path: root/lib
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
6 files changed, 114 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl
index 9eee56d604..43084ad588 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_jump.erl
@@ -156,41 +156,51 @@ function({function,Name,Arity,CLabel,Asm0}) ->
share(Is0) ->
- %% We will get more sharing if we never fall through to a label.
- Is = eliminate_fallthroughs(Is0, []),
- share_1(Is, #{}, [], []).
+ Is1 = eliminate_fallthroughs(Is0, []),
+ Is2 = find_fixpoint(fun(Is) ->
+ share_1(Is, #{}, #{}, [], [])
+ end, Is1),
+ reverse(Is2).
-share_1([{label,L}=Lbl|Is], Dict0, [_|_]=Seq, Acc) ->
+share_1([{label,L}=Lbl|Is], Dict0, Lbls0, [_|_]=Seq, Acc) ->
case maps:find(Seq, Dict0) of
- error ->
- Dict = maps:put(Seq, L, Dict0),
- share_1(Is, Dict, [], [Lbl|Seq ++ Acc]);
- {ok,Label} ->
- share_1(Is, Dict0, [], [Lbl,{jump,{f,Label}}|Acc])
+ error ->
+ Dict = maps:put(Seq, L, Dict0),
+ share_1(Is, Dict, Lbls0, [], [[Lbl|Seq]|Acc]);
+ {ok,Label} ->
+ Lbls = maps:put(L, Label, Lbls0),
+ share_1(Is, Dict0, Lbls, [], [[Lbl,{jump,{f,Label}}]|Acc])
-share_1([{func_info,_,_,_}=I|Is], _, [], Acc) ->
- reverse(Is, [I|Acc]);
-share_1([{'catch',_,_}=I|Is], Dict0, Seq, Acc) ->
- Dict = clean_non_sharable(Dict0),
- share_1(Is, Dict, [I|Seq], Acc);
-share_1([{'try',_,_}=I|Is], Dict0, Seq, Acc) ->
- Dict = clean_non_sharable(Dict0),
- share_1(Is, Dict, [I|Seq], Acc);
-share_1([{try_case,_}=I|Is], Dict0, Seq, Acc) ->
- Dict = clean_non_sharable(Dict0),
- share_1(Is, Dict, [I|Seq], Acc);
-share_1([{catch_end,_}=I|Is], Dict0, Seq, Acc) ->
- Dict = clean_non_sharable(Dict0),
- share_1(Is, Dict, [I|Seq], Acc);
-share_1([I|Is], Dict, Seq, Acc) ->
+share_1([{func_info,_,_,_}|_]=Is0, _, Lbls, [], Acc0) when Lbls =/= #{} ->
+ lists:foldl(fun(Is, Acc) ->
+ beam_utils:replace_labels(Is, Acc, Lbls, fun(Old) -> Old end)
+ end, Is0, Acc0);
+share_1([{func_info,_,_,_}|_]=Is, _, Lbls, [], Acc) when Lbls =:= #{} ->
+ lists:foldl(fun lists:reverse/2, Is, Acc);
+share_1([{'catch',_,_}=I|Is], Dict0, Lbls0, Seq, Acc) ->
+ {Dict,Lbls} = clean_non_sharable(Dict0, Lbls0),
+ share_1(Is, Dict, Lbls, [I|Seq], Acc);
+share_1([{'try',_,_}=I|Is], Dict0, Lbls0, Seq, Acc) ->
+ {Dict,Lbls} = clean_non_sharable(Dict0, Lbls0),
+ share_1(Is, Dict, Lbls, [I|Seq], Acc);
+share_1([{try_case,_}=I|Is], Dict0, Lbls0, Seq, Acc) ->
+ {Dict,Lbls} = clean_non_sharable(Dict0, Lbls0),
+ share_1(Is, Dict, Lbls, [I|Seq], Acc);
+share_1([{catch_end,_}=I|Is], Dict0, Lbls0, Seq, Acc) ->
+ {Dict,Lbls} = clean_non_sharable(Dict0, Lbls0),
+ share_1(Is, Dict, Lbls, [I|Seq], Acc);
+share_1([{jump,{f,To}}=I,{label,L}=Lbl|Is], Dict0, Lbls0, _Seq, Acc) ->
+ Lbls = maps:put(L, To, Lbls0),
+ share_1(Is, Dict0, Lbls, [], [[Lbl,I]|Acc]);
+share_1([I|Is], Dict, Lbls, Seq, Acc) ->
case is_unreachable_after(I) of
false ->
- share_1(Is, Dict, [I|Seq], Acc);
+ share_1(Is, Dict, Lbls, [I|Seq], Acc);
true ->
- share_1(Is, Dict, [I], Acc)
+ share_1(Is, Dict, Lbls, [I], Acc)
-clean_non_sharable(Dict) ->
+clean_non_sharable(Dict0, Lbls0) ->
%% We are passing in or out of a 'catch' or 'try' block. Remove
%% sequences that should not be shared over the boundaries of the
%% block. Since the end of the sequence must match, the only
@@ -198,7 +208,17 @@ clean_non_sharable(Dict) ->
%% the 'catch'/'try' block is a sequence that ends with an
%% instruction that causes an exception. Any sequence that causes
%% an exception must contain a line/1 instruction.
