path: root/lib
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3 files changed, 443 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/binary.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/binary.erl
index d649f974bb..3eaf011db4 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/binary.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/binary.erl
@@ -20,61 +20,158 @@
%% The following functions implemented as BIF's
%% binary:compile_pattern/1
-%% binary:find/3
-%% XXX:PaN more to come...
+%% binary:match/{2,3}
+%% binary:matches/{2,3}
+%% - Not yet:
+%% binary:longest_common_prefix/1
+%% binary:longest_common_suffix/1
+%% binary:first/1
+%% binary:last/1
+%% binary:at/2
+%% binary:part/{2,3}
+%% binary:bin_to_list/{1,2,3}
+%% binary:list_to_bin/1
+%% binary:copy/{1,2}
+%% binary:referenced_byte_size/1
+%% binary:decode_unsigned/{1,2}
+%% Implemented in this module:
-first(<<F:1/binary,_/binary>>) ->
- F;
-first(_) ->
- erlang:error(badarg).
-first(N,Bin) when is_integer(N), N >= 0 ->
- case Bin of
- <<F:N/binary,_/binary>> ->
- F;
- _ ->
+%% split
+split(H,N) ->
+ split(H,N,[]).
+split(Haystack,Needles,Options) ->
+ try
+ {Part,Global,Trim} = get_opts_split(Options,{no,false,false}),
+ Moptlist = case Part of
+ no ->
+ [];
+ {A,B} ->
+ [{scope,{A,B}}]
+ end,
+ MList = if
+ Global ->
+ binary:matches(Haystack,Needles,Moptlist);
+ true ->
+ case binary:match(Haystack,Needles,Moptlist) of
+ nomatch -> [];
+ Match -> [Match]
+ end
+ end,
+ do_split(Haystack,MList,0,Trim)
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
- end;
-first(_,_) ->
- erlang:error(badarg).
-last(<<>>) ->
- erlang:error(badarg);
-last(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
- Sz = byte_size(Bin) - 1,
- <<_:Sz/binary,L:1/binary>> = Bin,
- L;
-last(_) ->
- erlang:error(badarg).
-last(N,Bin) when is_integer(N), N >= 0, is_binary(Bin) ->
- Sz = byte_size(Bin) - N,
- case Bin of
- <<_:Sz/binary,L:N/binary>> ->
- L;
- _ ->
- erlang:error(badarg)
- end;
-last(_,_) ->
- erlang:error(badarg).
+ end.
-nth(N, Bin) when is_integer(N), N > 0 ->
- M = N - 1,
- case Bin of
- <<_:M/binary,V:1/binary,_/binary>> ->
- V;
- _ ->
- erlang:error(badarg)
- end;
-nth(_,_) ->
- erlang:error(badarg).
+do_split(H,[],N,true) when N >= byte_size(H) ->
+ [];
+do_split(H,[],N,_) ->
+ [binary:part(H,{N,byte_size(H)-N})];
+do_split(H,[{A,B}|T],N,Trim) ->
+ case binary:part(H,{N,A-N}) of
+ <<>> ->
+ Rest = do_split(H,T,A+B,Trim),
+ case {Trim, Rest} of
+ {true,[]} ->
+ [];
+ _ ->
+ [<<>> | Rest]
+ end;
+ Oth ->
+ [Oth | do_split(H,T,A+B,Trim)]
+ end.
-extract(N,Size,Bin) when is_integer(N), is_integer(Size), is_binary(Bin) ->
- M = N - 1,
- case Bin of
- <<_:M/binary,V:Size/binary,_/binary>> ->
- V;
- _ ->
+%% replace
+replace(H,N,R) ->
+ replace(H,N,R,[]).
+replace(Haystack,Needles,Replacement,Options) ->
+ try
+ true = is_binary(Replacement), % Make badarg instead of function clause
+ {Part,Global,Insert} = get_opts_replace(Options,{no,false,[]}),
+ Moptlist = case Part of
+ no ->
+ [];
+ {A,B} ->
+ [{scope,{A,B}}]
+ end,
+ MList = if
+ Global ->
+ binary:matches(Haystack,Needles,Moptlist);
+ true ->
+ case binary:match(Haystack,Needles,Moptlist) of
+ nomatch -> [];
+ Match -> [Match]
+ end
+ end,
+ ReplList = case Insert of
+ [] ->
+ Replacement;
+ Y when is_integer(Y) ->
+ splitat(Replacement,0,[Y]);
+ Li when is_list(Li) ->
+ splitat(Replacement,0,lists:sort(Li))
+ end,
+ erlang:iolist_to_binary(do_replace(Haystack,MList,ReplList,0))
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
- end;
-extract(_,_,_) ->
- erlang:error(badarg).
