path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
15 files changed, 380 insertions, 195 deletions
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_alloc_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_alloc_wx.erl
index 9506a2b380..ef425f0874 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_alloc_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_alloc_wx.erl
@@ -194,14 +194,17 @@ code_change(_, _, State) ->
restart_fetcher(Node, #state{panel=Panel, wins=Wins0, time=Ti} = State) ->
- SysInfo = observer_wx:try_rpc(Node, observer_backend, sys_info, []),
- Info = alloc_info(SysInfo),
- Max = lists:foldl(fun calc_max/2, #{}, Info),
- {Wins, Samples} = add_data(Info, {0, queue:new()}, Wins0, Ti, true),
- erlang:send_after(1000 div ?DISP_FREQ, self(), {refresh, 0}),
- wxWindow:refresh(Panel),
- precalc(State#state{active=true, appmon=Node, time=Ti#ti{tick=0},
- wins=Wins, samples=Samples, max=Max}).
+ case rpc:call(Node, observer_backend, sys_info, []) of
+ {badrpc, _} -> State;
+ SysInfo ->
+ Info = alloc_info(SysInfo),
+ Max = lists:foldl(fun calc_max/2, #{}, Info),
+ {Wins, Samples} = add_data(Info, {0, queue:new()}, Wins0, Ti, true),
+ erlang:send_after(1000 div ?DISP_FREQ, self(), {refresh, 0}),
+ wxWindow:refresh(Panel),
+ precalc(State#state{active=true, appmon=Node, time=Ti#ti{tick=0},
+ wins=Wins, samples=Samples, max=Max})
+ end.
precalc(#state{samples=Data0, paint=Paint, time=Ti, wins=Wins0}=State) ->
Wins = [precalc(Ti, Data0, Paint, Win) || Win <- Wins0],
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_pro_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_pro_wx.erl
index ffa6f6d3b4..3083297f31 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_pro_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_pro_wx.erl
@@ -67,12 +67,14 @@
-record(holder, {parent,
- etop,
+ next=[],
+ next_accum=[],
- backend_pid
+ backend_pid,
+ old_backend=false
-record(state, {parent,
@@ -226,7 +228,7 @@ handle_info({holder_updated, Count}, State0=#state{grid=Grid}) ->
wxListCtrl:setItemCount(Grid, Count),
Count > 0 andalso wxListCtrl:refreshItems(Grid, 0, Count-1),
+ observer_wx:set_status(io_lib:format("Number of Processes: ~w", [Count])),
{noreply, State};
handle_info(refresh_interval, #state{holder=Holder}=State) ->
@@ -459,13 +461,13 @@ rm_selected(_, [], [], AccIds, AccPids) ->
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%TABLE HOLDER%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
init_table_holder(Parent, Accum0, Attrs) ->
- Backend = spawn_link(node(), observer_backend,etop_collect,[self()]),
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ Backend = spawn_link(node(), observer_backend, procs_info, [self()]),
Accum = case Accum0 of
true -> true;
false -> []
- etop=#etop_info{},
@@ -474,7 +476,7 @@ init_table_holder(Parent, Accum0, Attrs) ->
table_holder(#holder{info=Info, attrs=Attrs,
- node=Node, backend_pid=Backend}=S0) ->
+ node=Node, backend_pid=Backend, old_backend=Old}=S0) ->
{get_row, From, Row, Col} ->
get_row(From, Row, Col, Info),
@@ -482,14 +484,25 @@ table_holder(#holder{info=Info, attrs=Attrs,
{get_attr, From, Row} ->
get_attr(From, Row, Attrs),
+ {procs_info, Backend, Procs} ->
+ State = handle_update(Procs, S0),
+ table_holder(State);
+ {'EXIT', Backend, normal} when Old =:= false ->
+ S1 = update_complete(S0),
+ table_holder(S1#holder{backend_pid=undefined});
{Backend, EtopInfo=#etop_info{}} ->
- State = handle_update(EtopInfo, S0),
+ State = handle_update_old(EtopInfo, S0),
refresh when is_pid(Backend)->
table_holder(S0); %% Already updating
refresh ->
- Pid = spawn_link(Node,observer_backend,etop_collect,[self()]),
- table_holder(S0#holder{backend_pid=Pid});
+ Pid = case Old of
+ true ->
+ spawn_link(Node, observer_backend, etop_collect, [self()]);
+ false ->
+ spawn_link(Node, observer_backend, procs_info, [self()])
+ end,
+ table_holder(S0#holder{backend_pid=Pid});
{change_sort, Col} ->
State = change_sort(Col, S0),
@@ -502,7 +515,6 @@ table_holder(#holder{info=Info, attrs=Attrs,
{get_name_or_pid, From, Indices} ->
get_name_or_pid(From, Indices, Info),
{get_node, From} ->
From ! {self(), Node},
@@ -511,36 +523,50 @@ table_holder(#holder{info=Info, attrs=Attrs,
true ->
false ->
- self() ! refresh,
- table_holder(S0#holder{node=NewNode})
- end;
+ _ = rpc:call(NewNode, code, ensure_loaded, [observer_backend]),
+ case rpc:call(NewNode, erlang, function_exported,
+ [observer_backend,procs_info, 1]) of
+ true ->
+ self() ! refresh,
+ table_holder(S0#holder{node=NewNode, old_backend=false});
+ false ->
+ self() ! refresh,
+ table_holder(S0#holder{node=NewNode, old_backend=true});
+ _ ->
+ table_holder(S0)
+ end
+ end;
{accum, Bool} ->
{get_accum, From} ->
From ! {self(), S0#holder.accum == true},
{dump, Fd} ->
- EtopInfo = (S0#holder.etop)#etop_info{procinfo=array:to_list(Info)},
- %% The empty #etop_info{} below is a dummy previous info
- %% value. It is used by etop to calculate the scheduler
- %% utilization since last update. When dumping to file,
- %% there is no previous measurement to use, so we just add
- %% a dummy here, and the value shown will be since the
- %% tool was started.
