path: root/lib/observer/priv/bin/cdv.bat
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-11-21[observer] Start crashdump_viewer in a non-distributed nodeSiri Hansen
The shell script (priv/bin/cdv) and bat file (priv/bin/cdv.bat) which can be used for starting crashdump_viewer both started a distributed erlang node. This would cause any attempt at starting a second instance of the crashdump_viewer to fail. To solve this problem, cdv and cdv.bat now use non-distrubuted nodes when starting the crashdump_viewer.
2011-02-28Add shell script and .bat file to start crashdump_viewerSiri Hansen
Since browsers no longer can provide the full path of a file selected with a file-type input field (browse button), the input field for loading a crashdump is now changed to a plain text input field. Since this reduces the user-friendlyness, a shell script (and a .bat file) has instead been added so the crashdump_viewer can be started directly from the command line - and thus normal tab completion can be used for selecting the crashdump file. Usage: cdv file [ browser ]