- maps:filter(fun(K, _V) -> sharable_with_try(K) end, Dict).
+ Dict1 = maps:to_list(Dict0),
+ Lbls1 = maps:to_list(Lbls0),
+ {Dict2,Lbls2} = foldl(fun({K, V}, {Dict,Lbls}) ->
+ case sharable_with_try(K) of
+ true ->
+ {[{K,V}|Dict],lists:keydelete(V, 2, Lbls)};
+ false ->
+ {Dict,Lbls}
+ end
+ end, {[],Lbls1}, Dict1),
+ {maps:from_list(Dict2),maps:from_list(Lbls2)}.
sharable_with_try([{line,_}|_]) ->
%% This sequence may cause an exception and may potentially
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/erl_bifs.erl b/lib/compiler/src/erl_bifs.erl
index 68489a0122..71ab0e872a 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/erl_bifs.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/erl_bifs.erl
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ is_pure(erlang, is_bitstring, 1) -> true;
%% erlang:is_builtin/3 depends on the state (i.e. the version of the emulator).
is_pure(erlang, is_float, 1) -> true;
is_pure(erlang, is_function, 1) -> true;
+is_pure(erlang, is_function, 2) -> true;
is_pure(erlang, is_integer, 1) -> true;
is_pure(erlang, is_list, 1) -> true;
is_pure(erlang, is_map, 1) -> true;
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl b/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
index ceb7d56221..0aa58a46e4 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
t=#{} :: map(), %Types
in_guard=false}). %In guard or not.
--type type_info() :: cerl:cerl() | 'bool' | 'integer'.
+-type type_info() :: cerl:cerl() | 'bool' | 'integer' | {'fun', pos_integer()}.
-type yes_no_maybe() :: 'yes' | 'no' | 'maybe'.
-type sub() :: #sub{}.
@@ -883,6 +883,10 @@ fold_non_lit_args(Call, erlang, setelement, [Arg1,Arg2,Arg3], _) ->
eval_setelement(Call, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3);
fold_non_lit_args(Call, erlang, is_record, [Arg1,Arg2,Arg3], Sub) ->
eval_is_record(Call, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Sub);
+fold_non_lit_args(Call, erlang, is_function, [Arg1], Sub) ->
+ eval_is_function_1(Call, Arg1, Sub);
+fold_non_lit_args(Call, erlang, is_function, [Arg1,Arg2], Sub) ->
+ eval_is_function_2(Call, Arg1, Arg2, Sub);
fold_non_lit_args(Call, erlang, N, Args, Sub) ->
NumArgs = length(Args),
case erl_internal:comp_op(N, NumArgs) of
@@ -898,6 +902,22 @@ fold_non_lit_args(Call, erlang, N, Args, Sub) ->
fold_non_lit_args(Call, _, _, _, _) -> Call.
+eval_is_function_1(Call, Arg1, Sub) ->
+ case get_type(Arg1, Sub) of
+ none -> Call;
+ {'fun',_} -> #c_literal{anno=cerl:get_ann(Call),val=true};
+ _ -> #c_literal{anno=cerl:get_ann(Call),val=false}
+ end.
+eval_is_function_2(Call, Arg1, #c_literal{val=Arity}, Sub)
+ when is_integer(Arity), Arity > 0 ->
+ case get_type(Arg1, Sub) of
+ none -> Call;
+ {'fun',Arity} -> #c_literal{anno=cerl:get_ann(Call),val=true};
+ _ -> #c_literal{anno=cerl:get_ann(Call),val=false}
+ end;
+eval_is_function_2(Call, _Arg1, _Arg2, _Sub) -> Call.
