path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
83 files changed, 1847 insertions, 1814 deletions
diff --git a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber_bin_v2.erl b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber_bin_v2.erl
index 8f4cf2b9ec..325bea5879 100644
--- a/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber_bin_v2.erl
+++ b/lib/asn1/src/asn1ct_constructed_ber_bin_v2.erl
@@ -500,9 +500,7 @@ gen_decode_sof(Erules,TypeName,_InnerTypeName,D) when is_record(D,type) ->
Atom when is_atom(Atom) -> Atom;
_ -> TypeNameSuffix
- ObjFun = false,
- gen_dec_line(Erules,TypeName,ContName,[],Cont,mandatory,ObjFun),
- %% gen_dec_line_sof(Erules,Typename,ContName,Cont,ObjFun),
+ gen_dec_line(Erules,TypeName,ContName,[],Cont,mandatory),
emit([" || ",{curr,v}," <- ",{curr,tlv},"].",nl,nl,nl]).
@@ -869,7 +867,7 @@ gen_dec_choice_cases(Erules,TopType, [H|T]) ->
(?ASN1CT_GEN_BER:decode_class(T1class) bsl 10) +
T1number,",_} -> ",nl]),
emit([indent(8),"{",{asis,Cname},", "]),
- gen_dec_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,[],Type,Prop,false),
+ gen_dec_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,[],Type,Prop),
([],_) ->
@@ -896,7 +894,7 @@ gen_dec_choice_cases(Erules,TopType, [H|T]) ->
(?ASN1CT_GEN_BER:decode_class(FirstT#tag.class) bsl 10) +
FirstT#tag.number,", ",{curr,v},"} -> ",nl]),
emit([indent(8),"{",{asis,Cname},", "]),
- gen_dec_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,[],Type#type{tag=RestT},Prop,false),
+ gen_dec_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,[],Type#type{tag=RestT},Prop),
gen_dec_choice_cases(Erules,TopType, T).
@@ -1060,8 +1058,14 @@ gen_optormand_case({'DEFAULT',DefaultValue}, Erules, _TopType,
emit([indent(9),"_ ->",nl,indent(12)])
+%% Use for SEQUENCE OF and CHOICE.
+gen_dec_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,CTags,Type,OptOrMand) ->
+ %% The matching on the next line is an assertion.
+ {[],[]} = gen_dec_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,CTags,Type,OptOrMand,false),
+ ok.
+%% Use for SEQUENCE.
gen_dec_line(Erules,TopType,Cname,CTags,Type,OptOrMand,DecObjInf) ->
BytesVar = asn1ct_gen:mk_var(asn1ct_name:curr(v)),
Tag =
diff --git a/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_netconfc.xml b/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_netconfc.xml
index 9d1ff25a3a..e6930b30d5 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_netconfc.xml
+++ b/lib/common_test/doc/src/ct_netconfc.xml
@@ -201,7 +201,8 @@
information, see module <seealso marker="ct"><c>ct</c></seealso>.</p>
- <tag><c>host() = <seealso marker="kernel:inet#type-hostname"><c>inet:hostname()</c></seealso> | <seealso marker="kernel:inet#type-ip_address"><c>inet:ip_address()</c></seealso></c></tag>
+ <tag><c>host() = </c><seealso marker="kernel:inet#type-hostname"><c>inet:hostname()</c></seealso>
+ <c> | </c><seealso marker="kernel:inet#type-ip_address"><c>inet:ip_address()</c></seealso></tag>
<item><marker id="type-host"/></item>
<tag><c>key_or_name() = server_id() | target_name()</c></tag>
@@ -218,7 +219,9 @@
<tag><c>notification_content() = [event_time() | simple_xml()]</c></tag>
<item><marker id="type-notification_content"/> </item>
- <tag><c>option() = {ssh, host()} | {port, <seealso marker="kernel:inet#type-port_number"><c>inet:port_number()</c></seealso>} | {timeout, timeout()} | SshConnectOption</c></tag>
+ <tag><c>option() = {ssh, host()} | {port, </c>
+ <seealso marker="kernel:inet#type-port_number"><c>inet:port_number()</c></seealso>
+ <c>} | {timeout, timeout()} | SshConnectOption</c></tag>
<item><marker id="type-option"/>
<p><c>SshConnectOption</c> is any valid option to
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_logs.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_logs.erl
index 29b38e9748..e6d683c8a9 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_logs.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_logs.erl
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ cast(Msg) ->
%%% <p>This function is called by ct_framework:init_tc/3</p>
init_tc(RefreshLog) ->
- io:format(["$tc_html",xhtml("", "<br />")]),
+ tc_io_format(group_leader(), xhtml("", "<br />"), []),
@@ -800,7 +800,8 @@ logger_loop(State) ->
%% make sure no IO for this test case from the
%% CT logger gets rejected
test_server:permit_io(GL, self()),
- print_style(GL,GL,State#logger_state.stylesheet),
+ IoFormat = fun tc_io_format/3,
+ print_style(GL, IoFormat, State#logger_state.stylesheet),
TCGLs = add_tc_gl(TCPid,GL,State),
if not RefreshLog ->
@@ -931,7 +932,7 @@ print_to_log(sync, FromPid, Category, TCGL, Content, EscChars, State) ->
if FromPid /= TCGL ->
IoFun = create_io_fun(FromPid, CtLogFd, EscChars),
IoList = lists:foldl(IoFun, [], Content),
- try io:format(TCGL,["$tc_html","~ts"], [IoList]) of
+ try tc_io_format(TCGL, "~ts", [IoList]) of
ok -> ok
_:_ ->
@@ -962,7 +963,7 @@ print_to_log(async, FromPid, Category, TCGL, Content, EscChars, State) ->
case erlang:is_process_alive(TCGL) of
true ->
- try io:format(TCGL, ["$tc_html","~ts"],
+ try tc_io_format(TCGL, "~ts",
[lists:foldl(IoFun,[],Content)]) of
_ -> ok
@@ -1113,27 +1114,25 @@ open_ctlog(MiscIoName) ->
"View I/O logged after the test run</a></li>\n</ul>\n",
- print_style(Fd,group_leader(),undefined),
+ print_style(Fd, fun io:format/3, undefined),
xhtml("<br><h2>Progress Log</h2>\n<pre>\n",
"<br />\n<h4>PROGRESS LOG</h4>\n<pre>\n"), []),
-print_style(Fd,GL,undefined) ->
+print_style(Fd, IoFormat, undefined) ->
case basic_html() of
true ->
Style = "<style>\n
div.ct_internal { background:lightgrey; color:black; }\n
div.default { background:lightgreen; color:black; }\n
- if Fd == GL -> io:format(["$tc_html",Style], []);
- true -> io:format(Fd, Style, [])
- end;
+ IoFormat(Fd, Style, []);
_ ->
-print_style(Fd,GL,StyleSheet) ->
+print_style(Fd, IoFormat, StyleSheet) ->
case file:read_file(StyleSheet) of
{ok,Bin} ->
Str = b2s(Bin,encoding(StyleSheet)),
@@ -1146,36 +1145,55 @@ print_style(Fd,GL,StyleSheet) ->
N1 -> N1
if (Pos0 == 0) and (Pos1 /= 0) ->
- print_style_error(Fd,GL,StyleSheet,missing_style_start_tag);
+ print_style_error(Fd, IoFormat,
+ StyleSheet, missing_style_start_tag);
(Pos0 /= 0) and (Pos1 == 0) ->
- print_style_error(Fd,GL,StyleSheet,missing_style_end_tag);
+ print_style_error(Fd, IoFormat,
+ StyleSheet,missing_style_end_tag);
Pos0 /= 0 ->
Style = string:sub_string(Str,Pos0,Pos1+7),
- if Fd == GL -> io:format(Fd,["$tc_html","~ts\n"],[Style]);
- true -> io:format(Fd,"~ts\n",[Style])
- end;
+ IoFormat(Fd,"~ts\n",[Style]);
Pos0 == 0 ->
- if Fd == GL -> io:format(Fd,["$tc_html","<style>\n~ts</style>\n"],[Str]);
- true -> io:format(Fd,"<style>\n~ts</style>\n",[Str])
- end
+ IoFormat(Fd,"<style>\n~ts</style>\n",[Str])
{error,Reason} ->
- print_style_error(Fd,GL,StyleSheet,Reason)
+ print_style_error(Fd,IoFormat,StyleSheet,Reason)
-print_style_error(Fd,GL,StyleSheet,Reason) ->
+print_style_error(Fd, IoFormat, StyleSheet, Reason) ->
IO = io_lib:format("\n<!-- Failed to load stylesheet ~ts: ~p -->\n",
- if Fd == GL -> io:format(Fd,["$tc_html",IO],[]);
- true -> io:format(Fd,IO,[])
- end,
- print_style(Fd,GL,undefined).
+ IoFormat(Fd, IO, []),
+ print_style(Fd, IoFormat, undefined).
close_ctlog(Fd) ->
io:format(Fd, "\n</pre>\n", []),
io:format(Fd, [xhtml("<br><br>\n", "<br /><br />\n") | footer()], []),
+%%% tc_io_format/3
+%%% Tell common_test's IO server (group leader) not to escape
+%%% HTML characters.
+-spec tc_io_format(io:device(), io:format(), [term()]) -> 'ok'.
+tc_io_format(Fd, Format0, Args) ->
+ %% We know that the specially wrapped format string is handled
+ %% by our IO server, but Dialyzer does not and would tell us
+ %% that the call to io:format/3 would fail. Therefore, we must
+ %% fool dialyzer.
+ Format = case cloaked_true() of
+ true -> ["$tc_html",Format0];
+ false -> Format0 %Never happens.
+ end,
+ io:format(Fd, Format, Args).
+%% Return 'true', but let dialyzer think that a boolean is returned.
+cloaked_true() ->
+ is_process_alive(self()).
%%% Make an index page for the last run
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_bool.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_bool.erl
index f9a08f8718..359fdb6d3c 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_bool.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_bool.erl
@@ -238,9 +238,9 @@ extend_block(BlAcc0, Fail, [{block,Is0}|OldAcc]) ->
extend_block(BlAcc, _, OldAcc) -> {BlAcc,OldAcc}.
-extend_block_1([{set,[_],_,{bif,_,{f,Fail}}}=I|Is], Fail, Acc) ->
+extend_block_1([{set,[{x,_}],_,{bif,_,{f,Fail}}}=I|Is], Fail, Acc) ->
extend_block_1(Is, Fail, [I|Acc]);
-extend_block_1([{set,[_],As,{bif,Bif,_}}=I|Is]=Is0, Fail, Acc) ->
+extend_block_1([{set,[{x,_}],As,{bif,Bif,_}}=I|Is]=Is0, Fail, Acc) ->
case safe_bool_op(Bif, length(As)) of
false -> {Acc,reverse(Is0)};
true -> extend_block_1(Is, Fail, [I|Acc])
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl b/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
index 37f89dd677..47703b4aa3 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/beam_utils.erl
@@ -25,9 +25,8 @@
- live_opt/1,delete_live_annos/1,combine_heap_needs/2]).
+ live_opt/1,delete_live_annos/1,combine_heap_needs/2,
+ join_even/2,split_even/1]).
-import(lists, [member/2,sort/1,reverse/1,splitwith/2]).
@@ -67,8 +66,7 @@ is_killed(R, Is, D) ->
St = #live{bl=check_killed_block_fun(),lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
case check_liveness(R, Is, St) of
{killed,_} -> true;
- {used,_} -> false;
- {unknown,_} -> false
+ {used,_} -> false
%% is_killed_at(Reg, Lbl, State) -> true|false
@@ -78,8 +76,7 @@ is_killed_at(R, Lbl, D) when is_integer(Lbl) ->
St0 = #live{bl=check_killed_block_fun(),lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
case check_liveness_at(R, Lbl, St0) of
{killed,_} -> true;
- {used,_} -> false;
- {unknown,_} -> false
+ {used,_} -> false
%% is_not_used(Register, [Instruction], State) -> true|false
@@ -93,8 +90,7 @@ is_not_used(R, Is, D) ->
St = #live{bl=fun check_used_block/3,lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
case check_liveness(R, Is, St) of
{killed,_} -> true;
- {used,_} -> false;
- {unknown,_} -> false
+ {used,_} -> false
%% is_not_used(Register, [Instruction], State) -> true|false
@@ -108,8 +104,7 @@ is_not_used_at(R, Lbl, D) ->
St = #live{bl=fun check_used_block/3,lbl=D,res=gb_trees:empty()},
case check_liveness_at(R, Lbl, St) of
{killed,_} -> true;
- {used,_} -> false;
- {unknown,_} -> false
+ {used,_} -> false
%% index_labels(FunctionIs) -> State
@@ -137,10 +132,7 @@ index_label(Lbl, Is0, Acc) ->
%% Retrieve the code at the given label.
code_at(L, Ll) ->
- case gb_trees:lookup(L, Ll) of
- {value,Code} -> Code;
- none -> none
- end.
+ gb_trees:get(L, Ll).
%% bif_to_test(Bif, [Op], Fail) -> {test,Test,Fail,[Op]}
%% Convert a BIF to a test. Fail if not possible.
@@ -164,10 +156,10 @@ bif_to_test('=<', [A,B], Fail) -> {test,is_ge,Fail,[B,A]};
bif_to_test('>', [A,B], Fail) -> {test,is_lt,Fail,[B,A]};
bif_to_test('<', [_,_]=Ops, Fail) -> {test,is_lt,Fail,Ops};
bif_to_test('>=', [_,_]=Ops, Fail) -> {test,is_ge,Fail,Ops};
-bif_to_test('==', [A,[]], Fail) -> {test,is_nil,Fail,[A]};
+bif_to_test('==', [A,nil], Fail) -> {test,is_nil,Fail,[A]};
bif_to_test('==', [_,_]=Ops, Fail) -> {test,is_eq,Fail,Ops};
bif_to_test('/=', [_,_]=Ops, Fail) -> {test,is_ne,Fail,Ops};
-bif_to_test('=:=', [A,[]], Fail) -> {test,is_nil,Fail,[A]};
+bif_to_test('=:=', [A,nil], Fail) -> {test,is_nil,Fail,[A]};
bif_to_test('=:=', [_,_]=Ops, Fail) -> {test,is_eq_exact,Fail,Ops};
bif_to_test('=/=', [_,_]=Ops, Fail) -> {test,is_ne_exact,Fail,Ops};
bif_to_test(is_record, [_,_,_]=Ops, Fail) -> {test,is_record,Fail,Ops}.
@@ -235,21 +227,28 @@ combine_heap_needs(Words, {alloc,Alloc}) when is_integer(Words) ->
combine_heap_needs(H1, H2) when is_integer(H1), is_integer(H2) ->
+%% split_even/1
+%% [1,2,3,4,5,6] -> {[1,3,5],[2,4,6]}
+split_even(Rs) -> split_even(Rs, [], []).
+%% join_even/1
+%% {[1,3,5],[2,4,6]} -> [1,2,3,4,5,6]
+join_even([], []) -> [];
+join_even([S|Ss], [D|Ds]) -> [S,D|join_even(Ss, Ds)].
%%% Local functions.
-%% check_liveness(Reg, [Instruction], {State,BlockCheckFun}) ->
-%% {killed | used | unknown,UpdateState}
-%% Finds out how Reg is used in the instruction sequence. Returns one of:
-%% killed - Reg is assigned a new value or killed by an allocation instruction
-%% used - Reg is used (or possibly referenced by an allocation instruction)
-%% unknown - not possible to determine (perhaps because of an instruction
-%% that we don't recognize)
+%% check_liveness(Reg, [Instruction], #live{}) ->
+%% {killed | used, #live{}}
+%% Find out whether Reg is used or killed in instruction sequence.
+%% 'killed' means that Reg is assigned a new value or killed by an
+%% allocation instruction. 'used' means that Reg is used in some way.
-check_liveness(R, [{set,_,_,_}=I|_], St) ->
- erlang:error(only_allowed_in_blocks, [R,I,St]);
check_liveness(R, [{block,Blk}|Is], #live{bl=BlockCheck}=St0) ->
case BlockCheck(R, Blk, St0) of
{transparent,St} -> check_liveness(R, Is, St);
@@ -461,8 +460,9 @@ check_liveness(R, [{loop_rec,{f,_},{x,0}}|_], St) ->
{x,_} ->
_ ->
- %% y register. Rarely happens. Be very conversative.
- {unknown,St}
+ %% y register. Rarely happens. Be very conversative and
+ %% assume it's used.
+ {used,St}
check_liveness(R, [{loop_rec_end,{f,Fail}}|_], St) ->
check_liveness_at(R, Fail, St);
@@ -493,7 +493,8 @@ check_liveness(R, [{put_map,{f,_},_,Src,_D,Live,{list,_}}|_], St0) ->
{x,_} ->
{y,_} ->
- {unknown,St0}
+ %% Conservatively mark it as used.
+ {used,St0}
check_liveness(R, [{test_heap,N,Live}|Is], St) ->
I = {block,[{set,[],[],{alloc,Live,{nozero,nostack,N,[]}}}]},
@@ -505,12 +506,8 @@ check_liveness(R, [{get_list,S,D1,D2}|Is], St) ->
I = {block,[{set,[D1,D2],[S],get_list}]},
check_liveness(R, [I|Is], St);
check_liveness(_R, Is, St) when is_list(Is) ->
-%% case Is of
-%% [I|_] ->
-%% io:format("~p ~p\n", [_R,I]);
-%% _ -> ok
-%% end,
- {unknown,St}.
+ %% Not implemented. Conservatively assume that the register is used.
+ {used,St}.
check_liveness_everywhere(R, [{f,Lbl}|T], St0) ->
case check_liveness_at(R, Lbl, St0) of
@@ -529,7 +526,7 @@ check_liveness_at(R, Lbl, #live{lbl=Ll,res=ResMemorized}=St0) ->
none ->
{Res,St} = case gb_trees:lookup(Lbl, Ll) of
{value,Is} -> check_liveness(R, Is, St0);
- none -> {unknown,St0}
+ none -> {used,St0}
{Res,St#live{res=gb_trees:insert(Lbl, Res, St#live.res)}}
@@ -594,8 +591,10 @@ check_killed_block(_, []) -> transparent.
%% killed - Reg is assigned a new value or killed by an allocation instruction
%% transparent - Reg is neither used nor killed
%% used - Reg is explicitly used by an instruction
-%% (Unknown instructions will cause an exception.)
+%% '%live' annotations are not allowed.
+%% (Unknown instructions will cause an exception.)
check_used_block({x,X}=R, [{set,Ds,Ss,{alloc,Live,Op}}|Is], St) ->
@@ -604,11 +603,6 @@ check_used_block({x,X}=R, [{set,Ds,Ss,{alloc,Live,Op}}|Is], St) ->
check_used_block(R, [{set,Ds,Ss,Op}|Is], St) ->
check_used_block_1(R, Ss, Ds, Op, Is, St);
-check_used_block(R, [{'%live',Live,_}|Is], St) ->
- case R of
- {x,X} when X >= Live -> {killed,St};
- _ -> check_used_block(R, Is, St)
- end;
check_used_block(_, [], St) -> {transparent,St}.
check_used_block_1(R, Ss, Ds, Op, Is, St0) ->
@@ -639,8 +633,7 @@ is_reg_used_at_1(_, 0, St) ->
is_reg_used_at_1(R, Lbl, St0) ->
case check_liveness_at(R, Lbl, St0) of
{killed,St} -> {false,St};
- {used,St} -> {true,St};
- {unknown,St} -> {true,St}
+ {used,St} -> {true,St}
index_labels_1([{label,Lbl}|Is0], Acc) ->
@@ -756,11 +749,6 @@ live_opt([{select,_,Src,Fail,List}=I|Is], Regs0, D, Acc) ->
Regs1 = x_live([Src], Regs0),
Regs = live_join_labels([Fail|List], D, Regs1),
live_opt(Is, Regs, D, [I|Acc]);
-live_opt([{'try',_,_}=I|Is], Regs, D, Acc) ->
- %% If an exeption happens, all x registers will be killed.
- %% Therefore, we should only base liveness of the code inside
- %% the try.
- live_opt(Is, Regs, D, [I|Acc]);
live_opt([{try_case,_}=I|Is], _, D, Acc) ->
live_opt(Is, live_call(1), D, [I|Acc]);
live_opt([{loop_rec,_Fail,_Dst}=I|Is], _, D, Acc) ->
@@ -860,14 +848,7 @@ x_live([], Regs) -> Regs.
is_live(X, Regs) -> ((Regs bsr X) band 1) =:= 1.
-%% split_even/1
-%% [1,2,3,4,5,6] -> {[1,3,5],[2,4,6]}
-split_even(Rs) -> split_even(Rs,[],[]).
-split_even([],Ss,Ds) -> {reverse(Ss),reverse(Ds)};
-split_even([S,D|Rs],Ss,Ds) ->
- split_even(Rs,[S|Ss],[D|Ds]).
-%% join_even/1
-%% {[1,3,5],[2,4,6]} -> [1,2,3,4,5,6]
-join_even([],[]) -> [];
-join_even([S|Ss],[D|Ds]) -> [S,D|join_even(Ss,Ds)].
+split_even([], Ss, Ds) ->
+ {reverse(Ss),reverse(Ds)};
+split_even([S,D|Rs], Ss, Ds) ->
+ split_even(Rs, [S|Ss], [D|Ds]).
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/core_pp.erl b/lib/compiler/src/core_pp.erl
index f34a5c034f..67209d06be 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/core_pp.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/core_pp.erl
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
%% Prettyprint-formats (naively) an abstract Core Erlang syntax
%% tree.
--record(ctxt, {class = term :: 'clause' | 'def' | 'expr' | 'term',
- indent = 0 :: integer(),
+-record(ctxt, {indent = 0 :: integer(),
item_indent = 2 :: integer(),
body_indent = 4 :: integer(),
line = 0 :: integer(),
@@ -132,14 +131,11 @@ format_1(#c_literal{anno=A,val=Bitstring}, Ctxt) when is_bitstring(Bitstring) ->
format_1(#c_binary{anno=A,segments=Segs}, Ctxt);
format_1(#c_literal{anno=A,val=M},Ctxt) when is_map(M) ->
Pairs = maps:to_list(M),
- Op = case Ctxt of
- #ctxt{ class = clause } -> exact;
- _ -> assoc
- end,
- Cpairs = [#c_map_pair{op=#c_literal{val=Op},
+ Op = #c_literal{val=assoc},
+ Cpairs = [#c_map_pair{op=Op,
val=#c_literal{val=V}} || {K,V} <- Pairs],
- format_1(#c_map{anno=A,arg=#c_literal{val=#{}},es=Cpairs},Ctxt);
+ format_1(#c_map{anno=A,arg=#c_literal{val=#{}},es=Cpairs},Ctxt);
format_1(#c_var{name={I,A}}, _) ->
format_1(#c_var{name=V}, _) ->
@@ -340,35 +336,30 @@ format_1(#c_module{name=N,exports=Es,attrs=As,defs=Ds}, Ctxt) ->
[Mod," [",
"", ",",
- add_indent(set_class(Ctxt, term), width(Mod, Ctxt)+2),
+ add_indent(Ctxt, width(Mod, Ctxt)+2),
fun format/2),
" attributes [",
"", ",",
- add_indent(set_class(Ctxt, def), 16),
+ add_indent(Ctxt, 16),
fun format_def/2),
format_funcs(Ds, Ctxt),
| "end"
- ];
-format_1(Type, _) ->
- ["** Unsupported type: ",
- io_lib:write(Type)
- | " **"
format_funcs(Fs, Ctxt) ->
"", "",
- set_class(Ctxt, def),
+ Ctxt,
fun format_def/2).
format_def({N,V}, Ctxt0) ->
- Ctxt1 = add_indent(set_class(Ctxt0, expr), Ctxt0#ctxt.body_indent),
+ Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt0, Ctxt0#ctxt.body_indent),
[format(N, Ctxt0),
" =",
@@ -392,8 +383,7 @@ do_format_bitstr(#c_bitstr{val=V,size=S,unit=U,type=T,flags=Fs}, Ctxt0) ->
["#<", Val, ">(", format_hseq(Vs,",", Ctxt2, fun format/2), $)].
format_clauses(Cs, Ctxt) ->
- format_vseq(Cs, "", "", set_class(Ctxt, clause),
- fun format_clause/2).
+ format_vseq(Cs, "", "", Ctxt, fun format_clause/2).
format_clause(Node, Ctxt) ->
maybe_anno(Node, fun format_clause_1/2, Ctxt).
@@ -405,15 +395,13 @@ format_clause_1(#c_clause{pats=Ps,guard=G,body=B}, Ctxt) ->
case is_trivial_guard(G) of
true ->
[" when ",
- format_guard(G, add_indent(set_class(Ctxt, expr),
- width(Ptxt, Ctxt) + 6))];
+ format_guard(G, add_indent(Ctxt, width(Ptxt, Ctxt) + 6))];
false ->
[nl_indent(Ctxt2), "when ",
- format_guard(G, add_indent(set_class(Ctxt2, expr), 2))]
+ format_guard(G, add_indent(Ctxt2, 2))]
" ->",
- nl_indent(Ctxt2)
- | format(B, set_class(Ctxt2, expr))
+ nl_indent(Ctxt2) | format(B, Ctxt2)
is_trivial_guard(#c_literal{val=Val}) when is_atom(Val) -> true;
@@ -467,7 +455,7 @@ format_list_tail(Tail, Ctxt) ->
format_map_pair(Op, K, V, Ctxt0) ->
Ctxt1 = add_indent(Ctxt0, 1),
- Txt = format(K, set_class(Ctxt1, expr)),
+ Txt = format(K, Ctxt1),
Ctxt2 = add_indent(Ctxt0, width(Txt, Ctxt1)),
[Txt,Op,format(V, Ctxt2)].
@@ -490,6 +478,7 @@ spaces(5) -> " ";
spaces(6) -> " ";
spaces(7) -> " ".
+%% Undo indentation done by nl_indent/1.
unindent(T, Ctxt) ->
unindent(T, Ctxt#ctxt.indent, []).
@@ -505,18 +494,11 @@ unindent([$\t|T], N, C) ->
unindent([spaces(Tab - N)|T], 0, C)
unindent([L|T], N, C) when is_list(L) ->
- unindent(L, N, [T|C]);
-unindent([H|T], _, C) ->
- [H|[T|C]];
-unindent([], N, [H|T]) ->
- unindent(H, N, T);
-unindent([], _, []) -> [].
+ unindent(L, N, [T|C]).
width(Txt, Ctxt) ->
- try width(Txt, 0, Ctxt, [])
- catch error:_ -> exit({bad_text,Txt})
- end.
+ width(Txt, 0, Ctxt, []).
width([$\t|T], A, Ctxt, C) ->
width(T, A + ?TAB_WIDTH, Ctxt, C);
@@ -533,14 +515,9 @@ width([], A, _, []) -> A.
add_indent(Ctxt, Dx) ->
Ctxt#ctxt{indent = Ctxt#ctxt.indent + Dx}.
-set_class(Ctxt, Class) ->
- Ctxt#ctxt{class = Class}.
core_atom(A) -> io_lib:write_string(atom_to_list(A), $').
-is_simple_term(#c_values{es=Es}) ->
- length(Es) < 3 andalso lists:all(fun is_simple_term/1, Es);
is_simple_term(#c_tuple{es=Es}) ->
length(Es) < 4 andalso lists:all(fun is_simple_term/1, Es);
is_simple_term(#c_var{}) -> true;
diff --git a/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl b/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
index b5b8d8a8ec..dbc27db377 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/src/sys_core_fold.erl
@@ -374,10 +374,21 @@ expr(#c_receive{clauses=Cs0,timeout=T0,action=A0}=Recv, Ctxt, Sub) ->
T1 = expr(T0, value, Sub),
A1 = body(A0, Ctxt, Sub),
-expr(#c_apply{op=Op0,args=As0}=App, _, Sub) ->
+expr(#c_apply{anno=Anno,op=Op0,args=As0}=App, _, Sub) ->
Op1 = expr(Op0, value, Sub),
As1 = expr_list(As0, value, Sub),
- App#c_apply{op=Op1,args=As1};
+ case Op1 of
+ #c_var{} ->
+ App#c_apply{op=Op1,args=As1};
+ _ ->
+ add_warning(App, invalid_call),
+ Err = #c_call{anno=Anno,
+ module=#c_literal{val=erlang},
+ name=#c_literal{val=error},
+ args=[#c_tuple{es=[#c_literal{val='badfun'},
+ Op1]}]},
+ make_effect_seq(As1++[Err], Sub)
+ end;
expr(#c_call{module=M0,name=N0}=Call0, Ctxt, Sub) ->
M1 = expr(M0, value, Sub),
N1 = expr(N0, value, Sub),
@@ -3395,6 +3406,8 @@ format_error({no_effect,{erlang,F,A}}) ->
format_error(result_ignored) ->
"the result of the expression is ignored "
"(suppress the warning by assigning the expression to the _ variable)";
+format_error(invalid_call) ->
+ "invalid function call";
format_error(useless_building) ->
"a term is constructed, but never used";
format_error(bin_opt_alias) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/Makefile b/lib/compiler/test/Makefile
index 85118502e3..203a50db55 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/Makefile
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/Makefile
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ MODULES= \
andor_SUITE \
apply_SUITE \
beam_block_SUITE \
+ beam_bool_SUITE \
beam_validator_SUITE \
beam_disasm_SUITE \
beam_except_SUITE \
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ NO_OPT= \
andor \
apply \
beam_block \
+ beam_bool \
beam_except \
beam_reorder \
beam_type \
@@ -70,6 +72,7 @@ INLINE= \
andor \
apply \
beam_block \
+ beam_bool \
beam_utils \
bs_bincomp \
bs_bit_binaries \
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/andor_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/andor_SUITE.erl
index f6e7b09010..05c087104d 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/andor_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/andor_SUITE.erl
@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
- combined/1,in_case/1,before_and_inside_if/1,
- slow_compilation/1]).
+ combined/1,in_case/1,slow_compilation/1]).
@@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ all() ->
groups() ->
- combined,in_case,before_and_inside_if]}].
+ combined,in_case,slow_compilation]}].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
@@ -450,64 +449,6 @@ in_case_1_guard(LenUp, LenDw, LenN, Rotation, Count) ->
false -> loop
-before_and_inside_if(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- no = before_and_inside_if([a], [b], delete),
- no = before_and_inside_if([a], [b], x),
- no = before_and_inside_if([a], [], delete),
- no = before_and_inside_if([a], [], x),
- no = before_and_inside_if([], [], delete),
- yes = before_and_inside_if([], [], x),
- yes = before_and_inside_if([], [b], delete),
- yes = before_and_inside_if([], [b], x),
- {ch1,ch2} = before_and_inside_if_2([a], [b], blah),
- {ch1,ch2} = before_and_inside_if_2([a], [b], xx),
- {ch1,ch2} = before_and_inside_if_2([a], [], blah),
- {ch1,ch2} = before_and_inside_if_2([a], [], xx),
- {no,no} = before_and_inside_if_2([], [b], blah),
- {no,no} = before_and_inside_if_2([], [b], xx),
- {ch1,no} = before_and_inside_if_2([], [], blah),
- {no,ch2} = before_and_inside_if_2([], [], xx),
- ok.
-%% Thanks to Simon Cornish and Kostis Sagonas.
-%% Used to crash beam_bool.
-before_and_inside_if(XDo1, XDo2, Do3) ->
- Do1 = (XDo1 =/= []),
- Do2 = (XDo2 =/= []),
- if
- %% This expression occurs in a try/catch (protected)
- %% block, which cannot refer to variables outside of
- %% the block that are boolean expressions.
- Do1 =:= true;
- Do1 =:= false, Do2 =:= false, Do3 =:= delete ->
- no;
- true ->
- yes
- end.
-%% Thanks to Simon Cornish.
-%% Used to generate code that would not set {y,0} on
-%% all paths before its use (and therefore fail
-%% validation by the beam_validator).
-before_and_inside_if_2(XDo1, XDo2, Do3) ->
- Do1 = (XDo1 =/= []),
- Do2 = (XDo2 =/= []),
- CH1 = if Do1 == true;
- Do1 == false,Do2==false,Do3 == blah ->
- ch1;
- true ->
- no
- end,
- CH2 = if Do1 == true;
- Do1 == false,Do2==false,Do3 == xx ->
- ch2;
- true ->
- no
- end,
- {CH1,CH2}.
-record(state, {stack = []}).
slow_compilation(_) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/beam_block_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/beam_block_SUITE.erl
index 81f8d10687..d343e26737 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/beam_block_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/beam_block_SUITE.erl
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ all() ->
groups() ->
- [get_map_elements
+ [get_map_elements,
+ otp_7345
init_per_suite(Config) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/beam_bool_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/beam_bool_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84d634e5ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/beam_bool_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+%% %CopyrightBegin%
+%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2015-2016. All Rights Reserved.
+%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% %CopyrightEnd%
+ init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2,
+ before_and_inside_if/1,
+ scotland/1,y_registers/1]).
+suite() ->
+ [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
+all() ->
+ test_lib:recompile(?MODULE),
+ [{group,p}].
+groups() ->
+ [{p,[parallel],
+ [before_and_inside_if,
+ scotland,
+ y_registers
+ ]}].
+init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ Config.
+end_per_suite(_Config) ->
+ ok.
+init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
+ Config.
+end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
+ Config.
+before_and_inside_if(_Config) ->
+ no = before_and_inside_if([a], [b], delete),
+ no = before_and_inside_if([a], [b], x),
+ no = before_and_inside_if([a], [], delete),
+ no = before_and_inside_if([a], [], x),
+ no = before_and_inside_if([], [], delete),
+ yes = before_and_inside_if([], [], x),
+ yes = before_and_inside_if([], [b], delete),
+ yes = before_and_inside_if([], [b], x),
+ {ch1,ch2} = before_and_inside_if_2([a], [b], blah),
+ {ch1,ch2} = before_and_inside_if_2([a], [b], xx),
+ {ch1,ch2} = before_and_inside_if_2([a], [], blah),
+ {ch1,ch2} = before_and_inside_if_2([a], [], xx),
+ {no,no} = before_and_inside_if_2([], [b], blah),
+ {no,no} = before_and_inside_if_2([], [b], xx),
+ {ch1,no} = before_and_inside_if_2([], [], blah),
+ {no,ch2} = before_and_inside_if_2([], [], xx),
+ ok.