- etop_txt:do_update(Fd, EtopInfo, #etop_info{}, #opts{node=Node}),
- file:close(Fd),
- table_holder(S0);
+ Collector = spawn_link(Node, observer_backend, etop_collect,[self()]),
+ receive
+ {Collector, EtopInfo=#etop_info{}} ->
+ etop_txt:do_update(Fd, EtopInfo, #etop_info{}, #opts{node=Node}),
+ file:close(Fd),
+ table_holder(S0);
+ {'EXIT', Collector, _} ->
+ table_holder(S0)
+ end;
stop ->
- What ->
- io:format("Table holder got ~p~n",[What]),
+ {'EXIT', Backend, normal} ->
+ table_holder(S0);
+ {'EXIT', Backend, _Reason} ->
+ %% Node crashed will be noticed soon..
+ table_holder(S0#holder{backend_pid=undefined});
+ _What ->
+ %% io:format("~p: Table holder got ~p~n",[?MODULE, _What]),
change_sort(Col, S0=#holder{parent=Parent, info=Data, sort=Sort0}) ->
{Sort, ProcInfo}=sort(Col, Sort0, Data),
Parent ! {holder_updated, array:size(Data)},
- S0#holder{info=ProcInfo, sort=Sort}.
+ S0#holder{info=array:from_list(ProcInfo), sort=Sort}.
change_accum(true, S0) ->
@@ -548,23 +574,45 @@ change_accum(false, S0=#holder{info=Info}) ->
self() ! refresh,
- S0=#holder{parent=Parent, sort=Sort=#sort{sort_key=KeyField}}) ->
- {ProcInfo1, S1} = accum(ProcInfo0, S0),
+ S0=#holder{parent=Parent, sort=Sort=#sort{sort_key=KeyField}}) ->
+ {ProcInfo1, Accum} = accum(ProcInfo0, S0),
{_SO, ProcInfo} = sort(KeyField, Sort#sort{sort_key=undefined}, ProcInfo1),
- Parent ! {holder_updated, array:size(ProcInfo)},
- S1#holder{info=ProcInfo, etop=EI#etop_info{procinfo=[]}}.
+ Info = array:from_list(ProcInfo),
+ Parent ! {holder_updated, array:size(Info)},
+ S0#holder{info=Info, accum=Accum}.
+handle_update(ProcInfo0, S0=#holder{next=Next, sort=#sort{sort_key=KeyField}}) ->
+ {ProcInfo1, Accum} = accum(ProcInfo0, S0),
+ Sort = sort_fun(KeyField, true),
+ Merge = merge_fun(KeyField),
+ Merged = Merge(Sort(ProcInfo1), Next),
+ case Accum of
+ true -> S0#holder{next=Merged};
+ _List -> S0#holder{next=Merged, next_accum=Accum}
+ end.
-accum(ProcInfo, State=#holder{accum=true}) ->
- {ProcInfo, State};
-accum(ProcInfo0, State=#holder{accum=Previous}) ->
+update_complete(#holder{parent=Parent, sort=#sort{sort_incr=Incr},
+ next=ProcInfo, accum=Accum, next_accum=NextAccum}=S0) ->
+ Info = case Incr of
+ true -> array:from_list(ProcInfo);
+ false -> array:from_list(lists:reverse(ProcInfo))
+ end,
+ Parent ! {holder_updated, array:size(Info)},
+ S0#holder{info=Info, accum= Accum =:= true orelse NextAccum,
+ next=[], next_accum=[]}.
+accum(ProcInfo, #holder{accum=true}) ->
+ {ProcInfo, true};
+accum(ProcInfo0, #holder{accum=Previous, next_accum=Next}) ->
+ Accum = [{Pid, Reds} || #etop_proc_info{pid=Pid, reds=Reds} <- ProcInfo0],
ProcInfo = lists:sort(ProcInfo0),
- {accum2(ProcInfo,Previous,[]), State#holder{accum=ProcInfo}}.
+ {accum2(ProcInfo,Previous,[]), lists:merge(lists:sort(Accum), Next)}.