+ end.
+do_replace(H,[],_,N) ->
+ [binary:part(H,{N,byte_size(H)-N})];
+do_replace(H,[{A,B}|T],Replacement,N) ->
+ [binary:part(H,{N,A-N}),
+ if
+ is_list(Replacement) ->
+ do_insert(Replacement, binary:part(H,{A,B}));
+ true ->
+ Replacement
+ end
+ | do_replace(H,T,Replacement,A+B)].
+do_insert([X],_) ->
+ [X];
+do_insert([H|T],R) ->
+ [H,R|do_insert(T,R)].
+splitat(H,N,[]) ->
+ [binary:part(H,{N,byte_size(H)-N})];
+splitat(H,N,[I|T]) ->
+ [binary:part(H,{N,I-N})|splitat(H,I,T)].
+%% Simple helper functions
+get_opts_split([],{Part,Global,Trim}) ->
+ {Part,Global,Trim};
+get_opts_split([{scope,{A,B}} | T],{_Part,Global,Trim}) ->
+ get_opts_split(T,{{A,B},Global,Trim});
+get_opts_split([global | T],{Part,_Global,Trim}) ->
+ get_opts_split(T,{Part,true,Trim});
+get_opts_split([trim | T],{Part,Global,_Trim}) ->
+ get_opts_split(T,{Part,Global,true});
+get_opts_split(_,_) ->
+ throw(badopt).
+get_opts_replace([],{Part,Global,Insert}) ->
+ {Part,Global,Insert};
+get_opts_replace([{scope,{A,B}} | T],{_Part,Global,Insert}) ->
+ get_opts_replace(T,{{A,B},Global,Insert});
+get_opts_replace([global | T],{Part,_Global,Insert}) ->
+ get_opts_replace(T,{Part,true,Insert});
+get_opts_replace([{insert_replaced,N} | T],{Part,Global,_Insert}) ->
+ get_opts_replace(T,{Part,Global,N});
+get_opts_replace(_,_) ->
+ throw(badopt).
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/binary_module_SUITE.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/binary_module_SUITE.erl
index ffed43af10..24545f296a 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/binary_module_SUITE.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/binary_module_SUITE.erl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
--export([all/1, interesting/1,random_ref_comp/1]).
+-export([all/1, interesting/1,random_ref_comp/1,random_ref_sr_comp/1,parts/1]).
@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ run() ->
-all(suite) -> [interesting,random_ref_comp].
+all(suite) -> [interesting,random_ref_sr_comp,random_ref_comp,parts].
+-define(MASK_ERROR(EXPR),mask_error((catch (EXPR)))).
interesting(doc) ->
@@ -93,8 +95,142 @@ do_interesting(Module) ->
?line [{2,2}] = Module:matches(<<"123456">>,
+ ?line nomatch = Module:match(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<2>>,[{scope,{0,1}}]),
+ ?line {1,1} = Module:match(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<2>>,[{scope,{0,2}}]),
+ ?line nomatch = Module:match(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<2,3>>,[{scope,{0,2}}]),
+ ?line {1,2} = Module:match(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<2,3>>,[{scope,{0,3}}]),
+ ?line {1,2} = Module:match(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<2,3>>,[{scope,{0,4}}]),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(Module:match(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<2,3>>,
+ [{scope,{0,5}}])),
+ ?line {1,2} = Module:match(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<2,3>>,[{scope,{4,-4}}]),
+ ?line {0,3} = Module:match(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<1,2,3>>,[{scope,{4,-4}}]),
+ ?line {0,4} = Module:match(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<1,2,3,4>>,[{scope,{4,-4}}]),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(Module:match(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<1,2,3,4>>,
+ [{scope,{3,-4}}])),
+ ?line [] = Module:matches(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<2>>,[{scope,{0,1}}]),
+ ?line [{1,1}] = Module:matches(<<1,2,3,4>>,[<<2>>,<<3>>],[{scope,{0,2}}]),
+ ?line [] = Module:matches(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<2,3>>,[{scope,{0,2}}]),
+ ?line [{1,2}] = Module:matches(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<2,3>>,[{scope,{0,3}}]),
