Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Also fixed cookie_header/3 and updated documented
accordingly. Also added documentation for undocumented
URI parse option.
When a URI with a IPv6 host is parsed, the brackets that encapsulates
the nnn is removed. This value is then supplied as the host header.
This can cause problems with some servers.
A workaround for this is to use headers_as_is and provide the host
header with the requst call
To solve this a new option has been added, ipv6_host_with_brackets.
This option specifies if the host value of the host header shall include
the branckets or not. By default, it does not (as before).
{error, Reason} | {ok, ParsedURL}
* dev:
Update copyright years
That is, if the parsing fails, the date should be ignored.
Also added support for (yet another) date format:
"Tue Jan 01 08:00:01 2036 GMT".
[httpc] Rewrote cookie parsing. Among other things solving
cookie processing from
[httpd] Fix httpd directory traversal on Windows.
Directory traversal was possible on Windows where
backward slash is used as directory separator.
Andr�s Veres-Szentkir�lyi.
Merge branch 'bmk/inets/inets571_integration' into dev
cookie processing from
That is, if the parsing fails, the date should be ignored.
Also added support for (yet another) date format: "Tue Jan 01 08:00:01 2036 GMT"
The ossl option is no longer valid since the old ssl (OpenSSL
based ssl variant) has been removed from the ssl app.
It has (long) been replaced by http client interface module httpc.
Merge branch 'bmk/inets/handle_ipv6_with_ssl2/OTP-5566' into bmk/inets/inets57_integration2
processing body (for PUT and POST).
Filipe David Manana
httpc manager crashes.When a request results in a retry, the request
id will be "reused" in the previous implementation a race condition
could occur causing the manager to crash. This is now avoided by using
proc_lib:init_ack and gen_server:enter_loop to allow more advanced
initialization of httpc_handlers without blocking the httpc_manger
and eliminating extra processes that can cause race conditions.
Fixed appup file (not updated).
Fixed application version.
Also fixed some of the documentation (types).
* Assure store_cookies (and verify_cookies) is documented instead of the
nonexistent store_cookie and verify_cookie.
* Make sure the cookies option is not called cookie in comments.
* Sprinkle <c>...</c> arround symbols and code snippets in text.
* Grammar, wording, and punctuation fixes.
* Formalize See gen_tcp:connect/3,4 using <seealso>.
* bmk/inets/httpc_meybe_retry_queue_terminating/OTP-8906:
Pipelined requests not handled properly when terminating.
Also added some verbosity (dbg) printouts in the
transport module (for ip_comm listen).
added missing include directory.
This is specially useful when a client doesn't know in advance the
length of the payload (so that it can't set the
Content-Length header).
prepare_data() ->
{ok, Fd} = file:open("test_data.dat", [binary, write]),
ok = file:write(Fd, lists:duplicate(crypto:rand_uniform(8182, 32768), "1")),
ok = file:close(Fd).
test() ->
ok = prepare_data(),
{ok, Fd1} = file:open("test_data.dat", [binary, read]),
BodyFun = fun(Fd) ->
case file:read(Fd, 512) of
eof ->
{ok, Data} ->
{ok, Data, Fd}
%% header 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' is added by httpc
{ok, {{_,200,_}, _, _}} = httpc:request(post, {"http://localhost:8888",
[], "text/plain", {chunkify, BodyFun, Fd1}}, [], []),
ok = file:close(Fd1).
This is a must when uploading large bodies that are to large to store
in a string or binary.
Besides a string or binary, a body can now be a function and
an accumulator.
-define(LEN, 1024 * 1024).
prepare_data() ->
{ok, Fd} = file:open("test_data.dat", [binary, write]),
ok = file:write(Fd, lists:duplicate(?LEN, "1")),
ok = file:close(Fd).
test() ->
ok = prepare_data(),
{ok, Fd1} = file:open("test_data.dat", [binary, read]),
BodyFun = fun(Fd) ->
case file:read(Fd, 512) of
eof ->
{ok, Data} ->
{ok, Data, Fd}
{ok, {{_,200,_}, _, _}} = httpc:request(post, {"http://localhost:8888",
[{"content-length", integer_to_list(?LEN)}], "text/plain", {BodyFun, Fd1}}, [], []),
ok = file:close(Fd1).
* maint-r13:
snmp: Patch 1130
inets: Patch 1129
ssh: Patch 1127
ssh: Patch 1126
OTP-8739 [httpc] If a request times out (not connect timeout), the
handler process exited (normal) but neglected to inform
the manager process. For this reason, the manager did not
clean up the request table, resulting in a memory leak.
Also the manager did not create a monitor for the handler,
so in an unforseen handler crash, this could also create
a memory leak.
OTP-8741 The service tftp was spelled wrong in documentation and
in some parts of the code. It should be tftp.
OTP-8742 [httpc] Replaced the old http client api module (http) with
the new, httpc in the users guide.
OTP-8609 [httpc] Made cookie handling more case insensitive.
OTP-8610 [httpc|httpd] Some netscape cookie dates are given with
a 2-digit year (e.g. 06 = 2006).
OTP-8624 [httpd] Added support (again) for the documented debugging
features. See the User's Guide Configuration chapter for
more info.
OTP-8542 [httpc] Memory leak plugged. The profile manager never cleaned
up in its handler database. This meant that with each new
request handler, another entry was created that was never
deleted. Eventually the request id counter (used as a key)
would wrap, but the machine would most likely run out of
memory before that happened.
OTP-8607 [httpc] https requests with default port not handled properly.
Jebu Ittiachen.
OTP-8508 [httpc] Badly formated error reason for errors occuring
during initial connec to a servert. Also, the possible error
reasons was not properly documented.
OTP-8509 [httpd] Issues with ESI erl_script_timeout. </p> *) The
"erl_script_timeout" config option is ducumented as a number
of seconds. But when parsing the config, in the new format
(not a config file), it was handled as if in number of
milliseconds. *) When the erl-script-timeout time was
exceeded, the server incorrectly marked the answer as sent,
thereby leaving client hanging (with an incomplete answer).
This has been changed, so that now the socket will be closed.
OTP-8564: Update deeprication status.
OTP-8573: Inets mod_alias URL rewrite.
OTP-8610: Some netscape cookie dates are given with a 2-digit year.
OTP-8607: https default port not handled
OTP-8431: [email protected]
between the httpc manager and request handler was synchronous.
When the manager starts a new request handler, this is no longer
a synchronous operation. Previously, the new request handler made
the connection to the server and issuing of the first request
(the reason for starting it) in the gen_server init function. If
the connection for some reason "took some time", the manager
hanged, leaving all other activities by that manager also
hanging. As a side-effect of these changes, some modules was also
renamed, and a new api module, httpc, has been introduced (the
old module, http, is *not* removed, but is now just wrapper for
OTP-8349, OTP-8351, OTP-8352, OTP-8359 & OTP-8371.
OTP-8351, OTP-8359 & OTP-8371.