path: root/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
6 files changed, 704 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/build-otp b/scripts/build-otp
index 92a866a0a9..c38d2c98de 100755
--- a/scripts/build-otp
+++ b/scripts/build-otp
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+set -e
function progress {
local file=$1
ls=$(ls -l $file)
@@ -14,15 +16,19 @@ function progress {
function do_and_log {
+ start_time=`date +%s`
echo "" >$log
echo -n "$1..."
(progress $log) &
- if ./otp_build $2 $3 >$log 2>&1; then
+ shift
+ if $* >$log 2>&1; then
kill $pid >/dev/null 2>&1
- echo " done."
+ stop_time=`date +%s`
+ diff_time=$((stop_time-start_time))
+ echo " done, took $diff_time seconds"
kill $pid >/dev/null 2>&1
echo " failed."
@@ -36,8 +42,38 @@ if [ ! -d "logs" ]; then
mkdir logs
-do_and_log "Autoconfing" autoconf
-do_and_log "Configuring" configure --enable-plain-emulator
-do_and_log "Building OTP" boot -a
+do_and_log "Autoconfing" ./otp_build autoconf
+do_and_log "Configuring" ./otp_build configure
+do_and_log "Building OTP" ./otp_build boot -a
+if [ "$1" = "release" ]; then
+ do_and_log "Releasing OTP" ./otp_build release -a
+if [ "$1" = "docs" ]; then
+ DOC_TARGET=${TRAVIS_BRANCH:-release/`erts/autoconf/config.guess`}
+ TESTROOT=$PWD/$DOC_TARGET do_and_log "Building documentation" make release_docs
+ do_and_log "Linting documentation" make xmllint
+ # The code below prepares this build to be used as a deploy to
+ # github pages for documentation.
+ if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" -a "$TRAVIS_TAG" = "" ]; then
+ set -x
+ rm -rf logs
+ SHA=`git rev-parse --verify HEAD`
+ DATE=`git show -s --format=%ci`
+ git clean -xfdq -e $DOC_TARGET
+ git fetch https://github.com/erlang/cd master
+ git checkout -f FETCH_HEAD
+ rm -rf _docs/$DOC_TARGET
+ echo "---" > _docs/$DOC_TARGET.md
+ echo "title: $DOC_TARGET" >> _docs/$DOC_TARGET.md
+ echo "sha: $SHA" >> _docs/$DOC_TARGET.md
+ echo "generated: $DATE" >> _docs/$DOC_TARGET.md
+ echo "---" >> _docs/$DOC_TARGET.md
+ set +x
+ fi
exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/bundle-otp b/scripts/bundle-otp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f3ff632b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/bundle-otp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+set -e
+mkdir bundle
+for repo in $REPOSITORIES; do
+ IFS=','
+ set -- $repo
+ cd $ERL_TOP/bundle/
+ git clone https://github.com/erlang/$1 $1
+ cd $1
+ echo $1 $2
+ TAG=`git tag -l | grep -P "$2" | sort -V | tail -1`
+ git checkout $TAG
+ SHA=`git rev-parse --verify HEAD`
+ rm -rf .git
+ echo "$1 $TAG $SHA" >> $OTP_META_FILE
+cd $ERL_TOP/bundle/
+tar czf $OTP_FILE *
diff --git a/scripts/diffable b/scripts/diffable
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..08d2d5cb35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/diffable
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env escript
+%% -*- erlang -*-
+main(Args0) ->
+ {Args,Opts} = opts(Args0, #{format=>asm,no_compile=>false}),
+ case Args of
+ [OutDir] ->
+ do_compile(OutDir, Opts);
+ _ ->
+ usage(),
+ halt(1)
+ end.
+usage() ->
+ S = "usage: otp-diffable-asm [OPTION] DIRECTORY\n\n"
+ "Options:\n"
+ " --asm Output to .S files (default)\n"
+ " --dis Output to .dis files\n"
+ " --no-compile Disassemble from BEAM files (use with --dis)\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Compile some applications from OTP (more than 700 modules) to either\n"
+ ".S files or .dis files. The files are massaged to make them diff-friendly.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ "This example shows how the effectiveness of a compiler \n"
+ "optimization can be verified (alternatively, that pure code\n"
+ "refactoring has no effect on the generated code):\n"
+ "\n"
+ "$ scripts/diffable old\n"
+ "# Hack the compiler.\n"
+ "$ scripts/diffable new\n"
+ "$ diff -u old new\n"
+ "\n"
+ "This example shows how the effectiveness of loader hacks\n"
+ "can be verified:\n"
+ "\n"
+ "$ scripts/diffable --dis --no-compile old\n"
+ "# Hack ops.tab and/or one of the *instr.tab files.\n"
+ "$ scripts/diffable --dis --no-compile new\n"
+ "$ diff -u old new\n",
+ io:put_chars(S).
