path: root/guide
diff options
authorLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2015-08-22 13:15:08 +0200
committerLoïc Hoguin <[email protected]>2015-08-22 13:15:08 +0200
commitf4c6da56d4fe9494f4fe23c48b8d7c3c1e9e6b42 (patch)
tree5f73255bbd51d46fccf371ff7cdd67c6bea8e7b7 /guide
parentd30408b2e8c14c0e56ce997f5aff0010c03cef0b (diff)
Convert the documentation to Asciidoc
Diffstat (limited to 'guide')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 945 deletions
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-Embedded mode
-Embedded mode allows you to insert Ranch listeners directly
-in your supervision tree. This allows for greater fault tolerance
-control by permitting the shutdown of a listener due to the
-failure of another part of the application and vice versa.
-To embed Ranch in your application you can simply add the child specs
-to your supervision tree. This can all be done in the `init/1` function
-of one of your application supervisors.
-Ranch requires at the minimum two kinds of child specs for embedding.
-First, you need to add `ranch_sup` to your supervision tree, only once,
-regardless of the number of listeners you will use. Then you need to
-add the child specs for each listener.
-Ranch has a convenience function for getting the listeners child specs
-called `ranch:child_spec/6`, that works like `ranch:start_listener/6`,
-except that it doesn't start anything, it only returns child specs.
-As for `ranch_sup`, the child spec is simple enough to not require a
-convenience function.
-The following example adds both `ranch_sup` and one listener to another
-application's supervision tree.
-``` erlang
-init([]) ->
- RanchSupSpec = {ranch_sup, {ranch_sup, start_link, []},
- permanent, 5000, supervisor, [ranch_sup]},
- ListenerSpec = ranch:child_spec(echo, 100,
- ranch_tcp, [{port, 5555}],
- echo_protocol, []
- ),
- {ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 10}, [RanchSupSpec, ListenerSpec]}}.
-Remember, you can add as many listener child specs as needed, but only
-one `ranch_sup` spec!
-It is recommended that your architecture makes sure that all listeners
-are restarted if `ranch_sup` fails. See the Ranch internals chapter for
-more details on how Ranch does it.
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-This chapter may not apply to embedded Ranch as embedding allows you
-to use an architecture specific to your application, which may or may
-not be compatible with the description of the Ranch application.
-Note that for everything related to efficiency and performance,
-you should perform the benchmarks yourself to get the numbers that
-matter to you. Generic benchmarks found on the web may or may not
-be of use to you, you can never know until you benchmark your own
-Ranch is an OTP application.
-Like all OTP applications, Ranch has a top supervisor. It is responsible
-for supervising the `ranch_server` process and all the listeners that
-will be started.
-The `ranch_server` gen_server is a central process keeping track of the
-listeners and their acceptors. It does so through the use of a public ets
-table called `ranch_server`. The table is owned by the top supervisor
-to improve fault tolerance. This way if the `ranch_server` gen_server
-fails, it doesn't lose any information and the restarted process can
-continue as if nothing happened.
-Ranch uses a custom supervisor for managing connections. This supervisor
-keeps track of the number of connections and handles connection limits
-directly. While it is heavily optimized to perform the task of creating
-connection processes for accepted connections, it is still following the
-OTP principles and the usual `sys` and `supervisor` calls will work on
-it as expected.
-Listeners are grouped into the `ranch_listener_sup` supervisor and
-consist of three kinds of processes: the listener gen_server, the
-acceptor processes and the connection processes, both grouped under
-their own supervisor. All of these processes are registered to the
-`ranch_server` gen_server with varying amount of information.
-All socket operations, including listening for connections, go through
-transport handlers. Accepted connections are given to the protocol handler.
-Transport handlers are simple callback modules for performing operations on
-sockets. Protocol handlers start a new process, which receives socket
-ownership, with no requirements on how the code should be written inside
-that new process.
-Number of acceptors
-The second argument to `ranch:start_listener/6` is the number of
-processes that will be accepting connections. Care should be taken
-when choosing this number.