+%% Thanks to Simon Cornish and Kostis Sagonas.
+%% Used to crash beam_bool.
+before_and_inside_if(XDo1, XDo2, Do3) ->
+ Do1 = (XDo1 =/= []),
+ Do2 = (XDo2 =/= []),
+ if
+ %% This expression occurs in a try/catch (protected)
+ %% block, which cannot refer to variables outside of
+ %% the block that are boolean expressions.
+ Do1 =:= true;
+ Do1 =:= false, Do2 =:= false, Do3 =:= delete ->
+ no;
+ true ->
+ yes
+ end.
+%% Thanks to Simon Cornish.
+%% Used to generate code that would not set {y,0} on
+%% all paths before its use (and therefore fail
+%% validation by the beam_validator).
+before_and_inside_if_2(XDo1, XDo2, Do3) ->
+ Do1 = (XDo1 =/= []),
+ Do2 = (XDo2 =/= []),
+ CH1 = if Do1 == true;
+ Do1 == false,Do2==false,Do3 == blah ->
+ ch1;
+ true ->
+ no
+ end,
+ CH2 = if Do1 == true;
+ Do1 == false,Do2==false,Do3 == xx ->
+ ch2;
+ true ->
+ no
+ end,
+ {CH1,CH2}.
+%% beam_bool would remove the initialization of {y,0}.
+%% (Thanks to Thomas Arts and QuickCheck.)
+scotland(_Config) ->
+ million = do_scotland(placed),
+ {'EXIT',{{badmatch,placed},_}} = (catch do_scotland(false)),
+ {'EXIT',{{badmatch,placed},_}} = (catch do_scotland(true)),
+ {'EXIT',{{badmatch,placed},_}} = (catch do_scotland(echo)),
+ ok.
+do_scotland(Echo) ->
+ found(case Echo of
+ Echo when true; Echo, Echo, Echo ->
+ Echo;
+ echo ->
+ []
+ end,
+ Echo = placed).
+found(_, _) -> million.
+%% ERL-143: beam_bool could not handle Y registers as a destination.
+y_registers(_Config) ->
+ {'EXIT',{badarith,[_|_]}} = (catch baker(valentine)),
+ {'EXIT',{badarith,[_|_]}} = (catch baker(clementine)),
+ {not_ok,true} = potter([]),
+ {ok,false} = potter([{encoding,any}]),
+ ok.
+%% Thanks to Quickcheck.
+baker(Baker) ->
+ (valentine == Baker) +
+ case Baker of
+ Baker when Baker; Baker ->
+ Baker;
+ Baker ->
+ []
+ end.
+%% Thanks to Jose Valim.
+potter(Modes) ->
+ Raw = lists:keyfind(encoding, 1, Modes) == false,
+ Final = case Raw of
+ X when X == false; X == nil -> ok;
+ _ -> not_ok
+ end,
+ {Final,Raw}.
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE.erl
index e634f0fcc2..a15efc2a00 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/compile_SUITE.erl
@@ -693,8 +693,7 @@ core(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Outdir = filename:join(PrivDir, "core"),
ok = file:make_dir(Outdir),
- Wc = filename:join(filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)), "*.beam"),
- TestBeams = filelib:wildcard(Wc),
+ TestBeams = get_unique_beam_files(),
Abstr = [begin {ok,{Mod,[{abstract_code,
{raw_abstract_v1,Abstr}}]}} =
beam_lib:chunks(Beam, [abstract_code]),
@@ -755,8 +754,7 @@ core_roundtrip(Config) ->
Outdir = filename:join(PrivDir, atom_to_list(?FUNCTION_NAME)),
ok = file:make_dir(Outdir),
- Wc = filename:join(filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)), "*.beam"),
- TestBeams = filelib:wildcard(Wc),
+ TestBeams = get_unique_beam_files(),
test_lib:p_run(fun(F) -> do_core_roundtrip(F, Outdir) end, TestBeams).
do_core_roundtrip(Beam, Outdir) ->
@@ -781,8 +779,13 @@ do_core_roundtrip_1(Mod, Abstr, Outdir) ->
%% Primarily, test that annotations are accepted for all
%% constructs. Secondarily, smoke test cerl_trees:label/1.
- {Core,_} = cerl_trees:label(Core0),
- do_core_roundtrip_2(Mod, Core, Outdir).
+ {Core1,_} = cerl_trees:label(Core0),
+ do_core_roundtrip_2(Mod, Core1, Outdir),
+ %% Run the inliner to force generation of variables
+ %% with numeric names.
+ {ok,Mod,Core2} = compile:forms(Abstr, [inline,to_core]),
+ do_core_roundtrip_2(Mod, Core2, Outdir).
do_core_roundtrip_2(M, Core0, Outdir) ->
CoreFile = filename:join(Outdir, atom_to_list(M)++".core"),
@@ -870,8 +873,7 @@ asm(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Outdir = filename:join(PrivDir, "asm"),
ok = file:make_dir(Outdir),
- Wc = filename:join(filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)), "*.beam"),
- TestBeams = filelib:wildcard(Wc),
+ TestBeams = get_unique_beam_files(),
Res = test_lib:p_run(fun(F) -> do_asm(F, Outdir) end, TestBeams),
@@ -947,8 +949,7 @@ dialyzer(Config) ->
%% Test that warnings contain filenames and line numbers.
warnings(_Config) ->
- TestDir = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
- Files = filelib:wildcard(filename:join(TestDir, "*.erl")),
+ Files = get_unique_files(".erl"),
test_lib:p_run(fun do_warnings/1, Files).
do_warnings(F) ->
@@ -1102,3 +1103,14 @@ compile_and_verify(Name, Target, Opts) ->
beam_lib:chunks(Target, [compile_info]),
{options,BeamOpts} = lists:keyfind(options, 1, CInfo),
Opts = BeamOpts.
+get_unique_beam_files() ->
+ get_unique_files(".beam").
+get_unique_files(Ext) ->
+ Wc = filename:join(filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)), "*"++Ext),
+ [F || F <- filelib:wildcard(Wc), not is_cloned(F, Ext)].
+is_cloned(File, Ext) ->
+ Mod = list_to_atom(filename:basename(File, Ext)),
+ test_lib:is_cloned_mod(Mod).
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/fun_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/fun_SUITE.erl
index 17ff8601d9..16474adf5b 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/fun_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/fun_SUITE.erl
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
- external/1,eep37/1,eep37_dup/1,badarity/1]).
+ external/1,eep37/1,eep37_dup/1,badarity/1,badfun/1]).
%% Internal exports.
@@ -33,10 +33,12 @@ suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
all() ->
- [test1,overwritten_fun,otp_7202,bif_fun,external,eep37,eep37_dup,badarity].
+ [{group,p}].
-groups() ->
- [].
+groups() ->
+ [{p,[parallel],
+ [test1,overwritten_fun,otp_7202,bif_fun,external,eep37,
+ eep37_dup,badarity,badfun]}].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
@@ -221,5 +223,25 @@ badarity(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{'EXIT',{{badarity,{_,[]}},_}} = (catch (fun badarity/1)()),
+badfun(_Config) ->
+ X = not_a_fun,
+ expect_badfun(42, catch 42()),
+ expect_badfun(42.0, catch 42.0(1)),
+ expect_badfun(X, catch X()),
+ expect_badfun(X, catch X(1)),
+ Len = length(atom_to_list(X)),
+ expect_badfun(Len, catch begin length(atom_to_list(X)) end(1)),
+ expect_badfun(42, catch 42(put(?FUNCTION_NAME, yes))),
+ yes = erase(?FUNCTION_NAME),
+ expect_badfun(X, catch X(put(?FUNCTION_NAME, of_course))),
+ of_course = erase(?FUNCTION_NAME),
+ ok.
+expect_badfun(Term, Exit) ->
+ {'EXIT',{{badfun,Term},_}} = Exit.
id(I) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl
index 13d274d98a..83298e546e 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/guard_SUITE.erl
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- bad_constants/1,bad_guards/1,scotland/1,
+ bad_constants/1,bad_guards/1,
suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ groups() ->
- bad_constants,bad_guards,scotland,guard_in_catch]}].
+ bad_constants,bad_guards,guard_in_catch]}].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
@@ -1852,27 +1852,6 @@ bad_guards_2(M, [_]) when M#{a := 0, b => 0}, map_size(M) ->
bad_guards_3(M, [_]) when is_map(M) andalso M#{a := 0, b => 0}, length(M) ->
-%% beam_bool would remove the initialization of {y,0}.
-%% (Thanks to Thomas Arts and QuickCheck.)
-scotland(_Config) ->
- million = do_scotland(placed),
- {'EXIT',{{badmatch,placed},_}} = (catch do_scotland(false)),
- {'EXIT',{{badmatch,placed},_}} = (catch do_scotland(true)),
- {'EXIT',{{badmatch,placed},_}} = (catch do_scotland(echo)),
- ok.
-do_scotland(Echo) ->
- found(case Echo of
- Echo when true; Echo, Echo, Echo ->
- Echo;
- echo ->
- []
- end,
- Echo = placed).
-found(_, _) -> million.
%% Building maps in a guard in a 'catch' would crash v3_codegen.
guard_in_catch(_Config) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/test_lib.erl b/lib/compiler/test/test_lib.erl
index d141d86021..d5b79e2357 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/test_lib.erl
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- smoke_disasm/1,p_run/2,binary_part/2]).
+ is_cloned_mod/1,smoke_disasm/1,p_run/2,binary_part/2]).
id(I) -> I.
@@ -91,6 +91,17 @@ get_data_dir(Config) ->
Data = re:replace(Data1, "_post_opt_SUITE", "_SUITE", Opts),
re:replace(Data, "_inline_SUITE", "_SUITE", Opts).
+is_cloned_mod(Mod) ->
+ is_cloned_mod_1(atom_to_list(Mod)).
+%% Test whether Mod is a cloned module.
+is_cloned_mod_1("no_opt_SUITE") -> true;
+is_cloned_mod_1("post_opt_SUITE") -> true;
+is_cloned_mod_1("inline_SUITE") -> true;
+is_cloned_mod_1([_|T]) -> is_cloned_mod_1(T);
+is_cloned_mod_1([]) -> false.
%% p_run(fun(Data) -> ok|error, List) -> ok
%% Will fail the test case if there were any errors.
@@ -106,8 +117,9 @@ p_run(Test, List) ->
%% slightly faster than using 3. Using more than
%% 4 would not buy us much and could actually be
%% slower.
- max(S, 4)
+ min(S, 4)
+ io:format("p_run: ~p parallel processes\n", [N]),
p_run_loop(Test, List, N, [], 0, 0).
p_run_loop(_, [], _, [], Errors, Ws) ->
diff --git a/lib/compiler/test/trycatch_SUITE.erl b/lib/compiler/test/trycatch_SUITE.erl
index f7ad78cb8d..a591d6cc93 100644
--- a/lib/compiler/test/trycatch_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/compiler/test/trycatch_SUITE.erl
@@ -1034,6 +1034,9 @@ grab_bag(_Config) ->
+ %% Unnecessary catch.
+ 22 = (catch 22),
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
index 116260778c..d1ffa07706 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_contracts.erl
@@ -479,7 +479,8 @@ initialize_constraints([], _MFA, _RecDict, _ExpTypes, _AllRecords, Acc) ->
initialize_constraints([Constr|Rest], MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, Acc) ->
case Constr of
{type, _, constraint, [{atom, _, is_subtype}, [Type1, Type2]]} ->
- T1 = final_form(Type1, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, maps:new()),
+ VarTable = erl_types:var_table__new(),
+ T1 = final_form(Type1, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, VarTable),
Entry = {T1, Type2},
initialize_constraints(Rest, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, [Entry|Acc]);
{type, _, constraint, [{atom,_,Name}, List]} ->
@@ -489,8 +490,9 @@ initialize_constraints([Constr|Rest], MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, Acc) -
constraints_fixpoint(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
+ VarTable = erl_types:var_table__new(),
VarDict =
- constraints_to_dict(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, maps:new()),
+ constraints_to_dict(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarTable),
constraints_fixpoint(VarDict, MFA, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords).
constraints_fixpoint(OldVarDict, MFA, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
@@ -498,11 +500,11 @@ constraints_fixpoint(OldVarDict, MFA, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords) ->
constraints_to_dict(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, OldVarDict),
case NewVarDict of
OldVarDict ->
- DictFold =
+ Fun =
fun(Key, Value, Acc) ->
[{subtype, erl_types:t_var(Key), Value}|Acc]
- FinalConstrs = maps:fold(DictFold, [], NewVarDict),
+ FinalConstrs = maps:fold(Fun, [], NewVarDict),
{FinalConstrs, NewVarDict};
_Other ->
constraints_fixpoint(NewVarDict, MFA, Constrs, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords)
@@ -512,12 +514,12 @@ final_form(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, VarDict) ->
from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, VarDict).
from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords) ->
- from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, maps:new()).
+ VarTable = erl_types:var_table__new(),
+ from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, VarTable).
from_form_with_check(Form, ExpTypes, MFA, AllRecords, VarDict) ->
Site = {spec, MFA},
- erl_types:t_check_record_fields(Form, ExpTypes, Site, AllRecords,
- VarDict),
+ erl_types:t_check_record_fields(Form, ExpTypes, Site, AllRecords, VarDict),
erl_types:t_from_form(Form, ExpTypes, Site, AllRecords, VarDict).
constraints_to_dict(Constrs, MFA, RecDict, ExpTypes, AllRecords, VarDict) ->
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dep.erl b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dep.erl
index 6678037bc0..273c05c54c 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dep.erl
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dep.erl
@@ -59,8 +59,14 @@
%% separately.
--spec analyze(cerl:c_module()) ->
- {dict:dict(), ordsets:ordset('external' | label()), dict:dict(), dict:dict()}.
+-type dep_ordset() :: ordsets:ordset(label() | 'external').
+-type deps() :: dict:dict(label() | 'external' | 'top', dep_ordset()).
+-type esc() :: dep_ordset().
+-type calls() :: dict:dict(label(), ordsets:ordset(label())).
+-type letrecs() :: dict:dict(label(), label()).
+-spec analyze(cerl:c_module()) -> {deps(), esc(), calls(), letrecs()}.
analyze(Tree) ->
%% io:format("Handling ~w\n", [cerl:atom_val(cerl:module_name(Tree))]),
@@ -79,22 +85,26 @@ traverse(Tree, Out, State, CurrentFun) ->
apply ->
Op = cerl:apply_op(Tree),
Args = cerl:apply_args(Tree),
- %% Op is always a variable and should not be marked as escaping
- %% based on its use.
case var =:= cerl:type(Op) of
- false -> erlang:error({apply_op_not_a_variable, cerl:type(Op)});
- true -> ok
- end,
- OpFuns = case map__lookup(cerl_trees:get_label(Op), Out) of
- none -> output(none);
- {value, OF} -> OF
- end,
- {ArgFuns, State2} = traverse_list(Args, Out, State, CurrentFun),
- State3 = state__add_esc(merge_outs(ArgFuns), State2),
- State4 = state__add_deps(CurrentFun, OpFuns, State3),
- State5 = state__store_callsite(cerl_trees:get_label(Tree),
- OpFuns, length(Args), State4),
- {output(set__singleton(external)), State5};
+ false ->
+ %% We have discovered an error here, but we ignore it and let
+ %% later passes handle it; we do not modify the dependencies.
+ %% erlang:error({apply_op_not_a_variable, cerl:type(Op)});
+ {output(none), State};
+ true ->
+ %% Op is a variable and should not be marked as escaping
+ %% based on its use.
+ OpFuns = case map__lookup(cerl_trees:get_label(Op), Out) of
+ none -> output(none);
+ {value, OF} -> OF
+ end,
+ {ArgFuns, State2} = traverse_list(Args, Out, State, CurrentFun),
+ State3 = state__add_esc(merge_outs(ArgFuns), State2),
+ State4 = state__add_deps(CurrentFun, OpFuns, State3),
+ State5 = state__store_callsite(cerl_trees:get_label(Tree),
+ OpFuns, length(Args), State4),
+ {output(set__singleton(external)), State5}
+ end;
binary ->
{output(none), State};
'case' ->
@@ -481,11 +491,11 @@ all_vars(Tree, AccIn) ->
-type local_set() :: 'none' | #set{}.
--record(state, {deps :: dict:dict(),
+-record(state, {deps :: deps(),
esc :: local_set(),
- call :: dict:dict(),
- arities :: dict:dict(),
- letrecs :: dict:dict()}).
+ calls :: calls(),
+ arities :: dict:dict(label() | 'top', arity()),
+ letrecs :: letrecs()}).
state__new(Tree) ->
Exports = set__from_list([X || X <- cerl:module_exports(Tree)]),
@@ -503,7 +513,7 @@ state__new(Tree) ->
%% init the escaping function labels to exported + called from on_load
InitEsc = set__from_list(OnLoadLs ++ ExpLs),
Arities = cerl_trees:fold(fun find_arities/2, dict:new(), Tree),
- #state{deps = map__new(), esc = InitEsc, call = map__new(),
+ #state{deps = map__new(), esc = InitEsc, calls = map__new(),
arities = Arities, letrecs = map__new()}.
find_arities(Tree, AccMap) ->
@@ -518,7 +528,7 @@ find_arities(Tree, AccMap) ->
state__add_deps(_From, #output{content = none}, State) ->
-state__add_deps(From, #output{type = single, content=To},
+state__add_deps(From, #output{type = single, content = To},
#state{deps = Map} = State) ->
%% io:format("Adding deps from ~w to ~w\n", [From, set__to_ordsets(To)]),
State#state{deps = map__add(From, To, Map)}.
@@ -544,16 +554,16 @@ state__esc(#state{esc = Esc}) ->
state__store_callsite(_From, #output{content = none}, _CallArity, State) ->
state__store_callsite(From, To, CallArity,
- #state{call = Calls, arities = Arities} = State) ->
+ #state{calls = Calls, arities = Arities} = State) ->
Filter = fun(external) -> true;
(Fun) -> CallArity =:= dict:fetch(Fun, Arities)
case filter_outs(To, Filter) of
#output{content = none} -> State;
- To1 -> State#state{call = map__store(From, To1, Calls)}
+ To1 -> State#state{calls = map__store(From, To1, Calls)}
-state__calls(#state{call = Calls}) ->
+state__calls(#state{calls = Calls}) ->
diff --git a/lib/dialyzer/vsn.mk b/lib/dialyzer/vsn.mk
index 77ea9d0413..077fe01e85 100644
--- a/lib/dialyzer/vsn.mk
+++ b/lib/dialyzer/vsn.mk
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/lib/diameter/doc/src/diameter.xml b/lib/diameter/doc/src/diameter.xml
index 66daf6bb0b..d68a78ed6d 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/doc/src/diameter.xml
+++ b/lib/diameter/doc/src/diameter.xml
@@ -1764,11 +1764,13 @@ An example return value with for a client service with Origin-Host
+ {{{0,258,0},recv,{'Result-Code',2001}},3},
- {{{0,258,0},recv,{'Result-Code',2001}},3},
+ {{{0,257,0},recv,{'Result-Code',2001}},1},
- {{{0,280,0},send},2}]}]]
+ {{{0,280,0},send},2},
+ {{{0,280,0},send,{'Result-Code',2001}},2}]}]]
@@ -1844,13 +1846,16 @@ connection might look as follows.</p>
- {{{0,258,0},send,{'Result-Code',2001}},3},
+ {{{0,280,0},recv,{'Result-Code',2001}},7},
+ {{{0,258,0},send,{'Result-Code',2001}},3},
+ {{{0,280,0},send,{'Result-Code',2001}},5},
- {{{0,257,0},send},1}]}]]
+ {{{0,257,0},send},1},
+ {{{0,257,0},send,{'Result-Code',2001}},1}]}]]
@@ -1918,13 +1923,16 @@ A return value for the server above might look as follows.</p>
- {{{0,258,0},send,{'Result-Code',2001}},3},
+ {{{0,280,0},recv,{'Result-Code',2001}},62},
+ {{{0,258,0},send,{'Result-Code',2001}},3},
+ {{{0,280,0},send,{'Result-Code',2001}},66},
- {{{0,257,0},send},1}]}]]
+ {{{0,257,0},send},1},
+ {{{0,257,0},send,{'Result-Code',2001}},1}]}]]
diff --git a/lib/diameter/src/diameter.appup.src b/lib/diameter/src/diameter.appup.src
index 12b09889d1..618d5a7f10 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/src/diameter.appup.src
+++ b/lib/diameter/src/diameter.appup.src
@@ -47,10 +47,9 @@
{"", [{restart_application, diameter}]}, %%
{"", [{restart_application, diameter}]}, %%
{"1.10", [{restart_application, diameter}]}, %% 18.0
- {"1.11", [{load_module, diameter_traffic}, %% 18.1
- {update, diameter_service, {advanced, []}}]},
- {"1.11.1", [{load_module, diameter_traffic}, %% 18.2
- {update, diameter_service, {advanced, []}}]}
+ {"1.11", [{restart_application, diameter}]}, %% 18.1
+ {"1.11.1", [{restart_application, diameter}]}, %% 18.2
+ {"1.11.2", [{restart_application, diameter}]} %% 18.3
{"0.9", [{restart_application, diameter}]},
@@ -80,6 +79,7 @@
{"", [{restart_application, diameter}]},
{"1.10", [{restart_application, diameter}]},
{"1.11", [{restart_application, diameter}]},
- {"1.11.1", [{restart_application, diameter}]}
+ {"1.11.1", [{restart_application, diameter}]},
+ {"1.11.2", [{restart_application, diameter}]}
diff --git a/lib/diameter/vsn.mk b/lib/diameter/vsn.mk
index 836def8447..cb750c69a3 100644
--- a/lib/diameter/vsn.mk
+++ b/lib/diameter/vsn.mk
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# %CopyrightBegin%
-# Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2015. All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2016. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -17,5 +17,5 @@
# %CopyrightEnd%
APPLICATION = diameter
-DIAMETER_VSN = 1.11.2
diff --git a/lib/eldap/src/eldap.erl b/lib/eldap/src/eldap.erl
index dc236f8a44..625309271b 100644
--- a/lib/eldap/src/eldap.erl
+++ b/lib/eldap/src/eldap.erl
@@ -564,7 +564,12 @@ loop(Cpid, Data) ->
?MODULE:loop(Cpid, NewData);
{_From, close} ->
- {no_reply,_NewData} = do_unbind(Data),
+ % Ignore tcp error if connection is already closed.
+ try do_unbind(Data) of
+ {no_reply,_NewData} -> ok
+ catch
+ throw:{gen_tcp_error, _TcpErr} -> ok
+ end,
diff --git a/lib/eldap/test/eldap_basic_SUITE.erl b/lib/eldap/test/eldap_basic_SUITE.erl
index 9a23f74e22..536e891a1e 100644
--- a/lib/eldap/test/eldap_basic_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/eldap/test/eldap_basic_SUITE.erl
@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ connection_tests() ->
- client_side_search_timeout
+ client_side_search_timeout,
+ close_after_tcp_error
@@ -312,6 +313,30 @@ tcp_connection(Config) ->
+close_after_tcp_error(Config) ->
+ Host = proplists:get_value(listen_host, Config),
+ Port = proplists:get_value(listen_port, Config),
+ Opts = proplists:get_value(tcp_connect_opts, Config),
+ T = 1000,
+ case eldap:open([Host], [{timeout,T},{port,Port}|Opts]) of
+ {ok,H} ->
+ Sl = proplists:get_value(listen_socket, Config),
+ gen_tcp:close(Sl),
+ {error,{gen_tcp_error,closed}} = eldap:simple_bind(H, anon, anon),
+ ok = eldap:close(H),
+ wait_for_close(H);
+ Other -> ct:fail("eldap:open failed: ~p",[Other])
+ end.
+wait_for_close(H) ->
+ case erlang:is_process_alive(H) of
+ true -> timer:sleep(100),
+ wait_for_close(H);
+ false -> ok
+ end.
ssl_connection(Config) ->
Host = proplists:get_value(listen_host, Config),
Port = proplists:get_value(ssl_listen_port, Config),
diff --git a/lib/et/doc/src/et_desc.xmlsrc b/lib/et/doc/src/et_desc.xmlsrc
index 96a4a9df31..29e0ab1fe3 100644
--- a/lib/et/doc/src/et_desc.xmlsrc
+++ b/lib/et/doc/src/et_desc.xmlsrc
@@ -55,13 +55,12 @@
<code type="none"><![CDATA[
- % erl -pa et/examples
- Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4]
- [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
+% erl -pa et/examples
+Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
- Eshell V5.7.4 (abort with ^G)
- 1> {ok, Viewer} = et_viewer:start([]).
- {ok,<0.40.0>}]]></code>
+Eshell V5.7.4 (abort with ^G)
+1> {ok, Viewer} = et_viewer:start([]).
<p>A <c>Viewer</c> gets trace <c>Events</c> from its
<c>Collector</c> by polling it regularly for more <c>Events</c> to
@@ -69,40 +68,38 @@
<c>Collector</c> with <c>et_collector:report_event/6</c>:</p>
<code type="none"><![CDATA[
- 2> Collector = et_viewer:get_collector_pid(Viewer).
- <0.39.0>
- 3> et_collector:report_event(Collector, 60, my_shell, mnesia_tm, start_outer,
- 3> "Start outer transaction"),
- 3> et_collector:report_event(Collector, 40, mnesia_tm, my_shell, new_tid,
- 3> "New transaction id is 4711"),
- 3> et_collector:report_event(Collector, 20, my_shell, mnesia_locker, try_write_lock,
- 3> "Acquire write lock for {my_tab, key}"),
- 3> et_collector:report_event(Collector, 10, mnesia_locker, my_shell, granted,
- 3> "You got the write lock for {my_tab, key}"),
- 3> et_collector:report_event(Collector, 60, my_shell, do_commit,
- 3> "Perform transaction commit"),
- 3> et_collector:report_event(Collector, 40, my_shell, mnesia_locker, release_tid,
- 3> "Release all locks for transaction 4711"),
- 3> et_collector:report_event(Collector, 60, my_shell, mnesia_tm, delete_transaction,
- 3> "End of outer transaction"),
- 3> et_collector:report_event(Collector, 20, my_shell, end_outer,
- 3> "Transaction returned {atomic, ok}").
- {ok,{table_handle,<0.39.0>,16402,trace_ts,
- #Fun<et_collector.0.62831470>}}]]></code>
+2> Collector = et_viewer:get_collector_pid(Viewer).
+3> et_collector:report_event(Collector, 60, my_shell, mnesia_tm, start_outer,
+3> "Start outer transaction"),
+3> et_collector:report_event(Collector, 40, mnesia_tm, my_shell, new_tid,
+3> "New transaction id is 4711"),
+3> et_collector:report_event(Collector, 20, my_shell, mnesia_locker, try_write_lock,
+3> "Acquire write lock for {my_tab, key}"),
+3> et_collector:report_event(Collector, 10, mnesia_locker, my_shell, granted,
+3> "You got the write lock for {my_tab, key}"),
+3> et_collector:report_event(Collector, 60, my_shell, do_commit,
+3> "Perform transaction commit"),
+3> et_collector:report_event(Collector, 40, my_shell, mnesia_locker, release_tid,
+3> "Release all locks for transaction 4711"),
+3> et_collector:report_event(Collector, 60, my_shell, mnesia_tm, delete_transaction,
+3> "End of outer transaction"),
+3> et_collector:report_event(Collector, 20, my_shell, end_outer,
+3> "Transaction returned {atomic, ok}").
+ #Fun<et_collector.0.62831470>}}]]></code>
<p>This actually is a simulation of the process <c>Events</c>
caused by a <c>Mnesia</c> transaction that writes a record in a local
<code type="none"><![CDATA[
- mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write({my_tab, key, val}) end).]]></code>
+mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write({my_tab, key, val}) end).]]></code>
<p>At this stage when we have a couple of <c>Events</c>, it is time to
show how it looks like in the graphical interface of
- <p></p>
<image file="sim_trans.png">
<icaption>A simulated Mnesia transaction which writes one record</icaption>
@@ -144,11 +141,11 @@
<code type="none"><![CDATA[
- filter(TraceData) -> false | true | {true, NewEvent}
+filter(TraceData) -> false | true | {true, NewEvent}
- TraceData = Event | erlang_trace_data()
- Event = #event{}
- NewEvent = #event{}]]></code>
+TraceData = Event | erlang_trace_data()
+Event = #event{}
+NewEvent = #event{}]]></code>
<p>The interface of the filter function is the same as the the
filter functions for the good old <c>lists:filtermap/2</c>. If the filter
@@ -204,10 +201,10 @@
<code type="none"><![CDATA[
- 4> Fun = fun(E) -> et_demo:mgr_actors(E) end.
- #Fun<erl_eval.6.13229925>
- 5> et_collector:dict_insert(Collector, {filter, mgr_actors}, Fun).
- ok]]></code>
+4> Fun = fun(E) -> et_demo:mgr_actors(E) end.
+5> et_collector:dict_insert(Collector, {filter, mgr_actors}, Fun).
<p>you will see that the <c>Filter</c> menu in all viewers have
got a new entry called <c>mgr_actors</c>. Select it, and a new
@@ -228,21 +225,16 @@
<c>Contents Viewer</c> window to pop up, showing the <c>Event</c>
in the <c>mgr_actors</c> view:</p>
- <p></p>
<image file="sim_trans_contents_viewer_mgr_actors.png">
- <icaption>The trace <c>Event</c> in the mgr_actors view</icaption>
+ <icaption>The trace Event in the mgr_actors view</icaption>
<p>Select the <c>all</c> entry in the <c>Filters</c> menu
and a new <c>Contents Viewer window</c> will pop up showing the
same trace <c>Event</c> in the collectors view:</p>
- <p></p>
<image file="sim_trans_contents_viewer_collector.png">
- <icaption>The same trace <c>Event</c> in the collectors
- view</icaption>
+ <icaption>The same trace Event in the collectors view</icaption>
@@ -311,7 +303,7 @@
<c>et_collector</c> or <c>et_viewer</c> in order to activate the
global tracing. There is no restriction on how many concurrent
(anonymous) collectors you can have, but you can only have one
- <b>global</b> <c>Collector</c> as its name is registered in
+ <em>global</em> <c>Collector</c> as its name is registered in
<p>In order to further simplify the tracing, you can make use of
diff --git a/lib/et/doc/src/et_examples.xmlsrc b/lib/et/doc/src/et_examples.xmlsrc
index 6f143a397e..f4d94f7cb0 100644
--- a/lib/et/doc/src/et_examples.xmlsrc
+++ b/lib/et/doc/src/et_examples.xmlsrc
@@ -55,34 +55,32 @@
<code type="none"><![CDATA[
- mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write({my_tab, key, val}) end).]]></code>
+mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write({my_tab, key, val}) end).]]></code>
<p>And the viewer window will look like:</p>
<code type="none"><![CDATA[
- Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4]
- [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
+Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
- Eshell V5.7.4 (abort with ^G)
- 1> {ok, Viewer} = et_viewer:start([]).
- {ok,<0.40.0>;}
- 2> et_demo:sim_trans().
- {ok,{table_handle,<0.45.0>,24596,trace_ts,
- #Fun<et_collector.0.62831470>}}]]></code>
+Eshell V5.7.4 (abort with ^G)
+1> {ok, Viewer} = et_viewer:start([]).
+2> et_demo:sim_trans().
+ #Fun<et_collector.0.62831470>}}]]></code>
<image file="sim_trans.png">
- <icaption>A simulated <c>Mnesia</c> transaction which writes one
- record</icaption>
+ <icaption>A simulated Mnesia transaction which writes one record</icaption>
- <title>Some convenient functions used in the <c>Mnesia</c> transaction
+ <title>Some convenient functions used in the Mnesia transaction
<p>The <c>module_as_actor</c> filter converts the <c>Event
@@ -173,21 +171,19 @@
<code type="none"><![CDATA[
- erl -pa ../examples
- Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4]
- [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
+erl -pa ../examples
+Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4]
+ [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
- Eshell V5.7.4 (abort with ^G)
- 1> et_demo:live_trans().
- {atomic,ok}]]></code>
+Eshell V5.7.4 (abort with ^G)
+1> et_demo:live_trans().
<p>Please, explore the different filters in order to see how the traced
transaction can be seen from different point of views:</p>
- <p></p>
<image file="live_trans.png">
- <icaption>A real <c>Mnesia</c> transaction which writes one record</icaption>
+ <icaption>A real Mnesia transaction which writes one record</icaption>
@@ -215,20 +211,20 @@
<code type="none"><![CDATA[
- -module(megaco_filter).
- -export([start/0]).
- start() ->
- Options =
- [{event_order, event_ts},
- {scale, 3},
- {max_actors, infinity},
- {trace_pattern, {megaco, max}},
- {trace_global, true},
- {dict_insert, {filter, megaco_filter}, fun filter/1},
- {active_filter, megaco_filter},
- {title, "Megaco tracer - Erlang/OTP"}],
- et_viewer:start(Options).]]></code>
+start() ->
+ Options =
+ [{event_order, event_ts},
+ {scale, 3},
+ {max_actors, infinity},
+ {trace_pattern, {megaco, max}},
+ {trace_global, true},
+ {dict_insert, {filter, megaco_filter}, fun filter/1},
+ {active_filter, megaco_filter},
+ {title, "Megaco tracer - Erlang/OTP"}],
+ et_viewer:start(Options).]]></code>
<p>First we start an Erlang node with a global <c>Collector</c>
and its <c>Viewer</c>.</p>
@@ -236,13 +232,12 @@
<code type="none"><![CDATA[
- erl -sname observer
- Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4]
- [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
+erl -sname observer
+Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
- Eshell V5.7.4 (abort with ^G)
- (observer@falco)1> megaco_filter:start().
- {ok,<0.48.0>}]]></code>
+Eshell V5.7.4 (abort with ^G)
+(observer@falco)1> megaco_filter:start().
<p>Secondly we start another Erlang node which we connect the
observer node, before we start the application that we want to
@@ -253,28 +248,27 @@
<code type="none"><![CDATA[
- erl -sname mgc -pa ../../megaco/examples/simple
- Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4]
- [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
- Eshell V5.7.4 (abort with ^G)
- (mgc@falco)1> net:ping(observer@falco).
- pong
- (mgc@falco)2> megaco:start().
- ok
- (mgc@falco)3> megaco_simple_mgc:start().