+opts(["--asm"|Args], Opts) ->
+ opts(Args, Opts#{format:=asm});
+opts(["--dis"|Args], Opts) ->
+ opts(Args, Opts#{format:=dis});
+opts(["--no-compile"|Args], Opts) ->
+ opts(Args, Opts#{format:=dis,no_compile:=true});
+opts(Args, Opts) ->
+ {Args,Opts}.
+do_compile(OutDir, Opts0) ->
+ Opts1 = Opts0#{outdir=>OutDir},
+ _ = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(OutDir, "dummy")),
+ Apps = ["preloaded",
+ "asn1",
+ "stdlib",
+ "kernel",
+ "hipe",
+ "reltool",
+ "runtime_tools",
+ "xmerl",
+ "common_test",
+ "compiler",
+ "diameter",
+ "mnesia",
+ "inets",
+ "syntax_tools",
+ "parsetools",
+ "dialyzer",
+ "ssl",
+ "wx"],
+ {Files,Opts} = get_files(Apps, Opts1),
+ CF = choose_format(Opts),
+ p_run(fun(File) ->
+ compile_file(CF, File)
+ end, Files).
+choose_format(#{format:=Format}=Opts) ->
+ case Format of
+ asm ->
+ compile_to_asm_fun(Opts);
+ dis ->
+ compile_to_dis_fun(Opts)
+ end.
+compile_file(CF, File) ->
+ try
+ CF(File)
+ catch
+ Class:Error:Stk ->
+ io:format("~s: ~p ~p\n~p\n",
+ [File,Class,Error,Stk]),
+ error
+ end.
+%%% Get names of files (either .erl files or BEAM files).
+get_files(Apps, #{format:=dis,no_compile:=true}=Opts) ->
+ Files = get_beams(Apps),
+ {Files,Opts};
+get_files(Apps, #{}=Opts) ->
+ Inc = make_includes(),
+ CompilerOpts = [{d,epmd_dist_high,42},
+ {d,epmd_dist_low,37},
+ {d,'VSN',1},
+ {d,'COMPILER_VSN',1},
+ {d,erlang_daemon_port,1337}|Inc],
+ Files0 = get_src(Apps),
+ Files = add_opts(Files0, CompilerOpts),
+ {Files,Opts}.
+add_opts([F|Fs], Opts0) ->
+ Opts = case filename:basename(F) of
+ "group_history.erl" ->
+ Opts0 -- [{d,'VSN',1}];
+ _ ->
+ Opts0
+ end,
+ [{F,Opts}|add_opts(Fs, Opts0)];
+add_opts([], _Opts) ->
+ [].
+get_src(["preloaded"|Apps]) ->
+ WC = filename:join(code:root_dir(), "erts/preloaded/src/*.erl"),
+ filelib:wildcard(WC) ++ get_src(Apps);
+get_src(["hipe"|Apps]) ->
+ LibDir = code:lib_dir(hipe),
+ WC = filename:join(LibDir, "*/*.erl"),
+ filelib:wildcard(WC) ++ get_src(Apps);
+get_src(["inets"|Apps]) ->
+ LibDir = code:lib_dir(inets),
+ WC = filename:join(LibDir, "src/*/*.erl"),
+ filelib:wildcard(WC) ++ get_src(Apps);
+get_src(["syntax_tools"|Apps]) ->
+ LibDir = code:lib_dir(syntax_tools),
+ WC = filename:join(LibDir, "src/*.erl"),
+ Files0 = filelib:wildcard(WC),
+ Files = [F || F <- Files0,
+ filename:basename(F) =/= "merl_tests.erl"],
+ Files ++ get_src(Apps);
+get_src(["wx"|Apps]) ->
+ LibDir = code:lib_dir(wx),
+ WC1 = filename:join(LibDir, "src/gen/*.erl"),
+ WC2 = filename:join(LibDir, "src/*.erl"),
+ filelib:wildcard(WC1) ++ filelib:wildcard(WC2) ++ get_src(Apps);
+get_src([App|Apps]) ->
+ WC = filename:join(code:lib_dir(App), "src/*.erl"),
+ filelib:wildcard(WC) ++ get_src(Apps);
+get_src([]) -> [].