-First of all, it should not be confused with the maximum number
-of connections. Acceptor processes are only used for accepting and
-have nothing else in common with connection processes. Therefore
-there is nothing to be gained from setting this number too high,
-in fact it can slow everything else down.
-Second, this number should be high enough to allow Ranch to accept
-connections concurrently. But the number of cores available doesn't
-seem to be the only factor for choosing this number, as we can
-observe faster accepts if we have more acceptors than cores. It
-might be entirely dependent on the protocol, however.
-Our observations suggest that using 100 acceptors on modern hardware
-is a good solution, as it's big enough to always have acceptors ready
-and it's low enough that it doesn't have a negative impact on the
-system's performances.
-Platform-specific TCP features
-Some socket options are platform-specific and not supported by `inet`.
-They can be of interest because they generally are related to
-optimizations provided by the underlying OS. They can still be enabled
-thanks to the `raw` option, for which we will see an example.
-One of these features is `TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT` on Linux. It is a simplified
-accept mechanism which will wait for application data to come in before
-handing out the connection to the Erlang process.
-This is especially useful if you expect many connections to be mostly
-idle, perhaps part of a connection pool. They can be handled by the
-kernel directly until they send any real data, instead of allocating
-resources to idle connections.
-To enable this mechanism, the following option can be used.
-``` erlang
- {raw, 6, 9, << 30:32/native >>}
-It means go on layer 6, turn on option 9 with the given integer parameter.
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-Ranch is a socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols.
-Ranch aims to provide everything you need to accept TCP connections
-with a small code base and low latency while being easy to use directly
-as an application or to embed into your own.
-It is assumed the developer already knows Erlang and has some experience
-with socket programming and TCP protocols.
-Supported platforms
-Ranch is tested and supported on Linux.
-Ranch has been reported to work on other platforms, but we make no
-guarantee that the experience will be safe and smooth. You are advised
-to perform the necessary testing and security audits prior to deploying
-on other platforms.
-Ranch is developed for Erlang R15B01 and later versions.
-Ranch may be compiled on earlier Erlang versions with small source code
-modifications but there is no guarantee that it will work as expected.
-Ranch uses [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0](http://semver.org/).
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-A listener is a set of processes whose role is to listen on a port
-for new connections. It manages a pool of acceptor processes, each
-of them indefinitely accepting connections. When it does, it starts
-a new process executing the protocol handler code. All the socket
-programming is abstracted through the user of transport handlers.
-The listener takes care of supervising all the acceptor and connection
-processes, allowing developers to focus on building their application.
-Starting and stopping
-Ranch does nothing by default. It is up to the application developer
-to request that Ranch listens for connections.
-A listener can be started and stopped at will.
-When starting a listener, a number of different settings are required:
- * A name to identify it locally and be able to interact with it.
- * The number of acceptors in the pool.
- * A transport handler and its associated options.
- * A protocol handler and its associated options.
-Ranch includes both TCP and SSL transport handlers, respectively
-`ranch_tcp` and `ranch_ssl`.
-A listener can be started by calling the `ranch:start_listener/6`
-function. Before doing so however, you must ensure that the `ranch`
-application is started.
-To start the `ranch` application:
-``` erlang
-ok = application:start(ranch).
-You are then ready to start a listener. Let's call it `tcp_echo`. It will
-have a pool of 100 acceptors, use a TCP transport and forward connections
-to the `echo_protocol` handler.
-``` erlang
-{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(tcp_echo, 100,
- ranch_tcp, [{port, 5555}],
- echo_protocol, []
-You can try this out by compiling and running the `tcp_echo` example in the
-examples directory. To do so, open a shell in the `examples/tcp_echo/`
-directory and run the following commands:
-``` bash
-$ make
-$ ./_rel/bin/tcp_echo console
-You can then connect to it using telnet and see the echo server reply
-everything you send to it. Then when you're done testing, you can use
-the `Ctrl+]` key to escape to the telnet command line and type
-`quit` to exit.
