path: root/doc/src/manual/ranch.start_listener.asciidoc
blob: d73800c9c57f7c5e11f7c44757be402b1b3af546 (plain) (tree)

= ranch:start_listener(3)

== Name

ranch:start_listener - Start a listener

== Description

start_listener(Ref       :: ranch_ref(),
               Transport :: module(),
               TransOpts :: ranch:opts(),
               Protocol  :: module(),
               ProtoOpts :: any())
    -> {ok, ListenerPid :: pid()}
     | {error, any()}

Start a listener.

A listener is a set of processes that accepts and manages
connections using the given transport and protocol modules.

== Arguments


The listener name is used to refer to this listener in
future calls, for example when stopping it or when
updating the configuration.
It can be any Erlang term. An atom is generally good enough,
for example `api`, `my_app_clear` or `my_app_tls`.


The transport module that will be used by Ranch to accept
connections and that will be passed to the protocol module
along with the socket.
The interface of the transport module is documented in the
link:man:ranch_transport(3)[ranch_transport(3)] manual.


Transport options include the Ranch-specific options
and the socket options. The listener's port number must
be defined in the socket options.
Socket options may be given directly if there are no
Ranch-specific options.
The available options for the built-in Ranch transports
are documented in the link:man:ranch_tcp(3)[ranch_tcp(3)]
and link:man:ranch_ssl(3)[ranch_ssl(3)] manuals.


The protocol module that will be used by Ranch after
the connection has been accepted.
The interface of the protocol module is documented in the
link:man:ranch_protocol(3)[ranch_protocol(3)] manual.


The protocol options given when calling the protocol
module. Please consult the documentation of the protocol
module you are using for more details.

== Return value

An ok tuple is returned on success. It contains the pid of
the top-level supervisor for the listener.

An error tuple is returned on error. The error reason may
be any Erlang term.

A common error is `eaddrinuse`. It indicates that the port
configured for Ranch is already in use.

== Changelog

* *1.4*: The `NumAcceptors` argument was moved to the transport options.

== Examples

.Start a listener
{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(example,
    ranch_tcp, [{port, 8080}],
    cowboy_http2, #{}

.Start a listener with Ranch-specific options
{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(example,
    ranch_tcp, #{
        num_acceptors => 75,
        socket_opts => [{port, 8080}]
    cowboy_http2, #{}

.Start a listener on a random port
Ref = example,

{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(Ref,
    ranch_tcp, #{},
    cowboy_http2, #{}

Port = ranch:get_port(Ref).

== See also