-accum2([PI=#etop_proc_info{pid=Pid, reds=Reds, runtime=RT}|PIs],
- [#etop_proc_info{pid=Pid, reds=OldReds, runtime=OldRT}|Old], Acc) ->
- accum2(PIs, Old, [PI#etop_proc_info{reds=Reds-OldReds, runtime=RT-OldRT}|Acc]);
-accum2(PIs=[#etop_proc_info{pid=Pid}|_], [#etop_proc_info{pid=OldPid}|Old], Acc)
+accum2([PI=#etop_proc_info{pid=Pid, reds=Reds}|PIs],
+ [{Pid, OldReds}|Old], Acc) ->
+ accum2(PIs, Old, [PI#etop_proc_info{reds=Reds-OldReds}|Acc]);
+accum2(PIs=[#etop_proc_info{pid=Pid}|_], [{OldPid,_}|Old], Acc)
when Pid > OldPid ->
accum2(PIs, Old, Acc);
accum2([PI|PIs], Old, Acc) ->
@@ -575,14 +623,52 @@ sort(Col, Opt, Table)
when not is_list(Table) ->
sort(Col, Opt=#sort{sort_key=Col, sort_incr=Bool}, Table) ->
- {Opt#sort{sort_incr=not Bool},
- array:from_list(lists:reverse(Table))};
-sort(Col, S=#sort{sort_incr=true}, Table) ->
- {S#sort{sort_key=Col},
- array:from_list(lists:keysort(col_to_element(Col), Table))};
-sort(Col, S=#sort{sort_incr=false}, Table) ->
- {S#sort{sort_key=Col},
- array:from_list(lists:reverse(lists:keysort(col_to_element(Col), Table)))}.
+ {Opt#sort{sort_incr=not Bool},lists:reverse(Table)};
+sort(Col, S=#sort{sort_incr=Incr}, Table) ->
+ Sort = sort_fun(Col, Incr),
+ {S#sort{sort_key=Col}, Sort(Table)}.
+sort_fun(?COL_NAME, true) ->
+ fun(Table) -> lists:sort(fun sort_name/2, Table) end;
+sort_fun(?COL_NAME, false) ->
+ fun(Table) -> lists:sort(fun sort_name_rev/2, Table) end;
+sort_fun(Col, true) ->
+ N = col_to_element(Col),
+ fun(Table) -> lists:keysort(N, Table) end;
+sort_fun(Col, false) ->
+ N = col_to_element(Col),
+ fun(Table) -> lists:reverse(lists:keysort(N, Table)) end.
+merge_fun(?COL_NAME) ->
+ fun(A,B) -> lists:merge(fun sort_name/2, A, B) end;
+merge_fun(Col) ->
+ KeyField = col_to_element(Col),
+ fun(A,B) -> lists:keymerge(KeyField, A, B) end.
+sort_name(#etop_proc_info{name={_,_,_}=A}, #etop_proc_info{name={_,_,_}=B}) ->
+ A =< B;
+sort_name(#etop_proc_info{name=A}, #etop_proc_info{name=B})
+ when is_atom(A), is_atom(B) ->
+ A =< B;
+sort_name(#etop_proc_info{name=Reg}, #etop_proc_info{name={M,_F,_A}})
+ when is_atom(Reg) ->
+ Reg < M;
+sort_name(#etop_proc_info{name={M,_,_}}, #etop_proc_info{name=Reg})
+ when is_atom(Reg) ->
+ M < Reg.
+sort_name_rev(#etop_proc_info{name={_,_,_}=A}, #etop_proc_info{name={_,_,_}=B}) ->
+ A >= B;
+sort_name_rev(#etop_proc_info{name=A}, #etop_proc_info{name=B})
+ when is_atom(A), is_atom(B) ->
+ A >= B;
+sort_name_rev(#etop_proc_info{name=Reg}, #etop_proc_info{name={M,_F,_A}})
+ when is_atom(Reg) ->
+ Reg >= M;
+sort_name_rev(#etop_proc_info{name={M,_,_}}, #etop_proc_info{name=Reg})
+ when is_atom(Reg) ->
+ M >= Reg.
diff --git a/lib/observer/src/observer_wx.erl b/lib/observer/src/observer_wx.erl
index 739761e7fd..9b9e80f479 100644
--- a/lib/observer/src/observer_wx.erl
+++ b/lib/observer/src/observer_wx.erl
@@ -143,7 +143,8 @@ setup(#state{frame = Frame} = State) ->
wxFrame:setTitle(Frame, atom_to_list(node())),
wxStatusBar:setStatusText(StatusBar, atom_to_list(node())),
- wxNotebook:connect(Notebook, command_notebook_page_changed, [{skip, true}]),
+ wxNotebook:connect(Notebook, command_notebook_page_changed,
+ [{skip, true}, {id, ?ID_NOTEBOOK}]),
wxFrame:connect(Frame, close_window, []),
wxMenu:connect(Frame, command_menu_selected),
@@ -230,12 +231,13 @@ setup(#state{frame = Frame} = State) ->
handle_event(#wx{event=#wxNotebook{type=command_notebook_page_changed, nSel=Next}},
- #state{active_tab=Previous, node=Node, panels=Panels} = State) ->
+ #state{active_tab=Previous, node=Node, panels=Panels, status_bar=SB} = State) ->
{_, Obj, _} = lists:nth(Next+1, Panels),
case wx_object:get_pid(Obj) of
Previous ->
{noreply, State};
Pid ->
+ wxStatusBar:setStatusText(SB, ""),
Previous ! not_active,
Pid ! {active, Node},
{noreply, State#state{active_tab=Pid}}
diff --git a/lib/runtime_tools/src/observer_backend.erl b/lib/runtime_tools/src/observer_backend.erl
index 1e0d2d642e..d36af257ce 100644
--- a/lib/runtime_tools/src/observer_backend.erl
+++ b/lib/runtime_tools/src/observer_backend.erl
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
%% observer stuff
--export([sys_info/0, get_port_list/0,
+-export([sys_info/0, get_port_list/0, procs_info/1,
get_table/3, get_table_list/2, fetch_stats/2]).