- {ok,[{ok,2944,
- {megaco_receive_handle,{deviceName,"controller"},
- megaco_pretty_text_encoder,[],megaco_tcp,dynamic}},
- {ok,2944,
- {megaco_receive_handle,{deviceName,"controller"},
- megaco_pretty_text_encoder,[],megaco_udp,dynamic}},
- {ok,2945,
- {megaco_receive_handle,{deviceName,"controller"},
- megaco_binary_encoder,[],megaco_tcp,dynamic}},
- {ok,2945,
- {megaco_receive_handle,{deviceName,"controller"},
- megaco_binary_encoder,[],megaco_udp,dynamic}}]}]]></code>
+erl -sname mgc -pa ../../megaco/examples/simple
+Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
+Eshell V5.7.4 (abort with ^G)
+(mgc@falco)1> net:ping(observer@falco).
+(mgc@falco)2> megaco:start().
+(mgc@falco)3> megaco_simple_mgc:start().
+ {megaco_receive_handle,{deviceName,"controller"},
+ megaco_pretty_text_encoder,[],megaco_tcp,dynamic}},
+ {ok,2944,
+ {megaco_receive_handle,{deviceName,"controller"},
+ megaco_pretty_text_encoder,[],megaco_udp,dynamic}},
+ {ok,2945,
+ {megaco_receive_handle,{deviceName,"controller"},
+ megaco_binary_encoder,[],megaco_tcp,dynamic}},
+ {ok,2945,
+ {megaco_receive_handle,{deviceName,"controller"},
+ megaco_binary_encoder,[],megaco_udp,dynamic}}]}]]></code>
<p>And finally we start an Erlang node for the Media Gateways and
connect to the observer node. Each Media Gateway connects to the
@@ -288,94 +282,87 @@
<code type="none"><![CDATA[
- Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4]
- [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
- Eshell V5.7.4 (abort with ^G)
- (mg@falco)1> net:ping(observer@falco).
- pong
- (mg@falco)2> megaco_simple_mg:start().
- [{{deviceName,"gateway_tt"},
- {error,{start_user,megaco_not_started}}},
- {{deviceName,"gateway_tb"},
- {error,{start_user,megaco_not_started}}},
- {{deviceName,"gateway_ut"},
- {error,{start_user,megaco_not_started}}},
- {{deviceName,"gateway_ub"},
- {error,{start_user,megaco_not_started}}}]
- (mg@falco)3> megaco:start().
- ok
- (mg@falco)4> megaco_simple_mg:start().
- [{{deviceName,"gateway_tt"},
- {1,
- {ok,[{'ActionReply',0,asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE,
- [{serviceChangeReply,
- {'ServiceChangeReply',
- [{megaco_term_id,false,["root"]}],
- {serviceChangeResParms,
- {'ServiceChangeResParm',
- {deviceName,"controller"},
- asn1_NOVALUE}}}}]}]}}},
- {{deviceName,"gateway_tb"},
- {1,
- {ok,[{'ActionReply',0,asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE,
- [{serviceChangeReply,
- {'ServiceChangeReply',
- [{megaco_term_id,false,["root"]}],
- {serviceChangeResParms,
- {'ServiceChangeResParm',
- {deviceName,"controller"},
- asn1_NOVALUE}}}}]}]}}},
- {{deviceName,"gateway_ut"},
- {1,
- {ok,[{'ActionReply',0,asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE,
- [{serviceChangeReply,
- {'ServiceChangeReply',
- [{megaco_term_id,false,["root"]}],
- {serviceChangeResParms,
- {'ServiceChangeResParm',
- {deviceName,"controller"},
- asn1_NOVALUE}}}}]}]}}},
- {{deviceName,"gateway_ub"},
- {1,
- {ok,[{'ActionReply',0,asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE,
- [{serviceChangeReply,
- {'ServiceChangeReply',
- [{megaco_term_id,false,["root"]}],
- {serviceChangeResParms,
- {'ServiceChangeResParm',
- {deviceName,"controller"},
- asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE,
- asn1_NOVALUE,...}}}}]}]}}}]]]></code>
+Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
+Eshell V5.7.4 (abort with ^G)
+(mg@falco)1> net:ping(observer@falco).
+(mg@falco)2> megaco_simple_mg:start().
+ {error,{start_user,megaco_not_started}}},
+ {{deviceName,"gateway_tb"},
+ {error,{start_user,megaco_not_started}}},
+ {{deviceName,"gateway_ut"},
+ {error,{start_user,megaco_not_started}}},
+ {{deviceName,"gateway_ub"},
+ {error,{start_user,megaco_not_started}}}]
+(mg@falco)3> megaco:start().
+(mg@falco)4> megaco_simple_mg:start().
+ {1,
+ {ok,[{'ActionReply',0,asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE,
+ [{serviceChangeReply,
+ {'ServiceChangeReply',
+ [{megaco_term_id,false,["root"]}],
+ {serviceChangeResParms,
+ {'ServiceChangeResParm',
+ {deviceName,"controller"},
+ asn1_NOVALUE}}}}]}]}}},
+ {{deviceName,"gateway_tb"},
+ {1,
+ {ok,[{'ActionReply',0,asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE,
+ [{serviceChangeReply,
+ {'ServiceChangeReply',
+ [{megaco_term_id,false,["root"]}],
+ {serviceChangeResParms,
+ {'ServiceChangeResParm',
+ {deviceName,"controller"},
+ asn1_NOVALUE}}}}]}]}}},
+ {{deviceName,"gateway_ut"},
+ {1,
+ {ok,[{'ActionReply',0,asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE,
+ [{serviceChangeReply,
+ {'ServiceChangeReply',
+ [{megaco_term_id,false,["root"]}],
+ {serviceChangeResParms,
+ {'ServiceChangeResParm',
+ {deviceName,"controller"},
+ asn1_NOVALUE}}}}]}]}}},
+ {{deviceName,"gateway_ub"},
+ {1,
+ {ok,[{'ActionReply',0,asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE,
+ [{serviceChangeReply,
+ {'ServiceChangeReply',
+ [{megaco_term_id,false,["root"]}],
+ {serviceChangeResParms,
+ {'ServiceChangeResParm',
+ {deviceName,"controller"},
+ asn1_NOVALUE,asn1_NOVALUE,
+ asn1_NOVALUE,...}}}}]}]}}}]]]></code>
<p>The <c>Megaco</c> adopted viewer looks like this, when we have clicked
- on the <b>[gateway_tt]</b> actor name in order to only display the events
+ on the <em>[gateway_tt]</em> actor name in order to only display the events
regarding that actor:</p>
- <p></p>
<image file="megaco_tracer.png">
<icaption>The viewer adopted for Megaco</icaption>
<p>A pretty printed <c>Megaco</c> message looks like this:</p>
- <p></p>
<image file="megaco_filter.png">
- <icaption>A textual <c>Megaco</c> message</icaption>
+ <icaption>A textual Megaco message</icaption>
<p>And the corresponding internal form for the same <c>Megaco</c> message
looks like this:</p>
- <p></p>
<image file="megaco_collector.png">
- <icaption>The internal form of a <c>Megaco</c> message</icaption>
+ <icaption>The internal form of a Megaco message</icaption>
diff --git a/lib/et/doc/src/et_tutorial.xmlsrc b/lib/et/doc/src/et_tutorial.xmlsrc
index b5d1b815be..b6e1ca141c 100644
--- a/lib/et/doc/src/et_tutorial.xmlsrc
+++ b/lib/et/doc/src/et_tutorial.xmlsrc
@@ -75,12 +75,10 @@
<codeinclude file="../../examples/et_display_demo.erl" tag="%module" type="erl"></codeinclude>
<p>When you run the <c>et_display_demo:test().</c> function in the
- example above, the <c>Viewer</c> window will look like this:</p>.
- <p></p>
+ example above, the <c>Viewer</c> window will look like this:</p>
<image file="coffee_order.png">
- <icaption>Screenshot of the <c>Viewer</c> window</icaption>
+ <icaption>Screenshot of the Viewer window</icaption>
@@ -262,14 +260,11 @@
<p>When you run the <c>et_trace_demo:test()</c> function above, the
- <c>Viewer</c> window will look like this screenshot:</p>.
+ <c>Viewer</c> window will look like this screenshot:</p>
- <p></p>
<image file="coffee_order.png">
- <icaption>Screenshot of the <c>Viewer</c> window</icaption>
+ <icaption>Screenshot of the Viewer window</icaption>
diff --git a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
index 84addcc105..b037a4360c 100644
--- a/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
+++ b/lib/hipe/cerl/erl_types.erl
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@
+ var_table__new/0,
@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@
--export_type([erl_type/0, opaques/0, type_table/0]).
+-export_type([erl_type/0, opaques/0, type_table/0, var_table/0]).
%%-define(DEBUG, true).
@@ -380,7 +381,7 @@
-type type_table() :: dict:dict(record_key() | type_key(),
record_value() | type_value()).
--type var_table() :: #{atom() => erl_type()}.
+-opaque var_table() :: #{atom() => erl_type()}.
%% Unions
@@ -5464,6 +5465,17 @@ family(L) ->
+%% Interface functions for abstract data types defined in this module
+-spec var_table__new() -> var_table().
+var_table__new() ->
+ maps:new().
%% Consistency-testing function(s) below
diff --git a/lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_response.erl b/lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_response.erl
index c0b5f09faf..1374b7e85e 100644
--- a/lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_response.erl
+++ b/lib/inets/src/http_server/httpd_response.erl
@@ -390,8 +390,7 @@ send_response_old(#mod{socket_type = Type,
send_header(ModData, StatusCode, [{content_length,
httpd_socket:deliver(Type, Sock, NewResponse);
- {error, _Reason} ->
+ _ ->
send_status(ModData, 500, "Internal Server Error")
diff --git a/lib/inets/src/http_server/mod_htaccess.erl b/lib/inets/src/http_server/mod_htaccess.erl
index 2bc0d79218..7b742bba24 100644
--- a/lib/inets/src/http_server/mod_htaccess.erl
+++ b/lib/inets/src/http_server/mod_htaccess.erl
@@ -412,8 +412,8 @@ getAuthenticatingDataFromHeader(Info)->
case httpd_util:split(UnCodedString,":",2) of
- {error,Error}->
- {error,Error}
+ Other ->
+ {error, Other}
BadCredentials ->
diff --git a/lib/inets/src/inets_app/Makefile b/lib/inets/src/inets_app/Makefile
index a294381f67..1d870c14e8 100644
--- a/lib/inets/src/inets_app/Makefile
+++ b/lib/inets/src/inets_app/Makefile
@@ -49,8 +49,7 @@ MODULES = \
inets_sup \
inets_trace \
inets_lib \
- inets_time_compat \
- inets_regexp
+ inets_time_compat
INTERNAL_HRL_FILES = inets_internal.hrl
EXTERNAL_HRL_FILES = ../../include/httpd.hrl \
diff --git a/lib/inets/src/inets_app/inets.app.src b/lib/inets/src/inets_app/inets.app.src
index abf8c0cdea..5706a335d7 100644
--- a/lib/inets/src/inets_app/inets.app.src
+++ b/lib/inets/src/inets_app/inets.app.src
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
- inets_regexp,
%% FTP
diff --git a/lib/inets/src/inets_app/inets_regexp.erl b/lib/inets/src/inets_app/inets_regexp.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index fc1608bc5a..0000000000
--- a/lib/inets/src/inets_app/inets_regexp.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-%% %CopyrightBegin%
-%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009. All Rights Reserved.
-%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% %CopyrightEnd%
--export([parse/1, match/2, first_match/2, split/2, sub/3, gsub/3]).
-%%% API
-%% parse(RegExp) -> {ok, RE} | {error, E}.
-%% Parse the regexp described in the string RegExp.
-parse(S) ->
- case (catch reg(S)) of
- {R, []} ->
- {ok, R};
- {_R, [C|_]} ->
- {error, {illegal, [C]}};
- {error, E} ->
- {error, E}
- end.
-%% Find the longest match of RegExp in String.
-match(S, RegExp) when is_list(RegExp) ->
- case parse(RegExp) of
- {ok,RE} -> match(S, RE);
- {error,E} -> {error,E}
- end;
-match(S, RE) ->
- case match(RE, S, 1, 0, -1) of
- {Start,Len} when Len >= 0 ->
- {match, Start, Len};
- {_Start,_Len} ->
- nomatch
- end.
-%% Find the first match of RegExp in String.
-first_match(S, RegExp) when is_list(RegExp) ->
- case parse(RegExp) of
- {ok, RE} ->
- first_match(S, RE);
- {error, E} ->
- {error, E}
- end;
-first_match(S, RE) ->
- case first_match(RE, S, 1) of
- {Start,Len} when Len >= 0 ->
- {match, Start,Len};
- nomatch ->
- nomatch
- end.
-first_match(RE, S, St) when S =/= [] ->
- case re_apply(S, St, RE) of
- {match, P, _Rest} ->
- {St, P-St};
- nomatch ->
- first_match(RE, tl(S), St+1)
- end;
-first_match(_RE, [], _St) ->
- nomatch.
-match(RE, S, St, Pos, L) ->
- case first_match(RE, S, St) of
- {St1, L1} ->
- Nst = St1 + 1,
- if L1 > L ->
- match(RE, lists:nthtail(Nst-St, S), Nst, St1, L1);
- true ->
- match(RE, lists:nthtail(Nst-St, S), Nst, Pos, L)
- end;
- nomatch ->
- {Pos, L}
- end.
-%% Split a string into substrings where the RegExp describes the
-%% field seperator. The RegExp " " is specially treated.
-split(String, " ") -> %This is really special
- {ok, RE} = parse("[ \t]+"),
- case split_apply(String, RE, true) of
- [[]|Ss] ->
- {ok,Ss};
- Ss ->
- {ok,Ss}
- end;
-split(String, RegExp) when is_list(RegExp) ->
- case parse(RegExp) of
- {ok, RE} ->
- {ok, split_apply(String, RE, false)};
- {error, E} ->
- {error,E}
- end;
-split(String, RE) ->
- {ok, split_apply(String, RE, false)}.
-%% Substitute the first match of the regular expression RegExp
-%% with the string Replace in String. Accept pre-parsed regular
-%% expressions.
-sub(String, RegExp, Rep) when is_list(RegExp) ->
- case parse(RegExp) of
- {ok, RE} ->
- sub(String, RE, Rep);
- {error, E} ->
- {error, E}
- end;
-sub(String, RE, Rep) ->
- Ss = sub_match(String, RE, 1),
- {ok, sub_repl(Ss, Rep, String, 1), length(Ss)}.
-%% Substitute every match of the regular expression RegExp with
-%% the string New in String. Accept pre-parsed regular expressions.
-gsub(String, RegExp, Rep) when is_list(RegExp) ->
- case parse(RegExp) of
- {ok, RE} ->
- gsub(String, RE, Rep);
- {error, E} ->
- {error, E}
- end;
-gsub(String, RE, Rep) ->
- Ss = matches(String, RE, 1),
- {ok, sub_repl(Ss, Rep, String, 1), length(Ss)}.
-%%% Internal functions
-%% This is the regular expression grammar used. It is equivalent to the
-%% one used in AWK, except that we allow ^ $ to be used anywhere and fail
-%% in the matching.
-%% reg -> reg1 : '$1'.
-%% reg1 -> reg1 "|" reg2 : {'or','$1','$2'}.
-%% reg1 -> reg2 : '$1'.
-%% reg2 -> reg2 reg3 : {concat,'$1','$2'}.
-%% reg2 -> reg3 : '$1'.
-%% reg3 -> reg3 "*" : {kclosure,'$1'}.
-%% reg3 -> reg3 "+" : {pclosure,'$1'}.
-%% reg3 -> reg3 "?" : {optional,'$1'}.
-%% reg3 -> reg4 : '$1'.
-%% reg4 -> "(" reg ")" : '$2'.
-%% reg4 -> "\\" char : '$2'.
-%% reg4 -> "^" : bos.
-%% reg4 -> "$" : eos.
-%% reg4 -> "." : char.
-%% reg4 -> "[" class "]" : {char_class,char_class('$2')}
-%% reg4 -> "[" "^" class "]" : {comp_class,char_class('$3')}
-%% reg4 -> "\"" chars "\"" : char_string('$2')
-%% reg4 -> char : '$1'.
-%% reg4 -> empty : epsilon.
-%% The grammar of the current regular expressions. The actual parser
-%% is a recursive descent implementation of the grammar.
-reg(S) -> reg1(S).
-%% reg1 -> reg2 reg1'
-%% reg1' -> "|" reg2
-%% reg1' -> empty
-reg1(S0) ->
- {L,S1} = reg2(S0),
- reg1p(S1, L).
-reg1p([$||S0], L) ->
- {R,S1} = reg2(S0),
- reg1p(S1, {'or',L,R});
-reg1p(S, L) -> {L,S}.
-%% reg2 -> reg3 reg2'
-%% reg2' -> reg3
-%% reg2' -> empty
-reg2(S0) ->
- {L,S1} = reg3(S0),
- reg2p(S1, L).
-reg2p([C|S0], L) when (C =/= $|) andalso (C =/= $)) ->
- {R,S1} = reg3([C|S0]),
- reg2p(S1, {concat,L,R});
-reg2p(S, L) -> {L,S}.
-%% reg3 -> reg4 reg3'
-%% reg3' -> "*" reg3'
-%% reg3' -> "+" reg3'
-%% reg3' -> "?" reg3'
-%% reg3' -> empty
-reg3(S0) ->
- {L,S1} = reg4(S0),
- reg3p(S1, L).
-reg3p([$*|S], L) -> reg3p(S, {kclosure,L});
-reg3p([$+|S], L) -> reg3p(S, {pclosure,L});
-reg3p([$?|S], L) -> reg3p(S, {optional,L});
-reg3p(S, L) -> {L,S}.
-reg4([$(|S0]) ->
- case reg(S0) of
- {R,[$)|S1]} -> {R,S1};
- {_R,_S} -> throw({error,{unterminated,"("}})
- end;
- when ((O1 >= $0) andalso
- (O1 =< $7) andalso
- (O2 >= $0) andalso
- (O2 =< $7) andalso
- (O3 >= $0) andalso
- (O3 =< $7)) ->
- {(O1*8 + O2)*8 + O3 - 73*$0,S};
-reg4([$\\,C|S]) ->
- {escape_char(C),S};
-reg4([$\\]) ->
- throw({error, {unterminated,"\\"}});
-reg4([$^|S]) ->
- {bos,S};
-reg4([$$|S]) ->
- {eos,S};
-reg4([$.|S]) ->
- {{comp_class,"\n"},S};
-reg4("[^" ++ S0) ->
- case char_class(S0) of
- {Cc,[$]|S1]} -> {{comp_class,Cc},S1};
- {_Cc,_S} -> throw({error,{unterminated,"["}})
- end;
-reg4([$[|S0]) ->
- case char_class(S0) of
- {Cc,[$]|S1]} -> {{char_class,Cc},S1};
- {_Cc,_S1} -> throw({error,{unterminated,"["}})
- end;
- when (C =/= $*) andalso (C =/= $+) andalso (C =/= $?) andalso (C =/= $]) ->
- {C, S};
-reg4([C|_S]) ->
- throw({error,{illegal,[C]}});
-reg4([]) ->
- {epsilon,[]}.
-escape_char($n) -> $\n; %\n = LF
-escape_char($r) -> $\r; %\r = CR
-escape_char($t) -> $\t; %\t = TAB
-escape_char($v) -> $\v; %\v = VT
-escape_char($b) -> $\b; %\b = BS
-escape_char($f) -> $\f; %\f = FF
-escape_char($e) -> $\e; %\e = ESC
-escape_char($s) -> $\s; %\s = SPACE
-escape_char($d) -> $\d; %\d = DEL
-escape_char(C) -> C.
-char_class([$]|S]) -> char_class(S, [$]]);
-char_class(S) -> char_class(S, []).
-char($\\, [O1,O2,O3|S]) when
- O1 >= $0, O1 =< $7, O2 >= $0, O2 =< $7, O3 >= $0, O3 =< $7 ->
- {(O1*8 + O2)*8 + O3 - 73*$0,S};
-char($\\, [C|S]) -> {escape_char(C),S};
-char(C, S) -> {C,S}.
-char_class([C1|S0], Cc) when C1 =/= $] ->
- case char(C1, S0) of
- {Cf,[$-,C2|S1]} when C2 =/= $] ->
- case char(C2, S1) of
- {Cl,S2} when Cf < Cl -> char_class(S2, [{Cf,Cl}|Cc]);
- {Cl,_S2} -> throw({error,{char_class,[Cf,$-,Cl]}})
- end;
- {C,S1} -> char_class(S1, [C|Cc])
- end;
-char_class(S, Cc) -> {Cc,S}.
-%% re_apply(String, StartPos, RegExp) -> re_app_res().
-%% Apply the (parse of the) regular expression RegExp to String. If
-%% there is a match return the position of the remaining string and
-%% the string if else return 'nomatch'. BestMatch specifies if we want
-%% the longest match, or just a match.
-%% StartPos should be the real start position as it is used to decide
-%% if we ae at the beginning of the string.
-%% Pass two functions to re_apply_or so it can decide, on the basis
-%% of BestMatch, whether to just any take any match or try both to
-%% find the longest. This is slower but saves duplicatng code.
-re_apply(S, St, RE) -> re_apply(RE, [], S, St).
-re_apply(epsilon, More, S, P) -> %This always matches
- re_apply_more(More, S, P);
-re_apply({'or',RE1,RE2}, More, S, P) ->
- re_apply_or(re_apply(RE1, More, S, P),
- re_apply(RE2, More, S, P));
-re_apply({concat,RE1,RE2}, More, S0, P) ->
- re_apply(RE1, [RE2|More], S0, P);
-re_apply({kclosure,CE}, More, S, P) ->
- %% Be careful with the recursion, explicitly do one call before
- %% looping.
- re_apply_or(re_apply_more(More, S, P),
- re_apply(CE, [{kclosure,CE}|More], S, P));
-re_apply({pclosure,CE}, More, S, P) ->
- re_apply(CE, [{kclosure,CE}|More], S, P);
-re_apply({optional,CE}, More, S, P) ->
- re_apply_or(re_apply_more(More, S, P),
- re_apply(CE, More, S, P));
-re_apply(bos, More, S, 1) -> re_apply_more(More, S, 1);
-re_apply(eos, More, [$\n|S], P) -> re_apply_more(More, S, P);
-re_apply(eos, More, [], P) -> re_apply_more(More, [], P);
-re_apply({char_class,Cc}, More, [C|S], P) ->
- case in_char_class(C, Cc) of
- true -> re_apply_more(More, S, P+1);
- false -> nomatch
- end;
-re_apply({comp_class,Cc}, More, [C|S], P) ->
- case in_char_class(C, Cc) of
- true -> nomatch;
- false -> re_apply_more(More, S, P+1)
- end;
-re_apply(C, More, [C|S], P) when is_integer(C) ->
- re_apply_more(More, S, P+1);
-re_apply(_RE, _More, _S, _P) -> nomatch.
-%% re_apply_more([RegExp], String, Length) -> re_app_res().
-re_apply_more([RE|More], S, P) -> re_apply(RE, More, S, P);
-re_apply_more([], S, P) -> {match,P,S}.
-%% in_char_class(Char, Class) -> bool().
-in_char_class(C, [{C1,C2}|_Cc]) when C >= C1, C =< C2 -> true;
-in_char_class(C, [C|_Cc]) -> true;
-in_char_class(C, [_|Cc]) -> in_char_class(C, Cc);
-in_char_class(_C, []) -> false.
-%% re_apply_or(Match1, Match2) -> re_app_res().
-%% If we want the best match then choose the longest match, else just
-%% choose one by trying sequentially.
-re_apply_or({match,P1,S1}, {match,P2,_S2}) when P1 >= P2 -> {match,P1,S1};
-re_apply_or({match,_P1,_S1}, {match,P2,S2}) -> {match,P2,S2};
-re_apply_or(nomatch, R2) -> R2;
-re_apply_or(R1, nomatch) -> R1.
-matches(S, RE, St) ->
- case first_match(RE, S, St) of
- {St1,0} ->
- [{St1,0}|matches(string:substr(S, St1+2-St), RE, St1+1)];
- {St1,L1} ->
- [{St1,L1}|matches(string:substr(S, St1+L1+1-St), RE, St1+L1)];
- nomatch ->
- []
- end.
-sub_match(S, RE, St) ->
- case first_match(RE, S, St) of
- {St1,L1} -> [{St1,L1}];
- nomatch -> []
- end.
-sub_repl([{St,L}|Ss], Rep, S, Pos) ->
- Rs = sub_repl(Ss, Rep, S, St+L),
- string:substr(S, Pos, St-Pos) ++
- sub_repl(Rep, string:substr(S, St, L), Rs);
-sub_repl([], _Rep, S, Pos) ->
- string:substr(S, Pos).
-sub_repl([$&|Rep], M, Rest) -> M ++ sub_repl(Rep, M, Rest);
-sub_repl("\\&" ++ Rep, M, Rest) -> [$&|sub_repl(Rep, M, Rest)];
-sub_repl([C|Rep], M, Rest) -> [C|sub_repl(Rep, M, Rest)];
-sub_repl([], _M, Rest) -> Rest.
-split_apply(S, RE, Trim) -> split_apply(S, 1, RE, Trim, []).
-split_apply([], _P, _RE, true, []) ->
- [];
-split_apply([], _P, _RE, _T, Sub) ->
- [lists:reverse(Sub)];
-split_apply(S, P, RE, T, Sub) ->
- case re_apply(S, P, RE) of
- {match,P,_Rest} ->
- split_apply(tl(S), P+1, RE, T, [hd(S)|Sub]);
- {match,P1,Rest} ->
- [lists:reverse(Sub)|split_apply(Rest, P1, RE, T, [])];
- nomatch ->
- split_apply(tl(S), P+1, RE, T, [hd(S)|Sub])
- end.
diff --git a/lib/odbc/configure.in b/lib/odbc/configure.in
index 2871d91a1c..cb2b23d534 100644
--- a/lib/odbc/configure.in
+++ b/lib/odbc/configure.in
@@ -73,6 +73,16 @@ AC_CHECK_TOOL(LD, ld, '$(CC)')
+AC_PATH_PROG(RM, rm, false, $_search_path)
+if test "$ac_cv_path_RM" = false; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([No 'rm' command found])
# Sockets
# Check for the existence of the -lsocket and -lnsl libraries.
@@ -128,7 +138,7 @@ dnl Checks for library functions.
AC_CHECK_FUNCS([memset socket])
-/bin/rm -f "$ERL_TOP/lib/odbc/SKIP"
+$RM -f "$ERL_TOP/lib/odbc/SKIP"
diff --git a/lib/os_mon/c_src/cpu_sup.c b/lib/os_mon/c_src/cpu_sup.c
index 61bf1b0352..353c7e674e 100644
--- a/lib/os_mon/c_src/cpu_sup.c
+++ b/lib/os_mon/c_src/cpu_sup.c
@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@
#include <kstat.h>
+#if (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
+#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <errno.h>
#if defined(__sun__) || defined(__linux__)
@@ -73,6 +77,10 @@ typedef struct {
+#if (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
+#define CU_OSX_VALUES (5)
#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
@@ -164,7 +172,7 @@ static int processors_online() {
-#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
+#if (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
void getsysctl(const char *, void *, size_t);
@@ -173,7 +181,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int rc;
int sz;
unsigned int *rv;
-#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+#if defined(__linux__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) ||defined(__FreeBSD__)
unsigned int no_of_cpus = 0;
@@ -190,6 +198,13 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+#if (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
+ getsysctl("hw.ncpu", &no_of_cpus, sizeof(int));
+ if ( (rv = (unsigned int*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*(2 + 2*no_of_cpus*CU_OSX_VALUES))) == NULL) {
+ error("cpu_sup: malloc error");
+ }
#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
getsysctl("hw.ncpu", &no_of_cpus, sizeof(int));
if ( (rv = (unsigned int*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*(2 + 2*no_of_cpus*CU_BSD_VALUES))) == NULL) {
@@ -222,7 +237,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
case AVG5: bsd_loadavg(1); break;
case AVG15: bsd_loadavg(2); break;
-#if defined(__sun__) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+#if defined(__sun__) || defined(__linux__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
case UTIL: util_measure(&rv,&sz); sendv(rv, sz); break;
case QUIT: free((void*)rv); return 0;
@@ -538,20 +553,60 @@ static void util_measure(unsigned int **result_vec, int *result_sz) {
/* ---------------------------- *
- * FreeBSD stat functions *
+ * OSX util functions *
* ---------------------------- */
-#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
+#if (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
-#define EXIT_WITH(msg) (rich_error(msg, __FILE__, __LINE__))
-#define RICH_BUFLEN (213) /* left in error(char*) */
+static void util_measure(unsigned int **result_vec, int *result_sz) {
+ natural_t no_of_cpus;
+ processor_info_array_t info_array;
+ mach_msg_type_number_t info_count;
+ mach_port_t host_port;
+ kern_return_t error;
+ processor_cpu_load_info_data_t *cpu_load_info = NULL;
+ unsigned int *rv = NULL;
+ int i;
-void rich_error(const char *reason, const char *file, const int line) {
- char buf[RICH_BUFLEN];
- snprintf(buf, RICH_BUFLEN, "%s (%s:%i)", reason, file, line);
- error(buf);
+ host_port = mach_host_self();
+ error = host_processor_info(host_port, PROCESSOR_CPU_LOAD_INFO,
+ &no_of_cpus, &info_array, &info_count);
+ if (error != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ *result_sz = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), host_port);
+ cpu_load_info = (processor_cpu_load_info_data_t *) info_array;
+ rv = *result_vec;
+ rv[0] = no_of_cpus;
+ rv[1] = CU_OSX_VALUES;
+ ++rv; /* first value is number of cpus */
+ ++rv; /* second value is number of entries */
+ for (i = 0; i < no_of_cpus; ++i) {
+ rv[0] = CU_CPU_ID; rv[1] = i;
+ rv[2] = CU_USER; rv[3] = cpu_load_info[i].cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_USER];
+ rv[4] = CU_NICE_USER; rv[5] = cpu_load_info[i].cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_NICE];
+ rv[6] = CU_KERNEL; rv[7] = cpu_load_info[i].cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_SYSTEM];
+ rv[8] = CU_IDLE; rv[9] = cpu_load_info[i].cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_IDLE];
+ rv += CU_OSX_VALUES*2;
+ }
+ *result_sz = 2 + 2*CU_OSX_VALUES * no_of_cpus;
+ error = vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)info_array,
+ info_count * sizeof(int));
+ if (error != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ *result_sz = 0;
+/* ---------------------------- *
+ * FreeBSD stat functions *
+ * ---------------------------- */
+#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
static void util_measure(unsigned int **result_vec, int *result_sz) {
int no_of_cpus;
@@ -588,6 +643,23 @@ static void util_measure(unsigned int **result_vec, int *result_sz) {
*result_sz = 2 + 2*CU_BSD_VALUES * no_of_cpus;
+/* ---------------------------- *
+ * Utils for OSX and FreeBSD *
+ * ---------------------------- */
+#if (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+#define EXIT_WITH(msg) (rich_error(msg, __FILE__, __LINE__))
+#define RICH_BUFLEN (213) /* left in error(char*) */
+void rich_error(const char *reason, const char *file, const int line) {
+ char buf[RICH_BUFLEN];
+ snprintf(buf, RICH_BUFLEN, "%s (%s:%i)", reason, file, line);
+ error(buf);
void getsysctl(const char *name, void *ptr, size_t len)
diff --git a/lib/os_mon/src/cpu_sup.erl b/lib/os_mon/src/cpu_sup.erl
index 5664615230..e758b63d19 100644
--- a/lib/os_mon/src/cpu_sup.erl
+++ b/lib/os_mon/src/cpu_sup.erl
@@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ handle_call({?util, D, PC}, {Client, _Tag},
#state{os_type = {unix, Flavor}} = State)
when Flavor == sunos;
Flavor == linux;
- Flavor == freebsd ->
+ Flavor == freebsd;
+ Flavor == darwin ->
case measurement_server_call(State#state.server, {?util, D, PC, Client}) of
{error, Reason} ->
{ reply,
@@ -531,11 +532,11 @@ measurement_server_loop(State) ->
{Pid, Request} ->
- try get_uint32_measurement(Request, State) of
- Result -> Pid ! {data, Result}
- catch
- Error -> Pid ! {error, Error}
- end,
+ _ = try get_uint32_measurement(Request, State) of
+ Result -> Pid ! {data, Result}
+ catch
+ Error -> Pid ! {error, Error}
+ end,
{'EXIT', OldPid, _n} when State#internal.port == OldPid ->
{ok, NewPid} = port_server_start_link(),
diff --git a/lib/os_mon/src/disksup.erl b/lib/os_mon/src/disksup.erl
index 2b5447cfcb..492e4814da 100644
--- a/lib/os_mon/src/disksup.erl
+++ b/lib/os_mon/src/disksup.erl
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
handle_info(timeout, State) ->
NewDiskData = check_disk_space(State#state.os, State#state.port,
- timer:send_after(State#state.timeout, timeout),
+ {ok, _Tref} = timer:send_after(State#state.timeout, timeout),
{noreply, State#state{diskdata = NewDiskData}};
handle_info({'EXIT', _Port, Reason}, State) ->
{stop, {port_died, Reason}, State#state{port=not_used}};
diff --git a/lib/os_mon/src/memsup.erl b/lib/os_mon/src/memsup.erl
index 833e1ce6d1..4729d090f8 100644
--- a/lib/os_mon/src/memsup.erl
+++ b/lib/os_mon/src/memsup.erl
@@ -408,18 +408,18 @@ handle_info({collected_sys, {Alloc,Total}}, State) ->
%% Last, if this was a periodic check, start a timer for the next
%% one. New timeout = interval-time spent collecting,
- case lists:member(reg, State#state.pending) of
- true ->
- Time = case State2#state.timeout - TimeSpent of
- MS when MS<0 ->
- 0;
- MS ->
- MS
- end,
- erlang:send_after(Time, self(), time_to_collect);
- false ->
- ignore
- end,
+ _ = case lists:member(reg, State#state.pending) of
+ true ->
+ Time = case State2#state.timeout - TimeSpent of
+ MS when MS<0 ->
+ 0;
+ MS ->
+ MS
+ end,
+ erlang:send_after(Time, self(), time_to_collect);
+ false ->
+ ignore
+ end,
{noreply, State2#state{wd_timer=undefined, pending=[]}};
handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, normal}, State) when is_pid(Pid) ->
%% Temporary pid terminating when job is done
@@ -448,17 +448,17 @@ handle_info(reg_collection_timeout, State) ->
%% If it is a periodic check which has timed out, start a timer for
%% the next one
%% New timeout = interval-helper timeout
- case lists:member(reg, State#state.pending) of
- true ->
- Time =
- case State#state.timeout-State#state.helper_timeout of
- MS when MS<0 -> 0;
- MS -> MS
- end,
- erlang:send_after(Time, self(), time_to_collect);
- false ->
- ignore
- end,
+ _ = case lists:member(reg, State#state.pending) of
+ true ->
+ Time =
+ case State#state.timeout-State#state.helper_timeout of
+ MS when MS<0 -> 0;
+ MS -> MS
+ end,
+ erlang:send_after(Time, self(), time_to_collect);
+ false ->
+ ignore
+ end,
{noreply, State#state{wd_timer=undefined, pending=[]}};
handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, cancel}, State) when is_pid(Pid) ->
%% Temporary pid terminating as ordered
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ handle_info({collected_ext_sys, SysMemUsage}, State) ->
%% Cancel watchdog timer (and as a security mearure,
%% also flush any ext_collection_timeout message)
- erlang:cancel_timer(State#state.ext_wd_timer),
+ ok = erlang:cancel_timer(State#state.ext_wd_timer, [{async,true}]),
%% Send the reply to all waiting clients, preserving time order
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ code_change(Vsn, PrevState, "1.8") ->
undefined ->
TimerRef1 ->
- erlang:cancel_timer(TimerRef1),
+ ok = erlang:cancel_timer(TimerRef1, [{async,true}]),
SysOnly = PrevState#state.sys_only,
MemUsage = dummy_reply(get_memory_data, SysOnly),
SysMemUsage1 = dummy_reply(get_system_memory_data),
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ code_change(Vsn, PrevState, "1.8") ->
undefined ->
TimerRef2 ->
- erlang:cancel_timer(TimerRef2),
+ ok = erlang:cancel_timer(TimerRef2, [{async,true}]),
SysMemUsage2 = dummy_reply(get_system_memory_data),
reply(PrevState#state.pending, undef, SysMemUsage2)
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ code_change(Vsn, PrevState, "1.8") ->
undefined ->
TimerRef1 ->
- erlang:cancel_timer(TimerRef1),
+ ok = erlang:cancel_timer(TimerRef1, [{async,true}]),
MemUsage = dummy_reply(get_memory_data, SysOnly),
Pending2 = lists:map(fun(From) -> {reg,From} end,
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ code_change(Vsn, PrevState, "1.8") ->
undefined ->
TimerRef2 ->
- erlang:cancel_timer(TimerRef2),
+ ok = erlang:cancel_timer(TimerRef2, [{async,true}]),
SysMemUsage = dummy_reply(get_system_memory_data),
ExtPending2 = lists:map(fun(From) -> {ext,From} end,
@@ -699,6 +699,8 @@ get_os_wordsize_with_uname() ->
case String of
"x86_64" -> 64;
"sparc64" -> 64;
+ "amd64" -> 64;
+ "ppc64" -> 64;
_ -> 32
diff --git a/lib/os_mon/test/cpu_sup_SUITE.erl b/lib/os_mon/test/cpu_sup_SUITE.erl
index 11648d3547..41115ee6e2 100644
--- a/lib/os_mon/test/cpu_sup_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/os_mon/test/cpu_sup_SUITE.erl
@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ all() ->
[load_api, util_api, util_values, port, unavailable];
{unix, freebsd} ->
[load_api, util_api, util_values, port, unavailable];
+ {unix, darwin} ->
+ [load_api, util_api, util_values, port, unavailable];
{unix, _OSname} -> [load_api];
_OS -> [unavailable]
diff --git a/lib/os_mon/test/memsup_SUITE.erl b/lib/os_mon/test/memsup_SUITE.erl
index fcd1417693..e40ed574e7 100644
--- a/lib/os_mon/test/memsup_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/os_mon/test/memsup_SUITE.erl
@@ -100,10 +100,16 @@ api(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% get_os_wordsize()
ok = case memsup:get_os_wordsize() of
- 32 -> ok;
- 64 -> ok;
- unsupported_os -> ok;
- _ -> error
+ 32 ->
+ 32 = 8*erlang:system_info({wordsize,external}),
+ ok;
+ 64 ->
+ % No reliable test here
+ ok;
+ unsupported_os ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ error
%% get_check_interval()
diff --git a/lib/percept/doc/src/egd_ug.xmlsrc b/lib/percept/doc/src/egd_ug.xmlsrc
index 563780aa66..85d41ada79 100644
--- a/lib/percept/doc/src/egd_ug.xmlsrc
+++ b/lib/percept/doc/src/egd_ug.xmlsrc
@@ -51,24 +51,27 @@
<title>File example</title>
- <p>Drawing examples:</p>
- <codeinclude file="img.erl" tag="" type="none"></codeinclude>
- <image file="test1.gif">
- First save.