+ ?line [{1,2}] = Module:matches(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<2,3>>,[{scope,{0,4}}]),
+ ?line [{1,2}] = Module:matches(<<1,2,3,4>>,[<<2,3>>,<<4>>],
+ [{scope,{0,3}}]),
+ ?line [{1,2},{3,1}] = Module:matches(<<1,2,3,4>>,[<<2,3>>,<<4>>],
+ [{scope,{0,4}}]),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(Module:matches(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<2,3>>,
+ [{scope,{0,5}}])),
+ ?line [{1,2}] = Module:matches(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<2,3>>,[{scope,{4,-4}}]),
+ ?line [{1,2},{3,1}] = Module:matches(<<1,2,3,4>>,[<<2,3>>,<<4>>],
+ [{scope,{4,-4}}]),
+ ?line [{0,3}] = Module:matches(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<1,2,3>>,[{scope,{4,-4}}]),
+ ?line [{0,4}] = Module:matches(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<1,2,3,4>>,[{scope,{4,-4}}]),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(Module:matches(<<1,2,3,4>>,<<1,2,3,4>>,
+ [{scope,{3,-4}}])),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(Module:matches(<<1,2,3,4>>,[<<1,2,3,4>>],
+ [{scope,{3,-4}}])),
+ ?line [<<1,2,3>>,<<6,7,8>>] = Module:split(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,<<4,5>>),
+ ?line [<<1,2,3>>,<<6,7,8>>] = Module:split(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ [<<4,5>>,<<7>>]),
+ ?line [<<1,2,3>>,<<6>>,<<8>>] = Module:split(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ [<<4,5>>,<<7>>],[global]),
+ ?line [<<1,2,3>>,<<6>>,<<>>,<<>>] = Module:split(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ [<<4,5>>,<<7>>,<<8>>],
+ [global]),
+ ?line [<<1,2,3>>,<<6>>] = Module:split(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ [<<4,5>>,<<7>>,<<8>>],
+ [global,trim]),
+ ?line [<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>] = Module:split(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ [<<4,5>>,<<7>>,<<8>>],
+ [global,trim,{scope,{0,4}}]),
+ ?line [<<1,2,3>>,<<6,7,8>>] = Module:split(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ [<<4,5>>,<<7>>,<<8>>],
+ [global,trim,{scope,{0,5}}]),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(
+ Module:replace(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ [<<4,5>>,<<7>>,<<8>>],<<99>>,
+ [global,trim,{scope,{0,5}}])),
+ ?line <<1,2,3,99,6,7,8>> = Module:replace(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ [<<4,5>>,<<7>>,<<8>>],<<99>>,[]),
+ ?line <<1,2,3,99,6,99,99>> = Module:replace(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ [<<4,5>>,<<7>>,<<8>>],<<99>>,
+ [global]),
+ ?line <<1,2,3,99,6,7,8>> = Module:replace(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ [<<4,5>>,<<7>>,<<8>>],<<99>>,
+ [global,{scope,{0,5}}]),
+ ?line <<1,2,3,99,6,7,8>> = Module:replace(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ [<<4,5>>,<<7>>,<<8>>],<<99>>,
+ [global,{scope,{0,5}}]),
+ ?line <<1,2,3,99,6,7,8>> = Module:replace(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ [<<4,5>>,<<7>>,<<8>>],<<99>>,
+ [global,{scope,{0,5}}]),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(Module:replace(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ [<<4,5>>,<<7>>,<<8>>],<<99>>,
+ [global,{scope,{0,5}},
+ {insert,1}])),
+ ?line <<1,2,3,99,4,5,6,7,8>> = Module:replace(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ [<<4,5>>,<<7>>,<<8>>],<<99>>,
+ [global,{scope,{0,5}},
+ {insert_replaced,1}]),
+ ?line <<1,2,3,9,4,5,9,6,7,8>> = Module:replace(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ [<<4,5>>,<<7>>,<<8>>],
+ <<9,9>>,
+ [global,{scope,{0,5}},
+ {insert_replaced,1}]),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(Module:replace(<<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ [<<4,5>>,<<7>>,<<8>>],<<>>,
+ [global,{scope,{0,5}},
+ {insert_replaced,1}])),
+ ok.