%% etop stuff
@@ -293,6 +293,23 @@ fetch_stats_loop(Parent, Time) ->
try erlang:memory() catch _:_ -> [] end},
fetch_stats_loop(Parent, Time)
+%% Chunk sending process info to etop/observer
+procs_info(Collector) ->
+ All = processes(),
+ Send = fun Send (Pids) ->
+ try lists:split(10000, Pids) of
+ {First, Rest} ->
+ Collector ! {procs_info, self(), etop_collect(First, [])},
+ Send(Rest)
+ catch _:_ ->
+ Collector ! {procs_info, self(), etop_collect(Pids, [])}
+ end
+ end,
+ Send(All).
%% etop backend
diff --git a/lib/ssh/doc/src/ssh.xml b/lib/ssh/doc/src/ssh.xml
index c659e093b9..5c9ce3d5fb 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/doc/src/ssh.xml
+++ b/lib/ssh/doc/src/ssh.xml
@@ -246,10 +246,12 @@
<tag><c><![CDATA[{pref_public_key_algs, list()}]]></c></tag>
<p>List of user (client) public key algorithms to try to use.</p>
- <p>The default value is
- <c><![CDATA[['ssh-rsa','ssh-dss','ecdsa-sha2-nistp256','ecdsa-sha2-nistp384','ecdsa-sha2-nistp521'] ]]></c>
+ <p>The default value is the <c>public_key</c> entry in
+ <seealso marker="#default_algorithms/0">ssh:default_algorithms/0</seealso>.
+ </p>
+ <p>If there is no public key of a specified type available, the corresponding entry is ignored.
+ Note that the available set is dependent on the underlying cryptolib and current user's public keys.
- <p>If there is no public key of a specified type available, the corresponding entry is ignored.</p>
<tag><c><![CDATA[{preferred_algorithms, algs_list()}]]></c></tag>
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
index 39bd54869f..6a6b9896cb 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
@@ -1701,15 +1701,18 @@ handle_ssh_msg_ext_info(#ssh_msg_ext_info{data=Data}, D0) ->
lists:foldl(fun ext_info/2, D0, Data).
-ext_info({"server-sig-algs",SigAlgs}, D0 = #data{ssh_params=#ssh{role=client}=Ssh0}) ->
+ext_info({"server-sig-algs",SigAlgs}, D0 = #data{ssh_params=#ssh{role=client,
+ userauth_pubkeys=ClientSigAlgs}=Ssh0}) ->
%% Make strings to eliminate risk of beeing bombed with odd strings that fills the atom table:
SupportedAlgs = lists:map(fun erlang:atom_to_list/1, ssh_transport:supported_algorithms(public_key)),
- Ssh = Ssh0#ssh{userauth_pubkeys =
- [list_to_atom(SigAlg) || SigAlg <- string:tokens(SigAlgs,","),
- %% length of SigAlg is implicitly checked by member:
- lists:member(SigAlg, SupportedAlgs)
- ]},
- D0#data{ssh_params = Ssh};
+ ServerSigAlgs = [list_to_atom(SigAlg) || SigAlg <- string:tokens(SigAlgs,","),
+ %% length of SigAlg is implicitly checked by the comparison
+ %% in member/2:
+ lists:member(SigAlg, SupportedAlgs)
+ ],
+ CommonAlgs = [Alg || Alg <- ServerSigAlgs,
+ lists:member(Alg, ClientSigAlgs)],
+ D0#data{ssh_params = Ssh0#ssh{userauth_pubkeys = CommonAlgs} };
ext_info(_, D0) ->
%% Not implemented
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_options.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_options.erl
index 78f68dbcb1..12c0190082 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_options.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_options.erl
@@ -392,6 +392,12 @@ default(server) ->
class => user_options
+ {preferred_algorithms, def} =>
+ #{default => ssh:default_algorithms(),
+ chk => fun check_preferred_algorithms/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
%%%%% Undocumented
{infofun, def} =>
#{default => fun(_,_,_) -> void end,
@@ -430,12 +436,24 @@ default(client) ->
{pref_public_key_algs, def} =>
- #{default =>
- ssh_transport:supported_algorithms(public_key),
- chk =>
- fun check_pref_public_key_algs/1,
- class =>
- ssh
+ #{default => ssh_transport:default_algorithms(public_key) -- ['rsa-sha2-256',
+ 'rsa-sha2-512'],
+ chk => fun check_pref_public_key_algs/1,
+ class => user_options
+ },
+ {preferred_algorithms, def} =>
+ #{default => [{K,Vs} || {K,Vs0} <- ssh:default_algorithms(),
+ Vs <- [case K of
+ public_key ->
+ Vs0 -- ['rsa-sha2-256',
+ 'rsa-sha2-512'];
+ _ ->
+ Vs0
+ end]
+ ],