-$ telnet localhost 5555
-Connected to localhost.
-Escape character is '^]'.
-It works!
-It works!
-telnet> quit
-Connection closed.
-Default transport options
-By default the socket will be set to return `binary` data, with the
-options `{active, false}`, `{packet, raw}`, `{reuseaddr, true}` set.
-These values can't be overriden when starting the listener, but
-they can be overriden using `Transport:setopts/2` in the protocol.
-It will also set `{backlog, 1024}` and `{nodelay, true}`, which
-can be overriden at listener startup.
-Listening on a random port
-You do not have to specify a specific port to listen on. If you give
-the port number 0, or if you omit the port number entirely, Ranch will
-start listening on a random port.
-You can retrieve this port number by calling `ranch:get_port/1`. The
-argument is the name of the listener you gave in `ranch:start_listener/6`.
-``` erlang
-{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(tcp_echo, 100,
- ranch_tcp, [{port, 0}],
- echo_protocol, []
-Port = ranch:get_port(tcp_echo).
-Listening on privileged ports
-Some systems limit access to ports below 1024 for security reasons.
-This can easily be identified by an `{error, eacces}` error when trying
-to open a listening socket on such a port.
-The methods for listening on privileged ports vary between systems,
-please refer to your system's documentation for more information.
-We recommend the use of port rewriting for systems with a single server,
-and load balancing for systems with multiple servers. Documenting these
-solutions is however out of the scope of this guide.
-Accepting connections on an existing socket
-If you want to accept connections on an existing socket, you can use the
-`socket` transport option, which should just be the relevant data returned
-from the connect function for the transport or the underlying socket library
-(`gen_tcp:connect`, `ssl:connect`). The accept function will then be
-called on the passed in socket. You should connect the socket in
-`{active, false}` mode, as well.
-Note, however, that because of a bug in SSL, you cannot change ownership of an
-SSL listen socket prior to R16. Ranch will catch the error thrown, but the
-owner of the SSL socket will remain as whatever process created the socket.
-However, this will not affect accept behaviour unless the owner process dies,
-in which case the socket is closed. Therefore, to use this feature with SSL
-with an erlang release prior to R16, ensure that the SSL socket is opened in a
-persistant process.
-Limiting the number of concurrent connections
-The `max_connections` transport option allows you to limit the number
-of concurrent connections. It defaults to 1024. Its purpose is to
-prevent your system from being overloaded and ensuring all the
-connections are handled optimally.
-``` erlang
-{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(tcp_echo, 100,
- ranch_tcp, [{port, 5555}, {max_connections, 100}],
- echo_protocol, []
-You can disable this limit by setting its value to the atom `infinity`.
-``` erlang
-{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(tcp_echo, 100,
- ranch_tcp, [{port, 5555}, {max_connections, infinity}],
- echo_protocol, []
-You may not always want connections to be counted when checking for
-`max_connections`. For example you might have a protocol where both
-short-lived and long-lived connections are possible. If the long-lived
-connections are mostly waiting for messages, then they don't consume
-much resources and can safely be removed from the count.
-To remove the connection from the count, you must call the
-`ranch:remove_connection/1` from within the connection process,
-with the name of the listener as the only argument.
-``` erlang
-As seen in the chapter covering protocols, this pid is received as the
-first argument of the protocol's `start_link/4` callback.
-You can modify the `max_connections` value on a running listener by
-using the `ranch:set_max_connections/2` function, with the name of the
-listener as first argument and the new value as the second.
-``` erlang
-ranch:set_max_connections(tcp_echo, MaxConns).
-The change will occur immediately.
-Using a supervisor for connection processes
-Ranch allows you to define the type of process that will be used
-for the connection processes. By default it expects a `worker`.
-When the `connection_type` configuration value is set to `supervisor`,
-Ranch will consider that the connection process it manages is a
-supervisor and will reflect that in its supervision tree.
