
#rdy{} -> ra_rdy(I, Map);
#sethi{} -> ra_sethi(I, Map);
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ ra_insn(I, Map, FPMap) ->
#pseudo_fload{} -> ra_pseudo_fload(I, Map, FPMap);
#pseudo_fmove{} -> ra_pseudo_fmove(I, FPMap);
#pseudo_fstore{} -> ra_pseudo_fstore(I, Map, FPMap);
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{} -> ra_pseudo_spill_fmove(I, FPMap);
_ -> I
@@ -80,6 +82,12 @@ ra_pseudo_set(I=#pseudo_set{dst=Dst}, Map) ->
NewDst = ra_temp(Dst, Map),
+ra_pseudo_spill_move(I=#pseudo_spill_move{src=Src,temp=Temp,dst=Dst}, Map) ->
+ NewSrc = ra_temp(Src, Map),
+ NewTemp = ra_temp(Temp, Map),
+ NewDst = ra_temp(Dst, Map),
+ I#pseudo_spill_move{src=NewSrc,temp=NewTemp,dst=NewDst}.
ra_pseudo_tailcall(I=#pseudo_tailcall{funv=FunV,stkargs=StkArgs}, Map) ->
NewFunV = ra_funv(FunV, Map),
NewStkArgs = ra_args(StkArgs, Map),
@@ -120,6 +128,13 @@ ra_pseudo_fmove(I=#pseudo_fmove{src=Src,dst=Dst}, FPMap) ->
NewDst = ra_temp_fp(Dst, FPMap),
+ FPMap) ->
+ NewSrc = ra_temp_fp(Src, FPMap),
+ NewTemp = ra_temp_fp(Temp, FPMap),
+ NewDst = ra_temp_fp(Dst, FPMap),
+ I#pseudo_spill_fmove{src=NewSrc,temp=NewTemp,dst=NewDst}.
ra_pseudo_fstore(I=#pseudo_fstore{src=Src,base=Base}, Map, FPMap) ->
NewSrc = ra_temp_fp(Src, FPMap),
NewBase = ra_temp(Base, Map),
diff --git a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_ra_postconditions.erl b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_ra_postconditions.erl
index 984c97fbd4..d3ecb43ec6 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_ra_postconditions.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_ra_postconditions.erl
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ do_insn(I, TempMap, Strategy) ->
#pseudo_call{} -> do_pseudo_call(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#pseudo_move{} -> do_pseudo_move(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#pseudo_set{} -> do_pseudo_set(I, TempMap, Strategy);
+ #pseudo_spill_move{} -> do_pseudo_spill_move(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#pseudo_tailcall{} -> do_pseudo_tailcall(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#rdy{} -> do_rdy(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#sethi{} -> do_sethi(I, TempMap, Strategy);
@@ -92,14 +93,16 @@ do_pseudo_call(I=#pseudo_call{funv=FunV}, TempMap, Strategy) ->
do_pseudo_move(I=#pseudo_move{src=Src,dst=Dst}, TempMap, Strategy) ->
%% Either Dst or Src (but not both) may be a pseudo temp.
- %% pseudo_move is a special case: in [XXX: not pseudo_tailcall]
- %% all other instructions, all temps must be non-pseudos
- %% after register allocation.
- case temp_is_spilled(Dst, TempMap) of
- true -> % Src must not be a pseudo
- {FixSrc,NewSrc,DidSpill} = fix_src1(Src, TempMap, Strategy),
- NewI = I#pseudo_move{src=NewSrc},
- {FixSrc ++ [NewI], DidSpill};
+ %% pseudo_move and pseudo_spill_move [XXX: not pseudo_tailcall]
+ %% are special cases: in all other instructions, all temps must
+ %% be non-pseudos after register allocation.
+ case temp_is_spilled(Src, TempMap)
+ andalso temp_is_spilled(Dst, TempMap)
+ of
+ true -> % Turn into pseudo_spill_move
+ Temp = clone(Src, temp1(Strategy)),
+ NewI = #pseudo_spill_move{src=Src,temp=Temp,dst=Dst},
+ {[NewI], true};
_ ->
{[I], false}
@@ -109,6 +112,11 @@ do_pseudo_set(I=#pseudo_set{dst=Dst}, TempMap, Strategy) ->
NewI = I#pseudo_set{dst=NewDst},
{[NewI | FixDst], DidSpill}.
+do_pseudo_spill_move(I=#pseudo_spill_move{temp=Temp}, TempMap, _Strategy) ->
+ %% Temp is above the low water mark and must not have been spilled
+ false = temp_is_spilled(Temp, TempMap),
+ {[I], false}.
do_pseudo_tailcall(I=#pseudo_tailcall{funv=FunV}, TempMap, Strategy) ->
{FixFunV,NewFunV,DidSpill} = fix_funv(FunV, TempMap, Strategy),
NewI = I#pseudo_tailcall{funv=NewFunV},
diff --git a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_ra_postconditions_fp.erl b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_ra_postconditions_fp.erl
index 751e91425c..5fa3a5fc59 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_ra_postconditions_fp.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_ra_postconditions_fp.erl
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ do_insn(I, TempMap) ->
#pseudo_fload{} -> do_pseudo_fload(I, TempMap);
#pseudo_fmove{} -> do_pseudo_fmove(I, TempMap);
#pseudo_fstore{} -> do_pseudo_fstore(I, TempMap);
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{} -> do_pseudo_spill_fmove(I, TempMap);
_ -> {[I], false}
@@ -67,11 +68,13 @@ do_pseudo_fload(I=#pseudo_fload{dst=Dst}, TempMap) ->
{[NewI | FixDst], DidSpill}.
do_pseudo_fmove(I=#pseudo_fmove{src=Src,dst=Dst}, TempMap) ->
- case temp_is_spilled(Dst, TempMap) of
- true ->
- {FixSrc,NewSrc,DidSpill} = fix_src(Src, TempMap),
- NewI = I#pseudo_fmove{src=NewSrc},
- {FixSrc ++ [NewI], DidSpill};
+ case temp_is_spilled(Src, TempMap)
+ andalso temp_is_spilled(Dst, TempMap)
+ of
+ true -> % Turn into pseudo_spill_fmove
+ Temp = clone(Src),
+ NewI = #pseudo_spill_fmove{src=Src,temp=Temp,dst=Dst},
+ {[NewI], true};
_ ->
{[I], false}
@@ -81,6 +84,11 @@ do_pseudo_fstore(I=#pseudo_fstore{src=Src}, TempMap) ->
NewI = I#pseudo_fstore{src=NewSrc},
{FixSrc ++ [NewI], DidSpill}.
+do_pseudo_spill_fmove(I=#pseudo_spill_fmove{temp=Temp}, TempMap) ->
+ %% Temp is above the low water mark and must not have been spilled
+ false = temp_is_spilled(Temp, TempMap),
+ {[I], false}.
%%% Fix Dst and Src operands.
fix_src(Src, TempMap) ->
diff --git a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_subst.erl b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_subst.erl
index 1d0671464e..ce3bbb813a 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_subst.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/sparc/hipe_sparc_subst.erl
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ insn_temps(T, I) ->
#pseudo_move{src=S,dst=D} -> I#pseudo_move{src=T(S),dst=T(D)};
#pseudo_ret{} -> I;
#pseudo_set{dst=D}-> I#pseudo_set{dst=T(D)};
+ #pseudo_spill_move{src=S,temp=U,dst=D} ->
+ I#pseudo_spill_move{src=T(S),temp=T(U),dst=T(D)};
#pseudo_tailcall{funv=F,stkargs=Stk} ->
#pseudo_tailcall_prepare{} -> I;
@@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ insn_temps(T, I) ->
#pseudo_fmove{src=S,dst=D} -> I#pseudo_fmove{src=T(S),dst=T(D)};
#pseudo_fstore{src=S,base=B,disp=D} ->
- I#pseudo_fstore{src=T(S),base=T(B),disp=S2(D)}
+ I#pseudo_fstore{src=T(S),base=T(B),disp=S2(D)};
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{src=S,temp=U,dst=D} ->
+ I#pseudo_spill_fmove{src=T(S),temp=T(U),dst=T(D)}
-spec src2_temps(subst_fun(), src2()) -> src2().
diff --git a/lib/hipe/test/basic_SUITE_data/basic_edge_cases.erl b/lib/hipe/test/basic_SUITE_data/basic_edge_cases.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9bf5cf52cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/test/basic_SUITE_data/basic_edge_cases.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+%%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%%% Contains
+test() ->
+ ok = test_float_spills(),
+ ok = test_infinite_loops(),
+ ok.
+%% Contains more float temps live at a single point than there are float
+%% registers in any backend
+test_float_spills() ->
+ {{{2942.0,4670.0,3198.0,4926.0,2206.0,4734.0},
+ {3118.0,2062.0,5174.0,3038.0,3618.0,3014.0},
+ {2542.0,2062.0,4934.0,2590.0,3098.0,3062.0},
+ {2950.0,3666.0,2574.0,5038.0,1866.0,2946.0},
+ {3126.0,3050.0,3054.0,5070.0,2258.0,2714.0},
+ {4734.0,2206.0,4926.0,3198.0,4670.0,2942.0}},
+ 58937.0} =
+ mat66_flip_sum(35.0,86.0,32.0,88.0,33.0,57.0,
+ 22.0,77.0,91.0,80.0,14.0,33.0,
+ 51.0,28.0,87.0,20.0,91.0,11.0,
+ 68.0,83.0,64.0,82.0,10.0,86.0,
+ 74.0,18.0,08.0,52.0,10.0,14.0,
+ 89.0,34.0,64.0,66.0,58.0,55.0,
+ 0.0, 5),
+ ok.
