path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/lib/common_test/src/ct_run.erl b/lib/common_test/src/ct_run.erl
index 05b10bca32..57000a1c56 100644
--- a/lib/common_test/src/ct_run.erl
+++ b/lib/common_test/src/ct_run.erl
@@ -2347,31 +2347,38 @@ event_handler_init_args2opts([]) ->
%% relative dirs "post run_test erl_args" is not kept!
rel_to_abs(CtArgs) ->
{PA,PZ} = get_pa_pz(CtArgs, [], []),
- io:format(user, "~n", []),
- code:del_path(filename:basename(D)),
- Abs = filename:absname(D),
- code:add_pathz(Abs),
- if D /= Abs ->
+ Dir = rm_trailing_slash(D),
+ Abs = make_abs(Dir),
+ if Dir /= Abs ->
+ code:del_path(Dir),
+ code:del_path(Abs),
io:format(user, "Converting ~p to ~p and re-inserting "
"with add_pathz/1~n",
- [D, Abs]);
+ [Dir, Abs]);
true ->
- ok
- end
+ code:del_path(Dir)
+ end,
+ code:add_pathz(Abs)
end || D <- PZ],
- code:del_path(filename:basename(D)),
- Abs = filename:absname(D),
- code:add_patha(Abs),
- if D /= Abs ->
+ Dir = rm_trailing_slash(D),
+ Abs = make_abs(Dir),
+ if Dir /= Abs ->
+ code:del_path(Dir),
+ code:del_path(Abs),
io:format(user, "Converting ~p to ~p and re-inserting "
"with add_patha/1~n",
- [D, Abs]);
- true ->ok
- end
+ [Dir, Abs]);
+ true ->
+ code:del_path(Dir)
+ end,
+ code:add_patha(Abs)
end || D <- PA],
- io:format(user, "~n", []).
+ io:format(user, "~n", []).
+rm_trailing_slash(Dir) ->
+ filename:join(filename:split(Dir)).
get_pa_pz([{pa,Dirs} | Args], PA, PZ) ->
get_pa_pz(Args, PA ++ Dirs, PZ);
@@ -2382,6 +2389,19 @@ get_pa_pz([_ | Args], PA, PZ) ->
get_pa_pz([], PA, PZ) ->
+make_abs(RelDir) ->
+ Tokens = filename:split(filename:absname(RelDir)),
+ filename:join(lists:reverse(make_abs1(Tokens, []))).
+make_abs1([".."|Dirs], [_Dir|Path]) ->
+ make_abs1(Dirs, Path);
+make_abs1(["."|Dirs], Path) ->
+ make_abs1(Dirs, Path);
+make_abs1([Dir|Dirs], Path) ->
+ make_abs1(Dirs, [Dir|Path]);
+make_abs1([], Path) ->
+ Path.
%% This function translates ct:run_test/1 start options
%% to ct_run start arguments (on the init arguments format) -
%% this is useful mainly for testing the ct_run start functions.