path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 118 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection.erl
index 6ca6ed6d77..25d552240a 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection.erl
@@ -306,22 +306,11 @@ l2b([]) ->
channel_data(ChannelId, DataType, Data, Connection, From)
when is_list(Data)->
- channel_data(ChannelId, DataType,
-%% list_to_binary(Data), Connection, From);
- l2b(Data), Connection, From);
- %% try list_to_binary(Data)
- %% of
- %% B -> B
- %% catch
- %% _:_ -> io:format('BAD BINARY: ~p~n',[Data]),
- %% unicode:characters_to_binary(Data)
- %% end,
- %% Connection, From);
+ channel_data(ChannelId, DataType, l2b(Data), Connection, From);
channel_data(ChannelId, DataType, Data,
#connection{channel_cache = Cache} = Connection,
From) ->
case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
#channel{remote_id = Id, sent_close = false} = Channel0 ->
{SendList, Channel} =
@@ -338,8 +327,6 @@ channel_data(ChannelId, DataType, Data,
{{replies, Replies ++ FlowCtrlMsgs}, Connection};
_ ->
{{replies,[{channel_request_reply,From,{error,closed}}]}, Connection}
- %% gen_fsm:reply(From, {error, closed}),
- %% {noreply, Connection}
handle_msg(#ssh_msg_channel_open_confirmation{recipient_channel = ChannelId,
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
index b49562db9c..f2545c93df 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
@@ -163,18 +163,19 @@ disconnect(Msg = #ssh_msg_disconnect{}, ExtraInfo) ->
-spec open_channel(connection_ref(),
- binary(),
+ iodata(),
- ) -> {ok, channel_id()} | {error, term()}.
+ ) -> {open, channel_id()} | {error, term()}.
%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ChannelType, ChannelSpecificData, InitialWindowSize, MaxPacketSize,
Timeout) ->
- {open, self(),
+ {open,
+ self(),
ChannelType, InitialWindowSize, MaxPacketSize, ChannelSpecificData,
@@ -254,14 +255,14 @@ send_eof(ConnectionHandler, ChannelId) ->
-spec info(connection_ref()
- ) -> [ #channel{} ].
+ ) -> {ok, [#channel{}]} .
-spec info(connection_ref(),
- pid()
- ) -> [ #channel{} ].
+ pid() | all
+ ) -> {ok, [#channel{}]} .
%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
info(ConnectionHandler) ->
- info(ConnectionHandler, {info, all}).
+ info(ConnectionHandler, all).
info(ConnectionHandler, ChannelProcess) ->
call(ConnectionHandler, {info, ChannelProcess}).
@@ -340,24 +341,30 @@ renegotiate_data(ConnectionHandler) ->
%% Internal process state
-record(data, {
- starter :: pid(),
- auth_user :: string(),
- connection_state :: #connection{},
- latest_channel_id = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
- idle_timer_ref :: infinity | reference(),
- transport_protocol :: atom(), % ex: tcp
- transport_cb :: atom(), % ex: gen_tcp
- transport_close_tag :: atom(), % ex: tcp_closed
- ssh_params :: #ssh{},
- socket :: inet:socket(),
- decrypted_data_buffer :: binary(),
- encrypted_data_buffer :: binary(),
- undecrypted_packet_length :: non_neg_integer(),
- key_exchange_init_msg :: #ssh_msg_kexinit{},
- last_size_rekey = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
- event_queue = [] :: list(),
- opts :: proplists:proplist(),
- recbuf_size :: pos_integer()
+ starter :: pid(),
+ auth_user :: string()
+ | undefined,
+ connection_state :: #connection{},
+ latest_channel_id = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ idle_timer_ref :: undefined
+ | infinity
+ | reference(),
+ transport_protocol :: atom(), % ex: tcp
+ transport_cb :: atom(), % ex: gen_tcp
+ transport_close_tag :: atom(), % ex: tcp_closed
+ ssh_params :: #ssh{}
+ | undefined,
+ socket :: inet:socket(),
+ decrypted_data_buffer = <<>> :: binary(),
+ encrypted_data_buffer = <<>> :: binary(),
+ undecrypted_packet_length :: undefined | non_neg_integer(),
+ key_exchange_init_msg :: #ssh_msg_kexinit{}
+ | undefined,
+ last_size_rekey = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
+ event_queue = [] :: list(),
+ opts :: proplists:proplist(),
+ inet_initial_recbuf_size :: pos_integer()
+ | undefined
@@ -381,21 +388,22 @@ init_connection_handler(Role, Socket, Opts) ->
transport_close_tag = CloseTag
- S -> gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE,
- [], %%[{debug,[trace,log,statistics,debug]} || Role==server],
- handle_event_function,
- {hello,Role},
- S,
- [])
+ S ->
+ gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE,
+ [], %%[{debug,[trace,log,statistics,debug]} || Role==server],
+ handle_event_function,
+ {hello,Role},
+ S)
- _:Error -> init_error(Error, S0)
+ _:Error ->
+ gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE,
+ [],
+ handle_event_function,
+ {init_error,Error},
+ S0)
-init_error(Error, S) ->
- gen_statem:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], handle_event_function, {init_error,Error}, S, []).