+mat66_flip_sum(M11, M12, M13, M14, M15, M16,
+ M21, M22, M23, M24, M25, M26,
+ M31, M32, M33, M34, M35, M36,
+ M41, M42, M43, M44, M45, M46,
+ M51, M52, M53, M54, M55, M56,
+ M61, M62, M63, M64, M65, M66,
+ Acc, Ctr)
+ when is_float(M11), is_float(M12), is_float(M13),
+ is_float(M14), is_float(M15), is_float(M16),
+ is_float(M21), is_float(M22), is_float(M23),
+ is_float(M24), is_float(M25), is_float(M26),
+ is_float(M31), is_float(M32), is_float(M33),
+ is_float(M34), is_float(M35), is_float(M36),
+ is_float(M41), is_float(M42), is_float(M43),
+ is_float(M44), is_float(M45), is_float(M46),
+ is_float(M51), is_float(M52), is_float(M53),
+ is_float(M54), is_float(M55), is_float(M56),
+ is_float(M61), is_float(M62), is_float(M63),
+ is_float(M64), is_float(M65), is_float(M66),
+ is_float(Acc) ->
+ R11 = M66+M11, R12 = M65+M12, R13 = M64+M13,
+ R14 = M63+M14, R15 = M62+M15, R16 = M61+M16,
+ R21 = M56+M21, R22 = M55+M22, R23 = M54+M23,
+ R24 = M53+M24, R25 = M52+M25, R26 = M51+M26,
+ R31 = M46+M31, R32 = M45+M32, R33 = M44+M33,
+ R34 = M43+M34, R35 = M42+M35, R36 = M41+M36,
+ R41 = M26+M41, R42 = M25+M42, R43 = M24+M43,
+ R44 = M23+M44, R45 = M22+M45, R46 = M21+M46,
+ R51 = M36+M51, R52 = M35+M52, R53 = M34+M53,
+ R54 = M33+M54, R55 = M32+M55, R56 = M31+M56,
+ R61 = M16+M61, R62 = M15+M62, R63 = M14+M63,
+ R64 = M13+M64, R65 = M12+M65, R66 = M11+M66,
+ case Ctr of
+ 0 ->
+ {{{R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R16},
+ {R21, R22, R23, R24, R25, R26},
+ {R31, R32, R33, R34, R35, R36},
+ {R41, R42, R43, R44, R45, R46},
+ {R51, R52, R53, R54, R55, R56},
+ {R61, R62, R63, R64, R65, R66}},
+ Acc};
+ _ ->
+ NewAcc = 0.0 + M11 + M12 + M13 + M14 + M15 + M16 +
+ + M21 + M22 + M23 + M24 + M25 + M26
+ + M31 + M32 + M33 + M34 + M35 + M36
+ + M41 + M42 + M43 + M44 + M45 + M46
+ + M51 + M52 + M53 + M54 + M55 + M56
+ + M61 + M62 + M63 + M64 + M65 + M66
+ + Acc,
+ mat66_flip_sum(R11+1.0, R12+1.0, R13+1.0, R14+1.0, R15+1.0, R16+1.0,
+ R21+1.0, R22+1.0, R23+1.0, R24+1.0, R25+1.0, R26+1.0,
+ R31+1.0, R32+1.0, R33+1.0, R34+1.0, R35+1.0, R36+1.0,
+ R41+1.0, R42+1.0, R43+1.0, R44+1.0, R45+1.0, R46+1.0,
+ R51+1.0, R52+1.0, R53+1.0, R54+1.0, R55+1.0, R56+1.0,
+ R61+1.0, R62+1.0, R63+1.0, R64+1.0, R65+1.0, R66+1.0,
+ NewAcc, Ctr-1)
+ end.
+%% Infinite loops must receive reduction tests, and might trip up basic block
+%% weighting, leading to infinite weights and/or divisions by zero.
+test_infinite_loops() ->
+ OldTrapExit = process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ ok = test_infinite_loop(fun infinite_recursion/0),
+ ok = test_infinite_loop(fun infinite_corecursion/0),
+ RecursiveFun = fun RecursiveFun() -> RecursiveFun() end,
+ ok = test_infinite_loop(RecursiveFun),
+ CorecursiveFunA = fun CorecursiveFunA() ->
+ CorecursiveFunA1 = fun () -> CorecursiveFunA() end,
+ CorecursiveFunA1()
+ end,
+ ok = test_infinite_loop(CorecursiveFunA),
+ CorecursiveFunB1 = fun(CorecursiveFunB) -> CorecursiveFunB() end,
+ CorecursiveFunB = fun CorecursiveFunB() ->
+ CorecursiveFunB1(CorecursiveFunB)
+ end,
+ ok = test_infinite_loop(CorecursiveFunB),
+ CorecursiveFunC1 = fun CorecursiveFunC1(Other) ->
+ Other(CorecursiveFunC1)
+ end,
+ CorecursiveFunC = fun CorecursiveFunC(Other) ->
+ Other(CorecursiveFunC)
+ end,
+ ok = test_infinite_loop(fun() -> CorecursiveFunC(CorecursiveFunC1) end),
+ ok = test_infinite_loop(fun() -> CorecursiveFunC(CorecursiveFunC) end),
+ true = process_flag(trap_exit, OldTrapExit),
+ ok.
+test_infinite_loop(Fun) ->
+ Tester = spawn_link(Fun),
+ kill_soon(Tester),
+ receive {'EXIT', Tester, awake} ->
+ undefined = process_info(Tester),
+ ok
+ after ?INFINITE_LOOP_TIMEOUT -> error(timeout)
+ end.
+infinite_recursion() -> infinite_recursion().
+infinite_corecursion() -> infinite_corecursion_1().
+infinite_corecursion_1() -> infinite_corecursion().
+kill_soon(Pid) ->
+ _ = spawn_link(fun() ->
+ timer:sleep(1),
+ erlang:exit(Pid, awake)
+ end),
+ ok.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/util/Makefile b/lib/hipe/util/Makefile
index 04de7f7823..eeb81ac482 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/util/Makefile
+++ b/lib/hipe/util/Makefile
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ HIPE_MODULES = hipe_vectors
-MODULES = hipe_timing hipe_dot hipe_digraph $(HIPE_MODULES)
+MODULES = hipe_timing hipe_dot hipe_digraph hipe_dsets $(HIPE_MODULES)
diff --git a/lib/hipe/util/hipe_dsets.erl b/lib/hipe/util/hipe_dsets.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9492cab0ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hipe/util/hipe_dsets.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% The disjoint set forests data structure, for elements of arbitrary types.
+%% Note that the find operation mutates the set.
+%% We could do this more efficiently if we restricted the elements to integers,
+%% and used the (mutable) hipe arrays. For arbitrary terms ETS could be used,
+%% for a persistent interface (which isn't that nice when even accessors return
+%% modified copies), the array module could be used.
+-export([new/1, find/2, union/3, to_map/1, to_rllist/1]).
+-opaque dsets(X) :: #{X => {node, X} | {root, non_neg_integer()}}.
+-spec new([E]) -> dsets(E).
+new(Elems) -> maps:from_list([{E,{root,0}} || E <- Elems]).
+-spec find(E, dsets(E)) -> {E, dsets(E)}.
+find(E, DS0) ->
+ case DS0 of
+ #{E := {root,_}} -> {E, DS0};
+ #{E := {node,N}} ->
+ case find(N, DS0) of
+ {N, _}=T -> T;
+ {R, DS1} -> {R, DS1#{E := {node,R}}}
+ end;
+ _ -> error(badarg, [E, DS0])
+ end.
+-spec union(E, E, dsets(E)) -> dsets(E).
+union(X, Y, DS0) ->
+ {XRoot, DS1} = find(X, DS0),
+ case find(Y, DS1) of
+ {XRoot, DS2} -> DS2;
+ {YRoot, DS2} ->
+ #{XRoot := {root,XRR}, YRoot := {root,YRR}} = DS2,
+ if XRR < YRR -> DS2#{XRoot := {node,YRoot}};
+ XRR > YRR -> DS2#{YRoot := {node,XRoot}};
+ true -> DS2#{YRoot := {node,XRoot}, XRoot := {root,XRR+1}}
+ end
+ end.
+-spec to_map(dsets(E)) -> {#{Elem::E => Root::E}, dsets(E)}.
+to_map(DS) ->
+ to_map(maps:keys(DS), DS, #{}).
+to_map([], DS, Acc) -> {Acc, DS};
+to_map([K|Ks], DS0, Acc) ->
+ {KR, DS} = find(K, DS0),
+ to_map(Ks, DS, Acc#{K => KR}).
+-spec to_rllist(dsets(E)) -> {[{Root::E, Elems::[E]}], dsets(E)}.
+to_rllist(DS0) ->
+ {Lists, DS} = to_rllist(maps:keys(DS0), #{}, DS0),
+ {maps:to_list(Lists), DS}.
+to_rllist([], Acc, DS) -> {Acc, DS};
+to_rllist([E|Es], Acc, DS0) ->
+ {ERoot, DS} = find(E, DS0),
+ to_rllist(Es, map_append(ERoot, E, Acc), DS).
+map_append(Key, Elem, Map) ->
+ case Map of
+ #{Key := List} -> Map#{Key := [Elem|List]};
+ #{} -> Map#{Key => [Elem]}
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86.erl
index cc1c75b04d..f514dd1ded 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86.erl
@@ -167,6 +167,12 @@
+ mk_pseudo_spill_fmove/3,
+ is_pseudo_spill_fmove/1,
+ mk_pseudo_spill_move/3,
+ is_pseudo_spill_move/1,
%% is_pseudo_tailcall/1,
@@ -425,6 +431,14 @@ mk_pseudo_jcc_simple(Cc, TrueLabel, FalseLabel, Pred) ->
mk_pseudo_spill(List) ->
+mk_pseudo_spill_fmove(Src, Temp, Dst) ->
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{src=Src, temp=Temp, dst=Dst}.