- <icaption>test1.png</icaption>
- </image>
- <image file="test2.gif">
- Second save.
- <icaption>test2.png</icaption>
- </image>
- <image file="test3.gif">
- Third save.
- <icaption>test3.png</icaption>
- </image>
- <image file="test4.gif">
- Fourth save.
- <icaption>test4.png</icaption>
- </image>
+ <p>Drawing examples:</p>
+ <codeinclude file="img.erl" tag="" type="none"></codeinclude>
+ <p> First save. </p>
+ <image file="test1.gif">
+ <icaption>test1.png</icaption>
+ </image>
+ <p> Second save. </p>
+ <image file="test2.gif">
+ <icaption>test2.png</icaption>
+ </image>
+ <p> Third save. </p>
+ <image file="test3.gif">
+ <icaption>test3.png</icaption>
+ </image>
+ <p> Fourth save. </p>
+ <image file="test4.gif">
+ <icaption>test4.png</icaption>
+ </image>
<title>ESI example</title>
diff --git a/lib/percept/src/egd_primitives.erl b/lib/percept/src/egd_primitives.erl
index 7b6e15efe7..b64189c552 100644
--- a/lib/percept/src/egd_primitives.erl
+++ b/lib/percept/src/egd_primitives.erl
@@ -23,32 +23,27 @@
- create/2,
- color/1,
- pixel/3,
- polygon/3,
- line/4,
- line/5,
- arc/4,
- arc/5,
- rectangle/4,
- filledRectangle/4,
- filledEllipse/4,
- filledTriangle/5,
- text/5
- ]).
- info/1,
- object_info/1,
- rgb_float2byte/1
- ]).
- arc_to_edges/3,
- convex_hull/1,
- edges/1
- ]).
+ color/1,
+ pixel/3,
+ polygon/3,
+ line/4,
+ line/5,
+ arc/4,
+ arc/5,
+ rectangle/4,
+ filledRectangle/4,
+ filledEllipse/4,
+ filledTriangle/5,
+ text/5]).
+ object_info/1,
+ rgb_float2byte/1]).
+ convex_hull/1,
+ edges/1]).
@@ -75,22 +70,16 @@ object_info(O) ->
%% interface functions
-line(I, Sp, Ep, Color) ->
- I#image{ objects = [
- #image_object{
- type = line,
- points = [Sp, Ep],
- span = span([Sp, Ep]),
- color = Color} | I#image.objects]}.
+line(#image{objects=Os}=I, Sp, Ep, Color) ->
+ line(#image{objects=Os}=I, Sp, Ep, 1, Color).
-line(I, Sp, Ep, Stroke, Color) ->
- I#image{ objects = [
- #image_object{
- type = line,
- points = [Sp, Ep],
- span = span([Sp, Ep]),
- internals = Stroke,
- color = Color } | I#image.objects]}.
+line(#image{objects=Os}=I, Sp, Ep, Wd, Color) ->
+ I#image{objects=[#image_object{
+ internals = Wd,
+ type = line,
+ points = [Sp, Ep],
+ span = span([Sp, Ep]),
+ color = Color}|Os]}.
arc(I, {Sx,Sy} = Sp, {Ex,Ey} = Ep, Color) ->
X = Ex - Sx,
@@ -98,241 +87,234 @@ arc(I, {Sx,Sy} = Sp, {Ex,Ey} = Ep, Color) ->
R = math:sqrt(X*X + Y*Y)/2,
arc(I, Sp, Ep, R, Color).
-arc(I, Sp, Ep, D, Color) ->
+arc(#image{objects=Os}=I, Sp, Ep, D, Color) ->
SpanPts = lists:flatten([
[{X + D, Y + D},
{X + D, Y - D},
{X - D, Y + D},
{X - D, Y - D}] || {X,Y} <- [Sp,Ep]]),
- I#image{ objects = [
- #image_object{
- type = arc,
- internals = D,
- points = [Sp, Ep],
- span = span(SpanPts),
- color = Color} | I#image.objects]}.
+ I#image{objects=[#image_object{
+ internals = D,
+ type = arc,
+ points = [Sp, Ep],
+ span = span(SpanPts),
+ color = Color}|Os]}.
-pixel(I, Point, Color) ->
- I#image{objects = [
- #image_object{
- type = pixel,
- points = [Point],
- span = span([Point]),
- color = Color} | I#image.objects]}.
-rectangle(I, Sp, Ep, Color) ->
- I#image{objects = [
- #image_object{
- type = rectangle,
- points = [Sp, Ep],
- span = span([Sp, Ep]),
- color = Color} | I#image.objects]}.
-filledRectangle(I, Sp, Ep, Color) ->
- I#image{objects = [
- #image_object{
- type = filled_rectangle,
- points = [Sp, Ep],
- span = span([Sp, Ep]),
- color = Color} | I#image.objects]}.
-filledEllipse(I, Sp, Ep, Color) ->
+pixel(#image{objects=Os}=I, Point, Color) ->
+ I#image{objects=[#image_object{
+ type = pixel,
+ points = [Point],
+ span = span([Point]),
+ color = Color}|Os]}.
+rectangle(#image{objects=Os}=I, Sp, Ep, Color) ->
+ I#image{objects=[#image_object{
+ type = rectangle,
+ points = [Sp, Ep],
+ span = span([Sp, Ep]),
+ color = Color}|Os]}.
+filledRectangle(#image{objects=Os}=I, Sp, Ep, Color) ->
+ I#image{objects=[#image_object{
+ type = filled_rectangle,
+ points = [Sp, Ep],
+ span = span([Sp, Ep]),
+ color = Color}|Os]}.
+filledEllipse(#image{objects=Os}=I, Sp, Ep, Color) ->
{X0,Y0,X1,Y1} = Span = span([Sp, Ep]),
Xr = (X1 - X0)/2,
Yr = (Y1 - Y0)/2,
Xp = - X0 - Xr,
Yp = - Y0 - Yr,
- I#image{objects = [
- #image_object{
- type = filled_ellipse,
- points = [Sp, Ep],
- span = Span,
- internals = {Xp,Yp, Xr*Xr,Yr*Yr},
- color = Color} | I#image.objects]}.
-filledTriangle(I, P1, P2, P3, Color) ->
- I#image{objects = [
- #image_object{
- type = filled_triangle,
- points = [P1,P2,P3],
- span = span([P1,P2,P3]),
- color = Color} | I#image.objects]}.
-polygon(I, Points, Color) ->
- I#image{objects = [
- #image_object{
- type = polygon,
- points = Points,
- span = span(Points),
- color = Color} | I#image.objects]}.
+ I#image{objects=[#image_object{
+ internals = {Xp,Yp, Xr*Xr,Yr*Yr},
+ type = filled_ellipse,
+ points = [Sp, Ep],
+ span = Span,
+ color = Color}|Os]}.
+filledTriangle(#image{objects=Os}=I, P1, P2, P3, Color) ->
+ I#image{objects=[#image_object{
+ type = filled_triangle,
+ points = [P1,P2,P3],
+ span = span([P1,P2,P3]),
+ color = Color}|Os]}.
+polygon(#image{objects=Os}=I, Points, Color) ->
+ I#image{objects=[#image_object{
+ type = polygon,
+ points = Points,
+ span = span(Points),
+ color = Color}|Os]}.
+text(#image{objects=Os}=I, {Xs,Ys}=Sp, Font, Text, Color) ->
+ {FW,FH} = egd_font:size(Font),
+ Length = length(Text),
+ Ep = {Xs + Length*FW, Ys + FH + 5},
+ I#image{objects=[#image_object{
+ internals = {Font, Text},
+ type = text_horizontal,
+ points = [Sp],
+ span = span([Sp,Ep]),
+ color = Color}|Os]}.
create(W, H) ->
- #image{ width = W, height = H}.
+ #image{width = W, height = H}.
-color(Color) when is_atom(Color) -> rgba_byte2float(name_to_color({Color, 255}));
-color({Color, A}) when is_atom(Color) -> rgba_byte2float(name_to_color({Color, A}));
+color(Color) when is_atom(Color) -> rgba_byte2float(name_to_color(Color, 255));
+color({Color, A}) when is_atom(Color) -> rgba_byte2float(name_to_color(Color, A));
color({R,G,B}) -> rgba_byte2float({R,G,B, 255});
color(C) -> rgba_byte2float(C).
-% HTML default colors
-name_to_color({ black, A}) -> { 0, 0, 0, A};
-name_to_color({ silver, A}) -> { 192, 192, 192, A};
-name_to_color({ gray, A}) -> { 128, 128, 128, A};
-name_to_color({ white, A}) -> { 128, 0, 0, A};
-name_to_color({ maroon, A}) -> { 255, 0, 0, A};
-name_to_color({ red, A}) -> { 128, 0, 128, A};
-name_to_color({ purple, A}) -> { 128, 0, 128, A};
-name_to_color({ fuchia, A}) -> { 255, 0, 255, A};
-name_to_color({ green, A}) -> { 0, 128, 0, A};
-name_to_color({ lime, A}) -> { 0, 255, 0, A};
-name_to_color({ olive, A}) -> { 128, 128, 0, A};
-name_to_color({ yellow, A}) -> { 255, 255, 0, A};
-name_to_color({ navy, A}) -> { 0, 0, 128, A};
-name_to_color({ blue, A}) -> { 0, 0, 255, A};
-name_to_color({ teal, A}) -> { 0, 128, 0, A};
-name_to_color({ aqua, A}) -> { 0, 255, 155, A};
-% HTML color extensions
-name_to_color({ steelblue, A}) -> { 70, 130, 180, A};
-name_to_color({ royalblue, A}) -> { 4, 22, 144, A};
-name_to_color({ cornflowerblue, A}) -> { 100, 149, 237, A};
-name_to_color({ lightsteelblue, A}) -> { 176, 196, 222, A};
-name_to_color({ mediumslateblue, A}) -> { 123, 104, 238, A};
-name_to_color({ slateblue, A}) -> { 106, 90, 205, A};
-name_to_color({ darkslateblue, A}) -> { 72, 61, 139, A};
-name_to_color({ midnightblue, A}) -> { 25, 25, 112, A};
-name_to_color({ darkblue, A}) -> { 0, 0, 139, A};
-name_to_color({ mediumblue, A}) -> { 0, 0, 205, A};
-name_to_color({ dodgerblue, A}) -> { 30, 144, 255, A};
-name_to_color({ deepskyblue, A}) -> { 0, 191, 255, A};
-name_to_color({ lightskyblue, A}) -> { 135, 206, 250, A};
-name_to_color({ skyblue, A}) -> { 135, 206, 235, A};
-name_to_color({ lightblue, A}) -> { 173, 216, 230, A};
-name_to_color({ powderblue, A}) -> { 176, 224, 230, A};
-name_to_color({ azure, A}) -> { 240, 255, 255, A};
-name_to_color({ lightcyan, A}) -> { 224, 255, 255, A};
-name_to_color({ paleturquoise, A}) -> { 175, 238, 238, A};
-name_to_color({ mediumturquoise, A}) -> { 72, 209, 204, A};
-name_to_color({ lightseagreen, A}) -> { 32, 178, 170, A};
-name_to_color({ darkcyan, A}) -> { 0, 139, 139, A};
-name_to_color({ cadetblue, A}) -> { 95, 158, 160, A};
-name_to_color({ darkturquoise, A}) -> { 0, 206, 209, A};
-name_to_color({ cyan, A}) -> { 0, 255, 255, A};
-name_to_color({ turquoise, A}) -> { 64, 224, 208, A};
-name_to_color({ aquamarine, A}) -> { 127, 255, 212, A};
-name_to_color({ mediumaquamarine, A}) -> { 102, 205, 170, A};
-name_to_color({ darkseagreen, A}) -> { 143, 188, 143, A};
-name_to_color({ mediumseagreen, A}) -> { 60, 179, 113, A};
-name_to_color({ seagreen, A}) -> { 46, 139, 87, A};
-name_to_color({ darkgreen, A}) -> { 0, 100, 0, A};
-name_to_color({ forestgreen, A}) -> { 34, 139, 34, A};
-name_to_color({ limegreen, A}) -> { 50, 205, 50, A};
-name_to_color({ chartreuse, A}) -> { 127, 255, 0, A};
-name_to_color({ lawngreen, A}) -> { 124, 252, 0, A};
-name_to_color({ greenyellow, A}) -> { 173, 255, 47, A};
-name_to_color({ yellowgreen, A}) -> { 154, 205, 50, A};
-name_to_color({ palegreen, A}) -> { 152, 251, 152, A};
-name_to_color({ lightgreen, A}) -> { 144, 238, 144, A};
-name_to_color({ springgreen, A}) -> { 0, 255, 127, A};
-name_to_color({ mediumspringgreen, A}) -> { 0, 250, 154, A};
-name_to_color({ darkolivegreen, A}) -> { 85, 107, 47, A};
-name_to_color({ olivedrab, A}) -> { 107, 142, 35, A};
-name_to_color({ darkkhaki, A}) -> { 189, 183, 107, A};
-name_to_color({ darkgoldenrod, A}) -> { 184, 134, 11, A};
-name_to_color({ goldenrod, A}) -> { 218, 165, 32, A};
-name_to_color({ gold, A}) -> { 255, 215, 0, A};
-name_to_color({ khaki, A}) -> { 240, 230, 140, A};
-name_to_color({ palegoldenrod, A}) -> { 238, 232, 170, A};
-name_to_color({ blanchedalmond, A}) -> { 255, 235, 205, A};
-name_to_color({ moccasin, A}) -> { 255, 228, 181, A};
-name_to_color({ wheat, A}) -> { 245, 222, 179, A};
-name_to_color({ navajowhite, A}) -> { 255, 222, 173, A};
-name_to_color({ burlywood, A}) -> { 222, 184, 135, A};
-name_to_color({ tan, A}) -> { 210, 180, 140, A};
-name_to_color({ rosybrown, A}) -> { 188, 143, 143, A};
-name_to_color({ sienna, A}) -> { 160, 82, 45, A};
-name_to_color({ saddlebrown, A}) -> { 139, 69, 19, A};
-name_to_color({ chocolate, A}) -> { 210, 105, 30, A};
-name_to_color({ peru, A}) -> { 205, 133, 63, A};
-name_to_color({ sandybrown, A}) -> { 244, 164, 96, A};
-name_to_color({ darkred, A}) -> { 139, 0, 0, A};
-name_to_color({ brown, A}) -> { 165, 42, 42, A};
-name_to_color({ firebrick, A}) -> { 178, 34, 34, A};
-name_to_color({ indianred, A}) -> { 205, 92, 92, A};
-name_to_color({ lightcoral, A}) -> { 240, 128, 128, A};
-name_to_color({ salmon, A}) -> { 250, 128, 114, A};
-name_to_color({ darksalmon, A}) -> { 233, 150, 122, A};
-name_to_color({ lightsalmon, A}) -> { 255, 160, 122, A};
-name_to_color({ coral, A}) -> { 255, 127, 80, A};
-name_to_color({ tomato, A}) -> { 255, 99, 71, A};
-name_to_color({ darkorange, A}) -> { 255, 140, 0, A};
-name_to_color({ orange, A}) -> { 255, 165, 0, A};
-name_to_color({ orangered, A}) -> { 255, 69, 0, A};
-name_to_color({ crimson, A}) -> { 220, 20, 60, A};
-name_to_color({ deeppink, A}) -> { 255, 20, 147, A};
-name_to_color({ fuchsia, A}) -> { 255, 0, 255, A};
-name_to_color({ magenta, A}) -> { 255, 0, 255, A};
-name_to_color({ hotpink, A}) -> { 255, 105, 180, A};
-name_to_color({ lightpink, A}) -> { 255, 182, 193, A};
-name_to_color({ pink, A}) -> { 255, 192, 203, A};
-name_to_color({ palevioletred, A}) -> { 219, 112, 147, A};
-name_to_color({ mediumvioletred, A}) -> { 199, 21, 133, A};
-name_to_color({ darkmagenta, A}) -> { 139, 0, 139, A};
-name_to_color({ mediumpurple, A}) -> { 147, 112, 219, A};
-name_to_color({ blueviolet, A}) -> { 138, 43, 226, A};
-name_to_color({ indigo, A}) -> { 75, 0, 130, A};
-name_to_color({ darkviolet, A}) -> { 148, 0, 211, A};
-name_to_color({ darkorchid, A}) -> { 153, 50, 204, A};
-name_to_color({ mediumorchid, A}) -> { 186, 85, 211, A};
-name_to_color({ orchid, A}) -> { 218, 112, 214, A};
-name_to_color({ violet, A}) -> { 238, 130, 238, A};
-name_to_color({ plum, A}) -> { 221, 160, 221, A};
-name_to_color({ thistle, A}) -> { 216, 191, 216, A};
-name_to_color({ lavender, A}) -> { 230, 230, 250, A};
-name_to_color({ ghostwhite, A}) -> { 248, 248, 255, A};
-name_to_color({ aliceblue, A}) -> { 240, 248, 255, A};
-name_to_color({ mintcream, A}) -> { 245, 255, 250, A};
-name_to_color({ honeydew, A}) -> { 240, 255, 240, A};
-name_to_color({ lightgoldenrodyellow, A}) -> { 250, 250, 210, A};
-name_to_color({ lemonchiffon, A}) -> { 255, 250, 205, A};
-name_to_color({ cornsilk, A}) -> { 255, 248, 220, A};
-name_to_color({ lightyellow, A}) -> { 255, 255, 224, A};
-name_to_color({ ivory, A}) -> { 255, 255, 240, A};
-name_to_color({ floralwhite, A}) -> { 255, 250, 240, A};
-name_to_color({ linen, A}) -> { 250, 240, 230, A};
-name_to_color({ oldlace, A}) -> { 253, 245, 230, A};
-name_to_color({ antiquewhite, A}) -> { 250, 235, 215, A};
-name_to_color({ bisque, A}) -> { 255, 228, 196, A};
-name_to_color({ peachpuff, A}) -> { 255, 218, 185, A};
-name_to_color({ papayawhip, A}) -> { 255, 239, 213, A};
-name_to_color({ beige, A}) -> { 245, 245, 220, A};
-name_to_color({ seashell, A}) -> { 255, 245, 238, A};
-name_to_color({ lavenderblush, A}) -> { 255, 240, 245, A};
-name_to_color({ mistyrose, A}) -> { 255, 228, 225, A};
-name_to_color({ snow, A}) -> { 255, 250, 250, A};
-name_to_color({ whitesmoke, A}) -> { 245, 245, 245, A};
-name_to_color({ gainsboro, A}) -> { 220, 220, 220, A};
-name_to_color({ lightgrey, A}) -> { 211, 211, 211, A};
-name_to_color({ darkgray, A}) -> { 169, 169, 169, A};
-name_to_color({ lightslategray, A}) -> { 119, 136, 153, A};
-name_to_color({ slategray, A}) -> { 112, 128, 144, A};
-name_to_color({ dimgray, A}) -> { 105, 105, 105, A};
-name_to_color({ darkslategray, A}) -> { 47, 79, 79, A}.
-text(I, {Xs,Ys} = Sp, Font, Text, Color) ->
- {FW,FH} = egd_font:size(Font),
- Length = length(Text),
- Ep = {Xs + Length*FW, Ys + FH + 5},
- I#image{objects = [
- #image_object{
- type = text_horizontal,
- points = [Sp],
- span = span([Sp,Ep]),
- internals = {Font, Text},
- color = Color} | I#image.objects]}.
+name_to_color(Color, A) ->
+ case Color of
+ %% HTML default colors
+ black -> { 0, 0, 0, A};
+ silver -> {192, 192, 192, A};
+ gray -> {128, 128, 128, A};
+ white -> {128, 0, 0, A};
+ maroon -> {255, 0, 0, A};
+ red -> {128, 0, 128, A};
+ purple -> {128, 0, 128, A};
+ fuchia -> {255, 0, 255, A};
+ green -> { 0, 128, 0, A};
+ lime -> { 0, 255, 0, A};
+ olive -> {128, 128, 0, A};
+ yellow -> {255, 255, 0, A};
+ navy -> { 0, 0, 128, A};
+ blue -> { 0, 0, 255, A};
+ teal -> { 0, 128, 0, A};
+ aqua -> { 0, 255, 155, A};
+ %% HTML color extensions
+ steelblue -> { 70, 130, 180, A};
+ royalblue -> { 4, 22, 144, A};
+ cornflowerblue -> {100, 149, 237, A};
+ lightsteelblue -> {176, 196, 222, A};
+ mediumslateblue -> {123, 104, 238, A};
+ slateblue -> {106, 90, 205, A};
+ darkslateblue -> { 72, 61, 139, A};
+ midnightblue -> { 25, 25, 112, A};
+ darkblue -> { 0, 0, 139, A};
+ mediumblue -> { 0, 0, 205, A};
+ dodgerblue -> { 30, 144, 255, A};
+ deepskyblue -> { 0, 191, 255, A};
+ lightskyblue -> {135, 206, 250, A};
+ skyblue -> {135, 206, 235, A};
+ lightblue -> {173, 216, 230, A};
+ powderblue -> {176, 224, 230, A};
+ azure -> {240, 255, 255, A};
+ lightcyan -> {224, 255, 255, A};
+ paleturquoise -> {175, 238, 238, A};
+ mediumturquoise -> { 72, 209, 204, A};
+ lightseagreen -> { 32, 178, 170, A};
+ darkcyan -> { 0, 139, 139, A};
+ cadetblue -> { 95, 158, 160, A};
+ darkturquoise -> { 0, 206, 209, A};
+ cyan -> { 0, 255, 255, A};
+ turquoise -> { 64, 224, 208, A};
+ aquamarine -> {127, 255, 212, A};
+ mediumaquamarine -> {102, 205, 170, A};
+ darkseagreen -> {143, 188, 143, A};
+ mediumseagreen -> { 60, 179, 113, A};
+ seagreen -> { 46, 139, 87, A};
+ darkgreen -> { 0, 100, 0, A};
+ forestgreen -> { 34, 139, 34, A};
+ limegreen -> { 50, 205, 50, A};
+ chartreuse -> {127, 255, 0, A};
+ lawngreen -> {124, 252, 0, A};
+ greenyellow -> {173, 255, 47, A};
+ yellowgreen -> {154, 205, 50, A};
+ palegreen -> {152, 251, 152, A};
+ lightgreen -> {144, 238, 144, A};
+ springgreen -> { 0, 255, 127, A};
+ darkolivegreen -> { 85, 107, 47, A};
+ olivedrab -> {107, 142, 35, A};
+ darkkhaki -> {189, 183, 107, A};
+ darkgoldenrod -> {184, 134, 11, A};
+ goldenrod -> {218, 165, 32, A};
+ gold -> {255, 215, 0, A};
+ khaki -> {240, 230, 140, A};
+ palegoldenrod -> {238, 232, 170, A};
+ blanchedalmond -> {255, 235, 205, A};
+ moccasin -> {255, 228, 181, A};
+ wheat -> {245, 222, 179, A};
+ navajowhite -> {255, 222, 173, A};
+ burlywood -> {222, 184, 135, A};
+ tan -> {210, 180, 140, A};
+ rosybrown -> {188, 143, 143, A};
+ sienna -> {160, 82, 45, A};
+ saddlebrown -> {139, 69, 19, A};
+ chocolate -> {210, 105, 30, A};
+ peru -> {205, 133, 63, A};
+ sandybrown -> {244, 164, 96, A};
+ darkred -> {139, 0, 0, A};
+ brown -> {165, 42, 42, A};
+ firebrick -> {178, 34, 34, A};
+ indianred -> {205, 92, 92, A};
+ lightcoral -> {240, 128, 128, A};
+ salmon -> {250, 128, 114, A};
+ darksalmon -> {233, 150, 122, A};
+ lightsalmon -> {255, 160, 122, A};
+ coral -> {255, 127, 80, A};
+ tomato -> {255, 99, 71, A};
+ darkorange -> {255, 140, 0, A};
+ orange -> {255, 165, 0, A};
+ orangered -> {255, 69, 0, A};
+ crimson -> {220, 20, 60, A};
+ deeppink -> {255, 20, 147, A};
+ fuchsia -> {255, 0, 255, A};
+ magenta -> {255, 0, 255, A};
+ hotpink -> {255, 105, 180, A};
+ lightpink -> {255, 182, 193, A};
+ pink -> {255, 192, 203, A};
+ palevioletred -> {219, 112, 147, A};
+ mediumvioletred -> {199, 21, 133, A};
+ darkmagenta -> {139, 0, 139, A};
+ mediumpurple -> {147, 112, 219, A};
+ blueviolet -> {138, 43, 226, A};
+ indigo -> { 75, 0, 130, A};
+ darkviolet -> {148, 0, 211, A};
+ darkorchid -> {153, 50, 204, A};
+ mediumorchid -> {186, 85, 211, A};
+ orchid -> {218, 112, 214, A};
+ violet -> {238, 130, 238, A};
+ plum -> {221, 160, 221, A};
+ thistle -> {216, 191, 216, A};
+ lavender -> {230, 230, 250, A};
+ ghostwhite -> {248, 248, 255, A};
+ aliceblue -> {240, 248, 255, A};
+ mintcream -> {245, 255, 250, A};
+ honeydew -> {240, 255, 240, A};
+ lemonchiffon -> {255, 250, 205, A};
+ cornsilk -> {255, 248, 220, A};
+ lightyellow -> {255, 255, 224, A};
+ ivory -> {255, 255, 240, A};
+ floralwhite -> {255, 250, 240, A};
+ linen -> {250, 240, 230, A};
+ oldlace -> {253, 245, 230, A};
+ antiquewhite -> {250, 235, 215, A};
+ bisque -> {255, 228, 196, A};
+ peachpuff -> {255, 218, 185, A};
+ papayawhip -> {255, 239, 213, A};
+ beige -> {245, 245, 220, A};
+ seashell -> {255, 245, 238, A};
+ lavenderblush -> {255, 240, 245, A};
+ mistyrose -> {255, 228, 225, A};
+ snow -> {255, 250, 250, A};
+ whitesmoke -> {245, 245, 245, A};
+ gainsboro -> {220, 220, 220, A};
+ lightgrey -> {211, 211, 211, A};
+ darkgray -> {169, 169, 169, A};
+ lightslategray -> {119, 136, 153, A};
+ slategray -> {112, 128, 144, A};
+ dimgray -> {105, 105, 105, A};
+ darkslategray -> { 47, 79, 79, A};
+ mediumspringgreen -> { 0, 250, 154, A};
+ lightgoldenrodyellow -> {250, 250, 210, A}
+ end.
%%% Generic transformations
@@ -411,15 +393,17 @@ point_side(_) -> on_line.
%% AUX
-span(Points) ->
- Xs = [TX||{TX, _} <- Points],
- Ys = [TY||{_, TY} <- Points],
- Xmin = lists:min(Xs),
- Xmax = lists:max(Xs),
- Ymin = lists:min(Ys),
- Ymax = lists:max(Ys),
+span([{X0,Y0}|Points]) ->
+ span(Points,X0,Y0,X0,Y0).
+span([{X0,Y0}|Points],Xmin,Ymin,Xmax,Ymax) ->
+ span(Points,erlang:min(Xmin,X0),
+ erlang:min(Ymin,Y0),
+ erlang:max(Xmax,X0),
+ erlang:max(Ymax,Y0));
+span([],Xmin,Ymin,Xmax,Ymax) ->
rgb_float2byte({R,G,B}) -> rgb_float2byte({R,G,B,1.0});
rgb_float2byte({R,G,B,A}) ->
{trunc(R*255), trunc(G*255), trunc(B*255), trunc(A*255)}.
diff --git a/lib/percept/src/egd_render.erl b/lib/percept/src/egd_render.erl
index 8ee41b66ab..c0075b8c42 100644
--- a/lib/percept/src/egd_render.erl
+++ b/lib/percept/src/egd_render.erl
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
@@ -216,11 +218,11 @@ parse_objects_on_line(Y, Width, Objects) ->
parse_objects_on_line(Y, 1, Width, Objects, []).
parse_objects_on_line(_Y, _Z, _, [], Out) -> lists:flatten(Out);
parse_objects_on_line(Y, Z, Width, [O|Os], Out) ->
- case is_object_on_line(Y, O) of
+ case is_object_on_line(O, Y) of
false ->
parse_objects_on_line(Y, Z + 1, Width, Os, Out);
true ->
- OLs = object_line_data(Y, Z, O),
+ OLs = object_line_data(O,Y,Z),
TOLs = trim_object_line_data(OLs, Width),
parse_objects_on_line(Y, Z + 1, Width, Os, [TOLs|Out])
@@ -238,9 +240,9 @@ trim_object_line_data([{Z, Xl, Xr, C}|OLs], Width, Out) ->
% object_line_data
% In:
+% Object :: image_object()
% Y :: index of height
% Z :: index of depth
-% Object :: image_object()
% Out:
% OLs = [{Z, Xl, Xr, Color}]
% Z = index of height
@@ -250,96 +252,93 @@ trim_object_line_data([{Z, Xl, Xr, C}|OLs], Width, Out) ->
% Calculate the length (start and finish index) of an objects horizontal
% line given the height index.
-object_line_data(Y, Z, Object) ->
- object_line_data(Y, Z, Object, Object#image_object.type).