+ chk => fun check_preferred_algorithms/1,
+ class => user_options
{dh_gex_limits, def} =>
@@ -503,12 +521,6 @@ default(common) ->
class => user_options
- {preferred_algorithms, def} =>
- #{default => ssh:default_algorithms(),
- chk => fun check_preferred_algorithms/1,
- class => user_options
- },
{id_string, def} =>
#{default => undefined, % FIXME: see ssh_transport:ssh_vsn/0
chk => fun(random) ->
@@ -817,16 +829,23 @@ valid_hash(X, _) -> error_in_check(X, "Expect atom or list in fingerprint spec"
check_preferred_algorithms(Algs) ->
+ [error_in_check(K,"Bad preferred_algorithms key")
+ || {K,_} <- Algs,
+ not lists:keymember(K,1,ssh:default_algorithms())],
try alg_duplicates(Algs, [], [])
[] ->
- [try ssh_transport:supported_algorithms(Key)
- of
- DefAlgs -> handle_pref_alg(Key,Vals,DefAlgs)
- catch
- _:_ -> error_in_check(Key,"Bad preferred_algorithms key")
- end || {Key,Vals} <- Algs]
+ [case proplists:get_value(Key, Algs) of
+ undefined ->
+ {Key,DefAlgs};
+ Vals ->
+ handle_pref_alg(Key,Vals,SupAlgs)
+ end
+ || {{Key,DefAlgs}, {Key,SupAlgs}} <- lists:zip(ssh:default_algorithms(),
+ ssh_transport:supported_algorithms())
+ ]
Dups ->
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl
index bd1cb4bd22..1a15798080 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_transport.erl
@@ -92,10 +92,7 @@ default_algorithms(cipher) ->
default_algorithms(mac) ->
supported_algorithms(mac, same(['AEAD_AES_128_GCM',
-default_algorithms(public_key) ->
- supported_algorithms(public_key, ['rsa-sha2-256',
- 'rsa-sha2-384',
- 'rsa-sha2-512']);
default_algorithms(Alg) ->
supported_algorithms(Alg, []).
@@ -122,10 +119,9 @@ supported_algorithms(public_key) ->
{'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', [{public_keys,ecdsa}, {hashs,sha384}, {ec_curve,secp384r1}]},
{'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521', [{public_keys,ecdsa}, {hashs,sha512}, {ec_curve,secp521r1}]},
{'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', [{public_keys,ecdsa}, {hashs,sha256}, {ec_curve,secp256r1}]},
+ {'ssh-rsa', [{public_keys,rsa}, {hashs,sha} ]},
{'rsa-sha2-256', [{public_keys,rsa}, {hashs,sha256} ]},
- {'rsa-sha2-384', [{public_keys,rsa}, {hashs,sha384} ]},
{'rsa-sha2-512', [{public_keys,rsa}, {hashs,sha512} ]},
- {'ssh-rsa', [{public_keys,rsa}, {hashs,sha} ]},
{'ssh-dss', [{public_keys,dss}, {hashs,sha} ]} % Gone in OpenSSH 7.3.p1
@@ -741,9 +737,11 @@ ext_info_message(#ssh{role=client,
- send_ext_info=true} = Ssh0) ->
+ send_ext_info=true,
+ opts = Opts} = Ssh0) ->
AlgsList = lists:map(fun erlang:atom_to_list/1,
- ssh_transport:default_algorithms(public_key)),
+ proplists:get_value(public_key,
+ ?GET_OPT(preferred_algorithms, Opts))),
Msg = #ssh_msg_ext_info{nr_extensions = 1,
data = [{"server-sig-algs", string:join(AlgsList,",")}]
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/property_test/ssh_eqc_encode_decode.erl b/lib/ssh/test/property_test/ssh_eqc_encode_decode.erl
index 410a9ea983..0995182623 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/property_test/ssh_eqc_encode_decode.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/property_test/ssh_eqc_encode_decode.erl
@@ -284,8 +284,18 @@ fix_asym(#ssh_msg_global_request{name=N} = M) -> M#ssh_msg_global_request{name =
fix_asym(#ssh_msg_debug{message=D,language=L} = M) -> M#ssh_msg_debug{message = binary_to_list(D),
language = binary_to_list(L)};
fix_asym(#ssh_msg_kexinit{cookie=C} = M) -> M#ssh_msg_kexinit{cookie = <<C:128>>};
+fix_asym(#ssh_msg_kexdh_reply{public_host_key = Key} = M) -> M#ssh_msg_kexdh_reply{public_host_key = key_sigalg(Key)};
+fix_asym(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_reply{public_host_key = Key} = M) -> M#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_reply{public_host_key = key_sigalg(Key)};
+fix_asym(#ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_reply{public_host_key = Key} = M) -> M#ssh_msg_kex_ecdh_reply{public_host_key = key_sigalg(Key)};
fix_asym(M) -> M.
