This is a must when uploading large bodies that are to large to store
in a string or binary.
Besides a string or binary, a body can now be a function and
an accumulator.
-define(LEN, 1024 * 1024).
prepare_data() ->
{ok, Fd} = file:open("test_data.dat", [binary, write]),
ok = file:write(Fd, lists:duplicate(?LEN, "1")),
ok = file:close(Fd).
test() ->
ok = prepare_data(),
{ok, Fd1} = file:open("test_data.dat", [binary, read]),
BodyFun = fun(Fd) ->
case file:read(Fd, 512) of
eof ->
{ok, Data} ->
{ok, Data, Fd}
{ok, {{_,200,_}, _, _}} = httpc:request(post, {"http://localhost:8888",
[{"content-length", integer_to_list(?LEN)}], "text/plain", {BodyFun, Fd1}}, [], []),
ok = file:close(Fd1).
between the httpc manager and request handler was synchronous.
When the manager starts a new request handler, this is no longer
a synchronous operation. Previously, the new request handler made
the connection to the server and issuing of the first request
(the reason for starting it) in the gen_server init function. If
the connection for some reason "took some time", the manager
hanged, leaving all other activities by that manager also
hanging. As a side-effect of these changes, some modules was also
renamed, and a new api module, httpc, has been introduced (the
old module, http, is *not* removed, but is now just wrapper for