%% Evaluate a relational operation using type information.
eval_rel_op(Call, Op, [#c_var{name=V},#c_var{name=V}], _) ->
Bool = erlang:Op(same, same),
@@ -3105,6 +3125,10 @@ update_types_2(V, [#c_tuple{}=P], Types) ->
update_types_2(V, [#c_literal{val=Bool}], Types) when is_boolean(Bool) ->
+update_types_2(V, [#c_fun{vars=Vars}], Types) ->
+ Types#{V=>{'fun',length(Vars)}};
+update_types_2(V, [#c_var{name={_,Arity}}], Types) ->
+ Types#{V=>{'fun',Arity}};
update_types_2(V, [Type], Types) when is_atom(Type) ->
update_types_2(_, _, Types) -> Types.
@@ -3123,6 +3147,8 @@ kill_types2(V, [{_,#c_tuple{}=Tuple}=Entry|Tdb]) ->
false -> [Entry|kill_types2(V, Tdb)];
true -> kill_types2(V, Tdb)
+kill_types2(V, [{_, {'fun',_}}=Entry|Tdb]) ->
+ [Entry|kill_types2(V, Tdb)];
kill_types2(V, [{_,Atom}=Entry|Tdb]) when is_atom(Atom) ->
[Entry|kill_types2(V, Tdb)];
kill_types2(_, []) -> [].
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/core_fold_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/core_fold_SUITE.erl
index dfff8236e8..5654edae79 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/core_fold_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/core_fold_SUITE.erl
@@ -278,6 +278,8 @@ coverage(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
a = cover_remove_non_vars_alias({a,b,c}),
error = cover_will_match_lit_list(),
{ok,[a]} = cover_is_safe_bool_expr(a),
+ false = cover_is_safe_bool_expr2(a),
+ ok = cover_eval_is_function(fun id/1),
ok = cover_opt_guard_try(#cover_opt_guard_try{list=[a]}),
error = cover_opt_guard_try(#cover_opt_guard_try{list=[]}),
@@ -341,6 +343,15 @@ cover_is_safe_bool_expr(X) ->
+cover_is_safe_bool_expr2(X) ->
+ try
+ V = [X],
+ is_function(V, 1)
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ false
+ end.
cover_opt_guard_try(Msg) ->
length(Msg#cover_opt_guard_try.list) =/= 1 ->
@@ -349,6 +360,12 @@ cover_opt_guard_try(Msg) ->
+cover_eval_is_function(X) ->
+ case X of
+ {a,_} -> is_function(X);
+ _ -> ok
+ end.
bsm_an_inlined(<<_:8>>, _) -> ok;
bsm_an_inlined(_, _) -> error.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl
index f07307c039..d33dc89af8 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ transcode(URIString, Options) when is_list(URIString) ->
%% (application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding algorithm)
-spec compose_query(QueryList) -> QueryString when
- QueryList :: [{unicode:chardata(), unicode:chardata()}],
+ QueryList :: [{unicode:chardata(), unicode:chardata() | true}],
QueryString :: uri_string()
| error().
compose_query(List) ->
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ compose_query(List) ->
-spec compose_query(QueryList, Options) -> QueryString when
- QueryList :: [{unicode:chardata(), unicode:chardata()}],
+ QueryList :: [{unicode:chardata(), unicode:chardata() | true}],
Options :: [{encoding, atom()}],
QueryString :: uri_string()
| error().
@@ -435,6 +435,11 @@ compose_query(List, Options) ->
throw:{error, Atom, RestData} -> {error, Atom, RestData}
+compose_query([{Key,true}|Rest], Options, IsList, Acc) ->
+ Separator = get_separator(Rest),
+ K = form_urlencode(Key, Options),
+ IsListNew = IsList orelse is_list(Key),
+ compose_query(Rest, Options, IsListNew, <<Acc/binary,K/binary,Separator/binary>>);
compose_query([{Key,Value}|Rest], Options, IsList, Acc) ->
Separator = get_separator(Rest),
K = form_urlencode(Key, Options),
@@ -454,7 +459,7 @@ compose_query([], _Options, IsList, Acc) ->
-spec dissect_query(QueryString) -> QueryList when
QueryString :: uri_string(),
- QueryList :: [{unicode:chardata(), unicode:chardata()}]
+ QueryList :: [{unicode:chardata(), unicode:chardata() | true}]
| error().