+make_includes() ->
+ Is = [{common_test,"include"},
+ {inets,"include"},
+ {inets,"src/http_client"},
+ {inets,"src/http_lib"},
+ {inets,"src/http_server"},
+ {inets,"src/inets_app"},
+ {kernel,"include"},
+ {kernel,"src"},
+ {public_key,"include"},
+ {runtime_tools,"include"},
+ {ssh,"include"},
+ {snmp,"include"},
+ {stdlib,"include"},
+ {syntax_tools,"include"},
+ {wx,"src"},
+ {wx,"include"},
+ {xmerl,"include"}],
+ [{i,filename:join(code:lib_dir(App), Path)} || {App,Path} <- Is].
+get_beams(["preloaded"|Apps]) ->
+ WC = filename:join(code:root_dir(), "erts/preloaded/ebin/*.beam"),
+ filelib:wildcard(WC) ++ get_beams(Apps);
+get_beams([App|Apps]) ->
+ WC = filename:join(code:lib_dir(App), "ebin/*.beam"),
+ filelib:wildcard(WC) ++ get_beams(Apps);
+get_beams([]) -> [].
+%%% Generate renumbered .S files.
+compile_to_asm_fun(#{outdir:=OutDir}) ->
+ fun(File) ->
+ compile_to_asm(File, OutDir)
+ end.
+compile_to_asm({File,Opts}, OutDir) ->
+ case compile:file(File, [to_asm,binary,report_errors|Opts]) of
+ error ->
+ error;
+ {ok,Mod,Asm0} ->
+ {ok,Asm1} = beam_a:module(Asm0, []),
+ Asm2 = renumber_asm(Asm1),
+ {ok,Asm} = beam_z:module(Asm2, []),
+ print_asm(Mod, OutDir, Asm)
+ end.
+print_asm(Mod, OutDir, Asm) ->
+ S = atom_to_list(Mod) ++ ".S",
+ Name = filename:join(OutDir, S),
+ {ok,Fd} = file:open(Name, [write,raw,delayed_write]),
+ ok = beam_listing(Fd, Asm),
+ ok = file:close(Fd).
+renumber_asm({Mod,Exp,Attr,Fs0,NumLabels}) ->
+ EntryLabels = maps:from_list(entry_labels(Fs0)),
+ Fs = [fix_func(F, EntryLabels) || F <- Fs0],
+ {Mod,Exp,Attr,Fs,NumLabels}.
+entry_labels(Fs) ->
+ [{Entry,{Name,Arity}} || {function,Name,Arity,Entry,_} <- Fs].
+fix_func({function,Name,Arity,Entry0,Is0}, LabelMap0) ->
+ Entry = maps:get(Entry0, LabelMap0),
+ LabelMap = label_map(Is0, 1, LabelMap0),
+ Is = replace(Is0, [], LabelMap),
+ {function,Name,Arity,Entry,Is}.
+label_map([{label,Old}|Is], New, Map) ->
+ case maps:is_key(Old, Map) of
+ false ->
+ label_map(Is, New+1, Map#{Old=>New});
+ true ->
+ label_map(Is, New, Map)
+ end;
+label_map([_|Is], New, Map) ->
+ label_map(Is, New, Map);
+label_map([], _New, Map) ->
+ Map.