+%%% Keys now contains an sig-algorithm name
+key_sigalg(#'RSAPublicKey'{} = Key) -> {Key,'ssh-rsa'};
+key_sigalg({_, #'Dss-Parms'{}} = Key) -> {Key,'ssh-dss'};
+key_sigalg({#'ECPoint'{}, {namedCurve,OID}} = Key) -> {Key,"ecdsa-sha2-256"}.
%%% Message codes 30 and 31 are overloaded depending on kex family so arrange the decoder
%%% input as the test object does
decode_state(<<30,_/binary>>=Msg, KexFam) -> <<KexFam/binary, Msg/binary>>;
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_algorithms_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_algorithms_SUITE.erl
index 6e6269d3e0..736461624d 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_algorithms_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_algorithms_SUITE.erl
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ groups() ->
TagGroupSet ++ AlgoTcSet.
-tags() -> [kex,cipher,mac,compression].
+tags() -> [kex,cipher,mac,compression,public_key].
two_way_tags() -> [cipher,mac,compression].
@@ -123,20 +123,35 @@ init_per_group(Group, Config) ->
Tag = proplists:get_value(name,
hd(proplists:get_value(tc_group_path, Config))),
Alg = Group,
- PA =
- case split(Alg) of
- [_] ->
- [Alg];
- [A1,A2] ->
- [{client2server,[A1]},
- {server2client,[A2]}]
- end,
- ct:log("Init tests for tag=~p alg=~p",[Tag,PA]),
- PrefAlgs = {preferred_algorithms,[{Tag,PA}]},
- start_std_daemon([PrefAlgs],
- [{pref_algs,PrefAlgs} | Config])
+ init_per_group(Tag, Alg, Config)
+init_per_group(public_key=Tag, Alg, Config) ->
+ ct:log("Init tests for public_key ~p",[Alg]),
+ PrefAlgs = {preferred_algorithms,[{Tag,[Alg]}]},
+ %% Daemon started later in init_per_testcase
+ [{pref_algs,PrefAlgs},
+ {tag_alg,{Tag,Alg}}
+ | Config];
+init_per_group(Tag, Alg, Config) ->
+ PA =
+ case split(Alg) of
+ [_] ->
+ [Alg];
+ [A1,A2] ->
+ [{client2server,[A1]},
+ {server2client,[A2]}]
+ end,
+ ct:log("Init tests for tag=~p alg=~p",[Tag,PA]),
+ PrefAlgs = {preferred_algorithms,[{Tag,PA}]},
+ start_std_daemon([PrefAlgs],
+ [{pref_algs,PrefAlgs},
+ {tag_alg,{Tag,Alg}}
+ | Config]).
end_per_group(_Alg, Config) ->
case proplists:get_value(srvr_pid,Config) of
Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
@@ -148,23 +163,49 @@ end_per_group(_Alg, Config) ->
-init_per_testcase(sshc_simple_exec_os_cmd, Config) ->
- start_pubkey_daemon([proplists:get_value(pref_algs,Config)], Config);
-init_per_testcase(_TC, Config) ->
- Config.
+init_per_testcase(TC, Config) ->
+ init_per_testcase(TC, proplists:get_value(tag_alg,Config), Config).
-end_per_testcase(sshc_simple_exec_os_cmd, Config) ->
- case proplists:get_value(srvr_pid,Config) of
- Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- ssh:stop_daemon(Pid),
- ct:log("stopped ~p",[proplists:get_value(srvr_addr,Config)]);
- _ ->
- ok
+init_per_testcase(_, {public_key,Alg}, Config) ->
+ Opts = pubkey_opts(Config),
+ case {ssh_file:user_key(Alg,Opts), ssh_file:host_key(Alg,Opts)} of
+ {{ok,_}, {ok,_}} ->
+ start_pubkey_daemon([proplists:get_value(pref_algs,Config)],
+ [{extra_daemon,true}|Config]);
+ {{ok,_}, _} ->
+ {skip, "No host key"};
+ {_, {ok,_}} ->
+ {skip, "No user key"};
+ _ ->
+ {skip, "Neither host nor user key"}
-end_per_testcase(_TC, Config) ->
+init_per_testcase(sshc_simple_exec_os_cmd, _, Config) ->
+ start_pubkey_daemon([proplists:get_value(pref_algs,Config)],
+ [{extra_daemon,true}|Config]);
+init_per_testcase(_, _, Config) ->
+end_per_testcase(_TC, Config) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(extra_daemon, Config, false) of
+ true ->
+ case proplists:get_value(srvr_pid,Config) of
+ Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ ssh:stop_daemon(Pid),
+ ct:log("stopped ~p",[proplists:get_value(srvr_addr,Config)]),
+ Config;
+ _ ->
+ Config
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ Config
+ end.