-Connection processes of type `supervisor` can either handle the
-socket directly or through one of their children. In the latter
-case the start function for the connection process must return
-two pids: the pid of the supervisor you created (that will be
-supervised) and the pid of the protocol handling process (that
-will receive the socket).
-Instead of returning `{ok, ConnPid}`, simply return
-`{ok, SupPid, ConnPid}`.
-It is very important that the connection process be created
-under the supervisor process so that everything works as intended.
-If not, you will most likely experience issues when the supervised
-process is stopped.
-Ranch allows you to upgrade the protocol options. This takes effect
-immediately and for all subsequent connections.
-To upgrade the protocol options, call `ranch:set_protocol_options/2`
-with the name of the listener as first argument and the new options
-as the second.
-``` erlang
-ranch:set_protocol_options(tcp_echo, NewOpts).
-All future connections will use the new options.
-You can also retrieve the current options similarly by
-calling `ranch:get_protocol_options/1`.
-``` erlang
-Opts = ranch:get_protocol_options(tcp_echo).
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-Writing parsers
-There are three kinds of protocols:
- * Text protocols
- * Schema-less binary protocols
- * Schema-based binary protocols
-This chapter introduces the first two kinds. It will not cover
-more advanced topics such as continuations or parser generators.
-This chapter isn't specifically about Ranch, we assume here that
-you know how to read data from the socket. The data you read and
-the data that hasn't been parsed is saved in a buffer. Every
-time you read from the socket, the data read is appended to the
-buffer. What happens next depends on the kind of protocol. We
-will only cover the first two.
-Parsing text
-Text protocols are generally line based. This means that we can't
-do anything with them until we receive the full line.
-A simple way to get a full line is to use `binary:split/{2,3}`.
-``` erlang
-case binary:split(Buffer, <<"\n">>) of
- [_] ->
- get_more_data(Buffer);
- [Line, Rest] ->
- handle_line(Line, Rest)
-In the above example, we can have two results. Either there was
-a line break in the buffer and we get it split into two parts,
-the line and the rest of the buffer; or there was no line break
-in the buffer and we need to get more data from the socket.
-Next, we need to parse the line. The simplest way is to again
-split, here on space. The difference is that we want to split
-on all spaces character, as we want to tokenize the whole string.
-``` erlang
-case binary:split(Line, <<" ">>, [global]) of
- [<<"HELLO">>] ->
- be_polite();
- [<<"AUTH">>, User, Password] ->
- authenticate_user(User, Password);
- [<<"QUIT">>, Reason] ->
- quit(Reason)
- %% ...
-Pretty simple, right? Match on the command name, get the rest
-of the tokens in variables and call the respective functions.
-After doing this, you will want to check if there is another
-line in the buffer, and handle it immediately if any.
-Otherwise wait for more data.
-Parsing binary
-Binary protocols can be more varied, although most of them are
-pretty similar. The first four bytes of a frame tend to be
-the size of the frame, which is followed by a certain number
-of bytes for the type of frame and then various parameters.
-Sometimes the size of the frame includes the first four bytes,
-sometimes not. Other times this size is encoded over two bytes.
-And even other times little-endian is used instead of big-endian.
-The general idea stays the same though.
-``` erlang
-<< Size:32, _/bits >> = Buffer,
-case Buffer of
- << Frame:Size/binary, Rest/bits >> ->
- handle_frame(Frame, Rest);
- _ ->
- get_more_data(Buffer)
-You will then need to parse this frame using binary pattern
-matching, and handle it. Then you will want to check if there
-is another frame fully received in the buffer, and handle it
-immediately if any. Otherwise wait for more data.
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-A protocol handler starts a connection process and defines the
-protocol logic executed in this process.
-Writing a protocol handler
-All protocol handlers must implement the `ranch_protocol` behavior
-which defines a single callback, `start_link/4`. This callback is
-responsible for spawning a new process for handling the connection.
-It receives four arguments: the name of the listener, the socket, the
-transport handler being used and the protocol options defined in
-the call to `ranch:start_listener/6`. This callback must
-return `{ok, Pid}`, with `Pid` the pid of the new process.
