path: root/guide/internals.md
blob: cb1f955cc960ca784f297a6788f7cfe24b3eb206 (plain) (tree)











This chapter may not apply to embedded Ranch as embedding allows you
to use an architecture specific to your application, which may or may
not be compatible with the description of the Ranch application.


Ranch is an OTP application.

Like all OTP applications, Ranch has a top supervisor. It is responsible
for supervising the `ranch_server` process and all the listeners that
will be started.

The `ranch_server` gen_server is the central process keeping track of the
listeners, the acceptors and the connection processes. It does so through
the use of a public ets table called `ranch_server` too. This allows
some operations to be sequential by going through the gen_server, while
others just query the ets table directly, ensuring there is no bottleneck
for the most common operations.

Because the most common operation is keeping track of the number of
connections currently being used for each listener, the ets table
has `write_concurrency` enabled, allowing us to perform all these
operations concurrently using `ets:update_counter/3`. To read the number
of connections we simply increment the counter by 0, which allows us
to stay in a write context and still receive the counter's value.

For increased fault tolerance, the owner of the ets table is
`ranch_sup` and not `ranch_server` as you could expect. This way,
if the `ranch_server` gen_server fails, it doesn't lose any information
and the restarted process can continue as if nothing happened. Note that
this usage is not recommended by OTP.

Listeners are grouped into the `ranch_listener_sup` supervisor and
consist of three kinds of processes: the listener gen_server, the
acceptor processes and the connection processes, both grouped under
their own supervisor. All of these processes are registered to the
`ranch_server` gen_server with varying amount of information.

All socket operations, including listening for connections, go through
transport handlers. Accepted connections are given to the protocol handler.
Transport handlers are simple callback modules for performing operations on
sockets. Protocol handlers start a new process, which receives socket
ownership, with no requirements on how the code should be written inside
that new process.

Efficiency considerations

Note that for everything related to efficiency and performance,
you should perform the benchmarks yourself to get the numbers that
matter to you. Generic benchmarks found on the web may or may not
be of use to you, you can never know until you benchmark your own

* * *

The second argument to `ranch:start_listener/6` is the number of
processes that will be accepting connections. Care should be taken
when choosing this number.

First of all, it should not be confused with the maximum number
of connections. Acceptor processes are only used for accepting and
have nothing else in common with connection processes. Therefore
there is nothing to be gained from setting this number too high,
in fact it can slow everything else down.

Second, this number should be high enough to allow Ranch to accept
connections concurrently. But the number of cores available doesn't
seem to be the only factor for choosing this number, as we can
observe faster accepts if we have more acceptors than cores. It
might be entirely dependent on the protocol, however.

Our observations suggest that using 100 acceptors on modern hardware
is a good solution, as it's big enough to always have acceptors ready
and it's low enough that it doesn't have a negative impact on the
system's performances.