+is_pseudo_spill_fmove(I) -> is_record(I, pseudo_spill_fmove).
+mk_pseudo_spill_move(Src, Temp, Dst) ->
+ #pseudo_spill_move{src=Src, temp=Temp, dst=Dst}.
+is_pseudo_spill_move(I) -> is_record(I, pseudo_spill_move).
mk_pseudo_tailcall(Fun, Arity, StkArgs, Linkage) ->
#pseudo_tailcall{'fun'=Fun, arity=Arity, stkargs=StkArgs, linkage=Linkage}.
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86.hrl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86.hrl
index 567848bae5..6cd69905b2 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86.hrl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86.hrl
@@ -91,6 +91,8 @@
-record(pseudo_call, {'fun', sdesc, contlab, linkage}).
-record(pseudo_jcc, {cc, true_label, false_label, pred}).
-record(pseudo_spill, {args=[]}).
+-record(pseudo_spill_move, {src, temp, dst}).
+-record(pseudo_spill_fmove, {src, temp, dst}).
-record(pseudo_tailcall, {'fun', arity, stkargs, linkage}).
-record(pseudo_tailcall_prepare, {}).
-record(push, {src}).
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_cfg.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_cfg.erl
index a4544e1086..0a3c0fc9d6 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_cfg.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_cfg.erl
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
succ/2, pred/2,
bb/2, bb_add/3, map_bbs/2, fold_bbs/3]).
-export([postorder/1, reverse_postorder/1]).
--export([linearise/1, params/1, arity/1, redirect_jmp/3]).
+-export([linearise/1, params/1, arity/1, redirect_jmp/3, branch_preds/1]).
%%% these tell cfg.inc what to define (ugly as hell)
@@ -72,6 +72,26 @@ branch_successors(Branch) ->
#ret{} -> []
+branch_preds(Branch) ->
+ case Branch of
+ #jmp_switch{labels=Labels} ->
+ Prob = 1.0/length(Labels),
+ [{L, Prob} || L <- Labels];
+ #pseudo_call{contlab=ContLab, sdesc=#x86_sdesc{exnlab=[]}} ->
+ %% A function can still cause an exception, even if we won't catch it
+ [{ContLab, 1.0-hipe_bb_weights:call_exn_pred()}];
+ #pseudo_call{contlab=ContLab, sdesc=#x86_sdesc{exnlab=ExnLab}} ->
+ CallExnPred = hipe_bb_weights:call_exn_pred(),
+ [{ContLab, 1.0-CallExnPred}, {ExnLab, CallExnPred}];
+ #pseudo_jcc{true_label=TrueLab,false_label=FalseLab,pred=Pred} ->
+ [{FalseLab, 1.0-Pred}, {TrueLab, Pred}];
+ _ ->
+ case branch_successors(Branch) of
+ [] -> [];
+ [Single] -> [{Single, 1.0}]
+ end
+ end.
fails_to(_Instr) -> [].
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_defuse.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_defuse.erl
index 5d7fadf8e5..2731836dc1 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_defuse.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_defuse.erl
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ insn_def(I) ->
#movzx{dst=Dst} -> dst_def(Dst);
#pseudo_call{} -> call_clobbered();
#pseudo_spill{} -> [];
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{temp=Temp, dst=Dst} -> [Temp, Dst];
+ #pseudo_spill_move{temp=Temp, dst=Dst} -> [Temp, Dst];
#pseudo_tailcall_prepare{} -> tailcall_clobbered();
#shift{dst=Dst} -> dst_def(Dst);
%% call, cmp, comment, jcc, jmp_fun, jmp_label, jmp_switch, label
@@ -108,6 +110,8 @@ insn_use(I) ->
#pseudo_call{'fun'=Fun,sdesc=#x86_sdesc{arity=Arity}} ->
addtemp(Fun, arity_use(Arity));
#pseudo_spill{args=Args} -> Args;
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{src=Src} -> [Src];
+ #pseudo_spill_move{src=Src} -> [Src];
#pseudo_tailcall{'fun'=Fun,arity=Arity,stkargs=StkArgs} ->
addtemp(Fun, addtemps(StkArgs, addtemps(tailcall_clobbered(),
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_frame.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_frame.erl
index 3c2b67967a..558321d0c3 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_frame.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_frame.erl
@@ -95,13 +95,17 @@ do_insn(I, LiveOut, Context, FPoff) ->
#imul{} ->
{[do_imul(I, Context, FPoff)], FPoff};
#move{} ->
- {[do_move(I, Context, FPoff)], FPoff};
+ {do_move(I, Context, FPoff), FPoff};
#movsx{} ->
{[do_movsx(I, Context, FPoff)], FPoff};
#movzx{} ->
{[do_movzx(I, Context, FPoff)], FPoff};
#pseudo_call{} ->
do_pseudo_call(I, LiveOut, Context, FPoff);
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{} ->
+ {do_pseudo_spill_fmove(I, Context, FPoff), FPoff};
+ #pseudo_spill_move{} ->
+ {do_pseudo_spill_move(I, Context, FPoff), FPoff};
#pseudo_tailcall{} ->
{do_pseudo_tailcall(I, Context), context_framesize(Context)};
#push{} ->
@@ -144,22 +148,50 @@ do_fp_binop(I, Context, FPoff) ->
Dst = conv_opnd(Dst0, FPoff, Context),
-do_fmove(I, Context, FPoff) ->
- #fmove{src=Src0,dst=Dst0} = I,
+do_fmove(I0, Context, FPoff) ->
+ #fmove{src=Src0,dst=Dst0} = I0,
Src = conv_opnd(Src0, FPoff, Context),
Dst = conv_opnd(Dst0, FPoff, Context),
- I#fmove{src=Src,dst=Dst}.
+ I = I0#fmove{src=Src,dst=Dst},
+ case Src =:= Dst of
+ true -> []; % omit move-to-self
+ false -> [I]
+ end.
+do_pseudo_spill_fmove(I0, Context, FPoff) ->
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{src=Src0,temp=Temp0,dst=Dst0} = I0,
+ Src = conv_opnd(Src0, FPoff, Context),
+ Temp = conv_opnd(Temp0, FPoff, Context),
+ Dst = conv_opnd(Dst0, FPoff, Context),
+ case Src =:= Dst of
+ true -> []; % omit move-to-self
+ false -> [#fmove{src=Src, dst=Temp}, #fmove{src=Temp, dst=Dst}]
+ end.
do_imul(I, Context, FPoff) ->
#imul{src=Src0} = I,
Src = conv_opnd(Src0, FPoff, Context),
-do_move(I, Context, FPoff) ->
- #move{src=Src0,dst=Dst0} = I,
+do_move(I0, Context, FPoff) ->
+ #move{src=Src0,dst=Dst0} = I0,
Src = conv_opnd(Src0, FPoff, Context),
Dst = conv_opnd(Dst0, FPoff, Context),
- I#move{src=Src,dst=Dst}.
+ I = I0#move{src=Src,dst=Dst},
+ case Src =:= Dst of
+ true -> []; % omit move-to-self
+ false -> [I]
+ end.
+do_pseudo_spill_move(I0, Context, FPoff) ->
+ #pseudo_spill_move{src=Src0,temp=Temp0,dst=Dst0} = I0,
+ Src = conv_opnd(Src0, FPoff, Context),
+ Temp = conv_opnd(Temp0, FPoff, Context),
+ Dst = conv_opnd(Dst0, FPoff, Context),
+ case Src =:= Dst of
+ true -> []; % omit move-to-self
+ false -> [#move{src=Src, dst=Temp}, #move{src=Temp, dst=Dst}]
+ end.
do_movsx(I, Context, FPoff) ->
#movsx{src=Src0,dst=Dst0} = I,
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_finalise.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_finalise.erl
index 4273e3cee8..e8abe78e00 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_finalise.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_finalise.erl
@@ -140,6 +140,16 @@ ra_insn(I, Map, FpMap) ->
#pseudo_jcc{} ->
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{src=Src0, temp=Temp0, dst=Dst0} ->
+ Src = ra_opnd(Src0, Map, FpMap),
+ Temp = ra_opnd(Temp0, Map, FpMap),
+ Dst = ra_opnd(Dst0, Map, FpMap),
+ I#pseudo_spill_fmove{src=Src, temp=Temp, dst=Dst};
+ #pseudo_spill_move{src=Src0, temp=Temp0, dst=Dst0} ->
+ Src = ra_opnd(Src0, Map),
+ Temp = ra_opnd(Temp0, Map),
+ Dst = ra_opnd(Dst0, Map),
+ I#pseudo_spill_move{src=Src, temp=Temp, dst=Dst};
#pseudo_tailcall{'fun'=Fun0,stkargs=StkArgs0} ->
Fun = ra_opnd(Fun0, Map),
StkArgs = ra_args(StkArgs0, Map),
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_postconditions.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_postconditions.erl
index 28ec9c4277..db6391d5c1 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_postconditions.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_ra_postconditions.erl
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ do_insn(I, TempMap, Strategy) -> % Insn -> {Insn list, DidSpill}
do_movx(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#fmove{} ->
do_fmove(I, TempMap, Strategy);
+ #pseudo_spill_move{} ->
+ do_pseudo_spill_move(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#shift{} ->
do_shift(I, TempMap, Strategy);
#test{} ->
@@ -190,10 +192,19 @@ do_lea(I, TempMap, Strategy) ->
do_move(I, TempMap, Strategy) ->
#move{src=Src0,dst=Dst0} = I,
- {FixSrc, Src, FixDst, Dst, DidSpill} =
- do_check_byte_move(Src0, Dst0, TempMap, Strategy),
- {FixSrc ++ FixDst ++ [I#move{src=Src,dst=Dst}],
- DidSpill}.