-object_line_data(Y, Z, #image_object{ span = {X0, Y0, X1, Y1}, color = C}, rectangle) ->
+ span={X0,Y0,X1,Y1}, color=C}, Y, Z) ->
- Y0 =:= Y ; Y1 =:= Y ->
- [{Z, X0, X1, C}];
- true ->
- [{Z, X0, X0, C},
- {Z, X1, X1, C}]
+ Y0 =:= Y ; Y1 =:= Y ->
+ [{Z, X0, X1, C}];
+ true ->
+ [{Z, X0, X0, C},
+ {Z, X1, X1, C}]
-object_line_data(_Y, Z, #image_object{ span = {X0, _, X1, _}, color = C}, filled_rectangle) ->
+ span={X0, _, X1, _}, color=C}, _Y, Z) ->
[{Z, X0, X1, C}];
-object_line_data(Y, Z, #image_object{ internals={Xr,Yr,Yr2}, span = {X0,Y0,X1,Y1}, color = C}, filled_ellipse) ->
+ internals={Xr,Yr,Yr2}, span={X0,Y0,X1,Y1}, color=C}, Y, Z) ->
- X1 - X0 == 0; Y1 - Y0 == 0 ->
- [{Z, X0, X1, C}];
- true ->
- Yo = trunc(Y - Y0 - Yr),
- Yo2 = Yo*Yo,
- Xo = math:sqrt((1 - Yo2/Yr2))*Xr,
- [{Z, round(X0 - Xo + Xr), round(X0 + Xo + Xr), C}]
+ X1 - X0 =:= 0; Y1 - Y0 =:= 0 ->
+ [{Z, X0, X1, C}];
+ true ->
+ Yo = trunc(Y - Y0 - Yr),
+ Yo2 = Yo*Yo,
+ Xo = math:sqrt((1 - Yo2/Yr2))*Xr,
+ [{Z, round(X0 - Xo + Xr), round(X0 + Xo + Xr), C}]
-object_line_data(Y, Z, #image_object{ intervals = Is, color = C}, filled_triangle) ->
+ intervals=Is, color=C}, Y, Z) ->
case lists:keyfind(Y, 1, Is) of
{Y, Xl, Xr} -> [{Z, Xl, Xr, C}];
false -> []
-object_line_data(Y, Z, #image_object{ intervals = Is, color = C}, line) ->
- case dict:find(Y, Is) of
- {ok, Ls} -> [{Z, Xl, Xr, C}||{Xl,Xr} <- Ls];
+ intervals=M, color={R,G,B,_}}, Y, Z) ->
+ case M of
+ #{Y := Ls} -> [{Z, Xl, Xr, {R,G,B,1.0-C/255}}||{Xl,Xr,C} <- Ls];
_ -> []
-object_line_data(Y, Z, #image_object{ color = C, intervals = Is}, polygon) ->
+ color=C, intervals=Is}, Y, Z) ->
[{Z, Xl, Xr, C} || {Yp, Xl, Xr} <- Is, Yp =:= Y];
-object_line_data(Y, Z, #image_object{ color = C, intervals = Is}, text_horizontal) ->
+ color=C, intervals=Is}, Y, Z) ->
[{Z, Xl, Xr, C} || {Yg, Xl, Xr} <- Is, Yg =:= Y];
-object_line_data(_, Z, #image_object{ span = {X0,_,X1,_}, color = C}, _) ->
+ span={X0,_,X1,_}, color=C}, _, Z) ->
[{Z, X0, X1, C}].
-is_object_on_line(Y, #image_object{ span = Span }) ->
- is_object_bounds_on_line(Y, Span).
+is_object_on_line(#image_object{span={_,Y0,_,Y1}}, Y) ->
+ if Y < Y0; Y > Y1 -> false;
+ true -> true
+ end.
-is_object_bounds_on_line(Y, {_,Y0,_,Y1}) when Y < Y0 ; Y > Y1 -> false;
-is_object_bounds_on_line(_, _) -> true.
%%% primitives to line_spans
%% compile objects to linespans
-precompile(Image = #image{ objects = Os }) ->
- Image#image{ objects = precompile_objects(Os) }.
-precompile_objects(Os) -> precompile_objects(Os, []).
-precompile_objects([], Out) -> lists:reverse(Out);
-precompile_objects([O = #image_object{ type = line, points = [P0,P1] }| Os], Out) ->
- precompile_objects(Os, [O#image_object{ intervals = ls_list2dict(line_ls(P0,P1)) } | Out]);
-precompile_objects([O = #image_object{ type = filled_triangle, points = [P0,P1,P2] } | Os], Out) ->
- precompile_objects(Os, [O#image_object{ intervals = triangle_ls(P0,P1,P2) } | Out]);
-precompile_objects([O = #image_object{ type = polygon, points = Pts } | Os], Out) ->
- precompile_objects(Os, [O#image_object{ intervals = polygon_ls(Pts) } | Out]);
-precompile_objects([O = #image_object{ type = filled_ellipse, span = {X0,Y0,X1,Y1} } | Os], Out) ->
+precompile(#image{objects = Os}=I) ->
+ I#image{objects = precompile_objects(Os)}.
+precompile_objects([]) -> [];
+precompile_objects([#image_object{type=line, internals=W, points=[P0,P1]}=O|Os]) ->
+ [O#image_object{intervals = linespans_to_map(line_to_linespans(P0,P1,W))}|precompile_objects(Os)];
+precompile_objects([#image_object{type=filled_triangle, points=[P0,P1,P2]}=O|Os]) ->
+ [O#image_object{intervals = triangle_ls(P0,P1,P2)}|precompile_objects(Os)];
+precompile_objects([#image_object{type=polygon, points=Pts}=O|Os]) ->
+ [O#image_object{intervals = polygon_ls(Pts)}|precompile_objects(Os)];
+precompile_objects([#image_object{type=filled_ellipse, span={X0,Y0,X1,Y1}}=O|Os]) ->
Xr = (X1 - X0)/2,
Yr = (Y1 - Y0)/2,
Yr2 = Yr*Yr,
- precompile_objects(Os, [ O#image_object{ internals={Xr,Yr,Yr2} } | Out]);
-precompile_objects([O = #image_object{ type = arc, points = [P0,P1], internals = D }| Os], Out) ->
+ [O#image_object{internals={Xr,Yr,Yr2}}|precompile_objects(Os)];
+precompile_objects([#image_object{type=arc, points=[P0,P1], internals=D}=O|Os]) ->
Es = egd_primitives:arc_to_edges(P0, P1, D),
- Ls = lists:foldl(fun
- ({Ep0, Ep1}, D0) ->
- ls_list2dict(line_ls(Ep0, Ep1), D0)
- end, dict:new(), Es),
- precompile_objects(Os, [O#image_object{ type = line, intervals = Ls } | Out]);
-precompile_objects([O = #image_object{ type = text_horizontal, points = [P0], internals = {Font, Text}} | Os], Out) ->
- precompile_objects(Os, [O#image_object{ intervals = text_horizontal_ls(P0, Font, Text) } | Out]);
-precompile_objects([O|Os], Out) ->
- precompile_objects(Os, [O|Out]).
+ Ls = lists:foldl(fun ({Ep0,Ep1},M) ->
+ linespans_to_map(line_to_linespans(Ep0,Ep1,1),M)
+ end, #{}, Es),
+ [O#image_object{type=line, intervals=Ls}|precompile_objects(Os)];
+ points=[P0], internals={Font,Text}}=O|Os]) ->
+ [O#image_object{intervals=text_horizontal_ls(P0,Font,Text)}|precompile_objects(Os)];
+precompile_objects([O|Os]) ->
+ [O|precompile_objects(Os)].
% triangle
@@ -353,7 +352,8 @@ triangle_ls(P1,P2,P3) ->
% At an end point, a new line to the point already being drawn
% repeat same procedure as above
[Sp1, Sp2, Sp3] = tri_pt_ysort([P1,P2,P3]),
- triangle_ls_lp(tri_ls_ysort(line_ls(Sp1,Sp2)), Sp2, tri_ls_ysort(line_ls(Sp1,Sp3)), Sp3, []).
+ triangle_ls_lp(tri_ls_ysort(line_to_linespans(Sp1,Sp2,1)), Sp2,
+ tri_ls_ysort(line_to_linespans(Sp1,Sp3,1)), Sp3, []).
% There will be Y mismatches between the two lists since bresenham is not perfect.
% I can be remedied with checking intervals this could however be costly and
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ triangle_ls(P1,P2,P3) ->
triangle_ls_lp([],_,[],_,Out) -> Out;
triangle_ls_lp(LSs1, P1, [], P2, Out) ->
- SLSs = tri_ls_ysort(line_ls(P2,P1)),
+ SLSs = tri_ls_ysort(line_to_linespans(P2,P1,1)),
N2 = length(SLSs),
N1 = length(LSs1),
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ triangle_ls_lp(LSs1, P1, [], P2, Out) ->
triangle_ls_lp(LSs1, SLSs, Out)
triangle_ls_lp([], P1, LSs2, P2, Out) ->
- SLSs = tri_ls_ysort(line_ls(P1,P2)),
+ SLSs = tri_ls_ysort(line_to_linespans(P1,P2,1)),
N1 = length(SLSs),
N2 = length(LSs2),
@@ -390,21 +390,21 @@ triangle_ls_lp([], P1, LSs2, P2, Out) ->
triangle_ls_lp(SLSs, LSs2, Out)
triangle_ls_lp([LS1|LSs1],P1,[LS2|LSs2],P2, Out) ->
- {Y, Xl1, Xr1} = LS1,
- {_, Xl2, Xr2} = LS2,
+ {Y, Xl1, Xr1,_Ca1} = LS1,
+ {_, Xl2, Xr2,_Ca2} = LS2,
Xr = lists:max([Xl1,Xr1,Xl2,Xr2]),
Xl = lists:min([Xl1,Xr1,Xl2,Xr2]),
- triangle_ls_lp(LSs1,P1, LSs2, P2, [{Y,Xl,Xr}|Out]).
+ triangle_ls_lp(LSs1,P1,LSs2,P2,[{Y,Xl,Xr}|Out]).
triangle_ls_lp([],[],Out) -> Out;
triangle_ls_lp([],_,Out) -> Out;
triangle_ls_lp(_,[],Out) -> Out;
triangle_ls_lp([LS1|LSs1], [LS2|LSs2], Out) ->
- {Y, Xl1, Xr1} = LS1,
- {_, Xl2, Xr2} = LS2,
+ {Y, Xl1, Xr1, _Ca1} = LS1,
+ {_, Xl2, Xr2, _Ca2} = LS2,
Xr = lists:max([Xl1,Xr1,Xl2,Xr2]),
Xl = lists:min([Xl1,Xr1,Xl2,Xr2]),
- triangle_ls_lp(LSs1, LSs2, [{Y,Xl,Xr}|Out]).
+ triangle_ls_lp(LSs1,LSs2,[{Y,Xl,Xr}|Out]).
tri_pt_ysort(Pts) ->
% {X,Y}
@@ -414,9 +414,9 @@ tri_pt_ysort(Pts) ->
end, Pts).
tri_ls_ysort(LSs) ->
- % {Y, Xl, Xr}
+ % {Y, Xl, Xr, Ca}
- fun ({Y1,_,_},{Y2,_,_}) ->
+ fun ({Y1,_,_,_},{Y2,_,_,_}) ->
if Y1 > Y2 -> false; true -> true end
end, LSs).
@@ -503,69 +503,74 @@ point_inside_triangle(P, P1, P2, P3) ->
points_same_side(P, P2, P1, P3) and
points_same_side(P, P3, P1, P2).
-%% [{Y, Xl, Xr}]
-ls_list2dict(List) -> ls_list2dict(List, dict:new()).
-ls_list2dict([], D) -> D;
-ls_list2dict([{Y, Xl, Xr}|Ls], D) ->
- case dict:is_key(Y, D) of
- false -> ls_list2dict(Ls, dict:store(Y, [{Xl, Xr}], D));
- true -> ls_list2dict(Ls, dict:append(Y, {Xl, Xr}, D))
- end.
+%% [{Y, Xl, Xr}] -> #{Y := [{Xl,Xr}]}
+%% Reorganize linspans to a map with Y as key.
+linespans_to_map(Ls) ->
+ linespans_to_map(Ls,#{}).
+linespans_to_map([{Y,Xl,Xr,C}|Ls], M) ->
+ case M of
+ #{Y := Spans} -> linespans_to_map(Ls, M#{Y := [{Xl,Xr,C}|Spans]});
+ _ -> linespans_to_map(Ls, M#{Y => [{Xl,Xr,C}]})
+ end;
+linespans_to_map([], M) ->
+ M.
-%% line_ls
+%% line_to_linespans
+%% Anti-aliased thick line
+%% Do it CPS style
%% In:
%% P1 :: point()
%% P2 :: point()
%% Out:
-%% {{Ymin,Ymax}, LSD :: line_step_data()}
-%% Purpose:
-%% Instead of points -> intervals
-line_ls({Xi0, Yi0},{Xi1,Yi1}) ->
- % swap X with Y if line is steep
- Steep = abs(Yi1 - Yi0) > abs(Xi1 - Xi0),
- {Xs0, Ys0, Xs1, Ys1} = case Steep of
- true -> {Yi0,Xi0,Yi1,Xi1};
- false -> {Xi0,Yi0,Xi1,Yi1}
- end,
- {X0,Y0,X1,Y1} = case Xs0 > Xs1 of
- true -> {Xs1,Ys1,Xs0,Ys0};
- false -> {Xs0,Ys0,Xs1,Ys1}
- end,
- DX = X1 - X0,
- DY = abs(Y1 - Y0),
- Error = -DX/2,
- Ystep = case Y0 < Y1 of
- true -> 1;
- false -> -1
- end,
- line_ls_step(X0, X1,Y0, DX, DY, Ystep, Error, X0, Steep, []).
-%% line_ls_step_(not)_steep
-%% In:
-%% Out:
-%% [{Yi, Xl,Xr}]
-%% Purpose:
-%% Produce an line_interval for each Yi (Y index)
-line_ls_step(X, X1, Y, Dx, Dy, Ys, E, X0, false = Steep, LSs) when X < X1, E >= 0 ->
- line_ls_step(X+1,X1,Y+Ys,Dx,Dy,Ys, E - Dx + Dy, X+1, Steep, [{Y,X0,X}|LSs]);
-line_ls_step(X, X1, Y, Dx, Dy, Ys, E, X0, false = Steep, LSs) when X < X1 ->
- line_ls_step(X+1,X1,Y,Dx,Dy,Ys, E + Dy, X0, Steep, LSs);
-line_ls_step(X, _X1, Y, _Dx, _Dy, _Ys, _E, X0, false, LSs) ->
- [{Y,X0,X}|LSs];
-line_ls_step(X, X1, Y, Dx, Dy, Ys, E, _X0, true = Steep, LSs) when X =< X1, E >= 0 ->
- line_ls_step(X+1,X1,Y+Ys,Dx,Dy,Ys, E - Dx + Dy, X, Steep, [{X,Y,Y}|LSs]);
-line_ls_step(X, X1, Y, Dx, Dy, Ys, E, X0, true = Steep, LSs) when X =< X1 ->
- line_ls_step(X+1,X1,Y,Dx,Dy,Ys,E + Dy, X0, Steep, [{X,Y,Y}|LSs]);
-line_ls_step(_X,_,_Y,_Dx,_Dy,_Ys,_E,_X0,_,LSs) ->
- LSs.
+%% [{Y,Xl,Xr}]
+line_to_linespans({X0,Y0},{X1,Y1},Wd) ->
+ Dx = abs(X1-X0),
+ Dy = abs(Y1-Y0),
+ Sx = if X0 < X1 -> 1; true -> -1 end,
+ Sy = if Y0 < Y1 -> 1; true -> -1 end,
+ E0 = Dx - Dy,
+ Ed = if Dx + Dy =:= 0 -> 1; true -> math:sqrt(Dx*Dx + Dy*Dy) end,
+ line_to_ls(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E0,Ed,(Wd+1)/2,[]).
+line_to_ls(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E,Ed,Wd,Ls0) ->
+ C = max(0, 255*(abs(E - Dx+Dy)/Ed - Wd + 1)),
+ Ls1 = [{Y0,X0,X0,C}|Ls0],
+ line_to_ls_sx(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E,Ed,Wd,Ls1,E).
+line_to_ls_sx(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E,Ed,Wd,Ls,E2) when 2*E2 > -Dx ->
+ line_to_ls_sx_do(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E,Ed,Wd,Ls,E2+Dy,Y0);
+line_to_ls_sx(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E,Ed,Wd,Ls,E2) ->
+ line_to_ls_sy(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E,Ed,Wd,Ls,E2,X0).
+line_to_ls_sx_do(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E,Ed,Wd,Ls0,E2,Y) when E2 < Ed*Wd andalso
+ (Y1 =/= Y orelse Dx > Dy) ->
+ Y2 = Y + Sy,
+ C = max(0,255*(abs(E2)/Ed-Wd+1)),
+ Ls = [{Y2,X0,X0,C}|Ls0],
+ line_to_ls_sx_do(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E,Ed,Wd,Ls,E2+Dx,Y2);
+line_to_ls_sx_do(X0,_Y0,X1,_Y1,_Dx,_Dy,_Sx,_Sy,_E,_Ed,_Wd,Ls,_E2,_Y) when X0 =:= X1 ->
+ Ls;
+line_to_ls_sx_do(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E,Ed,Wd,Ls,_E2,_Y) ->
+ line_to_ls_sy(X0+Sx,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E-Dy,Ed,Wd,Ls,E,X0).
+line_to_ls_sy(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E,Ed,Wd,Ls0,E2,X) when 2*E2 =< Dy ->
+ line_to_ls_sy_do(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E,Ed,Wd,Ls0,Dx-E2,X);
+line_to_ls_sy(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E,Ed,Wd,Ls0,_E2,_X) ->
+ line_to_ls(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E,Ed,Wd,Ls0).
+line_to_ls_sy_do(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E,Ed,Wd,Ls0,E2,X) when E2 < Ed*Wd andalso
+ (X1 =/= X orelse Dx < Dy) ->
+ X2 = X + Sx,
+ C = max(0,255*(abs(E2)/Ed-Wd+1)),
+ Ls = [{Y0,X2,X2,C}|Ls0],
+ line_to_ls_sy_do(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E,Ed,Wd,Ls,E2+Dy,X2);
+line_to_ls_sy_do(_X0,Y0,_X1,Y1,_Dx,_Dy,_Sx,_Sy,_E,_Ed,_Wd,Ls,_E2,_X) when Y0 =:= Y1 ->
+ Ls;
+line_to_ls_sy_do(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E,Ed,Wd,Ls0,_E2,_X) ->
+ line_to_ls(X0,Y0+Sy,X1,Y1,Dx,Dy,Sx,Sy,E+Dx,Ed,Wd,Ls0).
% Text
diff --git a/lib/percept/test/egd_SUITE.erl b/lib/percept/test/egd_SUITE.erl
index 3562ceae88..401695dddd 100644
--- a/lib/percept/test/egd_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/percept/test/egd_SUITE.erl
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
+ image_fans/1,
suite() ->
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ suite() ->
all() ->
[image_create_and_destroy, image_shape,
image_primitives, image_colors, image_font,
+ image_fans,
@@ -71,6 +73,7 @@ image_create_and_destroy(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% Image color test.
image_colors(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{W,H} = get_size(proplists:get_value(max_size, Config)),
+ Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
Image = egd:create(W, H),
put(image_size, {W,H}),
@@ -96,7 +99,15 @@ image_colors(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ok = egd:line(Image, get_point(), get_point(), Color)
end, HtmlDefaultNames),
- <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Image),
+ Png1 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Image,png,[{render_engine, alpha}]),
+ File1 = filename:join(Dir,"image_colors_alpha.png"),
+ ok = egd:save(Png1,File1),
+ ct:log("<p>Image alpha:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File1]),
+ Png2 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Image,png,[{render_engine, opaque}]),
+ File2 = filename:join(Dir,"image_colors_opaque.png"),
+ ok = egd:save(Png2,File2),
+ ct:log("<p>Image opaque:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File2]),
ok = egd:destroy(Image),
@@ -104,6 +115,7 @@ image_colors(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% Image shape API test.
image_shape(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{W,H} = get_size(proplists:get_value(max_size, Config)),
+ Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
put(image_size, {W,H}),
Im = egd:create(W, H),
@@ -125,15 +137,21 @@ image_shape(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ok = bitmap_point_has_color(Bitmap, {W,H}, Pt2, Fgc),
ok = bitmap_point_has_color(Bitmap, {W,H}, Pt1, Fgc),
- <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, raw_bitmap, [{render_engine, alpha}]),
+ Bin = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, raw_bitmap, [{render_engine, alpha}]),
+ Png = egd_png:binary(W,H,Bin),
+ File = filename:join(Dir,"image_shape.png"),
+ ok = egd:save(Png,File),
+ ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File]),
ok = egd:destroy(Im),
%% Image shape API test.
image_primitives(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{W,H} = get_size(proplists:get_value(max_size, Config)),
+ Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
put(image_size, {W,H}),
Im0 = egd_primitives:create(W, H),
@@ -157,7 +175,11 @@ image_primitives(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ok = bitmap_point_has_color(Bitmap, {W,H}, Pt2, Fgc),
ok = bitmap_point_has_color(Bitmap, {W,H}, Pt1, Fgc),
- <<_/binary>> = egd_render:binary(Im2, alpha),
+ Bin = <<_/binary>> = egd_render:binary(Im2, alpha),
+ Png = egd_png:binary(W,H,Bin),
+ File = filename:join(Dir,"image_primitives.png"),
+ ok = egd:save(Png,File),
+ ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File]),
@@ -165,6 +187,7 @@ image_primitives(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% Image font test.
image_font(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{W,H} = get_size(proplists:get_value(max_size, Config)),
+ Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
put(image_size, {W,H}),
Im = egd:create(W, H),
Fgc = egd:color({0,130,0}),
@@ -185,25 +208,46 @@ image_font(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
GlyphStr4 = "{|}~", % Codes 123 -> 126
ok = egd:text(Im, get_point(), Font, GlyphStr1, Fgc),
- <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png),
+ Png1 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png),
+ File1 = filename:join(Dir,"text1.png"),
+ ok = egd:save(Png1,File1),
+ ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File1]),
ok = egd:text(Im, get_point(), Font, NumericStr, Fgc),
- <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png),
+ Png2 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png),
+ File2 = filename:join(Dir,"text2.png"),
+ ok = egd:save(Png2,File2),
+ ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File2]),
ok = egd:text(Im, get_point(), Font, GlyphStr2, Fgc),
- <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png),
+ Png3 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png),
+ File3 = filename:join(Dir,"text3.png"),
+ ok = egd:save(Png3,File3),
+ ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File3]),
ok = egd:text(Im, get_point(), Font, AlphaBigStr, Fgc),
- <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png),
+ Png4 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png),
+ File4 = filename:join(Dir,"text4.png"),
+ ok = egd:save(Png4,File4),
+ ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File4]),
ok = egd:text(Im, get_point(), Font, GlyphStr3, Fgc),
- <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png),
+ Png5 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png),
+ File5 = filename:join(Dir,"text5.png"),
+ ok = egd:save(Png5,File5),
+ ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File5]),
ok = egd:text(Im, get_point(), Font, AlphaSmStr, Fgc),
- <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png),
+ Png6 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png),
+ File6 = filename:join(Dir,"text6.png"),
+ ok = egd:save(Png6,File6),
+ ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File6]),
ok = egd:text(Im, get_point(), Font, GlyphStr4, Fgc),
- <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png),
+ Png7 = <<_/binary>> = egd:render(Im, png),
+ File7 = filename:join(Dir,"text7.png"),
+ ok = egd:save(Png7,File7),
+ ct:log("<p>Image:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File7]),
ok = egd:destroy(Im),
@@ -224,6 +268,65 @@ image_png_compliant(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+image_fans(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ W = 1024,
+ H = 800,
+ Dir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),
+ Fun = fun({F,Args},Im) ->
+ erlang:apply(egd_primitives,F,[Im|Args])
+ end,
+ %% fan1
+ Ops1 = gen_vertical_fan(1,{0,400},egd:color(red),1024,800,-15),
+ Ops2 = gen_horizontal_fan(1,{512,800},egd:color(green),1024,0,-15),
+ Im0 = egd_primitives:create(W,H),
+ Im1 = lists:foldl(Fun, Im0, Ops1 ++ Ops2),
+ Bin1 = egd_render:binary(Im1, opaque),
+ Png1 = egd_png:binary(W,H,Bin1),
+ File1 = filename:join(Dir,"fan1_opaque.png"),
+ ok = egd:save(Png1,File1),
+ ct:log("<p>Image opaque width 1:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File1]),
+ Bin2 = egd_render:binary(Im1, alpha),
+ Png2 = egd_png:binary(W,H,Bin2),
+ File2 = filename:join(Dir,"fan1_alpha.png"),
+ ok = egd:save(Png2,File2),
+ ct:log("<p>Image alpha width 1:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File2]),
+ %% fan2
+ Ops3 = gen_vertical_fan(7,{0,400},egd:color(red),1024,800,-15),
+ Ops4 = gen_horizontal_fan(7,{512,800},egd:color(green),1024,0,-15),
+ Im2 = lists:foldl(Fun, Im0, Ops3 ++ Ops4),
+ Bin3 = egd_render:binary(Im2, opaque),
+ Png3 = egd_png:binary(W,H,Bin3),
+ File3 = filename:join(Dir,"fan2_opaque.png"),
+ ok = egd:save(Png3,File3),
+ ct:log("<p>Image opaque width 7:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File3]),
+ Bin4 = egd_render:binary(Im2, alpha),
+ Png4 = egd_png:binary(W,H,Bin4),
+ File4 = filename:join(Dir,"fan2_alpha.png"),
+ ok = egd:save(Png4,File4),
+ ct:log("<p>Image alpha width 7:</p><img src=\"~s\" />~n", [File4]),
+ ok.
+gen_vertical_fan(Wd,Pt,C,X,Y,Step) when Y > 0 ->
+ [{line,[Pt,{X,Y},Wd,C]}|gen_vertical_fan(Wd,Pt,C,X,Y + Step,Step)];
+gen_vertical_fan(_,_,_,_,_,_) -> [].
+gen_horizontal_fan(Wd,Pt,C,X,Y,Step) when X > 0 ->
+ [{line,[Pt,{X,Y},Wd,C]}|gen_horizontal_fan(Wd,Pt,C,X + Step,Y,Step)];
+gen_horizontal_fan(_,_,_,_,_,_) -> [].
%% Auxiliary tests
@@ -239,33 +342,6 @@ bitmap_point_has_color(Bitmap, {W,_}, {X,Y}, C) ->
{error, {Other,{CR,CG,CB}}}
-%% jfif header by specification
-%% 2 bytes, length
-%% 5 bytes, identifier ="JFIF\0"
-%% 2 bytes, version, (major, minor)
-%% 1 byte , units
-%% However, JFIF seems to start at 6 (7 with 1-index)?
-binary_is_jfif_compliant(JpegBin) ->
- {Bin, _} = split_binary(JpegBin, 11),
- List = binary_to_list(Bin),
- case lists:sublist(List, 7, 4) of
- "JFIF" -> true;
- Other ->
- io:format("img -> ~p~n", [Other]),
- false
- end.
-binary_is_gif_compliant(GifBin) ->
- {Bin, _} = split_binary(GifBin, 10),
- List = binary_to_list(Bin),
- case lists:sublist(List, 1,5) of
- "GIF87" -> true;
- Other ->
- io:format("img -> ~p~n", [Other]),
- false
- end.
binary_is_png_compliant(PngBin) ->
{Bin, _} = split_binary(PngBin, 10),
List = binary_to_list(Bin),
diff --git a/lib/public_key/test/pbe_SUITE.erl b/lib/public_key/test/pbe_SUITE.erl
index 4b7ebf4309..004eaefc27 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/test/pbe_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/public_key/test/pbe_SUITE.erl
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
%% Common Test interface functions -----------------------------------
-suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
+suite() ->
+ [].
all() ->
@@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ pbdkdf2(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
old_enc() ->
[{doc,"Tests encode/decode RSA key encrypted with different ciphers using old PEM encryption scheme"}].
old_enc(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
%% key generated with ssh-keygen -N hello_aes -f old_aes_128_cbc_enc_key.pem
{ok, PemAesCbc} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "old_aes_128_cbc_enc_key.pem")),
@@ -226,7 +227,7 @@ check_key_info(#'PrivateKeyInfo'{privateKeyAlgorithm =
#'RSAPrivateKey'{} = public_key:der_decode('RSAPrivateKey', iolist_to_binary(Key)).
decode_encode_key_file(File, Password, Cipher, Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok, PemKey} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, File)),
PemEntry = public_key:pem_decode(PemKey),
diff --git a/lib/public_key/test/pkits_SUITE.erl b/lib/public_key/test/pkits_SUITE.erl
index 17be99b52d..487b3dbe3f 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/test/pkits_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/public_key/test/pkits_SUITE.erl
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
suite() ->
- [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
+ [].
all() ->
[{group, signature_verification},
diff --git a/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl b/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl
index 51050c4480..9c39c36be4 100644
--- a/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/public_key/test/public_key_SUITE.erl
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
%% Common Test interface functions -----------------------------------
-suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
+suite() ->
+ [].
all() ->
[app, appup,
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ appup(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
dsa_pem() ->
[{doc, "DSA PEM-file decode/encode"}].
dsa_pem(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
[{'DSAPrivateKey', DerDSAKey, not_encrypted} = Entry0 ] =
erl_make_certs:pem_to_der(filename:join(Datadir, "dsa.pem")),
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ dsa_pem(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
rsa_pem() ->
[{doc, "RSA PEM-file decode/encode"}].
rsa_pem(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
[{'RSAPrivateKey', DerRSAKey, not_encrypted} = Entry0 ] =
erl_make_certs:pem_to_der(filename:join(Datadir, "client_key.pem")),
@@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ rsa_pem(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ec_pem() ->
[{doc, "EC key PEM-file decode/encode"}].
ec_pem(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok, ECPubPem} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "ec_pubkey.pem")),
[{'SubjectPublicKeyInfo', _, _} = PubEntry0] =
@@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ ec_pem(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
encrypted_pem() ->
[{doc, "Encrypted PEM-file decode/encode"}].
encrypted_pem(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
[{'RSAPrivateKey', DerRSAKey, not_encrypted}] =
erl_make_certs:pem_to_der(filename:join(Datadir, "client_key.pem")),
@@ -225,7 +226,7 @@ encrypted_pem(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
dh_pem() ->
[{doc, "DH parametrs PEM-file decode/encode"}].
dh_pem(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
[{'DHParameter', _DerDH, not_encrypted} = Entry] =
erl_make_certs:pem_to_der(filename:join(Datadir, "dh.pem")),
@@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ dh_pem(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
pkcs10_pem() ->
[{doc, "PKCS-10 PEM-file decode/encode"}].
pkcs10_pem(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
[{'CertificationRequest', _DerPKCS10, not_encrypted} = Entry] =
erl_make_certs:pem_to_der(filename:join(Datadir, "req.pem")),
@@ -243,7 +244,7 @@ pkcs10_pem(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
pkcs7_pem() ->
[{doc, "PKCS-7 PEM-file decode/encode"}].
pkcs7_pem(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
[{'ContentInfo', _, not_encrypted} = Entry0] =
erl_make_certs:pem_to_der(filename:join(Datadir, "pkcs7_cert.pem")),
[{'ContentInfo', _, not_encrypted} = Entry1] =
@@ -255,7 +256,7 @@ pkcs7_pem(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
cert_pem() ->
[{doc, "Certificate PEM-file decode/encode"}].
cert_pem(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
[{'Certificate', _, not_encrypted} = Entry0] =
erl_make_certs:pem_to_der(filename:join(Datadir, "client_cert.pem")),
@@ -273,7 +274,7 @@ cert_pem(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ssh_rsa_public_key() ->
[{doc, "ssh rsa public key decode/encode"}].
ssh_rsa_public_key(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok, RSARawSsh2} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "ssh2_rsa_pub")),
[{PubKey, Attributes1}] = public_key:ssh_decode(RSARawSsh2, public_key),
@@ -299,7 +300,7 @@ ssh_rsa_public_key(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ssh_dsa_public_key() ->
[{doc, "ssh dsa public key decode/encode"}].
ssh_dsa_public_key(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok, DSARawSsh2} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "ssh2_dsa_pub")),
[{PubKey, Attributes1}] = public_key:ssh_decode(DSARawSsh2, public_key),
@@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ ssh_dsa_public_key(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ssh_ecdsa_public_key() ->
[{doc, "ssh ecdsa public key decode/encode"}].
ssh_ecdsa_public_key(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok, ECDSARawSsh2} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "ssh2_ecdsa_pub")),
[{PubKey, Attributes1}] = public_key:ssh_decode(ECDSARawSsh2, public_key),
@@ -350,7 +351,7 @@ ssh_ecdsa_public_key(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ssh_rfc4716_rsa_comment() ->
[{doc, "Test comment header and rsa key"}].
ssh_rfc4716_rsa_comment(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok, RSARawSsh2} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "ssh2_rsa_comment_pub")),
[{#'RSAPublicKey'{} = PubKey, Attributes}] =
@@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ ssh_rfc4716_rsa_comment(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ssh_rfc4716_dsa_comment() ->
[{doc, "Test comment header and dsa key"}].
ssh_rfc4716_dsa_comment(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok, DSARawSsh2} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "ssh2_dsa_comment_pub")),
[{{_, #'Dss-Parms'{}} = PubKey, Attributes}] =
@@ -386,7 +387,7 @@ ssh_rfc4716_dsa_comment(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ssh_rfc4716_rsa_subject() ->
[{doc, "Test another header value than comment"}].
ssh_rfc4716_rsa_subject(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok, RSARawSsh2} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "ssh2_subject_pub")),
[{#'RSAPublicKey'{} = PubKey, Attributes}] =
@@ -406,7 +407,7 @@ ssh_rfc4716_rsa_subject(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ssh_known_hosts() ->
[{doc, "ssh known hosts file encode/decode"}].
ssh_known_hosts(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok, SshKnownHosts} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "known_hosts")),
[{#'RSAPublicKey'{}, Attributes1}, {#'RSAPublicKey'{}, Attributes2},
@@ -435,7 +436,7 @@ ssh_known_hosts(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ssh1_known_hosts() ->
[{doc, "ssh (ver 1) known hosts file encode/decode"}].
ssh1_known_hosts(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok, SshKnownHosts} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "ssh1_known_hosts")),
[{#'RSAPublicKey'{}, Attributes1}, {#'RSAPublicKey'{}, Attributes2},{#'RSAPublicKey'{}, Attributes3}]
@@ -455,7 +456,7 @@ ssh1_known_hosts(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ssh_auth_keys() ->
[{doc, "ssh authorized keys file encode/decode"}].
ssh_auth_keys(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok, SshAuthKeys} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "auth_keys")),
[{#'RSAPublicKey'{}, Attributes1}, {{_, #'Dss-Parms'{}}, Attributes2},
@@ -481,7 +482,7 @@ ssh_auth_keys(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ssh1_auth_keys() ->
[{doc, "ssh (ver 1) authorized keys file encode/decode"}].
ssh1_auth_keys(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok, SshAuthKeys} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "ssh1_auth_keys")),
[{#'RSAPublicKey'{}, Attributes1},
@@ -509,7 +510,7 @@ ssh1_auth_keys(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ssh_openssh_public_key_with_comment() ->
[{doc, "Test that emty lines and lines starting with # are ignored"}].
ssh_openssh_public_key_with_comment(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok, DSARawOpenSsh} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "openssh_dsa_with_comment_pub")),
[{{_, #'Dss-Parms'{}}, _}] = public_key:ssh_decode(DSARawOpenSsh, openssh_public_key).