+replace([{label,Lbl}|Is], Acc, D) ->
+ replace(Is, [{label,label(Lbl, D)}|Acc], D);
+replace([{test,Test,{f,Lbl},Ops}|Is], Acc, D) ->
+ replace(Is, [{test,Test,{f,label(Lbl, D)},Ops}|Acc], D);
+replace([{test,Test,{f,Lbl},Live,Ops,Dst}|Is], Acc, D) ->
+ replace(Is, [{test,Test,{f,label(Lbl, D)},Live,Ops,Dst}|Acc], D);
+replace([{select,I,R,{f,Fail0},Vls0}|Is], Acc, D) ->
+ Vls = lists:map(fun ({f,L}) -> {f,label(L, D)};
+ (Other) -> Other
+ end, Vls0),
+ Fail = label(Fail0, D),
+ replace(Is, [{select,I,R,{f,Fail},Vls}|Acc], D);
+replace([{'try',R,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Acc, D) ->
+ replace(Is, [{'try',R,{f,label(Lbl, D)}}|Acc], D);
+replace([{'catch',R,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Acc, D) ->
+ replace(Is, [{'catch',R,{f,label(Lbl, D)}}|Acc], D);
+replace([{jump,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Acc, D) ->
+ replace(Is, [{jump,{f,label(Lbl, D)}}|Acc], D);
+replace([{loop_rec,{f,Lbl},R}|Is], Acc, D) ->
+ replace(Is, [{loop_rec,{f,label(Lbl, D)},R}|Acc], D);
+replace([{loop_rec_end,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Acc, D) ->
+ replace(Is, [{loop_rec_end,{f,label(Lbl, D)}}|Acc], D);
+replace([{wait,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Acc, D) ->
+ replace(Is, [{wait,{f,label(Lbl, D)}}|Acc], D);
+replace([{wait_timeout,{f,Lbl},To}|Is], Acc, D) ->
+ replace(Is, [{wait_timeout,{f,label(Lbl, D)},To}|Acc], D);
+replace([{bif,Name,{f,Lbl},As,R}|Is], Acc, D) when Lbl =/= 0 ->
+ replace(Is, [{bif,Name,{f,label(Lbl, D)},As,R}|Acc], D);
+replace([{gc_bif,Name,{f,Lbl},Live,As,R}|Is], Acc, D) when Lbl =/= 0 ->
+ replace(Is, [{gc_bif,Name,{f,label(Lbl, D)},Live,As,R}|Acc], D);
+replace([{call,Ar,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Acc, D) ->
+ replace(Is, [{call,Ar,{f,label(Lbl,D)}}|Acc], D);
+replace([{make_fun2,{f,Lbl},U1,U2,U3}|Is], Acc, D) ->
+ replace(Is, [{make_fun2,{f,label(Lbl, D)},U1,U2,U3}|Acc], D);
+replace([{bs_init,{f,Lbl},Info,Live,Ss,Dst}|Is], Acc, D) when Lbl =/= 0 ->
+ replace(Is, [{bs_init,{f,label(Lbl, D)},Info,Live,Ss,Dst}|Acc], D);
+replace([{bs_put,{f,Lbl},Info,Ss}|Is], Acc, D) when Lbl =/= 0 ->
+ replace(Is, [{bs_put,{f,label(Lbl, D)},Info,Ss}|Acc], D);
+replace([{put_map=I,{f,Lbl},Op,Src,Dst,Live,List}|Is], Acc, D)
+ when Lbl =/= 0 ->
+ replace(Is, [{I,{f,label(Lbl, D)},Op,Src,Dst,Live,List}|Acc], D);
+replace([{get_map_elements=I,{f,Lbl},Src,List}|Is], Acc, D) when Lbl =/= 0 ->
+ replace(Is, [{I,{f,label(Lbl, D)},Src,List}|Acc], D);
+replace([{recv_mark=I,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Acc, D) ->
+ replace(Is, [{I,{f,label(Lbl, D)}}|Acc], D);
+replace([{recv_set=I,{f,Lbl}}|Is], Acc, D) ->
+ replace(Is, [{I,{f,label(Lbl, D)}}|Acc], D);
+replace([I|Is], Acc, D) ->
+ replace(Is, [I|Acc], D);
+replace([], Acc, _) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc).
+label(Old, D) when is_integer(Old) ->
+ maps:get(Old, D).
+%%% Compile and disassemble the loaded code.
+compile_to_dis_fun(#{outdir:=OutDir,no_compile:=false}) ->
+ fun(File) ->
+ compile_to_dis(File, OutDir)
+ end;
+compile_to_dis_fun(#{outdir:=OutDir,no_compile:=true}) ->
+ fun(File) ->
+ dis_only(File, OutDir)
+ end.