+ case
+ is_record(Src0, x86_temp) andalso is_record(Dst0, x86_temp)
+ andalso is_spilled(Src0, TempMap) andalso is_spilled(Dst0, TempMap)
+ of
+ true ->
+ Tmp = clone(Src0, Strategy),
+ {[hipe_x86:mk_pseudo_spill_move(Src0, Tmp, Dst0)], true};
+ false ->
+ {FixSrc, Src, FixDst, Dst, DidSpill} =
+ do_check_byte_move(Src0, Dst0, TempMap, Strategy),
+ {FixSrc ++ FixDst ++ [I#move{src=Src,dst=Dst}],
+ DidSpill}
+ end.
@@ -287,6 +298,13 @@ do_fmove(I, TempMap, Strategy) ->
{FixSrc ++ FixDst ++ [I#fmove{src=Src,dst=Dst}],
DidSpill1 or DidSpill2}.
+%%% Fix an pseudo_spill_move op.
+do_pseudo_spill_move(I = #pseudo_spill_move{temp=Temp}, TempMap, _Strategy) ->
+ %% Temp is above the low water mark and must not have been spilled
+ false = is_spilled(Temp, TempMap),
+ {[I], false}. % nothing to do
%%% Fix a shift operation.
%%% 1. remove pseudos from any explicit memory operands
%%% 2. if the source is a register or memory position
diff --git a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_subst.erl b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_subst.erl
index 7b5fb1352b..7db3b23d92 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_subst.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/x86/hipe_x86_subst.erl
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
+-export([insn_temps/2, insn_lbls/2]).
%% These should be moved to hipe_x86 and exported
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
-type mfarec() :: #x86_mfa{}.
-type prim() :: #x86_prim{}.
-type funv() :: mfarec() | prim() | temp().
+-type label() :: non_neg_integer().
-type insn() :: tuple(). % for now
-type subst_fun() :: fun((temp()) -> temp()).
@@ -49,14 +50,19 @@ insn_temps(SubstTemp, I) ->
#movzx {src=S, dst=D} -> I#movzx {src=O(S), dst=O(D)};
#shift {src=S, dst=D} -> I#shift {src=O(S), dst=O(D)};
#test {src=S, dst=D} -> I#test {src=O(S), dst=O(D)};
- #fp_unop{arg=A} -> I#fp_unop{arg=O(A)};
- #move64 {dst=D} -> I#move64 {dst=O(D)};
- #push {src=S} -> I#push {src=O(S)};
- #pop {dst=D} -> I#pop {dst=O(D)};
+ #fp_unop{arg=[]} -> I;
+ #fp_unop{arg=A} -> I#fp_unop{arg=O(A)};
+ #move64 {dst=D} -> I#move64 {dst=O(D)};
+ #push {src=S} -> I#push {src=O(S)};
+ #pop {dst=D} -> I#pop {dst=O(D)};
#jmp_switch{temp=T, jtab=J} ->
I#jmp_switch{temp=O(T), jtab=jtab_temps(SubstTemp, J)};
#pseudo_call{'fun'=F} ->
I#pseudo_call{'fun'=funv_temps(SubstTemp, F)};
+ #pseudo_spill_fmove{src=S, temp=T, dst=D} ->
+ I#pseudo_spill_fmove{src=O(S), temp=O(T), dst=O(D)};
+ #pseudo_spill_move{src=S, temp=T, dst=D} ->
+ I#pseudo_spill_move{src=O(S), temp=O(T), dst=O(D)};
#pseudo_tailcall{'fun'=F, stkargs=Stk} ->
I#pseudo_tailcall{'fun'=funv_temps(SubstTemp, F),
stkargs=lists:map(O, Stk)};
@@ -85,3 +91,22 @@ jtab_temps(SubstTemp, T=#x86_temp{}) -> SubstTemp(T).
jtab_temps(_SubstTemp, DataLbl) when is_integer(DataLbl) -> DataLbl.
+-type lbl_subst_fun() :: fun((label()) -> label()).
+%% @doc Maps over the branch targets in an instruction
+-spec insn_lbls(lbl_subst_fun(), insn()) -> insn().
+insn_lbls(SubstLbl, I) ->
+ case I of
+ #jmp_label{label=Label} ->
+ I#jmp_label{label=SubstLbl(Label)};
+ #pseudo_call{sdesc=Sdesc, contlab=Contlab} ->
+ I#pseudo_call{sdesc=sdesc_lbls(SubstLbl, Sdesc),
+ contlab=SubstLbl(Contlab)};
+ #pseudo_jcc{true_label=T, false_label=F} ->
+ I#pseudo_jcc{true_label=SubstLbl(T), false_label=SubstLbl(F)}
+ end.
+sdesc_lbls(_SubstLbl, Sdesc=#x86_sdesc{exnlab=[]}) -> Sdesc;
+sdesc_lbls(SubstLbl, Sdesc=#x86_sdesc{exnlab=Exnlab}) ->
+ Sdesc#x86_sdesc{exnlab=SubstLbl(Exnlab)}.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/cdv_ets_cb.erl b/lib/observer/src/cdv_ets_cb.erl
index ddd2d42df6..18f0c86fd3 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/cdv_ets_cb.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/cdv_ets_cb.erl
@@ -30,26 +30,23 @@
%% Defines
--define(COL_ID, 0).
--define(COL_NAME, ?COL_ID+1).
--define(COL_SLOT, ?COL_NAME+1).
--define(COL_OWNER, ?COL_SLOT+1).
+-define(COL_NAME, 0).
+-define(COL_IS_NAMED, ?COL_NAME+1).
+-define(COL_OWNER, ?COL_IS_NAMED+1).
-define(COL_OBJ, ?COL_OWNER+1).
-define(COL_MEM, ?COL_OBJ+1).
%% Callbacks for cdv_virtual_list_wx
-col_to_elem(id) -> col_to_elem(?COL_ID);
-col_to_elem(?COL_ID) -> #ets_table.id;
+col_to_elem(id) -> col_to_elem(?COL_NAME);
+col_to_elem(?COL_IS_NAMED) -> #ets_table.is_named;
col_to_elem(?COL_NAME) -> #ets_table.name;
-col_to_elem(?COL_SLOT) -> #ets_table.slot;
col_to_elem(?COL_OWNER) -> #ets_table.pid;
col_to_elem(?COL_OBJ) -> #ets_table.size;
col_to_elem(?COL_MEM) -> #ets_table.memory.
col_spec() ->
- [{"Id", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 200},
- {"Name", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 200},
- {"Slot", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 50},
+ [{"Name", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 200},
+ {"Is Named", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_CENTRE, 70},
{"Owner", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_CENTRE, 120},
{"Objects", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 80},
{"Memory", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 80}
@@ -68,7 +65,7 @@ get_details(Id, Data) ->
{ok,{"Table:" ++ Id,Proplist,""}}.
get_detail_cols(all) ->
- {[{ets, ?COL_ID}, {process, ?COL_OWNER}],true};
+ {[{ets, ?COL_NAME}, {process, ?COL_OWNER}],true};
get_detail_cols(_W) ->
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer.erl b/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer.erl
index 13e73f027d..e21f1c501b 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer.erl
@@ -1555,10 +1555,14 @@ split_pid_list_no_space([],[],Pids) ->
%% Page with external ets tables
get_ets_tables(File,Pid,WS) ->
ParseFun = fun(Fd,Id) ->
- get_etsinfo(Fd,#ets_table{pid=list_to_pid(Id)},WS)
+ ET = get_etsinfo(Fd,#ets_table{pid=list_to_pid(Id)},WS),
+ ET#ets_table{is_named=tab_is_named(ET)}
+tab_is_named(#ets_table{id=Name,name=Name}) -> "yes";
+tab_is_named(#ets_table{}) -> "no".
get_etsinfo(Fd,EtsTable = #ets_table{details=Ds},WS) ->
case line_head(Fd) of
"Slot" ->
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer.hrl b/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer.hrl
index a08659efd6..742e145641 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer.hrl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/crashdump_viewer.hrl
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@
+ is_named,
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_tv_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_tv_wx.erl
index 4356cb890c..d04fb839c8 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_tv_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_tv_wx.erl
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ init([Notebook, Parent]) ->
Col + 1
ListItems = [{"Table Name", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 200},
- {"Table Id", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 100},
{"Objects", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 100},
{"Size (kB)", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 100},
{"Owner Pid", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_CENTER, 150},
- {"Owner Name", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 200}
+ {"Owner Name", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 200},
+ {"Table Id", ?wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 250}
lists:foldl(AddListEntry, 0, ListItems),
@@ -387,8 +387,8 @@ update_grid2(Grid, #opt{sort_key=Sort,sort_incr=Dir}, Tables) ->
({Col, Val}) ->
wxListCtrl:setItem(Grid, Row, Col, observer_lib:to_str(Val))
- [{0,Name}, {1,Id}, {2,Size}, {3, Memory div 1024},
- {4,Owner}, {5,RegName}]),
+ [{0,Name}, {1,Size}, {2, Memory div 1024},
+ {3,Owner}, {4,RegName}, {5,Id}]),
Row + 1
ProcInfo = case Dir of
diff --git a/lib/ssl/doc/src/ssl.xml b/lib/ssl/doc/src/ssl.xml
index 916b41742e..91c590c247 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/doc/src/ssl.xml
+++ b/lib/ssl/doc/src/ssl.xml
@@ -935,13 +935,14 @@ fun(srp, Username :: string(), UserState :: term()) ->
<fsummary>Returns all the connection information.