init_process_state(Role, Socket, Opts) ->
S = #data{connection_state =
C = #connection{channel_cache = ssh_channel:cache_create(),
@@ -405,8 +413,6 @@ init_process_state(Role, Socket, Opts) ->
options = Opts},
starter = proplists:get_value(user_pid, Opts),
socket = Socket,
- decrypted_data_buffer = <<>>,
- encrypted_data_buffer = <<>>,
opts = Opts
case Role of
@@ -509,7 +515,7 @@ init_ssh_record(Role, Socket, Opts) ->
%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-%%% ######## Error in the initialiasation ####
+%%% ######## Error in the initialisation ####
handle_event(_, _Event, {init_error,Error}, _) ->
case Error of
@@ -540,7 +546,7 @@ handle_event(_, socket_control, {hello,_}, D) ->
% be max ?MAX_PROTO_VERSION bytes:
- {keep_state, D#data{recbuf_size=Size}};
+ {keep_state, D#data{inet_initial_recbuf_size=Size}};
{error, Reason} ->
{stop, {shutdown,Reason}}
@@ -567,7 +573,7 @@ handle_event(_, {version_exchange,Version}, {hello,Role}, D) ->
inet:setopts(D#data.socket, [{packet,0},
{active, once},
- {recbuf, D#data.recbuf_size}]),
+ {recbuf, D#data.inet_initial_recbuf_size}]),
{KeyInitMsg, SshPacket, Ssh} = ssh_transport:key_exchange_init_msg(Ssh1),
ok = send_bytes(SshPacket, D),
{next_state, {kexinit,Role,init}, D#data{ssh_params = Ssh,
@@ -1029,10 +1035,17 @@ handle_event({call,From}, {channel_info,ChannelId,Options}, _, D) ->
{keep_state_and_data, [{reply,From,[]}]}
+handle_event({call,From}, {info, all}, _, D) ->
+ Result = ssh_channel:cache_foldl(fun(Channel, Acc) ->
+ [Channel | Acc]
+ end,
+ [], cache(D)),
+ {keep_state_and_data, [{reply, From, {ok,Result}}]};
handle_event({call,From}, {info, ChannelPid}, _, D) ->
Result = ssh_channel:cache_foldl(
- fun(Channel, Acc) when ChannelPid == all;
- Channel#channel.user == ChannelPid ->
+ fun(Channel, Acc) when Channel#channel.user == ChannelPid ->
[Channel | Acc];
(_, Acc) ->
@@ -1073,15 +1086,11 @@ handle_event({call,From}, {global_request, Pid, _, _, _} = Request, {connected,_
{keep_state, D};
handle_event({call,From}, {data, ChannelId, Type, Data, Timeout}, {connected,_}, D0) ->
- case ssh_connection:channel_data(ChannelId, Type, Data, D0#data.connection_state, From) of
- {{replies, Replies}, Connection} ->
- {Repls,D} = send_replies(Replies, D0#data{connection_state = Connection}),
- start_timeout(ChannelId, From, Timeout),
- {keep_state, D, Repls};
- {noreply, Connection} ->
- start_timeout(ChannelId, From, Timeout),
- {keep_state, D0#data{connection_state = Connection}}
- end;
+ {{replies, Replies}, Connection} =
+ ssh_connection:channel_data(ChannelId, Type, Data, D0#data.connection_state, From),
+ {Repls,D} = send_replies(Replies, D0#data{connection_state = Connection}),
+ start_timeout(ChannelId, From, Timeout),
+ {keep_state, D, Repls};
handle_event({call,From}, {eof, ChannelId}, {connected,_}, D0) ->
case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(cache(D0), ChannelId) of
@@ -1148,19 +1157,17 @@ handle_event({call,From}, {close, ChannelId}, {connected,_}, D0) ->
%%===== Reception of encrypted bytes, decryption and framing
-handle_event(info, {Protocol, Socket, "SSH-" ++ _ = Version}, {hello,_},
- #data{socket = Socket,
- transport_protocol = Protocol}) ->
- {keep_state_and_data, [{next_event, internal, {version_exchange,Version}}]};
-handle_event(info, {Protocol, Socket, Info}, {hello,_},
- #data{socket = Socket,
- transport_protocol = Protocol}) ->
- {keep_state_and_data, [{next_event, internal, {info_line,Info}}]};
-handle_event(info, {Protocol, Socket, NewData}, StateName,
- D0 = #data{socket = Socket,
- transport_protocol = Protocol}) ->
+handle_event(info, {Proto, Sock, Info}, {hello,_}, #data{socket = Sock,
+ transport_protocol = Proto}) ->
+ case Info of
+ "SSH-" ++ _ ->
+ {keep_state_and_data, [{next_event, internal, {version_exchange,Info}}]};
+ _ ->
+ {keep_state_and_data, [{next_event, internal, {info_line,Info}}]}
+ end;
+handle_event(info, {Proto, Sock, NewData}, StateName, D0 = #data{socket = Sock,
+ transport_protocol = Proto}) ->
try ssh_transport:handle_packet_part(
<<(D0#data.encrypted_data_buffer)/binary, NewData/binary>>,
@@ -1174,7 +1181,7 @@ handle_event(info, {Protocol, Socket, NewData}, StateName,
undecrypted_packet_length = undefined,
encrypted_data_buffer = EncryptedDataRest},
- ssh_message:decode(set_prefix_if_trouble(DecryptedBytes,D))
+ ssh_message:decode(set_kex_overload_prefix(DecryptedBytes,D))
Msg = #ssh_msg_kexinit{} ->
{keep_state, D, [{next_event, internal, {Msg,DecryptedBytes}},
@@ -1194,7 +1201,7 @@ handle_event(info, {Protocol, Socket, NewData}, StateName,
{get_more, DecryptedBytes, EncryptedDataRest, RemainingSshPacketLen, Ssh1} ->
%% Here we know that there are not enough bytes in
%% EncryptedDataRest to use. We must wait for more.
- inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
+ inet:setopts(Sock, [{active, once}]),
{keep_state, D0#data{encrypted_data_buffer = EncryptedDataRest,
decrypted_data_buffer = DecryptedBytes,
undecrypted_packet_length = RemainingSshPacketLen,
@@ -1354,48 +1361,55 @@ terminate(Reason, StateName, State0) ->
%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-format_status(normal, [_, _StateName, State]) ->
- [{data, [{"State", State}]}];
-format_status(terminate, [_, _StateName, State]) ->
- Ssh0 = (State#data.ssh_params),
- Ssh = Ssh0#ssh{c_keyinit = "***",
- s_keyinit = "***",
- send_mac_key = "***",
- send_mac_size = "***",
- recv_mac_key = "***",
- recv_mac_size = "***",
- encrypt_keys = "***",
- encrypt_ctx = "***",
- decrypt_keys = "***",
- decrypt_ctx = "***",
- compress_ctx = "***",
- decompress_ctx = "***",
- shared_secret = "***",
- exchanged_hash = "***",
- session_id = "***",
- keyex_key = "***",
- keyex_info = "***",
- available_host_keys = "***"},
- [{data, [{"State", State#data{decrypted_data_buffer = "***",
- encrypted_data_buffer = "***",
- key_exchange_init_msg = "***",
- opts = "***",
- recbuf_size = "***",
- ssh_params = Ssh
- }}]}].
+format_status(normal, [_, _StateName, D]) ->
+ [{data, [{"State", D}]}];
+format_status(terminate, [_, _StateName, D]) ->
+ DataPropList0 = fmt_stat_rec(record_info(fields, data), D,
+ [decrypted_data_buffer,
+ encrypted_data_buffer,
+ key_exchange_init_msg,
+ opts,
+ inet_initial_recbuf_size]),
+ SshPropList = fmt_stat_rec(record_info(fields, ssh), D#data.ssh_params,
+ [c_keyinit,
+ s_keyinit,
+ send_mac_key,
+ send_mac_size,
+ recv_mac_key,
+ recv_mac_size,
+ encrypt_keys,
+ encrypt_ctx,
+ decrypt_keys,
+ decrypt_ctx,
+ compress_ctx,
+ decompress_ctx,
+ shared_secret,
+ exchanged_hash,
+ session_id,
+ keyex_key,
+ keyex_info,
+ available_host_keys]),
+ DataPropList = lists:keyreplace(ssh_params, 1, DataPropList0,
+ {ssh_params,SshPropList}),
+ [{data, [{"State", DataPropList}]}].
+fmt_stat_rec(FieldNames, Rec, Exclude) ->
+ Values = tl(tuple_to_list(Rec)),
+ [P || {K,_} = P <- lists:zip(FieldNames, Values),
+ not lists:member(K, Exclude)].
--spec code_change(term(),
+-spec code_change(term() | {down,term()},
- ) -> {ok, state_name(), #data{}}.
+ ) -> {gen_statem:callback_mode(), state_name(), #data{}}.
%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, StateName, State}.
+ {handle_event_function, StateName, State}.
@@ -1577,7 +1591,7 @@ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, State0 =
-set_prefix_if_trouble(Msg = <<?BYTE(Op),_/binary>>, #data{ssh_params=SshParams})
+set_kex_overload_prefix(Msg = <<?BYTE(Op),_/binary>>, #data{ssh_params=SshParams})
when Op == 30;
Op == 31
@@ -1591,7 +1605,7 @@ set_prefix_if_trouble(Msg = <<?BYTE(Op),_/binary>>, #data{ssh_params=SshParams})
_ ->
-set_prefix_if_trouble(Msg, _) ->
+set_kex_overload_prefix(Msg, _) ->
kex(#ssh{algorithms=#alg{kex=Kex}}) -> Kex;
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_info.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_info.erl
index 67130d5eac..0c24c09887 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_info.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_info.erl
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ print() ->
io:format("~s", [string()]).
print(File) when is_list(File) ->
- {ok,D} = file:open(File, write),
+ {ok,D} = file:open(File, [write]),
print(D) ->