Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
* mhssler/add-os-unsetenv/OTP-11446:
erts: remove ?line macro in testcases
Update primary bootstrap
Add os:unsetenv/1
* potatosalad/public_key_incorrect_emailaddress/OTP-11470:
public_key_SUITE: Rename id-at-countryName to id-emailAddress
public_key: Workaround for incorrectly encoded utf8 emailAddress
* ia/ssh/one-connection-process/OTP-11363:
ssh: Logging fun and document enhancement
ssh: Add CLI test case
ssh: Quicker shutdown of an ssh dameon
ssh: Add option to disallow CLI
ssh: Simplify handling of connection attributes (e.i. user and sockname)
ssh: Make inet option configurable and remove ipv6_disabled option
ssh: Eliminate test case failure due to timing issues in test case code
ssh: Enhance error handling
ssh: Merge connection_manager and connection_handler processes
ssh: Remove use of process dictionary
* efine/pr/multicall-doc/OTP-11471:
Fix rpc multicall sample code
Also start adding dialyzer specs and removing dead code
This is step one in in making ssh process structure less complicated.
As an effect I also found other simplifications/clean ups of the code
that could be done.
If a request handler terminates abnormally (terminate reason not
normal), the error-log entry was a bit obtuse ("Internal Server Error").
This has been improved so that the log entry now also include the
actual terminate reason.
Sometimes the size of a response could be as a string.
Remove logging when fo keep-alive connection timeout. This is
a normal event (feature) not an error.
* klyr/ssl_sni_client/OTP-11460:
Update documentation
Add a new server_name_indication option to ssl:connect
Add SSL Server Name Indication (SNI) client support
New BIF os:unsetenv/1 which deletes an environment variable and
returns 'true'.
Does not change any old functionality.
Calls the libc function unsetenv(3) on UNIX and
SetEnvironmentVariableW(key, NULL) on Windows. The unicode support
is the same as for os:getenv and os:putenv.
* robertoaloi/eunit/surefire-printable-chars/OTP-11467:
Do not attempt to detect lists of printable characters in Data
Author: Daniel Barney <[email protected]>
Date: Thu Oct 25 14:33:11 2012 -0600
Most common browsers are lax in thier handling of how the
emailAddress field is encoded. RFC 3280 section
defines the encoding as IA5String, however browsers will
also handle certificates with the emailAddress field
encoded as UTF8String. This fix allows the emailAddress
to be decoded as both an IA5String and an UTF8String.
Reviewed by: Andrew Bennett <[email protected]>
* asterite/atan2_spec/OTP-11465:
Spec for atan2 should be atan2(Y, X), not atan2(X, Y)
This is to avoid outputting something like "\"%\f" instead of [34,37,12] in the XML.
* richcarl/sasl-dont-add-undefined-handler/OTP-11464:
Don't try to add the log_mf_h handler in sasl unless configured to do so.
- Set to disable to explicitly disable SNI support.
- Set to a hostname when upgrading from TCP to TLS.
See RFC 6066 section 3
* richcarl/xmerl-avoid-code-server-serialization/OTP-11463:
Avoid serialization on code_server in xmerl:export()
The inheritance mechanism in xmerl used to use 'catch apply(M,F,Args)' to
try different modules M until one was found that had a function F/A.
However, when M:F/A does not exist, apply/3 will trap to
error_handler:undefined_function/3, which will call code:ensure_loaded(M),
making a synchronous request to the code server process. If many processes
tried to use xmerl:export() concurrently, they would get serialized waiting
for the code server process. This patch uses erlang:function_exported/3
instead to check if M:F/A exists. If M exists, it should already have been
loaded at that point due to the inheritance checking in the
xmerl:callbacks/1 function.
Previously, a match would not be found if the namespace prefix in the
XPath query was not contained in the original document. This allows
the `namespace' option to provide a prefix that will be resolved to a
namespace URI.
See Section 2.3 of the XPath 1.0 specification for the behaviour of
'NCName:*' node tests.
The core use case is a query where the original prefix in the scanned
document is unknown (or varying). For example:
xmerl_xpath:scan("//@ns:name", Doc, [{namespace, [{"ns", Uri}]}])
Previously, this would only return a result if the namespace prefix
was an exact match.
Ensures that both the original namespace prefix and a namespace prefix
provided to the xmlContext will both return the same sets of nodes.
* klyr/fix-ssl-npn-doc-2/OTP-11457:
Fix client_preferred_next_protocols documentation
* cmeiklejohn/csm-fix-memsup-problems/OTP-11454:
Fix incorrect reporting of memory on OS X via memsup.
* anders/diameter/5014_failure/OTP-11395:
The error was detected as 5004 (DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE) for
stringish Diameter types, in which case an AVP length that pointed past
the end of a message resulted in encode failure of the suggested
Should have been fixed in commit 4ce2d3a6.
* tsloughter/ssh_doc_fix/OTP-11449:
fix private_key type documentation in ssh_server_key_api
Application memsup should be calculating free memory using the
speculative pages, in the same manner that the Activity Monitor and top
programs on OS X do. In addition, correct page size to 4096, based on
verification of available memory between top, vm_stat and Activity
* gomoripeti/pgo-cover-export-all/OTP-11439:
tools: Fix compile_beam_opts testcase
Take compiler options from beam in cover:compile_beam