- <v>Item = protocol | cipher_suite | sni_hostname | ecc | atom()</v>
+ <v>Item = protocol | cipher_suite | sni_hostname | ecc | session_id | atom()</v>
<d>Meaningful atoms, not specified above, are the ssl option names.</d>
<v>Result = [{Item::atom(), Value::term()}]</v>
<v>Reason = term()</v>
- <desc><p>Returns all relevant information about the connection, ssl options that
- are undefined will be filtered out.</p>
+ <desc><p>Returns the most relevant information about the connection, ssl options that
+ are undefined will be filtered out. Note that values that affect the security of the
+ connection will only be returned if explicitly requested by connection_information/2.</p>
@@ -952,8 +953,10 @@ fun(srp, Username :: string(), UserState :: term()) ->
<v>Items = [Item]</v>
- <v>Item = protocol | cipher_suite | sni_hostname | atom()</v>
- <d>Meaningful atoms, not specified above, are the ssl option names.</d>
+ <v>Item = protocol | cipher_suite | sni_hostname | ecc | session_id | client_random
+ | server_random | master_secret | atom()</v>
+ <d>Note that client_random, server_random and master_secret are values
+ that affect the security of connection. Meaningful atoms, not specified above, are the ssl option names.</d>
<v>Result = [{Item::atom(), Value::term()}]</v>
<v>Reason = term()</v>
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
index 45fc29723f..b3d08bdfbe 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
@@ -38,16 +38,13 @@
getopts/2, setopts/2, getstat/1, getstat/2
%% SSL/TLS protocol handling
--export([cipher_suites/0, cipher_suites/1, eccs/0, eccs/1,
- connection_info/1, versions/0, session_info/1, format_error/1,
- renegotiate/1, prf/5, negotiated_protocol/1, negotiated_next_protocol/1,
+-export([cipher_suites/0, cipher_suites/1, eccs/0, eccs/1, versions/0,
+ format_error/1, renegotiate/1, prf/5, negotiated_protocol/1,
connection_information/1, connection_information/2]).
%% Misc
-export([handle_options/2, tls_version/1]).
--deprecated({negotiated_next_protocol, 1, next_major_release}).
--deprecated({connection_info, 1, next_major_release}).
@@ -307,7 +304,7 @@ controlling_process(#sslsocket{pid = {Listen,
%% Description: Return SSL information for the connection
connection_information(#sslsocket{pid = Pid}) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- case ssl_connection:connection_information(Pid) of
+ case ssl_connection:connection_information(Pid, false) of
{ok, Info} ->
{ok, [Item || Item = {_Key, Value} <- Info, Value =/= undefined]};
Error ->
@@ -323,8 +320,8 @@ connection_information(#sslsocket{pid = {udp,_}}) ->
%% Description: Return SSL information for the connection
-connection_information(#sslsocket{} = SSLSocket, Items) ->
- case connection_information(SSLSocket) of
+connection_information(#sslsocket{pid = Pid}, Items) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ case ssl_connection:connection_information(Pid, include_security_info(Items)) of
{ok, Info} ->
{ok, [Item || Item = {Key, Value} <- Info, lists:member(Key, Items),
Value =/= undefined]};
@@ -333,21 +330,6 @@ connection_information(#sslsocket{} = SSLSocket, Items) ->
-%% Deprecated
--spec connection_info(#sslsocket{}) -> {ok, {tls_record:tls_atom_version(), ssl_cipher:erl_cipher_suite()}} |
- {error, reason()}.
-%% Description: Returns ssl protocol and cipher used for the connection
-connection_info(#sslsocket{} = SSLSocket) ->
- case connection_information(SSLSocket) of
- {ok, Result} ->
- {ok, {proplists:get_value(protocol, Result), proplists:get_value(cipher_suite, Result)}};
- Error ->
- Error
- end.
-spec peername(#sslsocket{}) -> {ok, {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: same as inet:peername/1.
@@ -392,20 +374,6 @@ negotiated_protocol(#sslsocket{pid = Pid}) ->
--spec negotiated_next_protocol(#sslsocket{}) -> {ok, binary()} | {error, reason()}.
-%% Description: Returns the next protocol that has been negotiated. If no
-%% protocol has been negotiated will return {error, next_protocol_not_negotiated}
-negotiated_next_protocol(Socket) ->
- case negotiated_protocol(Socket) of
- {error, protocol_not_negotiated} ->
- {error, next_protocol_not_negotiated};
- Res ->
- Res
- end.
-spec cipher_suites() -> [ssl_cipher:erl_cipher_suite()] | [string()].
cipher_suites() ->
@@ -555,19 +523,6 @@ sockname(#sslsocket{pid = Pid, fd = {Transport, Socket, _, _}}) when is_pid(Pid)
tls_socket:sockname(Transport, Socket).
--spec session_info(#sslsocket{}) -> {ok, list()} | {error, reason()}.
-%% Description: Returns list of session info currently [{session_id, session_id(),
-%% {cipher_suite, cipher_suite()}]
-session_info(#sslsocket{pid = Pid}) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- ssl_connection:session_info(Pid);
-session_info(#sslsocket{pid = {udp,_}}) ->
- {error, enotconn};
-session_info(#sslsocket{pid = {Listen,_}}) when is_port(Listen) ->
- {error, enotconn}.
-spec versions() -> [{ssl_app, string()} | {supported, [tls_record:tls_atom_version()]} |
{available, [tls_record:tls_atom_version()]}].
@@ -1480,3 +1435,13 @@ default_cb_info(tls) ->
{gen_tcp, tcp, tcp_closed, tcp_error};
default_cb_info(dtls) ->
{gen_udp, udp, udp_closed, udp_error}.
+include_security_info([]) ->
+ false;
+include_security_info([Item | Items]) ->
+ case lists:member(Item, [client_random, server_random, master_secret]) of
+ true ->
+ true;
+ false ->
+ include_security_info(Items)
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl
index ea139ac4b1..df9b9e8a63 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_connection.erl
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
%% User Events
-export([send/2, recv/3, close/2, shutdown/2,
- new_user/2, get_opts/2, set_opts/2, session_info/1,
+ new_user/2, get_opts/2, set_opts/2,
peer_certificate/1, renegotiation/1, negotiated_protocol/1, prf/5,
- connection_information/1, handle_common_event/5
+ connection_information/2, handle_common_event/5
%% General gen_statem state functions with extra callback argument
@@ -185,12 +185,12 @@ recv(Pid, Length, Timeout) ->
call(Pid, {recv, Length, Timeout}).
--spec connection_information(pid()) -> {ok, list()} | {error, reason()}.
+-spec connection_information(pid(), boolean()) -> {ok, list()} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Get the SNI hostname
-connection_information(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- call(Pid, connection_information).
+connection_information(Pid, IncludeSecrityInfo) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ call(Pid, {connection_information, IncludeSecrityInfo}).
-spec close(pid(), {close, Timeout::integer() |
@@ -247,14 +247,6 @@ set_opts(ConnectionPid, Options) ->
call(ConnectionPid, {set_opts, Options}).
--spec session_info(pid()) -> {ok, list()} | {error, reason()}.
-%% Description: Returns info about the ssl session
-session_info(ConnectionPid) ->
- call(ConnectionPid, session_info).
-spec peer_certificate(pid()) -> {ok, binary()| undefined} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Returns the peer cert
@@ -775,14 +767,12 @@ connection({call, From}, renegotiate, #state{protocol_cb = Connection} = State,
connection({call, From}, peer_certificate,
#state{session = #session{peer_certificate = Cert}} = State, _) ->
hibernate_after(connection, State, [{reply, From, {ok, Cert}}]);
-connection({call, From}, connection_information, State, _) ->
+connection({call, From}, {connection_information, true}, State, _) ->
+ Info = connection_info(State) ++ security_info(State),
+ hibernate_after(connection, State, [{reply, From, {ok, Info}}]);
+connection({call, From}, {connection_information, false}, State, _) ->
Info = connection_info(State),
hibernate_after(connection, State, [{reply, From, {ok, Info}}]);
-connection({call, From}, session_info, #state{session = #session{session_id = Id,
- cipher_suite = Suite}} = State, _) ->
- SessionInfo = [{session_id, Id},
- {cipher_suite, ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(Suite)}],
- hibernate_after(connection, State, [{reply, From, SessionInfo}]);
connection({call, From}, negotiated_protocol,
#state{negotiated_protocol = undefined} = State, _) ->
hibernate_after(connection, State, [{reply, From, {error, protocol_not_negotiated}}]);
@@ -1195,7 +1185,8 @@ handle_alert(#alert{level = ?WARNING} = Alert, StateName,
%%% Internal functions
connection_info(#state{sni_hostname = SNIHostname,
- session = #session{cipher_suite = CipherSuite, ecc = ECCCurve},
+ session = #session{session_id = SessionId,
+ cipher_suite = CipherSuite, ecc = ECCCurve},
protocol_cb = Connection,
negotiated_version = {_,_} = Version,
ssl_options = Opts}) ->
@@ -1210,9 +1201,18 @@ connection_info(#state{sni_hostname = SNIHostname,
[{protocol, RecordCB:protocol_version(Version)},
+ {session_id, SessionId},
{cipher_suite, CipherSuiteDef},
{sni_hostname, SNIHostname} | CurveInfo] ++ ssl_options_list(Opts).
+security_info(#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates}) ->
+ #{security_parameters :=
+ #security_parameters{client_random = ClientRand,
+ server_random = ServerRand,
+ master_secret = MasterSecret}} =
+ ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
+ [{client_random, ClientRand}, {server_random, ServerRand}, {master_secret, MasterSecret}].
do_server_hello(Type, #hello_extensions{next_protocol_negotiation = NextProtocols} =
#state{negotiated_version = Version,
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_basic_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_basic_SUITE.erl
index 86426bdb60..4eabe544d7 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_basic_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_basic_SUITE.erl
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ options_tests_tls() ->
api_tests() ->
+ secret_connection_info,
@@ -611,7 +612,7 @@ prf(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
connection_info() ->
- [{doc,"Test the API function ssl:connection_information/1"}].