-The newly started process can then freely initialize itself. However,
-it must call `ranch:accept_ack/1` before doing any socket operation.
-This will ensure the connection process is the owner of the socket.
-It expects the listener's name as argument.
-``` erlang
-ok = ranch:accept_ack(Ref).
-If your protocol code requires specific socket options, you should
-set them while initializing your connection process, after
-calling `ranch:accept_ack/1`. You can use `Transport:setopts/2`
-for that purpose.
-Following is the complete protocol code for the example found
-in `examples/tcp_echo/`.
-``` erlang
-start_link(Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts) ->
- Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts]),
- {ok, Pid}.
-init(Ref, Socket, Transport, _Opts = []) ->
- ok = ranch:accept_ack(Ref),
- loop(Socket, Transport).
-loop(Socket, Transport) ->
- case Transport:recv(Socket, 0, 5000) of
- {ok, Data} ->
- Transport:send(Socket, Data),
- loop(Socket, Transport);
- _ ->
- ok = Transport:close(Socket)
- end.
-Using gen_server
-Special processes like the ones that use the `gen_server` or `gen_fsm`
-behaviours have the particularity of having their `start_link` call not
-return until the `init` function returns. This is problematic, because
-you won't be able to call `ranch:accept_ack/1` from the `init` callback
-as this would cause a deadlock to happen.
-There are two ways of solving this problem.
-The first, and probably the most elegant one, is to make use of the
-`gen_server:enter_loop/3` function. It allows you to start your process
-normally (although it must be started with `proc_lib` like all special
-processes), then perform any needed operations before falling back into
-the normal `gen_server` execution loop.
-``` erlang
-%% Exports of other gen_server callbacks here.
-start_link(Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts) ->
- proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, init, [Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts]).
-init(Ref, Socket, Transport, _Opts = []) ->
- ok = proc_lib:init_ack({ok, self()}),
- %% Perform any required state initialization here.
- ok = ranch:accept_ack(Ref),
- ok = Transport:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
- gen_server:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], {state, Socket, Transport}).
-%% Other gen_server callbacks here.
-The second method involves triggering a timeout just after `gen_server:init`
-ends. If you return a timeout value of `0` then the `gen_server` will call
-`handle_info(timeout, _, _)` right away.
-``` erlang
-%% Exports go here.
-init([Ref, Socket, Transport]) ->
- {ok, {state, Ref, Socket, Transport}, 0}.
-handle_info(timeout, State={state, Ref, Socket, Transport}) ->
- ok = ranch:accept_ack(Ref),
- ok = Transport:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
- {noreply, State};
-%% ...
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-SSL client authentication
-SSL client authentication is a mechanism allowing applications to
-identify certificates. This allows your application to make sure that
-the client is an authorized certificate, but makes no claim about
-whether the user can be trusted. This can be combined with a password
-based authentication to attain greater security.
-The server only needs to retain the certificate serial number and
-the certificate issuer to authenticate the certificate. Together,
-they can be used to uniquely identify a certicate.
-As Ranch allows the same protocol code to be used for both SSL and
-non-SSL transports, you need to make sure you are in an SSL context
-before attempting to perform an SSL client authentication. This
-can be done by checking the return value of `Transport:name/0`.
-Obtaining client certificates
-You can obtain client certificates from various sources. You can
-generate them yourself, or you can use a service like CAcert.org
-which allows you to generate client and server certificates for
-Following are the steps you need to take to create a CAcert.org
-account, generate a certificate and install it in your favorite
- * Open [CAcert.org](http://cacert.org) in your favorite browser
- * Root Certificate link: install both certificates
- * Join (Register an account)
- * Verify your account (check your email inbox!)
- * Log in
- * Client Certificates: New
- * Follow instructions to create the certificate
- * Install the certificate in your browser
-You can optionally save the certificate for later use, for example
-to extract the `IssuerID` information as will be detailed later on.
-Transport configuration
-The SSL transport does not request a client certificate by default.