@@ -518,7 +519,7 @@ ssh_openssh_public_key_with_comment(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ssh_openssh_public_key_long_header() ->
[{doc, "Test that long headers are handled"}].
ssh_openssh_public_key_long_header(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok,RSARawOpenSsh} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "ssh_rsa_long_header_pub")),
[{#'RSAPublicKey'{}, _}] = Decoded = public_key:ssh_decode(RSARawOpenSsh, public_key),
@@ -577,7 +578,7 @@ dsa_sign_verify(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
true = public_key:pkix_verify(Cert2, {Y, #'Dss-Parms'{p=P, q=Q, g=G}}),
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
[DsaKey = {'DSAPrivateKey', _, _}] =
erl_make_certs:pem_to_der(filename:join(Datadir, "dsa.pem")),
DSAPrivateKey = public_key:pem_entry_decode(DsaKey),
@@ -606,7 +607,7 @@ dsa_sign_verify(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
pkix() ->
[{doc, "Misc pkix tests not covered elsewhere"}].
pkix(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
Certs0 = erl_make_certs:pem_to_der(filename:join(Datadir, "cacerts.pem")),
Certs1 = erl_make_certs:pem_to_der(filename:join(Datadir, "client_cert.pem")),
TestTransform = fun({'Certificate', CertDer, not_encrypted}) ->
@@ -749,7 +750,7 @@ pkix_iso_rsa_oid() ->
[{doc, "Test workaround for supporting certs that use ISO oids"
" instead of PKIX/PKCS oid"}].
pkix_iso_rsa_oid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok, PemCert} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "rsa_ISO.pem")),
[{_, Cert, _}] = public_key:pem_decode(PemCert),
OTPCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
@@ -761,7 +762,7 @@ pkix_iso_dsa_oid() ->
[{doc, "Test workaround for supporting certs that use ISO oids"
" instead of PKIX/PKCS oid"}].
pkix_iso_dsa_oid(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok, PemCert} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "dsa_ISO.pem")),
[{_, Cert, _}] = public_key:pem_decode(PemCert),
OTPCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(Cert, otp),
@@ -774,7 +775,7 @@ pkix_crl() ->
[{doc, "test pkix_crl_* functions"}].
pkix_crl(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- Datadir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
+ Datadir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config),
{ok, PemCRL} = file:read_file(filename:join(Datadir, "idp_crl.pem")),
[{_, CRL, _}] = public_key:pem_decode(PemCRL),
diff --git a/lib/reltool/doc/src/notes.xml b/lib/reltool/doc/src/notes.xml
index 082079aa74..0a83954865 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/doc/src/notes.xml
+++ b/lib/reltool/doc/src/notes.xml
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@
<section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
- <p>
<list> <item> If <c>incl_cond</c> was set to
<c>derived</c> on module level, then reltool_server would
crash with a <c>case_clause</c>. This has been corrected.
@@ -225,7 +224,7 @@
implemented in reltool. </item> <item> Instead of only
looking at the directory name, reltool now first looks
for a <c>.app</c> file in order to figure out the name of
- an application. </item> </list></p>
+ an application. </item> </list>
Own Id: OTP-10012 Aux Id: kunagi-171 [82] </p>
@@ -272,7 +271,6 @@
<section><title>Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions</title>
- <p>
Miscellaneous corrections: <list> <item> Start of reltool
GUI would sometimes crash with a badmatch in
reltool_sys_win:do_init. This has been corrected. </item>
@@ -311,7 +309,7 @@
and when generating target system. </item> <item> Title
of dependecies column in app and mod window is changed
from "Modules used by others" to "Modules using this".
- </item> </list></p>
+ </item> </list>
Own Id: OTP-9792</p>
@@ -338,7 +336,7 @@
- Some bug fixes related to the handling of escripts:
+ Some bug fixes related to the handling of escripts:</p>
<list> <item> Reltool could not handle escripts with
inlined applications. This has been corrected. Inlined
applications will be visible in the GUI, but not possible
@@ -357,7 +355,7 @@
another escript, for which the name sorts before the
existing one, would cause reltool to fail saying
"Application name clash". This has been corrected.
- </item> </list></p>
+ </item> </list>
Own Id: OTP-9968</p>
diff --git a/lib/reltool/doc/src/reltool.xml b/lib/reltool/doc/src/reltool.xml
index f4effc3f2e..38448e7961 100644
--- a/lib/reltool/doc/src/reltool.xml
+++ b/lib/reltool/doc/src/reltool.xml
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
<p>When starting this release, three things must be specified:</p>
- <tag><b>Which <c>releases</c> directory to use</b></tag>
+ <tag><em>Which <c>releases</c> directory to use</em></tag>
<item>Tell the release handler to use the <c>releases</c>
directory in our target structure instead of
<c>$OTP_ROOT/releases</c>. This is done by setting the SASL
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
&lt;target-dir&gt;/releases</c>) or in
- <tag><b>Which boot file to use</b></tag>
+ <tag><em>Which boot file to use</em></tag>
<item>The default boot file is <c>$OTP_ROOT/bin/start</c>,
but in this case we need to specify a boot file from our
target structure, typically
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
is done with the <c>-boot</c> command line option to
- <tag><b>The location of our applications</b></tag>
+ <tag><em>The location of our applications</em></tag>
<item>The generated .script (and .boot) file uses the
environment variable <c>$RELTOOL_EXT_LIB</c> as prefix for
the paths to all applications. The <c>-boot_var</c> option
@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@
- <p><code>erl -sasl releases_dir \"mytarget/releases\" -boot mytarget/releases/1.0/myrel\
- -boot_var RELTOOL_EXT_LIB mytarget/lib</code></p>
+ <code>erl -sasl releases_dir \"mytarget/releases\" -boot mytarget/releases/1.0/myrel\
+ -boot_var RELTOOL_EXT_LIB mytarget/lib</code>
diff --git a/lib/runtime_tools/c_src/dyntrace.c b/lib/runtime_tools/c_src/dyntrace.c
index 0178d95efb..e7a4a73373 100644
--- a/lib/runtime_tools/c_src/dyntrace.c
+++ b/lib/runtime_tools/c_src/dyntrace.c
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ static ERL_NIF_TERM trace_call(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv
char class[LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ];
enif_get_tuple(env, argv[4], &arity, &tuple);
- erts_snprintf(class, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", tuple[0]);
+ enif_snprintf(class, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", tuple[0]);
if (enif_get_tuple(env, argv[3], &arity, &tuple)) {
enif_get_uint(env, tuple[2], &len);
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ static ERL_NIF_TERM trace_send(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv
char msg[LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ];
lttng_pid_to_str(argv[4], to);
- erts_snprintf(msg, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[3]);
+ enif_snprintf(msg, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[3]);
LTTNG3(message_send, pid, to, msg);
} else if (argv[0] == atom_send_to_non_existing_process) {
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ static ERL_NIF_TERM trace_send(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv
char msg[LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ];
lttng_pid_to_str(argv[4], to);
- erts_snprintf(msg, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[3]);
+ enif_snprintf(msg, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[3]);
/* mark it as non existing ? */
LTTNG3(message_send, pid, to, msg);
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ static ERL_NIF_TERM trace_receive(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM a
char msg[LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ];
lttng_pid_to_str(argv[2], pid);
- erts_snprintf(msg, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[3]);
+ enif_snprintf(msg, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[3]);
LTTNG2(message_receive, pid, msg);
@@ -560,11 +560,11 @@ static ERL_NIF_TERM trace_procs(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM arg
/* register */
} else if (argv[0] == atom_register) {
char name[LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ];
- erts_snprintf(name, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[3]);
+ enif_snprintf(name, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[3]);
LTTNG3(process_register, pid, name, "register");
} else if (argv[0] == atom_unregister) {
char name[LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ];
- erts_snprintf(name, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[3]);
+ enif_snprintf(name, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[3]);
LTTNG3(process_register, pid, name, "unregister");
/* link */
} else if (argv[0] == atom_link) {
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ static ERL_NIF_TERM trace_procs(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM arg
/* exit */
} else if (argv[0] == atom_exit) {
char reason[LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ];
- erts_snprintf(reason, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[3]);
+ enif_snprintf(reason, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[3]);
LTTNG2(process_exit, pid, reason);
return atom_ok;
@@ -622,11 +622,11 @@ static ERL_NIF_TERM trace_ports(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM arg
lttng_pid_to_str(argv[3], pid);
- erts_snprintf(driver, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[4]);
+ enif_snprintf(driver, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[4]);
LTTNG3(port_open, pid, driver, port);
} else if (argv[0] == atom_closed) {
char reason[LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ];
- erts_snprintf(reason, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[3]);
+ enif_snprintf(reason, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[3]);
LTTNG2(port_exit, port, reason);
/* link */
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ static ERL_NIF_TERM trace_running_ports(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_
lttng_portid_to_str(argv[2], pid);
- erts_snprintf(where, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[3]);
+ enif_snprintf(where, LTTNG_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", argv[3]);
/* running ports */
if (argv[0] == atom_in) {
diff --git a/lib/runtime_tools/c_src/dyntrace_lttng.h b/lib/runtime_tools/c_src/dyntrace_lttng.h
index 3550a1cab5..2a3224e191 100644
--- a/lib/runtime_tools/c_src/dyntrace_lttng.h
+++ b/lib/runtime_tools/c_src/dyntrace_lttng.h
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@
#define lttng_pid_to_str(pid, name) \
- erts_snprintf(name, LTTNG_PROC_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", (pid))
+ enif_snprintf(name, LTTNG_PROC_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", (pid))
#define lttng_portid_to_str(pid, name) \
- erts_snprintf(name, LTTNG_PORT_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", (pid))
+ enif_snprintf(name, LTTNG_PORT_BUFFER_SZ, "%T", (pid))
#define lttng_proc_to_str(p, name) \
lttng_pid_to_str(((p) ? (p)->common.id : ERTS_INVALID_PID), name)
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
lttng_portid_to_str(((p) ? (p)->common.id : ERTS_INVALID_PORT), name)
#define lttng_mfa_to_str(m,f,a, Name) \
- erts_snprintf(Name, LTTNG_MFA_BUFFER_SZ, "%T:%T/%lu", (Eterm)(m), (Eterm)(f), (Uint)(a))
+ enif_snprintf(Name, LTTNG_MFA_BUFFER_SZ, "%T:%T/%lu", (Eterm)(m), (Eterm)(f), (Uint)(a))
/* Process scheduling */
diff --git a/lib/runtime_tools/c_src/trace_ip_drv.c b/lib/runtime_tools/c_src/trace_ip_drv.c
index c73630f702..195558f958 100644
--- a/lib/runtime_tools/c_src/trace_ip_drv.c
+++ b/lib/runtime_tools/c_src/trace_ip_drv.c
@@ -374,6 +374,7 @@ static void trace_ip_output(ErlDrvData handle, char *buff, ErlDrvSizeT bufflen)
if (data->que[data->questart] != NULL) {
trace_ip_ready_output(handle, sock2event(data->fd));
@@ -412,6 +413,7 @@ static void trace_ip_ready_input(ErlDrvData handle, ErlDrvEvent fd)
** Maybe accept, we are a listen port...
if (!IS_INVALID_SOCKET((client = my_accept(data->listenfd)))) {
data->fd = client;
@@ -735,6 +737,7 @@ static void close_client(TraceIpData *data)
my_driver_select(data, data->fd, FLAG_WRITE | FLAG_READ, SELECT_CLOSE);
data->flags |= FLAG_LISTEN_PORT;
+ data->fd = INVALID_SOCKET;
if (!(data->flags & FLAG_FILL_ALWAYS)) {
diff --git a/lib/runtime_tools/doc/src/LTTng.xml b/lib/runtime_tools/doc/src/LTTng.xml
index 4a87133c57..06152c66d6 100644
--- a/lib/runtime_tools/doc/src/LTTng.xml
+++ b/lib/runtime_tools/doc/src/LTTng.xml
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>entry : string</c> :: Code Location. Ex. <c>"lists:sort/1"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">process_spawn: { cpu_id = 3 }, { pid = "&lt;0.131.0&gt;", parent = "&lt;0.130.0&gt;", entry = "erlang:apply/2" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">process_spawn: { cpu_id = 3 }, { pid = "&lt;0.131.0&gt;", parent = "&lt;0.130.0&gt;", entry = "erlang:apply/2" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>type : string</c> :: <c>"link" | "unlink"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">process_link: { cpu_id = 3 }, { from = "&lt;0.130.0&gt;", to = "&lt;0.131.0&gt;", type = "link" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">process_link: { cpu_id = 3 }, { from = "&lt;0.130.0&gt;", to = "&lt;0.131.0&gt;", type = "link" }</code>
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>reason : string</c> :: Exit reason. Ex. <c>"normal"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">process_exit: { cpu_id = 3 }, { pid = "&lt;0.130.0&gt;", reason = "normal" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">process_exit: { cpu_id = 3 }, { pid = "&lt;0.130.0&gt;", reason = "normal" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>type : string</c> :: <c>"register" | "unregister"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">process_register: { cpu_id = 0 }, { pid = "&lt;0.128.0&gt;", name = "dyntrace_lttng_SUITE" type = "register" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">process_register: { cpu_id = 0 }, { pid = "&lt;0.128.0&gt;", name = "dyntrace_lttng_SUITE" type = "register" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ $ make </code>
- <p><code type="none">process_scheduled: { cpu_id = 0 }, { pid = "&lt;0.136.0&gt;", entry = "erlang:apply/2", type = "in" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">process_scheduled: { cpu_id = 0 }, { pid = "&lt;0.136.0&gt;", entry = "erlang:apply/2", type = "in" }</code>
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ $ make </code>
- <p><code type="none">port_open: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "&lt;0.131.0&gt;", driver = "'/bin/sh -s unix:cmd'", port = "#Port&lt;0.1887&gt;" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">port_open: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "&lt;0.131.0&gt;", driver = "'/bin/sh -s unix:cmd'", port = "#Port&lt;0.1887&gt;" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>reason : string</c> :: Exit reason. Ex. <c>"normal"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">port_exit: { cpu_id = 5 }, { port = "#Port&lt;0.1887&gt;", reason = "normal" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">port_exit: { cpu_id = 5 }, { port = "#Port&lt;0.1887&gt;", reason = "normal" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>type : string</c> :: <c>"link" | "unlink"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">port_link: { cpu_id = 5 }, { from = "#Port&lt;0.1887&gt;", to = "&lt;0.131.0&gt;", type = "unlink" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">port_link: { cpu_id = 5 }, { from = "#Port&lt;0.1887&gt;", to = "&lt;0.131.0&gt;", type = "unlink" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ $ make </code>
- <p><code type="none">port_scheduled: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "#Port&lt;0.1905&gt;", entry = "close", type = "out" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">port_scheduled: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "#Port&lt;0.1905&gt;", entry = "close", type = "out" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>depth : integer</c> :: Stack depth. Ex. <c>0</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">function_call: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "&lt;0.145.0&gt;", entry = "dyntrace_lttng_SUITE:'-t_call/1-fun-1-'/0", depth = 0 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">function_call: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "&lt;0.145.0&gt;", entry = "dyntrace_lttng_SUITE:'-t_call/1-fun-1-'/0", depth = 0 }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>depth : integer</c> :: Stack depth. Ex. <c>0</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">function_return: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "&lt;0.145.0&gt;", entry = "dyntrace_lttng_SUITE:waiter/0", depth = 0 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">function_return: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "&lt;0.145.0&gt;", entry = "dyntrace_lttng_SUITE:waiter/0", depth = 0 }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>class : string</c> :: Error reason. Ex. <c>"error"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">function_exception: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "&lt;0.144.0&gt;", entry = "t:call_exc/1", class = "error" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">function_exception: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "&lt;0.144.0&gt;", entry = "t:call_exc/1", class = "error" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>message : string</c> :: Message sent. Ex. <c>"{&lt;0.162.0&gt;,ok}"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">message_send: { cpu_id = 3 }, { from = "#Port&lt;0.1938&gt;", to = "&lt;0.160.0&gt;", message = "{#Port&lt;0.1938&gt;,eof}" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">message_send: { cpu_id = 3 }, { from = "#Port&lt;0.1938&gt;", to = "&lt;0.160.0&gt;", message = "{#Port&lt;0.1938&gt;,eof}" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>message : string</c> :: Message received. Ex. <c>"{&lt;0.162.0&gt;,ok}"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">message_receive: { cpu_id = 7 }, { to = "&lt;0.167.0&gt;", message = "{&lt;0.165.0&gt;,ok}" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">message_receive: { cpu_id = 7 }, { to = "&lt;0.167.0&gt;", message = "{&lt;0.165.0&gt;,ok}" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>old_heap : integer</c> :: Old heap word size. Ex. <c>233</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">gc_minor_start: { cpu_id = 0 }, { pid = "&lt;0.172.0&gt;", need = 0, heap = 610, old_heap = 0 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">gc_minor_start: { cpu_id = 0 }, { pid = "&lt;0.172.0&gt;", need = 0, heap = 610, old_heap = 0 }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>old_heap : integer</c> :: Old heap word size. Ex. <c>233</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">gc_minor_end: { cpu_id = 0 }, { pid = "&lt;0.172.0&gt;", reclaimed = 120, heap = 1598, old_heap = 1598 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">gc_minor_end: { cpu_id = 0 }, { pid = "&lt;0.172.0&gt;", reclaimed = 120, heap = 1598, old_heap = 1598 }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>old_heap : integer</c> :: Old heap word size. Ex. <c>233</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">gc_major_start: { cpu_id = 0 }, { pid = "&lt;0.172.0&gt;", need = 8, heap = 2586, old_heap = 1598 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">gc_major_start: { cpu_id = 0 }, { pid = "&lt;0.172.0&gt;", need = 8, heap = 2586, old_heap = 1598 }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>old_heap : integer</c> :: Old heap word size. Ex. <c>233</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">gc_major_end: { cpu_id = 0 }, { pid = "&lt;0.172.0&gt;", reclaimed = 240, heap = 4185, old_heap = 0 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">gc_major_end: { cpu_id = 0 }, { pid = "&lt;0.172.0&gt;", reclaimed = 240, heap = 4185, old_heap = 0 }</code>
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>runnable : integer</c> :: Runnable. Ex. <c>1</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">scheduler_poll: { cpu_id = 4 }, { scheduler = 1, runnable = 1 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">scheduler_poll: { cpu_id = 4 }, { scheduler = 1, runnable = 1 }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>flags : integer</c> :: Flags. Ex. <c>1</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">driver_init: { cpu_id = 2 }, { driver = "caller_drv", major = 3, minor = 3, flags = 1 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">driver_init: { cpu_id = 2 }, { driver = "caller_drv", major = 3, minor = 3, flags = 1 }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>port : string</c> :: Port ID. Ex. <c>"#Port&lt;0.1031&gt;"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">driver_start: { cpu_id = 2 }, { pid = "&lt;0.198.0&gt;", driver = "caller_drv", port = "#Port&lt;0.3676&gt;" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">driver_start: { cpu_id = 2 }, { pid = "&lt;0.198.0&gt;", driver = "caller_drv", port = "#Port&lt;0.3676&gt;" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>bytes : integer</c> :: Size of data returned. Ex. <c>82</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">driver_output: { cpu_id = 2 }, { pid = "&lt;0.198.0&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.3677&gt;", driver = "/bin/sh -s unix:cmd", bytes = 36 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">driver_output: { cpu_id = 2 }, { pid = "&lt;0.198.0&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.3677&gt;", driver = "/bin/sh -s unix:cmd", bytes = 36 }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>bytes : integer</c> :: Size of data returned. Ex. <c>82</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">driver_outputv: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "&lt;0.194.0&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.3663&gt;", driver = "tcp_inet", bytes = 3 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">driver_outputv: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "&lt;0.194.0&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.3663&gt;", driver = "tcp_inet", bytes = 3 }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>driver : string</c> :: Driver name. Ex. <c>"efile"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">driver_ready_input: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "&lt;0.189.0&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.3637&gt;", driver = "inet_gethost 4 " }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">driver_ready_input: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "&lt;0.189.0&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.3637&gt;", driver = "inet_gethost 4 " }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>driver : string</c> :: Driver name. Ex. <c>"efile"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">driver_ready_output: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "&lt;0.194.0&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.3663&gt;", driver = "tcp_inet" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">driver_ready_output: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "&lt;0.194.0&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.3663&gt;", driver = "tcp_inet" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -316,14 +316,14 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>driver : string</c> :: Driver name. Ex. <c>"efile"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">driver_timeout: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "&lt;0.196.0&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.3664&gt;", driver = "tcp_inet" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">driver_timeout: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "&lt;0.196.0&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.3664&gt;", driver = "tcp_inet" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
<item><c>driver : string</c> :: Driver name. Ex. <c>"efile"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">driver_stop_select: { cpu_id = 5 }, { driver = "unknown" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">driver_stop_select: { cpu_id = 5 }, { driver = "unknown" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>driver : string</c> :: Driver name. Ex. <c>"efile"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">driver_flush: { cpu_id = 7 }, { pid = "&lt;0.204.0&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.3686&gt;", driver = "tcp_inet" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">driver_flush: { cpu_id = 7 }, { pid = "&lt;0.204.0&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.3686&gt;", driver = "tcp_inet" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>driver : string</c> :: Driver name. Ex. <c>"efile"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">driver_stop: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "[]", port = "#Port&lt;0.3673&gt;", driver = "efile" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">driver_stop: { cpu_id = 5 }, { pid = "[]", port = "#Port&lt;0.3673&gt;", driver = "efile" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>driver : string</c> :: Driver name. Ex. <c>"efile"</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">driver_ready_async: { cpu_id = 3 }, { pid = "&lt;0.181.0&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.3622&gt;", driver = "efile" }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">driver_ready_async: { cpu_id = 3 }, { pid = "&lt;0.181.0&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.3622&gt;", driver = "efile" }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>bytes : integer</c> :: Size of data returned. Ex. <c>82</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">driver_call: { cpu_id = 2 }, { pid = "&lt;0.202.0&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.3676&gt;", driver = "caller_drv", command = 0, bytes = 2 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">driver_call: { cpu_id = 2 }, { pid = "&lt;0.202.0&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.3676&gt;", driver = "caller_drv", command = 0, bytes = 2 }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>bytes : integer</c> :: Size of data returned. Ex. <c>82</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">driver_control: { cpu_id = 3 }, { pid = "&lt;0.32767.8191&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.0&gt;", driver = "forker", command = 83, bytes = 32 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">driver_control: { cpu_id = 3 }, { pid = "&lt;0.32767.8191&gt;", port = "#Port&lt;0.0&gt;", driver = "forker", command = 83, bytes = 32 }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>length : integer</c> :: Async queue length. Ex. <c>0</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">aio_pool_get: { cpu_id = 4 }, { port = "#Port&lt;0.3614&gt;", length = 0 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">aio_pool_get: { cpu_id = 4 }, { port = "#Port&lt;0.3614&gt;", length = 0 }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ $ make </code>
<p>Async queue length is not defined for <c>put</c> operations.</p>
- <p><code type="none">aio_pool_put: { cpu_id = 3 }, { port = "#Port&lt;0.3614&gt;", length = -1 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">aio_pool_put: { cpu_id = 3 }, { port = "#Port&lt;0.3614&gt;", length = -1 }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ $ make </code>
- <p><code type="none">carrier_create: { cpu_id = 2 }, { type = "ets_alloc", instance = 7, size = 2097152, mbc_carriers = 4, mbc_carriers_size = 3440640, mbc_blocks = 526, mbc_blocks_size = 1278576, sbc_carriers = 0, sbc_carriers_size = 0, sbc_blocks = 0, sbc_blocks_size = 0 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">carrier_create: { cpu_id = 2 }, { type = "ets_alloc", instance = 7, size = 2097152, mbc_carriers = 4, mbc_carriers_size = 3440640, mbc_blocks = 526, mbc_blocks_size = 1278576, sbc_carriers = 0, sbc_carriers_size = 0, sbc_blocks = 0, sbc_blocks_size = 0 }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ $ make </code>
- <p><code type="none">carrier_destroy: { cpu_id = 6 }, { type = "ets_alloc", instance = 7, size = 262144, mbc_carriers = 3, mbc_carriers_size = 3178496, mbc_blocks = 925, mbc_blocks_size = 2305336, sbc_carriers = 0, sbc_carriers_size = 0, sbc_blocks = 0, sbc_blocks_size = 0 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">carrier_destroy: { cpu_id = 6 }, { type = "ets_alloc", instance = 7, size = 262144, mbc_carriers = 3, mbc_carriers_size = 3178496, mbc_blocks = 925, mbc_blocks_size = 2305336, sbc_carriers = 0, sbc_carriers_size = 0, sbc_blocks = 0, sbc_blocks_size = 0 }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>size : integer</c> :: Carrier size. Ex. <c>262144</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">carrier_pool_put: { cpu_id = 3 }, { type = "ets_alloc", instance = 5, size = 1048576 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">carrier_pool_put: { cpu_id = 3 }, { type = "ets_alloc", instance = 5, size = 1048576 }</code>
<list type="bulleted">
@@ -450,11 +450,9 @@ $ make </code>
<item><c>size : integer</c> :: Carrier size. Ex. <c>262144</c></item>
- <p><code type="none">carrier_pool_get: { cpu_id = 7 }, { type = "ets_alloc", instance = 4, size = 3208 }</code></p>
+ <code type="none">carrier_pool_get: { cpu_id = 7 }, { type = "ets_alloc", instance = 4, size = 3208 }</code>
diff --git a/lib/runtime_tools/doc/src/dbg.xml b/lib/runtime_tools/doc/src/dbg.xml
index 0128e23a47..49b11ddc3c 100644
--- a/lib/runtime_tools/doc/src/dbg.xml
+++ b/lib/runtime_tools/doc/src/dbg.xml
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
<modulesummary>The Text Based Trace Facility</modulesummary>
<p>This module implements a text based interface to the
- <c><seealso marker="erts:erlang#trace-3">trace/3</seealso></c> and the
- <c><seealso marker="erts:erlang#trace_pattern-2">trace_pattern/2</seealso></c> BIFs. It makes it
+ <seealso marker="erts:erlang#trace-3"><c>trace/3</c></seealso> and the
+ <seealso marker="erts:erlang#trace_pattern-2"><c>trace_pattern/2</c></seealso> BIFs. It makes it
possible to trace functions, processes, ports and messages.
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<item>The corresponding process or port is traced. The process or port may
be a remote process or port (on another Erlang node). The node must
be in the list of traced nodes (see <seealso marker="#n-1"><c>n/1</c></seealso>
- and <c><seealso marker="#tracer-3">tracer/3</seealso></c>).</item>
+ and <seealso marker="#tracer-3"><c>tracer/3</c></seealso>).</item>
<item>All processes and ports in the system as well as all processes and ports
created hereafter are to be traced.</item>
@@ -208,22 +208,23 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<item>The process or port with the corresponding registered name is traced. The process or
port may be a remote process (on another Erlang node). The node must be
- added with the <c><seealso marker="#n-1">n/1</seealso></c> or
- <c><seealso marker="#tracer-3">tracer/3</seealso></c> function.</item>
+ added with the <seealso marker="#n-1"><c>n/1</c></seealso> or
+ <seealso marker="#tracer-3"><c>tracer/3</c></seealso> function.</item>
<item>The process <c><![CDATA[<0.Item.0>]]></c> is traced.</item>
<tag><c>{X, Y, Z}</c></tag>
<item>The process <c><![CDATA[<X.Y.Z>]]></c> is traced. </item>
- <tag><c>string()</c></tag>
- <item>If the <c>Item</c> is a string <![CDATA["<X.Y.Z>"]]>
- as returned from <c><seealso marker="erts:erlang#pid_to_list-1">pid_to_list/1</seealso></c>, the process
- <c><![CDATA[<X.Y.Z>]]></c> is traced. </item>
- </taglist>
+ <tag><c>string()</c></tag>
+ <item>If the <c>Item</c> is a string <![CDATA["<X.Y.Z>"]]>
+ as returned from <seealso marker="erts:erlang#pid_to_list-1"><c>pid_to_list/1</c></seealso>,
+ the process <c><![CDATA[<X.Y.Z>]]></c> is traced.
+ </item>
+ </taglist>
<p>When enabling an <c>Item</c> that represents a group of processes,
the <c>Item</c> is enabled on all nodes added with the
- <c><seealso marker="#n-1">n/1</seealso></c> or
- <c><seealso marker="#tracer-3">tracer/3</seealso></c> function.</p>
+ <seealso marker="#n-1"><c>n/1</c></seealso> or
+ <seealso marker="#tracer-3"><c>tracer/3</c></seealso> function.</p>
<p><c>Flags</c> can be a single atom,
or a list of flags. The available flags are:
@@ -275,7 +276,7 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<p>This is the same as <c>sol</c>, but only for
the first call to
- <c><seealso marker="erts:erlang#link-1">link/1</seealso></c> by the traced process.</p>
+ <seealso marker="erts:erlang#link-1"><c>link/1</c></seealso> by the traced process.</p>
@@ -288,7 +289,7 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<p>The list can also include any of the flags allowed in
- <c><seealso marker="erts:erlang#trace-3">erlang:trace/3</seealso></c></p>
+ <seealso marker="erts:erlang#trace-3"><c>erlang:trace/3</c></seealso></p>
<p>The function returns either an error tuple or a tuple
<c>{ok, List}</c>. The <c>List</c> consists of
specifications of how many processes and ports that matched (in the
@@ -368,11 +369,11 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
please turn to the
<em>User's guide</em> part of the online
documentation for the runtime system (<em>erts</em>). The
- chapter <em><seealso marker="erts:match_spec">Match Specifications in Erlang</seealso></em>
+ chapter <seealso marker="erts:match_spec"><em>Match Specifications in Erlang</em></seealso>
explains the general match specification "language".
The most common generic match specifications used can be
found as <c>Built-inAlias</c>', see
- <c><seealso marker="#ltp-0">ltp/0</seealso></c> below for details.
+ <seealso marker="#ltp-0"><c>ltp/0</c></seealso> below for details.
<p>The Module, Function and/or Arity parts of the tuple may
be specified as the atom <c>'_'</c> which is a "wild-card"
@@ -380,21 +381,21 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
Module is specified as <c>'_'</c>, the Function and Arity
parts have to be specified as '_' too. The same holds for the
Functions relation to the Arity.</p>
- <p>All nodes added with <c><seealso marker="#n-1">n/1</seealso></c> or
- <c><seealso marker="#tracer-3">tracer/3</seealso></c> will
+ <p>All nodes added with <seealso marker="#n-1"><c>n/1</c></seealso> or
+ <seealso marker="#tracer-3"><c>tracer/3</c></seealso> will
be affected by this call, and if Module is not <c>'_'</c>
the module will be loaded on all nodes.</p>
<p>The function returns either an error tuple or a tuple
<c>{ok, List}</c>. The <c>List</c> consists of specifications of how
many functions that matched, in the same way as the processes and ports
- are presented in the return value of <c><seealso marker="#p-2">p/2</seealso></c>. </p>
+ are presented in the return value of <seealso marker="#p-2"><c>p/2</c></seealso>. </p>
<p>There may be a tuple <c>{saved, N}</c> in the return value,
if the MatchSpec is other
than []. The integer <c>N</c> may then be used in
subsequent calls to this function and will stand as an
"alias" for the given expression. There are also a couple of
- built-in aliases for common expressions, see
- <c><seealso marker="#ltp-0">ltp/0</seealso></c> below for details.</p>
+ built-in aliases for common expressions, see
+ <seealso marker="#ltp-0"><c>ltp/0</c></seealso> below for details.</p>
<p>If an error is returned, it can be due to errors in
compilation of the match specification. Such errors are
presented as a list of tuples <c>{error, string()}</c> where
@@ -433,11 +434,55 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<name>tpl({Module, Function, Arity}, MatchSpec) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}</name>
<fsummary>Set pattern for traced local (as well as global) function calls</fsummary>
- <p>This function works as <c><seealso marker="#tp-2">tp/2</seealso></c>, but enables
+ <p>This function works as <seealso marker="#tp-2"><c>tp/2</c></seealso>, but enables
tracing for local calls (and local functions) as well as for
global calls (and functions).</p>
+ <func>
+ <name>tpe(Event, MatchSpec) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}</name>
+ <fsummary>Set pattern for traced event</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Event = send | 'receive'</v>
+ <v>MatchSpec = integer() | Built-inAlias | [] | match_spec()</v>
+ <v>Built-inAlias = x | c | cx</v>
+ <v>MatchDesc = [MatchInfo]</v>
+ <v>MatchInfo = {saved, integer()} | MatchNum</v>
+ <v>MatchNum = {matched, node(), 1} | {matched, node(), 0, RPCError}</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>This function associates a match specification with trace event
+ <c>send</c> or <c>'receive'</c>. By default all executed <c>send</c>
+ and <c>'receive'</c> events are traced if enabled for a process.
+ A match specification can be used to filter traced events
+ based on sender, receiver and/or message content.</p>
+ <p>For a description of the <c>match_spec()</c> syntax,
+ please turn to the <em>User's guide</em> part of the online
+ documentation for the runtime system (<em>erts</em>). The
+ chapter <seealso marker="erts:match_spec"><em>Match Specifications in Erlang</em></seealso>
+ explains the general match specification "language".</p>
+ <p>For <c>send</c>, the matching is done on the list <c>[Receiver, Msg]</c>.