+ [{doc,"Test the API function ssl:connection_information/2"}].
connection_info(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
@@ -645,6 +646,38 @@ connection_info(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+secret_connection_info() ->
+ [{doc,"Test the API function ssl:connection_information/2"}].
+secret_connection_info(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_verification_opts, Config),
+ ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_verification_opts, Config),
+ {ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
+ Server = ssl_test_lib:start_server([{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
+ {from, self()},
+ {mfa, {?MODULE, secret_connection_info_result, []}},
+ {options, ServerOpts}]),
+ Port = ssl_test_lib:inet_port(Server),
+ Client = ssl_test_lib:start_client([{node, ClientNode}, {port, Port},
+ {host, Hostname},
+ {from, self()},
+ {mfa, {?MODULE, secret_connection_info_result, []}},
+ {options, ClientOpts}]),
+ ct:log("Testcase ~p, Client ~p Server ~p ~n",
+ [self(), Client, Server]),
+ Version = ssl_test_lib:protocol_version(Config),
+ ssl_test_lib:check_result(Server, true, Client, true),
+ ssl_test_lib:close(Server),
+ ssl_test_lib:close(Client).
connection_information() ->
[{doc,"Test the API function ssl:connection_information/1"}].
connection_information(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -3414,7 +3447,6 @@ listen_socket(Config) ->
{error, enotconn} = ssl:connection_information(ListenSocket),
{error, enotconn} = ssl:peername(ListenSocket),
{error, enotconn} = ssl:peercert(ListenSocket),
- {error, enotconn} = ssl:session_info(ListenSocket),
{error, enotconn} = ssl:renegotiate(ListenSocket),
{error, enotconn} = ssl:prf(ListenSocket, 'master_secret', <<"Label">>, client_random, 256),
{error, enotconn} = ssl:shutdown(ListenSocket, read_write),
@@ -4638,6 +4670,11 @@ version_info_result(Socket) ->
{ok, [{version, Version}]} = ssl:connection_information(Socket, [version]),
{ok, Version}.
+secret_connection_info_result(Socket) ->
+ {ok, [{client_random, ClientRand}, {server_random, ServerRand}, {master_secret, MasterSecret}]}
+ = ssl:connection_information(Socket, [client_random, server_random, master_secret]),
+ is_binary(ClientRand) andalso is_binary(ServerRand) andalso is_binary(MasterSecret).
connect_dist_s(S) ->
Msg = term_to_binary({erlang,term}),
ok = ssl:send(S, Msg).
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_packet_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_packet_SUITE.erl
index 3446a566c4..c8caa9c11a 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_packet_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_packet_SUITE.erl
@@ -1973,14 +1973,14 @@ passive_recv_packet(Socket, _, 0) ->
{error, timeout} = ssl:recv(Socket, 0, 500),
Other ->
- {other, Other, ssl:session_info(Socket), 0}
+ {other, Other, ssl:connection_information(Socket, [session_id, cipher_suite]), 0}
passive_recv_packet(Socket, Data, N) ->
case ssl:recv(Socket, 0) of
{ok, Data} ->
passive_recv_packet(Socket, Data, N-1);
Other ->
- {other, Other, ssl:session_info(Socket), N}
+ {other, Other, ssl:connection_information(Socket, [session_id, cipher_suite]), N}
send(Socket,_, 0) ->
@@ -2032,7 +2032,7 @@ active_once_packet(Socket,_, 0) ->
{ssl, Socket, []} ->
{ssl, Socket, Other} ->
- {other, Other, ssl:session_info(Socket), 0}
+ {other, Other, ssl:connection_information(Socket, [session_id, cipher_suite]), 0}
active_once_packet(Socket, Data, N) ->
@@ -2077,7 +2077,7 @@ active_packet(Socket, _, 0) ->
{ssl, Socket, []} ->
Other ->
- {other, Other, ssl:session_info(Socket), 0}
+ {other, Other, ssl:connection_information(Socket, [session_id, cipher_suite]), 0}
active_packet(Socket, Data, N) ->
@@ -2089,7 +2089,7 @@ active_packet(Socket, Data, N) ->
{ssl, Socket, Data} ->
active_packet(Socket, Data, N -1);
Other ->
- {other, Other, ssl:session_info(Socket),N}
+ {other, Other, ssl:connection_information(Socket, [session_id, cipher_suite]),N}
assert_packet_opt(Socket, Type) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl
index 4b740c79db..3768fc2259 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl
@@ -782,18 +782,18 @@ no_result(_) ->
trigger_renegotiate(Socket, [ErlData, N]) ->
- [{session_id, Id} | _ ] = ssl:session_info(Socket),
+ {ok, [{session_id, Id}]} = ssl:connection_information(Socket, [session_id]),
trigger_renegotiate(Socket, ErlData, N, Id).
trigger_renegotiate(Socket, _, 0, Id) ->
- case ssl:session_info(Socket) of
- [{session_id, Id} | _ ] ->
+ case ssl:connection_information(Socket, [session_id]) of
+ {ok, [{session_id, Id}]} ->
%% Tests that uses this function will not reuse
%% sessions so if we get a new session id the
%% renegotiation has succeeded.
- [{session_id, _} | _ ] ->
+ {ok, [{session_id, _}]} ->
{error, closed} ->
@@ -998,8 +998,8 @@ cipher_result(Socket, Result) ->
session_info_result(Socket) ->
- ssl:session_info(Socket).
+ {ok, Info} = ssl:connection_information(Socket, [session_id, cipher_suite]),
+ Info.
public_key(#'PrivateKeyInfo'{privateKeyAlgorithm =
#'PrivateKeyInfo_privateKeyAlgorithm'{algorithm = ?rsaEncryption},
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/proplists.xml b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/proplists.xml
index fe6b8cc3bf..990d47b313 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/proplists.xml
+++ b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/proplists.xml
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ split([{c, 2}, {e, 1}, a, {c, 3, 4}, d, {b, 5}, b], [a, b, c])</code>
with <c>{K2, true}</c>, thus changing the name of the option and
simultaneously negating the value specified by
<seealso marker="#get_bool/2">
- <c>get_bool(Key, <anno>ListIn</anno></c></seealso>.
+ <c>get_bool(Key, <anno>ListIn</anno>)</c></seealso>.
If the same <c>K1</c> occurs more than once in
<c><anno>Negations</anno></c>, only the first occurrence is used.</p>
<p>For example, <c>substitute_negations([{no_foo, foo}], L)</c>
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/unicode_usage.xml b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/unicode_usage.xml
index efc8b75075..a8ef8ff5c5 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/unicode_usage.xml
+++ b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/unicode_usage.xml
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@
<item><p>In Erlang/OTP 17.0, the encoding default for Erlang
source files was switched to UTF-8.</p></item>
+ <item><p>In Erlang/OTP 20.0, atoms and function can contain
+ Unicode characters. Module names are still restricted to
+ the ISO-Latin-1 range.</p></item>
<p>This section outlines the current Unicode support and gives some
@@ -339,9 +343,10 @@
<tag>The language</tag>
<p>Having the source code in UTF-8 also allows you to write string
- literals containing Unicode characters with code points &gt; 255,
- although atoms, module names, and function names are restricted to
- the ISO Latin-1 range. Binary literals, where you use type
+ literals, function names, and atoms containing Unicode
+ characters with code points &gt; 255.
+ Module names are still restricted to the ISO Latin-1 range.
+ Binary literals, where you use type
<c>/utf8</c>, can also be expressed using Unicode characters &gt; 255.
Having module names using characters other than 7-bit ASCII can cause
trouble on operating systems with inconsistent file naming schemes,
@@ -432,15 +437,17 @@ external_charlist() = maybe_improper_list(char() | external_unicode_binary() |
<title>Basic Language Support</title>
- <p><marker id="unicode_in_erlang"/>As from Erlang/OTP R16, Erlang source
- files can be written in UTF-8 or bytewise (<c>latin1</c>) encoding. For
- information about how to state the encoding of an Erlang source file, see
- the <seealso marker="stdlib:epp#encoding"><c>epp(3)</c></seealso> module.
- Strings and comments can be written using Unicode, but functions must
- still be named using characters from the ISO Latin-1 character set, and
- atoms are restricted to the same ISO Latin-1 range. These restrictions in
- the language are of course independent of the encoding of the source
- file.</p>
+ <p><marker id="unicode_in_erlang"/>As from Erlang/OTP R16, Erlang
+ source files can be written in UTF-8 or bytewise (<c>latin1</c>)
+ encoding. For information about how to state the encoding of an
+ Erlang source file, see the <seealso
+ marker="stdlib:epp#encoding"><c>epp(3)</c></seealso> module. As
+ from Erlang/OTP R16, strings and comments can be written using
+ Unicode. As from Erlang/OTP 20, also atoms and functions can be
+ written using Unicode. Modules names must still be named using
+ characters from the ISO Latin-1 character set. (These
+ restrictions in the language are independent of the encoding of
+ the source file.)</p>
<title>Bit Syntax</title>
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
index 0ffca0886f..0789f5dfb7 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/erl_lint.erl
@@ -156,6 +156,8 @@ format_error(pmod_unsupported) ->
"parameterized modules are no longer supported";
%% format_error({redefine_mod_import, M, P}) ->
%% io_lib:format("module '~s' already imported from package '~s'", [M, P]);
+format_error(non_latin1_module_unsupported) ->
+ "module names with non-latin1 characters are not supported";
format_error(invalid_call) ->
"invalid function call";
@@ -733,9 +735,15 @@ form(Form, #lint{state=State}=St) ->
start_state({attribute,Line,module,{_,_}}=Form, St0) ->
St1 = add_error(Line, pmod_unsupported, St0),
attribute_state(Form, St1#lint{state=attribute});
-start_state({attribute,_,module,M}, St0) ->
+start_state({attribute,Line,module,M}, St0) ->
St1 = St0#lint{module=M},
- St1#lint{state=attribute};
+ St2 = St1#lint{state=attribute},
+ case is_non_latin1_name(M) of
+ true ->
+ add_error(Line, non_latin1_module_unsupported, St2);
+ false ->
+ St2
+ end;
start_state(Form, St) ->
Anno = case Form of
{eof, L} -> erl_anno:new(L);
@@ -745,6 +753,9 @@ start_state(Form, St) ->
St1 = add_error(Anno, undefined_module, St),
attribute_state(Form, St1#lint{state=attribute}).