+parts(doc) ->
+ ["Test the part/2,3 bif's"];
+parts(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ %% Some simple smoke tests to begin with
+ ?line Simple = <<1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>>,
+ ?line <<1,2>> = binary:part(Simple,0,2),
+ ?line <<1,2>> = binary:part(Simple,{0,2}),
+ ?line Simple = binary:part(Simple,0,8),
+ ?line Simple = binary:part(Simple,{0,8}),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:part(Simple,0,9)),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:part(Simple,{0,9})),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:part(Simple,1,8)),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:part(Simple,{1,8})),
+ ?line <<2,3,4,5,6,7,8>> = binary:part(Simple,{1,7}),
+ ?line <<2,3,4,5,6,7,8>> = binary:part(Simple,{8,-7}),
+ ?line Simple = binary:part(Simple,{8,-8}),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:part(Simple,{1,-8})),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:part(Simple,{8,-9})),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:part(Simple,{0,-1})),
+ ?line <<>> = binary:part(Simple,{8,0}),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:part(Simple,{9,0})),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:part(Simple,{-1,0})),
+ ?line badarg = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:part(Simple,{7,2})),
+ ?line <<8>> = binary:part(Simple,{7,1}),
+ ?line random:seed({1271,769940,559934}),
+ ?line random_parts(5000),
+random_parts(0) ->
+ ok;
+random_parts(N) ->
+ Str = random_string({1,N}),
+ Parts0 = random_parts(10,N),
+ Parts1 = Parts0 ++ [ {X+Y,-Y} || {X,Y} <- Parts0 ],
+ [ begin
+ true = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:part(Str,Z)) =:=
+ ?MASK_ERROR(binref:part(Str,Z)),
+ true = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:part(Str,Z)) =:=
+ ?MASK_ERROR(binary:part(make_unaligned(Str),Z))
+ end || Z <- Parts1 ],
+ random_parts(N-1).
+random_parts(0,_) ->
+ [];
+random_parts(X,N) ->
+ Pos = random:uniform(N),
+ Len = random:uniform((Pos * 12) div 10),
+ [{Pos,Len} | random_parts(X-1,N)].
random_ref_comp(doc) ->
["Test pseudorandomly generated cases against reference imlementation"];
random_ref_comp(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
@@ -116,6 +252,22 @@ random_ref_comp(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line do_random_matches_comp3(5,{1,40},{30,1000}),
?line io:format("limit was: ~p~n",[ erts_debug:set_internal_state(binary_loop_limit,default)]),
?line erts_debug:set_internal_state(available_internal_state,false),
+ ?line put(success_counter,0),
+ ok.
+random_ref_sr_comp(doc) ->
+ ["Test pseudorandomly generated cases against reference imlementation of split and replace"];
+random_ref_sr_comp(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
+ ?line put(success_counter,0),
+ ?line random:seed({1271,769940,559934}),
+ ?line do_random_split_comp(5000,{1,40},{30,1000}),
+ io:format("Number of successes: ~p~n",[get(success_counter)]),
+ ?line do_random_replace_comp(5000,{1,40},{30,1000}),
+ io:format("Number of successes: ~p~n",[get(success_counter)]),
+ ?line do_random_split_comp2(5000,{1,40},{30,1000}),
+ io:format("Number of successes: ~p~n",[get(success_counter)]),
+ ?line do_random_replace_comp2(5000,{1,40},{30,1000}),
+ io:format("Number of successes: ~p~n",[get(success_counter)]),
do_random_matches_comp(0,_,_) ->
@@ -163,7 +315,7 @@ do_matches_comp_loop(N, Needles, Haystack0,RR) ->
do_matches_comp2(N,H,A) ->
- C = (catch binary:matches(H,N)),
+ C = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:matches(H,N)),
case (A =:= C) of
true ->
@@ -175,10 +327,10 @@ do_matches_comp2(N,H,A) ->
do_matches_comp(N,H) ->
- A = (catch binref:matches(H,N)),
- B = (catch binref:matches(H,binref:compile_pattern(N))),
- C = (catch binary:matches(H,N)),
- D = (catch binary:matches(H,binary:compile_pattern(N))),
+ A = ?MASK_ERROR(binref:matches(H,N)),
+ B = ?MASK_ERROR(binref:matches(H,binref:compile_pattern(N))),