-You need to specify the `{verify, verify_peer}` option when starting
-the listener to enable this behavior.
-``` erlang
-{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(my_ssl, 100,
- ranch_ssl, [
- {port, SSLPort},
- {certfile, PathToCertfile},
- {cacertfile, PathToCACertfile},
- {verify, verify_peer}
- ],
- my_protocol, []
-In this example we set the required `port` and `certfile`, but also
-the `cacertfile` containing the CACert.org root certificate, and
-the option to request the client certificate.
-If you enable the `{verify, verify_peer}` option and the client does
-not have a client certificate configured for your domain, then no
-certificate will be sent. This allows you to use SSL for more than
-just authenticated clients.
-To authenticate users, you must first save the certificate information
-required. If you have your users' certificate files, you can simply
-load the certificate and retrieve the information directly.
-``` erlang
-certfile_to_issuer_id(Filename) ->
- {ok, Data} = file:read_file(Filename),
- [{'Certificate', Cert, not_encrypted}] = public_key:pem_decode(Data),
- {ok, IssuerID} = public_key:pkix_issuer_id(Cert, self),
- IssuerID.
-The `IssuerID` variable contains both the certificate serial number
-and the certificate issuer stored in a tuple, so this value alone can
-be used to uniquely identify the user certificate. You can save this
-value in a database, a configuration file or any other place where an
-Erlang term can be stored and retrieved.
-To retrieve the `IssuerID` from a running connection, you need to first
-retrieve the client certificate and then extract this information from
-it. Ranch does not provide a function to retrieve the client certificate.
-Instead you can use the `ssl:peercert/1` function. Once you have the
-certificate, you can again use the `public_key:pkix_issuer_id/2` to
-extract the `IssuerID` value.
-The following function returns the `IssuerID` or `false` if no client
-certificate was found. This snippet is intended to be used from your
-protocol code.
-``` erlang
-socket_to_issuer_id(Socket) ->
- case ssl:peercert(Socket) of
- {error, no_peercert} ->
- false;
- {ok, Cert} ->
- {ok, IssuerID} = public_key:pkix_issuer_id(Cert, self),
- IssuerID
- end.
-You then only need to match the `IssuerID` value to authenticate the
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-Ranch User Guide
-The Ranch User Guide explores how to make best use of Ranch
-for writing powerful TCP applications.
-Introducing Ranch
- * [Introduction](introduction.md)
-Using Ranch
- * [Listeners](listeners.md)
- * [Transports](transports.md)
- * [Protocols](protocols.md)
- * [Writing parsers](parsers.md)
-Advanced topics
- * [SSL client authentication](ssl_auth.md)
- * [Embedded mode](embedded.md)
- * [Internals](internals.md)
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-A transport defines the interface to interact with a socket.
-Transports can be used for connecting, listening and accepting
-connections, but also for receiving and sending data. Both
-passive and active mode are supported, although all sockets
-are initialized as passive.
-TCP transport
-The TCP transport is a thin wrapper around `gen_tcp`.
-SSL transport
-The SSL transport is a thin wrapper around `ssl`. It requires
-the `crypto`, `asn1`, `public_key` and `ssl` applications
-to be started. When starting an SSL listener, Ranch will attempt
-to automatically start them. It will not try to stop them when
-the listener is removed, however.
-``` erlang
-In a proper OTP setting, you will need to make your application
-depend on the `crypto`, `public_key` and `ssl` applications.
-They will be started automatically when starting your release.
-The SSL transport `accept/2` function performs both transport
-and SSL accepts. Errors occurring during the SSL accept phase
-are returned as `{error, {ssl_accept, atom()}}` to differentiate
-on which socket the problem occurred.
-Sending and receiving data
-This section assumes that `Transport` is a valid transport handler
-(like `ranch_tcp` or `ranch_ssl`) and `Socket` is a connected
-socket obtained through the listener.