+is_non_latin1_name(Name) ->
+ lists:any(fun(C) -> C > 255 end, atom_to_list(Name)).
%% attribute_state(Form, State) ->
%% State'
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/ets.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/ets.erl
index d6fd1e3ea1..90e19e6b9f 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/ets.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/ets.erl
@@ -75,10 +75,28 @@
update_counter/3, update_counter/4, update_element/3]).
+%% internal exports
-spec all() -> [Tab] when
Tab :: tab().
all() ->
+ receive_all(ets:internal_request_all(),
+ erlang:system_info(schedulers),
+ []).
+receive_all(_Ref, 0, All) ->
+ All;
+receive_all(Ref, N, All) ->
+ receive
+ {Ref, SchedAll} ->
+ receive_all(Ref, N-1, SchedAll ++ All)
+ end.
+-spec internal_request_all() -> reference().
+internal_request_all() ->
-spec delete(Tab) -> true when
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
index fda7a2cd8a..d89ff4a624 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@ obsolete_1(erlang, now, 0) ->
obsolete_1(calendar, local_time_to_universal_time, 1) ->
{deprecated, {calendar, local_time_to_universal_time_dst, 1}};
+%% *** CRYPTO added in OTP 20 ***
+obsolete_1(crypto, rand_uniform, 2) ->
+ {deprecated, {rand, uniform, 1}};
%% *** CRYPTO added in OTP 19 ***
obsolete_1(crypto, rand_bytes, 1) ->
@@ -63,178 +68,178 @@ obsolete_1(crypto, rand_bytes, 1) ->
%% *** CRYPTO added in R16B01 ***
obsolete_1(crypto, md4, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash, 2}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hash, 2}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, md5, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash, 2}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hash, 2}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, sha, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash, 2}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hash, 2}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, md4_init, 0) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_init, 1}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hash_init, 1}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, md5_init, 0) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_init, 1}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hash_init, 1}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, sha_init, 0) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_init, 1}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hash_init, 1}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, md4_update, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_update, 2}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hash_update, 2}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, md5_update, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_update, 2}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hash_update, 2}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, sha_update, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_update, 2}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hash_update, 2}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, md4_final, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_final, 1}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hash_final, 1}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, md5_final, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_final, 1}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hash_final, 1}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, sha_final, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hash_final, 1}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hash_final, 1}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, md5_mac, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hmac, 3}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hmac, 3}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, sha_mac, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hmac, 3}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hmac, 3}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, sha_mac, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hmac, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hmac, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, sha_mac_96, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hmac, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hmac, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, md5_mac_96, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, hmac, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, hmac, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_sign, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, sign, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, sign, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_sign, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, sign, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, sign, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_verify, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, verify, 5}};
+ {removed, {crypto, verify, 5}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_verify, 4) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, verify, 5}};
+ {removed, {crypto, verify, 5}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, dss_sign, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, sign, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, sign, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, dss_sign, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, sign, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, sign, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, dss_verify, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, verify, 5}};
+ {removed, {crypto, verify, 5}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, dss_verify, 4) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, verify, 5}};
+ {removed, {crypto, verify, 5}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, mod_exp, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, mod_pow, 3}};
+ {removed, {crypto, mod_pow, 3}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, dh_compute_key, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, compute_key, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, compute_key, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, dh_generate_key, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, generate_key, 2}};
+ {removed, {crypto, generate_key, 2}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, dh_generate_key, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, generate_key, 3}};
+ {removed, {crypto, generate_key, 3}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_cbc_encrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, des3_cbc_encrypt, 5) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_ecb_encrypt, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 3}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_encrypt, 3}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_ede3_cbc_encrypt, 5) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_cfb_encrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, des3_cfb_encrypt, 5) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, blowfish_ecb_encrypt, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 3}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_encrypt, 3}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, blowfish_cbc_encrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, blowfish_cfb64_encrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, blowfish_ofb64_encrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cfb_128_encrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cbc_128_encrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cbc_256_encrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto,rc2_cbc_encrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto,rc2_40_cbc_encrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_encrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_cbc_decrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, des3_cbc_decrypt, 5) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_ecb_decrypt, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 3}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_decrypt, 3}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_ede3_cbc_decrypt, 5) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_cfb_decrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, des3_cfb_decrypt, 5) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, blowfish_ecb_decrypt, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 3}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_decrypt, 3}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, blowfish_cbc_decrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, blowfish_cfb64_decrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, blowfish_ofb64_decrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cfb_128_decrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cbc_128_decrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cbc_256_decrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto,rc2_cbc_decrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto,rc2_40_cbc_decrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, block_decrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_ctr_stream_decrypt, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, stream_decrypt, 2}};
+ {removed, {crypto, stream_decrypt, 2}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_ctr_stream_encrypt, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, stream_encrypt, 2}};
+ {removed, {crypto, stream_encrypt, 2}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_ctr_decrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, stream_decrypt, 2}};
+ {removed, {crypto, stream_decrypt, 2}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_ctr_encrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, stream_encrypt, 2}};
+ {removed, {crypto, stream_encrypt, 2}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, rc4_encrypt, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, stream_encrypt, 2}};
+ {removed, {crypto, stream_encrypt, 2}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, rc4_encrypt_with_state, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, stream_encrypt, 2}};
+ {removed, {crypto, stream_encrypt, 2}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_ctr_stream_init, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, stream_init, 3}};
+ {removed, {crypto, stream_init, 3}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, rc4_set_key, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, stream_init, 2}};
+ {removed, {crypto, stream_init, 2}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_private_decrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, private_decrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, private_decrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_public_decrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, public_decrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, public_decrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_private_encrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, private_encrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, private_encrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, rsa_public_encrypt, 3) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, public_encrypt, 4}};
+ {removed, {crypto, public_encrypt, 4}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, des_cfb_ivec, 2) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, next_iv, 3}};
+ {removed, {crypto, next_iv, 3}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto,des_cbc_ivec, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, next_iv, 2}};
+ {removed, {crypto, next_iv, 2}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, aes_cbc_ivec, 1) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, next_iv, 2}};
+ {removed, {crypto, next_iv, 2}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto,info, 0) ->
- {deprecated, {crypto, module_info, 0}};
+ {removed, {crypto, module_info, 0}, "20.0"};
obsolete_1(crypto, strong_rand_mpint, 3) ->
- {deprecated, "needed only by deprecated functions"};
+ {removed, "removed in 20.0; only needed by removed functions"};
obsolete_1(crypto, erlint, 1) ->
- {deprecated, "needed only by deprecated functions"};
+ {removed, "removed in 20.0; only needed by removed functions"};
obsolete_1(crypto, mpint, 1) ->
- {deprecated, "needed only by deprecated functions"};
+ {removed, "removed in 20.0; only needed by removed functions"};
%% *** SNMP ***
@@ -387,13 +392,13 @@ obsolete_1(erlang, concat_binary, 1) ->
%% Added in R14A.
obsolete_1(ssl, peercert, 2) ->
- {deprecated,"deprecated (will be removed in R15A); use ssl:peercert/1 and public_key:pkix_decode_cert/2 instead"};
+ {removed ,"removed in R15A; use ssl:peercert/1 and public_key:pkix_decode_cert/2 instead"};
%% Added in R14B.
obsolete_1(public_key, pem_to_der, 1) ->
- {deprecated,"deprecated (will be removed in R15A); use file:read_file/1 and public_key:pem_decode/1"};
+ {removed,"removed in R15A; use file:read_file/1 and public_key:pem_decode/1"};
obsolete_1(public_key, decode_private_key, A) when A =:= 1; A =:= 2 ->
- {deprecated,{public_key,pem_entry_decode,1},"R15A"};
+ {removed, "removed in R15A; use public_key:pem_entry_decode/1"};
%% Added in R14B03.
obsolete_1(docb_gen, _, _) ->
@@ -415,10 +420,10 @@ obsolete_1(inviso, _, _) ->
obsolete_1(gs, _, _) ->
{removed,"the gs application has been removed; use the wx application instead"};
obsolete_1(ssh, sign_data, 2) ->
- {deprecated,"deprecated (will be removed in R16A); use public_key:pem_decode/1, public_key:pem_entry_decode/1 "
+ {removed,"removed in R16A; use public_key:pem_decode/1, public_key:pem_entry_decode/1 "
"and public_key:sign/3 instead"};
obsolete_1(ssh, verify_data, 3) ->
- {deprecated,"deprecated (will be removed in R16A); use public_key:ssh_decode/1, and public_key:verify/4 instead"};
+ {removed,"removed in R16A; use public_key:ssh_decode/1, and public_key:verify/4 instead"};
%% Added in R16
obsolete_1(wxCalendarCtrl, enableYearChange, _) -> %% wx bug documented?