+compile_to_dis({File,Opts}, OutDir) ->
+ case compile:file(File, [to_asm,binary,report_errors|Opts]) of
+ error ->
+ error;
+ {ok,Mod,Asm0} ->
+ NewMod = list_to_atom("--"++atom_to_list(Mod)++"--"),
+ Asm = rename_mod_in_asm(Asm0, Mod, NewMod),
+ AsmOpts = [from_asm,report,no_postopt,binary],
+ {ok,NewMod,Beam} = compile:forms(Asm, AsmOpts),
+ Dis0 = disasm(NewMod, Beam),
+ Dis1 = renumber_disasm(Dis0, Mod, NewMod),
+ Dis = format_disasm(Dis1),
+ OutFile = filename:join(OutDir, atom_to_list(Mod)++".dis"),
+ ok = file:write_file(OutFile, Dis)
+ end.
+dis_only(File, OutDir) ->
+ Mod0 = filename:rootname(filename:basename(File)),
+ Mod = list_to_atom(Mod0),
+ Dis0 = disasm(Mod),
+ Dis1 = renumber_disasm(Dis0, Mod, Mod),
+ Dis = format_disasm(Dis1),
+ OutFile = filename:join(OutDir, atom_to_list(Mod)++".dis"),
+ ok = file:write_file(OutFile, Dis).
+%%% Loading system modules can cause any number of problems.
+%%% Therefore, we rename all modules to a dummy name before
+%%% loading and disassembling them.
+rename_mod_in_asm({OldMod,Exp,_Attr,Fs0,NumLabels}, OldMod, NewMod) ->
+ Fs = [fix_func_info(F, {atom,OldMod}, {atom,NewMod}) || F <- Fs0],
+ {NewMod,Exp,[],Fs,NumLabels}.
+fix_func_info({function,Name,Arity,Entry,Is0}, OldMod, NewMod) ->
+ Is1 = [begin
+ case I of
+ {func_info,_,F,A} ->
+ {func_info,NewMod,F,A};
+ _ ->
+ I
+ end
+ end || I <- Is0],
+ Is = case {Name,Arity} of
+ {module_info,0} -> fix_module_info(Is1, OldMod, NewMod);
+ {module_info,1} -> fix_module_info(Is1, OldMod, NewMod);
+ {_,_} -> Is1
+ end,
+ {function,Name,Arity,Entry,Is}.
+fix_module_info([{move,OldMod,Dst}|Is], OldMod, NewMod) ->
+ [{move,NewMod,Dst}|fix_module_info(Is, OldMod, NewMod)];
+fix_module_info([I|Is], OldMod, NewMod) ->
+ [I|fix_module_info(Is, OldMod, NewMod)];
+fix_module_info([], _, _) ->
+ [].
+%%% Disassemble the module.
+disasm(Mod, Beam) ->
+ {module,Mod} = code:load_binary(Mod, "", Beam),
+ disasm(Mod).
+disasm(Mod) ->
+ disasm_1(Mod:module_info(functions), Mod).
+disasm_1([{Name,Arity}|Fs], Mod) ->
+ MFA = {Mod,Name,Arity},
+ Dis = disasm_func({MFA,<<>>,MFA}, MFA),
+ [{Name,Arity,Dis}|disasm_1(Fs, Mod)];
+disasm_1([], _) ->
+ [].
+disasm_func({Next,_,MFA}, MFA) ->
+ case erts_debug:disassemble(Next) of
+ {_,Line,MFA}=Cont ->
+ [Line|disasm_func(Cont, MFA)];
+ {_,_,_} ->
+ [];
+ false ->
+ []
+ end.
+%%% Renumber the disassembled module to use labels instead of
+%%% absolute addresses. Also do other translations so that the
+%%% output will be the same each time (for the same BEAM file
+%%% runtime system).
+renumber_disasm(Fs0, OldMod, NewMod) ->
+ Fs1 = split_dis_lines(Fs0),
+ renumber_disasm_fs(Fs1, OldMod, NewMod).
+renumber_disasm_fs([{Name,Arity,Is0}|Fs], OldMod, NewMod) ->
+ Labels = find_labels(Is0, Name, Arity),
+ Is1 = rename_mod(Is0, OldMod, NewMod),
+ Is = renumber_disasm_func(Is1, Labels),
+ [{Name,Arity,Is}|renumber_disasm_fs(Fs, OldMod, NewMod)];
+renumber_disasm_fs([], _OldMod, _NewMod) ->
+ [].