+ C = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:matches(H,N)),
+ D = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:matches(make_unaligned(H),binary:compile_pattern(N))),
A =/= nomatch ->
@@ -223,10 +375,10 @@ do_random_match_comp3(N,NeedleRange,HaystackRange) ->
do_match_comp(N,H) ->
- A = (catch binref:match(H,N)),
- B = (catch binref:match(H,binref:compile_pattern([N]))),
- C = (catch binary:match(H,N)),
- D = (catch binary:match(H,binary:compile_pattern([N]))),
+ A = ?MASK_ERROR(binref:match(H,N)),
+ B = ?MASK_ERROR(binref:match(H,binref:compile_pattern([N]))),
+ C = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:match(make_unaligned(H),N)),
+ D = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:match(H,binary:compile_pattern([N]))),
A =/= nomatch ->
@@ -245,10 +397,10 @@ do_match_comp(N,H) ->
do_match_comp3(N,H) ->
- A = (catch binref:match(H,N)),
- B = (catch binref:match(H,binref:compile_pattern(N))),
- C = (catch binary:match(H,N)),
- D = (catch binary:match(H,binary:compile_pattern(N))),
+ A = ?MASK_ERROR(binref:match(H,N)),
+ B = ?MASK_ERROR(binref:match(H,binref:compile_pattern(N))),
+ C = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:match(H,N)),
+ D = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:match(H,binary:compile_pattern(N))),
A =/= nomatch ->
@@ -266,10 +418,104 @@ do_match_comp3(N,H) ->
+do_random_split_comp(0,_,_) ->
+ ok;
+do_random_split_comp(N,NeedleRange,HaystackRange) ->
+ Haystack = random_string(HaystackRange),
+ Needle = random_substring(NeedleRange,Haystack),
+ true = do_split_comp(Needle,Haystack,[]),
+ true = do_split_comp(Needle,Haystack,[global]),
+ true = do_split_comp(Needle,Haystack,[global,trim]),
+ do_random_split_comp(N-1,NeedleRange,HaystackRange).
+do_random_split_comp2(0,_,_) ->
+ ok;
+do_random_split_comp2(N,NeedleRange,HaystackRange) ->
+ NumNeedles = element(2,HaystackRange) div element(2,NeedleRange),
+ Haystack = random_string(HaystackRange),
+ Needles = [random_substring(NeedleRange,Haystack) ||
+ _ <- lists:duplicate(NumNeedles,a)],
+ true = do_split_comp(Needles,Haystack,[]),
+ true = do_split_comp(Needles,Haystack,[global]),
+ do_random_split_comp2(N-1,NeedleRange,HaystackRange).
+do_split_comp(N,H,Opts) ->
+ A = ?MASK_ERROR(binref:split(H,N,Opts)),
+ D = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:split(H,binary:compile_pattern(N),Opts)),
+ if
+ (A =/= [N]) and is_list(A) ->
+ put(success_counter,get(success_counter)+1);
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ case (A =:= D) of
+ true ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ io:format("Failed to split ~n~p ~n(haystack) with ~n~p ~n(needle) "
+ "~nand options ~p~n",
+ [H,N,Opts]),
+ io:format("A:~p,D:~p.~n",
+ [A,D]),
+ exit(mismatch)
+ end.
+do_random_replace_comp(0,_,_) ->
+ ok;
+do_random_replace_comp(N,NeedleRange,HaystackRange) ->
+ Haystack = random_string(HaystackRange),
+ Needle = random_substring(NeedleRange,Haystack),
+ Repl = random_string(NeedleRange),
+ Insertat = random_length(NeedleRange), %Sometimes larger than Repl
+ true = do_replace_comp(Needle,Haystack,Repl,[]),
+ true = do_replace_comp(Needle,Haystack,Repl,[global]),
+ true = do_replace_comp(Needle,Haystack,Repl,
+ [global,{insert_replaced,Insertat}]),
+ do_random_replace_comp(N-1,NeedleRange,HaystackRange).
+do_random_replace_comp2(0,_,_) ->
+ ok;
+do_random_replace_comp2(N,NeedleRange,HaystackRange) ->
+ NumNeedles = element(2,HaystackRange) div element(2,NeedleRange),
+ Haystack = random_string(HaystackRange),
+ Needles = [random_substring(NeedleRange,Haystack) ||
+ _ <- lists:duplicate(NumNeedles,a)],
+ Repl = random_string(NeedleRange),
+ Insertat = random_length(NeedleRange), %Sometimes larger than Repl
+ true = do_replace_comp(Needles,Haystack,Repl,[]),
+ true = do_replace_comp(Needles,Haystack,Repl,[global]),
+ true = do_replace_comp(Needles,Haystack,Repl,
+ [global,{insert_replaced,Insertat}]),
+ do_random_replace_comp2(N-1,NeedleRange,HaystackRange).