%% Test Cases --------------------------------------------------------
@@ -260,8 +301,9 @@ sshc_simple_exec_os_cmd(Config) ->
%% Connect to the ssh server of the OS
-sshd_simple_exec(_Config) ->
+sshd_simple_exec(Config) ->
ConnectionRef = ssh_test_lib:connect(22, [{silently_accept_hosts, true},
+ proplists:get_value(pref_algs,Config),
{user_interaction, false}]),
{ok, ChannelId0} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity),
success = ssh_connection:exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId0,
@@ -318,29 +360,32 @@ concat(A1, A2) -> list_to_atom(lists:concat([A1," + ",A2])).
split(Alg) -> ssh_test_lib:to_atoms(string:tokens(atom_to_list(Alg), " + ")).
specific_test_cases(Tag, Alg, SshcAlgos, SshdAlgos, TypeSSH) ->
- [simple_exec, simple_sftp] ++
- case supports(Tag, Alg, SshcAlgos) of
- true when TypeSSH == openSSH ->
- [sshc_simple_exec_os_cmd];
- _ ->
- []
- end ++
- case supports(Tag, Alg, SshdAlgos) of
- true ->
- [sshd_simple_exec];
- _ ->
- []
- end ++
- case {Tag,Alg} of
- {kex,_} when Alg == 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1' ;
- Alg == 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256' ->
- [simple_exec_groups,
- simple_exec_groups_no_match_too_large,
- simple_exec_groups_no_match_too_small
- ];
- _ ->
- []
- end.
+ case Tag of
+ public_key -> [];
+ _ -> [simple_exec, simple_sftp]
+ end
+ ++ case supports(Tag, Alg, SshcAlgos) of
+ true when TypeSSH == openSSH ->
+ [sshc_simple_exec_os_cmd];
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end ++
+ case supports(Tag, Alg, SshdAlgos) of
+ true ->
+ [sshd_simple_exec];
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end ++
+ case {Tag,Alg} of
+ {kex,_} when Alg == 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1' ;
+ Alg == 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256' ->
+ [simple_exec_groups,
+ simple_exec_groups_no_match_too_large,
+ simple_exec_groups_no_match_too_small
+ ];
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end.
supports(Tag, Alg, Algos) ->
lists:all(fun(A) ->
@@ -370,19 +415,30 @@ start_std_daemon(Opts, Config) ->
ct:log("started ~p:~p ~p",[Host,Port,Opts]),
[{srvr_pid,Pid},{srvr_addr,{Host,Port}} | Config].
start_pubkey_daemon(Opts0, Config) ->
- Opts = [{auth_methods,"publickey"}|Opts0],
- {Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:std_daemon1(Config, Opts),
- ct:log("started pubkey_daemon ~p:~p ~p",[Host,Port,Opts]),
+ ct:log("starting pubkey_daemon",[]),
+ Opts = pubkey_opts(Config) ++ Opts0,
+ {Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{failfun, fun ssh_test_lib:failfun/2}
+ | Opts]),
+ ct:log("started ~p:~p ~p",[Host,Port,Opts]),
[{srvr_pid,Pid},{srvr_addr,{Host,Port}} | Config].
+pubkey_opts(Config) ->
+ SystemDir = filename:join(proplists:get_value(priv_dir,Config), "system"),
+ [{auth_methods,"publickey"},
+ {system_dir, SystemDir}].
setup_pubkey(Config) ->
DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
UserDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
- ssh_test_lib:setup_dsa(DataDir, UserDir),
- ssh_test_lib:setup_rsa(DataDir, UserDir),
- ssh_test_lib:setup_ecdsa("256", DataDir, UserDir),
+ Keys =
+ [ssh_test_lib:setup_dsa(DataDir, UserDir),
+ ssh_test_lib:setup_rsa(DataDir, UserDir),
+ ssh_test_lib:setup_ecdsa("256", DataDir, UserDir)],
+ ssh_test_lib:write_auth_keys(Keys, UserDir), % 'authorized_keys' shall contain ALL pub keys
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_basic_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_basic_SUITE.erl
index 1e591bc295..62e2a585e4 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_basic_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_basic_SUITE.erl
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ exec_key_differs(Config, UserPKAlgs) ->
{_Pid, _Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SystemDir},
{user_dir, SystemUserDir},
- [{public_key,['ssh-rsa']}]}]),
+ [{public_key,['ssh-rsa'|UserPKAlgs]}]}]),
IO = ssh_test_lib:start_io_server(),
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_property_test_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_property_test_SUITE.erl
index 9b2a84d8e4..5ea60d8a8f 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_property_test_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_property_test_SUITE.erl
@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ groups() ->
init_per_suite(Config) ->
+end_per_suite(Config) ->
+ Config.
%%% One group in this suite happens to support only QuickCheck, so skip it
%%% if we run proper.
init_per_group(client_server, Config) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_test_lib.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_test_lib.erl
index 36ae2525da..7b273fecef 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_test_lib.erl
@@ -500,8 +500,12 @@ setup_ecdsa_auth_keys(_Size, Dir, UserDir) ->
setup_auth_keys(Keys, Dir) ->
AuthKeys = public_key:ssh_encode(Keys, auth_keys),
AuthKeysFile = filename:join(Dir, "authorized_keys"),
- file:write_file(AuthKeysFile, AuthKeys).
+ ok = file:write_file(AuthKeysFile, AuthKeys),
+ AuthKeys.