+renumber_disasm_func([[A,OpCode|Ops0]|Is], Labels) ->
+ Spaces = " ",
+ Left = case maps:find(A, Labels) of
+ {ok,Lbl} ->
+ case byte_size(Lbl) of
+ LblSize when LblSize < length(Spaces) ->
+ [$\n,Lbl,":",lists:nth(LblSize, Spaces)];
+ _ ->
+ [Lbl,":\n"|Spaces]
+ end;
+ error ->
+ Spaces
+ end,
+ Ops1 = [replace_label(Op, Labels) || Op <- Ops0],
+ Ops = handle_special_instrs(OpCode, Ops1),
+ [[Left,OpCode|Ops]|renumber_disasm_func(Is, Labels)];
+renumber_disasm_func([], _) ->
+ [].
+handle_special_instrs(<<"i_get_hash_cId">>, [Key,_Hash,Dst]) ->
+ [Key,hash_value(),Dst];
+ [Fail,Src,Key,_Hash,Dst]) ->
+ [Fail,Src,Key,hash_value(),Dst];
+ [Fail,Src,N,Space|List0]) ->
+ List1 = rejoin_atoms(List0),
+ List = fix_hash_value(List1),
+ [Fail,Src,N,Space|List];
+ [Src,Fail,Num|List0]) ->
+ %% Atoms are sorted in atom-number order, which is
+ %% different every time the runtime system is restarted.
+ %% Resort the values in ASCII order.
+ List1 = rejoin_atoms(List0),
+ {Values0,Labels0} = lists:split(length(List1) div 2, List1),
+ Zipped0 = lists:zip(Values0, Labels0),
+ Zipped = lists:sort(Zipped0),
+ {Values,Labels} = lists:unzip(Zipped),
+ [Src,Fail,Num|Values++Labels];
+ [Src,Fail,Num|List0]) ->
+ List1 = rejoin_atoms(List0),
+ {Values0,Labels0} = lists:split(length(List1) div 2, List1),
+ Values1 = lists:droplast(Values0),
+ Labels1 = lists:droplast(Labels0),
+ Vlast = lists:last(Values0),
+ Llast = lists:last(Labels0),
+ Zipped0 = lists:zip(Values1, Labels1),
+ Zipped = lists:sort(Zipped0),
+ {Values,Labels} = lists:unzip(Zipped),
+ [Src,Fail,Num|Values++[Vlast]++Labels++[Llast]];
+handle_special_instrs(_, Ops) ->
+ Ops.
+fix_hash_value([Val,Dst,_Hash|T]) ->
+ [Val,Dst,hash_value()|fix_hash_value(T)];
+fix_hash_value([]) ->
+ [].
+hash_value() ->
+ <<"--hash-value--">>.
+replace_label(<<"f(",T/binary>>, Labels) ->
+ replace_label_1("f(", T, Labels);
+replace_label(<<"j(",T/binary>>, Labels) ->
+ replace_label_1("j(", T, Labels);
+replace_label(Op, _Labels) ->
+ Op.
+replace_label_1(Prefix, Lbl0, Labels) ->
+ Sz = byte_size(Lbl0)-1,
+ Lbl = case Lbl0 of
+ <<"0)">> ->
+ Lbl0;
+ <<Lbl1:Sz/bytes,")">> ->
+ [maps:get(Lbl1, Labels),")"];
+ _ ->
+ Lbl0
+ end,
+ iolist_to_binary([Prefix,Lbl]).
+split_dis_lines(Fs) ->
+ {ok,RE} = re:compile(<<"\\s*\\n$">>),
+ Colon = binary:compile_pattern(<<": ">>),
+ Space = binary:compile_pattern(<<" ">>),
+ [split_dis_func(F, RE, Colon, Space) || F <- Fs].
+split_dis_func({Name,Arity,Lines0}, RE, Colon, Space) ->
+ Lines1 = [re:replace(L, RE, <<>>, [{return,binary}]) || L <- Lines0],
+ Lines2 = [begin
+ [A,I] = binary:split(L, Colon),
+ Ops = binary:split(I, Space, [global]),
+ [A|Ops]
+ end|| L <- Lines1],
+ {Name,Arity,Lines2}.