-You can send data to a socket by calling the `Transport:send/2`
-function. The data can be given as `iodata()`, which is defined as
-`binary() | iolist()`. All the following calls will work:
-``` erlang
-Transport:send(Socket, <<"Ranch is cool!">>).
-Transport:send(Socket, "Ranch is cool!").
-Transport:send(Socket, ["Ranch", ["is", "cool!"]]).
-Transport:send(Socket, ["Ranch", [<<"is">>, "cool!"]]).
-You can receive data either in passive or in active mode. Passive mode
-means that you will perform a blocking `Transport:recv/3` call, while
-active mode means that you will receive the data as a message.
-By default, all data will be received as binary. It is possible to
-receive data as strings, although this is not recommended as binaries
-are a more efficient construct, especially for binary protocols.
-Receiving data using passive mode requires a single function call. The
-first argument is the socket, and the third argument is a timeout duration
-before the call returns with `{error, timeout}`.
-The second argument is the amount of data in bytes that we want to receive.
-The function will wait for data until it has received exactly this amount.
-If you are not expecting a precise size, you can specify 0 which will make
-this call return as soon as data was read, regardless of its size.
-``` erlang
-{ok, Data} = Transport:recv(Socket, 0, 5000).
-Active mode requires you to inform the socket that you want to receive
-data as a message and to write the code to actually receive it.
-There are two kinds of active modes: `{active, once}` and
-`{active, true}`. The first will send a single message before going
-back to passive mode; the second will send messages indefinitely.
-We recommend not using the `{active, true}` mode as it could quickly
-flood your process mailbox. It's better to keep the data in the socket
-and read it only when required.
-Three different messages can be received:
- * `{OK, Socket, Data}`
- * `{Closed, Socket}`
- * `{Error, Socket, Reason}`
-The value of `OK`, `Closed` and `Error` can be different
-depending on the transport being used. To be able to properly match
-on them you must first call the `Transport:messages/0` function.
-``` erlang
-{OK, Closed, Error} = Transport:messages().
-To start receiving messages you will need to call the `Transport:setopts/2`
-function, and do so every time you want to receive data.
-``` erlang
-{OK, Closed, Error} = Transport:messages(),
-Transport:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
- {OK, Socket, Data} ->
- io:format("data received: ~p~n", [Data]);
- {Closed, Socket} ->
- io:format("socket got closed!~n");
- {Error, Socket, Reason} ->
- io:format("error happened: ~p~n", [Reason])
-You can easily integrate active sockets with existing Erlang code as all
-you really need is just a few more clauses when receiving messages.
-Sending files
-As in the previous section it is assumed `Transport` is a valid transport
-handler and `Socket` is a connected socket obtained through the listener.
-To send a whole file, with name `Filename`, over a socket:
-{ok, SentBytes} = Transport:sendfile(Socket, Filename).
-Or part of a file, with `Offset` greater than or equal to 0, `Bytes` number of
-bytes and chunks of size `ChunkSize`:
-Opts = [{chunk_size, ChunkSize}],
-{ok, SentBytes} = Transport:sendfile(Socket, Filename, Offset, Bytes, Opts).
-To improve efficiency when sending multiple parts of the same file it is also
-possible to use a file descriptor opened in raw mode:
-{ok, RawFile} = file:open(Filename, [raw, read, binary]),
-{ok, SentBytes} = Transport:sendfile(Socket, RawFile, Offset, Bytes, Opts).
-Writing a transport handler
-A transport handler is a module implementing the `ranch_transport` behavior.
-It defines a certain number of callbacks that must be written in order to
-allow transparent usage of the transport handler.
-The behavior doesn't define the socket options available when opening a
-socket. These do not need to be common to all transports as it's easy enough
-to write different initialization functions for the different transports that
-will be used. With one exception though. The `setopts/2` function *must*
-implement the `{active, once}` and the `{active, true}` options.
-If the transport handler doesn't have a native implementation of `sendfile/5` a
-fallback is available, `ranch_transport:sendfile/6`. The extra first argument
-is the transport's module. See `ranch_ssl` for an example.