@@ -515,10 +520,9 @@ obsolete_1(erl_parse, get_attribute, 2) ->
obsolete_1(erl_lint, modify_line, 2) ->
obsolete_1(ssl, negotiated_next_protocol, 1) ->
- {deprecated,{ssl,negotiated_protocol,1}};
+ {removed,"removed in 20.0; use ssl:negotiated_protocol/1 instead"};
obsolete_1(ssl, connection_info, 1) ->
- {deprecated, "deprecated; use connection_information/[1,2] instead"};
+ {removed, "removed in 20.0; use ssl:connection_information/[1,2] instead"};
obsolete_1(httpd_conf, check_enum, 2) ->
{deprecated, "deprecated; use lists:member/2 instead"};
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/erl_lint_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/erl_lint_SUITE.erl
index df38edf393..fd7de65302 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/erl_lint_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/erl_lint_SUITE.erl
@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@
- record_errors/1, otp_xxxxx/1]).
+ record_errors/1, otp_xxxxx/1,
+ non_latin1_module/1]).
suite() ->
@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ all() ->
too_many_arguments, basic_errors, bin_syntax_errors, predef,
maps, maps_type, maps_parallel_match,
otp_11851, otp_11879, otp_13230,
- record_errors, otp_xxxxx].
+ record_errors, otp_xxxxx, non_latin1_module].
groups() ->
[{unused_vars_warn, [],
@@ -2098,11 +2099,11 @@ otp_5362(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- <<"t(X) -> crypto:md5(X).">>,
+ <<"t(X) -> calendar:local_time_to_universal_time(X).">>,
- [{1,erl_lint,{deprecated,{crypto,md5,1},
- {crypto,hash,2}, "a future release"}}]}},
+ [{1,erl_lint,{deprecated,{calendar,local_time_to_universal_time,1},
+ {calendar,local_time_to_universal_time_dst,1}, "a future release"}}]}},
<<"t(X) -> regexp:match(X).">>,
@@ -3923,6 +3924,24 @@ otp_xxxxx(Config) ->
run(Config, Ts).
+%% OTP-14285: We currently don't support non-latin1 module names.
+non_latin1_module(_Config) ->
+ do_non_latin1_module('юникод'),
+ do_non_latin1_module(list_to_atom([256,$a,$b,$c])),
+ do_non_latin1_module(list_to_atom([$a,$b,256,$c])),
+ ok.
+do_non_latin1_module(Mod) ->
+ File = atom_to_list(Mod) ++ ".erl",
+ Forms = [{attribute,1,file,{File,1}},
+ {attribute,1,module,Mod},
+ {eof,2}],
+ error = compile:forms(Forms),
+ {error,_,[]} = compile:forms(Forms, [return]),
+ ok.
run(Config, Tests) ->
F = fun({N,P,Ws,E}, BadL) ->
case catch run_test(Config, P, Ws) of
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
index 8581440d58..ebf7dbff62 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/ets_SUITE.erl
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
-export([init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]).
@@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ init_per_testcase(Case, Config) ->
io:format("*** SEED: ~p ***\n", [rand:export_seed()]),
wait_for_test_procs(), %% Ensure previous case cleaned up
- put('__ETS_TEST_CASE__', Case),
[{test_case, Case} | Config].
end_per_testcase(_Func, _Config) ->
@@ -134,9 +133,8 @@ all() ->
- take,
- memory_check_summary]. % MUST BE LAST
+ massive_ets_all,
+ take].
groups() ->
[{new, [],
@@ -181,27 +179,6 @@ init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
-%% Test that we did not have "too many" failed verify_etsmem()'s
-%% in the test suite.
-%% verify_etsmem() may give a low number of false positives
-%% as concurrent activities, such as lingering processes
-%% from earlier test suites, may do unrelated ets (de)allocations.
-memory_check_summary(_Config) ->
- case whereis(ets_test_spawn_logger) of
- undefined ->
- ct:fail("No spawn logger exist");
- _ ->
- ets_test_spawn_logger ! {self(), get_failed_memchecks},
- receive {get_failed_memchecks, FailedMemchecks} -> ok end,
- io:format("Failed memchecks: ~p\n",[FailedMemchecks]),
- NoFailedMemchecks = length(FailedMemchecks),
- if NoFailedMemchecks > 1 ->
- ct:fail("Too many failed (~p) memchecks", [NoFailedMemchecks]);
- true ->
- ok
- end
- end.
@@ -5545,6 +5522,68 @@ ets_all_run() ->
false = lists:member(Table, ets:all()),
+create_tables(N) ->
+ create_tables(N, []).
+create_tables(0, Ts) ->
+ Ts;
+create_tables(N, Ts) ->
+ create_tables(N-1, [ets:new(tjo, [])|Ts]).
+massive_ets_all(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ Me = self(),
+ InitTables = lists:sort(ets:all()),
+ io:format("InitTables=~p~n", [InitTables]),
+ PMs0 = lists:map(fun (Sid) ->
+ my_spawn_opt(fun () ->
+ Ts = create_tables(250),
+ Me ! {self(), up, Ts},
+ receive {Me, die} -> ok end
+ end,
+ [link, monitor, {scheduler, Sid}])
+ end,
+ lists:seq(1, erlang:system_info(schedulers_online))),
+ AllRes = lists:sort(lists:foldl(fun ({P, _M}, Ts) ->
+ receive
+ {P, up, PTs} ->
+ PTs ++ Ts
+ end
+ end,
+ InitTables,
+ PMs0)),
+ AllRes = lists:sort(ets:all()),
+ PMs1 = lists:map(fun (_) ->
+ my_spawn_opt(fun () ->
+ AllRes = lists:sort(ets:all())
+ end,
+ [link, monitor])
+ end, lists:seq(1, 50)),
+ lists:foreach(fun ({P, M}) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', M, process, P, _} ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end, PMs1),
+ PMs2 = lists:map(fun (_) ->
+ my_spawn_opt(fun () ->
+ _ = ets:all()
+ end,
+ [link, monitor])
+ end, lists:seq(1, 50)),
+ lists:foreach(fun ({P, _M}) ->
+ P ! {Me, die}
+ end, PMs0),
+ lists:foreach(fun ({P, M}) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', M, process, P, _} ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end, PMs0 ++ PMs2),
+ EndTables = lists:sort(ets:all()),
+ io:format("EndTables=~p~n", [EndTables]),
+ InitTables = EndTables,
+ ok.
take(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% Simple test for set tables.
@@ -5712,45 +5751,27 @@ etsmem() ->
end, {0,0}, CS)
- {Mem,AllTabs, erts_debug:get_internal_state('DbTable_meta')}.
+ {Mem,AllTabs}.
-verify_etsmem(EtsMem) ->
+verify_etsmem({MemInfo,AllTabs}) ->
- verify_etsmem(EtsMem, false).
-verify_etsmem({MemInfo,AllTabs,MetaState}=EtsMem, Adjusted) ->
case etsmem() of
- {MemInfo,_,_} ->
+ {MemInfo,_} ->
io:format("Ets mem info: ~p", [MemInfo]),
case MemInfo of
{ErlMem,EtsAlloc} when ErlMem == notsup; EtsAlloc == undefined ->
%% Use 'erl +Mea max' to do more complete memory leak testing.
{comment,"Incomplete or no mem leak testing"};
_ ->
- case Adjusted of
- true ->
- {comment, "Meta state adjusted"};
- false ->
- ok
- end
+ ok
- {MemInfo2, AllTabs2, MetaState2} ->
+ {MemInfo2, AllTabs2} ->
io:format("Expected: ~p", [MemInfo]),
io:format("Actual: ~p", [MemInfo2]),
io:format("Changed tables before: ~p\n",[AllTabs -- AllTabs2]),
io:format("Changed tables after: ~p\n", [AllTabs2 -- AllTabs]),
- io:format("Meta state before: ~p\n", [MetaState]),
- io:format("Meta state after: ~p\n", [MetaState2]),
- case {MetaState =:= MetaState2, Adjusted} of
- {false, false} ->
- io:format("Adjust meta state and retry...\n\n",[]),
- {ok,ok} = erts_debug:set_internal_state('DbTable_meta', MetaState),
- verify_etsmem(EtsMem, true);
- _ ->
- ets_test_spawn_logger ! {failed_memcheck, get('__ETS_TEST_CASE__')},
- {comment, "Failed memory check"}
- end
+ ct:fail("Failed memory check")
@@ -5772,10 +5793,10 @@ stop_loopers(Loopers) ->
looper(Fun, State) ->
looper(Fun, Fun(State)).
-spawn_logger(Procs, FailedMemchecks) ->
+spawn_logger(Procs) ->
{new_test_proc, Proc} ->
- spawn_logger([Proc|Procs], FailedMemchecks);
+ spawn_logger([Proc|Procs]);
{sync_test_procs, Kill, From} ->
lists:foreach(fun (Proc) when From == Proc ->
@@ -5799,14 +5820,7 @@ spawn_logger(Procs, FailedMemchecks) ->
end, Procs),
From ! test_procs_synced,
- spawn_logger([From], FailedMemchecks);
- {failed_memcheck, TestCase} ->
- spawn_logger(Procs, [TestCase|FailedMemchecks]);
- {Pid, get_failed_memchecks} ->
- Pid ! {get_failed_memchecks, FailedMemchecks},
- spawn_logger(Procs, FailedMemchecks)
+ spawn_logger([From])
pid_status(Pid) ->
@@ -5822,7 +5836,7 @@ start_spawn_logger() ->
case whereis(ets_test_spawn_logger) of
Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> true;
_ -> register(ets_test_spawn_logger,
- spawn_opt(fun () -> spawn_logger([], []) end,
+ spawn_opt(fun () -> spawn_logger([]) end,
[{priority, max}]))