+rejoin_atoms([<<"'",Tail/binary>> = Bin0,Next|Ops]) ->
+ Sz = byte_size(Tail) - 1,
+ case Tail of
+ <<_:Sz/bytes,"'">> ->
+ [Bin0|rejoin_atoms([Next|Ops])];
+ <<>> ->
+ Bin = <<Bin0/binary,$\s,Next/binary>>,
+ rejoin_atoms([Bin|Ops]);
+ _ ->
+ Bin = <<Bin0/binary,$\s,Next/binary>>,
+ rejoin_atoms([Bin|Ops])
+ end;
+rejoin_atoms(Ops) ->
+ Ops.
+find_labels(Is, Name, Arity) ->
+ [_,[Entry|_]|_] = Is,
+ EntryLabel = iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format("~p/~p", [Name,Arity])),
+ {ok,RE} = re:compile(<<"^[fj]\\(([0-9A-F]{8,16})\\)$">>),
+ Ls0 = [find_labels_1(Ops, RE) || [_Addr,_OpCode|Ops] <- Is],
+ Ls1 = lists:flatten(Ls0),
+ Ls2 = lists:usort(Ls1),
+ Ls3 = number(Ls2, 1),
+ Ls = [{Entry,EntryLabel}|Ls3],
+ maps:from_list(Ls).
+find_labels_1([Op|Ops], RE) ->
+ case re:run(Op, RE, [{capture,all_but_first,binary}]) of
+ nomatch ->
+ find_labels_1(Ops, RE);
+ {match,[M]} ->
+ [M|find_labels_1(Ops, RE)]
+ end;
+find_labels_1([], _) ->
+ [].
+number([H|T], N) ->
+ S = iolist_to_binary(["L",integer_to_list(N)]),
+ [{H,S}|number(T, N+1)];
+number([], _) ->
+ [].
+format_disasm([{_,_,Is}|Fs]) ->
+ L = [lists:join(" ", I) || I <- Is],
+ [lists:join("\n", L),"\n\n"|format_disasm(Fs)];
+format_disasm([]) ->
+ [].
+rename_mod(Is, OldMod0, NewMod) ->
+ OldMod = atom_to_binary(OldMod0, utf8),
+ Pattern = <<"'",(atom_to_binary(NewMod, utf8))/binary,"'">>,
+ [rename_mod_1(I, Pattern, OldMod) || I <- Is].
+rename_mod_1([A,OpCode|Ops], Pat, Replacement) ->
+ [A,OpCode|[rename_mod_2(Op, Pat, Replacement) || Op <- Ops]].
+rename_mod_2(Subject, Pat, Replacement) ->
+ Sz = byte_size(Pat),
+ case Subject of
+ <<Pat:Sz/bytes,Tail/binary>> ->
+ <<Replacement/binary,Tail/binary>>;
+ _ ->
+ Subject
+ end.
+%%% Run tasks in parallel.
+p_run(Test, List) ->
+ N = erlang:system_info(schedulers) * 2,
+ p_run_loop(Test, List, N, [], 0).
+p_run_loop(_, [], _, [], Errors) ->
+ io:put_chars("\r \n"),
+ case Errors of
+ 0 ->
+ ok;
+ N ->
+ io:format("~p errors\n", [N]),
+ halt(1)
+ end;
+p_run_loop(Test, [H|T], N, Refs, Errors) when length(Refs) < N ->
+ {_,Ref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(fun() -> exit(Test(H)) end),
+ p_run_loop(Test, T, N, [Ref|Refs], Errors);
+p_run_loop(Test, List, N, Refs0, Errors0) ->
+ io:format("\r~p ", [length(List)+length(Refs0)]),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN',Ref,process,_,Res} ->
+ Errors = case Res of
+ ok -> Errors0;
+ error -> Errors0 + 1
+ end,
+ Refs = Refs0 -- [Ref],
+ p_run_loop(Test, List, N, Refs, Errors)
+ end.
+%%% Borrowed from beam_listing and tweaked.
+beam_listing(Stream, {Mod,Exp,Attr,Code,NumLabels}) ->
+ Head = ["%% -*- encoding:latin-1 -*-\n",
+ io_lib:format("{module, ~p}. %% version = ~w\n",
+ [Mod, beam_opcodes:format_number()]),
+ io_lib:format("\n{exports, ~p}.\n", [Exp]),
+ io_lib:format("\n{attributes, ~p}.\n", [Attr]),
+ io_lib:format("\n{labels, ~p}.\n", [NumLabels])],
+ ok = file:write(Stream, Head),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun ({function,Name,Arity,Entry,Asm}) ->
+ S = [io_lib:format("\n\n{function, ~w, ~w, ~w}.\n",
+ [Name,Arity,Entry])|format_asm(Asm)],
+ ok = file:write(Stream, S)
+ end, Code).