+do_replace_comp(N,H,R,Opts) ->
+ A = ?MASK_ERROR(binref:replace(H,N,R,Opts)),
+ D = ?MASK_ERROR(binary:replace(H,binary:compile_pattern(N),R,Opts)),
+ if
+ (A =/= N) and is_binary(A) ->
+ put(success_counter,get(success_counter)+1);
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ case (A =:= D) of
+ true ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ io:format("Failed to replace ~s (haystack) by ~s (needle) "
+ "inserting ~s (replacement) and options ~p~n",
+ [H,N,R,Opts]),
+ io:format("A:~p,D:~p.~n",
+ [A,D]),
+ exit(mismatch)
+ end.
one_random(N) ->
M = ((N - 1) rem 68) + 1,
- element(M,{$a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g,$h,$i,$j,$k,$l,$m,$n,$o,$p,$q,$r,$s,$t,$u,$v,$w,$x,$y,$z,$�,$�,$�,$A,$B,$C,$D,$E,$F,$G,$H,$I,$J,$K,$L,$M,$N,$O,$P,$Q,$R,$S,$T,$U,$V,$W,$X,$Y,$Z,$�,$�,$�,$0,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9}).
+ element(M,{$a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g,$h,$i,$j,$k,$l,$m,$n,$o,$p,$q,$r,$s,$t,
+ $u,$v,$w,$x,$y,$z,$�,$�,$�,$A,$B,$C,$D,$E,$F,$G,$H,
+ $I,$J,$K,$L,$M,$N,$O,$P,$Q,$R,$S,$T,$U,$V,$W,$X,$Y,$Z,$�,
+ $�,$�,$0,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9}).
+random_length({Min,Max}) ->
+ random:uniform(Max - Min + 1) + Min - 1.
random_string({Min,Max}) ->
X = random:uniform(Max - Min + 1) + Min - 1,
list_to_binary([one_random(random:uniform(68)) || _ <- lists:seq(1,X)]).
@@ -284,3 +530,16 @@ random_substring({Min,Max},Hay) ->
Pos = random:uniform(PMax + 1) - 1,
<<_:Pos/binary,Res:Z/binary,_/binary>> = Hay,
+mask_error({'EXIT',{Err,_}}) ->
+ Err;
+mask_error(Else) ->
+ Else.
+make_unaligned(Bin0) when is_binary(Bin0) ->
+ Bin1 = <<0:3,Bin0/binary,31:5>>,
+ Sz = byte_size(Bin0),
+ <<0:3,Bin:Sz/binary,31:5>> = id(Bin1),
+ Bin.
+id(I) -> I.
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/test/binref.erl b/lib/stdlib/test/binref.erl
index d93f82fda9..484112428c 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/test/binref.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/test/binref.erl
@@ -143,8 +143,16 @@ split(H,N) ->
split(Haystack,{Needles},Options) ->
split(Haystack, Needles, Options);
-split(Haystack,Needles,Options) ->
+split(Haystack,Needles0,Options) ->
+ Needles = if
+ is_list(Needles0) ->
+ Needles0;
+ is_binary(Needles0) ->
+ [Needles0];
+ true ->
+ exit(badtype)
+ end,
{Part,Global,Trim} = get_opts_split(Options,{nomatch,false,false}),
{Start,End,NewStack} =
case Part of
@@ -203,8 +211,16 @@ replace(H,N,R) ->
replace(Haystack,{Needles},Replacement,Options) ->
-replace(Haystack,Needles,Replacement,Options) ->
+replace(Haystack,Needles0,Replacement,Options) ->
+ Needles = if
+ is_list(Needles0) ->
+ Needles0;
+ is_binary(Needles0) ->
+ [Needles0];
+ true ->
+ exit(badtype)
+ end,
true = is_binary(Replacement), % Make badarg instead of function clause
{Part,Global,Insert} = get_opts_replace(Options,{nomatch,false,[]}),
{Start,End,NewStack} =