+write_auth_keys(Keys, Dir) ->
+ AuthKeysFile = filename:join(Dir, "authorized_keys"),
+ file:write_file(AuthKeysFile, Keys).
del_dirs(Dir) ->
case file:list_dir(Dir) of
diff --git a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_to_openssh_SUITE.erl b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_to_openssh_SUITE.erl
index a3d596a1c9..4d6aa93d4e 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/test/ssh_to_openssh_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/test/ssh_to_openssh_SUITE.erl
@@ -107,6 +107,9 @@ init_per_testcase(erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_rsa, Config) ->
chk_key(sshc, 'ssh-rsa', ".ssh/id_rsa", Config);
init_per_testcase(erlang_client_openssh_server_publickey_dsa, Config) ->
chk_key(sshd, 'ssh-dss', ".ssh/id_dsa", Config);
+init_per_testcase(erlang_client_openssh_server_publickey_rsa, Config) ->
+ chk_key(sshd, 'ssh-rsa', ".ssh/id_rsa", Config);
init_per_testcase(erlang_server_openssh_client_renegotiate, Config) ->
case os:type() of
{unix,_} -> ssh:start(), Config;
@@ -322,65 +325,44 @@ erlang_client_openssh_server_setenv(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% setenv not meaningfull on erlang ssh daemon!
-erlang_client_openssh_server_publickey_rsa() ->
- [{doc, "Validate using rsa publickey."}].
-erlang_client_openssh_server_publickey_rsa(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- {ok,[[Home]]} = init:get_argument(home),
- KeyFile = filename:join(Home, ".ssh/id_rsa"),
- case file:read_file(KeyFile) of
- {ok, Pem} ->
- case public_key:pem_decode(Pem) of
- [{_,_, not_encrypted}] ->
- ConnectionRef =
- ssh_test_lib:connect(?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT,
- [{pref_public_key_algs, ['ssh-rsa','ssh-dss']},
- {user_interaction, false},
- silently_accept_hosts]),
- {ok, Channel} =
- ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity),
- ok = ssh_connection:close(ConnectionRef, Channel),
- ok = ssh:close(ConnectionRef);
- _ ->
- {skip, {error, "Has pass phrase can not be used by automated test case"}}
- end;
- _ ->
- {skip, "no ~/.ssh/id_rsa"}
- end.
+erlang_client_openssh_server_publickey_rsa(Config) ->
+ erlang_client_openssh_server_publickey_X(Config, 'ssh-rsa').
+erlang_client_openssh_server_publickey_dsa(Config) ->
+ erlang_client_openssh_server_publickey_X(Config, 'ssh-dss').
-erlang_client_openssh_server_publickey_dsa() ->
- [{doc, "Validate using dsa publickey."}].
-erlang_client_openssh_server_publickey_dsa(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+erlang_client_openssh_server_publickey_X(Config, Alg) ->
ConnectionRef =
- ssh_test_lib:connect(?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT,
- [{pref_public_key_algs, ['ssh-dss','ssh-rsa']},
- {user_interaction, false},
- silently_accept_hosts]),
+ ssh_test_lib:connect(?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT,
+ [{pref_public_key_algs, [Alg]},
+ {user_interaction, false},
+ {auth_methods, "publickey"},
+ silently_accept_hosts]),
{ok, Channel} =
- ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity),
+ ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity),
ok = ssh_connection:close(ConnectionRef, Channel),
ok = ssh:close(ConnectionRef).
erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_dsa() ->
- [{timetrap, {seconds,(?TIMEOUT div 1000)+10}},
- {doc, "Validate using dsa publickey."}].
+ [{timetrap, {seconds,(?TIMEOUT div 1000)+10}}].
erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_dsa(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_X(Config, ssh_dsa).
+ erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_X(Config, 'ssh-dss').
-erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_rsa() ->
- [{timetrap, {seconds,(?TIMEOUT div 1000)+10}},
- {doc, "Validate using rsa publickey."}].
+erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_rsa() ->
+ [{timetrap, {seconds,(?TIMEOUT div 1000)+10}}].
erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_rsa(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_X(Config, ssh_rsa).
+ erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_X(Config, 'ssh-rsa').
-erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_X(Config, _PubKeyAlg) ->
+erlang_server_openssh_client_public_key_X(Config, Alg) ->
SystemDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
KnownHosts = filename:join(PrivDir, "known_hosts"),
{Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SystemDir},
+ {preferred_algorithms,[{public_key, [Alg]}]},
+ {auth_methods, "publickey"},
{failfun, fun ssh_test_lib:failfun/2}]),
@@ -401,7 +383,7 @@ erlang_server_openssh_client_renegotiate(Config) ->
KnownHosts = filename:join(PrivDir, "known_hosts"),
{Pid, Host, Port} = ssh_test_lib:daemon([{system_dir, SystemDir},
- {failfun, fun ssh_test_lib:failfun/2}]),
+ {failfun, fun ssh_test_lib:failfun/2}]),
RenegLimitK = 3,
diff --git a/lib/wx/c_src/egl_impl.h b/lib/wx/c_src/egl_impl.h
index 719b4926db..7ecd484de5 100644
--- a/lib/wx/c_src/egl_impl.h
+++ b/lib/wx/c_src/egl_impl.h
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ typedef long int int32_t;
typedef long long int int64_t;
typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t;
#elif defined(WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER)
-typedef long int int32_t;
+typedef __int32 int32_t;
typedef __int64 int64_t;
typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
#elif defined(WIN32) && defined(__GNUC__)