dissect_query(<<>>) ->
@@ -1889,13 +1894,12 @@ dissect_query_key(<<$=,T/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
dissect_query_value(T, IsList, Acc, Key, Value);
dissect_query_key(<<"&#",T/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
dissect_query_key(T, IsList, Acc, <<Key/binary,"&#">>, Value);
-dissect_query_key(<<$&,_T/binary>>, _IsList, _Acc, _Key, _Value) ->
- throw({error, missing_value, "&"});
+dissect_query_key(T = <<$&,_/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, <<>>) ->
+ dissect_query_value(T, IsList, Acc, Key, true);
dissect_query_key(<<H,T/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
dissect_query_key(T, IsList, Acc, <<Key/binary,H>>, Value);
-dissect_query_key(B, _, _, _, _) ->
- throw({error, missing_value, B}).
+dissect_query_key(T = <<>>, IsList, Acc, Key, <<>>) ->
+ dissect_query_value(T, IsList, Acc, Key, true).
dissect_query_value(<<$&,T/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
K = form_urldecode(IsList, Key),
@@ -1908,9 +1912,10 @@ dissect_query_value(<<>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
V = form_urldecode(IsList, Value),
%% HTML 5.2 - URL-encoded form data - WHATWG URL (10 Jan 2018) - UTF-8
%% HTML 5.0 - URL-encoded form data - decoding (non UTF-8)
+form_urldecode(_, true) ->
+ true;
form_urldecode(true, B) ->
Result = base10_decode(form_urldecode(B, <<>>)),
convert_to_list(Result, utf8);
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/uri_string_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/uri_string_SUITE.erl
index 4fc0d76be8..ddaead9c7c 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/uri_string_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/uri_string_SUITE.erl
@@ -862,9 +862,11 @@ transcode_negative(_Config) ->
compose_query(_Config) ->
[] = uri_string:compose_query([]),
"foo=1&bar=2" = uri_string:compose_query([{<<"foo">>,"1"}, {"bar", "2"}]),
+ "foo=1&bar" = uri_string:compose_query([{<<"foo">>,"1"}, {"bar", true}]),
"foo=1&b%C3%A4r=2" = uri_string:compose_query([{"foo","1"}, {"bär", "2"}],[{encoding,utf8}]),
"foo=1&b%C3%A4r=2" = uri_string:compose_query([{"foo","1"}, {"bär", "2"}],[{encoding,unicode}]),
"foo=1&b%E4r=2" = uri_string:compose_query([{"foo","1"}, {"bär", "2"}],[{encoding,latin1}]),
+ "foo&b%E4r=2" = uri_string:compose_query([{"foo",true}, {"bär", "2"}],[{encoding,latin1}]),
"foo+bar=1&%E5%90%88=2" = uri_string:compose_query([{"foo bar","1"}, {"合", "2"}]),
"foo+bar=1&%26%2321512%3B=2" =
uri_string:compose_query([{"foo bar","1"}, {"合", "2"}],[{encoding,latin1}]),
@@ -906,11 +908,13 @@ dissect_query(_Config) ->
[{"föo bar","1"},{"ö","2"}] =
[{<<"föo bar"/utf8>>,<<"1">>},{<<"ö"/utf8>>,<<"2">>}] =
- uri_string:dissect_query(<<"föo+bar=1&%C3%B6=2"/utf8>>).
+ uri_string:dissect_query(<<"föo+bar=1&%C3%B6=2"/utf8>>),
+ [{"foo1",true},{"bar","2"}] =
+ uri_string:dissect_query("foo1&bar=2"),
+ [{<<"foo1">>,<<"1">>},{<<"bar">>,true}] =
+ uri_string:dissect_query(<<"foo1=1&bar">>).
dissect_query_negative(_Config) ->
- {error,missing_value,"&"} =
- uri_string:dissect_query("foo1&bar=2"),
{error,invalid_percent_encoding,"%XX%B6"} = uri_string:dissect_query("foo=%XX%B6&amp;bar=2"),
{error,invalid_input,[153]} =