+format_asm([{label,_}=I|Is]) ->
+ [io_lib:format(" ~p", [I]),".\n"|format_asm(Is)];
+format_asm([I|Is]) ->
+ [io_lib:format(" ~p", [I]),".\n"|format_asm(Is)];
+format_asm([]) -> [].
diff --git a/scripts/pre-push b/scripts/pre-push
index 0349378056..945fb3519a 100755
--- a/scripts/pre-push
+++ b/scripts/pre-push
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@
# <local ref> <local sha1> <remote ref> <remote sha1>
-RELEASES="20 19 18 17 r16 r15 r14 r13"
+RELEASES="21 20 19 18 17 r16 r15 r14 r13"
# First commit on master, not allowed in other branches
# Number of commits and files allowed in one push by this script
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ then
exit 1
- refs/tags/OTP-20.* | refs/tags/OTP-19.* | refs/tags/OTP-18.* | refs/tags/OTP-17.*)
+ refs/tags/OTP-21.* | refs/tags/OTP-20.* | refs/tags/OTP-19.* | refs/tags/OTP-18.* | refs/tags/OTP-17.*)
if [ "$remote_sha" != $null ]
diff --git a/scripts/run-dialyzer b/scripts/run-dialyzer
index 05c1fd63c0..621de3fa65 100755
--- a/scripts/run-dialyzer
+++ b/scripts/run-dialyzer
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
set -e
+set -x
-$ERL_TOP/bin/dialyzer --build_plt --apps asn1 compiler crypto dialyzer edoc erts et hipe inets kernel mnesia observer public_key runtime_tools snmp ssh ssl stdlib syntax_tools wx xmerl --statistics
-$ERL_TOP/bin/dialyzer -n -Wunknown -Wunmatched_returns --apps compiler erts kernel stdlib asn1 crypto dialyzer hipe parsetools public_key runtime_tools sasl tools --statistics
-$ERL_TOP/bin/dialyzer -n --apps common_test debugger edoc inets mnesia observer ssh ssl syntax_tools wx xmerl --statistics
+$ERL_TOP/bin/dialyzer --build_plt --apps asn1 compiler crypto dialyzer edoc erts et ftp hipe inets kernel mnesia observer public_key runtime_tools snmp ssh ssl stdlib syntax_tools tftp wx xmerl --statistics
+$ERL_TOP/bin/dialyzer -n -Wunknown -Wunmatched_returns --apps compiler erts ftp tftp kernel stdlib asn1 crypto dialyzer hipe parsetools public_key runtime_tools sasl tools --statistics
+$ERL_TOP/bin/dialyzer -n --apps common_test debugger edoc ftp inets mnesia observer ssh ssl syntax_tools tftp wx xmerl --statistics
# In travis we don't dialyze everything as it takes too much time
-if [ "X$DIALYZE_ALL_APPLICATIONS" = "Xtrue" ]; then
+if [ "X$TRAVIS" != "Xtrue" ]; then
$ERL_TOP/bin/dialyzer -n -Wunknown -Wunmatched_returns --apps eldap erl_docgen et odbc --statistics
$ERL_TOP/bin/dialyzer -n --apps eunit reltool os_mon --statistics
# These application are not run always as the currently have dialyzer warnings
- # $ERL_TOP/bin/dialyzer -n --apps cosEvent cosEventDomain cosFileTransfer cosNotification cosProperty cosTime cosTransactions diameter megaco orber snmp --statistics
+ # $ERL_TOP/bin/dialyzer -n --apps diameter megaco snmp --statistics
diff --git a/scripts/run-smoke-tests b/scripts/run-smoke-tests
index 5a850c7107..b3d26f1fce 100755
--- a/scripts/run-smoke-tests
+++ b/scripts/run-smoke-tests
@@ -17,5 +17,3 @@ function run_smoke_tests {
-ERL_FLAGS="-smp disable" run_smoke_tests