For a long time, there has been the two macros IS_SSMALL() and
MY_IS_SSMALL() that do exactly the same thing.
There should only be one, and it should be called IS_SSMALL().
However, we must decide which implementation to use. When
MY_IS_SSMALL() was introduced a long time ago, it was the most
efficient. In a modern C compiler, there might not be any
To find out, I used the following small C program to examine
the code generation:
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned int Uint32;
typedef unsigned long Uint64;
typedef long Sint;
#define SWORD_CONSTANT(Const) Const##L
#define SMALL_BITS (64-4)
#define MY_IS_SSMALL32(x) (((Uint32) ((((x)) >> (SMALL_BITS-1)) + 1)) < 2)
#define MY_IS_SSMALL64(x) (((Uint64) ((((x)) >> (SMALL_BITS-1)) + 1)) < 2)
#define MY_IS_SSMALL(x) (sizeof(x) == sizeof(Uint32) ? MY_IS_SSMALL32(x) : MY_IS_SSMALL64(x))
#define IS_SSMALL(x) (((x) >= MIN_SMALL) && ((x) <= MAX_SMALL))
void original(Sint n)
if (IS_SSMALL(n)) {
void enhanced(Sint n)
if (MY_IS_SSMALL(n)) {
gcc 7.2 produced the following code for the original() function:
.string "yes"
movabs rax, 576460752303423488
add rdi, rax
movabs rax, 1152921504606846975
cmp rdi, rax
jbe .L4
rep ret
mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
jmp puts
clang 5.0.0 produced the following code which is slightly better:
movabs rax, 576460752303423488
add rax, rdi
shr rax, 60
jne .LBB0_1
mov edi, .Lstr
jmp puts # TAILCALL
.asciz "yes"
However, in the context of beam_emu.c, clang could produce
similar to what gcc produced.
gcc 7.2 produced the following code when MY_IS_SSMALL() was used:
.string "yes"
sar rdi, 59
add rdi, 1
cmp rdi, 1
jbe .L4
rep ret
mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
jmp puts
clang produced similar code.
This code seems to be the cheapest. There are four instructions, and
there is no loading of huge integer constants.