+ <c>Receiver</c> is the process or port identity of the receiver and
+ <c>Msg</c> is the message term. The pid of the sending process can be
+ accessed with the guard function <c>self/0</c>.</p>
+ <p>For <c>'receive'</c>, the matching is done on the list <c>[Node, Sender, Msg]</c>.
+ <c>Node</c> is the node name of the sender. <c>Sender</c> is the
+ process or port identity of the sender, or the atom
+ <c>undefined</c> if the sender is not known (which may
+ be the case for remote senders). <c>Msg</c> is the
+ message term. The pid of the receiving process can be
+ accessed with the guard function <c>self/0</c>.</p>
+ <p>All nodes added with <seealso marker="#n-1"><c>n/1</c></seealso> or
+ <seealso marker="#tracer-3"><c>tracer/3</c></seealso> will
+ be affected by this call.</p>
+ <p>The return value is the same as for
+ <seealso marker="#tp-2"><c>tp/2</c></seealso>. The number of matched
+ events are never larger than 1 as <c>tpe/2</c> does not
+ accept any form of wildcards for argument <c>Event</c>.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
<fsummary>Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions</fsummary>
@@ -480,10 +525,10 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<p>This function disables call tracing on the specified
functions. The semantics of the parameter is the same
as for the corresponding function specification in
- <c><seealso marker="#tp-2">tp/2</seealso></c> or <c><seealso marker="#tpl-2">tpl/2</seealso></c>. Both local and global call trace
+ <seealso marker="#tp-2"><c>tp/2</c></seealso> or <seealso marker="#tpl-2"><c>tpl/2</c></seealso>. Both local and global call trace
is disabled. </p>
<p>The return value reflects how many functions that matched,
- and is constructed as described in <c><seealso marker="#tp-2">tp/2</seealso></c>. No tuple
+ and is constructed as described in <seealso marker="#tp-2"><c>tp/2</c></seealso>. No tuple
<c>{saved, N}</c> is however ever returned (for obvious reasons).</p>
@@ -519,8 +564,9 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<name>ctpl({Module, Function, Arity}) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}</name>
<fsummary>Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions</fsummary>
- <p>This function works as <c><seealso marker="#ctp-1">ctp/1</seealso></c>, but only disables
- tracing set up with <c><seealso marker="#tpl-2">tpl/2</seealso></c> (not with <c><seealso marker="#tp-2">tp/2</seealso></c>).</p>
+ <p>This function works as <seealso marker="#ctp-1"><c>ctp/1</c></seealso>, but only disables
+ tracing set up with <seealso marker="#tpl-2"><c>tpl/2</c></seealso>
+ (not with <seealso marker="#tp-2"><c>tp/2</c></seealso>).</p>
@@ -555,8 +601,25 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<name>ctpg({Module, Function, Arity}) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}</name>
<fsummary>Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions</fsummary>
- <p>This function works as <c><seealso marker="#ctp-1">ctp/1</seealso></c>, but only disables
- tracing set up with <c><seealso marker="#tp-2">tp/2</seealso></c> (not with <c><seealso marker="#tpl-2">tpl/2</seealso></c>).</p>
+ <p>This function works as <seealso marker="#ctp-1"><c>ctp/1</c></seealso>, but only disables
+ tracing set up with <seealso marker="#tp-2"><c>tp/2</c></seealso>
+ (not with <seealso marker="#tpl-2"><c>tpl/2</c></seealso>).</p>
+ </desc>
+ </func>
+ <func>
+ <name>ctpe(Event) -> {ok, MatchDesc} | {error, term()}</name>
+ <fsummary>Clear trace pattern for the specified event</fsummary>
+ <type>
+ <v>Event = send | 'receive'</v>
+ <v>MatchDesc = [MatchNum]</v>
+ <v>MatchNum = {matched, node(), 1} | {matched, node(), 0, RPCError}</v>
+ </type>
+ <desc>
+ <p>This function clears match specifications for the specified
+ trace event (<c>send</c> or <c>'receive'</c>). It will revert back
+ to the default behavior of tracing all triggered events.</p>
+ <p>The return value follow the same style as for
+ <seealso marker="#ctp-1"><c>ctp/1</c></seealso>.</p>
@@ -565,13 +628,14 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<p>Use this function to recall all match specifications previously
used in the session (i. e. previously saved during calls
- to <c><seealso marker="#tp-2">tp/2</seealso></c>, and built-in match specifications.
+ to <seealso marker="#tp-2"><c>tp/2</c></seealso>, and built-in match specifications.
This is very useful, as a complicated
match_spec can be quite awkward to write. Note that the
- match specifications are lost if <c><seealso marker="#stop-0">stop/0</seealso></c> is called.</p>
+ match specifications are lost if <seealso marker="#stop-0"><c>stop/0</c></seealso> is called.</p>
<p>Match specifications used can be saved in a file (if a
read-write file system is present) for use in later
- debugging sessions, see <c><seealso marker="#wtp-1">wtp/1</seealso></c> and <c><seealso marker="#rtp-1">rtp/1</seealso></c></p>
+ debugging sessions, see <seealso marker="#wtp-1"><c>wtp/1</c></seealso>
+ and <seealso marker="#rtp-1"><c>rtp/1</c></seealso></p>
<p>There are three built-in trace patterns:
<c>exception_trace</c>, <c>caller_trace</c>
and <c>caller_exception_trace</c> (or <c>x</c>, <c>c</c> and
@@ -594,10 +658,10 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<fsummary>Delete all saved match specifications.</fsummary>
<p>Use this function to "forget" all match specifications
- saved during calls to <c><seealso marker="#tp-2">tp/2</seealso></c>.
- This is useful when one wants to restore other match
- specifications from a file with <c><seealso marker="#rtp-1">rtp/1</seealso></c>. Use
- <c><seealso marker="#dtp-1">dtp/1</seealso></c> to delete specific saved match specifications. </p>
+ saved during calls to <seealso marker="#tp-2"><c>tp/2</c></seealso>.
+ This is useful when one wants to restore other match
+ specifications from a file with <seealso marker="#rtp-1"><c>rtp/1</c></seealso>. Use
+ <seealso marker="#dtp-1"><c>dtp/1</c></seealso> to delete specific saved match specifications.</p>
@@ -608,7 +672,7 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<p>Use this function to "forget" a specific match specification
- saved during calls to <c><seealso marker="#tp-2">tp/2</seealso></c>.</p>
+ saved during calls to <seealso marker="#tp-2"><c>tp/2</c></seealso>.</p>
@@ -620,12 +684,12 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<p>This function will save all match specifications saved
- during the session (during calls to <c><seealso marker="#tp-2">tp/2</seealso></c>)
+ during the session (during calls to <seealso marker="#tp-2"><c>tp/2</c></seealso>)
and built-in match specifications in a text
file with the name designated by <c>Name</c>. The format
of the file is textual, why it can be edited with an
ordinary text editor, and then restored with
- <c><seealso marker="#rtp-1">rtp/1</seealso></c>. </p>
+ <seealso marker="#rtp-1"><c>rtp/1</c></seealso>. </p>
<p>Each match spec in the file ends with a full stop
(<c>.</c>) and new (syntactically correct) match
specifications can be added to the file manually.</p>
@@ -643,7 +707,8 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<p>This function reads match specifications from a file
- (possibly) generated by the <c><seealso marker="#wtp-1">wtp/1</seealso></c> function. It checks
+ (possibly) generated by the <seealso marker="#wtp-1"><c>wtp/1</c></seealso>
+ function. It checks
the syntax of all match specifications and verifies that
they are correct. The error handling principle is "all or
nothing", i. e. if some of the match specifications are
@@ -651,7 +716,8 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
saved match specifications for the running system. </p>
<p>The match specifications in the file are <em>merged</em>
with the current match specifications, so that no duplicates
- are generated. Use <c><seealso marker="#ltp-0">ltp/0</seealso></c> to see what numbers were
+ are generated. Use <seealso marker="#ltp-0"><c>ltp/0</c></seealso>
+ to see what numbers were
assigned to the specifications from the file.</p>
<p>The function will return an error, either due to I/O
problems (like a non existing or non readable file) or due
@@ -670,9 +736,9 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<p>The <c>dbg</c> server keeps a list of nodes where tracing
- should be performed. Whenever a <c><seealso marker="#tp-2">tp/2</seealso></c> call or a
- <c><seealso marker="#p-2">p/2</seealso></c> call is made, it is executed for all nodes in this
- list including the local node (except for <c><seealso marker="#p-2">p/2</seealso></c> with a
+ should be performed. Whenever a <seealso marker="#tp-2"><c>tp/2</c></seealso> call or a
+ <seealso marker="#p-2"><c>p/2</c></seealso> call is made, it is executed for all nodes in this
+ list including the local node (except for <seealso marker="#p-2"><c>p/2</c></seealso> with a
specific <c>pid()</c> or <c>port()</c> as first argument, in which case the
command is executed only on the node where the designated
process or port resides).
@@ -684,7 +750,7 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
distribution). If no tracer process is running on the local
node, the error reason <c>no_local_tracer</c> is returned. The
tracer process on the local node must be started with the
- <c><seealso marker="#tracer-2">tracer/0/2</seealso></c> function.
+ <seealso marker="#tracer-2"><c>tracer/0/2</c></seealso> function.
<p>If <c>Nodename</c> is the local node, the error reason
<c>cant_add_local_node</c> is returned.
@@ -694,7 +760,7 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
a tracer process. The error reason
<c>cant_trace_remote_pid_to_local_port</c> is returned. A
trace port can however be started on the remote node with the
- <c><seealso marker="#tracer-3">tracer/3</seealso></c> function.
+ <seealso marker="#tracer-3"><c>tracer/3</c></seealso> function.
<p>The function will also return an error if the node
<c>Nodename</c> is not reachable.</p>
@@ -708,9 +774,10 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<p>Clears a node from the list of traced nodes. Subsequent
- calls to <c><seealso marker="#tp-2">tp/2</seealso></c> and <c><seealso marker="#p-2">p/2</seealso></c> will not consider that
- node, but tracing already activated on the node will continue
- to be in effect.</p>
+ calls to <seealso marker="#tp-2"><c>tp/2</c></seealso> and
+ <seealso marker="#p-2"><c>p/2</c></seealso> will not consider that
+ node, but tracing already activated on the node will continue
+ to be in effect.</p>
<p>Returns <c>ok</c>, cannot fail.</p>
@@ -727,14 +794,14 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<p>This function starts a server on the local node that will
be the recipient of all trace messages. All subsequent calls
- to <c><seealso marker="#p-2">p/2</seealso></c> will result in messages sent to the newly
+ to <seealso marker="#p-2"><c>p/2</c></seealso> will result in messages sent to the newly
started trace server.</p>
<p>A trace server started in this way will simply display the
trace messages in a formatted way in the Erlang shell
- (i. e. use io:format). See <c><seealso marker="#tracer-2">tracer/2</seealso></c> for a description
- of how the trace message handler can be customized.
+ (i. e. use io:format). See <seealso marker="#tracer-2"><c>tracer/2</c></seealso>
+ for a description of how the trace message handler can be customized.
- <p>To start a similar tracer on a remote node, use <c><seealso marker="#n-1">n/1</seealso></c>.</p>
+ <p>To start a similar tracer on a remote node, use <seealso marker="#n-1"><c>n/1</c></seealso>.</p>
@@ -758,9 +825,9 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
by a receiving process (<c>process</c>), by a tracer port
(<c>port</c>) or by a tracer module
(<c>module</c>). For a description about tracer ports see
- <c><seealso marker="#trace_port-2">trace_port/2</seealso></c>
+ <seealso marker="#trace_port-2"><c>trace_port/2</c></seealso>
and for a tracer modules see
- <c><seealso marker="erts:erl_tracer">erl_tracer</seealso>.</c>
+ <seealso marker="erts:erl_tracer"><c>erl_tracer</c></seealso>.
<p>If <c>Type</c> is <c>process</c>, a message handler function can
be specified (<c>HandlerSpec</c>). The handler function, which
@@ -776,10 +843,10 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<p>If <c>Type</c> is <c>port</c>, then the second parameter should
be a <em>fun</em> which takes no arguments and returns a
newly opened trace port when called. Such a <em>fun</em> is
- preferably generated by calling <c><seealso marker="#trace_port-2">trace_port/2</seealso></c>.
+ preferably generated by calling <seealso marker="#trace_port-2"><c>trace_port/2</c></seealso>.
<p>if <c>Type</c> is <c>module</c>, then the second parameter should
- be either a tuple describing the <c><seealso marker="erts:erl_tracer">erl_tracer</seealso></c>
+ be either a tuple describing the <seealso marker="erts:erl_tracer"><c>erl_tracer</c></seealso>
module to be used for tracing and the state to be used for
that tracer module or a fun returning the same tuple.</p>
<p>If an error is returned, it can either be due to a tracer
@@ -787,7 +854,7 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
due to the <c>HandlerFun</c> throwing an exception.
<p>To start a similar tracer on a remote node, use
- <c><seealso marker="#tracer-3">tracer/3</seealso></c>.
+ <seealso marker="#tracer-3"><c>tracer/3</c></seealso>.
@@ -798,19 +865,19 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<v>Nodename = atom()</v>
- <p>This function is equivalent to <c><seealso marker="#tracer-2">tracer/2</seealso></c>, but acts on
+ <p>This function is equivalent to <seealso marker="#tracer-2"><c>tracer/2</c></seealso>, but acts on
the given node. A tracer is started on the node
(<c>Nodename</c>) and the node is added to the list of traced nodes.
- <p>This function is not equivalent to <c><seealso marker="#n-1">n/1</seealso></c>. While
- <c><seealso marker="#n-1">n/1</seealso></c> starts a process tracer which redirects all trace
+ <p>This function is not equivalent to <seealso marker="#n-1"><c>n/1</c></seealso>. While
+ <seealso marker="#n-1"><c>n/1</c></seealso> starts a process tracer which redirects all trace
information to a process tracer on the local node (i.e. the
- trace control node), <c><seealso marker="#tracer-3">tracer/3</seealso></c> starts a tracer of any
+ trace control node), <seealso marker="#tracer-3"><c>tracer/3</c></seealso> starts a tracer of any
type which is independent of the tracer on the trace control
- <p>For details, see <c><seealso marker="#tracer-2">tracer/2</seealso></c>.</p>
+ <p>For details, see <seealso marker="#tracer-2"><c>tracer/2</c></seealso>.</p>
@@ -842,9 +909,9 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<c>file</c> and the <c>ip</c> trace drivers. The file driver
sends all trace messages into one or several binary files,
from where they later can be fetched and processed with the
- <c><seealso marker="#trace_client-2">trace_client/2</seealso></c> function. The ip driver opens a TCP/IP
+ <seealso marker="#trace_client-2"><c>trace_client/2</c></seealso> function. The ip driver opens a TCP/IP
port where it listens for connections. When a client
- (preferably started by calling <c><seealso marker="#trace_client-2">trace_client/2</seealso></c> on
+ (preferably started by calling <seealso marker="#trace_client-2"><c>trace_client/2</c></seealso> on
another Erlang node) connects, all trace messages are sent
over the IP network for further processing by the remote
client. </p>
@@ -883,7 +950,8 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
as fast as they are produced by the runtime system, a special
message is sent, which indicates how many messages that are
dropped. That message will arrive at the handler function
- specified in <c><seealso marker="#trace_client-3">trace_client/3</seealso></c> as the tuple <c>{drop, N}</c> where <c>N</c> is the number of consecutive messages
+ specified in <seealso marker="#trace_client-3"><c>trace_client/3</c></seealso>
+ as the tuple <c>{drop, N}</c> where <c>N</c> is the number of consecutive messages
dropped. In case of heavy tracing, drop's are likely to occur,
and they surely occur if no client is reading the trace
@@ -960,8 +1028,8 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<p>This function starts a trace client that reads the output
created by a trace port driver and handles it in mostly the
- same way as a tracer process created by the <c><seealso marker="#tracer-0">tracer/0</seealso></c>
- function.</p>
+ same way as a tracer process created by the
+ <seealso marker="#tracer-0"><c>tracer/0</c></seealso> function.</p>
<p>If <c>Type</c> is <c>file</c>, the client reads all trace
messages stored in the file named <c>Filename</c> or
specified by <c>WrapFilesSpec</c> (must be the same as used
@@ -972,7 +1040,7 @@ Error: fun containing local erlang function calls ('is_atomm' called in guard)\
<p>If <c>Type</c> is <c>follow_file</c>, the client behaves as
in the <c>file</c> case, but keeps trying to read (and
process) more data
- from the file until stopped by <c><seealso marker="#stop_trace_client-1">stop_trace_client/1</seealso></c>.
+ from the file until stopped by <seealso marker="#stop_trace_client-1"><c>stop_trace_client/1</c></seealso>.
<c>WrapFilesSpec</c> is not allowed as second argument
for this <c>Type</c>.</p>
<p>If <c>Type</c> is <c>ip</c>, the client connects to the
@@ -1028,10 +1096,10 @@ hello</pre>
<v>InitialData = term()</v>
- <p>This function works exactly as <c><seealso marker="#trace_client-2">trace_client/2</seealso></c>, but
- allows you to write your own handler function. The handler
+ <p>This function works exactly as <seealso marker="#trace_client-2"><c>trace_client/2</c></seealso>,
+ but allows you to write your own handler function. The handler
function works mostly as the one described in
- <c><seealso marker="#tracer-2">tracer/2</seealso></c>, but will also have to be prepared to handle
+ <seealso marker="#tracer-2"><c>tracer/2</c></seealso>, but will also have to be prepared to handle
trace messages of the form <c>{drop, N}</c>, where <c>N</c> is
the number of dropped messages. This pseudo trace message will
only occur if the ip trace driver is used.</p>
@@ -1050,7 +1118,8 @@ hello</pre>
<p>This function shuts down a previously started trace
client. The <c>Pid</c> argument is the process id returned
- from the <c><seealso marker="#trace_client-2">trace_client/2</seealso></c> or <c><seealso marker="#trace_client-3">trace_client/3</seealso></c> call.</p>
+ from the <seealso marker="#trace_client-2"><c>trace_client/2</c></seealso>
+ or <seealso marker="#trace_client-3"><c>trace_client/3</c></seealso> call.</p>
@@ -1203,7 +1272,7 @@ SeqTrace [0]: (&lt;0.30.0>) &lt;0.25.0> ! {dbg,{ok,&lt;0.31.0>}} [Serial: {4,5}]
of causing a deadlock. This will happen if a group leader process generates a trace
message and the tracer process, by calling the trace handler function, sends an IO
request to the same group leader. The problem can only occur if the trace handler
- prints to tty using an <c>io</c> function such as <c><seealso marker="stdlib:io#format-2">format/2</seealso></c>.
+ prints to tty using an <c>io</c> function such as <seealso marker="stdlib:io#format-2"><c>format/2</c></seealso>.
Note that when
<c>dbg:p(all,call)</c> is called, IO processes are also traced.
Here's an example:</p>
diff --git a/lib/runtime_tools/src/appmon_info.erl b/lib/runtime_tools/src/appmon_info.erl
index fead724373..b5500085a3 100644
--- a/lib/runtime_tools/src/appmon_info.erl
+++ b/lib/runtime_tools/src/appmon_info.erl
@@ -307,9 +307,10 @@ do_work(Key, State) ->
{Cmd, Aux, From, _OldRef, Old, Opts} = retrieve(WorkStore, Key),
{ok, Result} = do_work2(Cmd, Aux, From, Old, Opts),
- Result==Old -> ok;
- true ->
- From ! {delivery, self(), Cmd, Aux, Result}
+ Result==Old -> ok;
+ true ->
+ From ! {delivery, self(), Cmd, Aux, Result},
+ ok
case get_opt(timeout, Opts) of
at_most_once ->
@@ -393,7 +394,7 @@ del_task(Key, WorkStore) ->
{_Cmd, _Aux, _From, Ref, _Old, Opts} ->
Ref /= nil ->
- timer:cancel(Ref),
+ {ok,_} = timer:cancel(Ref),
{do_it, Key} ->
diff --git a/lib/runtime_tools/src/dbg.erl b/lib/runtime_tools/src/dbg.erl
index 1620f52789..8cdb5a43e3 100644
--- a/lib/runtime_tools/src/dbg.erl
+++ b/lib/runtime_tools/src/dbg.erl
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ ctpg({_Module, _Function, _Arity} = X) ->
do_ctp({Module, Function, Arity},[]) ->
- do_ctp({Module, Function, Arity},[global]),
+ {ok,_} = do_ctp({Module, Function, Arity},[global]),
do_ctp({Module, Function, Arity},[local]);
do_ctp({_Module, _Function, _Arity}=MFA,Flags) ->
Nodes = req(get_nodes),
@@ -271,8 +271,7 @@ wtp(FileName) ->
- file:close(File),
- ok
+ ok = file:close(File)
@@ -600,7 +599,7 @@ stop() ->
stop_clear() ->
- ctp(),
+ {ok, _} = ctp(),
%%% Calling the server.
@@ -791,7 +790,8 @@ loop({C,T}=SurviveLinks, Table) ->
reply(Pid, Reply) ->
- Pid ! {dbg,Reply}.
+ Pid ! {dbg,Reply},
+ ok.
%%% A process-based tracer.
@@ -944,9 +944,11 @@ do_relay(Parent,RelP) ->
case RelP of
{Type,Data} ->
{ok,Tracer} = remote_tracer(Type,Data),
- Parent ! {started,Tracer};
+ Parent ! {started,Tracer},
+ ok;
Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
- Parent ! {started,self()}
+ Parent ! {started,self()},
+ ok
@@ -1366,7 +1368,7 @@ mk_reader_wrap([_Hd | Tail] = WrapFiles, File) ->
{ok, Term} ->
[Term | mk_reader_wrap(WrapFiles, File)];
eof ->
- file:close(File),
+ ok = file:close(File),
case Tail of
[_|_] ->
diff --git a/lib/runtime_tools/src/erts_alloc_config.erl b/lib/runtime_tools/src/erts_alloc_config.erl
index e94cced911..514530332c 100644
--- a/lib/runtime_tools/src/erts_alloc_config.erl
+++ b/lib/runtime_tools/src/erts_alloc_config.erl
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ make_config(FileName) when is_list(FileName) ->
case file:open(FileName, [write]) of
{ok, IODev} ->
Res = req({make_config, IODev}),
- file:close(IODev),
+ ok = file:close(IODev),
Error ->
@@ -200,9 +200,11 @@ server_loop(State) ->
Conf = #conf{segments = ?MBC_MSEG_LIMIT,
format_to = IODev},
Res = mk_config(Conf, State#state.alloc),
- From ! {response, Ref, Res};
+ From ! {response, Ref, Res},
+ ok;
_ ->
- From ! {response, Ref, no_scenario_saved}
+ From ! {response, Ref, no_scenario_saved},
+ ok
{request, From, Ref, stop} ->
diff --git a/lib/runtime_tools/src/observer_backend.erl b/lib/runtime_tools/src/observer_backend.erl
index 30df3b0b8b..66653c5b7f 100644
--- a/lib/runtime_tools/src/observer_backend.erl
+++ b/lib/runtime_tools/src/observer_backend.erl
@@ -259,7 +259,8 @@ etop_collect(Collector) ->
case SchedulerWallTime of
undefined ->
- spawn(fun() -> flag_holder_proc(Collector) end);
+ spawn(fun() -> flag_holder_proc(Collector) end),
+ ok;
_ ->
@@ -334,8 +335,8 @@ ttb_init_node(MetaFile_0,PI,Traci) ->
MetaPid ! {metadata,Traci},
case PI of
true ->
- Proci = pnames(),
- MetaPid ! {metadata,Proci};
+ MetaPid ! {metadata,pnames()},
+ ok;
false ->
@@ -354,7 +355,8 @@ ttb_meta_tracer(MetaFile,PI,Parent,SessionData) ->
- erlang:trace_pattern({global,register_name,2},[],[meta]);
+ erlang:trace_pattern({global,register_name,2},[],[meta]),
+ ok;
false ->
@@ -362,7 +364,8 @@ ttb_meta_tracer(MetaFile,PI,Parent,SessionData) ->
case proplists:get_value(overload_check, SessionData) of
{Ms, M, F} ->
catch M:F(init),
- erlang:send_after(Ms, self(), overload_check);
+ erlang:send_after(Ms, self(), overload_check),
+ ok;
_ ->
@@ -371,10 +374,10 @@ ttb_meta_tracer(MetaFile,PI,Parent,SessionData) ->
ttb_meta_tracer_loop(MetaFile,PI,Acc,State) ->
{trace_ts,_,call,{erlang,register,[Name,Pid]},_} ->
- ttb_store_meta({pid,{Pid,Name}},MetaFile),
+ ok = ttb_store_meta({pid,{Pid,Name}},MetaFile),
{trace_ts,_,call,{global,register_name,[Name,Pid]},_} ->
- ttb_store_meta({pid,{Pid,{global,Name}}},MetaFile),
+ ok = ttb_store_meta({pid,{Pid,{global,Name}}},MetaFile),
{trace_ts,CallingPid,call,{erlang,spawn_opt,[{M,F,Args,_}]},_} ->
MFA = {M,F,length(Args)},
@@ -390,7 +393,7 @@ ttb_meta_tracer_loop(MetaFile,PI,Acc,State) ->
NewAcc =
fun([H|T]) ->
- ttb_store_meta({pid,{NewPid,H}},MetaFile),
+ ok = ttb_store_meta({pid,{NewPid,H}},MetaFile),
@@ -408,22 +411,22 @@ ttb_meta_tracer_loop(MetaFile,PI,Acc,State) ->
NewAcc =
fun([H|T]) ->
- ttb_store_meta({pid,{NewPid,H}},MetaFile),
+ ok = ttb_store_meta({pid,{NewPid,H}},MetaFile),
{metadata,Data} when is_list(Data) ->
- ttb_store_meta(Data,MetaFile),
+ ok = ttb_store_meta(Data,MetaFile),
{metadata,Key,Fun} when is_function(Fun) ->
- ttb_store_meta([{Key,Fun()}],MetaFile),
+ ok = ttb_store_meta([{Key,Fun()}],MetaFile),
{metadata,Key,What} ->
- ttb_store_meta([{Key,What}],MetaFile),
+ ok = ttb_store_meta([{Key,What}],MetaFile),
overload_check ->
{Ms, M, F} = proplists:get_value(overload_check, State),
@@ -439,7 +442,7 @@ ttb_meta_tracer_loop(MetaFile,PI,Acc,State) ->
ttb_meta_tracer_loop(MetaFile,PI,Acc, State)
{'DOWN', _, _, _, _} ->
- stop_seq_trace(),
+ _ = stop_seq_trace(),
self() ! stop,
ttb_meta_tracer_loop(MetaFile,PI,Acc, State);
stop when PI=:=true ->
@@ -528,7 +531,7 @@ ttb_store_meta(Data,MetaFile) ->
ttb_write_binary(Fd,[H|T]) ->
- file:write(Fd,ttb_make_binary(H)),
+ ok = file:write(Fd,ttb_make_binary(H)),
ttb_write_binary(_Fd,[]) ->
@@ -585,9 +588,9 @@ ttb_fetch(MetaFile,{Port,Host}) ->
send_files({Sock,Host},[File|Files]) ->
{ok,Fd} = file:open(File,[raw,read,binary]),
- gen_tcp:send(Sock,<<1,(list_to_binary(filename:basename(File)))/binary>>),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock,<<1,(list_to_binary(filename:basename(File)))/binary>>),
- file:delete(File),
+ ok = file:delete(File),
send_files({_Sock,_Host},[]) ->
diff --git a/lib/runtime_tools/src/percept_profile.erl b/lib/runtime_tools/src/percept_profile.erl
index ceec4d3b89..1e8e913b80 100644
--- a/lib/runtime_tools/src/percept_profile.erl
+++ b/lib/runtime_tools/src/percept_profile.erl
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ start(Filename, Options) ->
start(Filename, {Module, Function, Args}, Options) ->
case whereis(percept_port) of
undefined ->
- profile_to_file(Filename, Options),
+ {ok, _} = profile_to_file(Filename, Options),
erlang:apply(Module, Function, Args),
Port ->
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ deliver_all_trace() ->
-spec stop() -> 'ok' | {'error', 'not_started'}.
stop() ->
- erlang:system_profile(undefined, [runnable_ports, runnable_procs]),
+ _ = erlang:system_profile(undefined, [runnable_ports, runnable_procs]),
erlang:trace(all, false, [procs, ports, timestamp]),
case whereis(percept_port) of
@@ -158,7 +158,8 @@ set_tracer(Port, Opts) ->
{TOpts, POpts} = parse_profile_options(Opts),
% Setup profiling and tracing
erlang:trace(all, true, [{tracer, Port}, timestamp | TOpts]),
- erlang:system_profile(Port, POpts).
+ _ = erlang:system_profile(Port, POpts),
+ ok.
%% parse_profile_options
diff --git a/lib/runtime_tools/src/system_information.erl b/lib/runtime_tools/src/system_information.erl
index 1add01612d..df25297eb9 100644
--- a/lib/runtime_tools/src/system_information.erl
+++ b/lib/runtime_tools/src/system_information.erl
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
-export([start/0, stop/0,
load_report/0, load_report/2,
applications/0, applications/1,
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@
start() ->
gen_server:start({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []).
stop() ->
gen_server:call(?SERVER, stop, infinity).
@@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ load_report() -> load_report(data, report()).
load_report(file, File) -> load_report(data, from_file(File));
load_report(data, Report) ->
- start(), gen_server:call(?SERVER, {load_report, Report}, infinity).
+ ok = start_internal(), gen_server:call(?SERVER, {load_report, Report}, infinity).
report() -> [
{init_arguments, init:get_arguments()},
@@ -219,6 +221,13 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
%% Internal functions
+start_internal() ->
+ case start() of
+ {ok,_} -> ok;
+ {error, {already_started,_}} -> ok;
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
%% handle report values
get_value([], Data) -> Data;
diff --git a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
index 946adcf384..e952a333ff 100644
--- a/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
+++ b/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl
@@ -1514,39 +1514,35 @@ call(FsmPid, Event, Timeout) ->
-handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, State0 =
- #data{starter = User,
- connection_state = Connection0,
- event_queue = Qev0}) ->
+handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, D0 = #data{starter = User,
+ connection_state = Connection0,
+ event_queue = Qev0}) ->
Renegotiation = renegotiation(StateName),
Role = role(StateName),
- try ssh_connection:handle_msg(Msg, Connection0, Role) of
+ try ssh_connection:handle_msg(Msg, Connection0, Role) of
{{replies, Replies}, Connection} ->
- case StateName of
- {connected,_} ->
- {Repls, State} = send_replies(Replies,
- State0#data{connection_state=Connection}),
- {keep_state, State, Repls};
- _ ->
- {ConnReplies, Replies} =
- lists:splitwith(fun not_connected_filter/1, Replies),
- {Repls, State} = send_replies(Replies,
- State0#data{event_queue = Qev0 ++ ConnReplies}),
- {keep_state, State, Repls}
- end;
+ {Repls, D} =
+ case StateName of
+ {connected,_} ->
+ send_replies(Replies, D0#data{connection_state=Connection});
+ _ ->
+ {ConnReplies, NonConnReplies} = lists:splitwith(fun not_connected_filter/1, Replies),
+ send_replies(NonConnReplies, D0#data{event_queue = Qev0 ++ ConnReplies})
+ end,
+ {keep_state, D, Repls};
{noreply, Connection} ->
- {keep_state, State0#data{connection_state = Connection}};
+ {keep_state, D0#data{connection_state = Connection}};
{disconnect, Reason0, {{replies, Replies}, Connection}} ->
- {Repls,State} = send_replies(Replies, State0#data{connection_state = Connection}),
+ {Repls, D} = send_replies(Replies, D0#data{connection_state = Connection}),
case {Reason0,Role} of
{{_, Reason}, client} when ((StateName =/= {connected,client}) and (not Renegotiation)) ->
User ! {self(), not_connected, Reason};
_ ->
- {stop_and_reply, {shutdown,normal}, Repls, State#data{connection_state = Connection}}
+ {stop_and_reply, {shutdown,normal}, Repls, D#data{connection_state = Connection}}
_:Error ->
@@ -1555,8 +1551,8 @@ handle_connection_msg(Msg, StateName, State0 =
#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
description = "Internal error"},
Connection0, Role),
- {Repls,State} = send_replies(Replies, State0#data{connection_state = Connection}),
- {stop_and_reply, {shutdown,Error}, Repls, State#data{connection_state = Connection}}
+ {Repls, D} = send_replies(Replies, D0#data{connection_state = Connection}),
+ {stop_and_reply, {shutdown,Error}, Repls, D#data{connection_state = Connection}}
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
index dbbb25025c..51732b4a59 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
@@ -400,24 +400,23 @@ negotiated_next_protocol(Socket) ->
+-spec cipher_suites() -> [ssl_cipher:erl_cipher_suite()] | [string()].
+cipher_suites() ->
+ cipher_suites(erlang).
-spec cipher_suites(erlang | openssl | all) -> [ssl_cipher:erl_cipher_suite()] |
%% Description: Returns all supported cipher suites.
cipher_suites(erlang) ->
- Version = tls_record:highest_protocol_version([]),
- ssl_cipher:filter_suites([ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(S)
- || S <- ssl_cipher:suites(Version)]);
+ [ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(Suite) || Suite <- available_suites(default)];
cipher_suites(openssl) ->
- Version = tls_record:highest_protocol_version([]),
- [ssl_cipher:openssl_suite_name(S)
- || S <- ssl_cipher:filter_suites(ssl_cipher:suites(Version))];
+ [ssl_cipher:openssl_suite_name(Suite) || Suite <- available_suites(default)];
cipher_suites(all) ->
- Version = tls_record:highest_protocol_version([]),
- ssl_cipher:filter_suites([ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(S)
- || S <-ssl_cipher:all_suites(Version)]).
-cipher_suites() ->
- cipher_suites(erlang).
+ [ssl_cipher:erl_suite_definition(Suite) || Suite <- available_suites(all)].
-spec getopts(#sslsocket{}, [gen_tcp:option_name()]) ->
@@ -584,6 +583,16 @@ format_error(Error) ->
%%% Internal functions
+%% Possible filters out suites not supported by crypto
+available_suites(default) ->
+ Version = tls_record:highest_protocol_version([]),
+ ssl_cipher:filter_suites(ssl_cipher:suites(Version));
+available_suites(all) ->
+ Version = tls_record:highest_protocol_version([]),
+ ssl_cipher:filter_suites(ssl_cipher:all_suites(Version)).
do_connect(Address, Port,
#config{transport_info = CbInfo, inet_user = UserOpts, ssl = SslOpts,
emulated = EmOpts, inet_ssl = SocketOpts, connection_cb = ConnetionCb},
diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl b/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl
index 102dbba198..f34eebb0e4 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/src/tls_handshake.erl
@@ -283,7 +283,8 @@ available_signature_algs(undefined, SupportedHashSigns, _, {Major, Minor}) when
available_signature_algs(#hash_sign_algos{hash_sign_algos = ClientHashSigns}, SupportedHashSigns,
_, {Major, Minor}) when (Major >= 3) andalso (Minor >= 3) ->
- ordsets:intersection(ClientHashSigns, SupportedHashSigns);
+ sets:to_list(sets:intersection(sets:from_list(ClientHashSigns),
+ sets:from_list(SupportedHashSigns)));
available_signature_algs(_, _, _, _) ->
diff --git a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl
index 38cc3532d8..02fdc4330f 100644
--- a/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl
@@ -386,11 +386,11 @@ cert_options(Config) ->
SNIServerBCertFile = filename:join([?config(priv_dir, Config), "b.server", "cert.pem"]),
SNIServerBKeyFile = filename:join([?config(priv_dir, Config), "b.server", "key.pem"]),
[{client_opts, []},
- {client_verification_opts, [{cacertfile, ClientCaCertFile},
+ {client_verification_opts, [{cacertfile, ServerCaCertFile},
{certfile, ClientCertFile},
{keyfile, ClientKeyFile},
{ssl_imp, new}]},
- {client_verification_opts_digital_signature_only, [{cacertfile, ClientCaCertFile},
+ {client_verification_opts_digital_signature_only, [{cacertfile, ServerCaCertFile},
{certfile, ClientCertFileDigitalSignatureOnly},
{keyfile, ClientKeyFile},
{ssl_imp, new}]},
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ cert_options(Config) ->
{user_lookup_fun, {fun user_lookup/3, undefined}},
{ciphers, srp_anon_suites()}]},
{server_verification_opts, [{ssl_imp, new},{reuseaddr, true},
- {cacertfile, ServerCaCertFile},
+ {cacertfile, ClientCaCertFile},
{certfile, ServerCertFile}, {keyfile, ServerKeyFile}]},
{client_kc_opts, [{certfile, ClientKeyCertFile}, {ssl_imp, new}]},
{server_kc_opts, [{ssl_imp, new},{reuseaddr, true},
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/epp.xml b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/epp.xml
index 0802f0e47c..ac87f9c2b6 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/epp.xml
+++ b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/epp.xml
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
<name name="parse_erl_form" arity="1"/>
<fsummary>Return the next Erlang form from the opened Erlang source file</fsummary>
+ <type name="warning_info"/>
<p>Returns the next Erlang form from the opened Erlang source file.
The tuple <c>{eof, <anno>Line</anno>}</c> is returned at end-of-file. The first
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/ets.xml b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/ets.xml
index 2d69c201bc..b32638f04d 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/ets.xml
+++ b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/ets.xml
@@ -123,8 +123,9 @@
<p>Some of the functions uses a <em>match specification</em>,
match_spec. A brief explanation is given in
<seealso marker="#select/2">select/2</seealso>. For a detailed
- description, see the chapter "Match specifications in Erlang" in
- <em>ERTS User's Guide</em>.</p>
+ description, see chapter
+ <seealso marker="erts:match_spec">Match Specifications in Erlang</seealso>
+ in <em>ERTS User's Guide</em>.</p>
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/gen_statem.xml b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/gen_statem.xml
index b1d9799917..0e7d6e53e9 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/gen_statem.xml
+++ b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/gen_statem.xml
@@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ erlang:'!' -----> Module:StateName/3
is used as the state function name; see
<seealso marker="#Module:StateName/3"><c>Module:StateName/3</c></seealso>.
This gathers all code for a specific state
- in one function and hence dispatches on state first.
- Notice that in this mode
- the mandatory callback function
+ in one function as the <c>gen_statem</c> engine
+ branches depending on state name.
+ Notice that in this mode the mandatory callback function
<seealso marker="#Module:terminate/3"><c>Module:terminate/3</c></seealso>
makes the state name <c>terminate</c> unusable.
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ erlang:'!' -----> Module:StateName/3
is <c>handle_event_function</c>, the state can be any term
and the state function name is
<seealso marker="#Module:handle_event/4"><c>Module:handle_event/4</c></seealso>.
- This makes it easy to dispatch on state or on event as you desire.
+ This makes it easy to branch depending on state or event as you desire.
Be careful about which events you handle in which
states so that you do not accidentally postpone an event
forever creating an infinite busy loop.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/proc_lib.xml b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/proc_lib.xml
index 245580b1ba..f02b1f0651 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/doc/src/proc_lib.xml
+++ b/lib/stdlib/doc/src/proc_lib.xml
@@ -73,6 +73,13 @@
<name name="priority_level"/>
+ <name name="max_heap_size"/>
+ <desc>
+ <p>See <seealso marker="erts:erlang#process_flag_max_heap_size">
+ erlang:process_flag(max_heap_size, MaxHeapSize)</seealso>.</p>
+ </desc>
+ </datatype>
+ <datatype>
<name name="dict_or_pid"/>
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
index 7a59523f06..c3ad261daa 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/otp_internal.erl
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
obsolete(Module, Name, Arity) ->
case obsolete_1(Module, Name, Arity) of
{deprecated=Tag,{_,_,_}=Replacement} ->
- {Tag,Replacement,"in a future release"};
+ {Tag,Replacement,"a future release"};
{_,String}=Ret when is_list(String) ->
{_,_,_}=Ret ->
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/proc_lib.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/proc_lib.erl
index fdc2ae4070..4a19603ec2 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/proc_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/proc_lib.erl
@@ -43,9 +43,14 @@
-type priority_level() :: 'high' | 'low' | 'max' | 'normal'.
+-type max_heap_size() :: non_neg_integer() |
+ #{ size => non_neg_integer(),
+ kill => true,
+ error_logger => true}.
-type spawn_option() :: 'link'
| 'monitor'
| {'priority', priority_level()}
+ | {'max_heap_size', max_heap_size()}
| {'min_heap_size', non_neg_integer()}
| {'min_bin_vheap_size', non_neg_integer()}
| {'fullsweep_after', non_neg_integer()}
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/erl_lint_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/erl_lint_SUITE.erl
index b0214e5238..d916eb3eef 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/erl_lint_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/erl_lint_SUITE.erl
@@ -2003,7 +2003,7 @@ otp_5362(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- "in a future release"}}]}},
+ "a future release"}}]}},
@@ -2063,7 +2063,7 @@ otp_5362(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{nowarn_bif_clash,{spawn,1}}]}, % has no effect
- "in a future release"}}]}},
+ "a future release"}}]}},
@@ -2093,7 +2093,7 @@ otp_5362(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
- {erlang,phash2,2},"in a future release"}}]}},
+ {erlang,phash2,2},"a future release"}}]}},
<<"t(X) -> regexp:match(X).">>,
diff --git a/lib/syntax_tools/doc/src/notes.xml b/lib/syntax_tools/doc/src/notes.xml
index 406a6c071b..78b2c7c7a4 100644
--- a/lib/syntax_tools/doc/src/notes.xml
+++ b/lib/syntax_tools/doc/src/notes.xml
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@
Teach Maps to erl_syntax</p>
- Affected functions: <list>
+ Affected functions:</p> <list>
- <item>erl_syntax:is_literal/1</item> </list></p>
+ <item>erl_syntax:is_literal/1</item> </list>
Own Id: OTP-12265</p>
diff --git a/lib/syntax_tools/vsn.mk b/lib/syntax_tools/vsn.mk
index 403e90196e..f09c2a01d0 100644
--- a/lib/syntax_tools/vsn.mk
+++ b/lib/syntax_tools/vsn.mk
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/lib/tools/src/cover.erl b/lib/tools/src/cover.erl
index 69331732bf..92c10cc306 100644
--- a/lib/tools/src/cover.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/src/cover.erl
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ call(Request) ->
Ref = erlang:monitor(process,?SERVER),
receive {'DOWN', Ref, _Type, _Object, noproc} ->
- start(),
+ {ok,_} = start(),
after 0 ->
?SERVER ! {self(),Request},
@@ -589,7 +589,9 @@ call(Request) ->
reply(From, Reply) ->
- From ! {?SERVER,Reply}.
+ From ! {?SERVER,Reply},
+ ok.
is_from(From) ->
@@ -615,9 +617,11 @@ remote_call(Node,Request) ->
remote_reply(Proc,Reply) when is_pid(Proc) ->
- Proc ! {?SERVER,Reply};
+ Proc ! {?SERVER,Reply},
+ ok;
remote_reply(MainNode,Reply) ->
- {?SERVER,MainNode} ! {?SERVER,Reply}.
+ {?SERVER,MainNode} ! {?SERVER,Reply},
+ ok.
%%% cover_server on main node
@@ -627,14 +631,16 @@ init_main(Starter) ->
%% Having write concurrancy here gives a 40% performance boost
%% when collect/1 is called.
- ets:new(?COVER_TABLE, [set, public, named_table
- ,{write_concurrency, true}
- ]),
- ets:new(?COVER_CLAUSE_TABLE, [set, public, named_table]),
- ets:new(?BINARY_TABLE, [set, public, named_table]),
- ets:new(?COLLECTION_TABLE, [set, public, named_table]),
- ets:new(?COLLECTION_CLAUSE_TABLE, [set, public, named_table]),
- net_kernel:monitor_nodes(true),
+ ?COVER_TABLE = ets:new(?COVER_TABLE, [set, public, named_table,
+ {write_concurrency, true}]),
+ ?COVER_CLAUSE_TABLE = ets:new(?COVER_CLAUSE_TABLE, [set, public,
+ named_table]),
+ ?BINARY_TABLE = ets:new(?BINARY_TABLE, [set, public, named_table]),
+ ?COLLECTION_TABLE = ets:new(?COLLECTION_TABLE, [set, public,
+ named_table]),
+ named_table]),
+ ok = net_kernel:monitor_nodes(true),
Starter ! {?SERVER,started},
@@ -672,7 +678,7 @@ main_process_loop(State) ->
Imported = do_import_to_table(Fd,File,
reply(From, ok),
- file:close(Fd),
+ ok = file:close(Fd),
{error,Reason} ->
reply(From, {error, {cant_open_file,File,Reason}}),
@@ -870,11 +876,12 @@ main_process_loop(State) ->
init_remote(Starter,MainNode) ->
- ets:new(?COVER_TABLE, [set, public, named_table
- %% write_concurrency here makes otp_8270 break :(
- %,{write_concurrency, true}
- ]),
- ets:new(?COVER_CLAUSE_TABLE, [set, public, named_table]),
+ %% write_concurrency here makes otp_8270 break :(
+ ?COVER_TABLE = ets:new(?COVER_TABLE, [set, public, named_table
+ %,{write_concurrency, true}
+ ]),
+ ?COVER_CLAUSE_TABLE = ets:new(?COVER_CLAUSE_TABLE, [set, public,
+ named_table]),
Starter ! {self(),started},
@@ -907,11 +914,11 @@ remote_process_loop(State) ->
'_' -> [M || {M,_} <- State#remote_state.compiled];
_ -> Modules0
- spawn(fun() ->
- ?SPAWN_DBG(remote_collect,
- {Modules, CollectorPid, From}),
- do_collect(Modules, CollectorPid, From)
- end),
+ spawn(fun() ->
+ ?SPAWN_DBG(remote_collect,
+ {Modules, CollectorPid, From}),
+ do_collect(Modules, CollectorPid, From)
+ end),
{remote,stop} ->
@@ -952,13 +959,13 @@ remote_process_loop(State) ->
do_collect(Modules, CollectorPid, From) ->
- pmap(
- fun(Module) ->
- Pattern = {#bump{module=Module, _='_'}, '$1'},
- MatchSpec = [{Pattern,[{'=/=','$1',0}],['$_']}],
- Match = ets:select(?COVER_TABLE,MatchSpec,?CHUNK_SIZE),
- send_chunks(Match, CollectorPid, [])
- end,Modules),
+ _ = pmap(
+ fun(Module) ->
+ Pattern = {#bump{module=Module, _='_'}, '$1'},
+ MatchSpec = [{Pattern,[{'=/=','$1',0}],['$_']}],
+ Match = ets:select(?COVER_TABLE,MatchSpec,?CHUNK_SIZE),
+ send_chunks(Match, CollectorPid, [])
+ end,Modules),
CollectorPid ! done,
remote_reply(From, ok).
@@ -994,20 +1001,20 @@ get_downs(Mons) ->
reload_originals(Compiled) ->
- Modules = [M || {M,_} <- Compiled],
- pmap(fun do_reload_original/1, Modules).
+ _ = pmap(fun do_reload_original/1, [M || {M,_} <- Compiled]),
+ ok.
do_reload_original(Module) ->
case code:which(Module) of
?TAG ->
- code:purge(Module), % remove code marked as 'old'
- code:delete(Module), % mark cover compiled code as 'old'
+ _ = code:purge(Module), % remove code marked as 'old'
+ _ = code:delete(Module), % mark cover compiled code as 'old'
%% Note: original beam code must be loaded before the cover
%% compiled code is purged, in order to for references to
%% 'fun M:F/A' and %% 'fun F/A' funs to be correct (they
%% refer to (M:)F/A in the *latest* version of the module)
- code:load_file(Module), % load original code
- code:purge(Module); % remove cover compiled code
+ _ = code:load_file(Module), % load original code
+ _ = code:purge(Module); % remove cover compiled code
_ ->
@@ -1219,12 +1226,13 @@ remote_reset(Module,Nodes) ->
%% Collect data from remote nodes - used for analyse or stop(Node)
remote_collect(Modules,Nodes,Stop) ->
- pmap(fun(Node) ->
- ?SPAWN_DBG(remote_collect,
- {Modules, Nodes, Stop}),
- do_collection(Node, Modules, Stop)
- end,
- Nodes).
+ _ = pmap(
+ fun(Node) ->
+ ?SPAWN_DBG(remote_collect,
+ {Modules, Nodes, Stop}),
+ do_collection(Node, Modules, Stop)
+ end, Nodes),
+ ok.
do_collection(Node, Module, Stop) ->
CollectorPid = spawn(fun collector_proc/0),
@@ -1260,8 +1268,8 @@ insert_in_collection_table([]) ->
insert_in_collection_table(Key,Val) ->
case ets:member(?COLLECTION_TABLE,Key) of
true ->
- ets:update_counter(?COLLECTION_TABLE,
- Key,Val);
+ _ = ets:update_counter(?COLLECTION_TABLE, Key,Val),
+ ok;
false ->
%% Make sure that there are no race conditions from ets:member
case ets:insert_new(?COLLECTION_TABLE,{Key,Val}) of
@@ -2421,7 +2429,7 @@ do_analyse_to_file1(Module, OutFile, ErlFile, HTML) ->
"<body style='background-color: white;"
" color: black'>\n"
- file:write(OutFd,Header);
+ ok = file:write(OutFd,Header);
true -> ok
@@ -2435,7 +2443,7 @@ do_analyse_to_file1(Module, OutFile, ErlFile, HTML) ->
string:right(integer_to_list(H), 2, $0),
string:right(integer_to_list(Mi), 2, $0),
string:right(integer_to_list(S), 2, $0)]),
- file:write(OutFd,
+ ok = file:write(OutFd,
["File generated from ",ErlFile," by COVER ",
@@ -2447,14 +2455,13 @@ do_analyse_to_file1(Module, OutFile, ErlFile, HTML) ->
CovLines = lists:keysort(1,ets:select(?COLLECTION_TABLE, MS)),
print_lines(Module, CovLines, InFd, OutFd, 1, HTML),
- if
- HTML ->
- file:write(OutFd, "</pre>\n</body>\n</html>\n");
+ if HTML ->
+ ok = file:write(OutFd, "</pre>\n</body>\n</html>\n");
true -> ok
- file:close(OutFd),
- file:close(InFd),
+ ok = file:close(OutFd),
+ ok = file:close(InFd),
{ok, OutFile};
@@ -2472,34 +2479,33 @@ print_lines(Module, CovLines, InFd, OutFd, L, HTML) ->
eof ->
{ok,"%"++_=Line} -> %Comment line - not executed.
- file:write(OutFd, [tab(),escape_lt_and_gt(Line, HTML)]),
+ ok = file:write(OutFd, [tab(),escape_lt_and_gt(Line, HTML)]),
print_lines(Module, CovLines, InFd, OutFd, L+1, HTML);
{ok,RawLine} ->
Line = escape_lt_and_gt(RawLine,HTML),
case CovLines of
[{L,N}|CovLines1] ->
%% N = lists:foldl(fun([Ni], Nacc) -> Nacc+Ni end, 0, Ns),
- if
- N=:=0, HTML=:=true ->
- LineNoNL = Line -- "\n",
- Str = " 0",
- %%Str = string:right("0", 6, 32),
- RedLine = ["<font color=red>",Str,fill1(),
- LineNoNL,"</font>\n"],
- file:write(OutFd, RedLine);
- N<1000000 ->
- Str = string:right(integer_to_list(N), 6, 32),
- file:write(OutFd, [Str,fill1(),Line]);
- N<10000000 ->
- Str = integer_to_list(N),
- file:write(OutFd, [Str,fill2(),Line]);
- true ->
- Str = integer_to_list(N),
- file:write(OutFd, [Str,fill3(),Line])
- end,
+ if N=:=0, HTML=:=true ->
+ LineNoNL = Line -- "\n",
+ Str = " 0",
+ %%Str = string:right("0", 6, 32),
+ RedLine = ["<font color=red>",Str,fill1(),
+ LineNoNL,"</font>\n"],
+ ok = file:write(OutFd, RedLine);
+ N < 1000000 ->
+ Str = string:right(integer_to_list(N), 6, 32),
+ ok = file:write(OutFd, [Str,fill1(),Line]);
+ N < 10000000 ->
+ Str = integer_to_list(N),
+ ok = file:write(OutFd, [Str,fill2(),Line]);
+ true ->
+ Str = integer_to_list(N),
+ ok = file:write(OutFd, [Str,fill3(),Line])
+ end,
print_lines(Module, CovLines1, InFd, OutFd, L+1, HTML);
_ ->
- file:write(OutFd, [tab(),Line]),
+ ok = file:write(OutFd, [tab(),Line]),
print_lines(Module, CovLines, InFd, OutFd, L+1, HTML)
@@ -2539,7 +2545,7 @@ do_export(Module, OutFile, From, State) ->
- file:close(Fd),
+ ok = file:close(Fd),
reply(From, Reply);
{error,Reason} ->
reply(From, {error, {cant_open_file,OutFile,Reason}})
@@ -2581,10 +2587,9 @@ write(Element,Fd) ->
case byte_size(Bin) of
Size when Size > 255 ->
SizeBin = term_to_binary({'$size',Size}),
- file:write(Fd,
- <<(byte_size(SizeBin)):8,SizeBin/binary,Bin/binary>>);
+ ok = file:write(Fd, <<(byte_size(SizeBin)):8,SizeBin/binary,Bin/binary>>);
Size ->
- file:write(Fd,<<Size:8,Bin/binary>>)
+ ok = file:write(Fd,<<Size:8,Bin/binary>>)
diff --git a/lib/tools/src/eprof.erl b/lib/tools/src/eprof.erl
index 07e995993b..3ae899a078 100644
--- a/lib/tools/src/eprof.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/src/eprof.erl
@@ -74,7 +74,6 @@
start() -> gen_server:start({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
stop() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, stop, infinity).
analyze() ->
@@ -112,7 +111,7 @@ profile(Rootset, M, F, A, Pattern) when is_list(Rootset), is_atom(M), is_atom(F)
%% Returns when M:F/A has terminated
profile(Rootset, M, F, A, Pattern, Options) ->
- start(),
+ ok = start_internal(),
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {profile_start, Rootset, Pattern, {M,F,A}, Options}, infinity).
dump() ->
@@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ start_profiling(Rootset) ->
start_profiling(Rootset, Pattern) ->
start_profiling(Rootset, Pattern, ?default_options).
start_profiling(Rootset, Pattern, Options) ->
- start(),
+ ok = start_internal(),
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {profile_start, Rootset, Pattern, undefined, Options}, infinity).
stop_profiling() ->
@@ -251,9 +250,9 @@ handle_call({logfile, File}, _From, #state{ fd = OldFd } = S) ->
{ok, Fd} ->
case OldFd of
undefined -> ok;
- OldFd -> file:close(OldFd)
+ OldFd -> ok = file:close(OldFd)
- {reply, ok, S#state{ fd = Fd}};
+ {reply, ok, S#state{fd = Fd}};
Error ->
{reply, Error, S}
@@ -521,3 +520,10 @@ format(Fd, Format, Strings) ->
divide(_,0) -> 0.0;
divide(T,N) -> T/N.
+start_internal() ->
+ case start() of
+ {ok, _} -> ok;
+ {error, {already_started,_}} -> ok;
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
diff --git a/lib/tools/src/fprof.erl b/lib/tools/src/fprof.erl
index b21eedc625..8db23dd151 100644
--- a/lib/tools/src/fprof.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/src/fprof.erl
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ handle_req(#analyse{dest = Dest,
already_open ->
ok ->
- file:close(DestPid)
+ ok = file:close(DestPid)
@@ -1364,7 +1364,7 @@ tracer_loop(Parent, Handler, State) ->
Trace when element(1, Trace) =:= trace_ts ->
tracer_loop(Parent, Handler, Handler(Trace, State));
{'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
- handler(end_of_trace, State),
+ _ = handler(end_of_trace, State),
_ ->
tracer_loop(Parent, Handler, State)
@@ -1450,12 +1450,10 @@ end_of_trace(Table, TS) ->
Procs = get(),
put(table, Table),
?dbg(2, "get() -> ~p~n", [Procs]),
- lists:map(
- fun ({Pid, _}) when is_pid(Pid) ->
- trace_exit(Table, Pid, TS)
- end,
- Procs),
- erase(),
+ _ = lists:map(fun ({Pid, _}) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ trace_exit(Table, Pid, TS)
+ end, Procs),
+ _ = erase(),
@@ -2047,7 +2045,7 @@ trace_exit(Table, Pid, TS) ->
[] ->
[_ | _] = Stack ->
- trace_return_to_int(Table, Pid, undefined, TS, Stack),
+ _ = trace_return_to_int(Table, Pid, undefined, TS, Stack),
@@ -2173,7 +2171,7 @@ trace_clock(_Table, _Pid, _T,
[[{suspend, _}], [{suspend, _}] | _]=_Stack, _Clock) ->
?dbg(9, "trace_clock(Table, ~w, ~w, ~w, ~w)~n",
[_Pid, _T, _Stack, _Clock]),
- void;
+ ok;
trace_clock(Table, Pid, T,
[[{garbage_collect, TS0}], [{suspend, _}]], Clock) ->
trace_clock_1(Table, Pid, T, TS0, undefined, garbage_collect, Clock);
@@ -2188,7 +2186,7 @@ trace_clock(Table, Pid, T, [[{Func0, TS0}], [{Func1, _} | _] | _], Clock) ->
trace_clock(Table, Pid, T, [[{Func0, TS0}]], Clock) ->
trace_clock_1(Table, Pid, T, TS0, undefined, Func0, Clock);
trace_clock(_, _, _, [], _) ->
- void.
+ ok.
trace_clock_1(Table, Pid, _, _, Caller, suspend, #clocks.own) ->
clock_add(Table, {Pid, Caller, suspend}, #clocks.own, 0);
@@ -2202,7 +2200,7 @@ trace_clock_1(Table, Pid, T, TS, Caller, Func, Clock) ->
clock_add(Table, Id, Clock, T) ->
?dbg(1, "clock_add(Table, ~w, ~w, ~w)~n", [Id, Clock, T]),
- try ets:update_counter(Table, Id, {Clock, T})
+ try ets:update_counter(Table, Id, {Clock, T}), ok
error:badarg ->
ets:insert(Table, #clocks{id = Id}),
@@ -2211,7 +2209,7 @@ clock_add(Table, Id, Clock, T) ->
true -> ?dbg(0, "Negative counter value ~p ~p ~p ~p~n",
[X, Id, Clock, T])
- X
+ ok
clocks_add(Table, #clocks{id = Id} = Clocks) ->
diff --git a/lib/tools/src/lcnt.erl b/lib/tools/src/lcnt.erl
index 78407a651a..23d66b084e 100644
--- a/lib/tools/src/lcnt.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/src/lcnt.erl
@@ -23,67 +23,57 @@
-author("Björn-Egil Dahlberg").
%% gen_server callbacks
- init/1,
- handle_call/3,
- handle_cast/2,
- handle_info/2,
- terminate/2,
- code_change/3
- ]).
+ handle_call/3,
+ handle_cast/2,
+ handle_info/2,
+ terminate/2,
+ code_change/3]).
%% start/stop
- start/0,
- stop/0
- ]).
+ stop/0]).
%% erts_debug:lock_counters api
- rt_collect/0,
- rt_collect/1,
- rt_clear/0,
- rt_clear/1,
- rt_opt/1,
- rt_opt/2
- ]).
+ rt_collect/1,
+ rt_clear/0,
+ rt_clear/1,
+ rt_opt/1,
+ rt_opt/2]).
%% gen_server call api
- raw/0,
- collect/0,
- collect/1,
- clear/0,
- clear/1,
- conflicts/0,
- conflicts/1,
- locations/0,
- locations/1,
- inspect/1,
- inspect/2,
- histogram/1,
- histogram/2,
- information/0,
- swap_pid_keys/0,
- % set options
- set/1,
- set/2,
- load/1,
- save/1
- ]).
+ collect/0,
+ collect/1,
+ clear/0,
+ clear/1,
+ conflicts/0,
+ conflicts/1,
+ locations/0,
+ locations/1,
+ inspect/1,
+ inspect/2,
+ histogram/1,
+ histogram/2,
+ information/0,
+ swap_pid_keys/0,
+ % set options
+ set/1,
+ set/2,
+ load/1,
+ save/1]).
%% convenience
- apply/3,
- apply/2,
- apply/1,
- all_conflicts/0,
- all_conflicts/1,
- pid/2, pid/3,
- port/1, port/2
- ]).
+ apply/2,
+ apply/1,
+ all_conflicts/0,
+ all_conflicts/1,
+ pid/2, pid/3,
+ port/1, port/2]).
-define(version, "1.0").
@@ -135,6 +125,13 @@ start() -> gen_server:start({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
stop() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, stop, infinity).
init([]) -> {ok, #state{ locks = [], duration = 0 } }.
+start_internal() ->
+ case start() of
+ {ok,_} -> ok;
+ {error, {already_started,_}} -> ok;
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
%% API erts_debug:lock_counters
@@ -184,7 +181,7 @@ raw() -> call(raw).
set(Option, Value) -> call({set, Option, Value}).
set({Option, Value}) -> call({set, Option, Value}).
save(Filename) -> call({save, Filename}).
-load(Filename) -> start(), call({load, Filename}).
+load(Filename) -> ok = start_internal(), call({load, Filename}).
call(Msg) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, Msg, infinity).
@@ -195,7 +192,7 @@ call(Msg) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, Msg, infinity).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %%
apply(M,F,As) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(As) ->
- lcnt:start(),
+ ok = start_internal(),
Opt = lcnt:rt_opt({copy_save, true}),
Res = erlang:apply(M,F,As),
@@ -207,7 +204,7 @@ apply(Fun) when is_function(Fun) ->
lcnt:apply(Fun, []).
apply(Fun, As) when is_function(Fun) ->
- lcnt:start(),
+ ok = start_internal(),
Opt = lcnt:rt_opt({copy_save, true}),
Res = erlang:apply(Fun, As),
diff --git a/lib/tools/src/tags.erl b/lib/tools/src/tags.erl
index 2bc1865503..b833d96c19 100644
--- a/lib/tools/src/tags.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/src/tags.erl
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ files(Files, Options) ->
case open_out(Options) of
{ok, Os} ->
files_loop(Files, Os),
- close_out(Os),
+ ok = close_out(Os),
_ ->
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ filename(Name, Os) ->
case file:open(Name, [read]) of
{ok, Desc} ->
Acc = module(Desc, [], [], {1, 0}),
- file:close(Desc),
+ ok = file:close(Desc),
genout(Os, Name, Acc),
_ ->
diff --git a/lib/tools/src/xref_base.erl b/lib/tools/src/xref_base.erl
index 70eb107781..4322943c59 100644
--- a/lib/tools/src/xref_base.erl
+++ b/lib/tools/src/xref_base.erl
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ do_add_module({Dir, Basename}, AppName, Builtins, Verbose, Warnings, State) ->
File = filename:join(Dir, Basename),
{ok, M, Bad, NewState} =
do_add_module1(Dir, File, AppName, Builtins, Verbose, Warnings, State),
- filter(fun({Tag,B}) -> warnings(Warnings, Tag, [[File,B]]) end, Bad),
+ _ = filter(fun({Tag,B}) -> warnings(Warnings, Tag, [[File,B]]) end, Bad),
{ok, M, NewState}.
do_add_module1(Dir, File, AppName, Builtins, Verbose, Warnings, State) ->
@@ -1727,7 +1727,7 @@ pack(T) ->
NT = pack1(T),
%% true = T =:= NT,
%% io:format("erasing ~p elements...~n", [length(erase())]),
- erase(), % wasting heap (and time)...
+ _ = erase(), % wasting heap (and time)...
foreach(fun({K,V}) -> put(K, V) end, PD),
diff --git a/lib/wx/api_gen/gl_gen.erl b/lib/wx/api_gen/gl_gen.erl
index 0473b7d771..54635bdd2e 100644
--- a/lib/wx/api_gen/gl_gen.erl
+++ b/lib/wx/api_gen/gl_gen.erl
@@ -191,8 +191,9 @@ parse_define([#xmlElement{name=initializer,content=Contents}|_R],Def,_Os) ->
case Val0 of
"0x" ++ Val1 ->
- _ = list_to_integer(Val1, 16),
- Def#def{val=Val1, type=hex};
+ Val2 = strip_type_cast(Val1),
+ _ = list_to_integer(Val2, 16),
+ Def#def{val=Val2, type=hex};
_ ->
Val = list_to_integer(Val0),
Def#def{val=Val, type=int}
@@ -214,6 +215,15 @@ extract_def2([#xmlElement{content=Cs}|R]) ->
extract_def2(Cs) ++ extract_def2(R);
extract_def2([]) -> [].
+strip_type_cast(Int) ->
+ lists:reverse(strip_type_cast2(lists:reverse(Int))).
+strip_type_cast2("u"++Rest) -> Rest; %% unsigned
+strip_type_cast2("lu"++Rest) -> Rest; %% unsigned long
+strip_type_cast2("llu"++Rest) -> Rest; %% unsigned long long
+strip_type_cast2(Rest) -> Rest.
strip_comment("/*" ++ Rest) ->
strip_comment("//" ++ _) -> [];
diff --git a/lib/wx/c_src/wxe_helpers.cpp b/lib/wx/c_src/wxe_helpers.cpp
index 4798e605e8..d1f607d2af 100644
--- a/lib/wx/c_src/wxe_helpers.cpp
+++ b/lib/wx/c_src/wxe_helpers.cpp
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ void wxeCommand::Delete()
buffer = NULL;
- op = -1;
+ op = -2;
/* ****************************************************************************
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ wxeCommand * wxeFifo::Get()
pos = m_first++;
m_first %= m_max;
- } while(m_q[pos].op == -1);
+ } while(m_q[pos].op < 0);
return &m_q[pos];
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ wxeCommand * wxeFifo::Peek(unsigned int *i)
return NULL;
pos = (m_first+*i) % m_max;
- } while(m_q[pos].op == -1);
+ } while(m_q[pos].op < 0);
return &m_q[pos];
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ void wxeFifo::Realloc()
// Strip end of queue if ops are already taken care of, avoids reallocs
void wxeFifo::Strip()
- while((m_n > 0) && (m_q[(m_first + m_n - 1)%m_max].op == -1)) {
+ while((m_n > 0) && (m_q[(m_first + m_n - 1)%m_max].op < -1)) {
diff --git a/lib/wx/include/gl.hrl b/lib/wx/include/gl.hrl
index 39cd474fcb..d708515e1b 100644
--- a/lib/wx/include/gl.hrl
+++ b/lib/wx/include/gl.hrl
@@ -1723,7 +1723,7 @@
-define(GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER, 16#8F36).
-define(GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER, 16#8F37).
-define(GL_DEPTH_CLAMP, 16#864F).
@@ -1746,7 +1746,7 @@
-define(GL_WAIT_FAILED, 16#911D).
-define(GL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT, 16#00000001).
-define(GL_SAMPLE_POSITION, 16#8E50).
-define(GL_SAMPLE_MASK, 16#8E51).
-define(GL_SAMPLE_MASK_VALUE, 16#8E52).
diff --git a/lib/wx/test/wx_class_SUITE.erl b/lib/wx/test/wx_class_SUITE.erl
index 6944a78360..0a3c4659bf 100644
--- a/lib/wx/test/wx_class_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/wx/test/wx_class_SUITE.erl
@@ -646,8 +646,8 @@ modal(Config) ->
%% need to sleep so we know that the window is stuck in
%% the ShowModal event loop and not in an earlier event loop
%% wx2.8 invokes the event loop from more calls than wx-3
- receive {dialog, M1, 1} -> timer:sleep(1200), ets:insert(test_state, {M1, ready}) end,
- receive {dialog, M2, 2} -> timer:sleep(1200), ets:insert(test_state, {M2, ready}) end,
+ M1 = receive {dialog, W1, 1} -> timer:sleep(1200), ets:insert(test_state, {W1, ready}), W1 end,
+ M2 = receive {dialog, W2, 2} -> timer:sleep(1200), ets:insert(test_state, {W2, ready}), W2 end,
receive done -> ok end,
receive {dialog_done, M2, 2} -> M2 end,